Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 02, 1843, Image 3

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NEW 41 , 831.11.N1it - - -
- Ire% V EVEIVANICI-V --) A -
7 i- - -,, ... - r--
1842. : --- .."''''--
. -
-4011 . -
Passage and Remittances to and from Great
rim' C subscriber' having concluded their ar, , •
ill fo r C3tend,ng their buslness,are at all Ii
red make arrangement, for bringing Out pitmen •
;hips of the first class, American built, and roes
by careful and experienced siren, who are well Mild ~_,.
ably known in the trade. '1'111; Line being the • - .... .
of the port of New York, it is hardly ne
that the arrangements are mature and coin plat - ',,
from the fact that a vessic lis sent out every six tilt F.:,'"
is evident that no unnnecessary delay to patients 7 ' 4-
occur. A free passage per steamboat from he- ,*
Scotland, can be engaged,and when those settled - - .' 6 7 . :
cline corni .ng oat, the money Is always. rifunded t.L. '
pa r 1 les from wham it was received, without deduct `,
Apply tu • SAMUEL TEO&IPSONI4.:*3..,
Old established Passage Office , 373 Peitt .'
G. OR I NSHA W 4. a,;+4„,
1 Curet Piazzas, Live
Drafts and exchanges a l e
ight, and for Doi
can be furnished on R. C. Glynn 4- Co.,Baalreis, ,
don, R Gritnshaw * Co., Liverpool: the National 4..
of Scotland; National Bank of Ireland; 41/ Noll ;
Banking Co. Apply to PETER RA GAN. r ''
Chatham street, near the Fourth street road, up
the Welsh Church. dace”' 1 *
D k R ,-- D. 79 AVELTMV.VR.7dLT Office cm Fifth
~q .!
iween I i'ood and Smithfield streets, Pittsbarelsk
dee 10-Iy. ,
1/1711171-----3'rEELr., (s..ae,e, ----'---- ,;i .--- ' ---- , r t o FL m76:11-17C-3 '!''
ionn'ile Root Maker, Liberty st., 2 d door V e. .
Vl:gfn Alley. The subscriber respectfully Informs . :.' .
ptihile, that he has commenced the above liminess In tilil-'
shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry 61,•C1. ".. t
and that he fs new prepared to attend to all ord. . I ..
line of business with despatch and on the most r , • r
4 -
terms. From his long experience In the tuannfaettlre,:r r
Fashionable Roots, he feels confident that on ftrai" -
from his establishment will give satisfaction to. hi. ' :
trons. A share orpublig patronage is respectfully ~" .
Sep. r, ,
-I ~....„..,--.
, 4 •
I - 4
(JANUARY 2, 1843
Dome Caffairo.
.4rrival Extraordinary.— Mr. James Cherry
artbied in this city, on Saturday ert n ng, about
25 minutes past three o'clock. Mr. C. we are hap
pey to -state is in excellent health, •
Miller's Mansion House.
The friends and patrons of Mt. D. R.
of the Mansion House, Liberty
- et, will be pleased to learn that the im
portant alterations in his house are so far
4 t completed as to give him an opportunity
Saturday on
to entertain friendsSd last,
t io y
with a sumptuous dinner. His viands
t were of the choicest quality, his servants
attentiae and efficient, and all his arrange
allots were made with perfect taste and
- MIK The recent altet ations and additions
Olive made Mr. Miller's house much more
spacious and convenient, and if first rate,
clean and comfortable rooms, good atten.-
' dents, and a landlord always pleasant and
ebliginr, can secure custom, the "Mansion
Reuse" will not fail to have plenty of it.
detident -in the Circus . —Young McGill.
himovhile performing his feats on four hor
ses, on Saturday night, was thrown ano had
his arm t r limn. The linrse on which he
was standing frightened at something in the
Pit and started back, vi !licit was the cause
a the accident.
Um' When will that committee on the
Vigilant quesion make their report? This
tie now an important question, and it is ne
cessary that it should he published before
the election. Will they attend to this ?
Rather hard.—A fireman enrnplained
'bitterly the other day that he never had so
much trouble in getting a fire to burn as he
had at that rne on Liberty street, on Thurs
day. Poor fell )w! he didn't get any coffee.
rrJohnston Nlarsh ii still alive! Who
riiged the rep rt that he was shot, is the
Firemen's Chronicle fur Derember.
Fate A/armr.—On the 14th, 17th, 27th
Rres.—let. A chimney on she corner or 3d and
Wood: Alleght nv ott the ground hut no water
thrown. Same day between 3 and 4 o'clock, a
chimney n 4'r -tr !tt'. Dupesne H). eon
the gruund, but no water thrown.
7th--Between 7 uod 8 o'ckelc, a pile of sha
vine oil the 4 li greet road.
11 14 b.—Between 10 and II o'cin-!: With., the
Tobtim.i Fdet iry of Ifr. R neh.ir', in the Fi
Word. Damage slight, Neptune and Niagnr 4
Hose threw water.
26th —Aboot ! . 2 ek nt n;g',t, the Chuir
Factory of Mr. Singe- in 411) strcet. Darrr , ge
•tight, Alloglkeny on the ground, but nu mater
29 IL—At 9 13 IV," Ira re l O IFe o Lib
tity street; between Ferry and Fourth. Mull. 1
didiclock lame night it broke out cgain the game
place. when three 'rune houses were totally de
stroyed. No damage done! Allegheny E .glc
Huse, Dimond., aril 14ashington threw water.
Wel had intended ti give a detailed
statement of the condition of rach of t.':e
rity Engines, but have been disappointed]
in obtaining the necessary documen,s. A
Report of the Commiuee "On Engines &
Hose" made August 22, is all we have re—
ceived. It however, throws some light
on the condition of the different companies.
It exhibits a degree of parsimony on the
part of the City Fathets, which we deem
indefensible. There is no par , of the city
government bo important as that of the Fire
Department, and why Councilmen should
hesitate in furnishicg all things necessary
to'the convenience of the firemen and the
safety of the property of the citizens, is
unaccountable. We have never heard
any thing said in palliation of the course
oft-he Councils.
The, following is the Report referred to
Report of the Committee on Engines and
Your committee will now state what
they consider the absolute wants of each
company; at the same time they would
take the liberty to state that it is their
tillyinintoUB opinion that they cannot too
strongly urge upon the association the ne—
cessity of taking speedy measures to have
same kid before the Councils, request.
iog from them an immediate appropriation,
iyofficient to supply their wants.
Ai Queen e Hof e Co. 200 Feet new Hose.
Neptune Fire Co 300 do do do
do 700700 do do do
300 do do do
and new Body and wheels to Engine.
Allegheny Fire Co. 500 Feet new hose.
wheel to Engine. [This Company lost at
Westerman's Fire, 450 feet of Fio.e.l
Vigilant Fire Co. 500 Feet new 1 - 1-se.
'All of which is submitted with respect by the
Cesnrelttee of In.mecii,n.
I I T. PRICE, Wholr•..;•11.! and Retail Riker, Ceti.
11. feerioner and Fruiterer, Federal street, near the
Di ,, m l rid,4llcalicrly city,
Ever.' variety of Confertionnry nod Ornamental
raly , , suitable for weddinzs and parties, mannfartmed
from the best material., at .lion pollee. env ll;
W ILLIAM ELDER. Attorney at Law; Office in
Fldkewelt s flitildings, 'warty opposite the New
Court House. o n Grant st rent. So'n 30—
FORGE W. /-9Y.Arti. Attorney at Law, Odire
L.11.1.;:f..,,,,, .„1.•,,di I n ...irtm-nt of Paltry rainti., .
No. :,-1 Fill.' street, near the Theatre, Plit="ourgh.
/IL Poxes and Toy, liay. i ,st 14,11 received, pod nth ' " 1
l '''' to'd a; Prices to , tot Inn 'lime. A I.n, Idill -lieang, sep 27-1 Y
Was and Kidd 1),:i: ! , , inn a :re , leral 3 ,,, rtiderd of ,
7 hre - ot Se win: S 0 k,, •en tin:, Pin , . T. , tnn+, P.1.,1.1.51011 ! 1 IR. E..I6IERRITT, DENTIST, office iii smith.
i i. . ,, i,,,i fi s e r /d „ , i er Scod and :f . ifird Bis., Hours of
cap., llomis and Ey e :, tdiske -; .iii undid ariinle of : 4 :tell
r . liltd P.M.
C0111b: , of all kind.: uia,i. Ivo: y, tine and endinvin Horn ! ''' - D .
( ~ ,,,,,,4
Di r. ~ .turinu adores Procelain and NI Metal tesilli.
of teeth
can he suppib d by the 100 or single teeth. Blocks
set for rash and writ lit , , dl,l wholc=ale and retail. cheap- ;
, teeth with a beautiful eon. in full sets, or parts
er than ever. tail and examine tile Mork.
of soin. will be made to circler at the shortest notice, by
N. tl—,l I kinds of SHELL COMBS repaired.
dec 20—If
_ forwardinz an exact impression of the mouth. A 15 0 .
l.: I'4' sale a few mac:lines with emery wheels for gni tiding
CIRANBF-RRIES — lust received, 16 bushels Cran. and fitting mineral teeth so usefull to the Dentist—all
‘...." berries; for sale by IS'C CRUSE, ! with* sold low for rash.
i der J.
Dec :0, 42
14i1 Liberty st 1
NT.EWL.:e.hco..K.4..YD EGOS-- ----
111 9 kers of new Lard, superior xuality;
A ilp e c tn4 2 l 4 ll . lot of new flacon, and 50 dozen fresh Exits just 4,, 13 .
Mar HORSE —Caine to the snhscriber, dvinz in
lutwe township, on Saturday the 19th of Nov. In '
Morse. with four reline feet, a w„,.,,, , far „„ ~i,, received and forrale by isAAcentrair, !.—___________ .
148 Lideriy -. j i r.'ll/..V'S"TR,ITC)R .Vorfe.? —1 /1 nersoev In
arahswitonii a snip 11 gi tuji ...r,te. ,no about 15 it:mm.loA l ; N OTICE.-411 ri-cs.tr, :ire t., rehr tirekv,)rurd Ira • , .I ' i --- „ „ 4 " "ed in 'I" F n,
.trot 'LI curdy, late of !lob
g .
....de,, , ,, , i
~s ..in iii, , ~: :7% r 1, 1"11_, I.V:;1 I.in ' . , M1116r..j 're pAy.,,,,,1 to
harbortng or truant ,: 1 zAza tilLasi.xv as i
ai4.1400,41 tease:ll4 or 15 !, - e :- old. /lie owner is nenired -, 11
ist , etinilisstawil Pr‘We Profre ty tay clia•zes and takehirn a. areirentire to the Hru-h Making business. na our ar. i , : e "4.
r'''''! " 4 '7 4 a " "‘"al ' - ' l ' "a '' ,, a"" 'O l
( c a t , ,:f. Iv dr 1,14.1.4, Ir e rut them to him prone..iy All, ile, i 1
i ::121119105 Wril . 11 :4111111011geor 4 LOS 10 haw.. - count as he is ao loner ha our etille-oy,,
ed for t+lo.ment VII4. CLA,-IA.
fb%"*.104 4 . .*- 4lte . - Wit. CETUS; : . - dee 27 -.. -Ci, P. ¢J. B‘ Ala-
• • - 71Pisk--It fis-.0 .-•,*- '• •• ' , :•.; . ',. Atientaistrator
'••• ••• , '. = ;,;";fr,Pt.,rsitAikw f• ' t''' •-''''''
- .
"r-MISAiI -P4 - -itildift..l.ooohirlii& -e , 54 ,,,,, z , -- .
Is front of Captain Broadhurt's,
On Penn Street.
lIIVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK, The Performance will
'Vsslishst Of various new and splendid acts of-HORSF..Y.9N•
isfigP, and superior Scenes in the Circle; Songs, Dances.
illpistnassie Feats, 4e.,and a succession of novelty in the
Oldnisind on the Stage.
cc particulars see entail bitter.
From the Boston kiiSeellany
Grit. Jaoxsos aND Psast's CANDY.—The ecomlams
contained In the following letter (the original of which
has been shown to us) from the venerable ex-president
to filessrs Pease 4 , 50n,45 Division street, are in our o
pinion not more flattering than we deserved- We uur•
selves have frequently had occasion to put to l he test the
qualitiesofdifferent remedies for the cure of a cough o
cold, and do not hesitate In giving our preference to the
article mannfactured by this well known firm.
Hermitage, Nov- 12th,13=12.
Messrs. John Pease Son--Gentlemen—Your kind
letter of the 30th of August last, with the greatly es
teemed present of horehound Candy,of your own inven.
lion, reached MC in due course of mail, and found me on
its arrival incapable of wielding my pen. I iinmeilialety
began to try the effects of your Candy, and have been
using it ever since with great benefit, and intend to make
a fair exoeriment to see whether it will remove my cough
cut rely. I find it In tile apothecary shops in Nashville.
We have been using it in whooping coughs in our fan-i
-lly with much benefit, and 1 consider it a valuable med
icine for the lungs. tender you my kind thanks fur
this present. and receive ft with grateful feeling an an
evidence of your solicit tide for my health and welfare,
arid tender to you my best wishes for your long, and use. 111
ful life, and happy immortality.
The above Candy can alwa3e be procured al TUT
TLE.S, 36 Fourth at. dec. 21.
P OWELL'S BALSA-11 OF .B.V,VISEED, is nn O'er.
tutsl and pleasant teniedy fur Coughs and C 01,14, the
price is within the reach of all, only 25 cents a hott le—
Call at Terri.es .Medical Igency, and give it ore trial,
and you will never he without it again.
Another lot of choice Regaha and Cal:adore ri:ars
received this day. dec 20
Notice 10 the Jurors of the Ilistrict Coml.
IrtllllE Jurors summoned to attend the Du:oriel t mat
A. on, Monday the 2tith will ',tease Ike no, fee
that they are adjourned over until Tuesday mottling, the
3d day or January. an 10 o'clock.
By order of the Court.
dec 15. 1842.,
5.1.1 C CRUSE, I-13 Liberty st„ offers lor 50 bar
rely GREEN A rr LES:
6o drird. pall rti ru qua Ilt%;
95 Bushels drird Peaeb.es—also,
Raid/ Iles Ild Figs hp the Rol".
Houses to Let,
T ,11 ether OlrerS (tlr rent rri:111 Illy firs! of
April. at•so,(l, no,n.sinon may proi.abi In•
had ~/111. 1 ) !lie! new 13Inc , i ni three rho , y ht wk
nn I kV/ re,t, I, l . lWer . ti :3rd and 4:11 x. nn
,(or, and mil -I.ll4kied
for Ur, G oo d: or Taney
eellars are dry, well lizlited and floored, and
are rurmshed with tire fi1a1•1, :I /Id 11e lieuurs are so
C011:0 that ihe hark and upper eau re:ti:ily by
eunveried into C01111101:110P dWf . llol:•_.. with y;.1S , 01111110 -
nirating with the alley oppos.lie the l'ust Offire--rwo of
the tina4t, haer a hall opettilitz on %la rket
ALSO,r , r rent, Mr ee small stores on Third at ,and
several 'Aber, in the second slur in and Iwo lore 2, to
the rooter house, Ivory neeuried ht llr. %1' zn. 11121, , ,
Sit il 3114. for 2 I ' rinllii PST:11,1,40001T Of flunk I , llokry, , 101
Wl.lOl Ihey have heretofore beau 2 0 01
A L.SO, two oilier sp:0000, arid well 11;third rout, yin
Nlarket :Levi, conveniedt entrahr fir Halts
for Literary Stortettes Or , itnilar
A LSO, fur rent, 0,, 0:11 small 1 001- t• 0 , 2 r the d
ing house of the sul.srriher in Mitt township, wi.ll a fere
aereß of Land attached 10 1,,C11.
Tue lefll/S Will le. Mild/ Wei 3 perliel, 01 I lie new
orthe Mark et sheet story, n,, n, ,1 I r,l
FOR S. 11.1:.
One hundred and ten building Itot , in :Ile !if,' eft
District, one tilde from the new l'o rri Itou-e. hone
lots are eligibly situated on the Mtill nezaliela nee, joss
aloe. lite lust Dam. and a rota dr. ruhlr s•hin-s for liir2e
Curies or for Ittfat rants. Ilm rs aler treitl , at
, t , ii , oll , deep et.rpi2lt lur steafir flu I .f.iffeltlft2. nod rot'
fltfltvertal at Ih:a pnlnl al a It'-. co-0 1!le
[My proper.
Ili, only ran I I. i3.11n,,i.an,-,,1
~; 11:Iatid. ,r, x,••pr
Way °Ill.! city) 'lift,.'. lul. otiyerly Tor.
Fins! ,Irgh and TlJllir. I 'reek aka 11,,,
ni4i n2 Ihr pr 11,1, int ildj ^(':.l 10
r .U I .. fur a It, etl Ili Inn 1%11111.01c dnil 01.10
n.iad Coloontiy.
I hi. -p•vn
,hill 11.0 term+ math ,
Roo vtz !he office (dill.. N• , T l l 1 11 • 1 •
tlvc 1-;)%%'1) lo (; IZZ )1.
ji 4 . 11ro• hurl, for
1.111.,11:(1o•lv Irnhoof Ira nn~;l„:pr.
Family ;41;eild b e svt , ,,out 11. 1,.. Ila.l al l11;11.'s
rourii.,“rret, l'ilisherzh, and Bet lord', I.oer:it). Le
Alleulteev Co v.
IV. INIFO:PTV I ulcer to I trooto.l,l
for puller that 'hey It;ive oromooorrel noloof:.c.11
rioz !Id ;Ind I to.I ?hey have now rroriy for . 4 ,1 e.
flor- S'on , . I 4 . -; !At erl v -,Treer, roto yo 1 , 1:1r!;..t and 6.11
trott, an n-sor towol git she very br":1 lin!, which
ire i”Tiotic.to 11-pti+t ul ou lip. rhan rrr-t opt, reott
erim , Their Ftoek v0r, , ,, of ill, vrrr I‘ , -4 k
v . z..—tiptiver. Otter. Ncittri l'a,l”rp TIPli 1{1,4
ritr and milk Hats.
. Diiheriy nrc• both I, , gifhir bred (Intle.9, thrt
have had extensive experortire a 9 Jr ur tnr vine') tit I li. hr,l
f!.:13 , 411.+1111irn15 In the couliir!, torir lints :ire nll eni
winder Oleit own iripertinii, and fury assure the poldlc
that nntliitie lilt the tort• hest artir ors nn Ihr in t ren
conalile tering will be otTered 'or ante,
B UCK 4 BEAT F1.617R, pr-t cq,:ved fr Ohio, a
few Wilt' lii., reli litp•k sv heal Flour "I superior qual
ity. Also, u !Butter, new Lard, 4 ,fe r sale try
1.14 Liherty grreet.
M Ernci,ve:s DIRPC7' FROM 1 .0.VD0-Y —Tut
Ile Ilan received afinial lye rure for CooLoo., and
Colds; it itt very plearant in taste, no ni t wit Co. that chll
dren cry for ii, after hay inq onre ranted it, and are -urn
to buy more on arcount of tin ripeedy care of the tvot.:l
Conzhs or Col& In n Rift - trier lime, than nny Other Medi
cine non/ in The price i, I ii his the reach
only 25 centre a bottle, lie re nod n h for P.IWPWR
soul of A nni , geell, at Tuttle's Aled cal agency Bii Fourth
AVM. E. A UST IN, Attorney at Law, Pittourz p, p a
Office in 4in street, opposite Burke a Builtiluz.
Wi1,t14% C. A rsTlif, wffi Give his intention to my
unfinished nUsineEg, and I recornrto-ert lrlm to the patron.
ageof my friends. WALTER FORWARD.
pep 10-1 y
-.1/,F.7 --Poplar plan!, hoards.
, weather lio.trdinT. F.,•on, ;log. A! o. While nic k
bourds of various, lengiLe and rlelcktier., wheel arm. , for
steamhoa, broce.,, of voriou3 leiojtli and Eli
Zen, by whotiv.ide or retail. Apply lo
DM% 2.1.5 t. I f 143.-
k •
AT No. U)S MARKET sritEEr.
Near Liberty, Sign of the Gill Comb
2008 AND 402
N. TV. Corher of Wood 4- Fifth Sts.
Tux proprietors of the MORN iNG rosy and MERCURY
♦ND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their friends
and the paironsof those papers, that they have a large
and well chosen assortment of
aro WC r - JCW AP°'_ll
ala) Crall:llfil%::ctVA'a%g4l,7l',s
Necessary to a Job f'rinting Office. and that they are pre
pared to execute
2EI Mobs of 131anits,
Stage, Steamboat, and
Printed on the slioriem notice and niasi reasonable terms
We respectfully ask I lie pairow,ge of our friends and
lie public in General In this branch of our business.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 39, 1842. PHI LLI PS 4. SNI 1111,
Bank oIE tlnlurah. par
¢ Man. Lk, par
Exchange hank. par !
nk. of Germantown
Ea,tx.n I auk,
Lturraslr r bank, dig
hank of Choster pa ,
Partners' bk Pucks Co. •
Unclr•<tors'n hk rift •
Rk of N A on•rira Phil. •
81: of Norl herr'
Cortrpterrial hk. or Pa. •
Far.. 4- NI orlianles 6k. •
Ken , inglot, hk.
hk. ••
Szouiltvx-irk hk.
Wt.' , !ern hk.
Bk. of l'ennAylvanla, I 4
Rh of Penn 'I) .
Man. 4- Mrrhanice bk. 5
Ile•Thaoic. bk. par
Girard lar ~k. 50 1
r :=tat,•s 60,
I.mobernt.l,l*, %Varren, --I
Frank. bk pad
%liner!. hk of Poltsvile,
Rk of Stool zoroeo Co. mill
I.k Brownqvifie, '2'
Itarri.l , or2.ll Ir:tvik.
r. I.k I,:o,cooer, 2
Itk 1.1 111,:diriowtt,
ltk. of (: 11, no'..11, , qirgli, 9
CA,lrde l•Aok. 9
lik of No loon h, Hood.
bk ru. 3
Itk ,1 11 , goiHati.oi Co• 11
likof ().:I:itv:Pre Cu. For
1, ,, 110110rl Irk. 9
1 ,r, 1.1111,
P.u.. I,mvo, lik. of
Cul rettcy Ii 010 f
Ws tini•n2
I' it i5 , 1*,!.11 Scrip, $ 7
7oil -1 y do 9
firrk tr 4 uk,
Lets isttn, :11
lhnnt 7 1 P1 , ant
Wrl , . I , k ~ISleti
1:cillInr.1 Irk. I i. rtAir,
r•I I a Orin,srid
do C, rrour y
Coln !ulna 11:1 I. k Nr‘t.
Lon fle ma 111 i
da foci vok,
~'inrj ,II
Vvrti '1", , ,41,•••4 hk of
bk 4,1 f',,lnnib.l
Demand nor
N‘.. I. S.ol_-41-0,!:1) N o 2
Al' CI:I`SE. 114 1.0.,
V kk:7
/R7' LECTURER.-F,arth
Course.—The Lee-
V tor. , Commie., of tine Wert blotto', have the
,derotre of lacing before Ibe noble, Ibe rot rt: .01
2 , 11 1, 411,1 who have consented to Lecture, vtz:
Pee .1 E.,Artrell.l,Arodi t t !dor ) Leo ore.
./e/i , r t% ast.ington
Coirk. t•oilette.
!f " m hVillina . Putshareli.
Pro'. A B Brown, Jefferson i'ollege.
LThrid Richie, Pittsburgh.
Re e d II askiegfon, Esq ,
Predf. Alex'r T West. Theo Sr urinary.
brunets .lohholon. Esq., Pittsburgh.
Pron . . J Barker, Meadville College.
IV J( Low - ric,Csq., Pillehocr .
Rev James I. Dintriddie.
Prof. fiCerillocli, Jefferson College, will de•
iver several Lectures on Astronomy, embracing irrl Tire,
pr"ere.,. and de.i lily. Reed AV:tithing ton. Esq., twill also
iletirier several Lectures on the subject he may select.
Arrangements are in progress to engage Professor
turnan, of Val, Coltege,io deliver in nor ritv,n frill course
i ler! area nn Geology: also v it II Joseph R. Bur lin non,
on Neurology. Other eminent Leen:reit, will be invited
to visit our city, when it may he in the 'lower of the in
to Hive to engage their services.
The Lectures of this course will Ire on Literary and
Scientific subject a eXellirrively and It is hoped from the
eminent ability of the Lecturer.. and the interesting no.
tore of the subjects, dna our citizens will liberally pa•
I ronise this laudable pularirristl. Tile. Iron City should
net lie behind sister riaex in lier encouragement efscience
and literature. The tuneeptls (if arty) will !re appropri•
toed to the enlargement of a Library, already ail honor
to the eh v.
Course Tickets, ad/trilling a lady and gentleman,
82, and mac be had of either of the ( emtiiii tee, and at C.
FI, Kit/ 4.• Co's Rook Store, Monongahela and ):‘change
Hotels,end at Iterford's.
Lectures commence on Thursda v even ir Dec 1.
JOIIN 5 re/SC: AVE, Committee.
1111 Ates,criberg have re1110V• II to l' , t .
IL, ter hel ween Wood and si reel a, %Viler,
I Iley will cool lour the lVlbole, , ale Grocery nod Collunci
lion tntAnr., and would r.ipe, tfully ,olwit It,c patrol,
;Age ofulcir lrtcuda J. W. BUR IDG Co.
Dec 3
IPPLY PPL.E.3: on band 20 barrels Pippin Apples
in sound condition. for sale by
Bill. of Lading', Circulars,
Bill (leads, I Cards,
Blank Checks, flat l'lps•
Canal Boat Bills, with app
rate Cats,
Vi °osier,
Ira} tort,
Fr Jai 0,
Post holes,
eh If llcot he,
Iran. Columhu...,
La. raster
'Craw; He,
Com. Irk. Lake Erie, 25
Far. hk: of Can Ton. 50
Ivrlraira 45
Stale OraticilP3 2
.4 1ale Scrip, Si
ill haulm,
• ~ l a'r I.k s r sran c l icA ,
; :a l i ' n . k w n o r f '‘.:l l lo ' l l ‘ r (7' ,l i ir N l i ; 1 1 . . 4 .
do Valley,
Far. bk. of Virginia,
Exrhan;:e bank,
N. lVe.i hank
11,r kller. do,
: 1 1ARYI.ANE).
Ilal imore Ranks,
conntry BankQ.
All IlanX , ,
All Bar/101, pai and 1
1., -11111 ry 1,11)1,Q
~safetv filial.) 3- a 1
INA Hark. J io 1
I.1)1 lAN
Iflrlr a rt:
rrril cArtoLINA
11.'11:1 !IA
Good Ha•~F,_
\ n flal
1 11CII s
of St. (I:iir, 4
J%. 11. Amlf It 4
I' N %
C..n:l I a 0:
F.:1.1 en, riehrisige.
New %reek
Ili! oft
kV v.! prll I . IC ha !Vl'.
'lnciti,a It, par
I,nniavil'P. liar
'lnvela nil
G(11.1) r vn El IS ER, rir
148 Liberty st
I~OBER'r PORTER, Attoritay at L4lo.—O ffi ce
:.on the cornet of Forth and Stnithneld sot. ter 10
ATTORNEY AT L. 411. —Office in Bears' Ernilding,
Fourth street, alttsbureh. Nov . 3. 1842.
yT. STEWART, lsterer and Paper Hanget,
101 , • No. 49, h swot, be Upho tween Wood and Smitlifletd
the. Husk and eitraw Mattrasses always on hand. All
orders executed with neatness and despatch, on accomino
sating terms.
rep 20— 1 y
9 nikiii,BUSHEL S OF FLAX SEED. for 1110 the
highc.4 price in each will he gives
J MES DICKEY' 4- Co Agts.
Medi:mica Line corner of Literty and Wayn nreete,
uct '42.
No. 151 Liberty rt., one door from the Jackson Foundry.
'TUE Subscriber havin2 prepared at his establishment
the lar2est and most varied stock of READY
MADE cLoTsi ING ever offered in the We.tern moult
try, would respectfully invite the public to give him a
rail and examine his Goods and hear his prices before
purchrisbu elsewhere. Ilia slot k consists In nail of
1500 Cools, assorted sizes and quality; 2000 pair Pa ola•
loons; 18011 Yesie; a .th a large assortment of Shine,
Drawers, Cravats, Storks, Glows, Supetolers, and every
other article of whiter Clothing.
His Cloths were all selected by himself in the Eastern '
Markets, dud purchased at the very lowest cash prices,
and cOloseqUsul ly he nu II afford to give his customers
Ell BARGAINS than they can get nt any other
bailee in the city. Reoevine lit the principle of "Protect.
wg Home Industry" lie has therefo e had all his articles
manufactured by Pitist•urgli workmen, and he has no ,
hesdat 1011 in saving that t hey will be found in every res
Peet superior to the Eastern siansfactured articles that
are offered for sale iii the slop shops that have recently
Anchored mantic mr.
these times when !fume I"dultyy is orenp lila no
large a snare of public attention, as li always should. the
proprietor of Ihe "Three Pi; Own s ' t akes peculiar pride
rind pleasure In assuring the citizens of Pittsliurgh that
his Goods are all mannfactured under his own eye, by lie
mechanics of his own !own. He does not, like sonic of
his rivals in t lade, ve his Clot fire made up in distant
city, In ;mother Slate, nor does he ailvetii - se his Stork in
hills printed three or four hundred miles from here. He
goes nn rite princip'e that the mechanics of Pittsburgh
ran do work as well an any tithe's, and lie does not de.
yI•C In draw money from their to kris in support distant
work ruin; While he asks them to support him. he aces
not wish o impoverish them by a drain to support fir
off mammoth workshops.
The snlrwriber would sake nil= neennlnn to return
thanks to his friends and customers for the nnprereden
red patronage extended In Ids establishment, and to re.
peat his itlykiailon to nil those who wish to purchase
clothing. of every description, made in the latest fa , lilort
and sold nn the most nccommodalin: terms, to rail ;if
No 151 Liberty steer,. JOHN III'CLOSS: EY.
LE",'Oliserse :Oval PI tie in the pay ,tent.
Unrivalled llllacking,
l'Asty."l and aer . r. one l wli oor Lelow g nle . .i t a b l r e el i d t ad retail
1.11111 1 R V of Religion,, fliglioicayoli. iral.and Mis
c.llB.irou.l.Vorks. will be open every day. 5a;,1,0 I I 'x.
celac..l. "tom 7 o'clock. A 31.. on; 9, r. M.. in Ilse Ea.
of St Clair street am' Exeha o gr
alley. r nere punctual :mend:wee he given Iry
well 10
1. (1 P.SIM If.
TUR.V/11 1 1.f„ l'ionoti, - rai• OF Title I.IPI.
TON PAPER"Nt Si.•ll l P•tiVillt:,
veil iheir .iore fro'' oily, have a paoinled
11 id+hip
ALtiker I.si..vevn 4 , 1.. A'
~rula for .1.e.ai...01 Ihe dtTereht ...J. , of Paper niciatfac—
,llFPll I y them, where 1I eir friend. itiol csisioa o . r . hill al
mays find a rexiilar >au ply or 'miler, Foch a. Cap and
Wriilll7.. plait' nod Glint Ilhed; Wrapping. and Tea
oallec; Roam and Prinlio2 Pacer OrititrPfPlit Pi
all of which will hr cold oil the most
morn ❑lmralat art term:.
S . 1-11!,,11.1,1!, !.,ror:: and importers M .
i•ps idly nn hand eve
rt• V 3 rimy of Ens n•, Parlor (11411.1 sr Pap, r!., Of
Iv+ :11,1 1100 1,;11.(:,,mo• 1 1 ;111e•Vil., tt hiCil : , Try
WIN srll lOW awl Oil aceimimotiatimz
nov 13—if.
VEI: AN i) CLOTII CO yr.:, &c
t.. Lemur, 'miter, No. 49, I.i her( y St.
2nd floor above Virgin .111ey
H AS r„„wit.„•.l.l Went Or Wi tie' ('lath.
nalt ai itininnil and Wail: [waver
cloili (reek :nil ri% eciin.it•; heave One and cowman
velvet triiiitneti.:ll.l f very descriiii ion 01 dress
and frock f10 , 111 . 0.112z, nislijOnahle o•olora arid fresh challis
plain and fairy pair., cloth and cut inct do or
quality; every de:minion snitalile for
lie and will c Iniv for Persons Wish.
u!_:. nave varinents made of the be4t materi
al linif at this warred
ir I equal !finny In ihr. coy. A foil stock of ;roods Ore on
howl la make to order.
13 Dunni.Tliy and Tliornaq Miry:tore are al
e3lalilirihment and will he intirh pleased to ha VP a ra II iron
;heir several friends. Good filA insured or in ;ale.
l'iltAlmrtiti. per. 1, 11142.
Xl'lo TILE LADIES. —Why d , ) you not remove that
1. sop, num.,. hair you have upon your foreheads
and upper lip , 7 By calli ii at TorTufs, 81.1 Fourth Ft,
and oloa sing e ' botOu ut GO 4 ltallit'.1 Otire,, SLIM iulif •
which will remove it at once without a:feeling the skin.
You can also obtain Gontaud's truly reienra'sd ;:au de
Reauls• which will at "ore ren.ove all freckle , , pimples,
eruptions of the and make your face look per ectly
fair; and to Inns . who wish lo assist nature by adding
more color to their cheeks, limy call oloain some of Con
rautl's celebrated Liquid Routte, whirl] cannot be ruhlicd
off even ay a reel chub. Also may he found a good as•
sortment of Perfumery, such no Cologne, Bears' Oil, Al.
'non& Palm, WItolsor; and other S.Paps.
Beim oiler al TURICI Medical Agency, 8! 4111 street.
Dec. 8, 1:112.
Ehen.by to the creditor:, and debtor,.
of Mes,r.. EI i linnet and .1 G !thintz. late loinz
business in A/arkel street, Piti,linr4h. under the firm of
A rmei lanniz • and in the, public eenerailv, that they
have this day asiezbed all their stock of±nnds. accounts,
elm., to me, for the benefit of their creditotti, WI haul
tiktitictlott or orelMenee.
PerSom3 knowitez themselves indebted to the late firm
wil see I lie neeeAsity of raltinz without d e lay, end pay
me their resperl TIM'S, and persons 11E/Mg eluting will
»mom» them TO rite fir settlement.
Nov, 21, 18 I - 2.
N. 11. The above namrnt Mork, which embraces a 601
alit! eerier:ll as,lottntent of sensmialtle dry :TOntle. Will he
d of at the old , land, No. 100, cheap for cash only.
K3-J. tl. Mittitz 13 aui horizeil to make settlement and re•
gelid for n alley, ill !fly OleienCe,
dee it
r..9111' EXY'RACTUR i% reliantly
the no,l valuable oiotioeot Rom:, ex,
toventr.f. ...oiler how had!) , a 11, e-0 111:13' it, bun!!
Or seahh d— do , a v lll heal them toomothately, wolooo
14 . .4v0ig any ra F.very I noly should have a box in
their house.. rot ooesboohl, be without eryuor
who has ried it reromsocods il. To Le had orris al
TUTTLE'S. 86 Fount: Cl ret.l.
T, LET --IVALTCR IL LOWRIE , nay: 112 relllo .
ved Ws office to the room' in the .;;lIIIP 1 .11141
in... , :thrive t'iose lately occupied by him in Fourth
strrei, next to Ihe Mayor's office, uow u;rerA his kite of
fire for rent.
Th.! r: , ona= are well saord for offe,es or porPona of
any profession or for any kind or !TAMI merf - anlilc loisi
Rnonire of WALTER 11. LOWRIE, or
deefl If JIM f'INDI.AY
PtTTSIIVRGIf VIGATION and Fire I:isurairre
C.mperny.--In e:ectiori for nine rti rein, or this
Company, to serve for the enstilmv, ear, will be held at
their office, No, 35 Market street, Monday ii,r 2,1 day
of ianuary 1843, between the hmi , I , f 10 and 2 o'clock:
Pittsbor:h, flee. 19, 1q,12 .
A kill ITS &
Proprietors of the
3 1. 1 1NUFfICTURE and keep cor on hand at
1 their warehouse, Liberty Street head of Wood st„
every variety of Castings, among which are the following:
Friuklin, common found fancy and pyramid Stoves;.
common and tarty grates. newest fashions.; Cooking
Stoves suitable for either wood or coal, a superior artic
le (and warranted to cure smokey chimneys) waggon
boxes, hollow-ware, teakettles, sheei.trons with a getter
-.I assortment + ware house castincs. Ali warrant, dto
Lo• madr of /Ms InatcrialP.
Tilf m,ke to or.t.ir
Relic,. if I 1 m. down In , nwr.r pis, in
nne.wtitrevery other delwrintlno of itoltmc
Pre. 'J.1941 -.;m
A M ES 'IOWA R D K CO„ Afanafacturers of Wall
Paper, No. IC, Wood Street Pittsburgh, Pa.—
Have always on band au extensive ,
assortment of Satin
Glazed and Wain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
imitation Borders, of the !west style and handsome
patterns, for papering, halls, parlors and chambers.
They manufacture and trave, or hand al all limes—
Writing, Letter, %VI - tipping and Tea Paper,Bon
net and Pullers' Boards—all of which theyoffer for sale
nn the most accommodating. terms; and to which they
invite lire anent ton of merchants and others.
A LSO— Blank Hook of ail kinds and the, hest quality,
School nooks, etc. always on hand and for sale as above
C (Nast rni Tar :iers' Scram' taken in cult Inv?.
OYS7'ERS, ti-r.; served op in the hest
style at A. [teatimes, No 9 PIN' steert. Saila.le
arm rtnient3 are appropriated to gentlnmen accompanied
by lad !CR. atl kinds of Cake , and Confectionary for
parties. weddings, etc., for sale by
oce 19—Ir.
A. nuNKErt.
T UTTLE has this day received from New York, a
fresh snnply of Hewes' Ni rye and Bone Liniment,
and Indian VegetableEliiir,a thisit ive rurc for Rir'uota•
ism, Gout, Contracted Ccrds and Linitis—also
Gouraur., Poudre Subt , te, for completely and perma
11P111 13 , era dire ng super Ilona? hair from females' upper
lips, the hair roncealio2 a broad and elevated forehead,
the slutiloorn heard of man. or any hind of superfluous
hnir. Price $1 Per !mute.
Coaraunt's Eau de Bernier, or Trite Water of
Thie French preparation iliorotoltly exterrnlnales Sallow•
ors., Freckles. Ninnies, Sores, Blotches, and all cutaneous
option, hatever • flealizios delicate white hands,
neck and arm:, and ellen :I healthyinvenile
seveial other valnaMe articles, too numerons io
mention. The ntllll.lll` sold only at
nri 27—t f
. A. W. PAT I'ERSON.•":IIce on Smithfield sirrvq,
`` near
se!, 10
( Bazs Rio I !Oder. by
ori 4. Plsr saie
; • 4- A , DON.
P F-9SE'S 110.11 WOUND Y.--Trrlf..r ling
received Oil: day from New York. a fri•di suppl y 0.
the above celefiraleil core, (or Con2ha. COlds and Con
siimpii i) , ;;; ,,„l is rea.iy In supply eii,trtmervai wholesale
retail, at limo ...olfeacp, Fourth
one 1.1!
1 4 1 t PM: 1,E.-.lTe undersigned offers for sale
his farm, tying in Ross township .11 miles lion the
City or I'iliwmrg,ll, rotita , ning 114 acres ofland of which
CO ate cleared ;tol ;tilde:. fence, front 15 to 20 acres of
meadow, '2 r,rod ()re:tants of Apples, a few Peach and
cherry tree,—t lie improvements are a large frame bonse
roolaimng 11l rooms w elifitruished,ealcalated for a To
vertu o. private Ilwelling , a frame Porn 23 by 60,slone
Itiumten,tit, and si thing, sheds a nil other out houses suit•
able fora teneittent!-2 unotl Gardens surrounded with
currant litiNites anti a well of excyllerit water, whit
pump in al the front dour. In relation tot lie Phishurgh
and .111e:betty market, there is no place now offered for
, Tte with more inducement to those wishing to 6urclinse
near Pittsburgh, the terms will lie matte moderate, for
further particularnapply to the proprietor at his Clothing
Store, Liberty street, corner or Virgin Alley.
N. R. If not sold lwfore theW F.:NCE
Ist of October ne L xt, it
will he divided into 10 and 20 acre IM
s to suit porrha•
dai 10
rillflollN'S . 1"E 1 BERRY roorn WASH-4 New
Invaluable. Rciesetly.—The e.tireme beauty of the
reeth, rhelr 'indispensable use, and the, frequency of their
irony. Misled to many. invenitons for 'their preservation;
vet how In pre serve them in a state of health an pristine
beauty, to the latest period-t of existence, was etflicelY
tinknown until the discovery of the above invaluable
preparation. it forms a pure tincture composed of Veg
etalile Ingredients, and is no.scssed of the nmst delicious
odor. It eradicates iartar from the teeth, removes spots
of incipient decay. poll,hes and preserves the enamel, to
which it gives a pearl like whiteness, anti, from its disin.
feeling proper! Ms, possesses the virt- t of giving sweetness
to the breath.
As nn Anti ScorLi“,c, the Gumsa!soshare in its trans
cedent powers; Seurvey is eradicated from them, a
heathy action and redress is induced, which offers to the
notice of the mediel practitioner indubitable evidence of
their healthful state. It has In en examined sad used hr
several of the best physicians of thin city, who have no
hepiiialion is recommending it as an excellent wash for
the Teeth, Gorns.ete.
Amon; the recommendations to the above are the fol
Havintr tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Rerry Tooth W3sb,"
and heroine acquainted with the intred frills of its comp°.
anion, I cheerfully say, I consider It one of rite safest, as
11 is ore of :be most Meas.:int Tooth WaSl es now in Use.
P'it.ditfr;ll Sep. 15, 0142 DAVID HUNT, nr'ltiisi.
I lake pleasure Navin, made Use of"Thorit's
Tea Berry Toot!, Wash." it CI. it is one of the be-t mien.
triflers In use. Rein; in a liquid form, it combines neat.
peps with convenience. White II cleate , els the enamel
and rr movel tile tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds
a frog, oftee itecutiorly desirable. J. TIBBETTS. M.D.
The tandersi;lied have used “Tborh's Compound Tea
Berry Tooth 1 - Vasit,"and have found it to bean eatneffte.. l
ly nuoilooot desa Uticr, esercisin; a most salutary hit,
once over the Teeth. a‘.l Guto4; pieservirt: those India.
Ifensable members out premature decay. pieventin, the
of nor, kind purit . ins the lircallt. !Inv.
,t 2 Ilinroughly tested Its virtneq. we lake Measure in re
.•11:1•11.e11111T12. it i 0 • helleein; it to tie the. beet
I it le ori he k bid nisei ii. Ma,. bl •
ROBF.7:7'SO.V, J.1.111.:S P .7.4 C
ROR'T El. k:S, ('11.9S R SC'ULL.Y.,
C DARRAGII, 11'.17 .51'C.9.1CDI.ESS.
.7 r./71),
.14S S CR4 F7'.
11 L R1X(717'.91.7% I, S JOHNS.
rrf pared oniy by 1V11.T.1.131 THORN, Apothecary
owl Chemist, No. 5$ Market street, Potato] rub; for sale at ,
all the principal DrOgAivtte,amill Tuttle's Medical A;ency,
Fourth street,
DAVID 1.1,01'11
TRACTOR the4timnbrer.
gives no additional pain, nor leaves a rear.
lively rendc,ed harmiess. (el 0 er- been
1 t m h o n r t a
a h l a l
a t 0 ... a n n e y: , 7 3 7 ,
o n 1 r n e , i , i n e :n i l: e n
A FEW 1 1, 1011 E sTIL L.
I OLE'S. yet not a no.from Mot:rands of tallith" since
1 OILY N'C L 7.SICE Y. Ihe old orizinat. Mr" nn 11:111f1 the )ed the bonus.) Pa rentean inu= to ecierd aitile
sI r oat splendid a ,,,, rtinent of Clothing ever offered foinries. and nave time, fortune Ond lik, ink
Wee My clock k larze, and lam &atned to -o il at th y t their nrfapring from "eine ilisfuered E., Immo,
low._ I possible price. My elock Is heavy, and an the Afa. I fq.n:ili pea pn,rotp,.. (it p„,,„,,; nt ,. thr
€ 4 01 , 404 .
son is advanning, I will Scll at lower prices limo ever. I' replace the reilnlary orzans nearreytd.) can do
eak may the pleasure of a call, recent.. confident that a i mining thi, ini,,,,ita!,1,,, „d ye. mahv feel
look k ~nierinnr. Hely:ire of counterfeits. 3 elo mo l o. ri in the thy COO le Oran, and one em ire face, Agent
'he TIIREE BIG DOORS. and the .S.IG.Y LY THE; wounded three diitinri 'linen in the sntuesme.erl
VF: 1II: ..11 - T .
hoc 23.134 Me. yet in no cane tan he traced the learn -."
FiUFFAI,O RI )13ES, BEAR Sit: INS ANI) 1 , 11112 S mar k{in, L ° t r a 2 h i t i . k , ! e wls .. ° o l re lot Ha it. ra }lll 2.oofni
11" CST rereivi.rl.2.ooo Sra a onatrle Putrulo Robea,of if , :::6,:am,, would
he'll... .v.Z:h.all.l.ntlatorriini,
for rkaritor the akin of p k i:: Ivies. ri oil 104Ping.echa
OF ferret min Mien from Extra No. I 1 03.
A lot I' rße3r and yeti Skins,
Alll‘tiviflinoticorbfaf7rto.lenlrif'n'enlr'deddrl2!tr.l;lol:ll.l:'ea:ll'lFink:c::. ro c ' l'h
a P 1 I thn i ii i ar : el L iiti a :ft l i'b e r: de :i i':, l :P'‘ l l.7 .. : : 017; rz t hi e :1: :1 ;"1 1 . 17 e
al:::',?l'er( e:;lTa:l.:irli':4]-I‘7::::rUil.r:ese:::::rArn
proved notes. Apply to
proach„,4lwly uttered by a divahied child,
A. REer.E.s, al the American Fur Co. A r enry.
Oct 12 -3m Corner of Front and Ferro 0 i to l" 0 "1 ,1, over F. , .
. ..Entered a e enrdin, to act ofCreitt,
of white Wheat 1 eornrituk - Co ,In the Clerk', itch
(11" the `l Unled Stales for the Soul
JUL7f:!..Litrlyy....ii-1.L:0rLui.R.,.....--,.....i.,t6:.1..f..,pr:LAiz..4;:irenir5,...._ 1:
y i:okui,i,
wh0,,,,,,r, ,
143 Lihei.ly .i ...et, ! W ar e anted i Ile! only gortuine.;
ici-tr'''Z'LAS 0. tlorien a . a.• .... . •• - — l, tren R. C l erawaa , root. 1b.. e4te, , i.rh0i,,,t0... •
, r rof.4 2 k, c. co . 7... ~ - 1 t ~:e-,, F.),,,,,,ft1,,z :Off : ea. 4.4.,L.,..4__. ,
-' CC"OlOil'ion110.T.!111 , 12.41 , ..o.llq, ... -. ."...Y.tt!itiNfl‘R* , ..--'''. 74 " .
Mine. They retrptetiullyantiei I ecia*winestali;..*
T HE rubsc there rciipectfully call the latent inn of
their lriends and the ',oldie generally, to I iwir pre.
sent asaortorent of Payer Davin is, whirl. rnulain4 a
large and exlentive variety of pat tern. of tin f..onwi
descriptions, a hick up o n inspection hill i.e found to Ite
dieuperior quality and tini.dt.
Ungitszed Wall Pa pers, of all ifescrlpt'on!, fir papering
rooms and rntries,-,t 25eenis per piece.
Glazed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for
papering rooms and eotrirs. at 37{ cents.
American Wall Paper, of their otvo wanufaclure, for
halls; Fresco avid ozdcr styles for parlor: and
chandiers,ori fine satin rinsed grounds.
French Welt Papers, Decoration and Fresco pattern:. in
plain and rich rolorp,gold and silver paper.
Velvet and Imitation Borders.
Landscape Papers, In setis, for papering hotels, halls
and dining rooms, at reduced prices.
Fire Board Prints, Statues, Ornaments,
Windom Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different co
Western merchants and othersnre respectfully invited
to call and examine their stock and pt Ices, off which last
a Wirral discount will be given for cash.
From long experience in the husinesg. t hey are able to
manufacture papers in a superior manlier, and AS they
arc determined to keep up .he character their papers
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re•
eeiee I lie encouragement hit het toso liberally extended.
No 49, Market street, between 3d and 4th
ritisbnrgh, Sept. 19, 1842—dawa
100 N BUTTER %VOll.lll, Auctioneer and Commis.
slot Alerchant, aV Y. wilt attend to rho
gale of Real E-tale, Dry Coriii,ai °eyries, Furniture, 4 , e.
4-c. RegittrirsaleA civet y Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri
day mornings, at 10 o'ciock, A. M. Gael, advance,: made
on consignments
Fen 10
36 'PONS Soft Pig Iron Suitable for Foundries. A p
ply lo
A. 136ELEN.
-.. 1:%...f.
PITTSBURGII, Ocr. 22, 1842.
J. DielliNl.NO—nn Friday, the 30th orlast month.•
9 o'clock at nfeht.lhe Fla ning.Groovina and Sash
i n ,oramory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4.
quantity of dressed and undressed 11
med by fire.
The Iron Safe Which I hou4hl of ;k:
I was to
Ti y
sale an,
Reppectfailly informs. citizens of Pdtslosrct
vicinity, that he is prepared to receive and extern
ders for ally description of work In his line of I,
Ile has on linitd, am' ivillheeonstantly receivtng,
Brat asorimeitt Of CLOTII3, CAII81.111:RE'S •ND VesvO
He will make woi kto order, at lower rates,
other establishment In the efty. !lc has no
saying, that his work, as to quality (gym,/
fit and worksuanahip,connot be surpassed t,
tahlisOrnent in this city.
By punctuality and unremitting attention
he berms to merit and receive ia share of pablimi
'Persons furnishing their own materials, will
t heir Myatt' age to call, brlOre viol; elsewhere:
der 6; if t f
3,l ,l,vrlpAc Tuft RD at Wm. LEY iti.n
Shop, Na, B 9 Second st, bet wren Wot)
field. where a general assortment of rural
had at reduced prices for cash.
The superinilly et these Bedsteads, coal
fastenings, which for durability and ease la /^
and taking down, is not wpialloti by any whet
te , c—and to all 'Titling would consult their own
in their nightly sludibers, It should be renrieln'
all CItISSCaI of the hug fan.fly are taitentions:
R igrns for Counties, Districts. or States fr
We, the red, docertify that welfrfr
ed the above Rrdaern I'atnevinge,antl hive; hi
I • prononnettig them the best now hi use--I [ t
(eh 'Ato the repre•sentatien in the above nave/J .
‘‘'n. Gralintn jr., Jot , el,l Cohan,
%Wm, ruin.
.int ' f)ll
lobo ,
George Singer,
nov —3au.
101000 Ti fi " 4 .l L L L S Ers d • 3fa.R"G Suer
_ _
, b•rzaeen Third and Fourth