Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 17, 1842, Image 4
AN - 4 8 ; 4; ' ---1---)ir "M"-C7jW-----tks cOr N.- cc/ALIO* 34;#40 'St; A* litiors 'wit tart V. It.' Oath: Wm tv MBAs fladertsker,raspectfutit informs the mettle that h bas removed SIS ready made coffin warehottels to tbe **ding recently occupied by Mr. R. A. Be rd 'Lehi, old stand, Where be is always prepared to' it. *utptly to any ardent in his line, and by stria at. '*•., , to RH the details Of the business of an Undertaker ~ 4istument.pubtle. con fi dence: He wilt be prepared 41AiWuttornts to provide , Hawses, Biers, Carriages and `..V.X : resintsite on the most liberal berme. Calls from the ton, will he promptly attended to. i 4 ,.....,.._:.' Is residence is in the same building with his ware BMA !ellere those who need but services may rind bin] 7' at any tittur. .ittf.RSllCtii: _Sr.VV. Itttatit, aim. joss 11.4.E5. D.S. ...spool; &metal', arr. ROISZIT BRUCE. D. D. 4g 2 " PATTowt Irv. ROWEL. W1L1.1.1011 1 . D. 00T. S. lemmas, REV. JOSZPR FERR, " . ..Eitimact traitats, SEV• JLXVIII, DAVIS, '-',: :,,... sap in REV. [. P. SWITT. FTC . D ae.aaitti:traa. STE ‘IBOAT BILLS, VAmPHLETS, HORSE , RILLS, 'BLANKS, VISITING CARDS, LABELS,. ADDRE 4 S no., ogzeics, BUSINESS DO., HAND RILLS, ' 'BILLS - OF LADING, CIRCULARS, kr, ke. Together with every description of Leiter Press Print - Ins, Strolshed with neatness and despatch, and on mode sate terms, at the office of the Daily Morning Post. ;yep 10 ' 0,. THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO ~,pI.OOHCE Oft AGGRAVATE DisEAsE.—This iaaY Of individuals is very numerous. They are those ar be work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work• wen In feather stores, stone cutlers, bakers. white lead Manufacturers, are all more or less subject to disease ac mtkrding_to tbe strength of their constitution. The only 41001 1 Ori to prevent disease, Is the occasional use or a ;:'4ll44lelne which abstracts front the mental lon all delete -o,Miiinmors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics Aillyny form are Injurious, as they only 7,d1 off the evil ) ..141r to make it more fatal. Thence of It randret It's Pills )4411 insure kealth, because they take all impure matter out.or lifeblood; and the body Is not weakened hut Mrengrhened by their operation, for these valuable Pills do net come, but they assist nature, and are not opposed, Ibut-knrmonize with lice. sold at Dr. Brandrettet Office, No. 98 Wood street, Vltl.rburgn. Price 25 cents per bos, with full directions. MA-EK—The only place in Pittsburgh wit, re the VENUE N Pills can be obtained,is lire Doctor's own t'f. (tee, N 0.98 Wood street. sep 10 NEW sacra EL.—The subscriber respecttulty in forms his old friends and the public that be has apemen a Temperance Hotel, io fifth Street, near the Es change Bank, and in the house lately occupied by Mat thew Patrick, and has hoisted an( ron 3, go. ..The Iron City Betel," where lie will be very haFpv to accommo dale all who may please to call or. him. Ells table shall be provided with the best fare, and every possible IleeammOdation to town and country customers and ravelers. • A few boarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of. Rees, can he taken. and gentlemen who live out of town can have their dinners daily. Be- has large and rood stables, and the best Hay and Oats, and a good Homier, and will accommodate travel. era and gentlemen who have horses. Boarders taken by the day, week or year. Charges saoramoderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city. gap 10 • JOHN IRONS. WASIIINGTON HA LL. _•ruu subscriber has opened the late residence of James Adams, Esq., dermased• for the recopthin of visitors and boarders; the house is very plensately situated on the hank of the Ohio 2 miles from the city—possesslng all the delight. NI accompaniments of a country residence, iid!hout being too far distan for persimis doing businee! t fn the city. Visitors will be furnished with every deliclity of the season. An Omnibus runs regularly every hou slim end ()fine ftrithie. N. B.—No Alcoholic beverages kept. seplO WM. C. BERN DISSOLUTION OF THE UNION , —:The coparl• nerehip existing between James E. l K•lbnurn and David J. 'Horgan Is this illy dissolved by mutual consent.. The conditions will be duty noticed, with the signatures of both parties sanexed, and harry flail will he continued open by the sub=eriber until other arrangements ate per fected. For sale, °Tithe premises, 150 Ithlz. choice winter ap ples, if applied for Immediately. J AS. E. K. I 1.1-tOUTI N, pep 29—tr No 9, Market. and 74. Front st. • nOOKl3lNDlNG.—m'candi , ss4 - .--__ _air Johnson, Bookbinders and Paper . .-..,_ ::,..:\ Rulers, S. W. corner of LVood and L ~. Pourrq streets, are now prepared to ex• pi : 7.- -- ::-.. eeute all kind. of Itookhindind and Pa. ' per Rutin!! will: neat tie , s and despatch. ----- rr•ti" • k books rued anti bound to any Oven pattern at thf orte , t tit - dive. N.H. All work don, tie above is warranted. (Qep 10 WIN. BIDDLE, Sur{ con Dentist, has returned to .41/ hie old stand, No. 107, Swithfie:d r,ltrect, where he can be consulted any hour during the day, on tdeprolession. rep 10 REMOVAL.—Geor...:e Arleta, Merchant Tailor, respectfully announces to his friends and tia ,lcons, that he has resin wed his esia!ilislinieut from his OhtStatid, in Third street, to tie. sorrier of Front and Smithfield. in the basement siorv - to • the Monongalir la 'House; where lie Intends keltningtton hand a e.tuerrit as sortment of Fashioott..ble Goods, suitable for Con _ Ikmien'swear. He hopes, by elwe a p2 l .ient ion, to merit a share of the 'liminess so liberally extended to hint at his old stand. Pl. B. [laving made arrangements in New York and 'Philadelphia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, flit (the reception - of Paris and London Fashions, customers •may rely on having their orders executed according to the tatest style. GEORGE Aft.MOlt. sept 10 IF _ARO OlL.—Tha Subscriber would rno..t respectfully inform the public in genera 'hat he has an article of Died Oil of a superior quality, manufactured at the Cinrin• mati Oil Manufactory,liy R.W.Lee 4- co,,w hich is warra fl ied 10 be equal to the best Sperm. Oil, both for Light and kinchingry. This Oil is entirely free from any glutinous matter, smoke, or unpleasant odor, and it is as clear and as srhhe as surto:writer. Not a particle of crust is left .on the wick. The light is pure and loril:iant, • and will last as long, if lint longer, than that from an •eqtal quantity of Sperm. Oil. The subscriber hiforms Abe public that he has taken a place nearly opposite the *Oat Office, where he will light up several different lamps eve:) , evening, and he would respectfully invite the In. •babitants of Pittsburgh, Allegheny,and their vicinity, to call and judge for themselves. He feels confident they will be convinced thatthe above statement is perfectly correct. Out of two hundred individuals who have tried the OD,lbere has not been a single fault found with it • The Lard:oll emus one third less than Sperm. He would respectfully solicit the early attention of Dealers and Ma. cbiniste to the above. The following Churches are now rising the Lard Oil: Second Presbyterian Church, New Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Phisliutgh. ' riret Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City, Associate Reformed Church, do. All the barrels are branded R. W. LEE 4.• Co., Cinch Ohio . Pittsburgh; June 21st, 1842. Ire, the undesigned, Captains of the Express Line of 'Packets. on the Pennsylvania Canal, have tried and are owing an article of Lard Oil introduced here by Matthew •C: May. and manufactured by R. W. Lce 4. Co., at the Chairman" Oil Paclory. %Veleta confident% asserting that the a'. ova is equal to the belt Sperm Olt thikit : is entirely free from smoke Or any other glutinous mirth whatever; the lieht is per fectly pant.elear and brilliant,- and will last as long, if not 1011110 111114 that from an equal quantity of Sperm. Oil, 4 1 1011110 01 . 00 hastitation In recommending 1110 our friends - , wbouss Oil. _ iMiCIRY, Cantata, Packet John Adams. .'-'11; 114.1:11101LAHD, Captain, Packet Jahn Hancock, Vame 4 . _ _.; Va , do do John Madison, JOHN 1110B1P8Off, dc. c'o Pttillwygli. ... _ WERII.I9LIV.—' These Pills or.; Pontotenstt or herbs, which exert Is 'specific. action upp.ri the heart; give impulse or Atrengrit to the artertii xvrtem; the Wood is otorkencd 'and eqvalized hits elect:tattoo. tO,Loyett all.the vessels. whether at the shin, the parts -slttW,.. Atoternally or the. estsernitie:and as all the "seerefibits ,of the ;hotly are Arnwittro . m.oteisioildegiere.laa 'consequent 'increase of sor,erl.. - *Tid - *1 Ilitkencd aztion thpsimunbera.-. ,anda k atalini,or tliecharglog, tnyrnori.td hetiti* filireti.lo;:eOrrtaedi't# l, "elistruc - ' ths Age _SS, TM compliaure , the act . A. ctrC,ongress' lriations ..for such necessil included o.ln the general al only of ' , law, and to fix s Intel ex. '..penses of the De GOittli n• "went, and fora rust 26, 1842; Sealed Prop ....is Depart• meat until the 'hi , ..der next, for fitr nlsiting for one ye .ile option ofthe Depart ment; the following ~ mos of Mantrap for the use of post Offices to the State* di' Pennsylvania and Delaware: Mails received, 1 ~... 75 Reams, Mails sent, i 60 " , Account of Newspapersland Pamphlets re- " ceived, 25 -Mails retilvadat-Distriii i ling Offices. 12 " - All the above on small royal paper, at lest 22 by 171 inches, printed on both aide:s - and feint ruled., with not lees than.42llnesona page..,--- je ng Mails rent from Dietitian Offices, ,12 Reams, Same Ate paper Rub° bat fuldtd lengthwise, and with .50 Ilues-nn a page..' ... Accounts Current, foo p, two on a sheet 16 Reams. Idonthly and Weekly ' R liters, foolscap, four on a sheet, , 9 . 0 Post Bills, foolscap, tioniasheet,vvlthout ) shmatui es, ', , i Post Bills, footteap,l2 de a sheet, with] signatures. • .750 !teams. Post Bills for Dtstribut In Offices, O'OCI a Sheet, with signatures Post Rlils,For Pistributin4 Offices, 6 oda sheet. with signatures, The proposals will state the price, in one sum, per ream, for each kind of bionics, For paper, printing. ruling and packing: They are to he delivered in such ties, and at such times,aettity be required hy.thedilf.f. ent Peat Offices, and on the requisitions of Postmasters endorsed by the Postmaster rut the place where the con tractor may reside. Nonelwiil he considered as detiver ed .or will be paid for, sue on sdch requisitioni. Each requisition, or quantity ordered; to be securely enveloped or packed for transportation, and directed to the Post Office, at the expense of the contractor. The right is reserved of reject ng any bid which, may Le considered extravagant, and also to give to any one bidder the printing for onejor more states adjoining the State ()flits residence; and each proposal must be accom panied by sufficient evideVilef,tpe ability of the proposer to comply with the terms of , his proposal. The sueeessful bidder will be required to enter into contract, with surety, In strilet compliance with the pro vision of the law, to which pid.lersare referred. Failure to furnish Monks! promptly when ordered, fur nishing those of inferior flaunty as to paper, ,printing._ or ruling. or any.allempt t:, evade the true meaning of the contract, will be considered sufficient cause for its forfeiture. Payment will be made quarter yearly, one month after the expirittßon of each quarter. The blanks must he equal to the best of those now in utte Specimens may be seen at the various Post Offices. The quantities mentioned above. are from the best es ti rates t hat can he made fer one year's consumption; but they may exceed or may fhll short of the quantities re qnired. The Department does not hind itself to any specific quantity or amount. "Prot osals" should be so, marked, and addressed to the "Second Assistant Postmaster General," Wnsitingion, D. C, n23—dtd3l irtODG HS. COLDS and CONSUMPTION ,— The son for the above complainis is now'al band, r.nd all persons who are subjected to the Inclemency of the weather are respecifnliyinformed That they ran find. COVERT ' S BALM OF Liss w hich is h ell known to have cored THOUSANDS, who were in the last stages of Con sumption. Certificates can be produced of its wonderful • cures. Td.YLClft'll BALSAM. or LIVaRWORT Is another remedy for Liver Complaints. Caug hs and Colds. It comes high• ly menu mended by all who have used It, and Is pleasant to take, and speedy in effecting a cure. PEASE'S 110/0t1101:111D COIDY.--ThiS is O. highly valuable and pleasant medicine; it will effect a positive and certain cure for Coughs, Colds, Conaricaption,and Is an effectual cure far the WHOOPING COVOI3B. Tide isa very pleas ant medicine, all are fond Of it, and children never 'erase to lake st; its cure is sure and positive. The subscriber tins a certificate of A een4 direct front J. Pease son, so there can be no mistake. All persons who are effected, are invited to call and net delay, fur the titre to lake medicine is at the commencement. Ail the above medicines can always he procured at WHOLESALIC on Ft ETAITat TUTTLE'S .41EDICAL ; GENCY. 86. Fourth street. ~1. 1 1141 Alle THORN'S. TEA BERRY TOOTH-WASH LoicerrEtt,Oct. 2(1,1842 j)-To Dr. Tuorts,—My Dear Sir: I cheerfully and cordially embince the present favoratt'e opport unity to re turn to yon my warmestthanks of gratitude for your no. rgontleol and unexceptionable invent'on of your very justly celebrated Tea lierry Toot 11• Wash, and I fell that I am In duty Mined to soy 'that I. have derived the great• est and most beneficial eff‘ci from its frequent and mode. ate use: and .1 can assure you'. hat I am exceedingly hap py to have the pleasure of informing you, that sincerely and cordially speaking, can injustice recommend us fre queer use to all that unforionale portion of the bunion rare throughout the globe tvlin are now undergoing the reoft excruciating pain for' the want of a medicine prep t• rat ion of exactly the same nature of which yours is preps red, and wino hove for years been suffering from the In jurious, destructive and t4rnicious effects of worthless tooth powders and other worthless preparations. Ili rouchtsion pertbil tue to say tliatl have used your Tooth Wash but for. a short period, end yct I feel thoroughly convinced that it Is the best now known, its inestimable virtues in preserving the teeth, (which if kept In a good arid handsome condition, la the greatest embellshmeht thatatiorns the human structure.) are not to be excelled in eating and relieving the sufferer front tooth ache, and restoring the gums ton healthy and purified condition.and giving also a sweetness and fragrancy toe disagreeable Meath hitherto unknown. Accept my sit cure wish fur your success, from • Yours. truly, JOSEPH BRIM MLR. THE Committee on , Lectures of the Wirt Institute. for the Fourth Counae,respectiVly announce to the puht!c that they have made nrrantetnents to commence the Lectures on Thursday evening, December 1. The Lectures of this course will be exclusively Literary and Scientific The Committee, deairons of making the 'Lecture Room of the 'institute a favorite resort of the lovers of Litera. lure and Science, as well its the fashionable,lieve spared Ito exertions In procuring, popular and tittented.Leeturers, both at home and abroad.; In ;he ;muse of IWO wee ks a list of the Lecturer" wit he published, and tlehcht . Is gred. dll C HUEY, W. W. WP ,SON, JOHN S. COBGR AVE . W 51. B. SCAME, JOHN B. SEMPLE, nov 9 tr Committee. fg -• iii:r . : ,.. .. , . . • _ . US. MAIL tlNE'oft3plencliti Passenger Steam Pack . els front Cintionati to St. Louts. , The new, splendid. Pas(running. 4 light draught steam -Packet, West fried and; .Weapsreil, will run as regular Packets, from Cinsipiratilto St. Tmtit. Will leave Cin cinnati and St. LOUIS :every Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. . Passengers from the test and West may rely upon their starting punrtUallYas advertised. ' rep 10 M. C. EDEY, Agent DR. WILLIAM EVANS'S SOOTHING SYRUP.— This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds when thought pan recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed On the fume, the child will rear. er. This preparation la'so innocent, so efficacious; and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let hs gums be rub bed with It. When Infsintsare at the age of four months tho' there is no appearaOce of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should he used - 2o Open the pores. Parents shodld never be without thesyrup In the nursery where there are young children, foriif aehileorakes la the night with pain in the gums, the SirrUp immediately gives esse,hy opening the pores, and;eating the gums; thereby prevent ing Cony's-Mous, Faye , 'For Sate Wholesale and Retail by . • R. E. SELLERS, Mem, arm 10 fl 20. Mod street. below. Second API - HEAP. —LACE! AJ,VD Rl' lJ Vatr sreert. Lacs! and ROdiona,. Wide and narrow isets, Lace and e • . oam Infants' frock !.kai ta, Ladies, Orenetflti , LialeTlicend, nd ottnn l 4lorA . A 'large - use:4o , Sc f 0 Bonner. Atsit, armlet s ,41 611 RP" 1 2/ 11 0.1`Fs" 4 - 1 9 . Di v - 74 ' lo:** l6l 4_ = 01 11 tg, t .- -..W10/0,t40 of the ttll -7-41411 W UNI3TITUTE: FIFTH COURSE OF LECTURES 41011 STORE. No. 2 St DECOLlinta s iv_ bi Is tau =l. = noriAllftt o Ofent sneiscine you. rill ,6•1 11 14..W . ...'' . " -- „. t h e Amber..nti r s Tea of " ,- titosimr6sei'9f ilia bodies° Power ague orskillg"" hi et. Where lemon utensil tireolui 49ntireltir txhillis st contolstistioa 4l9 9f - Cal"*.°;:there'licareelY 1:11Cs do nut re f ve and Ikiniell'ilitibißklarnarni generally cure. Al th ough these ills pioduee a 'mows s aerstrr in ,l sd ba ki t-e n if e eet s, lu t ert hef to mme I invigorated by the te prost:rate the body, as with other roo mo val rs o r r i t om be vwowd canes or . wealthess,tbe istorbid, the vitiated hu Brumless in tbenraelves, they merely Aesop' avrats To throw out the occasion of *knew. from the body, and they require no alteration in the diet or clothing. litet.the human body Whetter able to sustain with. 0111 injury, their Clemency of the weather, while under the Influenceor tiihrlftrection:deetroying,alscaue eradicu Ai* Medicine thin At al l y rifiter lime. •:; The importanre of Brondrellet- Pilter for aeamen and travelers le, tberefore,libqf evident . By' the timelynse fifedi s chwi bow touch anxiety a,ind sickness, might we not prevent. - Cold,jililloate of • fectious, Typhus, liftartet shd revenaor all kinds; wotad "be unknown! But Where'sickness does etitd. l let no trine be lost, let the BB ANI)ItETB'S PILLS he at Once , , m rit for; that the Reedy ,nray without fur LTJ.lftri•of tin e.—To as licstonssitsti - 114.1 - Brandreth's Pills hive stand a seyen years' test "irr theUnited' States. I That they area vegetable and innocent medicine, yet all powerful fur the removal'of disease, whether chroulc recent; infectious or otherwise. 'That they purify the blood, and stay the further pro gress of disease In the human body. W. That, in tnany cases, where the dreadful ravages ef ulceration had laid bare ligament and bone, and where, to all appearance, no human means could save life, have patieuts by the use of these pills, been restored to good health; the devouring disease having been completely eradicated. That each of the genuine has upon it ranee COPYR catrr roasts That each label has two signatures Ofssfir. Benjamin Bnwidreth upon it. That ttrece=inuet be upon each box ihteilftguatures, this: . . Bitatualaren,ld • tt: /tad three signatures, thus:— BERJAKIN DRLNDRETH DR. FRANKLIN SAYS 'Ali settle fevers ever require so ne evacuation to bring them toit'verfeet tfiSill and solution, and that even by stbols,Whith must be promoted by art when nature dcies nut do the business itself. On this account, an ill timed scrupulousner.sabout the weakness of the body is of had consequences; for it is that witiaii?seenis chiefly te make evaettatiOns necessary, whieli 'suture attempts tne humors are Rite be cape Bed-, Vitt . is not able to accomplish for the moat part In thettradliestem can affirm, that 1 have glve.a purge wlas* dsp has been so low that it could hardly be Irerkend - 04 debility ex. tram, yet both oneand.thecther have herrn restored by it," The good 'effect. to be -derived from the Brandreth Pills have to be experienced to be folly believed. By tbeir timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus lever or small pox would ever assume their mall - omit form. To appreciate to the full extent,the incalculable bene fits of BRA N Dft'ETS'S PILLS, they must be used when the First Symptoms M Disease present themselves. One dose then, and their good effects will be felt throughout the attack—lT is TAKING TETER la TIMM that is the great secret inthe cure of Rll appearances of disease arising from had blood, and I presume there are few at the pres. ent day, will say anything of those diseases which airect the body when the Wood is pure. Such diseases 1 have yet to see. 'loping that some who read t his may he bettefitted by so 1 sin respectfully, the public's servant, B. BR A N 241 Broadway,'New York: THE COHNTERFEIVS DEATH BLOW. The public will please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine unless the box has three labels upon it. each contenting a fee similie signature of my hand writing thus—B. Brandreth. These labels at . t engra ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ex• pease of several t Itousand dollars. Remember! t lie top —the side—and the bottom. Ent red according to net of Congress in the tear 1841, by Bet jamin Brandreth, in tie Clerk's Office in the Dis tjlet Court of the .9.0 , them District of New York, Dr. B. Brandreth's own office, No. 98, Wood Street. Pittsburgh. Only plt..ce in Pittsburgh where the genuine Pills can be obtained. Each Agent who sell - the true Era ndrel h Pill, line an engraved certificate of Agency renewed every twelve months, and has entered into hoc& Of $5OO to sell none otter Pills than those received from D , . B. or Ills sped:, tEeneral Agent. Mark, the certifi cafe is all engraved except the Doctor's name, mirth', is in his own band writ ing. Observe, on earl, 'Certificate there is an exact copy or the three labels on rush hod f !raved thereon. Purehr.scr. see 1111 tl:4".•engraving of the labels on t lie cert icier. re correspond with those on the box. The following are Dr. Benj. - nlit TirairdrelietrAgents for the sal, of his Vegeiaile rani ny couty,,Pa., who are sapii:led with lire tew labelled boxes. Price 15 cents with directions. Principal Office, No. 93, W OO 4 SI reel, Pillshur Allegheny, Mr. ions Glass. McKee.port, H. ROWLAND. Nolilesiown, lonN ifnutsos. &Howls Town. CHESSMAN k OLDINO ALEXANDER AROMA Clinton. ENW•RD TIIONFSON.WIIkinshu rgh. GEORGE PORTER, Fairview. ROBERT PNITII PORTER, T3TP11111M• EllEnbellllown, C. F. IttssL.. Rail Llherly, DANIEL NILDI.XY. PRISSLET (swirl, Pleasant 11111. DAVID R. COON— Plumb Township. WN. 0. Fierrge— Mill. [Pep 10 PILES cured by the tse of-Dr. liarlich's Compound Strengthening, nod German Aperient Ms Dr. Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the Agency from you for the sale of your medicine. I formed an acquaintance wth a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with tte Piles. For eight or 'ten years this lady was subject Co frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, that be very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she commenced using vont Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours * 4c. JAMES R. KIRBY October 3. 1840. Chambersbng,lll. (CrOffice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street. Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty tad Wood streets Pittsburgh. sep 10 INERESTING CURE performed bY Dr.Swaynes Clsposed o Sprop of Provos Virgin lane, or Wild Chit , ry. Baring made use of this invaluable Syrup in any family, Which entirely cared my child, The symptoms were wheezing and choking orphiegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, ito, of which I had given spell hopes of its recovery until I was advised to stake trim of this invaluable; medicine, ,!ItAer seeingtheelfte.ll had upon my child„ and con (-hiding to stake iheaaiwit. , ickst upou pored; 'which en. Itrely relieved ate ofa cough that I was 111filitted with for Imany years Any person wishing to see me can CA at ;my house in Beach Strcet,•above the Market, Kensington. J. WiLcoz. DR.. SW AYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY We call the attention of the public to the numerous Certificates which have been in circulation in our paper and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr. , fiwsies's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have teen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they come from truly gratefel hearts,expresaive of the benefits which they here received from tl.at trahrable compound. We have acquaintances who have Crews/mils tmed the above medicine. who .can speak with confidence of its virtues.—Satarday Chronicle. Peetow enamor—With sincerity I would advise you, tine and all, both sick and well, always to have a bottle of Dr Sw riesCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry in your hourw—it is Invaluable In, cases of emergency, ,such as Spitting of If tood, Asthma, attacks of violent I Colighlus, which' Is often the cause of , spitting of Wool, 'Violent Nerious Affection, which. occasionally come 'from fright, and, various other enures. producing intern'. sudden colds from Improper exposure. Which are often let, ran to,an alarming exiene, for.wane of means being rea#y at hariii;—ated as I 'have used Dr. SwevitirsCotripound - 07,nip of Wild Cherry ripeatedly In my , firmilyr aid aierayeffrith marked success—l can recommend it with - confidence-as being one of the best family medicines which has ever been offered to the public.—Setearrlar‘Ckerrvicie. - - Veld by Wm. Thorn,' Whoteirale only for Vittsburgh. N 0.53 Market street. tiepin; T 1 rxi Am !gra). ihr.,c4a , 44= nor'. 1 , L.-°I. vv . nt iklitit ft _Nada .anif the p a tine In g enera prwoßkt i v r naoila at. it, KAI 1 4° At' reet' Plait hell"=" bi '-- iptvpil . m.itafete 10 4. * es 1 11 -leatged*Jrwin o lmt ' - ' C '-, . ..- ,e , 1 0 -0 # 1 0‘...00 1 / 1 1 forgiC.ailors4o, it,. , ~- , --- . - --4. :- , ` ..-,.- 4..- - ........ 1; lieu ac teilipee y ttr inifter the Le4len Itte:tittektii# 7 MINE its vleinitk4has. - Ate titr'arrivetb. ,:reAt frointooliociovitiCaliettuttful assoriineuk of :ryartherfeireal He: connexion theretloll Malt times enable her to introduce the latest fashion *nil should 4 441#: Ladies honor her, siith.a:Share oftheir patronage, ORO :pledges herself to keep, every thing of the most styl. 4k4xtplion..and pay strict intention to ecortOmy., fi fa with confidence tecommends her ritraCh andlon4on made Corsets.; also tier splendid assortment oftrubroideiyovlticit issuPerior to anything - yet intro. '4oced this country: it includes Baby Linen, Council Orientals, Capes a la Cardinal. Detni, ditto. Der rhos for Evening Costume, Collars Cuffs, Pocket (land ikerchlefa, Morning and Night Caps, ke., tvtitch will be ,ready forlhelriapprotatiou on the 9th of October next. 'Mrs.'. 'l'. is wailing -the arrival of her Bonnets frani Europe, at No. 2 Ferry street, between Liberty and Fon rtlistreets. sept. 29--dtf. VMS.; MSOIII4.WGEO. P. IiaIIILTON. MA,471/4"W 4.114 mILTON, Attorneys at Law. have removed their• Office to the residence of H. S. Ma. maw. on Potirt% si, t %vo doors above Stußlifold. sep 10 P OFF' WAREHOUSE.—Na. 79. Fourth' Street, Between Wood and Smithfield sta. .rivo Awns from the corner of Wood street. Con. rantly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, ()revery six( arid description; covered ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins. ALSO:Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Cat doges furokhetl; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may require. A credit given In all cases, pit her of coffins or carriages, requested. HENRYBEARES, Undertaker. sep 10 ... 1751113L5. WHITE LIME, a superior article, for sale by J. G. ts- A. CV)ll. DON, sep 13 No. 12 Waterstreel. VA Just received from New York, 3000 Temperance Almanacs fur 1843; 5000 co pies of the ,Journal oft be American Temperance Union and Yquth's Temperance Advocate for September. Also, 2000 Chris tian Almanacs, and a good assortment of Loomis's 'Una zine and Pittsbujgh, and the Franklin Magazine and Com. mon Almanacs for 1,143; by the gross, dozen or sing!e; 250 copies of G rant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu siness Dirctory and Strangers Guide, for 61 icents. Also, Cottage, Flintily, &hoot and Pocket Bibles and Testa tner.ts, David's Psalms; Mel Iwidim hsuiTetnperaora Hymn Books; the beauties of Ilarmony,•ll to - Sacred Music: Mason's llarp with round and-pasisca mates; Christ. Harp,and almost all kinds of SchordlattOkfl Vatuo's Do mestic Aledicine;Day Books and Ledgers; Let ter, and Wrapping Paper;blue, black, and red ink, by the gross, dozen,or hot! te; steel pens, quills, slates, pencils and wafers; Cyclopedia of History, Western Pilot. and a con. sideraltie variety of Books and Stationery, for save on ac- - commodating terms tor cash or country pr-duce. ISA AC HA GRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant, sep '2 No. 9, Fifth street. J. K. MoortnEso. G. R. WARNER. J:l'ALF'tea. UNION COTTON FACTORY, Atteglie y City, at the end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having commenced the manufacture af Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yarn,Cotion Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Vatting, tc.,and are prepared tc fill orders at the shortest notice. [laving selected the latest, end most improved machi nery,and employed the manager who has attended to the Hove FAcroav for the last five years, they are thantifeetu ring a superior article. Cotton Warps made to order, Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Oftiee, or left at the store of J C. Painter k Co., Liberty street; or Logan 4- Kennedy, Wood street; wIII meet wit It prompt 11 , Ittit tion. Address—J. K. it1001:11E \D 4s- CO. sep 12-1 y ►A LES.—Thete Inclarge Masa of Females ni 1 this City who from their continued sitting, to which their occuptt tons oblige I hem,are affected with costiveness Which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whuie head, `intolerance of light and sound.an Inability of fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumbling iti the bow. pie, seam; Jules a sense of suirucal ion, especially after meals when any rxe.rtion is used, as going, quickly up stairs; manure tickle; thew are ay - tumulus which yield once to a few dosesof the Brandretil Pills The occa. sionat use of this, madicinetvould save a deal of trouble and years of sutfltring, 00e, or two, or even three of the Bra ndretli ['lts just before dinner, are of en found highly hen. fkia I; lenity use them very advantageously in I his tent; 'lie!, aid and assii , t digesi ion, rest nee the bowel:I , to a proper conditiomentiven the sritrit , ,i, impart clear ness In the complexion, purify the blood, and ',contain a general (Celia.* of heat;l, and happiness. sold at Dr. It audr , IC , Of No 93 Wood si reel , Pilt.hurei,_.l'rire 25 cebti per box, with full directions. MAUR' —The only pim e in Nl t , wht•re Ilia GENTJI cat, he oidained, is the DJ:WC:3 0.0. t. 1)1 flee, No 99 Wood -ttert. , t'it 10 _ _ i i satitiGlCll. I NSTRU ENTS! i • I. IN Sl' ft ENTS!— .11cCarthii, as,l ::tlr. :rived lastrument 241ulter, Third stre , , nearly oprositc 1 7 :c Post Off i ce, Piti:bargit (SIGN ()), THE cOLDEN and Drtyz..2,i , i , hart Ihcir in• ci ruments wade by tbe Wt.!' Cr ,or ql1:1111 y and a' Eastern prices. Tailors,' Patent Shears and Scissor , always on hand aleo nailer: , Shears, a stip-riot article. Orders respect fully solicited. N. B. Allarticles warranted of tile best quality.ared jobbing 11,111 sal , 10 LIVER COM PLAIN di , eic.e often tern-I. itateshi a not licr of a inure serious I:attire, if pro. per remedies are riot re.unrled 10 ill little. In ail forms of this disease, Dr. Ilarlich's Compound SI rengt heuinq and German 4 pe.rient Pill, will perform a perfect cure —first by cleansing the storwir.li and lotvel:, thus rernS• ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of il:e Ger man Aperient P:11s, after which the Compound Ftrength. ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effect a permanent cure, These Pills are neatly put tip in small packages, with full directions. Por sale at No. 19 North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sale by Sam• net Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sts., Pittsburgh Pa. sep 10 ALLEN 'MANI ER, Ezehange Broker, No. 46, Cor ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.— Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. Pittaburgh.Pa, Win. Bell e r Co., John D. Davis, F Lorenz, J. Painter ir Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson s r Co., John H. Brown it Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M'Candless. St. Louie, AN., J. R. M'Donald. Louisville, W. 11. rope, Esq. Prete' Bank Ky. sep 10 111 EMOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to inform /..11 , the public, t hat lie has removed from his old stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Clair sts., opposite the Ea change Sorel, where he has fitted up a large Piss° Foß'rz WARE Room, and now offers for sale the most splendid assortment of PIANOS ever offered in this market. His pis ncfs conßl3t of different patterns, of superior Rope Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo deled, and constructed throughout of the very best ma terials.which, for durability, and quality of tone, as well as touch, he Warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made arrange. meuts to supply the increasing demand for this instru ment, he respectfully requests those Intending to pur chase to call and, amine his assortment before purcha sing elsewhere. as he is determined to sell LowErt. lor cash, than any other establishment east or West of the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn and Bt. Clair streets, sea 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pa. VitAIigNTED GENIIINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills. estertrteAT re Let te r !rem the Hon. A blew' 1111'c tel. lan,Sultivatt County ,East Tenneseee,hlemberoCCongreas vt7Lentato:rox, July 3d. 1838. Sir—Slace I have been in this city I have used some of your' Dyspeptic medicine with ittlinite benefit and sans faction, and believe it to ben mast valuable remedy. One of my c onstituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county, Teeneesee. wrote to me to send him some. which I did, j and - be has mployed it vett , successfully in his erect lee, and Says it is invaluable. Mr. Johnson;your agent at lids place, thinks you Would probably like an.agent in Tennessee. if so. I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as .a proper person VI officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you dommisslon him he is willing to act roi you. You„ran send tbe medicine by water to the, rare of trobert King d• Sons. Rnetsville county,Tennes: pee, or by land* to -Woburn ¢ *Winston, Tazewell, Ert.t Tennessee: I haven° &lib! - tilt yon had agellis in several counties in Mist Tennivsee, a great denl'of mod I. clue would' be sold." aut 0011 to tnke soiree of - It home forpirty own use,.and.*!....tif: myylrietitik t end should ilke.toheitifrorm You whatted - ,you would Jikein, agent get some of the iixitreitii' d*.iQuAsktifrt: - hero.. EIIIIMMIXI tv ~r~ - . Pittabuigh„lnne 18,1839- . Mr. JOHN DNA NIN6:---Deqr St r- r liavirig - heeti present. yesterday. at the experiment which you were pleased to wake, in ihe presence of a number of oar hissineas men, of the safety of 3 our IRON CHESTS, in case of fire, it gives me pleasure to say, that so far as I was capable of judging, the test was fair, and the result exceeded my expectations. The Chest was 0 small one, abOut 30 inches high, by" about 18 of 20 inches in breadth and depth, and was pla ced on a block of wood about a (Oot in thickness, so as to elevu'e it about that height from the ground; several books and newspapers were deposited inside of it, In the manner in which Metchants and' others would usually placethem—n large quantity of fight pine wood [slabs front an adjoining Saw Mill,) .was then placed around and above it, and the fire kindled an the windward side, sons to"drive the flame agaiftat;tite'ilek part of t lie che'st. o f The fire was kept up atiottOW. - :asters Of an hour, limit you had gone among the 4 tors and received from th em their universal arra r' that the test was sdflicient. The chest was then ' rawn out of the fire, and cooled, and opened, and examined. The contents were all safe, and the only injury done was to the hack of one book which appeared to be a little charred. From What I witnessed, I thintithat these chests are desery ing of confidence, as affording, perhaps. the hest security to Merchants for their-Woks and papers, which they can have without builOs:_ifarge, thick, and expensive vaults. I would consider thetigiOeter secarity than many vaults which I have se'clAttlF,,;:.Vour friend, SAMUEL CIIURCII. We concur intitaii4o6 statement, having been pres sent when theclia4 was 4eBlo- . W. At- Cooper , J• H. Shosnbergrsr, Robt Hell, J. Laughlin, J. Painter, A. Cordett, R. driller, Jr. CL. Armstrong, A. 11. Hoge, Thomas Craig, S. G. D. Howard, J. fV. Hoyt. Extract of a Letter- from Puhrh Alt:ord, dated Cin cinnati, - 29th Jffaria,lg42- J. Denning , Pitisbargb, Friend: We have the sat kraet ion to star e as the • rei reeoutineltdal ion we can give of the utility of y 0 r Iron safes, t bat we hava one of them which was iii an exposed situation in our counttng room, at the lime of the fire, on the morn hung of he 10th inst. which consumed our Po. k Home to Cctlier with a lane portion of the meal, lard, 4.r, which it contained; —and that our hock.sand papers which were in the Safe, were entirely uninjitted, and were !aken from it oiler the fire; without ever being discolored. Yours, ,S•c. PUGH 4 AL VORD Eutraetof a Letter from Slater 4- Ilalbrook, dated St. Louis, Feb. 24th, 1311. Ma. Ustoaria, Dear Sir: One of your second sire chests was burned a few days affo, in a lea , her store--it pre served its contents. Respectfully yours, sen 10 SLATBR 4- HOLBROOK. 1141VER CON] Pl. A INT cured by the use a Dr. Bar i:Ma's compound Strengthening and Aperient rills.. Mr. Win. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa., entirely cured of the above distressing disease Ills symptoms were pain and weigh! in the left side, less of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach. sick bead-ache, furred tongue, countenance changed ton citron color, difEt culty of breathing. disturbed rest. :Mended aMt a cough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de rangement of iiio functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had tie advice cf several but received no relief. until a?in^ Pir. II arlieh's Medicine, which teriiiiiia. led in cfreciisg a pe feel cure. Principal Office. 10 North Ei2lith Streei . Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsbur;tll I.y Prow, cur err Litter ty and Wood sl reel s. eep 10 einrc , ati, Fet,,,iry 15, i 5.40 l`r,L,ll iii• / he lit. ity ii' tt retie._ 1.1 10 tey a; pruliatioo. t,i Co i.e. families iiiid —ll,e pel CI ;ion, kV Cherry Burt. In i.y riiiiok cifblare Lite I are ',et, in aC. NO many he won.erfi.leliorts of :0111' lO , tilfll,f; in relieving chit hen uf, vci y complaints, sm. li as Cutighinil, lwrzing, •hct.kieg ot P A:0 Mimi if attar kc• I llouhl not have oritlen this lettor. liOtNf Vet, at oieiiient.lilt hough I linve re t it .iity duty to add illy %fist moray In It Or some lime. had it not been for a l a lo I,tt V. ;let, him I;ll',FlCilit. itlfird ',Will trisioriiig, to porieet hear -only whose rr sr. was atm r,st horelcss, in family of my ac. qmiintanoci. i•I Ileavrii," the dont:lit! i•roirny child is saved from the jaws of deallil 0 how I ',:,red the relentless ravager I3ut my child is safe! ts safe:" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of cherry is the most valuable. medicine in this or any oilier country. lam certain I ` - .ave witnessed more titan one hundred cases o lime it hat been attended whit com. picoe Stu , ess. I ani ursine it myself in an obstinate at. tad; of Bioncitilis, ill w loch II moved effectual it/ a ex rieedlngly t..itort time, consideriiig the severity of the case. I ran reromend it in tile fullest conadeece (tilts superior clones; I would advise that no family should be without It; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth double and often ten times its mice. The rublic.are as. mired there is no quackery about It. R. 3A.c.ksos, D. D. Formerly Pastor of the First. Presbyterian Church, N. Y. Sold by THORN. who'estale 4. retail, only accent for Pittsburgh. No. 5:3, Mu•ket street. rink 10 ABOON TO THE (WM what :Mil destroy Life. and you are a . ..rent man. "Discover what will prolong Life, and, he world will - call you Impostor." "There are faculties, bodily - andlintellectual. witkin us, with which certain herbs haveaffinity , and over Waal' tkey have power." Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Liniment, which, by Its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain or Sorenme; thus Sprains, Stiff Elnews, While Swellings, Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness,; Stiffness of the Joints, Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat, Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous en largements, Tender Feel, and every description of in jury affecting tile Exterior of the Human Frame, are cured or greatly relieved by his never-to be svfficiently extolled remedy. CERTIMATE.—The following,letter from Major Gen eral Sandford, as to the (plant ies or the External Reme dy, speaks volumes Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with another bottle of your excellent Liniment? It isicertainly limbest of the kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's knee, about which I. was so uneasy,and I have found it productive of Immediate relief in several cases of exler• nal injury in niti family. A few evenings since,• my youngest child was‘seized with a violent attack of Croup, which. was entirely removed In ;twenty usiautes, by rub bing her chest and throat freely; with the External gem, edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment for general use, instead of confining the use ofit, as you have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances. You rs t truly, C. W. SANDFORD. DR. R. BRANDRETR,24I DrOathyßy, N. Y. irrFor Fale at 241 Broadwt4 , New York, and at his office,No. 9.1 Wood street,Pittsburgh. PRICE-50 rents per bottle with directions. 4400 Sezurrati's Ovics, ilarrlshurgh, August 24t5,1842. SALE OF TEE CANALS lANO RAIL ROADS RE. LONGING TO THE BTATE.-=Notice is hereby gi ven that Its pursuance of the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and 'went ieth-Rectinns of the Act of Assembly passed the 27th day of July, 18V, proposals will be recei ved at the Rote Department until the last:tlay of Nevem cl, her ncit,lor the sale of all g each of the Canals. and Rail Roads belonging to UM, Otitmonweilpt„ tor which -State Sjock. at pig . matim., wilt . beeiggit lo On yment. Ea;llindivititooktir Eotnintny id iiquir.o, specifically, to state. the ..PorAiutar, tine of Qahal or Rai I' Rona width they deitira ,purchase , urchase, the 'antottlft of , theirTC'e:spenti:en bids therffor,the,given and in riMnies of lot concerned in the offer, together with thettpfligiA ptacesOf realdince, in order Oiatrthe same may 4141411tieliO'lhp iiea! 14egy• !Mire!. - - .._ - 1 . ... -- l'lter. frAPtlittSinlinitilt`Aie-st*W Segregaiiilit GummonWettlt..l9 fil li P0 , 9 0 = 100 1:1._04 • ,;(.4.5iiit,:...-.AZlCitgealilitla -, viettr' -- . l tAT* 4 l`l.lAratti I:4 21k• Exploit/1314 itesor44,---i - • OEM rIIRAVELERS TAKE NOTIU., provided with the Safety Gtetc: kl hills printed with a figure of the 411) 14 411 ful you are not deceived by ads gentsstating their boats to be pruriati t i lth : Guard, when they are rot vlsectute The following is list of boats still% ty Guard at the Por: of Pitinhurgh—gg ~... first on ihaliat have the improvetlapau7 .: ;lunar& tts li is,impossible for an expnsittisott.. SAVANNA, FORMOSA '' ... RARITAN, - ILLINOIk I NIAGARA, DU QUEF.Ng - , 7 .. ORLEANS, JEWESS, L . CANTON, IiIONTGOMErr LADY OF LYONS, CADIXI, •• I '' VALLEY FoRGE, INMAN Quit FORT PITT, GALLANT, BREAKWATER, QUEENorrazd EXPRESS MAIL, DUKE OF 0111 ALPS, BRILLIANT, CASPIAN, ECLIPSE, IDA, VICTRESA WEST WIND, 1111111IGAII, M A RQUETTE, tisPREY, '- TALLEYRAND, PENELOPE, PANAMA, FOWINA,- CICERO, AG N Es, S4,,p.An ANN, RESSENGEI, NWRRAGANSETT, SARATOGA, AMARANTH. ORPHAN ItOf • , MUNGO PARK, OHIO, .. • 1 NEPTUNE, CECILIA. -''.' A DELA] 1)L, II ItlLd4 NORTH BEND, GALENA, MARIETTA, MENU, BRUNETTE, COWS'S!, STEAM FERRY BOAT, T lie I, a veling conanuolly few* before they make a choice of a Imat,toe . itt and see whether it would not it 101* , and security to choose a Safety Guaid *4* passage ani freight, in preference tuate icart azainnt explcsion—and that they will kali that this invention has the unqualified ulirdia fifty sleuth engine builders—gr ntlewrit sic It is to understand the sill.jert, and wluinte , interested—besides a number of reri ifiCr.CS!IPI IC gene eu en and others—all of whirls rattle my office, No 10. Water stiPel, where n wat pleasure at all Fillies to rxisthit my who wilt lake the trouti:e u, NO. Rep io CA 111,V ALLADEI: VALUABLE REA 1, ESTATE Mil Er The subscriher offers for sale, al I het red rate's, the greater parr of los real (.004., •: the Cities of Pittsburgh and A Ilrubruy. net Erick Warehouses, Dearly new, a. istroptirt situille on Markel slut i ,tetWeen Strand ;vital braritig a front of ahnui 54 Nei by CO drrp Fit I ire, or separately to suit puichaserr, and uporkai i:s. : .. A Isn, a Felert baildin“ lot in Alter.b.nl dly, 64 brr;11!11),1.3 uvward or 350 f& t in innill,) ol 4, f r mil ~. One On the Pets ils3 !yank.' oaf avd (be Cl, Wnstiingien at reel. Also the 10l adjoinino the 01-ove.VAW by ',earl). 330 feet in depth. intludii , t‘ ll . ga tit inausitin house which I now occulli lags. Also, a lot with two two story brick 51C , ate on the cotter a,FlNarinel and Front fir" a nroderat , ground rint, and 'low err S Inn li grocery. ALEX. LPACKE.,: SEri) .1.1V71:il IV vast or goorl , , a quantity of Flax A linos , of k Inds of Cott lac y Produce lakr, ir for ca , t Rood; at LIAR It IS'S In elligemorr Fet, f 01111,1 , is,ion War, 1,0n,e,1c Digcv Form, Feb. 9, 1842. 'Lb - • j t juttr, tilibritOTO• 'go H N II A RT. Commiee,e , x erc h a „l,poi, *3 duce and .6merican .11ahufacturta, REFER TO— ./ no. Grier, Eq., Patf.leireh. Aaron Darr, James C..e'aran of IV,' Jno. D. Davis, Nl' Vey 4- Fianna, Avery. Ogden ir Co. J no. Woodbourne, Erq ,alediFoo 111 VALUABLE FA 1.01 FOR Farm on which - V live, inVitalttlill*. Braddoetsfield, containing one latistivii acres; about 70 acres of v. his h Magid*. well timbered. There are nnon MOS . and a barn 63 feet by 34; an apple otrlarder Also, about seventy acres or onl. The Oil be equal to - that.o.l any upland lanais* Terms made known on application mitt L ." Ili the-premise!. .* WILLIAM WA W 4441 411 C red ..WALL, Plain AN Picture Frame Afassfratret ratter* Street Pittsburgh.—Cancan B OIS 4.c"tbr Artists, alwars on hand. Laski,: promptly • framed to order. Repalriag daMtt eat notice. Particular attention paid to reglidiulo i erg description. Persons - gluing up Steam Boats Of WO theirativaritage to cull. WHITE LE,P. D.—The soliscritersinio_, In furnish painters, and other whe chase pure White Lead made of the ben ranted equal, if not superior to any WW I Alf older , . addressed to Dunlap k d u 4 - Co • No• 110 Second street, fittOtorgthritik attended to. DIIfiLAI„.H, L&DIES 'FASHION A BLT. E °l3". Fifth St., one door from Old Waif The Subscriber reapectlany Woos tk Pittsharg,h and vicinity that lie bas tailing Shoes of his own mantifactora 0t0! ilit where he still keep constantly on ment of all kinds of ladies. MOR S . a t; and shoes; ofthe best quality. 010 - ees to suit the times He will Ilea 0 1 F him kinds of . fancy work—such as slippers, colored gaiters, and huetior.r children's ellsteri silk gaiters, kr. , t t '„ will be made of the shortest notice.ro" ner. Ladies will please eats and ett . ,olo as the subscriber feels confident their" any article in his line they may 1 10 1110"'" serllo lace—No.l w ol P. S. Don't forget the p ' l : Oil! door from Harris's Intelligence Oat P . m Markel Street. W I LL I ASt DIGBY having takes the T o / - business of Moor 4. Flort" s t. 0 Liherty street and 42 Market greet• e_ .. , ,_ thanks to the numerous friends sod cos t ,'" firm, for the very liberal support thef 7 tended to him. In connection walk t a r ' s oil illi litteP 10 assure them that every slew: . ., 0 0 lineal. the continuation of the sarne. .Pecifully invite their attention to Ids loot 'Cl°lllllll3:which he intends setting at ni cell i than has been ever offered, being d.9lo°,(lftioi ' I he viibole of the stork of the !ate dungy fro oible: ar ri Rs he.intends to confine niffOl,flp . cash business'. be feels confident so cro ~, ' -.. 4rupansl.4llitvisroktnocialcn,sti!)er in cheapness. dorabiw.!..;;, Id i 4 ' Tletise to take notice that every art titled in Pittsburgh- ----------"tracvl"r if V i tt MMEL MORROW, .11.. ma ,'.duel /roe Wore , s!: I nrep pei* l 'rood mid ifer!tet.Stresrs•—",L.. Was filth it the shortest sor_ir alucesheia are solicited to c all 7 0 1,711 - 4 or wities, "WO wiltbe sold w ii t 1 rt nussalOgr ir .Thitipme4a - 0- Al ofa L.*3 .Tvi , w. *at I,o_ - NlTirlfin) .;CORN` W woOD g ol. -.11411 DOLLARS gyre vigneetWO CLN of ilia otkowalteby's,,*. - and aza . ;.ai the hie Vig, el Cl . l . 0 IVAN n • 4/4.m l+opifl -rrjk CEN T: ...-ferarrof 'Advert i t iVattiAtti+vo.o.tvr."' u A..50.1.0ne nta wank, 0.7.5 1:wono 4 dent( ' LOR Three n .k. • .k ,Ve4.lr mo 3,00 -Ni{ moot weeks. 400 One year . YEA SLY • ADVERTISE A ClialtalLA BLS it et nee One . • otha, 2/. 3 % 00 Si: moot .ar, -35.00 One year ege tadvertisementsin prorort. DS of Sour lines Stx .DOLLalla -0 - F 1 ( t) --, - between R. Sk ,Riditle, Postmaster. ilf,je,ini;'%Vater.4th door trio Ildings—Alajor John. Willock. TREASART, 141 . 004 .4114 wren F Jame* AT, Ballow), Treasurer. TRICLIIVRY. Third street, res torefinn,Chltrell —S. R. Jolt oi's °Fries, Fourth, between M 4 1 . 4 le.tranclet. tiny, M:tvor. . . . . 5.414177$ &xe13.10101f... POnrt.h, near • BANKS ,oanu..tietiveen Market and • d, ronctli Ftreett. .ITe:•I,III'.IIA,74,IIr4CTORTRS' • mg. (fornwrly 'Saving Fund,) - ;(-Market semcia. • • , as, Fif hattreei. near Wood. 1101'CL -1 . kiftEiLt UoUNg. WZler reel , r. Hors - L. corner eri'enn And a: flnTua, corner of Tlitril ilorra.sconner of Tnirit n e0....0r Or, Penn t,a.Linertl_triertl, near trans lionsc,tiberiy St An-trem Korn. Penn S " - WO - 0171. As _XICTO PrSgrATiOn.: L 1 • ',4ot 's offices on Grout , at. our( House, next rooms to t floor. ; EGLIOTTOL D. Clair street, between Penn d GOODS.—Pre.7.lnruer Mack -It tikvittettg ' Filterteth, r N/,1,.._1 .. ....* : 11A1icet rf ,elittahrtr. Nl)3.uss4r, ilvet:trar: unsult. , Tu ot, Law: Office w th Court Comte, Pit tsburgh. OVAL.- n;-iklArrow. Al4lern 0,0(1riall 51,;lictWer!n ‘Voat NIJTJE-VIT F, wh,-,1,,..1e . (;; Aqt) 14,, it, in Pr.l.ire . 224 Libert I. vt• —l, T cvz 1)1. !LIN 0 rez err. Ptoilitcc 7nS Mit otat'act tired t. PI! AR A. ROBINSON, lit'e lIIP ttttri .tilte tal*ttve I ITltiott aI retttit, tip tataiip unua aAw,Atiorney itrOCCFAi.I3I:II9YVVICAC,S 10 till. hand [I: a SlreelS. ;,1"1" ECM FP & KE.VM.; Slanuf,ir. int Sueet. Iron Ware.No ?, use Spouting and Steambo , , YoUN • F :fl. YOUNG 44r, CO., ~ L.Ocncr of Baud st. tt :ing to portico* Fortino we fe , -p,lee to a edit: tieing ~4 iti# It). - ilusi lily and prire. ?AL 1-0,111.5.,4u5t receive ins, WO MVO AllitrOt 0;11 ~gyis supp'y of Lao and other ditfiarpot ca .teilred and for saki at. RED' - geed gWe of • P. • -Na 184 Liberty etre- - CUISEY4S gnat atid Nn. 83 841111 . b St., nest do, es Pritkietta, Kitten - Id Satin manner, and , by, the newest '1.10R1J8.74171,T1CA u r.i ptireliasers; to t. No. 184 Liberty strut A,ROOTS,Flowert and no -;:tiption, can always he roof - F. r. 13-1 Likerty Cifel .1H naffs Annual Idaanninh at the Drag and Seed glare F.I. 184 tibeity sfreftt, .N . J ERSEY SWEE or seed; Just ,received by P. L. No. 184, Merl y S).o.LS,,enesieting of Hoe 'lD3hl4,Trowels, Mtni Waives, Pruoing Shoa 4 ..?!.1 1 . 11 e , C.I. 184 Liberty street, h Fen4on flams.--Just. retet ctiblie cured Venison tOk +skirt:al. *coney. 13AAC HA and Hntcti Clerier ltked. Ore Blue Grassi alwaYs . F. L 1 14.1114 , Lihtety tree 4 ,I 4 I cHAPLAcB, Attentel filimiaelpapiutuMo iii4ween M 4 4 1 A0Bliott4gS, for pr. 141411 W i tkikAte 4ftw; for es Ott Oil the North Ea I , AKIII*L, ' PRIY 14,141tagO1OS, • retie , SOg , - *de , at the p.t; Ill4tibkfteitt site exiiitia at atua