Matta It; 4 1 04,1/I,iritlx:Or ,- „ ,likilerthimeart , • " s•tr," -, ,Ar 4 0. .wimr49o l, . a - 114:10. e • ; mts;#llo F ', ' •-' •,..' q54404/PAZioNol 'reap frP .....- . 4 ,,t , %J. -. • `t,' #r ataamia4-thiff ti : . .-, •-, ls very namerene. . They evey.bote.: itgl, .40..latVrikalikt-atliithisstutra. Pglelzo wArli. 4111111114,110 v *ere& utooseiii)erii, beketi, iii. tillilailettOrretilMrelf More. or' kat 1 0 to& twills l eeeentiettle qiiiitrometh of Owl r constau Obit.: ? 'lll {Y, "Alletti4plitibbeCielltailn.• IS the eceseleiat Alesillette wlytelakkostedete frafon la* el mitt:Meta f ,e -failiteiMiellOMmirienerrele UMW by io_ Oig, fro i • satiMiliNbearzavoliforisse; pu4iseir ef • "... - q. - _ ~.., _ .. I v 11= 94114 K 1 fR" . ' 0* 4 , - V ',.., lilliirdirelp titiOlelliiti to ioilie : in i nei r atoreepttat kliettleili.ii‘ genbeiqn Who I IVeoUl. of town 4 i t -* t'' . - "i hfillete ail ly .• - - OE' • ablea and the beat Bay and itekef tilt . ' • . .-.. ' • Minh': tritl - tirlif - *exam mode i e travel. . . • .ti ha v illicit**. ' -w4lk or year. Charges ipeaitkie Hatei in thektijy. JOHN IRONIC .) Is • • 41 fA • '. 416 =mom M' I)3 Seirgeon i)ntist. lots returned to iiiirirbliretuntl, No 107, emir bfl:ehl Street, where heenn be consuliNl any hour during the doy, - Serl 10 _ . 4i1P444W4L..,—C.0. °foe Armor: Mere ki arl72,l:allor, rejloAarUlth sonoottv.t, to lois ',lends.- sad pa ndas, thit he hae rer.10%; , 1 es , a , lishoteot from hip yid otatui v in Third street, to thr corner of Fjorit a 0;1 !tib i v ~r the , Movi,ineal). 4 la :180ffile; where Iwirrtendti keepi•r: on hand a vq)cral as. -oortinent. of Pashto:table Gouds t ,no.ahle for Ci.m• i.lotnen' Be 'topes, m; elate a mil ira I ion. tit merit a sharit of Übe .itnefitess an 104'1'311y exicnitrd to hint at Ills OH stand. it. U. liattlagr made arra Itlonients In New . York and `Phillicitilish i a, wilt, ihe most Pastitotialite'Tfihars, for erliairE.eittios of Paris . and London Fasli . iiiita v e.ustonters mdst4tou linving thelc oxderd executed decor:#l44; to 1 he**0. 1 : 1 0710:' . ~:.• ' • c-r., ac eAsO a . _ pept:44, i'.,. . • • . . . O - X 1 litibts.-=Tita Subscriber wou would onti-t recithetitiliy ' lAtmtlhe puhlir in aenera !!tat babas an !triter of ,aLirtt of .eititwr ler quoin r , ma nu factertri a i I tis ci or i .i. •• •sieti Vanatactury,tiy Et 4- eo., w 'Urn 1.1 vgarra ti led 10 be evil to the beat Sue rte. Ott, not li for 1,12 ht 4.nd *affOrtiftV.: Thih - oil ii• filli nil v Tree from, aa y sins taw, Asatitik~lll4, er ttepleasant • etier:nttd it• it as etria f null lattliddlitilitatifttit WAten , Note 'particle of crew it-left .lat.- ll* tatek. The Nita - fit Pere ea* • britilkst, \ \ lidlikeelliketwipaadees., If 1.-taass It, • thew that from an ~ 1 1 " ity,utdpertn. tr. The, seism sitter • income 40 1 0 1 1 04 . - , kilt has taken- *tits -steady - opposite the *hem he .wiii-lishipitasseensi it ttrerent temps .slid Is weeld sweat - ally invite the in Ititetalfgh.Allegteayfaad ibehrvicinity, to eellil Pulse for t hew/wive& He feels conflate( they ~,i ured that the- above -statement- is perfectly 481110111100=2_ , 16Ctien4thUdttitindividualu who have tried 0110111, 11 111Nk MO aet.beien a 'taste fault found with it diNliWiteelltbilectietwee tetra istastrieultrwern. ile wrintd Ipialitilingallilleitteht (baster/yet lett ion. tif Pea tere and Ma. chilliehhie thet t aborm: -,- . - - , • ' • The hilkm Cherebeesre now natal theater/I 911: Aeceed P Siete abut rch , Pit t.bit rg It, • . ' • 'New al fassbyte•ise Church, Tittabergh, Find Pfeil)! lan Church, Allegheny City, . im k ~,,,,..iimotaltikef _Claud)._ _ do. _ 7 An akuL til• br tele IgelPflipided tt i yil.),,..Ps ~ .t CO., CI nein. .... : C.titligift?tgeat i• dab alev - ,:Vi!ftgiel - t.t , i' = ':,-- , adtletaltatiOii-itselV2l 4 : l B 4 t ilteditiffeedriCaleithis kr•the'r - Rtioteerthie tit 1 l 041.161001 athaeiteeMaitris tried 'antrAire fllsOliliearelitteed - be re;by , UMW* - ' ' - 11,, , .W,- Lee* Co.;tiaaile =MI= 1111011161 014 ifie &Novels - Midst OftwolNis'intheet *et fleursimiika ifigragNit iflrdegliNibils4llol:4* NW. VlM.*b taaviriont alemittorar vpipres.:vm, 101101101,ittArrestfriends alas lA* hAfireilberek, APP.! Vail' 4144i*".144,-It.. x Vigleo. Mails sentrinam Rana Isiah SWIM. , • 41samiat, *4 DO., , - 045.. or . lf -rees Poi" et.; -prolni Ng rwq., --, - ' l l. i:flbIllitl:4-17ne'icTv...-1ftiln.17r.tfRa.:17:PO' lii one :.' itavietrpr 4 .._ ..,.- s vvist i l - g r . t,g ,i , e, delivered le suohisiiinet 1tk01.,, tkol., , W,4l' ~ times, qv may. , 4 rot flood _by !Iteiefler• tßoLlte: , es, and on the reqii is i i ions„of zpostimatfters Valve , he Post nittAe rat the piece where tato. con tutweitaeiniiy re,itte. None will he-eirnikkeeettAiksietiitutr• • ,41111._entilltbli timid taii;evierl ika c ie#4(,..l l ol l ll . ?atie . ;111111E eils'reifieslitoti;Welittri!lliyft'Ed; . tF:,fe §oeyfily mi. tioneit rii',pitelterlorlYttobllt itt iaist IMAV , ,te Poatditlee;.atiihiMoetiii4tteetibtittOdt. ;, "',, ,„ rt , . • the heft is teadrirelt di .11g 4114. bid *Web - inky Le minstdetWilt ittlYkiiint, ettiCtili iiiiii,"#iiilet %Tr tale Miter. thti-piilfliftetbr 'one Or MO* STOW hi110ti137, , ,,JP0 4attilerofitlitit•eghtfraertititt eriefi ttioist . ilt bast tie t . teett4tt- Ph hi eallYtaielfet 64 it eliii.n ee'nf I be afrilitY Of Vint 'kook to rittmottit tortt li the terms orhls propdeat. • 4 ' The Fll ertS rti t` /adder' . wilt tit! - reptivd in 1 9104r: 0 ff contrart, Whit iirretio; in strict eishlpTiaiti‘4ritit , ttiC4tut., _ vistorb rk wtovi, to ioniCif hittlieti irerelti f tbal: 4 ' -. .... - rattuks ,, to Corn lshithiiiits 01.0111pitY mthitirbrt)tieg, Air. -.... __„. otslitYllrttrowe or 111'erlOr ildifilts to ,toittliflt ,f ‘:- , Y 4 r . ratitit, , drafty ntltirnoi 1 0 evatte the 1,11 41 1411 PR' f the Cataract, will be' considered aut!fiCient • itellti it* faltitnee.' ' ". Payment wilt tte r Maile qttarter-yeerty,,one moot th .er the espi ration or ear 6 iiiartelf. The blinker must be equal to the best of thode noir. i n use. SPecloteo# Ort-loqtro it', OM (1:lif ions Post OMeer. The quantities we o ttonost abpve, are c fror,a l he twit *a t I pates that earl hi tir i atte"tc . r 4an . yeaeneonnushistiontbut tiles , may - eke:4d 'br . oln;,y fall short or :Nit qa:awi it iti re• . l land hee " r . paired. The Del!a,ctiiton. does, not , l to any specific q 9 artati Or alsickini. , ' - .Prot ovals" sheitt Id tak - ip marked, quit addressed to the .Serond litsiitak i'ostOaster General.“. Washington, D. C.' . 02374031 - .... , . . - . V' ki • 'PAO 1 . . "Pk CO &OHS, COLDS and COJYB6CUIPTIOIe—rI'he sew sou fur the oboes comptsiolit is riestat'haori;vnti ail persons Who pse, fobjeeted - to- the locletseney for the weather orosespectfralyinforteed thautheym Co vitss's BALI( op 4.1./O which to weilltacletvitrhave cured "IttousANDs. Who. were- tlt 1118 -last stwiewsof Cris. sumption. Cyr ifialiem can be produced Of liwsnandetfut cures. sobse.riber has .e of James Adonis, Erg., visitors •and hoarders; nod on the bank of the . mbssing ail the delight iiry residence, without isubaing business In the with evvry delicacy of TA.scoti's BALSAM .er LIVZIOWOR7 is anothes remedy for Liver Ceimptaiwer. Caw:hs and Colds. it cyenes hiio• 15 recoil mended by airilVit i hive used' R. nfid . ll 1 , 01:104p LO take, and speedy in rifelan; it cure. - P emit'slioarsovitn-61 TI err....,111s is :it-Night* iiirellasile and pleasant medicine; it wtil effect a pcisitillt nisei Fermin core for Comets, Co da, Cettlijis4lll.244l It An. frflilltk I cure ?or WHO° Pftw r : rki! , 0 1- 4 2 s ant midicl ne, all ,nr ap4,oildten usurer jr Ouse to' cake el; lit core is sure arid The ilithilKTAber Rasa certificate of Atenerdirect from, .J. Pease 11. sap, so herr ran he no Allstate. All'perions who are eirecjed, are invited to c-aLL sad not delay, fur the thrwto,,lake medicine teat the commencement. ' Al! the above medicines can always be procured . al WnOLESALE OR RETATTaI I the Alle M. P. IIF.R top Irt• E. K Ihourn and nllt'tl;tl col , sent. iih the sitteelerrs will he continued ngements ale per etosiee winter op E. K I !MOURN, ' lllid 74. Front st IG.—M'Candteßs4 - ,hilldPfS and Paper le of Wood and ,w prepared to ex rolzhindint and Pa. mess and despatch. u'ed nod hound to [tee. warranted. (Rep 10 • tr.3 — To Dr: Tuetta,--Lkly . Dear Sir: I cheerfully and cordla:ty embrace the Preaeol favetatrealittotfolti(l to Ye' tern to you my wilithest thanks of gratitude for your nn (traded kral nnereeptlcinable invention of your very Justly celebrated Tea Berry Toot h•Wash, and I fet that I am In duty hound to any that I have derived the grent• eat and iitog beneficial tqfect from Its f reguent and mode. ate use: and I can assure you then am exceedin:ly hap py to have the pleasure of Informing you.tball eincetely a nd rordially speaking. fran In Intake recommend tin ire quest use to ail that unfortunate portion of the human race I hrothobt the globe who are now undernoing the mnnt exeruciatin pal& for the want of a medicine prepa ration of exactly tiresome n ,rare of whirl! you role prepa red, and wino bave for years been guffitrlnr, from the in. d cairn ve renal • peen {ciente efreete of worthies* tooth . powders and other worthlees preparations. -In conclusion use to soy that I havcuoed your Tooth. Wash but for a abort period. said yeti, feel • thoroughly couvince4 that it is the best nevi known, as inestimable virtues in preserving the teeth. (which II kept in a good and handsome condition, is Cite greatest embelitihmebt that anionic the nutuart strueture.)-are not to be excelled i _rani in and relieving the•aufferer Croak-tooth ache. and restoring %healthy and purified coed itio n .• nd eiv 'mg also a sweetnese and fragrancy.lua disagreeable breath hitherto unknOWllt *#9' woow.lo 4- 4ingtmei t . :" .•" 4 " — `` - ' 40 -:-Account of &rasps peso - Molleleette 4 . ll Mal, Hai ' Afl the above on Iruilikr o _ 3,,,h i morhimodo. tot , Mao .421iper•Cet 7'UTTLE"S ACEDICAL 4[I.ENCY. 86. Fourth street THORN'S TEA BE'RRY TOOTH-WAsH. LA A r - cit Oct. 211,1842. Accept uty eh erre wish for roarAurcerP, - from Yours, truly, losierlythristmen WtRT MST] 'MITE. FIFTH COURSE OF LECTURES THE. Cnalmil tee on Lectures of the Wirt institute. for lhh Fourth Coufse,reswifugy annoenee to the I public that they have made Arrangements to commence the Lectures on Thnrsday evenine, Derember 1. The Lectures of this course will be exclusively Literary and icientific• The Committee, itesirobs: of makiny the Lecture Room of the Institute a favorite resort of the InvPrs of there tote and Science, as well as the faShlorrahte. Have spared noesertionst is procuring popular and talented Lecturers, both , at beim and abroad le the course et tato weeks& list of the Lecturers wilt be published', and tickets offered, - ' &AWL C. HU-EY, W. W. - Wit—S . o,l, JOHN . g. COg0.1( ATE, WWI): WiktrEa2,. JOHN B. Atsinr„-; nnv 9. fl" is:Jiiit t 4is:i't4o.ple,pitiiir , 011,-.4"igtockoNlLAto#l,. Ito - • • T lie apsyospiatuilli t fasif tigs,t titttogititeata Packets Wirt Wiled and linetpix# 40 regular Packets, cm, eiseiN49,k2 sl• r) .4 ". 1 4 1 t. itaveClis n nal i•n0145. t14•4 1 4:1 1 4NY Wed rwmitßY, taittrinit, it 10 o'clock. Pansen t n Tßaet •nd *pin t heir starling e°- "ii advertise#,., 151 ri k ß: viv — EC T AAit litfArtfiifikotingrairratrt i .— 1.7 -- ThliiingMf*.ilinidtit 'lsif iitakive . litnnitnds *best Non& tsistle;4ldiliigniiiilititiis: A s e .P° istosYrueAmbbio on Pre.etn ibt..etkalent ' --,- • at. ittail pregiinippiirtmols t siptiractons, and so Edv. that he chili, ion ' ' c r ux igipnattek lig ft: 'whisyititfigtifee_st Mr r didi e Wli#._ iiiiiTh . Illoraravlvit ge et itibtt '4 . tgfrionlbet ' ''''',' . phAO / 4. C lit Pei .-. _ t rirlfrf iTliliii 6. ' Ire , ' ; ,iitititi , VV4111,0, irjst . fs Wale' k; 'l Asked ' ~ ,}f may,Atilt 4 4444 11 4 1‘'," - .' 4 ; 0 4 ' a liC . ___,''. .... „.........-ILA 9 . s s• - ' : 4 , ,s '-...,' !Mk I°9 , llkrlClPKlrN.Ticre 164 6 0 I t -zags Well, karelaWraiße s'IAK to ft. Lacesanalliflibans,•- i.. • -, -al ‘ ; ,4,1•. 1 • • Wide and saisrmilliime. , • , ' 1,-1,.. { •t" • ~ ; • ' r 1 Q oW e _„,m llta .. s ek's,',1 I 14201 ' , ' 74"14111454; IT4-44' - 6- ''''• C ' -; . „ 71,..461 3-,,, i =yak o. *..-• .'- ' • ' - _ • j oilK ' ttoiliisturifiritM4tiilfcitid t thiglitWe'llistoliiifilisin.# l in= 2 aolltditts.igairsterthi *0 iiiitkitbstehr -= Bur *IVO* ' 1 ifilhittit 1a14 , 14-41411fteMot . r • ; wit foil Vial vie elf theriosif drilishdl—OrePisit - ' 'l' had SiarittratfloakPla , • _ herlilahlYillteidMalea,vohl 6 ..'., V Z a ' ib Ti " Vhat laiOtterriStahlide . = all powerth I raribe reed - 0414V a%' late.: Itirtill4o44:ltiaritinftet Y ' i'lliAliArrlMO 06 061A 1 114 1 *-4, irevisiat dist eat.hrthirbitibele#4 , a Wow.. or tkrinteaseiri trig - -niesratton Wawa esielitaitisiitt *UV apheiteattek.'ntelailhialVelid, pal Cei rth firth e else eyr ebeeielP!P health; the .'devotteleirsliShat... eradicated. • . ' ' ''' ... , That each of 4be genuine hail upon it-rsteisit MA., LABILB Thai Each *label 4tes beer iiignatistes of fir. — Bei* .. ! . t.'t , 0 0 424 : t k l' • 191t019 - ; l 9t rl.l *lO ' • 'll Fe ettlifitllpOtt 4e. - , ~t 'r`, . .i. 1. , • . 1. , , ' Pe 'I.:, . I ~, —tilnitl.tterwAikeitt beristion , enaPtin - 'llllloef.Mo - ~ .- • liti.e.o! , i,. -1 ~ . ..t.l. 4 , , ~-+ 1 ..: , e - 7,15., 14 . • , - 2 .4, ..1 - t , PP i , r. sirgatartso teed re 'AI , net , fil rus! . ~,, i . tz, , , ; ,i-',.. , t, : • • '-' threiewitt M fitil: t'r xis Nii ,, i -: , .. • ---,-4-1.1-.I,AV-. i.,; : .P. . ,-....,-, 4, , , , ;4 ''.': , - DR. FRAPIPKG)Rk`RAVIte 1 '...-- , ~F 1... rt .11' r 141Ktialeireverre ewer retpare mime etraettelltrft fetifittig ' '•1 lit- perfect trials and sohstßia, aad thei.even by - UNlOltk•ta meet -be protitosent by - are whey itarare ':. •.. *id- •du the business • itself. .0a "..lhhr aceisar, - ti a Idll timod.'scrupakrvesessaboisi site weallistesairPtani bony Is of boil consequences; for It la ttuttlatitti 'teems chiefly to nra los evacuations neensaail ',. Willett aline attain pia littaimaaritirlars tire Otto betipelled : tis ant ltbte , •lo ceoraptbih ibr ibe Mgt part in - tbese damn= and.' reap . . . . . —,dhat I boor given a purge when the pulse thiebtlee follow Witt itv.ould hardly he fell, and the debtlitys'es- , tresse s yet- both one and the ether have whee • refill/lead by s it.r" Tele good &fettle be derived fsotn ate ' Orandreti Plils have lobe experienced to be fstilyitentsvelf.! By their timely use neither tie scarlet, the:typhus fever or eu.all p ox w°0110dr411P1,1"11410,1% Flifiltsient roan. To a ppreefiDg to ate •figi slietAgie roil ioutvle benit. l fits'or git ANEId VT abil t I Effilttrioir . Wattle fw.d whet she eirst Byarptoms of -Elldease livedeafthetittleivelene dose ibintyanslitttetr good effects wilt-be: felt 4brh O ne Ibe attack—lT is TAXING' TUSK In TIM. that hr theigreat secret_luillsovere of: all allPeltraltfleil - Anitatiiii*'.. o 4 p ti 1 free, 14,44.1 1 950. and I promote them eft • en( 1 10 1.0 1 ,1 f ird y at:JOIN( of thew-diseases efghini4 affect the body wiles& the blood laitate.. *moll dl4e&ses.k.bav4 yet Lowe., . , . 11 open;. that Wine Wh4 rebd Oils h%hd , ,botkesaetoled, brag • ls , . I doing.. 1 net respectfully, . the publiseit . 1&74), ~. ~. - "A • - , ' , R P7 3 ,0 6 241 13;o:idiiii,'Wei , YirK - .." * 1.,. . i „ Tat COUNTENFr. l 7:l3;Ptktfr u fltiltlfr.,• ~ • J 1 The nubile will plenie °Merge 'thid.,Tto pi, ~.' ,Moil Are :engine on fen ichti . „bikli bas ilirst 1, 'AI I,At: I nab containing a fik, of any, ploator ,e i ,f, .0 • veritingthug--11. bralrftii l lhpiedifilhe's r 4, 1 7 Pft on ateet,•lie4ntifuil 4414n0,51114 Iftit;e,R,r„lto,Ei pcfuse of several thousand dii4l,3,' fteinYiiiiteti , ll4,,9o " — th e side—and ttle hoitcAn'." ' • •-• ' '''' '' Ent red according f o act of Co4inki in The it iiif • ‘lß4l. 1 by Eerliinln Brandreth,ln ibe'creriVlsmice I n 04 , : - ilief . Mel (Merl Ott/10.X* them District of Neiv WO.. , • 1 Dr. Ff.ltraitdre,th w 's on office, No. 08; 'Wood Stmet. l Ph tem rib . Only Dicer, IA Pit Isinirgii 'While thereonlpil Pills can be obtained. Ehat Agent twolien.' 1 be - frild Erandreth Phi, has an engraved maturate or A g eoev , renevvede veer I welvetporniat, NMI bhs •[ n of 350 d in pen tinne s iA her Pills 'ill's n 1 liOse'rAce i wed front r)... H. or blistincidt.Generbl Agent. Mark': rhe ceitlfi• rate is ait eagrav,ell-extego4 the Doctor:s 'tope, which lel in Ills own band writing. Obeerve, on , each rem deal/. there is an exact ropy et 1 tle.thret hvb4siorro otichi.ox (. e . graved &hereon, Purchaser. nee Lit n the este rnyleevof the label& on the certificate correedond with those oli lie ' box. The following are Dr. Rrnjarnin Rrandretb's %gents for the of his Vegetrthie ITnivvrsat Pills, in Alleghe ny couty, Ps., who are supplied with the rew labelled boxes. Nice , 25 erns s with directions. Principal Office, No. 98, Weed Street, Pittsbur Allegheny, Mr. ions Huss. McKeesport, H. ROW EiAN D. Nohlettown, JOHN Jearmens Stewlitts-Town. Ctimmucial 4 , 3rAutsinat A LimAsznnt AssfAi.n' Clinton. ENVER az Tioattion,Willihtsbn rg It. G [Otter PORTER. VaIIERWEIE , ' ROBICRT SKITI! Ettsal,ei lit ow n C• F. Pritiat; - E'est Liberty, DA Intl - tirotrY. Pit rinittty trwrn; rieningif DI win - R.Coon---PlonstrVoivityhip., WK. O. linirrnit-'Alten't. [Sep 10- rott.ES cored by the Lae of Or. Earikh's Compound- Strengthening and Gleiman Aperient 004 Or. lisrlish—Door Sir—Sborily after 1 .received the Agency nom you for the suie of your medicine. I formed an actlaninigtocewliti a tatty of alio Who' was severely affityted with tlin Pitce. ;:tbr eigh,t_ or len years this lady was subject to frequent rialrifutriltocks, and her physiciari, considered fief calla 5a,c, 0 00!0P 44 . thafhe very seldom prescribed medicine foil Mr. b rluKitrgh my Persuasion..shecommeoced-ushut von? VOW, toad was . Pnifinatiy cured. Years, tee JAMES It. NI !Mr Ocieber 3.1840. ' ' chtuistsirshogA'a. [Er° Ili C.. 9 and 'General 'taepot; No• 19: NorliriElgtltli Street, Philadelphia- tied by Bndtdet•' F'rew, - cbringe tor Liberty and Wood streets, Pittatkerst. rep -NY' INTERESTINGICURgrarfot OO4.4 I I) " 4IOIIOeI Onanousd Syrup of frawar - rirginansat,arlrigtteare ry.linclat tuadawasofehtsinwalualtie Syrup howtrAhrwlty, which entirely eared. :twelfth • The symisichiswere wheualagandithninigiOrphfegnt, difficulty of breathing; atiended with eouwant couggi i ittpaninstosantarlaibial:te, strwtrieh ' , Nut girtarninwit hdperrofthrinabbritrY 401411 I was advises, to snake triartst.thhr•tnitaiNthigrensatigithise. *flex seeing les erect% it battapent;aly iyttNdic Q got eluding to rnake*lsaanner tristshavi autrisiViertrintrlti 4 t rely relieved me of a coolgti4Mit I wow aggisaed witird for maay yekes Ally:person wishing to see Ina alaw at ay house ht 1/nasitlatreel shott Ole !Ow*. Kimiluton. 7. wiLcox DR. S-W ATNE fl $Bl3 -- 1177 %MD r 4` P 1$ -- 'We ealt the eliceilotrie 04 pubt4 te r tVe - 6' cti s is 'cirritteolee *filch hive*hi id' l l -114.1111rnta lii` air . hr Bird come other COM elth: -. illihil, ioojr . litn •Dr.-, SS'ATMettompotihd Sire? oINVIWCWOrt. , emit the ottsiusi CertAftliteil.-aOld hh 44 .-4- 101 J - ' come fromirsiTtnestattraleisieirpreilkilei iol' ,',,_,..., *kidlike? MovereceimmilimwdeVinekikitm - - . "''''- * Ws - bkvs sdimem lA* hwerPotwintr - i ikeriiinsiti m4it* esigtpiiiirmitiriesidsites• 'ilk. vh-tom.— Cheniide. -..-‘, -.4 ,- * , I immoir enilmhD- 4 A l dr - Asoceiftryt oiroakampfte you.semieollllll,l44lo44**lll4ell, ilesatthek . bottle of Dr fermicipliecMitiiiikkilly ryp,of Wilt ': - ry' „rii. 4 ,ol."•„fits le - DeiNtkik**; .... ''' ' ' ",.,. ~ Agott.:ALSOutikit or ,ftsiolft Maw'. , • . ik9siltusi w1001,494wi10i go i 4 ilecmik,Setrsi 410.0! Wilitt.PermtwAlOCUPPlb VIVO ' , • MIK crow WO*. oistiNrsrbsts folikststiPiikkio • • - .. • BWIto, - i 11WIS.E. tolleoPer i stiomits. *hie* I are ottes lei fits ts•se ..,.„, IPoo6o44l,wakei , I Swesiit's '!"tJjls ' ' 1.. A" .4,0111111101 r ; 4 :744 e A - ' r,- while'a Ofsßafe , d lA,st - - AY jotadt:Vll:watt. 44 , 114ailn**a il " 14. • 41.44E4P0WL4i l it4 loJBo oo 4o llo. ) } lol K na La: 1411 ItN4/ 064. 800111,004-"110.10; - , , • • . 4111all = 44Th re — k**2 3". cede c 1.. -attmerii.*.:l: o ,vered Pt .4'.ilMetitOrk • 01 #" 46 0 1 0 1 0 4 .. - i° lll4lk Eli-f • onia • -1- if • rr apt NI; «k#05., 4 4 , fi de 0 , Meade mat Veci AO, . Ive ta'lll wet's. her - 4 . 641U tar 5.r41,10 9 . +Magee& Orin BEIM Ers'..Viiaf! ( los" - : • • • Per 10 Iggy MILS. war .4.4 tit gift 2./11 . ------------- - VA lIET Y.- - ' Ansi reeelYed 00.11 NOV W W/ 4 7 1,00 4 S ': , T-saspenracalsiniiiiats face41343,15000U* 101 . 4 be ...iceereal Of the Anautiaaa AtealpOivicankriaa;44l3 IdtiEthi•4 Tela " uce 440*014rOrfirPnlebbiln. .411Sootedeentlit• tias Almanata. AMA" aiaiMaieriaales * Aiillaigii oikVzotu ztuo. omkritiablx4o44444o FratildinAlf: Osra. ' , lam Applapriiiiimillobtiii , Wei . ' .;a t ,ahtflili 2so c. 10 ,..t .. et f ilaliii*Oritsburiti ' ~ .. • • yill it tpasu seireas StGuide, fa . ".tiVibe, ptiagre;,..l%olyil nd Poilret Hitt unit Davilri rialln.;;; kleirkidi di aueritutPenntile Quoit.; the beauties of 11.trmony; I itt radidttioertOrtd Musk: Mason's Hardt:vita Sim nd Akio:Heat unitnitgalartit: liarit.add utmost all kin.l4 crftBrbooi Booked Gortri'• Do liwsiie, liudicineaksy Books nod Ledzers; Writing. Let• -ter, and Wrapping Paper; bilie 'black, and red -lair, by the gross,dozon,ur but , Iv; si eel • pens, qu ills, Ades,. pedals and , Is rvaCernOyektparl fa or licalory. Worterti root.- and' a eon. toidera hie variety of Books and Eliadlonidr, for .0k on te- • I • ,le Medating imumtor eaten: or country itrathater, , l - - , ISA AC kIA.RIUS, Agent and Commission '4l4Mlsao} 3ep '2 • • 'No. 9 - ,411th atiftet. 'J. K. a. K. WARNER. PAtscruit. xTrtioti, toTiro NI FACTOR Y . A Ilegbe y City, at 4,tte ./ cod tic t ).ilite!,l4ditige. T6o.aulaterlestr - haVirlf comwaytgeud the loam' Nieto re a f Cotiop Yarns, . Eitociting jair4ebiliin twine, .I.4iodiew ick , Carpet chain, ..ftetthig, le., andare prepared lc fill orders, pi the.shortest Efairlug selected the latest Pnd moat luiproyeti t employertthe Teenager who has atteutii*.toihe jidpic PAcTORy for ibe , laafive years, they are rutiottfatita ',Aug a suptrior - artiele. W ICitton arpg,usade to order, orders thcosgh4 . l4o Pittsburgh Post let at the Orottt of A i , Liberty or 4WD sl reel; will meet with protnpi ••es. Address-1. K. /1/0011.U.E. t. CO. seP „•-•, s-- AO NEM e a tar e class of ,PcissaWnin n „ Ifiltia4ltr thilnfrogn their tont linted sittings to which 'weeps lions oblige thein,atreatres.teo with costiveness thgelfginesttionyin paipita Doe at the heettron tee least ex ctlon, sense of heaviness .extending over theiwbolesiteail, intsdernace RA ligkit And sound .an Inability of fixing the attention to any mentalropterationr, rumbllifX in t he trow els, sorattiellesittsense of:euffuentlon, especially after -meals when arty-ellertlott is used,-os ening qnlekly up stairigienspsuflchtie; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few doepuf the Bra udreln Pitts The oven. Mona I use orthisinedicine would save a deal of trouble and years; of antfcctne. One, or two, or even three - rtf the Briendretli Pins Just before dinner, arc of en found highly henefiejet. many 115 , e them very advaniagcoirPly In I We. wo:i.; they an, and anal t diva' ion, restore the bowels 10 tit4rOper the spirits, lament &ear tress in the eompleziou, purify the blood% and promote a generni reefing of hinhh and happiness. Sold at Dr. It audreth's Office. No 98 Wood strict, PlitOnireb_.rrice 25cent t per box, with full direettons. MAILIC.- - Therortly. ptare In Pitishar2h, whew lhe dENUINE l' I's ca ti4entita I ,is the, Doctor's own Of fire.No 93 Woad greet pew 10 QlskifiGtl7 ‘I, INS.TRUMENTS! STTRCIC ki rN 11....SI'RCIMENTS!— 7'. 3fcC.lrthy, Cutler anti Surgiral •flerruniest Maker, Third street, nearly' opposite the Pest Office, Pitti.barrik` (SIGN OF THE OOI.,DEA SHEARS.) rhysicians, Dentists and Druggists can have iheirin• strumentsmadeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern pries& Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on'Auflud. also kis:Mere shears, a superior article. Orders respect fully solicited. N. B. Allarticles warranted of thebaat quality and Jobbing done as usual. . sap 10 LIVER COMPLAINT.—This, disease _often terror naicsin another or Lawn' serous nature, It pro. per remedies are not reverted, to in,Orrie. In all.forms of this disease, Dr. Darliciee Compound rengthenlue and German Aperient Pills, wilt perform &perfect cure —first by cleansing, the ,stomaeh and. bowels. thus r armo• sing all diseases from . the „Liver. by the use of- he•Cer. man Aperient Pllis, after which the Compound St rengih. enlng Pills are taken to give strength and ,tone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effect pgranuteza cure., These Pills are neatly put up In small packages, with full,directions. For sale at No. 19 North giglitl3treet..Philadelphia. Also, for sale by Sam. I opt r(elle norner,of Wsio.d end.l.lberty its„ Pittsburgh Pa. • • • - taigN KRA MED, „, • X. 46, Car -ft 'kg* of xlV44ll'llid4 Pittikur g k Pa.— ihiVektlvett• *et - avid sold. Sight cheeks on the ' Drafts, - deter 'lnd 6111 s, etkiettd" 'Sirs* • ' Pitte4iirgh,Pa Wm:1M11 !red:, john D. Balite, V La enz . i. Pitiotir*VO., ritteith Woofigtell, Janie, fifty Piiiraddlphfit,'% fetid oder ronitm t - Co.. John H. Brown co: ' eilebrieli, 0., Inures &I'Caitiftemil. St. Loitis, C.lllrtiOfittfd. Litarais, iv. H. PoS, - 1 1 11104%t0k:44*.' • • '' • ' Rip la' iII:W.A.I"-eTti4tASOTAilaued Ss, lePv.eto-Inibrin ~.44.413e,pubile,;hatjb,ehasramovetkftum Als eld,e(upd, lo.thezioper of Peon uu,drOf 7 .Cla/f.ligik. finlliimildok* Fa Mange Hotel, where he has fitted up a large rxiso Forms Visas,44ol‘,„lo4,,tiow,,.offora fOr sale be yn.ost splendid assort men tof Napa" ever, this market. Ills pianos coluditf„att filiTerent patterns, of superior .40fitliftikld vollYldkdifidslY. basal/lolly finished and mo deled. and eionslrueteditbropohout ,of the very hag ma. terials, w Web, turAmaktitity,. and quality of tone._ pl-ieveti has loath, lim warrants tp Jaytuperier to any everitsan ,jonewila Al he "he enrged his arflie.triiy, anti rhadOrrile . te. liatiqtrio salmi, thileeresillifyilettidnelhirthla Inattn- WA, he ree#ehtfdllritilliteali , ttbdiastlftrtefidltit re l'aii. pifikae iti`ifiAl - iiiiieiliret'ittelhla assorttaiMl'lielWitiryfra. ulna eisetwiture, as he Wdetemlued to - sell . Leerria(„Jor luiAhaa.fte-Ed11iff4140114 11 4 1 056 - igiir t rt the- C = orner of l Veu;tapsik.4llol *Masi i 4,14111 a1 4, " 4444"11110044401 ettOteI:RIPP I 4 I IOIP a.. . • ~ A • 4 , ' 4... ' A 'Y ' : 1 - , +6 , 134101:- t . 1.0., < Wlitiain- ;* - '41. 1 0,0 3 i. 119 / 5 t ~ir• 9.0.ku...5f05 1 / 4 -ePAin wiri- 1 •-:- KO-. .ftti. , . millf-N*bewk.L.,,g.",. - .1 , $ diallilidel l / 4 401,0- : , ..1 . * , :. • 4 , ' 2 8),....131061:144001kiii1dk0dA# ti*re . - . $6 . , •e• ' F. yllidtallollepikiidaldhieVinviiilliMe: ~. . •. ‘:. .• hefted,. and believe It lobes most da*atde • •.,,, ' l l4de ' : 41d . as •diiiidierit : .'. .. • '..' -,. I , ..- -. ' ilk , * " It.. • vii i a# . t • . 1 : .-' • .' ' i i 7 - ''' • • . , . . . - .. .. • - . , row e.l- • • an .r; 1114"141141449671414 I.ll ad 1 a w it. :a,. 'fir ma of t.., * s w at.Afeteltivt, A•lo4W ittit 'ts tom ,us ;:s - -,-•,.. Li ' 17. . P' '••"!$%1 6 -VP 4 * - f i : , . ,ri d e! -.•*,, JO I'' , •,11:: • ~ ',. z;'l..i*.L.,„ , Cfßiiii',•-•'•• 4 ‘i ' '.,A: . liiil,' Win . . W,SA-44eWARMIC.,q '.... t,' : x i ,-? , , ,, -- tO . 4 , !"Q? _ , 111,BEetcsalohy. ~ ,,,..a „ ...',. ~.:, i-.... !W a il 'y or your .wy , rt l ia. kip L— _,- ' :- 4...; ~ , • .t 1 101.7.11/XMlieniime ge. , siiy, - um so Air T _'. , ,• • ,' le or M mei* 1 Al &314. WM 4iig.! 1414.: 014.10.444"00.-0Y eliper#ol-tions. . , • F6 li k i -:.- t; 1 . ..,,t ...--t, ..- - ---Viiirtineeenrae ei-smell eye, about..-Wkir*liiiiniir 1 - ' •', 1 i 8 sillitatgafeld, iffigf4oAßlL. 4 4. 4 t it zi l i zA , „ mint .o.,ao4.lopeltOrie , rregeteineitibeiri;thillt , _ - . -004110 1 4 1 1 414 .- -10:01.4.0013eV1000400. r. , 10011411 0 .. .._,„0.4 - 1 06 ._ manner in whigpk* ‘..01/001.1woln ~1*41 1 141001, pipiveHouro4 IstrieraPeas4.,_ 014410,0itim .40-9104sial* filtlaliabadjoining Sow 111119 .:,.ploginsking444, 14101 Pro .i 1.04 .th.eiLekni: : -‘ l6 :- ‘ ' - ' - - ti* 4 0-0 1 fW 6- .--W flkuoo-41.40,4040, sliall*!. • • tf_. 'f 4 .4#.. " :The Arg,was kept alk‘l4o4+3,l4.44ieutiPialWr.a .11.4:ctr•-n „nqs,t4,3tou bad *one gmouirthf 41140.090 6 +.. 1 100 1 ). ed. n frutn, Ow Allek, 41004K4 3,1 N0it i kf;4 01,01- *P w.ilin. suitclent. The cheepogjetienf - Pk. ..vifCV...9l:4 4,4 T e ir and coots , ', .nocl-ntwomit....mybe;iggpallilid, .1, , ' The contently yfereio-11200444001oCin)py, iffilurirdwite "nrs: njoille bar*. of one book which - 14 -#l.of;f4l4A4c4i. E. roPT' hiWirkol- wiinensed;lllM4o4lol tntia-unituief,v Ar.oinadeusio,instikt,:-F-eitie Mil lxrilerstrultek fi:001011 00111611 4 010306-01611**-01* bare. nrstuout..buird'Am ,Ot . fili, iblUkilnlut :lo/ $ 4 : I would counbiLic•ONAlMiilligter seu4*ht•iteille4looo l6l try bleb I ha re.seerr4nill*lour frientf,-, '' ~ , i ,, -- - ff SWIM Of. Clitripell4l. We cone ti Statement . , ~V:liii4been—prels ent when tboll • .M. Cenreer,t - J. K.' 51Weakfeekricil Ajtiad Bqui . .1, d4nee•alin. • .f. Paiwter,• Cide *kr' Affitee, Jr. C .drerstrolg, aH. Ifage, TAavtas 8;r0; 1). Howard, J. if. girt Astfactep as -Lai - 4qted Cis J.:Del(4loo:44.l4:4lo4pectsd 'Friend: Vitt have the:Snag:lett 'istaitatOttiel:est retoinnteridat ion we'earr rive of the -ottlffirtef you ritrun Eaten, that we have one of them which WWI in an exposed eltnittion oar eowniing roetn; at thWthee of tire fire, on the 'MOTT ing of ther-tet It inst, wide . * eonantned our. Park-douse to: her with a large portiou of the meaty. lard, Se, which it rontnined; —nod that our hookoand-yuperseritieb were in the Bare, were entirely/ utiinjuteli, and Were taken front it altar the fire; without ever beitutiliewilored, Yours, 4-e. PUGIiI-44.ALVOliD Everett of Letterfreat Vettr mittor..k, dated St. Louis, Feb. 2110, 1114).' Ma. DIM/MICA Thar *He oryotir Armed eiseobeses wee burned vino dere eturei,i le 'B'k:wirer eloter—it pre' served Its conteete. Reepeatfuellkyoursty app 10 ' " SLATER ittfOLSBool • . ANr;.tke.4l - cure by ea of Dr. liar. L lVER ileh'e.,enterisped gtrengthenliis and Aperient Mile. Mr. Wm. Atrtokrea, of Pittatior,th, Pa..'entiEelytnred of the ahovedigtrivilpg Allaeaie .lice symptom! were .10 . "0 and weight jn.thc I 40,,c, tosi otoppciAte, vomitint,4o4 eruetations,n 040001.9 c the swami:h. etetkoutitlit furred tongue, toCtiza aid - CllO ngeit a ektrint tutor, call y onireathiog. ithed rest, attended cough, greet dettitity 4 witther _symptoms Inclitating lien; de rangeinent of ;thitentrilemi- far. Canards had jbe adyrial; Ogeront otiyercians, bat retehed no relle until ui4n4 tl;. pailie t h'e Mudiclae., witch !ermine. red in aefeirtina a r kreem'Clirt. . • Principal Oilico. 19 North Eighth acreat. Philadelphia. For gale in Piti,qtairgit by Samacl Frew, corner of I.lh t, I y and Wood to reels., srp 10 • . • Cincitin az 1: Feb raiser 15, I IRO. Dr, Pw,ix.att.z-Dear , rjr;..e s Perralt tato lake litielty of w 60% hunt; at I t,& tune kb express My ~rptf ion: and to reeidinitittiaroute aitaot t lon o f # fen ds the ;Co a , unto! hers r media e run Of Tiiitlitdifickiniatts. or Wild Cherry Illy tray els ofUnts•-/.4o.trTarign In a g• eat many i list a neva she wonierfittefl'eetstl'y o F ` Aro' of very obstinate tohaptalnis, such 115 VW heeling, Chonkens iif It htegn, Asthmatic nitwits. fr.. ke. 1 *koala not have written this letter. however, at pi wont, anima:L.ll'l have fe tit my duly to mid niy testi mony to tt for some time.,-had it not been fur a late in., stance where the medicine above a hurled to was last ru• -mental in restoring to; perfect health an •iictoly child," whose case was almost hopeless, In n family of my ne tillailltanee. "I OVA Neaven," - satd the dmitios moth, !","my child Issaved from 'the jaws of deal ht 0 how I ' feared the relentless . ravager hut my child Is safe! to safe* Beyond'all doubt 'Dr. Swttyne's Campo:tad Syrup of Cherry is the most vahrahle.medicine In this or any other country.. lam certain eve - witccassed.hlore.lhan one hundred cases where it has . inten ittleaded witkforn. Wel e sucresi.i. I am using It myself In an,ohellanic at. tack of BrOnekitis, lit which it proved etfeclhal in a ex ceealngly snort tame, considering the.severn v of the case. I can recomend it In the fullest confidence of its superior virtues; I would advise that no family should be It; It Is very pleasant and always itenelicial—iarxieth double and often ten times Its price, ' The as_ suited there land) quackery about it. R. /*vireos, D. D. Formerly Pastor of the First Preabyterlan . .Churcb, N.Y. Sold by 1W M. T 4100.14. wArolesnle 4- retail, only aren't for PHlstraegli. No. 53, Mivicet Wee!. rep 10 ABOON TO THE HUMAN RACE!— "Discover siks.t. resit de:dray Life. arid you are a greirt,w. Discover what roil/ prolong Life, avid tks wait will call vex /Importer." "There are faculties, bodily and into/teasel, ro i frisk - .. 14,. wit! ishfck certain kerbs hare °patty, and aver' Wkisd they hare power." Dr. B. Krandreth's Externs/ Remedy, or Linlment, which, by its extraordinary powers.. tbri reels -Pain ,or Soremm . thus Sprains, Stiff .Elinewsr White Sweilittip4 i •lt hematitic -Pains, or Stiffness, Stitfossre of- the.iloltrill, Tumors.lineatutel Hardness, Stiff fleck *ore Thtoal. Creep, Contractions of _the murieles,likrofulosta,,,sny tivieuteeis."Tentter Peale and every deverftition of to , Jury effecting the Exterior of the Human Fume, ,nre cared or venlig relieved-by his stease4o lo 8 suilliciesttp e F.$ I Y4 TAI,W i N . . . c - 4t. itiric,i7.o4fili folttioirltetiO - C' Dont ti t: ten. ~ eral titife'rd, is to the giant drilla L'iteitter it nusii• dy, omits ',hill. err ; : 1 07.- L *•*' t , , , 1843, Dear StriWrliyo%od Mb withee .'. bottle of your esuelleit Rinimenttl tfe;ceilliollOre belt of the kind Littsve clot Veen, it, bap mired entirely my son's Ictree,"OWre ftleit f witsio'fieetry;Ond 1 'leave ltUitd It tweetiinDieeThinetielite. ratter iot reyerui•oesiOs o f tid e "--'--- le err family. ' Orties. gmike4 1.4.0 4 , 4 , ~,,,, ~!,..g 1: • , 41 - ; , • Rirtiebittith '"V-Vitimi) tat:WOP . 'DUO OAffirAle j i M . 2 . .t . ,_... tiZitTs..piiiintre. Tp ?8* s' i r t r i t ni Z i Trii.p. fig itiltunq4ngf 61 - -: isttiee l i ii. anithlr ~, At, iftwai b i,, '131:: 4 074,; ,:trpt. , •,i, Velfial .., tlivf,-, 1' Re ' . ... •-,.. 5h . ..6.4....e..... .z. - .tor: ~arrsr .. ~. ; o MIX . „ . . . 2, _ • 'f•Agroftk ' X r -_t 1";„q I - triPernf l 44o l TAE E fiery — ipei-`..., '•.,... -,:. i X.,`:: ---- it with thevair :Plir ' Ptet, Cud i i i . „r t. ' *ISA Wlll4l Ague , of die app •' , I : et : ye*** tie*, deceived by t; lBlilfitittidgefr-boatertir-be 00,14011‘. '..,..-:,'l:t°""el'lGl.Uf:o,444t:id*::fitl°ttlllkeiw,foistn.Atlh,nttegtieYhtitPiliyooß.i.aert."l:.6eoffcainiPrt 11"iptcifigliiioNaer":1:14entErdiligiiiiab:NPUNPII:ihhil:lu..:.i::. joassuldrittt ta IMpostible for an eralma i ri .. , FORmok .:., A RA,l DU QUENI,. '-' : itiAniS4 JEWESS, NIONTGunii • . D , "LYONS., - cADDO , ~1- ' i - k - '• GALLANT, ** P. '-'''.--- MAIL, orTni. DUKE OF 0112 4 - BRILLIANT, •A . _ --; ECLlpsp,;. ' 4 '2V , A CTRESS, ': ' Ih-t4l). IfIRIGAA : • Etgl•TE,, i)sPREY, t . : LtwgAND, PENELJPE, 1' •-• AMA*, RovviNk ItEgo, . AGNES, I AR ANN, MEtsENGER„ 1- - ItRAGANSETT, SARATOGA, AMAX ANlii, ORPHAN 801 ! id„UNGO PARK, OHIO, rPTUNE, CECILIA. -1411F7 AP-qv., , it DIF TO ,N ,FL 11. t , f..•-., 0 IC N ~- 6 R... •:..,, 1.i...i.,..4.1._ lie tinseling eotelrelitily al t reme‘letj‘.‘ be re they make a choice of a boot, to trim 1 I 1 an see whether it would not he to their * tin security to choose a Safety Gout tap, tt purge anti , freight, in preference mow min ag net explosion---and that they will tout til thie tAtral lon has the unquali fi ed me NI Steen'. Otiellw bellidere—genilemen shin 1t ilSto Understand the subject, and eho ire n int9reeted—beshiepe number of certifies:nit - te gentlemen and others—all of which . net /p alane, ?to. 10. Water street, where n rig 'pleasure at all times to exhibit my !emir Wait Wirt here the trouble in call. P 10 cADWALLADBIII, 1 . AIXA‘Ett.E., REAL ESTATE FOI tarps'Sl ' , The subscriber otters fur sale, al re 1( rates, lite greater part of his rent Mak, i t 1.174 Hine3 }l!f . PittabUrgit and A Ilepetty, lit ra ' V k Wrirehboses, nearly new. a 4.salliael* stlltate est IS el' kel st reet . ket 'seen Seronti gni h . Iff:4l,nia front of'about 54 feet by 60 deep. fit i Ire, or separately tomtit parchaser,, sod spit its: , 4lon, a seteethuiliEnt: lot In A Ile:lirny City,' breli4t l l./0 UpWaill:Caf 350 (rn In depth, I* 1,01 6 1 .. rere t t,in a l , Penn-Sylvania C 3 nal avdlite t wastriniteStoitret. - -- . 1.. Also, the toreikteihtsittlbe aboss.NtM Wet la by ' , arty 350 rem. Ist Ilipit: leirinal ,, ,Ase -t eiti 11 l gent mansion house which ).low (Awn tri logs so a with two %limitary brick FlOO4 fte"yr topioel. luta Prot,' Warm - ort r itia ;to., n,rprid BRACKUII - AX jfkrfir•iVNTED —ll turril r rail') Or 4. 00 0 , a q),Fli fly of Flax p r M 1 Ina A I Most all kiodecif Cello! ry Prosio . re rat., .1 fur cer4t, goodei a AtitlS'S Ini elli:rocf 01 Pep 31—If COlyirlt a rr, T p n HN HART. Commiell i 0 .rkr( bald, DO disci: OM ".6lleericaa Afaxifecturu, 110 AFF.II,7R—r.. 2p-- :. 3n4. der:l q., Pittsburgh. . , AdOen ROO, James Cochran of R'd. Jam. D. ' FirVey k firayart, A v ; k en. Joe. liVoodboorne, Esq., Msdipas. ATA tult PiSRal MR FA LE —1 Fla Permalp .WlOOl I lilt, to Wtrkin WOO 13 la deitidtield; tateinlr. one boiled mei or 47b"t 14410ei of w It is enrol. Rai ibt w?t ,-" t limbered. There are orrh o upon Iliree log of de it and a barn 63 fleet by 34; n spore ril AlVer.Vbutlt-Miettly acres of coal. The god ilk be Vitt& th11(01 any upland farm in the TeellEibinde atentien on pplicOloitto ll* stint in the retains. I‘' I LLI M WALLACE! WILLIAM C. WALL, Pigig sod 100 and Pisture Fosse Xsalf savvy r, AgaimkStr•ol Pitts bur g —Canvass Bra!tesl Ite,,fee Artists. aiways oo hand. Looktnf Nr°ll,l4oY named to order. Bepairiqdolettit pal uottce. Particular attention paid to r egitdit4. ls4 # ery descrip , lon. - Per fit ting up Steam Boats or 1)01,0 ,0 theiradVantagele --"----"--"----------, , WItIITE LEA P.—The suhscrit es! irt mai to furnish painters, and ot her , . irts 0 , Citas4 lL . o . _ , re White Lead made of the his Olt ralll'",:till'al. if not sl/ pe ri or to any ORO TO • All,ntkajs videos/11 to Dunlap 4 - Hug" .4•il • . 4. Co r; ..110 Second street, P 11160,1,4 OC E II I 4 L - Ile!ldedi DVSkA" . , eilfll ES FASHIONABLE SHOE Sl'l ' .. Aral Bg.:iriedoerfr itst Old Sled Of . s., N ' the. Hitblietiber rempectfolti Worms 1, - "thiliintg it ' not vkinity that ae by rot ° , ;. tbllo4l3boes of his own manufnea re, sr tt: 7, enliNee lee' will keep co/itently on hand L. .; erenl oral Mods of ladles, roleses. nod ' t n . , biiikeinies,ortite‘best enolit,. Oita o_ l s tei*selt Abe times . Ile wits Iso itik: l ; o i klitifsi f ‘ sf Ott ey orork.--such as ' , W oo of x all .all,eg colored 'pliers, and Walla' jet .:.,. ehielnlofirellntecs, silk goiters , kr , t , :' off will'tented** ibe shortest make.' An ~ A "ay.:- Udleit will please call via d io!,„ii...*? , al the siseriber feels confident thee - . 1 I,llfillriWtd his line they mat 0111tgcni"---,: ' Oil TO' ' so,--,. ,=llF4_llsitst brae the plsoe-5,43.1010. ''' 1 daartiges- Ilarris's lateness* u'ee' 1: . frosit. diet Street. _ J a ~ i ..,.es 10 1 . Wa.1.31. MOST daunts ur o ,om ' -‘ ;i ii besintnos +Braun, 4-000..7.... Or ~-..„ 1411000,....„ ;strenteued 43 Os km Arab ""'li' .. 41•014olbe-nauserous blends ad 0 7 00 , - i i, ; itinAmeutervery liberal itllPPo t tl l 6 - so olllt- 4 ,llNOWilia bin, In sonattetios afitik_..4o . :114111001antreibessiltat *W0'1,00140: 14,1;.-11teclostinettion or lb* ea ": by?Of . ft4ffilar'ilietia thee WWI" o ce Jew! C*oollwittelliksintotadOelitna It ,_,...0 .1 I-thallOss been ever offered. bel"l'l'_,,-$l".. illnitnag of. the sleek et the caelit'sbiro • 1 sackatifeistas Jll 7 ‘ .... 4,4 - iti"%te Intends ro ecte nt7:- 4, i #44lt- 311egall-iefairk
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers