Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 13, 1843, Image 4

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    lk • , • Ant COFFIN WA REIIOIIOB. rear
it, tWe leers yrins the V. B. Beak. Me Tr
fiimi o
_ inulertsksr, respectfully Informs the ;tables that h
veil tile ready made cotan warehouse ter the
llthatecently occupied by Mr. R. 0. Berford,direetly
elsllllllo-ids old etand, where he ls always prepared to at
11111011jpeouptly to any orders in bts lino, and by strict at.
Ileistion to all the details of the Wiliness pf an Undertaker
in lopes to merit rrablie confidence; He will be prepared
iiiIIII6IIOWOO TO provide Hearses, Biers, Carriages and
ilereertollittalte on the most liberal terms. Calle from the
efelentry will be promptly attended to.
Ws rasianste ts• ln the mete building With his ware
11141111. where those who need Its aervlees may find bin
stay? time. *transact:::
w.w. tains. ACV. JOHN CLACK, D. P.
MOOS RIDDLE. REV. RO 26.1tT DR tit' N. 11. V
• Meg 'arrow. ^-- '
ir. a. ircLoaa,
HOWES, STEAMBOAT 13 1 1,(,3,
I'ASIPHLIITS, Soltsi: 141LLs,
CHECKS Iiri,"NRSS 00.,
NOTES,, OAND 5ti1.i...4.
HILLS OF LAOINr:, CIItCUI. 1 RS, &c, 4-c.
Toset her with every 'description of Let 1.. r Pri.s.; Print
in, rqrn lewd wilb ItealileSS and aemlicli, and on mock
ate terms, al the oidtr.c of the Da ily Morning Post.
sep 10
TliOS W I.IOSE occueiTtoNs TEND To
pßolmcF. ca... ; UIf:IIAV ATP.
DI E:lPG.—This
elan of individuals is y eintlieroun. They are. these
who work in an unheal , by at mmiobere. Pr iateri... work •
wen In feather stores. stone cutters, bakers, white lead
manufacturers. are all more Or ton subject to disease ac
cording.to thpstrenetli of their constitution The only i
method to prevent disea s e,the eeeanional One of a
tonadlelne which abstracts front the Arent ii ion all delete.
TRIOS humors, and expels then' by the bowels. Tuiticn ;
In any form are Injurious, an they only :,d1 off the evil
day to make it more fatal. The one of Brand reih's Pills
will Insure health, because they take all impure matter
ant of the blond; and the body In not weakened but
litten!thened by their operation, for these valuable Pills
.do not force, hut they anoint nature, anti are not opposed,
but harmonize with her.
Sold al Ur. Brandrethit °fire, No. 9a wood street,
Pitirantrers. Price 2.5 mitts per box*, with full dined] i)n , .
as ARK—The only place in Pittston rgh veto re the
GENUINE Plll9 can be obtained. is the Duette'' , own oft
doe. No. es Wood street . pep 10
NEW fICYTEL•—•II,.• rrpttettu,ty in
furies his old friends and the puldic that tie tan
Garrett a Temperance tiotel,in finii Street, near the Ex
chaftge liank, und in the house lately occupied hy Mat•
thew Petrick, and has hoisted ant roi p.n,"The iron
Oily note," where he will he very Itay , :y to accommo
date all who may plea. , to call OK Into. HO table
shall be provided with the lest are, and every possible
accommodation to town and country customers and
A ribw hoarders who wish to lodge in Iliv.ir stores or of.
Aces. can be taken, and gentlemen who live out town
WM have their dinners daily.
He has large and good vi aides, and the best Flay and
Oats, and a good Hostler,
and will accommoiate travel.
era and gentlemen who have homer.
Boarders taken hy the day, week or year. Cliar!...ey
awn innaerate than nt any respectaloe liot.d in the cm),
WASHINGTON II ALL.—Tn,. ...1 1 ,,jbur hat
opened the tale resitlence of lagies Adams. Esti.
teased. for the recepinin of visildrs and boarders',
lire MAK. is very pleasantly F 11,114310 on the hank of in,
Ohio, 2 miles front the city—possessing oil the delight
lei aetompaniment Of a country residence, without cures
being too far dtstan for pi Nous doing business in the T A yt.oti's l'. i t,: or or laecY.tvon - r it ~nervier remedy
eq.. Arswill be furnished with every di lirary of for Ltrer Corn:./iivirs. UtitiL , lt •i dr! CiJli , ri I i i - olliel high
the season. i, rector mended by all wits have used It, and is pleasant
An Oinnihns runs regularly every hou r the A Ile to take. and spectly in effecting a cure.
libeny end of
Al Cridge. lessti.'s linkanor so CListot --This Is a lii4lily yalualite
N. B•—:50 Alcoholic beverages kept. anti pleasant medicine , it will effect a p o sitive and ccriain
seplo WM. C. ilEß:sl. en i e fur Coughs, Colds, Consumptzon.onti is an effectual
cure for the Witoorislo Cocoas. Tl, is isa very pleas
1:10/88OLLITION OF TH F.: U.VIO.,C—Tho cop Irt• l ;,rat m e dicine, all are fund att.:knit t Itildrett never reft , ;.;
nership en istin. between James E. K llK.hr, and i o take at; iterate is turf' and positive. The sillier riliiiir
David .1. M or l :at, isthis diy dissolved by lowan! -oosent. 1.,L, a airtific , t , a Aut.a,cy d , ,,ci. 1 ..
0. I. vca,e 6,! ,
The conditions will hti duly noticed, with tl,e sh!nolurts
'so li:reran be no mistake. All persons who are effected.
Of 114rth parties aaneYed, and Barry hall will he continued . a re invtted to call and 5,4 dclau, fur the time to Lake
open by the subscriber until other arrangements are per ,, ,
/ rticuicoie teal the comirieLectrient -
fatted. All the above medicines can always lie procured at
For sale, on the premi.ses,llso } IA I 1
bills. C ilicc winter' ap• s ,
i •N'tioL rarat a .
piss, if applied for Immediately. JAS. E. K IlliOC. RN, TUT T E ;I' I' S u -II F. ' D I C -r
t„ • ,
AL -'3OF.A c l • •,1... Four's serer(.
ossD 19 --ir Nr, 9, Market. and 74. Fror.t st: 1 —
LAncesTre,Oct. 2d,10.1.2;
-To tie. Tricit9,—'3 l 3r Dear Sir: I cheerfully and
cordially enlace the present envorab'e opportunity tore.
turn to you my warmest thanks of gratitude for your no
equalled and un•-x.-ept,onatite invention of your very
justly celebrated Tea Pert ii Tool ',Wash. arid I feel that
I run lit duty bound to ,'an that I have derived the great
est and molt Worth ;di rifest from OF frequent am', toed ,
ate tlar : and I con .I,stire ton Ili:it I aoi er.,-eedinzly It..p
py to have the pleasure of intorno lid L ult. that sincerely
clad cordiale'. sneaking, I ran in justice reconiniend it! frt.
; ;Vent ti-ie to ~It that unCiirluit.i.e portion of the human
race throudbout the globe a ho are now ti intriguing the
mo=t excruciating, pain fur Ili" want tit a medicine prep.,.
W3l. 81D131,C, Surtr. - 0,1 Dcatist,lis returned to ' ration of e xactly the same nature of Which ~ lilf, is prep
hie "Old at ;11;i; No 107, :a,,,,oirlet , i street. , red. and who have for veal= been suffering from the In
attlere lie Can he consulted any hour dur tug the day, ' i„,,ons,thistri,„iive an d peraiyinna effects of worthless
asp 111 , i
toot a powderspowderseliti Other worthlessworthlesspreparations. In
ea hie profession.
REMOV.l.l.”—George Armor. Merchant Tailor, conclusion permit me In say I 110 l I have ll•ekl 10tlr Toolll
re,i),!etftitly annual-lc,— 1 ,., his icie,„,„ and pa . Wash but for a short period, nod yi t I feel 11,010U:0111
trona, that lie bas re'aoved it,, esial.lkliltialit from his I convinced that it is the best
•now known. its inesl.niahle
old gam], in l'hird ~rest, I yet , to the , ore* r of Front arid i Virtues in nre,ervine the teeth, (which it kepi in a good
Smithfield , in the bas-i)itiot ~Lucy i 1
lie NI o noo,nliel3 I and handsome condoton, is the i!realf i:t elilbelitalniela
n oose : w h eel . t li . intend ~. „,,i„, 2 ,„ t ,,,„1 n , : i..„,iad as . that adorns the tonna!' structure.) are not to be i. retitled
sortment of li'ashio ail i)it. Gti.);.1,,, suitalde for C o o ! it , easing :Ind re'ileving lifie itifferer front 1.,01.. ou he, aiol
tiomen's wear. ' restorm - tile ^tints to a healthy arid purified I onilition. avid
I " '
He hopes, by close ap:ilir;ilion. to merit a share o f the eiv trig also a sweetness and fragrancy to a dlsagreeahie
Olitahless SO liberally k 0,30,i I,) hilt, al biS old stand. breath hitherto unknown. .
N. B. paving nr‘de :i; im,...,un ,ii., , , ,n New York and Accen; niy sip title Wi.±ll for your success, front
h,pade I own, with i lie tuit.it Casltioitattle Tailors, fur _
Yours. 'ruby. J ot:trit Ititimritt a
the reception of l'aris and London F'asitions, custoniers Li: llt l' I Nr , I'll'l'TE
may rely on having their orders etc, tt, ed aecordiog to rl rill I'.I)IAZSE OF 1.E.11: 11 E. 4 .
the latest 'ogle. G EX. It Cii ARMOR. fr.: ConllM , lo4 . ".1 Ler In it s ,Ol lb, if ert 1 - 7,f1 /lite,
for the Fourth Coursc.re.peein, iv :1,, now, 1,, ii,
feet 10 ~
LARD OlLr'rlta Subscriber would inti,t respectfli II y paid c that I H made have nide arrangements lo comment e
the Let - Ririe On 'flour -day eVelO , l2, December l• Tile
inform the public in genera i lint lie ham an article of
Sled Oil of a nuperior quality, manufactured at Ihe Ciro'', or, .of this youe...! viii be e xclusively 1,11 (rosy and
alai Oil Slanufactory,by R.W.Lemt mii! C0,,W10 ,11 IS % arra it- S' i e n '
ted tO be equal to the bent Sperm. 011, both for Li;ht and i Th
lifilehinefy.. This Oil Is entirely free (iota any glutinous
; of Litssaeilner'y,
toatter,emokr, or unpleasant odor, and it is as clear and !
=titbits as spring Water. Not a particle of crust is left
the wick. The light Is pure and fedi iant,
and with last as long, if not longer, than that from an
equal quantity of Sperm. Oil. The suhserther inforthe
m ,
the public, that tie has taken a place nearly opposite
riga Office, where he will light op several different lamps
/very evening, and he would respecithlty invite the in
2110111110,11 of Pittsburgh. Alleglienv,and their vicinity, to
OM and lodge for themselves. He feels confident they
will be cotorteeed that the abave statement is perfectly
orpropet. Out uf two hundred individuals who have tried
site 01Ltbere has not been a single fault found with It
'Pte Lard Oil costs one third less than Sperm. He would
respeetfully aulicit the early attention of Dealers and Mn.
eblelets to the above.
The following Churches are now usion, time Lard Oil ;
/stood £retbyterian Church, Pitt -burgh,
Kew Cumberland Pieshyte; lan Church, l'itisbulgit,
Pint Presnytertar, Church, Allegheny City.
Associate Reformed Chum clr, do.
*lithe barrels are branded R. W. LEE 4- Co., Ciaciem
-• z. - -_-.. -.F--7-. ,a dto g
1- : .... „ -.:7 - rt.
. _- onson, Bookbinders and Paper
::- - Culern, S. W. corner of Wood and
. ii-f.:r.- -z - - -. colic all Rind-of P.onktAnding and l'n.
.. per Itulitig wait neairess and despateti.
' 5 1,--1,-ft' • • k books ru,ed and bound to
any given pattern at tta etie
st noti warranted. tfiep 10
N. B. All work done he aove is
:Of r,t,es
411111 OW.
Pittsburgh, June 210,1842.
We, thanndesignO, Captains of the Express Lint; ot
Ireakets, on the Pen !ley 117 a iLI Canal, have tried and are
Ilishig an article of Lord Oil tut r,ehteed
Lee ,S.• C liei i• lie Matthew
CAdlily,aridrianufactuted by R. 'W. the ;
Cllsidonattl Oil Factory.
Weikel confident in asserting tllai rile a' ov,e is
smok equal
to the best Sperm Oil; that It is entirely free from e
or any other glatinoosmatter whatever; the light Is lier•
fleetly pore,elear and brilliatt,nuri will last m,loroz.if n ot
Nasser than that from an equal quantity of Sperm. 11,
We have no heStitallun in recucutuending tilt) our friends
sod to those who use
RINEY TRIIIIY, Captain, racket John Atlanta.
Igh W. MU:IEOIANS, Captain, Packet
lMadi soinnrock,
A: CRAIG, do n,
JOON THOISIIISON , di, do P Matra rr,ll
imp 10
Thne nre ea ITITIOSCII of h erbs, winch exert
* speeilis action upon the heart, give Impulse or
ealrettgth to the arterial system; the blood 19 quickened
sod equalized in Its circulation through all the vessels,
*bather of the skin, the Tarts situated inicrtiallv, or the
egtrentrikts; and as all the secretions of the body are
fer y . froze the blood,' Were is e consequent iecrease of
v estratisn, and a quicliened action of the ahrtorbent•
iiiiiletbildeltt, or discharging c orrect e d, morbid act i kin
stlesbiory love liken plat* is an obel
Wel Iletk tirlarred tte blood is p tided and t Ire body
.1111.11011611111011111 Mil rate. TOTS ale Wholesale and Re
it ESE LLERS, A;ent,
sa ) Wood tn. before Second.
RICV. JA.Mecff Xr• DAV I
Rev. ie. P. 9,Virr
M. C, , Agent
, . . _ . .. .
riorosAts FOR BLANKS. \ sszo* terns s.llitillosP 101101140 IfISALB Ari Tars Imam,
fitrThisvegetabie and %MU Innocent medicine, pont•
Mt rip TUX BLOOD, Sod lannedenitely steps the further PRO.
142 atoms or DMILSX, In the bodies of those whole powers of
n o life are not already exhausted. Where human means
pro; can avail, there scarcely is any cemplaint, or forte of
ally' alekness,that the BILAWDItreII PILLs do not relieve and
matte generally cure. Although thetio.pills produce a atiowS,
icicle , arrac-r,that effect ts not to prostrate Tile body, as with
the C other medicines, but the frame Is luvisorated by the re -
A nv moval of the cause of weakness, the niorhid, the vitiated
this I humors from the blood.
'eat, ri Harmless In themselves, they merely
tithe L AsslsTNATunir
or the To throw not the occasion of sickness from the body,
id DC's and they reignite no alteration in the diet or clothing.
7i R , In fact. the human body 'shelter fuh'e to slisrtin with.
GO ' out injury, the Inclemency of the weather, While under
, the influence of ibis I tiler.' ion detdroying,digeae:e cradles
25 " line !II edufine than at any other time.
12 ' Tile Import:in( oof 13randretit's Pills for seamen and ; --___-__ -_. .
1- - -
. - 4 22 by it. C. MOIR kW- . r,io. r. 'WILIAM ,
I rai eters is, therefore,self evident. I Pittsburgh, Jane 13, 1,;39.
with not By the titaely use of this Medicine how much anxiety I
.11..1 sickness, might we not preseot• Cold. BililoilA ill 1 31— AG lt A W tj . II AMI LTON. iltturncos at Lam, have 1
Mr. Inns DENNtS...-DCar Sirs-Davin:4 been present, 1
, removed their Office to the r. suiciusc of H . S . lila.
12 Real i cl 1W ,on Eon WI Ft, two doors above S _
m o t tit i v i i i, ~,,,t l, 10 yesterd•ay , at the ex pertinent with 11 (on were pleased to
reckons, Typhus, Scarlet and freers of all kinds, is 0111.1 make. is, the presence of a nomber of our to
'4th w ise, , he ll silt :sew ~ t But where sickness does , exlst, let no 1 , ~;;,„..r. COFFIN AV A REID-it:SE -.V.,. 79. Foueih 1
time be tost, let the II It A N IMF:I'II'S PILLS be at once 1 ',' \ a the safety of
,i our IRON CHESTS, case of fire, it
Sir'''. /3'1'1." ir°`°l ""Ii Smith-field .`"" gives me pleasure to say, that so far as 1 was cana ille or PIiftAVELERS TAKE NOTICE -That all WSW
st 16 Rent sent for, that the ReititalY
P. 1 I her 10. , of l u ny-To cc R -Enamel/Ran - •
may be ap' l ,'lrd, pifled, wit to - nit fur , Two doors from the corner of tVottil street. Con .
1 ..,..,.:?,, .1aitt . 4.... on . hand an fusorl Men. 0 . . ~,1tt,,,,,,,at,
t I . too
made i Jll,lftlng, the test was Lot, and the result exceeded my A_ provided with the Safely Guard hate their obrittlii,
' 1 '. That Ilrandreth ', Pills havi, stood a seven years' test 1 ...„..„, COI I . I '..A 7., 01 sorry sit[ alai descript son, covered 1 ,
I la the United States. 1 1 4! Ones, w ith Cloint: 111 ahogan y,
'l' is Che , t Was a small onc, about IN -itches high, by flit you are not deceived by misrepresentations of A. ,
bills printed v., itli a figure of the upparalus-and Is taro
l'il.tt th,•‘• are
t h e •.sisget able ond Innocent tn. (helm . . iet I ' 00 1,111111, Poplar, and Pine Collins.
I al, powerful for removal of dna ase, whether i lis um. . •- red on a Idock of wood abont a foot in I IlCklies as Guard, when they are rot ss secured agairst exp
Whit Bloc k '
.bout 11; 01 20 melte: hi 11(13111111 and depth. and aspi\
''11“1.-'''''''IY en2"V"' "'' n"1 Calf."'" l in eleva eit at.cmi that 1„ i; tit from the ground; several 1 •
gents stating th eir isonis to tw provided with the . Laftp .----
signaures, Pile fulloiying ilia list of boats supplied with t1:1;
recent, infectious:or otherwtsx.
Post Iti.i. Cur rhslrlho , ing Offices, 9 On a
`• 750 Rellin, , l'al•els ,lele deposited inside of it, in the ty Guard at the Pot'. or Pitteburgh-all except the twit'
sheet, with sngtisiiiri.s I
- 1 That t hey fsbrlfy the Wood. and t idy the f oi l her pro• it'list:;lflrtf.',l,',l-Gl,flayi.-'relqrunics::.ted; and
I 1"'"I''.
s I'
!R obe s of diseas,e in the human body. 1 A credo glee., In ail eases, either of cothus or carriages, 1 manner in which Meichanis and ,i 1 her , would lisually firto on the list have the improved apparatus with which
place the in --, laige qua oln ‘, of IL.: itt pine WOnd [slabs 1 ape:trot as it is impossible for nn explosion to occur:
l',,,Allills,ltil'or Distributing Offices, Gon a , I from an ntijOinim.: StilV ,M , 11. 1 , wa , th en bla rPd a r "" "d , SAVANNA,
That. In Many cases, 0 heft' th; &doll - 111 raVage, ul . I revs-est. (I. FORMOSA,
~.ileet , will .i•ilialtire , 1 uir,,a,,,,,, had laid bare ligament and bone, and is here, 1 rep Ili
.1.101 proposals Will Stale the prier. to one sum. per 11 EN 1: V BEAR ES, Eudertaher.
and above it, 011,1 the tile kindled int th e windward 'id" ' 1 RARITAN, ILLIN01:4,
I to :ill oppearatme, no human means could sove hie, ha %.,• -,
ream. for each kind of blanks, tor paper, ;muting, rbling pat,ents 11 11,c 1,1,:e or these ton., horn restored 10 • • ;00,1 ' i i-i in ~ ...
~... l ' l ' l ' V lIITE LOH:, a superior article, fur 1 of h NIAGARA, DU QU ESN E,
snarl to drive the name against the back part of thectiest.
1T he tire was kept lip ahOill three quarters an our,
and packing: They are to be del,Yered In FUCh 1011111ft' 1 !Width; the deVOa ring disi•a- , • badly.; hero completeli le ' ir -,ilt• by JG. ,A - A .GoIIDON, ()RLE ANS ENV ES S, .
tic?, and at strli times. rt: Mae Im required by the e dllt• I era d icatt d. Fen I.3 INIONTGOMERY,
.11 . '1111 you Ind gone among the spectators and received 1 - ,
' -I I , - iv .1 - that the lea WaS ' CANTON ,
eta Poqt nifire.=, nod on the rvritilsiliot•s of I'o.l master? ' Tnat earn of the t;0111/101, ha, upon It 1 tinEE c.v . : r. lun 1 1 No 12 Water • street._
- from them their untversa lls , , CADDO,
.0d0r.e,11,) , thr rostom:irr at toe place Where th 105- • ~,,,,, I 'OOO ' sufficient
I I V I A . 111 l'N' - Just revviy , • , l from NeW., Vora, a , • The che-t was then Drawn OM of the fi re, LADY OF LYONS,
- I conic - 0 , and opened, and examioed. The contents VALLEY
traclor may ref ids. None will be rostsidered as deliver 'That each he•rl has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin 'l.'" . 'P' ""e '‘ tin. "'" I. '" 11;1.3: - ' ll()4l ` . `" Ple-'r ' l ' I nn' FORT PI'VT, GALLANT,
ed or will he paid tor, except on smell requisitions. I liraintreth upon H. Journal 01 Ihe l merican i'mnpera,,,,• 1'1;100 and VOlith's ' were all safe, and the only injury dose WaS 10 Ihe hack
BREARWATE:R, (.411EEN or TllKsoriTte .
Each requisition, or ynanilly ordered, to he securely 1 'That Mete must be r..,0..n each box llit ~,, -1,4-attire: , Temfe'r.ii,e, advocate for S'eptember. Also, 21)00 Cliti-i. 'or nue book vvitich appeared to be a little charred. Front
'llan A Imatia... and a zoo,' ;1..00 won, (ff Loomis's Maga- 1 what I witnessed, I Hook that these ( 'tests are desery
etivoloped or packed for transportation, and directed to I ton:: ,tam
the Post Office, at the expense of the contractor. I B It
(lilt' M. D And I'll i•biavtli, and 111 , Franklm NI agassi fie and Cum. r
tg.g of confidence...is atfordlng, peril:4l'o,l he hest secant y s . _ _ ,
I, ‘ llll A 1... , ma r., for la LI, by the .....i0 ,. .t, dozen cm siliti' , ; 10 Merril:lM, for their books and p.,pers, which they tau i
~ ,
_,,,, .
The right is reserved of re ject ti:. tiny bid which May 1A ad three signatures, - ECLIPSE,
1 e considered rxtravagant, and also to iftve to arlY ""^ 1 lisE,Jsans lin ss or.xr . ii 2 - di ri,iiii. , of C rant% New Pis ishorgi , and Allegheny Itu. . have without building large, thick, and e \ pensive va .. 1
ulls I-- 20 ' - r IA-N,
bidder 1 Iv; printing for one or more states adjoining the , , su,ss Dirctory and Si ranger: Goole, for fi; iceurt. limn mufti - vaults IDA,
Al-o, , I wont.l consider them a het ter sec }coy . _ , . 1 •
•• • •
Stale Cf lii. resnlenre; and each proposal must be accom . I Dll. FRANKIJI,I SA I'6. cott,,4n. F.tnide, tArdt na and 1 . 0, ket 'Stine-. and Te-ta. 1 which I have seen bete . Your Irsend, ItAES f Vl IND. 11111:111GAN,
panted hy sufficient eVidenee of the abilit yof the proposer ~ Ali a..ritc fevers ever require. some cvactiatlon to bring I "111'1'. D.ivid'•• Psalm.; 'IL., fidthrt and Temperance Hymn i • S A MUM. CIIIII.CII. Im A ta,lui.:TTE, OSPR EY,
to colon's with the terms of his proposal. 1 them to a perfect crisis and sotut inn, and thut ever, by 1
.. : . .
nooks . the he:tulle= of Harmon v. Int,OdlictiOti to Sacred A% e rortrur in the above ,latemenu, having been pres 1 TALL EY It A N I), I'ENELOPE,
The succes , fal bidder will he required to enter Into stools. which must be promoted by art when nature '.l 1 , 1 I CI • t gent when the chest vt•ri: 1e,1e,1,
ii•4l,. Atm-on s I :iron ith room 510 If tient note.;_ , U- 1 1 ; 0 • •_,..
:_. , PANAMA,
contract, with surety, in ;a , id compliance with the pro - , does not du the bustites6 itself. n o the, a e t -0,,,,1. ~,, lii P• and almost all kinds of S. hoot Books; Gunn 'a . (I .
ir Cooper, J. H. Shoenber ger, R ohe Bell, cicERo, AG N ES,
vision of the lave, to which tod ler-arc re.erred. ill timed icrupulousays, about the weakness of the billy 1 '‘'''''''' .`" ' l4-1 " e; rmY B"ok , nod -ed- .. .
I -yr , ' %%Wine Let - J• ,1 111.9/1701• ./. Painter; -1. Cordell,
CL. Armstrong., 11. li. 11,,,,,, SARAH ANN, MESSINC;F.Tt,
Failure to lurnish Id inks promptly when ordered, fur i is of bad cmoEivytienCi.,; fur it IS that which Si stmt? chiefly *.
e R. illilter Jr. ,
ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue Mark . , and red ink, 1.,,,111
Th m , .
itishing those of inferior quality as to paper, pruntinc. Ito make evoruationS neces:aryr, winch ~,,,,, ~,1,..,,,,, II ar,r7,.1.,z,,,,,,r to t 'I s teel pens, quills, slates. pettrit- and °ma ,
Crat •-c, S . G . D. froward, J. W. Hoyt. NARNAGANSFA T, SATZATOGA,
or ruling, or any attempt to evade the true mean of I after Inc Immors are lit lobe expelled , butt is lint able to 1 "lib'', l'Yr-1",1""14" of .'" - •
11 ,ri , Wes . ern Pilot. ausd a con. - AM AR ANTI!. OR riiAN 1301
the contract, will be considered sufficient cause far its \ acconiplish for the most part in these do•eli c t .. . and 1 can 1 slderable varlet V Of Book. nod Sta. inn t.tl - . 1-° ' ' ale °" ac-
e , -
Extract or a Letter from Pugh 4- ii i'7a r d , dated Cia 'AIUNGO PA 11 E., 01110,
forfeiture. .1 tfi rru , that I 1.,1 0 e givvri a purge hen tho ot i t .,-, h a „, he ,,,, 1c0n...0.131,0z terms for va.li Or country produce, unnatt, 29r h Nev. h , Ifi42. NEPTUN E, CECILIA,
Payment will be made quarter yearly, one month after so lost that it could La.,ny be Gut, and the debility en f 10011
IS '1
, t ,,, C II IPR 17 , , Agent and Commis.ion Mere ,J. Denning., Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Friend: Wc ALELAIDE, 3 H BILLS,
the expiration of earti quarter . i I tione , lei kali One and t . e ther list e been restoird by I l II 'P - No. 9, Fifth street. have the sain.fari ion in ...tale a. the I est rerommendat ion
we can give of th e utility of Nom' Iron SafeS, 1 hat ;We
The blanks mu st be ette - it to the best of those now In lit " The • good etTert to he del tvi4l from llm Brandrehli M A RIETTA MENTOR.,
.1. K. \ I ookilLan. G. E. IV .n . .t.s. i • Fa"' I r.O • It,ou . one of them which v.., in an exposed :Dilation in ,
Ilse Specimens may be seen at the various 'oat Otfires. 1 rine have to tie 111 fenced to t e fully hem - vied. By \ GOLF .VIBIN F, ,
- 1 - 1 . .5:10..'S cirrTusi I , ,‘t.:Tou Y. ‘ll,T.hr Y (..;1".• a""e our out • of f the orn. BRUN ETTE,
Ming room, al Ihe tinge the ire, on m
The ,piantlfies mentioned above. are from the be , l co- their timely 11.1. neither the scarlet, the typhus rot tr or
!row t-) - end of the upper bruko„ The subscribers llaw or2 00 , nf Ihe 11111. i,, , t , which consium•drilin folk llouw to STEAM FERIZ Y BOAT, .........
II rates that can Ise made for one y , ar'i con:unipt , On: bill small pox would ever assUrne thou . malignant WI ni.t :
a-try ed the manufacture of Cotton Y.trits, Sm. toter , _ e t her wit h a large port 'of, of the nte.il, lard, 4-r, whirl, '1 he t raveliog coin muott y are resprrt fully ft qtitf
they may clamed LIT may fall short or the quantities re i TO ;i pprcrlate 10 Ole con extent ,the Isieniculable livne• x, t , t.I • 0 . 100 Twae, 1.,,,,,n,,,,,,,„..k, ,• ari „., Chain. n a r.,„, I
it •ontaine.t• -and that our hook , and papers winch were before they make a choice of a boat, to rr Bert n mantle,*
(le red. The Depsirtment does riot bind itself 10 lill) ; lit , of BRA N DRETIFS P 11.1.9. they must t.t . il.rd when arc attd as c prepared l• fill orders at the shortest nciticc. ' •-• •'.. • ' 'II • d Were ta k en 'and see whet lier it would not' be to their advantais
te sate w, re entirely 11100,,,,e; ,an
in 1 I , .
Specific quantity ur amount. 1 the First Symptoms ot Disease present themselves fine I t . i . ~ , i n„ , , , .
d „ scoectia. :ae latest and 1,11,1 011 proved unelll . from it after the fire; without ever being discolored. and security to choose a is-afely d boat, both ft t
•• Prot ()sots" should be .0 Marked. and addressed to the i ctoe then, and Dieu goo.'
will I , c felt throughout 1 1
nery,.thd emplosed ihe manager tvl , o Ita. attended to the rt:GII, 4- A L VORD pa-sage ato: freight, in preference tonne not so guards4l'
-8e,05,1 Assistant Postmaster General." oVashinelon, , the attack - Ix is - r•Ri•c; l'ilit s i • ;•• , ;tie laat I. I liv ;treat ~ , Yours, •S•c.
1 1/010f. :At roav for the last five year;, they are manufaetu• '
-- agamst ex plhsion -;, rid th at they will hear in mint.
fi. C , n2l-dtrl l l .ietrit in the cure or all 0,,r0a..4. ,,
d'-4-35.• nr"" I idol a frupedor urticf4l. F r rrnrt nf a Letter from Slater 4 - Ilolbrook, dated 5.• 11,.
, - 0 MI- i,,veotion has the unqualifmd approbation (I'
C - --- ---------- .---7------ .. Iron, had mood. dud I presume th, re are tray at the toes
or'( - ; HS. ( 1 ()LI/ S ar,d ebb% ..SI.J. I , 1 p).•if - I lie tea ,
.t n I I 110 , e• dievaor. , ti, bit h atbmi ;
, l'atim , Warp? made to order,
son for ilue abOye rorilplainb, is lion at hand„ sad ail , col " 3 V. ' VI” ;;;;");;; ai 'l l I " - ° , ,I If Oct , through the l'illshorol Po-4 Office, or left at the xi ,
Louis. Feb. 2-it h, VW. fill y steam - gentiejnen whose basinfuls
a,R. dicSSIN,I, //car Sir: One of your -ii (had size chests it 15 10 il n/lersta lot the subject, and wl u •
u are entirely dies
persons who :Ire mbjrcl , .1 1 , , the inch - me. cv of the I the hid ";1e" ll' "I'd 1.". Lute. t."'1"11-'"''''' 11 ' "ve ; wor.. lit IA. c . Painter li . Co- Lib , rly street: or Imean a .,,,, !,,,,, , ,i a (~.,„. day. iezo, in a 1,•nIliel store.- it pre Interesled-besidcs a number of certiftettics ft eni 'den t
i'. •
Weather are respectfully informed I ll hot they ran hod. ' )." "I 1‘?"e• I C ls" h tied i - 0 0 .0,01 'ree l ; w 11l Inert Iv. , I 1 Promn ? 3 "`''‘ served 0. cOntents. Ilesperl bide your=, Ic gentles , en and ot liers-all of which can he seen• at
1101.1112 that 5 ,, ,, , who rm., i I 1,1- 0111 !I. 1./Ioi 1 - 1111.iltly so , 1 ,,,,,. "
Ctivstur's Bs LIR or Liar: 0 hid, I- a v• 1 1,101. mi I 0 have ;Addres,-J. K. NtooRIII: AD 4 . Co. I SI. %Tr.!: 4 - lIOLIIROOK. my (Alice, No 10. NVater street, where it would give a 3
sea 10
I sal r CM.O.llllil .
curet Tuovs.,..ns. ~ 1.1 were in the last stages of Cce t do." 1:• I urn 12-1 s' . ____ pleasure at all moos to existhit my itivention ton n,
I 1,, pubfic's ~. ry a (It. .
o-teription. C. rtilic...s , s \an he pi octo •0, of its is orolertul , who will iake tile trouble to call.
I!. Ml.\ N DI: El 11, ' l .l I) , 111. tI. EII 11. ES. -- I . i. 0 .1 .. i. ala ..,;• das. 01 l'• male, 11l - r IvEh ct.,,,11,1..N1NT cured by the ii-•e of Dr. Dar
' 'ln"
Y ".".. ' 7. “" I" ' l ' l ""","" ed ,' .l'l".l. t " whic" I_4 ,ewII 10 CADWALLADER. EVANS. ._
. I 241 Broads:ly, New Vora,eco's colonsund St rengtheni.,l :ma Aperient rots.
' I Tilt: couNTER I , ElT'd iii.l.l 11l II 1,1 ,00*. , their 0, cn 0. 0,.. O,Li 1, MAT ~1 .. rIIi. ~ 111, I 0.1 \ Fri... ,
Mr. Wm. 13,,liatds, of Plitsburgh, 1";,.. foto ely cured of __--___-____--------
' woici ”.., .-.., r ..., 10 NOIOI3IIOO 31110.111.111 on lin. Ira , cX• , V A I.I" %ISLE P. E AI, ESTATE FOR SAI. E.--
1 The pubitc V. i•I vlense ot6r•rtre that 041 I;l3oari It, rm.. I - ,
~,,ir, the above de•tiv.Sin2 dl -e His symptoms were , mon
Tho •Ml•-crIbrt oilers for sale, at the
e,enl Tido.
are r.,•entline unless !lie hoe ho lbre.• lair Is upo n 11. I '''''''''' "-us'
'',..,--',- e. , - ''''',"'l'''','''', ' ,: • l''. V' t
h t ole i''''' ,. l' Ilnd w 6•1:11 , in Ihe left s 10 ,, Of almetile, v molting, arid Iced rates,
,i‘, greater
part of hi. real ealai situate te
\ 1,101 Cllollllllng a fae Similie etifnattire of inc hand I " I ' l ' " I "' "' ' l,! ' " 11°° , "°°,°‘; ' l° : °""t i . , i v
~°•-• ;',l"..f:'‘,P 1 eructations, a distension of the stomach. sick head-ache,
, the .is ie , of Pillslmri t tli and A Illsglwity. vii: 'flare ill
writing thus-B. fliandreth. Theia• label. art .nigro . ' ''' , l'''''"'S " '1"
w "'"""I
''.".",h,"3"'s.'"'" '"-
".' "I'
',.."‘ . tarred iongne, countenance choosy(' too cd No, color. ditn - , n . . ._, . , . ,
~,, a
_„•,,.,aaliaity hal,l
, , ...,.. .0110 I in.,. a wit. , 01 !II ,I Walton caperiaov elle , . ,
~ 1
(t.. ~ ,
t.t di„ihrh, ,,,i , t .,. ‘ . 1 ,,,„,,,,j 0 ,.f,i, a c 0,,,,,fi t , rid: VI archon-es.. nu arty m . • is"...
veil on steel, be
ilesicarii, and done at 111. ,
~ lie,r
~•,,,,,,„,., ~, ~.„
,I , ~,,,„ , , I ,,i r . to, „p roll )". 0 ' ' -• -•' i , , ' , Boole on Market sl r, ul .I.el xi veil i•roilit and rini , t. VIM
i pease of seVcral liaal•rand dollars LI ems missil the top , ' , ''-- , • , gre,,l mown', , with ot her si minouis In...casing, great ne• ,
' -the able--and the tsatoni
, •••ta•r.; 0.01;0 C til K: , 1110.0. 3f , -.I 0101000. 0 . 11, 1 1 A 11.1/1 at , , . . .
.. .. „..„__., _
1 0,,,, 1., af. , (1.1.,- 01 I ',.• I; r I ol;1;;•th l'; l o• TIo• 0,3 ra,o,te•lllellt ivl 110! 1111001011 S 01 Me 11,1 r. air. hit /1,,, marl:, a iron' of about 54 fret I.y ell der p for pale ea
lire, Or Septilately to suit putchasers, and opoo lent rcrit - . •
ho-...ciati-, but r. criyed no
i Ent red according to oct of o,lntc.r, litt l e yea, I .41,1 , . ,
0.,.. , , .
1.1. 1 d
~,,,0,1•• bad Ila , isdvice of several p , os.
by lie, }Turin Itrairdrett., 111 the Clerk's Oilier lo tar 11, • • '''""'” "- 1 , "I I "lel;v1 - • an' 'ii man i Dr. Ilarlich's Mcdo.ine, v. filch termilla.
i Ilict Curt of the St; [hero Districl of New' 'l oil, ~ , ,I ~,,,... ~r ,„.f,•.,„.,. I, 0. 0 r Iwo. or .•,,,, there ol ~,,i
„Ile, I
ref ~ ,i cpi,,• - Also, a select Imildlng lot in Allegheny city, 64 feet is?.
Ur. B. Brandret p h own ollite, N... 93, Vi:oi , d
meet. 1 Ili , P.,•+,.....,th Pill.. j..... . , 1. , .,• ‘,....,, .., ,re 1.1110 (011 ud breadth,l , l upward of 3 s o fret in depth, lia•lisit two
P,lnclpal Office. I 9 North Eigh t h Stre,?l. l'hil ,, l , 'u ht • I , 0 „,.,.
1,1-0.1,1 ,,, . h. , .1• o art' 0.... 110 o, .o, 0 r 01,,, , ,, ,,, o.it o, ,
Pntshorgh. only ph.ce to l';',Sshurgh win ,i Ito' gene. , l -- , ' ,
~,,,,,,, _ .
.. , ,
~ , , i i .
, I . e; , r sale in Pni horgl, by Samuel Er en', Corncr ..f .I her
~,,, 01. Ihe Penns) Ivania canal and this Mlle: GD
, I'm, coo he Obtained. E.act. Arent Who se • Ls t o i tor ;' "4 "--":' ''-‘ lr''
d'-' 'l"' ''
r• I'''.
' I°
t '.
IV Ilild I'Vortit streets. sop 10
craothoth Pill, has no ellgravcd certific.ati. of A gc,,, , ! 1 " , 1 .,.. n ., ...mho'. eniiv . r t 11 , .....•.,-. impart clear - _ Also she tot Adjoin irel Ihe above. 100 feel In breadth
renewed every twelve months, and It'll cuff' r.;l 11,10 1,1,•;;I. , •"" " II " "•••I''' l'"•l`l',,•`. I I' , 1101,1. and Meant" , 11 by nearly 310 feet in depth, including the laree find PIO .
of e:;(x) 10 .on nom. colter Pills that , th• - e 0 cmyvd I,- V . '' I ' • 1 ". 2 '' l I ''''''h "" l'••••"'•'''''• I t ~., Cit,,,,,,ei• F . ' b'''"'" 't 15, 13411 ' 1 gaol livinsloll house which I now occupy and nutbuite
t... 1.1 at I o ii ~ ~,Ill' s 1)1h. r• So 1 . , 1 Wood ,-, r , e‘. ,
• Or.. atyu—no , r It:- l'tolllll 101110 I.lisll the lint rty in , l ,
1„) , B. or hie spechl Graaf al Anent. ?dart,. t ~• ...tot :
~ , .
~, . , I
.cub lull di,,,,,,,,,, ,of ac rit•ii•l 10 %MI .1 ; , • 1 - 1 •10 , lo t NM' s' 110" all" 1 • 11 k i "' " • ' Al sti, ~- 101 svith two t wo.tory brick slOrelioll.es. situ •
rate is all regret , r,l 4•Xo CO the ihwor's mittle. ad , . 1, 1. , 1.1 ' ,. " 'u::: t ' r - ,r ' i '. 'P' r ..,, -
1 I ,iid t,i recommend to ihe alirillimi 01 heads 1 , 1 families ate ( . 0 , ii ,,, , „,,,, er 0; Ist at , I„,t
and Front fl re,nts , sub). el to .
t h e re own hand wintirn.. 1 l i z , rve, on ea, 1, f , ~,,•-,,•,,(,. ' " I ‘ls s I ' "my P t .. c t' I ' - otr'!lt. m. ll er e lif , •
t; F" , 1 4SII r. • . , o i o 0 ,, 0,,,,1. , I:, Do , lor • •• 0,1; Of I a t.i l ot ',cr., Sour 10 0 5 " 1:1'11. ' I " rd".'"e -the f.'°°f'°°°`i ;111.0th-rat.' _round 1,10. and now occupied by Mr. Dor.,
tls an exact copy or Ito, three Libel: on earl..., it, -
~ ,
~ , , . ern 111 \ Sys Is!, of Prams , VII gine , ha, or IV ild Cherry Bar . Ili -
.„, ii „. (0 ,,, r) ,. ALEX. BRACK Fri:RIDGE. ,
greyed thereon I'ore..as..er, tire th - I the crier. .t In.! t.l t 9 ,•. .." ..'• ..'' '. l ' '''' rlly 111%,:r. , 01 IMP 11.3 \r. -I . l'll ill II I!' , •1 1 O.OOV Inslaricc, ~,,, in
thc label". ot, lb e Cettifit ate rod , -,••atid a Illf lno -•• et , Is. stI 1 1.(lIC \l. IV - 1 RI MEN Is' SI 11.• It l - \ 1. I N 1,1,I ,1, „,,,,,i,,,r . „1 „tr e e, 0 , ~,,,r ~,e,hr,,,,, in reimvlng chil• --ci-s--‘,-,----•-si, riiii---_,T.--rs.-7-_, -7 - ---------
box , 1 7 P.. 1? -0 0 aut. (1 lo purchase to t
''''l.l:l:\l I:NT'. " 1. ' if ' ":"' ''
u • I'''''''''''l *•" r i"' " i darn or vort• olooloale rronplaiots, ,m, 11 IIS (31111.11111?,, I[l '' I-. SF
s or muuds, a no:1,011y of Flax and Timothy seed,,,•
"the f,,lntl log ',••• tr. Bel I ;,1 o , lir - - I f , lb' , 0, , th• , / ,sle,,,a,nt .11.1. , e, Tiii r I ..:,-,,, rr• , •ty ...Pc.° e (kr 00'll.•cift,2,111(Etki,,I..1 l'hle.lllt, \ silinedic quack “, 4 . c. - -o f
lor o -. ..,,, or 1., \ o t o , s,ta, I:Loser-al Po', I. x 0,•,.1,,. '• p„, , 1,1• • ,,, 1.,,,,b,,, i Almost all 1.,,,,1- COIIIII Ty Produce taken in pay tnetilt
4, - . 1 •Imitid too have is Wien till, IVII,r. howeves ,at
ni rout) . , p,A .is t,., ,r , 011,;1;.1; .., , AI. ili; , lic, g a l„ 11. 0 , (,:,; 111 , Tftt Col i 1,111; *X stiE x ifs I for ca , ,, Or ~,,,,i, at II All It IS'S lit. elligenrc Office and
P''''' ""l. " I ' l" ' "1' 1 I ' "ver'''' 11 '"1/ di° Y 10
”" I"). "1".. , " ea.', 21-If Co ..... oission Warehouse No B. Fifth st.
boAes , rhs-o ~,0.. Ih . lill -1, ao , l Dr u. ...- 1- '''" '''" I ' ""e ' 1" " I" n un ) to It f u r -01, lemur, Mid It not heel, for a late ' _-----___L------
r c h „ , 2,r, rent. w itli directions s struments nt.,d, by the sulti.er titer of a ,Olperoon quaint
. ,tanee where th e. Medicine above alluded to was inst ru• •
a ll , ill N 11 A 111', Comm is .9 iO/1 „Merchant, Drake is pr
Princ teale, No. 911, 10.,,0d SI., e t, 1 , ,,,,1,,,t - 1 aod at East( iron priers. mental In restoring. to perfect health an -oohs child," duce and American Alan ufactur es, Jiladisoti, la - •
An...gm:ay, Mr. 111111.1 (:1 l•-• • 1 •
I 1%11.0 , P.11,1i1 Shea, and Sci••••• 0 1, tilt\ ays on hand „. h ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ~ ii t t „,,,,,1 hopeless, ill a Coolly of Illy sc.
. Rs.rro To— .
Mel{ eespurt,ll. ID/WA-AND al,ollat i er , Sl. , •ar ., 4 -3,1 1'" 1 s" 1 " . " . • (".'1"-.? IClllel, ' plaint:Hi, v. ••I timid. Dean , II," :aid Ilia dllititia moll.' Jun. G , ler. E-q., lihti she rgh ,
Noldestown, Jhus In
00 fulli ~s s, st• .1 .
•r, ••110.• child I, , ayvd I I ;MI 1110 :1.10 .., of dealt.' (,) how I Aaron Mart,
?..?lewit- Town. Cils,;sm.is A" . 7 ' V•' 100.0 N . 11. All ~, ll.i. , v. drranted of the ho.l quality , and 'Cared the rulenths- rava,;er But my child is safe! is Jame- C .cltrati of R',.l. ..
A Licr.taLiss AsnALs. Clinton. , int,iiinc .I,,ne a , u•ti ,I set , 10 safe'" I inn. D. Davis,
rs‘‘,„so Toomi sox. Wilkinstiur,;ll. - - Beyond all dould Ile . Swaytie's Compound Byre pof , IM'Vay & Hanna, ~,, i
flson or. rex. rr:e , Fairview. 1 1 1 - IV ER COM l' I, A I NT.--This disease often !err& -
N ild Cherry is the most yaloahle toed sone in this or any i Avery, Oftrleti 4 - Co.
II otsgaT Sistarr Von-ern, Tarentum. A A mit. sin and; or amore scliosts nature, if pro I lye wII nes , erl wore than •
.1110.1' cultlitri . 1 aO, certain 1 '.; . , , '_ ,
inn WOOdbotitne F--q. Madison. sem 10
Elf7.altellilown.o F. Mew.. per r• in; du••• are 111.1 tre , ;rled 10 in I tine. In all form
tun! fll-C-1, here II has been attend; 4 with con,.
l of this disease, Dr 11.1,Itch's Compoond Strvivztlientll.l D ue i"""
1•1 , ,5t 1,11. c ri v. DANIEL 'Nanny v liT AIX I ISLE FA R\l FOR SA 1.E.-I will sell Olt
p s i • •:. c , •ss. I an, using it myself in an obstinate at.
Pet.st.LY lawn'. Pleasant 11111. I and Germat, A perrent Pulls, will e. , ,, , ,(111 apm feet dire l ' - ' '" (" t . ,•• tt • . V Form on which I live, in Wns township, mat
lack of Br colco iris , 11l W pleb ,I proved Cliflellilil in a PC
IIkVID ft i'olll4 --Plumb Towo.l,lp I - ft , t bi .I. ',using th , .10Itlarll and 1 ' 0 " ek• 01 ' 1 ' r °11•0• , • • •r 1 • - ' 13raddecksfichl, containing one hundred and seventeet •
• , . eroingiv ,torl Tune. cria,,lerinf! toe ,everui • olle t ase. ;
1,1 1 et 0 11 ,- s ter.- Allen'4',lll. r,,,, 10 I 1:111 1111 111 , a.,• , frO, ,, i 110 Liver, 10, lit , li , e (11
, I 10 . to,
all re, °mend It ~, the ~,,lio-t. ~,,,fide„ce ~c,,,, ~,,,,,,,. arre, , , about 70 acres of which is cleared, and the behtnee
• __ luau A perl.lni 1'..' , . ;incl . w lilt It the I ',,lnfrollud ,1,11.2111.
virtues; I wool d .0v,.... thm GO isluilv should be without Well limbered. There are upon it th ree log divellinekr
I cuing Pills are taken to give sirengl Is and lone to I 1 , ..t:t .
11_11 1 L i la 11111 11 by the Lies of 10. llarlich . :i
i tender organs whi. 11 rl.(l.lire such treatment onto , 1 0 „tr ee ' . 11 , a IS Yrry pleasant and always b. neliciai - wor
11, as .1 a Isarn ti 3 feet by 34; an apple orchard of choice (rub'.
s,. ngthottlng and GI:MO[1 A perieot l'll's kni t" . 0 ,,t „i ll ,„ te „ 11 „,,,,,, i t , 1,1 i e ,„ The F ai t h, are as Also, about seventy acres of coal. The soil Is believed lei
I a
dire, 'lsbell Pill, or r neally Mil lip in . ' ' , sD D be equal in that of :Inv upland farm in the iowsitilp.
Dr. Irlixli_ne:lr Sir--ShOrlly after 1 rcooved the ~,. „ 1 1 I` or , . Nu. 19 .need there IS tio quaelsery about it. R. J•eftso ,D.• , . .. , ‘ ,
i. . i
herb 1
1 ,11,111 p 01.:,,,z,.., A\ 1111 111 01l rec M,, , . or stir. • al . 0. •
V.:envy (toot you for the sale f FOrnicrly Pastor of the First P.rallyterfan Church, 1 eons m.i..e know Is on arm teat to floc i n
suenter Iv v ,.•
° ).°"1. 11.11.11° I"e ' I 1 North l ight S• ~ , , I , Phihia. Al-n, for Sate I,y SOlll. lin the premises. WILLI AMW A L LAC E. (seri 10
1,0 med all acrpiaint on roll, li a lady or I ht. plac.. who ~,,, F., ,,„
i. of ‘‘ , 0 , , ,,t ant i 1, p,„,,, , I„ , , ri1,;1,„,,,,z,, ra. N Y.
wa , severely atilictcd 'sill, the l'ilcs For •,...,Ilt or ten ~,,, 10 Sold by AVM. THORN. who'rszile 4. retail, only agent
WILLIAIII C. WALL, Plain and Fancy Portrait
years Ott. fatly was m'ojer 1.1 front , t., painful attak, --- for Pittsburgh. No .5. 3 . ala,ket street. sop 10 , and Picture Frame „Afarafachfier, .A - o. " 87,
an•l her physician 1011,1111.•tv11 her ; ~, y so complicated , i t LLES RR SNI I:11 , Vlc'ton es Prot ,c, No. dB, re, ______ •- - - -------- Fourth Street Pitt sbur gh.-Canuass Brushes. lifernisit
that Ile Very Seldom pi esti Ibrd n,e.tirine Ih. her. 'l • llrough 1; V tier of Wood and Third Street, POI s bur gli Po.- V BOON 'l'o THE "AIL' 51 A N it .kri-;.--Discover , t . ' c , for A rltsts, ;Own% son hand. Looking GlEtitiei. ttf i '
my persitasion, File commenced triing your Pills, :Ind 0 3.• , GOlll, Sileer, and Solvent Rank notes, honglit and sold. 1_ !chat will destroy Life. and you ar ea great man. promptly framed to order. Repairing done at the short.
pettedly Cllrt,l. Yours, 4 .,. J A!.11 , 1S R li.l RBA' I Sight checks on the E.,-lern citte , ', for 5.11 e. Drafts,',.. Discactr what trill prolong, Life, tti,t/ the - world trill eit t „ o p ,
i i . e.
October 3, 12.40. ch,„0,,,;,,,,,,, r„ moos and lon, r0h,•,,,t, call you Impostor." , Particular ati( talon paid to regilding and jobßing Ofey
I - F . olllre and General Depot, N. , 19. North Es:shill , Rt.! i:n eh , es: •• There are faculties, bodily and intellectual i - i: hilt us, cry descrip , inn.
Street, Plitladetploa. And by Sanotel FreW, corner ..f ' Piit,l,iit ph. Pa, tVio. Bell A' CO. , Jollli D• Davis. F icii h which certain Arras hare affinity. "' ' -", witu' h , Persons fitting up Stearn Boats or houses will fi nd It Us
Liberty and 5V 00•1 street:, I'll'shurgli. 5Pp 10 I L' . l'a ' "" r 'S - ('''• 3 ' -"' " " \V""'""-II. ' Lull" Ma. i the , / hare rower." , theiradvantage lop all. sep 10
I Philadelphia, Ale \ aoder Bronson ,S - Co., John 11. Brown Dr: B. fi tsnt li's External Remedy, or Liniment,
- 4. c° • C'"""""ii• "•, '1"1"" SiVandl'.---.l' SL. " "is ' which, by i extraordinary powers, abstracts. Pain or I,V HITE LEA f).-Tl,e subscriters nre now prepared
.110 , J. R kl'Donald. Louisrille, IV. 11
--• l ' "I le • E' l l• I 5„,,,,; , hos Sprains, StitT Sinews, I.l' bite Swellings, ' V to furnish painters, and others who wish to dor-
Pr....'t Bank I . : v. '''''' I°
. Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Sthroess of the Joints, clime pure White Lead made of the best materials Wars
__ _ ____ __ _ ,
iii F.3I()N . tl,#—The under,igned fresh ed,. eto mtorso - Tutnors, 1111115thral ess Stitt Neck Sore Throat, ' ranted eonal if not superior to any Offered to the..publle.
Hanle .. ,
.. .
~ . ,
IL o• public , that lie has removed from ilk old stand, ' Croup. Contractions of the m us cles, t - crotillons en' , All older. addressed to Dunlap ec Ilughes,care of 8 M Kos
In the corn rof Penn and St. Clair tots., onomate the Ex I largewents. 'fender Feet, and every description of Dr k ( - 0 , NO,l 10 Second street, Pittsburgh. will be promplty
chnn...,,. note], NY 111 .,, be has lilted up a large l ost Foe is , Pry a ff ecting the Exterior of th e Human Frame, are attended to. uutiLAr k HuGHES.
Iv ts . !loom , ;‘llll not. clifei s for sale the 1110,1. splendid cured or greatly relieved by his neecr•to be srlficiently i
assortment of l'lssos ev er OtTt•fell 111 111 - market. retailed reeneda. l_4 Fii, A Sr.. one rem Old Stand of N. Bitclotoster
11.' IIII • II I I , dlti-i,t of di,ferent Patterns, of stilieriOr CeRTIFI,,TE.-The foIION% in: letter from Major Gen . I . ,
.1 r oodt
lames .
1 he . unser' ier resp • t y i
Rose IV ood and Mahogany. beatiliftilly fi nished and too. crag Sandler(', as to the noattiies of the External Reine• i
' Pittsburgh and %IMAM' y that he has commenced Be.
[bled, awl constructed - dy, speaks volumes:
terials,which,Cor durability, and mialltv of tone, as well New 'Volta, Feb. 9, 1842. 1 s
tailinn Shoes of his own manufacture,at the above pilsee,.
i where he will keep constantly on hand a good sefert•
a. touch, he warrants
i of all Lin& of ladies, misses, and children's bOOlll
beer. your excellent Liniment? It ts certainly the best of (lie 10111-
• and shoes of Ihe best quality. which will be sold at pd.
A: he has en'arged his manufartory. and made arrange hind Iha ve ever seen. It has cured entirely my son s • He
inent , to so only the increasing demdnd for this instro• knee, about which I W 313 so ititensy.ntid I have found it ces to suit the times will also make to order all
ki de of fancy work-01(.4 as white and black satin
mem, he reso,iftill v re,plests those intending to par. productive of immediate relief in several cases of cater - -n
Slinnera colored gaiters, arid bristles. lodc', Sites and
chase to call and , \ amine his assortment heforeptircha. tat injury in my family. A few evenings since, nip -.-
silk miter., Sic , ke. All of san d
.io2 rise‘vbrre. as lie is determined to sell LOWER, lot yrninzesl child was seized with a vtoletit attack of Croup,
willchltdtraen.Bell'aktr°llle shortest notice . , and in Ihe nest MID
ca.ll . I linli any other establishment east or west of the is hich W:Ill entirely removed In twenty Min la es by ruh. !, made
in,ountat Its. F. BLUM E, bin.: her chest and throat freely with the External ',Rein. ner. •
1 /idles wilt please call and examine for themselves.
1•4 the Funscriber feels confident that he Can suit !heat la
Corner of Penn and St. Clair -streets, edy. I think you ought to mannfactui re this Liniment • -
article in his line they may want.
rep 10 011p0011• the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, I'd. \ for gt , neral use, instead of confining the use of it ,as you i allY J.C.IIIMBALL .
_ have her done, to your particular aryl:lima tice<. I PPP 10
You's truly, C. IV. SANDFORE. i p, s. Don't forget the place—Nn. R.
Fifth Street-One
_. - I , door from ilarris's Intelligence Office. and third doe*
market Street. J. C. K.
November 16,1842.
IN en
compliance it the seventeth Section of the net
of Congress ' w leg h
alizing and making appropriations
ofor such necessary oblects as hays been usually included
oin the general appropriation billg without authority of
~ law, and to fix and provide for certain incidental ex•
openses of the Department, and officers of the Govern•
and for other purpose.," approved A nvuat 46,
tg42; Sealed Proposals will he received nt this Deport
aunt until the t h irty - first day o' fh•cetntier nest, for fur
nishing for one yNtr or longer, at the o ption of the Depart
ment; the followin , dey.criptions of Planks for the up° of
Offices in the. States of l'enitsvivania and c'aware:
Sta.is received, 75 Brains.
60 "
St ails sent.
Account of New9taper. and Pamphlets re
ceived, 25 ..
Mall. received at Distributing Oil c., 12
All the above on small royal paper, at lent 22 by 17i
Inches, printed on both shies and feint tilled, with riot
than 421ines on a page.
Mails ten' from Dist I but no Offices, 12 Reams.
Fame size pniirr as above, hut fiikh•ii IerIZI hcv Ise, and
with 50 !level cn a page.
.li-counts Current. foolsen p, iv) n sheet 16 Reams.
Stool hie and Weekly flegistrYls, foolscap,
fonr on a shed,
Post footsca p, 12 on aslieet, without
rnet f0u1. , ..can,12 on 3 81 , Cei, With
tie Committee, deni riot .3 of to;,kinz the Lecture
le I (1511iitte a favorite i.e.°, of the inveri ,if
and Science. rin well an the f a .dtidicitile. l'oci. ',pared
no exertions in proctring popular unit talented I.ecturrrn,
both at home and abrond.
In the course altWowc,kcalistof the Lertlt,Piswiet
be published, and tir.kets (alert d.
S (*. lIUEV,
nnv 9. tr
U'MAIL LINE of Splendid Pastotnger Steam P.tuit•
e , s from Cinrin nail t 0 N. LOlll5.
The eew,..pieedid, rast ro nit drate2 ,(rant
Pricßets Wcdt Wind and run as ro•guiar
Pael:elq, from Cincinnati to St. Lou(.. Ivey, ClO.
einnati and Si Louis every ‘Vcatiest.lay morning, at 111
l'as.iengnrF from the East and Vi'ett may re' y ono
t heir 3tartite2 peocinally advert i,ed spit la
DR. NVII,I-I AM EV A St l l'S SO( all INC ,:y Rl', l'.—
This int.:Mille remedy bas Preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery. f , otii convulsions. As soon
as !he Syrup i 4 rtilihed on the t itit , . I lie iltlld will rCrt V.
er. Tills preparnti-t i: CO innocent ~.,, nifirat.itots.nnd t;
'i11,1,-.3ril, 1 h i A no child %%CI infuse to let i , .. gurus he lot ,
bed wish it. A Vlien I nhilo F.are ;.1 the mite iir follr wool Its
Ulu . Filere ii no ..kpi),•;itailre Or 10.0111, one hull le of tli
Syrup should be deed to open the porag. Parents vl,lll,
1 never be Withillltille Syrup in the nursery p..liete I lief
I are young children. for if a child wiiketi in the iii t ,t t i wit
pool In the ;vont , . the Syrup iiiimedintely als,: f",,,, I,
opening the pores, and healing the gums; i hereby tirt.vnn
tog Cotivti Atolls, Fevers, kc. For Sole Wholesale um
Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
No. 20. 0 ,- .1 -trePt. 1.010.. St.C.On
CHEAP. -LAC F. AND .11.1BBoS" S7'o HE. No 3 St.
Clair mess.
Laces and Rtbhons,
%Vide and narrow nets,
Lace and Muslin collar , .
Infants' frock waist%
Ladies, French Hid, Mohair.
Lisle Thread. and Cotton Mores,
Black Mohair nets for Veils—very cheap
A large assortment of Eiv.llh Si raw Bo
T o nne's braid.
Also a variety of Straw plai n i x nd fancy
of the West fashion, and at exceedingly low rates.
These goods are now selling off at prices to stilt the
Ladle? are respectfully Invited to call and purchase.
ser 1 - t
w. w. ‘V Lso N,
W .B. SC A I E,
INTERESTING CURE ptrformed byl)r Sirayuc'n
.11_ Coerepomed Syrup of P I'll 7111 S Ver;!er woo, eec Wild Chrr•
, ?I• Having made me of title, 111V:011:1 1,1, SY"I`" , ( "Y fan. ,l Y ,
which entirely mite(' my eleild. The
naoneal es were
wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of le e ing
attended with com•tant cough, spasms, convulsions, kr,
of which I had given Neall hope , of Its recovery mail I
was advised to nor trial of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing the effects it had upon iny chip,and
,11 conll
chiding to make the sante trial Uplill Illy,•;f, Wlll V
ti rely relieved me ofa cough that I was ofiticted with for
imieey yenrs Any person wiiiliiirg to SO' me eon
ensin agton al
rey lineve in Beach Street, above the Slarkett, K
J. Wm( ox. •
IVe fall the alleillioll 01 the public to the nuiherous
rerl ifiCale , Wl:it II have Lein iu Cireulation 10 our paper
:nut "hors of thb 4 6V, highly recommending Dr
SWAY NE's CompoundSylllll 01 Wild Cherry .it-We have
seeli 111 e Lltlgnial certificates, ;toil have nu ilunla but I iii
come from nut!, grateful hpart,,,expre:sice of snit benefits
Which they have received from tat valuable compound.
Wo have acquaintances who have frequently used the
about medicine. who ran speak with cuillidelice of ils
virtues.—:stiturifay Chroinle.
PISLI.OW (.111LVNS.—With sincerity I would oil
von, one and all, .olli sick and well, always to have a
110111€ of Or SWAV,,,,
We , COlllpolltid t . ..` flip of Wliii Clic rry
in yollf 111/11S110—i is invaluable in cases tt of
erne at
elli It RS Spitlint! II( Mood, AstAsthma,aacks of viol
Cughing, which is often the cause of spitting of Mona.
Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally c
a m e
from fright, and various other cause..., producing lCal
11110111. Suddcn colds front improper exposure, which
arff ofn let run to o n alaring extent, f want of
meatis te being ready at hatid;—amnd no t I have or
used Dr.
SW•YNCS Coninound Syrup of Wild ow' ry repeatedly
in toy family, and always with marked C.C.l,:q—i can
recommend it with confidence. as tieing one of the hest
family medicines wliich has ever been offered to the
public.—Saturday oAronicle.
Sold by Wm. Thorn, Wholesale k Retail, only ageni
fur Pittsburgh. N 0.53 Market Street. sep 10
WILLIAM REED. Merchant Tailor.—Respectfully
Informs his friends and the public in general
that he has commented business at No. 11 Market street.
second door from the corner of Front, where he honer by
strict attention to business 1* merit a simmer public
N. it. The latest fashions regularly received; theme,.
is Thay depend on having their work esecute4 ac mp cording
o the latest style. 'I 10
ei ARO, tothe Ldid iet„-Aitit fritltY—Pdas.TOß.
IL.P arisen, bag* most respectfully to inform the Ladies
otPittsborats and its vicinity that she has arrived di.•
reet from London. with a beautiful assort nieut of M t
ry of the newest style. Her connexion these will at all
times enable becto I ntroduce the latest fashion and should
the Ladies . tionor Iter with a share of their patronage, she
pledges herself to keep every thing of the most mylish
description, and pay strict attention to economy•
It is with confidence Mrs. T. recommends her French
and London made Corsets; also her splendid assoriment
of Embroidery, which is superior to dnyiliing yet intro
ducvd in this country: it includes Baby 1 Linen, eOllllO
.aura; Orientate, Capes a la Cardinal, Demi, ditto. Be.
that for Evening Costume, Collars Cuffs, ti'lick e h
t nod •
kerettief3, Morning and Night Caps, w filc will be
Mr for heir approbatin on the 9th of October neat.
; filr+ T. Is waltin ,, th e arrival of her Bonnets front
Enlope, at No. 2 Ferry street, between Liberty and
Fourth RI Teets.
Se pt 29—di C.
Evans'r , Camomile rills.
CKRTlFlCAT),..—Lelleffronll I lie thin. A I,loni M'Clel
lan,Sullivan County , East
W Tennes,iee, Menrbeiof Congress. ,
A SHINGTON, July 3d, 1838.
Sir—Since I have been in this c ity I have used sonic of
your fly:T.loi: nli.li. inr with infinite benefit and sal is
faction, an.lbrlievc it to be a most valuable remedy. One
of my 7011 0 i !tient Dr. A. C, Hen, of Campbell county,
TenneeSPC. wrote to MC 10 send him some. which I did,
and lie has ed it very successfully in his practice,
and sayelt is invaluable. 'Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this place," thinks toil would probably like no agent in
Tennessee. It' so, I world feconiniund Dr. A Carderated n, as
a proper person t officiate for the sale of your celeb
medicine. Should you commission lion he is willing
act for you. Yon can send t he medicine by water to te
care of Robert King Sons. Knoxville count y,Tennes.
see, or by land to Graham 4. Houston, l'ar.ewell, East
Tennesee. I have no doubt but If you had agents io
several counties in East q'ennessee , a great deal of medi
cine would he sold. I am going to take some of it home
for my own use, and that of my friends, and should
like to hear from you whether you would like an agent
at Bluntville, Sullivan County. East Tennessee; I can get
some of the merchants to act for you es I live near there.
Ycurs respectfully ,
ARK ARAM 6I'CLELLACI,of Tennessee.
For sale Wholesale and Retell, by
No; 20, Wood street ,below Second.
711117r 1PIRE Clig4TB ' .M."4'4'4444
John Denning, Sistik street. oboe• #4.Aeld no Explosion of IMO BOUM
street, Pittsbeeegh- . •
DR. B. Bri.iiiinity-cit.24l Broadway, N. Y.
Fo r =ale nt 241 Broadway, New York, and at his
office ,No. 9.; Wood idreel,Pll.l3liiir2ll. Pit ICIL-50 cents
o , r bottle with itiri•riions. seri°
Srt.nevsny's Orrti C,
Darrisburgh, A tuti , t 24111,1842. i
LONGING TO THE STATE.—Notice is hereby gi•
ven that thntta pnrsnance of the seventeenth, eighteenth,
nietnth and twentieth Sections of the Act of Assembly ce
passedthe 27i day of July, 1842, proposals will be rei
vrd at the Stale Department until Ihe last • thiy of Nevem-
tier next, for the sate of all and each of (lie Canal! and
Rail Road! belonging to the Commonwealth, for which
State. Stoc k, at par value, will be received in payment.
Each individual or Company is required, specifically, to
state, the particular line of Canal or Rall Road which
they desireto purchase, the amount of their respective
bids therefor, the given and surnames of all cbneerned In
the offer, together with their place or places of residence,
in order that the same may be lald before the neat Lea -
The proposals most hesitated up and directed to the
Secretary of Commonwealth with an endorsement on the
same: ..Proposals for the purchase of the Pubtic
Works." By order of the Governor.
Secretary of the Commonwealth
WILLIAM DIGIIY having taken the whole of the
business of Dion? llorzweLL, carried on at IS6
Liberty street and 42 Market street, begs to return his
to the numerous friends and customers of the tato
firm, fur the very liberal support they have always es
tended to him, in connection with Mr. Hopewell, acid
w 'sites to assure them that every exertion shall be used to
merit the continuation of the same. He would mina
pecifuily invite their attention to his present stock of
Clothing, which he intends selling • at much lower pried
than . has been ever offered, being 4.-sirous of disposing of
Ihe whole of the stork of the !ate firm as quickly as par
sible; and as he 'mends to confine himself to an exclasiell
Cant' business, he feels confident no establishment eta
snrpass his stock, either la cheapness, durability, st nest
nessof workmanship.
Please to take noticet hat every article sold, ill Indnulbleo.
Kp 10
tured in Pittsburgh-
AMUEL MORROW. ilanajactsrer of Tin, Copper
Sheet /row Ware, No. 17 Fiftk Street, Ssesters
Wood and Armlet Stroses.—ls prepared to Oil all" orbit
in his line at the shorting*. notice. Country Mervin%
and others are solicited mean sad examine his assorts , .
of warts, which wilds. sold whohmala solail„on Wm'
al terms.
House *pouting and stove Itt'ottatili
IleP 10