Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 31, 1842, Image 2
. - - - 'AINd -,- ziwk r tharairbikth, tbdi Lead. Ltaud-1 itiotkciim.tuti refiltized. - ciellielie toy a llagir tvaluateered this who himetßately„ the Bairns!! ear l'. 8-irf in peasant-Z.lc -was 'Meehan! Neil. •Atipprettehad L arch Latiaher and alien -45! z- - -his hand s - 401A was received with cor ateltY. ...- 1, said 01/erke, 1 thank you for 1. 4411 not, replied the Aber; no man has , ''' e;tight to stand:4 you now as I have. • it.'. ti., katw till this atornia' why you tf :P iat Biotite me the last night we met. .'. This Dead Boxer atoou with his arms iblitaletimes looking upon the crowd, i ßukci stiat iessionally glaring at his young and Wen antagonist. TIES latter immedt -..., . . v e4ply.strippea. and when be stood out e ,iset, and undaunted upon the stage, al ,giutsgb his proportions were perfect, and vs* frame active aod messy, yet when mea sie* with the Herculean size of the Dead :th.t*te, ho appeared to have no chance. ' t - - Now t said he to the Black, by what rules trio we to fight. • ;if you consult me, said the other, perhaps Lii , is best that every man should fight as he t iileases. You decide that. lam the obi - flinger. Take yuur own way, then, said O'liorke boypu have a iecret, black, do you intend 14*0 it. 7 t.' - Certainly , young fellow. . - I 'live ray secret, too, said Lamh Laud :ter, an' now 1 give you warning that 1 will put,ft, in practice. All fair—but we are losing time, replied the man-of colour, putting himself in an l i attitude; Come-on. Their sec.onds stood back, and b ith ad• :' flitcrad to the middle of the stage. The nomptenance of the black, and his huge itthpat, resembled rather a c •lossal statue of bows, than the Lust of a human b.ling.— His eye gleamed on Lamh Laudher with baleful flashes of intense hatted. The ilieiclitors saw, however, that the dimen iptma of Lamh Laudher gained consider a -1111 his approximation to the black._ -It 4 dusky color of the boxer added appa %featly to his size, whilst the healthful light Which lay upon the figure of his opponent took away, as did his elegance, grace and symmetry, from the uncommon breadth .and fulness of his bust. " Several feints were made by the black, and many blows aimed, which Lamh Laudber, by_ his natural science an I activ ity, parried; .at length a blow upon the temple, shot him to the boards with e.,t I viollipe, and the hearts of the spectators, which' were all with him, beat ue fe.irtally depressed. Meehaul flew to his assistance, and 0% Rorke having been raised; shook his head, as if to throw off the influence of the blow. Neil afterwards declared that when corn bit the second ri,und. resentment and a woe of having suffered in the opinion of the multitude by the blow which brought him down, ha I strung his muscular power iatro such a state of concentration, that his .avnas became as bard as oak. On meeting .again, he bounded at the boxer, and by a -single blow on the eyebrow felled him like an ox. So quick y was it sent home, sthat the black had no activity to guard a. Ohm it; on seeing which, a abort awl emu istdag-ebeer from the multitude. We are istltnow giving a detailed account of this battle, as if reporting for a newspaper; it aim( suffice to say, that Lamb Laudhor was knocked down twice, and the Dead Boxer four times, in as many rounds. The black, on coining to the seventh round, laughed, whilst the blood 'tinkled down hid face. His-frame appeared actually ag 4itted with inward glee, and indeed a more tiAsatling species of mirth was never wit- It when he approaithed Lamb tetedher, chuckling hideously, h-s black vsleiga. reddened with blood, that s *mice &OM the crowd shouted: frill . - laughing— the blow's zoming— eittitite, remember your instructions. _ . :Pile - 'boxer advanced, and began a so- Tte...pifeints, with the intention or giving dutitt. murderous blow which he was teL likst l Ort to miss. He even threw otis in* Man attempt to kick Lamb Laudhert leg 'or knee, wh-n the latter, availing him asit of his secret, with all his force and ate 'OO . kicked him severely on the shin. Ir*: k il!a!,*ge gave a yell, and stooped to eatalkepart, and at that moment Lamh WO/. .r• struck him on the nook. The ..INllalketer - lell, and from his ears, nos ittaltind mouth, the clear blood sprung oitle„ „Iffrillating in &fearful manner, his dus ky lancit and chest. His second ran to iat*liitn, but his huga woolly bead fell V„" to side, with en Appearance of , Witlessness. In a few minutes, bow canted„ and began to snort vio litilllk ..t4ri,!witsil his arms and iimbs about iirditt - !winning energy, such as, in ' lake Whe die unwaated by disease, ~ ..ii. =mike the struggle of jeath. •• „._„: lin3sPettell his eyes, and after fee -_,140,11 <upon his triumphant trppo th frailest glare of bates, jest - 00 . 1,1 4 - sa-454414 .he' ground hi. teeth, -..ellsoltikiti — his-Omstristutis, and stammer '''. '----str Attreind-41-adathietion ! *ll,44.lmaigits*ation: rot. be euti- A ---jeatoili. 40eteing -we &Att. iiiiiattim eiarhe'vrovid Olrvviiii: l6 , 0004tra41_64 NC' :.1011* ftliA :4144 0 * - Wilrer* v : 4 440 1 11 1 1 0 L01A,,, 1: . - ~ 4 every streak...lL , tow MI but good-bumored excesses were -cud:twit ted. The public houses were filled with those who 44 wiipeseed .the,fights , saalP were sung,bealtb*drankciiind blows giv en. The streets, during the remainder of the day, were paraded by groupe-of ; his Longwood' belonging to both factions, who, on this occasion, buried their mutual ani- mosity in exaltations to his victory. The worthy burgers of the corporation, who had been both frightened and disgus ted at the dark display made by the Dead Boxer previous to the fight, put hie body in the coffin that bad been intended for Lamb Lowther, and without nay scruple, took it up, and went in prossession with the black flag before them, the death•bell a gain tolling, and the musicians playing the dead march, until they deposited his body in:the inn. After Lamb Laudher had been chaired by the people, and borne through every nook of the town, he begged them to per mit him to go home. With a fresh volley of shouts and hurras, they proceeded, a till bearing him in triumph, towards his fa ther's house, where they left him, after a last and deafening round of cheers. Our readers can easily fancy the pride of his parents and friends un receiving him. Father, said he, my name's cleared. I hope I have the Lamh Laudher blood in me still. Mother, you never doubted me; but you wor forced to give Way. My son, my son, said the father, embra cing him, my noble b.ly! there never was one of your name like you. You're the flower of us all ! The mother wept wish joy, and pressed him repeatedly to her heart; and all his re. Idtions were as profuse as they were sin cere in their congratulations. One thing troubles us, observed his pa rents, what will become of his wife? John, dear, said his mother, my heart aches fur her. God knows, and t 3,4 clues mine, exclaim ed the father; there is goodnes about her. She is freed from a tyrant and a savage, replied their son, for he was both, and she ought to be thankful that she's rid of him. But you don't know that there was an at tempt made on my li this mornin: On hearing this, ey were all mute with astonishmet t. In the name of heaven, how, John? they inquired with one voice. A red ha i red man came to my aunt's, he continued, early this morin,' an', said if I wanted to hear something for my good; I would go with him. I did so; an' 1 observed that he eyed me closely as we went along. We took the way that turns up the Quar ry, an' afther gettin' into one of the little fur groves off the road, he made a stab at my neck, as I stooped to tie my shoe that happened to be loose. As God would h,ve it, he only tore the skin above my forehead. I pursuedtthe villain on the snot, but he disappeared among the trees, as if the earth had swallowed him. I then went into Darby Kavanaugh's, where I got my breakfast; an' as I was afraid that you might by pure force prevent me from meetin' the black, 1 didn't stir out of it ti I the proper time came. This startling incident occasioned much discussion among his friends, who, of course, were ignorant alike of the person who had attempted his assassination and of the motives which could have impelled him to such a crime. Several opinions were advanced upon the circumstance, but as it had failed, his triumph over the Dead Boxer, as unexpected as it was com plete, soon superseded it, and many a health was given to the best man that ev er sprung from the blood of the Lamb Laudher! for su they termed him, and well had he earned the epithet. At this mo ment an incident occurred which consider ably subdued their enjoyment. Breen, the constable, came to ti,form them that Nell M'Collum, now weltering in her blood, and un the point of death, desired instantly to see them - Our readers have been, no doubt, some what surprised at the disappearance of Nell. This artful and vindictive woman had, as we have stated, been closely dog - ged through all her turnings and wind- I ings, by the emissaries Mr. Brookleigh, For this reason she judiciously kept aloof from the particular haunts where she was in the habit of meeting her private friends. The preparations, however, for the , sp proaching fight, and the tumult it excited in the town, afEirded her an opportunity of giving bur spies the slip. She went, no the evening before the battle, to a small dark cabin in one of' the most densely habited parts of the town, where, secure in their privacy, ehe found Nanse M'Col lum, who had never left the town since the night of the robbery, together with the ,man called Rody, and another hardened r uthan with red hair. (To be Continued.) The Sub 'Treasury Systerri.---The/fol lowing resolution, adopted at the lateiDlem °credo Sate Convention in New Hasp 'shire, embodies the opinion of the Demo. crane party generaliy,throughout'the Union. in relation to the sub.treasury system:— 'Root:lived, That .he only constitutional and• safe system for the collection and die. bursement of the Government revenues, whose operation has, so , fains tented, folly •aoweermi the emir of its Institution, and which wilt Montt the test and kid, whom speedy- ro : ootabliobovistr the pm* , df 1.1 41- IDollrY4 Whiled 114t# Iblt,b l2 # l iPol! WOO* 1111/0111kis*itillgiblit , tostmlit; -KTIWIPAr ....• :.~ ._ mss' vuLmug4mit•!i• -li.MTMtila;‘,io=lMOM:l4,lllo. The Metier ea boarit•the heelers. This meiancholy affair is likely to absorb much of the attention of the public, at least until the conclusion of the inquiry which is now`inaking by the Board of Isiavai Off' eere appointed at the request of Capt. M'. Kenzie. From the imperfect and eontm. dictory accounts which have been given of this trait section, it would be impossible to pronounce what share of blame should at— tach to Capt. ?d'Kenzie. We incline to the opinion that he will be arquitted, how— ever. But still, The circumstances of the ease should arouse public attention to the organization arm Navy, and to the in• quiry whether the system which gives to officers such absolute control over the lives and actions of men, is not at variance with the humane spirit of the age, and in conflict with the liberal institutions under which we live Our army and navy regulations are principally borrowed from those of Great Britain, many of which have been io existence for years, and were instituted at a time when those who• acted for society had very different vinwsuf the rights of the mass from those which now prevail either here or in England. It's monstrous that the revol! ingand &grading pr iciice of whip ping should be permitted on board a ship manned and commanded by republicans— that the common sailor, whose stake in the government and whose control over its action., is equa!, when on shore. to his commander's, should have to bare his back to the lash, and even yield up his life at the whim of a tyrannical officer. We shaq be told that such severe discipline is neces• sary to keep the common sailors in proper subjection—we don't believe it. It has scarcely been a hundred years since it was the .gineral opinion that this same disci pline of the whipping-post was deemedz"e cessary to keep the common people isoi der upon land. The men of our revolutila set principles in motion which have aided in the explosion of that fall§e and cruel idea, and now we get along much better than we did when lashes were inflicted by order of every Court which sat to try ci iminal °Ben_ ces. Why is not this humane policy as practicable on board of our ships as it has been fund to b- in our civil arrangements? Why has the army and navy alone retained those relics of barbarian' and kingly rule, when every other department of our go vernment is experiencing lioeral and hu mane reformation? The system of dispensing offices in our army and navy, too, is at war with the spi rit of our government, and is a stain upon our institutions. In England, where the aristocracy is conceded to have the right to all the honors and profits and high places in t he land, and where the sons of the spritual and temporal nubility have to be provided tor, the system may be appropriate enough. But it is most unrighteous that all the in centives to honest exertion are repressed in the republican soldier and sailor; while every citizea may aspire to and reach the highest civil offices, the avenues to promo tion are closed upon a man, if he enters our army or navy as a common soldier or Isar tor—he cannot rise above a sergeant or a boatswain. Let not a blind prejudice in favor of old customs deter us from inquiring into those evils and abolishing them at once. What is there to alarm us or turn us from such an object? The doctrines advanced by our revo:utionary bires were far more new and startling to the world, than the reforms now required in our navy and army, and were looked on as far more impracticable than these can row be deemed. Why should' not our army and navy regulations be made to harmonise with our civil institutional We know that the reforms we desire will meet with great and violent opposition. The rich, the powerful, or those who hope to obtain power, will resist them, for it is to privilege which they exclusively enjoy; to , billet their stupid or profligate progeny. upon the nation, and they must and they will defend it ft.r.ort i gly. But they must be attacked with vigor. The school= et West Point should be closed, and midshipmen!, warrants only granted to those who are pre. Ted ee be deserving of them. Were. We the ease, we should be spared the pitiable ex— hibitions of weakness and cruelty which now disgrace our araglind-aavy. The landlords of Cimino:sit ata , lag s'ehib, with a view of raaasamr thew selve• "ping W 4106404 ,or- *ow; *bp au% rod •Plestiftt,,' ?.. ~,:. _. ~~-,s» ; " . 2, 4. ... .. see vim POP. ... te r' ~ ~~~ z ~. kiArt'Ann to . 4 _ - *lliekostiltult aht i betalkiiiO4 au thinis.6, s ll win; he tine' lied beialt7 of igiy . women and` hint; 4114 tined itahien e The coal heaver ,is t happy comii 4 itt to the office hutting be need 'practice no double deating—need in nothing at which his conscience or his stowed, can revolt. We ser e again that it would be better to be dead than live by Iselin/3A. A u New Science. The Midisonian oentaine an Recount of some recent experiments in a new science which is called Radiography. They are made by Dr. Charles G. Page, of the Pat ent office, who has repeated, with perfect success, experiments relating to the inter • eating discoveries of Profess3r Moser, of Konigsburgh, in the production of pictures in total darkness A highly pAished silver p'ate was pla ced at a vary sh art distance (say one chit . - tied) p srt of an inch) abova au ornamen lal design upon the cover of a book, and allowed to remain in this condition in a dark place about eight hours. At the end of this time not'ling gas vis ible upon the plate, nor could any picture be perceived by breathing upon it. The plate was then iodized, ad if for daguerre otype impression, an .l then, submitted to the vapor of me•cury, when the whole picture appeared with distinctness. The design was a stamped vignette upon the cover of a book, enclosing the , ords,'Year Book of Facts, 1842,' all of which were legible upon the plate. Images of seals and ca neon were also obtai ied, perfect in their minutest details, and it was found, when the first condition of the plata was sufficiently prolonged, that sim ily breathi ig on the plate devel oped the picture, while the moisturere mained upon the plate;but that the impres sion remained permanent by sub -hitting it to the vapor of mercury. The picture may be produced by mer cury, without the intervention of iodine, tie- . even by iodine without the mercury. ,By iodizing the plate in the dark an d then exposing it to diffuse day-light,or still bet- ter, to dire-t sun-light, the image appears and is rendered permanent. Dr. PAGE proposes to apply the term Radiography, or imprinting by lays, to this new art, us it involves no hypothesis, experiments having proved that the pic tures are obtained in a manner in strict ac cordance with the law of radiation. The most perfect pictures are produced by direct cntitact,and in the shortest time; while, as the distance increases between the plate and :he object, the image becomes weak and diffused, and finally lost entirely when the distance is great. Mark !Ms.—When ever you see .a fel low with a great deal of hair in the outside of his head, you may be sure that there is a precious small Auuntity of brains within. Hair don't grow well on a rich roil. Wives.—Speaking of this esential to a man's comfort here below, a modern writer compares them to fire arms, thus. 'A furious wife, like a musket, may do a great deal of execution in her house, but then she makes a great noise in it at the same time. A mild wife will. like an air gun, act with as much power without being heard.' From the &MOWS. (Po.) Journal. Important Judicial 'decision. The opinion of the Court in the case of Long vs. tl.e Farmers Bank of Reading. was deliiered by the Hon. John Banks, on the 30th inst. As the questions involv ed are of importance, and have excited mucb attention in the COMTI unity, we give ED abstract of the case, regretting that our limits will not permit us, this week, to give the opinion of the court at length. We may, however, remark that like all the o. pinion of Judge Banks, this is rematkably well written clear and conclusive. It appeared from the testimony, that the complainant, after a number of ineffectual applications [as the belie/as not then die counting] had his notefor $2OO, payable in sixty days discounted at the Farmers' Bank, on the 9•h of April, 1842, with the express understanding that the note was to be paid at maturity. When the note was due the complainant offered to pay $lO and have it renewed, which was refused, and finally suit was brought upon the note.— Long then brought suit against, the hank, on several of its notes, and presented two 140 notes.and demanded specie inveyttiest The Mohler replied, that When be seitid his old account it should b 4 paid him.--• These are the principal:facts of the. The points decided by the court way stated as follows: 1. An toditidaal iodebusd to a tank a oce-discowited his iootonce, 444 , 11041- . obloitgasso to demand 61k0 - -4nk 'of ntvatl o41 44 ACliint 1 4014 1 00it' 4 , riroilifot; tholiank. .*Lievtgt4 r ern r.t „-7 .? ,, : , ' , ;l , ":-' , Y'''' - tbe:diali` MIME ,110shrt._ act. 3d The Ant of 12th Meta‘llB42, (the fteitmitiden• in *tican end ascend otiogn l / 2 themshanks yvtlttsh anceptea-4And:leamplied with - thwl previsions ofthe icy of May 4ith, I.B4l.—tbe' Ponak-i. forribeir non-compliance is to he found - la the 6th sect +n; they shalt not have execution on judgment a gainst their debtors. As we have before intimated; the deci: eioa of the Court ex amines all the doctrines connected with the case, and meets the Va rious quesiionS fully and at considerable length. As the matter is one of general interest we shall endeavor to publish the whole opinion next week. Robbing the united. states start—dmsets. sates of Peter amidst/flan. The Cumberland Alleghenian of the sth inst., gives the following disclosures made by Pete' Haldeman, who has been ettesict ed in Charleston, S. C. of the robbing the United States Mail. Halderman says that during the latter part of the year 1841 Peter Sides made ac application to him to aid is robbing the mail —that he dec fined from time to time. Sides eventually proposed to him that 'whenever there were n i passengers in the marl- he would inform him of the fact, and that he should then go on with him to the Shades of Death'—and then in that dark and. dismal place, take hirt from the driver's box—tie him to a tree by the road side, and take the mail off and rub it.' That Spi , s when found in that condition, would say that oltree men came from the Shades with black fa ces, stopped the horses, tied him iu taut condition, and robbed the mail.' Tide proposition Haldeman also declia tied. But Sides not being intimidate:W(le terinined that the mail should be robbed if tie had to do it entirely hitnsell ! Things went on in this way until Februry, 1842. At this time Halderman was staying at the tavern of his brother, when about 11 o'clock in the night the robbery took plate. Sides drove up, stopped the sta,4e beiure the door, and aroused Peter Halderman, tinder the pretence of getting something to drink; two pen( ns were sleeping with Pet-i, and heard him say, `I want grog.'—The drink ing over, and the persons near the bar asleep Sides invited P. Halderman out to the coach. On arriving there, Sides opened the door and said, 'Now Pete is our time, I have no paioengers.' Ilalderman declined, and sail he could not have any thing to do with it. Sides replied, 'Well, sir, if you do not, I have another man who will—we will rob the mail this niglii.—By this time Sides had the mail out of the stage, and r Asirg it up threw it upon the shouldooi of Ilaiderman, shut the door of the stage, cracked his whip at put o ff. Halderman pondered the thing over iu his head, and filially came to the conclusion that he would be blamed of the matter at all soents, and that in asinuch as the mail had been given hint, he woulksee its contents. Ile t;roceeded with it into the woo la in the r ar of the house, and there amidst the trees of tlie . forest, he raised a fire, and opened the mail, and took from it a letle upwards of six thousand dollars in money! All the checks, drafts, and halves ef notes he burn ed, with the mail-bag and the balance of its contents. That of the money taken he gave Sides three thousand do lam in good money, and *kept the balance, it being in treasury notes end other funds not so cur• rent here. That lie kept his money in the woods until last August, hoping to find an opportunity to return it, btu the arrest of Sides cut off his h pe; and alarm dr,ve him to Canada, where he was arrested by Mr. Patterson. Sides says he had part of his money in the garden attached to the tavern of Mr. Fairall—that he put it in a bottle, and sunk the bottle in an old post hole, where the fence had been removed. These facts were gotten from Halderman himself, and are believed to be true. *The Shades of Death consist of a deep and gloomy aeries of pine glade in the Allegheny Mountains, about one hundred and twenty miles west of Winch°4ier, Virginia. The Cumberland Read Rune through them. They were formerly exceedingly wild and El ,omy. Sentence of Milton J. Ateraecer. The prisoner appeared in court, between his co•insel, apparently displaying more calmness than heretofore albeit the deep red rose complexion that is native with hie cheek, had considerably subsided. This. however, might be attributed to a double cause, to wit:—an allaying of the excite ment under which he had previously bored, coupled with that species of elose confinement, uncongenial to the _previous habits of the defendant. After the crowd in the court had been compelled into some thing like order; Judge Conted (in lieu of Judge - Barton, president Judge,- who for some. mum- or othetc• declined the lien tence;} prtiscseded Dal las, have you anytlteg to offer to the court preyione CO the sentence of - the tag tithing effect,' Mr. Dallas—*Nothing, your honer' Judge Conrad- 4 Mr, Johnson, have yi anything to offer to the court previous to the wartime.' he Attorney (Ignored arose. and with Cite how, reepondeflitt the negative. Judge Conrad, (in aeoleatn tnnef : t..'fifti ton J. Alexanderistandin rim. er arose firmly. and folding hit minim:rpm his breasts faced the , fiettifit):Tim au ght to say why thelecit*ii44 . law Attf,l4 not he pronounet.: 11Prient241041thijlt"; -414 *'',,,=.-'w:',.,%•.-',--., ~:A: - - the lir pamiugile k ii.but duu to ei tt i e 4 ,- 7* t • _ 0 1 4 ' - 'Orel" Peeled 1-1) #l4 ° Pia - 047 1" sad: the oiteant coati • , attoo l i tt agywartivedatbrth e . wig °ratios of the judge s % o ho. , wh o isOgneent of th e 4;0 - `'q 'Ant rkY a fine of ova .0 - *ineqwealth, and spoistentin the jail of t b e of Pennsylvania, at § e p ante cottftnensent at bard tai lor , fGur years.' The prisoner tiles qu i ed belf between his cou lk i t _ 7 l paratively, considerable , 'Wee the exertion beini his, numerous friends vi t i fax the exercise ofex ,- tributed much to third stg e None of the defeodene s present upon the occasion. Sdvantages of Indus hammer of a mechanic thu o'clock this morning, 111, April. 1 saw another yesten4y has plenty of work on hand, the corner. have him bet next week. From the Pennsylvanian DieTi.),l Thursday the 23111i i ,‹ AY BAXTRE, in the 60th year of kis friends and relations ere :lamd to funeral trom his late residence ie V this afternoon at 3 o'cluek. urtion Admittistraioos Sale of Pe pe rty. WFriday tn. 6th of holm,/ 194 orrier of tile Administtatur Mute Baird deed. 20 Shares of Penney tnania a n d n ts .. S 4 du Firemen's Innitranrsc. do F cniturnh 9heur e m a n 5 do Hand Street Brititraa Baronelie. Hnsseand I Gold patent lever wain Sofa, Tattles, Chairs, w ttak ime , hold Furniture. Ohio—A lot of valuable Bookt. Sale 10 commence at 10 tfelork /I. IA et' Room, corner ol ood o 1.41 slh Alk Nikti of sa!e—cash par money. 1.1. WILL be 'obi 10 morrow marnie c als pay colds end char:es dims , Clothing, Blankets, C,ounierpanem. kt.tl Also --at 2. o'clock, P. U., by ociall Bankruptcy: 1 Barrel Gin 1 WRISULT, 5 kegs Wise, BRANDY and Got I RS: Curraz dee 30 HEAP and useful presentsfor Reit C ceived from Philadelphia ant New eellent assort ment of the publications ' Temperance UDiOO "nsci and Sandi! consisting of an earrhent assort mean( • • papers it from I rest In 61,25 rut, .• l'emperauce Lecturer, Washincton 7' and flymm Books. TemperaneelLrre, perance dettiments, the ROl:tons &tells Lam, Six ni...hts with the W £ aeries of Temperance lain Family (*hr . • lance *Almanac and about 9" Youth't 7'.. soentes. ke. . tar sale in owl Wm*" v , elvers, frcm a atnt'on worth to tin** -classes of purchasers. WAtic dec 31 *mow • . r 110 LET.—Prom ilia In of April acres of lurid Pill township, pet occupied byMrs. Mary dpargo.un wntt'•• tog house with R well of tower con lug orchard adjoining the house. This property is hounded by t he Firoi: . les turnpike, by lands of Dr. E. D. Craft EN., lif in. Arthur, Ertl And ulna apply t o JOHN dee SO—lw. FOR SALE--The Storearlit . treopied by M saaatet 3 • 3 Diamond of ley and !he priciaLi Pittiltaarth For terms apply to Al NW #na, nr Jofin Snyder, Ca•thior. PR OCLAJI.d77O- 4 City of Pittiqmsf A, •s, Loconformity with the Provision of old ral Assembly or the Conieoveallast proehtlin: for the incorporadoa erraCitraf and for the supplement 10* sAI NO, Ai RAY, Mayor ofsaid 5 declaring that on the sitcuPantrakl A, 111..1843, being the 101 h dust Oat men detach ward In Pal.] City, !lAA t a hers of the House of itepreentaur s 4 0 1 • weatth,' • will meet tortherattbessiad elections in their respective Wu., ail One person In each and every R as members of the House or rprullitilfillt monwealitt to be a member of Use fltlen Owe persons qualified as sihresa , hei Ward, to he members of the Chasse And that on the same day, ttie ail tie places aforesaid, elect by Willa, La i ...! City, qualified to he elected s sissibssil Represen,atlves of this CeinmoowebaktS said City..- • Given under my hand sad the rill•sbursh, this 28th day of Deteeiet , ,: Dec: 23---die. ALEXINDU VIT4NTED —t wo or three Ira licit subscriptions throtiel eat--apply at ibis ofbre. MORE PROOrI Of the Ejitacy of Dr. Sward a/ Pelona Yu•etntona r 0 SiGtorED OVER. SIGNED OENI LASS ETERNITY. IT ot.Lwo. pale and ghostly object calved ttY Wu% violent coexh, with Melt MIMIC A sound of the yoke indicating so ease: Sty Ciefliman was Maio wet • had hat a few dap to !twin WO W ' wadi , to.n. and was my sallow ••• ry when she woo rd ne likeit to mite: s h e who livid if Dr, Swore IMa With 1 . 1101t71 failed In the ran' / ice 1 lets. Dr. Sweloe'N Conipauad ffilleZ waft theft procured. and the PP 10 1111— by the time I had commented 0.11 and left me and my stren2 l6 ° AN . _, A . I eras able - to take the fresh Or. ligtWo lively recovered my former best . a isti of the truth of the above ilde"Lisel slater whir lives In Jaalper etred.'"'lo street, Philadelphia. Bignell. llo oit Cotabot.—All preporademol,ol...ii exerptie above are !leaflets 0107; to !e et the Dry WS blarket K. Phisboreh. t...,d ~ _Rt. Illwiatire Deice, l'fa-51_,1"- .' • r below Arch, west rhi..?" 14 . NOTICE—The peak al t. . 11 m. 14 person w bitterer on way ear_ _ A m debts unless contracted by cabinl Papier. tee 29-3 t sav , sal , •^ s ` 'Talreabariter oar' mid upon ic e "' Assist ''' l" 11•11disil tr. or - 40 71104tveli buid W ai ve . 4 ado *a •ffia rea 7,00' — c - ;;4 4 .1.--tbe orgat 11±1 .4a K1 1 : 6 1 11 Laws * be W. tbe 11;74411.111"17'141-441)411111111"' Nov 17- N 40411111.1r - ..4•• *wok ,r; i , 1:r.2.7" 'Auk,. FA, hp. *macs of as A Apemen Teske 4 461 in `Waorc•—__ ..,„, --- r oftted that Cti . zi,1404,1164 . loattalY `. • iseigrer re e* iiestios• • r As i „ * - itinnirduly .:0011011 of blid• he H i spr ual ) .” .. Sin biatir#lsll. i m mor et A rr la n *Eby d*" • ad. or 11 Can -,7 )ist no este g t, y urtrnitm a fire broke eat io an old n Liberty street. be HOW, whleh, with , eer-siml the indulgence =. :ittroyed three stnail,._ itatieguiebetl: Thew • . a nuisance, and thetwielvea, only to hniidings, while torae , , them in different • e destroyed the sooner but seLdmn that we It ciao but this is }byte - cast the A Wner *a'Ve_. had thew tort irOttl4 barb tmtetOts, - the job wail fer:eot • true—That mr. Jam ntimasonie esndidatet,f le receives three slai , "mending seine lapeh a f the i run- steam Si istirtnted thin such 4 {lnd no believe havetheernotuate et of the thy ot Pitts him, while be it seek 'General ©eve rowan • we hope a like opinion 0W74. Thomson jtolot emitter theiremsur in him corsfortaWl -r 43f - hiseatutat Pre; rive bOaitteas, - -anc . TIo his already ampl three &Mara per day 'ce to the geaeral, stow asks to be elect lesion of, other !bake efficient office needy: - ttotteetwr cite urges this Ascii to make the rich ri k Vaittininzß 'Olt Pena Street YAKUT TaIeIVBRIC.7II- I Pidosseeer as Nld ael Peden atirmill la U Cire la !eats, ta,aad a aueceado ru.Waft! small Ulla. MEM= tbeirliewfa in the 11* of Ptittbarg -- ' Lisa- Ttiti siieting 61411 Yogis a t-tire.. OW 1 *lee President:tie/tar& • • erased bp abet erl 11r. A.. lelethea.ther4 3t• tile:giethl belegeteended. ' • .;.• , 171"ite folkrowthe p 441 the reetleg, awe etealktg behetre that Daly. retarded by he eltatulaol party petht• the members of ti a of tbe eteethon of Capt ehedtatate to the cake a Vie every fety belool lifPF l / Pon .1 1 10411 meatus have drefejettiot thek caorlit Y( - 'Won Thai sit taiersedb .10WW01 we *reel fat a 00.1* Iris 04 1 0 4 10 Jim N. of-W - 10 014. 4 4. 0 bm 1111~1i -- .01111 1.4 Simi '3,;s VSEMi