..• .. .' '7. •.•• ,-,•., - .::•.'; •g....,•;;1.-, ,:.....§...;',0„- r . iV , ; ; ...,- k✓fj ',‘,-:-...4.•.,;'r:i lf. . • • . ~:~:-: ;7: - ' - . :- •Vit - ouv . . . ' ' 'PIN WheellOtlaßilfs •:. ___ _ii4'= - Ibiere ft." tRs t tf. 43., Beek. ' Wee Tr'. s,llifiedefteiter,respeetfally hi - forma tirept#ticihnt it.; : . • ' Itittpitted itis ready' : leads wain warehor: -' • ' L .-. by accepted tti ,, Mr. R. 0 liwrifiroFil ''..,.. 4 4 ., ... ~zi. • l)l44afid..ll4* eititimirti-tattowle"OfeParesl4l",- Ite, a nd,l4ittriet at, .I,set . l*t.4 , ' litli'l°ll6Y al ilie Matinees, ofan tindercater 4e ' silt tie confidence , lii 10,0 be prepared - : se,preetse *lessees, Diem Carr:law a nd t ut trite en the ostilheral tering'. 'C the ails from ttitte . proistraty attended to. .. 4 " 14 . - ISCD AD in the Jame intilding with his ware . *here ihoac who , need his services arty rind 1110 1 " *Me; - ' _ assatisecc. , : "' - '- ' .... ,...1 .2'.".ifilllit' - ; - ,-. -ADV. JOHN acscs.. D. D. - 74 . Al x..'''' DAIDDLi, - - ~ ._ XXV. aoastre DILDCI6 D. D. W'- - r• --. 44 . 1i4 41 ii•VOS• - "*. ' ' P - ILLY••• DAMMAM WILLIA.D. $, D. /i• ilee&inram • - ley. 'aura, Kau. 3114A11111*szto• mar. saxes .11.--DAV S. - 10 • littf."l. P. SWiTT• ir`w waafatramto :);;EAIIII I .OAT ,' • . 'um+ HO a :§F: `ItIGLP, -' VI IIING CARDS, , +c, Rli . A DDR EIIS [WS( n 1 g'SS DO., HAND 13ILLS, OF -TAMIL CIRCULARS, 4-n, /Fe. • :Togidher with, every ,deseription of I; • etter Press Print Ished liffh neatnest and deonateb, and on mode ' ilaks ini"- t il itriett, at the tititie'hf the :D Jity Morning Post. • - • .' txtlickgk - tyirogg .. OCCUPATIONS VEN r) TO -- - 'liOlitift - tt wer 4 . "fir.4ivi.iinisi , i 't,e,y' l. , l ,:::r l ;u e s. Dl l 6 ri E u ., y 6 tv e rc. —" ::: l o l,i : -,...,, .oork in on oolleolltiy atmosphere. Printers, work .leatttr •stores,'Anne cut ters',. tinkers, while lead ,walaufacinrayle an, ail miire or itiss simjert to disease af.• ••eordine to rartrengtit e o.their constitution. The ee ly method toekeVeht disieati, is the occasional use flea >reedlelne Which - abstracts from the circulation all delete -islitots..ltuntorsiand expetaAltem by the bowels.' l'unirs ' .jo any.form ere Injorictos, as they only -At off the evil day•to make It more fatal. The use of . Eirandrotles•Pills ' evitikiissore health, beciuse limy take all !Were matter ISidOr tleiahlood; and the body isf . :,..lo..tkienkened but i'mpatexthened by their operation, fiir'llie.. Saimilile Pills -110.porforee, lint, they - assist nature, and are ;MS opposed, _ ... -bettltarthbniae with her. giant Or. Brandretlt't °trite, No. 98' Wood . el r e el, IPltEgiertitt. - Price 25 cellos per hot.,with full dit•ertions. The only Ogee In - Pittshttrgh - where lite MARK-The ...GENUINE Pills can be ohtaufed, IS the Doctor'e own Ill'• , Ace, t 1.0.93 Wood street. . sep 10 NEW goTEL—The subscriber respect i tto,y • su fur es his old friends and the pultile Omen Temperance Holet,in firth sireet, , ngvAlkesp. ehuieVank. and In the house latelyi'aoccao Y lidat. Ihear :Patrick, and has hoisted ant con it gn;uthe . Iron City Wind." where lie will he very liatcy to accommo• alt who may please to call on. him. His table 1114,11... e aroyided with the best fare, and every possible .:;slatmomotodaiton to thwit and country customers and feW hoaftlera who wish to lode in their stores or of. iota, can he token. and ge.alleini , ti who live out or town can !foie their dinners daily. He hailafge and good stables, and the best Hay and eats,..aud a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. SIT and gnittletnen who have 1101 sea. tlnaiders taken by the:day, week or year. Charges tiStOrf. moderate than ai any respectable Hotel in the City. t ' :sap 10 JOHN IRONS.' ASHINGTON 114 LL.—Toe subscriber has - -opened the late residence of James Adatos, F. q., Ittemited. for the rectinion of visitors and boarders; .knause is very ideasan•ly situated on the bank of 'l i e .i'Wll2 miles front the eitv— nomising all the delight• atoompanlinents of .a country residence. without too far distan Cur perri.s duio.g \ busiikeAs in the clip . .ithiftors will be furnished with evstry delicacy of U .44 °moils:sit - To ns regularly every hou I the Alle theaftird Of the 'Bridge, • ir , r4io , Alcuhu tic beverages kept. WM. C. RERN. nitto.z4zr:o.k . ..9 111 • CINI9.P—The ropari• 19 . ineT:i E. K•ll,ourn and Is4fills4l is dil•Acilyell fly 111111U:1i Cofisent, Thti OnS.all Ihe duty noticerf r wo Is the Shzniti ttreS hint Barry Hall will he continued elittitihy the eultiOhet Until 'orner aTrangeatents roestile• op t'he WO. choice winler np• 1 0i;:fia . ripligti roc Itninedial Hy. JAB. E. K 1.1:04 7 11 N. "Intl:I/Pr-1r 4 , 19 R. fdarkm. and 74. Front et. . - - .--_' - - . ; WOKIUNDING.-7.sl'Candless4- t ---- :\ . . „.,-;30110.sOrt, Bookbinders and Paper t 1 : :: -. ....7 -- Za - ; -- -- -- - 2 1 .' tinier's, 5. , . W. corner of W ood and . i..-, , i' -- -:-1 1 -- - 71 Fur streets, are now prepared to 4" c - .. _ , --4 --- - - - - - -1 , eeiyte .1.111 Muds of Bookbinding and Pa. ‘ ' ''''' Z. 7.4 per -Rutine will: neatness and despatch. - -1, - . _ ---- ..Z.- -- - - • - 01- , ti. •. k books ruled and bound to iniiiivtn pattern at tin Or lest notice. ' ' 'N: 11.' All work done he above is warranted. (Ana 10 %M. BIDDLE, Sirrur . o,i Dentist, has rel [lined to ilia Old stand, No. 107, Sadi Wield Sheet: Where he can tie consulted any 'hour durh , g, lluu u h ego; his profession, sr.p 10 Ramos , AL.—George Armor,. Merchant Tailor, respectfony announces to hi's inends and " pit .lresia, that he has .rer,myeil his establishment front his Old-Aand - , in Third street, to the corner of ' , rota and Boithßekl, in the haseinent story of the M onontr.thela noose; wh&e he intends keeping on hand a general as. yortmeol of Pashiouable Good‘;, snit able for Gen I ..lealssi's wear. Ile hones, by close apnliration, to merit a-share of t he ousiottss so liberally el tended to hint at MS old stand. N.. B. liaelnig made airanlemenis in New York and Phlladeltdria, with I he l'Sllorc, for the reception of Paris and London Faisltiolis.etictonier. , may rely on having their orders ex , ented or:cording to the tat est style. GCI,RGG ARMOR. sept 1() • Oll..—The idly Subscriber w.iiihi-inn-t re,:pret • inform the pu'ilir in eenera lie Iriq al, arilc'e of o Ltd Oil of asu perior quality, u I..cturcdut UeeCinriu nail Oil Manufactury,hy R 19.1,ee S Co,,w hien is warrati• ted to be equal to the lie•ti Sperm. Oil, loth fur Li2l•tathd Siftettinary. This Oil 1.; entirely free from any glutinous eaktiersentoke, or unpleasant odor, and ills as etedr and as white as spring wapir. Not a particle of crust is left . we • the wick. The light is pure and .hriiiant, im4Will last as Inns. If not longer, than that ',from an - equal quantity of Sperm. ,Oil. The subscliber-informs ;Ole putilie that he has taken a place nearly -riAlposite the Pistit.Otliee, where be will -light up several different lamps Amery evening. dirt he would respect fully invite the in • habitants of Pittabiugh, Allegheny, and their vicinity, to tally* , lodge for thentselves;ile feels confident- they will be convinced ttust the above statement is perfectly eorreel. Out of tied -hundred individuals.w no have tried Hii6Oilwthere has not been a- single faille found with it Tiseloard Oncosts one third lessthatt.Spertn. tie would respiednUy suTic4i. the ear ty at t volt ion of Deniers and litfti eblahete. ta the above. 1 Tina PSilowing t.lburebes are now nets l the Lard .)11; Samirati PreshVterion-Chu rch, Pitt -burg Sew curabertandrtWtylet inn Church; Pitt.irotgh. That -Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City, . Assosiate.'Reformed Chute)), do. - Alithe barrels are branded 11 W. LSE 4. Co., Cinch) illgiir. Ohio Pittebnfs!h, J urn 215t,1842. thertadeslgned, Cantettris of 'the 'Express • Line of- I/Paeketik ea the Pennsylvania Cannl, have tried and are an article of Lard 011 introduced here by slattlieW manufactured W. Lee 4.• Co.; at the "Vitiellartaitt Oil Traitorg. • - iyellieftonddynt^tn the a' ov e is (vial t RlMrln Oil; thit4l is entirely free from smolie or any other. glutinous matter whatever; the light is per - 0441/IVltie:tlear and brittiant, sad will last P+ long, if not thaatifisi from conot quantity or ,Oyerni. 011, kiker‘littee rio Itestilatl+m In recommenaktrg Itto our. friends siva „SG:l*Sr; who ihiC 011. • MMitif Tlittlf-RY,Canictin, Pattie. John 'Adams. kiiIIP.MILIWAIIAND, Captain, rocket Ulm flanctketc, 0047. do do lobo Matlson, 1 44031 , MON, Pittsburgh. . . „ W . ' :TIM M; .- 1 • Farycting3: H. ~..mtbrelen ': 7l lirlioN 'V° NmmoimdA/111!!';61)0014; tittittge Pills , Mu ~. ,toi r t • *lse' .7 ^ tatted ~.'- - _ , 301011 UP" - ' Pe _ tigirdem tirrieleker - ~...,'-.---- . H. n ' i b e "twig, synlem.t tho ui t kiiirw e itetatels 3 ..-try" ~„,.„1 " " • in its emulation r" , t wasyr o n th e 1hd.t.....• ,avisid,,,,. - 2 -1,-ti INDIUM '4:4, 7 Vtiol eft a... secretions ~, t hi l ,. ~ , of --,, and as iii the twa 1 . 4 0 4 e :•,, ' -- #4.11 di t . ll s. t fi e bl oo d, there Inc eci. on ..„ tote inieveitt.„ I = Pit - ' -al to nd a quickened Pen .'n Abdibiliwo lov i'.. •' ' loWet 11. a le" ee ‘ drla t '" - all!* '' ' ter erdilebarg i •rairmed- s . " 111 ifigill'a.- -* :two place ' • 4., gait 4,Ve - *:&" ..-ittblood'''.ll".4"4 .., et, :,;;;;:f. 3' tii- ~ y.. ~ , 4, - ,e,. ;.!"'i., : -.'4, .4 .' I , l4:k}t*Paiiits ~..,„-rgfirtgltbeirl6l-10-14,.----- wit(tt aavegteeothsection:o the ail gVourgress ...legalising and trialting-appropriationv 4ccasiteh iiececntri.ohjectsas hive been usiaily uetadad tbe - generat-appropriattoo !bins without aftthority of law, and,tolutand provide i for certain- incidental ex - penises of,-.4110 Deritrt.,niemt, and fitters of the Gove , n "weal.- IMO 'f .r. -0 14ric Pity Pones." approved , Ant vitt 26, 1944 86444 troposaia,,vi !* . ai'ved ni-thls' Depart ment untlithettlitylti'st•#y-o - -Decerfilier nest,'Dir fur alsitiog-fdraite yeur ortititgisrlat the option of the Depart' . mein; 4e _Gypo?wit/ dennfjo icing. itianks , for the use of Post Of4es Ist-gieitltatini-or:Penacieivanitrand Delaware: Mails received, ,i t • - 7$ Reams! Mailscent, - ll6O " kinount. of ME)Visiiipeis find Path-pities re/ ". " " • Ceived, . . _ ' 26 . . Mails received at O:40bn! ihg Off*, le mi the above on mill rnyni pmfreir; at tedi.:22 - by 171 inchos,-printedott noihrideitand arithviiit4ean than 4211nestm4 page. - ; 41411s.vent froiopistiibuiing Offices,' ; 12 Reams . . - 6.aine ciao paper its above, but; fribtled• leng;thw itte,-oad witii 60 iltioircii s,riaee. ` • itetaitkitisit.horreiit, foolscap; two on a'sbeet Beans. afontlity.and Weeitiy. Registers,- ; fa* On a , sheety , ' ".. 9 Postlltitsi-foolseti p i 12 on a idwel,ht 'Giant sisnntuies, • ' Post Bins, 'foolscap; j 2. on a sheet, with sign:nu-ten. . Poet Bills for Distributing Offices, 9 on a }7'so Beams. , ' sheer; with siOntturcs V Ph - st Dkairthtitirtg Offices, 6on a T s sheet; with signatures; The:propoixdp, will stale tbe price, in. ntls VC' ream, for' eacirkirid of blanks, for paper, prinititig„rtinfig and packing: Tie arstto be delivered io ititeliquantt: ties, and-at sueb "[lines, as may- be required by 4 he diff,:r• cut Post Offices, and on the requisitions of Postmasters ' endorsed by the Postmaster at, the, place.rhere the eon- tractor May reride, None Will be...considered ati deliver. . or will be paid tor, excepton,eneh lequlshiona. - r requisition, or quantity ordered, to die 'Seeurely. env !toned or packed 'fortrauspoilatidtt, and !directed to the PosfOince, at Ole expenseriftl4 contractor. - The right issre ts reset is , any bid 'which•may Le considered itxtravaitiqi kind alsrito give to any -one bidder the printing for one or more states adjoining the State of bin ieihitlnce; and each-Pi : olio - sat Must be accom panied hystrtrici - eM etiidenctiof lbe ability of the proposer to comply witli ttie terms Of his proposal: The successful bidder will` required.Ad enter lido contramosith surely, - In strict compliance with the pro visiodof the law, tow Web - bidders are referred. Failure to furnish !daub§ promptly when ordered. fur nishing. Onset:if mtferior quality' ii to Mille, !stinting. Or rating, or any alienipt to evade the true meaning of tli&coatract, wilt be Considered sufficient cause for-Its forfeiture. • : Payment will he madelearter-yearly, one monthafter he expliaiion of each - quarter'. The hiOdkti must he equal Ao the best of those now in use. Specimens mity be seen at the various post Offices. The quantities Mentioned ahove„are fromi the best es tivrates that can he made per one year's consumption; but they may exceed or may fall short of the Ututittities re quired. The Department does not bind itself to any specific quantity or amount. Prot o=pts” should he so marked, and addiessed to the "ScrOni Assistant Postmaster General," Washin2ton, D. C. U23—dtd:ll C 0 UG HS. CO LDS and CONSUMPTION--The sea son for the above complaints is now at hand, and all persons who are subjected to the inclemency of the weather are respectfully informed that they ran find. COVERT'S BALM or Lira which is well known to have cured THOUSAND,, who were in the last stages of Con• sumption. Certificates can he produced of its wonderful cu rev. TAILOR'S BAL , AM or LIVERWORT is another remedy for Liner Conplaints (tang h s and Colds. It comes hig h ly recoil mended by all who have it, and is pleasant to take, and speedy iD effecting a cure. PeAsx's tiOARLIOU CANDY.--This is a highly valuable anti pleasant medicine;it will effect il44lEitive and certain cure for Caulks, Colds, Consumption,and is all effectual cure for the Vt'uooeino Cocoas. This is,a very pleas ant medicine, all are fond of it, and children', never refuge to take si; is cure is sure and positive. The subscriber bas a certificate of Agency direct from 3. Pease 4. son, so there can be no mistake. All persons who areeffected, are invited meal! and ant delay, for the threto take medicine is at-the commencement. All the - above medicines can always be procured at W NOt,ESALS OR'RETAITEI MEDIC4L .90-ENCY. R 6. Fourth street. THORN'S T.A. BERRY TOO 111-WASH. 2tl, 1842. Tetoart,—My Bear Sir: 1 cheerfully and cordially embracethe present favot ab'e oppOrt unity to re• turn to you my warmest thanki of gratitude for your on. equalled and unexceptionable invention of your very justly celebraied, Tea-Berry Tooth• Wash, and feel that am in duty bound. to say that I have dertied the great est and most beneficial . effect front its frequent and inode. ate use: and I can assure yeti! hat I ant exceediigly hap py to have the pleasure of Informing you , . sincerely and - cordially speaking, can injustice rec ommend its Ire quent use to,ll that \ unfortunate portion of the buttran race throtigalut the globe who are now undergoing the most excnicialing pain for tile want of a medicineitrepa• ration of exactly the same nature of which youta is prepa red, and who have for years been suffering from the in. furious, destructive and pernicious effects- of worthless tooth powders and other worthless preparations. In conclusion permit mato say that I havouscd your Tooth Wash Intl Ibr a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly convinced that it is the best now known. its inestimable virtues in preserving the teeth, (Which If kept in a good and handsome condition, 19 the greatest embellishment than adorns &beam:Ran structure.) are not to he excelled in easing apd relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and restoring tire gums to a healthy and purified condition, and giving also a sweetness and fragrancy 10 a disagreeable I breath hitherto unknown: A c,r-pt my sit cr re wish for your surcetm_ from Yours, truly, - Joarru gut MMER TrIHE Comaittiee on LectUres of the Wirt Institute. for the Fourth Course,iespectru l ly announce to the puliPc that they:haw made arrartiernents to commence the Lectureia on Thursday evening, riecember 11. The Viet res of this course will be e3tclailvety'Literary and Scientific. - "The Committee. desirous of malcin2 ll,tet.eclure 'Room of the lite a 'favorite rkesOff:iirtlittlsters'of Literal tare and Seletini,aS well nit _ (Toted : no exertions in tirOcirri-ngsOimlaritutiteit L,fctitters, both at home and 1670nd In the course of too we4csi .'Lecturetti will be published, and tickeiscitrerett.' 4 ' 4 • • • • 'w, w -WILSON' .JOIIICT . CbSGRAVE, - , JOHN SEMPLE, nilv 9. tf- . i-Vonimittee. T .S. MAIL LINE of Eplenditl Passenger Steam Eiielt- ILI • • eta frovirCincinnel44o6l Lnufs - he new.vnlerttliti, cast /wining, k light dranzin steam . Pneurts WestoWind urn' Ar.onpareil„will, run- us regular Paetets, frinti-Cincinnati to St. hottis. Witt reeve Cie: ein nal land A.A?uis - every .Wedneaday anorritng, at- 10 o'clock. Pessentm..mfram ;the East, and SclVs may rely upon t heirstertluir intact unity am advertise 4. imp 10 M. C. EII.F.Y, Agent ri k ß. v!,Let - Abt E. 1,5.103 Stiollii :IV. Thlsrinthilyble ,l restudy 'Us - stitiserveri littridreds: ..vrhen thought pnst recovery, front convulsions. As 80111' es the Syrup is rnlatitstin the pins, the child erill rec.( v. er, Thie,prenatatkori 'Ni t 'irtnecens, so efficscicens,und so Irleii 4 "••• tha Ti oeisild- ty liefuse to het Its guntspe ruh 0f4.04_1111. 01tkiliriranISireot 9ie 14! Or ratlf 11:10018, tI L W Ib- ett .is 19 ainliii-alie of teeth.. one bottle or !be syriOdpuidlie.i.tiel to ()Oil the: Oires. fate nts 81101141 never, hejrithoutthe Syrup In the:nursery where then , ate, yWUtg Cltildtenjorlf a iblitlrikk , -In site night with pniu. IfillerAtisns, the Sirtp,iourrerkidkely • Oyes wise, by open** liAefirores;und been ni 114.011'is; thereity prevent ing. Cohms'ololnt. reyereiAP. • Pee Sale Vrtieloshisnnd .r t staithy, : - ;V: ' ; . ,- *. WBElA..***,'iruitit, - p e p 10 .- 9 #6, - 20. Wand *ertut.tesolo-eps.rolut . (111EAP. .4.T.,40* , AND IclAlicO. Ilf 631: 10RR , Ara. 2 Si. . 14 - 1 'Mi.* Lvedl.!.-_- - bacesand Ribbons, ,. . , Ole :loft Immo* .Rit'i, '- ' - ' • tut priii-Mustin Whir - . „'', _ - -. • ' ' " I tiratiWirock. mris. is • t. . ' Wee, FrOt,,ty NM, t llt?bskit.: .I•.' -' : - • Thibkl94 . o mt..o4lCoupp3briesd • r . 1 lib 'rieUlito4lo.r_tlecsi (be :ft .-drit• - ' , 4 - Ft7,, 0.41, /k is* :ep~.., ,t asfii**, - 4,'10 1 .ne,r. A‘: - ,11104 414011.7;irr vl4ln4fitd taLrei!roilimit bruit. t r. ,1 .00.t, P f 4 ! 4 :1.1* -4- !! - . - -" ,, i ~:":".•*.A. ,( - k" •.- t e- .l' . :,,, 4 ,--, 4. .,, i,5 ...... x„ ., , .,..t.„. 2 ..A.,,A - 4 4,..itial MtdM4 tr:r;t. Yfi:Ll , artwt; WIRT INSTITUTE. FIFTII:OOURSE OF LECTURES ~s_.v;t..;'.i. 1 F4l'TIY1;:::. '..-.' '''E''''''- Ir .P ..Z V4i; .' rnilN ft ' ..f..:lMTprik, f.. 4 s r . , . . . ..,4. ~. . ..,. .. -Ittki.j . ,, , .• ~.,.....1,0. O Ftol", it. 11,4-7, , ,r , ..,,. .. ~.,.., :., .. .... ~', - ~. 1. ! -..., ,v...r -ing4l4*,:ilk*.ol,'e‘l4:4l4illiaketig4ol**(tirlitistYllf- '- '.- liiilii ; :' _AillMiftHrt4MU.4:4.4llo4lo.7as~oirtlo;l4 Ptgl a, --.' '' "itt*lia ti.tilello4lellig*llle I.l , ll4lloPoWerOpf ;it 4:-it.i-44kliqiri.W.,,f-Itati44o9gatop, iiite Will . -:-.lo r tIM.,a - te noC.itriridi , _'6lliiniated.;' .-Otteraliiitaiiuteit4: -ifititQinalfe.hirtalinientintr;l4,#44.l.l-153q,940,849r-H i can asait,ltiere scarcely Is - toy . Vivant:tint; or- forni 3 Of : •the-tarika lirtahr bnewith‘rik . nikarEiftilh*_o4 oll 2V - TZ 4,, ileknestuthattho'Biljknoutera feigUa .Ownet relieve - 1014,i . .Wedges hitten73oteeiT4**Y.Alliagsof,)4l.,,, Otfi!!-i.epril.,..si generally. Core:, A lthOugh 41reec pills, produee a nikWvii descitatiOW:rtndluty;striht titte . st,44'.4 o 4 . 0.ut*._,.-- - ' • 1 Isrvarcithat;elreet is not JO prostrate the hody„.us‘olll , . tt-tiWitiecoartt, !Mice /1110:1' , , tees . !outtitgails t iterTr ench' other medlekee, but the tonne is invigorated by' the - te-, 1, an4.C.otrid4M rundre:l7nrseci.;:alsM iferantentlidihtt l . t , inlays' , of - the:CA*of weakuess , lbe mound , the vitnitert, of Buttiroi4try,.wltlek is staperiorto,:auyttrOg.‘Yel ikird:. homers rrorkthe Mood; - - :., iiiiit'd i n !We, couttlr.y.:4.4litllau.Ziiby,,, .10 . q.e. pi Coair.i. glayntimisilo theameives, they merely . .,, sear's! pitentalS, Cape'sa I.Vtpirritinoi..Deliti; dillef.Se.f. .., ,_ ~.,_„, . - Atisorr illATClair . -: . ... -, tpao for Pretting.Costtune.. 'Uollailt, culTs - ,'-..t7PtwYt. FR.. - To'llirovvont the occasion of cicknlt (roil Ihe im4Y,. ...".,g.Terrid, fork:, 1/46-rollii aud- -Nit44...±4fipe. , kg. » Wh!ct l tvP l - 1 !e. end they require no alteration in the diet or clot hlng.,. , - reedy for it t invapiiroliallOn<on .1 he Rth,o,fQottltee Belli., . 101aCtalie.'lluman.bodrisbettir able iustain Willi. - ` Mrs:: I'. i s rwahinie.strd - .arrival Of her fine nets frank; out inktry'Zihe Inclemency of the weather, white under ,Surripe, -at No. 2„ Ferry street i' between 1.0., F c:t . y. ~ and, AtieltiftnettcnOf this Infection deatter rig lief 'Medlar - A . OIMo at anti other time. 1 .' tdithzio elli4ica Fourt It st reets.. . - ..... , -.., ~. - •. - .'.- • ThettisPOrtanee - of . Brandreth'w Fills for. seamett,ab.it : -I^, ,7,,-.1-?-..-7-7,—,-. trairelers 1it,,1 !tartrate, F el ( e v ident, . ...• , • • - ~..' n. s. Dt.t01itA1t.'...„.......,...,...:....:... , .:...3..! , „...,„ , 5`, , ,t.T.0.5. Of iilidety use of this Medicine how much hruriety; la arid skittle*, might we not prevent. ,Cold, [Bilious tar ASS A W.. - FT All I 1.T.0N „./Itt'44: - 1 . ,"_ ; ' , :.,.. .• . Ve , femlons, Typhus, Scarlet andlevers o f , all hinds p. ou id. itwit:ln, Fourt!t - st.„l WO doorsabove !tah , : .. '4•19 . .3..r.0. removed I heir 9filt.THl; pier Osiattft :.:...- ....... biti. be OOkOIIIVOI Rut where sickmits. does' exist,' let no - . : - Art ()Opt r: : - *.4.14f!0xia,, ..,, , XR. , f*,: - , - ,vo — ii - li ,1 i the - 'hi loaf, let 'the BRA ti DR ETH'S-1414.8 fsrai once. L.._ • Stree4' liktaeop Firtro'ii ind aitillt,P4' ' las.; t • seut for, that the 'Remedy may Ire app 'kali; without for' ' 'worloorO:froirt the coruer. Of I,Toorrirreet4 Cots titer loss of! thee.—To OW BITAINALIILIRED— stonily tin h a• 141,4),3,5 : 94rtRi0nc0f 106 ready, made That Brandreth's Pilla have stood K.-seven Years' lest ; .COFFlNO...tileverraisc ant) tleseintion.; covered . - in the United States: - - .- :, ,' - ones:. with' Cloth; Mahogany , • • Ulterri; - Sleek .. •,. . co.- .. Piiptikr. and 'Pine Coffins. That they area vegclattle and iflßOCela tnedielMNYo all powerful for Itte:removaPnf disease-, wilethir,elfroole recent; itifedtioufor otherwise, • • ' ThalliteY'purify the' Woad; - and May Jim further prei-, grens or dtsase in the Intaran 401 1 9. - That. in many ea - es, where-the. dreadful Kaimge6 of ulceratioiiliad laid hare ligament and hope, ,414 where,. to appeata ore;no htiman means eouiltkitt, jife, have patients ny the use of these pins, tteettfltv:.-14,p0d healtM'the devnttrititz disease - hay last. - -)l4ilyiattitlllthpy eradlean•d. • T lutt endi he gentti lie lute u puu it i.iiitt4";g_xpiltt LaBELB That* each ,iatal has-teter,sign:ttures of Dr. Bertjartit Brant reDraporr4.' Thai there ruhitifitifion each box three signatures, rims: • :B. RaiSonaTti, M. D And three signatures, thins:— BENJI.MiNtBRAXDRETU DR. FRANKLIN SAYSi, "All acute fevers ever require sone evarnationyidiring tbentio a perfect crisis and solution, and tlio/4ten by stools, which must lie • promoted by art wben does nut do the business itself. Otti this aceetfiii..an iii timed scrupulousacssabout the weaknefis of the body is of bad consequences; for it is that which .seems to make evacuations necessary, which nature 'attempts after tne humors are lit to be expelled , but is not stile lo accomplish for the most - part in these diseases; and - I can affirm, that I have given a purge-when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly he felt, and the debility ex. treme, yet both one and the titer have been restored by it." The good effect to be derived from 1110 Brandreth Pills have to be experienced to be folly believed. By their timely' use Deft her the Scarlet, the typhus . fever or small pox would ever a ss ume their malignant, fUt To appreciate to the full extent,t he incifinlalde bene fits of BRA NEMETH'S PILLS, they must be used When the First Symptoms of Disease Present themselveseOne dose then, and their good effects will be felt throughout the attack--TT Ia TaILINd THEM IN TIME that is the great seeretin the care of all appearances of disease arising from had blood, and I presume there are .few at the pre-i f " ent day, will say any' hies of those diseases . which 1 the body when the blood is pure. Stich 'ilf*ses. Lttuvi- yet !Ogee. , . Hoping that some who read this may be !tenanted by so doing. I am respectfully, the public's servant, B. BRANDRETH, M. D. 241 Broadway, New York: THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATII BLOW. The public will please observe that no Brandreth are genuine unless the IiON bats-three labels until) h, each contantinc a foe shuttle Agnitinre of no; hand Jerking thus—B. Itrandreth... engra. ved on shecl,beautifully designed, and ilote at an ex, pemse of severalthousand dollars. ReineMber! the top —the side—and the bottom. Ent red according to act of ConigresKin the t ear 18.41, by Bet gamin Brandreth, in ihe Clerk* Offiretin trite Dis tjlct Court of the So' them Districtif New York. Dr. B. Brandretlt's own office, No. -98, ix nod Street. Piitsburr.b. Only pla're lu Pist‘hurgli where the Eenuine Pills can he, obtained. Early Agent who sell • tire true Era nifreth Phi, has net engraved eel tificniF of Agency renewed every twelve nod has entered 1,00-I , olldg of 9509 to sell none other Pills than those received from . 8..0r Ills speciailleneral Agent. Mark, Coe certin cafe is all eagravell except the Doctor's name, which is in his own hand writing. Ohserve. on each certificate there is an exact copy of the three labels ou each box c o . craved there / on. Purchaser. see 111.11 the eitcrav!nc of the labels , on the ce•lificate correspond with those on lire box Tire following are Dr. Itrokinifti : trituir.th's Igenis (on the sill, of his Vegeiat.te Uttivt rsal Pills, lii A Ileghe y couty, Pa., who are supplied with the rew labelled , boxes. Price 25 cents with ti.irect ions. Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pittshtir Allegheny; Mr. JOHN GLASS. McKeevort, IL ROW LA N D. Noidestown, louts Jourrsintr. Etewartgown,"Ensasstast sp.uumpro "'ALEX/AMR ASDAL6 Clinton. EKWAR - D TFIOIIII - SClN.Wilkftwshuro l . GEORGE PORTILIt, Fairview. ROIIkRT Sit.l4lll TORTLR, Tarenitllll. Ellzahelliferiten, C ' East Lihetiy, Ett.mpt. N Ica LEV. PREV3I.II IRWIN, Me:l.am flit). DivtD R. COON —Plumb Township. WTI. 0. HUNTER— Allen's Mill. [sop 10 I:ll4iteured by the t se Cif Dr. liarlich's 'Compound ngtliening and German Aperient Pius Dr. Haioch—Dear Sir—Shortly after t received the Agency ftom , yuu for the sale of your ittedicine. I formed an:acquaintance w i.h a lady of this place, who, was severely afflicted with the Piles. Fat eight or ten years this ladyAbas subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. 'Through my persuasion. shecomtneticed using your Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours; 4c. JAM ES 12. October •3, 1840. , Chambersiig, Pa. fErOffice and General Depot, - No. 18. North Eighth Street, Phitatielpiiid:.• AM by *renal Frew, ,corner of ,'Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. Grp JO lINTERESTING CURE performed byDr.Stsayne's it:Glyn:pound Syrup of Prunus Virginiavo, or Wild Cher ry. Having made use of this invaluable Syrup in my family, which entirely eared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, ditTicnity of breathing, attended with coustant cough, spasms, convulsions, kc, of which I had given opal) hopes of its recovery until was advised lb make trial of this invaluable medicine. hnerseeing theetrects it Inhkupon my child, - and eon eluting; to make the same trial upon mySeif, which en tirely reii4ied rise ofa cough that I was afflicted with for many . yeisVs. Ahy person wishing to .sec jne can ca al ihy Irbuse.f It Heath Street, above time MaTket,liellaingtorf• i Leos: • • ._ bR.: 41WAy:IKE''S f3Y SUP OF -WILD b - IiEtRY. We ,ein the 114 tension .of the pupathe_aurnero_no cerittleater_which have been in cireul n our rook and iomeothers of this city, hightyr ending Dr. - SWAYST,'S Compound Syrup or VV,Ild 'rryl.--We have Been the origibal certificates, and have t,o doubt but-their t 4 opte.f.tor't gralethl hua,r,ts,exptsessive or the tmnefiti" irbleit th ey have;reeeNed Grath tLat valuable cotripbanri. havearflittalntaneett Vitho have frequmplv tined Ibe above medicine.-who eallyPebk with confidence virtues.:—Setstrito,v Chen eta. , • raLLOw Drremellsr--With sincerity 1 worthd advise yon. one Untrall, loth sick and well, always to hive ;.e ' brittle of tir SwAimetteotripound Syrup of Wild tlicerY to lour hours.---it is invaluable in eases of etnergeney, suet , as Spitting of Illook,Asthma, attacks' of violent s:ohililitg; whirh is oheit.lhe cause - of spitting of bloon, Violentrervims.'Affectkons, which- taccasMinthy *crone from DI ht, had various other causes,,,produclog great mt it ity alarm. stidde colds from improper „exposure. which. are often I 10 an- alarming - extrxt. for want of means being .at harid:—and as I halve used Dr. alwavaes.CompOund SYruP of Wild Cherry repeatedly in mf- family, and always with Intuited sits.cess—l cait . recommend tt.ivith confiderrce.as nettle one of 144 fier.% famity.....mediclaes Which has. ever been offered to ihe publiell4Saterilay Chronic/4 . • -. _ ~ Sold 41;M:h.-Thorn. Whines:tie - 4 . ggiaii, Fully ngeur. DirEttsburgie, ti0,..53 MAO:et ntrees. , sep CD ; . r ii e : l es tan iec o: l oi rot r : r that:hii: f:lit 4 t l " 1 1 ill l A tl f i 4i 6 4 1 0" 06 e *Di z r k . "15,40 K, Pr„ , >. • - -14 • • - • • • • - ;As , • • • Walnut, POptar. A I...scr, Plate.spently ringraVrid; Tle4rcacs, and Carrtagas. tut . nigied; litays procured;. and as!tr service's reit ii 'eel tsti3<friernis may roqii if C. A efedii given. in ail ea sea; aittier cif cu'tfins or carrialtes, I req nem id. ' H ,ENIZY 13 gii II'ES I.tadertaker. ' Fig:, .19 ' -,_ • ----••••-• - 1.3111.5. VC-111'1'11 LIME. a s , eoeriwr articl^:for CUP s ale by - • J, • 174 A..)ItOON. No. lt Water-streel. "t; Just retched hoot New -York, 30(.9 Temperance AlM:lanes (dr 494. ,aooogal4e . 't i f the f • r ani Drilla A tneiiratt Tettipermtee r finiott.rend.Yoatli's l'empern ties" AdVognie for tieptentbai.- Als0:41100R 114 4•C' tiara .A 1 atrinai , S,. ittla'a go-ad asanrtment. ofl..ocartiAt ntagn-'. zine and Pillsbif j gii,:itnirtite-Frilnktin Magazine. nd Com-. men -A 'alai - tali fur ro43;'.liy- 'the groisi,dozen .or . .sister; 250 copitN:Of.6 rant's gew Pittslitagh and A Ileghetty sinew Diretory and Strangers Guide, for 61.1 tents. Al4oi Cottage, Family, Se4mol and Pocket' Bilges and inecis, David's Psalms; Meth:slost and TeMperanceityran Book:; the heataies elf Harmeny,, h itroduction to Sacred Music: Mason's-Harpwith round and patent notes; Christ. tlara,arid -almost nil kimis Schitoi Books; Gunn's Do; A nemic Medici tie; Day Boalis and Ledzers; Writing, Let• ter,,and- Wrapping Pa per; blue black, and red ink, by the gross, dozethor hottir; steel pens, quills, slates, pe ncih: and wafers; Cyclopedia of Htslory. West erril'ilot, and a-con. siderahle.variety; of Books and Stationery, for sate on-ae coin modating terms tor casts Or Country pr , duce.' r I AACII A It RI'S, Agent and Commission M erchint, sep '2 No. 9, Fifth street. J. K. I'doonnu),a. G. E. WARNER. J: PAINTER. UNION COTTON FACTORY, A Ileghe , y City, at the end of the upper Midge. The subscribers having commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yarn,Colton TWW, CandlewiC s k, Carpet Chain, Batting, itc.,and.tue premed tc fill orders at the shortest notice. Having sskected , thajettest and niost improved machi nerytlrrd einplgy,d e manager who has attended to the Hone rac'iii*Tor ,thi last five years, they are man uftietii• rlik-rbsuptrit,it tc/e. W" initile to order, Orifeitsithriistigh the Pittsburgh Poit Office. or left at the storeol ' 4 st" C. Painter 4. CO., Liberty street; or Logan 4 KehaOy, Wood street; will meet with" prompt aiten .,:"" • Address—J. K. tn 00 nil EA D 4. CO. se,il2-1y O FEMALES.—'Caere is a iarge ciasa of Ft:mates in - - this City who from theic,.continued sitting, to which their oceutmllonsobliget hem,are affected with costiveness whict; gives rise to palpitation of the heart on the least cx ' et tion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole Intolerance of light and sound. an inability of fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumbling m the bow• els. sometimes a sense oh' suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly tip stairs; tempre fickle; ilis-se ace.,semplonis which yield a , once to a few doses of the Brandrin Pills The occa.. sional use of this medicine woulit save a deal of trouble and year. , of suffering. One, or Iwo, or es•en three of the Brandreth Pills just before dinner, arc of en found highly Lenefr,ial; litany nee them very advantageously in this wits.; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condittost,entivert .the writs, impart clear neg.§ to the,cotordeltion,Purlf#thc blood, and promote general feeling of hearth and - happiness. Sold at Dr. It -audrcltr , s Otitee-:..Vtt. 98 Wood sl met; Pitishurgh--Price 25 cents per Lex, with'full direct IOnS, MAft K _The oniv . place in where she GENUINE Pilss eau he ObtaimA, iS tile Doctor's own Of. rice , N. , 9ft Wood s4,rl. srn • IN:4TII.f.INIENTS! St3I.tGICAL IN S r C C 11 E N 'l' 7'. .11Celrrh y, Cutler and S've7, lea? Instrame”t Maker, Third street, yearly opposite the Post 011ize, Pitt,barg (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians. Dentists and Druzeists ran have their in. sirtiments madeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissor' always on hand. also flatters Shears:a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. Allarticles warranted of the best quality. and jobbing done a. usual. sep 10 L 'E R COMPLAINT.—'Phis disease often tertits. natesin another of a more serious nature, if pro. per remedies are not restarted to in time. In all forms of this disease, Dr. Hatlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure —first by cleansing the stomach and bowels, thus remo ving all diseases from the Liver, by the uee of the Ger man Aperient Pills, after which the Compound St rengt It ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone to those tender organs which require sucktiettiment only to effect a permament cure, These Pllll are 'neatly ,put up in small packages, with full directin*Lrar sale_ at No. 19 North Eight& reet, Philadelphia. forAtitily -Sato oel Frew corner of Wood and - Libeitists., Pnlitt4rg,ll Pa. ..sep; 10 • A GLEN K8A.A16.11, I.746ange Broker, -No. 46, Cor. aser of Wori -rind Third Stieds, Piit.§bur gh Pa Gold, Sliver, -hod Solxont Rank . notes, bought and sold. Sight ,cheeks on th - e gastern elder, cot' sae. brats, notes - and bills, collected. Pitts:Taft - ;11 p. Win. BttH*Co , John D. Dario, F Loreni w J. Painter 4. Co., 4cfeph Woodwell,Jameo May . Philadelphia, A lexander Bronson CO:. John D.Brodc n j Co. Cincinn ati , 0., Jatnes Itreatidiesi. S. Louis, Zia., J. R. Iti'Donnici. Louisville, Vr. D. Pope, r,sq.. Pres . * Dank Kst., . 1 4- p !ft. REnoyundersigned ltegs tea e v infest, ILA, the publie/, that haltairremoved Ctoin pie old strnd, to the cornet of Penti'brid St. Clair .st.s..oppoXilet oe nx change litticd,xvherre -he has fitted u p .n large Vtixo Fowce WARR ROOM, and notv - Offers , (pr sale the niel.74 splendid assort neutof piXabstoccOtiiyed in this market. His Tilatios'eonOat; of different 'patterns, of superior Roe Wood an - dltinhottany,hesutifolly finished and mo deled. and constt acted thrOuthihut 'uf the very beat ma- , terials.w hiCh, for dnrahility,and qiialitv - of ttine, as well "as touch, be . warrants be superior to any - ever- seen here. , . . . . . As tieliiis en!arged his manufaCtory, and trinde arrange. -me ors In saintly theitiereiatig dm eand - rdi'ihiS. Instro . ~ . 'Went; ' be 'respeelfnlly reqemns thrise intending to pur chase - to, call and,. xamineitis assortment heforepureita sin: elseivitere. ab hp je qete T zOined lo • Settl,4yrert, - lor, ash‘thati any other establishment e.nif or - wish' trf the Irmrtntains. ; - F. ,BLETAIE, ~., . ~. ... • „ , Co:mere(' Penn and St. Claii streets. '&Mlle OPposite•the Zar,ltamiellbtel:l'ittshrrrgh -Pa, WA RRANTVM, 47. FEN1 1131 k; Ll i 3t *, W4l l tilu .....--- • 1. Di ms ..' ' •' ' . 6N4 P 4's q4 " Qmi ' e ' .' the . ' -- A i6thi' in - 4c1 , , ' L'etiO;r.troitt Uon• - 00e•role,s,Tett,—, i,lbilitsit.,,.....Ntemberofeonargss, lan,Saliivait'Onn,q."sl...- ' , loll/ 36 A 53.13. ' Iry Atittt3roToiv,, . , .. -'' ' ..- ' ' i n-thia'rity l'have , thsed i - oinp, of Sir —Since T. have bPan -•.- . 1 . . ft , c 1 ri d - ~if f s ' ~3 .:', '-:-:' ---- ---:'-'' -,...... fIiOI,IrIARY'S OFT/"' I medicine with infinite lone . , Y a7fi r o n n,„ Y o s ii P 7h i e e iie n v i .! it io i,ea ! Oa et . isthi i. l . 4 .c hl : e — r otw ethe i d i s co ... an o f 7 : ; , I : --_,.. -,:.:1.- ', ..':' •' 'll ;nit : '' r i IS' i'tifiti; kugust f.iii 11. 1.842: 3 1 2E. r of illy aonstUtinot*Dr. A: en rdPn , o am ~. _ . _ s . , e e n t ,. A rA7. : -..p .. k. ~Tp,„ ; .. ..ivi . 144.. *S.:. AND 11 A If. ivatioß a T ii b t ill i e e ek ti ee itt: ,Vatriti'7l.inex',!,:d7iltect.ar;envactr zheitZ;Pir i i,'r h . , ls l C' ti l letit il; :l l :4 :l l l 1 ;.,:,, 4 .4l 7 itti t o lirG" loa.yl Virt.. . p?1,43t,_...i.rifit0046,-Ilvfor7ilto,e7l,Anicte7,li.:..efLecuretele:nbigii,l7l: arid -„, 3 ,.. i , tt.,-)s-inyitittaikte.,, , iktr, J4l'o7'°No,tl4.l,lt T r i t . ir r - x 04104001 and ' IY l:Pil tr i ' -.40:41 .._ Alit tbe rehet thia plact.,.thitila :yn - u,wisk , l l 4 PY9balit .., / rl;.!eiala-atillic as Totioeasee.. •If-sP4 *9aid-fecaTapTa.. (f r .r.. _ i. ,.. 1- tt , 44 : i ,, ,i 1 tileadi4tl4t-I P - P! d7 l 7 l l i i i r - . 13 r 1, 113 ,. i .: 1 °6 1 , 1 iii i .1ii i- r ll . l . eii ll-" 4 , fi , k ci t t i a ll ii i s ,, : o a f t , N i im i sp eni ,,,: t „, a ntn.per. PPrAla-'!:iatEciattiffEiLli.e.),-‘tieZ f e l it . s ,i ti lfti e to 1 Sar, \ , ..... eV .,inn ,r'?C r li rnr z ioito - L'i4bo tritn ii rt . v V ra l t i t . for whiort: inedie•iilP. • SIA° I O 4 3111 ` 416!4".1."-n -...--.:-I. ' '- i% -- t ' the RAkt r"'"-"" '' 'e.--- ' - value, iilil•bet received lo.payrot..nt. eetscor.Ortz - - :-Yatuctua said' . 1 1 1 0 ine 4ll !s" I I ~1-1,7, •%. i dtattlgoth-st- par 7 a- • !.-. iv -. t i reiltd i ec iftedneoy; to rare of itobeli . lawk : s kß i li. K9 P 4 sT h 'i'- "..?` se i .- , jriach,idi.vidual orpfoNta•-•St- Loy. 1401 Road , winch vet, or 4.1..4 *eakfifini,4 : W turti N 3 . - '"7 °.a i s . ' 40144:V.i-104.ft.iF't_..d, __ t2110, P 8T., ., --.- 'f !heir respective. a tmvettk,,Ohi*. hot lf ftnitall ag ue •- 06 "distlita Otiowitins.llc,- AIM , . ~ -a - i - concerned in iT.6*- i' 44" - --: fi ' - e ' s . i n Ca ' 'l , 'Ciidileiwe' r.,.....* -- iff.Wtieiif 95 ,ti .d ed{i -o ds them i- oe. tfi e r_.l4,,p l - -; z 1, 4 - 1 . ,,i14t0 . .1401 „W ei ll r yliiireoci ... 4 - .- ll4 take•geoo ' ll . 4 Mm th etre4', - litgettee*lll6*! PlPrcel. - - nine - Would :114 sohl , :ra.nygo Pt ,--• - • , iiiitv bbijo ~ S• ,• . ~----, •,-- • ,-', ~-.- ~..,14.4i4t,eforktlicaext Leila* ii - 1- (of 1 0 kiro , .1 a firjriiiiiitVfaMe sanwinat. • -...:, • -fqVmY . arum : 11; r alut • 114- ' .-t - • wormed lititiii`-:iiiimi. . ~, -..- - -.11, i , ~ - -' . - --•.-- --- - .', .- . - - tom , ity•keof rrrimipA.w,of44ry-0,, y..111' , ii t ,-, 441 let fac!re• ''-LiY:.l!--I:7'--•:- - ' , Iti' ---r ittitt. , ,t he ~, c,..,:iiii:..,0,:,_,i;_;11:1...„?7,i44 ai4:!!7.44,17....v.F,7,:.; -v).4k._.1:.-,!..71::4.- :f l l .- 7..:: : ,iL ' !Li . _:: : ifil it ,H l' i= i.„ __, ....,, I f P-ii ::..,- - t ifl " t •-• J .- u.'l.9'n, rw!i:r.lotHrt:4i:iitl4tir4::::'-"----, -- - T,-"... -7 :4k.' 7 7 4 _ 4,.. itrolu*Slitfrillva4l7o4'P'''-r4rrfitriifii! - aiifrd: _ . 461*'05P6110,111611'be " e471111 ''" 417 '' 4414 - r4/41' 44; ':.i. ' ' ' ' Tllll 4M ' t . latierl''' '''.,:-,:•;',-,!;:,!!;:.,.._ ~ ~ ' ' ..,- i....,:: ~.• , _ ":, .!- ',:tri44. ir.. -,,N 'o,. e •.—.. -- . ,.,- 1 -.1 V i44 - * '' ' \";-: i • : . :4 4 <e:t. , ,* :VI: , -; • nsvettEPCFP - 40 0. .4 - 20 - 1W; , k l .l 4'177 ".i-- `l-^ ; rk ,_7. ' . . . .fift,..-iiiir.l,-.o4o;itbp;,:::PrqtSirbeir - nie.sent , yestirtlaY.oA.tlie expCklatent tittichierG:tvererileasedi.o., mak r, .nninbrr.nt uu busk - 610i% of th e eafetgoi;your IRON bOpz.vriz,a;i• *iefitit give's !IC pfeasaje".io Sp," . 1.10.10 ;far as I wria'.c4pable or judo 61, waSfair„ and the rest. it - e faseeded my . , ' • rpecteC The Chest . tv r tia , a small oni, - abotti 31)- lacheahlgh, by. 'fbootlB+un` oinettes In bietaithlind 'ticpth, and Was pia- . cell : on a [!lack of vooif atiplit'afeot In thickness, sul . e - s: eleicom it ahonctlieth4ilitfragt the grti:Ond; severai, honks and newSPalleisrifieie detioriti•al inside of ft in leas., in4nne rinwp Lab :NI otbrg Wan Id : nAtally : nans:ify of It ht pine Wood telatts frots'art attjglni :: - .41;7 )1;111,1 was then ',Weed -around' 40(F:1606;e it , nJ rim 11;re icindlrd : o n fietvind ward side,' . so :into drive the, fluor e against tit k•teack part Art beefiest. 'llls fire was kept en shot , t•tlitee 'quarters tlf an Itlttr,.l had gonea lie Special Ors and mei - tied. f rani their. Music 'unt;'itiit , al• answer that the test : wee softicient— The chest wriliAlien dratin out of the fire, and etrolod,. and opened, nn' -examined., The. contents were ail safe. antr.the trkly,iujury done was to the hack .13 f o 'hook which 'a ppearo to be a: till lc charred. Front what 1 - wit nrssed...l think that these chats are desert , "'of: of.conddatieNas a ff4rillt,t,, perlraps,t fittliest ic cU fit V to enchants for .their books and papers, which they can Lave wttfioat fittildiss large, !hick, updtXpeUAl l4- yaut l e. htvouid co us,iddr abet reil- .. dc . ,:lrify than tap ny Its which I seen he'd, tour friend, ' SMIIU eel/Refl. We r.Qncitr he above, slarcnieui, buying been, pro:- scut Abed the -was leSiet i . 'IV. M. Co9per, J. fl. SAtwiberger, Robt lk7T, . J. laughlin, J. Pcrivrer, Cerd.ql,.. Jr. CL. Aritstrong. A. .11. , Bake, Thomqs craig; S. O. D. Howard; . • J. IF.llbyl. Eztract of a Letter !rani Pugh r - 4• AVbril, dated. Cis czunatf,.fd"rh; 1 a 42. , J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa, Itespects4 Priem?: We have the sale - actiont to,etote.ne,the.hcot FF!etiin rnendat W e we can give of the utility of, your liort Shrea,:litnt " we have one of them wit Mit was to : an ezpoied silent tot! its our ettunt mg room, at the time, of life - hi+, on lite more, lug of the 10t it inst, which consumed our figiush to': gether with a large 'portion of the meai,• lard, 4;e : which . It contained; —a nd that our books and paper's Which were in the Safe, were entirely uninjoted, and Were taken from it after the fire; without ever being discolored. Yours, 4-e, PUGH 4-- A L coRD. Extra-etc! a Letter froni Slater Rothrook, dated St. Louis, Feb. 24th, 1341- MR. Dv:rano, Dear Sir: One of your :tccond siiechesla was burned a few days ago, in a teal her store--1t pre served its contents. Respect fully yours, sep 10 SLATER • HOLBROOK. COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. Dar- Itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills. Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa„ entirely cured of the ahovedistressim. disease His symptoms were pain and weight in the left side. loss of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach. sick head-ache, furred 1 ongpe, con tuella ace changed too citron color, dith cult y othreat him/. disturbed rtstotiettiled etilt a cough, great debility, with other Srffilliolll3lll(iiC3litig great de rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had the advice of several physeinits, but received no relief, until usin g Dr. liartich's 'Medicine, whiCh termini, ted in effecting a pc-feet cure. Prinripal Otiice. 19 North Eighth :tit-eel. Philadelphia. For sale is Pittsburgh by Sanottl Frew, corner of- Ltte ir ty and Wood streets.* ff.ep Cincinrc;i, Fabroary 15,..D;41. Dr. Sw,oitio—Denr reimit ire to tuke the lity . rty of writinq to yon at t I irinr;:ro rapt-es; apitrt r ,hat ton, and to retiontmettil. to the at tendon of - heads of Ninnies and tubers your invalualUti medicioe=-lite romPound sty rult of Prunus Virginian:l. or Wild CI. rr Bart:. lit nit Itavrls of late I have ',en in a ii, eat many instances inn wondorful e!fects of your niediente in relieving chil dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Cnughina, ‘Vheezinz, Choil:teghf Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, 4'c. 4c. I should not hale vvrinen this Ilowevel fli present: alt hottgli I have fe't it toy duty to add toy teSti ntony to it for some time, had it not been for a late-10.i stance where the medicine above alluded to 'vas rnat rn mental in restoring to perfool health nu ”ottly child," whose ease was almost hopeless, in a family of my an- I, quaittlance. , •I thank Ileaven,"Sahrthe doatititt moth. ! air, "my child is st.ved (tom the jaws of deathl 0 how I feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is safe!" - ie's Compound .Flyrup of Beyond all doubt Dr. Byvaynt. ild Cherry is the nso4t valuable medicine In Ult. or tiny s other country. lam certain I `.awe witnessed more than I one hundred cases where it has been attended ,stith coin. plese success. I am using it myself in .an ohstinate at. tack of Bronchitis, in which is plowed effectual in a ex ceedinty short time, considering the severity of the rase. I ran recornend it in the fullest contidenceof its superior virtues; I would advise that no family should be without it; it is very pleasant and alwa.o isenefsciut— *milt double and often ten times its pr lee. The fublie are as sured there is no quackery about it. C. iA9ciol4). .Formerly Pastor of the First PreSitylerftiii Churcit, N.Y. Sold liy'W M. THORN. witoTesale retail, only agent for Pittsburgh. No. 53. Market street. .sep 10 A BOON TO TIIE P ACil.' , .!—t•7ji+lcoeer ,what mrtl destroy Lfie. awl you urea. grea4lwan. 4 4 DiPco.vcr What wilt prciorie Life, ape:l/ad war:4! .toal call you Impostor," "There are faculties and intet.ectual, vs, with lakich cbrtvin keriti Aims aSinify,an4loor tokibb. I „Eltejt trr. andretbs External Reine.dy, or Liniment,' extraordinary pow era,..uletineis Pain or thitt Sttff Sinews, White Swelling., Ithenrnatic Paine, ..oe •htiffnese of the Joints, • Tun - iota, Thinattirai, 1-hiA nrss, Stiff Neck Sore ThroMi 1 Cron!),ll'Ontractiorts' oVthe tntisctes, .Serbfutorts larii,etnents, Tender, lievf, bud every - description of ht jury- affecilne - ibe . Val-brier of the Boman Frame, are cared or greatly r elieved by his ncrer-to be arificinttly extolled remedy. Eva-rpicer,x,.—tk:torliiwing letter from Major Girt, erat Sandford, as to trYe qualities of the External Emile? dy, sptaks volumeg' . Dear Sir —IN 1.1 yon nh,hte. me with another ,bottlt .of your e4 , sellent Littlinetal ' Itie'eeriainly itte hest of the I kind ilarOg.:ever ~ e exi. 'rrt 'has cured entirely iny b:r'ri. linee, , ah*eur wivket, I was 130 nneatyiand I haVe found it ,produetive of iintroediate -relief' in several eases or ester uttl,Aujury44,,rey famityr. , A. few evenings- since, my yeittilgrit - chtld wa'rietzed 'Whh a violent attack orOtoup which was eni hely removed In istentim4snets, by reit hie; leer etll4l'Aild ttirmit-fr4ty. with t h e "Erteenal Rent_ edy.,..- i ihifik you riiiiehY. to manufacture ' this% Linimeni for general, Use, instead -of Confining the uke uric, as you.] 1 haveltereiniere dine, to your particular acqnaint arises.' Yo i k ecs icintlyi ' '' 's " G. W. EtAiii)Fo I :Duat.ollStrnavisr.2 4 l oroadwaY;N. Y • 11 - 5 - .. For sale at l'4l 11 roadbriry. , tiers Cork, other iivo.P3 Wor4,ktreet,rittaintrgh PII k iCE-50 cents Per'i.isll4 . ivittr,dirtelliifig . - ' -'-''''' -''''' --Alert 10 :41. ^ ' ~; .'~ Ntw Yoaa, Feb. 9,1542 ''.' 7 ,..i - i.,'4 - '-: ..:_-, ,, :- : -:„. : ,, ,, .L.,- ..,::cl,.f.=-V:-y,.,•:_!,. VICES - YELERS TAKE Kovii t i - provided with the Safety g li i — Of falls printed with et figure of the a- Milan oie not ,tte;eived by , , V gerile elating/kir Wats to be p rtm i ti fikterd l 4 filituttbey - are rot e isecb it i '.. ,l tfrefottoWigig lan list of boats ty Goar t Ent trni ,Por,- of Pni e b uto ,„ first itn tue .liet hayo the improved, opparntn=.it is qmssibts for hn plplotss _ SA.V.AON-As. FORMOSA - . RAllll'll Ni I lAA NIAGAR , IW , `ORLEANS; -- JEW FBt:, CANTON MONTGOII ; LADY Or . HYONS, EA Do, VALLEY FORGE:, INDIAN (111 FORT PITT. GA " BREAKWATER. (NEEL,/ EXPRESS MAIL, DUE E OF On A LPS. BRILLIANT, 1; CASPIAN, ECLIPSE, V CTR ESS. WEST WIND. MA afau ETTE, - OSPREY, TALL EYILAND, . PENELDPE,. PANAMA, ROW INA, CICERQ AGN ES, SARAH ANN, MESS E Mat NARRAGANSETT, SAR AT • - AMARANTH. . OR„PIAAN .M UNGO PARK, OHIO, N EPTUN E. CECILIA, A DELA I DE, 3.1 i RILIA NORT It BEND, GALENA, M A RI E TIA , MEN TUR. t. R.i3i ETTE, QM /4', STEAM .-,F.ERRY, The i fairy:Ling: .eottimuntly musgnitt," .11efOlt They agagra . a...thoice ofa hu1.444,1 % - and see, whether it would not lots* hd sec uri t ikpOsii it' f:afeti tog tp passage an frikg.ht - ,,,Tkpreference Ishmael against explosion—a - 0d that they allitata!' That this invention hie the unqoafillei fifty steam engine Guilders—y:omeg tier it is to understand the subject, and wham'. ' inieregttett—Pesittes a number uf rertibeLes tc gentleiteu and others—all of which . my office; No. lt), Water street, where aortal pleasure at ail Ilmea to ell obit my tarot's who will iajte. the trouble in call. sep 10 CA DWALLADTA VA I.IIA REX REM, F,S,TATE The-subscriber oilers for sale, al Ihr red rates, the g real er part of his real ell% the cities of Pittsburgh and- Alle_begy•rtfi Brick Warehouses, ilea rly nrw. a , " 1 - 03 situate on NI art.et street, ci ern Ft rod lord brnring r at front of about 54 fro by 61t trap. ire, or Separately to sett purr haFerv, and not its. Also, a seteri ttiltlin. lot ie Allefliray Itreadt li, h) tif;iVarit - pf f3,;(1 f. t it. 4ltplh, ~ 0.41 ii, the. Pennsylvania opal a'4o !he : s i r epf. , •- - • • A len ch« kpundiolAlev.Abe aktve. IP!) fret I , y- - it-ei.rik , 3sf) feel- in. tnaa - iu, do — 4 : 410W 4 ; O M Allot tviih tanixwo tort' rick eineT-eflakivkeVOnlydf r ibi , i a cnolier:ii. , gri, as , a t , ieeefy. ALES. RC AI':n ,. . -1(1 TAL.O . IX .6 F. 1-: D —‘t;llht c :15 ar gtstufitt, tj ita tit it yof Flax apaT rtliisT all -Count ry l rodr,,e. 1 3 kr, fur crt-t rtr ecticts ,11 ARR S'S ' ellivart Fer, 21—'f . Cantu, Warn I 0u,r,'.4 .Ifo'HN it A HT,. C...attrinissio” 4 1frrrhauf,Nir irluc* and American May tifaciatru,/ EFF.R TO-- lea. Grier, Esq., Pilifhertrti, Aurcin van, Janie:4 - C.tchron of R'd. in°. I.): Davis. 'fircray 4- 'Hanna, A very, Ogtio.r! Co. Jyq. Vilmorflinurile, Erg., Madion VA.1..114 RLE FARM FUJI SALE-1 will Farm on which I live, ieJraiff lOW lIF 13 ra d doc tzerzeiti , c3teo :1 in ire one hided ad 70 OCT-es. of v. Itto tkracti ,l4 tMt tselJ sintbeierl. There are khittun. al tI a Lawn rdffet by 34; a o oa"" Wi • Alact, ahunt seventy acre., of COl. Tbe sou n ectaal 10-that 431 any nldand (WO* Terms - glade . known on an ica tint, to Oe itlk 4l • 11, 10 v Orealisrit. %V I LLI AAI WALLACE. ILIA Ala C. WALL of Fog: - .and •Pieture .F'rane Alaidifartert. I °owl* Street Pats burgh. —Canites BMW tte., tbr Artists, alws es on hand. Loodoettn titr: ol i promptly finnted to order. Repairing ea l not ice. Pirtieuldr attention pvid to re;ildiog/ lir. ery descriptipe. Persons filling up Si cam Boats or bodes 110 iiteirattvantage to call. ivvsultstritet.tit , .16.fuod5h painters. end otherttboll Chase riure-Witite Lead made or the be. rautcd,cquat, if not superior to any °del it Otter . ; add reused t o Duntavt 4 9" 0. 110 Second street, POtAtufh...r, attended to: DUNLAP t one,. .L W -rnquioN IBL.E SllO6 dour ft on Old slot if Il I rbe. Sta!iSeritiiii, respect tally horns l'ins-t*Phi•allti vicinity that he MS lit triillShoes of his w n atanufadat e.lo: lirilkPe he will keep congtantlY f-j6"l. Of kinds of item hiliett 111#ASKOe of qu al it y.altich cettini:iiii P t. II eritenteg ti He will alss 0 1 : 0 1, landti of : fp: tp work—,melt as wiite _t; ,allaper . 3 s Coln' ed gaiters. and Millar c.:o4.re„,#iAsters. silk g aiters , kr , t e. i iio 1411.11 e midi at the shortest notice. 'Erittie.•;• will pleare call and erlistdi as . thernbscrilier feels confident itul...y , an* article in itis line t hey may 1 10 yep Ip&t P. S. Don'tforret the plare—t— "ph, door from Harries Intelligente •from Market Street. --------------e'lt v•' WILLIAM DIGRY hosier takr • • 1 business uf these ,k Hurrsit, 0 Liberty thanks to the numerous friemis and firm. for the very liberal suppor t tor tended to him, in connection wll , S t : c . ; • wishes to assure thetn that every e ser .. . • , merit llte continuation of the sera.. ! -• Pee,lturfy Invite their attention to h!"_.,. t;,,J9ll4ng.niMeh ire intends netting 11.017..0r ' thehas been , ever otierett, being &o- , the Whole bf the stock of the !W ilt' o h " . 1 , 'lible; an das he intends to confine h : 0;0o I.:errob 'business, be feels confident no a . .AmrPerro his Mock. either In cheoPo rM or o "`'Please esi ' Ci a r se w° to rietamksennohltiP;e t Sat ere/ I f*le lilt:: tared_ in. Pittsburgh. A, MO RROW..AI a1mr,1°1004,,, i'.. Skeet /ran f are , JO , 11 .00E11 .Orovi Ind ihmksi Sri'!‘...r,-11./itcre..'"" .tti:hill..thaers- -. it are _tkol_ll,tri.orri7; • of lard . fie °UN atel. tivikkirh 1- 171 e' :WPOSAII.. i.,4 " 1 0 Asilii` . . ' itirtiiiii: '-itause.ttpOuttirt'itrid.siiiellil ,-, ~ - ' seplO '' ••.•,•• • •-`• 4 _ -.~ ;-_ .~ ~~ a_. - 'ltVe , , ' - '4OIIVISBE% BY & W: Afijfig,(l, WOOD 411. pOLGAILS ist ioe tAtCI - nitiOutal _ 4 ,, 0 4 4, TWO 00144 a Iwo co pies. RI X CENTIS. , c ry eit *Elver . tir TwELve LlNitti I ', '— • OM One month, , ' k • - 0,1'5 Two moats, ' ', • ; hoo three moat '1 "0 roar man' , • o ~ 3,00 Sit inontris, ' ;I 40 One year, ; YPrtLy &OVER - T(3EI4EN i ,. ClaWill"1" A L T "t r."- 0 - TWO a SPagra : $13.00 Six, months, .U,OO One yew ! '' dv'eritnernentaln prororttoi et 8 ii - - Su. DauT.aps a y ,or foe! 9 0 1, -. itilo OFFICE °sr arrste Third-between Na t. M Marne, Pnettneiter. Harms. Waterokh door from illtras—etajoeilAte W Mock, Col OltikoOßY. betweeii antes A • A. Etartrim, 'prcasutsr. irtteitsort, street, or 1040.,,ChArttIC—":941 11. John ' - e Ptrinut;,..troar th . , l ntween Ala leXamant4a4, MaTor. sill elos.ansna.folirtn, near ROES erte,betieeen !ihtrlriir. ;Ind W rAttrke street's,—, M a atorecruntne ftramerly tole"; Fund.) Maritet streett. a• riftlt street, near Wobd. 110TC,LS. rota Hoofs, Water street Oo h, earner of Penn and si• floret, corner orlitird 110 rat„eorner l'idird Tes, eurner of Penn street ems, tAtterty street. near . 124610 N title V jj , .atashaort 11,pres, Ptit Si' - A I p$E SUB AV LA. it's 'arced Grant st it' +' titit rams to g.: N. U. itreeti Oatamaa Pratt GOUIDSr--4-14estoto Muck it: 410.atecr-,40 EN;glLsb, r(C11 9 . ao. 81, :84asked.su 113 LESS..& PIPCLITS. use - Hors at Law: Coffee in 11 IJour t Pit ts4rgh Idarrow, Alder de of rittti st., between bure.b. yraEvrrr, 5vb01":,,e itto, De•tter in r'rndnr. • Hied Arttilei, No. V 4 Liher U. Wtt.r.t 10t,3 —l4 3 : & DILWOR .tem-Promicc :in co:onl,tosi Piitsbutzti. Manianct it red et. . . . . . MARA. ROBINSON fftce un the uvrlA slag of to ti Union streets., upstairs itnWELAW IL -4,tt arm-. ..prateastentat sere ta. ttil k and Market Streets, 'akar =Silll • Ft` MA nu C And &Sett Iran Were. No .8 Ouse Spuntin: assd Steam B:-YOUNG CO as , tolltiler or Hand sc. o r tog to,.prOutsurtyrnlt _e gi , ee,oi ad to , oatitiifitod totica nr-kiwg,-; , ,nsa rect.! • am*, well cured and Corr I. . saap'y of La tia, an& other dittereat v calved satid farlatte at *CDC' 14.ed - §lure of F. N 0.184 Liberty st re : cricksty,s, Boot and .No. rdatin St., nest tin ies - Prnnelhi, Kid and Sari tuanaer v and by the newes .oRus mULTICAUL . , pOrehmuterii; talte F. L fig. 184 Liberty street ...*.-490ritiFInwers and Fl. - aiwaya fie F.l .184 Liberty str Altinots A nnuat-Mamarot I at the Dreg Mid Seed eta . - r. EMISMC New J FASEY BVire • 1-011Vbee4 jut- received by F. No. 184, Libert y )1.991,E, ennsisi ingot' Ho stg Tetrvets, Edding eiVeS, Pruning Sue. stile try F. -184 Liberty street, -YePlOa..ll:44as.--Just race) "erir abaica cured Veaiso , T4[EU[rent money. au otrpoer Seed, - 0 itt Moe G rase, utritys WO:lB4•Liberty tire BtIJ(M lAN . Aftore (MOM* Diamond, to • Kit ntireet, between 144:r fib AMES, for p . der Ow tate - law, for r 4; - _o4tpe Nailll iftieet, Apply t ;-43L-tautthros. dretb's French Su sad for sale at t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers