Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 20, 1842, Image 3
in Jimmy A• . Itson 306,4". k ton Thomas adtgatatt k Wm k g P L • Kira Jonathan gtuji, rh„,, ,, Pi k man Miss 'Susan ecii i ; 1 3, 1 4es me &dine Sarah , Joifelotim,l,l4l4 - mad ft 7774'4 ler I.lin mid)! Miss Efartriet needy /antes taigas' Paick mate Thomas ry & Crane - r Rev J P 2 r Charles inedr James lly Harriet, rr Sidney rrJM /413 eAnsei - IC% R on sit %um R im ,Rons -Ge m RPt_i l laQ a i p ;; dr iet ir milakeibock e ► •amei J:coh — erty John Telly Dan) ober! P J r —mut i iettlantei r i 1444 9" Witt ke Mary !timer buses ne Denis .64 wI LAtite in i,,, k ; LYnch- J . ' l 4ltch .4 61 Litlog. James 8 Lowry mark, Lonit..4oto (limp Hagen rimer Laden nesuni Mrs e P Ahrahatn is %Vm ins Fancy 2 •..v; Orange ft ream W Lefail as Levu Data rioz Gras Wm Ica Wallace •thews Wan yo Wm Il maneaux A L acts Fall rt 4 John of. Robt malc Charles S ft.qss James John J , len Wm retich W C !es James r John Monty % .. try , tiore Levi N Moozet Jane Moore Tames T Moore D Moore Charles Murdock &fro Murdock John Mo-igic W m Moon Weald Moodie H m Moreland M ei Sloriou A n d Murry John C • Morrill Mr N ip ; litnrgool B Moosomety Me ;:e. Sc Colcard r John AleCletawl Sarat t Mcaeunar t R a t it .111eGnider Mita Meilll4, C:i'a T • Cartier- L i me, ( anly C nun, James •C.be B-r,,ard -,Cabe James th-key Ma y Clore Mrs Beulah (7. , y Pail ick Cowan J is (d . 11 dy J0 , ..e0h ,',,tenet Itobt R 2 t rig 1110bt r•ConnelJasnes --(7,0,115aml Sail ,-Ewing John CoinanceChnr les James W ill any E rlnt , o , ll David 3 E I,oy 'rhos S (10-ty 1 Key "rhomas 1 K.-- J..' n .• 1V1!,.,0 J • et \V & Co Marn-a tol All 'rear A,.ic'.v Jl-€1.1) 0.-13 1.11.-1. James 'N MS Pa von j„l,n 3 :14.11.f.e JetTleS l'hid-em ame,ll -on . A Pryer Jolla 2: P. t•cr•o"'Ja, lV Porzel F ' • t er4 ISS Caro:ine2Prirhrtt C G 'a • tens. , n John Poorman Augit • emn J Potts Ger 2 i.ot Prutsmann Arm .~ , rrs N'rrin Pr4ffenbaryer ire etas Lvcr Perking Jobi B a ire, tv Mich' Roonbangh hbe ‘ Aii 11 J Ruyer John B ay James C " Runt Palma G 1:- cod: Eliz ibetb Reck Misr - 'e.; e,:s George . Roblvsog Jam ,e n .;.t. ttolh RookreoVaatte 4 o , :.- olJs ass ia Kolidnon Mark G 'AI -% nods Geo R“bilisott Car. i, d Lilly - Krter.-Maly ~ d S. ni B Riddle Jane -., i Henry Riddle Wm E ,e 1 Mix Riddle J Kerr 5 c.1 Isabella : llObOrte ,obi I J M 4 yoe Riddle Elarhelb It • • - - S. ei mare R 'chard Stamps Charles .m;.,son John ~. Strife Ab ,•!'e John Stewart Mn 61 -tt Sarah Eden Stewart Jobe t t A I Stereatea job* oo Graham Streets Mrs Leak r)np George and MichiSturgeon Jobe J _ wall Samuel D Stubbs Charles -Inc C C Stubbs Ran i'le John Smith BeDia'" itz Freerk Soilbl l o l Ma s i, ita w Sarah Jane ' Smith '.. .eppard A B Savd" Le " ;,k Itiorgan Surer Go r r oratio - • ~ rt Capt A H SPell t mot 6,hz Miss Mary Anne Eiparikling ',qr. Mrs Ann .. _,....8 11 4. 1 1 :. ea ,r JatnesEd" i ' Smith - ' - Stink sea 017.akt.i' • l Asi br” — 8 114 ,d i Theilialt- Saadi Jain Sigli#' " jel." ' - Sit# lo TdOsitirk - ylor James T go 2Trail Bear I vti lor Mire Sarah An Illy Wm N 3 ' ' ft ,Trw ac i port layer Horace , sm illr _, goat -, kemnson H& Jr - Tut 3 ; o . o e t oinks David , T r .. 1 ... 11 / 0100 rums Semi N'sr' ,i . ~ . pprr Thee . 7,-- , --.' vinuasst ~ce Robt - _ lz Me. i. - . alker Mrs Jane ~..: 0 ,,... I ,m glace George ~2t 4 . 010 . Tiei Rymer DWs einev Jane ••- - ± „w i nr,i „.I' alliarnee ,. . . - • ' - 01-00 0 0!'!, ,005 a l!et Wen• , ,„. 4 ..„,- 2 6110 . 1r:',,,.4 arced Thomas _.: ,;.. :, i: .l ,rd Samuel - t' s voir 7 1 Ard Rev Samul " 7- - j a nank •., -, bite Julm: ~,"•-...- g hill) Laudon i bite Mrs hi ..... fi c rooel . --. i , e Ebenezer. 1,.. -- Geo r_ rilliami Walter ~., ' irkhapi Aon . ,'-f.:"?.0,'.• . - - 1•••••- .:÷--; / tor . . ... , .. . _ _.; -...., , -.....,----atr,..•-t . it . m . : o4,lwro . ste.‘itfili:,'. rus In° Nancy bpsou Jerome iten Wm iall James Mien Patrick vdam Capt ncimbury .2 2 u nig Marl oung I.+,ievrim 1001101 Gvrxma. attate• /Ate 'tiltenz.afeet.--- - During the trial of - Cooley, at Providence,te Court teinarked that, under the existing constitution any — V I intelligent citizen could vest , $134 in land if he choose, and thereby secdre a vote; ;towded whereupon Mftitantoul observe& 'Presi. dent Munroe - De Witt Cliff and Daniel Webster conk' not 'do it.' ',is', Iwo" DECEMBER 20, 1842. __-•=1•1•M=.....1••••••••....... pante Sffairs. gainers had another last Dig" ________-_ nn-ahela Slack water. men.... -e , e are informed that the completion wor k, of so much importance to our tad i n fact to the whole of the great of t h e Mississippi, is now beyond b t. Messra.MooßHESD & LOTHROP , Os of much experience and ample have un dertaken the remaining i ld 9 rou s day.Tuesday and , jo ie work (two dams anti two entire ee d w 2l, rb t c en ea te H r o tai c n o au s e s n A ta c wi n it c zn u tm A c H ne l e with an Wednesday Drenings, December ire believe) on terms mutually zi. Bongs D • by Diettenson and Barry, ito t hemielyes and the Cumpa- 1 norremanen,txdp . bliss anti blast Buckley. Vaster Buckley. ..___ .. Chinese Gimes, lif r Warren. • 'clown in Trouble .a comic Seen byILI it; • e• -r. Wm. Nichols canpletion of this work will .. v• and Mr, &lay. Tigin Rope, r e w ithin thirig hours traVel ,. - of Due.l, h, and make our city the prima- • ,i b i bir the reception of the traveling 1 between the East and West. be jl3 Wl3 let, we understand, Or' NO, the c ontractors taking slo,ooorin and to wait fur the balance until re from the work. feet water In the ee l. A rise is exriegted, owing to , a w of the snow, which has been hea, —.— We would a lvise persons .who arts c (dds not to walk at;asi-asuch the streets are in their present con —else, they \vill be u3der the've yof applying to Tuttle for mind), 13 not agreeable these hard times. oar advice and sdve rngney. w that sleighing is over, and no of - usetneut is offered, we would cell on to the card of Nichols Amphi- The amusements presented by rripany are certainly worthy of the rt of our cirizens. McGi.ky E'durird McGiney Cozienei, .11GGIa'us I►.e .C, IZE=I Menflyer,' le McComb Met McCoy Mrs Macy McCutchin Sit McDeratat Miss . McDonald M McDonald James McKee Quirlea McKalch McKelvy .-• .MbKi sail* IticKahon McKinley Mr, McNair Gr , B jtieQnitty In-41 McKee lie-arr Normans Jams! N•ortlibrand G C & J C }3 " l M c ullaa henry ilicNe D 2 Slnday willbe Christmas. make nnuuncement, as we think, judging the apparent apathy that exists, that few know that there is to be tin'Y'A aims thi, year. kv!larfpresent6 a brisk ap. ar- larg.-3 number of tra steanlelS de- g ,,, 0d loads a In 317 in Cherry al!ej 3•lril an et) irm Dui qq3taity 1,1 trc n 1 1 'if /4/ &ling ferl considet ably ann,y- O'Donnell ' Mak 0. r K•.k Ouret,fritms • Owens Joseph ', I , t2'.'.'Ve ell 4J at.tl 1.000. IL et y 1.1 - d • erJ 11.! =IEEE •ar,anci y e day , nE.., e r ,, •t.tvt. t a 4... ,romtrti , ::ti ,, t) "1,11. p r,:nt', 11 1 , 1•11 , S, and re,!oni- setk 1 C.. 1, a , 1.f . .0r "ti Ming with \ W.!, 0 ha le d. 0 1 r rk.tvi!r, :I) r . .n:•tu no from a 004-I , eutiati t i Nominate a Mayot $ today at 2 P. ‘I. at the old Court reason.—The jar v ill the cage of Col ey, one of the Rhode Island patrioti, not agree and were consequently A B IGNEES' SALE AT AUCTION. Friday mornin: next at 10 o'clock, I wdl nefi for ..11, par money—the followin2 eoa*-7 . and Colored F igd. Silks—Mao: and klolored Bonnets. Silks and Satins--Faney silk Upkfs. sod Scarf , --Brorhe and Moose De-I aine Shawls Black Cliailp.s and Mouse De Laine.—Fizit- De Gaines, Fashionable Styles—Ladies Kid and • MourninzVeiis and Ildkrs,—lllaci Crape-- wd—Whne Fig.l. Blond—Sup. Cloak 9'a3sels —id assortment of French worked Capes and .S.N:sch Worked rapes and Collars—Flgd Swiss 44d. and Plain Satin—Valencia and 111.-rino lain Black coed Slants , ' and Satin Ribbong msher,--Fastdosable Bonnets and Can Rill— and White Worsted and Marino Wining Waikossed white and Stark Silk tittering— taimeres. Casinets. Checks. shawls, kather with a variety of ether Dry Goods. Tit goods will be ready for examination on I . TM Stork being large and of a superior gnat " Talky the attention ofdeaters J. B. GUTHRIE, Ana. llbe °l%arnlng oast at 10 o'clock, a large as . 11,0, 1 Good i . aIOGASSE3, 50 bbls. hiatuses. B. CITTFIR In. Auer. 41 . hews this morning at 10 teem*. st B ag s " Wl' commercial anctiOn MOMS Pa 110 Wood I lii rcellaneous lot of pry Goode, chiefly on so. of tamer Purcbaserv.--Conolstlng of sesteonahle i 'd , la Blankets, Flannels,Maw. Saline"Aetierr. R cirrr. Ike. 4.e. •it 2 o'clock P. N. . . aedcleads and other Parairare; tiberlib manufactaned Plooglts - new and second hand; ...- dale and Harmsen, with a ira. fete of .small ar . R. A. BAUSIIAN. Auct. _ `Dm 19, 1842. P'S 'be sold I;3r tridrr of Sheriff. at Baldillain'S Commercial - " n ". Ns- 110 Wood et. on Tueiday Decent. ... 10 o'cloek it. M. the mare 'stock pf int ex. utokixe se ov,,consieing dPa of Broad Cloths. Beaver and PilOt Clothe. - - Samuels and Veetings. is ' 's Dress Coals. is Over Coats. Prork. Coats. re and Sattinet Pintliftns. 'IP/later and Vionniter Vesta shirts and Drawers. "I and Pongee Hdk • Padding, and Brown Holland. sod Brown SleittinO. . larlety of Tailor's trimming.. Terms cub R. A. BAUSNAN, Ana. .'kepl to!i u v,i i tI Iy r im~tr: and lur . 1 W IL; t:ic! puYisilinZ or. auction Salem CIRCUS AND THEATRE .118 front of Cogain Broottottres, On Penn Street. FARCE ON THE STAGE!! First Appearance ofßrickley on the Slack Rope Mr McFarland Mrs. S. A. Nichols and Mr. Dickenson. Sprites of the Silver Shower. Daring Act tf - Horsemanship, on a single horse, by Nm N ichols, defying all competition. Young McCollum on Four Horses. To conclude with PLEASANT. NEIGGBORS. For cast of characters see small bills. Ski NOTICE. -There will he a Performance on Wednisdny afternoon, Dee, 21st, for the accommodation of iliejtivenile classes. and those Ladies and Gentlemen who cannot attend in the evening. Doors open at 2 o'clock. Fur partieitlars.ee Ciliate bills TIAAC CRUSE, 148 Liberty st„ ofrers Carnal° 50 bar ri4GRUEN APrLES; 60 . sheis dried, do.. lmt extra quality; 93 Bushels dried Peaeh —also, Raisins and Figs by the Boz. (I_4 OOD SLEIGIIiNG HAS' CIRQUE AT LAST.— NUf Flow many pe , ..sions are afraid to avail themselves an immnitility in take a sleigh ride far fear of bringing on an attack .oftlia Glatt Or, Blimissitisia.- 1 all do away with such fears. for if they'd° hring on; they car. finds certain cure for either. hy eatling'at Turtle's Nedic_.l Agency, and _getting a 'spine of Hew& Nerve and Bone Liniment and' laduaa Vegettble d.c 15. Ba"VVNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.—Ed wa•d Hushes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, FV9orlaL, Phishniell. Pep 10 --Iy Houses to Let, AND BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. , , emsgh_ THE subscriber offers fur rent front the first of prit. (and if desired, prew,ssion nay probably be had sooner) the new Block of three story brick 'muses nu Market street, between 3rd and 4tlt sta., con taming seven large store rooms adapted and wen situated :Or Dry Goods or Fancy stores. The cellars are dry, well lighted and floored, and are furnished with fire places and flues; the iiOuSlolll.l4. so consli acted that the hack and upper parts can reality be concerted into con:fort:title dwellings. with yaidseoeninU no,titt2 with the ahey opposite !tie ['Oct Office--two of the houses hare a 'tall opeutiig on NI nrket Ft reel, ALSO, far rent, three small store.lon Third st ,and ,everal cffices in the. r.eek.ind story, ainnwo long rooms in the turner hou.;e, lately occur:led by Mr. Win. Ifigby, suitable fur a Britain_ establishment or Book bindery, fdr wt.frlt they have heretofore been ti,ed. A LSO. two other spaclicis and well lighted room, in Aiarkm street, convenient nut ranee, suitable for flails for Literary Socictics oi similar Associations. A LSO, for rent, Fever at small hou-es near the dwell ing tips -0 of the solo,crit.er in r at. towns:op, WI a few of 1.,,,ed attached io each., The trr.:s , will tuleie . r..:te, :zed a 1e,ti1,.11 of the tent. of !,ct s tee.: stores may he pall: 1.1 GeOtliz, MEM One Iv:nd:r•d and teit the fiist city the Gety rithrt !hit) eliZih/ .01E11 ell on the 31slitotizsities - sti, iiie dei , rsishle (5 for 1 . 01 2 e Or Gu 1“.;‘: y'ar.k.b.•:, :it f . : 000200 forau: Coalri I tl • :,•,! vered si; tit's at a it-s cub! lout lot l 'rite oniy road by n.; leit be inhabit ants tif Nittict,eitie •nit, A. ran reach tin- I iver, (+•z• - eirt by lb.. 011- lA'at' Ite. ki' , 3') I 3STSP•S ihrnualz this proff ray. The :111•: Itir1,11:1:1! the pr 0 ,,,, ; jnintettiatety adjacent to dill is the r Atte fors Eta it, iiitt.t..iiatryeed by the gait anti Obit/ A War, f rut be srrn, :Ind the 'term= made xr.n.rn:.llllrotlice ofthe sult-eriber, Nn 5 rd dre 17--.3m 1:01: 1 1) 1) G A 72 . goo L' 11 X. 9 VIVATICI.N' and Fire Ini.ararce .M. Cunipany ele- noir for tine ili.ertnrs, of this Company to serve for the ensuing year, will he held at ;heir office, N0,35 Market street. on Monday the 24 day of January 1843, between the hours of 10 and - 2 o'clock. JAMES S. CH AFT, See''. Pittsburgh. Dec. 19, 1842. 7t DA LLErS B will cure burns or scalds, introediwelv without leaving a sear. No Family should Int without il, To he had at TurrLeg fourth street, Pittsburgh, and Berford's Literary Depot, Allegheny City. 11.1 13 —W. et Ai I,lollteieTy ininnu Weir frwritlS unU the pubtir that they have coninieticed manufactu ring Hats. amt thrt they have now ready tor sale. at their Ssere, I-43 LaWetly street, between . Market anti h street, an a , ..sortment oh the vary but Hats, which 11..ey are an liens to distpaw.e of on the-e.itenne , l and reason, able l erns. Their stork consist of the very best kinds. v:z.—Heaver. Otter. Neutria,Castors,stiort ped Russ sia, Fur and Silk flats. W. 4. M. Doherty are both regular tired Matters, they have had extensive experience as Jouritevirien in the lest establishments in the country; their Hats are all got ut, under their own inspection, and thry assure the public that nothing I•ut the very hest articles on the most rea sortable' terms will be offered !or sale. sep 10_ fIUCKWHERT "OUR. just received front Ohio, a few hair harreia Buckwheat V]lll7 of soperiot qual ity. Also, Sto !Butter, new Lard. saie by ISA ACCRUSE, 142 Lil?erty street. 111011IPPIX APPLES; on hand 20 barrels Pippin Apples in sound condition. for sale by IS iAC' CRUSE, 148' Liberty st. AR alum & NIC HOLSON Proprietors of ate EAGLE FOUNDRY—PITTSBURGH , ANUF4C777IIE and keep constantly on hand at 131 their warehouse, Liberty 'Street head of Wood st„ every variety of Castings, among which are' the following: Franklin, common mond fancy and pyrainid Stoves;— common and farcy grate., newest fashions; Cooking Siove4 mftable for either wood or Coal, a superior artic le (and warranted to cure smokey cbitnoeyva waggon hones, hollow-ware, tea.kettles. sheet-irons With a genet . . al aenortment.of ware bons. castings. All warrant dto be made of tha bw.t. materials. 'They also Make to order at the si.oriest notice, Chilled Itsiters.from 19 inch, diam. down to the lowest sizes in use, with every other description of Rolling mill Cast. ings. • ARTHURS t NICHOLSON. Dee. 13.11142.-3ss • • A PART./IrER WANTED. --.A partner in a wanufae- TS-wring establishmentt that has been In suemsful op. eration for several years. A hasitiesa man with a rani. tat o fftve er six tnousand dollaranionid field it, a Proara bleinvVltnent. App!) , at HARRIS' AgeneY and Intel itente office. , Dee 121 1842. FOR RElitrand immediate posseasion7-4 shed Coal Pit, ready for Inintedwue work, ahout , one wile train the Monongahela Brldgeand near the Brownsville Road, the pay will be taken- in-Coal. Also for sale 30 large hot •bed sash-Apply at , MARIUS' d 2,. . Intelligence °Meet WII.I+ITED SOON--Five or six industrious men with sinaltramilles, to go down the river about j i O miles. They will he ein . ployee in digging clay for a brick yard:-.-ctein diving coil. They will get employ nienfdaring 11w winter and en inner at fair wages and be provived with houses. 'Atm a respectable woman whfi a a riesti breast of milk fur a resPectable family. either to ; ntute the child And tnother.or cackle the child striae } (LP Partner wanted for a firm engaged Ina well entail. lishled manufacturing buirinew; one with $6OOO capital and another with about ;2,000 who would take an at five part In The tstsiness. Places wantedlfor a number of laboring men, meehanlee,. coachmen and boys, Walters for voyage (amines. ite. 1 pplyittllarrh? I °tent:genre Mee: Deo.ll No. , 9 PIO it. ... iso4=Aawn aon PRINTING OFFICE , N W. Corner of Wood 4r Sf• Sip Ste. Tax proprletots of the Mumma roar add Maaellair AND MaNalreeSTM respectfully Inform their "friends and the pattins of those papers, that they have a large r and well chosen swourtisent of eVra:16111014 'TrIlir.7lllO"lllEE2l9 &ND AMEA OVER% MINVIAM2,442IZ Neemary to a Job Printing Office. and that tbey are pre pared to execute • LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Rinser Lading, I Circulars, Bill Heads. Cards, Black Cheeks, Hat Tips' Bookt. Palliptifets, att kintts of Blanks, Stage, Steamboat,- and Calla Beat BlUe. rill et'?" priate Cat*, Printed on the shortest notieeand mast reasonabieterson We respectfully aik the patronage of oar friends and he public in geneittl;la - this branch of oar buslnere, Pittsburgh, Ser. 4% 1842. PHILLIPS ¢ SM ITh. BANK NOTE AND EXCH ANSE LIST. CURRZCTMDDAILI. BY ALLYN LEAMAN SICIDLUGE 211.01Lti PENNSYLVANIA. Bank or Pittsbure.b. par et Man. bk. Par Etzban4e - bank, par Bk. of Germantown " Easten lank, .* Lannagef bank, die_ 2 Sank of Ctoisler Co. par FartneWliiiA' locks Co Doylestown bk Bic ur N America Phil. Bk or Nortboro Liheitiery Commercial hk. or Pa. Far. k Mechanics bk Kensington lik. Philadelphia lik Schuylkill lik Southwark bk Western bk. Bk. of PennAylvanta, Bk of Penn 'rt. Van.lk Illephanics We 1=3:31 Moyamensing bk Girard haat, U- Stares bank Lumbermens', Warren, -- Frank. bk Washington, par( Miners bk of Pottsvile, 10 Bk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. hk Brownsville, 2 Erie Bank. 5 Harrisburgh bank, 81 Farlik Lancaster, Bk Middletown, Bk. of Cbambersiiurgh, 9 Carlisle hank, 9 Bk of Northumberland, 81 Columbia bk k Bridge co. 3 Bk SuSquebanna Cu• 11 Rita Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. 9 Gettysburg!) bk. 9 York bank, 8 Far. 4. Drovers hk. of Way nesburalt, S I Currency notes, Honesdale. Wyoming bank, 20 Pit State Scrip, 5'7 Country do do 9 am-kg CO. bank, 50 Lewistown. Towanda. NT.Aantpb.asmat bk Far. Mech. bk Stet!. beriviqe, 2 Brims - Int t k iT St. Clairs. Ville, 2 Marietta Lk. Demand nines. 2 iThrreury on,rs ~.41 PO , l ~,, SpLCie pny =ME V erit. Trn de Lk of five iu to, i 0:: hi{ of I"..hi tolei r2ir;•:Pviilt., (11. I.a iv ret:ce Cashier) Zanesville I.k ""KILT—RS Barrels No. 1. Salt—al-4), SO harrek No. 2 for ISAAC CRUSE, 14R Lib. Ft. 17.i7 !HT LECTURES.—F.urth Course.—The Lee. V V lure Cmunittee of the Wirt Institute have the r i...m.ore o f haying before the ',oldie, the following its ,ot gentlemen w have consented to Lecture, vtz: Rev J W Bake-real, I niroductory Lecture. John L Onto. Sm, ashington. - Pro& H J Clark. Mea,i7ilie !otlege. Hon. Wm Wilkins. Pittsburgh. Proff B Brown. Jefferson C.dlege. ,David Richie.".3q..rittsburgb. Reed It usVngton. Esq , Prod'. Alefr T %Vest . Theo. St utinary. Francis Jaw:a:l.EN.. Pittsburgh. Proff I Barker. Meadville College. W H Lowrie, Pittsburgh. Rev James L Dinwiddie. Prof. it S til'Culloch. Jefferson college. will de liver several Lectures on Asi ronontyiembrncing its rite, prove... and destine. Reed Washington, Esq., will also deliver several Lectures on the subject he may select. A rrangotrimits are in progress to engage Professor Sit. Liman, of Yale Conege, to deliver In our city. a full course of lectures on Geology: also a ill R. Buchanan, on Neurotogy. Other eminent Lectriters will be invited to visit our city, when it may he in the power ofThe in st num to engage theirservicee. The Lectures of this course will be on Literary and Scientific subjects exclusively and It is hoped from the eminent ability of the Lecturers. and the interesting na ture of the subjects. that our citizens will liberally pa• tronise this laudable enterprise. The iron City- should not be behind sister cities in her encouragement ofscienee and literature. The proceeds (if any) will he appropri ated to the enlargement of a Library, already -an honor to the city. ir}-Coarse Tickets. admitting a WY and gentleman. 32, and may be bad of either of the Cemusittee,and at C. H, Kay 4- Co's Rook Storp, Monongahela and Exchange Hotels, and at Bedard's: Lectures counuance on Thuridaievenirg, Dee 1. C. 'IVEY. W. W. WILSON. JOHN S. COSGRAVS, }Penant= WM. 8, SCA !FE, I JOHN S. SEMPLE. J 1124-1 m () E.MOYAL.•—The a nhserihershave reutov.d to W. 11110 ter between Woodnnd Smithilekl streets. where they wilt continue the Wholesnkr Grocery and Commis sion businear. and would renpertruity roltelt the patron. ace of their friends: J. W. BUTUIRIDGE* Co. Der. 3 ' 13. T. PRICF,; Wholesale and Retail Rater, Coif. feetkoner and Fruiterer. Federal streed i near the DiamoML,AllediharellY' Every variety' of Cotifectiona•y and Ornamental Cates. sellable for weddings and tartlet, manufactured from the best materials. at short notice. novl6 WILLIAM ELVER. Attorney at Law; O ffi ce in V V •'Bakeweti'sßnitdings, itearly opposite the Pew Court Douse. on Grant scree. gep GEORGE tV. 1.11.11fV, Attorney at Law, Office No. Fifth street, near the Theatre. Pittestret, rep 27—ly UNPRECEDENFED SALE OF LOTS. upon rsut'leriber offers for sale, at unusually low prices T .a nd accommodating terms, One Hundred and Fifty Seven Itunding tots, situated on the Fourth , tercet Road; adioluing lend owned by the hereof C. Magee dr. teased, and betvieeu said road and Bluff street, un the bank of the Monongabela—the numbers and special to cations of said Lots can be seen by reference to the plan recorded on the 18th Nov, 1841, in theltecordeei office of fillegber 3 , county in peed Book, Vol. 83 and last page, or upon application to the subscriber. The attention of persons desirous of Improving or having money to invest- is earnestly solicited, as an oppor tunity equally advantageous Is 'grey presented, and the inhscriber determined to sell. The Lots will be sold aCcording to the recorded plan and unexceptionable titles will beeves. Apply to - DAVID GREER, Nov 10-tf ?ems St Can* , briAte. oWide. N. 0. Boyar, this day received per aleanter New York, Ind for =Why J.C. it A. GORDON. 1.0.12 Water R. - - Wooster. Nasallon, • 2 Sandusky. 2 Cranea, 2 Norwalk, 2 I %en ia , 2 Dayton, 2 Scioto, 2 Post notes. 2 Cbittienthe, 10 Fran. bk.Colninhus, La..easter, 15 fiameton, 35 Grancile. Coin. bk. Lake Erie, 1,1 Far. bk:of Calton, - 50 Urbana 65 INDIANA. State bk. 4. Branches 2 state Serie, .50 KENTUCKY. 5 AD banks. - NOIS. ,siate bk Branebea, 59 15bawneetosan, C 5 VIRGINIA. Rank of Vlryinia. Tf I do Valley, i . . Far. bk. of Virginia, Exchange bank, N. Wikni. hank Mer. 4•Mer.. de MARYLAND Baltimore Batiks, Connolry Banks. DEL-WARE. AU Banks, NEW JERSEY All Banks par and NEW YORK City Rhukr, CGani ry:banta., (safety fund.) a Red Back, Ito NEW ENGLAND. Boston Banks, p. Country r• LOUISIANA Orleans Banks, NORTH CAROLINA Banks. 2 !BankSOUTH CAROLINA. s. ! Ranks. - 2 COLUM rarlt ALABAMA Rood Banks, 'TENNESSEE All Banks, M I CMG AN Bk. of St. Clair, '4 Do. dn,..1 kH. Smith 4 CANADA _ - 81016 F.-Astern Exchange. t", Now York, 'ta'!itoore, linsi , ts'etern FAchang.e. i, pal Dar Clevelood, 3 dis par ',GOLD t.ND SILVER, par nOMMerllolM244ttepritsi at •• theeoneerif fortb and Smitlifield sts,seplo • - KEA s wistie*G - rolw, 4 ,2 0. 7-r ib intir .reek itr iittm 4r zyj b fr . .—Osikef . 7.use;s:s,DiaB4.2.thling4. T. T. EITEWART, pboistair *ad taper liattget. a. • No`...49irilth street, between Wood Swlttdield 'As. Husk and Strait Vaunt-woe always on hued. AII craters careened with neatness and despatch, on aceomaio —rattrtt ttett2o— ANTED. 20 001.11 .11 T hes E I LS pri O e f in PLA ca :: : g ai tD : f iv itr , bleb the JAMES DICKEY 4-co Agts. Mechanics Littetornet ufLtkerty and Wag'. =greets, Pittsburgh. Oct A '4 -2 CHEAPER TH AN EVER! IieLZWIIID AIIt6OETYCWI . oa READY .lIIADE CLOTHING AT TEIE THREE BIG DOORS, Ne. 151 Liberty at., one slisor frees tie Jackson Froutdry. ►IIIIIE Subscriber having prepared at his establishment 1. the largest and most varied Stock of READY MADE CLOTHING ever offered In the Western coun try. would respectfully turtle the public to give histt.,a , call and examine his Goods and bear his'prlces before purchasing elsewhere. His stork consists 10 putt of 1500 Coats.assorted sizes and quality;,2ooo Pair Paula loons: 11100 Vests with a 'large assortment of Shirts, Drawers, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Supenders, and every other anie.le of winter Clothinz. fills Cloths were all selected by blinselfla the Eastern Markets, and purchaied at the very lowest cash prices, and consmfmfutiv he efta afford to give his - customers BETTER BARGAINS than they can get at any other house in the city. Relieving in the principle of -Protect• mg Some Industry" lie has therefo e had all his articles manufactured try Pittsburgh workmen, and he has uo. hesitation In saying that they will he found In every res peel superior to the Easrefese mansfastured articles -that are offered for sale in the slop shops that, have recently .Bnckored among us. in these times when Home Industry is occupying sn large a snare of public attention, as it always should, the proprietor of the lure Rif Doors' takes peculiar pride and pleasure In assuring the citizens of Pittsburgh that his Goods are all mannfactured under his own eye, by the mechanics of his own town. Be does not, like some of his rivals in trade, nave his Clothes made up In a distant citv,ln another Stale, nor does he advet Use his Stork in hills printed three or four hundred miles from here. Be goes mime principle that tire . mechanics of Pittsburgh too do work as well as any others. and he does not de. si-c le drjow , money from their pockets to support distant warkmen; while he asks them to support hint, he does not wish .oimpoveriali them by a drain to support far off mammoth workshops. - The subscriber would take this occasion to retain thanks to his friends and customers for the unprereden ted patronage extended to his establisimpent, and In re peat his invitation to a,ll those who wish to purchase clothing, of every description, made in the latest faShioll and sold on the most accommodating terms, to call at No 151 Liberty street. JOBS St'CLOSK EY. rrObserve Metal Plate is the pavement. net 27-1 PILILINGWON'S Unrivalled Blacking:, VIANUFACI TIRED and sold whole:rale and retail aura STrucer. one door below Smithfield. Oct 21-IY. PII"PSHURGH CIitt:',ULATING AND REFERENCE WEIR A RY of Religious, H istor ica',Poiii iral,and M is crlianeous Works, will be 0 IWO every day, Sabbath ex. cepted, "ram 7 o'clock, A. M., omit 9, P. M., in the Er change Building,corner of St Clair street and Exchange alley. wnere punctual attendance will be given by sep 10 1. CEMMII. HANNA TURNB ULL, PHOPRIETOIII OF TIM CLIH. SON PAM!. MILL. Steubenville, Ohio, having remo ved their store front this city, have appointed Eloldship it Browne. flo. 49 Market It., between 3rd and 401,a -:tents ror ice sate of the different kind=of Paper manufac— tured t y them, where their friends and customers win al ways find a regular surply of papitr. such as Cap and P st Writing, plant and faint lined; Mapping and Ten paper; Bonnet Boards, and Printing Paper of different si zerand quaiities , all of which crin be sold on the most aeconsmodating terms. 1-10Lpsuip Benwsg, manufacturers and imoorters of Wall Papms and Borders, keeps - constantly on ha n d eve ry tr:lcjety n 1 E..ltry, Parlor awl Chamber Papet_s,oribe raiitbl- a , Or and most ha ndsnerse-ofll-I*.en.t. 7 term?, artmle.ale nos 18—tr. VIVI 'TEdi CL ()TWA-G. BEAVER AND PILOT CLOTH COATS, &r t'. Del:illy, Mika', No. 49, Liberty St. 2,4(1 Door above Virgin alley H AS completed a grncra I assortment of Winter Cloth. conr-i,tine in palter dintond and plain heaver cloth frock and c.vercoat; heavy line and common pilol cloth velvet Unit ined,and plain; every description of dress and frock cloth coats, fashion:Ode coldri and fresh cloths plain and fancy rassittet pants, cloth and satinet do. of superior quailly;,every tiesmption or vests sal itable for he season, and will I e 4,1 d low for cash. Persona wish. i rig '...:itave fashionable ea ripen's made of the hest mate( i at will find them at this estahlisitineut Making warran led P11.1:11 trinity in the tity. A foil stock of goods are on hand to na2ke to order. Messrs, B. Donaghy and thotnas MeCance are nt this establishment and wilt be much pleased to have a call front t heir several Inco ads- Good for, insured or uo sale. Pittsburgh, Dec. 1, 1842. IO TilE LADIES.—Why dr you not remove that superfluous hair you have upon your foreheads and upper lip- 7 By calling at Tortes's. 3ti Fourth =t , and ow:lining a bottle of Gourand's Poudres eml tics. which will remove it at once without affecting the shin. You can also obtain Gonraud's ttuly celebrated Eau de Beasts. which wilt at once reir.ove ail freckle., pimples. Pr - options of the skin, and make your face took per ectty fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more color to their cheeks. they can obtain some of Com rand's celebrated Liquid Rouge, which cannot be rubbed off even by a wet cloth. Also may he found a good as. tortment of Perfumery. sashes Cologne, Rears' Oil, Al. mond. Palm, Windsor; and other Soaps. Retitcmher.nt Tuttle :I Medical Agency, 86 4th street. Dec. 8. 1842- NOTICE Is hereby given to the creditors and debtors of Mews. Et IA rntel and J Q Monts, late tiring business In Market sivipet, Pittsburgh. under the firm of Armel Muntz, and 'Mille public generally,,that they have this day assig,netpill their stock of eoods, accounts, etc., to me, for the hehefit of their creditors, wi.hout distinction or preference. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm will see the necessity of calling without delay, and pay ing their respective dues, and persons having claims will present them to me fer settlement. DAVID LLOYD, Assignee Pittsburgh, Nov, 241842. N. B. The above named lama, which embraces a full slid general, assortment of seasonable dry roods. will be disposed of at the old stand, No. 100, cheap for cash only, J. G. Musts is authorized to make settlement arid re ceipt for n oney, in my absence, dee 8 DAVID LLOYD. rif-DALLErB PAIN EXTRACTOR is certainly the most valuable ointment for, Barns, Sores, 4•e.. ever invented: no matter how badly a ,person may be burnt or 'scalded—this will heal them immediately, without leaving any scs.a., Every faintly - should have a box fa their house, no one should .be without it.—Every oae who has tried it recommends it. To La bad only at TUTTLE'S:B6 Fourth street. dee 8 - TO LEY—Wet:gra H. Lowiraz, having ream iii= ved his office to the rooms in the same build. = leg above those lately occupied by him in Fourth street, next to the Mayor's office, sow offers his late of ice for rent. The rooms are well ended' for offices or persons of anyprofeadon.or for any kind of retail mercantile basi new. - Enquire of WALTER H. LOWRIE, or deeB tf JAMES FINDLAY E. E. AUSTIN, Attorney st Law, Pittsburgh, Ps. V °Rice in•9th street, opposite Burke - s Bultdirty,. WTLLIMIEE. A vertu, Esq., will give his attention to my unfinished business, end! revomntend him to the patron age of sty friends. , WALTER FORWARD. sep-10—ly In the-Court oof Common -Plea& of Alin gheny County, of October Term, No. 296. - I N the matter or the Voluntary An _ signment of Joss Todd.' • 'Aed now. to wit. Dec 15.1845: account - of assignee confirmed absolutely and re. - ^ (erred to Cho Von - Boutiorst. Esq. to obi - 'Abele the fends. From the Remit The Auditor above natateelmiti maenad fur the purpose of his appointment., at Um odleeof Itavom and Bach Moo. lo 4h steeet PhtaYar,b oe toe - 27th as of Deeem. her next, al lO ceeloik and erh•ne his will heir all perfaati lidertlita. y 027 sofinoresT. doe 16--3 i. - - . urAzz t - rAingrius.. , ---. rime retie db," re.p.damy eau the acereloa of .1 thir!r Irleadertad the public generally, to their pre. seat amoitment of Paper- Hoopirks, which contain. a Mize arid roaciairaeatiet3r of pattern* of the foikiwi -g desert which Istmeinapection will be farad to be ofauperkor • ill's. and finish. asihrted al Papers. of al! descnptlalir. lb' Palitrhit lAhiol mime* ratrier.at 25ceitx preplece. Glazsd If I.Poiterf , seat and handrome.patteras, for paperingr ma and en tr tint, at 37.1 cents. • AIRCriIMS irell Pcipsr, of i link own manufacture. for ,halts: Fresco axd *tier - etples for parlors wad diatribes - $. 410 line satin glazed ground*. Frsati Will Papers, Detonate' w ILIPIt Prwmaltartreasi in plain an rich colore.grqd amt attar? paper. Velvet Owed lades:ion Borders, -- Landscape! Paper., in setts, for papering hotels, balls and dining rooms, at reduced flf Left. - 11W Beard Prints, Stirtuei, Creciessents, Stiehl's Eliad Paper, plain andfturad,of different ea lure. Western merchants and othereare respectrally invited to call and examine . ' hPir stock and prices, oft' erbkh last a liberal digeount dill he given for cash. ' From Itaexperience.la the tuskless, they are able to mannraM re naprrs in a superior manner, and as they are deterined to keep Op the character their PASers have era r t atty sustained, they hope to refilltine to re • ceive the e couragement hit heti rt so liberally extended. I --.- FIOLDSHIP 4. 1311OWNE. ' N 049, Market street. between 3d and 4th PittshnOgh, Sept, 19,1842—dawtt , . yOll ig lIHYTTERWORTII. Auctioneer aver Cowtaris. J Jana Afercitant, honiseille. KY— will attend 10 ter. Pale oIR ell Eitate,Thsaoods - ,G,neeries.rnrnim - rb, 4-c -kc. Ilezater'sates eve,v Tuesday; Thursday. nail Fri day moraines, al 10 o'clock. A. M. Cash advance: made no considtinwls. 1.1 0f7 1 " _t_ seri 10 FAY META L JUST RECEIVED. 36 Tr to Soft Pig Trott Ai:amble for F l ou u E ndrcietENA 11AM . - HOWARD q• CO„ Alailafactarres of Wall 0 Prti4r, No. 18, Wood Street, Pitts bur: li, Pa.— Have alwitys on hand an extensive assortment of Satin Glazod aid Wain PA l'Ett HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitationr Borders, of the West style and handsome patterns', For pa rberiar4 halls, parlors and chambers. They M anufacture and have on band at all times— I. Priotins.Wrlting, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,Bon net and tillers' Boards-all of which they offer for sate on them sticeornmodatins, terms: and to which they invite the attentma of merchants and others. Al..Eltli—Blank Books Grail kinds and the bestquality, Schahl Bhoks, etc. alwa7s on hand and for sale as above . 1 N. BI" Ernst nd Tarners' Scraps' taken in exchanse. CIITSitERS, SARDINES 4.r.; served tip in lIIY beat etyle at A- flexames, No. 9 Fifth steert. Stota' , .le apartntet is are appropriated to gentlemen accompanied by ladiesl - Also all kinds of Cakes and Confectionary for parties. weddings, etc., for vale by nov 1 —if. A. 1113NIC ER. FRESH ARRIVALS! riIUT+LE his this day received from New York, a frfsh snpply of Hewes' Nerve and Bone Liniment, and Indian Vegetable El ix ir,a paid, ive cure for R ma• tism, Roar, Contracted Cords and Limbs—also Gourcieuri Poudre Subtale, for completely and perms nently eradicating superfluous hair from females' upper lips, theihair concealing a broad anti elevated forehead. the siubborn beard of man, or any kind of superfluous hair. Price SI per bottle. Goardad's Ea* de Beaute,gr True Water oi !leanly.— This French preparation thoroughly exterminates Sallow ness, Freckles, Pimples, sores, Rlcdebes, and all cutaneous e options.. whatever. Realizing delicate white hands, neck and arms, an d eliciting a healthy juvenile bloom,— Also. several other valuable articles, too numerons ie mentions The gent] . ne ROW only at n 23-4 TUTTLE'S MEDICAL AGF.JrC'Y, 364th st W. PAT PERSON.3IIIm on Smithfield street, nen r Sixth. sep 10 00 B o a c j 2s 4 R . io °free. P - EASE'S 110ARHO UNE! CANTIY.—Trrnx has received this day from New York. a fresh supply o. the atone celebrated, cure fur Couv.ts. Caldsand Con surntenaii; and is ready to supply cu..imnervat or retail ' ', at his Xed;zal Arre_n-c-- - ert --rcruvrrritt: VA R5l FOR A C.—The undersigned offers for stale 11: 1114 farm, lying in Ross Township 4.1 miles from the City of l'iltst.urgli. l'ollirOnin. I Placres ofland of which al are cleared and under fence, from 15 to 20 acres of ineadoW, 2 ;cod Orcilards of Apples, a few Peach and Cherry irres—t he improvements arc a large frame house containing 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for a To vent o.! private Dwelling, a frame Barn 23 by 60. stone basetittitt, and stabling, sheds I nd other out houses suit• able for a tenement!-- , ..2 good Gardens surrounded with curramibushes and a well of excellent water, with a pump Ili at the front door. in relation to the Pit shurzh and. Allegheny market, there is no place now offered for Sa'e with more inducement to those wishing to purchase near Piitsburgh, the terms will be made moderate. for forther;particularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Libertyb street, corner of Virgin Alley. LA IV Ft ENCE MITCHELL. N. if not sold before the Ist of October next, it will be 'divided into 10 and 20 acre lots tosuit purdia sers. tlag 10 Tnificia TEI-BERRY TOOTH tVASH-11 Nero Nvaluable Relmedi.—The extreme beauty of the Teeth, their indispensable nee. and the frequency of their decay, 6as led to many inventions for their preservation; vet how to pre- serve them in a state of health an pristine beauty,i to the latest periods of psi:genre, was entirely unknoWn until the discovery of the above invaluable preparation. It forms a pure tincture composed of veg etable ingredients, and is possessed of the mast delicious odor. 9t eradicates tartar from the teeth, removes spots of incipient decay, polishes and preserves the enamel, to which it gives a pearl-like whiteness, and, from its disin. feeling jiroperties, possese.e• s the vist” 3 of giving sweetness to the breath. As an Anti Scortrtee, the GIIIIIF alFo share in Its trans crilent Ipnwers; Scurvey is eradicated from them, a liraillyiact ion and redress is induced, which offers to-the notice ofthe media preciiiioner indubitable evidence of their healthful slate. It has been examined and used by several of the best physicians of this city, who have no liestitailon in recommending it as an excellent wash for the Teeth, Gunis.ete. • Among the recommendations to the above are the fot. lowin Having tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea BerrY Tooth Wash," and bee-rime acquainted with the ingredients-of its compo sition, 7 cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as it is-one of the moat pleasant Tooth Washes now fn use. Pit biburgh Sep. 15,1843 DAVID BUNT, Dentist. I tate pleasure in stating, having made use of-. Thorn's Tea Bierry Tooth Wash," amt. It is one of the best dett- Wheel in use. Being In a liquid form, it combines neat , ness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and rEtnovesj he tartar from the teeth, its pt.rfnmeyetds a fragianee peculiarly desirable. .1. P . TT GlirrirM. D. The undersigned have used nThortes Compound. Tea Berry Tooth yilasb,"and have found it to bean extreme. ly - plessant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary influ. mire ever the r Teeth and Gums; preserving those indis pensalite members from premature decay, preventing the accunatintion of Tart ar, and purifying the Breath. Bair. leg theroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in re commending It to the public, belieeing it to be the best ar (fele of the kind new in use. di ROBERTSON, JAMES P JACK. ROB'' H PEEBLES, CPAS B SCULLY, C DARRAUR: W.M r ArCANDLESS, J M MOORP.."*".d.O. JAS S - CRA PT. L 4 ING WALT, L S JOHNS, rnefored only by WILLIAM THORN, Apothem,' and Chemist, No. 53 Marketstreet, Piltshorgb;for sale a all thlprineipal Drumlite. and Tutite's_Msdical Agency Four , stropb, nett A FEW MORE STILL. cLoszE Y. the old.original, inmost hand the vet splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered Wes 1 1 4 Stock llolarge.and lam disposed to sell at the low& 4 possible price- Illystoek is heavy, and as the rea son Isiadvancing, i will sell at lower prices than ever. I ask njtly the pleAsose of aealt, feefinr, confident that a look bi 'efficient. Beware of Counterfeits. Remember the. THREE BIG DOORII..and the SIGN IN THE. PR /re NT . uov 23,184 BUFFALO ROBES. BEAR FR [NS AND FURS Tutir ieezised. 3.000 Seasonable Caffein Robes of it t teretit qualities from EsVu NO. 1.103. A lot rf Rear solleoll Skim, it1.,000.N0. 'I and 2. Muskrat Fkiim, 4 10, cretterend MICIDOri ' • . Allierhich areoffereglat reds* ' cos facash or ap prowl& rotes. Apptyto A. SEMEN. at the A okerfolskrar CAN AarWlr. oct 12 -340 Comes:or Trost arta Petry a* WO:MILT .1 1 '1.01112.--A Gesfi •ntilitv of Ithi‘e Wheat any Plaur.just ter.',4l and Mr pale by - YfiAIAC causz, aril is. • 148 Liberty street. A. SUTTON, Pro, IC . b Coutats :Corn ft:Coszaus. Co 04.024mz4...Agesis.ranwitrang sea piorasimiwotiNsiiitC- - I.semmllireet, Vicktbars. mist. 'I TIM', keillegalltil4 l i con#Timenta. a33-t ;4 `t i Al, _ _ lit mad inns Grailfritiaaaiti hasass amid R _ . . irsleast. - _ fililE. sifter-Sets IMeittalkonettoiled their arningetattel for extending their bastaess.stre at aft throe Prapir: red as airansemestta_for bringing oat, pa to ships ottUedrpt r4sosi':Atsteriesti Mitt. as+ essuromilisti by careful and experkmffid men. who ;treetop...ad 'Hal aWI houses itt theta*. This Line heks:tht wilairtMit of the - port of Neer York. It Is hardly aecomarl to tor that the arrangements_ are ma : Km and ottialiPilli *Wit from the fart Mate yowl Is ieni out est:glair dark II Is evident that no tianneeessary delay to pinessagars eaus occur. A Crew palisaee per steamboat from lretais* sr Svolland. can be earned, and when those settled for dm cline coming oat, tiro money is always Wooded to ibis parties from wham it was received, without deduction.. Apply to . SAMUEL THOMPSON'S. Old established Passage Office. 273 P e a rl at ' G. GRIMSHAW a• Co. , 10 Gem Plazzas,Lhrerposit. Drags and ekehanees weight, and for arty amount can be ferr,ished on R. C. Glycol CO., k e», .I.ol l — CO., Liverpool; tbe tuitional balk of Scotland; National Bank of Ireland; and Maher* Urinate/ CO. Apply to PITS* R ATTIC AN. chaiharn street. near the Friarth street road. onflosit" the Welsh Church. dae 8 Sat FU— R. DS-WEL AUX'S:4l.764lre exa Fifth street between Wood and Stailtbeekl streets, rUtsberel, der. 10-Iy. WM. STEELE. tmccenior to H. biTlositey) lonaAe Boot-Maker,Liberty M., id door from Vi7sln Alley. The subscriber respectfully informs the publicthat he has commenced the above business in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry 194:106her. and that he is now prepared to attend to all order, in his I ine o fhosiness with despatch and on the most reasonable terms. From his lons experience in the manufacture of Fashionable Boots, he feels conndent that all artteke from his establishment wilt glee satisfaction.to his pi.• traits. A share of public patroeeze 14 respectfully`solle.U.. ed. Sep 10 DENNINd'S FIRE PROOF IRON 1. Dettstmo—On Friday. the3(ith offing mouth, alma 9 o'clock at night.lhe Planing.Groosing and Sash Slaw ufactory, owned by Day. Dilworth k Co. with a large quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all mina. med hydra. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back, was in the must erposed situation during the ere.aute was entirely red hot am pleased to •infortn you it was opened at the close of the flre.and aft the booty, roPelo. de.savet—thiels the ban recommendation I eat give of the utility of your salts. - oct2l—tf THOMAS SCOTT. LOTS FOR SALE.—Four Lots in Manchester. One and a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' Hill. Loin nos. 41. 42,52, 53, 54.181.10. and 184, in ecolei phut of Lots, onHohne's Hilt Al2O, Lots noa. 26 and 27. ht . Cook's Wan of Lots on High atrrpt, near the new Court flatlet , For torntrapply to Z. W. REMINGTON. sep lit VIORICE'S COMPOUND rEozrazat _a. CANDY .is a mire and certain mire for Cowls. Colds. :asthma. Sore Tkrent.Pains and Weakness of ties Breast Wloopinz Csark. hoarseness, recitation of elia Throat and many diseases leading Jo the Consoseptient, Try —only 61. per roll—prepared and sold. Whole sale and Retail by H, T. PRICE, Coareetioner,Federat st.,Alle gheni City, and the principal Dreagists of Pitts burgh: - Be sure you ask for Price's Compound Gough Carat, nog )7—tf. NEW TAILORING tISTABLISHMENT FOV sale try • A. GORDON Smithfield street, between Third cput Fourth sitter M. CASEY Respectfully informs the citizens of Pitishontti Iliad its vicinity, that he is prepared to receive wad execsistrallor. ders for any description of wet* In Rise line of 'bushiest. He has on hand, and will be constantly receiving, a gen. cral a.sori meat of CLOTEUP, essentialist its Varrtscs. He will make k to order, at tower rates. than any other establishment IP thecity. He has no hesitation td styli:a, that his wo-k, as to quality of goods, Opposer of fit and workmanship, cannot he surpa.sied by Ally caber's. t.:blisionent in this city : fly punctuality and unremitting attention to tutainesa,, he hopes to merit and receive:. share of puldte patronage. Person•furniahin±their own materials, wilt tail it lo their advantage to call, Vlore g,t ing elsewherea nee 6; dI f MANUFACTURED at Win. LEYBDEN'S.rehe.4 Shop. No. 69 Second st, between Wood and Smith field. where a general assortment of Furniture may be: had at reduced price" for cash. The superiority of these Bedsteads, consist lathe , . fastenings, which for durability end ease to putting-ups and takihg down, is not equation by any other now. Ins use—and to all such as would consult t heir own censfor, in their nightly slumbers, it should be remembered *it all classes of the bur family are fastened eta .by Meg* fastenings. Co' Bights fat Count km, Districts. or Slates far sale by JOHN FOWLER„ Patentee.:; We, the undersigned. decertify that we itave . ..rnmesia ed the stove ßedstead Fastettings.and have no lihritalbta •.pronouncing them the best now to stersteunieg fir, ' , lto the representation in the above aditertieerht. , Wo. Graham jr., Josepheoltati,„ Win, min. • , Jaeob John le.-13111, nov I, —dm 10 TRIALS. and all sneeessfut- motto. 1000 DALLETS MAGICAL PAIN RT. TRACTOR.inestiroalde. It not only earn quicker, bak gives tioadditional pain, nor leaves a mar. Fire htipaeii. lively rendered hamlet"; MO his been offered, slat months to any person returning an empty box, aimisayittgr that all agony on anointing Is not extracted alma Mlie ntes,yei nut one from thousands of trials shire .bas ed the bonus.) Parents anxious to guardamilastgeseral injnries, and save time, fortune and life, and . mseveltll their ors : wing from being disfigured by burns. or airy small pox pustules, (it possessing the 'enviable giewerint replace the cellular' , organs deurnyoL) eau tea sorb= All, coining this inimitable salve. Many deaf" kV* eases iu the city can be seen. and one entire fate butt,. tritiM l lll wounded three distinct tines lathe smattipot 'Ohne be* log, yet in no case Can be d . halal} the. teald o ulna mark! For all kinds of inatilties, viatind soothing Ornietifaigai - also important;even sore eftra. 3kl ia9anatioos , awa bl*. breastewonld be, tutimara. Tbe toilet and Marsery., for clearing I he skin qpitagiok removing carafe, etc., fiiri.ltindispensable, Oia Whig - only wit, hail It the sovereign quantirA=. Astervitis._ lice. heads of famtlieii allaying Srs sib ultimately distorted females. ran liealiFF: reeseti.justly uttered by a disabled i s igt to triumph over it. - - *-Eotered aroonitoo to id of Co A .-1). 1841s-fif' Cootartek 4-. CO ,14 the Cktrit'sidier-Ort 1101114010111110 pr the Nalipi Staley for the Solotiollt Disseitt Pi 4 1 0 4 11 11 .- ItOrk:r • - Werrootett *welly genuioe w • Cosoetoek#Co.: of baleen* itraft4,Xetit.,=o. - cable the sotelirboteveht . aoeittst roe Vte , flettettOto cle for 211ygts - "Aft order* sotto * "J° o4 P 4 to ?be getottee only to :out et - 413 . -TT . 147111111* _ - Agesqe. SE Nana C (JESTS. Prrrumss. OCT. 22, 1842. 1% PAT2ICT 13 , 4usre4tt r 1 j-4 t .404 George ABSOLUTE HEAL ALL p.,--- , --- i : 0