Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 29, 1842, Image 2
,e , : 7?: - .-', ,. : -,f , - - .?:;: ~;-,-‘,-'.,i-...t'f.:',. „404iiiii altWbri-i*iiiteitleeettiP.?!!!'-cerietiea-.. ie e ee e e tat,-. , ,e4.11-` ! ,,,,aetreall4 - .`jaiidet4icateragea, -and sent I t tnisiteee a ii:ri4 6 4 . ,(..:,:-, ;,....:::' ::i . 4 . 1:1.?4 , 4,” : Ott p . iitiOr ion Pl' apprite Lena LtatertAer- pf iris strarnxt. Y .. :•: .,,.L.) ~ ,= .,), , .ta-•• P?.. AtteSittiOii 1.0 throw - it over thel,house„ and .. : a l ..iii.;...er,:ylt. ‘l , - - 14, inntilie.! . eli i i, i v.: 4 :,.; ,Alol:tre - - ifeitla witn.easathia•P.relof ti '-:-• s'!!? - t.'e . 4 i ! !!!!!!' 4 *S - wil 4 i 46 ' to"stffett - ce triat.-q - .., - r vittlittii; Lamh Laudher delayed a 1 Morerekte,t*!.ateatearareity'<ttof .:-Iris.- • narareey,: •w.aw it l"o f f.l3oEia Oxer siood'atit einr'l4'...tiolVe fi'ti it d.. ! , 1-his : 6;0, 2 . jai ed him . ; iie,4W Ate*, crowd awaiting Itisappeatrirer avarice, except during the- at:hill wind V,! - e,.,t, :. !&!eii,itithiirt - rteeidentelly glancing:hitt) the - ef jealousy , • was the basis of.. his-charecter. E : t• - •! - ( - ltiteritarted - ea it stung a, - serfrente, —the pretleminant e teission of his heart. a •- •-7- .. .4i)eith - ttita allare `of' his' fleece rblazipg l . After cooling a little, lee called fqr Wager-, ..mael*fullottritStr., : , vaet, who. had- beechin the ' habit. of acting •! ' - -jelleninVenl true as hell !he exclaim - ! ftie . .hiirrin the „capacittef second, arid he , ellake's with . ' him' -Ha!- - -the Oheali wJe • gariLeystith his assistance; to Make prepare -- a ,, aterteeenrieright--4he - Obeah wornan was I ti - al t a-f4-16:nel F row',a beide. •. - .. .!.- right. • Guilt, ghilt, guiltlllal I - •••tet r . ~..• To be Continued.' With terror and fury upon his huge der k ' - - refisettit ‘ t at es; he advanced a step or n into I i Aillisetettage, and .in a voice that tesetebled tunder-gro el of- an - enraged boll, said I .' .. eihia wife, for it was she: You wi ll never 1 -.ee - Oispeat tkiit—l am aware i.f vim; I _{:;;`you!• Fury! prepare yourself; 1 say !`'!: ..f.'lo-Asittiat. Hat• Neither she nor Lamb !- ';'2!.. -- eatratidher had an opportunity of replying to :-4 -' - ' 'Elul; for he ran .in a mood perfectly savage ! `;`' - Aet the half-hundred' weight, which he t . vaiight by the - ring, whirled it round him '' ' ' IWO or three tithes, and, to the amazement -4 - the thousand who wore crowded a letto ' him, heitung, it over the . roof of the cottage ! . . :ear lasted] Liudlier hail just left the cabin in 4 :tidier. 10 witness the feat, as wed as observe' 1 -• eventorettiosely the teriffic being in his full ."..- -IStrestigth'itntl fury, with whom he was bat- Akan - the follovring day. Those Woe! '-ttetriftelted- his countertenance, observed that it blanched for a moment, and that the col- , acr•eameand went upon his cheek. . - le New, yoUng fellow; said the hove - , get behind the cabin -and" throw 'back the ; • 'weight: - - • .-ie-Lanth Laudhetellesitated„ bur ultimately Iletta tart - weeding to make the attempt, whet, i.7-i's I:oice from the-crowd, in tones that were, evidently disguised, shouted Don't be a -, foot, younz man; husband your strength, . - Aftli you will want it. *:,: The eadi.Boxer started ai;ain; Ha! ho ~. .. . i) . ..'rexcleirned, after listening agilely, fury of •; -- -t-'..-' 'fliiiiiihtin you there( ha! I 'll- gtssp you yet, • leellteserit ! '• -- "!- 4 ' Alre lireeer'a count ea anae teehibited de! k -!!! .'.Tsa flitting shadows of raze. That in .-• , aiihietitatturopean cheek would have been "- Ine , e ! .. a ., d fenesis -of-deep' resentment, a ppeared .., foitill3, - : as the Scarlet bleed struggled w ith the gloomy hue of his complexion, rather ttliellincture that seemed to burrow its *itatinteit mitre from the darkness of his . :tentlfilliari !front the colour of his skin - . ,•04 -brow, flack and lowering as a thun e t etliaelood, hnrig feat fully over hie eves, *Nei he turned upon Lamh Laudher 1 :;en.-he entered the hilt, as if lie could Ulm struck him deed with a look. - Hate ,' •': ingdefaiVed the d t time tee beat, and the (lead e teatreh e te * resumed; - he proceeded along -`the streets until he arrived-at the inn, from ' lihstgfinitt-otWirich thte . diain^ ~ 1 i,l* death . . ..-, . ~. ~ . lo r ualt and heattily in - the breeze. :OM Vilija'atn ti t . : : :-;:' jkti,,.!!..:4eath-bell Qf the town . tlifi tielP-t4'4 , 1 - 0415heion of the parish 4)sits.V.t - t,;;-te h thttei4:4 to inform him , -. : - ;•.-."- !- • ! ei 1 " - 7-,, , e,; ich - 4 - kad ordered to be . - 1 1 %-litilWsiit 1, - " • -.' , ::: - ' 1.- -- ';'•‘=;k - - , - ---- - ;,..=;:xt,.• , . - " T 'rArT , ",' • 'fr , , tliesistrotr at ions. te - tllif Afloat :tie tier' illiMall pronf of bodily stratrA`th wlifAr be had just given, tdegfessed.ev*ret heart; When his young and gnerous - adversary 'wag ceantrastel with rm:Dter.:* , ,treirolk - LOT -the fa .e of Larrth Tatindher, prevailed throughout the town; ' the &d men sighed at the folly of his rash Ikea fatal - obstinacy, and the f e males shed teitittletthe-sacrafice of one whom all h-id loved. ,From the inn, hundreds of the • esataftWd!tiashed to the church yard, where thetie;:enr-Veyed the newly made grave with • sistniderings:and wonder at the strange. ness of . the events which had occurred in , • thleecturse of one day. The death music, , the- meffled - drotns, the black flag, the - mtnainful robing of the sullen hell, together wittithe deep grave that lay open before thbrii; appeared rather to resemble the fearful page,aut of a gloomy dream, thee • incidents that actually passed before theii eyeratte,These who came to aee. the `grave , derufrilati tawith heaviness, and .14 sail fiirChn- I A cheap pleasure.—The New York Morning 5262 00 diutot what was about t ,,, A va i i i /v i t .. ; but I Post tells of a man from whom alms were 13f.diel- I . . - 1 How many thousands toil incessantly fur flesh drowria kept pouring te ,,,e. a aa a it for toil by a poor woman. Ile gave her two shillings . thetemainder of the day, until the' dusky less per ye : an:4l4n this? , and then w4te.hid to see what : he would do with . 41 ,: - . ' shades of 'a summer night arrive th'em to !it Presently she emerged from a bake shop Gold, is supposed Lobe a good thina with their 'own hearths; and left the church yard ! bo ded with breed,--has.Wri , d to a miserable abodL, . " , 'P , a - man s mouth when he as silent, -t where she was speedily surrounded by a number which to sto p' ! about to tell disagreeable truths. We have The' appearance of the Dead Boxer's l of fa.7iii:hing &Alm - rt.—Tee ley which sparkled et wife in the house :where Lamb Luadhdr lie the eyes -of the Huts ones at the sight of the , frequently heard of instances where- men .- , .. re Wed,lcorifirmed, in its worse sense; ! b r ead, g ate, the donor elf the ineneyeatith : twiOch its were about to speak hating - theahette gag wrvietf: Nell - DerCullum had suegested - to , was purchieed..pleaserable ' t ••,;-- . d-rea*thrcmgli th a t applied., suddenly become silent, autl'hence him:: -- it was unnecessar* to describe- ate! night, thus air t. u , g 6 ,llll g il it cha4ot;,.. , : 7..:: . ; s ° ` l . l 7 B We doubt not that it is effectual. - deeolating sweep of passion which a. man, I can tt phre_ase it _cla,,,y, easy.... or,pimurtunittes , . , who, 'like him, was the slave of strong ,I are abundant at tins inieletuene seiiSctifof yhte year . ( There is some talk of taking the cen • fesenttneuts, meal - . have suffered.- It was !•e!--... • ain't fergetethel.liter - ity ! Biti A m er eracteetlal l sus ofthe John Smiths and John Browns-, notouty-for motives of avarice and a natu- • !°•"ig•l'n- ! ; -- - - •' , 4, - '"''': ''!..!,.... ~ . titi the United States. The returns with irailiteernivictery, that he felt anxious' to figh'to thetie was cow added a dreadful l Franking-I'k l L4iiititnre of N.l#lrae.'plas.. .be important. .. . certainty-that:Lamb Laudher was the man g ed a resolution deeNin:Viat.the.ftenitingt pricil - 1 Some per Sons say that in exiittente.'whn'had inflicted on him an le ge should i:/, ‘ e ftboliglied; • anFlyer l:'u4 , iiaster..Ai , •lbota . Tetie. in* - a ferewhiell nothing b u t th e pl easure ~ ~en t ;e rs nreongress,',andZ.{ficike„4 governinelif, a publican is like -a . .'.hua.k:Wheat cake, he a eitbing . him to atoms with erg his own should not be'aliowed - !to tatateaticletfeitre tlte ;!it'ittntiat be turned once • before .he is: fit for blktiderailial-atorte. , - -- .The aproachin bat- ! - • - -e,- - ---- ' '! ;..! us e e el t•e e p , t ' ~• . . .r• - .. ~' .... tie, thetefore,.-with , hie direst enemy, Was. - • - __ .• •• . • , ! looked upon by. the iDead Boxer as en op- Fart unOte.: - ,C;il tam mugfur(Lfif..ip',!..4,oA,:t '"Gentlem in GT:otte Barrett,” tf - ~ I lino • portniiity of glutting his revenge:- ,JV hen at Boston rrensk-Pewoilaliiindir has . ! i tl invietad,•hiaii egqoeifeni has opened, a. restiurat at ' „Lon*,,, the crowd, haddiaperseda•he called, tit him `sisal vey3o. - akmo tloi,or,ttei . sin) 3y,4at..ii!ratirn..: WhethOi he has abandoned-. the _stare er : net w e..; -- • *WAII.Pr. Andiiesire4 431 m t.4eseenitte itt hia • de not See sta ted .—N: Y. Sun . reatarttable, avithriatehriving.met*ft , aay tliiait.; .. • •, . -.- t ; 11114' .411 , t.turnesi. -, he mart retired to as , ter. .:'.• - ... . '' 4 ' - .- . . ,- ',, Probitbly.the stage has, abandoned film, al it. --1-, ~.,, . -2 7 _._..-..- . ' ~.. .. ! has "asters generally. 4' . :. .. -.• t.'.. -'• . . e . a i ds in Boxer walked haekkrds: , c." r'r : . !tae , ' orwards in a state of mind .easily con,- - ' l l . ' i 6° 7' r i lm " te • o i l: C51411 1 -4 , TIVI=o , Chili- , ! ,eae l iockeof the Olden Tang:—'Fusee existed in -- Spteiteo e ,rfint#!ririg •cnrae4 end votvs a y e ti-= 11 t`i ivia, r ' .ru ' '" n! "' ter'r..,*l-01",- h ave a g rc ` ll: : l';‘,iltit Colony, as'early as - 1649, an nisi:tete' ...- 011:14*.tigaint 4 t herand 'Lentil Laudher--» to the aseatatiztiiik efal - gesteral Cong.“-ffimi tti.iilrn4i...' .1 object ., ,• , . i ii... , -• . ~ . _ . .... .it.in.i w pn was _til Atreet he nraetice of .ctistean which Me/Aininelninilteirlie4aS_...informed that; ' Tile . '.. i . '„ 6 -- , 1 .4 .31 ' a .'. ' • ort " . 4 l ,l,' l t ti t ge eutttit . t i int -,,, i ,„--- v -i,.,,'_dr•ctiri,-4, ion s i ta i r by t h e ,..*,,,,, .!!!!"" 00-,beaf-p4 F . 03 t no, . 9 WM' ~ , vhich he gave ! • i ., !* .•r - - g . !;44i.•11.,,4„Li.!,,,;!tiwy prr,-,...„„.0-.d.pero---irl.0,;;!: etr(ittiolio.! 01 e 0 L 4 4 ai rt ii. i , ~,. •.,-, t - f I i claire fit' rievenetellic - 4, - 'aetlar4:* ! p ' the cacao:wear A : ll'at0 1 -. 4 ..4. 4 Ye - 1 1 54# 11 ,': - ."-c!clueg!',,:t ',T. r ~- ? ' -1-; ' ' . p i n - ..,ii tan,f l $1: ,ii,.. ~s - hqu. la: bq !sent tot m ,, , : i 1 ., - "T de tit ..•,, 1 .. . . .-. -5 ;.:,.. ~, ' ' At*. ~. i 4 ,......rfir.,,...-- tie. etillor .- of the bi etae t e , ! l e . N ews ,-,• - 1 0 , 4k4 ....09rstatoriri in thisetnatance •-• .- , .-t a a.-.....--t-- - -- , .. , a . • ----e. !. revs, that he eltea.Fa . - makes it ! a rule . see thenks : 0 0, 4 * -! "„ Tt!';'...:ctie-01!---1:11-03. wife's anrireeleeesion - •:-s• ra ti•E atg la t h-tteeeeltle.' l letie'heen letaed - ! tittiir e k giving days, tisiiv''.o.' one numpleirtZeie artiadi large ' 1 4-111044 overcame -e'Wery 141414 g64* the, oat'v4;' - ?';' , ;-iii4` ... 44 — t: of - Petit '. t,1 ,- , - Ithvi: enous.hlnh ld th- v ' • and that. ii - 14 1. 'ti •-. f•taibitii;lfrio , k , : 14,.,- ... -,0 , -.. ,- 1•• r, :, -' L if 1. . ~:- --- I . ', 9 !',- - . , ,.,.. - .. . , - ; 9 '. , -P- Y Y .. , A iii, lit: ~y.,, ,T, - - '*--- •-.?i'-' ~.., -6 ' jf•` , l•ll.li':' - -k='..it; , ° ,' '- - i'AV . !*' '-' • 'l -7 ' 3 -A' - ", - ,' . . 1.,- - -..:':'' • , '-'''i:: - ..• * / ,- -' 1 ,_:,-- ,:: :•:.i . ;: ';-.' .7. , : . V.' ,. : ••,'-' •:- -• ': ' '!! - • '' -,• --.-- '''.i 1 r441 - jA - C 4 ' 10'. St J' All ,:: , : -li ' ':.",' - :: - •. , 1; .-04- - -44‘le.;' - '4?t' ---.--4, -''';'? '''' ''.' : - ' - '' . 1 3 3PV:4,hat 1 1,.. !; -- 3),!;1.." . ..0.. --, -.. , ,V;ff--1 , ,-1..1,,!, . t i .,..1'.r,...gi.,!.,. 46 , ~ erer titot p ii ii i , ri -,,, 0 . 04 - ---, t -, .... . ......,. -..!, .1. . .4i.!'.---FL-- ~Y ', . '•''' , / .-'--tia.ff'.4';':- -- ..liet. ~.......:.' ~ tittl444ll4ll,olitetlikadi.Y.Lith4;: ii4P,L:T‘i• i :of . ''-1'1;1- - - --i'''f-'-'f:r7--4''-- '' '1 - h.. tirlal-i 1 •-• '-- ''''C'ei' - ' l4 ' - ' - ' l ,l ,-I -31 t re, i ete/ on recee et- ea- __0M...03100r i__ni.f' 401011/Pe-WlitrellA4f* the Mliblipplf;siike rr t l'ir-4. -I Wf .. 44.P .. .41;;5,. - 'lll;e:Ss'lrv .. ''-.0. - 44t.44 - 4;:4-iihet: - . :....-.. - , 111 _,., fet% ....„401f.0 ~.,..74tAfEztotiii.:,,, : ookt:., : ._,:. --.4TAWrit i .. -- 03,e.... owtioNt.3s:=4 , --tmfqA**i•toti,l kil.:-srp. . •- iwba, ‘ tglisijio,,,,ijo,i, T ' .%. 7 ' :r s :'::.Y .:'(' --''.-4:;31Z'::1,.'1' alit Ir-=1"41 • ,. "'' - - -- ;! ,- -4.•••‘/ 0 ', • ''' •----;,-.. q'• --, •••. .., i .- t - -, ~ ~- ~.,..., ...-, ~ -...,,,,..-. 1-"qi-ji-:4 ~ 4 ,..1: -; 4:1-, - . O .O ' -- 41*1101144 - ' 4: ' 0431/o*-00-14441 V l:',-.Whn#'lF''''' - i4,•"-".‘.. ~.,..--,.- iiii*bii, , WW-f-42 4 4t t;t4N ~ .-:\'..:4- T -- ; :- • - a •- a - -a telttike4.'etee. ':'' a •''' - ''!tr - ; - e_.ate„ - ,-,X*4 - •. , ::.:.- , - ,. ..z . "'f=t' *Ak.....4-1,24---,J.1,r:-. --,A,..1,-,,t-A-k:•:..., - = te - -- - ereertz -- •eitetrieetrt,' -.+r ,t ..C ` ' . pY ' : yFi _~ ~~'=` •,~,~. rageipeNT, ~gPS B tr - C - 1 - 1 N B I..iVa!iuirtil Convention. MORNING POST. T. C; WX. n. s:4l+ft;sini - olea ArrD PROPRIETORS 1.1118 DAY; DECEMBER 29, 1842: TLC mat i pr, hi ,lc ry of. die parch who estsfs•rs3A, a‘til by is real with 4:,!ilt...iid editor I!eitriet,ll: s , ta ll paper v i t'dt•ttied New York . , has a notice of Lieitt. IVPKenzie, we r-fsrti . , to sly ,exhibits his, character to an ni"avorahhi know thai much pains will be taken by the friends •of Spencer, who arc rich and pow'ornil i iii maii.c . o-M•Jheir ca , e against 4o not hcireve that the remark. of he B.,..feAn tli-e-r.2. in the romul..:!st manner die tated I.y The Ile say , that in the summer of 1841, Soloinin. Sanhoin: d'nktn.,,who had spent, some years in filo nay, published a pamphlet purport ing in bp"An KipoSiti in' of Official Tyranny in the Uni•ed States. Navy." to this pamphlet Sin bore asserts that while an officer on board the In. ,lependern.c, M'Kenzio was conspicu ii.l3 for his cru elty—of which he zives the following example: "In the month of Doc. 1837, whit: the Inde pendence was tyinz, at Rio de Janerio, James Mctjnrmic, a marine - , had purchas d some oran ges from a boat alongside the ship.—He threw some peels in one of the spit-bozei on Ih3 spar deck, for which offence lie received twelve lashes by the order of the first Lieutenant of the ship, Alexander Slidell M'Kensie. Not having been attached to the Independence at the tim. Licut. A. AUK. was in her, I had no opportunity to take nate of violations of his duty. Th , t punishment of illeCorinic wits a di. rect. violation of net. 30: cruel unnecessary and unjust. During the time Lieut. A. S. AUK. had command of the Fairfield, he was noted lor his cruel.y to the men for small offences and trifling accidents, and for his hypocrisy in the public wor , hip on board the shi.‘." The more c.edit is to• be given to Olio state ment of Sanborn's. as he Failed in the Fairfield With Capt. WlCenz:ei, ario as his book was writ.- ten in 1841, long Wore Capt. M's. conduct was a t 'of public discusSioil. A.-respeetable tradesman of New York, who .wag rminerly a petty officer:on the, Independence when M'Kenzie was a Lieutenant u2ori that ship, speaks of him as a tyrant—he says he was oz,ee nearly flogged by him for an ~frenee another had committed, because M'KenZie in an insolent man ner would not permit him to speak. On the other hand elp editor of the Beacon says that he his seen a gentleman who spe,,ks of Capt. M'Kenz:e as a polite and amiable - man, but he only knew him trim hiving, shared his hospi ' tality and experienced his politeness, and knew nothing othirn in his official capacity. Mrs. Par/in.- 7 -This lady, .who has r..ndered herself famous by her leetures.in favour of Free Suff:rage in Rhode I-land, his taken up her resi- Luc- in New York, where she has assumed the profession of a Midwife. Her husband, who is a physician, has also commenred the 'practice of his profession in that city. The report of the separation of Hr. and Mr. P. stems lie entirely without foundation. MIS Wei -•!,..-$,-, 'Tow • . • ._„..„, i ~11. ..,"):•••_,_,,,, 4. - , • ')V . I --4 'f't -.1 7' :.'-' , ''?g.• OONgiliMOittSnltC44"4l/147 ../..i4404044:41? Pirn - 01118 , , ' 211,-T1.1.405L--4'''''._ '-..- '.,. ,',_, 1 .,.. Z i :" 3 :, ,, ,,,,„-...,,, , ,• ~ t -.).-.-1 . 1t.5 . ._,:,.._;",,,, e ',-,,. - ,,--`0 i ii, 4- .. i &, ~ 3 :,-,.';;;:-; ;, , - '47a: i11,4t . ..4. 1 4 I, / 1 - t hehas . 'eallitrto h.' '7•o4.,4l4V.tl4tikt,Vifia%tittiti,',444.kl4W . t.,ooolkf ~,..- _.i• ;k4•:, - -!: , akte-44 6 * - ..:....! 'to?t Jr' -.=-. - 1 iii, ,;- co' intt iitfoinTatinitlif - - qi.r.-;,rttt: , 144 , ..kg,t ~.1,4...-11'.f-, :IT stiect.fatt,...,._ f , 7 .,„#.4,1,,,., ~,,,,„- - itite ,- et ikyz--Lw c ii:it' ~ .:A . .*4-154 4 5. iv, ti, o f thei' - 'pOlt - ijai--cifi.l4:lW` sniiQU,a l : l ""." ' • 084:te,- 14 ; 1 ', r- ...; ;!... :,7t.5.. _...„, ... ... _ ,-._ , sik -, 1 „,:u.,.. -,-4.-4, 8, i ,„ .., ~,,,..- . iii,,,„, , ~,,,, L • , i 4,4 g dwieate--tgihoti - f a git---41-.l*4.f.ear , ELAnat irAwx. ~--:. ~.,..,..-1-;,, i -f,..-r., .- ---- .. -- . , latent -...elci recmineni an -„a 0 - _ - -e . .: , g .. , .., :,.. ••-, „•, , „. ....., ..., - ~, ~,, , t - . .. •,,,:,,,,,,_ ~.1„,. „ t ,_ ... -,_ „ :. „ _... - r ' - , roes 0. postage -so as as46,4tta .. •-,.".- . fi r t...rit . s,ty 14,- : •!. - ,_ ~.. crinaistent with American etfrierti.s.y....l4.:-..riittiltz.eptlonatiict.intyritoy?lfilttit„4•- te - ,t V 4 1 .- -. 4 - 0- 4 54W0(04 „4 4 4 74;;...ft i ,...4 .-- -,..*Kiii,4 wit, 6.1 cdn'ts to 5 cents. 12,4,:ti*it1, - itotl at-'l 3 titfr,itc,e, pri)ceeirs fn ad :•‘, -, _ r .i,.. *00.14* - t ...tgy . trok s fofig.., -Alt,. tomtri•toit , so , an increase of p i n•iate .. .n n ii:thosiii , letters 1-i:tion';:.--tire'',t'.it-tt:-nflii.seh;ltt'4iitt_(.4tsi;u'a.:t-,Yont::r4kt*'',::"ttl-,'iflii::-*sll'- f'lrtr?" ii. ' ll' L l ' irn - , •: , . 1) , 4.4 7'-'s` , which now pay 18 c. • -_eell • o te' I- . _, 's , •'- -' - ' ---' • _ ,'-' ' - ',/,z.' , ,-,' ' , i i eti, t . #l'ir : , cents. ft. -K;fi s z , itlA:j,ogi,iob, t e . i .- , .', , , - F t -( r i e: ti ;,y l ( a i :_ : - ttA i.e4 4ttl ; ;' % F' ...i et ti e n 4A ; X jf ii'':. rt t ii t;f' k 'AiPM; a : y: tVZt .ot -Att vn , ''‘-a ) kt r gir e .. x 7. - . r'his will render- settlement-a with letter was made . ..3 .- , „ -.. ,-., ~, , ,•_•• ~. • • :•.--,,,,,,:i.., ,-,•„. ; ,_,,,_.r.... , n _.. „ • . - ' Ee ilaccrwr,l` tulet, _tteroory to . -rne..-1 4.innice., to - low .estersi...l6 Pen.-.-.4o..i.kerir litili.l ,_..i _.. ant} ture , l3- ‘ke, , . -• 1, .- ' ' - , ... •, - . 4 ~. .. - .!•.' ', .. , "'7` .. .-- ' 4arriers ana postinasters ,, nyaca ~.t:74,. ► c-t II e •• f i•- i- - rt i ljap - by fits Vepee.o4 itcr.ti-rv... _ ,'•'-- A ----:-.-..,.2,-:-I -ri-tacti "e 6, 0.1 . ken zto . Kt 1i0t..41._4',-4., i1.,,Ht"14: ed vz ~-,,, t, •'• ;-.- - - 4,imie • 1 , 5 , ' , ‘t'; `,''.•;--,-,• 4.'''. ici.buy.li, from ... , t! ,, .. - t! , ' , ,' ,, :y.: , .;‹ p~~ ~7~t£:..~ more culivenvnt. A curious friend ofoets'to3s a sort I of , a , Paul Pry, is amw•ing , hicirseli , fittcying to Bauer Nit' what pr'oportiOn:rtf opfakrzerta are "goo . d' humored." .- Hrs setik.x6ela a novel one, sure enough. Every when the pavements are very,..6 , li*mYehe goes throzigli all the priucipat.fteetts; and counts 11 , ), v many rne have put/ashes on the pavrTnart hA'Ore their r3' ! Ors: All who have taken this preerrst ion, lie 'chalks down I as vocal natured; and 4cnitriitythuse who , nave neglected, he pnwtytrl},ol4)=te,oppo . Site eelun:44 VVtil ftt3 lu}nrafi'' s iitiat the result ()flips- investigatiotin--Awt will .yam -b3:iniere,4ttriikf and instrueti,Ve., -kT,IO - 4tilties, we learn, did a very poor , bust:nes§ :In Steubenville. There can be vet} , musil in the4oo.s oti - neigh bors do N • fa il there, lus.. - , The Florida Indicuis.—TWASt. Au gustine News of the 10th is with much pleasure we learn thik there is a prospect of our difficulties with.the Indi ans being finally ended. They..a re daily coming into the settler] ents around:f6rnpa and the neighboring p .sts, antLeApress a willingness to emigrate,being very : friendly with the whites. We hope Geti., Worth may sliortly succeed in shipp]ng4oem to the West." Exchange in St. Louis on the . ' itt,elt" was as follows: Boston pa: tom,Ti per, New York, Philadelphia, ‘, AI " f I Baltimore, " 11 New Orleans Look on this picture and then ask 'where is the necessity fora National Bank to regulate exchanges?' A National Bank n. ver did reduce- - exchanges so low. What have the. clay whiv to say to this? Judge Story'has rectiverej fmm his in— disposition ..It is said that the fath6r of Mexandet is nirw in 4afriiihuristteitg GrAr.TAkfr%r a pardon for tiffs son. The iron. J :hn C. Calhoun has been nominated for the Presidency by the Leg , islature of Smgth Carolina. It is sail that Mrs Stiifincer is almost frantic on account of the tragic end of her Gov. Dory's speech Concord, N. EI., will soon be published. The yield of an acre.—An acre of or chard lalrid belo . nging to H. P,ltock, of Burlington Vt. produced this season,244 barrels of applels which at $1 per bdrel, would amount to $244 00 5 bushels, peas at Si per bushel, 500 3 bushel's fine peaches at $2, 6 00 trtjw, 10::.'0' , .'i--!-:.,-'7.•a,:-..,. shape 01 .-J, 0 , , - t .}l.),b' - . - trunks :A t atw - a eagg -- . .14 44e. - /lustre t-- -` - gr. Av Atiri. : tieirovea,4i;va , tn hsofren I , ciltte:e. ~Dit: S4tt.tifty - ,-- , - ''' t - ,i. - --,l;4:each.: sive into, .4i4k4i4tintl fe eling!'s -and caricilia i64;-' 1 tiyent,tntraltri-tliei - - , ' .ten - - rw-}Prt-gt - ' " :"ft * icoartlrrfth l4- i iet:th' qtVi/ , k( lo stlestafixt linel'weemiy upoo the itea - 610s trtkislcof tton,--4.vktt.iles, tie intitegini-_ol3e, beset; a but*lo'beitl whii-tal,Vpdn,,execiked a eiltiWtiktelf .eiribitteretfikelatte; part of 1.10-- f e w mieute9,ls4evlcit4t,4l-1 His hauls lieVe life and brought liii'..dityi to a ttremartre a l s o lotvpeci ifff,' 44 44 , o-TAA:execeton _eatt;nr.der disiteSSittg anti vAlt itfivaled:' 44.3‘:' F ' AI -'z-iitt,i 14-Eitna 'elf the , ~c unistiotter4 - 14- . ip e 44 h,,;", did 0(. .44 1 - 1- -. iatin with the beat don itt - ,-, cat.- - the 13th-I.lti - daffy . Puktdreilk:-.perio.iicqllF, nail 11311- la old chief Icaitioast died, it tcorse.ltt4nt;sr-of_tiArtuitiP,l,to ex-zis4-P-P34l.othity, wrtitith kt , ~,, lAA} ti-.1,3;,,,--. cast.t.di ivrvi - tivire,'; ~.1-}atsing i wit; At no w T.' to g.nVl; . r; I .;iiinng iqeit, -1-rr' \ti the' d'arl'velit-it persrintii wig:ft 4' 1 - 03* - tri , ..• L gi) years bitt,) wiru-stsei knew his fait/lg:— .I saw th'e: pasltiog of a knife 'fbroy ihTne. i Tfrs c .. Aft:it - iii the f.vening at th e l : pase,4„ - , cheek -alone -Prior cleat - toe- t - crilit - , - /-ut. ber 1-,netgh bor t ' wrro a§ i .len'tf.s.A..ll?/)a t o t ' .. w i1..1 cutsing the ki0. 4 ,.. ~. __ 1 lifts; in the cup,' ,tti untie-a Trait-e - withs: &a-° 1 "T4le, : was 4 1 0 11a/40443t im rued rat ely, 'af., .1-1 ell: 1.3 y !lieu* ow!) incorrut, theyprouttr ed ter whiehlier hasrdsW-e-1---4.ieiti:b‘-..ltiyid bee f a quart of liquo, svfi_nii was prinelpally back, akt4lhis saitt,lte.,,Oitiife,frjur- some I r 41 , anti, by 'A vett and their }awl; thotigh nfits time untill-ex:ecuts - 4 ,, - <44-.41 ) iliesili ,l :o ll two , , Aiii)aitt t , nine raging or -i - ke part of Ax:"C-11 errsor ; 47;it'tie bxecAkextrq l tY .:olli - d i...last ti,tre-the 'clip was- - fitted. - t, eaSon: _' I sa,w those perfsontr:-wisk.kliii % es At - about 8 o'clor k L io-rmittitltle'll , eit b I ra- driver. throriell their rtite' f eke, thgr ha** I tal joke one , them daiihetWear two paita.i fastenektas iron staples to 1 rgs of wood. -r--- sa .. ,! . . e water oti . ,,their helplesriliietim; led hi n , 1 I saw the head of one of them sti u-`k off.- -oat tit - doors, u .t told him to gn hope, and 1 His heart was taken out, nod also one of t left him:wit- 1 ; hi*, cleiselvv"et bell vieirls siidttl::' his ribs, all of which was done in the sight I dere. well kilt/VANE tiisit he woold - rirft -4 a l os .l l 6 , ivor. They both retained m d their hoe in" that cortristinp,' Au hpui.er two t a i fientties to the -last, romient, and were a- afterwittds, theyoiiitoiian,e4-„ali ire_men 1 w'are oIl:vItat Nvars going•no. On +be 19th, ibat b.ar the human forat, 7 lo-10,:with sant - si I Mite retui nintrrfruen the Kin house, I. of the ileiOtbots, seaitilt for hint; but did ' saw' the head' and hand of 'one of those not find bon, -nor did they -n - Ptition the mis t whowere executed the preceding day car- erable -c arllri-its - in -Wh . tch they I - eft hi m ., lied by an individual with as much unman- The night vi, is 54 , 0;0 ly 'm id, aai r t h e y o ,,,.' cern as a butcher's boy would carry the eluded he had it into some shelter'. As head of a sheep. bout six o'clork 7- ate next morniitE, sos.le •'On the 22d a fire broke out, which workmen found him silting ender the eanal -- r was soon extinguished. Scarcely was bank, further from home than when iert. v t4t, , tione, however, when a house in anoth. the night before, senseless and a'most life , - 1 e 't-70 1 1,,,0f the town took fire. dut lug which less, with his feet and hands frozen sta.— l Jimeikedlivitad blew rather strong, and !he Every exertion was made to restore him; r-' Ire • - striOd and burnt down three four th of he was at times eruscions al 111:4 situation,.' .r .tite - tu ist thickly populated part of the town and remembered the transact' in oldie fatal 1/41 - ie ineri clibly short space of four hours evening tip to the time the water was dash-' 'l' . ,never saw such a scene before; the fire ed upon him, but nothing, alterwatd.i. He raged with incredible fury. It was truly lingered in extreme ei,trer---s until Saturday heartrending to see women and children morning, ll hen he escaped to 'where tyrants retreating b efore it. On the 30th a man vex not, and the weary rest.—West Trog of consequence died. and twelve indivi lu- --qciuucate• ala were sent into another w old -, ) ac company him, five of whose heaillesstiun'ss and tux heads were lying together a' one r time in the streets. Oar I er•cptinn was g ood arid our pro,i)et•l , are d e lightful; yet the a 'cues we a rum-time; mtlll'SS ar e abso lutely revolting , to human now e " 1!2•1:=C1 NlesSrs 'Entions4l6l much regret to find, that the intl - ests Ow "city are going to be nezlectl, for another , y-ear, in consequence of ..he deinocratit: party of beina aide to unit', on a suitable candidate, whim they can elect, having suitattle. vat tii,iitions to fill the office of Mayor. I also f. , el dissat with three or four of our citizens who a-pire to that office, knowing they cannot he elected, who would rather have the party defeated, the city's inter sts prostrate , !, they having the honor of the nomination, than if all these could he acco7pplish-d, with another. I would say to my democratic friends, that I believe that the success of our county ticket next fall depends in a great measure, on our triumphing in the city this winter. (This triumph altozether depends nn our selection of a candidate.) My firm belief is. that Capt. 1. J. Ashbridge is the only person with which the democratic party is sure to triumph Foreign Sixt een of the crew of tlit r el3riti e itt Whale ship Offley were murdere‘tat the Tre.iiury Islaryls, in the South Seas, on the 4th of Ntay asst The steamers Prince of Wales • n Royal Victoria encountered each other in the.,Mersey on the 30th November. One petsiiii:Was killed by the co'lizion, and . four were wounded. A London paper says that the ilirectorS of the Great We,9r ern Steamship Compa— ny hayepresented.a memorial to the Lords of the Treasury for assistance. The Roard Trade..has decided that hams smoked and dried' in Camada, from salted pork impOrted Irririia - the U. S.. a ;, es , are admissible at the duty of 16.6 - per cwt. On hams impotted ditect ., from thc ‘ United States, the duty is 141. lie; The. Prince de left Liatrtin fn• Rio Janeiro in the frigate Belle' Pout°, in the 20tbi Nov. Good News,—Alerae cotton mill - situate at. Gluton, near Manchester, dtrd 'which ha* been eloae'cl for t. 14: list:three, or four haithis _weeii been let. • 13 , y, tbis:at least -1000 blnds will find en') p loyaient A. min oi two at Stbc4o.rt hayo.ilwktudd tentints.. . . . ~.., • .... ' , MORE P'R ' OOFS``.' - Of the Vjeacy of Pr. Swickytte.B Compound syrup - of Ptiii#lo pi-417k* ii 6 Mkt- pir' f rrii:' S _lG6rEi) ork4-: Sitixth orkti - Todt.ttrAND. k . ' At.. ?. wp,' .WIT..ESS.D TUX .1.1..4s zrzliocirY s , ct d* i , 4. ' Re Les' ad onlytty object diitrsett try r iirr lin g. blood a n d a nackli.` yintent toritth, - Yiqt.tt:lrigtd`t`ivelitii, :a l linat's - iii - g, iiik 11041 t. rillthe Talcs" iAtti tat li g ; - o I L, r Ting. ata tn . of di*A. oraft:.Loy , of 61.tylittorloos mid o- iot It mei, ind-stati4 mat t i ilia. hsttA•few•day*-tolive; rny sijyter who Wit nesir6ini y • . _. . - • • • - Fan : Tv-B - 1181er ',lli e r iVide 'up hier -Oa r rei ct r iv:,r re ska.*Ott.ro: .. kelikto 11 , 405itail ti , n • With • "the - "' P , fritirsii, I t itCtilrg.,`e r'"" a li,:-.1..4. .I-N1.1•") 1 " - ; '- l 'e. `_vA,.. 9 -Pr i t-.. • 16- ''''''-, • ..„ .45 ,, i iint*,. o giita , or , • - •, • • - WEI n rttrairr,rfa. . .- lne.Pusevti tire vrs.s . then 'hope. • bt•dexh . o f e P cca . g.tiriwtA, mild, ii ab0111:t0 .41 1 - itsi..., Dr. ;7:;:erti Inc r rtYPillil'i"'l - *4 7 4t itip of Wild Cherry. , , ' . ' - • .' wss.. - then prncar 1 - - - AfillAir - jteit' Witty , 6 'nYe relief' nod pear,ut PAriS... 1 ,':-' • - .: -. ~- t . - . „ .._ ~-•,..... , -.. • • :,, . - .• --, ..-. • t,y.: hr. oa:s 11 1 04 vtuut 3 :4: - . ., , Kilonsit-efinta hottle,loy cough - T-e,. - 2 .ruffF ...i, • p C. , i Ivr 14.!,(ig., vvlt.i; tills E 5 liu-itr l'tet vii - filtri r;iy - treliittli - ..'sn' 'Mirth iiiioroird that 1 a p . , p h 4, u „ s.e . : a t ..,F, , „!,... .„.. w ,-_.. 4 ..., t .1„.„ : ...,•, : . tar. , at >'. . . , 3 4 f "!e - t 0 take tha fresh life ,: au ,tit a lahart - time lon -_, 1- ` - "•'' • '• -'''''"'" '"'""- ' lir 4- 'i•PrtilVet' , &•o; . i crtrmPir . fifth*: 'T i n,' s 4 r - 47;" - ili"...- t ''. i;:atltl , 7` At'fi)k ,, .b.f , 3" -- 46 , 7f.... - - a i . ",) peatalli - , ••estirl.."-.,...,, - - -..- r - ... ...- ....,,', ~., -,. :- ,r-... ' Mn ~.. -. , ... .:- . ~, • ~,,-; .6 . , •, • ,- . - ... .; -..; 0 . 4.0 i rill hri iit . c. 4..0 • e 5... t ~ rnitelt.yr‘tt.r`a.a. " ,".q4/ ;pp' my 1 4 113' EJ 3 4‘-!::'•' - 4 i rek ,-(Sl6 k f ' s- ' 1 " -ai rnniq `e!t -r.e 7.Ar.ie"V,e': ---- s;. - - , c4rWhArr ) iyn4 in .i, is n Irq!r•Viristt. rt , '.... - ih'ilir - herow :Race et 01; :4•; , . 3 .. 4 ti.! i.:tt 47' rft !fe; t- Fll , 4 .a . A5e ,. ...)1tf , . , .-,r•col‘itric. " I • l "''''i l' l'ilLi PI o ''''T I, '-'l4 - "...1 6 - 4 . i r.t", Vi kiil i j r i ' . r i*""` s ' 1 : i.... .....,, . 4.... ........;,,...,.' .p , .., .:. -. ~.:', . ~ 1. „., .r.r , -: 7 .•-.. • i ; ;), :it ,:., At` ..ii ••-t rtv at 141111' rtlittl f.trilr-tithhthjo Tree •,.- - . • ' 1 ' . .,.‘ 1 . ....,,,, -. .,, , 1-7 .it- ., '• •:' • , - ..- 7 -4-'..": ' '-',:. -, 1t., 4 ^ i ,:-.. V') - 0 . ..- '7 t: r'.. rb.-..,...D..3.., ';tti.:t;...*.t.i..- - a... tr , ,,.. 1 4 • ." ...“ •• "- - - :----". . :•., , ~......"-.:.-'.."-... ~ .:4r,-, .. ..-.,...;.~., ... • .-." - -!". . ' ' -c : , . '- 39st, '.•,*t4 i , i 5.,..:4!.., , - . -4 - s - 44:0,t,V:ArS , ; -,1.773, 41 .: i i... 1. -italf.4-,•:.•<4< ,, '... - 1.1.. - ti X , .4. v• ~.: • ' -- .t `Jtli:o.. -1,• r1.'54 ' .. ? !.:",ay41' - 'l4 ' jtAor...X.t Op er`ty,..ol - ,.` r.,?,, , ...44i. , / 4`,,vi -'l l i, , tt3g4 ro - c.i.e,, ,, ,, A A f t:if., Al l , t r . -7,..,‘ ye, tt, tvisq. ;' , IP .:T+teturkieZ ., F.l4 4. * . r; . l .. ,, , ' , jr...' -- ;. ` 4 14 :. '. - Ai . ..... ,- ,t r. .t. •iii`':4 -- ~ -'''.''‘ '',:irl'. ' !;,• .4 ti, - . - i - '''' ,t . '.,. all ...,. 4 01, , ,0,44t..&614.. - ;,,-:" ~,, . .31. 4? .,...:„1.- , ., ~t4. . gt- i ,„. „ ;0.9.e„ . 4.• I. ; ~,,n,..;441,7-1.1.•c,t41•r.- •r ! i r,',c 44 r,..4140# 7 .,,.50tr"s /T' . * . f44,; "- ",Ahagit.P.74 . ,LbOgi' - -4 * : tilt li#fdtirl - a . iitoolo.. :.4 , .. --,:,P.#l,,ivict*ii!tfr-rm.i-tox. A1 ., 9 - 6,41' .:': ..1: : c, 4 ! . 1 4' 1 ' - :; ,'. , ' : MA d i ki;i til : W. : ''''l4'tlNCSfti,f:l: .‘ li, 4 , it • K''''' ' '' . X . l.l, ' ''''.1 . 1 7 :'.7 . i . ?! ....T1: ,. ; ..44,1t, :f: - , : :!!,f . ~..,, , ,, . ,„. ....: . t F,,i....,, , , , ..,,, ,_, ~ ,..1,; ;;;„, „ .t, .. , , ,,•_ ~,:,..,,.; ,: f ~ ,, ; t0.14...,)t, ~.,., „ ~.„,,, ~.. - .4.'::-,77:1-e.',:l'il;':4-';',7, . A *.. ''.. ;i Z-14 44:14i,: : : . "' r .' ; ' , t , 4 I ;;;S . , ' . 4 1 ,,Z ,' ;:.s'; -,=,'.-,.-,-1i,,,,-.4:-.7-lit-..-::-",',-,k.t.',,,,S1.14.4ife;iiielZ.17'.", ';g-.4,2:;',1--'SA--fa.A.,...:.4•f.., t 'DVICCiNTENT.—As Mr. Cecil' ridirtg with a fries d, eu a vets Will ly day. he dust was so troublesome that his friend. wished they were et their journey'; end, ! that they might ride in fields free froM dust, When they can;e''Yto the. fields: : the flies troubled his: horse, so that lieC , iutd hardly keep on his se ,t. again eorn-1 plained when you Were in the road', 4iere'ihe 'ist eras your trouble, and a li veer was to get into the fif4d4. You fornoo that , the (lv was there! Vow this is, a tine pic-, lure of human_lifi —and u. will find in all the changes you n e in four': We. know the It ia!s of our 0-es-cnt lion. brt the next will have trials. and per" haps worse, thoug'l they he of a very clif ferent kind.' No one expert increase of hap piness from change of situ:own. The soul that lookr up for happiness; will never be in want of sources of enjoyment; but he that looks down, will always he downcast FOR THE PO: , f It became clear that there was no alterna• tive, and accordingly, when about three days o ff . St. Thomas, in the presence of the assembled crew, the sentence was put into execution. o Saturday the 523 th 'dist., by tho Smith, Mr. THOMAS D. ENIAN t 4 Mi,e SA PA'l.l NOR - MAN, all of this city, :44. _DEMOCRAT City of Pittsburgl:, I N conformity wit h *be an act or 1 1, G e: ,, erat Assembly of toe Commoniveallit 7 l'ennailtratala, provid tot" rtir the 1 nrornorat of the City of P. ittstnirc It, a „ t i s,potemenr - to the said act, 1, A I,..,X,VNDER 1-I:NY,,Mayor ofsnid City, d 0 ; , ‘ , ..= ,, P . 1.11i5, nay Vloclamation deriaritig that i.n the Sft.:Cti,Nils - 11J17,:=1:AY of January, A, D-:1'313. being the Itith dac of the. month, tithe free mom of cacti word in said City, %notified to vote for 'nem. bers - ef the Boone of Represnototives of.this Common wea'4l)," will meet tOzet her at the usua I ptaxes of bolding electrons in their ret4tecfije I:l'ards, and elect by ballot, O n e person in pal It a ttd every Waal ottalifierd to serve as members of the ttf fir greseEtatfVes of this torn- Monivea ith to be a' member of -tile emlert Count'l; and five personv lytratiftinias aforesaid.; „in .each and every Virard, , to. lie ttuivtheit or mite Common Council, • A off 'hat on rhr same qay, the said ..Wards will, at tt e pface . s . aformsairl, elect by hallo\ , a cit izen of the said City, nualifieil l m - iatelected a member of the House of cemmonwertlth, to be Mayor of c't AJd of!,Kry,-two or three traveltiog newts to it). 'V V Het yu;-;cription9. throuei the country. fora new work --41 noty rlll4 office,' dee 29:—IttlitZ M. ARMED, Pl?oC'Eit 31.1T10.17-: Girt-nnn11;1 n the; seat of the said City 41 . Pith'!"ih; thli„da .or neceinher,. - A: ' LF.X.RJVDER RAY. Alayor. - 4. 41- ' ? I.> , ' iltillter i. id, :ci 00 -4141_, tei - A.6; oik - 21-1)L• 4 rt. Xi Tfiel2l.lo, :llf. t f i r4 . 4o6 Vtitt i Vll 4 -. A 44 4 l 4feeklitYale-i'ieta ti k rAttill " tlt '- 'etalitt a r ! ' "tr .,ll*l . .a t titffte IllkjelMt - . a ,„ ....-p..1„, , ,,5t.ftt h 9 /he ti 1 1....,,ij n*ol o2tirtit ti.. ;tr .* . -Aiiiiikeltzthiivki be ItAratlrdi eii ail I bescilazen'si,onAltuci,t4 etartrtifie it tfilioA Ilhhte e..eid e4 Irv ' 4 v..7 , 4 ,4,11104.91440ie1 5 v. 4l'he fothilrimeivi oftejo ~ ,u_ elt kt7lll.e the. meeihli" Oi ll'itt44 flifie ' eethy tu ; e ',': x l lit :. 5.,.. -7.,i,,,, Ir'fvo t i' d britn • :-.' 1 -•!..''f'-.- 1 / 3 214 :tUit' pete- ...-- -!—''., ' _ 4:7, At I. ' e ine4ll *; ufik t , ~ 4,Fo'7_ "i 7; . ' s4otoeo44%.olN.Pliai, *i.lt c li e -*, - Fhfids eto -the,44,., Nit taletity titeerolse Ottl-liotf Spy,., - wttobtostgaitly , palty rtrir., - pt ..„ 4r4 , loir44, , Ttittl. this dtrethq 4,., ,. ' th& - -At ett4 ftronott4ori oar ill the< duo ....I:t4e o rf r t_ . ' lir M a Tt; riZ k i _ nverttl him tindi Pra ' . llll , . 4.419 ier ! oa, l e. I ""/ 'Penh vtitilo.e. ' ' . I . "Ate fe.:bed, That, althatt VI-we h tl , Iv . seri:l:4-1 shaulft tonal h lIIP V. tl‘?,4 t I' 4 , re-i-4 li.t, ig.,, l',tiktlfall dlihtharp , ,,ich,,,..., .sieotylls , arvf Ggthes, 1,3 ti,..„7-1 MOriditql_ 71,41 4' , . 1 - 0 n ' I Ptiol.4 4 Z 6 a `tiOntil O li a , ''P 6 - 41 'S! 3n 1 ) P?" 'Orr. 0 4 1 . , •A. conrulaTt yAs 10031e-it° pot iltpt 4441 ; ;idji . +0".* l'9 111 , 1 her i'. «%t Ac .;ate it, 4, 1 , ,, ,„.,,,,, irk el it. 3. S. 110StE1 "91 ). ‘,. ~ ''l l ) 4'.CY' ifriap CIRCU Ain THEi ti bilring-of ettplAi n Bu l *, • Penn T TOD, EF,K, The p e rr 1....e04341,,Lt)rte ii 0416 lifq , " and spleittnd arlrnf • Slur : and 7 . -11 1 41 rinc Shen,' ill 1 ; 14 ' Citc l / 1 ; a . nd a Ell t . rs,ia ' 5l -age. t.t..•slll:tit ._ _____ • . 1 - 10LIDAY PRESET,' .. ,-, inmeT.vlticriberßarponw ripeitin , a , * ,p 15 14. 41t ;FA NCB^ UODI) r bis fi t ~.z t-. ::41...... - 4 2d.- - 3t . •; • . J It: M'FRODFINI. 6- 4 ~..• ssiGktfil"-s7t ‘'I I J 41 0. 0 4 1- c•ngsik4;2o4::: • rl:tings, R A ' k . ,t 4ix . in 'tt Is. j .l := f - 1 ; • • - 1. • ingAT tio 0 mark 1011144 u CoitioNsal Alpert on ft NI Mir a saldatof -- 14t, 11( Dr* tiM d , xt d etin -• A INl—ro 214'n:ell, 1 •Tur Tob6, ?i• i Trancpnrithfiti 'char - 2,es p eke gestii.rcllaneauaarlirJ steailsairrt otthpefurititur c. sal ti i . r.rrs (sr?... Sale, of Pers.. pipe; - inv.". 6 Fru' y..sllr r;s 1,14.1,4 .if the AVS iItI ralpipor tk late !laird (ter:a; 20 S'ltrift-s'orNmnsw'y :n a akd . 534 t,..,„rtre 0. • do -Pitts!, , _u 1 ii.entr, • 5 4 drart .. ,, Arer ! ! dn. , rtv,te t W.l-11 ,1!)i • • --A lint of .villidh,tr tint kA. M,211, Pi • :•-• pr i t • I W • A .4,i ,: t tiftssm 4 nil, arrd.s,r An Id ec,!:verl as. • _ yy Ft. 't -S ' Sf Celli all riird ,titt. in , tn 9 A. t!. ; Alit' 4 V: Dr. E. 51. Ilta titr l tarrnieF Dentists r} , Pr stitifili.l4ltry I.hr tit •mee of trei h whit a tteaut trit I en!. relfi " pr Sel3s; ti,rulo to rd,r forwa raing ' int,rr-isimi of 15t tni , fnr sate a r.a , mar h and ill t iinitirrra I a -a- a- ,. /Ul lo ' w 1 ~ !e .Frht !time. rnr 1101101PPIN APPLE: , : on hand byre! , ' :In iuu nil condi; ion. for eby In t h e I)ietriet Covrt ni Nov fa. 544. Ceo. \NMHate, 11k5,„... 0r,..,„.„.„,,„..... ro . ..,.... ....„ ~..,..,4„;,...,,,,„ :ood ,uoitat to oa .. 1 in . 1 p l "I' 0,0, of :tie ..r,,Rerord. q3st. .941 .‘ h I.*.wn i:ro i t 4e , r l , ,1 Thr V, !. , r ..1 ,, 0re t.reoifi li at the o(ri , c of Matra So ..c. II:Iloilo:). oo 000 city of Pit ,sh,irrn,.. ,, 9',,,,,,,,,1017115,Lk7 0010 ""Y' • I , r oli: 1•11:115) ,,, ni ti.o :11 , 00"T'''` ‘v herr: a: I p:-,. :ow l : i n5 ,,,,i,,i ar e a.,.,;,: ., “ 1:911e z H.s mAciiir , ' boo '2l-81. - I - I EUTER - ; or A i) the estate ~1' E ToTtlivo , Pitt tywn4ip,-de,,,cns,('; hare b2en . the . subscriber, rrsuiinff 'ht.! third'k e°s' 0. riErsburgh, No. 16 7.h Firect iridebtA sald csta!ed are rro-4 1 A 111 ,-; initne , iiate: pa Ftnent, and those !toil ;! denuti.ds•itgainsj it,.to make known= I ",.'Tally a ailigntibated; the del .v. • RofiERT cP.243.1852.—E4 Ad,o sTiLIT c.37.71.E__mi,t.,1,,,,,v0t -,-, ' 4 -.... Von the bearer . .01, nine wilt. fore 4 Ite 25th of Noi - : tnsi . nne Si err ph* i llir :r ill.rk red airil 'it pitre ,?:r lig! left ea 01.503, b99J-..eight, }'ears Ohl. ,edi and vhite: lo Oe.' thstit,ictiou. ,'7'l;e ow Der i? rorpor.l 0f0.6" and soul t', wir : ll the law in such r:t , 00 des 26--:..91w. - Fl'lo l ir % s •_. _.... . - - W9N730, rook.. of the filloot - watder'o Iti4orival aocouin oft.Vopoje --Scitouleraft's Trove IF_ -T,ife of fx . .; i oo 6 Dlddrittee's Notes on Virginia—H o oig#ol Histoiy of ;Pen it gy Iva n Any PO vo ig O; works will confer favor itv .0011tV thie=ofice,or permitting a referat t dee 27--!1 iv. / 1 J ftAN "a sun onkr of (PeO'rt'' • and r°r:the County ofßile;:nroP Le.reilat trtherl22.tl. A 1 . ). 1 'o4'' - Witt bo • ItiOW 6t • 't• 'to rithii, .:a!r nn the 50 jAri o of F01)mv,,,..41, 10 0 yttel 17: ii*tol ij C""i grotintl sitiiite i „ rig I'll i51,11v,711 an d endi Ili tI orn nikt , in the Plat't top:, rit,t Itr John 2,2 d • ''•r"titinft'''l't.l feet on ,Ite -trntlikeAftd ' lO a 2& i'et•L ,'et7ipa h.. 044 1 -. kith „,,,,!,:te,torrslttle°:',.. I pert)” or 4!!ot !;.'P a,i inS ''a l :.1)11'. 51A RTO, 1 —_-_-_. __.:.:::::-._,— , _-- --- ' ----'-----rvi' N6 -77-CF., --.41". ik4(4,,,; to ile•rt,lrOre, . 4 1 , .411114.0riirg t;; 4 rti .:! i, I.4.Vii tVE5ar it ' ,-.i44'. . . . - 4 - : 1 'i - ...,•-]_..— L..--"------ ,-- -------, • r -.AI! ff -A:7'-- - 14 N - t . s• - Tit 119 P'S I% OTIC - . ti 4: 114 -- 4h.4ir .0 q i hip Est we .a Ilds:h ..1".„,,,-1,, -4`;'-iiii. dz.irld d ' •it di .00.1dtivelir...,,, —---- - ' il tia‘ 412i,1i :lil , tA-:':.. hiid . a . j .itie"Ali4ill7". itii,e- tit . .t!r ffi ' !•titiktAtTliff 1?,,,_ ...... ~ 'ittited . ;frit 4 . 1 7"'" ~ , k 'i will i : 6 1 4' 1 - - twit?-I ) talt*.t -- - i 4 or wettui - pritet.Aoe. -64;4 , 1n.r4 1 5% *ma , 110t-alte:a. ver toreisinati_sa. jgesseruliy surTose-d -cituti,tioes, fur the May W ifluoh would , be • AlleOeny )4,,a!most•ci that 'a . yrnr . mat!'had Circus.l The followia py tdil:tct/y,"word for' rams" wail left b c y :him cit),—Wm if yot. h e air P47Rifltbdkit *Rite to M,= ti Sun oar that , a don't out ..r art: - affair which c., s' yebperance Fair. *nirvana - . about a lady, y eriailsoreetliing io,so modisbilling and c ` Fair, Mfinulty of 1114 , uweven; that Tau e. thi ;I* - fellpt#,,ly 'felt b if The nf 'the 'affair'ii „ e,-(anawe tai are,) , ..0t0 t ends. A &An TuPr,becatisette with a lily , ' 4n 4 `!_ ..Warth gtrit• R ka her by Dr4monert, our yearl Hi agt, rif l ;itoty Drivis," was RAU. .si-Uovlt g the', trti,- velatili•edtob far (Ike..was 'tits t Warning tr) . 1 . ) , , i , s w h o i t sirtuSernent walion IVattie 1. *OJT: of • n'i'ifti.l44 . p.itc ; '". - 4 • = • Tip e4 : inra t •••• •:•••a=,• Atis €ii4 . lt ) Act n 4 Po) . . `rr friend - 4, fr:,m t‘ bruer,- wti 4u re oti nn . • Tliel i; n ng reqiir4 - ttiq4l . , puhfie., fir NORTh WAR tes.—J Wiatt, E. Troy d J (In dier. VOuncil.—G W Jack Scott, C. MeK and J.; .Crece. —Win Varitt. , - iirectort.—Jas Anderso 4 • i is citlt. i4fi 1440 1(44 Troviilo. Aate-4,t44-pli`:Watt. EST. 7J. A l.r D a. urtiland and Henry Cas,i .—SorS kier 'Hart. Wen' b.irertea . ..- - LD , U. D FITTH WARD s.---32. 3 pes .llr.Clain, -ward, Tilley Putter and m. 'son. tor.—,ft -.s RI a k.e!r. rv,--f 1: -114 r din a at.--4 A Far ir —ipha Sinith„ ; , w.d Dani ". Safi WARD. atop--Geo Alecanker,l .1114: 4 5rnitb, I s 0 ivrs. , nacted for Mr Biravia Cogincit —l6lin Az;eiergeo k I YE .; Counci!--.3 S •rH S niegra Quigl Alexand ,, r—lnspt • .sessnr, M`Knwn—As ndx•gr .Schnci Uicecit , tctvitt.. Carkwa44 . lc, 3)1 EA:IS r Wm. C I n -IkKeUy, Quirat—ii . • infect...ma-30 Fe pis Idol' Orofrii McUareu. - 6111 -Ri'D.)ugherty. N Hasten.. lily-*€etty. 11 !etisavalertk IvirT* s. aif :64,00."xtur.-60;e0entift.ne_.:141usti-d-etil lrOit OF ALLEt Ifetzt:Eit waa t Vilteleitizeus' trpt w n iul trout' Wei, 'or 14141 44w , r -fjsr _hi , t own ttibviNtig,wett: 12a1 - x~~. _'° mcv maw