.40014 A v‘g.h.fia,,u m it..ef.„ • . - • Jill VI "8. Beak. Wei Tr 9411 .. Thiderralsr, respectfully Informs the politic I hai b resetred his ready wade coffin warehouse to the recently occupied by Mr. R. G. Berfordolirectly a , ‘• his old stand, where he is always prepared to at• ptly to any orders in his line, and by strict at. • all the details of the business of an Undertaker alertt peblic confidence , Ile will be prepared at 45A.1100 RS to provide Hearses. Biers, Carriages and ;WV* regatahe on the most liberal le, ins. Calls from the WM/4ff will be promptly attended to. -1/111611 1 residence Is in the same building with his ware when those who need hit services may rind him them RES Lai NCics MN 16 same. Attain MDDLI, .01.0.11 INIMTON. iiktie *seats, . cap la 23T2U1.131da 10010. VAIIIPOUSTB. SICAMCO, CARDS, L.llBeLl4,- A DDRE- 4 S ,CtilnKl3, BrSIN I:SS Do., HAND 111T.1.5, lit en ita or LADING. RCI; I. ARS, kr, kc. 'ether with every description of Letter Press Ptini furnished with neat nags and de4natch, and on 'male tate terms, at the office of Morni,,g Pont. 41131, 7! ) 411fr TAOSE WAOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO PItoDUCE OR ACIC RAV AT E DISE ISE.—This then of Individuals is very numerous. They are those Who work in an unhealthy al mosmhere. Printers, wurk• ONO IR likethor stores, stone cutters, tethers, while lead Illiallellikatuters. are all more, or less subject to disease ac wiftidliml to the strength of their-tonstittiiion. The only on to prevent disease, is the occasional use of a dialiketairlohieh abstracts from the circulation all delete alga bewors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics ihratiy Ones are injurious, as they only 7.,0 oil' the evil del to snake it more fatal. The use of Brand re; It's Pills mill Ware heatth, because they take all lin rui re maser Sala the blood; and ills body Is not weakened lint -ittesslibened by their operation, for these valuable pill s sot force, hut they assist nature, and are nor upp, - .sed. kaVeraionize with Per. SRI at Dr. Rrandreth't Office. No. PR Wood street, Pitt*bureit. Price 25 cents per hot, with full dirt rti in , . MARK—The only place In r ..11,..111r:.!il Ille CANCUN F., rills can lie obtat nett, is the Dociot's oo n ice. N 4.98 Wood street. sep 10 11411L7 HOTEL.—The subscriler respexLitto.y e.e .. forms his old friends and the that be Ims OpeheeATemperance llotel,in Mai Street, near the'Ex• thine iirtnk, and In the house lately occupied by Mat t:kW Patrick, and has hoisted ant ron 3. en,..The Iron City Uoiet." where he will be very hairy to arcommo tta all who may please to call OK him. His table in be provided with the hest rare. and every pos-ible isetztemodittion to town and country customers and Oa . boarders n arer he ta d te e wn.io a n d i w e.,, l n ti t i t c o lnd mei te i n who t i h k e e l r outsto i c e , ° I n r , o v Of. f imilrhave their dinners daily. _ __ We has large and good stables, and the best Hay and Oita, and a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. tad gentlemen who have horses. 'Boarders taken by the day, week or year. Charges VV. aboderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city. .ftp 10 JOHN IRONS. WASHINGTON HALL.—'file A L L.—Tile stiliscriber lin,: opened the late residence of James Adams, Esq., *Nemec for the reception of visitors and hoarders; house is very pleasantly situated on the hank of the 2 wiles from the eity—possessing ail the delight if aceompantmente of a country residence. without i do, Iligabg -goo far dtetan for persons doing businthis in the Chi'. AriallOrs will be furnished with every delicacy of tharlison. il Omnibus runs regularly every hou ygNeay end of the Bridge. N. 111.—flo Alcoholic beverages kept Imep 10 DmsoLurrair OF THE UN I ' —The cop.trt• nershlp exliting between James E. Kilhourn and Illavld J. Morgan Is this day dissolved by mutual rnriFent. The:conditions will be duly noticed, with the si2nninres of both parties nanexed, and Barry Hell wul lie milli niter' open by the subleriber until other arrangements are per lusted. Far sale, on the premises, 150 bbla. chniee winter np 'ON, If applied for immediately. JS A.E. I Ltintt N, asp 29—tr N. 9, Market, and 74. Front of 1100KBINDING.—M'Candless4 . -&-/ Johnson. Bookbinders and Paper Ruler', S. W. corner of Wood and Fount.' streets,are now prepared to ex• ecute »Winds of Bookbinding and Pa. per Ruling will: neatness and despatch. -" irrf.P .•k hooks ruled and bound to lierfiliel pattern at tht priest online. 111.8. All work done he above is warranted. (sep 10 WM. RIDDLE, Stirgeon_Dextist, hap returned to his old stand . , No. fan", Smithfield Street, 'When he can be consulted any hour during the day, hei his profeeplon. Qen 10 .iit ivdov AL . — Gen :e Armor, Merchant Tailor, respectfully announces to his friends arid A.S. pa tfOef. that he has removed his estaldkliment from his litifa eland, in Third street, to the corner of Front and — Sialthlaid. in the basement story or loi Monongahela tioisse; where he Intends kerpi.le on hand a uencral as. wortwent of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Om Alemen's wear. He hopes. by close n ira t ion, to merit a share of the warps so liberally extended to him at his old stand. VIAL Having made arrangements in New York and lthlllidelphla, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for gibe reception of Patin and' London Fashions, CUSlOnler. Miarrelyon having their orders executed according to the Utast Site. GEtiRGE ARMOR. :1111010 LARD Subscriber would moat respectfully %than Abe public in genera that be has an art ic'e of yLMOiI of a superior quoin y, mann faetu red at the Ci nr i ytalhQil Manufactory,hy R.W.Lee 4- co.,wlach is warrati• Welt° be equal to the best Sperm. Oil, both for Light and sillistillowy. This Oil iS entirely free f. oat any glutinous .anetter,stooke, or unpleasant odor, and it is as clear and lattishitsi es spring water. Not a particle of crust is left 4111 . the wick. Tile light is pure and hril:lant, ,NIL will lasi as long, if not longer, than that from an rwrialquaottly of Sperm. Oil. The sitbsctiber Informs ebepublic , that be has taken a place nearly opposite the .11410,Niftoirbere he will light up several different Itlllll, ,iiimery everting. and he would respectfully itivhe the In ../11010111 11 Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and their vicinity. to will laud Judge for themselves. lle feels confident the; WMiliatetanalateal that the above stateinen I • is pc r 1(41 is .aspect. Oat of two hundred individuals win have trit•J atis Ott.there has not been a single fault found with it Lard 011 COMO one third legs than rt. perm. He would t.felliMlCtfelly solicit the early attention of Deniers sit ,ckhi,lm to the above. The Coilowlag Churches are now tittinty, the Lard `)ll• /wend Presbyterian C hurch, Pitt. till rgli, New Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Vint Preshyieriao Church, A llo:ztteily City, AJtioelate Reformed Church, do. All the barrels are branded It. W. LEE 4- Co., cinch' lady Obio. 1111je,theandesigned, Captains of the Exprevs Line of Madmen, en the Pennsylvania Canal, have tried nod a re- Jma smile* of Lard 011 Introduced here by Mart hew 1114 Sillgyead Imam fact tared by H. W. Lee 4- Co., at the Ott rectory. fbnii confident in asserting that itts a' one is eipini , itaitbia.basit Sperm 011; s t in yt is entirely free from smoke • or say other eh:ninon er whatever; the light Is per• Amity pare. dear and brilliant, and will last ac tong, if not • ininpertbanthen from coequal quantity of Sperm. Oil, WS Mire no beraitation In recommending it to OUf Wends WA to these who use 011. 11111.111:1 TICURY, Captain, Packet John Adams. aW. 81 1 146 011 AND, Captain, Packet John Hancock, 0.41,10 du do John Madison, t I THOMPSON, a, i u Pittsburgh. • .48.40 os VON nrrcHELei - .IrtlikPePtils are , - - atorrosad of he 11..., which exert ja k , action upon the heart, give itupulve ur 4 04 / 11 wileprik to the arterial system; the it.iood iv quickened arartaltaltaed Jolt* circulation tlirouzb till the vesr,els, Or the skin, the Parts vil 'riled intern:ll4,or Ihe aftrellltilles; and an ail live secret letirt of the body art. * taw s rm. ,thc btand, there inn emir:Noma lacrease of orwroevetion, and a quickened action of the alvortieto led eallisieni,or dincitargin vessels , . Any inn rhid action witich rimy stave taken MIKE is corrected. ttl, • lioser..,ato-relaeved,tha bleed teourilicd. anti the holy iliktkail slate. ?or% ale Wbolecale and Re- R In SE LLERta, Agent, 4112_.) Wood si..below Second. POST °STICK. DEPAILTISEPIT, ' November 16,1842. IN compliance with the seventeenth section of the act of congress ••legalizing and making appropriations "for-such neces•ary objects as have been usually included ••in the general appropriation bills without authority of •law, and to fix and provide for certain incidental cx "lenses of the Department, and officers of the Cove, mit, and for other purposes," approved Aneust 26, 1i142; Sealed Proposals will he received at this Depart• wilt unlit the thiriy-liost day of Deceinher next, for fur• for one year or longer ut the option of the Depart• mem; lie following descripi ions of Rlnoks for the non Or VON' Offices in the Stales of Pennsylvania and Delaware' Mauls received, 75 Re RLV. BLISURL. WILLtAS', D• Mails sent, 6 l '' REV. JUAN BLACK. D. D. REV. RO BERT BRUCE. D.p REV.JOSEPO MOIR. ALV. J•Kre K. DAVIS. REV. E. P. 11WIPT - STEAM IDDAT HORSE ItILLs, the Alto %\M. C. 11ER N M. C. EDGY, Agent Jane 21st, 184-2 PROrthiALS FOR BLANKS muatcau tow, uu5,11.1.1 Div . . 1 ecru - A - MN uraNurrirS ttr. . ' I ry-Thls vegetable and truly innocent medicine, PURl sirs TeX BLOOD, and iminediately laity* the further rao- CRESS Or DI , in the bodies oft huge whose powers of life are not already exhausted. Where human means can avail, there scarcely is any complain:lo3r folio of sickness,thal the BRAM:MIRO PILLS do not relieve and generally cure. Although these pills trainee a anown lessiceT,that efrect is not to prostrate the body, as with other medicines, but the frame Is invigorated by the re• moval of the cause of weakness, the morbid, the vitiated humor= front the blood. Harmless in liter/WWI Yes, they merely ASSIST NATURS Account of NewsNipers and PautpnletA re ccived, Mails received at Distributing ()tikes. 12 " All the above on small royal paper, at le-t 22 by 17 inelles, printed on both(riot ruled, with nut less than 421ines on a pale. Al at a sent from Dist, ibui ink Otlireg, I'2 Reams. Fame size paper as above, but folded lelegthw Ise, and Wllll5O lines on a page• A reounts Current, fools, hp, two on n sheet 16 Reams. Maul Itly and Weekly foolscap, four on 11sheet. (nolsca p, 1 2 on a t‘hoot,o ii bout • signalutrs, Pint foulscip,l2 on n sheet, with M:mai ut es• 750 Reams for Dist rilmi iniz Offices, 9 on a shi.et, with s•_natnrrs Post Pistrilmtin Oftice,z, 6 on a , sheet, with The propo,tals will state the price, in one sum, per ream, for each limit of blanks, for paper, printing, ri.'ing and packing. They are id tie delivered in such quanti ties, and at such times. as may be required by the di tr..r• ent Post Offices, and on the ninon:ill tons. of Postmasters endorsed by the Post ma her at the place Where the con tractor may re, ide. None will be considered as deliver ed. or will be paid tor, except on sorb requisitions. E wit requkiiion, or qualdity ordered, to be securely env dole dor packed for I rnusporial ion, 11111 i directed to L•c Po-, (thee. al the expettse of the cant rector. - In 111150 The right Is r 4 S4,01:1 irj reject n¢ any bid .vii I.e roti4lered ex ravaaani, and also TO give II) ;111V 0111' bidder Ih':! printing air one or more Oates adj.duing t he FIaIC of his residence; and each propo , al 11111-I he liecoili panierl by stillico.lo 1,1411`111. of the abilityof the proposer to roinplv twilit the teen, of hie props-al. The successful bidder will be required In eater into contract ,IVit It surely, in El rle - t compliance . oil II the pro vision of the law, to W 111(11 bidders are referred. Failure lo furnish blanks promptly when ordered. fur thoseof inferior quality as to paper, printing. or ruling, or any attempt in evade Ike true inenoin7 of the coolracl, will be considered sufficient cause for its forfeiture. .• Pay met twill be made quarter•yearly, one month after the expiration of each quarter. The blanks intr+l he equal to the lust of those now in use. Specimens may be seen at the various Pon Office.. The quantities mentioned above, are from the timu et; ti !rates that can be made far one year's consnniptton: but they may exceed or may fall short of the tin:intuit, re quired. The lbettart men( does not hind itself to any sperdic quantity or amount. Prn• umis" should he so marked, and addrecs.l to the “Second Assistant Postma.ster General, — Wds , ,inaton, L. C. n.23—dtd.3l if - 1017(111S, COLDS ard CO,V. U.vP7'!OV—r he Fea kJ Fon for the aliove now at hand,. mil all permit:it %vim are cillijeeted to the iiiiilriniency of the weather are reopertroity informed that they ran find. COVERT ' S BSLM OF JACK which is toed I,nown to hare cured Toot's n' to, who were in tire laiit Ft ur C,71• sumption. iticanes can lie reduced ul ;Is rioedertu TAYLOR ' S BALSA .!•T OF LIVER.WOR7 ld Sinther reined% for Liege Complaints, Coughs and Colds. It come , iiizb ly recoff mended by all who have used it, and is pleasant to Lake, and speedy in effecting a cure. ilokanuemu CANov.--Flit: is a highly valualde and pleasant medirine; it will ethic! 0 positive :mil rein Sin cure for Coughs. Colds. Consumptio,,nll4l , a n OrrOri 113 i cure for the Wiloorisci eorons. This is a vety pl. a. ant medicine, all are rand of it, and children never leftist to take to; ha cure is sure and positive. The snhsrrihr has a ceitifirate of Aizency direct from J. Franc A. SOll FO t here can be Ito nilstak 1.. All persons tc ho are etre, ied are invited to tall and tt.,t delay, for the lin cto lake medicine is at the commencement, All the above medicines run always lie pro. tired WHOLES/AR OR RviArrnt TUT7'LE'S ,i 1 EDI C.ll, .10E:Ver. RS. Four? ,5 Orr, l'ElORN':_ - ; TEA 13F,Rli Too rtiAvA'll LoscAFI 2d, 1:342 D:7 - To Dr. Ttinnr.r.--:kly Dear Si,: I eliveriul&e nn cordially einho are the pre..rent favOrab'e ourrurl writ v to turn to you my warmest thanks of grairrinte fur v our urn equalled and unexeeptionalde lover:roil of your vrr . jli:rly celebrated Tea Berl Teurli IVa.dr. and I ler I rho 1 am iri drily hound 10 •ray thai I liter derived ;Ire eel ;11W Billet beneficial elferl !loin ii,ff,...inent And mod, ale use: and I rail as , tire yr,. t lint I aro exceedingly Moe Ty 40 have the pie:mire or in 10r..i.1!!. mi, that frolic Yoms. l ruly WIRT INSTITUTE. FIFTH COURSE OF I,E,7TUTIE r 1E Committee on Lectures of the li trt Listitnie. for the Fourth Cotiriiii.resitectfu'ly announce he public that they have 'whin arrar.tements to ri.olitnetire the Lectures on Thursday eveninii, litirettilier 1. The Lectures of this cour,e will he exclui-'s'i ly Lo , rartt and Scientific. The Commiltee o deidroutt of malti.u: the Lee , tire Ttoam of the Institute a favorite rr,orl of the lover? of 1.0 ,oa lure and Science, as well an. the fa. , hittnnh'e. I :kvt• and no exertions in procurina popular ne,l I.ccut.l-. both at home anti abroad. In t he course of two a of the I,2rtmelswill he published, and t irk, Is otivr , l. .S N. WI.. C. lICEY, \V. W. IVIIt ON, JOHN' S. (XISGILVVE, Wll. B, St:A FE, SENV.I,E, rins , 9. if Curgmirtr... 6. MAIL LINE 1,1 . := 1 .1e11,11.11'.1-0,1i4r1 JJ ete frontl'inumimil In SI. iflr-,11) Par Fria If es Wind arui jr,,!, will run Pacl.M from t 4. %V ill tenve cirinalkind y ni 10 o'clock. Passengt We t niny t , iv upon t heir starting nolii thi,lly as inp 111 DR. h41L.1.1 A M EN' NS'S SOOTIII Sit I This infa:lible remedy has preserved hundreds when thought aft recovery, I nit convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed un the jtiot , , the child will feet V er. 'Phis preparation is su innocent, Si) efficacious, and so pleasant, that itochlid will refuse to let its gums be, rub bed with it. ‘l' heti iulantauc at the age of four months 'lto' there is no appearance of teeth. one bottle of the Syrup should lie to open the pores. Parents should never be without the syrup in the nursery where there are young children, for if a child wakes in the night with pain In the the Syrup immediately gives rase, by opening the pores, and healing the gums; thereby prevent ing Convu sions, Fevers, 4'e. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by H. G. SELLERS, Agent, sep 10 No. 211. Woad street, below Second CHEAP. -LACE "W, R IBBON STORE, No. 2 St. Clair sr,•r. Lacer arid Rthi.A.,as Wide elid narrow per-,• Lace and Muslin collar r, .• infants' truck waists, Ladies, French Kid, Mullah - . Lisle Thread. and Cotton Moves, Black Mohair nets for Vellc—vei c cheap A large assortment of English Straw Bonner. Also u variety of Straw, plain aod fancy Tuscan braid. MILLINERY of thr latest fashion, and at exceedingly low rates. These goods are now selling off at prices to suit the ladles are respectfully Invited to calland purchase cep 16--41 To throw out the occasion of sickness front the body, and they require no alteration in the diet or clothing. Li fact, the human body 'shelter able to sustain with. out injury, the inclemency of the weather, while under the Influence of this infection destroying ,disease erudica iing )ledieine than at any oilier time. . . The turporta nre of Brandreth's Pills for sentries and travelers is, therefore, self evident. By the timely use of this Medicine how much anxiety and sickness, might we nut prevent. Cold, Billions of fectiona, Typhus, SCariet nd fevers of all kinds, would he nk flown , . But where sickness does eakt, let no time he lost, let the BR A N ETIPS r ILLS he at once sent for, that the Remedy may he appled, without fur t her toss of tin e.--To F.: TtEmP-I,ll3Ettlso That Brandreth's Pills have stood a seven years' test In the United Stale. That they area vegitatile and firoorent medicine, yet all pONVerfut for the removal of disease, whether chronic recent; infectious or otherwise. That they purify the ulood, and stay the further pro• gress of disease In the human body. That, In litany cases, where the dreadful ravages of ulceration had laid hare ligament and hone, and where, to all appearance, no human means could save life, have patients by the rise of these pills, been restored to good health ; the devouring disease having been comilielety eradicated. T 3 Reams that ear, or the genuine ItaF, upon It rune (OPYRIUUr That earls label has IWO Signat ures of Dr. Benjamin Brandreill upon it. That there must be upon each box three :iignatures, A rid 11111 S ti 511 acute fevers ever reptire An ne twat-nation to Ming (limn to a perfect ri kit.; and "totution, and that even by stools, which must he promoted by art %Oleo nature does not do the hugineQs itf , elr. On this acmunt, an ill tinted i.ernrinloit.der.ialiont the weal:nes.. of the body I' of bad eilikequeticei4; till it is that which seems chiefly to make et , nettat Irak nece=sary , which nature attempts after toe !minors arc 11l lo he expelled ,hut is not able to acromplleli far the moat part In the4e di4enser , , and I rail affirm, that I have given a poi 2e when the mil., has heel, to lore that it could hardly he fell, and the dehilit v ex . Irvine, yet Milli one and the ether have Mimi restored My it " The !mod effect In lie derived from the Brattilreth Pills have to he experienced to be fully believed. By I heir t iniety ter nett her the 4carlet , the Iy plus cever or m. 4,811 pox would ev,.tr assume their malignant fo, To a nitre, laic In :lie roll extent ,the incalculable belle :Us of it it A 7 , 11)111:VI'S PILLS, they must be used when the I , m:A symptoms ur f)i,nse oreseat t hem - selves. One dose then, and 1 1 11.1 r Y.ood effects veill he felt throughout the attar!: r oust; ts use that is the zreal secret in the cure Of nil appearances of disease nrtimt from bail Mond, and I presume there are few at the pres ant day, wili ray an thine, of those diseases which affect the body when the blood Is pure. curb disett.ert I have vet in see. I lomm! i itat some trill) read Ibis may he benefit led by so dmog. I to 2-11 Broadway, 'Sew York. uouNTERFI:ms DE 'l'l BLO\V. The ;Intuit' ill please olt,et ve that no Bratotreilt are genuine unless the box. has three la be IS 11[11,11 it. each COll Tut !I na a far stnatie signature of my hand writing tin,— B. Bra toll et 11. The#c lobe s engra ved on r.tccl, beautifully det-lgoleti, and done at an ex pense of scv,•i a i t !IOUS:1111i I:cim.ikaw r! I lie loin Ent red arr ordi,:: In ar e of Con2reii, io llw r ear }l.ll . by flet polio h. in lie (Wire in Ilie UN t/Icl ('Oll , l of like ir:o• tliern Utsirird of New York, fir If. ii', O,VII °lry e. No. 911, \\ st.e, 1. (inly pll.lO in 1011 , ilea , . fill-en ti lir of i iii. Tarn .11;eot s•th,l,ol . I'l.l. rerieweil ever,. Itvolvm ttionildr. and lias eillrred ill 0 bonit o( 10 cell 131.11 I• PI ;s 111.111 1 Ils'S.• t.ll.lved Ilum II IR or Ilk z1..er.:11 (11.1101 1•1 , 11. Mark, Ilse rrrlili rate rIIgrIIVIA exrepl toe Doctor'. name. whirl, 1 , In ill. 11,11 1.11,1 VI . , 011 P.1( . 11 1.-1(111r:0u rg rf hl,vr S. , r• Ih , l 11-'' 1:11,r i- 011 1114 4 - 1111,01 Willi I f?, 1.0 it•in 101' .1 VI-1,•11" rt.,. I.:II I'ol , , !I rout y. , who A, sit pylit•el 1:,t• t•s% lai.1.11(11 ronl , with dip , •rlifm , . Priut tpal ()titre, No. 9;1, %V.. 0 4 -1 Street, ritt , lmr Altngheny, 11r inns C 111eKeerport tt()%,V LAND. Noltlesiown. 10115.0 N. Stewart. Town. l•nrsstoi Alt a r At . Loma A I.EX MTWII ASDALIC Clinton. FICIA ARP THOM 0 , 41%. W Ilk illAbllrol. I:EoRGE PORTVR, ROBrRT rolliTl Tarrntitm Lll7nhei lit”wn. F. liil Litters v. Ds sus!. NI tO.R.Y. PRICSELYV lAvil R, Pleafalll OHL I) ir. ii.l . ooX—Pllllllil TOWltiillll ‘‘. M. O. HUITL.II. Allen's I,FS cured by the t oo of Dr. clortieh's Compound Strentr,thetnititz rind Garman Aperient PilTs Dr. flarlich—Dear Str—ito.rtly niter I ratcrived the At:entry from you for the ...ate of your metlirine. I 'Minod on antgeattonnre wi h a lady of this place. who 1 1 1 1 11,..reV1.1ely 11fpleted Wllll 11111 l'lll,. I'M Celia or tell pnors thni. lodv was Fit , jert to (rennet, painfnl nttorhe, and burr phy-man her r,e so romplicaird, than he very seldom innr,on thin! 111,1111,e 1 ,, her. Thrml2 h my porrnasion. sine commenred usine. your 1.1115. and WaF perfet iny conunl. Votictit, kn.. 1.\11I:: 4 R. KAREN.' October .t. Clnanti.or , inntt. Pa. JoFrrn nRiMMER Ceneral Depot, No 19. Norili 1:i^_1.111 Street, And by Stimori Frew, eortior of Liberty anti NN'ooti street !Pp 10 INTEitES;TINC;CUitEperforinEd byDr.Straiine's Cuuy+onnd=• l o" ,,, l , of Pruov.. Virginian a, or Willi Chcr• ry. 113% ing wade -e of this invaluable Syrup in toy faintly, which 'likely eared illy child. The rylltltlolllB Were Wheezing and choking Ili' phlegm, diffiruln of breathing, Weaned With e01.15n1111. COll2ll, spa-uto, ennottliontt, of which I had given unall hope- of ilv recovery until teat rolvired to make trial of thin lovoloto,to inedicine. Alter :bteltig the etreets it had upon tily child, and con• luding t,r, wake lily irial noon 110,.0r, wtiirh ell. Brett' relit.vetl me nfa runup 111,1 I NV it h tar msuy )eltr3 Any kris°. we.llittl, It. -L.' me tan Ia at 111) Bc“Lit ; 4 1,e1 ItItIIVI• the M.ii ke J. WI! 1)E. SWAN IVILI) CHER It Y. %V.; all the totettli.un ut the public to the nowt:roils ceriltictite- whien have been tit circulatniti in our paper 31111 SOILIC ulhrrs of Uiid ei , y, highly tecottimetadiug S‘v ,iyNE'et run of Wild Ellen y .—We have seen Ibe ort;zitt:t I certifleateg, and have Cr tlon`a but they come from Truly grateful heartg,expre,iive of lr.e benefit , which they have received from 11. at valuable compound. We have a cquaintan ces who have frequently used the above medicine. who ran speak will, tonfdei,ee of ite virtue:-..—:•atur till ! ' Chronicle. adrier Ftii.l.oNV CIIIZLN , Z: WWI tin Ctqily I n•uul , l you. one and all, lof it sick and well, :tit% s to havit bottle of Dr SW•IiNE'S COM ilol.llld Syrup or Wild Cltr rry in yont• hourw—it is invaluable in cases of emergency, ,urlt an Spiting of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent Coughing,. whii II IF often the ctilue of spitting of !dorm. Violent Nervous Affections, wiiii occasionally conic from fright, and various other causes, producing great atartn, sudden colds from Improper exposure. which are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means being ready at hand;—and as I have used Dr. SWAYNI . 9 Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly in my family, and always with marked success---1 can recommend it with confidence us being one of the best family medicines which has ever been uttered to the publir.—Saturday Chronicle. Sold by Wm. Thorn, Wholesale fitted, only ;teens for Pittsburgh. NU.53 Marko Street. sep 10 WILLIAM REED. Merchant Tuilor.—Respectfully informs hie friends and the public In general that he has commenced business at No. 11 Market street, second door from the corner of Front, where he horn by si•irt attention to b 1 ,11111 1 .513 10 n eta a sharers(' public patronage. N. B. The latest rashlOns rezulorly rerttieed: the pub ic may depend on baying their work merited arrordina o the lacestoyle. l`sep 10' R. Tin A NIIRrTft, M. BCMJX!dIN BRANDI:6111 DR. FR ANKLIN sA4a the put.lic . , servant. B. EU ANDIIETII, I. 1) ropy . llf I he ilitre I- nn . ARD,Mitite Isthdletth,swiliMilllEßY—M Toa -11-1 ateca, o tespeetHiltytlO inform the Ladies of Pittsburgh Sind ith vicinity that she has arrived di.- reel front London, with a beautiful assortment °Chitlins.. ry of the newest.style. Her connexion there will at all times enable her to introduce the latest fashion and should the Ladies.hortor her with a share of their patronage, she pledges hiirletf to keep every thing of the roost stylish description r itApay strict attention to economy. li is with conflibrOce Mrs. T. recommends her French and Landon made Camels; also 4er splendid assortment of EinbrOldery, which is Superior to anything yet intro. doesd in this country: It includes Baby,Linen, COnnOi - I sears! Orientals, Capesa la Cardinal. em', ditto. Ber. than (or livening Costume, Culture Cuffs, Pocket Hand kerchiefs, Morning and Night Caps, 4c., which will be -ready for their approbation on the 9th of October next. MN'. T. is walling the arrival of her Bonnets from Europe, at No. 2 Ferry street, between Liberty and Fon r listreets. shpt. 29—cit f. 1111E31110 ... . . AGRAW ABrlA'lllir°Nftt'neYs at Lam, . r e moved t heir Cffcetollersidcnec oflg It fzi aw I nn Fount st, two doors above Smithfield. sep 10 t C OFFIN W A REFIOUSE.—No, 79, Fourth Street, Beleeeen Wood and Smithfield eta. Two doors from the corner of Wood sttect. Con. scantly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, of every chic and description; covered ones. with Cloth: Mahotra, ny, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Collins. .. A 1,"0, Plates ilea' ly engraved; Hearses and Cal riagrA fl-1141,M; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may reptile. A credit given in all cases, either of coffins or carriages, renncsi , d. HENRY BEA RES, Undertaker. seP 10 1 0 •1 LIME, a superior snide, for 01 !..ule by J. G. 4- A .cv‘itncrs, vl* V.- Just received front New York, 30410 Temperance Almanacs for 1343:5000 copie- of the Journal oft Is America'. Temperance Union and Youth's •Fe pm antic Advocate for Sept ember. Also, 2000 linattat'a, and a good astmrl went. of Loomis's agn zt tie and Bit nod t Franklm Nlagazine and Com mon A humors for 'led 3; I,y deem nr ; VA) ,:optm of Groot', New fill,ort sod Allot:betty litt• sotst , Dhriory :toil ct tiger- Goole, fortit `cents. A Izo, Family, S. Mott and Pocket Bibles and 7'.•"r a. 11)1,-,1 1 :‘. David's I , raltit?; Methodist and Temperance Hymn Book-; tho beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred Music: Mason's Harp with rottuil and patent notes; ft a rp, nd ulnim - tt all kintli of Sr.hnni Books; Gunn's Do. !,I,,di c i ne ; Day Books :Ind Ledgers; Writing, Let• ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the hot iv: sleet pens, (mills, slates, peticibt and alit , Cyclopedia of flrstory, Western Pilot, and n con. siderittile variety of Iltinks and Stationary, for sale on ac commodating tering for ca?it or country prldove. IS 1 11: II .A GRAS, Agent and Commission Merrtani, , , N. 9, Fifth street Ji, . Nloonimso. G. K. ,rtst.rt. J. Pa VI ER. LTSION COTTON; FACTORY, A y City, rit Ilse cud of the upper Midge. The etsliserihers having commenred the mantic:Ware of Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yard. t '0 ion Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting, Ac. mid ate prepared Ic till ordews at the hortest notice. i Ise latest and went improved nery ~, ad eat ploy td the Ina nagm who has :Mended to the I Hoer l'xt'lunx for the last live ea , s, they are inanufuelm ri, , 2 a ay/1,-i.- a r Colf ott ‘V arp , 'nude If, on! or, Order-through the Pittslioruti Pmt Office. or left at ihe ,r ore or J C. Painter k. Co.. Liberty street., or Logan k .IVoud street; will meet wlt h prompt mien I . Address—J. K. NI 00 1:111: AD¢ CO. :dm 12-1 Y f 110 FF. \I A lA:S.—Thew is a mtge. Oast , of Females in 1 this City Wilrl from heir continued ,:ittin.2, to which their of cup:.lloo...bit_et hem,ale afflicted with costiveness 4X hicb gives ruin to palpitation at the !wart oil the least ex heaviness extending over the whole head, intolerance of light and sound .an Inaltitity of fixing the ailention to any mental operations; rumbling in the how el.. son,t tines sense of sit fforat ion, especially after nit arty rxPrl too lv used. as going giticklv up lemma iii•kle; me., are symptom. which yield at , loa (1,, I f l ltr ilr't mirm It I'o'4 orrn tonal 040 of thi. medico , ,ovt• o 11 , al .1i I,ollldi I,lr -of aoflt•n , 2, I Int., or IWo, or cv I hrnu of liraniireili jo, hero,. (honer. fI . of en found ‘ , 1•11, ll' 1.1 i; I. “P 11-I• them r 1 eery ,Ovn , o2ee.-Iy iii pot op.iae,kl it' , , ,, :{ inn, re-Oore to;, proper eoefillino.pniiveo CV Ihr Mond. and pt Potpie p er . I e:io, luilTine , ' Dr. II (Mr, , ,hov. dir,rl,o„,. Nt .% IC IC—'l' l ,, nnlvr I • •t , .l , tir whr , re lily GENIIN , I .0 , 1 or's , nwn ()f 1111=1 k i m lurcic \l. is;srut . m 1; • s Fit •NI .11. - C irr rrd .'"trgt , ,! I ror,,r .11 , Acr, Thrrd r t h e I'vbt Quit , , CI)MIEN :4111111tS IN and Call 1,1 V.• a radel,v thr suliiieribtir of U superior quality :I Oill' C:. , 11, TR 'tors' P.llrul Saears arid tr. i6sors 11 1 %N nvs. on Rood al., Flatter- ~ I tcar,l, a supo.liar article. Order- respe. A ll.krticle,g warranted of the heal quality. :Ind 11,1:0 Fel, 10 I IVER 1011PI,A INT. This di.ea.e often term, i n ate,in a are her Pf a ;note serious nature, if pro p nes.ticn are lint r,loried to In lime. In all frump th,ea , e, Itr. llatlich's Compound Flreutrihentlez aea (lent) %Iteriettt Pill , . will perform a perfect core h% cleft] the ciniameh and bowel., thus remo vin: all dereane, from the Liver, by the one of the Cr.c man A perient r:11., after whirlt the Compound S'irengtli• ening ate taken to give ntrength and toile to those lender organs which require sash treatment only to effect permameni mire. These Pill. are ?wally put up in small parkage., with full directions. For sale at No. 10 North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sate Ii Sam uel Free; corcer of Wood and Liberty .1.. P P,lshut eh Va. .en 10 1.1. EN KRA NI EU, t:zeisan,re Braktr, Cor .1 net of {Food anti Third Streets, Pat abut. gh Pa.— Goltl, dllcer, and Solvvot Hank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeky on the E.l , lCfli notes and hills, cullact, d. Piitsbut F.h.Pa, Wm. Bell k Co., Jol,n D. Davis, F Lorenz. J. Painter 4 - Co.. Jl.e.epli Wono well, James May .Al, xamtpr ltrni,on Co., John 11. BMW!' (• co. CIIICi 1111 0., James M'CnmileA. St. Louis, .110., J. H. M'Honald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Esq. Pres't Bank Kv. seplo { 1 j;110S Ai,. i elt ndersiened I,,l4slekive to iltionit IL the pnblie, t lint he has removed front uI, old gland, lo I he torn. r of PCP ri and St. Clair onnoQiie the Cc ellan2f• w hu.re he ha , lilted no a I.krze I'o.ll su 0,1 . 4 . and 'Low ,a:11 the mildtsplrudid ui PLANus ilirCred in this market. 111- plot", con-i , l et' Jifrerent ll:merits, of super'', lin=e lVond and :tlahortny, beßntiftilly finished and mo 0 , 1,1. and eon-1, noted I hrottpliont of the very Ite , t ma ter;al , .whicti.lor tHr: - .hilit v. and tin:ll4v of tone, as well !,4 :ouch, he w ii br superior to any ever seen iwre. ft:, mann r.,, , lurv. and made arrange in ,iip,dv lhr increa.ing demand for this 11114 fit tn. nt, hP re,firri fully rentie-is those intendim. , to pur. chds, fu rfill Amine hls assortment before ptircha. Sint! 1., as. he is determined to !ell LOWKR, for conli, than any inner esiablislimeni east or west of the -`• F. BLUSIE, Co: Her 01 Penn and Ell_ Clair streetg, plO OpiloAle. the Excloinge Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa WARRANTEE) GENUINE.-Dr. EValt , 'S Camomile PIPS. . . ri(s. —l,e!ter from the lien. A b'h'm C.,tu.ty,r/ort Tennessee, Memberof Cow/res.= WA AIIINGTON, July 3.1. 1838. r I have I,cen in this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satin faction, and believe it to hen mast valuable remedy. One of an :onsiituents. Or. A. Carden, of Campbell county, Tennessee. wrote to me to send hint some. which I did, and lie has mployed it very successfully in his practice, and says It is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this place,. thinks you would probably like an agent in Tennessee. If so, 1 would recommend Dr. A Carden', as a proper person la officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission him he is willing to act for von. You can send the medicine by water to the care of Robert King k Sons, K noxville county, Tennes. see, or by land to Graham 4 Houston, Tazewell, East Tennessee. I have no doubt but If you had agents In several counties in East Tennessee, a great deal of medi. cine would be sold. lam going to lake some of It home for my own tale. and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether you would like an agent County. East Tennessee; I can get some of the nierc rants. to act for you as I live near there. Yours remertfully, AHR k II A M V.C. of Tennessee, For sake Wholesale a. , d Retail, l.v E.SELI_ ERS. A vol. imp 10 No. 4 20, Wood street,below Second OLO. P. 11.,SituroN N 0.12 Water strect. ,n p 3 Korn! rzl'ltf:ll' %I. IN 13=1 F - IRE PROOF IRON CHESTS , • astarsi by -11 4 (RAPOPPRTRIPP - • - • - 4 " Eewilini, Bi#4 street, ahoy Ll ld rk• izeorsion OMNI "IMMO. ' strest,Piltsbaret . Pittsburgh, June 13,1839. Mr. ions Dr.sNirt“:—Dear !meth present, yesterday, at the experiment which you were plensed to make, in the presence of a number of our business. men, of the safety of your IKON I:II EST. 3, in case of fire, ft gives me plea-ate to nay, that so far as I IN as capable of Judging, the tent was lair, and the result exceeded my expectations. The Che-t was a sreAli one, about 30 'itches high, by about 18 of 20 inches in breadth and &milt, and was 1113• ced OH a block of wood about a (out lit thickness, so as , to elevate it about that height from the grtatlld; several i books and new apapere were deposited inside of it, in the manner in which Mel t:1181113 and others would usually place Item--a large gaunt lty of light pine wood [slabs from au adjoining Saw M tit,l tt as then placed arotmd and above 0, and the lire ki tutted on the windward aide, soMI lo drive the (lain" against the hark part of the chest. The tire was kept up about three quarters of an hour, until von had g One among, We spectators and received I frOni them t belt ntilverml answer that the test was h sufficient. Tim clie4 was then drawn out of the fire, and cooled, and opened, and examined. The contents' were nil safe, and the only injury done wan to the hac . it of one 'rook which appeared to be a little miarred. From ! what I witnessed, I think that these t hest., are descry Ing of confidence, as affording, perlittp.i.t he hest serurit y I to Merchants for their hooks and papers, which they ran ! have without building large, thick, and expemtive vaults, I would consider thmit a better =en trite 1 hair many yawn , . which 1 have seen Int :It . Your I riemt, concur in the ahoy , tiatement, having been tires sent when the nest was le`l , ' • W. Al. Cooper, .1. 11. Shueuber ger TRAVELERg TAKE EOTICE-LThat 'I . ,'• provided With tne Safety Guard have tfheifill.i - bills printed with a figure of the apparatus— and Ise,WS ful you are not deceived by misrepresentation's Of A gentsstating their boats to be provided with ther'Elahln) Guard, when they are not a 'secured agalt ale3loololo, ‘,. The following tea list of boats supplied wittrilusindfs ty Guard at the Port of Pittsburgh—an except the live first on the list have the Improved apparatus,wint *Mt.ll liPPeratile it is impossible for an expiration to ovens,: . i-, SAVANNA, - FORMOSA, • • i RARITAN, ILLINOD.A., NIAGARA, DU Q 1.7 ESNE, ORLEANS, JEWESS, 1:-v CANTON, MONTGOMERY, ' - '- LADY OF LYONS, CADDO, ' : „ . VALLEY FORGE, INDIAN Qurro f ... : „ FORT PITT, GALLANT, BREAKWATER, QUEEN cytTnr,SOffrit EXPRESS MAIL, PUK E OF ORLEANS ALPS, BRILLIANT, ' • I CASPIAN, ECLIPSE, • -- IDA, A' ICTR P:SS, • i WEST WIND, MI , II IGAN, - - . • i ;M. A Egu ETTE, . 4)s PREY, I TALL EYRAN r), PENELOPE, i PANA NIA, FOWINA, ":, \CICERO, AGNES, • ' 4 , SARAH ANN, MESSENGER, INA RRAGANSETT, SARATOGA, ',.; I AM AR ANTH, ORPHAN BOY Extract of a Letter from Pugh i- illoord, dated Cis:. 1 MUNGO PARK, OHIO, • r i n3 atr, 29th Nur, h, lii-12. NEPTUNPA, CECILIA. I J, Drantry, Pittsbur,gh, Pa. 1-21,pm:fed Friend We j ADELAIDE., J. H . BILLS, ..: _: have t he sal isiact lon to st at e it , the list recommentiat ion . MARIETTA, MENTOR. D, GALENA, we ran give of lite utility of your Iron Safes, that we N MENTOR. h,, , ,.. one of them which v. as in au exposed situation in COLUMBINE, ' .... our countit, room, at the time. of the, fire, nit the m orn. ; BRUNETTE, ing attic lot It lust . which consittnedour Pot k lionve to. 1 STEAM FERRY BOAT, get her w ill a large portioa of the meal, lard, kr, whir It ! The t raveling community ate respectfully risttiotro' -- , te it contained; -and that our hocks and panels which were'. before they make a choice of a boat, to reflect a impale. t in the Safe, were entirety uninjuted, and were taken i and see whether it would not lie to their isderini?jta from it after the fire; wit 'tout ever being discolored. land security to choose a Safely Guard boat, both Wit Yours, .c. PUG I!. i.i. AI. VORD i passage ant: freight, in preference to one not so gwellio -_ against explosion—and that they will hear in Om, Vora,/ of , Le , ter from Ntotcr 4- 1:otbrook, dated St. that this invention Ilan the unqualified approliniloit et Louis, Feb. 24th, l';11, Lally steam ett4ine builders—gentlemen who btudulett Me. Dussusit, Dear Si,: One of your second size chests : it is Is, understand the subject, and w lits are entirely 4.lis was horned a few days ago, in a leather store--it pre- interested—besides a number of rertitica:es from Scieol.,* served its contents. Respectfully yours, iis gent len en and others—all of which can be seen . II srp 10 Si, ATEIt iS. HOLBRGI3E. Imy Mike, So. 10. Water stieet,Where It would giirellia pleusure at all tittles to exhibit my invention ,toaf7 1 who will lake toe trouble to L IVE': COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. liar- ~,,, -• call. CADWALLADER EVANS': itch's compound St rengt Itrnini and Aperient Pitts. re p '" -,----:-4- , Mr. Win. ID, bards, of Pittsburgh, Pa„ entirely cured of. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .e.i.' the at.ovutii , trt.R.,olll disea-e Ilia symptoms were pain The subscriber oilers for sale, at lite pert-en' redii. and weu:lii in the tuft side, luss of appetite, cOlllo.lllg, arid 1 red rates, the greater part of hts real estate, Situate. ik . eruelatioos, a distension of the s.10(11:161 , sick head•ache, Ihe cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, vie: Threerioir furred torvrte, countenance chin nor tt ton citron rotor, dini brick tVarehouses, nearly new, It. I substantially hull cull y al hreallting. disturbed rest, attended whit a. cough, situate on Market st rent . I et wren Second and Ft out. em great debility, is ith other symptoms indicating great de bracing a trout of about 54 feet by 611 deep. Pcir pole vii ra,,genteffi .4 to.. r,,,,,1i0n, of the liver. Mr. Richards hail lie z ,, 1 ,,,,, ci ~,,.,‘,, pity-'clans. Lot ~,,,i , ,,d nn lite, or separately to Fail purchaserv, and upon lung teeeir •'tef. 11,1 , 1 i 11 , 1112 Dr. 111,1,4 1, •' :11,11 , lie,i whiv:i leriti llia- ii'. r. 64 f elt Also, a select building lot in Allegheny city, t liii ltd J.. . : , .....;...2 :, 1 ...-f...., rule. 1.1e4d1.11,1rt 110% art! of 350 feet in depth, having tlill I , ,,,,ripai , 01i,,, 19 5,,, i 1, 1:,, , , , 1, r. .., ,,,,,, ,. imi , ,, ,, 10 , 1 , ,onts, ohs or, the. Pennsylvania canal ;old the Other Mr For sale in Pit tabucgli hy , amut I 17;, , ,v, curlier iS I.:her Wat , liirivll e 111 . 0,1. - I) arid Wood ,:lree,,. veil 10. - • A tail, the tot adjoining the ahoy°. 100 feel in breadth 'Y llearti 350 feet in depth, incholit.o the large it rt..umii -2., 0; ii,,,,,,,i.,i1 house which I now (recopy and nulltuild J. I aufhlin, J. Pointer, R. Miller, Jr. C 1.. Arrnstron, 7'homas Craiz, S. G. D. Howard h.Tt, Did°. Dr. Stvct'sx—ile tr ir:- [booty, me to take the liberty of writing to roil at l tda IMe It, eXitr, n o prt.ledt too. Also, a lot v. Oh two Iwo story brick storelintt*eo. tol id lid to thr an, ittitti, et l ii • tn t:, of lamilie` ale on Ihe corner or klar het and Front Street?, Allbjett u~d ill her. I nor V"'”P"u'llt a t ender:lle ground rent, and now ocialpirti by Pr. ti lint, 1t .. .rt.:b . .. a. or \V rd Cherry' P•a"k• In tiea .roperv. ALEX. 1111ACKENRIltGt. mytravel- ol i..te I in a 111 t I efieios •• I ~ , ,t lr u: r. in reDeviie , clot, "." ' ' , • -t% anted in pitreitucte•lo. jr•• of vt't y n•-toette ettot••••ttol -fir h C er goods, a qu;nnilr of Flax and Timot hv i'hrr P I llr'_ln• I.'l".""iC 4 , ""rk' k c. AtilloSt all ktiol, of Con ot ry Produce taken in payntr'ill ,Y.. I •1i.t.1 11.1 rI I, it lister, nowcyta ,at fur catot o r goods at II AII NIS'S Intelligencc Ofllreand We-en , .libmll' 1 IG.ve "wy dffl Y to coil trip e '" cep INo. 9. Fifila moo , i n tl 1 1 , ,ntoe lino , had it led. been or a late ht. --•• ...I:toe]• where the tondicine unity , alluded to was loci tu• 1 - 4 allN II A Commixsioa ilerchant„Dealetr mint at in real ortop to perfect health an -only child," el_ de -r cod American .4fanvfacture4:.Mlfadisfrw, whose case war- altno,L hopei.•,, in a falsity of tny hits totaintance. ••1 Iltank n," said the dual log moth. •r,•••inv child raved from lie jao aof drat II! 0 how 1 reared the it I. rtle.l;er But rip thud is safe! is :aft , " Itevottil all titaCit Dr. Si WaVn•• • S ,101/001,11 Syrup of !Id Chem i= it •• ulna v.dttal•le titethcine in OF or any ail r ekllklr V. I ;iO. Ceri,,lrl I IA Ultra-doh more than .ii„. here It heat attended with cont. itlec Stir , e-s. I ;Hu using it myself in an obstinate at. ri,•,111 it prOVell effectual Jr. a PS 5,,0, I 1:1o, , , the seventy of the ca=e. I ea. rerolltelk, IL in hie confidence orit.] S upe r i or virtue=; I would ~trio, tl•at uo family should be without It; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth doulde and often ten times its pi ire. The Public are as :tared I here is no quackery about it. R. JACKSON, I). n. Formerly Pastor of the First Pre:oly tertan Church], N. Y. Sold by \VII. TIIOIIN. wholesale 4- retail, only neent ror Pittsburgh. No. 51. !Oat het street. cep 10 quitolamrr A BOON TO TIIE 1111111 A N 12 ACE.'—..Diseaper -A_ what will destroy Life. and you are a great man. • Discorer what trill prolottbe Life, and the re•rld will call you Impostor." There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, v-ithin us. with n-h;ch certain kerbs hare affni'y. and orer rhioh they hare ?wirer." Dr. B. ltiarirctli's External Remedy, or Liniment, which, by its extraordinary posser4, abstracts Pain or Sorene,s; thns Sprains, St (news, While Swellings, Rheumatic Pains, or Stlll SiitTness of the Joints, Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat, Croup, Contractions of the museles, Scrofitious ere largementA, 'Fender Erer, and every description of In jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Frame, are cured or greatly relieved by bin lierer-to be sr.fficioitly rife/led realeio. CERT??I , foiloving letter from Major Gem era! S.lndlord, an to the qualities of the External Reme• dc, sped YOUK, Fell. 9, 1842, Dear —W i I you ;ge inc with attotl.er bottle of your ex, ellen! Liniment? It is certainly the hest of the Lind Iha ve ever seen. It has cured entirely nay son's knee,:ittutit which I was so itneasy,and I have tumid it productive sr inuned kite relief ill ,everal cases of etter• nal injury in my family. fi few evenings Atte!, any youngest child was seized With a violent attack of Croup, which wan entirely removed In twenty minutes, by ruh• hing her ClieSl nd throat freely with the External Rem. edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment for general use, instead of confining the use of it, as you have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances. Yours truly, C. %V. SANPUORD. Da. B. flaAmosteTti.24l Broadway, N. Y. . . q - F -For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at his offce,No.9l Wood street,Pittshurgh. PRICE-50 cents per bottle with directions. seplo SZCRIZTARY'S O rrtr E, Harrisburg h, August 24th, 1842. SALE OF THE CANALS AND RAIL ROADS BE LONGING TO THE STATE.—Nollce is hereby gi ven that in pursuance of the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth Sections of the Act of Assembly passed the 27th day of July, 1842, proposals will be recei ved at the State Department until the last:day of Novem ber next, for the sale of all and each of the Canals and Rail Roads belonging to the Commonwealth, for which Stste,Stock.nt par value, will be received in payment. Each individual or Company is required, specitically, to state, the particular line of Canal or Rail Road which they desireto purchase, the amount of their respective bids therefor, the given and surnames of all concerned in the offer, together with their place or places of residence, in order that the same may be led before the next Legis a ture. The propo.al9 c,',lle(la^i directed to the Secretary of Cnry.milnu ' oljnrYe inrntOn .*Pryroscle ( or / A• •,, A. V. P ' RS/ i'v sep 10 Secretary far the Common se ea/t bt Cori' 11, . ff. Notre lE. Hoyt . Ft I.F KO TO Jun. Grier, Pittsttnr2h Aaron hart, r• Janie 4 C .cl,rrin or tVd. Jno. D. Davis, ArVay cP Hanna, •` Ace! Co. Jun. Woodhourne.a,q.,lMadloon TALI; ISLE FARM FOR SALE.-11. silt Fell 1114 V Farm on which I live, In Wilkins township.. mad Braddocl.slield, contalnin:i ope hundred and sevelleini acres; about 70 acres of which is cleared, and the halitreit well timbered. There arc upon it three log dwieltis4a, nrd a barn 63 feet by 34; an apple orchard of choler frUI , ; Also, about seventy acres of coal. The soil is helldved't be equal to that of any upland farm In the township. Terms made known on application to the sulsectiher-livios in the premises. WILLIAM WALLACE. (seplth AvILLIAM C. WALL, Pieria and Fancy Portorsif and Picture Frame Manufacturer, Xs.. 87 Fourth Strert Pittsburgh.—ennvaPp Brushes: Veihhif , for A 'lists, always on band. Looking Gime& - 4111 prow pity framed to order. Repairing, done LI the Wort' est moire. rarricularattention paid to regliding jobbieg °raj'. cry tlkscrtw toll. l, fi rer,ons tittinz up Steam Boats or houses will, to theiratlvantalt , to tall. op 10' INII IT E D.—The suhseril ers are now prepared in l'urtii , h painters, and otherc who wish to dor• chase pure White Lead mute of the LIPSI natieSials -*EN ranted tqual, If not superior to any offered to Ilic All oid , r , addressed to Dunlap Hteghes,eare of El 11i9;, k Co . No.llo Sccond street, P it ishu rr.h, will he riTntniotti attended to. DUNLAP Ir HUGHES. LADIES DASIIIONABLE SIIOE STORE, -Are:'B . ,, Fifth St.. one door ft om Old Stead of X. Buckpogocoir; The Subscriber respectfully {Worms the Metes _of Pittsburgh and vicinity that be has commenced We: tailing Shoes of his own manufacture,at the shove rarre4 where lie will keep constantly on hand a good affen me n t of all kinds of ladies, misses, and children's boor' and shoes, of the in•st quality, which will be sold lain+ ces to stilt the times lie will also make to order** kinds of fat cy work—such as while and black sat i nllopers, colored gaiters, and buskins, ladles, ruirses'a children's Misters. silk gaiters, kc., 4-c. All of tali will be made at the shortest notice, and JO the beat niato: ner. Ladies will please call and examine Ibr theawedifellA n 9 the suhscriber feels confident that tie can tuft theSk 'l .. any article in his line they may want. see 10 J. C.KIMBALIA P. S. Don't forget the place—No.B, Firth Street—ON door from flarria's Intelligence Office, and third - Veit 1 from Market Street.— J:D.iitv :i WILLIVA DIGBY having taken the Whole Air business of MOIST y Horxwma., carried-on - Liberty street and 42 Market street, begs to return hte thanks to the numerous friends and customers of 'be' lite firm for the very liberal support they have Biwa,' ., tended to him. in connection with Mr. Hopewell, as wishes to assure them that - every exertion shall he &mt.*a merit the continuation of the same. lie would mostireM; pectfully invite their attentibn to his present 'etorJa Clothing.which he intends !ening at much lower prielle titan hes been ever offered, being desirous prdi•positgrit the whole of the stock of the !ate firm as quirkyas. pa' sibie; and as he i mends to confine himself to sta eat:Maki cash business, he feels confident no a nabikfimeos can surpass his stock, either la cheapness, &arability, at neat new of workmanship. Please Intake notice t bat everyarticiesoldriel tured in Pittabrirgh• sep 10 AMUE.L MORROW, ldesumfaentrer of Tin, OP?Per 177 k Skeet !rot Ware, No. 17 Fifth Stria, Darbaktit" Weed and Market Streets.—ls prepared toil!' idt ardel.l his tine nt the stowent notke. Country Marrisok, nt ht. rn are ...lir it er t to and examine bin ansnet , , ! rent , . r.i• 4,10 " • 0 •• *)Striitift; mei , 10 :-. T .~ ... ~~f