,- t..yatt must - taut me .111 -three thlop; "Ind a c luet the money bring. this :1:.140*-. in my ray, as you prom sae -- f:t11 - 4 help trio with - the landlord's daugh• g1iA144000"thi11!,441.4 „ 00-4414`11,;. , . -,jlol36oer,die., then—l. don't_ care. In'th.qhititt• things i will help you, said **1.;,..1:00_ yaw , must c!ear your own way, there.- 14,a:de 4very thing but that. 1 have:a .arty my hand 4 are tied Vitt*, blood'fill I find hint out.• I could .111Uteelsn'tne people withered, but I can't excopt her case we understand 4Theilmothar: , Good'uight, then: ; I Y$ mils( Ni3rlE gat fur yourself. Good 141 . 1 7 t1 I - An me meantime W a ee Instanco occurred which 'scarcely any person who heard it *ld at fi rst' believe: . About twelve o'clock tWiiiittday, the house itf Lamh Laudher '&l4 i tias - surroundeti with an immense doitif; aid the whole tow!' seemed to be in a *tale of peculiar animation and excite inent, '.Groups met, stood, and eagerly iectetted each ' other upon some topic that ev_idently excited equal interest,and aston )iganettl. Lminuert One HAD CIiALLENGED DMAD nom! -- ' 4 l"*k.„'On that morning at an early hour fire proacrthed young man waited upon the S:py,erisign of the town, and requested to bon hint: Immediately after his encounter with.the black the preceding night, and ihjle. Ellen Neil offered to compensate birri for the obloquy she had; thought upon kientirne; he formed the drea4.ful resolu. tit:'lk-fifsending him a challenge. In very tewi words he stated his intention to the Sovereign, who looked upon him as insane. "Nth; no, repled the gentleman, go home, Olkarke, and baniSh the idea out of you' Wall; it iiinadness. "But bar, :yes, yes, with great respect .. to ypti, ale, observed Lamb Laudher. trpe . e nloanislied•frorn my fdther's house, and treated with scorn by all that know me, beCaue they think me a coward. Now Pit Jet- them know I'm no coward. ‘llit you will certainly be killed, said the St2iveteign. litat's to be seen, observed the young '4llo;at all events; I'd as soon he dead as liptOtt.disgrace.- 1 . 11 thank you. sir, as ellinkftead of the town, to let the black know dit";Lfunb Laudher Oge will. fight him. -10 r heaven's sake; reflect a moment urn the— . AV tpind's made up to fight. said the Abillrer, interrupting him. No power on walls _will.prevent me, sir. So if you don't etipitnits to send the challenge, I'll bring i, MeV? ..ilie Sovereign shook his head, es if con scious of what the result must be. I That is enough, said he; as you are an your ow fix eitn destruction, the challenge wi. . kbe given; but I -trust you will think batter,sifit, tat. '4dom know, if you please, added "tomb Laudher, that on to morrow, at Umbra o'clock. . we must fight. migtstrate nodded, and Lamb lawather immediately took his leave. In • iiidiort, time the intelligence spread.— rm* the Sovereip it passed to his clerk; Man the clerk to the other members of the • comuration; and ere an hour, the town was just' !daze witErthe intelligence. I Pid you hear what's reporten was the gasteralquestion. LamhLacuiher Oge has challenged the Dead Boxer. Mae reader already knows how bitterly publicLopinion had set in against our hum ble-hero; but it would not be difficult to de scribe in terms sufficiently vivid, the rapid powerful re-action which now took plece in,bis favor, Every one pitied him, rstaeutbered his former prowess, and, wafter fitu/jag some palistive for his degrading in tenriele with Meehaul Neil, concluded with eXOTINISi DC a firm conviction that he had undertaken a fatal task. When the rumor • fadTreached his parepts, the blood ran cold in their veins, and their natural affection, now roused into energy, grasped at an object that was about to be violently removed thaitn it. Their friends and neighbors, as we illeNtitated , came to their house for the purposer4f .dissuading their 5 m against ,so rash:and terrible an undettakirg. It meatinit-be,asid they: 'or whatever "I'Mr7ll he. no coward, an - twit's e novgh.--- We IsPottet 'see him beat dead before our lersitt.lit.all events. Wh4e is he? Viers at his aunt'P, replied the father; un• dher:this roof he says he will never come tilltilefame is cleared. Heavens ab3vel— Fortliiin to think of fightin' a man that kills swig one he fights wid! The :mother's outcries were violent, as ware those of his female relati9nr,,whilst a sawn, sad , even mournful spirt brooded spun sheAountenances of his own fßetion. it Weimisolved that his parents and fri.•41 1 ( 18 istasuld nbw wait unon him, and, by eve.i their power, ee tn of hi 4 Pu atnment ma strati net., and re—nthe rash with a ,e. d 411 m - nr.ta- 611. - • • man reCeiVewrowfUi .851"rit. gray int. a se , with 4112dere, par L... :on _whu . anti .how wimbirstitorail 7ererk. on hal shoulders,. liner hp his ha down ded el 'Da Idea W • e said; yAd h- Itim, • e - r MI vole d SGhnna' 1543 u VreiOwinimicrft our hat_li-Alearl- breast, • tYtr fathel 065 Ilihht.de. 1 ‘lO eenram",arrna °et:fay. u puoll resPe,c e ;11.h*Iltit)has. father uot .14 his tot t tether, only • id h alfr -m7 burl the* It -tobiN !refute -aa Cr ' in....„.„4" ive4tUr , rs: b 464z1 -44 e • nikosent .. = fragro7:l,:'•22 " COMET - ' r ~~_.~t= ArP-^' , 4" ENlillsl swore Alaii*ort Sworn, 14intisii3t 20-.le,iMalittit dolt. for ItbaiiJkaikesttletflihtitt :640-betteitiau my own life, I knew that you wq4id -Want-to persuadetrill against what" -- trati- I in'; an' that was why 1 bound Myself this mornin' by art_nath. (To be Continued-J. PREt3II:IBNT JAMES OU€IIA.NAIN, &Meet is the decision Or-4 National Commotion. DAILY MORNING POST. TS!. PHILLIPS t WY. Et. shuis,ol,Priolltal:llD raoriurToßs WEDNESDAY. DWEMBER 28; 1842 S'ee Plrat Page. plAropriatlon The House ou the 22d after an animated discussion on the appropriation Bill struck out the portion alluded to the payment or a survey of the coast. This item has been a fruitful source of debate in the. House, and from the facts stated by those oppo sed to allowing the appropriation and ad • misted by the *friends of Mr. Hassler. we have hut little doubt of the propriety of the late decision of the committee. It is sta ted, however, that the rejection of Mr . Hassler, is more on account of his hums lence in refusing to answer questions touching the survey than his incompeten cy to perform the labor. If Mr. Hassler is deprived of the privilege of pocketing S6OOO per annum for giving imperfect sur veys of our co-ass, he will very probably go home and write a:book on "American Manners," in which the"Comrnittee of the whole on the state of the Union," at the third session of the twenty seventh Con. ::ress, will get a first rate notice. Bin k I tipt's in Eastert District of New :York. Whole number-of applicationi, 1919 Voluntary aetition still pending, to which no objections have been filed, 930 Do. where there were objections, 47 Voluntary, as copartners, 30 Involuntary, as copartners, 22 No. of involuntary applications, 37 D .‘. where objections are filed, 20 Dooied a decree on first papers, Withdrawnliefare proceedings per- fected, Trial . by jury. on a pplication of bankrupt, on apnea!, and trial in curcuit, Discharge denied by jury, Involuntary proceedings stopped by decree, No. discharged on voluntary peti tion after decree of compulsory. Too Quirk.— The,:Vlutiny on board the Somers has been dramatised and was pro duced at the Bowery. The man who could thus bring upon the stage the inci dents connected with that tragic affair must be destitute of all humane feeling. But, what will man not men do for money? If the following story from the Spirit o the Times is not true,it might be and that is all the same: Two gentlemen were di ning very comfortably and elegantly at a celebrated eating house in Chesnut street the other day, when all of a sudden a young and good looking f!male,mldestly dressed, but pale and fatigued, entered the eating house, leading two young children, and quietly took a seat at the table. 'What shall I. help you to, ma,amV said the polite_ attendant. 'To the leavings of those gentlemen,' said she in a loud voice; casting a glance full of meaning at the gormandizing cou ple. One of the gentleman was the husband of the unfortunate lady, and the father of the two poor children. He was filling hips ! elf to Tepletion, having left home I without sustenance, and wholly indifferent wheth- starved or not. er the Shocking Causality.--The Hartford Courant says that the E ouse of Deacon Holmes, at West Cornwall,' Conn., was consumed by fire on the night of the 15th instant, and his wife and three daughters, of the ages of nine, six and three respect— ively, Were consumed in the flames: Two tons of venison passed through Ly coming, Pa., Blew days ago ou its way. to ?hiladelphis. A woman has been arrested in Quebec, Canada, f'Ar passin g r counterfeit United &are& bale Wars sod quarters, of 1831, aid dines of 183$. The supposed maim. ifacturer t also been arrested and coOri , witted. tiThaiford" stilt tornisig.--The Behr. Ernilina,l3avidson,frons 'lg.tnploof sth last toliche4af New Orleans on tiie ;12th, and lapil 000 of $300.0130,in Apecia she onzhottrd. comioetawsiffed -at Tampico on the 1 otkin -- 4w - .t..v44 *1;500,000 in speci e,. left? wlO4l .wairdestirAed for- New '.` - - 0' i n ban iinqi ina4 Ain . 145 0 9 * * *4, 4 - • - r'' • A thegeKkre** 7, 9 77 r at L+1 . 41-iXt. tirrigi 4441'44 al, bout twenty per emit..Fa:7' 6riltem Ilftlthe mrll on T-Ovia4 - eienini iluiAreAtreil purpose of not ietarning; and that About" one bundled and-fifty ethers have agreed to follow the 'example. The Penny Press owes its origin to o Lord Brougham: It is supposedthat the Wisconsin Leg-. slature have #djonineil for want oft um ey to pay expenses'..` What a. grateful eight is a rousing i roar ing coal Ore, this inatiping and biting ter weather I--Cin, Mac •' Rhode Island Prisonirs.—Seth - Luther was hro't iota Court on the 16th inst.; at Newport on the charge of tleastri His head was rolled up in rags and he pre— sented a sorrowful appearance. He pre sented a certificate from his physician stagy ting , that his health was-extremely - bad.— Poor Luther ! "we ne'r expect to see his like again" nor him e ither. The Herald seems to be very angry be cause we call ourselves a democrat. If the-editor can show why we are not tled to that distinction we *AI ettli4eur selves something else. The above is from the Providence Chronicle a paper that has violently op posed the friends of suffrage. All We can say is, that if a man can oppose universal suffrage and be a democratA* den:were . cy is a humbug Yankee Ice.—A - man in Canibridge, Mass., has constructed a pond for making ice which he ships •to the \Wit ' He has sent about 600 tons this season. There is but little doubt of Morton ob the Gubernatorial chair of Mass, Mr. Bayley has been elected U. S. Sen ator from Alabama. Colt—the Knife—and the Cupola,•--The . committne to which was referred the- inves• tigation of the burning of the Cupola of the Tombs on the occasion of the suicideOf Colt. and the conveyance of the fatal knife Ickhini came to the same conclusion as diditte in vestigation ofthe $1000; that is - , just ;titvcon elusion at all, beyond what has been known from the start. The bell iing,er.s we:re dis missed. What non-committalism; The Cincinnati RPpublican_ saii that over 600 brick buildings have . been . ererted 7!' in that city during ti e present year, A libraty for girls - has - been effa, • e e in Philadelphie. It ij thefirst'ofthe kin 'on this continent, 411.1 pro - nises Atte happ est results. Sir Edwartll,vtton Gales , ri3 envge( upon a new work of fiction, he calls, it "The Last of the :Barons;" he his been i•mploy ed on it several months. It is a remarkable circumstance, says the N. Y. Sun, that of a . 'committee of the House of Representatives, (to revise the Rules of -the House,) . consisting of nine members, appointed at thii Ars' Session of the present Congress, five alreatly , sleep in the tomb,• viz:—Lewis Williams, Lidn Banks, Joseph-lovvrence, James W. Hams and R. W.-11abersham. Sich- a fa talit is certainly of rare occurrence. 3 hard story.—The Spirit of the Times says that a child of Mr. Bicking, in Mar— shall street, Spring Par,len, had for some timfeiii•the rigion of hit. nose a singular .sort of eruption, accompanied with . a seem• ingly partial obstruction of the usual passa ges. The other d iy, the father gave it some snuff. The sneezing discharge a large cherry-stone that had the appearance o having sprouted! taco Alpheus Harroon, a preacher of -atormontstn, and his nephew, OrSpy - Hat, death man, were frozen to mon the prairie t utoL. on the 17th alt. A race with mules is to come often Tues day at the Eagle Course, N. J. The Niger expedition, abortive is all re. spats, besides the loss of many valuable lives, cost England R 60,000. Ladies are admited into the Vieksburgh Theatre gratis. This is to attract gentle- Queerßoute.—One hundred and fifty bar rels of flour arrived at New York the oth er day. from Buffalo,l by way ~of Bostsm, Narrow. Eaca s pe.—fferr Driesbach, no x in Philadelphia, had a narrow escape from a tiger a few days since, which got out of the cage, and seizing his keeper,_ who was standing near by, , crushed him to the floor and held him firmly pinioned, despite his struggles to release himself; after looking around a moment in the coolest ma n ner, his tigership either being seized.with some sudden freirk of fancy or mindful of the pibtiewedl,.with a majestic ,gruwtretreat ed to`his den, where he was Y amity _alma. red viithotti f-. l ,AineMeesehte 'orWte datii• o l 3l gol9 o6- • - ::'~~`,: mfr - ~;~ ~-<- ;a ocrais of lam. - 4404 ,wasLfe,4 'Sive Gen. Jack' naocratto Ns Toti4bonieniirni tcliiintinate a President of the_United*State,s. The presence of Lb , venerable patriot would n o doubt, be glad ,• (Ong to his friends, but he-WoUld bard! , risk such's journey for such- a purpose. Sari, We like this idea and hope `that some serhius move will be made to get the con^ sent ofthe fief.° to preside. The dif ficulty referred to by the Sun'could be ob _viated by holding the Convention in some neaten) city.--Hovv would Pittsbut gh do? :-- We have never seen so Much poultry-in our Biers': as at present &carat' ..ritar— , ket houses of this city. The: e cheap The- a in all oonaeience. ,-:: , lendid turkey can be obtained . for 50"cerits, .and chickens at from 25 to 50 cents per pair. , --- All kinds of metits - ,and vegetables are for 'sale at proportionately low prices. The very poorest families' will be able on Christmas to indulge in luxuries that few of the very wealthy in. Great Britain are troubled with. One' .solitary chicken is frequently to be.met with on a nobleman's table in England. What. family so poor as to sit down to less than a pair in this 'country. Happy America! Amid all her troubles all her distress, where is there a „land's° blessed by the hand of Providence. l'hila. Sp. Times. This is all very comfortable for towns people, but we &mold think-of-our coun try friends. before we indulge in such' re flections. Tt requires a great deal of pro duce at the present rates to enable a far mer to pay his rotas, taxes, and other in dispensably necessary expenditures. The life of a farmer. it is true, is more inde pendent than that of any other class, but they are not free from troubles; ruin and bankruptcy are sometimes the fate of the industrious countryman, as well as the thriftless t erchant. What benefits the city mechanic ih this respect, injures the farmer. • Free Negro Scislora.—SevNal free negro sal lorailieys the Franklin (Li.) Banner, who have been brought intoithis port, in contravention of law, are now confined in the jail of this pari-h, where they will be kept at the experi , e of their captains uutil the vessels to which they bel are ready to proceed to sea. The MO snit brought by Mrs. Handy, of Ploy idenee, against elder Knapp, hasckeen settled by the payment of $2OO by Mr. K., and achnowledg• ment of his error. Hard Times in Tenneseee,— I'he Gallatin Union says, it is difficift to determine whether empty pockets or empty heads aae the most prevalent in .that community• Direct Taxation iuGeorgia — the atnaunt rai , sell by direct taxation in the State of Goorgia is $229,000. Messrs. Editors—Allow me to suggest to the El2mocratA who meet to..tiight f or purpose of appointing delegates to the ci ty Convention for nominating a candidate for the Mayoralty, the prop' iety of choos• ing ISRAEL I. ASRBRIDGE, as the candidate. If the democrats wish success let them du this—others ise, defeat is probable. MESSRS EniToks:—As a friend to real merit, I would ask permissief to do justice through your columns, to the ability with which Mr. RODY PATTERSON has dischar ged his duty as a manager of the Philadel phia and Greensburgh Turnpike.' The system that Mr. Panel son has adopted in keeping up the repairs of road, has been a saving to the Company of about four Thousand dollars, on former years, and has given to the public a road much superior to any they_ have had under former man agement. This condition of our pike is as creditable to Mr. P. as it is profitable to the company and useful to the portion of our citizens who travel it. EAST' LIBERTY. FOR THE POST. DRO. 26 , .h 1842. Messrs. Entvoas.—Why is it that the Govern 13111. i 3 country of ours is so slow in avail itself of the talent and genius of its own citi zaps? Is it alack of confidence iu its own resour ces? Whilst we see other nations availing them• selves of useful inventions—whether of foreign or domestic origin, ours must always receive the stamp of foreign approval; and even the paternity of many of our must useful inventions are lost sight of, and their inventors denied the credit that belongs to them, from the fact of their being first brought into notice in foreign countries. L have been led to these reflections by the fact that a very important invention which has been made in this working city of ours,is at the present Aline being neglected by our Government =l allude to the valuable improvement in the construction r:f by Iron Boats Wlessra. •Kerr,lGrant & Potter. That it is a most immirtlint improvement, is ac. knowledged by all competent judges in such mat ,tern.—Yet Uncle Sam neglects to profit by the ass of it. 'Now, ifthere waeheretoford any rPaPOn Tor .hes itsticin in choosing between the i'lltnible-siding" of Messrs.S. G. & P. and dui old fashioned bulk heads, recent clients are enough, .. I think, to de aide that bulk heads are not a sufficient protection. It is etliV a few days since we had-han account of the total loss of a newiron steamer on Abe coact of England—she struck a rock and was stove in :between her bulkheade—slie instantly filled and went down, her crew h4Ving * tr oy time to catnips by the boats.=And now we have our own Vidicy Forge gone to acid to the nurnber i n the already. iguged "grave yard." Had those boats been suPplied with the patent lining, such aceidents couldltot have occurred. Beeiair_freffit experience that the ' old mede of renderintivon boats see, does nothing - wet the Por• pose, 4111 it not. lilessre.-Erlitors, he walla than folly, if our Government goes on and Inhalea the noble steamer „boss , being built in this chy in the old way,-while - their 'have- the impetzior glen of Messrs. - ;Kerr, Grant :Er. .1 3 _3 - tter , which ' they can 5tt4,..t„..: ~,A. .„...-,_„.," e - ...., ,-. Q ., • if ".‘wporbe l igattultry k rotot. toeimpntl...„ . , ~ ..7, 1 iiile . ;:i . Mitosimiemti[init I 01411 leave ' 11.:',:tii - i-s ori Utter stiltil in siolii . -insitefik.,, - i "-IV .. A .-- - -, s •-o- -- - I`'. - - ,;;: 51",:;:f3,--: :%:::'`-':;_ yt y~nq ::`, ~: 4 ,f•t•'` For the Post The Mayoralty. A DEMOCRAT For the Morning Post thipsArit4 -J 4y. ` e w clean been farmed rialsPiiialOrigresiens ib z alai* the . - The last of the Mohegans —DM. at Mohegan, on Thursday, the 19 h! ult. John Uneas, aged 89 Years; thd last toile of ithe royal line of the eels hrated Chief of that valme.-r Ile .was interred in the Royal Berying Ornund of:the Moinane, on the plain at Norwieh, - Conn. on the , banks - of - the Thames. - . The Nov. Mr Taylot, the sittlor -preacticr, is go- iii to Europe for the benefit of hie btalthe From ifexico schooner Em7litio, Cap. Davidson, arrived at New Orteiner un .the from Tampico; she brntrght •no pAitioal news of the si ghtcst importance,. but tiVonght about $300,000 in tFpc== From the Satilmore Sun. TWENTY-SEITNTFI,CONGR FA. BECONit 'SESSIOX.' WAsuiOarprz, Dec. 23, 1842. SENATE. . , . Petitions in Alior• of the Warehriusiug system from various parte, were presented ' •- . '' ' ' at.t.referre.d. After the disposal of a mass of Meal and 'private business, Mr. Benton called up the f snowing resolution offered by him some .tire since. Resolved, That the President - be reqixes lel to- inform the Senate Whetherthegeitt- - I ttiple treaty, for the soppiassion of.tlie slave trade, has been commenicateci to the crovernmeht of the United - States in 'any form whatever, and if so, by whom, for what purpose, and for what answer May , hive been returned to such communication. . Also to communicate to the &mate all the F information which may have been received by the government of the -United States going to show that the "course which this go vemenent ?night take in relation to the said treaty, has excited no small degree of attention and 'discussion in Europe." Also to inform the Senate, how far the 'warm animadverSion' and the great .politi eAl excitement' which the treaty has caus ed in Europe, haye any reference or appli cation to these United Stites. Also to Ur form the Senate what danger there ws that the 'laws and the obligwions' t litre United States in relation to the suppression of the slave trade, would be 'executed by others,' if we did not remove 'their pre text and motive for violating our flag and executing oar lawe,' by entering •inta the stipulations for the African squadron, and the remonstrating sentences which are -con tained in the Bth and 9th articles of the British treaty.—A'so to communicate to the Senate all the correspondence which may have been received from our Millis. ters abroad, having relation to the forego ing points of- inqiiiry. , Mr. Benton, at ter modifying his resnln. ti )n by inserting, 'if not inr.ompnibie with the public interests,' made a speech of a- 1 . baut an hour on the importance of havin that informatian called for. Mr. Archer wai about to reply, when at the request of Mr. Evans. he consented to postpone his remark-3 till to morrow, to which day the further consideration of the resolution was postponed. Mr. Evans then called up the general appropriation hill from the noose. After the bill_had b'en_read through by the clerk, it was read a third time, and passed without emendcrent. This is truly legislating by steam. I. believe such a rap. id passage of a general appropriation "bill is without parallel. The Dmmeratic:cit;zcns of the E Est (-3d) War d will meat at tlie house formerly oecupied oy Ft an cis Lynch, Wood street, on Wednesday evening, at 6i o'clock to appoint Delegates t o the c ity eon vention, the purpose of n imina.tinr- a candidate for Mayor. Dn 28-1 t On the 27th inst. in the 30th year of his gage aim Hanker. His friends and aequiintances and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend his.fune ral from his la•e residence in Hand stroct below Penn, this afternoon, at 3A3'clock. [Hr. thinker was one of our m-st worthy and eoterprising citizens; highly esteem id for his ex cellence in every relation of life, and will be deep. ly regretted by his wide spread circle of friends and acquaintances.] The Odd Fellows of the-city of Pittsburgh and vicinity arc reenciated to assemble at their Hall on this day,the 28th inst , at one o'clock P. M ,to attend the funeral of our deceasea brottior, Mr. John Hunker.' By order. STRAY CATTLE —Was.ta ken up by the &timed ber 1.7 on the Beaver rbad, nine miles from Pittsburgh, on the 25th of Nov. !URI, one Steer about four yeerrold, dark red and tt *co off the left ear; also. - ooe Cow. a. bout eight years old, red and white; no other marks of distinction. The owner is requested to prove property and comply with the law in such eves, dee 26-311i*. W4,1, , f7TD; Conies of the following anarks,-Hacka. welder's Historical account or the Indian Nations —Schooteraft's Trat!eis--Life of Capt. Samuel Brady— Doddridge's igotes on Virglolar—fiatchin's Topographical History of - Pennsy Iva nia , A - ny,person having the above worktwill confer a favor by either 'leaving them at. this office,or permitting a reference to be made to them dee 27-Iw. PHU A NT'to• an order of the Orpha it's Court, in and and for thee - 4,161# of..Mlegheny, held at Pittilimalt Lesemher 22d. A .1*:1842. • Will be exposfd to - 1)11611**de on-the first bloaday. ?file 6th of February, A, ;0. 1034at . 10 O'clock 4. M. at the Court Soweto said that- certain lot or piece of ground sitnate In phi township in slid county, on the Pittsburgh and CentlHlll turnpike road, being lot No. 38, in the plan of lots laid out 'by John and Henry Irwin containing 24 feet on helurripike, end running back 109 feet. to a 26 feet alley, on whieh is erected nits° story frame house with the apportenfinMe thereof:AS the pro. ' , Reny, of Adam E. Tomlinson, of said towishipotec.'d. dee 21 . --31.tv ' • HORT. MARTIN, Adger. 10T10.E.-1111 persons are hereby forewarned against 'barbering or trusting_Ltins Manny, an indented apprentice to the Brush SlSking- business.: on our ac. count as he is no longer . in our einpley, - dee 27 - IMAM . . A D AUX,ISTRAtOR'S-Jro7ll pa trans in tothe Eatate - irrilitik . SPOOdya l t*-4:of Itotot• ¢deodtbitAillivdeid, Wakebilfi bt *Mint I .G 14e 4tit4ersignetl; -1A•1* • tatewlit&tillellf,eilftbilak:AttAPPOPW: •44W : 141 : 0 1* - . Tff, LIP '-:Apt*l4:lo4 NOTICE WM. McCLURE, Chairman DIED, NOTICE: SA RA .H CIEHOURF,.. t • In parstaince Of call Maki n& assembled In me t meeting WIN w , - old court benne, In the thy of Phi ternoon the Mt hist- The e tt i lk - calling Major Otis Young to the Chaie lr"= ' - I:BANiarifbead Vine Praident; Riegeid Flinn 'Secretaries. remarks The cal/ of tin:meeting was mac aw s ha(f ma cawile °ldeals stated by ekka wiwiair us - wa w meree d by Mr. A. be nominated as ibe cit imestandid me tot • mayor:3llth motion being seconded, carried unanimously. The following it l4 oluticine were read to the meeting, e n d iwa—k sylieteas; That eet-log.)10o ilqiththi.L, oy:has beed greatl y ' retar b 7 as / I wog placed in the handd of d party pou t i o . ~R e s e t ee d , The the tracinbets 4rthi s ' 4 ; that to shit event ofthe election:el e ti ,4 11 .1,"1 as the citizeu's'eandidate to the eirtw oo ,...•lll faithfully discharge eiery duty du.. :: m without and -to (duty potifte.. - wit Resolved. 711 st tills wefts!: hire f a n..: the ability and ' A raimas s uf I hes r 5 41 0 7. the duties' of the °d ice' of Pdayoe 0 4Tk ii mend "him toad partied, as drica,i l 7 l, l4 `auffiage. _ _ _, _ " ii k, 0 liesolved. Thet.,.alttionzli we do ts ry services should constitute a dais, I t 'llilfi feet that his faithful diSchargeofiletyl* scout, Ripley and Gaines, in the g0." 4464 ohi l ip e wa, Laindy's Lane. and pots 444 Lionel claims to the support of Ii fet iwi , A committee was appointed to moa t 1 - 7.4,, to hold meetings to further the eletlietti."o candidate Oa motion, the meetinlltift* OTIS YOUSG,I", 3. S. lilotlltiblt ' William Flinn, 1 - Richard Hughes, Secy'r. .../ . HOLIDAY PRESENTS. l r i E subscribers nre now opening a ap T tuk iner.t 01 FANCY GOODS, saliabk.for rind ti vvv Presents . dee 24-3 t J B NPPADDEN en R.; . auttion AdMiuistrators Sale of Persoail CY"riday the 6lh of January 1R42. wink order of the Addlin'istrat ur of the estates( Baird. dec'd. 20 Shares of Pennaylvan'ut and'Oldo Catul4 34 du Firemen's I n s eran , n e n nn. du Pittsburgh 1 heatte Stock. 5 do Hand Street Bridge do. _1 Ihrouclie. liorse and Harness. I Gold patent lever Watch. Sofa, *Fabius, Chaim, Wash Stands httoffo •-• hold Furniture. illso—A lot of valuable Books. Salem cornmeare at 10 o'rinri.lls/ 4 „ Room. cor Dor of Vi'ood and 5 1 11 ktrool of sr le----raslt par money. dec 27 ASSiglite' Fel(' of Dry Doothonti7 _l_ this morning at 10 o'clock—Tertivitnit ! , dec 26 J RCUTilld PWIICESSERS LOOK 0077—T 6n o'clock, the goods bought at the glininao Goods and etothlcg list week, and aotistft'`.' he sold on account of the purrbag ni. h uig Weaver. Sheriff. C A BAITI dec.:o ASSIGNEES' SALE AT AU ri Friday morning next at 10 o'clock,) X! cook, par money—the following paii, Black and Colored Figd.Silk,—lllactao4 Satins --Bonnets, Silks and Satins—Faso Shawls and 4earfs--Broche and Manse lk Lee --Plain Black ChaHies and Moose he Idolise De haines, Fashionable Styirs—Laht Silk Gloves—Mourniii. Veil.: and Ildkfc—'•. • Green Rlond—White Itionil--Sup. splendid arntoriment ci French worked Colthri--Srotch Worked Capes and Collars— ‘l —Fled. and Plaln Satin—Valenalaaat Veal Ine=—Plain flack Cold Nlantan and assorted nitiller:---Irnaltior aide gannets and bone_—Riack and . White Warned and lined --Plain andEmboa. , :ed WhilotwkllNAAM. Cloths, enfAinte'res., eftelope, Clicetn. Ifdav alicoe, together with a varlets , et -vtf P. S. The goods %till he ready S.! 'huzzday. Stock be4nis taros atidix wority the attention ordros dee 20. tk. 1. B. GUT! Mile Mammpth Christmas Cad,: A 1041 postai in weight ! . The Infield t , - / 1' t h Pk,: E l yle, ft() I hat the getttleadta may taa . '- a sliee of eromet hitt! rich. .....t, Old laarltelors,^dottt despai..; attend totts. ,' 111 %VW say. ra after .3e.li a ',mien!. IV aq ph , AIcIVINEW MIA 'ROOTS ANA. EINES .97' Aucriat4 SUP large osaortnieot of so ['emir made Peg at private sale far this week only, rowitair . Women's Grecian Shoes, do Boots, Men's Kjp Brogans, do Calf do. do Fine-and coarse Boom Boys Brogans. J. I. CUTBRiI, dee 2R-1 W. N. 4. 0 F. EFF L.BRD.B4CO.V OGS 9 kers of new Lard, minenni A Rat aII lot of new Bacon, and JA doun ln 4 received and for sale by Whe dee 24. - 148 • W ESTE RN UNIVERSITt • A meet intt of the Board of TrElSteel oral University of Pennsylvania will be ted ol t y Building on Tuesday the 27th 10.0 3 THOMAS LIGGETO Dec 21-3 t Christmas Present& UNICE R, Co nfce r fie• er , nwistr.4 2 . • respectfully 4.11 the attention of tertOi, extensive and varied assortmentof Haunt They linve made addil ions 10 then' o;3110 lectionaries, Fruits, Nuts, ¢c., and every line aPPrPpriate to the ceases, can berm: lablishment. In order to please the to=te= of the jate o ( • the community, I hey have prep.tret a " ' went of TOYS, which for variety and OM. dr passed by any estaltlisitment in the city, AI 1 0 call. • —.war DR. MERRITT, DENTIST,' Asa, hawses Second and Pill bu.ifisse frum9 A. M. till 4P.M M. .1 - Dr. E. N. manufactures Prorehinl" Dentists can be supplied by The 100 0 r or teeth with a benntiful ram fe " AdO t tif setts, will be made to order at the 06 fOrwarding an evict impression of for safe a few machines with emery And fitting Mineral teeth so nodal a Ir w lit ne sold low for rash. pIpPIN APPLES: on hand 20 sound confa dition. condition. (or sale by 40 v l In : f lie Npuivse4trnicbteCrCourt of ru, -----------------,.. 4 - _ ~.., NGeroros:474.4::::::ne..,lß.raanivt,; of Pi tta . ! 1 : : : e to ll - 1111 4_ VS. , -4 12. 54 :::ii On motion of Mt Illte l .. w lii i ..... A Oill * t od the proceeds of Fromtale tesri.,) 21001,1 A. 0 1 -rs a The Auditor alteee st i i ii , at the office or Alograw 4. Hatnieon.A. city a eittshorgo, on next, Ca . the purposes of las aP1,01,17.1 whore all pasons interested are n otifies tel H. 2..74 Tuesday, th' 1 71 h 1,. ".. • --: • L ~. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRdir; ' th o estate of Adam E TomlinAl Pitt loWnship, decessrdi hoe 10 r i ~ t. he tubsoriber,-ieskiing in the third Si`r 7 ' city of Pittsburgh, No. 16 7th Street. j • 1 indebted to said estated o re NV"' a immediate payment, and tti‘o hog ri Omani:is against it, to make kitag..._--" 'WA' authenticated, to the sabsevw ilibti ROPplef' '• ' -L*l-441852,L44 41ec 21-3 t. .1e,4-014111%"1" had t atfrMendity afternoon—al ;teeing the building wa3 F eat an attractive 4 0 t Give them a good Skaters.=-= yester ay n;tortung n by ventitring too near _kite skating. liiira-fat two boys who t ip344lat the Four Mil t At bole Unit one of -iron Steamer:. vita atte!)tion to theco ta per., on. the suhj ept of o l die meaner of constr The siNect is worthy boina the inventots, Me 431 rant, of this City, ma fits from their discover adustry and ingenuity e re.—About-12 o'clock last, a fire broke out y of Nfr,, Beare4 on -4i it:tor was broken open a ui3hed without material ,elievad to be the work we hear that a man nam . . en arrected on susinew citizens of Alegheny, of party, met thei on Nhnulay evenitig,for in; deleptes to a c nomination a Citizen A ROW. spetimen of a rt) last Monday nigh -eramoniously kn kitocker , scampe eys and game chick them, and the kno, ore office to seek red Liqour wits the eau e, really; though oste a affairs, as we heard ttered against the Chu 2." and -gd—a Protesta -lauthol on- the occasio the magnificent com. The Right Spirit futl d seem that typos g ta be treated with tie eta when it by acri e one with more of tf hum in kindness in h apylnken of r of the Press. we de pottance to make' a , f it. in: our papFr i as .tour memories. tonday evening, t firemen, a member .ead befoie us a mos rhioh we all indulge indeed at tt, loss 6 It thanks for this ur May be esteem. ver. engine he m and out throw compete with if: Teti, dont forget the q}ing. Delegates to are to be appointed; areio be nantivated. have been Busily eng staking arcangemen , - tiv4De givevr Co • eve:ling_ We know *meter aud. active are moving in this have no kecitati are witting io belt: sp in a4ti a g if laeewerY way &ass ilre bore that the dial o f Liao tnapagera will ittagiatto tae. ~— Four fees water in espeeted trontiti 4mtckid oast---Mr T. `being* candidate for received a 41 ;ta! 41 k3Nv should thy . give him aa opportu Anon thereby will **Attire !owe disc. • 1 1 Ni6t imp I h rts. ne 44 1 r*Ori , e ' of cinch. 111". raised in titat-ix Derrrilt - a aaa • otd that ti :appoint lak-3441,-At4e • • - .. •an nr fps asehrxlY., 'a pber's Sto ; I -t .011. 131 i''‘gtMONWF).s44",,t ~ : itsX.