4 iiim avilie knelt r and - the tears chased each or thinking it aver duty to Watch h er as other like rain down hei cheeks. The you do. . solemnity with which she insisted on gaily- .. Lamb Laudher, you sayahei you'd iath lig het ptin. staggered Lamh Laudher not erl.here wits no ill , will between art.art.us. --- - $ littkr. - -. ' 1 -- say - that. Ou knows, from my ere . must be something miller this, he Then there's one way - that it may be so. re rettWat-makee•yoOeet your heart onit. Give up Ellen you'll find it for your own .0 4 t h 100 mush. -Ellen tell Me the truth ; what is interest to do so. - - - id Show me that, Meehau l . - -Give her up, I. say, and then .1 may te ll If I leredini lice, an' my - broth- you. tteitg;l - vionldn't:eare 90 much about it. . Meehaul - good night. Go.home. Remember thitt I'm, a ,womaii, an' on my They hart • noW entered the principal, knees Mtforeyou. A. blow trim you would MAW hint take your life or mine, sooner street of the townrand is they proceeded in what appeared to than that I shouldecome your wife. You be in an earnest, per baps a friendlycOnVersation, many ef their ought to know his temper.. ,:-IfoilltnOW, 'Ellen, I can't at heart refuse acquaintances, respective who lounged in the moonlight about their doors, were not Y6tiOnY thing. I Will not strike your broth a little surprised at seeing them in close tr.- .. ~ conference. When Lamb Laudher wish ' you piornige- before God; that no provo eation:W.lll 'Make you strike him? ed him good night. he had reached an off Tfitti i a bird, Ellen; but—well, 1 do he- street which led towards his father's house, a circumstance at which he rejoiced, as it fore G0d,.1 -=art'- -- art' its for your - sake I You would have been the means, be hoped, of -say it. Now get up, dear, get up. - , terminating a dialogue that was irksome to have got me, te.do what no mortal , livin bothparties. He found himself, however, could bring me to bet Yoniself. I euepose• rather unexpectedly anii rudely arrested by that's what .made you send Nstese ? . 111 . 001- Itlinlor my staff ' - his companion. We can't part, Lamb Laudher, sa NanseM'Collutn? When? Meehaul, seizing him by the collar, till Why, a while ago. She told me a quare this business is settled-1 mane till you enough story, or rather no story at all, only thit yodcou'dn't comer an' that you c „1,1 promise to give my sister up. • Conte, in' I was to give up my stall to her Then we must stand here, Meehaul, as hY your ordher.? long as we live—an' I surely won't do that. e told you 'Sh false, John, I know noth . You must give her up, man. itit shout what you say. '' Well, - -Ellen, replied LampLaudher,Must! Is it must from a Neil to a Lamb Laudher? You forget leith tape seriousness of manner, you have Pyo poor now; but yourself, Meehaul; *right me into danger I doubt, wt , e ,„ t you are rich now, an m kneWinit. - Fur my own part I don't care any old friend can tell you the differ be sitMach. - Eler unlucky aunt met me coin- tween your grandfather an' mine, Must ire ere this evenin', and threatened both indeed! auffanfily and yours. I know she would sink- Ay; must is the word, I say; an' I tell tielnto the earth if she could. Either she You that from this spot, you won't go till or yoe brother is at the bottom of this bu- you swear to do it; or this stick—an' it's a sinest, whatever it is. Your brother I don't good one—will bring you to submission. fear; bet she is to be dreaded, if all's true I have no stick, an' I suppose I may (haft said about her. thaelt yoofor ,that. *NO - ' , john—she surely couldn't have the What do you mane? said Neil; but no . • ~ . neartan harm you an' me. Oh, but I'm matther —I dour want it. There—to the divil with it; and as he spoke he flung it light now, since you did what I wanted you. No harm ran come between you and Mee- over the roof of the adjoining house. haul; fel. I have often heard him say, when Now give up my sister, or take the con speakire about his faction fights, that no sequence. otte but a coward would strike an unre i t.,. Meehaul, go home I say. You know I in' man. Now come and see me past the don't fear any single man that ever breath- Pedlarce Cairn, an' remember that yell ed; but, above all men on this earth, I thank ',defer what I made you do this night. wish to avoid a quarrel with you. Do Conn quickly—l'll be missed. you think, in the meantime, that even if I 37.6 y then-passed -on by a circuitous and didn't care a straw for,e,eur sister, I could 'Wired „....____ path th at led aroutel the orchard, be mane enough to let myself be bullied the PesitireYomlncled her in sa fety - ecea , ...l_ , Ite of her by you ; or are' of your faction? from a heap of stones thaCff;illieeen ti,,,,. ea' ' t'krirg:--..-I:_se spare your breath an' ly piled together, to mark the spot as the 1 (711 be Ciont-s. _ :—_ scene of a -Murder.-whose history, thus per• pi:Masted' by the custom of every passenger eating a 'atone npOn the place, constituted one of the leg 1 traditions ofl . oft he neighbor hood. After a tender good night, given in a truly' poetical manner under the breaking light of a May moon, he found it necessa ry to retrace his steps by a path which wound round the orchard, an - 1 terminated in the public entrance to the to NO. Along this suburban street he had advanced hut a short way, when he found himself overta keri and arrested by his bitter and determi ned foe, Nlrehaul Neil. The connexion between this rencounter with her le other flashed on him forcibly: he resolved, how ever, to - be guidod by her wishes, and with this purpose on his part, the following dia logue took place between theli'heads of the rival factions. When we' say, however, that Lamh Laudher was the • head of his party, we beg to be understood as alluding to his pet)ional courage and prowess; for there were in it men, of far greater wealth and of higher respectability, so far as mere wealth could confer the latter. Lamh Laudher, said Meehiul, whenever a Neal speaks to you, you may know it's not in friendship. I knowthat, slechaul Niel, without hear ing* from you. Speak, what have you to " There was a lime, observed the other, when you and I were enemies only because our dermas were enemies; but now there is, and you know it, a blacker hatred be tween us. I would rather there was not, Meehaub for-my own part, 1 have no ill will against either you 0.1 yours, an'. you know that; so when you talk of hatred, speak only Er youreelf. Don't be mine, man, said Neil; don't make thorn that hates ynu.despibe you in to the bargain. Larch Laudher turned towards him Stately; and his eye gleamed with passion; butbeitamed iitely recollected himself; and simply said— What is yoUr business with me this night Meehinl Neill "You'll know that soon enough—sooner mar-be, than you wish. I now ask you to tell me,- if-you are an honest man, where you have been? . am as honest, Neehaul as any man that ever carried the name of Neil upon him,•and yet I won't tell you that, till you show me what right you have to ask me. kbelieve you forget that Ellen Neil's brother; now, LambLaufdher as her broth• er. I chooses to insist an you answering me. 4* by:her wish. 9 ppose 1 legit -14 Ay! but I Wolin, suppose that, tilt you lay:Iolie right land,on your heart, and 413• elm* ae-an• honest Man, thattut, Man— this is nonsense.. 'ltleehatil go home— I woulli4atheiThere was f iendship--between tua. _ 'You: were with Wen this night in the Greasy. quarry. ' / Are you sure of that! I vw you- both—l watched you both; you4th 4er beyond the Pedler's Cairn, endyotere now on your way borne, And:the more mane you, Meehaul, to btworne a spy upon a gird that you know is impure as the light from heaven. 'Yetii ouggitt 1,0 biredvfor doubting Lich a elate!, Ij D (ISXDI 4;1 THIRD SESSION. WASHINGTON CITY, Dap. 15th, 1842 SENATE. Mr. Calhoun appeareci-his seat to day. .. Several petitions asking the adoption of the warehousing system were presented and referred. Mr. Benton offered a resolution canine. for information as to the celebrated 'quintu ple treaty,' for the suppression of the slave trade. It lies over. After the introduction of other resolu tions of inquiry, at an early hour the Sen. ate went into an executive session. HOUSE OF REPRE3E:iiTATIVES A prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Tiffany, the newly elected Chaplain. On motion of Mr. Fillmore. the civil and diplormtic appropriation bill reported yesterday, 'was taken up in committee of the whole. After the-bill had been read through by the clerk, Mr. Gilmer moved to strike out the item appropriating $750 for extra clerk hire in the Treasury Department. A debate sprung up which was continued ' by Messrs. Gilmer, Filmore, Black, Smith, Cushing, and many others, ti l 3 o'clock.-- The question was taken on the motion to strike out, and it was negatived. After the reading of sundry other items , of the bill, all of which were passed over without amendment, the committee lose and reported progress, Reports accompanied by estimates, were received from the Treasury Department, and ordered to be printed. The House then adjourned. I am recoested to state that the Rev. Mr. Tiffany, Chaplain to the House, will preach at the Capitol next Sunday morn— ing. There will be regular preaching ev ery Sunday by one of the Chaplains, du. ting the session.—Baltimore Sun. The Presidency,—The Iron County Democrat, at Clarion, thus reasons about the candidates for the next Presidency. The editor says: is is 'still a disputed to. pie. The names of Buchanan, Cabs, Van Buren, and Johnson, are still held. forward by their respective friends for ilia consid eration of the people. We approve of a candid canvassing of merit and general in— terchange of opinion. The democracy can then select the best man and unite in his support. And when it comes fairly to the test, we balieve, as we hope, that the choice of the people will be the distinguish ed and worthy representative of I",nnsyl— vat:tie-44ms BuctrANAN.' Revolution inl Pens.—The Madivonian announw ces that it has reef:iced, from ant authentic soarae, the following particulars respectieg the reiolutiou in Pere, which took , place in August last. General Torrica. supported by the military, do.. posed President:Menendez, a n d took posessaion of the Gov •rnment, styling , himselfieltief of the Na tion.' This act of tiolettee was consummated very quickly and quietly. There was a no blood shed, no tumult, no resistance.` Two or three per. sons were arrested, but they were soon released; and there have not been any expulsions, which is rather extraordinary, So far, Torrieo has aston ished every body by his moderation‘ Lie has gone to the South with his army to pat down Gen. eral Vidal, who has ala r proclaimed himself .Su.. preme Chief' of Owe. I.n.FCIEMitt seems to have been set aside by the Southern 'army. The Gov ernment ittinte lo„ at present, cumPardni af: a Provisiotud Executive and`Minister' General. • - - - pas ,rxismw, JA dg.V7 - C a A NA_ N Subjee t;io . Oa' - . 4111:d1 1 41_nor a Natlioaai Conreetion. DAILY MORNING POST. Tltt. NM* IDITOR7AIIIII TROfRiRTORI TriEFDAY., 29.1848: . See First Page. Congress. On the 14th the President returned the bill for the repeal or the distribution clause of the land bfll, and the bH for taking tes timony in case of contested elections, which were sent to him just at the close or last , session. This he gives as the reason why no'clenistve action was had by him on the said hills. With regard to the bill rept 'sting the taking of te.sti stony. in cases of contested electioia, and which requires the elections to be hel l on the ,District plan, he says: "As the bill has failed under the:pravia• ions of the constitutio t to become a law, I abstain fro•n expressing any opinions on its several provisions. keeping myself who!. ly uncommitted as to my ultimate action on any aimi'ar measure, should the House think proper to originate it de novo,—ex cept so far as my opinion of the unqualifi ed power of each House, to decid for itself upon the election returns, and quali fications of its own members—has been expressed by me in a paper lodged in the Department of State, _at the time otg i. ing an act entitled 'an act for the appoint ment of Representatives among the seven ral States, approved June 22, 1812,' a co py of which is in, the possession of the House. Another Fratricide in Sayville Vasachuselts.— A fiend in human shape, who has bean peddling, hymn books in Sayville for the last six months, lately murdered his brother, a methodist preach. er, in the mo•tt shoc'ring in inn :r. lie screwed his victim's head to the limb of an apple tree with a blacksmith's vice, then attached a basket to his heel;, into which he continued to heave large rocks until the elergyman's head was drawn out by the roots. The villain was arrested and tried —verdict "insassity" and 'tj ietifiable h acn:cide!' So much for justice in -Sawville. The good people of New York, it is said, are paying 25 cents per head to get a sight at some ...t oft dresses of Queen Victoria. . - Fumy Pi -ce. rt - - out anew pl.ty founded on tne - ntsmr.„ —r brigands, who 1.1.4 ed t) extort ralley &o n their eiptive, by roasting their fart—a peculiarly un pleasant nr,ve4s. Thee fried ',lee ore now the nightly flush of the Parisians. The e of 5.0v.0 Crr•riina, on the Mat , elected Jlllle3 H Ham noir], G weAmr of that State. 'He is a Calhoun man. Advice to Forcignem —The lion. Ati in V in derpoel, in a lernure lately delivered by him at Al bany, rives some excellent advice to adop ed cit izens. 11 gis the importanc of their perfect incorporation a; c trz! - 11—an ohl,teration, as far possible, of tha dis;inctivo foreign character —the avoidance of all nitionality, Rill.: the great and broad nation LI distinction .of Aineriean citizens. A Tough Story about Tough Venison-9 gen• tleman informs the editor of the Cencordi Intel ligencer, that he was shlwn, a few days since, a ham of venison probably a century old, and in a perfect state of preservation. Fie was asked to take a slice, and accordingly appli:d his knife for the purpose—but it was pel;ifled! yet Im per fect in appearance., that any one mieit ceived. Retarned—McDowell the Painter, wlin eloped lately with the worser half of Mr. Baelistone, of Philadelphia, has returned with Ilia fair compan" inn. Mr. McDowell was he'd to bail—Mrs. Black' atone has not yet been captured. UnfortunAtely both parties have partners living. ();—The editor of the aviton Post '?says, "an old bachelor" vent him the following couplet; "There lives no goose so gray but soon or late Will find some silly gander for her mate." The late Duke of Orleans and Horse Racing.— "Nntwithgtandine the death of the Duke of Or leanv," eery' French paper, "the King has de termined to patronize racing" New York Canal Tolls.—Tire receipts for Tolls on the New York Canal show a falling off as com pared with those of Oa stm•: year of 2,810 &A fars. Gov. Dorr is stilt in New Hampshire. The members of the Legislature of the State, and citizens of Concord, to the num ber of one hundred and fifty, addressed a letter to him upon the affairs of/Rhode Is— land dieting to hear him on the great toes scion ilpopular sovereignty in that State, at the old North Church in Concord, on Wednesday: Governor Dort. replied in appropriate term;, and consented-to the ar rangement. Port of New York.—there are now - in port. says tha Sao, 70 ships, 22 barks, 62 ,brigs, 265 schooners, and 261 sloops, with an aggtegate tonnage of - 85,273; also, 83 steamboats, including ferry boats—tonnage 17,495. Of the ships. bark& and brigs, bout one-third are for sale nr lyingidle; about one third are for frieghvot - Orketert and the balance taking in and di'46l Oft cargoes. Theatrical affairs in our city, at present dates, are morillOurhthing than elsewhere in the Union; says the Philadtaphia Fn . rum. • indemltiliffrom Commodore Kettilley, of the Uni ea States ship Con— stellatien; has obtain d indemnity for the losses sustained by 'the Americans in the attack on Canton. ,i'he amount\ °kilned was $7,800, but the Chinese hate paid 3.10,000, besides a Present_ of $2OOO in teas Etc.—all of which has been placed in the hands of the U. $. Consul at ',Vises°. ''f 'From piesent a ppearances there will be a quantity oecan.didates . for Mayor fit the approaching election. We hear of several aspirants who •feel ambitious of entering into the suhlime contest. What the result will- be we do not pretand to predict, further tlitnlthlt it is coke probe. ble that one of them will beat. We. go for him. CCP•A. pror but virtuous widow lady of Lynn, Mass , recently died in that, town"', under peculiar distiesiing circumstances. It appears that for some time previous to her death she had bnen so unwell as not,t4C be able to work, and the scanty allowa : of fond upon which She had existed so im—' paired her health, that she died; so we are informe e d by a;:respectable party, and furthermore, that on a post-mortem exam ination, it WAS stated by a physician who made it, that the woman hid actually died from the wantoof a sufficiency of-food, in other words, of starvation! The above, from the N. V. Sun, is a sad paragraph, and ono we had hoped never to have seen ir. an American newspaper. We fear there is a peat deal of suffering everywhere, and particularly among those who heretofore have been in cornfortable circumstances, but !educed to poverty. du. ring the past five years. A machine has been invented for cut.» Ling sugar cane, which will perform the work of 30 negroes. The Abolitionists have held a convention at Utica at which W. D. Gartison and Mrs. Abby Kelly were the chief,ectors. Four Nlidahipmen wir) were engaged in he duel lately fought in Noifolk,have been cashiered, Command er in Chit!". -The Philadelohia Mercury thinks it is trobahle, that this pest in the army will re abolished during the present session of - Congress. The reason assigned is its ut ter uselessness. That it is a sinecure and an anomaly, has always been manifest to US. tx - c.n. 7 . _ the President of the United State;, and its only use appears to be excuq,.. it fur-. nishes for putting son six or ei4ht thons and dolars pnr anlarn in the porker. of a jack-daw which s' rut up and down Penn sylvania Av.rnoe, It is tim•r th it the stall' of the army was trfule to correspond with the peace establishin mt, so much talked oL A reflation of one-half of the nutri,. ber of officers in the pay of the govern. ment, would much contribute to the eth .ciency of the service and i materially dimin ish the burdens of the People. Two votes would have abolished the office of Com mandersin—Chief, 'immediately after the -Lath of General Brown. Let the effort be now made, and we shall see who are in 'favor of retrenchment, and who are oppo sed to it, bonspiracy.—The Sun accuses the ors and proprietors of the Chronicle, with an attempt to have the Mayor's Cleik discharged from employment. The can— sideratiln offered for the discharge of IMir. Errett, was ten scratches for Hay at the 2d ward meeting. The proposition was not accepted, and we presume the Cliron icle force was transfered to the "aaveroe faction.' • .4 New Realidtg.—'J. Cypress, Jr., speaks °fan o - ld friend of his, who, when a collegian, was presented with a bib e from an old aunt. Ow receiving it, he wrote upon the s,y-leaf what he consider ed the apposite sentiments of Marc An. thong ti 'Let but the comeloce hoar thit testament. Which, pardon me, Ido not mean to real .1 PRESEITN: AT NO; .10s MARKET STREET, Near Liberty, Sign of the Gilt Corrib. t rAblismi:- -' • • . .. ' - , • ~ i',, wow' ..,..;• .- • -•-:: - • Ht. i li niii',.. 1- \ -.- i, 1; 1 1 tu 1,1. 1 ,.., .. -. lilt' , =5 - , 1,,, .. • ~Li • . .• toil ii• . A LARGE_ and splendid assortment of Famey Goods, Roses ad Tots, have just been received. and will! be sold at prices tosult.the limos. Also, Doll Hedds, add Kidd Dolls,orl.h a acnerat assortment ofspooi Thread, Sewini Silks, Needles, Pins, Tapes, Percussion caps, Books and Eyes, Basketre„sptendid article of Shell Combs of all kinds; also. Ivory., fine and:common Horn and Dreg. sine COmbt- The good's have ail been pui,chased for cash and will be sold whoieSale and retail,cheaper thaw ever. Call and examine thistock. ' ' N. kinds of "IEtELL cOMB4 relwired. dee; 34 tr. ; C. YEAGEW • `There Ire moments in existelltee liictt comprise the power of years. as thousands of roses are compressed late a feuf drops of their. essence. - - in " De ...At the rtlndeig W 8 .18 . p the City of Allegheny erfity morn ing , nt ar r e s LOUISA itITEd The Weedy or-the ham requested to 01. end the funetalth* a w ftei Dea . rn lB42 oonat .. 3'o'clook. • •• • IftEL.E'S BALSAM OF ,thr.WISICED,.is ail °tree. Ptaut and -pleasant einedy for Cousins and C'olds, the price la willtlo_ there:itch °Coll. - only 25 cents a bottle— Call at Terrier .10stiast fisacy, and give It of e trial, and you wilt never be without it again. Another lot of choice Res.elia and Cesidore Offers received th Is day. dec 20 Notice to the Jurors - Of the District Court. 1 riiHE Jurors summoned to attend the District Court. JL on Monday the 26th' inst:, will please take notice that they are adjourned over until Tdesday morning, the 3d day of January, at 10 rerlaca- Ky order of the Court. A. SIITTWN, Pro. PROTHONOTLAT 9I OFf l Cti t j'ittshurelt 'dee 15. 18424 CitAAVERRI ES --Just, received, 16 bti - shels Crao herrik for sale by ISC CRUSE, biic 20, 42 . „1411 Liherty st IST OF. LET IsEitS liensairsing in the Post o.lfies in Pittsburgh, Pa , Dec. 15th. 184:2. irrafirms adaggfor letters on this List, will please say they are advertised. A. Asselanien Charles Anderson Rehecca . Armstrong Col George Anderson Mary Armstrong Col W Andrson John B M August .2 And e erson David 2 Artzt Charles Amos Wm Arthur Wm Alexa Mer 0 W Applegate U W Adams John 2 Anthony Mrs Mary Adams Rev J Anshuiz C Adamsrin Thomas AndrewsJantes Arlin Brnj An lerstin Wm Addison Abraham Badger Win Be it Charl 01 Baldwin I ihn Mc Bennet James • Bain W Blackburn J.thn Boyle Win Bishop Miss Elizibeth Bailey Mi , s Elizabeth Bloss George Bain Wm Black• James Barker Miss AnLeliee T Black John Barker Harriet Black Beoj M Bailey Mrs Harriet Blair Rlza Baxter Sarni Boyd James B Bayne ,Andrew Void Samuel Barr M r Boyillou El G Bay rd Saml Boutisivell Thomas Ba.lnw Joseph Riobye,r J acoh Barlow Mrs B , yes Mary Ann Barnes %VIII Bougher John Bell Eeq B iyarthis Sarah Bell Win Brown Robt 2 B.own Avery Buchanan Wm 13 own Joseph Bulger R R Brown Rev George Buckly Henry Brown Lewis Rogan Miss Ann B ano n haac Burns Saml Brocis .Nlrs Nancy Burns Abx Breafort David Bard! Capt [Nam Brooke Ep J Burke John dy John Btu ttorVhales C. Coats James Corns Jos-ph Clapp Ralph CI• comer Sus in Cline John Coniiely Margaret emit AV 11 11 Conner Dahl -1 Conw,,t Bohr t:ontly Cot.yll 4 ltarn J.,hn 0 Crosby Ni r idP_e w Jas A osdy Mis ydrr C Ciinumgiunti J• hn Cummings S S Coltm. trot Jo-:ant Ca r Nanry Carter James Case Sol iv ,m 2 Cat nfq. James Carnahatt Saml Catlin John 2 Cat - ft:tan II %V Camp IVro Case Am: rlzi Win Cli,tr les Isaac • Chariv. ick ti- Coo-ha ugh Yin F (2e Bl'' f Lc now d Cook G A Cuinnions A!ex J;isies Deoirige Edward A Dinsmoie James 1)i-ks:in Mrs Maly Daugherty Dan! Dio , giiarty Win Donaldson Win Dodge Calvin Donnely Caroline Donnely Thos Dinkins W N Doris John .Dotiahue Mich] Prober Gemge- Drips John Deval Prter Easly John C Ehl,r Elias Edriegtmi Mrs Aline Ed 'noon Mrs E G Edwa.d 'Lacy Emert Nelson & Co Evert :It \V & Co &Dort Mons 0 FrarlA W W Fleming John Fethet man Sam! Forsythe Mary Fellows Steph Fabets & Mel.' Feeling Glace Force David Ferrous .n Alex Foremsti G D Fleming Wm D Freeman Noatria n Finley John A naticis Evan D Ft' zimmons Win Fundenburgh Saml 2 Fkittmog M Ft isl , ee Ele,,or Metalling Jeremiah. Fulton Jon J Filzgerall Mr Funrto , .. n James a Flanigan Patrick Gass Mks Snrah Gardner Wm Geo•ge Mr Gallagher John Gantz Lewis Galley 'l:' M Gallagher: Jnhn J Gnrrua,n S J Gibson Alfred Gillfden .1 - Gorney irVm J Gorden Wl3 ' Gormly - Patrick Griffen Fleury Hamilton Thomas Hansmet John & ja a Hamilton James K Hardy James 2 Hamilton Elizabeth Routs Geo ' Hall Agnes, Harris Richmond Hall John flardefistrii John 1 1 / 4 _ , Hall Thomas Ha Ojos Holston Hail Maly I 11.00 N •. Hoff Geo W Hartwell Mr Haney John Hatbom Hand.in Joon Hosting- W H Fraffsly & C'Brien Haslet( John W:'2." Hackett Miss. Julia Hays Gen S - Hanna John Heisely Frank 2 Harles David Henderson J K lionshrow. M:chael HeskettJohn Hem Thontes Hoffey Michl Hersman Jams Hopper Margt Henry James Horner Jonas W He) berger Sarah Ann Hopewell T Herron Jonithan Hnusernan L D Herron Elizabeth House J B Rivet) Miss C, flotthly Saint Hinds jane Hunter T Hinds Elizabeth Hunter John ' Higgenbottom Josiah Aumbert Geo Holland Win Huey Jacob &Co - Hollister H. Hunter Wfti Holrhes John - Hunter Alex Hogan & Thompson Bugle) , Miss Mary Holt Mrsl, M , Homphreys John Hutchison Wm Hunter M.argus • Hunter Thotnas Irwin it boatmeger 14)11n Darby Jambe Dnv:dAnn 1,4 ) 4 e Davi.!son Andrew Duets Era.. D tvis Elizibeth D T Rees Dais Rtbt Dally ence Dexter Mary Isahele2 Dunn 7t•hn Deford %Vtn Dommuing El W Deveran John -Durkee Jacob Duff Wm - o Dunseth Jaines Ester James Evans David Ewalt Jane F.Vitfli .1.1:1111 W Evans Margaret Ewalt Jacob Et arta Win Gragg David Greeimogh Joseph Grerr Mary Gravis uttence 2 Grier Mathew Grove Danl Graham Win Grahins Isaac Graham James 'Graham Orlin Gray James H . & Co Gray-Dahl C. Gtijmne Mary and Cith GreenleavesSaml Irwin James- -- ""w bitc,, Johns t .„, b . ach nst ,,,, 04, 4 I, ma W P joa 4"1 " C 4 Pt Johelnst hoot' e t Jon es Jos e' w "141 X "A Jackson Sam] Jackson Thomas Jack Wm Jaocrim P L Jaqiurn Jonathan Jackman Miss Susan J 01404 Eveline Juries Sarah Keßer John Kauaay Miss Harriet Kennedy James Kernipe Paiek Kennon Thomas i Kerry & Crane Kerr Rev J .P 2 Kerr Charles Kennedy James Kelly Harriet Kerr Sidney Kerr s M Li4ferty John Lafferty DAni Lambert P z Lake Mary Lai:timer James Lane Denis I.,istiirnp Hagen Lariaier Laden Langston Mrs Lee A P Lewis Abraham Lewis Wm Louis Fahey 2 Lewis Orange R Lennaro_ W Marks Gen Wm 2 Mar lett Whilfle Matthews Win Mayo Wm 11 Manoneaux A L Marotta Fdl Marts John Mans Robt Matheys Charles S 'Ma hews James May John.] Marten Win Meredith W C Miles James Miles John Miller & Coleard John Mcßride T G McCartney JAIME, McCanly C McClure James McCabe IFroarrl McCabe James McCaskey May McClure Mrs Beulih McCoy Patrick M , Covvan J4s I.llcCu•dy Joseph McCutcben Itobt R 2 McCt , rdy Robt MCCounel James McCrum Saml McCully Sam! - McEwing John McClibanceChnries AleJunkms J ame s- E Mclntosh David J McElroy Thus S Mcciosty 11 McKey Thomas I,l!!Ree Jo. It 2 Neill J Nell John Neihet %V& Co Nabs J osep h Jtne Martha Mc(.ny A trirew Oliver Orr Jrr , :ei,t) o,l).inie 0 01)01.1,4 James Ody 111: Paxton John Patilluie James Pane,bon Antifet% PLltar,on Jas W Pnrzel F '. Part era its Miss Caroline 2Prieh 41 C 6 .., Pa Ite.son John ' Normal Aitif Pent n Wick J ' Potts Ger 2 Penton Lot Prumnsmisk Peters 'Wni Rtriintur /it Peters Liver Perkins Ms/ Rafferty Miebl Rombbneh bit Ryan H .1 Royer /oho I Ray James C - loot P4,saC Rhoads Elizabeth Rtri tit Pais George ' Whom Joh Reynolds Ruth koi n qiCraw 10# 4 Reytiobts Olivia Itnhn'oo gni G i R-'3'no'ds Geo Mout* Reed Lilly lirt.'kei Reed Sam! A Riddle het i Heed Henry laidle We E l 'Bred Alex Reed Isabella Reed J M spas Salimore Richard S RE lt s : ° i d t d a be i rr i l l ie p "j s ' E ctit l ßK ill ir kt ei I'l Sampson :John Steffe Ab ~_... S attles John Stout go IR Scott Sarah Ellen Stewart Mot , Scott AI Steresio blot Scott Graham Street; Moira Scroop George and Al ichlSturpon Mil Sewall Samuel D Stubbrelorld Seeley C C Stubbs ado • Seville John Smith Btoistio Seitz Free rk Smith Mal_ 0 1.4 Shaw Sarah Jane Smith Mrs Bar Sheppard A B Smiler loid Shirk Morgan Soper &FP Short Cept A Spear Bs. Shultz 'Miss Mary Anne Spoohltolla Shultz Mrs Ann Soot F ~ Sintclair James Smith Is ..?. S i cco Sms Jno Smith --.. .. i Nancy Smith D 011,.- Simpson:Jerome Smith An PP. Skilten Wm Smith An . ,4i Small James Smith Jai l ' Smalley:l Patrick Smith WI, Suydam-Cap' SzteottP"' Sunderbtiry S 2 T Taylor James I mo Titrar°2"'" ,, 1 Taylor Miss Sarah Ann T all u" ' 1 Tally Wm N 3 Trunie_e Thayer Horace Torlor. Thomson El Ar.. I Tatil'iltegt beet Thommo David , TO %. 44 , 1 % Thomas' ,Seml N F , e l# 1"."-' ' Tipper Thos - , , ... - ill .ea I, 'w -, i Vance . Root _ __---"=7" vvinte gr ay. Volt Chue L. —. 0 w ..1' Walker Mrs Jane _ . T vv id sa , ebis ., Wallace George v. n 1 llars ,- Wagoner D ,l'i less ** i- • Walljemes .--1 41 wo W ni ii i ni • i'- WaineV Jane . Wallet Wm w '''„ Gee ;t : ;-' lo re Warren Thomas cm , „,. Ward Samuel a ualm ll' vat Geed 2 , Wald Rev Saul White .1 , 419 Whitei i i I t mtarusrt.: ' i fi r a :: j i g snb a t mel : D i oel p• .1 4 - IWWviiciligebaCllEbingeNlTnelantutaerTC IIIIIIS" Ge° Young Henry t ldt T Se‘ 4l/ ilt 11 Young Lewis Ro of the ;- tt ,'': tusii N • lur e s a , Young SMD D . 4 1.01 YoUng Joseph it, giD 1 ,4 5 ~.., December, 114 18412. r.A ISOMI TEN* tER 20, 18 DEOOK 114 0 . _ _ Itainiiie - anotber ti! _ . Kilft Am e r Ki irk $_ ug Hortz Ire" "" Kerr la ws Litkerbl i Elrk Pabi ef ck Rit e l wog Jr* sonongithel'aeletekwater are jefoiiiiid that the c , ork,of atttrte,eh it hsoria io fact to the whole 0 the Mi sls j u iPPl , is no taess o t tioonardto & sorsinich experience ~ have i inctertaken the of the work (two dam, Leel o . Lecilee N g._ Lyrk 4 , 4 7 Lim k , o4 Lynch 4 3, Lyort bw r ~.awt o r Lowry sh ni Long J., 111 - • Lee Si'ne Lour Dail u:ll,:i,irtiL)meiointyeers nmas7uti ornpletion of this work within thirty hours g h, and make our city t t for the reception of th etween the East and W job was let, we uncle 1, the contractors taking nd to wait for the halanc o:n the work., Moms m y Moo , e ( x i ! ' Bloom Jana Monte Ju ni ? Nom D RIVER:Five feet w A rise _is expected of the snow, which has Moore Covier Mwdock Aid',.: urinck Joint Mu-irk Wm Mann D,1114.- Moque u Morelatni Ala Mqrinu A D " • Marry J G I 4 c • Moron Maki Morgan,' ' Mm.lgnmay 4 Mc e would advise person colds not to walk a e streets are in their pr Age, they will he und. f applying to Tuttle not agreeable these h r advice and save mon 111'leltod id IVI celesott gig MeGnierliti:, Ware hat Sleighing is over, RIGNk ! N16.11 4 6„6„ McGinbant McGm MEI ItleElatit ki Ilia.' IA kla mcco ! mccuts. as . McDewitt* McDoak bpi McDnaildJais McKee McKelvyll bKi snn V MrKahon) McKiulel Mn McNair GOA At+Qnirtt Mrlier Ewa N ()mum Lot N.. 1 th'zaiki GT , N,,i, C & J m e i pod C McNair DCi uday willbe Christmas uncement, as we thin apparent apathy that know that there is as this year. sgat the wharf present There are a large est class upper trade st daily with good loads. —There is a man in C► nan^d.articie itt nis neighbors feel eottsider 'heir number "kept 0. 0 , Donnell Tie Oliver N 4 0, r Owpoß Owens he t i P. as been vatiously es ce between 40 atid 1(:' his taste P; nu erinetr Pliid am HAI; Pr ver n shune Out yeSt r.lay er or e urse, d6iti oyed lily t. Never mind, onion sk and we'd have plenty els (Jaya egg, 97a . received a c q 1:3. " whichivedeclineJ f its vile personal allusion • e author to send it to an, ith which request we ol3s `Par renders may infer* , n-yeatiett 11 , OMIII , 43ay at 2P. M at: es.--The j arty in the one of the 111303 e Isla of agree and were c ged• Surtion *ate GNERSv BALE AT A iday morning next at 10 o'cloc PIT money --the following so ad Colored Nfld.-Silks—Macs a 'manes, Silks and Satins—Fan Scarfs--Broche and Mouse D ;lack Cita'lies and Mouse Dc Lainer, Fashionable Styles— Mourning Veils anti lldkrs ed—White Fig.'. Blond—Sup. Id assortment of French wor eh Worked Capes and Colla Flild• and PlaM Satin—Valenc Plain Black Coi'd Maness and afaherr--Fashionable Bonnets • -Rad White Worsted and M Embossed White and Black • ,weres. Casinett. Checks. 8 • With a variety of inter a ae`ONll will be ready for e ' Talididtaek being large and of a 11 (107 the attention of dealers J. B. GUT *told We morning at 10 0' ' . ...lRoomeoclal motion rooms, loaeona lot of IlrY G ' ' 19 . 111 1 et porelmomv.--coo*lstl s! 1 Blankets, Flannels, =tofu44l, ecina le. ItSsdateastaina other Fitraltur • alaitialketarad Ploughs; ha*nwislawnd hind; aid Rar, with, a vai ie R, A. RAU • N. 1101iVood- Et. oft _: B 4. U. tai satire - f *ors, einuriating to ,' Ikaattiothi,Atarer and NI - ' Vessinp. "41' Elpeue- cum • • ent IS • offered . we the card of Nich he amusements pr y are certainly wo f our citizens.-: Lieroiatne next at 10 erlo I"*P4.Goode. MOLASSE3, 1-* R. 50 bbis. Molasses. B. GUT 3ItLE.-4W411; be roid i 411 4 - v Sheriff, at Belmpan' :0!* Coats. • Pre Coats. * * l-84 Iniudit l'antatoons. 134 iii 11,*w nser Vat Ih a44 11**111.[ • ;*iiit *owe Hot tan :Or - Tidteteig il.plk. SA