a Ilia at.tiitet l'UYlrlat WAREHOUrdE, base Si, Iwo do m., /rem the .Cl. S. Bank. fVm 7'r Othwi m er takee,re.meetftilly talorms the pawn. that ti ved his [ratty made coffin warchostie to the , . crerently oecapiee by Mr. R. G. Berford,direttly s letehis old stand, where he Is always prepared to at• . hitesuptly to any orders ill Ids tine, and by strict at hellitiOn to ail the detnitsaf the business of an Undertaker ihe hopes to merit pr.lilicentifidc-ncei He will be prepared ItVaatiknotts is provide Hearses, Biers, Carriages and Wier, reantshe on the most littera! terms. Calls from the Vinwrry will be promptly attended to. ' 'The residence is in the same builtlins with his ware ditmote, where those who need his aervicca may find him Many time. attreactica.: !NOP% /*Witt, REV. JOHN RLACE.D. D. 1=1221 row r►rrnr, IC E. • * CLORE, tt►za VOOKS. STE IMffo Al' BILI,::, r iilea LETS, WM: 4 E Pli.f.rz, lILA.NKS, Vir-lITI NI: t %It th.i, .4.48Et.9, A nun E -.7 - .; Do., MiIf;CICS, ItrsiNEss 1),.)„ Novas, II 1N1) 811.1.5. )114d.s of L A rusc, ci itcu I. Alt S. ,vr„' To her with every thescripliv of 1..-LLtrr PL L 111144, furnished with !Leal ritL3 - 4 and LI..,ILLIIL IL, n not Ante terms, at the office of tips! D.lly Morning Post , trep 10 7 signatin l s, lost Bills, fool,rap,l2 on a sheet, with I _natures, Post Isfur Dislriltiving ()dices, Jon a } 750 Reams. s'wet, ith sikrliatll res Post Flllls,lfor l'istrilintlng offices, 6 nn a sheet, with signatures, prOpo , nlS W 111 "ale the e, in one .1,11, per ream, for each kind of blank., for paper, prim h' and packing.. They are to be deltvered hl such quanti ties, and at such limits as inn v be required by the JI IT, r cut Post Offices, and on the rega Ito' in us of Postmasters endorsed by the Postmaster it the lire Where (lie run- I rarlOr may re,itle. None sy 'II be eons/tiered as delivcr• ed. or will he paid for, except on sorb requisitions. EICII requisition, or gliaelily ordered, to he securely enveloped or parked for Iraospollallon, and directed to the Post Office, at the e Xperise or the cons ractOr. The right is reserve d e.f reject rig any hid which may Ise considered extravagant, and also to give to any one bidder the printing l'or one or more states adjoining rite Slate of his residence; and each proposal must be Rerun,. ' , allied by sufficient evidence of I lie ability of the proposer to comply with the terms of his proposal. The successful bidder will lie required to enter into , contrail, with surely, in sit in compliance wi'h the pro - vision of the la w, to w hit li holders are rererrett. 'KEW 1 10TELs —The subscriber respectiony ot Failure to furnish Id:inks promptly when ordered, fur *IF Nuns his old friends and the public that ; n ishing those of inferior moth/ as to paper, printing. se • Temperance Hotel,in fifth Street, near the" g = . or ruline, or anyattempt q loeva . de the true. nettling of Harik„land in the house lately occupied by al the contr .- Icl w be considered sufficient cause for its thew Patrick , and has hoisted ant ton gn, "The Iron forfeiture. file Hotel." where he will be veryh ..acry to acconitno- Payment will be made quarter-yearly, one mouth after date all who may please to Call Olt him. Ills table , qua shalt be provided with Ilre best laic, and every possilde , The blanks trrhe expiration of each must be equal rier. to the best of 'hose now in alommtmodation to town. and country customers and . use. Specimens may be seen at t lie various Post Offices. W boarders who wish to lodge The quantities mentioned Shove, are from the hest es man he taken, and gentlemen who live out rif town inners daily. their stores or of. tI I tales 'hit roll be made fir one year's consumption all have their lhatta. ' they may exceed or trot V short of the quaniuries re d 'lllired• The Department does not hind itself to any 4 41141/lilliarge and :good stables, and the best Hay ;lad , c unntit or nnionnt. Vats. and a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. ": •Prot y should he so marked, and addressed t op Ind sentternen who have horses. 'teenier' taken by the day, week or year. Charge:i•re cco nd Assistant Postmaster General." W nti—efts 11ashington, WOW 'moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the rays ; - Op 10 JOHN IRONS. ['GUN. COLDS ard C0.Y.5(r..11P11().); sou for the Shove omplaints Is now at hand, nd all ASHINGTON TIA L L.—The sults-critter ha:' persons who are sill jeered to the inclemency of the W opened the teas residence of James Adams, weather are respectfully 'wormed that they can find. for the reception of visitors and hoarders; I Covrar ' s H•r.4 m I.IFt: which is V% ell known to have i Posse is very pleasantly (ablated on the hank of the ; cured Turlur. sons, who Were In the last stages of Crs• 'lid Ohlo, 2 miles front the city — possessing ail the delight- ; sumption. Certificates can he produced of its wonderiul ateotapatilments of o coon' ry residence, without cures. being too far distal} for persons doing business ill the ; Loa's B•i.ssw or LI VF.:t WORT is another remedy city. inshore will be furnished with eVe , y delicacy o(, for Liver Complain Lr, end!!! s sod Colds. It Nunes holi• .the season. I r , rorr menthol by alt who have lased it, and is pleasant n ' Clinnitms runs regularly every hou r the A Ile ;to take, ant! speedy in effeetine a cure. - petty end of the Bridge, p,e's Hovßlior:ND Cuss lax Is 0 highly valnattle 11.—Nio Alcithutic beverages kept. and pleasant ininiirine; it 0 ill effect a positive and coo:1m Sier 119 %V NI •C. 11CC V t are co, , Colds, C ' ensmniption,and is all effectual cure for the Wnociviso Corot'.. This isa vet y pleas ant medicine. all are fond Or 11, and children never "eft's' to take so; ins cure is sure and positive. The suliscrile r its,. a c.c., tificate of Ag. , tcv direr' f• Oro J Pease NO., 1;'‘) there rail he no mistake. A'l persons v. ho aro Ore, led. are invited to roll and no delay, for the litre to take medic ins is al the commencetnent . All the above medicines can always he pro, tired r r i INnotes•Lit OR r crsiTnt TUTTLE'S .MED/Csif. -"MEATY'. 136. Four/A Siren THORN'S TEA BERRY Tool'll WASH. LANCMITER,Ort. 2.51,1842. t} - To Dr. PnoßN,—My bear Sir: I cheerfully and cordially embrace the present favorab'eopportunity to re• turn to you my warmest thanks of gratitude fur your un equalled and unexceptionable invention of your very justly celebrated Tea Berry Toot h•Wash, and I feel that I am in duty bound to say that I have derived the great. ert and moat beneficial effect from Its frequent and strode, ate use: and I can assure you that I am exceedingly hap py to have the pleasure of informing you, that sincerely and cordially speaking, I can injustice recommend is fre cment useto PH that unfortunate portion of the bunion race throughout the globe who are now undergoing the molt excruciating pain for the want of R medicine prepa. ration of exactly the same nature of which yours is prepa red, and who have for years been suffering:from the in jurious, destructive and pernicious effects of worthless tooth powders and other worthless preparations. In conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth. Wash but for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly convinced that tt Is the best now known, its inestimable virtues In preserving the teeth, (which if kept in a good and handsome condition, In the greatest embelishment that adorns the human structure.) are not to be excelled in easing amtrelleving the sufferer from tooth ache, and restoring the gums to a healthy and purified condition, and giving also a aweeinerrs and fragrancy ton disagreeable breath hitherto unknown: Accept my sit erre wish for your siirress, from Yours, natty, !OREM] BR, M NCR I Tnom , .. WHOSE OCCHP.VI'IoNSTEND PRODUCE OR %( NAVATE LI'E ASE.—This elens of intlividnals en. t y 111ProiN. arc Ihnse who work in an unheatt le .airno.tpliere. Printers, work *** I n feather storest-stone liakerg, white lead laailittratturera, arc all mom or lc—n subject lodipo.lase ac Matdbin to t he strength of their constitution. The only ' l3 .lllttOd to prevent disease, is the occa.ional use of a .- moitletne which abstracts from the circulation ail delei e ;Netts, humors, and expel!. than by the bowels. Tonics in'any form are Injurious, as they only 7.,tt off the evil oto make It Inqrs fatal. The 11, , e of Brandreili's Pills Will Insure health„liecause they take all impure matter *eft of the blond; and the body Is not weakened but Stritngthened by their operation, for these valuable Pills do;ttot &he. but they assist nature, and are not oppcsed, but harmonize with her. .18old at Dr. Brandreth's Office, No. 98 Wood street, PilWery►Bn. Price 25 cents per hot, with full di recii , ois. mmtri—Th e only place In Pittsburgh where the 41EPtUTNE Min can be olttatned,la the Duct or 'rt n• f• GM N 0.98 Wood greet. sep 10 nissocorrox OF 7'H f: UNIO.V" —The copili• nership exuding between James E. K'itiouril and Uavld J. Morgan Is thli day divsnlyed by ron:en f. The conrii , inns will be duly noticed, wil h he siVin ti rrc Or both Iles annexed, anti Barry Hall or 111 he rim( immi open by We subscriber until other arrangement, are per For *le, on tbe premises, 150 hbla. r !mire winter ap ples, trapped for immediately- JAS. E. K I Efif)rF: N, 29—tr No 9, Market. and 7.4, Front ,t. _ BOOKBINDING.—!ii 'Ca tid:essk "1 1I _LP j. Johnson. Bookhinders and Paper ' Rulers, S. W. corner of Wood and . ' Fourtw streets, are now prepared to ex• acute all kinds of Bookbinding and Pa. - - s - per Ruling with neatness and despatch. k books ruled and bound to laity linen - pat tern. at the orient notice. fB. All Week done he above is warranted. (sep 10 BIDDLE, Snrceon Dentist, has returned to bis oh! napd, No. 107, Smithfield Street, 1 1 11 .11'lle ran be consulted arty hour during the day, eirlih profession. aro 10 RILMOVA.L.—Georze Armor, Merchant Tailor, respectfully announces to bis friends and pa• Orem Uri he has removed his establishment from his old stand, in Third street, to the corner of Front and Bleftblield, in the basement story of the Monongahela Boom; where he intends keeping on hand a general as. sortment of rashioxiable Goods, suitable for Gc.u• I/einem% wear. Ho hopes, by close application, to merit a share of the 111110h111161 so liberally extended to him at his old stand. N. H. 110slogmade arrangements in New York Phill arelphia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, a fondr the iteeeption of Paris and London Fashions, customers sosyrely so havin: their orders executed according to Ake Won siyle. GEORGE ARMOR. sop! 10 L' ARD OlL.—Thu Subscriber would most respectfully intbrrn the public in genera that he ha? an art Ic le of ULM Oil ofa superior quality, manufactured at the Cincin• stall Oil Mansfaetory,byß.W.Lec 4. eo,,which is warrati• vale be equal to the beat Sperm. Oil, both for Light and Naehieery. This 011 is entirely free from any glutinous • Illiaitat. intake, or unpleasant odor, and It is as clear and as Obits as opal/Water. Not a particle of cruet is left the wick. The light Is mire and bril:iant, aad will last as long, if mot longer, than that from an Aqua, quamity of Sperm. Oil. The subse t Hier informs Ithetwhlie that he has taken a place nearly opposite the ism Mies, where he will ii2ht up several different tamps E1P11167 evening. and he would respectfully invite the In 'hairltants of Pittsburgh, Allegheny,and their vicinity, to tall and judge for themselves. He feels confident they salt be convinced that the above statement is perfectly illOrthets Out of two hundred individuals who have tried 'the 011,there has not been a single fault found with it The Lard °Stoats one third less than Sperm, lie would aspecttally Wick the early attention of Dealers and Ma. ("Waists tb the above. The following Churches are now lista': the Lard Oil; Second Presbyterian Church, Pitt bu rgh, New Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Pittsbuigh, First Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City, Associate Reformed Church, do. All the barrels are branded R. W. LEE 4- co., CI nt In• OKI, Olio, Pitisbursh,.J n e 21 , 1.1842. We, Ibenndesarned, Captains or the Express Line or reakaaa, on the Pennsylvania Canal, have tried and are t iairsa artiotaor Lard Oil introduced here by Matt AV aailhay, and manufactured by R. W. Lee 4- Co., at the teleaielletti Oil Factory. Wafted confident in asserting that t - he a' ovr is equal to the best Sperm Oft; that it is entirely free from smoke at say other felutinons matter whatever; the light is per ibitit7 Pam, clear and brilliant. and will last as lone, if not iloopor Win that from so equal quantity of Sperm. nit. We bon too hcatitation In rectnotocndlnz !Ito our friends Sid to time who use Oil. MINIM TRURY, Captain, racket John Ada •; VP. tfILDEORAND, Captain, Packet John Hancock, A: MAIO, do do John Madison, 100* THOM PBON .f o Pittabargh. Sep /0 n AIIOIII IMAM IIUTCHT.LE HERE •nr tegooposea o 1 hel le, o Forth ext. t 10ettiko U the heart, g.fr, jffirlole% Of unnirtMl#e artortil sygoal; Nowa t.utckent a 1104.111111eted Soto circulation it.rotizt, n wbetakif erne skin, t bet rents sit paled ti let tta.i . Our/ma les; opd es all the eereCenc of tt... bode asp amain frocti - ( he blood, there L a to%:scquer every fieCretiOri, n 7e. :1 nod exhalent, or dle, vw.F, r;3- whicli way I:cre taktrt place is .ttoooornrgaurreti, Hum: Is 51,;',1 riuniec sr I ritlita! Fcer 4 - 00 l i:c tcr:by, E sNR. I Woad ,t below REV. ROBERT BRUCE, D. REV. SA.Mr6L WILLIAMS, D P.V.E JOSEPH KERR, REV...3/01E63K. DAVL, 84'2 ae,.4 M. C. cDr.r, Agent. i. • CHEAP -I.4CE: li IRBONSTOI4, - -V.. 2St Clair rerr. I.lcvol awl R ibbola.. Wldc and narrOVV flew i.ace a.- d :Westin coilar , . Infants frock waists. Preach Kid. Ideiluir Li , :el'iltead. anti Cotton Glares. Black 31Ghair Deli for N'cils--very cheap A la.•ge as , m•irckent of Entoi,h A 0: Sr ra,V, 'tilLLlNiY I Tir{ 4111‘.,.21, ;•1,, , T. PKOI'USALS FOR BLANKS. Pow? OYFICK DErARMAIISAIT, November 16,1812. IN compliance with the seventeenth Section of the act IN of Congress "legalizing and hooking appropriations "for such neces,ary objects as have been usually included "in the general appropriation hills without anthorily of "law, and in fix and provide for certain Incidental ex ..peoo., of the Department, and officers of the Goys., n. “trent, and for oilier purposes," approved A ntmSt 26, 1 942; Snafu , Pr”posalit will he received at this Dean rt• 'tient until the thirly.fir i a day o' December next, for fur• noshing for one year or longer. at the option of the Depart• men ; the followitoq descriptions of flanks for the use of Punt Offices In the Slates of Pennsylvania and Delaware: Maik received, 75 Reams, seal, Account of Newspapers Sod Pamphlets re- 60 ceived, 25 " Mails received at Distributing Offices, 12 " All the above on small royal paper, at lest 22 by 171 printed on both sides and feint rated, with nut less than 421ines on a page. Ala Os sew liotn Doutibui ng Offices, 12 neams. r'oo't size pnper as above, hut folded fungi law 19C, and wohsll totes a pas". Arson Ids Current, fonts, np, two on n sheet 16 [learns. ;1101;11)1y and Weehly I:cv,ters, foolscap, foor on a slieel. 1 1 11's.1 - 001,.1 11 , 12 on a stieel,wit Mint ) reds rim' W I R T 1 .CISTI Tll . l . FIFTH COURSE OF LECTURES. T HE Committee on Lectures of the fl'irt Institute. for the Fouriii Con rse.restteci a n nou nee to the public that they have made arra mtements to comments the Lerturen on Thursday event 11. December 1. The Lectures or I his course will he exclave!), Literary and Scientific. The Committee, desirous of ma kin the Lecture Room of the Institute a favoisite resort of the lovers of Litera lure and Science, as well as the fa:lii , inaltle, have s p it red no exertion! in procu•ing popular and talented Lecturer both at home and abroad. In the course of two week.. a hs: of :he T.4fililrPr9 he published, and tickets offered. 5A11 . 1.. C. HUEY, W. W. WILSON, JOHN S. co,..iGH AVE, WM. B. SOMFE, JOHN H. SEIE-TE, nov 9. tf IT • S. MAIL LINE n(Splendid Pa ,, nger Steam Pack . ens from eincinnat o Si, L ou The new,splemlid, fast rum, i draught steam Packets , West Wind and Nonpareil, will nut as regular Packet., from Cincinnati to St. Lulli.. Will leave Om einnali and St. Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Pasertn,4eN Irton the East and West may rely upon t I,!ir Kact titiortnally tot advert iced, 64-, p 10 D a. I vILLIAIt Eva NS'S SOOTHING SYRUP.— This remedy has preserved hundreds when thought liflSl ter over y. Gorr convulsion,. As soon as the Syrttp is rubbed on the 011,/, th e child will rec.( V. er. 'lute preparation is so innocent, so elliracious, and so pleanant, that no child whl rofit,e to let ns .nms be rub bed !with H. When iota ntsa re at the age of lcur month; tho' there is no appearance or heel!), Om. Loll le of the Syrup should he u-ed to open the mares. Parents should ! Bever he without the syrup In the nursery where there are y oulig children, for if a cliittl wakes In the night will, pain in the gums. the Syrup immediately gives case, by opening t Ile pores, and healing the gums: thereby prevent convu sloes, Fevers, 4-c. Far Sele Wholesale and Retatt be R. E. SELLERS, Agent. p 10 No. 21). Woad street. below Keened , ;•:.ri,ar !r.a. tqin the j,",j„,,, ;OVilf.ll to ra ( 1 111tila,e sq• lincs oll llTati"4sarltleitir rustic IfltAltl4 , srVirtt tea. IiffANDETEVS PILLS. ry-This vegetable and trip, Innocent medicine, Punt• rtes nur ar.ooll, and itnmeiffitely slays the further ?Ru nning OF at in the bodiee of those whose powers of life are not already exhausted. Where human means call avail, there scarcely is any complaint, or form of sickness, that the BR•SDRETII PILLS do nut relieve and generally cure. Although these pills produce a mown errerrohat effect is not to prostrate The body, as with other medicines, but the frame is invigorated by the e. move! of the cause of weakness, the morbid, the vitiated humors' front the blood. Harmless in themselves, they merely ASSIS n T NATURN To throw Out the Occasio of sickness from the body, and they require no alteration in the diet or clothing. In fact, the human body Is better able to sustain with. out injury, the inclemency of the weather, while under the Influence of this infection destroying,disease eradica ting Medicine than at any uther time. The importa nee of ftrandreth's Pills for seamen and travelers is, I herefore, self evident. By the timely use of this Medicine how mud, anxiety and sickness, 'night ire not prevgint. Cold, flilliousi of (fictions, Typhus, Scarlet end feirers of all kinds, would he unknown! Rut where sickness does exist, let no time be lost, let the BR Ntrn rti.Ls he at once sent for, that the luny he app led, without fur titer fors of rime.—To an RI 6 :MEMBERED- - That Bra tidreth't Pilla have stood a seven years' test In Ihe Uulled That they area vegetable nod in nocent medicine, vet all powerful for the removal of disease, w het licr rbionic recant; infectious or olherwlte. they purify the blood, and Flay the furl her pro• grecs of , 119C11,e ill lIIr human body. That, it, ma ov ca where Ilse dreadful r. n•agr, of olreration had la al bare ligament and holm, am! here, to all ri, 110 1111111 S email rave ele, have patient' by the mw of itte.e pills, been restored to ,nod health; the eleywiring decease having been completely. eradirat,td. ~.„ I,:ttm It 01.YY. I.llil, That etieli laliet Iris two signatures of Dr. Don.luitlin Briinilrelli upon it. Th.it there urea le upon each box three signatures, 4NDRKTII. M. t). A lid Ilirce BENJAKINI BRANDatTIi DR. FRANKLIN SAYS: "All acute fevers ever reliiirn S4inie eyariratinn to tiring I hem to a perfect rrtsis and solution, and that eyes, by stools, which must be promoted by art vt lien does not (11l the business itself. On this i. -nuns, MI 111 timed rem puluri , ocss:itinui t he µealCso•s. or the holy is of Intl consequences; for it is that which seem, chiefly Io Illake eVisrUat Ono, neee,Ntry , which n:iture a !tempi,. alter tne Moser,. are fit to he ek pe lied , but is not able to acrom Inc the most part In their, thseaw,; and 1 ran affirm, that I ha ye „elven a purse when the yoke has is.en no low that It could hardly Ise fell, briny en !refit., yet both one :Ind I In 7'113 11 ." Theeno, of, tto be derived friiiii t he 1.43 ,, ,1 rut Is l'itls have ;0 be elm. mein ed In be fn Ms F their timely tbre neither lilt scarlet, the is picas levr•r or small pox would ever aS , lllise their Ilia leplatit rot sit. To a ppreriate 10 the Inn extent ,1 Ite incalettlabk betle• fits of BHA NI/BETH'S (91.1,5 1 . they niTt be used when the First Symptoms or Disease present ilternsetves. Dine dose then, and r hrer pool effects will le felt twoindhout the attack —I r tsT‘litßo lIIEMSIN TIMM flint Is the treat secret in the Cis, 91' all aphearanrcs of dnieaße a / 1 ,4; from had hlou,l,4lsit 1 pre -unit there ;if, I - VIV at the pre, ent day,l4 tit toy .It,) ti,ing of itto:e • whirl; tilled the body when the Wood is pure. 6r.ii It ,1; sra;es I Lave yet 10 oce. liomog that some who read tl, i• may he henefh led h y ing. amre,rel 241 Proadway, New York. Tlf coUNTErt FEIT'S IIEATII The puleix «1:I please °lnse t ve than no Flrandrelln Pills are genuine unites tine box has litter laiddS noon It, each enelann , inx a fire sinube ,0,11 on, of illy hand writing Ctn. , — P. Priondrei h. These labe's a r ettxra ved on steel. beatttfully destx loon. and donne at an ea sel,, a I Ilnireand dollar.. 1:( 11.!ocr! Ole lop --the side—and Ihr Lninon. Cult red arrordin n , to rir r or I 'cluv‘e.e. in the sear 1831, by Her j aunt. Hrandrrlll , in Ire Clcr k's Offi c e in f l a in Court of the sln• tin rif I tintr.ct or N w vork. Or. 13. Bra nniret in's own office, No. 9.1. Pittsburgh. Only ein POISIOIrgIi whrit the Pills ran i.e obtained. Ea, o Agent who se-I. tire true Prandreth Pi. I, has an engraved certificat e of gem reiteW. drvery nvrlee months, and ha: entered in lo !tom:. of SAO no sell none nillwr ITN than these received from D,. B. or his .peeial G,•neral Agent. Mark, the rerttti• cafe is all engraved except the Doctor's flame, which is in Ills own band writing. Obeerve, on each certificate there is an exact copy of the three labels on melt NUS graved thereon. Purchaser. see thv tire engraving of tile labels on rite re'l Int - ale correspond With those on the box. The following are Dr. Re!darnin Ilrandreth's %gents for the -gale. of his VegetiLle Univt rsal Pills. in A Ile,the fly eouty, lip., who ace sepptied with the new labelled boxes. Price '25 cents with direetionn. Principal Office, No. 98. Wood Si reef, Pittsbac Allegheny, Mr. Jonx Ct..•ss. McKeesport, ii. ROW LAND. Noblestown, JOHN Jonwson. Stewarts Town, Cur.ssm•st 4. SPROLDIRO A LAZANDLR ARD•LIC Clinton. EZW•RD Tnomrson.Wilklnsburgh. I: zonal PORTER, Fairview. ROBERT SKITS PORTER, Taretitnrn. Elizabethtown, C F. Dienc. East Liberty, D•RIEL PRESSLEY IRWIN, PlO:Mint DAVID R. Coon —Pittnth Town hip. Wm. 0. Ilea a—Mill. pep 10 P ILES cured by the t se or Dr. Ilarlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient I'irs Dr.llarlielt—Dear. Sir—Shortly after I received the A cemy (torn you for the sale of your incillrlue. I lot turd an ai•unainintire vvi h a Indy of I hi , ' place, whit severely atllleted with the P 111•9. yielt or len yea 113 thin lady wan Aliljort 10 frIVIPIII painful utlarlt 1,1 her pit miSiti. d her rart. that he very .dilotti pi raterilied medicine lor her. Throucli my persuasion. she ionimenced using v." , 1.01 s• and was perfectly mum'. fours, kc. J.IMES It. minty October 9. 1841). I.lt:mberslittz, Pa. !j - i'litlice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, curlier id erty and Wood pute,t.., rittst.urgli. a , !lt 10 NTERESTING C UR E performed Lylir..Cmmyne's C , '..Pottnd sy,upq Wild C.i r• ry, !Living made li enl this iiivaltnitile Syrup iti itiy ',runty, St ha 11 enluely I itred wy (-hill. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of eatilin2. ;mended with constant cough,spasms, convulsions, (•c, of which I had given tipall hopes of it+ recovery until I tray all V iSed In Make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and con cluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en. t irely relieved me ofa cough that I was afflicted with ilor many years A ny person wishing to see me ran ra al my house in Beach Si reel, above the Market, Kensington. J. WILLox. Com little!, DR. SWAYNE'S SYP.I. 7 F OF WILD CHERRY. We call the attention of the public to the nurnerons certificates which have been in circulation In our paper and sonic others of this city, highly recommending Dr. SWAYNX . B Compound syrup of Wild Cherry .—We have seen the original certifientes. and have no doubt but thev come front truly grateful hearts, en pressive of the benefit s which they have received from tl.at valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used Ile , above medicine. who ran epeak with confidence of its virtues.—Sararday Chronicle. FYLLOW I would advise you, one and all, I , oi •ock and well, olivatt to have a .oltle of' Dr SwArtre's Compound Sirup of Wild Cherry n your house—it is invalualde in cases of emergency, uch an Spillinc of Rtood, Asthma, attach, of violent oughing, which is often the cause of spitaingof hloon. Violent Nervous Affectious, which occasionally come from fright, and various other causes, producmg great alarm, sudden colds from improper exposure, which are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means twin, ready at band;—and as I have used Dr. SWAYYIetI Compound syrup of Wild Cherry eepenredly In my family, and always with marked SCICCeS*-1 ran recommend with confidence, as being one of the best family medicines which has ever be Otero.; tLe puttilt - ---Satu,L4 CR • cold tor Wm. Thorn. Whotesst, ugly :ten; i• • for P:tfe , :nrgl.. Nu.L.:l Mart, et street. ! XVI FAA R I'7Ell, Merchant Tai/nr.—Peanwelfotv 11=1 u 'Jae :;) is Ole •rrvent, B. UIt.A:DIZETII, Ell . , CI &NEN to the Mull .eivesilliCkNEß Y—M as. Tait liege most respectfully to inform the Ladies ofPitteburgh and its vicinity that she has arrived di.- rect from London, with elw,2utiful assortment of ry of the newest style. tier connexion there will at all throes enatileheitta i ktroduce the latest fashion and should the Ladles . lionor Me - 141th ashore of their patronage, she pledgee herself to keep every thing of the most stylish description, and pay strict attention to economy. is with confidence Mrs. 'l'. recommends her French and London made Corsets: also her splendid assortment of Embroidery, which is superior to anything yet intro. duced in this country: it includes Bally' Linen, Connoi peurs! Orientals, Capes a la Cardinal, Demi, ditto. tier. thas for Evening Costume, Collars Cull's, Pocket Hand kOrchiefa, Morning and Night Caps, fc., which will be ready for their approbation on the 9th of October next. Mrs. T. 1,, waiting the arrival of her Bonnets from Europe, at No. 2 Ferry street, between Liberty and Four' h si reefs. scot 29—dif. It. it. 44.0115 W.— .. nkaa. e. If i miLTorr. Pittsburgh, June 13.1839. l e rlAr t : , ` , ' , o A v`::l „ ` ,l i . r ^ c ,M . l r , ` ,. :( l .. () ,„N;,;"',.",e7,', - ,u„srcatofLa„w'S.hrtalr a e. Mr. lees Dk kirikri:— Dear Sir--ttaviog been present, girtiv, On FourCl st, two doors above Smithfield. sep 10 Yesterday. at Hie eXperlineill which you were pleased to ._ _. - - make. in the presence of a number of our busine coPrii4 WA REIIOI.ISE.—Me, 79. Fourth of the •acety of , loir I RUN CIIES•I'S, iii cane of ss men, fire, It Street, Befween Wood and Smithfield 'La. Two doors from the corner of Wmtd sheet. Con slanePv orr hand an assortment rif 100 ready made COFFINS, of ever,. Size and description; covered eni..,,, • wit li Clot I,: 151 a ho g a ti v, Chit rv, Black tVallni, Poplar. and Pine Collins. ev en i'" , " Pl''iiie're to ''-'o'' 11 /.1 1 so far a n . I w oo , ca l l able of ' I IRA VELERS TAKE NOTICE—That all &ode inthritnr, I lie lest was (wt., and the result exceeded my ll_ provided with the Safety Guard have their ahttla expectations. . 0 1 .IN, , i bills printed with a figure of the apparatus— and hee‘ra Tile Cli e' l W4 ' ~ 5i , 1 " 11. "' . • about A 'tie io , i - I. 'Y 1 fel yo u are not deceived try misrepresent:lllolM Or A :thout 18 or 2 0 inches In breadth and (bleb. end wits ,la- gent:statin g their homy to be provided with the ears!, red on a block of wood about a fool. in thickness, so as A I,Sti, Plaies neatly ellVraVed; Ileari.es and Ca r ria:es Guard wken the are not s., secured a.a it st eiploriour_ , to elevate it shoot that hei•ltt from the :round; several ftirnistied ; tes procured ; and all services rentlerm. , • '7' he ' foltOtvitig i Y s a list of boats suppll;d with lii h -anj t book: and ite%v.p,ileirs wire deposited Inside of it, In the I y Guard at the Por' of Pillsburgh—all except t e (we I hat It ii in may r, quite. Manner in wilt,. 11 Metch•lnts and othe rs would usual) Y Oll I lie list have the improved apparatus with whit& A er,t, riven in all rases, either rtfruffins or ea rria:eS, Itour r 1 lieln--,1 la ,ge liminlity of light pine wood [slabs reline,, , , d. HENRI' BEA R E, 4 , Undertaker. from an attjr,iiiiie.:Saw Mill,] was then placed around f i s t PPa inn's il is in, for an explosion to occur: , SAVANNA, FOR MOSA, ~ p In and above it, and the hie kindled on the windward side, - RARITAN, ILLINOD", 4 75 lIIII.S. 1N lIITE I.IAI E, a so perior arl te le, lor , s 1 0 1 :, i e s fi l r r , ,, , l %, r , i , v in e k l e l I , r l ll i : t i r o ie d r , l o a t ta i t i t i l s h i t. 1 , 1 , 1 e !ack pail o f th e chest. NIAGARA, DU QUESNE, J. G ,i- A . GI >lllO-0.1. quarters of an hour, 1 10 tLEANS;, J EWESS, s‘•,. Lt No. 12 Water street. until yo u bad gone anion:the spectators and receiveo ' IrOni them their universal a eswer that the test was „CANTON, iIIONTGOMERY, VAi I El Y.-- Just rec.teen trout NeW York, A4lOO sufficient. The chest was! hen drawn out of the fire, LADY OF LYONS, I ND I AN DO, t' , ., 1 ,.•r-,,,, 1i,,, l'or 144 :: - •000 collie , of the ' and cooled, and opened, and examined. Th e conlelits VALLEY FORGE, QUEEN, •': J•o,rfuil °rim. A o.ericail Tetopetato e union and Youth's ' were all safe, and the only injury done was to the hack FORT PITT, GALLANT, Ti inp-tan e Advocate for Sepleloher. A lso, 21100 Chris. of One book which appeared to be a little charred. From BR EA KWA'FER, QUEEN t..F Tire SOUTIt )bur .\ 1 ~...nuo a, 71101 a good asoo, I meot of Loomis'. :Hags-' what I witnessed, I think that these t firsts are desert, :, M.A IL, DUKE OF ORLEANgi z. , ile aliii l'il , si,m,lll. and ;he Frank, n Magazine and Co,.t ''IP: Of cOnnJelice, as , or,,rdipg, ;,•rimp,,t he best set-nutty EXPRESS BRILLIANT, Ilion Ala-in:it ~ lon' 1 F-1.3, I'Y lin' gi us:. dozen or .crier.; 1,1 NI erClialit, rill' I ileir hottt , , , 0. d papers, which 'hey can ALPS ,! ?',is ....r,, , ~i 4:,,,,c...N,,,, ;.,,,,.!,,,, : 1, ~,,f Aii,•zln,ny rm. 11,1%, wanc.,11, , ,0.:1n g laree, I lilc!„ :led eXneil , +iVe vaults. C'As;PIAN, ECLIPSE, sines, Dirt lury and SI fa di,„:.•l , Gn .i.., foi 1;1 ',cents. Al-to, li% mild c0,,,,1. r ii,1,1 a belief' sec troy [had many vaults IDA, VICTRESS, 0,11.0: : ••• F.lll7liy, S - '11,,l illid l'o , kel ISiiiierl and Tesia. , winch I have seen 1 , 1111 1 . Your i riend, 1 t V EsT W IND, Mlf 111 IG AN, „„„t„:, 1)„, , ,,i.„ [ , 421„,,, ‘l. ii,„li, and " Perriper,illee Hymn SA Itum., CIIURCII. 1m A houri•TE, OSPREY, Houk-; 1 !••• ' icaUlle3 Of Ila roma v, Introduction to Sam Pd We concur in the above statement, haviii 4 been ores- i T A L L E y it AND, PENELOPE, m , t-4 , Meson's Harti with round and patent notes-, Christ ' sent Winn, Illy chest ivae le•le.'. PANA 11A, ROW INA, _- Ire, I lid alniost ail kinds of S.•limii It mks; Glllll6l Ifirl• W. 37. C..oper, J. If. Situtuber ger, 121,111 Bell, ~„i cEizo, AG N Es, o,—, ,: •.:,-,!,. me: Day Bunks and Led 'ers; kVril int', Let J . I "". 1 .. , ' , ' , ". .1. Paidier, .1. Cordell, '- ler, and WiaIIIIIIIII, I . ,11,1: bi ne black. and red ink, by I lir• :R. -iblf ,, , ./c. cL. ..Irm,t rang, 4. H. ii,,,,,, SARAH ANN, Al ESSENtiER, L:r,, , ,,,i,,,,,,,,,,, ho t 1,,, :1, 01. 1,, 1:1111',, •' , lales. Item its and ' Tb0r...2.1 C.',/,;. .'S C. D. Ba , t'ard. J. W. Hoyt. NAR It A(;.A N SETT, S.kRATOGA, oaCor , ;l',/ope.li a ot ll , oor c. Wes'erii l'e.it. mid a enii. AMARANTH, ORPHAN BOY . sta , raln:,,,,, 1,. i 1 or 1:0,45, o.oi stationerv. for sale un ay . E.elrarl of a Let!, front Pugh 4- .'ll , ,ard, dated Cin MUNGO PARK, OHIO, commod., 1 nig writ.. lor east/ or country prmliice, ri , .11 , 1.2:01, -111, 11,1342. ~,, NEPTUNE, CECILIA. Is A ‘t: II 1 tlizis, %:;ent arid I 'oitinii.t...,,n Mereliant, .1. Leon 1 . 7, rat .burgh, Pa. Resisted Friend: vve ADELAIDE, JH. BILLS, - • , • •• .2 N. , . 9, Fifth street. have the sat is:ainien IS state as I lie i est recommendation NoRTH BEND, GALENA,, - - - _ ~,,• ran give pi' I I c iii ilily of your Iron Safes, t hat We 1 K Mit , ,i,ii,..e. G. E. IA se s„k. . }SARI El"I'A, MENTOR. J• I r '-‘ , ` • LH • 11,V • ~,I.! of them which slits in an exposed situation in 1 - T .N, 1.0 CoTTON F.ACTOIZI . . 11legito y I,lly, at the end of the , nor rloinlin,7 fOroroom, at the time of the fire, nnl im merit- 13It UN Err E COLU.M BINE% lILI uppe r bill( g lik TM. subscrii,,,,.. h log of I lie 10th inst, whichconslinted our Pork Moto,: to STEAM FERRY BOAT, commenced Ine he li f Cotton Yarns, Stot a v 0,2 king =ether ‘N itil a large portion Mille meal, lard, 4-e, which The it.avelinit community al e Yar, , .l '0;10o Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain. Pat ling, it eottlateeil; —a nd that our bunksand natters which were before they make a choice of a boat, to reflect a /DOOM I kc., a lel are prep:o eil I, fill orders iil th e shortest notice. ill the Sale, were entire! Y tininiii,ell, and were taken and see whether it would not he to their advantatt I . lng SCIITted the , f il l and ,host improved toachi- from It alter the fire; wit Ituut ever tiein g discolored• and security In choose a safety Guard boat, both ft, tier ~,, , ,I implored the ilia ria, , ,er who has attended to i lie Yours, 4-c. PUI; II 4. A Lt'ollL) pas-sage and freight, in preference to one not so guatdci! 11in.,.. I . 'si riiRS for The Id .1 live ea , s,l lir are Mantilla:lW against explosion —and that they will hear in mint , I in?. a sii, reio.- fir'.cle that this Invention has the unqualified approbatiOn .t, I 'to(1.111 Wlif 1 ,, wale 1.1 (31Y,, lAD y steani engine builders—gentlemen whose bus/bets Orders throil4il the l ' ilt ,l, llP2li I o , t 1 , fr,,,,,,ir left at !hi it is to understand the subject, and who are entirely Mit ..,, of J (S. C. l'aioier 4- im., I. , !•cr, v stt....t; or I..,_!ar , iillerested — besides a number of certificates from selentil • ,1 . lierin,.l , WoOd street; will met I ‘srl II prompt : leo ic gent len en and of hers—all of which can be seen 1 I Address—J. K. ?: 10() 1;111: \lt ,I• I'o, my office, No 10. Water street, where it would give to pleasure at all times to exhibit my invention to !ill who will iake tile trouble to call. sep 10 CADWALLADER EVANS. p 12-1% 7 111 V UNI.% 1 , E6.--'1 here la., 1 1 11.41:Ity ‘l,llO from t heir 00.1111,00, 1,1110 ff, to which helGoccupyllons oblige I herutare alfl 011 tl with 1W 'lit I, ;fives ri, in pa l pitailon al the i lou the crust ex• crteln, sprtzte:,vtnexa rxrrnd.ne or. r 1 1 . e Wllt.le lieu!, 101010r:10r, 0101 sound it In:,I liily of the 0110141100 10 1101' 100111.41 0•1 , .."1 rt10,1,1i02 111111 e how.' 1.11,1111•fl.,4., a sous , of F1111,,,,114,11 es,.rctallcafter Iwo any eseriinii is usi•d. quirt:lv lie sidir•; leas are iVIIOOIOOO, 11,110•11 yield at Imre 1,1 a it'W 110 ,, ,01 . lint , 11r, otlret he orea "t41:01 ills hie would :dive a drat of Irol/1410 1,1,4 1 01 . F•11: 7 4,11'.1. iP. rirwhirr 0000 (hi, eof the 4,11, jO ,l before 4 11110 , r, :/1 . •! of ell full nA 111201% 11' 11 , 1; u.,fV Ng' i hew very :lova tiLierriedy ih I Itis ; hey aid mid ',fore I tie howels , proper rodibilnn,Yn+ken the siorit.t, hoe:or clear It/0,0,000 n. n. rump 1410041, arid iirouloie t zetioral !di of Ilea: , and hapoitie,... s at Ur. it au,l, tit'. (Mire. No 98 Pjliom , ch__Prire 2i cent 4 per box, wink full direction... 11A UK --The Only plare in Pitishurzh, where the GENUIN r, ['We ran he olushied, is the Dorittr's own or fier. No 98 %Vont' Ftrert. srit 10 _ QURG I. I NS TRUMENTS' 91' RGIC 11. IN S 811 U ENTS•!— , :iii sleet, or your medicine ill rel:eving chit • SE FD AXTEIS-11 anted in purchafe for F ----L„.---'--E-----IV '-'. 7. " ' 3l. ` C• " ." V• Cuti "'" d S. ' - " . "" (Irbil of very olestittaie complaints, surli as Coughing, , I nsairument ,Mak er, Third street, nearly open: ;;e the rasa nr goods, a quart ity of Flax and Timoth. seeds, Wheezing. Chnakilig of Phlegm, Ast lima tir attacks. 4 - c. ' Poet Office, Pittsburgh Almon all kends of Gunnery Produce taken in payment 4'c. I should not have written this letter. however, at •r. goads ~ _ _ _,.. , , (SIGN OF I'HE rioirtF:s Sil EA RS.) or ea.', or at DA ti IL IS ta In elligente Office and tieeseut, althot•li I have fe't it my duty in add inv testi Physicians. Dentists and Druggists ran have i heir in. atruments made by the sulniriber of a quality loony 10 it for some lime, had it not been for a Irate In. se P 21-'l. Conine iasion Warehouse, No. 9. Fifth at, :tad at Eastern prices. superior• stamp where the medicine above alluded to WAS 11111Irtl• i JOHN ft ART. Commission Merchant, Dealer in ps mental in restoring to perfect health ail -only child," 1 duce and American Manufactures, Jtladisor, 14 - 'redoes' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. whose rase was almost hopelesa, in a ro,ni:y of my rte.. R v Fro To also Hatters Shears. I superior article. Order, respect quaint:lnce. .•1 thank Heaven," said the darning moth. i Ina - . Grier. E-q., Pittsburghr fully soled. er, 'my 'bird is hived from the jaws of death! . 0 how I j Aaron Hart, N. B. All wirier warranted of the hest and quality, lien red the reletitlbss ravager But my child is safe! IS James C .chran of R'd, jobbing done as usual I /no. D. Davis, ~ s ' ilil° safe!" L IVER COM FLEA INT.-l'his dt,ease often fermi: Beyond alt 110018 Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup Of A ver y 4- Hanna, .: I} 0,1 Cherry in I hi• 1110,1 valuable medicine in thts or any 1 Avery. Ogden 4' Co. o lailesin another of a moro sertema nature, if pro. Oil country. Ia ip erfla in I 'lave o. 11 neS4OI more then 1 Jun , Wood bourne, Esq., Madison. per remedies are not re-storied in In time. In all forms one Imadred cases o mere it has been ;Mended with corn. -- , of this disease, Dr. Ilarlich's Compound Strengthening. 1 SLE FA 11M FOR SA 1.E.-I will sell - !I and German A perient rills, will perform a perfect cure pleie ion-era, I Mil ',ln: it myself in l'.ll obstinate at. VA LL eirl or 11 , ,,,hiti.q, in whir hII p , nerd efrro-lual in aex i Farm on which I live, in Wilkins township, may -first by cleans:Mg the sionnieh and hnWelS, lIIIIS rerim l l ddocksfield, containing nee hundred and seventems ~,i,„ alt ,t,„ a „.,. from ,he L iver, 1 ,, the hoe 0 , ihe ~,,.. , iaiiid '"d'art , -nun I lmr. r.nt.....1,r0i 2 Ihe ...nymily ori he CM-C. P.m Ie in .., riateent I: le He' Li'1....? con fi dence orii ,iiiier,or actN , itilioui 7t) aci es of which in cleared, and the balerce mail Apr rm's! I'M., after wleliJi tele Component :•,, r,•11.1,,II• ' "u, ening Pills are taken to rive slrerl2lll nod ,one lo ll,os e 1 yirlip,; I would advi., 11,1 no family slim:III he without ; well timbered. There arc upon it three log dwelllnla. lender °To:lrv; which require such irralmenl o n ly t o 01..,. 1 : It; it is very pleasant and always I•eneficial-worth ands barn 63 feet by 34; an apple orchard or choke Dili - a pertnateerst cure, These Pots ale neatly pal 11l je I doubt,' and often Ten liiiirs its pi ice. The public are as. Also, about severity acres of coal. The soil is Relieved I. small packages, with fall direri tons. lair sale at No. VI ; 'aired there is no quackery 111,0111 it. R Jsr ssos, D. H. :he cqmil to that 01 any upland farm in the townahlm Pori:net:lj, Pasinr of the First Preshy ter lan Church, , Terms made known on appliention to the subscriber 004 North Eatlit Street, Philuidelplim. Alan, for sale h e 5,,, t ,. i in the premises, WILLIAM WALLACE. (sep 10 tiel Frew rorper of Wood and Liberty she., P 111,611 , 2 11 Pa, I N \'' ____-_- - -- --- set, Ifl ' si;;.l 1:v WM. THOR N. t, I:o'esa le 4 retail, only agent '-" - - --- I sep 10 :W I Land 31 C. WALL, Plain- and Foxe, Portrait A ELIJN K It AM Efl , Fri,: aa tj c ',bal.,. a•„, 4rj j c, , e and Picture Frame -Manufacturer, Na. 87, 1. v ric e a f Weed and Third ...drci , s, Pittsburgh Pa.- I --- Fourth Street Pittsburgh. -Canvaxa !Hushes. Varnish ' . llO . 1;11 E . Idirril A N . Gold, t•lllver, and Solvent Rank antes:, bought and sold. .., 11"-)N R ' O2 1:!- "Di. ,,,, rt , rtc., for Artists, always on hand. Looking Glasses, 4 1r I wan/ rem eles eat/ Le! c. and_ !1 01 1 area gr , a l maa• promptly Denied to order. Repairing done Lt. the Pharr, • s;ght cheeks on the F.asbe cities, for sale. Di ails, 1 1 "Discover what Will prolong, Life, and the worlil real - • notes and bills, collected. CSI notice. exicrilSets: I cal/ you hape.tres.'• Part:cult - it - attention paid to regilding and jobbing Infer Three. are factiliiy, bodily and intellectupl, with", p, Pittsburg h,Pa, IN' in, Roll ,- CO., Jolin EL flavhi p • - rev dystriplimi. ',lli which certain hcrbs harc affinity, and over Which I ." , cyz• J • l'ainr , ' , 4" Co.. i11,.4.fi1i Wood Well, Jame' Ala t I Persons fitting up Steam Boats or houses will find lulu I hrii a_•ri newer '' Philadclphia, Alexander Prom- 00 ..1. 110., JOllll li. lirow it • • ' Illeirailvantage to call. sea 10 . Di. B. Il..eintivili's F.xternal Remedy, or Liniment, ' ..1i- in. Cie , u,:tt. 0., James filVanilless. Zit. Louie+, i which, by its e x traordinar v powers, abstracts Pain or , vu• •• • • 111 1 E LE/ 11.-The statism)! er.4 are now prepared Ah, ,J. R. Wl.m.ald. Loue•l ;as, W. IL Pupe, Esq. 1 .5.,,,,, j . j „,:. 'i.e., Sprains, ,• • - ' • ' ' Stiff Sinews, s, lA hue Swellings, ' , V to furnish painters. and others who !thrill° dur- Pre."l Ranh K e :scri 10 : __, . _ 111 EMOV A L.-1 h sandersined neg.., leave to inlurni I Tumors, Unnatural fluidness. Stiff' Neck Sore Throat, ranted equal, if not superior lo any offered to the pialsiks„; 1 ill, the nubile, I bat he has removed (ruin his Mil stand, Croup. Contractions of !lie nruscles, Scrofulous i n- , All 01 olden tlddressed to Dunlap 4- Hughes,ca re of 8 114'Keit lo the corn. rOl Popp and Si, Clair sis„ apposite I lin Ex i largennelit:, Teder Feet, and every desrript inn of n- 4- Co . N.' Retool street, Pittsburgh. will he promptly ... ehinge Hotel, whe ro h e has fitt e d op a I, t r ge VI tNoFoltil.: ,IllrY l.lreel Int; the Exterior 01 the 1111 man Frame, aro ' atteridetl to. DUNLAP 4- HUGHES. Wine Rona. and now offers for sale 111, most splendid cured or .u.really relieved by his nerer-to be srilciently: aster Intent 11l Plasm:ever offered in this market, let lalled rear./y. Pi DIES FASHIONABLE SHOE STORE, ,h - .. a: Fifth St., one door from Old Stand of X. Butt master. His 1110 1 , 05 enn.iiei er different patterns, of superior ! 1101 ter, Al E,-The fallowing letter front II:ejor Gen- , Ruse Wood :0.1 :Mahogany, beam ifally finished and too. oral t.l.!nall'o,d, as in Ili, qiialt: ies of the F.X ler illil Rettle• The Subscriber respectfully informs the ladies of deled, and enlist! fluted I firouglintit of the very best rum ii,-, speaks volume,: ' Pittsburgh and vicinity that lie 11211 commenced Re terials,w hich,ihr durability, and quality of tone, an well NEW }"oats, Feb. 9, 1842. , tailing Shoes of his own manufacture, nt the above' place, Re as touch, h e wsrrant s to be superior to any ever seen Dour Sir-Wei Lon o'iligri me with another haute of where lie will keep constantly on hand a good snort here. y oi l , s, pli ant ', a i m , : ! i t j, I ert„i„!, t r e ee b e . 4. o f i h t , 1 re l ent of all kind. of ladies, minces, and children's baole- A•t he has r it'arged his manufactory, and made arrange hind I have ever seen. II La.! mired ePT ly m v son's and shoes. oil he Mast quality. w bich will lac sold at pri• make to order aft me,,t 10 supaly the increasing deameid fur tilts instru knee, ahom which I was so uneasy ,a rid I have found it e es la " i t the " me g Ile will al ' o merft, he reFilegafally 1111111,14 1 .110. 1 0 'Wending 10 I,nr. productive of immediate reltet• iti sf venal C.ises or exl,•r !kinds of fancy work-Snell as while and black stale Chase to call mud, %,,iii/ o , ! 1 1 4 : a.,,,t 0 ,,. n i hefore pitrelta. nal le jury in Inv family. A few evema ga e i,,,, , Hit . slipprr,, colored gaiters, and bukins. ladies, 111 of and oil eke where, at, he is determined to seil Low E R, fer yoilllzeA child re l y with a violent altars of Crup. e m I I ell•l-rs silk gaiters, h.c., 4e. All of which will be made al the shortest not ire. and in the , nest men , cash, tha n any 01 he r e.....rabija meni ,ast or we-d of the iviii , in w•as entirely removed lit tweirin minutes, b y rub. inatititattis • E. 1 i1.1 . 1.11i, 141. 1 : M r chest aad 1 Mem t freely LL it li Ihe External Rem. iter. Ladies will please call and ellletine for themsetvelr:' as the subscriber feels confident that he can suit them la Corner of runt and Si clair streets, oily. I 1 hink you aught to uta iiii facture this Liniment sea 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pa. for gene ral use, instead nicer:lining Ihe use of fil l as you any art tole in his line they may want. _ ____ ___ have lioretrefore done, to your pa rlirli la r arquaint mice.' • cep 10 J. C. KIMBALL.• ' WA RRAN'ff,,I) GENUIti.E.-Dr. Witham You s treily, I'. W. 1 . -3 %NIiEMID. P. S. Don't forget the place-No.B. Fifth Street -Unit . door from Harris's Intelligence °Mee, and third door Evans', ca,no,.,ii,- Pt kS. sir,. 11. fla alineliTll. 2.41 I:roadway. N. Y. from Market Street. J. C. K. CERTIF. I, :eras. - Le't et from the Hon. Ab'h'or, ILl'Clel •' I • rf - far •:1 le at - ,..11 Broadway. New }'reek, and at Ids lax,Sullivaii Coil nit, Et 'I Ter Ile.see M mihttoft•c• •• 1,1 ,I ., a•., . c m..reas ethee,No. 3,4 VVond stre e t , Pilistairgh. PI:ICE-50 cents - 10 7H. LIAM DIGRY having taken the whole of the• WsnoINGTON. July ll'ld. 183:1• per bottle with directions. sep 10 V lousiness of Most' 4. Hoelr wX1..11., Carried on at )36 Sir-Since I have In in Ibis city I have used some of 1 Li;•erty street and el.! Market street, bego to return his' yotir Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satil I hanks to , he numerous fri , rois and easterners of the late' Sit erlETAßy's Orr!, E, fact lon, and believe II to ben Mast valuable remedy. Doe firm. for the very liberal support they have &wale en . Tlarrisburgh, Augast 2411). 18.12. f of my Tonsil locate, Dr. A. Carden, of Cainphell county, ns . RE. tended to him, in connection with Mr. Hopewell. and Tenneesee. wrote to me to Send him some , which i did, SALE r, I' TUE I -! . 8 N A L,S, Al-') NAIL. BOA - .1 1 ~10,ture them that every exertion shall heaped to . LONGING I'o THE SI ATE,-Nut ire is hereby gi- i ''' ' i w- ' - and lie has mplot ed it very sitecessfully in Ms practice, continuation of the same. He would most tea,' lie seventeenth, eisitiemilli . merit ' he ven that in pursuance of I . , ~ , anti sakra it is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at e. ifu'ly invite their anent . ° ' th and i weni iet It Sections niche Act of Assembly Pe ' iii to bill fifteen' sleek or. this place," thinks you would prohatity life an agent in ninele " . ; Clothlng,witich he intends selling at much lower prices of July,lB4 ' r 11 . passed the 2711) day .., p opusa . o will at re i Tennessee. If se, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as , -" Illin has been ever o ff ered, being 4. shims of die postog et ved at the State Department until the last day of iNovern- 1 ' ' a prover person la officiate for the sale of ,our reietirriipit the whole of the stock of the tale firm as quirk', as Its& lier next for ihe sale of all and each of ;he Canals and medicine. Should you roniuti,oo ll ',on Inc is willing ro ' ' set for von Yoe can send , • i, 1.1. medic:sic Sy 5i. : ,,, R oa ds ~o , . 1 n r e Lvfl ;a e. will be received in or , - i cved/ famines,. he feels confident no establishment eaa ''ere of (Wren King, ,c• S ons. no., ,;it r00i.i.,, Ton lieu. . • '. ' Each I ° nd:cid:l P :l or . I:0111p., ny is reit n !red. a n rZ Y li n r i a e l 1 1 %,... ha surpass his stock, either in cheapness, dnrahlfn7i:ltr alittilfo ea e, or by land to Giuliani 4 Flomte.n, T.,Lev, ell , East new! of workmanship. "tale , the particniar line of Canal or Rail Road which . . renitr •' ke4. • I lia°..- " d6bl•l b u t If "" " *" I a 2.'"le in they deaf re to 1 the ame,unt f it, - - t Please to take not Ice that every article mid, la Illavls o lo-. I ()fire lane, e . o ei r 1 e., pee 1 . e sevmai counties in East 'l'e sssee, a err, t deal of Med i• - tit red in Pirtsbursh• eel/ 10' . Bids I herefor, the :: Ive , mand surname!: of all concerned in 'fine would be sold. lem going to take sonir of it lion'.' I r• ' t :• t •-• ', n e.e. •: : ild I hil r.f 0 k. 1..0ad,.. a „,/ .1,„,,, , , • 'he oiler, tr , ... , ::r.r , TI, .ill,r 1 - 1 1 ,11 • 1. or pla,r! of reftlflenro . ••• , . . , . =MO I. II i , , ; F IRE PROOF IRON eIIESTS, Jlatiafacurreul by J"" Denning, SictA atreet. abob• qbeld strect,PittabogrgA . Ertel:et of a Letter from dated St. tom., Feb. 2dt h, 1::•!L ItvsNlN , .;, Dear ~r: twie sir your ::..rond sizechesis war hurtled a few day› zo, its a Ir.r her More-- it pre aerved ii.: in , peri v yetirti, ..51, ATER. :t• HOLBROOK. I sep 10 - i - TYPE: i 'CIII'L A INT ui cured by the te of Dr. liar. i _LI ileti' compound is 4; rim!! heaim f and Aperient Pill,'. Mr. %Val. Richard.', of Pittstir.;sll, Pa . entirely cared or the a;sove ilio resss-ill 2 iiis:s,,, 11, , y,,,pl oi y i e ,'ere pain I and a ;$1:11$ in the 1 It cite, 1. , , of a ilwt lir, voinitinil, and j $ racial mac, a okreeatuo of Cl,.' siaohich. ;irk (lead-ache,' Di riCiltotizire. couliteirinre ell :laze.; Dia citron rolar. ditTi• mill y al hr...ii aim ! . dhoti Hied re.', :wended aOh a roilizli, ! '2.rctlt ile..oily, with Other Sy Iltpttliittt illtilrollll _neat de- $ rail:y.ol/.OT .it' li, roortioo„ ~f it, liver. Mr. Richard, j ' had the advice of sever,' nhv..;ciniai, hat received no !! relief, until tisin; Dr. I I arlich's Medicine, which terror:. ; ' ,3 ' I A su, a "elect Imildirut lot in Allegheny city, 69 feet Ili u'd in olefin,/ a pe - feet rule. , • . • breadth, In) upward or 350 feel in Principal Office. 'l3 Nor th P.lllitli St reel, Philadelphia, depth, biotin! two Dump. one on the Pennsylvania canal ald the totter ott ror gala In Pitislinc.sll by .. tanniel Friny, corner of I.liter ; v and Wood a; recta. imp 10 Washington street. A !so. the lot adjoining the shove. TOO feet lu br.qiti C i " , '""aii• F ' 6 '''''' , / 15 . 1.; I°• by "Carly 350 feet in depth, Including the large an.l el,- Dr. gaol mansion house which I now occupy and m1114.1111' ~w •VtiE—Dear • ir.- Pei inii we to take the lihs $; r in ,, , of a ritinz it, you at iklin I tne to eXpresa my a port,liat Mil, A!,O, 0 lot with two two =tort' brick rioreltonFes. Olio• and to rceotittoctid to ilietal'"imri of lie"" of families iate on the corner of Market and Front streets.. lll ..irel le ;led others your Invaluable medicine—the : 4 yriiii of PrUillift Virttiniana. or ll'i:d Cherry Park. 1,1 ; my (much of late I have seen ina _• eat crane insla ores IP:1 grocery. ALEX. BRACK ENRIM E.,,. : , 1 0 tile Waiidere , ' . - =MIME 1 '4l E ROW, Nuirtf facture>. of Tin, Copper it , 77..1", Fifti e rrcr a , rrt :01111 all urde ire. I 'btu:try Alert lief • r 5 arc yd I,r oi • Xa.1,111 , f trit Oil au .I stove f p:otit aivik,4of 10 PAI'EST sAlTri - GUAIt The Ezpkeion el Stem BeiOrr. V AI.U.AftI.E REAL ESTATE FOR 8111,,E The subscriber offers for sale, at the preerii,redio, red nor., the _realer part of his real est ale, Situ ate . 11 . 4 the ritir= or Pit isburtzh and A lleOleny. via; Three ofldi Brick ‘Varehouses, nuarty new, a. Isolociattlloill hapPlt situate on Niaart sl rrel let ween Scread and Flout. ern• braria 2 a from of about 54 feet by 60 deep. For sale en ire, or separately to snit putchaserr, and upon tong crte MIEHIII