Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 29, 1842, Image 3

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    teem - •
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Tl 4, caligtgf e
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t. That, alttioio
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ar's rtortf--?-.:
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'3-, • :475reed)rn lent
umescial AuttiA•
. 1.! tot of Dry tgotAtitr46l4l - 1067
-. '2 Vur
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•i ireefeerre
i-trato Sale, el: Para
e f;,) nt - *lce Ag4t.
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Tocrinitl - 71‘ssi
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i , ` rarr at the oinriegr
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i/ SO tko-.1 - ul to lbe ). •
~~t~ ,M 1
1 on Uoi , 42o.larrti` Fi it
r. 10(1. tor sa'e
]SA 4 C C1111 7 ;& - -
148. Liberty
) I ri eGiirL
• ,'); r Terat. 1842 Len. has
And lart lii;Nif,,
( 19. - 184/ - -•- 2
• ' i ' I , i4:Jotion of 3it...lll•C r audles: ll-..5.
~.....- . f...-....,
..7 11 ,--,s c—iV : F:,-q. apunifitlli agdflar to IP:Of
•-• '''.• ;"; • ~, pwceed.s.oC ith.•;vleknibis:4l.N.-
-.....7' ',1..-
7 1 " , i4f1 .‘-
.. . , ,ZU.. 1. .." . FrOfp the Ref
e7ll. .'
--"- •WIIT Or aficog tralued NW
a..lra u• lino:Orion. on 4th stre,
i. o, rn. on Tuesday, the Nth day
of JAI
rposos of his nitornent, WWI
-or , interested are ntaifird toaneteL
• ; to of Adam -E
Tomlinson, WA
• de,!reascd; have been grs4
residing: in the third Werxtilif
i'l'lstmrzli; No. 16 7th Steed' 04111 01
' t cstated are tequesttd In
e pa:inent, add those 1104 00,
nzainsi it,l ,crake known- the;Pl
hem icatettAa the subseribrr wit
!I, I ifi2.-6t
1w tIK >r
• . ( 777, --Was t'a ken all
?!'` ‘4 re nioe (cm
• v, inst. one Steer • 'ahoy' roar y
•• 1 "P r ieee off itotleff ear;.atto.o2c
• •zi ea ry out, re,l Si 40 ° her -•
•'-' ".• T%e ovvreelereiiii;4, toputte
wtth Li.tr LAW in loch rote,
- v.. • .S.lB:t 9- OS Cau p r.
. TED, Conic. of '
0; 0'
, 'cr: , l"CF - Tra velv--tirc - •-••. - 7,
of Pea agy Iva n .Y0*.0114. l011).‘
will roofer a - fa vOr tY 01.411.0
el , e. or re: rattling a refercgo .•
,7_ cv
11--SLT ANT rn---ocu••el----..er lae t/re- -31 7 ny 2 13 i G p a r: I ..,
for Lite County
• 2za. 1842. " i sctoiti •
on etc Ofe #
; • h.., evrela to imitate PO V Ane k
A. tr:
-aid •
4I raid ty
Si!4litt !II rig 100rf151P keli
I.aQ , d Coai flirt 2 :iff#llo
Itv•-• - 10 1,0 11
'- • :dam ofee'-oittlUt arrd
n-2. t ctu.Y.;fo . vvin-
fa 4
thr a plittF;4" - W.r. - "7 ,.
..,, ,, ,,Ap.
f ,!;2 m f Cpcfi
..49 131';
- '
rm_4l.l*9psk , rgte:
agSlek-,,4t. 1 1 4 .5, . st44ic = -. •
,„„. ,,4...4,-= a;'•'-' - '- , ' ,, . .. '- t -- ' r ' ' ' '"`Fl'' "77 17' '' r..-t'.....-; Ataili
'' ' if" -RaTiaal`a - '3, 7. - i i r• ' t'="' - • - -'•:- -0- - -; -1 "". - `tz -•,-,,, t 5,i: • - • - . , r-;•., - .4,, , Re11.
----..- --,-.--- 401 000 rzT - . - 114 11t -eirettathlut.* vutztivrirtr -- -r ''
--' a-. - ‘ l = -i• "*"
coisifictihUtio 4 -4. 1 0 flog•loWeiP- Yeiliwoof lebieri: l- 1 A44X.14 ' •••'. V - 1• 7
_,.. 1 4 44
_,-hartimborittjowiele ifsltiriplyerv.tavr-i - ri.iesittvg e , - ,:iv mv- - 1 -- ~ l e-jfeaiip.„4.4rie If .
__--- - - 5 - 4,1 -,..., '—'" -------
';". li. q . r etie k fi4iir ":V i l l ;61 '1 01 'I t , 41 1 4.41 1 ; /, r e;'." : i, !- -' - .'` 7' '• - '''' ---
•,, - r. ~ ....C./' ; i:
lkjiwtt aniutm, , phito.t.r t .f4, , t e me ~,.
~...„#ve.de#oo2- 1 - f - 0 4 - ...1. -,,,i . ....,,-. .--,-i---..,: ~...:. -- ,
, -.- ri. - -b— fr 4 °Pleutrett34 ; 7 4f'e.c.,a,AiK4se-tett„.lol.l, - ,e.., the
_Oa: ara . p.i.4"p.tert bet aiTstisi Pearled 10acror
'..:-.. "Ii411"11
• - e oasitie.oratreimaiikelneiopriur.4 , .. - ,A*. , ,..4 , 6- k-I._ID '44 ' 64 ' .7"'- ' ll ` 'f *t" ; *CY7 k "Fr,,.. 16 '.1 1-- !f ile ... t' ` l t_,,, i3"h
c o urt, • - j tien, llll °.°"r o3 : 2 `• on m n i l Oft ° r01d.a5.4,1-.lc. not, tteutatittic s i v ii ie o d e ' •i fe e m i ace ir o ,' , itt . 1. id I k e 1,1119n501khe1evr4e0.131.1...9, - . T ee a.-,,, i ,e
tb'- F s , E e • F,Entvigla rlf-F,LzA. ertiejemaffiesellfird liy • ii4 si•elLkaa - trwiti7 - ' -IF ' id witY'........!* ,,,, rni:gr - _ -. ! ,-...-
7„,' ' l ad e i t i : n t t . cd 1 1 .1 . p - rac . iiee.. • i
.. iir e „,,', ` : , j'';•iit'.44{.....;_tlstdor,
• = 4.0 4e , i i • eive ,7 ...,_ 1 14. 41. 1 f . 4 - 3... ; , ;: gi 1
4,4,c 'trV lP tx r uk.... iF v4;..km _ lllls 7 a 3 7 4.l _ 3lW-4 .25Am4 ,,
_______ 7 _,_.----...---------- . ----- , le..ter 6113e101.11 f.',:ikti.o4i - laft,ivit -ifeTripity et; • • - •- 1 ,
t ir
fbe card of T. L. McMillan, tots,.. in lecuxed vta*.t3l,4l=llo,,F4Aii..o ew ,.. 4 , 5 , , - ~,,,,,, 0 ,,, 14 ,,,.. ft. r t•F_Ce...fy .. l42! a ...,t. 2. Ito ing-Ilffire, and Ft F.,_ltey are e
... 'ltiiMito execute
lion, reackeitiwo lie 'if ft/ *e'T -1 1 "- itif f .
• tz-1 1... . .
,„,.. -RA dr 41 OA .id .1.1411til Idle .on
u e 44 Tuesday, if t reinarimau 4 flits .- it, arryl F,fe' • d 4 - • - -
- X l"4k. Cit
ti.o. TnEfigmint,4s,oAepus, --.. -Sa 1 Y thee c''' s 0r 444°1 0 3‘"="4-rst t!Ave ken i , -a' ...; .. __ .. 1
jaSin tia '. -- - -•-• •-.' .4 el''teg it ever Ogre. w, 3 l l 3,re*il 3 lealt--iiodinteeitio li.ake-1 - , L - 131 , ,cy CY DESCILEPTION- .
pear:ol) must hstreit _veil
. e x t e t t si, f e , a ( - a i r e , yr i fep , itiie4seew b et tt n litir, e -r e f•we cuugn -I. Etookw, • 11-1 s of' gotheg, I,citeulars, I
orliell file U - OA" to set 1.1-Ft erft . rely., ..Ijfied 3in !fe. eootheedrry Wop : i..inlelie4lArtsie. Crmtplfiret.... aip tleada, 1 ?Gard?,
c CaSe. '". . . - - -,. ."‘ e_ :sage begat feeturifle'll•itopiljog Ce 1 ,01.3 in liar d e m 1 (land .„, .. klip,rJl Cheek', I :Hal , Tips' '.
fgy whit Wildo lienrig, and I cons:de-I . it a ra:uabie toed:. / cr . .,:i , „... s ;
.g . , t 4 ...„
11. rcitle. fur tite :aliq-. i t , --reder you my ki.nd thaniotor - ,4 ~ .., .. , t utn.s tit JigialtiaJap
I-i-Litit-ti'l ... , ;--41-2'...,. o f ~..... 14 °Iki*Yee•elfr.' in Tem., o ,t, Iran -en,t rut r e gain. if .4 auzi -• . • • gore,. glut eicat Bolt Betts, toitk itpr •
ii gel '" !.."'" ' Lu' evaenee of your arslisil ude for My' ite;olrk rule wori u -11, 1 -- „-, ,- • ipmetle Cats, _
an didateS fur the Mayoralty of Al-. and tender L 9 rtrit 'Rol
. kde eeiihes for y
_our tor,y, and it.e. , I ea r o Ile todeft mStlc. ana mast roasonitmeteinys.
J - - rirrils,. ald 1=3,if.% iiiallo.lalifv ' - i -IN' reaPeeKe4 .2*4 the elfirciene-ii our frieeda ant
will 15e eiacte;t. We siwall not-, - . _ -A-Nos mcf 1,tcK, , ,(3.3% Ihe puhtic , se,:kerteral ' ! -i lot- , hi-Author:Mu LUSIII , MI.
S will
Tl)e abzwe cand t r e 4.1.4 al Tes 4 . 1 t. ronc.uied at Till : r Paidiuro' it Sep e: 3# 1332 l• H t1:71..1PS smitit ,
Pd if such would, be the'resuli TE ,.. - - -.6 ' '-' ' • -- • ..• -•- 4'
• ....,.. F0.,,t0,0. de.-
Allez.heny is almost.clearofice.
I)Ear k t -- : 49- •
. ,
11C1k - 1;t -T L S 13.11 . .5.3.it 5 t1F 7 Yl 9 Y,D, ti an etf;ot . z...
ru t Cur. UCLA 't
071.11., ftt
I tura / 7z r __,A. few days ari a: We ifrke t all. only
. i4 . .. - ,C;r:P . 1113 it. hot t -
c a n.11%4, it ace: rial,
e d t h a t a yri , lng man had been, 1'0b13e4.1 -O wi1t.0...f.i - -1•••• , 1 . 41, ,,. 0 t n_
. , • 'A no, I .er Jo t fu
n • 7 reeC , .. N lis .
Cncus. The Cmlic wing note w , • ' - Cou l i l
* le r: :2o,
rciy,"word for' word„comma
is, left by Lim with a friend
. NA' i n if plu heair en nn ti. na
1•'41:" - R-ite t toe 1, erns in
r •
. -
u P,GI• .
wos m • or fice
Inc San Says that a duel tN ill probably
.out ??nir which carne off at the
lies' rempe -ince Fair. Two y.,ong
, q ., a , r ,!;e I ab.tut w 'lady, that was all.
expecte caething li6ethis,forwhete
i s so and cooineas
:ledoa Ihe geoetally prOdu:es
'east one cliftiry (.1111;.$ ' kind. ' We
,I„,w e ver, that r bko4
.pill op the occasi,n. •'• , 13.4t1 the loss
not be Per....1',,•1y y, at
cans.: of the. .13
sense, land ice 1 :71 ; e rl . ,t s'ie
lee total 2ir's are,l
how It ends
ck up a la.; heci.,se rtp.;,l
o home with a
•, is TP.I. tv.,rtit lilt. a 'Itt•IIV. ;
Id take zo keel
/other —1„;, a
a l l 1 , 11 )•e-vi
1 - ,1-IZ.,',v
1:1.i lln tilt• A
v r i,!;;tp• , ! iu far
'woke is; 1: ,1 he was 1 ,0.,5t. Tl:is is an-
W.1)0 1,114 c It! that
.If),;irt r 1 i i 1. ,•, 'to ;r1
of the, lit `i.l:l 41_
' , I'l V. p.,e the
• , 'n .1•1 , • , •1 v...e n g t
rl 11-
i. J 1
le r ('•ri
•orn )
712. n, I'. , iui
Sp( -{t ~i
a , .d .1 McHenry.
r. 'V A RD.
^r'^— c„1. Trnirt , ,r, Thor. Kr.rr
L.ry C:p.-Ic!v•
0 rl. •
Fair(' WARD
.McClain, uis (lrinst,n, S,
I,3, xwa-d. i rII y ?otter and inhn Ntacken.
—I; :s Blake's.
L'.-,-.44 , r5,--9:llardin and Waiß:y ne
s;Cn—John a,sd I).inic..l Ellis
est :tf, —3 , 0111 Cali; ,
c--43;e0 Meaatakes.,A ho Irmn, John
lot m Smith', f.s iv‘s.
(Instructed for Mr Birmr..r.Lzham.)
, IConrreit—Jahn At:Cie:iol , , 3 }' i., 6amucl
6 'n, 1 yx.
S 'rhos
mqn, H S l'tagra W, Quigies-..
4 1..Gcci A lecaodet --insfyx.(tx—.l
T E 1 IC-nair 53,0 „hit VuX.
School - Directors. csge
Corwratile, 1 shn Eicriitr„.
1 7 04 ni • ; 1 11 r. J. S'ykn. WM:
lielfy, Quinn . -..—imptcrte,teci for T.
,a 4
N. , etor4—,loFepic NicieuilnP6 01 1, "cgs.
Ain " , lohn McUJareu.
-4"l'a' —Ft N 114,1ett_.
'=' , l- , lr A Cetty. ' •
As , essarA.—Jerti !vary Ainti g morrow.
r The Fifth w.2fd meets nn l i'ectile"r B Y "'-
ne x t, and the weal i vt a m-et on Sat -
"er' , 11.2 rert ie own-vie-ie. tiehots.
Ftilttss v.-all nommated lot nayor
f4 ` il t iv the Couveioi9s. is
7 ry man has, in hi., -, ,Tivn iife fol"s en
—in his uwn mina troubles e 4 O 2 g b-- 7'
. yerforp l aa ßce u( Fill , owo Autieb Pen—
forttin‘'s 0 7 03
•zr eqt -V' ii;t4szt.•ine
: -r
riv ..vu I , y the
n-d near
iei.v. lie was
1' '0,': , 1!1 , 1 "lint t.,1
+ll'4, R.C. - V. 01 - 7 44`1"4, - ;•:: ~1
, c3;.-Irs;
t state anti
tll ir pt'f)Ve .53!;s
11 I , Met' of this grand in
C shun) l
. ~.
.• , ad M. AleCtl'-
—D- 11. 'D. Svll,:rs and M
A Fri
, ,
UN Pl 2 EC kr.; tiEN rEn s ILI. OF 'LOTS:
Itititk, iubstr.taci r offers t,!l- sai...aidauana!ly loan , ?era
',. A.; a ntj 14 :" 414 OP4-A4441f344!‘"t 440:: 4t , r1v , ..9‘10 f44141:4 i .1% ri 1
4 " . . r •F4,t6."*„ f, 1:.,.. ,I. .1.., , CIS . :ill:" ut f tt. 19....) 114 4 FrAss.ii' rich
-- r E. , la 4; 711 , a„ . arid "iyik4reer.r.f.t.,l I.eirz 0 , 1"..f. Niag•ge FP:: 1
. i . 0.it.01, ~ire' tailor "
tc tan ! forgi *lli "ripfir s;e, ‘ t, pv, Tti j e_
i..„;.:1,..•,:f1.„,,,........,„..a..0 e.
„......:,,.„„.,,,,„.,.,14.,t.„ 4.,
.....,..,,.. rtancy . ..4;4lnild'.. e.,-,,_tier n - f -*JO t.? - srr.he .4r-' ''v - "' - '"':'" 4.- ' -14 ..he ""1.1
ARove= ‘iaill 'Toga tiai , l•v”,_ b er gs reaclvetc aluin'tit ~_ TYP+. I . 4 0+ -1 . 4. :it N' , '" 14 1, i ' l' ' F. a l ; " A '!"' Z i' kn'e I
- 1T AMA al. mils to suit- I hetinne. A3.NI. iliii.firail.'.... a
,Atfratier...F. -fn. n.t.a In Turd' "1100 1 .... roi,_tJ.. aild :a l ai
' War and lEfikt fkaV.s. will, a ganerailiftrnrialeat7.olo; 4o4 1P,207,14 :On a n " .1-14 r to ihr,'"l li "Hti k e r- ,
Thread,,,fewicia -dirt', :ik-dies, Pirivit.Taropir. Par.i.uPtion 4 ..1.4 aar.n;wn: 14., preaatr r r. lleailnns or Niaya3'la3 :at
raPP- Hoorn anti ityv-s:' 11 , 0ka i; Atendlit;.aink4e of /liter irit..;,llo74,moniqr..lia:ayeek:Aa*?faaattl. sollri!c6.:tsi 4 60,tet.
i 5,, ,, ~..i'al., hriy4 P -11.4.V7; 'I FrWle: t+.! nod :e‘i. , ,..1,0 on tfArn - foti.iitt-noiitif!(il inf.n. , , , ,us. i= lately..., aestintpd,:!mt tr.)
tale rfr.,, ,,, irve, r'?.:,-44:"- Wlie:6 - I'opa4. 11,.v- att ,, t;etta. , :tliwalse i:*-0 0 , 4 7:ii ...: 4 4.t,i.4et... 16k 0 5 .: O :: ,' N - , ~ - , .-. :. .4.
,11 , ...--,.......im 4“iii.. -,4446.4.14.fr .04trevatr, ei,,,ed,,,i. - -,, , X.,..1 , 70m1, , triiti - -illie.-4 , f, ,- fieft 4 4. -- li Owfforzfieti plai - -;-,- - 1
• '. 0. = ' ielki fttyit ' - tr • , - .7:: - .- -- ',.' . 7 4 7" -
. ..---.;:- ,;-..,-!--. -#a 4?r,A; 4 Cier. 4 :0.4 as 4 rpt4r/uu. tit.: Orbit: - --;_ CI IMS.V.Ept . , t- ol'4o -1 1 K1 .M*l .. ..,- . ,-
- I
are t h 6 t a i t - 41 ~---, 1 ,: - .4 1 i t
.11 ,i,...- , - . ,c,.—,
'L 111= 044 4 , 1 . 0044 411411.E,Le.'0; 0 5111S:trPair- .- . 1 .. ,- . - Pu. . - - : 1f.% -rO 4 4- ~..,..]-.
' '- - - ‘ 4 " °l. '!-. ''''' V- , ''Z'' .- -7 7 ''' v .. '4 1 / 1 40-1 - - - - --,,,.- - i ..--4:-,444*.k.e.: . ,1,4-‘l.-4 0 414- ---.., _ ',. ,_ -Ato,it,:l4- ,, - arb:rvl
.sal] 4,140,e, a we: gotwir."- ,- .4--` , ,---z-4 . @:4- .- -' ' '- ' -----.--- - • , - -- ` - n-..- - •;*-* A' 11 --r-: 7- ''- - '
- 44
4i i 4 C; i Aliii#4 l' ;'; V A ...ititite , ki` •'. --
4 t " -h g 81,10,111prZhariet,Ct.orth46=outig!,,. ~ ~ r.-
" ' '' '' ' '''4 ' ' ''' ' ' -2,•*..-;, ' e .. ,` - :riri ... -.'
Niktlgi•e. tis-i+tft et . toßl i.
&thirmeited. it. d atre rict Court
lior26.!'a LAIL , ilo , ice
.11tat ia,y e 4ft! q;,tneLi ~ ver urn It rep, ling, 11re
dA! of lar.u.4ry , 'PI •
'4.141!. ilec 15, S
5.77_110 CRC7‘7I: 1 17. I.O , UTiy ,t„ otref. for *Ale &45
CO he) d.::!!.t:1 exPra quatity
95 130s1let , it rir'd I't•:Ie!Itti:
Rii,:ititts r 1 ittl Figi toy 11.10'130x,
C" °D
43T L. 615 7 7.—
•—• flow ri.rstnt4 ant afraid 70 aV.ui for ~_e aver
of eo inn.! an opitetirtnity - 1n 1111. n it; thc-fttai
or Itiircging.on an ;:itnylc,pf tttg . o.4t or Illica , marilirt::-:--
T.tm doaway ;with ffittr?. for if. tliey t in 1,41 , ..t..tt
cnt; titr-y eat. - ftnif C . nie tire 41? num,:n.3 . aT
Tit! ed;c_l aTAt I of
Nervtt •13.1 Con, Lizlr neat. ltttincn f-V..1.11,t.f • %Cr. .
.i.c 15.
flotilse . s to :Let,
A. Bt:1141 L Ts.. 3Wi E
the first of
- • br
M ...lir • f may' pror.bly
k~;lett• g.l y brick
a:;,1 colt
E4tvitnt anti wen zi , uated
t,ry y
e verV
dry. lizlgiod and tionrct!. and
are forat;tred Wilt: lire and tluvi; the heu , e, are
eu te.l tn:ti ihrf and 1111p , r pulls no rerkt:ily Ive
-uucerled min r.nifm , ::! , lC dsvC/liTels.
nit it tants• nm+nn
wiih l'•;” y opro,ite
• I,tvr il:10.1 0:,.”1",.. Th, ,e!
A r t;lr. e - '
"i t I'l. r , l
. !:t -11,1 .3r y. 1 u n Innq r0..1 , 4 4
,! r
1..1:41ery,1 . 43i
..1.1• II 111,., he.. 11, d.
A Etil_J ;IV, w 6.
MarkPtgire.•i, ilt
1,1 , 1, Ike ilko • kit, 'I 1 , 4:1 ill rill. iLAN'IISIII,/, N 1,111.1
of I, iit 411 !led 10
be NI A
i-•t ,
F 111: S.:;1.1:;.
leo 1111.1..!t.m<1 Ite 5,1 C 1 ).
. 0011 I !I/1A . ,. 1111.FP
:a 1,, I
'I qi n I
II ; r I I
Sri It Tai. T•rr r, R.l 'S Ilk 04-.,
1.".1",. ; •:11•!‘ ,ij,nt 111 (hi- tr.ir
fora. at, 1.1,1 re
t • •• 1111,1 .,
i.e 10; rr . l
:it . . `ll , -CI1 1• 4 N , l Thrre. -I.
Ace 17--:"P.:PA - 11 Il G ZZ
I: i C7_ 1 -
DJ , vitt': .1 F.car. !
T r , l it . 1 ,,,,1" %V IRT LECTURES.—Fourth Course.—The Let
a em ir Depot, V - lute t; t'uutitier of the Wirt Institute nave the
of I.lyinz before the pubite, the to wing Its ,o:
gentlemen who have consented to Lecture, viz:
Rev ./ Baketsell, Introductory Lecture.
John L Gnu, Esq, %Nast:moon.
J C!sr!... 11,1,17i11e College.
Bon. 14" m Will.ins. Pittsburgh.
Pros. -19 R Brown, Jefferson CJllegc.
David Fichte. c'sq , Pittsburgh,
Reed it ash 4 nrlbn. Esq
Protr..Bter'r T West. Theo. Sr ntlnary.
Encode Jultn.t n. Esq., PO
Proff J 13c - rker, Meadville College.
IV II Lowrie. Esq., Pittsburgh.
Rcv Jaws L Dinteiddie.
Prof. It ich'd 5 M'Cialloch. Jefferson College. will de
liver seve7a I Leciureq on AFirononly , einhraring its rise,
proeressond destiin.T.„ Rriid Washington. Esq., will also
deitverieveral Le c tiii6 on the ftibjeet he may select.
A rra4tiellents ' arE in progress to engagvi Psoressor
limnn,gf me College,lo deliver in our citv. a roll course
n/ iectUres on Gentrigo also v ill. Joeepn R. Barbarian.
on Nenrology. Other eminent Ler I nrei s• I T invited
our cur, u hen it way he in the power of the 'in
FaMilY 14, ‘VII:11 , 01 II
Auvv.vc , .v Cos'
iTs :I. Itorth.. rtitoittrin their filemis• ;JIM I
the puhlis timt ihr•y have commenced ma nn L,t rn
rialt Han., am! timt they have now ready for sate,
their S' ore, 14', Lthert hetwern Ntaihet and 6:11
4treet-, an a-smoment 61 •he v,ry heft xvhich t.,.
S Sn-e,
are noSiOUSIO ii‘invre 0100 th• r and ~,,, ren,ou
Oe ernl3. • 'Their rons , 4l of Ihe very best kind ,
v . z.—Braver. Otter. Neu; in, Costors.Fllort Na; ped Ruf
sia, Fur and F-ift • ilu,s.
n. J. Benny
VV. 4. M. are both ?relilar bred natter., 111ny
have retire as Jr.urnerrnen In the Leal
Ilais are all, cot ur,
n.rn inzprrfinn, and I hey arm re *be public
Ina-4 not bind Lilt :11••• vg,ry brat a riirlrs on the Arnal rea
ort ,, rcd 'nr sale. • sep 10
few ••••0ck. , 1114 , ..,“ Fhltlr eurerior gnat
it v. Al-o. Qo I1%11; flew by
! - I,IIF7qCI.VI . S I , IR VcT F.1 , !0_11 I. 0
TR h3f. , 1 rceiurd irt-111Cf: r •f-.r C olif UM :I IA
Coldi; kat w fan e. sn. ru..rtf co Chni rfifl
tired cricf,• i:, utsce fu•••!..-ci of, arid ut , ! ,orc
fo buy morcfiff c'; It. speedy cure o 1 • the rvor , t
rOulzlis or Colds in a sh. lot, 'turn any utter .11. di
The R . r o n hie the mach of al--
n , v - 2 - , cents 9 bottle. in , Qu.
of .". a ~I=Ae.e.,l, at Tatite'f..;;*- , :-.:.“ Fourth
W , . ...
NI . C. A I 7STIN. A•tornt y n : r.i.,...Pi , 1.4 1 .11r7.1t..Pn.
Offire , a , 4th str.vi, f.ppr.i;e . liurke.s guihtiiq t
i WILLIAM F... Ansrtx. r.• q , ‘l.ll-; Stye 1,,,.47. at lent Fort to my
' unfinished business, and 1 Fer,.,l,:i.end 1...1.11 In theratrell
! age of my friends. W A LTE4, F4.IIt.WA gli
1 Fen 10—le ..._ 1 • ____
y R R FOR .4 LE - r 4
W • 1. I, , d4inf 3 toi rzeno. , 4ne. • 4V 1 4-,lr ,tAk
1 , 0; my of va ridos lengtl 5. Ind I 1: lies! arra...>•rpr
stea,nthEit hoot; 45, hrares of varir..: IC
zrs, Lc whole,ile or retail. At' o Y l'"
J A '4ES G. *, , i-04,1 1 14:NFF .
Per. 21,t.1•;13._
t... 1147 Liberty, _ Sion of -theGUl CaNab
orogfof the C,•ou .
A 5i1 . :3 3 4N . , PTO
rnon. , 1(1
mil e.r,,,,r,•,:wiahl, for Hans
I,a 'Wnr the rtv..,qi
1 r.,1 01 . (4710
,Its I „ 1 ,5 5 . f 1.1 , 1 a r
s r..r la life
; ‘,Ver tu . l[l2 :11.
;:tttm rum
4:4A Ac cacao.
11-; I.l , ert y rf-el
-- A* l .YFt*
3 S
F._ £:
finzu 0112.1:4.! IA Lizl:7l 7011 .4 Di E 4 - - IC 61: • IlLikftlat
gtZSY LS , tA
rt:ltyk trf par ,
‘ieirfb. ht.
4 814 , 11,k:1;c bank, tiar .
fik. CFrinanfdvrif
.14 , t,a s oak, - • .•
I,aUZIStt 7. 1 , 71.1314. 2
I;at,k ~(Cllesier ;Aar
Farmers - ' Lk
..I)9yle;govii) 14;
I Bk of N
• Com FA Verr la I Ilk: of . Oa.
L.Far...t • fil-eritailiCi Slt. ."
.ICoisiugton I,k.
Pnilitifeiphia i,k.• , 1
Scrtnylkill hk.
1 !,,.
Vic - of PC4II •v! vrui tn. 'l4
HI: of Peon Itar
Nan. meri,:uli T s
• PP I. 7
.34cyainensif:g bk:" ' ' .
Girard ' "
rfer ,
itk V. , a , h1 , :' , 011:1. I.a
~r T'of , I s:r4te, • 10'
of NI ant mcoy Cu. par
Mon.kk Itro,vltswille,
Ere hank, 5
F:ir: Lk
Rk ef
Rk. of Ch.trn'l7t. UT 01, 9
Crirr.sle brink, 4 9
c7c N on nrthn itkl,rlrkiid,
ColtsruNa bk CO. 3
Rk sthlrieliatp , 3 I
ilkof Deuaaes re Co. pin
I,o,nnon I.k. 9
C: f ! I rsbn r!!11 bk. 9
ork rtk 8
Far. wow,. bk. of
Cm re hey notes
1% , mit ll_
Ii Slate Scrip
Con •.i ry An
BrvksCO. bank
rOW nda
Lk Si , II
kio , f St. ri
11 a rirc :.) maitil
I.k Ner.‘
bori 11,.111:11,1
14,1 i A. Tr3,lots - bk nt
rlh.roschk of rt•ituh'.
II I. I r c me
. - 1-!1)1rj
pulp In en4l2e I ille;r
The Lectures of this rourse ire on Literary and
.Cll.l‘llfir sl , T l .jerts errlosively nod It. Is'ltoped from - tire
a'ality of the Lecturers. and the interestinvi, na
ture of the sohjents, that one eitizeus uiti tihe1111!li, pa
tronise this laudahln etiterprisn.. The Iron City should
rot he behind Os:at cities in line encottragetneuetisciance
and 1/..garner, Tn. p nerds (if any) gill Ire appropri ,
; l ied to the eillprzzt,pepl of a Lihrory, -already an hoooi
lo the c:IV.
9.;rCOUrPr• Ma a lady and gentleman,
$2, and may he had of either ors -em inn tee, and al C.
H. Kay k Co's Boi , k EMlre, tinonviliela and Exchange
Cole's, end at Rercerd's.
re.s comment.. on Tkuo fin i• even sr!,' Dec I.
Alkt..l, C. I! I:EY
!WIN S. COW: AVE, ).rommittee
WM. ft. SCA
1 n 2 4 .-1 in
1 11 1 Ff/ui so In.erii‘ept have Temoo.d to 41'a -
bpi wv,:h Sirritloimd sirens,
they ~rii) coatiolot the ttdhol tte Grocory noel Gomm's
-4641W-4y re ,, pef4 fttliy the patron.
(a_.ofilttitTrirsAM J. W. BUTZ nuic c. - co.
I flee 3 • —
H T 4" /jig tlg, WIIOPIA4toi - aed Retail Bakei,. Con.
. le , .ll9fter! and_ E.m
:iterec, , Federa r t...• etree aka rite
in th:tut AI y ;1;5. • -
Every ClistrE,eiicithp - y a blf Ornahlt.ntal
CAVCS , . sui4aide fth tvirddirK. 'Ot4 .03
• frthii gklorf-tif)lige„ '#oir
Vii /alio!
" R aiee, %tr.
en tin fl nn se. nn
;., .
el EQR13.1.: M . .,1 -. L.11 .f.4 1 0„ Altai r rtcr_ if lital.- Office
N. - . 1 - - NW.I. - 4 1 . 3i10 it rept, neat tim Theas-rit, fitirinet 2h.
-. .
:''''-A:i'- . ' - i'''" ' ,7 i . ''.' - ill . '-''' -. -::''• . ;:.'-' . ,':.:' : .- ,:.' . : , ::: t':-: , :-..
:''.::. ' .. '''' 4l. '' l '''' .. ' ''.". 14.1.':'.,:-.Z.,;::.k:„.
i i, i.
_.." 4 'lt' .1
latM• Attilcaliallall'Oratag - ,.. 0- a vil Pell " -,. c "" 'fosn w i
dsoOptiost. , ..hapectio* r di 10 0. 41 Kit tiiiit
Oraletierkillitalityatusi lisdsh., .- = ' _
Otr ariccil - Wan " Flificcirforali i i* La Cc i a" ao . 4cir ra.isciall
- roomialinsit bat rier s st 2.3oents - Per nicer , '
Elfemitit Wall Psprps, smat'scsd hatediai_ Me pattern's. fur
paperhresnorns antLentrren al intiteras.
• t-• • .-
, .furitricaa WWI Pleper. oft:tett "tali nvennfitcltire, rot
'Otilllyat iSHELS OF 11 . 4 1 SEE:D .f " hie" le 1 . ball tg Ste/tee Alai 4 : tin. ' itetS for pariote had
Ast/1". 1 17, iii hest prim to cash wilfbee„lset ehanibersou finefatheltatiedi'leeksints. -
..- JAMES DICKEY 4.1/I.'o Arts. i p t etea, up,,u pupers.„ DeireratOtr•unit Frseerrpattertrs. in
. AteeltarrieS Line Corn of Lit erty and _Way ta 411 . 1.19,1 p i ci t, t i , R d 4,..i ii ,„,,,,,,.p .r . t hi 4. 4 g a r .. paps ?,
,Pittsintrob. oc t i' „, 42 - 4y-aver.iiht Iscicsties Portiere:
4.IHEAVER'r H iti EVER! _,Li-, . 1 L4riliaiSg-iig-P9Nits.* ia - Ce,ti l l c Pc - Perin ItOtr4s;ting
and dining room., et reduced mites.
neLiticiatts •Intotenttnre 0/ 4 .
, i.iti raihia• •=Etiad Ilrpfr, plain ;lad figu red, of different re
ItEADYItIADE C LOTHING ' Finis - -Th ' i r"'''''''' st 4 i i( u. 4 ' lll - , ' l . 4 :r. - •
AT Tilt THREt 131:1 1100.11, 'L. f tor,.
Are 151 Liberty st., est door /roma tit Jaekses Freadrr. t - Welisetre tneivaaoft sod °theta are respecthithriertted
filfigSuPscriber having prepare.l at hie, eetablistuttent I to eitit.taisiti - exenthretth i lr ir%cit and Pfiret t . oll ' Whkh lasi
the tersest and most varied N.Lark. of ItE+IDY , I a liberpi iitteouoi wilder given for each.
AL& fliff etAiTa lisle. ...yr offered in rite We.aertu cOlAll - FrOlalllOttlg experOlice in theiusinmr.Utell arc aide 1 0
try. would respectfully nitrite the public to give Iron a , nmanufacture =peprin in a superior manner, and as they
1101 'sad examiiie his. Geod. and hear hie , price. before ' are iirtertnnted to • keep an 'he character their PaPer.
Parcillai l iii • elsewhere. fits stock consists In rut oil have unifortniv sormtoteri, they botie to eoslitioe to re
1500 Coats.a.soried stz,v and octant i ; 2000 pair Pasta cc Ire theanCoUrs.emeor turberioualiberally tatended. n
!Gnirk 1:5011 Vests; vitth a lame as . ..ailments , of Shirt. noLpsfi sr 4- affilOkrxr,
grawers, Cravats, Stock.. Glovr..,:Supetiders, and every ,• Nn 49, Marko strum, between Sid and 4th
t, oftter•:irricie of winter Clothine. I Piti•horeit, Si:pt. 11,1,642 %NTS
11 - 1- Clotits weire al! =sleeted hy Itturtell in the Bu=rma
•. Jo t , , Kul . I
wolurn .
[1 . 1')o-ifer, . 2 Markel., and pl y cvisil .11. tilt:ill )owest Ca..sti prices. ' A dinner, and Conners
I l lisi•iltill, 2, and consnntwilt be can atTOrd 1., give his eustorner,
.. „. 5 .-• ' ' ' ' ' -41 '" ." '"..' f • l'" isvil24. IF- wits atttliii la th.
• of neat r... 51 e,liry Go mds,GclegetieS. Fnriintire. ke.•
itaisditsl..r, n a.. ..0,: , ,.a, sate. r% eik 1 ticsda ti, 'I hit raday. and Fri.
ho e..r W.: BAIIG AIN', tion liteY can Set at al other . 1. . „ •
p, altar . K 1 ill the city_ Believing in i'.e pt . :twilit, of •f•roi.et.
:av atOirisingg,.:ll lt ).,`eloct, A. M. Cash advances made
I"Norn. - tic. 2 tar flan* industry"' he bas ttiieriefo e had all hi.,l rlictes 1
.• .
.i.! ralouractureii by riitst.uruis work-area, and be ;1•,- no . 00
' ''
I' tO
1 Xnnte,
I, i. hl 1 lon. 2 ltebitalsoll4o ititiyitie 111.11 they will I,c found in 4.V.I'V res
IS, Iwo. 2 Lneetotperlor,lo the Rasteert tearininctUred, ar1....u., :Pat
I!'ost nores. 2 *re deleted ri;;• elite in the slop shops that Lave recentl.t
. itif kerciLainornt lt . =. '
Finn- iLlt t:olurrit.u., • Ni... 4ln these tim&-i when Hems Industry is °rev n sins so
La..ernter, il = Wri.a snare of putd.c attention, a> it atway , -boo tit, the
Hamilton, ''..- -05 proprietor all be ••T lore Bit Doots ' takes iterilliat pride
•pt:P7lnv t i le, Rini fl . Pa.ure in a.surtne the citizens of Pitt.linran th a t
Irmo,. it.- Lake Erie, 35 111.13 , 06 s a resit t.ansfactarednneer is own ere, by the
'Far. lit.• of t ninon. snl RttelllislCS of hit. own town. lie.l , ~....‘Ol. like . some of
rrhana 65 1 1 1 , i rivals in trade, IlaV. hi. Clothes made up in a di-taut
I Pit •. il illnalet Clate, nor does Ise Oil vet rise Is Stort, in
i 1 i!ll I. litiuZtesit three or four hundred smiles from here tie
0 non. el" vir principle that the Diet liallir_st of Plitsbumiti ,
410 Wifik tri well as any othnis, and lie does not de
2 si-ter money front heir poi - sat. to support distant
ivo . tiiir&ent While he asks them to scpport heal. Itelirrn. j
1 not Wisti 01r(trtirreetZ.11 them by a drain to tappers far
, ofso..p.notil w0r1,..1 on.
The i.aitiserther wotthl take this nrcnrion to return
IlitaLti to hi , ;Fiends and ru-iotilei- for iii,- unpreeedett
tett 'Miran tize extended In Ills e.tali'Aittient, and 1,, re
next to. ttiVllall.lll It , All l:10-.. who tvi-Ji to purrhacr
rluilitite of ewer ti desrrini in, made in the latest ti,-lemon
and cold •re lie 11105 l arroluizindaling-terms, to rail at
No T. -. ..i l.iltors,,
~,tre, l ,lent- Iit'CLOSN i V
I] - f . ole.i.rt , ie klela I plop in tie pan -went.
s4,itc bk. - Braaelle,s
tlAnork,l. :
Stale bk• 4- gra:ions.
izivoivito4orocrv. , -
Hank 1 4-
rn " Pa (ey , • .1
1 , 3 r. Ith 'l3± - 1 , 13 , infra,g 1
f 13 ., tr-3 ,, ce 4:alk.
Wr.4l . Lank
Mer. Mee. de.
Rat 'MAU' Brl
Coons r v [lntl kF,
All Eanks,
Bankr,- par and 1
RhstMii' •
- • ,
( wt t i rcir ta , : f r or k :d.) ,
13°51 on Bank?
Con it t .•
Orlranc Bank,,
nkF, 2A
VI r 0 f.t.Elllll
1:on41 ,
Al! Ranks.
of St. ('lair,
tin. JA- if. Sostii 11 4
1: nor'. J - asik B'nlll
Prtl C nge.
iN'estern Ticlninze.
Cleveland, A dip
Butre's No, I. SO hnrrel,- No. 2
1767,1.iki..i.twy at in
Nikrly Oppokiir the New
,; ofeet. si=ri 30-L-
1 y ~~~
Y?'.; .l,yF~.t
,•,,-.... , ,...._ , .... , .-: ,- ;':; , . ,-, :,y„ - ,!! -, Air. - ' .. : 1 .1': ,. ' - ' -:T, ..'
..-,l':-:.-4-:', , :,1 - - . ..;.:] - i;lfill.6" . . : F . `i , , : sfpi •-: ' -,,-
~,,:--,...,, 7:,:',,,,f.,-,7-'..•:.4.,.4.!..:-.'i_.'-':,L-.:..1,7-.,'
.L• : ,,,. ''''''.llt''; -.li-$-
. , ..,,..I*-oArtiogtoK4li±l , ..z..., , _,
vir1e1.4. , 0.1-' -. At.lnt-.,,05ite...411,.`1P6W. , 44ti11g•
5 r
• nltttar4 l6,6 ritiSfOs th:-"-- , - f. , ::! . :. - 1 4 /Wit. - -iik-
,r . , .
I . T. terEWAKTs. “ - 544 1 g4fitami.P.Oier thineri
ns Ws-AO; MA*itket; bo.l•ween Wooo,lotlt Sitlii;4l 4 4
. .gitt- illitskao:44rikiip:aSiCiAtwoom-anrayi"-eat bail_ 'Ait
ixifir.rsiorevigt4 iritii natt Neat andji - 01,ote neroutroo
ni.tinzle.ftsro-- .:•.• - ..,_ - -,=, - ':, • . - -_,mtp.2.o-0,
Unrivalled Illacking,
- Ik4 - ANueAci Ull.Elf and sold wholesale and retail
I n SI ITit S [REM': one door below Smithfield.
act 21-Iy.
'd.t 1311ARYorRelifinns. H istnr leaf,Polff ieal.and Mis.
,e,ejlaftennslVnrlss. will. he open every day, Sa:lbalh ex.
:nnifted, k, A 511.fintil 9, P. M.. In llfe Ex -
'falange Roiitlltis,rnrner of St ',Clair street and Exchange
alley w n.! re punctual at tcndance be !lye') by
soft 10 1. GEMMIL
gj Tak: ?Arse, Mitt.. Sienhenvittc, Ohm, having remo
ved from thin rif y, have ;Ipocented Holdship
4" tire ,-, ". No. 49 Market st., between 3rd and 4ih,
erenls i.e one or the different 6,1(17 of raper ma mtfac—
!tired v them. re, tv ry their friend' and COSI (j7r,P,St will at
wave find a r.•2litnr 01 paper, 'rich an Cap and
p rr wrinn a , prroit nail faint lined; W.:tneine and Tea
paper; Roam': PciollP? parer Of different Si
cm!itim: , all of WI is it will sold on the most
7 erns
liotocine Rit nWME, 111311.11 . 4C1111 , r5 and importers of
tVa!! Pnne - t: and Border, , . keep: , ennznnnlty nn hand eve.
v.triety of Ent re, rn dor n',•l rh,:ilwr Pap. /s'. or liir
'W(01 ;4?.‘ ;OW n , OO l pnflerns, which :!yry
%%ill 1411 !ow mid on acculnaioezoi,
no: 13 —t f.
Httelrer - Wit ClVOr.rx
P. Peln nv, Tst 7iti. 49, Li bent y St.
2nd Door above Virgin ✓Vley
Hi: compileda arprrat ri... , sort went of Witite• Cloth.
eiinrtrling in part of dimmed and plait: lieaVri
ctolh f/orii and overcome; heavy fine and common pilot
eiu+it ve;vit I rinarr4ll-nd pain; every description ol dre,
and Inlet: droll e.''.. 1 4.4t5„ fa:4o,mile colors and fresh clot its
plain and fonry enc.i.Wt pants, cloth and ratinei tin of
-mpelior quail!) de., , [plioll or vests imitable (or
he servo u, and w ill 'es Id low for rislt. Persons wish.
forhionalde yartneriis made of the best materi
al lv find !nein at this est aldishinent . Making wa rran
led renal to any in cit. - . A Full stock of goods are on
hand to make to order.
Mr45, - , ,, Ft nonalthy and Thomas Mceance arc al 1105
eatah)i<h men, and will be much pleasto ItlFe a call front
I heir ;ever:ll frlccids . • Good fits 'sated orOo
rlt:ql , tarc It, her. 1. 1242. tn-2
I'llo THE L AMES. —why4:t you not -remove that
1. superfluous hair von Ita* * ,:;tupon !on. foreheads
au4 up,tertip Y By calling at iiirrtar's. 86 Fourth st ,
and ob! . ttitiing a bottle of Grtrand's Poudres
which will remove it at once without afr-ziiug the skin.
You can nt , to obtain Coutaud's Fluty celebrated Fan de
Beams. which will at once temove ail freckle., ititples,
ernoth/ns of the skin, and make your ftce look4ectly
fair; and 'o those who wish to as , ist nature, !ding ,
morn color to their c 117,V can obtain smite of Gnu
raurrs.crlenrated tinnid /toner. which cannot lre ruhtted
off pv, , n hy a wet clot It. Also ntaw he found a good as
sort 11110 01 of Pet fir Al? ry, such n< Cologne, Rears' Oil. Al
mond. Palm, IV int.mr; nod other Strilt*
Rein , mhcr. at Tuttle'i Avery, 66 4t Ii street .
Der. ft. 312.
10 - c7:cr:. hereby the: !•redliculg and dehlors
111 cr ojes“rs. i A rmoi amid J G tate Wing
business in Market streeS. Pit t , b.irgh, under the firm of
Arnie] Y Monte, and to the politic :generally, that they
hare 'this day assigned all their stca of tooth, arcounts,
etc., to me, (or the tieneftit cre.tiuns, vri tient
i riaion or - preferettre.
10 . 111 r. !Or firm
WO St+. the necasity of catnna iviniout delay, and.oay.
in: their ref-per - Jive dues, and persons maw=i claims will
present them to ale settlement.
ri :Oil it 1..1.0 VI). Assignee
ritishurzh, NOV. 21. 18
i take - made rite of- •
_.Ttiorii's I '
. • and rating down, intact equalled 4ri smitit :isteeldrofraki
'l'm FletryltorirA.rlishi' l -Al l l l its '''' one or the
trey den ' i ttoe—ood -10 oti pock aif :wawa eortgatt - _thekr'aria — kaloollift
i cab:Fettle use: illestig Ina bquid iet, , c at, it combines neat- -1 in - usetp .
_ niginiy
sittalbeti,. it
stiosid i,ei.4...ioriitailoost I
Po'-',. with c l l'"l' llktn ''e• ‘' VhDe- b clean - the en9mel all daises of the tav family sic yalaskitaiiic, tstemoot
and ri.meiver ;he to rt n r from the ler•tti, its - perfume vet& 1 fa.oett i oc.
' ," ~ .
- 't•E - :.:. , 5.j
a fracranee peenlierir.ileeirat.4...i. p. • rt firRET TS. M.D. it ..___ - _ fo rt courpit .,..... DL4
or statriforis i or
T..._. , '" m e mo I
'rho nadet, - 4.ned hoye used ••Tt,l9.crt's Coroponnd Tea
. - XMIN FOWleigitif,
1 lierry Tomtit itt e n.li,"a nit have found il to beam extreme- . wie . the eaderiftried_dotertifl4lllll4***lll' F - e 4111 - *4lll
ly igeasaill dettifrit - e,- - exerri ,, hi , s a most AtaAttary :ton's. i „.. d lb , iscr .,.. B,, , d,seiktra... . ipt inr,andita i int
1 - 17" nvt' r l l ' T ( ''lt' °,•'"*. 4 m "' ; P re ' ervin L; 1 h ' rmr 11 ' 41 ' I y. , •rtroanunetisz- !item VW! belti nom ,tfkik.C.oo/1101/0101*
_ ___ , roil.-. 4 , r= ft AM rivekoat ore decay pre vCrt IP i the
.i of, . 31 , 11 . e ... hreseetti*, ,, in the at.aioi uaveast i mom,
0;:r DA LLE rs ri i tx• EX T R .. , 1 OTO V, 1... t.rialll l ,P -! ;'''' ( '"'"`" dareln-41-I ' . ' - '` eat ' 2ed Purif-v . 41-" the Na v al h' . 113 - 9. " WO- Cra hare it., jr4epteolikumW. <• e',
the ! new snlinvibte ointment - -, Savoillo.-ii—,„ .. f ry ,- .„ -- .,.,- - 'w
• • -"-t
-inizented: no moue: how had i,. -- a persqa - a.g.Y ' fa': "Ail 1 '•*" .re 11 ' 1 ' 1 ": it 1 ' 11 " r' ll.lliZ • 6°lleein g l it to I°l°lll be !' ' 6 ''' 1 jottn IL 47,j51, tgeinv ti . . -"'
or startled—lbis AA. Hi h,ot them trantediato!.t tv , tho.i. '-- tit'l'cr lb , ' itiad:" - iv , 9.h.".
.m ,lo I not. 1., ~..latii -
tear's; any tw. I•trry fotty stmotti ha W - ,`, - hex 1 , .M ft R
'nuET S, i-V - 1 - 3
, - ,11 Y - S P J 4 CA - ••
their htettSe . T. ahoil hi I , e. wititcurr is. -livery •Imc ' flNrr H H-HTHA'f•rg••• (71 - 8 A R 'SCU LL Y,
w b c , hos t rei.,,,,,,, , 5,i , ,,,.., ,J..,,
.To I:r..- had - tiniy itt: i i e lilt/146k _ „ ' IV.AIf APC41.413/.4;SS,
. r.ss s vitAFr,_ ~ , - Ili mu:li 41Vf.+0._:1 :arid •in i Our — itifairnt l-.. ..
TIITTIi W.. i - i-il. - -ace. , .. . - - 4,,,,,ir t z -
.t .,T,
.# ..f/oRr, r- .. .j.n .,.
o t itti
_ ._. .
~„, LS .„ ~ *if I. 4iLirtri ifiviEt. -- L S JOHNS 1 --R- 1 . 7 % • •• 5 ‘ 71 - 1 / D- 0 1.1,1.73'SNaGIC4L:P.Mffil ,.
~ - ...,...... t - -vs •LTER. ii. LOIVRig, itastogrollkt , preparrd otkly.„by - ,VVti..1.3.134 ill(. ; H, A POtberfirl TRACTOR illest. Welsh% It Tint only enrisqlickee t fett -
• a il •: - Ifed his office to the rooins in Die samtelititld: -
,„,_ Imo ttii'ditirel NO. 53 34st tie ../rtv.t t initentr ,, tttfor sale st rlres no additynal (Atm, itnifleeves s scar. Plot larpook,„
= - i n! a ti ckve l'or-e lately neCnnieoY him J nii ',9 4. 7 . „.1 rot tbr'priricipal Dro ,,, ,;Otbe.anti
_Tot; le's - Medical. A. , firkFy, live* , rimacii . ft %lia mil e ,- ),79, ,
„ sia,bpAsms,,:affettvillist
ffitrecr, eest to the-Mayor's-rce, atilt; o'rettt.blsnnow#L Fientit ' t ~,,,,e , ..- - '
~ e tt - •
tnoiiii, to
anvii i rikui 4. 4l4 i e : nin4. , irn ; e i noy
...„ . ,
.. - .
lice for rent-
# ..' ' - '' ..:7' ' 'that alla:on'y on arOiinds. ft +o..it tUratta.44:Ai '1 " - ' . •
T4te prone. a tcr well, sq for ontoo or . pirsorpr'oc - -'' - 'A FEW MCICE STILL - , , '-.
' . ',,i,..,,, : ret i,;,t onc e trout 4 . 1* - L 40,./bri,i 2 4o , livolN - .'
any pi ofession or far any ki ' oel of retail rikerranli Fe f,tis! ' jr liffr . Are r• - 's K 'EY 11 ei . illa :cle•qtri
~ _1 • ;" i5it...01) 4 1 , 214111e:-/ . 1.4 lb° liornts.) Faretris ROXidtViiNgtill,4 '-; - . r
_-• : •
-t wee , gaquiri• of ' W,ALl'Efi. A. LAIN RIE. sir ijr ~ ti r r .eptendievearretent or *04116! ote/0" ollitell l inJrtrtei , and save Dine; ~d l ittytelf also :
, t t e eit t( ._.
,' .: .„ JAM F,.s r.iNg,LAA-. - _ 1 w ee ;my ;rock rartrrre, - aniltairill ' il::nciaped 14,41 - 1.1 he 1 their iiii;pclittr front king." reetly-' l ficart r ligeitii''
101/TrsHUHakr • •A41'7041-1(1.4r•Alli 'FIT ix low. i noceiblr rw - c-- *ipotit itiviiwkianli - . ref
__. FM- Email pox !miners, in../..i.tie 04x:41.4~iv'
-11- 00 , RPIPLY--.4" election feJ tilete iiiieetovt - of . Ibis son il-,niicartrfae,l will selt ni Ione& ports iii 27. ,44 ""- 1 / replace the celltttary fritirkiliOmiyei.eatAitotyiNt r : — 1
Oltilltlatt Yi AO 'set re: for thelilting year. vral_pe held at Fisk milt " i - k? thlicarOkr ' a' r-'Ol, te;elM: - Co'rkitdent t tn./. a t pink* this inimitable D'e 'b ilariy area g. 4 1 -,.. .„ `.
their office, htn n .ls 34 cket 644.; oti:Mkipof/ity the 2d day I took i,i potlltteisf;;•• • ,,Tv. Of tootirerft44. Riplerober to tht• offy con f , e . iriniko.4POPo.iiiwg fief low • ' ,:./r- • .•.•
of Janaary 1841. between t'Oe Nora of itl•aitti . 2. o'clock. !the TIMEX' /11".4111100s; arid the trt9X TV r tiff.:'
,• wonettedthree d*tinti times lathe eimqespar g c'' , ..., ; ...
__, j4.41h,A..2f., t;8 Art, s e ey.--, -. pw Ice,
.v .. -1.
,- , ..-; ~-
.. - -nev t 1,18 - inc. re& itetala. - ra.t ita , o4 if*fui -Pi0..101?4 - ..' - ''-'- ; -,;.:;
•gE - ir , - 11 . w, ukir. a o, ~.reralckfospr-rragrt *gm, ii>v*s • •
piitsiturtter - - I.`k, 114.2. ....
- - orY ''...
- 7 ---- A fil let u t i s i t. -hi it.,HLION • •I. B.tii - r - 4:41- F.-..- • •• - - ••, -- alettimportam;re_en ore ete ... fa Of In
eakk ._ 4 . -
;-. • ' -"
'- ' ' - A - t. - - - - . 31,76. 1 1 ' oit'efirit. - 304). 'Foi.boalde Soffolo Rohe_ of I C. ii , _
.„-i.,_ , . ..... ....
_,, . _,.,..,,,,,,
-.... , •:. . F r.A4rts.rtnra of rile ' - - - ' ' - -.....- - -- -. , • - cit 117MIS 1 CV° .. '" . °ell ) . P,..."- VII* k-elf, . .. '
. , . - '" 4k.4 4 4. WARalltWirfiln gt 4 ft-P; 6, . - 1.1. C, T -.• - - :.' 1,- -; for :. , i-Aiiii The sill of nisr'nteLtrlTtOiriiiinhatii i .i...4••::: . ',
r- A (4' r t". I- 1:111 X —,1 111. - PITTSBURati • ' ' 1 - r •'' 'r:t Q • v
......._ ..,....- ._.. , .....-.._ --- __..._ . , .._ A. tot c. near .i ,, 4i _,; --v , at, , -, - "-r ,. . : ... I ibrt it ini0n . 402 , 14 .
~....p v t_likei g oitaty
,trief .o , ...,
<. stn? eai cefStl
At , g s r p.c.- rrAi E. and ineep• • cortitantly on - nand af i - ' tr
,„. ~..„ _ . .y....izi ii ,
..,, , i.,.}-44144bik. '..'l l ' •:' , OIIW .3 0 .41 , 4 1 #~ rt: •. .. ly
.d.T.I- their tvorlattoiL.e.: Libertt• . „St i - th , •hearl et' hEtteid,sr.l, i t lot of r‘iittr -, - 3 .' • - - ,N,.-- -f ~.• , c v e. .
av 3 # 0. 4 ra ikmr..,0 0 . : ,,04, 1 , f 4,"*" 4 „ . „(0.... •
every varies v urCaritovt. ,arnottl - witi.. - 44ie - thtfM3trito•:t - A!F tvl'" a r ' lr4r ' - ' - '' - '''' "Y: 4l r - l" 4- ;•c:' ,1 `1. !!''• A54,1 ' ~.qpiutinie*liit t .
ltrtd'•: - . ol 4:_ttloOthlit;A: ---
Frankno,.hrioriOrl i cknollgi aiv art.i Fs ri,olchl-Ifovis; - i fircrea nni " - ' , ` 4 r .-•- : •-..:, ''.;-'-' c c , - tv ' Ofeifir , o o4 :-- .- . ~.
,- , .$44--, -
common Mid thecy-ttetted, - nooresiifisitiovr, 4,l**.iiit , , iA- HEEL E.,-!'' - v a i l l .t r r l errPl i f--PAr . •• ''' 7l C- 4 ,-
~,, toltheinytii . : . *fr .. ter t - ,,
~. .„.,••f„....., : . 1 ", ,, -,,,..-
~1 _ ,..-„i;
Surresantiiiute err yatter wow& or - coot: . a'aiperiararyie -- 1, ' ii3et : , 11- ' 3 ' m - ''''' ,l4- ='" -IE "I lk !- ). ' r g . -; .:" .-14"1- -
.""'" " Y
....fi oad - viirriwol. l4. ,vo , i':onito.F--dlinki**lw.7#oll Vl r 4f-inri.f.*t6V/ 1 :: - ; : :: A4TIO I i4t -l i t i V if,4lllll-IN' rat )", 474 =14 '9i ' ktli"..cln!:-'l*- •
24ivc9;ivoltil:*4ft ., . - .!,!3* - kei•itis,.f.tr*l4ol.3lviifff:44? - o*-.. - ; iv , c,it i 4i#l** :-014'4 1 h1C 44 , ! , ,-;,: , z -,f.-.; ;; . :,'" , -of . ‘_ . ,d"-Iftlik-A C711 . 1i1-*.ifk
*l'o!: l * , ' . 43riiifAii.liiici"c:evevie': , - ". -- 41P*32f•a:40 :'.,:•:'! '''--..' "".`:::- - .;:=:', : : : ',;:t . ": `.- 3:# . . 4 ,..? '0- . ,- ' -- 17,,44.4 4.1 --.----
001* -' • ' ;trt — il` s l:, ~' ,, .. .1 ;7 ,- - iier.. i 3. • ; • ...• ~• ••: ,
,„-', ,VA .. ,!., -. ' -r-. - 4 -••••' ' , - -- - F t;
- th ! " 11 `P!,.... .... 14 ** -- '.
• •:•,,,, :.--- • •-i-iti kijeid e ee e feheke t .444qr,tp e eic;ct ----4-- ' - -...k.ti ft ? ,--•,,, -- tw•..- -- "' - ;Vi - :lt. • - :titrrt'lhelr...,•• l 4 4 lV
' t • r itireW., •0" - r -- • "''' r - 14''iiir' istifivtiti W t. "
' -.4 424,14w, '
N. U. Tue above nalnre. stork, which ernltracl&-.a fit;!
and gtmeral assortnrni -of Fvasonaldo dry good.a..wiil hr
iisposPd of at 11w old sfan.l, No. 100. cheat• for cash only,
grf-J. G. Arcr,rl make settklnen; and re
e•in for u °they, in illy nlis,nre,
dec T . 1.A.T1 fI.T./;;01-fk.
JW ,64 ,1 7 ,11k4"`:"1
Clef 27—f r
!.-:•!-:,-, .c.:4t5::,:-'
flog ToNg sore . Pi k 1 roo suctubie for F,AriceciieCs.
ply co. • '9. fEFLCN
JNIES 0)v.: 3 ,r. 4' 40,, ..11ralurfact.srers of
Papa'. .I'o. Strut, Pittsburgh, Pa.—
Have always on hand n eveniive assort wen' of eat In
alau'd 1.4.! y'rth WA . ,tiGINGS, Telver .and
la.;t:;tion r.0,,r4, of Di, !west f..t.yle and handemne
i ter v?..for par , er;- , ig hall , . parlors and cha others.
91", X i oannrti ~t rc. and_ haw*: on hand at all times—
Pihiti..l.3.Yr:•i , ll?..i.viler. IV tap pin? and Tea Paper,l3oll
aet. nad Ftoinr.' wlfir.h, they caer for sale
on the nmo.o .a...r.uantoodatpzr, terms; and to whicb they
invite hi at I eot on otl dr(111 . 11., aod others.
. .
A L.SQ— Books' oral , kinds_ami trof"ST.inallit y
Scl el t c 1 wit. a1wn?....1 on !and and for SA. aSubnve
N. R Ea 7 ., t nd Tar lern';.....Crlips' lahen in excltn;r.
ESTERS. S_9RDi.t ES. ¢k.; Served no in the hest
7 , 5=t01e at A. Lz - Neee's.lu § Elfin strert.
apnrtment.; re u.'lll.rerri.sleti In gentlemen Aceoloonnleil
byladiej. AlAi Alt kin 45 of Cakes and COufettionhry for
patties. ete , for sale by
env I—il.
UrTLF:II.I, ,, ibis day received from New York. a
fresh grimily of Ile*es' Nrrve and Hone Liniment,
and Indian Vegetable Elixir,a Fish lye cure for Rtteuuta
lisai., Cunt. Vont racted Cords and Limbs—also
Gouraud . ' Poadre Subtge, for completely arid perms
nently eradiral ing sutler (loons hair from females' upper
lips, the hair concealing a broad anil elevated forehead.,
the stubborn beard of man. or any kind of superfluous
hair. Prime $1 per bottle.
Gouraud': Eau tie Beata', or True Water Reau4 y.—
Th is French preparation thoroughly exterminates Sallow-
Freckles, Pimples, &toes, 11finches, and all cutaneous
e uptionv n hatever. Realizing , delicate white halide.
ne.ek and :iron:. and PI kit in 2 a healthy juvenile bloom,
Also. several oilier valuable art tips, too nutncrons io
men! ion. The ..1.011 PC POW only at
:V f TUTTLE'S _MEDICAL EXC Y. 36 40'1d
DE. A. W. PATTERSON. -7ffice Oil Suet Meld street
i:enr Sixth. seP 10
ork V code".
Do 4.
111110.7.1SE'S 110ARHOU.1D CANDY —Trrirtlr kos:
received This day from New York. afr sh supply-o
thenlovr eet,lirnted cure for Coughs. Colds nrut Con
,m to rg too: and is ready to supply co , tomepsal wholes-4;e
or retnil. his Medic - at -Igerry. 'Fourth-ft:
nor 13
tit aIIFOIt 8, A L.E.--;The understened offers fOr mate
as' his farm, lying in Ross l'ownship 411011004111111 the
I'iic Of Pitt Vitegii„ 00111210Ing wititif4
are cleared and node- fence, from 1510 120 acres of 1
meadow, 2 gcod Orchards of Applee, a few Peach and
nsproveinenrs are a laree fictive how*
root aim oz. 10 roothi:„Wel I fti r 'fished, ealenlahEd 101'
wall o. private threlling, a frame Dint ..4"t• 46. - gtonefi
ho , ein.ni, and-9,ahlina, sheds r 'ld Othef-iiiiilfolliet - Innit ) i,
aide for a t,mrtnent!-2 good fianPtruisurrtiended
rlirran , I,n , :tes and a welt 'of excellent water. ',KW at
pump in :11 Cle front door. In relation fettle rii6isurth
and .Nlle:heny market, there is no place now alrereir for
•,:file with num- iwlereelen-t to those 'tvishir to 1011Th080,
near rift burgh, the terms will he made moderate, }for
frirther - nart trularsappli to the proprietor :it Clothing.
Store, Lawry reel, .-orner of Virsln Alley.
LA WR ENCE lit iTrtw.t.t....
N. B. If not Nd h fore the IA or 04,1:iner twit, it
will be divided into 10 and 20 acre tots parcita
grfl. ' dal' 10
Jll lattalna bie Rentedg.—The extreme beauty of the -1
Teeth, their indisperumhte use, and the frequency 'of their
decay, basted to mane inventions for their presmrva Hon;
vet how to pre• servcSitern in a state of health do prlgtine
%wants, to the latest periods or exiutence, was entirely
unknown until the discovery of the_ Shove inntdiudde
preparat ion . It forms a pure tineture composed Of veg .
etahle inersdients, and is possessed of themust delicious
odor. It eradicates tartar from the teeth, remOves spots
of incipient decay. polbhes and -preserves the enamel, to
which it gives a pearillite whiteness, and, from. its &sin.
feet ins prone rl Wir,iwW3CSX - 17 the si , t , -1 of gi7ing sweetness
to the breath..
As an Anti &WT1.... the GUMS :050Am/eta ihslcann
cadent powers; Srnrvey le eradicated 'from - them, a
heathy ncl ion and redress is indueed.%Avitich offers to - the
notice'oPhe media practitioner inJuhitabfc cvldrote ..I - -
their heelt hful stite. It has been examined atl4 used hy
several of ilia beSt physicians of this city, Who haVe no
hem li al ion itcreromniending it as Ott ex Cellettt Wash for
the 'l'cvili, Gums.eir-
Among the ternanmentlittong to itte abo7i are the fol.
. -
Havingtsitelkir. "Thorn . s Tea perfy, Tooth. Wish."
.. Cd tAi:, it I ilO i .I:red ie titis of its compo
sit lest,4 c ' ".: -y, I consider.it one ortike safest. as
e , i s one of Ilpl ril , , - ,..ta sr. T.oti)Si t astis no w in usek
rnt tbara4 - - fri4.i. .I.)AvAp HUNT, D'rtlist•
'Y ~
For S 3P by
• ' ?
- E 4 s ::s4 ,l*-4 t.Z. 7 •
t 11,
• t.
Prissiterihmt ir
- - fit 404
* • routrtekset4itteir bettliges , Kiiiitt*t
rrd 111.2 ke intautrestfietitie 41* . natni Mal*
Atips -of the lira ehaur. A,isel rn 411 4*. 11 ,'.‘”
talettst2wrt Irmietit *tea lien. wt. V i t• lit p ti
:tidy known in the trade? TiOrtine'Nelof
aril+. ruff 6f Keirinait; IS - W*4 1
that the aeransecntnit ire "Ware f ind ,
from the 4set ilitara-vietiortis sew oW-eetiVel
is evident skit if. ininceettssaty drily laftliadi
occur. A Poe possage itetrAiumbeet true, 'V
Scoi la ad. tan be togoted , kullwo".”.."M 4 o l'
cline coming Aut.i
parties finiif iisymorat
A ppiy
Drains and e.uitai
ran be fur Mined or
don, it Crisnrbaw
of Seottant Diellol
liankiny Co. A p. 09
elsilitutra street.
-the Week I
a: - .11.41eVE1
berweep %,ttpt
dm. 10-Ir.
uij . Sregf.r,
VA, - tima - tle I.
Alley. T 1
t hat he has .
shop Formerly occupied by Mt. 'litany
wad that hwe Is•no ptepanad to attentiko ,taidenitt ate;
Ihno othusi ttwis with despatch and on Abe anoatatsensahalt
terms. From napetienteln the inanalatelailatalt . -
Fashionable Roots, he feats con fi dent -that ettik* -
from his, , estriblialititent will give sal Isdnesionoo
tr.ons A slastildflittillie patronage 43 revearont.tmiloit,„
HE FI Rt Ni Poor. iac
_ .
Prereatentan, Oct: 22,4Milft
3, -Dithmsa--On'Frhirik, kbe3Oth fastin4W. •
9 o'clock at niebt.the Matting:Grooving and-"gfe
°factory, owned by flay, dritwOrth-4 ,
quantity of dressed a od.undreesed tantber t hytana#
mcdity fire.
Tho cafe which T hnitzht of yew
stipaiton daTivit
wrrt.44oolY,d ?lot —1 am Wiwi! tti if
ovene44 t-.‘ he OhISP t re, nnirili tie- . 4.'
*r.ctved;—thi , is the Lest rthomurnendaittlit
I t y of your rife , .
- r Fort sALE.—Fonr Lola In Namelnest "-
1 11 and o fourth A crpg atl.ned on
_llolm.a'2lfll. y .
ens. 5:3, 54,121,123 and 184._1n
11 .1 Also, LOtattilf
Cook's Tgart.of Lot , on Wviist ram, neat• the
House. For tern* a pills ' • •
set) TO
,RICE'S caorPotrirn 'rEG ETOBANCOPIIWt:-;:i7 s :
c..3A-DY r. a safe and - 4 - eilaturrr ,
Cold*. .Bst Irnta, Sore Thron(. Pain s awl hrelbritif
Brous Cif Aooping.answk.
.Thmal, and many digea - ets leading
—only 61 per roll--prettareil'liimingilid
Aaleand Retail by 11. Tz PRlOR,'Ccnifeetktiti4-;
gheny City, and illkirinelpiti
Be sure you a.sk:ltrr "Price.'s r euult g . t!tri
nov. 17—If. -
4 ~ ~ :i
R etpeet
Artie:hilt y that he is .prepared t flT,P.iift *ad exidalll.46lac
ders (or auy descriptictir-of wurit Irtitiailit'o4 sl 4l4lll l M-
He has on hand. nod will` be (oust arilly retviVo4ol-11111,6,'
era, amyl merit Of 'CLOT2.3. CAESIXOItir
Ile will make to.:notes,,atmkireriz-tac nuns :Mir
her es; 31 to ishinera in - the Pity. 111_4bese so ..:hiplehethiSlTilt
paying, that hip vinrk,Stilts 'quality Of
int and cvorkeeanshi,a, cannot be sthifiesPe "-
tahlish greet in this city. -
. .
By pu cl nal ity - *ad -unrcqnitti4.g.latrelorq•Ut.
he hopes to merit earl receive 4 iiirare rtfpuhkiicogtcome.
'Persoos raw their overtiortteelith6oritt , ll4lllol*
their advantrige to vali,
r der. .6;; d _ ,
1 4.4303 ya - ILVSI,4;„ **DX EIIULIA-k-z
Seidl-whets a general astortnitiit of Yarobosi
iiad at twisted prices for cant)... -
T soperiotity of these teaittods, - tormillffidl4l4 ,
fiwigtote r •s, which for dunthilitv - ontienee!n;pillftttpai,”:
- f r