IVA Y !lewd i;ri.rer t,‘‘ wntteMuUat:, burr de, tiro dogra /sem tAo U. d. Reek. trim Tr geadeetetter, nu/mm(811, Informs the piddle that fib randy inade cope waratiOnso to the t ally occupied by Mr. 11. O. Berford,dlrectly .4119psolto his old stand. where he Is always prepared to at• .. i . Th rii•ailiprotaptly to any orders In his line, and by strict at lieletlia to all the denials of the hilliness of an Undertaker SlLMetpesto merit puldiecontidence, He will be prepared Bea novas to provide Hoarse., Biers, Carriages and tettensita on Oa sett liberal terms. Calls from the midi be promptly at to. lb laiddiesiee I. In the same building with his ware „millin...webers those who need his services may land him , „rata*/ %law itiercsancies: , same. Aetna itsnout. . - 1 , 11. 11111 0“ PATTON. 10' . OP. IrOMMII. ISAAC ■AURU, aPPP oliV3 rp3aratiazta4 . . . . iooKs. ..STEAMBOAT RILLS, 'IPAIIPHLSTS, HORsh: HILLS, 11LANICF, visiTING CARDS, LA ems. ADDRESS DO., .1:111110[8. BUSINEAS DO., NOTES. HAND BILLS, PILLS OP' LADTNO, CIRCULARS, kr, rte. '' Vollether wsth every description of Leiter Press Print byr, &flashed with nestnexr and despatch, and on nindr ,initicrtoroms, at the office of the DJ tly Morning Post. X 0 10 TOOSE WHOSE OrCUPA TI(NS TEND 'Ft) PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISE ASC.—This . Sloss of indlvidnata ii vei y numerous. They are those _Who+J♦e►k in an unheali lay aim , iiihere. Primers, work. /nen in feather stores, stone cullers, bakers, white lead “Ittattrintiirers. are all m•trf or suhJe•ct to disease or _ portlier 110 the strimatli of their coperitiii lon The Only leillthod to prevent disea.c, is the occasional use of a ' which abstracie from the c;rculai ion all Ilelet e . violas homer., and expel* then , by the bowels. Tunic= 1A any Mann are Injurious, es they only :lot off the evil dey to make It more faint. The use of 11 , and rei li's Pills meNi Mains health, because they take all Impure mailer • pita the blood; and the body is not weakene4 but • -aattealtheired by (heir operation, far these valuable Pins Ake not force. Inv they naskt nature, and are not oppcsed. NI harmonise with her. Mehl at Dr. Brandreth't Offi,e, No. 9it Vt'ood street, alillisilteran. Price 25 cents per box, with full direci lnn•. only place Tn Phishorsh wto.re !he inguiNE Pitts can be obtained. is the Doctor's ot, n see, f1r0.98 Wood street. sep 10 'W. HOTEL. The subscriber respeciluily /II ford4a his old friends and the public that he has speisessis Temperance Hotel,ln fifth Street, near the Ex- Baak, sod In the house lately occupied by Mat. — View Patrick, and has hoisted an( run .11 en, -The Iron 41Chir Illotei,” where lie will be very har;:y to aecommo. 111111 . 411 who may please to call at him. His table 011.11,14. provided with the best tare, and every p 05,11,11. ..,41001111111160d411011 10 town and country customers and raielers. A kw hoarders who wish to lodge In their stores or of. ORN.can he taken. and rem:morn who live out of town caw *me their dinners daily. Re has large nod good stables, and the beat Hay and data, and a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. fa and gentlemenl woo h ave hot see. Boarders taken by the day, week or year. Char2e , artromoderate than at any respectalde floret in the coy. • Sep 10 JOHN IRONS. 1 - f. WASHINGTON 11.41.1..—'1'ite ii.Otscritier has opened the late residence of Jaynes Aritinis Esu . deceased. for the reception of visitors and boarders; '4lsis house is very pleasantly situated 00 the hank of the :Ohio, 2 miles from the city—possessing all the d.,li_.ht• ,fat accompaniments of a country residence, a Bitola Wag too far chstan for persons doing business In the .44111. Visitors will tie furnished with every delicacy of tribe season. • AO Omnibus runs regularly every bon -gbeey end ofthe Bridge. - 11.—No Alcoholic beverages kept. bee 10 WM. C. ill t 7Thissotorrox OF THE OA' I C.‘"' cnii t• nership existing between Jame E. K lhourn and 14/3•ld .1. Morgan isttris city dissolv.•d by unr.uat consent. The conditions nrlll be duly noticed, with the signat °Thoth parties annexed, end Barry flail wilt he rontinn.d .open by the subicriber until other arrangement, ale per. Tented. Par tale, on the premism 1.10 hhk. rlinire winler np. Wei,. If applied for Isemedln:rly. JAS. E. K HOUR N, ! sep 3r --ir No 9. Market, and 74. From _ _ _ _- _.--------- 1 1 TEIOItN'S TEA BERIt Y T O() 11.1 V ANtj. nOOKRINDING.-sl'ca.l'i-RSA- Liaciwrin,rhet• 2(1 ,18.42. 1 1 -- - _ L. Joltrimn, ilookhilider". and , 'nett : Ruler., \P. corner of I ~,,•-To Dr. l'nottN,—My Dear Sir: I cheerfully and -:::•....:' :-•=-:•._ S. I"V°u'l and _._-_ 1 cordia,lv embi a m ice the present favah'e opportunity to re. • • _ Foltri'...oreets, are now moon red in eX• ' turn to vou toy warme s t thanks of gratitude for your on A - - erute all kind. ol Ilnokbinding and ra. I . ..-- ' rqua 'led and unexceptionable javentfon of your very per fluting with neatness and ,I,•cpairli. , . „ ..., ~ . , , justly celebrated Tea Berl t• •I oot Imvi .0..',“ •/ t ok , that v.s.- - r•e-Y •11 ' '' k honks rilied and hound to I am to duty hound in say that I have thrived l lie grent• OW 3? given pattern at tin nriest votive, I,t II lid 1110,1 Isaietiriat e ff ect f,olt, its it .'lupin aad mode. N. 8. All work done ne ahove is warranted. (4en 10 aft. %J. , : :.nd I rah .t , sil re inn I II:0 I an: exceedingly Imp - ! py In have the ole.trti in of ,iift,r7.llll ton. that shieetely. rig, I can in justice recommend ils fre it unforilinaie portion rf the human race lilt ~ 11 ';!/0111thl.. 00he who are now undergoing the - -.... - mag.`'" - 0, , 1. excruciating porn for the h, ant of a medicine preps. W.M. BIr•DLE, Sit - ;!' - o'r Drutist. ling_returi . ted to , : , ta , ,on of ix:icily:hes:tine nature or who'h yriiirs ic prima h, o,! s' cd, No I 'l7, Isiiiiilineld :street, red, and tr ho have for years been suirmitiu from the in when, be ,I, Co C,,1,U1t, ' . , ) hour dun rig the day, jurims. destructive and pernicious effects of worthies., ~. no his protOlom - .11l : tooth powders and other worthless preparations. In r cliirlit.ioll 1.'1,1.11 till' 1,1,, iy that I have used your Tooth 111 , : , 1101•. '0 l_ i'VnQI. I,: rnr I: olort rimiod, and jo i I 1'.•,4 ihn,,,,hi, ronviliced ilia' it It HIP IWO now known. it: ineslitilakle t' Penn; :: virin''' . in I ,o "' , Ont.' , lie t ,, eth. (which II kept in a 2ood ~ and handsnaie condil Inn, 1.1 the ar,nly.f ~,i,11.4hrnp,,1 11,01 n.i.trns lite 1 1 , Ifyinll SI rtirtiiro ) nee lii In Ire exrel'erl , . ‘ l,l in aaslio, and re'leving the .llfrorer (coin moth artle, and , restoring the 2,11 , 1 , ..F.10 a healthy and purified condi' ion, a nd givmr, akm a sweetness and fragrancy Ina disagreeable .• i breath hitherto unknown. , !. a Accept inn si . core wish for your snereso, frnm Yours. I rule, inrrrit BRIMMre R EN„,.-AL. I ISCIIII3, 11141 :te 1)-1;til ,o'4l stand. In Twt.l ,"11••to , ttr 1•:` •••• ill Jai tmetil or Pas t. , ,)t•"(,, ,t.. ;tb;e ~r lo Oho at hip old 'land. ti. meni>New Ynrk and he Tniltlrs. the rere.n.,” r.i i' a•k•1 FacOloriA • roglooler: may rely nn having their ordvr, arcorrlioa io .4helate.st wyle. slept 10 LARD 011..—Tha 11SCII her w0u , .1 mo-1. resilPCl y inform the fluidic in gener a 11.1 he tins an artier ul ...aLrd Oil oh' Wioetlor quality, ma nufactu led at t he Stnnufactory,by R.W. Lee ¢ Co.,which is warran __„....._ted to be Nutt to the hest Sperm. Oil, both for 1.121 t and 111ffirePr., "This Oil is entirely free f o.n any Glutinous - matter. awoke, or unpleasant odor, and it is as clear and Ys while es spring water. Not a particle of crust is left -Cu the wick. The light is pure and brit Mitt, tied will last as long, if not longer, than that front an real quantity of Sperm. Oil. The subset iher informs the public that he has taken a piste nearly opposite the 0 ,0114.021ee, where he will lieht tip several different lamps berg evening, and he would respectfully Invite tile in .11Nokeeta of Pittsburgh, A Ileghenv, and their vicinity, to -esellleted judge for themselves. He feels confident thee • -mat be convinced that the above statement Is perfectly IeSISSINt. Out of two hundred individuals who have tried -the Oil.there has not been a single fault found with It , VIM UM Meseta one third lessthen Sperm. Ile would • geeeellehaNy solicit the early attention ol Dealers and Ma. 'dahlias to the above. •Tbe biloelimiChurcheir are now mine the Lard oil ; libelled Presbyterian Church, Pltt.burgh, •" Kew Ceweeriand Presbyterian Church, PlusbuigA, First Presbyterian Church, Allegheny Cliy, Associate Reformed Char6h, do. All tbs barrels are branded It. {V. LEE 4. Co., Cincin ,asti, Obi*. Pittsbureh, June Ist „1 842. Zlandeaignegf, Captain* cf the Expeenn Line of , Onibe Pen neylennla Cann I, ila VC tried and are .Wait inf article *CLAM OH Introduced here by Matt hew mitivullettired lky R. W. Lee Co., th e 161Milliffnel Off Factory, 3 - 11 1 ,11rikeloonfident In asserting (bat the a' ose is equal tihttllie Wit Spertm thatAtt, is entirely One from stnnke airsay giber glutinous matter whatever; the light is per• amillirritevelear end brilliant; nut will kw i s l ong, If not 111111 . 1 1 , aka that from an eqanik uthntity ot 'sperm. Oil, W•baite Re him Italian In recommelidtigltto our friends Istboi• who use Olt. MILT TRIM, Captain, Packet Jahn 1111-11..BILDEDRAND, Captain, Packet'ohn Hanrock, Atelblllo, do do ohn Madison, AMOK THOMPSON, di.. ro Pittsburgh, i. 1111 .01111 ' '- - VON HUTCH ELlt-, v ,. TMMs PILLS. _ Pills are .°ln P eee d o r hel "'”hieto exert getlio action . upon the heart, rive vouiro ted duimplo •110 th e arterial syslem; th e W eed li nr sad lee in Its circulaticn through all t. acken 'gon el,, ontie /10 0,.....,4arrit -.knitted Interim '', or th e Ln ". awetions of the • "Sala ft* Woo l, ineriN di a aonsequent I Reant)tf. areere. " loom an d a gulekeel action of the • =Naant, or alle tiar lOra t ,ntek A y inetitid Won LOegteitriAirea-I""eetati• suf state. 70 ;!;gr . and the tidy ail►vr a tgesa . led Re. l ull% limn Si2l ~ '~ ~.~j.== - ELI. alDliN BLACK. D. D Rl•. Rolligi •ROCK. D. D ezv. JOllll.ll CIRC CM= I the Alle T:olor a. I, a ,Carr of he WIRT 1 NST I TUTF:. FIFTH' COOPSE OF i.EcTURE. GommO lee no Lectures of 114 / 1 Wirt Institute, for the Fait rlh t. s ourso.respeetfu'ly announce to the pubrc that il.ey have made arrangements to commence the Lectures on Thursday evenlnz, December 1. The Lecture. of this course will be exclusively Literary and Scientific. The Committee, desirous of maklng the Lecture Room of the Institute a favorte resort of the lovers of Litera lure and Science., as well As the fa.Llnnahle, have spared nor rertions in procuring popular and talented Lecturers, Loth at flume and abroad. In the course oflwowe.k.a list of the Lecturers w he published, a art tickets offered. -,:~ ^_,,. =- U 6 . .MAIL LINE of Splendid Passenger Sleam Pack els from CI nci es nail I o St. Louis. The new, splendid, fast running, ir light drancilt dram PackeiP West Wind and c'Vompaceif, will ruin as regular Packets, from Cincinnati so St. Louis. Will leave (7111 rinnatl and St. Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Passengers from the East and West may rely upon their start ing numinally as advert ised . .t , p 10 D--- —_-- _____ - -- R. WILLIAM EvANs's ROOTIfING Sl' R UP,— This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds when thought past recovery, foot convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the otms, the child will rest v. er. This preparation is so In nore n t, ~,,, effi c a c i ous , and so pleasant, that no child wil refuse to let Its aunts he rub bed with it. When infaritsare at the age of four months tho' there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should he used to open the pores. Parents should never be without the syrup in the nursery where then are young children, for if a child wakes in the night with pain In the pins. the Syrup immediately Lives case, by opening thepores, and healing the gums; thereby prevent ing Convu sions, Fevers, 4-c. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, sep 10 No. VI. Wood .trees, below Second CHEAP. —LACE AND RIBBON STORE, No. 2 se. C/sir seep'. Lacesand Ribbons, Wide and narrow GPIs, Lace and Muslin collar', Infants' frock waists, Ladies, French Kid, Mohair. Lisle Thread. and Cotton Cloves, slack Mohair nets for Veil.--very cheap A large assortment cf English Straw Bonnets. Also a variety ofStraw, plain and fancy Tuscan braid. MILLINERY oflhe laical fashion,and at exceedingly low rates. I These goods are now selling off at prices to snit llie 1 lintel.. M. C. ECEY, Agent. Lad/is are reopeetAilly Invited to call and purebaste eep 18 I',..oeUzALs FOR BLANKS POST ()evict DEreeviimirr, / • November 16, i 842. IN compliance with the seventeenth fectiott of the eel of Congress ..legalizing anti making appropriations -for such necessary ohJec;e as have been übuaity included -In the general appropriation bills without authority of '.law, and to flc and provide for certain incidental ex -fetuses of the Department, and niftier* of the Gove, e it, and for oilier purposes," approved A iti.tist 26, 19-12; Seated Proposals r lit ne reciiivetl at this Depart ment untlithe hiri y•firsi day 0 December nest, for fur nishing for one year or luitser at the opt ion of the Depart merit; the following descriptions of I:iaoks (or the use of Pend Offices in the States of Penn. I vault a i Di•lawure: Mails received, 7.; Y:1111$ • ftisits sent, 6p " Account of Neit , iin pore and Pamphlets it Mailo received at rti,t HMI! rig Offices, 12 " trre arrove on small royal p liter, at lest 22 by 111 ;riches. printed on iiol it Aiare and foot ruled, with out leo. than 42 lineo on a pa:e. Mar's r.ent from Mut ins °dim?, 12 Reaoto Sartre craft palter no above, but folded lenv hw int., trod with 50 Hoes ^n n page. A ',moots Current, foolocr.o. two on a sheet 16 Reams itloothly and Weekly Regime's, foulocnii„ ' (Mir on a sheet, \ 9 Post 1 .t1 1 ' ,, roolgeo P. 12 on a vlitetotittiOut ci,;natitt Post Prills, foolscap, 12 o n a sh ee t, with gignatit rep, 751) I Post nil, for Dist rilini ing Offices, 9 ~i n Ileums sheet, with slignat tires Post iltils,lfor l'ist ritintitig Offices, 6 on a , sheet, with signatures. I The prepocaii will 'tale the price, in one sum, per ' ream, for each kind of blanks, for paper, priming, rt.ling and packing, They are to he delivered in such qiiiititi• ties, and at such I inte4, as may be required by the tii ffir• eat Post Offices, and on the requAttiOnll or Postmaster., endorsed by the Postmaster at the place where the ciiii• It:tour may rei-ille. None will be ronsidered as (Icily( r• i ed. or Will be paid fur, except oil %dell rerrilstllot4. i E tell reqiiisirinn, or quantity ordered, to be securely env •loped or packed for transportation, and directed to 1 the Post Office, at the expense of the con! rector. The right is reserved of reject ng air bid whit It trtaY i I.e considered extravagant, and also to give to any one bidder it, printing for one or more states ailj inning the State of Ills residence; and each prOporal 11111.1 be accolte Dallied I. , tiftictent evidence of the ability of the proposer to comply snub the terms of ills proposal. The successful bidder will lai required to enter into Clint rant, with surety, in strict compliance with the pro vision of the law, to which bidders are relerred. Failure, to cut nisi} blanks promptly when ordered. fur- ii 411:41ling 41141:4c of inferior quality as to paper, printing. or ruling, or any attempt lo evade the true meaning of the contract, is ill be '- *onsidered sufficient cause for its 1 forfeiture. Payment Will he made quarter-yearly. one month after the expiration of each quarter. The blanks mu.it he equal to the best of tltnse now in Mg. Specimens may he seen at the Carious POO Office.. The quantities mentioned above. are from the e.r ti i.ates that ran he made fir age year's constinint row but they !nay exceed or may fall short of the commutes re gnired. The Department does not hind Itself to any specific quality or amClnt. -rro: shoo id 1, .o marked, and nddressrid to 1 tar Assistant Postmaster General, — Waßloinslon, D. I'. CiOUG If S. COLDS 1. , d CO.VS( 7 -11P710,V —I to, eea von for the above complaint? is now al band, pnd all perenins %vim are sti , jecteil to the inclemency of the weather are respectfully itlMrmed that they ran hnd. COVERT'S D•LV or LITE which is 1% ell known to have cured Thous. N ns. who wore In the all stages of Cen_ stemption. CeriifieattoranC. he pro,:tired of iis wonderful enfES. TAYLOR 'S BALSA an or LI VRR Is another remedy for Liner Curs,n/eists. Cane As and Colds. It comes ly recnn mended by all who have used it, and is pleasant to lake, and speedy in effecting a cure. PICASIeR [Joss nourin CANDY.--Tiliq In a highly valuable and pleasant medicine; it will effect a positive ands maid cure for Celf,r, As, Colds, Canseimption.a9tl i, an ellt - r , ual cure for the WIIIII/P1 NI: COI Tin. The , I , a very pl, as ant medicine, all ate fund of it, and children never trills , : to take si; 115 cure Is sure and twist , ive. The 'llM:crime has a re, iificate of A.:elle). 4trert from 1. Pease d 0011, no there ran he nn mistake. All peri.ous who nre,tr, ted are invited to call and not delay, for the tut eto lake iiirdicine IS al Ille All the altove inedlCineS Call 31Way3 lie pro . UreA WHOLEKA LE OR RET AlTril TUTTL E• -VEDIC:I - VF_VCI. R 3. Four, .5 ,/.per SAM'f.. C. HUEY, W. W. WILSON, JOHN S. COSGRAVE V 11. B. SCA 'FE, JOHN B. SEMPLE, nov 9. tf ---------- . . 3111 . 01111111 C •NIRIC•X ellet4C )11t.itItLir sew ARLO, tot he Ladles...4f ILINERY—SIas Tot- BENJAMIN BRANDETH'S rtq.s. C JUricit. bags atost,.itsmoitially to Inform ilie ... 4sCarry Itts. Thls vegetable 01141 14411 y I,lll Vlrst- medicine, Peat ofi'lltsbaigh tag' f 4 Vreinity lbw . 1 w has arrived . di rims. Ins 1$1.001), sod immediately4fayn the further FRO- rest froth LendiM, with a hrhaut Kul assortment of Militia. eaxse-or megAse, In the bodice of those whose powers Of ry a r the IlelOell style. Ifer connexion there will at all life are not already exhausted. Where human means limes enable her to introduce the latest fashion and should can a then scarcely is any complaist, or form of the Ladles honor her with °share oft heir patro Inge. she sick hatthe BR•Italt1:1 - n Plbbs do nut relieve and f pledges hell - elf to keep every thing of the most stylkli gener cure. Altkongli these pills produce a shows description, and pay strict attention to economy. srrecillitat ereet is not to prostrate the body, as with I It is with confidence Mrs. T. recommends her French other ni•dleiniee. bat the frame is Invigorated by the tee I and London made corsets; also her splendid assortment moval of the cause of weakness, ihe morbid,tlie vitiated of Embroidery, which is superior to anything yet intro humors from the blood. dared in this country: it includes Baby Linen, Comm' Harmless In themselves, they merely I sear! Orientals, Capes a la Cardinal, Demi, ditto. Ber. .A3,410T N•TUR.I I hail for Evening Costume, Collars Cuffs, rocket !With To throw out the occasion of sickness from the body, kerchiefs, blorn:og -and Night caps, ..tc., w Welt will le mid they require no alteration In the dirt or clothing. I ready for their approbation on the Pth of October next. In fact. the thimarrtrady is better alt , e to rustain with. Mrs T. Is waiting the arrival of her Bonnets from onu injury, the inclemency of the weather, while under Europe, at No. 2 Ferry sired, between Liberty and the influence of I liii 11111N:1100 destroying,disea,e eradica Fourth streets. I ing Medicine then at any tither time. split 29—dir. The Important e of Bra lid reth's Pilln for seamen and _ • traveler, is, therefore, self evident. By the titu4ly llae Or thig Medicine how much anxiety and sickness, might tee not prevent. Cold. Billions of , fel:lions, Typhus, scarlet snd fevers of all kinds, would he unknown! But where sickness does exist, let no lime he lust, let the BR AN OH ETICS TILLS be at nine 20.111 for, that the Remedy may he app led, without fur titer I.ns or tin e.—To es REsit.MßEßkil That Brandreth'A Pella have stood a seven year.' test In the United States That they :ire a vegt table and tuttorent medicine, vet ! all powerful for the removal ttf deirtare, a het her chronic recent; infect totry or otherwisc. hey pl.rtly the blood, and Flay the further pro. g of dia. 11 , 1: in the human body. Thul, iu in:lnv where the dreadful ravages of ulceration bad raid bare illt:antent and hone, and where, 10 all appearance, tto human means could rave life, have ' , alienist.): the to,e of these pill, been restored to rood br:ali h; the devooring dt , ea-e having Nen completely eradicated. fiat each of lite geoolne Ilad 11p011 it THREW. COPYRIGIFIT That each label has two signatures of Dr. Iteniemin Bram:roll u pon That there nwst he upon each box three si:naitires, B. Bit A NDRKTII, I. 1) A od !lune siznatutel , „ !law— ...All acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring hens to a n perfect crisis and solution, and that even by stools, which most 1e promoted by art when nature does not do the business On I Ilia itCe:ntlnt, an ill tinted •crrtpulonsdes , alsoul the weal:nes , of the body i, of had crinsequesices; for it in that which F 1 ,1111% chiefly to make evacuations tiecci.7tary , which nalitre altempls after she !motors are dl to he ex pelled, but is not able to accomplish 6.‘ the most part to these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have :ACC. a isstrre when tire pulse has been so low that it could hardly he fell. anti the debility ex. I reuse, yet both ore and t Le have been restored by it." The rood effect so be derived from the Brandreth Pills have to be experienced to he fully believed. fly their timely use neither the starlet,the typhus fever or u•al 1 pox would ev.sr as-nine their malignant form. To a ppres late to The full extent .1 iip incalculable ben,. fits of BR A NDR EVE'S PILLS, they must be used when th e First Sy smooths its Dimas present I lieMeelVi'S. One dare 'hen, and their rood effects will be felt throughout I the attack—lx to TAISINO 111 , a la TIMM t hat is the great secret in she core of all lytr'ou a neva of disease arisine from had blood, and 1 pre-otoe Ito sr are few at the pre, eat day, will nay aliyl hlux of those diseases which :tired I the body when the blood in pure. Su, dieestses I have yet to Nee. If orwtn; that some x% lin read ibis may be betiefitted by so 1 am rt,perllury. 241 Broadway, New Yark. THE cousTrm r Errs DEA :AI P,l,mv. The pohrlc plenere ol.servr 16:11 no ftrantlr,th rills ere gerroilite uolrsa II e tot hris 16rec labrle riporr it. each rmrralnnry n tat Pitrolle ore of o,y hard 11. Pori wirer l'lre.c i7II•P a r yea an steel. twAti , r6illy der,lncrl, and dro..r al art ex pen‘T ,evrral I Imo qa tor fl r' Ilir top ; —the Aide- Itil!nt,l. r.Ol tell iteostlit.2 to i ,,, tf l'otitt.c• teat 1 0 -11. by Re, rittitn Ittandrettt, in it e (Teel,', t Oise in [ll, Dint C•ntrt 01 the Sn Chest, lit, ',et of N ew fork Dr. B. own elftec. Nn. 48, 11 nod Stier?. Pnt.bnr••h. rink. ph, ein Vititttitirzlt vont, lhe .2eentne Pills - ran hr 0111:101ell. ra^ll ArJeta who sell the true Era ildretli Ittis an etexrii veil eet I itleaie of 1 get - v renewed cvery twelve motwtn. • nod ha. e.wered int,, howl. Itt c(10 -,•II none other l'itls than these receive , ' rront II•. B. or hi ...pert - 11 General Agent. lllark • the vet iiti• rate is. rill rit!rrtvell except the Borten's name, which to in hi. own lkintl writ in ('t' Otteerve. an eacli err! aleale here lc an exact ropy or 111,• Ilpee I,IIPCIS On earls box fu• trenveri i hereon • Purr h;...- r. crr 111 .1 the ent!ravlllC of he labels on the eestiticale (nrrespond tcilh those tta the Intr. I'l,l'4,llomin ! a , e Dr. Rehiiiiho Pranelreth's \gentA (or lire ot lii. Vegellt . .le r.allls, In ple=be nc routy, Pa., who are supihied will' the rew Libelled boars. Friel! 25 rrnly drrer?iou•. Principal OM, e, No. 9R, Wood Si , A 111 , 41teny. Mllr. Jolla 111 Melicelpori, 11. ROWLAND. NOIIIOSIOVIO, JOHN JOHNSON. SICWR rIN 'Pow 11, CHESSMAN l' SrACL DINO A LEX A NOVR ArinAt.c Clinion. Firw•rtri THOSIFFON. IV ilk i 11013 LI C EOR OR PORTER, Fairview. TinavaT SMITH PORTER, TarPtituni. Elizativilllown. C P. DIEHL. Fast Libor! v, D•atri. Nvor.vr. Pa ESSLET IRWtN, Firaaant IJAvin R. roots—Plumb TOWOSIHH WM. 0. Iluvorit— A llen's Mill. [cep 10 P ILES cured by the' RP of Dr. Compound Strenethentitz and German Aperient Pit's tlarlieh—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the .lertry fi 0111 you for the sale of your medicine. I rot med an acqsainiance wi h a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the. Piles. Poi right or ten years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her pity considered her case so complicated, that he very seldom preset bed medicine for her, IThrotteli my persuasion, she enitimeneed union your Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, 4-c. JAMES R. KIRBY October 3. 1840. Chanitiersima, Pa. rr'Otrice and General Depot, Nn. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Si. fuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10 I NTERESTING CURE performed byDr.Sioaynes JL Compound Syrup of Prunus Vinginiana,or Wild Cker ry. Having made use of this invaluable Syrup In my family, which entirely cored my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, 4 - c, of which I had given upall hopes of its recovery until I was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the etlects it had upon my child, and con• eluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en. t irely relieved ate ofa cough that I was afflicted with for many years Any person wishing to see me ran ca at my house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J. Wit.coz. Committee DR. SW MOM'S SYRUP OF WILD CHER Ry. We earl the attention 01 the public to the numerous certificates which have beea In circulation in our paper and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr. SwAvet's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have seen the original eertitieates, and have no doubt but they come from truly grateful hearts, espre.sive of the benefits which they have received from tl.at valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the above medicine, who ran speak with confidence of its virtues.—Saturday Chronicle. NLI.ow eirireNß:—Wnli sincerity I would advice you. one and all„litoh sick and well, alwat • to have a bottle of Dr SwAymesCompound Syrup uf Wild Cherry In your house—it is invaluable in cases of emergency, such as Spilling of 1110041, Asthma, attacks of violent Coughing, which is often the ranee of 'Tilting of blood, Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come from fright, and various other causes, producing great alarm, sudden colds from improper exposure, which are often let run to an alarming extent, for wont of means being ready at hand;—and tie I have used nr. SsvAirirr's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly in my family, and always with marked success—l can recommend it with confidence, as acing one of the best family medicines which has ever been offered to the public.—Satarday Chronicle. Sold by Wm. Thorn, Wholeoale 4- Retail, only ogee, for Pittsburgh. Nu. 53 Markel Street. Sep 10 W ILLIAM REED. MercAaat Tailor.—Respectfully Informs his friends and the public in general that he has commenced business at No. 11 Market street, second door from the corner of Front, where he Ames by strict attention to business to 'cora a share of public patronage. N. B. The lateta faahkone regularly received:the pub ic way depend on having their work executed according toe latest style.. :imp 10 13104JAMLM fla•:.011.1:111 DR. FRANKLIN SAYS rwr va r. Nl)llr.Tri, M. D 11. P. MAGRAIV GC°. P. 11•111.11,10;. InAdR A W ,j• 11 AMI L'I'ON, -Itlarerys at Late. have removed I heir (Mir, to the reside rue of 11.. 4 . Ma. r., a tv,on Fourri st, I wit doors above Sitio hfl, Id. self 111 _ . cFr IN WA REHOUSE —.Va. 79. Fourth " , Street, [let en ll'uo(1 and Smithfield rte. Iwo o lobes l'rotit the corner of Wood street. run sifintly on hand an aS.4ollrtrent of 100 ready made COFFINS, uf every viz& nod desrripi lon ; covered ones. with Clot It: Mahn any, Cherry, Black 11 al nit, ['opt:lr, and Pine Coffins. AI,SO, Hetes neatly en2raved; Hearses and Ca tria..;,... frirni-bed; Graves procured; nod all services renderer! that friends may rennite. manner in whirl) Aletrliants and others would usuallyA credit siven in either of coffins or carriases, Place hem --a large quantity of light pine wo ;Isiah,/ requested. BENI{ Y RCA R ES, Undertaker. step 10 t from an adjoining Saw 51 ill,] WrIS then placed around and above it, aad the fire kindled on the windward side, 11111. S. t 1 HITE LIM E. a superior artirle, tor so fts to drive the flame against the back part of timeliest. -1 efi sale by J. C. A. c ,, RnoN, 't'he tire was kept up ahoot three (latters of an hour, Pep 13 No. 12 Water street. until you had gone anion; the speetatnri and received from them their ntilversal answer that the feel was V.k tI ET Y.- Just received front New York, 30111 sufficient. Tie clie , it was hen drawn 001 of the fire, Temperance Almanacs for 1843; 5000 copies of the and cooler', and opened, and examined. The contents Journal of the A mertcan Tettiparame Union and Youth's were all safe, and the only injury done wag [tithe hack Temperance Advocate fur September. Also, 2000 Chris. of one book which appea red to be a little charred. Front Ilan Almanacs , and a zoo,' assortment of Loornis's ‘lnga- what I witnessed, I think that these chests ate tlesery 7.111 t. a t.,1 and the Franklin Magazine and (10tf. it or confidefire,as affording, perhaps, the brat security mon Almanacs fur 1it.43; by the gross. dozen Or ;to Merchants Cr. I heir ItOuk, 3.1;1 palter, Which they ran 25i) copies of Grant's New pit isburgis and Allegheny C u - have wallow building large, thick, nd expensive vaults.. soness Diretory and siranzers Guide, for A I would consider them a hintereec Intl t han many vaults Cottage. Family, School and Pocket Ribles and Tei.ta. which 1 have seen bud:. Your friend, menta. bayid'a Psalms; Methodist and Temperance Hymn s %MU Efi CHURCH. lintik , ; the beauties of Harmony, lati °duet Mil topacred We rrinctir the ahoy,. , tatclue tit, having been pres Mush: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Cliri-I. seta Witsll lite rlieSt WOO le sl • liarp,and almost all kinds ol ' 3rhoot hooks; Fin. W. .I{l. Cooper, J. 17. Shoenberger hectic Iledifine; Hay Books and ',edgers; Writ Lel•I J. 14w.ghli,, J. Paivter, ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the R. -Hiller, Jr. C L,....lrmstron . 4*, gross, elosen.or I .oolc:steel pens, quills,•lates.pencilsand ThoniuJ Craig, S. G. D. Hoicard, wafers; Cyclopedia of History, Western Pilot, anti a con. siderable varlet vof Books and Slat ion e ry, for safe on ac- eommodaticie terms for cash or country firm/are, 19 k AC HARRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant, sop '2 No. 9, Fifth street. - - JK. MooancAnt. G. K. WAR:Ib:R. l'Als I ER. U NION COTTON FACTORY. A lleghe y City, at the end of the upper bridge. The fulbscribers haying commented the tnanufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yarn. Co' ton Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Patting, c. and are prepared tc All orders at the shortest notice. flaying selected the latest and ince.t improved maehi nery,.t lid employed the manager who has attended to the !lore FACTORY for the tau five years, they are manufaetu• ring asperse article. Fitract of a Letter from Slater k .flulb reel:, dated St. Cotton Warp. made to order, Louis, Feb. 241 b, PAL Orders through the Pittsburgh Poet Offtee.or left at the Me. DCMCINO, Dear Si,: One of yonr z. rond tOze rims!. glor r of J k C. Paitder 4. Co., I.llierty et reel ; or Logan , wan burned a few Aavqal 0, i a a Ira her store--it pre -- Kennedy, WOOd St rre.; will 111,1 I Mil It prompt a , ten , mrved 00 contents. Eleenemfoov %nuts, :lon. Addresii—J. K. MOORHEAD 4- CO. aep 10 SI. VICil 4. HOLBROOK. ...F. 12-1 v rill) FE Al A I.E.r. 4 .—Thele I, .1 ...got. ewes 01 1. ales ru this City who Iron. their continued 4 itiing, to which their or ror pt.l lons nidige t hem ,5 re arlo (led with eostivenrcs which gives rose to palroilition at the hearl on the leas. Cl. er tine, sense or heaviness extending over the while head. iolotersore of light and sound .an inability of fixing the 1 1.iCIIIInn In .r.ov onent.tlollelti , lol..+; 11(10.!htz io the how. sumet lines a sense or vspeetallv an, nova Is Is Iton ant. exer!loot 1011, n , tir klv tr , oPi rick :11pi 0/1, r too o.r 1111111 . t ro', orro , onal n-i• Al l6n 1), 1 ,. / . 11,111,1 ..;t, d../1 al 1100 1 ,1/ .111li 1 P., - . Wl,.r rv.rb ilitrr .r.• oleo frond o , :.7 1 11), lien, fyi., II .611 V 11,. ilwro very .I , lvail , ac, rn.l v II I lit- w:,,; ijo,l/ - ,1 utle, r elore the laaval, Ina proper cnudilian, ',Often l lie spirit=, isorai I 1 - 1..0r 111 • ,14 in rO l/IplrX.On.PlirifY I /If 1 .10.11. and pi out Ole Ze l leral Ii alio2 ni hrair li roil ha PPl,e—• Said :ii 11r. ()(:'o e. No 98 Wood ATI per box, wtlii %I II? nolv pore in l' , llo/10.:. la, wino.. Ihr G{:\ 1 . 1 NE I'o k .111 14. oloolccd,h, lhe Doctor's own Of lice, No World 'lO,l. coo 10 Qui;Git• \I, INS - II:I:NI ENTS I 11. IN s I'll I 'll EN'T•SI- 7'. .11regrthy, Cuter and 4/trga-a/ // 0 r 1 ,100.7 , f Tilt,' sorrot, re, t rly opposite th e Port Office, Pir:,bnrgh (SIGN 4)1."I'llE C:(ILDEN SHEARS.) rhyairians, Detiti-is and ftrnE2l , 4ll ran have Their in• itnuuentr inVehy the bubscrdler of a nupenor qualitt and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors ttl‘‘ays nn hand also Hatters Shears, a stipertor :trtiele. Orders respect fully solicited. N. B. Allarlid OF warranted of the best gunlity. nnd jobbinz done n,oa sep T IVER COMPLA I ST.—This disease often tenni. 11-41 natesin another of a more serious nature, if pro. I per reniedii, are not ' , storied to in time. In all forms of this disease, Dr, liar Hell's Compound Strengthen'', and German A perient will perform a perfect role —first by ctramorez the slimmell nod lolwels, thus remit. ving all diseases from the Liver, I,y the use of the Ger• man Aperient Nils. after which the Compound ST rent citing Pills are taken to give strength and tone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effert a permanent cure. 'l•hesc Pills are ncatl,i put tip in small packages, us lilt full directions. Cor sale at No. 19 North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Alen, for sale hy Sam. tie! Frew comer of Wood and Liberty sts.. Pittabu ,h l'u, sep 10 A LLEN KRAMER, Erehange Broker, No. -16, Co, flee of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.— Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes. twilight and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern tiller., for sale. Drafts, notes and hills, collected. Pittsburgh,Pa, Win. Bell 4• Co., John D. Dnvia, F Lorenz, J. Painterk Co ., Jogeph %Voodwell, Jame!' May Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson k Co., John H. Brown 4- Co. Ciacinsati, 0., James Weandless. St.. Louis, J. R. 1 4 CDonald. Loatiouille, W. H. Pope, Elul. Prenl Rank Ky. step 10 R EMOVA L.—The undersigned begs leave to inform the public, t hat lie has removed front his old stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Clair vi 5., opposite the Ex change Hotel, where he has fitted tip a large 1'1.1.00 WARM ROOM, and now offers for sale the most splendid assortment of PIANOR ever offered in this market. His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior Rove Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and tno deled. a rid constructed throughout of the very hevt tita• terinls,which,lbr durability, and quality of lone, arr well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here, A s lie has eniarged his manufactory. and made arrange men la in supply the Increasing demand for lhis inst ra merit, he respectfully requests those intending In par. charm to call and txtimine his ati , ortitient before pitrelta. sing elsewhere. as lie is determined to sell LOWNR, for cash, than any other establishment east or we, , t of the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn nail Si. Clair streets, sep 10 Opposite the exchange Hotel, Pillshurgh, Pa. WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills, Cznirtriesvcs.—Letter.front the Hon. Ab'h'or is n,Sullivaii County, East Tennessee, M emherofCongress. WASHINGTON, July 3d, 1838. Sir—Since I have keen in this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with Infinite benefit and saris faction, arid believe it to hen mast valuable remedy. One of my :onsil tuents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county, Tenneesee. wrote to me in send hint some. which I did, and he has mployed it very sticrewfully in his practice, and says It is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at title thinks you would probably like nn agent in Tennessee. if so. I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person Ia officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission hint be Is witting. to act for you. You can send the medicine by water to the care of Robert King {• Sons. Knoxville county. Tennes. see, or by land to Graham k Houston, Tazewell, East Tennessee. I have no doubt but If you had agents In several counties in East Tennessee, a great deal of medl. rine would he sold. I ant going to take some of It home for my own use, and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether you would like an agent at Bluntville, Sullivan County. East Tennessee; I can get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Ycurs respectfully, ABRAHAM M'CLELLAN,of Tennessee. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by R. E.SELLERS, Agent, Not 20. Wood slreel,below Second. FM E PROOF IRON CHESTS, Jilintirfictarsd by strect,JePitt ab ftta , Zhnewierga .ittir, SistE street. atifitt• rittsbur;:.ll, June 13, 10.39. Mr. 11,1 ItcsNirro:—Drar Slr--dIaVIM.; been present, sterility, at Ihe exitoriitieni which )ou were plem , eil to make, in 1 Ite prrsetire of a untidier of our btr•duess men, of lie :surety our IRON CHESTS, in case of lire, it c,ivr s use p.P:l,llle 10 ,ay, 111111 so far as 1 was capable of im1211,2, the test was lair, and the result exceeded my ex pectritic us. The Clir,t was n small one, about 30 Inches bigh, by atoll! 13 ot 2,1 itclie; or breadth nod depth, and was pla ced oil a Mork or wood about a foot In thickness, so as to elera c fi al out (liar hedtlit from the .Iround; several hooks and ne,,,papers were deposited inside of It, in the Extract of a Letter from Pugh ¢ Alvan', dated Cia clonal), 29th -Var. h, 11,42. J. Denning, Pitts;..urgh, Pa. Re,peeted Friend: We have the sat isfae: ion In hiate as the I eel recominendat inn we cart give of tie utility uf • your Iron Safes, I lint we hay one of them which was In an exposed situation in our rotimillf: room, at I lie time of the lire, on the morn ing of the 10th inst, which consumed our Poi k Howe in gether with a large portion of the meal, Lard, 4-c, which It contained; —and that our honk=and papers which were In the Safe, vi ere entirety unidtiteit, and were taken from it after the fire; without ever tiring discolored. PUGII 4- AL VORD YOU'', 4-c L'"Ef: 1 7 ( t,)11'1,A INT cured by the a