Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 10, 1843, Image 2

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    y . 5.011..e ise , gazing at him. As the sheriff,
arpotrid behind him and his priest, also'
-bereheaded,4 rapidly snatched my hat from
ad. The action attracted his atten-i
• bur glances met, and oh! how thoi
gaga instantly forsook his forehead ard his:
•.3.PA 1L /
"1"1111111mvand how his eyes closed; while P„f ~ w 4. WK. H. SMITH, ZDITOMS AND PROPRINTONS
ePiratiOn burst out on his brow,
"ftestatted, stopped, and faltered! Did he
"Tribrviisre the as`the person who had vim,
kenledly to him in his cell, before his REGULARLY
and - perhaps, with all my precaution, NOMINATED DEMOCRATIC CAN
given him a vague hope? or, was it that the
• Unexpected appearance of a human creature,
staring at him in utter commisseration, in
that otherwise lonely courtyard, had touch
ed the chord of human associations, and
railed 'him back to earth, out of his enthu
siade vision of heaven?--1 know not. I
cannot even guess; Who can? As he falter
ed, the young priest passed his arm round
his body and gently urged him on his knees,
and knelt with him, kissing his cheeks, his
lips, pressing his bands, and in tender whis
pers manning him again for facing shame,
and death, and eternity, The governor,the
sheriff, and I, instinctively assumed the at
titude of prayer at the same moment. But
I hate to give a character of clap. trap to a
feat though wonderful occurrence, by con.
tinning too circumstantially. !Boy a's 'own
lboy' never even mounted the steps of ihe
exeention-room, We were first startled,
while we all knelt, by --as it afterwards
proved—be e shrieks at the outer gates; Ole
had escaped from the restraint of her
Is. and come to the jail, insisting on being
married to him 'wid the rope itself round
his neck, to live a widow tot him forever'
and next there was a glorhius shout from
this multitude on the rural heights before the
prison, and try one ceaseless idea of our
attorney, with a white handkerchief stream
ing. from the window of his post chaise was
eballied, though every one saw it but I.
Aid hloya, eelf.transported for life, went
out to Van Dieman's Land, some weeks
sidinewards, a happy and contented wife,her
ray having yielded to her wishes at the
Adoetanee.of more advocates than herself,and
41#1some money - in her purse also.
Frtan the Harrisburg!' Keystone.
The 61000 Fine.
i One portion of the congressional pro
Almslbws, which transpired on the 12th
ill Want, is ieserving the special attention
liffins.public. President Tyler, it will be
Amenaiebered, recommended in his recent
illenliel message the reimbursement of the
4 1 114•!imposed upon General Jackson, by
,ft,dge Hall at New Orleans. This is a
Ilfoonsmendation which has redounded to
kiaa listing honor—one, too, which has
0111104 ed a hearty and cordial respons e
inteer the American people. If their be
lone sentiment more deeply implanted
ie I:between's ofour countrya.e n than anoth - 1 :.
feriit is that of ardent admiration fur the dey.
it will also b e seen that the Delaware, Su,iine
caracter and services of the venerable
*ern of New Orleans, and President Ty- bani"' North & West Branch diviai.ais, bate
has yielded a handsome profit, clear of all rxperis e ,,
ller, in that portion of hie message,
Which added to tht,profits °Vie main line. Snow.
Stmohed- a cord which will vibrate tiorn
mg-1(1er deductin g all drawback 3 and the deficit WI
(11110 extremity of the Union of the other.
the Shini.ggno French C'reek and Franklin a.'
- There could not-be a more cnnvincino
eiridemee of the .perfect sincerity wit h ' ions— a titet profit to th.: Sidl e of 'AM. -tliiinitfir
hundred and thirty thGusan, I (Mints.
voLlsich President Tyler made the recom
eawielation. than the strenuous and man'y A inure gratifying result than this, unde r !h e
circumstanr es ah'ive noliced, could trot reasor, a -
aillbrti made by one of his particular friends
ethiclll the House. to give it full and immediate 61 Y be exPee'r.'; ant that it is but a gu sa t
it, When nn the day referred to , the wh,,,t,%e, can realize in more prospero us t r iri f : i r: ( i j .
tritietioll arose in Congr ess a s t o th e dispo. obvious fro m the fact 'w e give it oil undoubted
Tint of this branch of the message, the aothorityj th a t the toll, on Eistern freights in
Hon. W. W. IRWIN, of Pittsbur g h, mov e d 18.12, on the Western division are about $40,00a
it.' reference to the .Committee of tho less that in gm' businasa sea-uns. So that un
Virdifi on the etate of theUttioe„' A ccor- der more propitious circumstanc e s $lOO O'n in
&NFU our understanding, the effect of stead of 860,000 dell. on this o r , , t •
thiestiotion. had it succeeded, would have with a correspondin g incr , e P on t i tle " o f
other di l v ir t, e,
blieli to secure immediate, or at least sions, would seem t ' t, us b c y a‘ no means an tug ger .
Med esiuntire.
d ln d au h pport of this position it is only
11111.11Miy, aeons on the subject. It would
*sea cotnpelled gentlemen to 'toe the mark' necessaryt
year as co.r.-
paredwith those o'rti that the
t 'II.
-sad the Country would have been at once
841 exhibit an aggregate de.
11 1 11Sbled to discover who were, and who crease 0f5159,.3.96 61. [fence had there been nu
Inn not, capable of doing this last rem. tin , r . „frd j i
s year the same management would
toast of justice to the grey-haired veteran, have n a
clear profit to the State
.41kfie Hermitage. Although the democratic ! 33. le f t
1.1611 b frees, without exception, united with
In a word, give us a sound currency by can -
tbiviewnediate friends of the President in i
I nettin g the depreciated relief issues ; open up our
11141111pon of Mr. IRWIN'S motion, it was de-
Improvement s to all who may see prope r to use
fima p ii Ity the Whigs! who voted in favor of
them; and kt the same system of retrenchment
ke reference to , the standing committee on
and economy which had thus triump' antly suc-
Aitjardiciary! The object of this refer—
seeded at the most critical junctur e of our off .i rs,
imits is self evident. It is to 'stave off' ac
be rigiey carried
out in every departm ent of t
Con upon the subject altogether. The
4 rmitniing coons immagine that such a die- government, and the character or our noble Corn
loarition of the question is equivalent to its
monwestth will pass the ordeal of th e times with_
vehairtwent to 'the tomb of the Capulets.', out a blemish. _
'They hopern g:
session and to prevent action upon it Burin
Vitop A Yankee Shop in '!'erne —The Ilou,toi Tel-
t , calculating also .egraph has the following: --"The sloop Washing
"dal ems impiety 'the issues of life and inn arrived at our landing on Sundaynig ht .
Areas4destlw expect that before another Con. This is ou t r he on t ly r sail vessel of the kind that hat
.shall convene, the venerable ex• Pro• I visited
or many months, and her mast
1 11141iit will have passed from this 't o anoth- pee rin g " banks of
bayou excited
er and a better world,' Providenc e and •d sabo ve
.cons le interest. We understand that she
..tbe People will, we trust, yet defeat thei r
18 from the port of Dover, in the Granite Male,
ibkliiit one
and her presence is a standin g eviden ce that even
The deMOCrtiCy of the Union will turn'this distant corner of the 'airth' cannot b e ex
midi pleasure to this movem en t of Mr. IN 'empted from the universal Yankee Natio n . ,
vii!noirho by it has fnrnished additional evi- 1
deice of that high toned magnanimity,
- which all, who by personal acquaintance
Ithaieleen enabled to appreciate his char.'
Vain; so freely accord to him, IVe
tine he will not suffer the matter to sleep,
but"l6ll pursue it with his customary per
wit' ince until crowned with complete
The Picayune of the 1 - '3 oh., gives the latest
; news from Vera Cruz by the Falmouth. She
O'Oessneffit Opinioiz of Dickens.--i n a recent
1 9iRtvw, O'Connell speaks of Dickens in this wisp ; brought $130,000 in Specie to N. 0. A disaster
re sea occurred on the 15th ult. The English
end he is not an Irishman—h e is of
barque Charles Hyde, 62 days from Liverpool,
'an ileXtbrit of a Saron glutton—and the morel
bound to Vera Cruz, with cargo valued at $11.10,-
rd'illillinastud stuff him with good things or l
...thiAlikike more overbearing and ungrateful you
0..26 .4 1 eirr - Tits snare kindness you extend, and :latter place. About 815,000 worth of the cargo
" 1111101 ,praies yea bestow upon a gormandiser ' was saved in a damaged state, but the vessel re.
anitiksisdng.ths enure aristocratic and turb u k n t , mains a total loss. though fully covered to the
.411111119 b... 3 , en drive into his empty ands yoophan.i o . ' owners by insurance. The officers mad crew are
aesm s
... When, in.the course of time, your youth...! ll d
ata MI wsittlins states follow the example (by i a save
. 111 MMitiltiO411 Weeny) of your northern states, esl The BOStOII Post states that the Milleritee Ire
Seproas e i sgrery, then yoor land will be one great about to erect a magnificent tabernacle. It will
sad Wear area of American freeni-m. who. iu a '
eiseterekiertstis heist, can spurn the observations of no doubt make an excellent hotel after the great
• say lOtimeratie dog that Liars bark or . growl on conflagration nett-kpril.
tratt nilltld poll."
- ' ha,
A wet silk handkerobiel, pieced over the mouth
114 weart. of age is p reaebiug land toile, it is rrsid. will enable a person to
maser; E ns
breathe tree(' in the midst of dense smoke.
ti* PALIIpunINT•
B.loc, to t
. takfiecisies ofit Nalkoial
/INfamastitalsi Tutn Ogi7 ,
T o4ay the citizens of -Pittsburgh
choose their Mayor and Couneils for the
ensuing year. The Democrats have se.
lected canchdates for the various. offices to
be filled, and we 'lour friends to. turn
TUE`WAY,JANUAI/4Y 10, 1843--1 out in all their fr nd vote an exclu
sive Democratic ticket, we speak the lan
guage of all who have the success and
wc-11-being of the party at heart.
For our own part we would not have
counseled any departure from thepracticea
of the Party in this city, which had been
to go in fur Citizen's nominations for May,
In addition to what we publishcd in our paper or end Councils. But it was decided lit
of yesterday, we this morning present an abstract this canvaas by a large meeting of the
from the Report of the Canal Commissioners of Democracy, to make Party nominations for
Pennsylvania, which at this period of p ubli c e m
those offices; their selection of candidates
barrassment and gent re I dopreNsiou of business,
were fairly and correctly made, and we
must be regarded as a very favorable omen of ap
proaching, relief from the gloom arid despondency now think it our duty to urge their elec•
with which we have fur years brooded over our ti- lion with all the energy and influence we
nanc•al difficulties.
possess. It is a source of satisfaction, that
It has long been the aim of the enemies of our
our candidates for mayor and councils are
public iinpr((veinent s lo undervalue the permanent
men than whom no better can be filund. Our
benefits drriv d from them; to • iisr , present their
candidate for Mayor is a gentleman of
capabilities, aod destr o y ad hop e , of their ulti
mate i•ureess as a sqliref. ~f reventi... R - cur:se moderation and liberality in his political
unprincipled p 4 mei .tis have also added to to-h to Views; he is well acquainted with the
our real difficulties, by ihwarting tly and judi- wants and interests of the city, and is a
CiOJ9 inealurei for Idoe and shower purposes; roan in whom Intl follow citizens can place
corisirrag, as it were, (alit, the iiiiiversal, and on-
the most implicit confidence. In corn -
toward commercial di , tress of the times, to extin
mending him to the support Of ourlipush the 'oat spark (if patriotism and hono.; to
cal opponents were sure that if elected he
debase the public mind, and prepare it /0 counte
nance the detestabl e ide a if repudiatin g ou r Li 'o. will no abuse their confidence by any acts
cbt debts, undvr the impending stroke of adversr- of partiZ in tyranny or injustice.
ty, which we could find no mear.s of averting.
We invite comparison between the Dem-
Fur the unguarded and improvident legi(dationi
(walk tickets far conned, in the various
arid the Internal Improvement mania, under which
wards, and the men put tip by our oppo—
those debts secured, we are no advocates; but we
'lents, with the most perfect confidence
have never thought the error with all its cons~.
quenc t is, fatal, or irretrievable on the contrary, that our selection will gain by the contrast•
wei believe, with Govertor Porter, that it will yet . Once more, we enjoin on cur friends to
prove a permanent advantage to the Common• Cut n out and vote fbr the Dem t Ocratic no
wealth, iii the developinelit or the vast mineral re
Minces. Let than spurt:. as freemen
sources, and the advancement of her agricultural ..,
I ought, the presumptuous attempt making
commercial and manufacturing interm-re• With
by certain unprincipled demagogues, to
states, as with individuals, courage, energy and
sound economy seldom fail to turn the fide of ad- transfer their votes to one of the Whig
verse ftsrtunes. flow far this truth is accomplish- 1 candidates, a man notoriously incompetent
ed by the subjoined statement, we leave the Pub- fill the offic e of Mayor. Once agait,,
lid to decide.
Itowe say, Democrats turn out ! and v ite fir
That (he main line of our Improvements should l '
your own to
nomit,a•ed mid;
yield a clear profit of nearly half a rsallia.l V dol
lars, for the pas' year, over and above, all Expen
ditures, is certainly a fact of the most cheering
character; eapecially if we takr into coosidcration
the reduction of tolls last winter, the extreme
scarcity ofmoney. the panic created by bankrupt,
cy, and the utter prostratio n of credit which par.
tially suspended odr tra '0 with the t; isterti et-
of our Canals and Railroads in
Heavy lasurance.—The Providence Chronicle
says that the property dustr,yed at the fire the
other evening in this city at Saunders' Print
Works, was insured in Boston as follows: At
the Manuracturers', *20.000; Merchants', $12,000;
National, $11,000; Neptune, $10,000; Frank!in,
$3,900; Ameriedn, sls,ooo—total $71,900.
See First Page.
announconent.—The Lowell
Courier says: 'A load of twenty-four girls
from the Merrimack Mills, will ride out to.
The State debt of Ohio, in round nutn
bere, amounts to 320,000,000.
__tvers are very high and tullof ice .
Navigation will be resumed in a few days.
False :Warm —A boy gut r k
hold of the
Eagle bell rope, and soon stired up an ex
tensive kangart” among the firemen, yea.
terday afternoon.
dimphitheatre.—The attractions nightly ptesen•
led at the Amphitheatre are rata and astonishing.
We deem imfbng rtiperfluous, and only oall often.
Lion to the bills.
- A R P*
_ • tit . • any tempera is teclithlt
in the best winter. attained Sperm OH, airtight
otren.t-tn go:l4oes, and one third cheaper. nag.
,tael it red by the siih4eillter.at the 014 *land, Third
nearly opposite the Post 011ife. Ai. C. EITEY.-
Jan ..I.IR-IS
---------- I — JR CL,'l ------ 4 - ------- . ricr.N.: ' ;---•
• ~
S• shm.
City of PitteGurlik, so ::iii
N conformit y wish the Pr oi - 11a Oran act of theliejii.
the eiettt.
Democrats, Look to your Tickets.
oral .4 seeinlily or the Conn*lir cannot Pennothrissas.
important pict..,,
nrovldinz for the I ne urporation,tjaf the City of Pitisgmf l,
We would caution our democratic
and roe the supplenutnt io llie-1411 act, 1, At F.XAND.ER.
ill ba r eligiously .
friend s to be on their guard to day at the '
HAY. Mayor ofsoki City. An ls-to this, my Proeigni
the Colonel has ohm.
rlecla rine that on the SECO N tfESDA Y
Jofilt . j. r
polls, and examine their tickets well b e " CI
have (.4 the !ait )
4, n..IN-13. hnlm, , , !he HP It day,etrthal month...elle tree,
men of corn Iva rri in sail Cit y4 r irified to vote Inv 'lmp
fore they vote. There will he many gnu- r his solitude, and off..rs to s.
Ters or the Ilniute or Re p r usettlartres or Ili ba COM 401 _
I taus ones offered, which will con:ain !me we hope he will not be f0r.,,,0t.
', ,mo r on
meet in . ...ether a t hitiervoin I Naves of liiirtitints
111 their reFoeclive l% arse, and elect try liillol',
,by the t),,ped pirticu!at fly.
or two of the d emitcrillS. and the halari:e ,
____________ - • ._-_:::"'
_ l "" -, r-17 _ SC per in ear lt.atitt every --1
*.ktd qualified SO windier
Th ose w h o h a ~e % four churches have beet' Cr, (9(Ni during Cre
as mentl'e, or the fl , of Rnor motives of this COL.
whigs or art ti in asi ir s.
Co partnership.
. inotintea lib In he a member Yif i ' elect Council• a 4
• k car a t V.iwtii•:liet, Rhode iol.
ril it r. *W.,' 1.,r. linytnz 1,. .0.er1 the soon On St. Cloir tiv, • g l'i" . I r ..
nut paid arr , llllliiii to the niiminations rmet• I
_ ~.,.„,,,,,. „.„,,,,,, i , ~ A. s. j, ,,, 1 ,, ,,,.
~ n r• r , on !Ina i les as A Ate.
.. , in each and vinery,
II are, to he roeroliers.or File Co n council. 2 , . •
be easily deceived by Ih% 51:1 deketB. and it I A """ "a
lied Wlillaw B " hv n iv " d "'" I le j ' e rr ,, ' '' d 10h, 1,,,,,, hri, l'or the plirpol,r; 1 . /f i at ' r, Ina 0;1
1 . 1 II 11/, 111 ..ii.1/:, ;11111 Con Strtantn, 1, 1,,ne.e., in ' gener a l
~:- h i , d r i hal
i " ,l l .".,, 1 7:i ne t a t ? ; ' l ,` 41 .11.4rd* "til."''l.
; 4. N,1,„, 13...,di..,ri1, %Liss , ori Sdiiiiiiiy.
ts wild he - well for them tift have their bre:.
~,,i i.i.., hi,. ii, stricl atte,lil,ln I. 1 11-i le,s ro merit n i1',1,, nu ll I'o' he ' ete-rietr4l-#:in. nr
enil27Then ° Finti " ; ..eif .-
',rip examined hv some one , ill whom they i Ali . s. I Pflit...r. nt . II yi,iiit on ,
.N, if , ~,,„ ~, ~e. -11 3 .rtt.t inthl ti n.tt tttt.tr.2 , ..
I:ew., al Ives of iiii. Cemnionti; . Ith, to be MnyOr or
I ~1,,,,,,,.i,,,,0:,,,i.• . y.01.;,,,,,ii1d,,,,,i,i:,i.:1 ,I ll,i. 51,,,,t,,,r .oiii.e , and oi,
-aid e co y.
V t..i ,I v !Ulna I, V 11.'1" f:I ahem ]skin tirt, ti.. , 11l C.. 11.1.•
• .1:
can rely, lie 'OrsLt 10-y vote.
ni%. ii der my hand and the saital or the staid, City nf
, hi. r 0 . '4111 ,ti a It A. 11,.11,5.
J in 141—'it..
IV. i , 1. CR A I 11.
Plitdotrzlh Ibis 2Stli 41V;64 1 -j4"''''' A. D 't 44 2 .
.4 I. 1.:X.0141? 114 Y. Alayer./
; .Sprircer's Family— As it has been '
" JV, I) + V ,•, , t . 4,,5s r(•:;1•,,, I, .li . l,yer to Ihe I.IRINTING INK. - ~- r.:, 11,is j/0 1-,-i
.Per 29—die. .
circulated by the malicious that Philip i": a wh.„, i., „t' vo z „ it, the pyrs,m ~r 1. .1,,,,,,, ' , ~,'";' " ti ."""""*"' • " '''.' a" ' N ''" I'4 i V 1.1- ‘'; R. Fee's Virrittin -.: cadesity;'
rom I,lr. ~1,1 ~ 1,,,1,,,,„1 ,a,iti faCIO, V hi - Cita 1/•••• L -I . l e/r/rFIF: in si, hHwilii...
..,r I. sr. and Diattiukd
the fourth soa of John C. Spencer who has: Calfl), / as a ri,_, I ~.. lr.iiii iti.lice.
ii 3 i lii sou, (C.rai''ClY J ,,, -0 ~ 4- 0 : 1, 4 nti 01.1./1,;a0e11.1/1a• )::"I alley. ...n1 nearty nnonsttotlf ...fiarker'e tiarchosse,'
WII:,•11 Jr, ~ arr i fits h. ',2 ~i 1:/, l it- -t eiriahi v. 1/11( (1,, I, I i„di„cl,,, fr nin ' 1, 1...1;.'l j. f .
been fri find guilty of a criminal offence, wii,,,, ,oc,, arc --
„,-„-1:no 'i-io-ine_V, ti.ey should ii,, I. ke2s olfr , no 10 '0 I.; I:,, tfi .n:I 11.tse.
(Lilt letnet.', I lass front a10..11,14. ht.
lle I,ll en , l+ ohe ~ 1 1 1,1, ri I y ity!, tl. and all Order. I l'erntq refitiveol to
tail ;he; s' -.
_ der sons wistiing.toT
we deem it an act uf justice to state, on iNitander it ty.nty. , nl% . ,f. r I boy ii ill ce:tainly Fee the '
1 sorer twill please tall Bur in 421F1s fa
_.._ Jan's._
the netherity of those •
who know, I 0 make day when thev o ill I, v,int it. We say thi, , for the I ''""P''''i'd
%,,,i r, , ,),,, , I , 7C'erloV. . 9.14- ii.-0.1 Tot' . ntiertitinn nerzltillk7
w;isin nvon Pf105i,,..; , :di . e, i 1 , 1 ,or west or
-the following statement Mr. S. has had benefit o f young inert.
lintel, Lrli st.
j.ll 11.1-31 w. ... 0 dock. I will AQII on arcniint of w mft may cowrie:
inn a ereMt n: .our months, ttith a ore d eridoupere.,,
___ _
hut three sons cite of whom is now in th e ra - 73'..1 bill has passed 11/0 S...itaic of Ilisiouri, to
---- 2 dinner :pis fine Flnzlieh china,. - : fr 4- :in, contatilt;'.
-11.1.rGilvNY rou NTV. F ,.., .
I n:: 1 30 1 ,,, . each. 2 dinner sera,
' iron cone Chl..
Alediterranean, on board a ship CUM (r-
ch.ing e the location ()co', Filter', ni,,,), ormis.sou. I .
so ,
Etnanelle f l 4- eilt, runt:link; 196 ok . chi thile, ht. Vat-
ed by Ins uncle. Tins young man who is . :', fixing it at Jefferson city.
= .:.(0:t i:
r 3, superior ware, and rVeU worth- iv: atferrffilti IlePer;
r epresented to be at present an inmate of
, i% glii .-
ehasere and wet be open for inspection on Monday nett.
An A bstract from the Report of the Canal 1 . -111.--- `" ‘ "'
Jan. R,
• ..;'li Aueilonier..
Sing Sing resided for several years in A1,..---"
co mmissioeer s .,
bevy, where he was not only respected but
. For 1843,
Receipts awl L'xpe,iditures.
beloved by all who knew him.
Toil. in Expenses A mon n I
1842. t it.iinti. cd bt , - ~,ran,,
_etre an Baltimore.—A very destructive
tire broke out in Baltimore on last Wed-
Phil and Co
nesday morning. It commenced in the ; ;lin hia a.
of mr. John
L:a..,,t-r,2n.,,,,14357,161 sn
second hand clothing
Cohen, in Lampford at., whi c h wi t h it s A
e 17211 19 :).7:10 16
contents, was a total Icss. Mr. C. and his rt. r; :36,0; 124.253 40
est'n 104 m 85.449 42
family barely escriped from the dormant
window, two stories high. The clothing, :194 f 7132 949 43
Deduct el
store of Airs Anker WBB destroyed She
escaped with her children by rare good I
perIPCS for
fortune. Her loss is about 2000 dollars! 9 montl)4.
The fire also seizA the house of Mr. Urn
stadet, which was injured. The Sun says
that it was the wor k of an incendiary.
It is stated in the Van Butea (Ark) In—
telligencer, that • the Cherokee 'Council
have•passed a Stay Law 'The Supreme
Court of that Nation have decided that
foreign debts may be.collected in that Na.
tii,n. This decision reflects credit on the
Judges who made it. It is important to
Eastern and New Orleans merchants.'
The Gold ---
Coinage at Dahlonega (Get'
will this year exceed $300,000.
Go' NI,
.v. mason of Michigan died at the
Waverly noose, bir. Y., on last Wednes•
ames has another new novel in press
entitled 'Forest Days.'
. . .
- •fttrrilbl"rllsPaike*ites
-- - - Jan. 6, 1542. - - - lie 4 irourg.b,jasi,„ t, 1843.
:, Gorricarerir—The Serrate. on yeetekdaY. elected
Charles Ile gins, of NOW/timberland countv, clerk
Numerous petitions were presented in
to that b dy. 51-: Buehler was the regular
. nom•
favor of-the Exchequer, and of refunding
toes of the Democratic party, and was defeated
the finejitiVn. Jackson.
by the treachery of three Democrats—Messrs.
Mr. Bas,ard introduced his bill, regula• Gibbons, Wilcox, and Eyre who voted f or
He tiug the enlistment of privates in the army igins, and with the aid of the whip elected that
and navy. It was read twice and refer- ; personage. The conduct of these Senators meets
with universal reprobation. Mr. Regina nomina
l led W. S. Moorhead of Lehigh county as his as-
The bill permitting those persons who 1 . -
, Blatant—Mr. McCully of Phila. county moved to
were placed on the Texan line, by the re• 'strike out "Moorhead" and insert "J. W. Ryan."
cent survey, to return within the bounds - ' Upon this motio n the Senate adjourned.
ties of the U. States, as citizens, waB do. ! I n the Iloti;c, oust of the day was taken up on
bated and ordered to be engrossed. la motion to defer the election of printer until a
uf., reductio n can legally be made in the price charm
The bill for the relief of the owners
1 gedhforreicdecuting the public printing. Whether
the Comet and Enterpz ize, was passed.
.in will bo aride I am unable to say.
In the Howe, after the transaction of A /lumber of delegate s to the State Convention
some unimportant business, the considera. ' have arrived. I noti-e aumng them several from
The Johnson men' hold a
lion of the resolution of Mr, Brown relative the western enunties•
to the fine of Gen. Jackson wa s resumed. mass meeting to.day. I have not heard much
and do not believe it
Adams, of course made a rabid speech i about
d it
in opposition to the bill. He was rep,ied i
to by ►Mr. Ingersoll.
I Destroyed.—Municapality notes, amount
The remainder oldie, day was denoted 1 ing to 393.000 dollars, were consumed OD
to private matters.
The c orresprident of
'the ''Rd ult., at New Orleans,
the Balt. Sun house, in.l the gas
presence of the Finance Cum
says that it is e x remely doubtful when a i mittee of the Second A
direct vole on the repeal of the Bankrupt 1 lunicipalitY
law will be taken. Above a score of warm 1
politicians are anxious to get the floor, so
that the battle will not terminate for the
want if ammunition. Those against the
repeal know full well that every additional
day of delay is a point gained;and it atrikes
me that many of those ostensibly in favor of
the repeal are not oversxnxious for a decis•
ive vote.
A very troublesome customer in the
shape of the lic dolereux is is obtruding it—)
self among the r epresentatives of the pen.
pie. It is a painful affection, for which
medicine hail but little help. They must
do as the people do, 'grin and bear it.'
CO. Delhi in the Field once SHORT NOTICE. --The well kno
more wn arid celelirdted
rman rider
. Ge
116.1. Otto Mott '
lVe observe that our distinguished fellow Citi- llas arrived Iti iiiiii city on
On way in N•i-.lOrlean4 and
ZM, and fia tricitic statesman and profound ofilos n . t+ enraged for i liree tiOns Only, 'Emir:May, Fri day and
fer,'' Col. Win. Deihl, has consented to set , . e the i ''''''T'",r4deltiv,9erja„r.',l,jla,7;„sf,,6„,;lln,t 7 .. 1 . i . ,
citizens in the capacity of Mayor of this caplet the beat master - A in PM iad"el;Gilii'al:7., 11Pda':%E::1111:thpep''''{eii.hr°i°11
'heir gracern! Pan y Imm es
odd lie receive a sufficient number of rotes u t
ie etettion to-day. He makes tio•ncrou3 and * 1 L 3 17'/LVV-1- ELI-"VI'ER'
iiii:1....,:-.1;.p.ii.:;;,,,,u11,-;,;,kcniiiiiloullneiveenri fine 1 1 /
v i thane
,iri porta tit pledges of reform,
will be religiously ndliered to sh,tuld he succeed no ied e e the 11 to lie the most correct and graceffil Jan.
As the Colonel has a tian Joned the literary pur- 1 "r 4::,, 'El'eii,-'".5 5. 5),,t,„ ()TT() 7, and Miss A VDRO. ,
suits winch hay,. (..1' the !air. year been the emu c. 1 GINA feiir vrar:of age . '
men( of his solitude, and off,rii to scree his 1i:11.,w I 11 WI other Performances.
the ,sitoi, lo Timeline WI! li
t ItiZ . tis, we hope he will not be forgotten at the
polls to day, by the I,l,iimtl,imr pirtieu!ati •
I -
.I• •
la - j-Por
Pa rtirm 'a I, :on
DlVii JO%
300 130 20
462, 23
Exeers of toils B over 769
,e 3 on the Slain Line
Del. 601 n 893,4,59 08 82.1,545 rl
na North
and West
B. 184 n
Beaver She
76,112 14
Creek and
Fr inklrn,
103 m
6,692 99 11,254 49
Deduct expenditures over re
ceipt• on the Beaver. She.
nango, French Creek and
Franklin Divisions
Excess or LOUR over evriendi
!Wei on ills above lines
Dednd draw back upon flour
and Pds,+eugera
Norte.--The expenditures, recelptA and nett profits of
the Allegheny Portage Rail Road, are given for the year
commencing Dcc.•3let 11141. and ending Nov, 30th '4,3-
tr,f" th e , rpeo l eg or ma gustier commencing Dec.
1, 1841 , and ending Feb: 2811 4 1842.
Messrs. E
-ditors ; As there appears to
be some of the working classes who are
for Hay—l think it is proper' to remind
them the estimate he has placed on them.
He testified as a witness in the Mandan].
us case—and among other things said—
"l had a mind to commission some of them
but when I came to see them—they look
ed so ordinary - I changed my mind'; Is ;
this the poor man's friend; the aristocrat
ic Alexander Hay, who asks now the
votes of those 'ornary'scavengers. Let him
know by your votes to-day that you know
the difference between a gentleman an ups
auNi'tiw o -
..y eat ti litre
for 9 EC pen:ifs
4. liabilitom
$l3 .3,439 13 3 2 21.962 05.
45,072 12 1 50.708 0 1
96.52 R 61
26,030 Do
2.7,729 77
59,369 42
The Cheapest Shoes
334)0,180 20 3162,769 28 At 110. 8, Fifth areal, ott.• &tor from Itirrie Intel.
THlt{rertre Oirce. and !.?,froni .ilorket aired.
E sobscribers rr spect fully inform s the Ladies of
Pittsburgh and vicinity, that they have commend
ea the ninnufnetti l e of Ladies Fashionable Roots and
Shoes, In all its various branches. of the finest mat t ,
and workmanship As they intend selling for CaBll, thee
$162.769 23 , will he able to sell lower, and a better article, than any
170,913 97 other establishment in the e*. AI/ work made at lli3
Ps( abliSillnel l t, if not as good as recommended, will te l ex. ' elm aged. or the looney refunded.
I The subscribers, in sellnlg for cash, wil , be alde to sell
21,045 24 for the un precedented low prices of the folloning llst.
Ladies' best quality lild and Morocco Collets, $1 624
do do do Leather floot,,
do do 'lo Kid and Morocco Buskins, 125
, do
first dodo
DOilhift SO led itlilipers.
y S prl 124
Ladles' rst tina , i t ings and Turas,
1 00
-- -- -- : I):',`r Ail kinds of Al isses' and Children's Shoes, of all
191,959 21 riolors, constantly on band.
While or Black Satin Slipperamade in four hours no.
.50 Ladies , . don't rozzrt the place, I\a. 8, Fifth street, at
the old stand of J. C. Kimball. V A I'ES 4.- KEYS.
CCrcou and Ezamtne frr yoursetres,_ct
Jan. 111, —,13; .
55 066 • 90
$87,197 71 1 P
110 LE7'.—Thooe two stories I,rick dweliint bonses
i 341 street, adjaining the Post Office. They arc
large anti commodious and have been a rra tiled an offices
and dwellin2s tor R 041.! years past: The rent will be
Moderate. For terms apply to
5 50,166 99
19,714 27
$530452 72
Jan 5 3w
T°Qthe Honor:Ade, the Judges of the Court of General
u artergewions of the Peace, in and for the cone
ty of Allegheny.
The petitlon of Alfred Herten, of Ihe second ward of
the City of Pittsburgh. In (he count) aforesaid, hum
bly shewctii,—
l'hat your petitioner bath provided himself with materi.
els for the accommodation of travellers and others, at
his dwelling house in the city and ward aforesaid, and
prays that Your honors will he pleased to grant him a I •
cense to keep a PIOPC HOUSE' of Entertainment. And
your petitioner. as In duty bound. will pray.
Vve, the Stlbscriberp, ei•izens of the second ward of the
city of Pittsburgh, do certify; that the above petitioner
is ofgoOd repute for honesty and t emperatce, and is
provided with house room and conveniences ac
commodation and lodging of - strangers and tr for the
avellers, and
that said tavern Is necessary.
RII Patterson, John Fox,
James S. Clark, Rody
John Cormick, Allen Broatterson,
Neal McCalway Bea 11.
S Be
Henry Cutting, D R hell),
James Burns, H Beares,
A Furgnion
Jan 6 3t.
democrat, has been elected to
Congressfr wm ti:e Baltimore county dis•
trict in the room of Mr. Williams deceas—
ed. .
Tub PJ:,T
The st.baL•iiber withdraw s his name as
a candidat e for the Mayoralty, at the Elec
tion to be holden :his day.
Jan. 10 I. J. ASHBRIDGE.
, .1813
In front of Captain Broadhurt's,
on Petin Street.
In th.• O r ph 01. c.),,,f of A Ilecheny ro.
‘.rl the , ) , 31r., of 11. , e=t..te of Jacob Stroh m
~.;.• ' Jr, d. 0.1 24, 1:112: Ili- nd [inn is, rntlon ac
~,,, ,t n 1 (Zen R fliddl, actin, ridinioir.
,irri,... trioo r r r the E . ..17,'” of ',troll etroi.in decd
lli- and t'. V,, , , Poulin rt.'
and flu . Rea le lVas l ll,l 2 l o flush Toner Eols, aoonooed noolitorm tu distribute
!be balance.
ity !he Court.
of Read".
The A ndi lV , or ..: 11,,,ve nao,i ,1,1 meet at the offic e
2.1 da iisising ~i on in 411, rheet, l'iirshitr,ql, on the
y of Feb. next. at 3 o'clock P. M, for the pnrpo.ge of
their appointment .
C. VON noNfloftsr,
f t 1.: 1 n E ta'AS'.IIINGTON,
Jail. 10.—tv:31
Corner2d Mark e t LvA Ny.
- 'cr.r - - --
--,:-. -- -
in Partuaucht ..
J. Alrbhridga
assembied in mais meeting lit the Market place, at Qat
old court house, In the City ht Pittsburgh, on Satiriap
ternoon the 29U3 Met- /she Meeting Was Grin/Nil,
calling Major Otis Young at e the Chair , and appointing
J, 8. Morehead Vice rretldent;.Sichard Httates and
Flinn Boofetarles.
Trse via elite meeting was read, and In a few brief
remarks-tat. lo jectsatiled.kr Ike Mittman; Ole; mitten It
was movedziof Mr. A. Milliken that Capt.'. J. Ashbridge
be nomionited as the citizen's '
adte for the Mace of
MayorAkonotion.helag seconded, It wits Uwe pot,, owl
castkiid Onaiiiinously. The folloWing presrable and new
tedoliOtons "re s orted to the meeting, and naanimonstpadop.
. ~ ...., . .a- --
Witsreis4 tin.meeting believe that tbe Infinite Dram.
eitnhas been 'greatly retarded by its municipal &Shins
being piaced Ire the hands of party politician; Theittelibni
Refs/Sea, Tha the members of this aleetinthenle4
'that 'in the event otthe election of Capt. I J. Ashton*,
as the citizen's candidate to the odice of Mayor, be Win
faithfully dis Charge every duty belonging, roma"! Nike,
without regarAto party polities,
Resolve A N'hat this meeting have Atli eoodiaoro for
the ability a - Icirmnessut t heir candidate to deachalla
d ie
the duties or oak.. of Mayor; Therefore, we rarest,
mend him total parties, a deservedly worthy of-*Sr
Resolved, That, although we do not admit that *Mk
ry services should constitute& Maim to civlio/aCe. Yee we
reel that hii faithful discharge otduty under Gen's. Bropoth
El eoll.Ripley '4O Gaines, In the menu:labia -l•=thbf.
chippewa. Lundy's Lane. and Fort Erie. glee -
t lona I claimer,, _tire Support or his fellow bi
A comic it tecivas appointed to procure a cleanable "or
to hold meetings",to thriller the election of the cittaann
candidate On Motion, the meeting. adjourned:
0"1`1S YOUNG Pree.:
I. S. Molten:an, V. Pron.:
Richard ti melte le,
A tic-rum _;_watite sow, on Tue,day. ii e low iiitt...
25 boxes
at 2 o'clock . ~ t , J , order of Consignees,
" r claret wine;
Bdo Elt: an do;
5 do suait oarlatt.
Jan 9 ts J. B. GUTHRIE Awl',
— __it______________
FOS 5.4.4,,The Storehouse and Lot sole
-= ..,E occupied Baize!, situate at the corner or
_ -
Pills Diamond aintgrand the Diamond. in Neck" of
hureh. For ierib4pply to M batzeit on the priiii.-
,e:, or John RN** '‘liier. e.PC 30--7'-
DEC.3 l nn. 8-14 Cornelitts.part , . .011110 b the
_it j Orphans Court to audit I, - i , Philip
ler and Peter Simpler. ettardian•ot: , ' :ton Flo
.itid F.liviheill Flowers, minor childr: r
~•id Hu
rt L.,
dec'ds and to report the same In the 8 ..pluttl's Court Of
Allegheny county.
TtlCh3.;Fk R GEV, CPk.
All person. intereeied will take-1)414 'that the '2114114,
tor above named Will attend for theintrpotie off frail.
' , ointment at the office of Ronde WlrdpiNclon, In De ll l V sll _, .
Lam Chambers. 4th street Pill burgh.. .".
irsussday this Tit
of February nett, al 3 O'clock P. U. - I.Aild dap , .
jln 4-3 t.
' .
In the Court of Comnton Pleas of
gheny ounty, of OctObee.renn 18119,
No. 70.
:f .:'
In the matter of the voluntary .. a,
Assignment of Z 1" -
.4,....• • . e
And now to wit December 10 .1842. seeount of Theo.
If. Patterson. Asaignee of the said Joke Mae's,. PlP
sewed on open Court and confirmed Irt•f;'ond the Cohtt
orikr that It he confirmed ahsoltitely pa -"the29tb dais,
January next, and that notice thereof bi-jonblisheil lig'
two papers for three times. From that 'Record. „
Jan C-- w
8 hi
s.N, ugar, fl
—/ y erpj.,tiv.
Pork, and for sale by
dee 10.
No. 12 Water at
r sell for caelt or barter, PiVE ROIDUNK
.1 on tie 4th street road. in the NiroP/ttelfteltb..
" 5 Three of them are brick and two frame. no
frames are well calculated for hoeinesetlktasete Itertriar
close to the Court house, l'hey witi A
ra. ecarethrroa •
separately to suit purchasets. For 'fieVor partfeuhrier
enquire or the prem !Rev of
n 7 1843—tillf
LADItg Ocka woks.—The Ladies can *sr do away
with all kinds of over shoes, can walk Ortylla, it the wet
streets with thin shoes, and have their fetibikepg gierSta.
ly dry; ran wear light shoes without Aerie, their conk"
pain them; rlnd rail have their shoes weeerimrieeite keg , i
as ever, if they will use the ceebraied OIL Of 'l',ol/X4ll/6/Ch
will make leather water proof, and render it es plump(
and soft as kid. f I'4 an article well worth their noilds.,. -
and one which they will all rale. hilt hiyote moon rie
try It. To he had only at
lIITTLing- ,
ZDICAL A CIIINCY, 86, Fourth 'Deka
Price, 31 Per bort IN te,
Ner-eICE.—The law partnershi fita 9
between John Williamson and L. C. Judofore e
here t son, lal
day didaillved, by mutual The partnere OM'S,'
taally authorised to settl consent. e
the account's . ' of the firm • ' •
January 6,1843.
John with Attorney at Law; OS*. rn ftheeliti
street, near 7th street.
lan 7.1843.
L, Carroll Judson, Attorney at Law, Hteftblihild. TO,
lth street, will attend to coliectine f
a, per aw l
age, to correspond with the a might collected..
January 70.1843-
jai 9
ORlir:—On hand, a few barrels old' yellow
rl, _
C WIIICII will be cold low, apply to
1 Jan 7
______lBA AO CRUSE, Liberty 1`
US T - receivel - 1 - 1 , a -very prime article - orlii - , - 1 --- : 4.-j.
Mr rot sale by the barrri or lees Oswalt,
}an $
Harmony I
sate by2JiN
Duck WHE AT.—lte,eived from
AL. barrels Buckwheat Flour,sattable forM AK"
jso $ ISAAC:eat
In stare, ramify Floor, a superior at 1 Ukti.
illei• (Pr
auction esai—
dee 24—te