Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 07, 1843, Image 4

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    MI ki4l.)E. Wert.* toki ABM:MAJ.:A:. 'war
tr ,
frost Aie , boo doors fro tke U. S. Baal. Win Tr
.'"" Arelertaker,reepectently int;trnts the enhlie I hat it
ha reMOl o C rn d li t e p r u ea bi d tc y to m n ade coffin warehouse to the
wilding recently occupied by kir. R. G. Berford,dlrectly
t im . .. ileitis old stand, where he is always prepared to at•
roinptly to any orders in his line, and by strict at •
to all the details of the liwiness of an Undertaker
Bdence, He will be prepared
....; 4114 swag to provide Hearses, Biers, Carries and
eteety requisite on the moil liberal tet ms. Calls from the
!Wintry will be promptly attended to.
eh residence is in the Caine buildln; with his ware
blitillit e sellers those who need ins services may llnd him
tli, liar!. ILEFCREPICC.::
VI. slons.
....viOli* . *mats,
~..441Pas rrevrott,
Iff- ilk aresArac,
• sop 111
ova 2aamaaaa4
. ,
'lOOOlO5. STE VII BOAT 81L1., - ;•
LIVIL4LS. A 1/11R E'S IM.,
(Plat:Kß, -BUSINESS Do..
' 811;1.5 OP LADING, el ILCU I. 4 RS, ti-r, 4c.
, ...To:ether with every description of Letter Press Niiii
lii 'furnished with neat nesii , and tiet-patelt, nod on mode
rata torrns, at the o'tice of the D • ily Morning Post.
7:7 .11ep 10
PRODUCE OIL i (MR kV %TV: DI ,4 ElSE.—Tilis
asie of huiivtdnalnit vet y nit!nerdus. They are thu"a!
dlto Work id all 11,11tealltly at mmilihern. Printers. %I:or k •
1111014 to feather mores, stone cutters, bakerx. while lead
Maniffactstrers, are all mom or less subject to disease ac.
totantlto the strength of their constitution. The only
- 460thnA to prevent dittert=e, fa the occasional age of a
atatileine which abstracts from the c!remlat to!' all delete•
• viOet htithors, anti expels them by the bowels. Toon,
`fit any form are injoriout, as they only ;.at dd . the evil
liitTlO Make It more fatal. The ur," of randrei 1 , 1 11,
will incur. health, ltecaace they lake all impure mat ter
out of the blood; and the body is not weakened hut
titrturtiened by their operation, fir these valuable Pills
tilift Mot farce, but they assi , t nature, and are not oppcsed,
WI harmonize with tier.
Sold at Dr. Etrandreth% Odire, No. 93 Wood to reel ,
ritt"iliurgit. Price 25 cents nert , o‘, wall Con di: eel in
M AAR—The only place in Pittsburgh w 11, re the
131fiNtil NE Pills can he obtained, is the Doctor's on
'fee, N0."33 Wood street. rep 10
NEW HOT E L .—The subscriber I, Slwell twy su
ftittts his old friends and the miltlin that Ise has
opened a Temperance Hotel,in frith Street, near the En
eintage Bank, and In the house lately occupied by Mat
ti.", Patrick, and has Imists•d ant roa ii en, -The Iron
City Hotel," whore lie will he very harry to accommo
One MI who may please to call op him. His tattle
lbali Mt provided with the best fare, and every possible
accommodation to town and country cuitomers and
her boarders who wish to lode In their store‘ or of.
Om nag he taken. and ecnt:emcit who live out of town
i . us have Altair dinners daily.
, Bitliaslarge and good stable,;, and the bent Hay and
Otte, and a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel.
am acid gentlemen who have horses.
Boarders taken by the day, week or year. rharr, , es
more moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city.
__•—•rm• su , sr: 'her has'
W opened the late residence of James Adshis,
illateased. for the receplion of visitors and hoarders;
thiS hones fit very pleasantly sitottied oil the bank of the
t. miles from the city— possessin: at the delielii•
artiltnecOmpanlments or a country rest lehre, without
being too far distan for per,,os doing business in the
city. Visitors will be furnished with every delicacy of
'the set= n.
rtOinnibus runs regularly every hou
vgisemy end of the Pridae.
B.—No Alcoholic beverages kept.
sep 10 W . TIER,:
DrssoLuriox OF THE UNIO.V,—The ,t
nership existirtz between James E. K 'bourn and
trivid J. Morgan is this d_iy dissolved by mionai rocFcnt.
The eondilinns will be duly noticed, with tb,
ed"both parties annexed, and Barry Hall wilt 551151;111
01111/111 by the nu,-criber until other arrangement. , ale per
feel ed
roe sale, on the premises, 170 bbl. ells re vrinler ap
ples, If applied roc tmmediwely. AS. F.. K RN,
Pep 29-11 Nn 9, Market. and 74. Frnnt
U H ,... „...
7 .-- 2 .
::, Jil i n
ierv. iol s i 70 ‘‘ 11 , ,. li , c o m r k o h e i r t, (1 . 1. r r a
‘ n y n o d od r aap,r,
• -.:_---'- - - - 7: 1 Fourlic Flreei., are now prepared in ex•
-__ -., -17, - :
- eeute all kind. of Bookhicolinq and Pa.
t ........
fluting will; neatne...c and despatch.
fig' ' • k book. ruled and bound to
4* y area pattern at lib orce-t notlee.
MI• R. All work clone be alcoub IA warra nted. (.ep 10
W3E. BIDDLE, SdeVon Dentist, liaA returned to
old et . nd, No 107, omit hflvlJ Street.
-Where he cat , be coo,ulied nny hour durol tlra Any,
4m hie profe.too. cep 10
IVIIO V A l..•—Geor::e Armor, 11mi - 11am 'l•iiilor,
respeelfnily announce. to hip -it tmids and
4rmag; that he has re•miveil p.iiro•li,limetit from his
did -tam), in Third st rem, in I hr , osier of Flout and
Smithfield. in the hacemeiit c , Or f onnogaliela
!louse; where he Miertilialrpi a spormai
teirtmeol of leasisio table (;,..);)(1%,,, soli:dile for Ceti
I,eoten's W. ar
Ile hotter:. ttv rlot,e:tot•tit,t ~ I ta rr of the
oesioes. an lt..er.tiiv fraloo,it•.l 1011111 i old ttoatitl.
N. H. Ilavin:!.11-tde Nov York and
Plittatielgtin, with Ihe No-t I'a-iliroialilir Tailors, (Or
tile ref:11111,m of PAri. 1,311110!!
may rely on t•ttiving Ihrir ortkrs trots a,, , ttlitte to
"the 'ales! style. CC , JRC C A h 011.
reps 10
LARD OlL.—Tha 1,.0•1 fl. Sit. CI I 'll)
liircrinitlic in voter, i !re litia an art ice
Uhrd Oil Of anperior quail! voltam' f.i ci tt red al the ("writ,
esll Olt Mattufactory,tty ft I.ert hi-11 is warrant
ted to be equal to the hest Sperm. 011, ttot h for Li l t and
Wichita - try. This Oil entirely free f 0 n :21tittnotN
vpatlati.tußollte, or Unpleasant odor. atm ft is as clear and
as whitest Porter water. Not a particle of erh-t is left
-diti the wick. The llGht is pure and till la.tt,
led wilt tarot as long, if not loafer, Iliad I hat front an
equal rynanitty of Sperm. Oil The SIIIISCIII.er informs
thettutstie that he has taken a place nearly opposite the
pnout office, wrier". he will II hr tip several different lamps
-every evenine , nod he would respectfully invite lie In
habitants of Pit !vim rell. A Ilegliens.allatheir vicinity, to
-can anti jtidse for themselves. tic feels colifitlent t heti
WIN ha convinced that the :thrive slaymeitt is twrfecily
stalitireel• Orli °City() hundred individuals wit o have tried
the-011.11Itere has not been a sioele fault found with it
The Lard Olt enrols one third loom ha. Sprrin,, fie would
4iteispeettipily aotielt the early attention of Dealers and Ma.
chi nista to the :thrive.
The folloottn2 Churches are now osintl the Lard Oil ;
Second Presbyterian Church, Pit ' , lto re It,
New Cumberland Pret.shytet lan Church, Pit isimigh
Met Prestivterlan Church, Allei,ittetty City,
Maar-late Reformed Church, do.
An the barrels are branded IL VV. LEE 4. Co„Citicin
400. OW.
PRlshurili. Jane 21. t, 1842. I
We, theuedeqieneti, Captain. c f he Exprr.s Line or ,
',peke's. en the Penrcaylvania Canci. have tried and are
stshail Ili article of Lertt Oil introduced here by .lnithcw
r.letgv.and manufbelered by R. W. Lee 4- Co.. at the
4Cleetenhttl Ott p ß onry.
We feet tun fident in asserting that Ihe n' eve
-to the beet Irerth Oil; that it is entire , y free from arnoke
OT any otbet glutinous matter whathrer: the tight ;ter.
lay Pete, clear and hrilliant. nod trill last actong If
o not
*MOW tiling that from an equal quantity of perm. 11,
4/cittlive Po heatilacion In recommending 1110 our friends
StairlOtbacre who 11Al" Oil
AMPLY TRURY, Captain, Packet John Adam.;
4: W. RILDECRAND, Captaln, Pack John
et flancock,
di do Madison,
-30filt TIIOMPBON. d< eo r otomtgi ,
BARON YON HU reit r.tF. - t IthRH PILLS.—
Thome 1414 RI , / eomposed of belt*, ‘Tith.ll curt
Welk action upon the honrt. ,ice im; olgo or
to the arterial tritem; the blond b , nolckenrd
ana tvinsitzed in its circulation throu:h oil the veerel., l
whether of the okln. the parts !dictated Internally, or the
Ittneanties; and as all the secretions of the body nre
ftsais thatdood,there Ina collect:pent increase of
woo& larefttlant, and a quickened rket ion of the absorbent
lied Mien or dtarliamirig Veilri±. Any morbid suction
',bleb lady ):eve taken plate le corrected. all ohstrot •
dallialliliellrallteleid, (La blared isa n rift d and the body
mats. a POTS ale Wholesale and Re
r. 19 FL L Er: A2ent,
WO •
sip 1g . below Second.
arT. 30/:t 31.1C1C,D. D
ItZir• Z. T. SWETT
t the Alle
61. C. co EY, Agent
POST Ova'cc DsrAtruerrr,
November 16,16.12.
IN compliance with the seventeenth :Winn of the act
of Congreris -legalizing and making appropriations
—for 'itch itecce:ary ohjects u have been usually included
••in the general appropriation bills without authority of
“law, and to fit and provide for certain incidental ex•
e •scs a the Department, aad officers of the Govet
e it, and for other p u ileasee," approved An: nal 126,
1942; Sealed Proposals sill be received at this Depart
'neat until t lie thirty-fir:4 day o December next, for fur
nisliing for one yr.ar or loner at the option of the Depart
.cio; the following descripliona of Blanks for the use of
Post Ofbce4 in the :States of reit ino, Ivanta and Delaware:
Mails received,
Mails sent,
Account of Newspaper.' and Pau - 1010:5 le
Mails received at Distributing Officer. 12 "
All the above on small royal paper. at Icst 22 by 17/
inches, printed on both sides and (Lint ruled, with nut lees
.lian 42 liner on a pale.
Mail. 'en , front ing Odicee, 12 Reams.
Same size paper as above, but folded lengthwise, and
tviih j 0 Ittivg 7ti a patic.
Accounts Current, f..01..t.ap. Iwo oil a sheet 16 Reania.
Monthly aril WcetAly fteglsiets, foulicap,
four on a ',beet,
r0.11111'.. fookcap, 1 2 on a elieel,witliout )
Po,t Rile, looiscop,l2 ou a sheet, with
750 Reams
'toil n, I. ror Disiribu.jng Offices, 9 on a 1
Ft,oet, with A.2nal lure
Post Ifills,.for Pita Wailing CHBCes, 6 on a ,
ithoo, with si2thiliirc,, 1
The propomla will staid the price, in one sum, per
ream, for each kind of blanks, for paper, printing. ru'ing
and packing • They are to be delivered in such
ties, and at suet) time., as may he required by t he diffur
ent Pont Offices, and on the requisitions of Postmasters
endorsed by the Viin.....ter at the plar•c where the con•
tractor may re: 1 , 14 . Rune will he cuasitleted as delivcr
ed . nr will he paid tor, except on suet) requiritiosis.
Etch requi-iiinn, or quantity ordered. to be securely
env •loped or packed for transportation, and directed to
the Post Office, at the e x pc use of the tom racior.
The right is reserved of reject ng any Ind which may
ie considered extravagant, and also to give to any one
bidder the. minting for one or more stairs ad . l tinln¢ t
State of his residence; and each propn•al nitt.i be nreone
ponied by stiffic.eni evidence of the lhility of the propu.,:er
to comply v. tilt the terms of his proposal.
The ticet•s-ful bidder will be required to enter into
contract, with surety, In strict compliatire with the pru
I vision of the la iv,to which bidders are re''erred.
Failure to furnish blanks promptly when ordered. fur
nishing those of inferior quality as to paper, printing.
I or ruling, or any attempt to evade the true mewling of
the contract, will be considered sufficient eau far its
Pay!'lent will he made qua rler.yearl y, one mouth after
the expiration of each quarter.
Thn blanks inn he equal to the hest of those now in
use Specimens may he seen at I lie carton- In-I Offices.
The quantities intuit limed above. are (runt the be-t
i rates that can he made ler one year', conimmption; but
they may exceed or may fall t hors I,r the quantities re
quired. The Department does not hind itself to any
specific quantity or amount.
Pro: oaals" should he co marked, and addn•ssed to the
iiSecond Assistant Postmaster General, - Pi'aiiitlmrtnn,
D. C.
An O Uti t fiS;COf , WS and CO-VSUAIP TWA , ' —Tint sea
conLJ for (lie above complaints Is lion' at hand, cod 111
',croons who are subjected io the inclemency of the
weather are reopecl folly Informed 1 hat they ran land.
COVERT'S BALM or LIFE which ii as ell (moo's to have
cured Tuoussous, who were in the last stages of eta
gumption. Ceti ificales ran he produced of Its wonderful
for Liras Corsplotnts. CLI111: hs and Colds. II conies flizu
It reran mended by all who have used it, and is pleasant
to lake. a nd speedy iu etTect tug R cure.
resse's llosettouor , Cast ov.--Thi , is a highly valitalile
and pleasant medicine; it is ill effect a positive and el - v.l2in
more for Coughs,Colds,Cousamption.nml is an effectual
core for the 11i - roost:so Coccus. This i- a vets pb :IF
ant medicine, 01' are fond of it, and t hildren never tefusc
to lake et; Its rule is suie and positive. Thr suitor f
has a cei;tfitiate of Acenry direr I from J. prate
co I here can he no mistake. All persons %Int ate rffei
t are invited to col/ and et.,t dela'', for the tin eto lake
medicine 'oat the cominelleement.
All the above medicines tan alwsys he pro , tired ;it
TUTTLVS .11EDIC-41...10F.VCr W . ; Fourth
LmicAercrt,oct. 2d. 1842.
inr To Dr. l'uons,---51y Dear Sir: I clieerfu:ly arid
cordia.ly emlonee the present lave , ab • e oppori unit . ) to re
turn to von nly wnrme , l tnanks of ;trot pride for your un
equalled and iineareptionahle itiveril s on of your very
justly celebrated Tea Peri v Tooth Nash, and I frit I that
I am to duty hound to sue that I have derived rile greal•
eat and moat beneficial effert r,o,r , its frequent and mode.
„Ate use: and I ran assure yonthat I ant exceedingly hap
py to hove the pleasure of informing c oil. that 'lacer ely
and rordially speaking, I can In ja-itire recommend lIF fre
queni W.e la all that unforionaie portion of the human
rare throughout the globe who are now under:loin:: the
most excruciating pain fur the u out of a medicine prep
rat ion of exactly clue same natty re of whirli von ris Is preps
red, and ky Ito have for years been sufforing from the hl
jurinUs, deiit rnetive and pernicious efferis of worthies.:
tooth powders arid other worthless preparation•. In
ronelnsion peroill me to say IMO I have nsed your Tooth
Wash but for a short period, and yet I feel thorouehly
ronvoiced that It la the hest now known, its inestimable
virtues in preserving the teeth, (which II kept In a good
and handsome condition. to the ereatest emlielishmerit
hat artor no the human structure.) are not In he excelled
in easing. and relieving the sufferer front tooth ache, and
restoring the _inns to a heal' by and purified rondii ton. and
giv sweetness and fingritricy lon disagreeable
i hreath hitherto unknown.
aCt eri itiV Pi. Cele Nal , ll for your snrress, from
Vont:. troll', J 0,1[1 . 11 PRIM MCI .
FruE oo Lectures of the ffdrt stitute• I
for the Fourth Cour,e.re , pect in' ly announce 11, the
puhre that 111ev have made` arrangement, to commence
the Leci tires on Thursday evenin, Dere,ni.er 1. The
[,Mora re. of I his course will he exclusively Litcrare and
Scree/ ific•
The Committer, de-lroti , of makio2 the Lee' ure Room !
of the Institutea favorde re,rot of the lover ha , of Litera
titre and 'Science, as well 71 , the fashionaldr, ve sun
no exertions in procuring popular and talented Lecturers,
both at home and ahroad.
In the course of Iwo week , a list of the Lecturers will
be published, and tickets of f ered.
NV .B. SCA [ E,
nov 9. tf Committee.
IT S. MAIL LINE of eplemlid Passenger Steam Pad,
e , e from Cincin mit o St. Innis.
Tile newowlendid, fdst running, dc light dranzitt
st am
PACI:MY West Wind and Nonpareil, will run as regular
front Cincinnati io St. Lank. %VIII leave Cin•
einnatl and St. Louis every Wednesday morning„ at 10
Passengers from the East and West may rely opon
their starting pn,rtually an advertised, sep 10
Tlll9 infallible remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought pant recovery. from convulsioci. As annul
as the Syrup 19 rubbed on the ttm', the child wlll reel v.
er. Title preparation Is .0 Innocent, so efficacious, and
pleasant, that nu child will refuge to let Its coma Lie rut,
bed with It. When infantgare at the ne of four spanth9
!Ito' there 19 no ppearince of teeth, one bottle cf thg
Syrup 911011111 be used to open the pores. Parents
I I ever he without the syrup In the nursery where therr
are young children, for ir a child wakes in the night with
pain in the gums. the Syrup Immediately given case, t, ! .
opening the pores, and healing the zurng., thereby prevent
ing Cotten :lions, Fevers, 4-c. Far Sate Wholesale nnd
Retail by R. F.. SELLERS, Agent,
asp 10 N 0.20. Woad street. second
Cl R !BRUN' STORE, Aro. - 2 St.
1 Clair srert.
Laccsand Rihbons,
Wide and narrow GPIS,
Lace and Muslin collar',
Infants' frock waists,
Ladies, French Kid, Mohair.
Lisle Thread. and Cotton Gloves,
Black Mohair nets far Veers—very cheap
A large assortment of Enllisb Straw Bonnet.
Also a variety of Straw, plain and fancy Tuscato braid
or the fah st fashion, and at exceedingly low rates.
These goods are now selling off at prices to suit the
Lad* II are ratpectrully Invited to rallood purchase
ow 16
11370111MOrlitziucas rosuc alasalsarasystrilissa. • I
This vergatable and truly luaorasat medicine, roar- '
slim TEN storm, and immediately stays the furiber ran
aßyst 9.7 Disr.•llt, in the bodies of those abobe powers of
life aliaitot already exhausted. Where human means
eaortVail, there scarcely is any complaint, or form of
sickness, that the BILANDRICIII Potts do nut relieve and
generally cure.. Although these pills produce a 'sown
crrecr,tbat effect is not to prostrate the body, asarltli
other nu:dickies, but the frame is inviporated by the e•
!naval of the cause of weak ness, the morbid, the vitiated
humors front the blond.
'taintless in themselves, they merely
ASSIST rslirun
To ;brow out the occasion of sickness from the body,
and they require no alteration in the dirt or clothing.
in fact,ihe human body 'shelter sh'e to sustain with.
out injury, the Inclemency of the weather, wlitle rimier
the Inflective of this infection dest roying,disease eradica
ling Medicine than at any other time.
The importance of Itrandreth's Pills for seamen and
travelers is, therefore, self e‘vident.
By the timely use of this Medicine bow lunch anxiety
and sick nes , , might we not prevcr.t. Cold, Blllious of
fections, Typhus, Scarlet t.ird fevers of all kinds, wvuld
be unknowiii But where sickness does exist, let no
time be lost, let ace BRA INDRETH'S PILLS he at once
sent for, that the Remedy may be app led, without fur
thee loss of tin e.—To nr 14mENIDERLD—
T hat Brandreth', Pills have stood a seven years' lest
In the United Slates.
That they are a vegetable and innocent medicine, yet
all you er ful for the removal of disease, whether chronic
recent; in feet intik , or otherwise.
That they phriry the blood, and :flay the further pro.
gress of dista , e in the human body.
That. in in.iny cases, where the dreadful ravages of
ulceration had laid bare ligament and hone. and where,
to all n ppea ranee, no human means could rave life, have
' , alien! , by the use of these pills, been restored to c trod
htnltt); the devo•iring disease hav tug been completely
75 Reams
60 "
That each of the genuine Ita3 upon it litato: curvet war
That end, law has two sip:Mires or Dr. Benjamin
Bra ntlret It upon it.
That there intea he upon each box three signatures,
Audthree ,ivlaluf es,
•• 1.0 nettle fevers ever requireso lie evacuation to bring
them lo a perfect crisis and solut ioit, and that even by
stools. which must be promoted by nrt when nature
does nut do Ire Itusiite= itself. On Ibis account, au
. 11l tinted ‘crupulousaes,about the weakness of the body
I , of hurl consequence.; for it is that which seems chiefly
to make evacuations trece , sary , which nature attempts
after the humors are tit to he expelled . but is not able 10
accomplish fir the most part in these diseases; and I can , Ez:nut of a Letter from Pugh 4. Alcord. dated Cia
affirni,lll3 l I have given a purge when the pulse has been tin ma I, 29th ...Ilar, h , I 342.
so low 11131 It could hardly lie felt, and the debility ex. J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Friend: We
'rent.", vet troll one and tLe :titer have been restored try have the Sall:4:1010a to state as the Hest recommendation
it." 'rho 3 0.1 pir,ri to be derived from the Brandreill
.1 - K. kloottnetn. G. II WARNIsit. - ---- we can '_'ire of t 1 C utility of your Iron Safes, t hat we
j ' VA " ' err . , 111. v , one of them which way in an exposed situation In
I rills have to hr experienced to he frilly believed. Ily
i their timely use to ilitur Lire scortet, the typhus fever or lON toT•ro% r•At,i OR\ A Ileghe y City, at the
U N • • • • • . • :
end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having '
:our room ing room, at the time Of the fire, on the morn.
' small pot would ev.ir as , uine their malignant fro tn. ins of the lot It inst. which consumed our Polk House to.
commented the vita hornet ore of Cotton Yarns, Steir king ' ~
'l'u a nitre( sate to the full extent ,the incalculable liens PI Iti, ,\ fill a large portion of the meat, lard, kc, which
Yarn, Co' ton Twine, Candlewick. Carpel Chain. Vail ins, 7
Ins of [MANOR ETIVA PILLS, they must be used when , it COtilailirtil; —and that our 'kooks':tint papers which were
.vc., atilt are prepared tr: fill orders at the shortest tiotig. in lire Safe, were entirely nn i„i„, e ,t, an d Wer e taken
I the First Symptoms or Disease present themselves. One Haring selected the latest null most improved maclo
; dose then, and sheer good effects will be fell throughout nerv,:tod employed the manager who has attended to tile
!from it alter the fi„; w knout ever tieing discolored.
the attack—l I 14 I Al(150 TIMM IN TIME that id tile Vea tiorg FACTORY l 1 11o:brook, dated st.
Tours, 4- c.
for the last five years, they arc utatitifactit •
srcret nil he core of all appe.o:trices of disease arising --
ring a sopereor article. fl leaer of a T. e.'tee- from Sfater 4-
from lotl Wood, aird i presume there are few at the pros c olinn ‘‘r „ Fit; ~,,,,t,. to „rd,
eut day, will say :instill.", of those diseases which atl'ect Louie, , Fe b. 2-ie h. 111-11.
Orders through the l'ittslntrzli Po-s Office, or left al the , ~ , i n. 5 ,,, , 5i„ One o r y n„ r 4, cond s ize chests
the hod% when ,he blood is pure. curb disca , es I have f.i are or J 4. C. Painter A. Co.. Liberty street or I..ir.ta 0 SV as Ist erred a low das, ago, ina !cal her store—it pre•
.1. Kennett), Wood street; will mere st .ili prompt ;vivo
..er red ii S coo st
le's. Respeci fully yours,
lion. ,Address—J. K. m scp 10 ow:tit:AD 4. co. sr, kTi:P, j•HOLBROOK.
yet to sce.
floptirg i hat Aolve ,vllO i rad t hi. ntay i c beoefitted by so
I am r,rerliul.y.
241 Ftrondway. New }'ark.
Til C L'OUNTE111 , 1:11"S DEATH FLOW.
The I,uh.ie wci please ol.i.erve that no Brandrilli
are genuine 11111CFS the 1,01 Ilse three laiwts hoot, it.
each cottlaitlltiz a foe shuttle siewiture of toy baud
writioe Itra lahe's ar en;:ra
niiii done nl ao ex.
pease of several I honsaiul dollar,. It etto•ritlicr! ihe 10p
—the pile—and the 1.0 l tout
Ent red arroirllrg to 1 . 1102 rec.. in the %e a t . 1841.
by 6rt piton Itranctret 11, in it r Cleo Is l e (Iflirr io tae Dia
f i let rto,t of the So (brut [tour( of New York.
Dr 11. 6tntdrel I.'S ntvn oth. C. No. 911. 11 ood Stret
Piiteltipl:ll Pop pl;.rr nI PilittLuttztt x ittor t!rnittne
Pill* ran lir La' Azeot who trop
Er:lto - fret!' Pt !, It., an rottr:tverl retiffit ate of A :rot, -
tr , t , ,Vll , Vrrl , Incite ntOittlot, and f tiered 11110 hood
of 9501) Innr other Prls that three received Polo
D , . It, or hl. ,per ltl General A2elll. klark, the Cr'. lid
rate is all e oar:lased except tile Dot tot's nano., VOUril te
in liii own 11.1114 WI Ohferve, no each Tull iterate
there an exact ropy of the three lattels on each 1.01 n
2ravell thereon. Porrlttotrr. SUr. ii,.? tlhe or
the lab( Is on the cet Plicate rot ret , tiontl with I Inr.e on the
f4)llo.lnr :Irp Dr. R , , , 1 olin Itrantheihle %gents
lot thr •.I h. or Vetr.lal le (lois'. rral rills. In A Ite2he
nv cooly, Pa., who are ntitylietl anti the rew lahellca
price 15 rents with d. , rrtlon•.
rrinrlpnlOtfice, Nn. 9A, I,Vonti rrei,
A llNlwny, , r Jour;
MrKre•porl, 11. 111)W LA N I).
NOlitrritown, Jnnn 10111.SOM.
A LEI•111WR vtiAl.r ("Union.
Frw*n TRONlrFoN,Wilktnsburgli.
CrOltne ralrvirw.
EliZahel Mow 0, C F.
r.a3l Litit.rl v,llAvizt. NCO TAY.
Dsvin It. Coos—Minh Township.
Wm. 0. tIrt4TER— Allen's Mill. [cep 10
cured by the t Se of Or. Harlich's Compound
Sirengthenlng and German Aperient
Dr. Harllch—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
A2ency flow y.,u for the sale of your medicine. I
foi moil an acepitaintanrc wi h a lady of Cola place, who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. Fm right or len
years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks,
and her physician 101111111Pred her case so complicated,
that lie very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Throueli
my persuasion. she commenced using voile Pills, and was
perfectly cored. Yours, kc.. JAMES R.KIRBY
October 3, 11;40. Chamberslitia, Pa.
rpOtrice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eiitlith
Siren!, Philadelphia. And be Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streelo, Pittsburgh. sop 10
INTERESTING CURE performed byDr.Stocryne's
Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginian', or Wild Chcr•
ry. Having made use of thig lavaluable Syrup in my family,
which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were
wheezing and choking of piderrt, difficulty of breathing,
attended with constant cough, sonsms, convulions,
of which I had given opnli bones of its recovery until I
was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing the etTects it had upon my child, and con.
chiding to make the same trial upon myself, which en.
Lirely relieved we ofa cough that I was afflicted with for
many years Any person wishing to see me cult ra al
toy house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington.
J. iNit.cos.
We call the attention of the public 10 the numerous
certificates which have been in circulation In our paper
and some others of this city, highly recommending
SWAVNIefI Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry .
seen the Original certificate!, and have no doubt hut they
come from truly grateful heart,',expreFswe of the benefits
which they have received from tl.at valuable compound.
We have acquaintances who have frequently used the
above medicine. who can speak with confidence of Its
virtues.—Saturday Ckronicle.
Fellow CITIZ.V:f3:—With sincerity I would advise
you. one and all, i oat sick and well, always to have a
bottle of Dr SwAvna's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
in your 110U.S0-0 Is invaluable In cases of emergency,
such as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent
i:oughing, which is often the cause of spitting of blotto.
Violent Nervous Affections. which occasionally come
from flight, and various other causes, producing great
alarm, sudden colds from Improper exposure , which
a:. often let run to an alarming extent, for want of
means being ready at hand;—and nis 1 have used Dr.
Swxvlrr.'s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly
In my family, and always with marked success-1 can
recommend It with confidence. as being one of the best
family medicines which has ever been offered to the
public.—A.ueday Chronicle.
Sold by Wt.. Thorn, Wholesale k Detail, only agent
for Pittsburgh. ,N 0.53 Market street. sep 10
WILLIAM IZEP:D. 'Merchant Tailor,—Respectfully
tnibrms Ills friends and the public In general
that he has commence& business at No. 11 Market street,
second door from the corner of Front, where he bores by
strict attention to business to merit a share of public
N, B. The tato& Ihuhlons regularly reeeired;thepab
g their work execute! areoroint
is may depend on bowle
the totem style. .eep 10
the puhltes eerritht.
CAlLDoA.Siddirlialledtso4l.ol INZlLY—lilts.
mar, begs most tespeeteilly to inform the Ladies
of Pittsburgh and its vicinity that she has arrived di.-
rent from London, whit a hoinniful assortment of Minna.
ry of the newest style. Her connexion there will at all
times enable her to introduce the latest fashion and should
the Ladies honor her with a share of thefr patronage, she
pledges herself to keep every thing of the most stylish
description, and pay strict attention to economy.
It is with confidence Mrs. T. recommends her French
and London made Corsets; also ber splendid assortment
of Embroidery, which is superior to anything yet intro
duced in this country: it includes Baby Linen, Conned
eeurs; Orientals, Capes a la Cardinal, Demi, ditto. Ber.
than for Evening Costume, Collars Cuffs, Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, Morning and Night Caps, w Welt will be
ready for their approliatiou on the 9th of October next.
Mrs. 'l'. if, waiting the arrival of her Bon nets from
Europe, at No. 2 Ferry street, between Liberty and
Fon ell' si rests.
! sept. 29—di f.
--- _
11. 5. Id.kOR•TV IWO. Y. II t mturoN. !
mAGR A W 4- HAMI LTON, ..Ittorheys nt Law, have
removed their Ohre to the I eALIC tir C of II — 4 . ;NI,.
pa w , (:)! 2 Fo o li F ri l li i . ,, , t i , t,%.%.,o,%ditonErtisoultiorvt.riStoitlifit•ld. sep 10
—No, 79, Fon elk
tC Street, lictween Wood and Smithfield rt.r.
Two doors from the corner of Woud wheel. Con
scantly on Mind an assortment of 100 ready made
COFFINS, of every biZ.O and t/PSC1111110(1; covered
ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black
Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins.
ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Cat riagrA
(.1rilkilell; Graves procured; and all services rendered
that friends may requite.
A credit given in all eaves, either of coffins or carriages,
requested. HENRY BEAR ES, Undertaker.
sep 10
175 Fair by MITEI.I:II.II.I.aa
s.l) 13 N 0. 1 .2 Water stieo.
VA tIC,PV.— Just received from New lark, 3000
Temperance Almanacs for 134:3;5000 copies of for
Journal of the American Temperance Union and Youth's
Temperance Advocate for September. A1:m.2300 Chris.
flan Alin:in:it's, and a good as,orinterit of Loomis's
smie and Pitisiniff.b. and iii , , Franklo, Slazazine and Coto
; nton .Nimanar S for 1 443; by the _rocs, dozen Of r ,. 111U!i•;
250 conies of Gret's New PI; haeltell and Allegheny Ile•
siness Dire my and Si rani:nut; Guide, for 6; (cents. A It;o,
; Cul taw'. Family, S atool and Pocket Bibles and 'Testa.
ments, David's ['satire.; ltrl Itot.list and Temperance Flynt!'
Book-; the beauties of Harmony, I lit, oductiou to Sacred
Music: Mason's Harp with round nod patent note rhrd.t.
Ilurp,and almost all kltids of School Books; Guit..'s Do
mestic Medicine; Day Books and Led:ers; tf ril jog. Let'
ter, and Wrapping I'apr,;l.lne Lhtrk, and red ink, by the
groqs,dogen,or I,nt I.; steel pen , , tptills,,lntea , pee;
arch.; Cyclopedia of Illytory. ‘Ves'ern Pilot. and a corr.
idera the variet y of Books:Ad St a 1 ion ~ry, for sure on ac.
corionoilating ter ins for cash or country . nrelts
IS iAGIIA ERIS, k:etit and Commission Merchant,
tip '2 No. 9, Fifth street.
.Mil 12-1 v
Ell A I.ES.--"l l ticie is a ,ass 4.1 11l
lIICIty ssnn from their continued to which
ruin:11011S üblitteihetniareatTemed with costivein i iis
lees rite to palpilatitlll at the heart on the
imese or IIeaVIIIYSS extritiliutt over ihe
wln,le brad.
..snee r of 11710 and Found. an nlabilily of fIX itlff t he
al trillion in any menial open a110w... rumbling In Ihr bow
el-. somerinief of siitTociii , especially niter
lii o hen any exiirlion I. aced. a: loin 7 itnirkly
iripprefirkip: ihes , are svliiiiiiPos Whirl] ield a.
iiiiee 10 a iris ihrsesni the. Rr ndretll
spinal ni this mod. SS Milli ',I Sr a dent Of trouble
arid Star. or sulierin..!. It ie, or i or even Ilitre or
the 11,1111/Wll P its jusi I ei . 011•
i No ; lite,isreriore Ihr bowels.
to a proper tnndlrinn.rntlcen 1 lin spirit.. tnintti
tilt• et-11111th inn. purify 'he blunt. and 100.101:e ri
artier:it 01 hrall It and 11:12;iirip...r.
Sold :it Dr. It alitiri lll's No 98 Wood sire el.
". - rifent I per lox, synth full diieci
Mtift E l --The mill place brie
E I' IN r; 01.13titcd, I Doctor's n
-trier. p
_ -
their Oct
which gi
erttot, ,
\ I. INSTRI:',II:NTr., I. IN
FI 11l UM FIN•rSI— 7'.:WC:4 7- r h //, Cal!er anti iurg./cal
p?itrument -Maker, Th 0,1 street, neurqy opposite the
Post Office. P bairL , A
(SIGN nh "I'IIE rIOI.I I F,S 11 )
s and Dri11...0-0s ran IsIlvt• 'heir in
tit rtintenlF made by the tiuteterrilicr of a superior quality
and al Flristern prires.
Tailors' Paterit Shears and Stirrsors nkvals no hand
air() (hitters Shrarr•. a suprridr article. Order , respert
fully Folicelrd.
N. ft. Allartiele! warranted of the heal quality. nnr ,
iohlunc done rr, Fru In
y ivEti (OM ri.AINT. —'Phis disease often fermi
1A tintriito Roo; her of a more :serious nature. If pro
per rrimrdirii ore rot r eziortril to in time. In all form ,
nl thi• disen , e, Dr. Ilaellrhb l'ompoond Fireegtheriiii:
and Gorman Aperient Pill:, wilt eel l'orto n perfect rote
r'ennir• ^ the ,iomaell and b o wel, l e es icier ,
vine all dear bolo the !dyer, by the u>e 01 ilie
than Aperient P.lio, after which the Compouiol
ruing Pills are tarn to izive strenglir nod woe to those
trader organs whirl) require suth treatment only to effort
a permnment cure. Those Pills are orally put up her.
.mail packtne . .., with foil direction•. sole at No. 19
North Eight St reel, Philadelphia. A b.o, for saie rue sa
uel Frmy corner of Wood and Liberty
N Y.. •
Sold by WM. THORN. wholesale 4 • retail, only aeent
WLLIAM C. WALL, Plain and Farley Portrait'
fur Pittslest—li. No. 53. NI arket street. sep 10 and Picture Frusta .rdasafacrerer, XL, 167,
, - -Fourth Street PietsburgA.— Canvass Brushes. Varnish
4 BOON TO THE HUM AN CAC E!—••Diicover kc., for Artists, always on hand. Looking claws. 4.r,
I,t what trill destroy Life, and you Ore a great man. promptly framed to order. Repairing dons Lt the sbort
- 1-I,roner -Lelia , wall prolong Life, and the world will es "tire.
I rail you Impostor." Particular attention paid to re:tiding and Jobbing Air
There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within US. ery deseritv lon.
with which eeetnin herbs barn ciffnity, and over whioh
they hare Fairer."
Persons lilting up Steam Boats or houses will find it to
theiradvantage to call. leo 10 .
Dr. IL Btandreilt's External Remedy, or Liniment, I.
which, by its extraordinary power, ahstracts Pain or .
1 Sorene-s: thus Sprains. Stiff Sinews, While Swellings,
l Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stillnvis of the Joints,
R EMOV A L.—The undersigned hegs leave to imoriTt I Tumors, Cnnattiral tlardoecs, Stilt Neck Sore Throat,
the public . , I lint he has removed from hi!, old stand, 1 Cron p, Contractions of the
Scrofulous Co
to the corner of Penn and Si. Clair sic., opposite the Ex largentent.r. Tender reel, and every description of In
change iloiel,where he has tilted up a lame Piano Vaal g 1 jury Miecllnt: the EV etiOr Of the human Frame. are
W se ROOM. and now offers for sale the most splendid ; cured or woolly relieved by his reree•to be sufficiently
assortment of PlAnos ever offered in 11114 ntarket. , extolled rimed d.
His Mono; consist of different patterns, of superior CERTIFIr Al E.—The f,Olowilin letter front Major Gen.
Rose Wood and Mahogany, heaullfully finished and nto oral S.i milord, as to the qualities of the External Bente
deled, and consti twted thronehout of the very hr-I ma- dy, cpeaks•voltime s :
New TOIL Feb. 9,1842.
terirtls,which,for durability, and quality of lone. as well
as touch, he warrants lo be superior to any ever seen Dear Sir —Vh• v 1 you oliliee nte with another bottle of
here. Your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the hest of the
As he has en'arged his mannfactory. and made, arrane.e. kind Iha ve ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's
mettle to supply the increasing demand for this Instru. knee, about which I was SO iineatty,and I have fonnd it
ment, he respectfully rcqnests those Intending to mir. productive of immediate relief in several cases of eater
chase to call and examine his assortment before purclia. I nal injury In my family. A few evenings since, me
sing elsewhee. at els determned to Fe Lowsit, tor youngst ild was setzed with a violent attack of Croup,
cash, than any r other h establishment cast or ll
west of the which e was ch entirely removed In twenty minute., by rub.
m,oitntains. F. BLUME, I Ling her chest and throat freely with the External Rem.
Corner of Penn and SI. Clair streets, edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment
sell 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. for gen h eretofore
Ilse, instead of confining the use of it, as you
have done, to your particular acquaintances.
Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD.
fin. B. 13R•IC pnrrn.24l Broadway, N. Y.
rl=l•For sale at ::.' , ll Broadway, New York, and at his
office ,N o. 9.i Wood to reet,Pittehttrzh. PRICE-50 ceonts
per bottle with directions. sep 1
4 1.1. EN 61t.1 NI , F:rcqozire Broker, -Va. 46, Car
l& ner of Wood and Third Street:* , Pittsburg h Pa.—
Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, tioty;tit and
Sight checks on the Eastern title for sale. Marts,
notes and bills, collected.
Pittsbul gh,Pa, Wm. Bell Co., Join ts.
Lorenz, J. Painter 4• Co.. In,eph Woodwell, James May
Philadelphia , Alexander Bronson 4- Co., John H. Brown
4- co. Cincinnati, 0., James 51'Canilless. St. Louis,
filo., J. R. MTionald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Esq.
Pres't Bank Kr. ent°
Evans's Camomile Pills.
CEITIFICATICH.—Letterfrom the Hon. M'Clel. I
lan Golllvan Count y, East Tennessee, M einberof Con 2 reS5.
WASHINGTON, July 3d, 108.
Sir—Blare I have been in this city I have used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and saris
friction, and believe it In hen most valuable remedy. One
of my onstituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell count y,
Tennessee. wrote to me to send him some. which I did.
and he has mployed it very successfully in his practice.
and says it Is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this place, thinks you would probably like an agent in
Tennessee. If no, I would recommend Dr. A Carden. an
a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission him he Is willing to
net for yon. You can send the medicine
co by wate
r to the
care of Robert King k Sons. Knoxville unly.
see, or by land to Graham Houston, Tazewell, East
Tennessee. I have no doubt but If you had agents In
several counties In East Tennessee, a great deal of m
home edi
cine would be sold. I am going wo lake some of It
for my own use. and that of y friends. and slwould
like to bear from you whether you would like an agent
at Bluntville. Sullivan County. East Tennessee: I can get
same of the merchants to act for you as I live near there.
Years rent. ectfully.
For sale Wholesaleand Retail, by
•ep 10 Not 20. Wood street,belOw Second
, • .
Meat - " •
Jois Doming, Sixth street,
400 er 111114G1 x—+ Tits gigpiesiars 4 Sidisr
stria, Pitubartrk '
e = •
. .
Pittsburgh, June, 18, 1839.
Joins DaN:liao:— Dear Si c--Ilaving been piesent,
estertlav, at lie experiment which you were pleased to
make, to lie presence of a number of our business men,
of the safety of your IRON CHESTS, In ease of fire, It
gives me pleasure to say, that so far as I was espableof
judging, the test was talc, and the result exceeded my
The Chest was a small one, about :JO incites high, by
about id 0. 20 incites in breadth and depth, and was pia•
ced on a block of wood about a foot in thickness, so as
to elevaie It abort that height from the ground; several
hooks and new,papers weie deposited inside of it, in the
manner in which alerehants and others would usually
plate them--a large quantity of light pine wood [slabs
from an adjoining 'Saw [dill,] was then placed around
and above it, and the fire kindled on the windward side,
; eoas to drive the flame against the hack part of iliechest.
The iire was kept lip about three quarters of an hour,
nni ii you had gone among the spectators and received
c,llllll them their universal answer that the test was
at. The chest was then drawn out of the fire,
an) coiled, and opened. and examined. The contents
were ill safe.. and the only injury done was to the hack
' of one book which appeared to be a little enarred. ['rum
what I witnessed, I think that these chests are desert ,
int, of confidence, as affording, perhaps,the best security
to m t ., r i t ant,t, jar their books and papers, which they can
have without ititildio2 large, thick, amid expensive vaults.
; I would considerallsem a better secority than many vaults
which I have seen bud!. Your lrieint,
We oceitur in the ahoy,. -latrine:o, Navin, been prod.
:soot vi lion the riles( wns i este .
i 1V..41. Cooper; .1. H. Shoe.ber, ;Er, Bola Bell,
.P: I usightio. J. Painter, 4. Cordell,
11. Miller, Jr. I' L. Armstrong, 4. 11. Hoge
Thomas Craig, .S. Cl. D. Iloward, J. IV. floyl.
y ivEl: roll VI, AI NT cur,' ,I hy the use of Dr. 0:u
-lt.,/ ,cti'-. compound Strengthen 152 and Aperient Pill?.'
Mr. Wm. Richard., of Pitt,intril , , Fa., entirely cored of
VA 1.17 ABLE REAL. ESTATE FOR Es 41, ir, .—.
tile above iii , lti.i,lll , 11 1,111:1-0 His symptoms were pain'
and ‘Yrt2ht in the hift :.I.lr. b. , - ofkrpetite, continue, acid ' The subscriber offers for ,ate, it the prestest redid:
t rtirlatn ,,,,, a dt,ie,,slo,, of 1 1, 0 A,,,„,,0,. ,i c k bead , ac t„, , , red rates, the greater part of hie real estate, sltuatchlf
the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. vier-Three of IsliF
11111 ed sonttnc. conntclunce 01111121•11 to a ritron color. diffi.
, 1,01 ~ of 1,r,.„,t0„2.
ii „,,,.„„,,,,,k.,1 „i l l, r0 „ , ,,h , ! Brick Warehouses, neatly new. a csubsialttiany bun ~
situate on Market street, 1 et ween Second and Flout. eel.
great il.'ilitt v., WI lilt
....Amino., iminatlng gnat de
braelitti a front of about 54 feet by 60 deep. For seas Sit.
1,14..nie11i I . lr 111,. litinnionc of lite liver. Mr. Rich:lid , '
ImA Om advice or ,ii•vrl, l oliv- , rid n+, but received Ito tire, or separately to suit purchasers, and upon hang trai t ;
re mf. lib .1 it-to . Ilr. lld rt. ll'. ;dedibier. whitit terming" Al s o, +.1,,
11 select building lot fn Allegheny city, 64 feel hs ,
Ir,l is ell. , 1 Ll.l .1 111 , ler I fill,
1 , ,
~,,:wi I
e. 19 Now. 1 ,. ,21 ,,, , , rz , , ,,,. p „i, „d e l p hi„ . . breadth, by upward of 350 feet in depth, having taint
fiord., nee on the PennsylVania canal sold the other-Ow
roc .:111 . in I`nl4 , tlcl4li by Samuel Frew, Corner of I.lber
, Woshlngion street. •
I% and %Vdoil ,dr,..et, wp 10
Also, the lot adjoining the !above. 100 feet la brradtti ,
____-_,----- by nearlc 350 feet In depth, Including the large mad 11146.
Cinro•,,a,, F. h rim, y 15. 1840'
cant mansion house which I now occupy and outbultd
Dr. SWAVNI.:— I/0 A. ir:- lb 1n I , I, to 1,11•C‘ the lib . . rtV
of , Citing 1,, ton at Itl I m eto , icni.,= my cii.P.J'al' ° " , ; Also, n lot with two two story brick storehouses , . We ,
1,',1 lo tai onion• 110 10 Ihe aii.mitoo ut heads or I.:Milliee ale on the corner of M arket and Front 'tr.-els, "'ellen. to .
led other: "" r "'" " " I ' l" "'". h ,"" e 7, lile (. '"" P°u"d a moderate ground rent, and now occupied t•y Mr. lior I
-,. run 01 l' rli it LI , VII . 1 11 I,i lin, Or AVI d Cherry Park. lii as n grneer ALES. BRACKENRIDGE.
lIIN I ra, e;- 01 IA 1. I 1 :i V..... oln a. eal man% Instances , r , 10 .
Ole V% no.ler l'Ol etrecis of your ntedt. toe ill rel.eving (.1111.
VILA X SEID WANTED —V% anted to purchase lot ,
dr..o ni eery obstinate caulpl. such as C•mgliing.
~,. ~ 1 i ~ k ,,_ I_ cat' , or goods, a quantity of Flax and Tlcnoths reedat :
ty 11er7.111,2, ilioal.trz m 1 itievo, r\ ... 1 11/1:1 It :11 or ~ 4-e.
Almost all lords of Cimblry Produce taken in noinWitt
ke. i ,hoithi lint li.ive , 1 1 11 I. 111, Truer. boweVei ,at
for en.ll or goads al DAR RIS'S imellieenee 061 , P sad
11l n!. ail botr2.ll I bdve le 11 1 11. 1 , 1 duty IO add my ie , l I
to It far ..otne . taw. had II 0 , 11 I.een for a tale 1
11 "" . 21— ' f Corn,`,l.lol, War , dlonse, No. 9. Fifth alls
stance wile, e the 111e.1 11 ille 311OVe
m enial in reei mane In perreel 11,11111 o,n -only ciiiiii..' LP dare and .enterican Alanyfacturws, JUG/Dare, le ...,
w,.. case ..;,-- :dm. , hnn,1,..•/. In :1 fa Mill. or my ac. it vrEtt To--
non Inln Off . 1•I i hook Ilea , It," said I lie doalite% cool it. Jno. Crie•, E.Eq., Pittsburgh:
r, ell, ri.11.1 is saved from the jaws of deathl 0 how I , Aaron Mat 1, ..
.-.,, .1 the icientires ray:l;er But my child is safe! ts Jan.e= C ran of !rd. 0
-.are!" . , Jan.D. Davis, i.
Ite nod all don'tt Dr. Swa r nes Compound Syrup of , Nl' Vn vet Hanna,
1111 (lieu . % Is the most eallialde medicine in 1111, or nny I Avery. Ogden Q• Co. 66
Jon. Woodhonrne, F.rl ,111adison.
oil IT rinini rv. I ant certain I ',nye whiles:4.d more than
:o.. , dred ca,cs %%here it ha:. been attended with cont. .
, r I .lle l ei , -. I am tt , ittg.tt myself in an obstinate nt. VALI; A ISL.E FARM FOR BALE —I will veil OM
'.i, .of n, rol , r ',saes 1.. ~, , ir-1 1 ii moved etreellial in a ll. 7( V Farm oti which I live, In Wilkins township. tont
t ....ile.g 1 l . ..le/CI I.ole. rot ....:11111 11 2 line sever Of the erne.
Braddocksfirid, containing Owe hundred and seventres
I can ',room nil II la the in. 11,1 confidence oriis superior acres:about 70 acres of which is cleared. and the belated'
I I it I ,0111,1 advt. ,. that 50 family
be without well limbered. There ere upon It three log derelliske.
11; II it very pleo,ant ant always lirneficil—worth and a barn 53 feet by 3 , 4; an apple osehard of choieefrohs
loot., and often Ica 11no . it, 11l ire. Tile l'uldie arc as. Also, nhout seventy acres of coal. The soil Is bellevettu
ntird there be quackery about it. R. JACK6O4, D. D. he equal to that of any upland farm In the township.
Former') 1':0,,0r of line Fir,t. Fresh) terian Church, Terms made known en application to the subsetlber halts
In the prem6es. WILLIAM WALLACE. (Pep 10
-_-- .
Ilarrishorch. A uaust 2411).1842.
LONGING TO THE STATE.—Notice is hereby gi•
vn that in pursuance of the seventeenth. eigteenth.
nineteenth and twent ieth Sections of the Act • of As h sembly
pa.veti the 27th day of July. 1042, proposals will he reed!
ved at the state Department until the last:day of Novem
her next, for the nate of all and each of the Canals and
Rflll Roads belonging to the Commonwealth. for which
Sote,Siock.at par 7aloe, will be received in pay ifi me ll nt.
Each individual or Comtniny is required, speccay ,
staie.t he particular line of Canal or Rail Road which
they desireto purchase. the amount of their respective
bids therefor, the given and surnames of
the offer, together with their place or places ll co
of reside d
in order that the same may be laid before the next Legis
atu re. •
The proposals mast be sealed up and directed to the
Secretary of Commoalth with an endorsement on the
same: “Proposaist f. ' Oa passkass Public
Wirtz." By order of the G0%1E11101%
Secretary of the Comeeocwealtb
, ,
TRAVELERS TAKE NOTlClfis—That O in *la
provided with the Safety Guard ha ve t ar Ali
bills printed with a figure or the apparatus—atone till
fill you are Pot deceivolit.o7 trilsreprelentatieell at it
gentsstating their boat visli• provided with the
Guard, when they are eat / / secured *gall st ex Deese
The following is a list of boats supplied with theft*
ty Guard at the Port of Pltisburgh—all except the t W wa
first on the list have the improved apparatus with WI
apparatus it la impossible for an explosion to occur:
STEAM FERRY BOAT, ---_. ... ,
a •
The traveling community are respectfully rtquesste
before they make a choice of a boat, to reflect a wooer II
and see whether it would not he to their advent**
and security to choose a Safety Guard' Witt, both fed
passage and freight, In prefetente to one not to gusidp4
against explosion—and that they will bear In min
that this Invention has the unqualified approbation
Arty steam engine builders--gentlenten whole busissate,
it is to understand the Italica, and who are entirely Intl
interested—besides a number of rert iticalcs from sr lend '
ic p,entlesi en and others—all of which can be seen Li
my office, No. 10• Water street, where It would give in. t ,
pleasure at all times to exhibit my invention to SO/
who w ill take the trouble to call.
WBITE LE' n.—The subscril err 14 re now mew
to furniiti painters. and other.; who wish to OW ~
chase pure White Lend made of the best materials wits
ranted equal. if not superior to any offered Wile publie;
All eider: addressed to Dunlap ik fluches,core arid Illifefit'
4- co . No.lloSecond street, Piti.burelt. will he promptly
attended tn. DUNLAP 4- DUCHEIIL__
1 J-4 Fifth St., one doerfrom Old Stand of N. Batlmittattw.
1 The _Subscriber respectfully Informs the ladies et
Pitisburch and vicinity that he has commenced R4t.
talons Shoes of his own manufacture. at the shoat plats.
where he will keep c onstantly on hand a mood sweet.
merit of all kinds of ladles, mhwes. sad children's WOW
and shoes, of the best quality. which wilt he sold st yri.
ces to suit the times He will also make to order OH
kinds of fat cy work—sneli as while and black satin
slippers, cotoied gaiters, and hoskins. ladies, misses sod
children's ellslers. silk gaiters, /cc.. kc. All of shirk.
will be made at the shortest notice, and in the neat Blew
ner. Ladies will please call and examine lior themseicall,
any tharticlee subscriber
his line they may feels confident th
Waal. at he can suit the= SIX
9Pp 10
P. S. Don't Corset the plsee—No. 8. Fifth Ehreat—Oddr
door from Barria' lntelligente Office. and thlrd dada
from Market Street J.
bust,! l D ory having taken th
carried OP at 131
Liberty street and 42 Market street. begs to retorts tile
thanks to t h e numerous Monde and rustomersof the isio
firm. for the very liberal support thee have always es
tended to him, in connection with Mr. Hopewell, and
wishes to ileta re them that every exertion shall he used tilt
merit the COTII ihnut ion of the same. He would most rw
peel fully Invite their attention to his present stock or
Clothing,which he intends rellinff at much lower prlceli
than has been ever otrered. twins d. strays of di.pories
the whole of the stock of the !ate &m um quirkly as pow
Bible; and as be Intends lo confine himself to en tutus*,
cash btmluess, he feels confident no establishment tell
stapes , his Mock , either in eheapnem, durability, et
new of workmanship.
Please to take noticet hat every ankle sold, is i
sep nanasse
lured in PM 01,1"1
QA MUM 1110REOW. Ninrafisetaror of Tis, Coppor
7 k Sloe Iron Were, No. 17 Fifth Strait. Bar" ,
Wood sad Narked Strests.--is prepared to All ill °nisi
in bis line at the shortest notice. Country Mertbalt
and others are seleited ro call and examine his astortiote
of wares, which willbe sold wholesale or retail,es
al terms.
House apostle: and stave tsrettute pose reads
imp 10