Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 10, 1843, Image 3

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l i vitilrgag. wogs). SOUTH 'WARD 'TAILORING ESTABLISH. 1
THE Subscriber most respectfully Informs Ihepenple of i
Pittsburgh and vidalty,and the public g enerally,
that he has opened a tailoring establishment on Grant
For the , Morning Post. street, No. 3 Aythnrs's ROW '
West. end of the Scotch
I'ObIIISTYCI by - the published proceedings Hill Market. where his old cast oMers and all others who
atike coolciks,-that - the have p w ork a may favor him with stall may depend on having their
, done In a superior Style. From his ton expert
resolution that "no Fire or Hose Company cote In the useless in this' city, and in many tong
bps or shall receive into membership any losable cities in Europe and Auterica, be feels confident
person under the age ofeighteen years, will a ra h v a o t , l . , h n im ca w n fi t t h ve th sa ci t t l e s t fa l e to tt rn on to
By i s
t rwho
a t m te a n y t i p o i n ea l se b to
be permitted to retain Bach members under sine... and superior ryortmanship he hopes to merit and
the penalty of having the Fire apparatus ta• receive a share of public patronage. He ittends keeping
on hand a supply of goods and:trlmmingssuiteile for the
ken from it and given to another company customer traJe which writhe soirit very reduced price.,
WiliCh will conform to the provisians of B. DONAGHY.
11116 resolution." N. B. The subscriber being wall aware of the extent
. 1
del somewhat curious to know who c",,T:nlir'rhry`atds , r , y e a r t i e l rn e
n i t , 7 . c p t a L , r e t d i ,
u o l o ,
r t i.v lie t,
,i,n, twhoh:
offered the above resolution; and l
waat may justly he called Intruders on the trade, who never
could be the object in the honorable body served ,in hour to the business, and who knosv so little
about it that they could not crook a qounge cloth, and
ja passing any thingso ridiculous. I have they are barefaced enough to advertise thcutselve. its I al
been under the impression that men, in- Mrn ala mode, and by the aid of old Erre tficates. cuts,
aieideally sod collectively, had, in this free P...i . t.if s, .i-e. 4ic such as are generally used by gnarl:. to
Fell their medic., nee. they often sitereed in palming off on j
copal y, a perfect right to do what lite onsu , rrectln,. rusiconer some old trash for IIM genii. ,
they pleased with their own properly. so Ise imported article. Such people's advertisements are ,
i ! • L.r_ Only calctitarsd to pa/ the • &Mc mid are • 0 more ellll
rio. as they did not injure t h e i r neig hb or. tied ,
edi sego il e fielitio ' n . 'et I li at p bllcailons
-Hoer can the members of the city Council obout°t;rte'griitfiul;-irfr aino . ng, th ' e ul f : if a ltp e uft ' t i nts. witch c osset_ rico n.it,v, BY ALLIN
tonfrot engineawhich belong wholly to the I presume almost every ,CllOOll -1 0y 11a. [1 , 3,1 ;mil laughed 1 , EN Nsl .
~ NIA.
at. I Would so ,, i•Ft to those win wish to have II cif ' ' ' _
cora papilla, as do the Niagara, Eagle and , , Baal: of Pitt-Iturgh purl
cmt.n. made its rate to vie In ncike a I illle it , lilr • ei• Man , bk. pail
Alleghenyl This is what I should like to and I l ' iry will hod that tlo s is the p'ave 1N here tiro ra n M"'"I
' Etellattge bank, par
bear explained. Where is the Judge that accommodated, B. n ' Ilk, of Germantown
I.n 7 :lin
Would not decide that merely because an - • ration l ank, ••
engine is devrted, without pay, to the tote— NEW LINE Or U. S. NIL ELIL . Ban k
r bank,
..dis 2
of Chester ( . par
rests. of the citizens, that therefore she is COACHES. Farmers' bk Bucks Co. ••
the property of the city authorities, awl the —l-7''''' _, .--,-.- Doylestown itk do .'
men by whose exertions and money she t" , 7- '
, - :Va . " 11 .:- .„- 13r:..,' A ;11 • ' Bit of N America Plid. "
At.. 1 1711 . 4 4.1 131; of Northern Libei ties, ••
was erected have no control over hers{ FORWASIILVOTON Cll . l. BALTIMORE, PIIILA Coninierma f Pa.
l bk. o .11
What could be more preposterous. The DEL PRIA AND XEIV YORK. Far. 4- Bel bk.
bk. "
/rill IS hoe 1- in fun operm ion, and haves Pit is'turgh kelltslligioil Ilk. "I
assumption of the Councils that "the En- I_ flail.; at 6 o'clock, A NI, via Washing'un f a.llllll the I Philadelphia bk.
glass and Hose are the exclusive proper- Nat ional Enna. to Cumberland. nouttectittg there with =chilly Wit bk. ••
Bali Coal, c o .: t o alt ihe above pl tee-t. T 1 a velers will Snot liw 31- k ilk . ••
ty of the city," is a specimen of ln azen irn- r.,,i ill A -peed). and comfortable route. II 1 ,, fog li sem,. V l / ,5 1 e 1 1 11 .k.
pudence. rate and distittrt I'lllsliutgli 111111 ( . 11111 1 el land lire faCtli• Bk. of Pennsylvania, 14
To prevent brys from belonging to fire ties will ' e afforded witich have tot 111,111 111,1 ti 1 1 ..., et, Ill; of Penn TI • par
j05.,1. 1'.,,,,,,2,.,s ,v1:1 I.e liken up and set do, li al ilie Man. 4- Mechanics IA 5
companies may be well enough , not we an,,,,,,,z;,,,,e., House, Merch tuts: Ante , Ivan .1 tol Exeit.inge t Me'lllanirft l'ii• par
t hink he, owners. of the engines are the ito:, , k. o r el airy loo.r. in 111 e vlrll,ll. of I.e-c place -- Muvamensing bk. ri,
p roper
rtvlbaeol . gotiez 1 111'01 1 0 1 direct. or octal:in.: one IliA Cs U• Slates bank, 60,
Foe. Tile MORNING POST. ir-t. at their opt ton. i Lumbermen.% Warren, --
Messrs. Editors—The WaghingtOniatis For 5,11 1 111 , 111 Y :1 1111 e ale ,. 111 St Clair thee!, t orner Frank. 111, Wartlittigton, pad
have resumed their meetings in the Hall, of the Exchange Hotel, or at the office in IV ale( st, treat 'liner. bk of Po ,ol v lll '. 10 '
door to ilte rilonotigalielJ Hon-, , ilk of Siont;:ontei 3. l!d. parl
Mon bk It - 2
and for the List time the Marthas on .Fri—
Eric Bank.
JANUARY 10, 1843
day evening last were convened .sith con
siderable success in promoting the cause.
The deiign of the Pledge was fully i lustra- '
5' Houses to I,el,
-tea Sy the speakers, as well as by a c,rcurn-
4..-,. .1.1 i
11.:-.,, , ,,, , ry.e otter6i„. r...,1 I : 1'0{11
111 e 6,1 Of
stance that occurred of an unUsual charac- ',,,,, .1w • il, (..nd t ne,lied,po, , etiion way prohat.; be
tar.. William Dickson, who was impeach- .r;41....,..11 , ;; suuuu , , l Flu nary (Slack of !liter .ote y Birk
ti,es on :Markel .(reel, Lei worn 3,41 hrid -ilk Fl, .rOll
ed with setting on fire a house in Fourth
1.;;;;;;,.. ,ereli lame slum r.OlliS iichmillgd and Hell -ranted
street some time ago, was arraigned for I - or 14 3 Guud:or Fuury ' , ors,
trial before a jury of his countrym-n, hut .1 .10 rellats are dry. , tell lit:bled and (looted, and
are fursile.licil wish fire places . .A no due, the iil',,, , are ,i)
' Oh examination the testimony was not s uf.
, cu.', tit ie,l that ,Ile ' , ark and it pp••r puti . an re:,:lly Le
. towarrant his _1)11% . Cl on, and was reus,r1,10111)(01111forialne dwellin.:•..illi )nranrowintl
• therefore acquitted. Washing; nn Lavng, """I"'' won "'" R"'Y opP"'"' the i'" 'ill' o---l"."1.
siii. kindly offered his services to the Trim "..',!:""' ' ' ay. ✓ a " J ' ' '''"""' : "" \''''''''
.-.1.H1. I r r.-. , , thi Fr ,IGIII 1 , /rll WI Tillf1 1 •t .11 ,1 11
final on his appearance in C,mit ulna the --,,,,,i ( I li- ;;; lb , '...,,Mil 1 .11,1,•` ~,,,I , W ,,,,,, '-'. ,o '.'" In
enaditina that shouln the Ili .1 termitoite 1 " '''''''''' h "" e • '"''''' ''''"'"" ll ' . "` i , ,1,. I":''''
5 un,,;,;,. f.,,, uln illtin , 1,10,11:11111W ...r Ito lii 1, olio, I,
fainrably and he be released, Ile must. i , n- wo; I; ;;,,.; 1,,,,.. t0.”:1.,;,,,..;.,;;; u-; ;;
ruediate!y become a Teetotal Abstinence v , ll, s''' 10 , 0 "'h er - .'rn'i o t , . aul nvc" 11 7. , •' ,1 r" , ....
man, (for it was througli liqtr o. that stt,m- 6, , , . 1, e .,
e l
~ .. 4. 1 . r 0 e , , , , ,t , , , i , : 1, 1 , , , 0 1:::: :
r e , „ :1 1 1: ,. r1 ,, 1 , .::: , .. , , ,, , •
;,),I, f.,, II ,1..
don fell upon him, not being, tilde to give A 1, , 1, I , rell , . .4,...,11 t. 111, 11. 1 1,1,1•• ~ , , r t,r 4 , ,..• , '
a satisfactory account of himself) lIIe c; im- ''' ''"''' . ." 4 " l "','''' '',er'''' ''' Idt ''''''''''''' """ ' h. "
teal readily acceded to the his c ninsel's a " ... ' 1
'''''' a ''''f
I. - ''''''''
praisewor:hv propesit ion. Fah hful to Ills ''' ' '''' Nl " :! ' " ' ''''' d •''''' "'''' 1 "'"
promise, William Dickson being ;t
prven ,-,„„ ~,„,,,,,,, ~,,,i c ",l ' t ' - ' lll '.
111,1,1,2 ,
~W, ill !1.4-.11•.. 1
-1140tAltilty, came to the Hall dll I ,igßed the 1)1.1,,1.,,., ~,,1..;,,,‘ 11,, ~,,,.. 4 . 0 , 11 11(ol-t. I,
Pledge in pres._•iwe if the \1 it th i 1V.1., '."- ',". rh:''''' 'h.-I-I -,. ''''. .d.'" . "'" . "•'' ''''
ingst , S-pciely. ifi..t. which. he relined his ' 1 :,',`,.„,.:, h ,',,;,::„ 1 ,",-;',',',',;,'":;.::',. 1 d ' -";---
. 11l r , .1,1, I.
..„! ..
eXPetteliCe 0 eight )'l • li I ...i indulgence in the -:;sur , in , I. e , on.:ll fn" Si. an , 11. , - , ~,,,•, . 0. ..
poison that on'orionately si,,le his set).4e; '''
, " 7 : .
'.l''''''.l "' I" ' " " ' I '' :, I"'
lind threw him ini j;mpardy of being con in.', ..', 1,',' . . ri,n I ,o, iv ,1 he it, , n 0•:,1.• .. Slier
• ..
Mgtled t' , the Ava i ls o f ow Perilletiti ti v ' n I"" ,
from rifle IA) tell yea r 4 His name w - ','" , ,I 1I , rt il, 1 llk 11
' 1
cor d ia ll y
received by
vi, loi
were 1,i,, I ~ I
pi , + • ri_ Of II I/ I ,i,,,11,1 it.a 11 ire I I . I
sent, who can e „„ ien,„ the I % i „ , , (1 . ui,• ~ i r e ,I . •lir,t 11 ii t\ltb. 1 a 1 i 11 , / I
ple wheu It comprehends such beneti( 'al R '''
I 'l'
' ik vIR / • ir I / I /// • b u rtn ( n rne - ,
it tit I / I e , l e .• • II I I ,ir iii ii. I. 1 ti r• liiii i . of I Hirt fosf•lnie Ile lin
result to the community
-• •
it 13 the only effectual medium Olio %%1 Lich dr ` '' " Ell er. e in..\ii t NI . t Ise rifeie I i t I t clure viz
i 1 - 41/ blsBC/ \ / r vr 111 % 1 ~1 ~ Ur/ I r I' l n 1 ' ell. l If llll . I rr Ler , ure
we miy expel : the entire abro =anon of that
lIJF g it 14 ir 1 s i els uII how
V . ,II \ 1 .I. 0 ~" I:+q.Vk I.lilin• If/11
curse that has for m illy years been p. o- ramie, ~, ~,, , „ ,„, ~,, ~ , , ~,,I's „, i .fr 11 1 r z•k Ale idatite i °liege
ducing misery and c)n-eq rent s n row a- fii rib •rirt I 1 brir_l and lelir I - 1.1 i•rirt lirpot non.it n. if TO te• Pirt•lturgh
irrnUng man JK NI ku ~ c I r tll 1 1.1 Heotro Jeff, to.on I Mese
nest I Bre Te .-11 I Iltelairgli
ti lI • %\ ,It it I i lal/11 II I I a te , eI I ~ i 0
nri,„, F.q
it) , • put I, i 1 •li /ye rnt IT. 110 11 111/11111f, 111
Prod Ai er r I Wall, V 1 (.1.1 Theo el minary
A TO THE VOlTatts Of. 'inn at )R n%O PrP•T ringll ii. an I Ili/ lil / • t i•T Tnur i lv for .ale,e Franc ffc //I•Iell Lgra Pll Int null
r r REAVE/1. COUNTY. Int ir -.tore 14,11 4 - ris -item, II• Ill, in il tit,/ I and 6,1 Prod J Barker, Meadville Colle„e
The extensive c.rculation of the • Mer- ''''''' an ' '"""" ' hr
' ' I'
" ' If if fog , rte LT/q Pitts , ugh
, 0 t II l i rt• in i• 1 il in n+ re 1..,
cury and Manure ( turei ' in Beaver county. I,riee'r'k, m i,in I, i e
r.r.. I lit 1r .., ark rot •I•i of Ili , t ••rt Itc•I kin • lie v . /aloes 1 Dintriii be
prof 11 ellII S Ild I tillorli Jetil r•on (ollepr, v. 111 de
3. firl% r Oiler Nicuiri ( I rt shoo \ 1 dlt '
' ' ' '. • r.tor 11 II ecturr. on Ant rononty, eit,ltrarltig 1101101.
ioducea a tax payer in the vicinity of Fret. vz -
eta. Fur - 1111i . ..Ilk HITS .
dim to direct the attention ot the Co ii-I. ve - and destiny. fl red D. aellin tut , lea will also
t% ‘ ‘i Do in ri 1 are I rfli tr. il , I Ira Hal Ices,lli t
ilr is ,r net er il I.ci lure on Inc E els lie may nelvrl
miasioners of Beaver to tLe net es uty 0 f have had exit, , ist en er rare 1 - 1 Jrtit, r %Inc ti inII.• I •rgi
A raging,/ mews are in progress 10 I 11 age Noires°
public improvements, by bridaes over e•ta li lin. Tits in II e counir• 11 . r tinesare ill V. lil 1 in Tit Yale ( ollege to denier in our c its • hill enuree
under t 1, 0•• T i i nspertionu an d D • assure 11•. 1 rn. 111
row * s Run an I the erinally dangerous ~,Le t„ ,,„„ 11 , 1 ,„, ~,,„ lent „,,,,„ no li , n 1 .
of lees Tires on Ce duel also v Oh Jow , n It Bur hula n.
10 ' it \ e trolitzv Oilier eminent I r • rioters will be 111% Ited
funding at. Baden, a few miles west. .)f E. , 4111 II le cr it. In ill he n T rrd r sale..,, s• i nor / iii A, hen Ii al\he In the power of the In
conorriy. When the County of Allegheny iviF DICI VI .1 DI RI. (1 F HUI! I o\l tt‘ 1.1 ~, ~,e „ „ ,• i i.,,, „,,,
~r ,
,'” liileas ref ,I,Cil PO 1 % • rule for t rii 1 g old 'rite I ertures of Init. coarse will It.. on I iierary and
commenced the construction of Improve•
/..,o1 I, It i s very 11. et. twit to la-le FO Vieille Fl, la i l r oll ..,,,,,,in, .ril•jarts eirliinively and II Si hoped from lite
meets at Sewickly and liillbuck, it was dreg ,ry Itr i tlier Ii mitt t
on e laded ii and nr tir• en ii eit al Oily r f the I eeinrers and the liiierenling na
generally believed thr oughout Beaver coon to h" lou r 0 ' i r lint . I its .11e11.1Y core of Iliao or.l 1 i tt ,n or lie n i t i)erin trial nor citizens wilt liberal Iv pa
‘1. 1, 11 - I , r Trit , Te I • latidal to el ILI - wise The iron ( fly should
ty, that aarmultaneous movement. would ( c, ° „ " , 1‘ ;.. 0r ) ( .3 ° ., '1 : in
•;11 - c " „ I . P r r . I l l" ,... ' i l u l i a l. n „, l ,• m r ,o r i i l l u :r
bemade at the west end of the Beaver road oni• 2', rent. a bottle Ir .. ire in I ask f,t P• • ell's Bel:., i
, i e , ,
i i ,
lili d r, ol SI e r •rl heroni o l. r i . n e : l r C . : y l f ) 1 , 7 1 i e , i ,f t . t ri f y g l e ,, T o e
p ri
T r i p
to put the entire line of corn rn 011iCal lon , Jlll i f Ail 11,1ef il , at Tittle's iirl,ral Agency 31, l'utirtli lied In the coil li r i
me nt or a Library, alread • nu honor
'•• r et in the coy.
from Pittsburg in a conditi .11 at least scd,
1,1 to it - V
PRO() r• ;yr, nano. Tirkr ig nrlmitiine a lady and gentlani in
to the travelling commonly. But from of the rfficaoti of Dr . ap a y nes i ( I n n p 9
„„ r
2 Ind may hr / ii i i i f ~/iiii,, a ii,, r n.inniiiire and at C
causes not vt ell understood, the public in• of Pcisnus Vtruilitbna nr Wild Cherrt it h.,v Ai • I nol .o e MoTionvill. la and 1 lelianar
Hotel/ and Si Ile 6 ril s
tercet bus been neglected in this matter, Q/CIV'F'D OVER.SIGNED OVER TO .9 :4 EN D -
I•t•ei it re. couiter•tic , on Tlititad t• r• entre her 1
1 tr• SS' ETERNITY tin iii, l I 0 •• t rs• •gr n auk
and to a great extent, the trade from thes,,,m 1. tin Fl 1 )
p IIT• an d 2il I.th 0' le el r 'att'eda 11\• 911111 1/I lad and a itio.t VI WVI I LBON .
western Reserve to Beaver and Pittsburg, violent enti,h •• • ith night .••• • Tits it hoar • ene•g, and JOHN S CO.IGR AVE, f ounrultlec
oonsiating of Pearlashea, Cheese, Rags, .011 11fl of lir. r. li eln lir ti -: in il t nil 1,, nilte of 11. 1A ' M , B, gCA I FE,
Inv r. i r t .111 Ivanl II I \CI I no' and staled that
Feathers, 6r.c. is diverted to I Cher m oltets, ,i; II 24-1 at JOHN B, eEMPLE, J
-I I 1111 I ft, tilt I I te i I.inler tt i•ii triltle. ,, 1,1 111 V
seriously to the injury of this portion Of r milli ion and ui• ins ina tins a caretaker. midi -, 1.0111 El EMOPALi-- 1 lie stil,Teribers have removal to •A n
IN 011, .11 0 , 010 t • "11 II I 1 In procure i Ile most reit iln Ili, t. r twiween Wnegi rind Smithrield streets, where
west. Pennsylvania. rel ief ; ~,h,•, . lo'l i ( Dr 1 ,,, , 0 ~,,, n ( osirm ,s 0 ?vary 0 , thew will continue the Whole rile Grocery anti Commis
Allegheny county has, however, d6ne vi it a (*usual f a iled in the eitre Int life Wiln then I Ore 1,1011111110111•8 and would re•ipri i lulls , solicit the patron
12e 01111.11 frit ndS
her duty in rendering the Beaver road, leg s Dr. Su • line s Comp/mil ISi rup of NI itil Clirrri, J W 81l RBI` I Dtl F . 4Co
within her limits, a safe high way. And, if •
Ivaa then procured, and the first I
f i ft h ease relief, and r'''' 3
by the time 1 had commenced 011 the fifth bottle me Indo I I T. r.rtic 11, virncon.,n , :old Bruit Baker, Con.
Beaver would do likewise, by erecting Ind left me and my .trervith sn 11110.11 linnroved that I al. feetioner mid rruiterer, Federal street neer the
permaneul bridges over the streams refer- was Ode to take the fresh air, and in a short tin eI en 111 iniond Illestirny city
lively rec.', erd my former health. For % corr a .nrai inn I vet, c melt Of ( onfe(l tang , and Ornamental
red to, the Western Reserve trade would of the truth of the above glalenie t • rut ran call on mt, 1 Ike. sun One fur ulfl 11111. and palters,ma nufor ed
soon fled the advantageous markets of 1.1.1 et w ho lives In Juniper PI reel, one door 11 inw ['tare Iron, 111. hest ma terra b it liort notice nov 16
Beater and Pittsburgh. sirpei Pt ilidelnlti 1 it,ined Ist tr Mor a•• fills rs 1 F 0/2(7E W LAYNO, Attorney at Lan, Office
C tithe, i - All preparations from I lib/ • alit 111,e I rep , , ,i ram street near the Flieat re Pilts itirgh
.... it is known by many in Beaver, that the eitet in the linit e are tielitinug and rontiterfeir 1,1, .7-1 y
7 itulurittious community at Economy have For ge es at the Dr 11: Store of it i,t I'IIORN N - i ,3
Market Pittsbursti 1 liR• E. vl lERRITT, DENTIST, Office in Smith
frequently expressed an anxiety to have Or. SR AA nit's Office. No 54 North Sixdl,ll,s2tgree_ttionnr IJ , field, between Second and Third Ste , floors of
improvements constructed at the points door below Arch, west side. Milian t lin itt.sit from 9 A M till 4 P.M .
risentioned, but no individual action can Or '. E. til manufactures Procelain and Mineral ieeih
PITTSBURGH 13 \ RI) OIL MAN U- lb-Mists ran he suitpli , d by the 100 or single it et h Marks
nail. so long as the direction of County FAC roßy of teeth •• MI a beautiful gum in fall set., or ruts
'Sirs ill confided to guardians who ell her of IT ii! I,Vlit be made to order at the Otorte.ii notice by
Frill E -taw riber ttould respectfully inform t i riirrrii ,
psy little attention to subjects of public u- _a_ (.14'MT:burgh, A Ileelieny and their vlr Hite., that he tort, srditig In evict impre.sion of the mouth A lso,
for rile a few machtni with emery wheels for grl nding
tility, or want judgement to perceive, that
. has r,rnmence• l inautif Tent( n g the art ir le of L ard Ott
and fllllnv mineral teeth so useful to the Dentist-all
and Candles. He intend, kl - T I quality, wh ich•
rod roads are CO the body politic whatwill n''' ''' one
equal ale ',Psi Illill'e 111 the Union and not surpatu•e I _ _
veins sod - arteries are to the natural body - by the best winter gi rained sperm oil either far machinery FOR REX r - A comlortable new brick dwell
skin in r, houne,siiiiate in Cull L n near 7th street
re many channels of healthy cornmunica- °J u l: d oming, without is offengt•e properties and One
cheaper, THE ABOVE IS WARRANTED TO L . ..L1 1 ' 2 For terms, wind h will be n a iod e er
doe to general prOsperity. BURN IN ANY TEMPERATURE. The subsert ipplv l 0
The spring season is now approaching,
ter wishes to Impress distinctly on the public mihd 1.11 II dee 10_4( Three Big Doors Liberty et,
aged very shortly all trade by land with al, not necessary to purchase any new fangled lamp. that
are daily palmed upon them as tieing re unntet b
g q o urn the Nv . E AUSTIN, AitnlrOey at Law, Piitstittrgh, Pa .
Bonier and this city must teimmate for lard oil in Person , wishing a pure and brilliant light Office in 4th street, o,mosite Burke a Building
some weeks. Crow ' s Run and the Ba- can obtain it by calling at the old stand , 3d street, Dearly Wtt.t.tTe E USTIN F.sq a will give his attention to my
opposite the Post Office
unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patron
den stream will be impassible. Besides, M C EDEI age of my friends• WALTER FORWARD ,
as usual numerous accidents may be anti- T he attention of Wholesale dealers,Couches and Ma 'eP 10 -1 v
chinis s reep•cifully solicited
ir t i l l '. led. Shalt this disrPputable state of y U.MBER MR S TILI/ -Foplar plank , boards.
N B -All the barrels will bear theJanm2iniusfitrii_trtet a i
_a weather boardinsa - nd ;centime Also White oak
allrairstie chargeable to the zommis . ioners name 3 1 hoards of various 1. nail ii , anti thickness, wheel It • r • f
of Beaver comity ' ? We PallFo fir n reply,, ..r -- . ,0) 4 , —....5w,73 to 1 '. l •rh t ~,c,.; l I+
January 6, '1843.1 A TAX PAYER.
Emmet Het I
et, Jan 2
1. tv sTfit'l;.TON,
Pirshirni of the Notional (load Stage Compally.
3 C A, 111 , 601. y
SODS AltD 308
Wood 4. Rits.
Tog proprietors of the Ilibitatso Poem-and blattoottir
A ND gf A aorinTnata rotpeetruity info,* their Mends
and the pat rons of thOse papers, that! , th ay have a large
and well choeen aesOrtment Of
ariClll3Eli °3lO - Mir31P•3113:21.
4\ ND sE.rtal 41011 1 3RTEM. REANINNE432AXS 2 .
Necessary to a Job Printing Mice; and that they are pre
pared to execute
Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, ortitk appro
pries Cats,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonableterms
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
he public in general in this branch of our illlSilleSi.
rlLLSbUrtth, Sep:. 39, 1842. PHILLIPS k SIVIITH,
finrri , loit2b b.“`k •
r. hk Loilramer,
Ilk of Ilidlpiown,
kik. of I'liatol.etsbOrv,B, 9
Carr lode book, 9
Itk of Norrhnu:hrNand, fib
Colurnbla hk si• o
fik So.optellaooa Co• 11
Pkof Driaware Co. part
I.k. 9
Cios,Jlt•lb Ik. 9
York hank,
Far. ilroverg bk. of
14:t ,
lo•.” k
sit,i.'2ll Talc .Scrip
v do do
11..110 pleasa tit 1.4
%leeb. I.k
cl SI I
I,k I' 11,11 LI
11,,11 , 1 1,1111.-. {:14111
1....4•1e111 1 1 : tt . t.uv ,
N "(
i{. it !Mt" P.
Isk of 1 . 11.1 , ,
f . .11 . rn IFlchanze
New 1,101
1 , . 11,1 tt I
0 -
be c pt III r
7:1 'l`
w /It
Water between Wood 4. Smith I Dec. 216,1343....,403
Bills of Lading, Circtiters,
Bill Heads, Cards,
Blank Checks,' I Hat Tips'
211. Malls of /flanks,
* 4 anduaky
l)a%, ton,
rO.l note.,
Iron. l k Colunillis4
La. ca ter,
G ra
Com. bk. Lake Erie
' Far. bk: of Canton.
I N DI A N A .
Stale bk. Brastites
dale Scrip.
All banks.
Slate I,k k Branches
Sha wneeiown,
Rank of Virginia.
do VAIIPy,
Far. Ilk. of Vnginie
&AI h.t n k
Nlrr m ••••
rotipory Bank',
All Ranks, par
111 Rank.., par and 1
41. v Ro oikr.
vj a I
Nell Hark, 3io I
R'.Ro.ton Banks
N Country •
24VA lrlra n> Rank
S 7; Ni}ltTti CAROLiti k
91Ra n k
•'4 O ..01'111 CA ROLI N A
I '
17004 It• Is-
TEN,. Lsr ,
II I:Juk-,
'ML. 0f (At. Clair, 4
kII h 4
, 11.• hi.g. per
2 ' (: , 11.r) SUN
TBE enbscilbers reepectfully call th e attention of
their trieilds aed the public generally, to their pre.
sell! Allwarlment of- Pupae Ranging a , which contains a
leiteltifdiltensive variety of patterns of thc.faitowl .g
description., "bleb upon inspection will be found to be
-efseperlorqUality and finish.
Unglazed Wall Papers, of alidescriptions, for papering
rooms and entrles,at 25 cents per piece.
Glazed Wall Payers, neat and handsome patterns, for
paperingrocians and entries. at 3'14 cents.
American Wall Paper, of their own manufacture, for
ball's; Fresco and *ether styles. for parlors and
chamberv.on fine satin glazed ground!. r
French Wall Papers, Decoration and Fresco patterns. In
plain and rich colors,gold and silver paper.
Velvet and Imitation Borders.
CHEAPER. TH k N EVER! , Landscape Papers, in setts, for papering hotels, halls
lIPLVIDID ASSORTYIIII2 or and dining monis, at reduced prices.
READY MADE CLOTHING Are Board Prints, Statues, Ornaments, 4-c.
Windom Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different ca
N 0.151 Liberty st., ass doer frost the Jackson Foundry.l Western merchants and others are respectfully invited
THE Subscriber having prepared at his establishment to roll and examine the:r stock and prices, off which last
the largest and must varied stock of RE t, Dy a liberal discount will he given for cash.
MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the Weitern coo n• 1 From long experience in the tininess, they are able to
try, WoUld respectfully invite the public to give him a , manufacture papers in a superior manner, and ns they
call and examine his Goods and hear big prices before are determined to keep up 'lie character their papers
purchasing else Where. His stock consists in part of have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re.
1500 Coalsossorted sizes and qualii y; 2000 pair pa ota• ccive the encourageniem hit het loan liberally extended.
loons: IRO() Vents; m :li a large assortment of Shirts, HOLDSHIP 4- BROWNE,
Drawers, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Supetitiers, and every , No .19, Market street, between 3d and -1111
other article of winter Clothing. , Pitislmrgh, Sept. 19, 18.42-11 aw if
His Cloths were all selected by himself In the Eastern
OD N BUTTCRWORTD. Auctioneer and Case. /.
Markets, end purchased at the very lowest cash prices. ' T
sion Merchant, Louisville, KY.. will attend 10 111 ^
and consequently he can afford to give his customers ' e.
BETTER BARGAINS than they can get nt any other
house hi the city. Believing In the pnciple of -Protect. , Pkacrie• of n l e tzi: t. F. , , , t a ar s;
e D , r , y r G y 001151,G i OCCriPS. Pllfllitllrr, 4-C.
Tuesday, Thursday. and Fri
day mornings, :1110 o'clock, A. M. Cash adranccs made
trig Home Industry" he has thereto e tad all Ills articles
on consign men' s sip 10
manufactured by Pittsburzli workmen, anti be ;las no -
hesitation in saving that they will be found In every res IAM ES HOWARD et- Cri„ Manufacturers of IYall
pelt superior to the Eastern manafuetttregi articles that 0.111 Paper. No. IR, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.—
arc offered for gale In the slop shups that have recently Flave alvverr nn hand an extensive assortment of Satin
Anchored among. no. Glazed and Warn PAPER HANGINGS. Velvel and
lit these times when home Industry is occupying so lath:llion Borders, of the nest style and handsome
large a snare of public attention. no It always should. the patterns, for papering halls, parlors and chambers.
proprietor cal the "Three Bit Doors ' takes peculiar pride 'they mantifacgtire and have on band al all times—
and pleasure In assuring tile citizens of Pittsburgh that PrIIIIIO.T. Writing, Letter, Wrapping grid Tea Pa per,flon
, tits Goods are all sian , kraetirred under his own eye, by the net and Fullers' Board:—all of which they offer for pale
mechanics of his own town. He dors not. like Pollie of. on the most accommodating terms: And to which they
, his rivals In trade, nave his Clothes made up In n distant invite the attention of merchants end others.
city, in another Slide, nor does he I.lllVel Ike bin Stork in 1 ALSO_ Blank Hooks of ail kinds anti the best quality,
lulls printed three or four hundred miles from here. He School Honks, etc. always on hand and for sale as above
I grie• 1111 the priticirVe that the mechanics of Pittsburgh , N. it [tarsi nd Tanners' Scraps' taken In eXehange.
can do work as well as any others, and he does not de. -
! si:c iii draw money from their pockets to *airport di.triiit - TPRS .§.4/761`ifFS kc.; served up in the best
0 " . ' DIN
style nu A. HUNKE R ' ", No 9 Fin I) steert • Snta'. le
workmen: while he wilts them to rapport liona lie titres
apartments are approprioled to ge.ntlemen accompanied
not wish .o impoverish them by a drain to support far
by ladies. Also all kind. of Cakes aid Confectionary for
-, off mammoth workshops.etc , for -ale by
The subscriber would take this occasion to return Parli". w e ddi ng s,
tiny 19—if.
1 thanks to ht. friends and customers far the unprereden t •
I led patronage extended to his establishment, and to re. FRESH' ARRIVALS!
4 prat hie nevil anon to all those who Is kit to purchase II I UTTLF: lia4 this ,lay received from Nets York ,n
{ clothing .of every description, made in the latest ii , iti..,, fresh snooty 01 fievres . Nerve and Bone Liniment,
i and sold on the most accontmodatin2 terms, to call at and Indian Vegetal-le Eliiir,a positive rnre for rt lieuma•
1, No 131 Lilieri a street. JOHN M 'CLOSK EY. i ir11), Gout,Contrnried Corer and Limps—also
ClD"tarterve Meal i'l.ite in the par Intent, Donraters Poudre Subtile, rot completely and perma
Oct 27—if [lenity eradicating griller (lump. hair from females' upper
. .. . .
MUM POILTERs 41tarrasii_ Lion—Office
on die corner of Forth ind Sinlthaeld sta. sep 10
AITORXXY AT LAW. —o4loe it) Once Building,
Fourth meet, :Mahe rgb. nos .5, 1842.4
JT. STEW ART, Upholsterer awil Paper danger.
• No. 49, Filth street, between Wosased lhalthfield
du. ,Huirk and Straw Mattresses always 'on hand. All
orders executed with neatness stud despaleb.on accommo:
sating terms. sep 20— 1 y
BSED bleh the
hi g hest price ca sh willheits
J AMES DICKEY 4- Co A gts.
Mechanics Line corner of Literty and Wayn stunts,
Pittsburgh. Oct b '42.
lips, the halt concenling a broad and eievaled forehead.
the stubborn heard of man. or any kind of superfluous
hair. Prier. Si per bottle.
Goireaud's Eau de Bernier, or True Water 'ii Beauty -
Thia Fretreh preparnilon i horongbly extormlnale- Sallow•
nes.. Freckle , t, Prinples, Scum Blotches, and nil cut aneous
11111TT .
ISURGH Ci 11 , !CLATIND AND R EFERENEE e options whatever. Realizing delicate while hands, ID RIC E ' S CO.WPOUND VEGET A BL EVVe...,-
1--- I.IBK 18 V of n ,, te ,, , ,, i ,,.",,,,,i rk i , r 0 i1,i„L an d mi.. neck and amis.:mit eliciting a healthy Juvenile bloc _-
on„. 1 CANDY tit a safe and certain core 'for '0,411*
0 !Igneous Work., will be open every day, Satibuth ox. Also seve,al other valuable articles, too numerons to ' Colds. Asthma, Sore Throat. Paiss and Weak'ffarfa.
:leaii B rea st
,e, f d f g
il k: , cr i
y p i c n
i g t
y e , eaif k . Hbareeness,TrieViiiPli •
eepied. "tom 7 o`, lock. A 10.. um II 9, P. 111... to the Ex- mention. The p.OOl ne sold only ni
n2l-if TUTTLE'S -51EDICAL AGENCY.364tIist , T hro at, and many diseases leading to tlietosi .
change nullitiog . corner 01 St Chit street and Ear halite
alley. ts ores , poor-B.:II ntletulanee will he :Oven byTi y --only 51 ,, per roll-prepleed and hold' W
I. it EM it. 111 Q. A . Vt". P AT I'EFI 9 1 0 a,. ,- .`!hce on Smithfield street, Retail by H. T. 'PRICE, Confeettoner , ValeSt
aro 10 ,
. rear Sitili Pep
t 7 it .. - ...nc , it. ii,,,,,,ii;,:,,.iine-, l'i in - . -- --—-- --
1, A.VNA 3: T . • • - • 1 - Ott 1 - 1....!:. filo i ..tr.., -
1, sale by burch. ,and the firittelptit Druggist. of r •
. • I t ,!'
1 . t ,, P o , Attu.. steurenvitit, woo. having rem. , 1
NI net 4 . ;•4 - A GORDON. Be sure V ,- .m risk for Prlee's Compound Coughtuipif
vcd thers
', ...orest 1 , ,,e , I 1ii.e1 , ,, have a ppotrd 110litstot , ._. _ r . '...
' • ~.,
A. l; ,0 . Nn,
rent. - 1 received this day from New York. a fresh supply o.
'tired ,y I bein. where their froords , and customers will a t the abrivr r richraird cure for Comuht, ('Ol,lO and Con
vVa VP find a ermine s urlily or paper. , 11 ,-1 1 as Cup and gumption; and Is ready to suppli, cit.tomer-tai wholesale
I' si VOittrig, plain nod faint 1 , ..e,i; W, alining nod Tea or retail• at his ..ife.i,:a./ .I;enee, 1'.1.i Yon.lii V.
paper, noottet Itnacas, and Pr int ie.: Paper Or different ai nnV 12
.---77-pe. and iltißlltte• ,a II ,if Which wilt ii, rola on the tntiPl -- .. . , ,
a ecommodat log I erni, I_ 4' %.
" . f i ) R ts.'t LF..-1 he tiudersigard offers for sale '
~,,,,r..,,,. i,,,,, ,o . to- ta, ni, lying to Ra4p. "rownsititt 4) tulles front the •
Wall Parte•a arid Hord , s . keeps rims: a oily on band eve (: ''Y " l ' ilt ' '" 2l ' , '""' , E 1111 o 2 114 acres of laud of which
GO a, r cicaro,l and undo - li.nre, from 15 10 20 amen of I
's vac eel vot Ear rt., Parlor nod rharnher Pam ro.of the
ineadow. g genii Orchards of A pittes a leA`f Peach and
.a., .11 lea and most tiandportie pal tern.. ,hh Yi ..7
n..---1o :,,ey
.. J
I berry , f• ~,, proversetitit •10 . a largv, feat ale house
w , in ...lb row and On arrotnmoduthiz 1t0, , , wholesale
r ontain.ita 10 rosmut wel ifu r lit...mai, , :Or:Waled for a Ta •
or reran nO• IR-tf.
vvro ty private Its liiiiß. a frame Earn 28 by 60,oi0ne
11117 X Tinll(7 Ii 19 T11101'4% hastoriero, and si al,' , sheds , oar:ohm out hooves !Attu
aide for .a
neniefl ' ' zood Garden ,surrounded woo i
Sc.SC. BEAVER AN D I'ILOT CLOTII CO iT!, cl i 1 j well
of elrelleid white, with a •
I'. 11eIsi n v. Tit i lots !A 0. -SD., IL i heft y ht. pomp in at the frOnt dlimr. In ri , a , 1,111 tO t tie Pittriturah
and Allegheny martini, there is no lclace now offered for
`2 , 1 , / boor above Virzia 311ry -a'e ck ith molt, indocrellent to I tio=e wishing to purchase '
" H1...1-AS completed a ge n era, u.sor i event 0 WI ire. I loin. Rear Pti tabu rgh. lhe I cola will he made inndera le, for I
Colint I o 1.11 of A, mood nod plait a
bryer in rt her "a r I tutlin re 71p:Ily to the mop, lei or at his Clothing
doll, f, nek ,I,J i ye, f nal.; heavy fine trot COnlinOn 1,1001 Store. Liberty street, corner of Virzi', A :lee,
f lot h velvet I ritlinird,ri ti d plain, every ittsc rod ton of dreFS LA WII F.; SCE MITCHELL. 1
arid row i, C IQ , h coal., fashionable entOra and fresh cloths N. R. If not sold hr fore the Zvi of 6,101 , 11 nsiSt. It
platn nod fancy rassioel pant cloth and satinet do of will be divided into 10 and 20 or re 'Os i.oslit part ha. . ;
•0pc,1,..., qu.iloi; every de. - [Ant ,on or yryl% Rumble for corn. -- ; - ,1 4 , 10 I
the...upon, and *4ll les .ilit low for rash Persons VW lan - -, . _ • i
9111011 V, TF. I 818 ar Tool'l - 1 W ASII-A New
II: • •. n•ve la.ltionrible ea r mulls made of tile best male ,
Jil furatsaalc Renee.l,l.-The extreme beauty of ;he I
al w,'l find then, at this eVahltalinient . Makin: Warran
Teeth, I heir IndtapenYahie Use and the frequency of their
let equal to any in thee:ly. A full stock of goofs are on
decay. has led 10 ninny invent mos for their preservation',
Ira lot to make to order. yet how to pre setae t he m Inn state of health an pristine
M . n 0000 a hy and Thomas MeCanre arc at this
beauty. to the latest periods of existence, was entirely
est atiltohment and will he much pleased lobar, a call from
unknown omit the discovery of the RhnVe invaluable
their several friends. flood tits Insured or no sale.
preparation. It forma a pine tincture composed of Yen
Pittsburgh. Dec. 1, 184'2. _ 1,,32
einhle ioaredients, and is no.tiessed of the must delichaus
10 THE LIDIES. -Why do you not remove that odor. It erndicntes tartar from the reel h, removes spot r
superfluous hair you have upon your foreheadp of incipient decay. poll.hra and preserves the enamel, to
and tipper tips) By canto: at Tr - rrta'a. 88 Fourth 01 , whirl) It gives a penrlllke whiteness, and, front Its ilisin.
and wanting a bottle of GOnrand'v Pond rea SUhl fel. ruCtinf propertlea, possesses the view i orgiv log sweetness
whicli will remove It at onto without affe:i to^ the shin. to the brenth.
Toucan also obtain DootaurEs tint. cetrbratrd Ess de An an Anti Seat! al se, the Connie:to share in Battens
Beavl••which will at pure remove all freckle -, P"Ol'''''• cc-dent powers; Senryry is eradicated from them, a
erupt lona of the skin, and mslse Nom face look per eetty . heathy art ion and redress is induced, so hich titres to the
fair; and to those VYlin Witi,l to as-let nature by 'Odom „ o il" e nf ibe inediel practitioner Indubitable evidence of
more color to their -becks, they can obtain some of Goo facie Ive,i1111(111 state. I' hr.. here examined and used by
ratitre celebrated Liqoid II mice, whirl, cannot be r d several of the best phy an-Mina of this city, who have no
off even liy a wet clout. Also only be fan nil a good us - heatitat ion In reCOllinenditiz 11 a? an excellent wash for
ointment of r.,,romery, each as Cologne, Bears' Oil. !it. , I l i , T eet h , C „,,,,, etc.
mond. Palm, Windsor': and other Soap.. ' A mong the recommend: lllo ns to the above are the fol.
i t
Benivnitart,nt Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4111 street. towing:
Dee. R. 1142. _ 1 )laving tried Pr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wush,"
N0,,,....1. hereby f Preto to the creditors and debtor, ; and become acquainted wlilt the Inaretlieills of its tompo
of Altona. El i Armel and 1 (1 Stunts. late tolna ' ohion, I cheerfully fay, t consider II one of the safest, as
bu•lnroa in Market street, Pittsburgh. under the firm of : It is, one of the most plensnnt Tooth Waal es now , in use.
Arnie' 4' MUnli, nod ro the rinhlle generally, that they , Pittsburgh Bert. 15, 1842 nAvto BUNT, Dentist.
have this day asalaried all their smirk of s nods, Recounts, t I take plenoure In st ati ma, ha vine nintle use ofoThorn's
rte., to me, for the benefit of thew creditors, WI hoot Ton Berry Teloth lA'tialt.' 111.1 11 in one or the hest den•
disiltiction or preference. ,trifires In use. Belot inn ligold form, it torah:nes neat-
Persons Knowlioa thertiselVes Indebted to the Bite Arlo new wit h convenience. While 11 mrshces tile enamel
wit p e e the n e c essity of calling without delay, sod pav• and in moves ilir tartar from Ihe le.rth, its perfume velds
tog their respective dors, and pergola having claims will a fragtanee perulinrly detiral•le. J P. TIBBETTS. Si •D.
present them to me for settlement. t The undersigned have used oTho•n't4 Compound Ten
DAVID LLOYD, Asrignee , Perry Tooth W a OW' and have fonnd ft - to he stew extreme.
Pittsburgh, Nov. 21. 1812. ly pleasant rierolfrier, el errkin: a inedq.- - infititary infin.
N. B. The above named stook, which rrnlrtacea a fll ll ' Ism, over I lir Teeth nod Crams; preseiirlpe those Indis•
slid general assortment of sessortable dry goods. will he pens:ll,le meinhet , from prenini ore dee , pteveoting the
disposed of at the old sin nd, No. 100, then p for cash only, t accumulation of Tartar, nod purlfyi e Breath. Day.
1 17 ::tri• C. Monists authortzed to make settlement and re• 1 Ina thoroughly leoral Its shines. We I . - e pleasure in re.
rMO for trolley, In my absence, I commending It to the ;while., belieeing 10 Ifethh best alt dec. R DAVID LLOYD. I tide of the kind now in use.
the most enlonble ointment for Burns, Sores, fir., evert ROB'T II PEEBLES. CH
Invented: no matter how badly a person mny he, burnt I C DARRAGH, WM M'CANDLESS,
or scalded-this will heal them immediately, without 3Af AtOORF: - AD. .1.85 S CRAFT.
leaving, any acsit. Every family should haste a hot in tll L RING WALT, L S JOHNS.
their house, no one should he without 0.-Et/pry one t Pre pared only by WILLI %NI THORN, Apothecary
who has t ried II recommends It. To It had only at I soul Chemist, No. 5:3 Market street, Potaint rgh; for tale ht
TUTTLE'S, se Follett, street. der, e I all the principal Dr uagists', and Tittile's Medical Agency,
- t Fourth aura, , : el' •
Unrivalled Blacking,
mA , vr,v , tRED end sold wholesale and retail
SIXTH Smicgt. one door below grnithlirld.
ori 21-iv.
AhtilAAl A
AR I . IIU RA & NICHOtsoN. l'______
Proprietors of the A FEW MORE STILL.
EAGLE FOUNDRY--PITTSBURGH, I 1 ORX iII'CL , ISKF:Y il,eflid orig.innt.lto rand the
el I oot splendid assortioPot or culla. er offered
MAAruFACTURP , and keep ronstantly on hand at
. 1 Wes My stork is latge,and lam disposed to sell at the
their wareledisr, Liberty Street head of Wood st„ ;tow. t possible afire IV v work is heavy, and as the sea.
every Variety of Cai.aings,nrhong which are the following:
son is advancing, I will sell nt lower prireglhan ever. 1
Franklin, common round fancy and pyramid Stoves:— I ask only the pleasure of a raft, feetin. confident that a
common and farce grates, newest fashions; Cooking .
nok in suf fi cient. Beware of Counterfeits. Remember
Stoves suitable for either wood or roll, a superior attic .
le (and warranted to cure smokey chimney s ;) wa gg on i !VP; IfE NT nov 23,184
boxes, hollowware , ten.kettles, sheel.trons with a gener. ,
at assortment of Ware house castings. All warrant dto . BUFFALO ROBES, BEAR SKINS AND FURS
he made of tha beat materials. ' TI.JST received. 3.000 Seasonahle Buffalo Robes of IP
They also make to order at the rd.ort est notice, , J ferPnt tonlities from Extra No. Ito 3.
CHILLED ROLLERS, A lot cf Bear end CIO Skins,
from 18 inrhes diameter, down to the lowest sixes in I 11.000 No. 1 arid 2 Muskrat Skins.
use, with every other description of Rolling mill Cast. A lot rfOtterand Raccoon Skins.
ings.ARTHURS t NICHOLSON. , All which areofferednt reduced ens fo cash or an
_ I proved 1011•11. Apply to •
----.....-:—.- 1 A. BEELEN, cube-American Fur Co, Agency.
Oct 12 —am • Currier of Front and Perry at
1 R4l-3m
Crtics or my ALLsourogy fitwor. Co ) I , TO 1,r.-r —W4LTT.II. H. Lowats. haying reaps
December 315t."1842. wed his office to the rooms in the same build
THE PRESIDENT AND MANAGERS of the ' lns above titoss lately occufiled by Wain Fourth
"Company for erecting a Bridge over the Alleabe- street, next to the Mayor's office. Dow offerlils late of
ny flyer, opposite Pittsburgh in the county of Alleghe— h oe f or rent, a
ny," have this day declared a dividend of six per cent. On 1 The room a e• seem suited Mr (ACM 'sr ;persons of
the capital stock of the mid Company, eat of the Profits any profession or for any kind of retail merrauttlh bust
of the hitch' months. which will b• paid to the Block- oem. Enquire „, r WALTER fl. LOD'illg, or
holders, nr their legit representatives. on or after the d„ R ,r JAMES FINDLAY ;
11th proximo. JOHN 11 A R °CR , . __
I ./ n "; d & w:4l Trerist. re
AIIET/L LI e...d C 4co c. Agents, Forwat4l4%; asid
:early opsh.ace Li.e "•- C' 3'7et•!•Vteit"4lW,
Court House, on Orant street. Mao They re•peettnityeal.. , ..l cooe.l;vmero.
lirintr - . ' 74 -1 1T% 7 ' - •,,, ~ - * , . . N
-184 • .
. „ .
, .
. •
..;- ,
4 . . I
. _
Passage saut Bereft tosses to asd free Of
rpHE subscribers having concluded them stronroistot
fur extending their hatsiness,are at tai tibeirpter
red make area nementa for bringing out 'plitkfteillr ee 4
ships attic first class, American built. tind MOM*
by cart:fat and ex perivneed men. who are well tutd.fill,*
ably knosin in the trade. This Lire being the °idea dillt
(Ache port of New York, It is hardly necesslary T S ..
that the a rrni4ementA roe mature and ooteptete." — enrid
front the fart that a vests° Is seat out every Pit. 11034,1 t
is evident that tro sonnecessary delay to panelling elk
occur. A free passage per steamboat from 1114401111 Of
Scotland. can be engaged, and when those settled for ite•
cline coming out, thurnooey Is Ilivittye Wended to tbd
parties from wham it was received, without dedee 4100a.c
Apply to SAMUEL TitOMPfigirity ~.±.
Old established Baggage O ffi ce:273 Pekilil.::
G. GEI MSH AWtt Ow . i. ,
10 Goree Piazzas.Lhret*Ofs ,
brafte and exchanges at sight, and for any: ototte4
can he furnished on B. C. Glynn ir Co., a ssist,!.
don, ft C Hinshaw tr Co., Liverpool; the 'Natioltol
of Scotland; National Bank of Ireland; and fidirt .
Banking Co. Apply to PETER ltArFlO4O4.:: 5
Chatham street, near the Fourth street roadeTkilli.
the Welsh Church. . Ike : SO ...,.,.‘e.4c.
1/R. DANIEL liie.4lEA L, . ° Rice on
between i.rood and Smitidleld stretsibts '
dee 10-li.:
WM. SFE E, (successor to li. - 111,glookey)
iona ' , le Bout Maker, Liberty et., 2d flooeftede
171-sin 11 Icy. The subscriber respeetrally tallittierl62
pti hl ic hat he has commenced the above btodtteell - I
shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry
and that he is now prepared to attend to all °Mete lit
line °Nosiness with despatch and on the molt
terms. From his lone experience in the tisinistiellitilMild
Fashionable Boots, he feels conlident that ail attiehril
from his establishment will give satisfaction to Wai
trons.. shale of public pal ronaze is respectfotri NOM
J. Dictottsti—On Friday.
9 o'clock at niaht. the r'ianing.lar 4 ootrlntand titarthiii
ufamory, owned by Gay, Dilworth ir co,_wita iti., l 4i
quantity of dressed and undressed lucabetl*lllival
med by fire.
The Iron Safe which 1 beitithl of y 66 MOO Illii6itiliet
was in the most exposed eituatlott dtifing fliii I*MA
was entirely rrA hot —I am preaeddto inform Milt„
opened at the close of Dre tre. tint ail 'etfabl'Aiki,
fre.mved; —t his is the best recaranendallon 1 eq . -
the utility of your sales.
ort24—tf T [TOM At kitlf i r;
LOTS FOR SALE.—Four Lots In Mottebts. sta. ..,•
and a fourth Acres of Laid oh Holmes' in& ...._
nne. 41, 42,52, 53, .54,181,182 and 184:1A Cktkelth_l4 l lllr
of Lots, on liolme's 11111 Also, Lots nos. 26 asillirrois.
Cook's plan of Lois on High street, near the "irk ONNI.
House , Por terms apply to Z. W. REMlliVrrait. ,
Smithfield street, between Third and Fourth
esperi informs t he ciCzens 01Pittsburgh and-1A
vicinity, that he IC prepared to receive and execataialYb'r
does far any tifFt.rlOlion of work in his line ill hndaasF.•
Ile has on hand, and will be constantly receiving. a Leal".
rral a.sorlmeni of CLOTHS, CASSIAILVILIS AND Venftwolt.
lie will make work to order, at lower• rate*, than at if
outer e.aalittshment In 'befit y. 9c has no heattatlon
that his work, as to quality of gaols, - elegant% or.
fit and workthansitip,cleinot sirnasaed by any
tabilshntent in this city.
Ry punctuality and unremitting attentton to ittfaßti .
he tropes to merit Mild receive a share of pabrie
Pers.:trill famishing theli own marbrtals, *in walk
their advaninte korai!, berate getng elaeivhere.
dee 6; d I r
MN AUFACTURED at Wm. LEY BITE tinired.l4l
Snort, No, 69 Second st, between Woof llSlFlRedfalt•
field. Where a general assortment of Fu retitle IMO%
had it reduced prices for cash. • 't
The superiority of these Bedsteads, 'cotiatit TOMO,
fastenings. which for durability and leave in gitkettillt:
and tatting down. is not equalled by any oshiegkiggi - ,
IM—end to all each as would consult their oWts'etfONlCit
in their nightly sltimbers, it should he reale/61,4mM %tat
all elnsses of the hog family arc fel tftedifiltiVilhillie
Err Bights for Counties. Districts, or StateitTat VI& lir
JOHN FowLEft,ratiebc‘ •
We, the ttntterstaned. doeertify that 'we ItaNla
ed the above Bedstead Fasteutnge t and 'have no %Mara
pronnunetne them the. best now in ute—kttOtArrirap
cut ' to the representation In the above
Wn. Graham jr., Jorep I. COltaeti ' •
Win, ruin. Yaenh Vogriev,
John 11 ^GIII,
nov 1, —3rm,
Nww - gotowitre*l
.C,eor:e Sing. r,
-101000 TRIA L .I.
El T , n s.m da .l6. ll . sucteillfi 2 ; iwitnite
tc:81, ?Aix sr-
TRACTOR Inestimable, It 'net only arta quit ker,bue
given no addioonnt rain, nor lenVes a kice . r: -.Chat WPM-
Lively rendried harmless. .0110 ttakiretin
months to any person returnlna en pointy-hot. nod wry*
that all agony on anointing Is not extracted tna
ulcs, yet nut one from thousands of tees eince'lleaditillil
ed the bonus.) Parents anktriur to gbrirtt agaituagriarers
injuries, end save Onto, fortune Mid and PIitVOIF
their offspring from being disfigured by burnt,. thr
saran pox pnstulee, (it pweessing the enviable gilkilkt*.
replace the eetlutary organs destrd.) tan do, so 116
th i n i ng tj ) i g intrutjahle valve. Many deeply bursl4llll6l
to the city can be seen, end one entire face bunt everlised
wounded three distinct time, inthe saute Spot Witikt:l4.
Ina, yet In no rase tan he trteed the letattelvaivltilielf
mark! For ail kinds of hurtsits rapid sexithieg
also Important: even sore eyes. a 11.tellstaintkow
ken brearts wonld be unknown. The toilet audition*,
for clearing the skin of pimples, rtmmrkeigehafe:en
r find II tniitspensable. One neini only will for/me{
lib it the sovereign Et.E.aL-.6LL quality. • A O'er is
I tics, !ILIAs of fatuities allowing torture for agenrffity
rillimatety distorted feature,, can never wipe atiewnt
prosch.justly uttered hy a disabled thtld. reit , seta
to triumph over the.
t-Eaterad sccording to set of Congress. A. P.1841.1it
CAnnst-ttk d• Co ,In the Clerk's rifses finite DletrictOt i ;
of the United Stale@ for the Southern ftlatrict ortit
Warranted Ob, only tenor,
. .
ran ~, 0 ,4- 3. co, wr,,,,,n . r" ,, :^7 ,, •*•,!C . Viiiii. fitiiibill
tome :h, ~cz ~ ..t, , 1, ~- . , r., r:le .!.., i'...1107', hete t
et. far lth veer::. ..Al'. • ...,, , ~.g: ,e ailitee ippd go • :
1 '['he ceneu, rffity l t fie - 10 4 4 of Tv 114110
1 . AgenrY. ge no:4113 strett, ' a