Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 02, 1843, Image 2

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    . .
f•-"'..... ' For what? no, co penny ; sumin' t o th e penny; Ainn't /hte motherk put his . hand - -fin ;mine,
you ()brie earn it.
and /et me die an armotber 'ild whittle
's 7!' : I did, said the fellow, or at a'kevin.s ate'l Never 'could •tbe.e be
.a more striking
itemeted it. Ay, an' I must have it before Cont rast witnessed than that between -, the
flave the house, an' whir is more you meet
_4•temps then` present; nor a more impressive
, ..ija fr oat my share of the black's prop.
-exeniLdification of the interposition of Pray
- - ,Yo ill get nothing of th-e, said Roily; it Hence to reward the virtuous and punish
ewe? Nell here, not you, who took it. I the guilty even in this Itfe.
". •- ' flae hundred ;f it on the nail, this min- Land; Laudher More, said sheol once
; lati said - the man, or I bid you farewell, an' attempted to stab you, only for preventin'
olliien look to yourselves, your relation from naarryin' a woman that
'* - "lt's not mine, said Roily; if Nell shares You knew Andy Hart had ruined, You
Jt, 1 haveem objection. disfigur e d my face in your anger too;—that
I'd . giveohe villian the price of a rope an' your preventin' my marriage, an' my
\Rat, she replied.
character hein' lost, whin it was ftnown
-• ' Then, I'm off, said the fellow, au' you'll what he refused to marry me - for, made me
i kairse your conduct.
swear an oath of revenge against you an'
e - lNell flew between him and the door, your horrao. I may now ax your forgive
sod in his struggle to get out, she grasped n es a, for I neither dare, nor will I now pre
ettAted.agger, but failed in Recuring it.— some to ax God's!
Ray advaeeed to separate them, as did You have mine--you haveall our forgive-
Mutat, buf the fellow by a strong effort at- nese, replied the old man, bnt, Nell, ax The Dernocratie Convention which
on Saturday
tempted to free himself. The three were
last fur the purpose of sale-,
God's, fur It's his you stand in need of—ax
low upon him, and would have easily sec - God's! i '
.ing a candidate for the Mayoralty, nornina
ceededin preventing his escape, had it nut Nell, however, appeared to hear him not I
r tail Tho,nas Dickson, E s on on the fourth
Occurred to him that by.one. blow he might as he spoke. I
, ballot;
secure Bic whole sum. This was instantly Is th a t your hand in mine, avich? saiu
directed at Rody, by a back thrust, for he she, addressing her son.
Candidates. Ist - .'.'d 3d
stood behind him. By the rapid change of I t i , —is, said rhe son. Rut mother I
Dicksm,, 7 9 9 B ol ter' 8 9 10 9
,a_ s msitions, however, the breast of Nell didn't, as I'm to stand bef ire God, aim the r ßirmingham,
6 7 6 3
MaGollcuti received the stab that was de- blow at /ger, it was at Body;
Signed fol. norther.
Larch Laudher! said she forgetting her I
Glass, 4 1 0 0
- ce,ll. violent shriek followed, am she stag. self, I you forgive— The gentleman selected by the Conven
*Wed back, and (e 1.
Her head fell down before she could con• tiou is in every respect well qualified for
:o staunch the blood, she exclaimed, staunch elude the sentence, and thus closed tle
e last the office, and should he be elected, as
~ ..: : Mitie blood, staunch the blond, an' , there may moments of Nell McCollum.
hope he will be, he will make one of the
‘i''..:litr a ehancil of life yet,
Alter the lapse of a short interval, in
. , The man threw the dagger down,- and which Lamb Laudher's daughter received best chief magistrates ever placed at the
' Was in the act of rushing nut, when the hod( her money. the certificate and the gas- head of' our city affairs. Men of all par
" dear opened, and a posse of constables en- pvl, her brother discovered that Rody was ties freely admit Mr Dickson's competency
- _ tiered the house. Nell's face became 'at th e person who had, th roe Ellen Neil, I and trustworthiness, and readily concede
eine ghastly and horror-stricken, for she 'commtin' gh
eated to him the secret that assist- !
*Rind that -the blood could not he staunched,' ell him he is entirely dere !wing of confidence. him in vanquishing the Dead Boxer, a :
eihat, in fact eternity was about to open piece of information which saved him from The deliberatiens of the Convention
lit her, -
.* prosecution. The family now returned were marked with much grod feeling, and
Secure him! said Nell, pointing to her home, wthe r e they found Meehatil Neil . every thing %sea dune with ordi r and fairs
Meter, seenre him, an' send quick . for awaiting
I.llolmti fautlher More. God's haul is in
'ellirlitt has happened! Ay, / raised the hero, Thi s
, their arrival, for the purpose ef : ness. A resolutiou r ecommending Mr D
offering his sister's ham! and dowry to our , • ,
offer, we need scarcely
r him, an' God has sent It to my was accepted with DO sullen epitie Rut :
i el
say, p isseu without a dissenting voice.
By time following correspondence, i:. wi'l
Itt heart. .Send too, she added, for the Lamb Laudher was not so much her inte- ihe s een that :Ile Dickson has ace< pted- the
a1' ,... ' ad Boxer's wife,an ifyou ex/Pect heaven, r i ot in wealth as our readers mar suppose, ! nomination:
• be quick. , /
, ' His affec innate sister divided her money : ,
. a fiestas DICKSON, Esq
4::In receiving Nell's meisage, the old between him and her parente
with g hum i We, the ureletoigned, appointed by the
his -son, wife, and one or two other she spent the remainder of her days in 1 Democratic Convention, beg leave to rioti
ozediately hurried to the verse peace and tranquility. Our great erand- ' f
i y you that you se le cte d as the can •
...—, ..173re they arrived a few minutes father remembered the wed hoe,
7 ""-'-after the Dead Boxer's wife. al ' l frum lrlidate of the democratic party tor the uf
him came :low " to ourselves, as ''' "' the " - fine of Mayor at the ensuing election.
:Olen lay itydreadfol agony; her face was tic tradition, the fact that it was an unrival-.
Respectfully, yours,
- *Oar a blueish yellow; het eye brows were led one, hut that it never would have taken! e 1 ., . 1 a a • S amue l
o. H. a oort war( , Jelin i r win,
ben and her eyes getting dead and vaCint, place were it not fir the terrible challenge z..-:nee, Jacob Hunker, Til'y Po ter.
Oh! she exclaimed. Andy Hart! Andy of the Dead Baser. j
el -
Rant it was the Heck hour you brought
.- S
* me from the tight way.
You never met me, said the red-haired
atssrorer, till within On last fortnight.
What do vnu mean, you unfortunate
mint asked Rods,-- - -
"Lady-I.Fert is my natty', said the man,
- . although I didn't go by that name some
ice' - - &tidy Hart! said Nell, raising herself
with aviolent jerk, and screaming, Ai dy
rt 4: Hirt! Andy Hart!stand over before me.
ndv Hart! It is his father's voice. Oh,
„Mod! Strifrhis breast there, an'see if there's
-t a blood.mark on the - left side.
m ginin' to fear something dread
'''. ful, said the criminal, trembling and getting
pale as death, there is—there is a blood
• mark on the very spot she mentions—see
I would know hint to be Andy Hart's
41" r i
-God rest hint! observed Lamli Laud
her Nor*, any where over the world.—
/ Blessed mother of heaven!--down on your I
knees, you miserable crathur, down on your
knees for pardon! You've murdhered y,)ur
onfortunate mother!
-The man gave one loud and fearful yell,
and dashing himself on the floor at his ma-. I
ther's feet, an appalling picture of remorse.
He rolled himself about, tore his hair, and
d every symptom of a man in a par
oxism of madness. But among those Ares.
eat, with the exception of mother and s- - m,
• re was not such a picture of distress and
• sorrow, as the wife of the Dead Boxer.
She stooped down to raise the stranger up
—Unhappy man! said she, look up, I am
your sister!
• No, said Nell, no—no—no. There's
ore o' my guilt. Larnh Lacdher More,
atasid torrid, you and your wife. You lost
st "daughter long ago., Open your arms and
'bike her back a blameless woman. She's
`iyour ebilcl that I robbed you of as one pun.
c 4.. , . —the other blow that I intended
_fou las teen struck here. I'm dyin.
'4 Lew cry of ;in'? bu•-st front the mother
adiughter, as they rushecru.. , each oth.
erts arms. Nature, always strongen rn
. her marriage
tte,ite the gospel she badabout h•-r•
lildarp• " an in wy
son? bad
Suhject to the deCialoll of a Notional Coavention.
A fliancl- t
to the dudiei ire ('on - pull r cu.
In the il 7 /U.S e . some pri V ate and other
business was transacted. A hid atithe i
izieg tiered) eisei on g ;.el, exported from
Missouri to Silva Fe in original packages,
was lea 1 twice, end reftrrt•tl. A reso'ution
of Virgitea. instructing !he Senators and
Representatives of the! State to vote fur
refunding General Jackson's fine, presen
ted by Mr. Wiseo.yas referred to the Com
mittee, of the Whole After the translate
action of some other business, and the ex
piration of tbe morning hour, the consider
ation of th,. bill to repea! the bankrupt law
was i esterLe.l. Apt opositio..i was made,
of reference to the Judiciary Committee,
with instructions to amend the bankrupt
law so as to exclude voluetary applicants,
and including associations is.sueing notes
to circulate as money; and another with
instructions to report a hill for its uncondi
tional repeal. Mr. Saltonstall argued
against hot haste, and in favor of a proper
and guarded system of bankruptcy, alike
protective of debtor and creditor. Mr,
racy, : Dawson follewed in favor of the present
The following named delegates appear.; ; law. Mr. Cushing deprecated precipitan -
ed, produced their credentials a n d 1 00 1
cy, went fur a fair trial, and for arnentlin a
so as to itic d
lude cororations rather the n
their seats in the Cc nvention, v;z:— 1. a repeal of the law altomether. Mr. C.,:en
-Ist Ward.—Michael Tracy.Hertry Cak tered upon a defence of the present ad
ministration against certain attacks made sidav, James Traynor, Thomas Kerr and ;
Francis Marron.
by Mr. Arnold the other clay,and after the
2d Ward.—John Fox, George Alexat- !conclusion of his interesting speech, Mr.
Wise obtained the floor, but gave way (or
The ma.ii:ilinui else. I der, John Smith, John Irwirke-emeep t :an adjourtinient.
the famous 111 , 1,11 , 11.11 c ase, ivil i ch was 1 3d Ward.—William Gilmore, P. 1,1 Bankrupt Law,—The Southern Patriot,
tried last spring in the Court of Qoarter Boylan, 'William Penal, J. D. Kelly and; speaking of the contemplated repeal of
Sessions, and reselted in rn iL:h trouble and I P.itii,;-k Quinn.
--)tbis act, sacs, with great truth:
4th Ward.—Elijah Trovillo, Josoph The precipitatio n with which a majority
a bill of expense to thecity. As Jes.'77om-
Watt, M. Kane, jr., Saml. Snee sad Jacob ail" , 1 1""se "f Re l" ese "tEtives is urging
son is now a candidate for rbe. Mayoralty,
the repeat of the Bankrupt Law,is adverse
it may 1131, be arnie 4 to .alltdie to an aSSer. -
sth Ward.—Tilly Potter,James McLeatcil
ir calm and considerate legislation. The
tion confidently tinier arid - generally 'celiev
! l aw unquestionably requires amendment.
John Mackin, James Ormston and S.
et. ] at th e ti me o fefiat trial, th it he couneel -
Fr! The creditor is too much ial f!
tre power o
J t h e eent u pricious and unjast proceed-
I the debtor under the present act. Butthe
ings whick brought on this suit. The convention than proceeded to ballet I u"if''llnitY of the legal relation between
Its a matter of course Mr. Ilay, Who for a candidate for Mayor, which resulted,'debtor anti creditor throughout the Union,
tad jest been swore into °flied, relied much in the choice of THOMAS DICKSON, •
to not to
to the ex i st ing
sacrificed because of defects ;
upon the experience of Mr. T., who had E'q law. These may be cured,
served a term,
and a permanent system established, pro-
Mr Hay took his advice, On motion. It was unanimousky resol- tecting alike the interests of the creditor
and in dninz so, made himself many ens- sett, that this convention do recommend to ,and the p
mien, and without doubt brought his admin. i the citizens of Pittsburgh; THOMAS I ersonal rights of the debtor.—
Cur legislation has been marked by ex •
istration of the city affairs into disfavor I DICKSON, Esq., as a suitable person for ,tr , ernes in this as in other measures of
with the people. I Mayor. [Congress. We once tried the system of
fcompulsory bankruptcy, exclu'sively. We'
!then adopted the 'irvix e d scheme of volune
tary and compuls- ry''tiankruptcy, combi
neu. But as on the fiee t , piade placed'
the bankrupt at the mercy of his c • tor,
so on the present plan we have revers
their position. NOW, that some scheme
...iv '''re e 1 k5.1.64......4
sT-game 1 --- re Lee Y.—Caote to the premiere °lino sub
ight not be struck out, retaining the ad [ , „lit er ii, Pin, itio, near the old
1 10111?_1! ,!n o . n .. t oo lle ,
antages of both systems, without ;heir e- . t 'i 5 t , ; ., , i n . , .:•. , , ,, t r . in
0, : , 77` . 2 1 77:' I I: iu. 4 ;: w i ri t ,, a ,n i tii,
Os, we a•.e, not prepared to pronounce. -- I „„.„, „„,,ther ~ I 3 Ik,
. t would, be the treat desitleiatern irf a1 ;1,r,:,-1,71:,1;i,
;1,r , :,-1 , 71:,1;i, .7s. 0 .. ,/,,Pr IA 05. , , po
ft ' - e-- ° '" r"vva" } •Prov.' t . r. , :wr . v r, , V c:,-I,jik - r.nii tOie it
_2' l ivay•ie.it vri't be fOldU , roriliwz Ic, I,sr. , . .
4ankrupt system suited to the. wants
. ams • . •---,
j , tmelocaaup , ta ,..
liabite lof our people, .
N, .in 1111--31. i i-,
, -
- ' ' ' ' ' 4 o* •
us to any that the stvement (or rvher
glary) in our paper, in tel to that vet)
tleman's being employed on the It-tn steam
vessel, now building in this city, is incur..
He has ba--n superintending some
matters for the contractors for that vessel,
but he has not perm merit employtn3rit up
on it at three dollars per day. It seerw,
too, that he has, ostem , ibly at least, with—
drawn from active business. This correc
tion, however, does not affect our positio n
that Mr. Thom em has a competence of
this world's goods, arid therefore does
not need the pecuniary rewards of the May
oralty. L, times like the=e, mai l who s e
circumstances are prosperous, should have
some regard for their less fortunate neigh
bors, and not clutch at every little office.
Nor should Mr. Thomson ask th,i offi,?e
of Mayor, merely to gratify po:itical ambi•
tion. He has held the post, and all the
honors which it could bring him he now
enjoys as fully as if ho ,vere again elected.
Let him not thrust himself forward, then,
but leave the field to one of his poore r f e l.
l ow citize ns , tc) wh )m theaalary of the of
five would be an object in these pinching
om, and
re him
a secret
his long
we met
Oil said,
wid de
",l4 of
U :yet t
were our
to her
t when
• Q The Democratic Association of
Cincinnati is doing much for the dissem
ination of the principles of the party in that
city. The memoirals, addresses, and other
documents which emanate from it, together
with the discussions, &c., tend more effec
tually to elucidate the principles—to point
out the goal at. which the Democracy aims,
than ark
o Nell
see First Pitv„e.
Mr. Thoin•ori.
burgh is behind the: age i4.,'suchassocia
firms; as none' have eveiexisted- lor.any
lenith.of tithe. .The Keystone flourished
for a shortiseastin, and elicited many able
'lectures, but-it is now consigned to the
tomb of the Capulets.
We are authorised to withdraw the name of
JAMES P. STUART, Esq. from the Common Cola. ,
oil Ticket, of the 4th (north) ward, Mr. S. an
ticipates that during the ensuing summer, it will
be necessary for him to be absent from the City,
attending 10 private business, and he will theref re
bc unable to bestow that attention—if elected—
to the Interests of his constituents, that a fatbful
discharge of the duties of a Councilman, and the
pre-ent btate of the affairs of our city, rtqulre.
Gentle have the honor to ac
knowled.ge the receipt of you de of till,
chte, in which you info! rn me that the Dem
ocratic Convention which assembiel Oita
day, has plac,l my name, in tt inn
for the ofTice of Mayor of the City of Pils -
.reply, (lend mon, it vivre plea
tiore to say that I will accept the hormila.
Got which t' convention honored me
with. aril it elected to that 411'011a:it stir':
( ISc iarge its duties faithfully. Al (1.4 , nit,
gentlemen, through you to convey to fte
C:inventimi my wat mest acknmvleclgments
foe this very high and ft ittet ing co
In nt paid tom hr . ple,s e d to accept for
yourselves and my fe!low citizens. my
most sincere wishes for your proverity.
1 have the honor to be, gentlemen, your
obedient servant.
To Messrs. S, 1-1 Woodward, John Tr—
win, Samuel Snee and Tilly Potter, Cum
I mittee
Dernour atm City Convention
The Delegate s from the different Wards
i of the city of Piusburgh, mot in the old
Court House in the Diamond Mi Saturday
the 31st Deceml)er, ult.—
The convention was organized by the
appointment of Cul. ELIJAH TROVIL
LO, of the 4th Ward, President; and of
S. 11. WOODWARD, as St cretiry; and
JAMES TRA YNOR, as Assistant Secre'
S. H. Woodward, }
Sec't's. Trainer,
Wholesome Advice.—Neve r borrow the &rot red
cent, while with two strong hands you he •
strength to earn a dollar. 14e don't know as the
giving' of this advice will amount to mu, li, for
prc tty nearly every body is ohlvd to follow
just about nucr. Wb., has a nit t end?,
Or, who ham a job to be don; tbat Y. apli(
handa" cnay "eara;tv
. I , ;, -
1 - Messrs. PHILLIPS & ` SMITH, Genti—l
!see by your paper of .-the 28th, that my
friends of thesecond ward have nominated
me as a candidate to the Common Coun
cil, fur which I return - them my hearty
thanks, but am compelled to decline the
nomination, as my private business would
prevent my attending to the duties of the
Office, should I he elected.
Yours truly,
Pittsburgh Dec. 31, 1842.
DuzunEn 31, 1842.
Gentlemen:—My private business re
quiring all my time and attention, I would
find it impossible, if elected, to attend prop
erly to the duties of a member of the Com
mon Council, fur which I have been nomi
nated by my friends of the second Ward.
feeling duly grateful fir the confidence em
ployed by the nomilatio , , I would beg
leave hertitiv, to eecline being a candidate,
in order that the comtnit , ee may select an
other who can spare more time to the im
portant duties f the office.
IVith much respect I remain yours. &c.,
Me-srs. Davitt, Smith, Heastings, Alex
ander and Irwin, Cnrn-nittee•
Good tit lotting, inn a e.,talogue
lor a Clonese colleetio is, is slid t • be of fre
(pent occurrence in the str• eta of Cdomo; It is
bout the tn•ist d trieg species of amusements we
ever l•eird ot, old the person who allows himself
to he the target, is, we realv think, fairly colt
ti e d to 11,11 . lie pr,lrri.ffS of the hxhibition. I
einick-• greatly of :launch iu•on is it, but lhose
with the clevernes. •l,e Chin! e, as.
sun's IS it 15 by no means improhal•le. Our In
dians, it is .aid, were at ne time •pi iqy eApert
with the inni - th • wk or Cie knife.
William 'Tell &redone.-- Several of the feats nt
the skill and darin r of the Chinese are, to the tin
initiated, truly ao,onistiinr,; for in t ince: —Two
men, from N.itilt in, npnire'l in the streets ofCan
ton; the one place, los•back tiyainst a done wall
or wooden knee, the 'moo r p .rt of 111, , errs m be—
ing divested of Ills •i•s•••:iiite, armed
with a large knife, retires lo a distance, say from
one hundred to Iwo dfe t. A a giv n
- •al the knife is thr Ren 0.1. t au on ar,ng ii•
the direction of the perimn epposite t • within a
hre a rl•i • of Itsim trry bete's l is
ear. %With such rer , ain.y sit,c , oss is ti.e Now
aimed, and Fo g eat is the fniri !roc • !up .sr'ri by
the OMe in the skill of Ilse oilier. Ulat nit the
slightest u.teas;s4e.oi is di, t inside, in the feat s
or 11;in wilts 16: is I et firicit of the, slightest •e
-v,atioli on tit • cart of the praetitioner. This ft.,:
is .q• - ,aio rt pealed, and with simil•r stte•e,s, only '
varying the dir. ction nt' the knife to the op; osite
side ot th • ne k of tho a xlinsed pets n, or to any
oth r point •e l proci I , lly to the living large', as the
spectator tray desire
Frnin Erin {more Sun.
WAsimarisN, 14ee. 27, 1842
The arfICIIIIII Of 1)11:•ifIFI.S diMe I,) 11:1y WaS
Ufa grow, not d• ci:,ive of any dueslioil I,f'
impor:..nve. In .hr ~mate many metro ; 7 ,,,, 31 ,
i 'ills f,Jr mid av,•iiti,t ilir 13,1,,k, Apt hy, ~,r,
preset) aml t ere: re,!; several pr:v tte "'hi, stiacioit4 edifier
I; , tp ,, a 1 t r : " ,:; °, 7,1 t ri,"'' d n . llil l e ::;( ', i 1, ' ,. :II be tt Ill' $ 5 206 '
niIII (){0 ! J c s , nith i , new ere( ri. , g , another hui!dm v ,
ltival bilk at Led oh; lite c hiaidet at ion nf ~e % fik , 4f•a!, , Or 1,1:t an I splend,r, ; s a pialhe
‘, i
art I. .1 ' :s111":1 10 Ze . ti I"Xche(ltler I) ~i. 1 ) ,,,,,,,. h 't" l . To 1... calk.] Il'e N.tuv..) tieu , e." 11,e,
a. a
~, r e It.
,\1,.. , i,,i:
jt;,s 1:111
t, :
re se ai,ht ; :, 1 Npfsiti , on orhis tieavish i•npte-lare.:sti to,
The human body in our climate, is al
way's much warmer than the atmosphere,
and is constantly throwing off heat. All
substances, in respect of heat are called
good or bad conductors. if we apply our
hand to the carpet, it will appear tolerably
warm, because it is a bad concuctor, and
takes no heat from us. If we next touch
the floor, which is of wood, (and, therefore,
although a had one, a better conductor than
the carpet,) it will appear somewhat cold, as
it takes some of the heat of our hard away.
Iron and all metals, (being eminently good
conductors,) will abstract a greater quantity
of heat from us; so that when we come to
touch that, it will appear very cold, from
the loss of heat that our body immediately
experiences. The same fallacious testimo
ny of the touch would induce us to believe
that water is really much colder than it is.
When we take the cold bath, we experience
a chilly sensation in passing out of the at.
inosphere into the water, although a tiler
motnetor will tell us that both are of the
same temperature: this is because it has a
property peculiar to itself, by which it abs
sorbs and carries away whatever heat may
be brought in contact with it. and which is
equivalent in its results to the property of a
conductor. Thus it %ill appear that what
seems to be a cold sensation received from
other ohjems, is, in reality, nothing more
than the loss of heat in touching them; and
thus it is evident that the Author of the uni
verse for"med our senses to answer the ordi
nary purpose life, and gave os intellect
to cortt•et their errors, alit enables us to
apply t! em to hi t her and nold:tr purposes of
science.—Dr. Lardner.
An Aged Couple.
There now resides in Walton county,
about 75 miles from this place, a man and
his wife, whose united ages are two hun
dred and twenty-nine years. The old
gentleman's name is Daniel Campbell.—
He was united to his prr sent wife niae.
ty fur years awl, in the isle of Skye, Scotr
teat cl. He emigrated to this country seve -
al years before Cu. rev dution, and was a
bout lily years old when it commenceda
There w, re no neutrals then, and as Alr•
Catopttell had left his etru;:try in conse•
(pence of tlt, Hilical troubles of 1745,
he was prepared t take part vtith the col
otri:ts against the !noise of Hanover. He
served nearly through the whole revulu
ri,onary war but although very poor, he hes
not been able to avail hirnselfof the boun
ty, or rather of that just remuneration,
which the pension laws have provided for
the survivors of that glorious epoch, be
cause before the passage of the act of
1532, )w was by extreme old age and men
tal infirnity, renbered incapable of making
the d .clttration required by the law. He
is now 117 arid his wile is 112 years old.
Pensacola Ga 7,.
Dr. flun)m, tinw , .. vp r,,r the 3l:tlical Jou--
r.. 1-1: of a n:in %.11).:e r. sr, in
•t q r t• r,f trtrkin;z zt: eh fr tin Gic.
coancii 'ticket.
The follot% ing council tickets were taken
up ley the Demo( rats in the East and
West Wat ds.
Select Council —Marlin Lytle.
Conzmon,—Wm• M. Edgar, Matthew
Patrick, Thos. O'Neil, J D Kelly, Jacob
I3uer kley.
Select Council B. Warden.
Common.—.l Aln Nicholson, Andrew
Leo, Samuel Keller, S. R. Holmes, Alex
The Poor,
A in ',ling of all the Ward 'Cominirtees will
b • held in the 8.,,rd of Trade Bourns this Eveci•
hag (Iforiday) at 7 o'clo,k.
Cruleeto, 8 will WC.LSe c. , ine prepared to close
their aecnnots in toll wirli the Treasurer.
Di•dributors are requested to furnish a list of ap
pile lois in their resperlive.districts, with a state—
ment of rilierzranted to each.
member will please attend,
Dv r rder
Jan. dd,
-.ElV , ning papers please copy.
PnEtilhirriker vt. FACTORY.
ovild respectfully Inform the cPIZPII9
el-Pittsburgh. Allezheny and their vi.ir iI tea, that he
nits cemmencol nontifacturing the article of Lard Oil
arid Candles. lie intends mak Intl but one finality, which
w II equal the best Made in the Union and not surpassed
ha the bent winter at rained sperM oil either for machinery
or Int i lit:, wit 110111 its off, mice prop. ri lea. The above
I S unnamed to barn at any temperature The subscri•
her wish,. to impress distinctly on the ratline mind that
it is nn' nerr..,ary to ittirrhuse any new fanzied Inrap s that
ate 4fai:v palmed limo, them na terse reipihrtle in burn the
lard oil lit. Persons vcishine a pure and brilliant lista
ran obtain it by•ra Ili ng at t he old stand,3ti street, nearly
oppo,te the Post Office.
Tina attention or Wholeaale ;ere. Churches and Ma
chinieo respectfully solicited.
N• 13.—A1l tho barrels will bear the rnanufariurnt's
Jan 2; 13.43—tr.
LOO.VS --25 tons Blooms in ; , :iore and Cur sale by
Wafer between Wmul 4-
Jan?, 1811
A SSIO.YEES' 5.91. E. —The Aadianevi s Ale will he
re um .d morning al 1 onsiating of
Mon.; di! Laing, Painted Nuathia, o
lit•hc loc ocs,c Rib.
hour, and aceNeral varlet; of Dry Goods, Terma, cash,
par iz,ormr, J, P, GUTHRIE, Auct'r,
Jai) 2
December 31eIVIN.
1,. t'IDEND;
9, , PA
T HE PRESIDENT .T. .NvfLNAr the Alleg he
" Company for erecting a RritieMinty of Alleghe—
ny River. opPnel'e Pllin b urth 'Blend of six per cent. on
ny," have this day declared . bmt,apy, out of the Wog"
the capital stock of the Rm.
..ench will be paid to the Stock
of the
of the last six months
.i trep resentatives. e on or after the
11thholders, or
me thelg.... 4- JOHN HARPER,
proxl.- -
an 3-40'34 Treasurer.
Popular Criors.
ZfZiklroa4LZe a rlr . it ---1
In pursuance of a call, the friends of f, 1. Astit
assembled In mass meeting in the Market plate, ek
old court house, In the city at Pittsburgh, on Satordef,
ternoon the 29th inst• The meeting was oriented('
calling Major Otis Young to the. Chair, and np:o i ll
J, S. Morehead Vrte President; Rtehard lingliert ,
Flinn Secretaries. .
The call of the meeting was read, and in h ',,
remarks its objects stated by the Chairman; •rier w -
was moved by Mr. A. Milliken, that Capt. I. I:
be nominated as the citizen's candidate for tbeotAi
Mayor; the motion being seconded, it was then pa 1
carried unanimously. The following preamble eil
Muttons were read to the meeting, and unanimously t:•
increas, This meeting believe that thepremeeell
city:has been greatly retarded by its municipal e
being placed in the hands of party politicians, Then"
Resolved,- Tha the members of thin meeting be
that In the 'seen' of the election 01-Capt. I J. AsibbtfP
as the citizen's candidate to the office of Mayor. he I
faithfully discharge every duty belonging bossier)/
without regard to party polities,
Resolved, That this meeting have full confider'
the ability and firmness of their candidate to disc'
the duties of the office of Mayor; Therefore, we r"
mend him to all parties, as deservedly worthy of
sign age.
Resolved, That, althou;11 we do not admit that e
ry services should COllBlll !tie a claim to clvitofllee,)
feel that his faithful discharge of duty under Gen's. El
Scott, Ripley and Gaines, lit the memorable hitt.
Chippewa, Lundy's Lane. and Fort Erie, give hint
Ilona! call:Hato the support of his know cittzemf
A committ ee. was appointed to procure a suitable
to Inlid meetings to further the election of the ck
candidate. Oa motion, the meeting adjourned.
William Flinn,
Thriliard Hughes,
2tirtion Salto.
Admiuistrutor's Sale of Persoual Yr,.
O perry.
or Friday he 6th of January 1842, will he soh' 'KY ;
order of the Administrator of the estate of John ;It , '
Baird deed.
2U Shares of Pennsy tva nja and Ohio Canal Sloth.
34 do Firemen's Insitranee Co do,-
do Pittsburgh 7 hem re Stock.
5 do Hand Street Bridge do,
I ilarouelte, Horse and Harness.
I Gold patent lever Watch.
Sofa, 'fables, Chairs, Wash Stands and other Harillq
hold Furniture.
4lso—A lot of yaluaide Books.
Sale to oomence at 10 W.-lock 14.10 sty A .
Boom, coiner ol %Voris, a rid sth acs. Pittsburgh. ;
of s par money. J. B. GUTHRIA"
der 27 Aueti,
ra]; be ,o:d, Saturday, January 7,at o'cl• •
V p..y rot and charges of Ira nsport a lion; 6
. cfitr
Clothing, Blankets, Counterpanes. 4-c. ke.
4 , o--at Z. o'clock., P. M„ by order of Anlvvee
Hanel fin
Wins Ailey.
5 kers WiNY, BRANDY and Gin
1 Rag Cu7nm
dec 3(1
C ITEA 1" and useful preeente for New Yearn. Joel or» -•
reived from Philadelphia atik New Yo-k--att,en..: 4
rellent assortment of the publications of the Airticelcata-
Temperanee Union Tract and Sunday EchoolSeeitittea, •
conekting of an excellent assortment of email bookcand .
papers at from 1 rent to $1.25 each, coneisting of the
Tempera nee Lecturer, Waehington 'Temperance Moog
and Hymn Books, Tempernoceit,yre, Permanent Tem.
rerarwe ;loco nietilq. the Religious objection to Tee total.
ism, Six n 12104 with the Waghinetonlans, Arthur'e new
series of Temperance tales Pain ily Chriettrin Temper.
name A tanner arid abnitt 5060 Youth's Tempersore-Ad•
vacates, j•. for sate in any traidi:y to cult pnechtir
e hers, from a rent's worth to any rice bill, and .pit all
of purchasers. ISAAC HARRIS,
dee •`1 Agent and Corn. Merchant:
xllO LET.— From t1:0 ISt or April nes/011.1W eighty j . .!
:rtes of land Fill township, part of which Is tiOSI
orritvie.l C, ) .11rl. Mary Sparpl. on WII tell lea !trick &veil
Ina h With a u ell of tt2ter conveoleot, a good Irt•rte•
leg or. tiara 3 , :j. , inieg the boost!. '
Thi.‘ property is Loitoried by the Farm , r'e and Ilferhittl..
I , tropike, by lands Hof Dr. E. D. Cassatti, hunt , * 0 1.
Vrart Win A rtillAr.S Csq and 011wrs. For trtrairs
aptly ,.
d.r Iron Fon in'er.
SALE.-111e Storol my! and Lot «our
oreupied by M nalzet. stnate at Die coiner of
Didmond a I lry and the Diamond. in Meat, or
For terms ripply to ttl Daizeil on the areas
fez, o r John Snyder, r. dee ,;(1 , ---4 m•
City of Pitisbui.gli, sr.
IN cooforiiiiiy with the Provisions of an act of t be Oen
eral A csetntdy of the Commohwen it It of Penitoltrania,
provi,litQ• for the Incorporation of the City of Pithshurets
and for the supplement to the Said act, 1, AL!. XMCDSIti
DAY, Mayor of eaid City,do is•me this, my ProcientallatC.
deehiring that on the SECOND TUESDAY Jannary,t
A. n.. 1 543, bailia the 10th day of that month, uthe free•
men of each wr.rd in said City, qualified-c. 0.. . forly"'
here of Diu Douse of Repteceottulves of this Coinnat.
wealth," will meet to7,eritet at the usual places ofhoti. :
elections in their respective Wards, and elect by bt. , •
One person in civil and every Ward qualified to aer
as members of I be tklasB of Representatives of this Cr-t
monweii It it to be a member of the Select Council; at,
five persons qualified tte aforeralti, In each and etre%
Warn, to be memttere of the Common Council.
acrd that on the Rune day, the said Wards will,
II e plat ea aforesaid, elect by ba ;lot, a eiti2en of lite
City, qualified to be elected a member of the Douse
Representatives of this Cemmonwealtit, to be Mayor et
said City.
Civet, tv.der toy Mimi and the seal of' the sued elfyi
Pit t4htt reit, this . 28th day of Decenther, A. D., INA
Dec 29—tire. ALEXANDER BAY, !Mirror.
W ANTE.D --two or reit travelling omelets foto
Brit su bserlpi lone. 0, ow; It the country, for ae*
work —apply nt lh omre . dec 49---14 t
Of the Efficacy of Dr. Swaynes' Compound Syrup
of Peunus Virginian's or Wild CV". .
pale and ghastly object caused by spitting blood arr.:n*4
violent cough. with night sweats, a herairttgress, :si!d t
sound of the voice indicating an slat ming slate or dja..
t•atie; my clergyman waa plain with me, and mated WS 1
I had hut a few days to live; my !ester Who wi!newed my I
condition, and was my anxious caretaker. made ingot.
re where she would ne likely to procure the most certain,
relief; she was told it Dr, SWAYNes COBIPOLIND BYRE', :01A .
WII D CUICRRY: failed in the cure. my life twig then MVO
-1005. Dr. Swa Ines Compound Sirup of Wild Chcrry
was then prorured. and the first holt le cave relief, and
by the time I had commenced on the fifth bottle, In, ennigii
had left me and My strength so 11111th
.jlnrlrOVed; Amu I
%vats able to take the fresh air, and in a short time I en:
tirelt recovered my former health. For a corroboration,'
of the truth or the above stalernont you can call on me '
sister who lives in Juniper street, one door below Sare
wee!, Philadelphia. Signed. Leese !donnas Rims'
Caution.—A II preparations from this %minable Ti.
except the above are fief 'Onus and counterfeit.
For sale at the Drug Store of W. Too
ftlar . ket st.f i ltishurah
Dr.'Swirrees office, N 0.54 Nor b
doer below Areh, ot to „ 4 ,
re, west side., Phil
I, as I will i
NOTICE—The public al or written ordit
II person whatever h; +. JANE T. 4
. ..
debts unless contraet•-'
..,or. .
4, - --4---
dee 29—, offers for sale, at unusually I
n accommodating te rms, One Flue
n Building Lols,situated on the Fo .
1 ,
adjoining laud owned by the'heirs of C,
rinsed, and between said road and "Bluff etc , 4 ,
hank of the Monongahela—the numbers and
rations of said Lots can be seen by reference
recorded on the 18th Nov, 1841, in the.Reett
of Allegheny county in Deed Book, Vol.
page, or upon application to the subscriber. ..:
The attention of persons desirous of I
having money to invest. Is earnestly Folicittdoess
tunity equally advantageous is rarely presealls4 idik
subscriber is determined to sell. a
The Lots will be sold according to the minted 0
' and unexceptionable titles will be given. • •
A poly to DAVID GREER,
FOR RENT.--A comfortable new .
In; house,sltnara In Coil Lane as
ti lia For terms, which will be mrriend
3111p7 m'etti
l'aree ttnort,
,O. tzuvir. [Ha day rat - dived pq
V.ric,aud ter 00,1011.5. the- a .4)
des IL
der 24-.. n
J. B CUTFIRfB, Atte.