Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 17, 1842, Image 2

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    Alre/il`collttut;' said. be; :it* word
iiiiireithrtind the curse did not come from
try - Matt. 'But, Nell, who is ' there that
&ain't emcee you when they meet youl—
baft It welLknown that to meet you is.only
a.:';litOrnaMe for falling in . - witl bad luck..
.- . i,:.':-,",-.*l'.:gOlftY miles-about' rinher
thattfOl..B4, if I was hem - on my Wei
0-'.i.'.`".7beart 'nil be in, or that I cared
,f.' - ;'4 - .--iit-:
.._ .
. - ,: ‘ o,4:tirotight .the bad luck upon me
firiteitalwrilhe woman. •Wasn't it the
husband of the _mother that bore you?— 1
Scioita . 4 it hie hand that disfigured me as 1
- yoneet when I was widiu a week of being
d ' ~,--married? Your father, Lamh
": ,-wits human that blasted my name
') ii-bitther upon the tongue of
4 044
..:-= ..-- ;mentions ii.'
4.. ' =drat was because he would'ot
'alielk. Oc-vvid the blood of Larnh Laud
bliit'. 4''' " iris veins married to a woman
}]Reason to think—l don't like to say
iV-tteSly--but you know it is said that '
- thereivas, darkness, and guilt too, about the
disagree - tin' of your child. You never ~
leiletted - iglu -u - p, hut swore revenge nigi; ri
nod datikeinst my father, fur on'y prevent 5 ,
lie you-ficim bein' the ruination of his coos a,
ini' Many alline, too, since that, has h r i
Liked you in toy own hearin' what becam c;
- of the boy,' .te
- 'ThOOld , ',woman stopped like one wit c' l
bilthigtiquietedly trod with bare foot upo ii,
40tollegSloarp enough to pierce the flesh er
itt.thAlria;ond even to grate against it. l ' i .
"TlieWsratt:a strong, nay. a fearful force o ,
-MOM visible in what she felt. Her brows
were widely depressed irom their natural :
position, her face becaine pale, her eyes
glared upon O'Rorke as if he had planted
it poisoned arrow in her breast, she seized
him - by the arm with a hard pinching gripe,
and - looked up for two . r three minutes in
his face, with an appearance of distraction.
- 07torke, who had never feared man, shrunk
from her touch, and shuddered under the
influence of what had been, scarcely with•
out an exception, cated the 'bad look.' The
crone held him tight, however, and there
they good, with their eyes fixed upon each.
other. From the gaze of intense anguish.
lbecountenance of Nell NlCrillum began to
Change gradually to one of unmingled exill ;
tation; her brows were raised to their prop
-et curves, her color rtiturned, the eye cur
roseate(' , with a rapid and quivering sense
of delight, the muscles of the mouth played
for .a little, its if she strove to suppress a
laugh;—at length 0 Rorke heard a low
gurgling sound proceed front her chest; it
increased; she pressed his arm more tightly,
and in a loud burst of ferocious mirth,
which she immediately subdued into con ,
densed shriek that breathed the very luxury
of revenge, she said,
`Lamh Laudher Oge, listen:---ax Ow
lather of you, when .0 no see him, what has
beco.ne of his own child —of tb' firs; that
ever God sent him; an' listen a•rain--‘s hen
he tells me what has become of mine, ill
tell him what has become of his. Now go
to Ellen--but before you go, let me crigo:her
in. your ear that I'll blast you both. I'll
make the Lamh Laudhers Lamh, Lhugs.
I'll make the strong arm the weak arm
afore I've done-livid 'ern.'
•She struck the point of her , tick against
the navem sit, until the iron Ferrol,: wi , l,
which it was hound tins] ed the tire Item ill ,
stones, after which she pass d on muttering
threats and imprecations as she left him.
&Rorke stood and looked after her w ig h
sensations of fear and attonishmeut. The
age was superstitious and encouraged a
belief in th • influence of powers distinct
from human agency. Every part of Ire
land was filled at this time w.th charactels
both male and female, precisely similar to
old Null M'Cullum. The del kness in
which this woman walked, according to t F, n
- opinions of a people but sii2litly advanced
in knowledge and citiliz Ilion, has been
but feeb'y advanced to the reader. To
ineet her was considered an omen of the
Most.unhappy kind; a circumstance which
• occasioned by the imprecation of Limb
_Laudher. She was reported to have
maintained an intercourse with the Niles,
to be capable of communicating the blight
of an evil eye, and to have car ried on a
team which is said to have been rather
prevalent in Ireland at the time we speak
of.rTnernely, that of kidnapping. 'file
speculations in reference to her object in
- perpetrating this crime were strongly cal
notated-to- exhibit the degraded state of'
101orpsople at that period. Some said that
she disposed of the children to a certain
class of persons in the metropolis. who
subsequently sent them to the colonies,
when grown, at an enormous profit.' Oth
ers maintained that she never carrier]
tbemAn Dublin at, all, but insisted that,
- - -Wing been herself connected with the fa
.- itieth ; shu possessed the power of erasing.
. by some secret charm, the influence of
baptismal protection, and that she conse
quently acted u an agent for the 'gentry'
to-whom she transferred them. Even to
tbia day itia the opinion in Ireland, that
the .good people' themselves cannot take
away,. a Child, except through the instru
-mentality of some mortal residing with
thein, who has been baptized; and it is al
io-believed- thiit no baptism can secure
children froth them, except that in which
the- riest has been desired to baptize them
with at especial view to their protection
stint fairy power.
... eh was the character this woman bore,
whether unjustly or not, matters little.
. : • rot' . the present it is sufficient to say, that
•—_ having passed on, leaving Larvik)
._. Limper to proceed in the direction he had
- .
originally intended, she bent her steps to - -
lrirde the head inn - of the town, fier
, ----: - resebee hire produced some cautious and
-: timid : mirth, of which they took care she'
- .-
should not- be togritsant. - . The servants
, ~. • . . her
_greeted n with an outward. show Of - cor - --:
y, which tho unhappy eriatari*ily
~-: -- . • r distioguithea from the warm kindness e . j
!in* to 7agyilis whole historrhad not 1
---100,11:_etofinectOf with. an Olt ert*Oltio;ltAd
100- 8 V 1 e
-- - -- :: i ' - ' - :: 3 hlke-e-Pr4iPglY 2 -t4opailit Ae - e
witii-*iii - ill:* - et' ibeatC4tiatint
irtqultii,. for ;o .-. ~.., , !air , wig
pearanie of g 'itil Dion t. tbeni4thihe
tailiarity.'of er . a atiwei,.lthere IWO
Sun - bigaoas-. to ninri and a 'Clitlitir'-filitY ,
corn, both of Which *ere
,tinged with a
propheticir hie, , fium its - equivo- I
calinilleio, and for! oil ap ' i s eti to
. cachincliyitb ...I
it a
. .
342; Ssafeci ,Prlipoisals livill be received at this Depart
cot until the thirty-first day of DCeember nest, for fur
tl fi"nishlng for one year or 4nger at the option of the Depart
fri ment; the follovOng desilliptions of Blanks for the use ofi
,_ t Post Offices in the State! of PennsYlirania and belawareq ,
``'‘ Mails rece i ved,
, , 75 Reamsfi
ly Mails sent, , I . 6 0 n
b Account' uf Newspapers and Pamphlets re
ceived, i ..,
/. Mails receive at Distillinting O ffi ces.
2 5 1.
All the above, on sinali royal paper, at lest 22 by 171
inches, printed on both s dont and feint ruled, with nut lees
than 42 i ines oti, a page.
Mails vent NMI Dist, ilfhl ing Offices, 12 Reams,
Same size pailer as above, hut folded lengthwise, and
with 50 lines .:11 a page,y,
Accounts Co rivet, foolscap, two on-a stieet-46-P
monthly anti :Weekly jitegisters,:foobleap,
four on :esker,i .
P&t Bills, foolscap, 12 n a sheet ~v ithout ")
le sisnattnes,
Post Bills, foolscap, l 2 on a sheet, with I
1 .
signal° re,
Post Bills for Oistrillut ng, O ffi ces, 9on a t 750 Reams
sheet, with signathres
I 8 Post Bills,a,for pistribuling Offices, 6on a i '
sheet, viiih signat4res,
The propos:tie will state the price, in one sum, pal - jA 31 ita, 1.7 ri
til ream, for each kind of blanks, for paper, printing, ru'lrti Subject to the decision
c- and packing. They are to be delivered in such gnaw*
'y ties, and at such times, at may be required by the
a ent Post Offices, and on the requisitions of Postmaste
e endorsed by the Post inaitirr nt the place where the co
tractor may re, i ie, Naive will be considered as delivc
it ed .or will he paid tor, except on SLICII
IS Each requi,ition, or Oatitity ordered, to be secure
•t; enveloped or packed for transportation, and directed
II the Post Office, at the ex Meuse of the contractor.
' The rialri is reserved of reject ng any bid w Welt may.
'• l.e considered extravagant, and also to give to any on;
bidder the printing for °ire or more states adjaining.,P'
• State of his residence; and-each proposal must he ace
• • ponied by sufficient evidence of the ability of the prg
' ip rotnity with the terms, of his proposal.
• I - The successful bidder ; will lie required to ore haul
c•intra, I, with surety, in strict compliance, whit ,
I vision of the law, to whitli bidders at""Li'll . :" -71 " I.; ' ' ' e
. 3r.ljure to furnish blanks proutin' you know I
would'ntret c : l " r ""
I kirl .'
tbout it
`Di I you gt.;t , linen that was stolen
from your masthet?! inquired Nell signifi—
cantly, turning at the same lime a piercing
' glance on the waiter; 'an' tall me,' she ad
ded 'how is Sal# Lavery, and where is
'lt was'nt got,' he replied, in a kind of
stammer, ran' as to Sally, the 'terra one o'
me knows any thing about her, since she
left this.'
'Sheemns,' replied Nell, 'you know that
Meeltaul Neil is in the house; but 1 . 11 give
yon two choices, either to bring me to the
speech of him, or else give your mac
ther the name of the thief that stole his
linen; ay;fian.' the tame of the thief tha
resaved it. I t arne nobody at present,
an' for: that mltther, I known nothin'.
Can't all the. wot Id tell you that Nell
Cullum knows nothing!'
'Ghe (thevin, Nelly,' said the waiter.
'maybe Nlieehaul is in the house unknownst
to me. any how, an' if he's to the
fore, it won't be my fau't or he'll see
Nell, while 1.1 -, miter went to inform
Meehaul, took two ribands out Gf her pock
et; one white an-4 the other black, both of
which she feldod into what would appear
in a bystander to be a similar kin,l of knot.
When the inkeeper's son and the waiter
returned to the hall, the former asked her
what the nature of her business with him
might be. To this she made no rep'y.
;;cel,t by uttering the word hush! and
pullintr the ends, first of the white ribbanri,
and afterwards of black. The knot of
the first slipped easily from the complica
tion, but that of the black one, after gli•
ding along from: its respective ends, be
came hat(' and in the middle,
T/rr sha mari-ho! life passes, ant death
stays.' she exclaimed; 'Andy Connor's
(lead, Meehaul Neil; an' ynu may tell
your fither that he must get some one else
to looKafther his sheep. Ay! he's dead!
Writ itat's past. Meehaul, fuly ms; it's
you I want, an' there's no time to be lost.'
She passed out as she spoke, leaving the
railer in a state of wonder at the extent
of her knowledge. and of the awful means
by Which, in his: opinion, she must have ac
luired it.
• . Meehaul, without uttering a syllable,
immediately walked-alter her. 'Tile pace
at which she went was rapid and energet—
ic, betokening a degree of agitatiorOind-in
terest on her part, for which he not
account, As she had no object iii bring
irsg him far frOm the house, she availed
herself of the first retired spot that presen
teditseif, in order to disclose the purport of
her visit. 'Meehaul Neil,' said she, 'we're
now upon the Common, where no ear can
hear what paWs betweentw I ax, have
you spirit to keep your 444 Ellen from
shame and sotiowr 'rile yoUng man star
ted and became strongly excited at such a
serious i prelude to what she was about to
Olellia &allot& woman, why do you
talk about shanite cr disgrace comin' upon 1
any sister of mine? What villian glare in
j‘ire her that regards his life? My sister!
Ellen Neil! No, no! that man 'ud only
think of that, I.°d give his right hand a dip
to the wrist in the best hlood of hii heart.'
'Ay! ay! it'rs tine spakint; but you don't
know the hand you. talk of. It's nue you
had betther avoid than meet. It's. the
strong hand, and the dangerous one when
ve xed. You know Lamh Laudher Oge.'
Meehanl started again, and the crone
could perceive by his manner. that the rm..
titre of the coMmunication she was about
to make had been already ,known to him.
,though not, she was confident, in so dark
and diabolicalla shape as that in which, she
determined to put it.
'Llath La udher Oge!' he exclaimed; I
'surely you On% mane to say he has any
hal design upon Ellen! It's not long
since I gave lum-e caution.to drop her: an.
to look out foir a girl finis' for his station.
Ellen( herselfiknows what 'bell get; if we
ever catch hiM apakin' to her agaiti,, 'hie
-day will never come that' i hil faction and
aura an be Oiencia.' ' .;
i O.
'You did-t 1 Aiat, htieguiuttleplie)ll6ll;
-416' 11 0 °w:i *ut' - 'Whil: 44 44o4 l iinitait l iti
! II S
:'"4:40 i .:. :110rifi4---**:44.41,4*-
hiniscifitkotl,...utirl° it-tote, of 1! : .- ::- ~ ~,'-'' ' : r :, ....1 5. ., ;= 2 ,:t 4 , 1 4. .-.'A . "'
she*, inee--**9ntib-2-4rourtrr4riur drietil*VdtrYes'alett,*o ng reasons
''4it"`litigi°4slwer a '-iiii-:ol':end"flfre6 tot.ie in that sA
fefthftitt:theibste'' ,i--- :, :-,--:', : ''''iliotild veg iiiertlit4; - iiStries 'trod enter in* , i
‘Tut::," Cmartite ciarevevaireaf inch an -
oath; or, if he swore it fifty times over on , ,
the contest with the Algerines under their
his bare knees, _he'd daren't act upon it. own Constituton. It says "we have Iva..
LE itle first placei'd prepare in . it fur his son to believe that the exiled Governor of
°'', if h e did l ''
in tare " 16 ' d°- " It tEis state anstiOrs in the affirmative, and
. 'J... so manely of Ellen, as to believe - t hat -
in she would bring disgrace an' sorrow agrees t suclyan act may be done with•
bon herself an' her - fanailyi No,
, 10 , I out a comproinise of principle - , and a ith a l
.!II; the ould- diouol's in you, or you're I fair prospect of future success to the Sufi
side, yourself. to think pf such a stoiy. frage party and its Constitution."
T warned -her against him, and so did
The Express confidently declares the o' I
all; an' I'm sartin, this minute, -that
pinion 'Abet a large majority of the whole
th him, unknownst to her friends.' people, briag deroocrats and friends of e-
The old woman's face changed from the gaol tights, having reform fur their object
aionof anxiety and importance that and 'rums fur their watchword, can drive
bole ( tonne of course glee, under which ,
those:Vilto,`, ad penetration sufficifflit to tne'tyrants from their strong holds, put an
late t..-U - -- a spirit of • hardened and end to a military despotism, and restore
•ecklesir . - the Government of laws.
''''''rte be. Continued.)
See trifili4ge•
amt of .o(i*andet
The jury in this case have at last rendered
their verdict. it-wonl I seem from the behavio•ir
of the prisoner and ,his friends., that th:y think the
finding a severe , otis„ -- Frov i.vha• we h ivo seen
of the testirno , y,:riiie - ftrilik they shauld be eptirely
wit'a it Inaba sohj :hied accounta the
scene upon the rendition of the verdict, the agony
ilfthe father and fiends of the. co evicted, is very
touchingly described. No one, however; seerits
disposed to revert, even fo • a ailment, to Cie dal.
olate home or Lb; wilo .v ea w-ire au 1 eat'letle.ss
children of p ;or L ) s 2; :0-717 o rc h Ls a l ny con) 1) 1E •
sion for the sad.:. of tars fam Lly
whose prot.:ctor was a nid oily and vi }lenity be
reit, of life, by the hands or a want() and fiend
jab drde.r„u! Fl 7 oar per , ,vv di. , suet •
ate the circurnstarwes—vire cans it re..,d of Aloe
den's arraignment an I trial, wittnut thinkkg
the cause which brooeit him to the prisoner'
Los. And we most say,although we have no desir
to see and man hung, that Le ever clan des3rve
to pay the highest penally of the law, hc should
s tire' it . We see nothing !o exttriaate his crime
nor commend him to mercy. The reporter of the
Pennsylvanian thus des.crihes the scene that took
place upon the 4!110 Incern •nt ul the ver lid
"As soon as the j try cam i Ito Court, it
reported that they ;lad agree I upon their verdoz , .,
and there was very evidently a visihle enang . e
the countenances of ail pros rO—Ja 'get?, jo -ors,
counsellors and auli tory de , p son oune:s
seems to have t deco poi,essiou of the
present. The 'mine of the jurors were thud callel
over ,ail :viten, 'to aii:twer to the Cl ric Lif the
Court, th, y staled tley ' had ap•erd upon th
there was a olive'. -al nu-tle thro.“ll
the Court room "G yor not guilty," exclaim
ed Mr. E .eu, with a d tun em din ..
responded the fur with a hr n t'unitro sort
ou•i emphasis, "of inanslaugh!er," ao I ihtt
that here fo t .wed is tront . .il to tltisir,b,:. to tl
fendant in,la i!ly huri...l his fate id in-is al i
sobbed km I y, while th • lout to tan.tig4 011,1 l id rut
gestures of his ii ed W hi; un
'unite son ar tun I die nee:, situ k cv ry tine whit
dent,the .gli visible gri•! . . A.t. !,
I?, is rarely w tnessed . it Co irt bruitior of
the dlfendont ale, joinet tit aff.tc,ting lamenta
tions of the s'ricken pair, and b zwed d iwo, with
a painful agony upon the neck ofthe law's victim.
The Rev. Dr. Ducache., of the Episcopalian
Church, was present, and sea log hintielf beside
the ••old men," strove with the most affectiona . e
energy to pour into his a 'al spiritual contort,
white, at the aim •ti n ti, pr - is crier's counsel
were striving wit') a !au I ible Itit.doess, to pacify
him as far es might lie in their power.
Mr. Reed g tee notice to the Cum t, that on next
Saturday, he would sate wh.,t action the defence
would take upon the verdict. The prisoner, pre
vious to leaving the Court, took Mr. James
Byrne (the ofiher older whose charge lie had
been from the cornm tnee-n zrit) b . / th - t. hind, and
thanked him kindly for ilia attention he had dis
played towards him.
The crime of which Oil d.tfe i 1 . 1 - It is colvio . .t.l,
is punishable with an imprison : Eat varying (run
two to six years.
Tne Jury in the case were im tie
charged by Judge, Barton, with the thAnks of the
Court for their patient attea.
Welsh, the great Circus proprietor, has
leased the Palk Theatre, New York, and
intends- fitting it out for a Crocus! This
is a sad come down for that old nucleus of
th , .. ar isiocracy of Gotham, but it is what
might be expected; those who in the days
of wild speculations and bank swindling,
lavished thousands on the Park, hare been
cut ott from their means of extravagance,
and they find it m difficult now to ratite
a few dollars for the mere necessaries of
life, than it was formerly for them to squan
der hundreds on the indecent exhibitions
of foreign adventurers.
The Miss Hamblin, who killed E wing
the actor, in the Mobil: Theatre, was not
as many may suppose, a relative of no.
mas S. Hamblin, of the Bowery Theatre-
She was a West Indian by birth, born in
Jamaica, and was a number of yeas en
gaged in the Windward Island. theatres,
as well as those of Dernarara,. Berbice, and
Surinam. She was at one time attached
to a theattical company in Bogota, and by
I dint of industiy acquired a considerable
fortune, 'She performed at the Olympia,
in New York, a year or two ago, and'' was
esteemed an actresS:of 7 cleyerness. Her
real tame is not known; , thoprilltutblin
was assumed.
extensive Bankrup r Antho
nyeDey, has madcr hn application io n Nw
Yip *lorthe benefit ef diet Bankrupppavr„
retort: of 14Ii inoiktf
mv:. !nano
or a National Conaeation.
Burglary and Probable Murder.—We
learn from the New . York Herald, that 3 ,
negroes entered the residence of Mr. J‘ , lm
Munford, abons,,a mile, and a half from
New Brunswick. N,J., on Saturday night'
last, and after beating Mr. IWunfold, until
they believed him dead,,succeede4 in rob
bing the house a a small amount or mwey
i - ixith which they decamped. The villains
lot barbarously attacked Mrs. Motifurd,
`itilto fortunately leaped out of a 14 Indow,
and-with diffictslty escaape•l to a neighbor's.
The scoundrels were subsequently traced
to their haunts in the suburbs of the town
and upon being arrested on Sunday, Mrs.
.111, instantly recognized one of 'hem, who
'_Thereupon immediately confessed the deed.
was rumored that Mr. Munford; had
died of the wounds received.
Fire in Baltimore.— A very destructive
fire took place in Baltimore about half after
6 o'cloc:Ii• on list Mond..y morning. It
broke out in a house, at the corner of Pratt
st. and Staple Alley, occupied by J. B.
Moldy, who with his wife and six children,
escaped horn the flames with much difficul
ty. The Warehouses of Martin Gillett &
Co., H. M. Patterson & T. Willson & Co.
were injured.
The- whole loss sustained by al- fire is a
bout $50,000.
sh icki: g sni ide
A. Tobacc,mist Georr Shiffi !r,
clnimitted suicide on S.lnduy evening,
last. In Philadelphia. He had been in a
neighboring tavern during the evening.
liut4hin.; an I j tkinL, 4.)t up, wen; home,
hissed his wife art.l chi,ilrer., as - ended , the
stairs to his bed room, tonic off his coat,
nub atoned his s'iirt collar, and penctfr
li:le, the large blood 'vesse's or his neck bled
hirnsedf to de.th. His wile shortly after'
‘‘ fllid him a '''' rsi• ! The unhap.
py in ui elves a Is n.ly fseve i children.
The office hunters ale as thick as black•
berries in Angus!, in Souttj Carolina.—
There were twenty three candidates for
the office of Secrilary of the St ,te of South
Carolina; and the applicants rot other offs
ceS were represented as exceedingly un•
merous and greedy.
young colored woman na•
mad Hentietta Koons, died in the eno y of
a house. in Burns' co utt, Moyamenvin,cr,
on Sunday evening, of sheer want and -
neglect !
The state debt of Tennessee, is three
m Ilion one hundred thousand dollars.
.dn .11morous Pun.—'Who is that love
ly girl?' exclaimed the waggish Lord Nor
bury, riding in company with his longest—
ed filettd, Counsellor GI anarty. 'Miss
Glass,' replied the barrister. 'G-lass,' rein
terated the facetious judge; 'by the love
which man bears to warrian, I should of
'ten becJme intoxicated could I place such
glass to my lips! The counsellor felt
from his horse in a fit of apoplexy.
The ,Bankrupt Law.
A. Washington correspondent of the-
Journal of Commerce, has the following
paragraph in relatien to the Bankrupt Law
'The fate of the Bankrupt Act is sealed.
Tt h to be repealed, condemned, repudia
ted, in a violent and vindictive manner.—
The instructions to the Vermont Senators
have settled the question. No regular
course of legislation is to -be tolerated in
regard to this ill-fated law. It is not to be
regularly annulled, but is to be_ Lynched.
It is to be tried by Lynch law and expun •
ged. The plan is to present a petition for
its repeal—to move a reference of that
petition in the House to the tlonralittee on
the Judiciary, with instructions forth
vitith to bring in. a bill repealing • the act,
and- then this bill is to he passed at once
through all the Stages of legislation, . under
the decision-made by the Speaker at the
last Session Some say that the President
will veto this repealing 'law. Many ex
press an ardent hope that hs will do so.
Some of the ultra IYhigs say that if he will,
they wilitake this veto as a set-off against
the Bank and Dist ribution vetoes.'
Capita; Punishmemt.—The Holm of
Representatives of New Hampshire have
declared by a vote of MA° 106, favor of
the total abolition of capital punish 9 ant.
The question old% tcxPedieHeY -04. abtli:
isbing punishment may- never - be
decide 6, but it appears to be vity evident
that public opininivis setting very
in favor of the afflimative side'ef, the pro
ppaitioni- ...:}1,41,40. the iiid;be attaitted4-!
it*in,44l pat the dt4ilftil. -0194
. _ , _,,i.,_,,,„”
;poittokrrinn_,i neol t ot,.. - .
_Keenan, Lan; I ,
Bt ' een --- rod,
114 1
calm— Ballet. ' ' Ciw re e : 4 S it' itle 4-141 / 1 3481t.can r 171/471: , Mattocks Bltfir f i l gg r sg ..;illmn rmn r y vn sd n t : t a b . p
railed Snttes stiritner ailkintrion an - & - Aoon-
Message be taken up • th 4 '
r reference. reecid .
the i : II ti t s : 111
,_.(ie:fichree.Adams claimed luu 1,.
ti. Ana liferia.
ne the 2nd inst. at
Orle of the schminer Freeland, Captain
StMth,from Campeachy,Cres
mser.. Adams having the
)r, - .
Cli n si i r ng decide 2 d lB :t: ule 114
cent City has news I trp to,the i 32d tilt.
A general en gatiernent ha taken Place
remarks, to :sou
r : o effa ti c in t e e th i a i '
( t i ;
outside the walls qf Rig city which lasted
rcweamo, .... ...,
the tab e 0„,,,
would immediately tak be g
e 1
t: 5 r. " . 4 4g :
fcr several hours. , IV toed in laae i ...d and
wounded on the • part of the Mexicans, a
'mounted to over 00. heio.sa 0-.... 5 i..he .
Yucatecnes was estimated at 150. butti
Crn o t n Jlins tm r00,,,, L t0
parties thinking they had punished each
whole M r. W
subject .
suited—yeasu 0 j eel t h e
w y a yeas a
at s
i and
it nays
alyasid 1 bei l i theue. , 4 4:
other sufficiently for the time being, retir
ed from the field t , ) recruit for another-en
'the Mexican Army was decreasing ra- ,
pidly, their loss from death and desertion ,°44 etak.
'7 ------ ------,--.,
amounted to over 500 since their lanliog
18 :11 0 .3 0 rr i a u g e e sd i: y like
m a , roast
dh . o l e eg dy :
at Campeachy. day served op cold on Mond., 45 1
The steamer Guadaloupe, it is stated by 2ttit
deserters who had come in, had not over
fifty efficient m' n on board, who were ye
ry much dissatisfied with the service they
were compelled to serve—they were also
short of provisions arid fuel; a constant can- s
1 nonadinh, had been kept up ; between the
Mexican fleet and the p .... "ti gun
AU ,
boats of the Yucatecoes, wh o' lying
, unler cover of the batteries of tiro forts.—
No material damage in that way had been I
done on ether part, as they were gener
ally out of reach of-each-ot ' her's guns.
Theschooner Anna Maria, Capt. Peters,
hence from Campeachy, laden with flour
and corn, owned in tfiiscity, tnd sailing un
der the United Stores flag, was captured
by the Mexican fleet is she was entering
the pert. The steamerOharnpion, Capt.
Hutton, hence for Tobasco, was also cap.
lured by the Mexican fleet. The Cham
pion was purchased in Mobile by. Capts.
Hutton and Swain, who , contracted to de
liver her at TI lbriSen, 'A here they would
receive :. h e purchase mone:„ .5.2.5,C00.
The army of Yucatan was over 6000
strong, and was receiving daily reinforceA
ments fr(.m the interior. The enemy ask
ed a capitulation, which was peremptmily
I denied, the 'natives' hoisting a red flag,
and expressing their determination to re
sist the invading force, or perish 'n the at..
1 From tho above i' viri Ibe seen that the
presence elan American fleet on the roast
of Yucatan is imperiously demanded
From the Balt haore Snin
WASIIINGTrN CITY, Dec. 11th, 1842
The follovvinz a IJitiuual Senators ap
peared and to ik '_heir seats, viz: MPssrs.
Sp , ague, Simmons, White, YoJtig, Linn,
Fulton and Woodbridge
The C'tair, in pars.aloce o f rh e or d er o f
last week, antemt.ced do- :-tancling commit.
tee. The only cl.anae of . un ; mtta:lce f.OlO
those of last sessimi, is the suhstitatinn c f
Mr. Arch-r f,r Mr Itives ns chairman
the crimmit , t e firreion
Numerous petitions, asking, a repeal (if
the bankrupt In.w, a inirdifica•i ,n of the
tariff act, a d variety uf other matiers
were presrrited aril appropriately refer
Several resolutions asking informa tt
from the Departments; on various topics.
were offered and ad bpted; after which. et
an ear'y hour, a oration to ad . ) burn e-
The names of the following members
appointed to serve on the usual standing
committees, were announced by the clerk
The following is the is of the principal
On Elections. —Messrs. Fialsted,
Batton, Borden, Carvens, Gamble, Tur
ney. Houstot. and Reynolds.
On Ways and Means.—Messrs. Fill_
more, Betts, S. Mason, Wallace, T. F.
Marshall, J. R. Ingersoll, J. W. Jones,
Atherton and Pickens.
On Claims.—Messrs, Giddings, Cowan,
Osbonrne, Tomlinson, Warren, tiubard,
Arnold. Burke and Madill,
On Commerce.—Mesers. Kennedy, of
Maryland. Winthrop, Toland, Child, Ray
ner, Randall, Andrews, "T. W: Williams
and Thompson.
On Public Lands.--Messrs. J. Morrow,
Casey. T. Smith, Gentry, Bronson, How
ard, Chapm in, Brewster and Thompson.
On Post Ope.—Messrs.-Brizgs, Will
isms, of Tennessee, Russell, Brockway,
Hopkins, A. Kennedy, Floyd and Plu
On Judiciary. --Messrs..Barnard, Trum.
bull, Maxwell, Milv)p, Brown, G. Davis,
C. J. Intzersoll, Roosevelt and Saunders,
District of Columbia.—Messrs. Tinder ,
wood, Summers. Rsndall and Lowell.
On Naval affairs,— Messrs. Wise, Cal,
'vw, of Mass. J. C. Clarke, Burnell. Pea
senden, Rhea, Mallory, Clifford and
04 Foreign diAirs.—Messrs. Adams,
Cushing, Everett, Granger, Sheppard,
Stuart, Carruthers, Merrywether awl
Ort Ire'iritories.—Messrs. Pope. C. H.
Williams, Gates, Jones, of Md. Caldwell,
Hays, Dean, Floyd and Black. 4.
On Agriculture.—Mgs:rs. Del - Jerry;
Ridgeway, Simonton, Gustnne., Dorg,
Shaw, Edwards. Partridge and Ha stings.
On Indian .Bfairs. —Messrs. Cooper. of
Pa. Chittenden, Butler, ofS. C. Rencher,
J. L. White, Walterson, Well-.r, Edwards
acid Gwin. ,
"On Militia.—Messrs. Keirs j COS 813, -
W aril, Boyd, Cooper of GeorgisißeAd i ng,
A. Marshall, Sweeny , irad. Snyder'.
_ ...
Oft Military, difas.....,,,lfiessra.. Stanley,
Pandletot„Goggin. CatnnttoWof'l l :rteastrAs
Stokely, Butler of Keeti4l4,,
,4,11.0)114 5 4 1 `
[4er and J. T. 168011..,-.
t.. ..g4 ReitatiliOntirN:: re** 4 L .l.,•'N. el le, !**
lialtitrO, -RattAii Mtkiftogo l4 -4: Al2 '
A drunken youth got out orbi"
w a s dosing in the street, wile s
bi i n by their tinging for ore.
thir een, fount en, fi teen,' eri e ik ; 7l
isn't later thin 1 evi r knew it.' .411_
Lord Castlereagla made en maant,
that Canning called him the literary
g 4
frairgot a mint in his mind,' sad
his mind!' replied Tierney, 'Roe!A l t ;
sage in Lis head-'
TIED-01 the Chi su ja l , oa r
141li inst., at I u'el.ek P. Al MN m
Ti e funeral will 'ake place Li-day
from the r.!tidence of her ha band is
afley, between SJuithfieli and Ltbe.ty
Of the Rainer Fantily,;
The Itlessa RA IN ERS (toe eeletaatti
enlists hate e . honor to annouorptoo t
tlemen of rit:shutsli shal they Alp givtiw
tnl Con Ye. t t his FY ,tilitt Saturatr,o4*
mence at 7} o'clortr, at Concert SO,
Tickets 50 t 1- , to he had at Ht* * ,
the door. For particulars, see mill
I ec. 17- 1812,
-L . :7lrrr.R rFF'S SA LE il l , ( 4“ thr '
K'eaver,e,q, Sheriff, at Paitiva'i
Auction Booms, No. 110IVr01 o.nti Ti t i g
her O,at 100% lock .0. 91 the
t e nsive Clot/inr Srure, at ;
Superfine Broad Chains. Bearer and Pfd
Casvinieres, Sattillf Vedmigt,
Gentlenieiry Dress Coal..
do Over Ct
do Frock Cit.o.:
Cassiinere and Sat net l' int alarm
Gent lemeit.'s V 47 niter and Summer Vest •
Merino SliirtP and tir.i‘v,
Silk, Flag and Ponure 11,1'
Ca iiva-s,Padtlinn, and }trawl'
Bleathed and Brown Vuslts
with a great Variety of Tailut'., triunninp.
par inoilry. ii. A. I.I.IL'EX
dtic 14-6 t.
Mouses to Lei, .r•
r itt
, . Ti.—iibsur ti.er offers for rpm f r ai,7
F, 1 April. (awl II dr , eil. Po . "m
on mil
= ,
- - had .15outiel) the lie iy Mock of IWO
iiidt,r, iiii Mrirkei *trod, I,etier.rt 3rd and 4'd
!awing sects large Sioll, I omits ad.,pird and wer
iar Dry Good, or Fancy i. torr, ,
Tile reli.,, are dry. is cii \\0 0,14
are furiii,lll-11 is ill, fire 1021 . 0 a and tar,ll.,
cotton , a, led !hid i lig back;Did t.r.p.rr ~•'
co.. verl. 41 iilio coiliforiable itweititt7Q, --'..
tvaira2 lvnll the alley OstpoSite Ilia
lie liou,s have a Ilan Opel, oa ..lades*
I r /cot, three stoat;
several c.fftees in the seirond story.
life 1 ., .n.C1' 11011 , C. to rely ticeuri,d b,
for a Printing 1 - Ft IYlSltillent or ?id
‘Vi.11:11 they have herei.Oe ir I r.:11 a rd
A I.tiO, hers ':o ties- 3,,u
Mltrke.r SI reel, Wi•
for Literary :-"ocielirs o. sunthir A ssoredgi
ALSO, fur rtIII. Ve: aI >n alt 1,1,64
ing house of the antsy-r c.e, 10 I
acres of Land nib hid to etAlt.
Till terms Will mod,r.te, and a mrl.l
Of the Market s• feet stores nay I.o.paidit''
Fah 5.61 E
One hunched and ir u builup.; Lel!
Diatrfct, one mile from the new Conti Dm
lots are eligibly situated on the lionoopket .
tkbOve the first Dam. and afford inwhienht
14alwtructories or for boat t nrdr, rdruar&r
seasons deep enough for Shvi !xi Mobil. •
being rlel.vered at t 11:s polng t insult this
city proper.
The only road by which belt \ tlivantAll
Oakland, to. can reach the ovo.rull o, l
ons way of the city) passe- blow 41,11304"
Pittsburgh and Turtle Creek lenptke Road
airing !be propert); immediately 24000,
route for a Raft toar,survelcdbpt btWltiWl
Rail Road Company. •
A plan rf the ‘ lcns can he teen. tndtlt
known at the office of the sulurriber, tin St•
dec 17--3 m
How many persons are afraid to oil
atm good an opportnnit y in take
of twinging on an attack of the Got at
Let all do away 'with each feartifetd
on; they eon find a certain wells eget,
Tuttle's Medina Agency, ;Ind garish
Nerve and Bone Liniment and lodiloY',
duo 15.
kifront of Captain Br,
011 Penn Street.
First nig1N..)1.941
TharßlO', Friday .Lnd Saturd37
16th and 17th.
TheEntrriainthent will COnmerie
splendid taitee, eni iti d •
Anist7ons of theGolkl.,'
and Knights of IS Sidegr:.'
The Sailor MI
Unrivalled scats,
SO "
with, a ff i a l d E les F 7l ''
Or !=1
M Laura'
DT nee, by
Atter which Mr• William Nichohl
Been Chief.
Corde Elaioue,
sprites or the Silver Shower; bY
The {dale I•reaker, Warms. 0,"
To conclude with the grape Sittig
Op. Mr.b! Or Virginia-I
• E'er cast. of characters see 114
- .
, Wort a.atwiecioet. rot Ply
ritryINSVI „owe
lo g
w ar= 1 , 0 e I ', to 4• at.; Z;,'4
-Bust :
to the Jolphitheettre
rod in this papet.
ccrtie oela
t the request of severe
°violence to-day the
-atenself interesting it
ha desire to read it.
ted in procurtog coca:
• B iag he first part, the
tteedtog numbers of .
Mclean: mania i
to - tha infinke de)i
t ale sleighafto hire..: '1
3 in, ihe . neighborhoo.
, -teplenhi.hing their
the depression of the
young men and boys,
hearts , . and sisters, ale
rdlinkes-mrldch have of
them, and 'are j fully
inter_bunrs to the musi.
rious suppers ate spree
ry.stoptiing place in w,
ge & trifling expense,
few,*tweirer, we regr
not beezi:“3reak minded
away by the Washin
ome in 4,be mornin .1, a li
an is consistent with co
t few, however; arid
. w
feels ti l e-strongest be
by a majority of the s'
ram's ilittgazinefor J
the Mai/ ti —T his e
cli ie Pnbfislied t a.
ark vvond's Niagazir
Those who p:
111 find this an inval
lila an artic'e, and
'putae contributors,
f their best efforts.
DJ st ressi it g
tit three weeks since II
ng, an influstrious Ger
Fourth street Roatl,j ,
lethodiats,•and has xl.l
to an alarming► degr,
[Our or five days ag
in a demented state,
o the hor,se of Nit.; .1,
ty, where site had for ,
rut. Thu day belle
lamed to her ht►-band'
mitt of her framie 1w;
guarded. Site uas
'mu nn Tittirsday n
of the iztee , ttt.s win).
118 P. The a aruent
81W got up cold seize:
an jaunt of six mouth
to death! NV - lull lA_
as lit de ifflprovemeti
Ruiners :tire their
cert to-night.
hey sang, at the seine
'thence, who seemed
..with the perfprinan
atibledly excphen
y esfrxri London, Bag.
hag reneived dir••et
d -Cold remedy. which i
rpttares tiny thing ever
. Try it. •
From the Spirit of Ow
A. V. Parsons and the
have been favored w
on. Anson Y. Pars
Etiti.;_ President of
Pubge: Sat:rota, and
eineictigth excludes i
Judge Parsons sp-R
Cie tetti of our Publi
tem of education pure
e tiro of three extras
of our y
tsee expen34, is
' .orinstrnoion that :
daptett 40 the genius
illations, and furnillte
to our - form
_of g4)VP
;1..i-atiexamination of y
m., which I wit
Gooern. , r of
74111 a -.number of gent
ram the eitv
„- . Preasure to say , tit.
allfzieltence and su
*n realized-.
• ' ..* •
o . llk
ot avoid suggestin
alisolute necessity,
Saoiii, upon the ea .
t.otte,,for the educat
to them those high
fiotshed educ
oinyg:d by the males.
• ImpetAt this ghee'
,onwreilili will not .11;
that thibigi f
liteeSSltY 0
°1 . 4 1 °0614, Wilt iiti fut
- thel 'mention of
mplo of furnish
t i t ilAvely una- W
.. scu osens
?P:t- - r.,-.• *A-4
ER 17,