V 41," vOstie - 44 c, • /4- ' --'-'•',-. •.::,; -- 7 .- .'' ,, f.'- , ` , .,-1.4. - :it , '.,,,i:-.;Ti.:;:ir,:.,---1.:-.":',--.-:.,:,. A • ' ', ;travailed with the t...-lafety ld printed with a taiga re of the-spra ft. „ ll . .." you wit deceived -tri-nigs tstittu t J.:sterling their itoststo bar --ratitltwkik when they are Pot P Wiped hefollowing. isa 161 of Istai lt -t uam 4 1 i 'ward at the Port Pitts4urgh-.4th • the list have the lutprovied av ii ratin t.el4l ,rat- it is im possible tar an etttm lon V ANNA, - FORMOSA, - ITA N.' AGA _ DG_ ILl4taifi LEANS, Oil EfiS, N TON, . -IVIONT4IpMEity.. I.)Y OF LYONS, CAII!DO" ELEV . FOR-GE,- •IN D.FAX 446E6 UT PITT, - GALLANT,_ . # EA K ‘VATER,. I.ZUEtllicrratl!O i'FESS 1t A IL, DU K F.: OF ORLI'. • - Bit I - P lAN, Et:LIPSF I T ICTRESS,' WIN D. - 'GAN, • - QU TE. . gs: PR at, i.LEYItAND, PENELOPE, ! 1 / 4 11A, ' El:ct, AGNES,. II ANN', 3IESSEI4G,tR;;!' !:14 AG A Nsg.T.T; , \rANT 01tVIIWN, vt:t) PA I' NE. GEC ILIA ; a-I,All)ita, _lrlllll§ Fit BEND, GALiNA, , I ETTA. 1 4 1XNTAJR. • COLUUBiIYE, ''r \M FERRY BOAT, , I,“velieg community . ititeticiftelty top( It.t-y make a choice of aoat ti iril 4t . ...ee Ns hether it would Oar total to choose a ;ate!) , Atardtoutt„ ant: freight, In prefer/cute tootle -t 0 - % nlcEion —and that they aritt.lamta Lcc invention has the unqualified appodulk e cunt en tine buttdprts—g'entiemea' *Mk understand the subjeut, and.srlauart• ..,72 I r 'fierestodi . 141 -trtifips lIUM-lef 0.. rest' z :.•141 en and ol hers—alrof which_tiatt . re . ..... No la. Water street, where h trail _tire hi all times to exhibit Itty v tit mite Übe tractile to tall. z lo CA DIVALI.ADEt 11£A ESTATP FPR • The ,nl;.;;;rriber ofrers firi irate, 04. 0 Ike greater part (.4 . big_ rpl Wale, Pit isbnigh and it Ih..2beny - ;vit: IA ar , I;nuses. nett'. -a; isnWtaidlt4... 0 ,lrtrl,telWeen SA - rand art!rtitr.; •a i rn.o al nut 54 (eel by 60 derp. .ror to suit prarcbasr:•,anii 11.1,00 lot in A Ileahtn Y 4.11 Y. 64 !..a el S5O felt in bur" rnsytiraitia canal aNd 11.• Ictt t - .. 1j0t i rt.! tiVillttiAlASOO 3io ct F 1 ttt ,1, ~11,, .• ..•t. 1,11,L tx 1 Lc 7-0, :1 In, wit It Iwo n or y brick gerei; I, the trortwr OF Mn rkrt and Fr 01111 41 41111 •zround rent. and now .nne.npirtLllV4 ALES. nnatttsitd LI'D If ED —ll anted to rase or ,•:00,1 , , a rinvd it yof mi x or w ti, , no-k , ,,as of Con Wry Proantf..sakee "r :1; 11 A R IS'S Itreffigenceo4 4. . •-•• colt, 11l isszinn 1; N U. !IT. CewatissioN JfricreAast,Ddtler':. Aterrafactures, r R• TO - E-q.. Pittsburgh: t I; .chrtin of ft'd. D De% , Capti r!:: na I V f SOVien y co. ‘l . l,, , Hourne, Esq i FA RM. Ft.IR SA wilt stir rn, 3ri tc liich i live, hr . Wiliam touts FR' . cot,ininir.¢ one brradred sad 'ti acres of whiettintlenttL ititiAive •• ,1 Tlirre a le_ upon it .tiansto.g 4o (rn 63 err I by ;34; 311 applatirclisid of acres of coat The soiris br th , of any uptest farm lathe . for known an UpplitallOOtAtbesubselatl',. I LLI A M WALLACE. ;(111., L A M C. WALL, :Plain . Anti Fan? 1. and Pieture Frifis-Afingliftcftrer, t Frits burgh . —Canvass BresheS. VS r A rtaYls. always 011 IMO& !Again:46o • v framed toorder. Repairing,dooettthe ,f I , :.!; attention paid toreelding *lid 1 01 0 1. g. ~ p fitting rip Steam -sa3 or boalies wil01( rs - ftnlaga to tall. • • 111 FE Lt./.eahscrp te ers. ol ;_ m ' n ffir ni.lt pal niers : , and otherY who' IrstS'• e 1:" bile Lead "nada or the .betst 1010 . - if ripCstiperlor to any.otrerrd totbt :Adresned to Dositi 1100/4—ea r *resfii, No. il9 Second eteeeit rittytirgli. ankle .; • 1 Co. r DerrlLA OPV it rot PASBIOPIABLE Fifth S. one door r ifrost 9 111 i q :V W 4, • I ` ,critwr reypecttoity itiforml " 211 awl vicinity that ,, Ire lons Phoes or Nis awn rnarttrattnnr.,,e I.e keep ennelarrilfy on h tan eti 21 "... nitY,SeS. Acid quality: bieb'witt or r -cis o.e Ste snit abtll 1 Q t°° 6f- Csrcg worbt—stieb neril red" gaiter*, and birekins.iadioil;r.-, 0 . , om-rs. :airelic r-,,Thiter'h. made at he stioriesreciik e.llTM Ladies will please call and etAlSiti * elssconallent I itzt - il-7 -7 H rtirte in hii litic they tnaylistil .a° 100' .1 10 fittaP, Don't forget the r from IlarrieE loteiligertte Idttrket-Street. •tlevOifie. t ULU 51 DIG B Y bayisig-tat„,, hutiness of DtoltepiCA9 to t.IY street and 4 m irket siren. '"•Yr- 41, • ><e to noonaronkftie.! l4lBl/6 ' 'll‘ for the very iihertti aapporti.ht,ll„-ifii r•-t to hint. etietteition Ii - h-rvto assure them that everr--.natd • he cant iodation of the WO' , Invite their ,al4ooo,l""leilk..ra 10104 'Wag at • " ~ngovbiek,betraestlS-P C .Iroall ,otitikeen ever etrenA, hololl=;,..i:figifir ie of the sock of the, NifeARIP: it m ar4ae he Ilitendific tetio1 sib . . idti . hasinem, Ire reels , stoat. itierer fa, atealmf - - ‘vo.kar. , nolp , - ' 1 . J- .14e, to talardiio3o4,', in rittyl,tirv.hoot4yr6e :2-4f izk • 07 15 jor Skint i t -A* %'•-c:- 10,0 ° 4 6 . 11 'JIM* 0;410e , .ixto A4 - irtiv 4-4 A" 0 , 6 4 - w amiitEitALl l 7 l 74T-EM'e-- 1 . 1 fy411144.71 `A ~~~=X; ,:,.~-,n-.:. ,:sz : ;,: , -,7:-V7 L-'-'.,1L.•:.1:,:.T._:.:':::-2, r 'O L. puittlaT PHILLIPS* c kg s note r v EEO , eyeltrY ~ WEEKLY; s he, at / .14 Pgri .41,111 e c0P1c0,49„ .~-~ ~ i'erme of 112 E O T 9:6 ste" yEVITX =ME Ot 1,427-0 =ME Di v ~: ; it f.,,_ r orrice Thfr . rt-egif.l,4o:f„ef, aiCO . -Wqr,rif .......- wird . flai:jvar__ - 24604 r—. .- AW - 1 hillsF : ...r.. m nichi le, Po, --,..--,:, ~f,,,7- . : ,".' f,,•:,,.ifit.ii.4,-„ii - N - "i3d.-.-. 7! IP 'F . ') f o9 ant .co , „,.„, w oc.r-1 7 --3 01 'r fiti ifiled zi. {'exit.7. , ._..-.. ~ , . .....!`..e . : . - , 4 .t. ,4 4 ,1 f l - 14-1 . 0 . -gll . ".P. 1 0:7 11 ; I, .—,I , J. , r Jorkii. iiiii , CO le .1 r" ' - . - 411 - 03ii.) 7'77-7------ 7- '.: ' ' - -•--..-- _ .0 ,, L , , ,,.. ... ~_ . , L. e„, - ....,,. ~: -,,,. - .. ti -4-42 tangsof! Pr_ Idebli.O.f -ita . :14#5 , .. : , - -'4 "TegAsr fly . % 1' nod '.. - if ; _rlisf :Dila : ttlaitii; , .-,.!. -.. ~..-,.,' . i . G * 4. GGR -.-:,;... i au ,,,, A. i;artrra.,,, :. _ . ---•- • ' Adfiii - vat Tget.s . . at!. T-lirlOti-Clit;tte....`,ifett :-Cic:th --.." , ~.._ .„,..:.........:.,4„..r... 14 ~ ti .4.!„,r: 1, r re! hyter.a n fnio-rch.-14...y.4.. ; -- "' c ,_ ___ __, o wes ~i rv.-e, Fon ctit, 194.:*,a_ .-,...---.... :LI ,_10,..0......1.. , 11 a s.', MA v 0r;E1ik,.;;;..xa.4 '.. ,-Z.- . ... ms -r'.. E t tIt..NGIS. F.durt .. '; , "Mr.4 . , . - 1 B A :4:-fC-',--•:....- '-';:.,,.-4-3.!..--...,--:::,4. ' ';.,':-=- 1 : f .t...; rot . %,, •A" ef^ Market - Wit 11701TAlfeets, 4,1 ),,_, iF. , rt ir ~ .. 1 r e , 71- , • - ::-., .--z,;.-_-,j,.71,......:-. .::, ... ~ , „. ~„ NI ~,,, . , t utiigitslr; iitifs , 4o. - e A o }lv, E.. tint Ltti,k. ~ v i at; 1 2 3:1 - 4.) 1 1 : I , j,# ii„ jet rkiliit i 1 rid M arket-V9011...., ,•-• -1; , ,,int. - . f,..,_.... --, ftlx:4oe, f 141% .4irel. itt,ll^Wotil. 2.,z,-4.4,,,,z,._ .1- - ...71- . :;:.-.- -- '. -- -- --4- :. ; -' - '' - tint el .- : • ---: (1 -1. \V f 4srliQt - ni.ii , :tile-ttridge !rnYgint . - C9!)....T OC Petri*rf AA,- Clair .citit.ltrillf(iet, tits ne rAtf 'fl!ii.l44..b.ritS-Virect ~ . tiwNlJoic,ectint,c,iciltr4.:aitil,l4,tr:iii.iild.,_., ~., .tgitlr vtA4.,..,...;4tnter t1i1'.546..i'k.t.i..re! ri,ol Canal. . .. ler.,D r. ',nix., li*:y..iir.iifitl,.itely; ::.=!;:.,. 6, ti, . -4i 14.,,itittri i'Aciswg.A.A.`,eety 5..! im4 , VV, s' tt!..l '.- L.fltri - L. .tl t.K.16344r-sy...Ps.till 94 "Isrwir Canal. MEMO yUBLIU .—_--....,_. t ERN WOODS, ATTOItN Ky. AND - )(rNSELLOI.I.AT 1.: :%1V :—Olik , e r- o , 0 14keweirn -olitee,‘ or,."G-o - tto A.. nea%ll. , ~...11,. oreoart,ElOUse , nest rooms to John P ;1,,t , •. , First ileor. - '‘ . - - °SAL MAURO , -- 47ifir $l. street, ,feet icrett' Pipe 'end y Sr, we- - s 10 1V6091)5.—i•rr,6,, %; retail dral , r,l amis, No ".1. .ANDLE:, a::. awl orti P.l . c~.i r n t. L . f: n, M1',:;••r“. e - reip 21 •,•,•••,1, F 11,111% \ • ; • ' • l'itt,...nrwti • ' -. 11, I , r . hiik"loo v a. natio.e*, - tlii 11016rittiOX.,' V'Aort , c I , W; - „ ••• rl . l-1• 1 . - •.1- 1.0;;11.14.4fi.he1), .1 tiv .n • 1) . 1 . '0: :; •,11.-ty nt I.:INV; trlldei • ~rf. ••= ;0 i i i i m!p'tc. OtriCt cor gar-,t anoVe D. I.loy,lic s:rp 10 !: yr .‘, J . Ki:AN ‘‘, I Urers or comwr Flan! OS. \;11 1.0 I l'O 1 - II k 1/••;.. ,-J a . .i BAG t.- 1 > ICS Fr l,ll [t„• is 131:,, a•,.1 r , r ut vArseties of Turnip and 1, . sa , , al Rt:Dut ED NRICV.9 at the. and Sted F. L. SNOWDEN, 10 \o. 1',41,1'.e.r1y a:reat, head of Wood. EBB CLOSEY. FUIII I !I lo I tI. U. SlateS a,sil Satin F•hoes made iti • ana 6r the newestFfenclt patlernfl. I 911 tt M.'S NI I . ',TIC A ULU:3. ti lots to suit ki [l'l r.s; to l e dispo , ett of it , ' F. L. SNOWDEN , 10 No. 134 Liberty street, heart of Wood. .% g'ir/T:=, Flowers :1111i flower Seeds 01 ey try desr.ri pi ion, can al way.; be had .a the Dttig 'tore of F. L. SNOW PEN. 10 1 ;.4 Liberty si reei; head of Wood. 1, 87'. I irnms Annual Mammoth Onion recd, for rile at the Drug and deed store of F. L- SNOWDEN, 134 Liberty street. head or Wood. Cits, NEW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, for seed; just received by P. L. SNOWDEN. No. 184, Liberty head of Wood st. 11, tA TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades lcon.. ,, anting 'Trowels, &tiling Tools, [bidding Knives, Priming Shears., etc., puts re ale by F. L. SNOW DEN. 1144 Liberty street, bead of Wood. IC RCioo Hams.—.lnst revved a small sup- Kin( rery choice cured Venison Hams, on retail Slot; for current money. H Agent, 0 and Com. Merchant ITE (411 c 11 (;!aver Seed, Orchard GraY and 4 entock y Blue Gra=s, always on band and lot FA.. SNOWDEN. No. 134 !Liberty street, head of Wood: .ttemed from the Diamond. to E E 4 . Fs UcIIANAN. Attorneys at Law, otlftqe -.AttorneesßoW," site of Fourth street. between Market and Wood ,aeplo .PATES'KLANKS, for oroceedioms In At -I.l4xent under the late law for zmle at thia Office. S ALE.—Loss on Ibe N4irt It East earner of Coat _ ne and nO4h street. :440'10 1-o 'EX/. D. RLi scrox, Ma rket , near 4tH st— .,___ LBS. Landreth's Freneit tzujar ReeA tleedjast received and for sale at the:brap,:iirtiti 64,01 F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty Weer. head of Wood. I LUTION OF PAR'FNERSITIP.—T . " rtnership heretofore existing --hetnreern WIL• 41 5 By and BENJAMIN ROPEWELVstitierial. t i %meal eonnent. W illianl Dirty . 1* *asthma/qui g llahere of the frmls nettling rpithe agt4 lol ' 6fß ' WALIA*VICLRY, essi.-I...,HorawALL • -nmet filAwc! 1, le Ito c. =TM 41: F'~~. r. '~c'l~ t IGU fit: ru.l.tie War.' Nll.l , 1:e find It Io .11,60 l I hat sep 10 1111 ,Lear, by he do \ 11AURIS, rill. h st h# -~ ~ 13 ft • 1 nraente : ot so! , ~~:~ ev' - 34)00 -I,loA7.liYastrA,ms.g 16.0i5V4ra. _ cog_ it ki f - s'itadirit.llfr lei by, ;7-71 ..Arsk-• Arrg Sr-Atr P 'lr , goimactoomar__,:roimio ,„44.40301.P}4.100Vr-41,04.1. SR isitut-P.l - tor. tabilk AfjoCend , Cl , et hie r. Caber. tJr.,:er~ees iirtvirre - smixo. Virgin ape), Soutipoide. T. WI 13 - CtRAVS.4.7.* Wilafesle• Grneets nud 11. ffittlliitttstfk lkit , c ha stt=p , ettild st rect. het wee:, AVocuLawtt,Vt*li Wield trt Ft:itt , tsurtth. Eep 10- •1 y 3• C.0111,0'4. Commis-gine, and Forwarding A l a M r - I.V - tier Pitt.ltur.li .rp MS.--4 casks ha MS. a rood article. received per S LA Cor,iair, and for sale Gy J. G. dr A. GORDON, sep 10 No. 12, Water street SUGAR .k Mtg. ASSES —4O toll& New Orleans Su vir; SO ni.if.4 New Orleans Nlntasce.; for sale Iry Eep 10 J. G. k GORDON: QM . ; q R.-7 bad; prate N. 0. Sil23r, received net S. 1.7 and for sale by J. G. 4' A. GORDON. sep 10 No. 12, Water street 5111 k BACON CASK S. in order, on hand and for sale Ivy sep 10 J. G. A- A.GOR DON. No. 12, Wafer st QOGA2 ANn MOLASSES.-1.31.11d5 and .11.'15 N. 0. Foivir,32 1.1.15 N.O.MOi3SPS. received per Steamboat I.pporler, mot for 5:31e by J. G. 4- A. GORDON. ,PTI 10 No, 12. Water street 40 " 11111., 1 . LA 0 0.1 V., for gale hy B. A. PA,' NESTOCK & Cif , rnruer of 6,1, atilt ‘Cool / 1 3 I' -V. Lamp Blark for sale fIN IF>zTOCK & c 0... :tivlei of (-:+h aorl 1,v4 , (.Iritl.r. riff zy V. A. riTINF. , ^ rot -K• k CO,. r .11 r,er h :and Wood ef. tA),I - s. do. dri.ijpQ - r45R4c.5... I 2 - N h PETITIONS, NOTICES, ohr a -rd in iltokrtitAcy tert;ceedings: [lt lined ot, !trod tviltrrAtlti iii lit/111i a (.11I , Velf by theCottrs,fonntte tI•C Otilre of Ile l!f!trury noel Oontocrcit. sep 10. sale 13 HUBBN.111), I,l,lle , ' . faitrionahh• lots and V s•tinr• Ala nnii.cturrr. No. 101, Third ts , reet. het weep Wm) and Smithfield streess. 1' ilrAni mg.ll . cep 1() rrlt k i BUCK MASTER,AVILNEY AT LAW, 11 . • has removed Itts office to the enrier of Fourth roe! and t:li, , rTy between Smithfield anti Grant Sep In FOR RENT. —Ttictiwellinl: audio( containing 4 acres. in Allegheny, near the Beaver Road, , aiely iwenniedliv Mr. Sainne! Church. A 'vitt al the Merclninis and Manuracturets' Rank, to %Y. U. DENNY. Fe p 10 Cashier. n. _ A VII) SANDS, IV ATCH & CLOCK i:-.7 4 : 11 - 5 MAKER, No. 7, St-Clair strrei, Pius '4,-..7. Ito •gh, I) E.ILE R /X WA TCILS,CI.O O,KS.BR EASTPIXS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS. c. sep 10 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.— A full 01.1rpty 01 Latufteth's Garden Seeds, &stays on and for sale at his agency, the Drugstore of F. L. SNOWDEN, se!) IQ . 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. Dn. DAVID WARD has his office and residence on Fmrrt It Street. nearly south of the Court douse. second dw2ll‘n?. from Rosestreet. lie will faithfully attend all calls pertaining to his profes,don. Night calls shoo id he made at the door shove the basement. sep E MOVV AL —Matthew - Jones, Rader and Pair Dress er, has removed to Foorlti street. oerositer.l he May ors Mime. where he will he happy to:watt neon perosionnt or transient euslonters. He solicits. a share of medic nat. iep 10 11. A. \VAR El l DENTIST, r'vn st. three • V door helow Irwin street. Banns of husines.s. from 9•. Pt., until 5 P. M., after which time he will attend to no one except in eases of actual necessity. He would further inlbrm those who may think proper to employ him, that he expects immediate payment, - svithont the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sep 01IN DPFARL -11w1D, Upkotilertr and Chet .H-tor. Third at. bereft* Wood 4. ;Afar k a - streets. resp , cilitt informs his friends and the 'publir that he 4s pr,na red to execute all orders for Sofas. Sid"orrrds. Du tea us. Chairs, Tables, ftedideads.Stands. flak Matt mesas. Curtains, Carpets. all -.arts of-Upholstering work, which he will warrant. equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. • Pep TO CO3IDIERCIAL AUCTION : ROOMS, xe no lived Street, Sttsberga.—lt. A. Banehian. Auctioneer and Cost inia.iOn Merchant, is now" prepared Ito receiee and sell all kinds of Goods end Merchandise, Lfakitte large and capaeinds tome, fin. , 1110; Borth Eassi kiseter of Wood and Fifth Streets, fit,tatetrah. ' ' - - , -t 4 iteiralar sates of Dry Grinds. FurnitWee. Crnearics sad other art ieles, an Moridaye arid Thureefey - trerarls week. Hard nave. Cotiery,Tiry d. ofsc.. ward Tisnev strictest, on Tutlay. t Veilvesda . a odi Thit meta*. eriaaings. - ' Boolcs. 4-c., irer-y liaotillay'cietii l / 4 4 , g, - , ' ' Liberal ad vanrsa. wadi. oullonsie t enrestil w hen - Wanted. ao F REF 11C),V. -: hift‘srs.:. John D. DaVlii; ~,'' -; ..1 Bazaley 4- s- . ti, ' - - f .. ltampion. Smittii 4-..+11:0... t . - • F. L0renz...44,97f., 4 _ -.. J. W. - Burteridge4. Co.. I . . . S.' llitee. 4 Co. , _ . .. . , Qapt. James Miele:mill. .. 1 Pittsburtb. .. C. ihmsen, En; . . , • I - f' John Id 'Fadden Esq. . f Logan 44 Kennedy. 1 4. J. IL. Mootheid It CO. 1 ' • ..' , Jas. P. Stuart, Egg,. , i • .. Robitit*alway; Era: j le _C4*. iltil. ktay-- I " - MOTS,. thass i 4- CO. •- '- : - WiDientSYMlnst.' -, VinseetiOl g-4- - 41CCL:040rf. -: , . . i Adidia..Mle. %'-' - liini t ftli s .erik Co" : •: - ..-- t . "-'s 4 iwiliti•._ - .. .4. 0 P,54P-' , 7 , ..t§. - - -.: :,-. - .: -.` oir_ toi . Proof - shire 040ii6m0. - • t tii iter 11,y, ver, No; olapply, VZWE.4"-'44"- -- "! 11111413 c, = 4 •. : =-I UR I 4r bikrV#* 11, , ; •, , ! Cee It e.- .:- cli Alf-tqßAMEltillt 4 4 - -hnfli c 'II' eni Rib4ts9la t)".., ikillitit. „4/leartik. 7, raii,Be. ittel4 f'X'i tOrritifftWiill ,3 ititikee "M 4 1 97 1iii:0. 9- Co*'* "44 I-- in."zb: .. titiitl . t ." oY r 1 0a ,.,. 9 . cep. rng;— I t ik" l4l ,4a" A' , bennti4pliiaTe4liWtwill • e IA-v - itm;w.1,414- .44,-4. ~./mat.l6oo , _ ...- aiid . 11040„,e....: . An would hi happy 0i.e..—.4)*:444- AvAiid - -, ,...40 . " - - 4 66,,,,, who feel dispos, td 1,449/1, -litr' ~ / '. eh r'' irt ...-; ' 'ipti,• pir lint first rate r ... „..-...„ tri ,i. ' -. t ine* ahe gives LOOK AT THIS: c trift*tiQuaiii - ru. - Ict not The attention •fthl e who have been !mine klaCtleett inl",44l4. '.... r ve-wPrir Orate o nage• near in reference to the numerous eertifienti l n. ~ ..—. . .4.:.-.-• ;in favor oT Dr. iztvaWrlalS GllTllwind YnaP lito' c aln .. it,,B. Q 4Am, 4. r.V.SPut-ri4JNATtY.- , tv on ne .„ 0 .,,, ~,r „ r ,,,,,, i , 1if ,_ : -5 0 .,,,,„„ - -- i ,,, ,- . : - 4-ii Ouilker r=ftetztfully i nf o rm , las frien&lsand, the ' ' . , ~''- '. ""' ' 4 1 1411 *e , " .. , lii lion of Iles a.rairi.„ to et bit ty directed to the aiming Penne t.,,ai they can always fluid the h - t. ianalkw' lee ., eeninemeo be w or, whir-hints been a citizen of this ii tu r. : .:7) .. o , Eis „ .ii . , ;ti o n tr d v. is knots n as a gentleman I .Cl fri7 i ts. "is. f : n ic"4 lh e e t i ke r arear-wroltrh. : a l, b kl ia nd Lt e nt 7lll r l 4 ---ca g r :• ll / 11d of r in u te gi ;r7 l: l 4lr Nth street, hotween 4 - ond and Market. N B.—Pant& stipplied" on the- dhorten notice, ..... To ihe -g r eet ' Me' I. ICITIILY • - Ila% eit y r SWP Vlll.'. Comp rind Syrup or wed rake.. or an% Ilting in fits litre. Atha fainifiek forn - tr ~,. rri , for gli rin with which I have been veverrtv a f %nth- Bread. 4, -- - 7, -- se r i 4ell far' '' , ll firt;r *mid It:, and I have no bevirai ion it is the mon effective medirine that I have nartire. It composes all tinensin ere, and tilt, my diet..--and mantains a nienlar and I ran fre.tv recommend II to all Others led. .1.1411 N err x, Borough of Chambervlite. tdO. .tiert 2.3 'ILL! A M THORN No. 53 Market street. Alteen I,sl 41—# P L Y ANSlSittx XIX* --reiddisi at (iS,# i tc New Yell,. Wllll lit i agatielMleti form, The Byinflion...,--14jere violent Ire:a - al. ache, greAt y. fryer, costiveness, cukspi r heart, horn, pain 4n the ct.e‘a and stwinach atwats afie c 'Oalid e , i nl y o ti e d tt ppmbe, secSatiott of sinking 31 fl*Sloiltartt, furred t one usea. with , frequerit went it i ngs, dizziness towards night and restlettess. These had continued up_ ward of a twelvetnunth, when. on consulting Dr.i7Wrii. Evans.loolChatham street, and submittin g to his ever successful snit af:TCPaAIe mode of treatment, 9 e. -patient was completely restored to health in the short, t trutee r . one month:and grateful for the Inca Ictilahlefiettekt-di** : ett, stadia came forward and voinnteered - thepimiire44o4,- For sale IA hoim-ateand 'IMO , by CAR TEJIt - 7" --- L RAI PS, FOR AURNI. Lit RD.— Those who would wisit greatly to reatie heir expense for light, s hoot d certainly purchase ortitilr; the above canted Lamps, ashy their use there is a cleat .nvim: of al leasj. 1 , A13-1 birds of the expense over 011,and this is pore and brilliant, the light ohtained frontand wholly free from smoke or disagreeable smelt. We would here state That Carr'e Patent is the only one worthy the attention of the politic, as it is the only one t hat is appli r aide to every variety Or flat - tern of lantpe,and t he only note that will ..urn Lard went., at any temperature of mold or twat. We have. in the short space or three mouths, sold several thousands; and wil b . scarce an exception, those ti-icy them have exam-veil I henna - 41.es hicltly mi with them. and fulls cony •-erl of the great economy" he their is•e. us well as their Filderim it y niter eit her oil or candleS, in rv.iti d to &anti:le ,, and light. The ;shove named lanspP eats Inc p-si orsir at BROrT.A* RA rmalen-s; Tit in! st revTl, nenrl,lll,pnAl elite PrKt Oifif. , r• yo Lur kept ron:talitly nn hand Ptannia Rieiu I 1! - Giiil'-ia . - 041,11- 4 1 011 VM 1 W er-t !P ri,4l ! • *0144.' • Stif-plea sYrrelni fo IlL' n mtllfir, Ilse rol!ow wbfiti Is sukYttibed to fiy ninny reepecta ell • We.thennrcersianed, nave i•ied and are now Carr', Patent Lamps. for butting I.n d or other annual fat, and the have no he,statinitin saying. that they _lye an errePent 11. bl—equal In any of the ordinary trindrs Hell; Ine a house. at almirt one-third the cost, and wholly free Dorn smokeor other digaerspekle smell. We take a pleasure i t? r ven tn niendi tia ibege lamps to the public, as by their use there is a great saving Over either sperm or lard oil. or even candles; and we believe them to he more cleanly and less tronldesome than either. To he had at BROWN ,- RAYStOnit . .S Only, Third street, nen r , y opoo,ite th.- rm.-101'11cm. Rev. W. W. Bakewell, James (loon, " A. Br-an, Charles Par:lson, " John SCCron, C. Veneer. N. G. Collies. Wm. Graham, Jr., " Robert Dunlap, E. Trovillo, Dr ti. D. Sellers. Wm Douglass, " E. D. Gazzam, Henry Atwood, " Wm. SI. Wright, Isaac Cruse. Bohert H. Kerr, EN., Genrce W. Henry A. Beckham, Robert McPherson, Thomas Onston, John S. Shaffer, . . Ceorye M iitenbergerA Wm. Eichhaum, O. P. Shiras, 1:.!;.-_,:11,,, a Turner, A. Millcr, R. 1111.1:14fIle. Post gOcr flenry Barly.rer, ,JamegS.Clark,ofthe A mer "en lean 14niel, A. F. Mar;lie-ris, John M,Campbcll MEI= Robert Johnston. James Meßin. F. B Just received, an improved Paten , Lamp. for kitchen nee. nnv 19-41 w TO THE PUBLIC, and particularly to Itty . farlltt , patrons of this cityt—Having retired frPfri the practire of Medicine. I may be permitted to say. that. . brie (alien to The tot of l ut few persons to have enjoyed 60 liberal or larae a share of ohstretriral practice as my own has been for tn.. last 30 or 40 Yvan.- ' The experience of that long period of active Mt. and the fart of my having been twice, since Itlakatociciated with Dr. h. A Wilson. in the practice of media - net Op both a period of five veers.) enables me tojudge fully of the therite of his nitte. So convenient. sh efficient. and yet,so safe. did 1 esteem these pit tti, that for the last five yea ts in my practice for the ell re of chronic. dilteamt,,Of whatever 118171.• • • Sind hose of femate.s in part ict.liaeilitalre used more ot them than alt other medicines. Like every other medirine. this must fail in some in maneos, tilt in my h. nth, there hum ts-en lees disapp?int. mewl and Imori , sat israel inn in ailinini-s ration of this one re meily thaw of nil others:its ;mud eifccls sometimes quite amaniyhing rn'• If my*Oentirftviirs..l a safe arwrient medicine either fore - cie -aftor - partu Haan, the Whsou's pt,ts tverciest. the thtegi Tr a dyspeptic acid condition oflhe stoni-aelt, with costivenris Of y oft he liver. constituted it* dteel l iwif lay . paiient. the pills were just the thing If. I tre..atpi 'eicfe regniring an emmenagopte; the Wilean'oltifis were luta the thing I wanted. if palidoolon,headoche,ilostrireonnlenatire.ex other diffretditen. inabotani , 3_ disinrConee of the eithelatory end eeentitory orient.. aonoyed 'patient at lite qunt of fife; the Wition's eitin werejoid - the thi rig f wanted. Thur. iwithout reArLiet to the name, a derrase might happento twear at the time I. hire - had it odder treat tnitur, particular, indication' or aymploptt arising. rcere rif^rmya intr/t promptly and most happily met by the Wihett'apills. • - '4=U so areal a nninher ordiverw., and sometimes ap parently hono.lte ants, In which have milli there Oita. shortht*enredanorereadily:lii tiXtiri than-b 7 any other ventedveingi it firm seem strange dna eontraditifory, hut why it - kid itia aneicirto my :Makin that igicat 'natty fieranna4Maid lemma thirmy frota;:e many different arnaiikailie yet an !uplift that common and irratat of ithicnniten.wttier tottrieninia,their Astra , in eon baton, RIR dire the -ipatation orkhe medicine anifthe to ay deeidediy inri.tracertilitirmalty.that the Wilnint!neittaareititeonly rearginatioir I have ever met avitiiinmf lonecourreprietieefibrit really .. pw earesantthirit.enrative or spoil& forskit fiteadatlite, Twits a DR: miLoAttmalss; - 1,0,.. ibovt. pin. deidgned raiiial w ay r . 0 1- he s I? f lo c tk4tt Rem& t 7, esed.Atie, Dys.l4 l o ll . enlist :nig ila fist' . the , i wcir nr• .. L. ....._.,...": . j .,.,4 447 ,i, * di v e le m 'AO 10111iftbis 7 7 aiLL *Ow., • t.t 1 !1:,-.-4,"' . 7. .44," ,-,- A.Air -r * , ; - " , rri'''• *" .. '''''''' l :. :„ A •--'-..-5,...,-7-.;ct'k'C''''-tr,:•:::-..t'iCeir-‘1''.4-47-'13 ,ii. 040-04-t•WW l ,l 4 , l " ted 4,1 1 04 - 1 4 1 . ) 0 4* , .22 ~ , ,: i ii o tt rrom- , = so * -IS 64l 4fatt .: * ll l4t. iMiritiNt IT _ , ,1 1 ,,i1j 6 ,44044,0 ie-'4041.---... .7-- • :11:1czaiir....74.5 • _ 2ff tie49o)* * the Itel R. M. SELLE*I4**O , r• - • - No .20, Wood streei. fi ltlol,,,, r 140eAr14.- L. A therfer 29,, 1842. Caebratad Etninte .I"itia • Tbeft iigsv ircninniendid in the ooliee of and rtbtient .retnnkly in ri-likoving tjae costi . r atremi I,l l .lPrql led 5 Item sr -.olbar to sex, flow Wahl of VX tbritit 7 of The 07 , ropin. Tto7 obviate titei:not. nit, 11 y'SliP rival nit& Neroonn fiilts hare.goinell the. ..innilion in'iot-einiuent , Physiefins in the RoT.:., Mothets. For bale Wholesale se "t -t R. E SELLERS, .itzent:,; _ N0..f.. ) .0. Wood Streel.itelow 11 5 Boot and Shoe Jl/trker, Mbar!! ker, st., .:t1 eaet of Sisaithireld el:, Pittsiktrth.— • vingboUght ;tin the stock of the late 1r; tfeeeased, hap eornmenerat business _ ,, of Mr, R., and is prepared to execute f work in his line, in the hest manner Bet:maps rot stonily on hand ofshoe tlndrifts of all dezeriptione and He son Its the patronoee of the nub :.WL - WH. ADAIR. :il " ... ' 1 - 1 _ • .-- maps f ,', .-(-- ~ , tits for Carriages at Eastern Prices. "`• ~..... .. _ _manufacture and keeps constantly on 4 :• ~ :•:434 ' ''. ; - onri-Ellntic :Springs crvarranled,) Juniata iii.4l . ' t :- -Ail vOr ind Wass plated Da'sh Frames, Brass 4 ,7 • 1 ,1 74 titill,f4thsts. Stump Joints, Patent - Leather, .:,.. 1,. stiiii..tinti , slAirjrA. Three r.,14 steps, Malfeable *ilierteDr ili. ..iiitido4lo4oge3. 4-c .4-e., - ' irs49:lll;D l , office and dieFol4oiwFairUi, - eft? sitoet. rep JONE:Er VOLEMIASI - opar O , P lttretiPnv nvider, liiisayitt:l,.. been *Wet. ree agree. welt i good tippet sintirartv a ) Ittarch ti, l'or ?.ale,.. '1 'RUC I: 'S.IIADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TRF.E.i7 I . 'DER, , demand of procuring Fruit, .51tade. and 0- ' tat Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philadel ' phis or ,!,.. .. ork, are requested to make application as soon as "' 'tie, at the Dm; and Seed store of the Flth tseriber, can he had catalogues, gratuitously', of the , o st e„ ~ t varieties. F. T. SNOW DEN, - iet ,.. « No 1114 Liberty street .head of Wood .".•.. rNatr,LE m ktiEfF A cTurtv.—Pal rick eawfield re vt.a s m • F truilv acquaints his friends and the public. 7en %sully, ?hit he has commenced the Marble. business al the corner At Fifth :1 . 0,1 Lther,v ...ts— where will be constant I y on hand tnnb stone.: mantel mere , . muniments, head and loot .10oe.. table -lab- for cabinet ware, and eyrie articleaapt-ri a ininty. to the hostiles:. Hewitt warrant his work robe well done, and his elm rses %vitt be moderate He respect fully. asks a share of a uld w patron tge. sep 10.. TAMES A. VEAZEY, Forwarder_.and Cpmaission 101 Nerehdat, Adont for Stoa,o).oal Clevedlnd and 1- Ponnativanra and Ohio Lino Kay int. I 'good vj o ware 111111SP fornirrly Occupied hy, Ili rnm.2 on DL.A. (In:. N(. 60 I 'Water. Si reef . I.eiWil , n, VtiMsti ya wd S mil Wield , ip .proparod r o roreive and fn‘ward.corrde . to anyvort on ilia Olio or 51 i's6 -4 i NO river. At reasanabfe term's ! . , , . ~t r ,-,., • .....x--. r - 42 ---,:-.„„ER P P. Sm if II R W. I.la mp 4 • • • •_ • ran mtitb, cult joiiiilaritGe vtlibreail Dry r : in the 'mime rcolintty ilerttivied by . Hampton. iti'mit It where they will it?teteiving in a few days a new stock of (•all and Winter iithoM2. They resfirrlfulty invite their otil friends, and merch:•nta !en_ ratty, visiting Pitishurg,ll. to call and examine their MOCK, serf 28—d3m. Porta Me Platform Scales on win els, to weigh 2,sollAs v xt . 1155 00. - do do do do 2,00014 do do do do 1,500 at-0 do do do do 1,0110 at 10 14) . do do do do 500 at 25 00 With raising levers an itd.lat ion .or g3.4114"C1t scale. Dormant scales for the use ot WarchAfas . , Flouring same prices ns above, A Whihes Patent Counter. Scale, With 0. Young's improvements. and a variety or other counter scales, which they wilt sell fOr front . S to'el 5, They also manufacture liteam Engines for Flouring `Milli. Saw Mills. Salt Works: erc., doolite and sine :geared slide laittes.foot and other lathes for' wood turning inichinns (Or tenatother.chairs, planing machines, door and' sash machines. patent horse power, with or without thrashing am - whines, a atiperior article; circular saw shaftit„, machines for sawing lath, Tinner's von ettin- and toOlsorall &seri anon s, also for making Mark' ing bores,a superior article; governors fur clean, engine stocks. laps and dies, coffee tunic. bedstead or joint hots and machinery for making. the same. cotton factory ma chinery made or repaired; printing tiress.plattens turned - and printing pressws repaired. _ JAMESMAY, - u.422--tf 'IrOUNG 4; Blf Ot,filltS. - CarTIIREE, Auctioneerated t'aziiiiiiiisi slog !ilerckant.Xo.:loi4cnrnernf.ifiiine 4- Fifa sr*. Pii-fsbncgh: Harlon neenni"PejultogNineOf the A uction eernfot the City of 'Pitshurytr:TemiCrillis nCroicen to jo . - - 4ell, .manufacturern unit dimiern..l34/0 may be di,pased _- • to tnUkc iiiarof tilts market- Be iz prepareikto tnnke donne-en onc ' igninNlig of all rateable coWoditim, , and trusts i y correspondents by quick caler., and apeedybad' Le remru.s.- • - - . --..- . t a b - That the eititritislotererts which may Le ronfideih; : to,. .liff/i+ .. .lra it be idewtai:efy rirolecied.:he brines to '' ¢ rite:3 of hit own - experience in basiners and atiMaiiitaffeii wfil„, .. 'merchandise eeneraill . tlie4erviees - of 'i r ai: siktr.y. gi.fiXtrirctio; heretofore arttantageonsty -known as eliz . irnmirter and deafer in 14a are amil , Cutlery .= with whom a . perumnentenr.aeeniWW made: . - .. R.IFEIt 'TO ' Kamm. M. Tiernan, Presi it( .11.• 4 M. Bank. . . • tt Dasiingion rf-etaes. tt Robert Galway. tt James M. Cooped • t. James May, 4 t. R. 111.1titillir. ,- - 1" - Pittatturel Wm Robbliton. Jr. Prite't I tt - er E'er-hinge ttanb. .! •• .11nroninn,Smitli, cALf. John D. Dar*, tt Samuel Church. tt J. K. -Moorhead. la.. W:firown-4--co. Jahn B. RtolIVO. at CO. &Milt tgAley. Yardly , 11* Orr/ail, " J 4 41 0. t. 4 3; *idle* :fa.. P ,-x- N ;;, O % '1 • - :i -..- 1 :-;:U 4 ' :• 4.. \nl " -FS t - 0, l2-04i-0 ~:,,..; :g * 1 Z. 4 i , - v ; A 4 s :: -' „' r.. ,40A:, 4t* 4 ; ' t4f, _: InMI MEM _v , ve, For .pabliskiair .a . .aas Daily eepor ia cfre.City of Pia* DAILY MORNING- POST . . T iVESithscribers ha-Si ng _wade arra t wistierse ' the. Airier inn Mann raciese - rand ile=ttOgitin.".iciurnali - Pave cone:ailed a daily M_„ter 3e tile tit le er the Peirk--Vvelliil 4 , Post= 4 The retain?, ni j ect 'Of he i• Poe t witftie ibe-S-memin t tion and defence of the pornprinciples belt [afore besn Illieitgpined by the Editor's, in th eir r*ipo e thr e . porno. and beat efforts wilt still bedevoted to tilt advancement and success' of tibmerdoel rine,. . Although. in rntitice bite paper. wilt be, thoroughly democrat it, yet l Ite EdiOttu- hope: by giving an. honest, candidt.itislory of fpisalig tolitiCai events, Foreign and Domestic intelligence, and brief notices of all mat ters aiul occurrepres that come properly within the &there ofa PUbtic Journal, to maki their papet sufficiently in cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public.* rmo. tem Ice of party consi&watipna. In addition to the pi - Viral andgencral news that Will be found in the-n.lifortrisg Post," the Editors wilt tie pains to furahrti -the Ibutinesut community with the Jalest and must tut, resting COMMERCIAL INTILLI.I - from nil parts of tae country and fo have prepa red such accounts of itn. Mart:cis and flit!.4iate of Trade astern hi! iitivanticycotis to our glerchantir- and Business Men their several. riltid e. Terms.--:The rosy will he mildislied on a large impert alsheetoftinepaper,faaoufactitrett especially for this loonlil) at fits ono-malty low rate ef FIVE DOLLARS per annum, pa . iahle in inivance. it wilt also be sold by news boysat the low Tale of TWO CENTS i t copy. .eldoertißowits will- he inserted ac the lorrust rata; charged hP tiewther deilypapers of the city. 7-T WEN - Pt active ladsare srented to sell the Post, who wit! he engaged on the MOM. liberal terms THOS. PH ILLTPS, August Si, 1842. Vv. H. SMITH. 1411 4111 1111ITS.KY. LEAF Tcv.:ri.ct,.--o, -ISOM and .i for &ate by 3. (1.'4 , A. CORDON, - - eep IS l 2 -Water strthet:' .ty by . N. B Wickersham. corner of Wood street' and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who to sote'adent for Western Peonsylvanla. sap 10 FARM FOR SAL R.—The undemigned ortra tar sales tract of land .s..ituated4 mile; ram. i'reepott, In the direction or Kittanning. Buffalo hownship„ Armstrong county. containing 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of widen are in meadow,— a good square log dwelling honseand cabin barn erected thereon—in Ople crichard of 80 bearing trees—and a spring of eseellem water convenient to the house. FOR TER M apply to the so4seribera raiding at the Salim:irks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free port. TO THE WISE: —I is now well understood how much dis.irders of the mind depend for their core upon a due rotention to the body. It is cow tinderstixid how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid acenmdtationiwiihout weakening the bodily power. It is now understood that there is a reciprocal influence be_ tween the mind and the body. It is now understood-that purging with the nrandreth Pills will remove a melon eltoly, and even insanity is cured by perseveringly Using them; It is now understood how Ilitltildomenic happi ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive It is.nnw well known that the Brandreth Pills 'have cured 111011A0m1F of hopeless and helpless persons,:eian robenthe first physicians had pronounced them beyond all human means of relief. It is now .net. only Iser'll known Ajult the Itrandrkh, eoliOnt - t_it alfnlolk derStood hots they cttivillnat is hy "heir purifyin' on the blood that they r.Oltap4 Nally to heatttr.• The value of the roeMcine-is becoming naireanittinee manifest, it is recoon rt , 'e , erlaily from family to fainWy„ The re,mtive In an alums Manner ail nos irlusl igimmil fat ions. anl, , incithe inlittd.,Tven{Wxood err etsn-, red,* any Incons Wins coat. , M vexxitalateatkeralo not expose - those. who - title them to ilanxer_; and their effects are' as CPtlaill at !her are sale- I a rx.; (hey are [laity and safsly m ini,tett tila,infamey, ynorl(..:ritatthnod, and old ate. and to women. in the most ' cfiticaland delicate ofrcumstences. Thervio ant disterit, Or shack the animal functions, Gut ft ore their anter_',. and v. talatiA !heir !wank. m proved Piny knufaclured Ike heir achint between rept . two ire flail. Pitts trittrarto re and nd the foPow igscalesowhot. comi.osod or wild); Sold Tbr. Brasil rei h's Offitti,--Norr92; Wood street. Pitt=ins rel. Price 25 cents pertS • ni, with full direct/01m- MARK—,The only place in P,iltsbn reit where the genu ine Pille critrAr obtained, is the 'T.nelor's own -oellee, No. 93 Wood street. • tosp fa D'J. B. I'IBBITT'S, Respenirdnxinform the citi-. zens of Pittsburgh and vicittriSlliallithlpsrelticn ed to the city. He hopes to share Ilte:..e•Ortibfettee of his former patrons and the public zeorrally;:nnit solicits a renewal of a portion of their pat rotite. In connexion he would observe, that the orrntßitT4:.:LighOtrfty, (or breaking the stone in the bladderanif.Orlowiug ill° pass of with the urine.) is every where comniandMg the deep. est interest. He hopes to extendhe broeftt Ofthis branch u fttis profession to the afflicted. SiricLures, DialVtts of No. 1, Port tte Platform :Wes ou r Zi3Orl the Bladder and K id neys,--Iviiith occasional iyf9flow,— will II kewice receive attention. Those from a distance wishing farther information will applJper.onally or by letter, or if dired can be accommodated at biadwelline.in a re? ired part of the el ty, on Third, between Ferro and Liberty rep 10 LET Invalids read the following L account of a gallon cured of a compliralion a afflictions in nineiern dacsby the HSI! 0' firandceili lbdistinctly pmces here are herbs lit naii:Te %Odell baveliffinity mire he cause of disease, and Bcatidceilis Pilisnis made for them Read and hr convineed. Take he medicine atoll.* cured F.ZTR.II.O R DIN. P r con E OF RHEMILATILSI DLIR RECF:A AND ,r I F FEC 77 ON OP THE LLA•OI4 JOHN SUAW. ofTenthrnke,lVashinflOn con ntY.'ill ;sines twili± duly sworn, says, that he waS taken ',tote/illy sick about it montitsslore. , The. pains in .hia , lierid. breasts hark, len- sidenc-!tyipstep,,,brins - .! so had that he was Una. Wet° help.htitiseg y and -was taken into the Clielsea Nos. pital isi the ell'llpsinii.- That : after being in said, hospital iive„ Mort:Or Oil. said he did sot know - what suss theniathei with Ishii, aid that he could do nothing for WM, nor.-nail he pre*Otte nay medicine. „That he, therefore, was ton veYgd front the CbgliwA niigt- 1 pitalinthe,Sailer's.retreat on Stater' liis4. That he was there pbyskicki Mils all sorts of medietare for n peri- oft of riAlf months, sniffling all rise time the mist heart- I media,. tolsrve.- That, besides 10 ,adeetfon off& book , II"' wa.-' 1000441 01 - kstilvii whit a s stisease of tile - lungs:some. , tinter 11A, WOliffi Spit a quart of plilemn iitthe da*lbesides ; 4 bisa troirionlie. bad a hadt - filarrinzi s w hie-Mk-had more I or trasstitenged- hips from the r ommeneenven 3 oi his sick itess.!. That attimes,l* dreaded-I'3lpol wiirstellstan'' - he would'Thiie dreaded ‘That h; that be can cam pa re., be feel ing its nOthire.! save lhat- .of %sires passing 'iltrongh. his howeL.. Aftar stafferina:.tyvinve shan:dmil . h at the Sailor's Itetreat,on Staten Isdand; I lie doctor told him that medit rine Was of no use to hilt!. that he usu.! Iry to stir alout.. A t.titixtisnehe - iliasim - iferiiipthe cr!west misery; - That, tilsitdk:- Vs - t, refirateade! lie emuld not hear the felt press j:iire-Inoin the eltsper or *pot, 9ie knee, thallsis luster' war 11164 t paiOrti r: that as the {lector said he would give_ itim no wore ote4irineftnitsterminotto 'firliitare• came of nr.., 1 nrandretfi's Pitts, sybpb be lOC tr=im 241 'Broadway I Neiv York; that lie ernnutenced with, aye pitis,anft some I ihnesincreasedihe dose„to eight:- - The firm week's use Iso snarl benefited - him, that the ttociOr, ion *noising what. rte war 11Stnit. ,jtids •IteitimSlif W. grin hook Ma a in !man a:sain; if ion. improve this may, you. wilt soon he t'well.' That be AnTii every Joie of the Bratplifth. Ting lirnelgc - aim:first:they cum! btin of the pair Al i 41 "L'ill 4 iAtter lat i xt mired tiwttlat item oad;litadif the I finites in Itfaikories; , ....-Ttlat thilined. brine seemed to add st ren If II iti hmskieinky day: Re toll! the doctor yester , day theittb insta.thatbr, felt himself Ivell. , ami also,' tbartl;e . owed he tn . Brandretlut rills enter .• - Prov.hienee, that ii; had taken -the ,medicimi i evei y day (or ladays; that 'tic doctor told hit,tshe bait k 2 l'iorros• tic I jiad iwititlit , ine.t bat at' , licine, hr shrMid TI M I m poo d itypil I antotiwi day4n rte horst , . fieentintkileassillialift*tir to. Wake Iht istiln le siatetnerkt for Int,Xsedi tea.i - ' Harty r 4l astcsests i h 7.1 they may ko tk nwialmve to Ilni '.. 'tine tisataviltencellsem.. - -- ! - 560 Avg'. John Slni-atiteinirhy - 'PP duly: swore hilt thh 4 , ,1ar,0f A pin. 1842., did 'lemmas anttikiv tat! die 10004,1 101 - 20.,_ `grit IS.trOe-; 3.n lvp_sttsit . , - %:' •:•-keii##iitfrliy 204i5,- I'. The:o;oW ',.. 'MA:* *i told itaiiiltiiiiii . : 4i 1 '06:1 0 . i - -' '20200 41 W" . '' *F:,,-“W*:. l *Aiittt . - .''' 4l ‘t t ..11.M." 4 -- 4 .4,- / •••, iiiiailitk - ' ',. - 7 ': 7 titilotir I ts '..* * l ,;,.. 'ibliiiiillitt:;',C;:#3 ,, - , - . . - -- ~ ..•.,,y- -_ , .-,,p. ''''- - • ,-.,, ~..„1.,„..,,,,, ,, !..2- : ,, -.,..?„,. 7 .....-„, ,,,, , ~.f;ire..7 . . - *l - SN.. . ~,...,..<: 1 14V.Yq -, 4 L IF 1,,, ,, teN . ....4. ' .4L 1' 'LV , PZ ' Et - g -''' . L 0 '''''g'l P446 04 1 : 41 * PROSPECT U SI wm. 4. PHILIP BARER BRANDRETII PILLS zr~- - _ 111`r EMI 'PRWE TW6-eg" Tim DI Azciussu lainati•;r:r BfLats ' sitther " ---4117034-71 11 -------7-:- ..,„ f "... r, i ,r,-,A z iv - „, recuniscusak.) ,_ ".., i , ,t f, I, 4 mother, who had beat amobilitlC.:::, Alti minutes behind them* no*. _ _4014444/4:- , and on heating that he had ireleir cline the battle, exclaimed: Who says that; Latish won't obey his mother! it? Wasn't he ever 's'? rtlira eat son to me an' his &theft lieve that lie of my boy,- no ever believed a word of whet gains' him. Shawn Oge„ refuse me, avillish. What me, atria ma rinve, if you' . Would you have the motliii's ken, an' our roof childless, all' lost one as is is—the daughter is gone, an' we don't know is your father an' me to lie do+ it. desolation widout a child to over us, or to put up -craw happiness! ,„, The young man's, eyes filled but his cheek reddened, and them hastily asilec. No, my boy, glorious !or fuse to save.l4Attruher's heart in': ay, are his hair'd fail won't ki 1 us both; my booy us to the grave before our time ; Mother, said he, if I could" no. Now, it's too late, if tdid, p man.. - Yr added. , there's Lamb Le't's blow as well Boxer's. it 'Laid, that a her needn't strike two Wow/ I.'m glad of that, said be—here one * . desire you to go and get acuffin elade.lety . f4lol.:eleng and preperly wide—we will Crtn litiii - room enough; tchee! tclieei• alit(c.beer wheel tame! Pm gJad, g Tad. fn this manner did he indulge in thlk wild an i uncouth glee of a savage as tiro ! cious as he was powerful. We have-a ware proverb here. Muth,, • Black, `said oue of the worthy burghers.- , that, by my sowl, way be vw never heard! Tcheel tclree! agb! Who, is 641 said '! the boxer, showing his white teeth ana : • blubber lips in a furious grit', whiist—thea. l -1 eyes which he fastened on the poor bore*, er Waned - up once more,, a iflte wroOttiii, to annihilate him. Whitt is, it, sad - Faith, said the burgher, ; making toWarrie,--- the door, ra ,you that when I'm _onthet:•'. - :, safe side e' the t eum—devil a hs'pontin. barrio' that neitheryou sir any man ou to reckon your chickens before-.they ad. hatched. Make :nosey of Ant; and aft* . : _ :- , having discharged this plessitatrY at black, the worthy burgher made a hoar; ; exit down stairs, followed at *more dirt- fled pace by his companiona. - The Dead Boxer, in preparing for-W*lw observed a series of • forts* pectinar self, which were certainly of an appilliair , character. As a proof that the --etailiengeo , i , 'was accepted, he ordered a - bladrfhtiow witich he carried shout with hirm.triwaistpl 'from a window of the inn, a-cirennisteetut. , " which thrilled all who saw it with in. "writ certainty of Lamb talaclhees then gave orders for the drntris to en, and the dead march tau played , heforo him, whilst he walked trp the tivarnernik` back, conversing occasionally- with Ostia 'o of those who iuMsediately surrounded When heartived nearly opposite thertsw6,l! ketouse, some penroo pointed outpoltis' a small hut that stood in a situatioa is 4 ted from the other -houses of the street There added his inforniant, is Ai where Lamb. Lauditer OgesattntOns; where be himself has lived since his father's. • - 34=1 Aid said the black palming; fie iiiii4l;474- in, do you think! - One of the - crowdtiliatelyinti4WA and replied to him in the eirtraiatrite.„ - r- ± 5 ,1- ' 4 Will any of yen. imotiroted : 4444Aii*O::' • ring me over a half hundr - ti be market crane? l. will 101 ow i - ifiWio4- 0 ' Nati poor chance he Jim: rang in the arm and active 1-Ilee l tre he wilt imAste me. Let.tlWiii iC Stop a moment ciard was aow lilttiptae. K e a - • wfre *mfr._ now: ‘„, • _ • _. ~s T ~ .; ~,., ywfi .l" -~. A ~ r =~. IRMO ~~ x,~, ,_ ~;,~
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