Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 26, 1842, Image 1

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    .W=E '. 'Z'.V .. ' '. 4 ;:. • '
ZlA : , ' . ' : ' i ' , :.
AVELERS TAKE No4'tct,„:4 l .
provided with we §afeiy um{
tinted with a figure or the a pp m ,: i kk,
u are not deceived by — mu t kathe ,
, litteepu tioat .
Flat ing their boats to he‘ provid t d v „,. , ' ,
. e.en they are not s J leclired a0 ,.. i " Ile., :
• following is a list of hot4B„ pip p ii7 4 . 4( . l l
and at the Port of Pittatiprgh- 81 , ;;"" k t . '
a the list: Lave the improeil appear" 1114.
: r a- it is impossible for an'egazin appeal
INNA, 1110 p m ,
FO O,s A, •
DU Qlj Es ti E,
Q .
D U I_
T E K E E N o T o u
R E V E T J . T
..K. W AT ER,
ESS .11A IL,
ESS T V: I ND. ,
. .
1 „!I. - n'rTE, OSPREY,
. .
I . h. Y li AN I), PENELOPE,
' , 1„ . ,, POW INA,
l'Z ( )A G lc Es, .
11111 'ANN,
RA' . .s:TH. - ORPHAN BO
ill BEND, GALENA, ..-
;raveling community are respectfully nes •
they make a choice of a boat,toteu tt l i • •
le whether it would not be to filth .."'...
•'urity to choose a Safety Guard boat, %A 'I .
' and freight, in preference tootle tints* . .. „.,
I'i•xplosion—and that they will bear la u; '
, inventionlias the unqualified approbalksi !
am ensine builders—gentlemen whose WWI
understand the subject, and who are ettinn) :,..
meted—besides a numberof cerilficulesftwo
IPtien and others—all of which can berm
f , ,• No 10. Water street, where it would 'Wei
I:ro at ail times to elliihit my invention In la
I , lake the trouble to call.
_ .L
lier offers for sale, al ihe pmeto
vie t!reater part of his real estate, salmi
of Pats.bn rtth and A llegheny. viz; Threesf
\V a rohoo‘es. nearly new, it‘. isnhelaeliaily
r reel .I.ei ween Second and Fiott,.
L a 1 ,6,1 ai :‘ , ..nt 54 feet by 60 deep. Forma*
eparalriy to Cit purchasers, and upon long.
Int in Alle.',,lteny city, 64 f.
u1,.1, 3 upward of 350 feet in depth, having
reninsyleania eapal aed the ether
1,,. 111 r lot adjoiviirt.: the ahove.loo Ceet le br
.r‘, :trill fr. PI (1 d, 1.111 nelndln~tbe latte- 14
v:htch l how 0ccuPY:....., 14 'O..
!•o. sl lot with two tiro _gory brick Matt , • ,
on t lie corarr of Markel and t'rooe
air ru r• _round rent. - and now Orrtipind
L.IA It ..4'i7'ED anted lo earth"'
a 4.• 411-coml., a qua.oirs of Flax and Timodu
k.„,,, C,o, of ry Produce taken in 13% 2 ;
2 ,..,, 2,r f!,-,,1 , at HARRIS'S InielligenceOgat
7 , 21—'1 C'ommi, - ,zion Warehouse, No. ARO.
H• HART. Gip+ miseian iferchasit, Desk , I$
<2l: , and American Manwfactures, Argil" •
n ratsburgh
,bran of R'd.
D. flack.
v & Hanna.
()2,1,n Cn
Woottholir ne, Ego., Madigon
I.l' FARM FOR SALE.—I will self II
on which I live, in Wilkins township, wi
6 r , n.l( IJ, coroaining one bowdredwad aeveotel
711 acres of which is cleared: and the totarre
There nre upon it Mute WS
• n e 3 fret by :34; an apple orchard of evoke cod
=evenly acres of CO2I. -The soil is believed)
o that of any upland farm In the IownSIII
I.:,nwn on application to the sulwriberint h
_ _ -
11. 1A 51 C. WALL. Plai* and Fagg P •
and Pieture Fra me dValf.SPlCtlittrs
A • •
Th!f,irusgk.—Canvess &Liebe- Var
v% a%,s on hand. Looking G harses.
v framed to order. Repairing done:A the
'ention paid to reeding and jobbing
:1' in n. will Bid
ti p Steam Boats or bOnSeg Feel '
T E I. FJ. D.—The siatcrikers ore now pr
'm fr rni=h painters,and others who wok al
t• • e Idle Lead made of the best material,
• • • ; ,,i, if rot superior to any offered to IC
r. dilressed to DUttillp 4- Elosh,eareofS
`o. I 10-Second street.Pittsburch. will kePro.
Sr., on e doo r from Oli Staid of N. Bad •
respectfully infOress the
rch and vicinity that be has totrilteeetli..
• Shoes of his own manufacture,altbe stew
1-e will keep constantly on bind
' all finds of misses. zed
~ of Die I,st. qual which will bessti.a
-•1 it the times Be wll also mote to anger,
'r fancy work—sugh as while sod tobet
• . colored gaiters, and Weida', la lilt:. g
r ellel?rs silk gaiters, din. ;;;
made at the shortest notice.atto '";
Ladie,. will please eatiand-esaatios P .at ' lo af
-11hrr riber feels confident that be
cle t",
in his line they may Want- tabu.
0 J,Cntli
Don't (covet the place—No•
a* " 1. 0,1,a
od .
nun Harris's I nieligente Ore.
•'a_r . ket
I LLI9 51 DIGBY having take , 1..
business of DIGIIT 4- orevros. car% retu rs
••• street and 42 filarkot.Wiel..,ebeo- t 0 ; 0 ( ,
to the DUIIIIIEVOLIS Mends m1,..C•v"7;;;; ityrOgi„
• r the very - liberal seppori "liter 15IL.gli,
11 to connection' svlth 'aiisrobego4
o assure them that curl e•W „td Mote„,
the:continuation of the faIlle• *Pe sieol
'I V invite their "attention. to lite-Prr--ia;er Igo
11 , r-which he intendaselliog at 0/11 ° 0
W*l '
been ever
_offered, irkly
hole of the stock taf the late firm as tes
as f og
• rd as be intends to confine tilinselre g
?„ 4 „,.
nsitea, he feels-cuannt 110 0011,7 ii
- hie stock. eitliet la gheapoein,lia,gll-,
se to takerfothmt hat everiartie47,7-- `pc/
Its Pit tsdafrg4-
-----------'-'"- : ---"— s --4
-f ‘ ril4 ---,-,-., 6 r34 ....r . 4m7. '
PIOCOSOW,,XIg.„i--.ja-ak.str•.--? 0 --
sleet /roi Ware - 1 10.'!‘ • ,-fii4.11:10.? --
r c a Nat kit * - 7iiito - ,- 15 • -.7,c41 1 41 10 ‘
tfotio r
i 1 i fie . itt the .ittoreelOoeet 'r . .„ :A .4
tt.ret are Wit34 l ,ol* •- '• ' !erW - .
lice,ilPafa,*l- '"-:''Al;,•-ir-?.:;.:::":40i0°1
ii.qe f p c iamlivokom.,
r,- , :-.. , ...
iti-S. :C .-:•.:f . 4 1 k
, ':::,..-:: :e÷: ....--;-.'.• i',:!...-5 : - .'il, _:5 - ...:,;: ;-' . ., - ;:ir'.
'•,=:_ ,:: : ; 4.* 2. ( '7::: :. 17., - -. 4:-.? ' ' '' -:: '' ' ' '''...- L-
NO 91
.. 4.F ivE DOLLARS a year, "payable hi
copiei TWO CENT 3—for sate at the
' o f L ae Ace, and by News Boys.
lercart .
weeßts, at the same office, on a douhte
s:: heet. 3 , IWO DOLLARS a year, In ad.
n.le co SIX CENTS.
Terms -of Advertising.
0.75 I Tao ,Olt 0.50 I E
One month, - $5.001 . -
0* mums, 6.01 e
t 0 7,,,,' ~ 1.00 Three months; 7,00_
LWI Four months, 11,06'
3,00 Six months, 1010
4.00 One year, 15;00
(.11.1‘GAABLI A.T.. Pt i.a.l3UltE.
t "lbe Spliry
SIR.OO Six moo Pia, o r $23,00
2_5,00 One year. -: 35,00'
qrr 3.lv.rtif.einentsio prorortioiw.-:....
ch:011)ur lines Stx. DOLLARS a yens.
I C E 8, &C.
e Third between Market and Wood
Ri4l,lle. Postmaster.
trater.4ln door from Wood st. Peter
apt' John W 'Hoek, COlieCtUr.
TItIOCRY, Wpo.l . between Fir and Second
ilmeS_ A. Rart..am, Teasurer.
Teeksras, Ttor,l street, next door to the
prOrteran Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer.
Fourth, t‘etweett Market and Vood
tirsloder liar. NI :Ivor.
tor's ENCII tSGF.. FOUrth, near Market Et.
wrentl arket and Wood streets, on
1 7 0 , 1r 01
0,1 I , REIte AN
Ild.) ourth, betwt en
~ u,,, ; ,•, ;~~~,~:
OGE. Fo,lt >tree,. \Vood.
wyrr,l. 4 .
,11,11•4 E, \Val, Pear I lie Brltige
corn, is. Clair,
rilol-,' Watt., for 1,, 111.1.'11,,; :‘,•d 0c,,1
r ana
and Canal
- n.
kt. e
ree‘ two. ,ftittll.
[O.S \I 11, I.rtte, t , t t, o, t=tti.• \S'avne
(Th yttll
~ , , - ~- , iIiAM Ft . 4 casks haws, a good articio, received Bev S.
ILL R Corsair, and for sale by J. G. 4. A. GORDON,
iEltf 'll 001/S. k.Tl'O lO ~. ; :..
~OrNSELLOR .kl' 1, VW .—, , in. , r , .0 seo 10 No. 12. Wafer strOet.
ak,,weir., office.: on G• ant ..:1 . no,lt y oneosMe
v Court !loose, neat rooms to J o h n il. :k1:0,,‘, l izuGA a 4. mOl, A r :: : ::i,s_4o Mids. New Orleans Su
'frYt floor. "" II) -
I ;-, .a r; 30 nbls New Orleans Moias , 4. , - .. , for sale by
sep f 0 ~ J. G. 4- A. GORDON:
H. ELLIOT /..)1. ~,tor, d to
t. Clair street, between Penn axtd Liberty S.' s %
s r 111
•_ -
V (.9:)i)S•—Pre“on .c. Nlarl:• , . wll..les'alt• :tuft
retail 4,3 ier., in Enz'tsh. F',0,11. al a I)fnar-il Ir.
N., I. ‘in, , ,r , -t .P I I ~ 1 11 , :II Sel , U)
---- —..._
INI)LESS & !JUR .%, tor r,:s and
tie Dtatnnnd, hack
f , i) 10
40V t -g. Nlorr,v. Ntderm , offi. e north
•.,. HI t'clW",ll Wo4 and Sdlit it field
E47',1 111
l:r of in
11;1EVI I'l, l\h-o,ie c,„,.,.,
-Vo• 224 Liberty S:reet,
111 . 1.W.09 . 11 II
Mprcka" , -,
fff 1'11541f . , rt utes, In. 6 29.
s , I, 10
011 .‘ iiOBINSON, 'chutney al Law;
ihr anti h -o,te 4111 e plamonet,lcotsc
ep 10
II) s;l'rS
• OURB.)a. torney at L•;sv;
Io t It. voldic, (Olio , co,
above D. 1.10y1! cw
00.urf,l, Pt. sep 10
J.-. N. K EkN
itIFC '0111,:i.1,111r.,..: CO:.prr
:Al Frolic st ,
r , ..0.,11' I, -.ld Worli. 1,0171:011 ,
rp 10
- -
PS. IL YOUNG CO.. faro hire Hare
kir • r V.Nril.lllge A IleY•
W,..1,,,,1111 ~111 rind it
idva , ‘ ,. •. ,
I. -atisfied that
sep 10
In :iLi.t.i!y
-- USE 16;1choice Mut
Yon Hams, 14'61 cure) auJ for s'e'e cherip by .hedo
LTA BAG .1.- N 5, 1; , 10 of Landreth's Fresh Ru
ta Bi2a, and °lto, d: rerent varieties of Turnip
In 3, rer, veil and for nai rat RED , CZD PRICES at the
and Sued r , ..ure of F. L. SNOWDEN,
10 No. 1!?-1 Liherty S reel, head of Wood.
'EBB CLOSE:Y:4 B oot and Shoe Mauutacto•
ry, No. 03 Fourth St., next door to the U. States
Ladies I'rnoelia, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;n
testinanncr, ane by the newest Frenela patterns.
I Ofi 510RUS M UTICA ULUS. in lois to suit
" NIT chasers; to be dizTnFed of by
10 No. 104 I.rher'y street. head of Wood.
HI.II HOOFS, Flowers and Flower seeds or eV
e7y deser, Int ion, can always he bad at the nft!";
mure of - SNOW DEN.
111 184 'Aber* y street. head of Wood.
Idlsl. Illinois Annual Mammoth Onion Seed, for
ede at the Drug and Seed s;ore of
184 Liberty slref.t, head of Wood.
for seed; just received by
No. 134, Liberty brad of Wood st
ti't\ TOOLS, consisting of Hoes, Fancy Spades
I % , ‘l , lanling Trowels, Eddie! Tools, P.nilding
•• 1 ' 1 Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re
..ale by F. L. SNOWDEN.
134 Liberty street, head of Wood.
IC E VfOliDll Hams.--Just received a small stip-
W F ° l vity choice eared Venison Hams, on retail
"%Mt current money.
10 ISAAC H %RRIS, Agent,
and Com. Merchant
l IITE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and
Kentucky Blue Grass, always on hand and for
N 0.134 Liberty street, bead of Wood.
ST "k BUCH AN AN, Attorneys at Law, office
r , lgils , ed from the Diamond, to “Attorney'sßow,"
Qe of Fourth street, between Market and Wood
sep 10
ICIB TRATES'EtLANKS, far proceedings
sailer the late lam, for sale at this Office
S ALE.—Lots on the North East corner of Coal
lane and Ilqh street. Apply to
10 BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th at.
LBS. Landreth's French Sugar Beet deed,just
mei-red and for sate at the Drag and Seed
184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
-to tnuneralif p heretofore exhale% -between -War
ifiG BY and BENJAMIN HOP EWELL is thlsdity
Lb si r gametal consent. William Digby In authorized
'lettere of the firm in swains up the Wipers
'fool MGM
FENI T.uornwela._
ir OH NSTOM ¢ STOCF.TON,Bookeellera.triaters:and
J Paper Ma nufaetareo, No. 37, Market et. sefp3o-1y
TOEIN ANDERSON, Saetbfiekl foundry, Water at
el near the Moncongibele Houso,Pinituret• XlO-1y
EONA RD S. JOUNS,litderman, St. Clair greet, se
. cood diror from Liberty. ' - sep
DR...HOLMES% Office to Second ittreet, next door
to al nlVany 41- Co's Glass Warehouse sep 1111-19
SHUNK 4. FINDLAY, Attftt Law, Fourth st.,
near the Mayor's 62e4 th. sep 10-1 y
THOS. HA MI LTOZt Alta : roe:A* URN:Fifth; hetween
Wood and Smithfield Ma.. ntithureh. IMP 10-19
UGH TONER. Allot nes at Om!. North Eat corner
of Smithfield and Fourth umbels. sep 10-1 y
too;l1MON ...... -.JAMES TORNIIIII L.
AN I+II4344IIIILL'S raper Wareltonse. 'No.
144, Wood M L TWhere may be had n general supply
Of writing. wrappioc. minting, wall paper, blank books,
school boots, Ire. 4.c. ftp 10--ly
C. TOWNSEND & co_ Wire Workers as
. Nalmftreiurorm, No. 23 Market street, bel ween 2d
and 3d streets. sett 10-19
EIXCH ANTE HOTEL, Corner of Penn ant gt. Clair
reels, by 111eKIBBIN SMITH.
wa•d Hushes. manoraeloror or Iron and Nails
Warehouse N 0.25, %Vood st., Puishurzh. sep 10 —ly
PTG METAL —77 tons soft Pia Wild for Fate hy
J. G. 4- A. GORDIN,--
c , p 13 No. 12 Water street.
LBS. B NCON HAMS. 16.000 Itts. Bacon
3,009 shoulders, for sn eby
N 0.12 Water street
JA S. PATTERSON, Jr.. Rirminghamoiear Pillsburgh.
-Pa., Mann fa,inrsr of Locks. Hinges and Bolts; To
bacco. Fuller. Mill and Timber Screws; Houeen S.erews for
Rolling Mills, seP
JOHN 317CLOSKEY,Taiinr and Clothier 'Aber. v
street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South'side.
Sep 10
W. BuRBRIDGE k CO., WholeFa le Grocers and
Commis inn Merchants—. Second street, bet weca
Wood and Smit !Wield :OF., Pit tO•ur:ltt. sep 10--1 y
G. - A . con 110 N. Comini,,ion :tad Forwarilina
v.P . .41.-rehar.ts, Water St.. PitiAmlrTh. 4r) 10-1 y
QiCTG A R.-7 lihd: prime N. 0. Sdlar, reeerved per S.
1:7 FS Maine, and fur sale by J. 4- A. GORDON.
set , 10 No. 12, Water street
it BACON CASX:S.io order, on band and for sole by
sep 10 I.G. & A.OO 11110 N. No. 12, Water st
S 'G A tt
.AND MO!, Ai:SF...S.-13 0nd , .4 and 46 ' 14 N. 0.
Fuzar. 32 lolls N.O. M0i3f, , ,3 , 1‘ . , rneeiver! per .F•enzphortt
Importer. and for Cale by 1. G. 4. A. Con DON,
eel) 10___ Nn. 1 - 2. I,Vnter 5 , ..ept
. ..
881. -4 . 1:1) 01 1,, for snle by
10 ror Her of 6111 alt.! Vl'ood sl s.
1 r i .:k y i • E e 1 .:1
:„1. 1 4 t ; , 1 1., 11 4 :1 , rKks
R - CO.. I
a 1 f(1,11 , 1" of firl , aril
..)00 i'rrpn rctl (or
V. A. F ti N 1'0(1( (:CO
\R AND - \ !M. \ 1.1 , d, N. O. Sol7;•r,
C-73 25 bids. d.,. du.. 10(1 do. I'ln-t:111. , o
A- \.t:r/RION.
Nu. 12 IVater sil rel.
- I V
-t 1.3
1 o 11-ed iu Bankrunicy proceedin:s. printed on
znoil luring approved h 3 il.e, Couri"or ,:tie
the (Wire of Ine , !er,ury and Democrat. rep 10
V 731-. IiIUBBARD, Larbes • lashionahle. hoot and
shoe a nufactit rer. No. 1111, Third s l reet, het wren
tV,Ktd and Smithfield si recut. Piit,ttittreli set , 10
removed his race to the corner of Fourth
;tree! and Cherry Mlty, tietwecii Smithfield and Grant
At Fee is, Piitshureli• seri 10
FOR RENT.—Yliedweliing anktot cohtaining 4
acres, in A ttrelteny, near the tlepver Road,.ately
occupiedlty Mr. Sn aise! Chit rch. Apply at the Merchants
and Manttracturt. (Lull:, to W. DENNY.
sep 10 Cashier.
. .
' IL/ . MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pitts
.ti...- burgh,
sep 10
N 0.9, Flail st
supply of 'Andrei h's Carden Seeds, always on
hand, and for sate at his agency, the Drug store of
184 Li twrt y st rect., head of Wood.
DR. DAVID WARD hat office and re.4idence
on Fourth Street, nearly South of the Court House,
second dwelling from floF,s street. lie will faitlifolly attend
all calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should. be
;bade at the door above the basement. sep 10
EMOVAL —Matthew Jones, Barker and flair Dress
er, has removed 10 Fourth strel 01 1 0 0 S 1, e' M Lir
ors office, where he will be happy 1.0:Wall upon permanent
ur transient customers. fie solicit , : a share of public Pat
eep 10
NI. A. 11'A DENTIST, Penn st. three
• door below Irwin street. Hours of business, from
9s. is., until 5 P. , after which time he will attend
to 110 one except in cases of actual necessity. He
would further inform those who may think proper to
employ hint,l hat he expects immediate payment, without
the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sep 10
1 °HIV ND, Upholsterer and Cabinet
_5(-der. Third at. between Wood 4. Market streets,
resprr tut inflrins his friends and the public that he is
prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Bu
rea us, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, Hair and Spring
Matt rasses, Curtains. Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering
wort:, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. sep .1{)
110 Weed Street, Pittsburgh.—R. A. Bailsman.
Auctioneer and Coinuk.iion Slerchant, is now prepared
to receive and sell all liWs of Goods and Merchandise,
at his large and impaeicdfs moms, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets, Fittsburgh.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture,. Groceries and
other articles, on Mondays and Thorsdaymf each week.
Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on
Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday evenings.
Books, ke., every Saturday pineal , .
Liberafadvances madeon Consignments when wanted .
Messrs. John D. Davig,Esq.,
.‘ Bagaley 4- smith,
•• Hampton. Smith, 4- co..
• F. Lorenz Sr Co..
• J. W. Barbridge 4- Co., I
8. leTsee 4. Co. , I
.* Capt. James Fd'Gargill, Pitisburgh
is C. Hansen, Esq.
" Joon H Fadden Earl.
• Login 4 Kennedy.
• J. g. -Moorhead 4. Co,
• laa.'P.Seafart,;Baq.
11.01411 Baling, Erg:
• Qapt. Jxs. Map,
rs Relray,llaarra,*
Vltifilaag BytaMs,
LG. fiewry, •
13mith.Bagaki 4 CO
MGBY—:.x.. cora... of Medea *set .
Stesers, Pitubtrgrd, has On, hand a complete as-
sortmentof Qncensware suited to the city or country: ,
trade. Also, a choice selection of Pure while and gold
Land DINING ANDTEA WARE, in targeor span lets,
or 'separate pieces to suit purchasers. -
A cask of 46, 60. or 84 piece sets. rotteritlir Painted
and girt English China Teaware at very kkA
Toy Tware. plain, and rich painted from
1.00 to $5,00 per:rtet.
(Children's Ikluternrevery description.
White China Shaving Muss.
. ,
'Granite Dining et d Tea Iderekes, in white and with
splendid American scenery printed in bite sad black.
IA large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Bata.
imported to match. complete,
'Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, frOut the
Derbyshire Potteries.
Flint and Green Glair, In all their varieties.,
Window Glass, of eltrry
rise- -
Patent Buckets, Tubs and Keelets.
Slone Pipe Heads. sr'6. 4-c„
All of which .are.leanectfally offered-1 6 'the Pub
lic on the most favorable terms. Jan 26,1842—1 e
COlliP4 . 016'1: nit,l I:l7nodsti
, I
' ' _ ng
I' , Llll Phlia. 17
~.+~iYrM 4 2:'
vox ALDEN .dttorvirs. and Coirasellor at
T• J. • tirtrig his processional services to the cit.
inns : af YittSletry.h - and hopes rot ashore ol public pat.
nonase. '5l - Hee/11l execute all kinds of writiekwith neat
seas and dispatch. Cases in bankruptcy attended loon
reasonable tersta.-001ce in Smithfield street, at the .
house of Mr. T homas to wham be refer*,
sep 10 - T.J.FOX A LDEN•
DAVID CLARK. .nirt, thishionable Boot Maker,—
Has removed to No. 34 Market street, between
Second and Third streets, where he woWld be happy
to sec his old customers. and ail others who feel dispos.
ltd to patronize him. He uses nothing but first rate
Stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as be elves
los constant personal attention to bosinetrs; he traststhat
lie will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage.
wo 10
A Bunker respectfully informs his friends &ndStie
public that they can alarays find the bal. quality of lie
C'reams. Icisether with all kinds of Confectionary sad
fruits. in their season, it hie establishment—No. 11,
Fifth sweet, between Wood and Market.
N. B.—Partics supplied on the shortest notice, with
cak. or anything in his line. Also families furnished
with Bread. Imp 10
HAM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Molt street.
New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most .
aggravated form. _The symptoms were violent head•
ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough. heart.
burn, pain in the chest and stomach alwat,s after eating,
impaired appetite, sensation of sinkliv„at theVomatib,
furred 1 ongue, nausea, wit it t frequent vaintiggisa4lainetia
towards: ni2 Id and restleness. - Thesehaiik,cl g " u p .-:
ward of a twelvemonth; Wherti-.11511 cldtdr# o ,lo,.., *a.
Evans. 100 Chatham qt reel.;it:-lia .*
~ . .......... Yr
leri p t,
successful and agretableititide inief. . : ;' , -: . r y--- . .
was completely restored lo health 7 -itte c - Ag.,4 2 ,. 74 .
one mend h. and grateful for the inglcniii it e
lies k iih*v.
ed. 2 ladle came forward and oolonteeied tile abOltfestate
For sale Wholesale and Retail by ... s,
R. E: SELLERS, Agent,
No 20, Wood street. iwdow Second
L.V.?.D,—Those who would wish greatly to reduce
their ex pemse for light, shout d certainly purchase one of
the ahoy,. named Lamps, as by their use there is a clear
saving of at least two 4 hlrds nrilte exnense over 011,and_
the li2ht obtained front this is pure and brilliant, and
wholly free from smoke or disagreeable smell. We would
here state that Carr's Patent is the only one worthy the
attention of the public, as it is the only one that is •tipli
cable to every va riety or pattern of I.Osintra, and the only
evetrill n Lard WELL, at any temperatiire of cold
nr We have, in the short space of three MINIMS,
snit se:eeral honsaints . . and with scarce an exception,
I 'vote then, ho er expre-sed themselves highly pleas
tat with them. and fully convicted of the great economy
by [belt me. as well as their satterimity over either oil
or candles, in regard to cleanliness and light.
The above naint d lampstati tat bad only at
B_,BPEr4I4; R.dlWp."ll - D . ,S. -
.---"PtrtrTrairetrYn'early opposite the Post Office.
Where is kept constantly nn hand Britannia Metal, Tin
and Gla-s Lamps. of vat ions patterns.
Class la WS sold at ittetitif:ieturt i rs ' pries.
w e lake pfru,nre in ere, in:: to the public the follow
in.: eettifirate, which Is subscribed to by many . respecta•
-ie eh izens.
We.the undersigned. !nye tried and are now rising
carr`. Patent Lamps. for banning La. d or o:her animal
CI , , and we hav^ no he-nation in saying that they give an
esrettent light—equal to at .y of the ordinary InOrirs of
i'ls lit ing a house, at about otte.tlord the cost, and wholly
free tom 9awke or other disagreeeble smell. We lake a
pleasure in trrom mendine These lamps to the nubile, as by
their use there is a great saving over either sperm
or lard oil. or even candles; and we believe them to
he more cleanly and less troublesome than rill:cr.
To he had al Brtowtt 4.. RAYMOND'S only, Third street,
nearly opposite the rmi , t Office.
Bev. W. W. Bakewell, James Hoon,
" A. M. Arran, Charles Paelson,
" John M'Cron, C. Yeager.
N. G. Collies, Win. Graham, jr.,
" Robert Dunlap, E. Trovillo,
Dr H. D. Sellers, Wm. Douglass,
" E. D. Gazzam. Henry Atwood,
" Wm. NI. Wright, Isaac Cruse,
Robert H. Kerr, Esq., George W. Henry
A. Beckham, Robert McPherson.
Thomas Onstoo, John S. Shaffer,
George 'Miltenberger, Wm. Eichbaum,
0. P. Shiras, . J. B Turner,
A. Miller, Wm. Martin,
R. Ni. Riddle, Post Master literary Bargem.r.
R o bert Gray, James S. Clark, of the Amer
Allen Kramer, Iran Hotel,
A. F. Marthens, John M.Campbell
M. Stark house. L. A lberger,
Robert Johnston, James Illellin,
N. B Just received, an improved Patent Lamp. for
nov 19—dlw 4- wit
klichen II
TO THE PUBLIC, and particararfg to my fertile?
Patrons of this city—Having retired from the
practice of Medicine. I may he permitted to say, that it
has 'alien to the tot of rut few persons to have enjoyed
so liberal or tare a stare of obstretrical practice as my
own has been for the last 30 or 40 years.
The experienceof that long period of active life. and he
fact of my having been twice, since 1830. associated with I
Or. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, (in both a
period of five years.) enables me to judge fully of the
merits of his pills.
So convenient, so efficient. and yet so safe, did I esteem
these pills, that for the last five years in my practice for
the cure of chronic diseases, of whatever flaws., and those
of females in particular, I have used more oi them than
all of her medicines.
Like every other medicine, this must fail in some in
stanres, but in my bands there has been Less disappoint.
ment and more satisfaction in theadministration of this
one remedy than of ail others; its good effects sometimes
quite astonishing me.
f my patient required a safe aperient medicine either
fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pi Is were just
the thing I wanted.
Ira dyspeptic acid-condition of the stomach, combined
with costiveness or inactivity of the liver, constituted the
disease '3f my patient. the pills were just the thing I
I f I treated a case requiring an emmenagogee, the
Wilsontipills were just the thing i wanted.
If palpitation. headache. flushed countenance, or other
difficulties. indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory systems. annoyed my patient at the 'turn
of life,' the Wilson's pills Were just the thing I wanted.
Thus, without resreet to the name, a disease might
happen to wear at the tune I have had it under treat.
meet, particular indications or sy melons arising, were
al ,, ays most promptly and most happily met by the
That so great a lather of diseases.and sometimes ap.
parently opposite ones, in which I have used these pills,
should be crated more readily by them than by any otber
remedy, may at first went strange and contradictory; bat
*by it is sole as clear to my mind as that a great many
persons should become thirsty from as many different
causes, and yet all require that common and greatest of
all blessings, water tognench their thirst.
In cenclusion, it is due the reputation of the medicine
and thipatille: - , inlay decidedly avid unemeditionallY.Olat
the vtittoon'oplltearetheoey coteblealloo bort etret ,
Wet with to my. longeourse worth*. that pow
eowesanythiwg ettrathroor lotted& for sick headache,
Yottrako•' ' - DR:SILO ADAMS.,
The *Um-Pills- rletnitaed partietilerir for the AO
aae4-Aehee Pinefe*ClMOtgiticli.Lbe Rowels e,
pre by the prohrhoor -pA wawa, 40.01:
ale;lirbOeuilint*OU,itbaitondlitit hireifil O ret %
EMBER 26, 1842.
1311sO Plel
,GigS 'esleireeort Feasts Ms. These
Pine are strengli . nrcrivinaerided io 'the Drake or
the itiShi as az sate and ellolent Ilellsoir in reaM 7l / 5 X
these neeesiats peculiarlo, thew sex. from want or ex.
ercise.sor hewn; ridhalltreorthe tram. They *Whale
coothrarress, and „Asithrieract all Heretical aid Nerve=
affectihno: Thee filht, have phoed the sancl lea 'sad
approbation of the welt eminent .Physiciltas thellel
ted Stem au! many Herbert. Forme W and
Retail:44 R. E. SHLIIEHZ.
No. YO. Worst Street‘totheir Second
- Bat a ei rtit ad
keii e s it e
Tbiarlhscriberhavinthonsht ont: theinek - the lite
Titotral Rafferty, delimited. has entseaced intsiness
in thetisid stand of Mr. R., and fs fiepared to execute
all deheriptions of work bt-his lite, In the best rnitater
and oat* shortest notice.. . keeps eorstantty on hand
Isili4triorttnent ofshonlindints of aft descriptions and
of thefts! wrathy. He Befell.* the patronate of the nab-
AD .
lie andhf the craft. WM. ADAIR.
eel t
Aztec- carrivei. :rAilterst Price/.
T ra.inannfactore and keeps ptastaatly on
ha ,oidikEliptie Sprints (instrintailt.) inniata
Iron ' Itß6raad Brasil plated Dash Frallrass
a" Hnbßshdb. Stump .Leather.
Sliver - Akan Lamps. Three raid Piens...Ma ll eable
Iron, Handles and Binges, Ate .4•5-
8 . JcilfitS at COLEMAN'.
sea I St.pair st.. hPllff rte A tirevelly Itintdae.
- BLLERS., N. D., office and dwelling in Fourth,
.- r Ferry street. sep 13-3 y
. . ,
Them, egaMott 4.:lfitsike wbo have been somewhat seen-
Meal in itifireuelrbObe numerous certificates published
n favoOsfirie.= e sCompoand Syrup ofWild Cher.
vy, on iikilia* . - nuns being unknown in this see
tion ortistAlO fi ctfullyidirectetito the following
ceroll4 l = ferUfwhiciikasbeen a - Often of thin
borougb 7 - veral years;and ili 11,111011/11 as a gentleman
or integrity and riniponsibility..
'I'D tits .ftgest,Mr.' J. Ittesy.
' f have used Dr. Swavne's Comp find Syrup of Weld
Cherry for a cough, with which I have been severely al:
flirted for about four months, and I have no .hesitation
In saying that it lathe most effective medicine that I have
I been able to proeure. It composes all uneasiness, and
agrees wallwith my diet.—and mantalns a regular and
good ape. I can freely recommend it to all others
similarli feted. I. Miausea, Borough of Chambersh'e.
March :IS4O. rep 23
For sale by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street.
AntEESONS desirous of procuring Fruit, Sbade. and
Ornaltierital Trees, or Shrubbery, from Phtladel
*Nacos, Nees.York, are requested to Make application as
suos its - pcies ible. at the Drug and Seed Store of the sub
scriber. WikSeCll ll he had catalogues, gratuitously. of the
most exceleat varieties) F. L. SNOWDEN,
sep 31 No 1114. Liberty street. head of Wood
MA M NITFACTORY.—Patrick Cawfield re
sPettifully acquaints his friends and the public gen•
eraily, that he has commenced the Marble business at the
corner of Fifth and Liberty sts.. w here will be constantly
on hand. tomb stones, mantel pieces, monuments, head
and foot stones, table slabs for cabinet ware, and every
article appertaining, to the business, He will warrant Iris
work to be ivell done, and his charges will he moderate.
Be respect faily asks a share of public patronage. sep
JAMES k. E .YEAZEY. Forwarding and Commission
Ater -chant, Arent for Steamboat Cleveland and
Pennsylvania and Ohin I.iile , Flavin! rented Ihe ware
house fornic)4y occupied by Ilirmin2ham k Co_ No. 60
Water Str.. 't•etween Wood and Smithfield. is prepared
In receive orward goads 1 0 any port on the Ohio or
?i f
SI I , siVsippl e .. 44, - ii reasonable terms. ~ -
_,7.Pijk- ' , • ... ~.„
CO-PART.NERSH/P.—G. P. Smith ¢ W. Hampton,
having associated themselves together tinder the
tirm or Hampton 4. Smith, will continue the wholesale
Dry Goods brininess in the holism recently occupied by
tlairpton. smith 4- Co where they will he receiving in a
few days a new stock of Fall t iind 'Minim Goods. They
respirtfully invite their old friends, and merch:mis gen.
crafty, visiting Pittsburgh. to call and einrrine their
stors, wept 28—d-3m.
Portage Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 2,500 lbs, at
$53 00.
do do do do 2,005 at $45 00
do do do do 1,500 at 35 00
do do do do 1,000 at :30 00
do do do do 500 at 25 00
With raising levers an addition of $3 to each scale.
Dormant scales for the we of Warehouses, Flouring
Mills. ke.,thesame prices as above.
Also,White's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements, and a variety of other counter scales,
which they will sell for from 8 to $l5,
They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Mills, Saw Mills,Salt Works, &c,, double sod sinee
geared slide lathes,foot and other lathes for wood turning
machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines. door
and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or
without thrashing machines, a superior article; circular
saw shafts, machines for sawing lath, Tinner's ma
chines and WON oral] descriptions, iIISO for making black
ing boxes, a superior article; governors fin' steam engine
stocks, taps and dies, coffee mitts, bedstead or Joint hots
and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma
chinery made or repaired; printing press plat tens turned
and printing presses repaired.
JAMES MAY, Agen'. .
sep 22-If, YOUNG ¢ BR ADBURY
jOHN B. GICITITRIB, Auctioneer anti Commis•
slop Merchant,.Aro.lo6,corner of Weed Fifth eta.
Pittsbamek: }laving been appointed one of the Auction
eers foe the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his sery tees to joi
hers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed
to make trial of this market• He is prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities,
and trusts to satiety correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy hind favorable returns.
That the various intermis which may be confided to
him, shall be adequately protected, be brings to the aid
of his own eiperience in hitsinesr and acquaintance with
merchandise generally . , the services of Mr. FAIICEL
FswassroCM heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement if made.
Rums. TO
Messrs ; M. Tiernan, Presl. of M. 4- M.
•• Darlington 4- Pretties,
o Robert Galway,
•• lames M. Cooper,
• Jaltneli May.
•• g. M. Riddle. Pit tsburgh
.. Wei Robinson. Jr. Pree't
•• • of Exchange. Dank.
• flampton.lihnitti, 4. C 0..,
• • John D. Davis,
.• K. Measliest!,
•• Jas. W.firesrit 4. Ca.
•• Jobe H. Stowe. 4 , Co:
o 'Smith 4. II today. ..-.
• Yardly 114.11ers, •
it Joint 8.
Joint *idle% 4
slzitr waft ed s fiv barn , . - of
ny us* Fos
13lds 100torrisers ssusgoolub,ft. •
Istsierei*** l • .
• sr
' ,, ." . . , ':i'.'.i1:.,•.c_.:' , ., , , , .7::4i:,7
Fir psidiskiair 'a wersoThiity Paper is the City of pigs
4:TC ti be naiad tke '
firtHESulmeribers Wring - made — arrangements to merge ; -
.1 the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu
ry into one Joitrital, have concluded to publish a daily
paper with the title of the Ebeitly dlfirrairtg Test. .
The leading object of the.Porr" will be l he d ssernina; !
thin and defence of the political principles that have hit e
tofore been maintained by the
: Editors. in their respective
panel*. and best efforts will stiH be delloted:to the
advancement and success of those doctrines. •
Althotigh, in politics, the paper wilt be thoroughly
democratic.- yet the Editors hopei-Ity giving ati honest,
candid history of . passing Political eVitnin:r.roreign
and Ditmetale Intelligence, and brief notices:Of all a... I
teriand occirrences that come properly within the cohere
ore Public Journal, to make their pope) sufficiently in
erecting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it
respective of party considerations.
1 in addition to the political and general news that will '
I be found in the ...Mersin: Nat," the Editors will take
pains to: furnish : file business community with
the latest and mug' interesting : Cosnituaciat. Isrrscm
einem from all parts of the country, and to have prepa
red such *mounts of the Markets and the State of Trade
as will be adv . autageons to oar Merchants and Business
Men in their several canines.
Terns.—The Post - will be published on a large hatted
al sheet of fine paper. (manufactured especially' for this .
Jontwil) at the unusually tow rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum, payable lo d tintshge. It will also be sold by
news.boys at the low'i aof TWO CENTS a copy.
Advertisements will he inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city. .;...
InerWENTYnetiVe ladearewanted to-sell the Poet,
who willbe engaged on the most liberal terms
W. 11. SMITH.
mproved Hay
tnnfam tired be
heir Ma9ttint
, between Ma
th street, two
ice flail, Pitts
inufactnre and
Ind the fuliow
ig sca les(w hol_
ty corni.Osed 01
No.. 1, Port
ihle Platform
icales on
.0 weigh 3AU
t i.~~ . i.... __.
Augue 31, 1842
1001111DS.KY. LEAF TOBACCO. in store and
BY Morison 4 Co. London, for sale only by S. N.
Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and FL Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10
FA GNI FUR SA I.lt.—The undersigned offers foreale a
tract of land siluatcd4 mile; fret,. ereeport,ln.the
directiortAfi . Kittanning, Buffalo 'township, Arnrenone:
con nty, comOining 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good
fence; 10 of tvhitn are in meadow— a somi square 10,
dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple
orchard of fighttaring trees—and a spring of excellent
water convenient to the house.
FOR TERMS apply to the subscribers residing at the
Sattworts ou the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free
1110 THE WISE.—It is now well understood how
much disorders of the mind depend for their cure
upon a due attention to the body. It is cow understood
how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid
accomulations without weakening the bodily power. It is
now understood that there is a reciprocal influent* be.
tween the mind and the body. It is now understood that
purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan
choly, and even insanity is cured by perseveringly using
them: It is now understood how much domestic happi
ness depends upon the healthy codelition of the digestive
• It is-now well known that the Brandreth Pills have
cured thousands of hopeless and helpless persons, even
when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond
all human means of relief. It is now not only well
known that the Brandreth Pills so cure, hut it - is also un
derstood how they cure; that it le by their purifying effect
on the bloodjhrttlesy restoaaehody - to _
more and more
manifest, it is recommenced daily from family to family.
The Brandreth Pills remove in an almost imperceptible
manner all noxious a'ectimulations and purify and invigo
late the hinod.and their good effects are not counterbalan
ced by site Inconveniences; being composed entirely of
vegetables they do not expose those who use them to
danger; and their effects arc as certain as they are salu
tary; they are daily and safely admitii,tend to infancy,
youth. manhood, and old age. and to women in the most
critical and delicateclrcumstanees. They do not disturb
Or shock the animal functions, but restore their order
and c.Aablish their health.
Sold at Dr. Brasdreih's Office, No. 91, Wood street
Pittshurzli. Prim 25 rents per bog, with full directions
M ARK—The only place in Pittsburzh where the gnu
ine Pills ran be obtained, is the Loctor's own office, No
93 Wood street. cep 10
DR,J. B. TIBBITT'S, Respectfully inform the citi
zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity. [bathe has return•
ed to Ihe city. Re hopes to share the confidence of his
former patrons and the public generally; and solicits a
renewal of a portion of their patronage. In connexion
he would observe, that the operation of Lithotrlty, (or
breaking Ihe s!one in the bladder and allowing It to pas
of with the urine,) is every where commanding the deep
est interest. Be hopes to extend the benefit of this branch
of his profession-to the affiict ed. Strictures, Diseasi sof
the Bladder and Kidneys,— w hich occasionally fallow,—
will likewise receive attention.
Those from a distance wishing further information
will apply personally or by letter, or if desired ran be
accommodated al. his dwelline,in a retired part of the
ty, on Third, between Ferry and Liberty ale. sep 10
LET Invalids read the following account of a Sailor
cared of a complitation of afflictions in nineteen
days by the use o'Brandreth Pills. It distinctly proves
there are herbs In nature which have affinity cure be
cause of disease, and Brandretb's Pilisare made for them
Read and be convinced. Take the medicine antibe cured
JOHN SHAW, of Pembroke, Washington county, Maine,
being duly sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick
about six months since. The pains in his head, breast,
hack, left side and instep being so bad that he was Dna
blew help himself. and was taken into the Chelsea Hos.
pital in the city of Boston. That after 'being in said
hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis said he did not know
what was the mattet with him, and that he could do
nothing for him, nor could he prescribe any medicine
That he, therefore, was conveyed from the Chelsea llos.
phallus the Sailor's retreat an Staten Island. That he
was t here physicked with all sorts of tncdicine fora pert
od of four months, suffering all the time the most heart
rending misery.- That,-besides his affection ofhis bones
be was troubled much with a disease of the lungs: some.
times lin would spit a quart of phlegm in the dayvbides
his affection he had a had Itiarrinea, which bad morn .
or Ices attended him from the commencement of his sick.
stew. Thai at times he dreaded a stool worse than be
would have dreaded death; that he can compare the feel-,
ing to nothing save that of knives passing through
bowels. Aft cr suffering worm than death at the Sailor's
Retreat, on Staten Island, the doctor told hint that medi
cine was of no use to him. that he inn -t ley to stir about.
At this timele was suffering the gren.Wt misery. That
his bones were so lender he could not bear the loose pity
arc upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his Instep was
most painful, that as the Doctor said he would give him
no more medicine be determined to procure some of Dr.,
Brandrettra Pitts, which lie did. from 241 Broadway
New York; that he commenced with five pills, and some•
timesiacrwtsed the dose to eight. The 'first week's use
FO mach benefited him, that the doctor, not tnowing
what he was Mans, said, .nour. Shaw, you hiok like a
man again; if Yon Improve In this way, you will tuna he
well' That be tined every dose of the Brandreth PiSt
relieve aim, find they 'cared him of the pain when at
stool;ihat they next cared ibe diarrhea, mid deafly the
pains In bis boties;—That the medirine seemed to add,
strength to htm everyday. - Retold the doctor yester
day the 11th instant, that he felt bimeifff well, and alas;
that be owed. his recovery to lirandreths tinder
P 143 , 14 d elite, that be'had taken the medicine ferrety dhy
for 19-dare that tile deer n, told him if he had known - hoe
had teen taking that Medicine, he should Oft ,have stayi4
another day in the house. lie rm:shiers' it Ishii dot"' le
make Ibis public stMenteM ,- fort be helmet ofali similarlg
iffliejed; hat ter may tiny where to - find *Making-
Mat iirineareiheet. - ' .1011 N Rll/OV..
John Shaw being by me duly PROM this IPltYay of
Afir*lihettildelergirtatid Fiji. that foregoiser state..
meal* tripe. WilEELEitiromodrildortertd_Elvelk
T*BRANDREI7II PILAR ern mild at Dr. itrani,
drethkerhielpsre.24l.Ro4Dlrdin:NaW ,- TOrk ,
and At. ttlirotriagrat Wi 41
ogee, PM. 99 Wood stii9O.Pit
the 471rirrit4eit .lallipintrgh where the irtioidatenago
• • i•
,'~~,yn'~s_ r'z ~~
4.± '
' 4 , Cf l• ;'- ''''' r -- ' ''' 44' '''' '' '',: , ‘ :,- f- ,7, , , ,
~ ,g 1
. ,• ' - k•-• -ri-lt r:'
..-• .
--- ,
iiiit:" ''' '-' ---'
Tug - Liurisits. itiev . ~ 4 ,--
.. 46 .,,..,, „,-, , r,...,.., ,
~. .... _,.
, - - : , - --tout- .:.,f
%Mtn Vasa) SMILII6,! - 1 ,.. T.l - ..:.;:. 4
i.L,r. As man- maim - --- :-,., , 40if...-?7,-
Rya.: ^Air ar " Trials Arai Stir* cellkiPrila Stie A •:.'
'qtr!-* '- , -." ': 7; , " e '
There was another in.
who deeply sympathised
cause she knew that
been incurred; we alh
Since the night of that
too had been screpolon.„
relations. But what trigilie,
the ingenuity of level A,
vier treacherous confident bed a
yet the incident of the Deed Box,
yid had been the means 'of' snmrly‘,
With a friend into whose bower s
she could nom out all the serliitOti
heart. This was no other atkt ''','''
Boxer's wife, and there was this . : 1 ,
ty in the interest which idle totiltik ~ : t_
distressea,ll.t,it was only , a return, ~,
sympat , .„ - It Ellen felt in the tin =". 4 .
woman . j*/ ge. The conduct O• .
husband 7.
treated b.: : " th sharnefel barbarity's*:
evil. that-his had passiens and hia
..., -.
men were at verience " h respect to ' •
estimate which he fo ' of her chartp
ter. in her honesty he • A - every', aillk . , k. h 4
fidence, and permitted her - to martiaB
r 4 e
money and regulate hie ex.penses; but Or
was reetely because her frugality sridl,-
nomic habits. -gratified his paersimonA \ :
fostere4 mad his strongest pasiieria,.
was *Otte, There was something ,
this itmlifile creature that won Tin -
ly upon the affections of Ellen Nell
in entrusting her with the Secretof,he
love, sliefelt assured that she had not intte
placed it. Their private conversellos
therefore, were frequent, and their , ,in
munications unreserved on both Sidekttla
far as woman can bestow confidence sok# '
friendship on the subject of her afteelikrti, ,
or her duty. This intimacy did not lour
escape the prying eyes of Nell fireillittrit,
who soon took means to avail herself of t
for prupos3s which will shortly becete,
It was about the sixth evening after,o*
day the Dead Boxer had
lenge, that, having flock(
window as she passed ON
ed a waiter with a meant
be sect up to him. Pr ,
hag had been several tii
on whom she laid ser:ot
er to disclose to her bras)
ship between them. tr
Or done aft, tor, 'intait;
merit or Nell, as her nr,
been to any female !w
not been callous by tht
and distressing task. . N
anxious on this part, '
such a disclosure wriu.
her own designs.
Well, granny, said he, when Nell irisot t r
ed. any thing of the rnoneyl-.1
Nell cautiously shtit the door. and iiik.
mediately fronting him, her hand at stinr
distance from her side, supported by-her
staff; and her grey glittering eyes fi
, Iteti
upon him with a malicious look whiefia4
could never banish from her countenanipe r .
The money will come, she replieffjet
good time. I've a charm near ready thei
'ill get a clue to it. I'm walebiii. hipi-a.
an' Tm watched myself an' ,Ellear'S wet*.
ed. He has hardly a house to puthiailh_ 4f.
in; but nabacklish! I'll bring you -in' Pi,
together—ay, dher manim, an' I'll witeri.
him give you the first blow afther din
~ if
you don't give him ONE les yoUr "oWth
Get the money first granny. 1. - WOurti
give him the blow till it is safe.
Won't you? replied the beldansa, *yr
dher Chreesiha, will you, whin you. lumet
what I have to tell you about him
And who, grannyl
Diououl, man, but Pm &feared to led
you, for fraid you'A kill me.
Tut, Nelly,—Pd not strike an Obillt;i
%roman, said he, laughing.
I susrect foul play between hint aw-aa
her. :
Eh? Fury of hell, nol
He's very handsome, said the otherotre
young—far 5 manger than you are, by this:
'Go on—go on,' said the dead Wier,.
and clenching his fist, wh_le his eyes 1144
eralty glowed like live cods.-- - ate oft,
murder him; but not till—yes, I'll molders,
him at a blow. tk wif; but no—n•t :
you secure the money first. If 1 give-10k
the bhriv—rne might nevei
it, granny. A dead man gives bail& midi.,
.Istuspeet;' replied Nell, 'drat the-fa:m*7_
srhid—that is the money—is in other ha-
Lord prisarve us I bat it's a. wicked vookk,-.
baeic y 1' ,
'Where is it?' paid the boxer, with siniv*
hemenee of manner resemblin2 that, igt;:it,
man who was ready to sink to pertlitirm Ave,
his wealth. 'Devil and - furies where - isiitc;
'Where is it?' said; the impertarahle Nina G.
why maxim a yeah, man, sure yott - ,Aget,=7,
'think that know where it 14. I sus pelt
It' at your landlord's. daughter, ; his r 3
sweetheart, knows something about itt.fftpuir
thin, you SPP. I caul grove nothiu I issajt:
suspect. We °twat Watch and wait:.:
'know - she wotddat,*oseente
*We will watetr , Oul wais...astifit44lll4
hin). Tell me - 14111-4211
--ran it be ruvisilde i -...nn—,well, Pit
ipok. Armen *flit it= saw -..hevrais.
Shea galitc! eh? She re
Mail No. no, alui writsWittilkja t .V.
'S helll
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