R(),11 s i: . 4.)N, lorticv a I LAW ()0.1,7 011 the itt., h lii.tiotowl.lw; wee ....Luke( ;gild 1:111.)fi np s :!Ti F.l. 10 I. 1):711131),RA1V, Lat% lender. • lit, i1 , 116.,,10 111 m,•ry 111 ni pftl;ll'. rr tier i fII anal Markel Sit cei, I). (Joy I k Pit ts . ..urgli, ~.op 10 JOHN 11.Suxrtirr s. & 11 imir.l,,torers ul Co;.P Tio„ and Street Iron Ware, Nu 811 ['con( st burgh. !louse Spouting and Stez.onl,uat Work :Lump executed, TIV-IMAS a Y,WN . PI( INCIS I ..101.'NG rimos. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Win Rooms, Lurlicr of Paint at. 4 V Exchange Alley Persona wishing it, porchaie Fnnutnm, rc 111 lied it lo jr. their advanizue to give n, 1 call, heifi, , z folly -atisfivit that • we car. please a.. in quality and price. sea 10 M ______________________ UTPON HA3ls.---lust rern•red 160 choice! Nlnt lon flatus, rvull cured and Ibr sale cln.up by chi , do tea or mall, by ISAAC 11,111111z4, erep 10 Na. 0. Filth st ----- -- - - u•TA supp'y of Lalithetti's Frebh Ru• Sd la fltga, and oilier dilferot varieties of dee:, just received and lor sale at it EDUCYL) PRICES at the Dreg and Seed Store of SNOWDEN, sell 10 No. Liberty sire, t, 'cad of Wood. W EBB LOsE Boot ;Hod :Shut, Julaclo ry, tin. 83 Fuuri tht., next 11901" 10 II" U. States Ba ti k. Ladi,,, efunelia, Kid and Satin Shoes made in tie Ileatest mariner, and I, t Ile uewevt ri - c tic h patterns. sep 10 , . du do 2.005 at 41, 15 00 do do do do 1.300 at 35 00 1 BUANDRETUI PILLS-. do do thi do 1,000 at :ID 00 - 1 - ET Invalids read the following account of a Salim do do du do 500 at 25 00 -11--41 cured of a complication of afflictions in nineteen Wit 11 la i.ing Irv'', s a addition of .5.3 to each ,cale. days by the us. , o' Ilrandreill Pill., it distinctly Proves ; Dormant scales for ire e nee of Warehomrs, Flooring I 1 here are herhs in natore whieh have affinity rure be I 11111 s, 4-r..tim.anir prices as above. rause ofd.hrrase, and Brllldreth's Plllsnre blade for them Also, lA' hlle's Pmcni Counter Scale, wit I, 0. Voting's Readn-ri be convinced. Take the medicine andbe cured I.l',:le n it.e. „... .. _ _. ____ ~ oho rovements,.i n d a variety of other counter scaled, EXTR-t lOR DINA It YCURP. OP RHECTALRTISX fil() T 111.: ptreLir, and Tar - titularly to my forme ~'. . . . . ‘t nI , ri Ifiey WIII cell C r.f Iron ! 810 5..3, Dl4 E 121 ICE -9 .11A1) .9 F FRC TION . OP' TRI: 1..t..)VG.5 I- l' , /' . ..1 0 f fit!, clr;;;-11,1vinc retired Iron; the 1 . mono( Steam Engines for Flouring , JOIIIII SIIAIV. of Pinnhroke. Washinlion robots, Maine, 1 M; 1 11. 1 . 1 . "S. a 1 x '11 711111... Salt Works. kr., dmiiiie add sin:r e 1 bolo:: dnly sworn, says, , hat e he was taken vi;•lently sick rjo I:110V A 1, —Matthew Jones, Parker and lIIIir 1/re,s• !oaf - dire of Meillelne, I mat! he permitted to say, that it l'a , hmen h , 'he tot of , tit few pnrsons to liar.. enjoyed I ~,, re I _ ni , ,_ -1 .t etude la, hes,foot and other Lathe, lot wood turning !about sic Moo ii,R siert... Th !I d in , : In Ids head, breast. z ! 130AHLIA tiou vs. Flowers and Flower Seede 0, ey . 1 1 9.- , , r, bas removed to Fourth street, Ofllo,lo Ihe !II av• ;;;, ht., al or tar ,• ~ .. h a ro of a l • .0 retrira I practice a ‘ ' I in arhinog rot lentioll,'" chair:, planinc marhioes. door , hack, left sick' and 're , irp heing ~0 had that he toes nos. ! cry destripl Mu, Call illWayo he had at rice Ur n^ ors ,ince, where he will he happy to . wait own! p0 . ri0a , ...i.1 ow n I.aq horn fo r th. 1:;:f Stt f.r 11l vver.: a r1 1 1 1,, s , .1 0 ,1: h. rnaa5ei11:irin7,,,,11,ah11th,,,,,,,,,a1.,!,: tini4.,rn.e p , nwer, o i ritd; or ! Wein help scoo p was laken Into the Chelsea flos. I F. L. sNowp.m.‘•:. to Ira/islet!! costu mers. He solicits a sha, e ot pnhlir rell• Tho rt 0, rice /.; ii, ,: hi 11 rer,, , l ol active iirr, a to!th e , , and Seed store of . , c ,a . Trier rarln e, r reillar ' coal in th e rit rof 110-ton. That after !Vine o said rep DI lac! ,- in,- hiiVii,l: • '.', l r 1., ;r...... 00 , 1 ,, ,,11.a.,..0 n i a0 d ,%•,th ' ' . O . sep 10 134 Liberty ,t reel, head of Wood. row; 20. I 11, ;!..5.p.1tal five weeks, Dort or 011 s said he did not know ------ ---- -- -- - - - fir. C. A. Wilson, in the niactice of :nechrmo. (In 100 1 1 n s . ',".' _sliane• u ' acni n" I hr ''''"'l.lg lotto, ' Milner'' , tim coahl,.„ roe to irolge 111113 or th_ , nine- anti Innin ri f all de , rript ion,. a Iso for malting Hack : o I.Jal tt a 5 !he matte, with him, and that lie culd do c i intr hocert, a •dtorrior arlirle; "ot . o.rnor, ror , steam ~.,..2f.,,, i li nt hinLT fa r him, nor, 0111,1 Ile prnserilm env medicine 50 LBS. Illinois Annual Sfaininvill Onion Seed, for vii , r Ir . A . ‘‘• AH D, DEN T! , r, renn , I . (1,, opriori nf fir, veers , sale at the Drug and :Seed store ot V V dool helow Irwin si Ico . Hon r• uf Int=iileg,. from eierit, of ii . ;ri l g . - ; zdociss, laps and dies rmlse mill., bedstead or Joint Inds 1 Thal Ile, therefore. IV2O conveyed front the Ohelera nos. 'ar d !Inv rm.; re for /oak :on the same. ention hnlory Ina i ()hallo the Sailor's retreat on Staten faiand. Tbat he F. I. SNoIvDEN, 9.. ~ 1,,,1i lse. m , a f.e r , •.,ch I in, he , ill s. tend S , O cm, vett ten', so rdictont. and yet , o , a'n, did I rstrem 18 4 Lltlerty street, head of Wood. 1 0 00 on e exeept in i'ii,, of ;,,,1,11 neeov. l l y. He rht cn 1.1110.1h: i f fc.r the lal fiVe VPIIIII to my pearl IT, climery madeor : Printing pre ,- s prat:en s to' rncd 1 was 'here physirked with all sorts of tnerlicine fot a peni ses 10 -- - would fur I 11,, ,/f,,,,,, Ile', wIl.l irla V I hlnk prupor In Ise ,nrn of rhrollir dir....,n , e,, of Iry norm'. and iliu.e ! atm - repaired; , printing presses repaired- I oil of fc or months, suffering all Ihe lime the most heart. 40 ilk LBS. NSW JERSEY SWEEP l'ul'AToEB, !,,, . . . „ploy !,,,, 0.. ~,,,,,, /m/o0(11; 1 1 e re f /,001, willifir.; of tamales In !o wir War I have used mute of thew than . IA mi.— NI .s. A 1", :Igen'. - I ) rending ini.ery.- That, heeldra his affection of lifs bones IJ , for seed; just reeeked i,y Ihe iirTes.ol . ; on los part 14'401111. Z Ili bills. Fel, 10 a 0 roller hiedit I rin , .. F. L. SNOW DEN:, . ` 7 OUNC; 4. RR A Phut; si he ryas troubled much with a disea,e of the lungs: some. I limes I , ' %voold spire user Of phlegm In the da hr' o re 1,0,- eeere olher inv , ilrior.. this Inlict fail in , Ort/e ire I.___seP 22—'r______.___._________________ •sp 19 No. 184, Lllterty head of Wood at. I jOBN .11'FA 11 I. A ND, ilp ' , ola I ere,- and c,,,i,i„,,,,,,,,,,,1.1:1 in Inv hand. ;here has het'n le" di ' l 'Poini 1 JOI - IN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis' shot Merchant, Vo. ll)ti, corner rf trood ‘ 4. Fi - ft; its, i . lll, .affection hr had a l bad Dlarrln;a, whirl; had 'more .1/-:.re, T'/Ird sr. b ',rm. re,, if ~,i ~ir .IThef,cr .croons, met' , , ' , l mote :a;. , .fact ton in I.!, adinlnkt ration or t hi,. 1 i POO:Sur...n/4: [laving been appointed erne of the A urtinit• i nee. r 14 e , ltlentied him horn the comrnnorement of his sick. respectful inferots li is friends and The puldic ilia/ 1.0 IQ 0 0 , rI ItIeII I I haII of al , Hi,- r.-, h.: good etterts sometimes o , i i t:: , r s , . i ~,,,, 4 , t 4 ' 4 1 47, f e 4.4 i r t , y 4 4 . 1 , . 4.„ P ,4 1 i n s b d a d r e g a b i c . I r e , . n t ,4 1 ,4 e. t h e n his i 4 serve 4 he e rr s , 44 1 0 144 ! ~o ;d t . prepared to execute all In del 5 for Sofas, Sidehoarcht Ho- "-! reans,ClArtlrs, Tables, Bedstead s . Sta ;id:. Ilalr and !;,,rin g I Mattrisses, Curtains, Carpels, :10 ..,,,i,. of Up.i.t,•ring , 1 1 1 4 , 4 - g o 7 . 1 d iih.01,..141%:e4t4,121art: 4i l a i c 44 l n . i e d i '. 4 l l ,4 e i e a t I h ‘ o f ;71 hnkadntei ydnre,acsaprann:ctionip74,'k.rherott h h e i :fe l e i l f i l:. I to Im:tie 11'1;11 of I his market• He D prepared In make I bowels. A fier suffering worse than death al the Sai es work, which he will warrant equal .0 any lII.IIIe in 11.0 city, end On reasonable terms. pirlva ' , rev on co nsignments of all ..aleahlon rnoirnodiler,, I:etre:it. on Staten Island, the dolor told 11.1 m that mdh and Irti.ta to .fyr correspondents hy track sale., and clue was of no 11 , 10 lIIM. that Ite mu.! try to stir ahoutil speedy /and favorable returns. iA t this time he Weit suffering the greatest misery That oTllts,r1ral.IIII" bevnardlor.u,s'i!ite,resis which may he confided Io 111.5 bones were so tender 11, rmild not hear the - iros . l press q la My proteord. lie brings to Ihe lard I ,r,.. Upon the elbow or upon tile knee, that his Instep ryas' ofhl 1)4,44,. own es P e riett, , in hnsinr-o; and arnaninlance with I moor painful • that as I lie Dom, - said he would LtiVP Ills metchandize g.e.nerallv, the and 01 Mr. F A feral, no more medicine Ire determined to procure some of Dr. FAIINERTOCE.: linnet:-ore advantageously known. as an ' Prandrelh's Pills. which he did. from 241 Broadway importer and dealer In Hardware and CotlerV, With j New York; that he co Mmenredwith five pills, and some -I whom a permanent engagement is made, R EFF. 11 TO ATC..IS. IL Tier Ilan, Pre,'l .ofm. 4- 57. ; I IMP. increased lint doge to eight. The first week's use -0 min h benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing i what he was g. said, l IIMIV.Shaw, you look like a Bank. , man again; if using. inrove In thls way, you will soon he ;. parlrriczton .1.• rerhlr:. 1 i Welt.' That he f.:d rid every dose of the Brandreth Fills Ronerit:Th.ay. I I Pellese him, first they cured him of the pain when at '‘ James M. C.oopet, I 1 • stool, that they neat cured the diarrheas, sad finaliy the •• James Any, I piing In his bones;—That the medicine seemed to add D. M. Ii iddle, FtitabUrsh strength to him every day. Herold the doctor putter Wm Robinson. Jr Ptss'l I day the 11th Instant. that he felt himself Well. and also, , of Exchange Bank. that he owed his recovery to Rrandreths Pills under Hampton, Smith, 4. Co . I - Providence, that he had taken the medicine revelyday John D. Davie, I for days ; !bat the doctor told him the had known he Samuel Church, had been taking that medicine. he should not have stayed J. K. 11/Oorhead: I another day in rhe house. Be considers it is his dray to Jas. W. Brown 4. Co. ..1 make 4hispnblic statement for the benefit 0(10 similarty • F c'bn H. Brown- 4 , co? 'Labeled ; that they may know where to find a medicine Smith ti 11tgatey, I that will core them. JOHN SHAW , Thirdly 4. faiwers, Philaders. John Sbaw being by me daiy sworn Ole I2th. day of, John B. Wild t e. A prlr. 1842, did depose and RAY that the foregoing siate.' John Death, [ ger) 10 mane is t roe. J. D WDEELER.COMMIP3IOI2e?of Death, The 8R.g..VD.R.ET.71 PILLS are sold - at Dr. -Bran . dreth's principal affiris.2.4l.Bßadiunrotr.-Kearr-YiWk: rt.!! at his nesw..fna t nffle ,e tem9B Wood ilraltdarit,loll9lll. *Si 61',41.7"16 tide1 -' tlfrltrtsitattirlf . mtti!rtir rlw teerssehi. n iipirowsieed .:ri,.., a. - ~.,..•,.' ...._re,- 5,000 mortus 111'f,TICA MATS. Hi lots to soil purchasers; to ee disposed of by F. 1.. SNOWDEN, No. 184 f.ilterly street, head of Wood. G ARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes, Fancy Spades Transpiatoirtg Trowek, (idling Took, Budding Knives, Pruning 'Chives, Prolong Shears. etc., Jost re• ceived and for ante by P. L. SNOWDEN. serr 10 184 Liberty street, head or Wood. C HOICE Venison ila.n.s.--Just received a small Fut, plyo( very choice cured Venison Hams, on relal In untll iota for current money. ISAAC lIIRRId, Agent, and Coin. Nferelian Ji ll sop 10 W IIITE Dutch ciover Seed, Orchard Grass and Kentucky Blue Grass, always on hand and for •F. L. SNOWDEN. N 0.184 • Liberty street, head of Wood. sale by Sep 10 LIYBTER t3uctiA NAN, altierneys at Law, office AZT removed front the Diamond, to “Attornef.Row," slimly side or Fourth street, between Market and Wood streets serto I G/STRATES'BL.INKB, for proceedings fn alt Itateinneat under the late law, for sale at this Office, ?oft BALE.—Loth on the No, to East Corner of Coa. Lane ■nd high street. Apply to pp 10 BEND. DARLISGTON, Market, near 4th et. LBS. La udretii 'a Brunch Su;ar Beet 6eed.Juat received and for sale at the Drug and Seed F. L. 184 Liberty El SNOWDEN, reel, head of Wood. I FAITION OF PARTNERSIIIP.—Tbe nnnnerghip heretofore existing het ween WY and BEN/ AMIN HOPEWELL is this day ,y U iv authorized ) .le" - •.0, the hu.iiiess ' ' 1 fIIGRY. • r..if /1 - 'l3%* ELL MMM r=!M PUBLISHED BY • • PHILLIPS &W. H. SMITH, fit. CORNER OP WOOD 4. FIFTH STS, editine.NE DOLLARS a year, payable in Single copies TWO CENII3-- 'for sale at the enter of *he office, and by News "Boys. Mite s lfercnry and nanufactureT published WEEKLY, at tie same ofTte, on a double at TWO friLLA KS a year, In ad. " Vance. Si n _ ' ecogies , SIX ..:EN vett ri.• STEICKTON. Booksellers, Printers an 4 iry InGßy—Aro. 121, corn,- of Woodand rorti Paper Manufacturers, No. 37, !Harker. at. sop 10-1 y 14. Streets, l'ittsbi.rirh; has on hand a complete na. _ sortinientof QUrien.,7Varo sailed 11l I hr" city or country yoHN AND,ERSON', Smithfield Foundry, 'Water 01: lISi near the Monongahela House, l'ittsturgh. sep 1071 y. 1;,...;,'.'bi1N i o N . G a ji r Nir DireTE',e,kiewcq7Eoli.,ll"llarre,..:',l:cil::ant(ll sets, hON ARD S. JOHNS, A hierruan. S l.Claf - r Street„ se. lor separate pleeest 10 Suit purchasers ' cone duo: . from I. ibrrt y. ,e 3, 10_1). A cask of 46 t 60, or 84 piece sets, superbly painted and gilt English Chiba Teitware, at very low prices. Toy Teatvare. plain, and rich painted and gill, ROM i 1,00 to s3,oo.per set s i. lt r vic 4. 3 , 71 m.. .- ,,, ‘ . ls, A itorn„ ~, r,,,,,., 1 , ,,,,n, m -- ., l (I.lllodrrn'slllll2s ()revery des(' lid lira. rep 10-ly Vhit, China: 10111102 51023. near the Mayor's (Mica, Pltisfmr:rli. Granite (Siting at cl Tea Serrires, in While arid with _ ;Wendy! American scenery printed in hl.to and 'dark. TFIOS.tiA Al I I,T( iN Allot - net at Law, Pin'', het wren . Wood and sinif wi e ld s r,: , pfirshur2li. •eio 10-1 y 1 A lain: variety oloileaniloual Dining and Bleakil-t Sets, _ _._ . ._________ I imported In twitch. complete, l•lit ER, A 1 tin ~... v ~. L:; t:•. North fla.-1 corner 1 • /112 Proof :41.0110 baking places and dishes, front the 11:71:ofilS•nri(ithfield and Poor li , treef S ger) I 0--1 v ' l'err).Y`hire Pulfcrles• . __ ___ I Flint and Green G 11111.4, In nil their varieties. .r,,,meso, O,OOA. ................. ,„ ; ~,,e d, 1., „,,,,,,_ Window Grass or ovrry size. i HANN Ad- Tftli NRCL.I.'. - . t'.. err IVarehon.e. No. Patent Buckets, Tubs and Keeler,. 104 . w oo d ,0,, wh ere ~,,,, • e load a tenoiral o tirwly 1 S' one Pipe Ilrads. 4C... fi • C, kf. of writ inz wrap;iiniz. pia nli o 4, ti..l I i paper, !dank boo It 4, : All of which arc resi,ier I luny nil - eyed to the • pub. school honk -r„i-r. ~,,,, 10-1 y i lie on the 10001 I:ft/Or:01e 11'2'00. Jan 26. 1R42-11.' I ' ' '' ' „ i. _ _ • ' rirt J. !;IC A LIPEN .attorocit and COURdillur -at , It C. 7 ' )" .'' r. : N ” ''. ''') 11. ""''''''' ”"d II- • Ls,. CM rs liii. tr off -0 1111 : 11 re i r the • . .... r,,,fae,,,c, 7 ,,- ; , ...'; 1r ;, ....I -,F•fa. 1,,, ',V ,•,1 ~,,, „i 4 , i,6 0 , 2 1, 0 „111,„1„, fo r . a short p o t , h 1 .e :: 1 1 . and .1,1 streets.. sell llt--ly , mar, lie all! ~, ,,,f,... ail kinds ..f writing with ne r at • i lff4 = 4 , - , x - f:,1,1 - , . :t?, - ,c.;hEy r? rr i, r,r,. i.,,, ~,.. „:. r,,,‘,, „) , ,i ..,,. ri.dr, !. ors, and pro eh. Cr 1 5 .0.3 ill hankrnplry attended 10 on i sep 10--1: .11 1 ~.: 1,,;: ~, ,7 11,, slim,. ir,r0:1,,5,0,0tn,,i10h.5 ter,,,,.._(fitiee in 6noillitio./11 'Orel at the cep 10 1 1 r. 'Thomas O'Neil, ro iv thin, he triers. __ ___________ _ . ____ T. J. FOX'A I,DEN. I I -azoit,,l.,NSV-1 f,r.t: .lI'N.I ATA ll:ii'l tV , .1. • 1.1 - 1 k A vii t 1 1 ARK ~,,..1 . s .„ ~ R,,,, AI , 'CITY PosT'Orttnr.l'llird between_ .itihet and Wood I ) ~: i, et flot!tiN. Manorneteriir o,:' 1-1 and N a h ig y '— a ... e," - , - , - 7.'' ---. ---,, ,1„, r , •00o,. !." ;‘,,, :a! Alir r. , 1 ~ ,,l. I crsv,,fl r/errerts-12. M Riddle, Postmster. . .... , IWaI r . 111,11 Se . ' N1).25 W )olf AI., P1i1,1,,•,:,. ~• ,I 10 - fl' q.... . . 1.114.111 .1,111 Tilird SI r,.0,,, where lie woof (1 he happy Illtztrrott ROUSIC. Water, 411) , „ door frqrdiVood at. Peter. I _ ___ _ I, .0, als oil! ~ ..linoN. a ~ I ail orlisrs tt lin fret ifispo, swan's heildings-ltlaJor 'Jolla Witlock, Collector. '-' I •l_j Tr: Al F:l'A I. -77 our soft Itz, AI, ti,' for ~.i re h.: eti In 0 . 11 r 0 017.1. 1110 i. Ile 0,,, minim! hilt first rate Ct - rt star Wood be Fir , t and Second ' -111- J.U. ,i• 4 . - f-lrlR n )N , el. K.. 10 1. 10/1 , 0) 0 Itir 1.001 01 - work 01 , .0: and as he 01 ,, , I ^SlNlfitl -.I all' CS A . Bartram-, Treasurer. Fvp I:_t • N.,. 12 IVat,.r .i.rei hi, e ,,, d , ...1 pur.,nril rllll.llOO 10 h 110 :0• . .:. he Iro, -11101 1 I,O ()TiT AT Tfll. l'or *fir 1116,81'1V, Thlrd street, neAl door to if, I-- - -1,1 Lp.s il ‘,,,,,, 11 ,‘ vs. 16.0,,H i,.. j;„,,,, - , hr I,lli f f r•t••,•:f• ahd rf .'Plee a fair ...hare Or iritronar.o. I . ThP P'h.r"joh ' f th " who have l'an "mewl)" scen' 'Floinl Prestoyterlan Church -ri , . 11 . . Johnston, 'treasurer. ' 3 . 11r.‘1 in reference lo the killorrolui err! ifiratr, o ld Ch lied • 500 k/ : 4 1 ,,, 01.t,,,, c,,, -,1 ii !.), 1 , 4 7: , I I ; (1,1:.i.5, 14. E , .ul.; 111 r-,1,.- i-.-6-Nr—.,EITTI--3, N .1 r: v 7__ i 1 0 1:11•101' orPri Sornyne's Compound Syrup of in Cher. 'lll • Ave Cs ( ) r1!•: t, Pourfli, 1 etween ma r kei and Wood ' r, , nu a r toolil on!, per:on.i hring unknown in this sec J. (1. ,t- A c id: ii.,.., - . oat reets-A lexander Hey, Mayor. i sr p I.t Nif 12 I . c• r ~treat A /10111,r re.oofrill'olly inform.: his l'reode and the ' Vilsiteatar's Excia•recie. Fourth, near Alafket et. , r o, b'lr . :;.p. 'by ~, ,i,,,,, .., ~ ,,,I ,1,,, 1 , , .., , ; ,,,, S t . i . ,'''', ", 11,, '5 1, 1 ,, , is era rlf 0!Iy i li r erlerllollo‘ In llow inn . B A Nl{S, . , r , r l lfirale, I lie %, roor of W11i ,. /1 la, keen I citizen of ;hi. If 'rc:l,l,. 10. 4ellwr •vlt 11 ell: filrid• pc e nniecinina i r an ) , , ~.,,,,,,, r, ,4, . . ' . . r frrSIWEIGiI, lict wean Alaritct a nlll- 1V0,).1 streets., nn 1 •A A. P A TTEII , ,"O N, Jr. R . rntinzlian t . ai• ,ra 1 ....01,-;:I7. io 0% era I .l.ear. , . and , knots it a a gent!enian . ~,.. irL„,,,.,,, 1,,,, (1. 1,,,,1,,,, ii,,,2,, ~,‘,l It n'l