' " • ' , • . ,' , . ,: . .. ... 11[ 1 - 7, , j;.•.•-, ---- -- - . i ~--, ~:..: , -- - . , ,-.0 - .4.,..-ki -- :, . - -,-, 1-_ , -. . ." . '---145- :' - .. , 1 :.: • ~ - : -. .1. . ,--'..' '-',' -.„" ' ..„.., .. - •- . „ ri#E 4 disiiii4: -.42 6410kif0i , ,..-- -.4.. • ...._ „ ~ .„ , _ . •.... . „ , .-.,_ • Alk, , , ...". - ••• _ . - - . . ...,.. • .. ', -,,, , " ' --- I . . . . . . - . . . , -,... ... . • " " . . . . • ...,.: ;.1: ' - . , 4.., : 4. •:"."..-•, . - . _ . • . - - - 3 __ 0 1 - 1 NO 8 PITTSBURGH DECEMBER - 16 - 1842. ..... ... . ,_,..... . _ %._. •----- -L- • • • • - - - ILXVELERS TAKE /s ,ll }TitLt tat r K r,tided with atte Safely Cita bavt au r rated obli‘ a figaTe critic iPlaniiii-aTY; vt.l art wit deceived by ski o, Fra n. I teir boats te proviiied Ott rri, tet.en they ,are not 119Cepr P d follow in 7 id a list cr hails suppii ri 11;0 7 pard at the ror , of ritiabargii.„.o vatip 7 l .2 r. the list have the itoploVed apparal lis , 4 4 ,; impossible for at esiderrics ia aeon ANNA, FORMOSA, I LLJNOtt.. DU QCE ILLI~OL, :II'AN. 1,-IRA, MEE TON. MoNIGOMERyi [,y OF LYONS, CADDO, :.LEY FuRGE.', INDIAN QuEEN"; z.T GALLANT, :A KWATER, QUEEN yrnsizzr, ESS MAIL. , E D it U I ii I,L tI ZNUi t T, LEA EeLIPSE„ IFICTRESS, • I o; , ' PEEN, PENEL3PE, r Ow INA, AGNEs, sT WIND. 1 . ( 4 El E, .LEYRA ND, A NIA, ERO, :ATI ANN. M OILQ , E'NG Et. !11/AG A N ETT. S%RAIOGA, nR MAN NGO PAttK, 01110, PTUN E, CECILIA. LLAIDE„ J H B!LLS, P. [:END, GALENA, M ENT/a. N TE, COLtIiBiAA FEL: Y BOAT, . • t an !i”.! community ate rrsatt%Salikvp t Lea choice of a boat, to relnat n h. , tic r SI S. - 0111d not he no tier to cnooi=e a :Fafety Guard kat. • :• fre.zni. in preference tonne units D . , -ton—and that they willbrt iL r,vc• noon has Ihr ouqualified arrral• Luild erg--:t10114.19, 141 • 0 :.der , -la ofl 10e stiljecl. 204 witoarreaf , n ',umber of ettifica.es ties n •.! corers—all of whirb rat Ia 111. Wnt , r rtlPri. wbcre u worti • ! 10. es 10 e 111 1 1 44 rty insennet 6. e i 1:e i rovhle 10 call. • ' CaDWALLA DEE EV , I' ' F. F:EAL EF.TATE FOR Sta. ;Fere - it,r sate. al the Nereid r part (.1 lo t - real in ;.1! d A legLerl.. ci2 Tkert K: , r.' r ,, rt . W. a ssubsiasiially , • -1 rf Fr-rehil Ai4 l FORAI 5-4 fret he Etl dr.p. Furt4 puttita , sert., and epr I. lull • ft.:: in et;!•!:. Invnt • cav;ll atd r..r•i Frol.l elfrriril. r . rA. ore tyr RT. UTZACKI3IO 7 / G— t 1 a1.,1 1.11! • 01 Fla i a,t Thnnibt r • • l rT021.11 , " iToki I: IS'S In•f•-•zi.tbr, 01 9 cf ,' Xerrholll. Afar nfatta rr JrCio4. {,\ I AI" 7 T) TO- Eq.. P T,F!..tlrth T , a‘.=• ViThril‘,.,r. E-q., • I. F, F 1:. Ai Ftilt I.E. —I w - in o I.•• I, I live. is WWI! uncial* (Of.' "-E o pt fitarilvi and "n :.r o f tr i,icb ie ciriatiii,lll4 Alit • • .r re are r• pan it three-10 d t.Y 2-I; an apple orderd err , o' v•ro-r... of coal. .: • • ! • r.! rIF zn plavd cdr ' iz , the 1.• • nu n ors AppliC4ill7nlol/le .5111 WI •0.,::.,-<S. W Ltai A LL] A}9 C. WALL, Pball ItAi PM! d P iff re From c .Alsorafer , _prre , - f • I r:st:argk.—Ciincara Bre-4T' Ari I.=l u--a vs on band. ook-ill v framed to orter• fteintirin dose rat Pril ion paul o mildieg"a ttrnt it t pp Steals BO:IIPOT halOg $0 COI. --- 1...H1TE 1.• EA P.—Tbe soinzeribere of oust I to fern ii-ti painters. and otherswOo 1011,' - .0 • e IV li 'lle Lend glade 'of the tot _.... 'r{ria l . if not seprrior to any *food ler..! C. , dr, a (14 r,s.red to Dentsp 4 - tiog seqWedi. '-- Av• 110 &rood street, r itt.bureb, *V t .led x 0. D eo!' r" If sub° 1 4r " E- 13 r A:ATKIN-ABLE iflo6 FTCII:', i Fift h S: .. o.e closet-rum. Obi Stsga iiir • ' sUbr'CribPll" feriveciiitity inktrea the , ~ t irett and vicinity that he I') ~.. ;:•2 .5 ho. of his own wisenfactore,at .., fe 'e oil: keep COOR*OOtIy OR 110 : 11 . nya ot of all Lir:dent Intlienos ~,C 4, 1 7 :" --, - .di -; sho,F. of i Ile i..*-2 quality-ph.. . 6 , 111" ga ' -' a , etii , the limre Pe will 307,.... Mogi • - .F of fancy --work—tmek Oa ~,-"- ' • ~,,, colored ea.-tiers.. oi14.11.1"11.i. 0 : .Irene e.t,iers l F-iik !niters , kr-. _ a l -. 10 ,• 10i ' ► •, ! en Tide at I t-e cluarlettl: 1 , k e-...- _, - • I .art ie, , atlit otezie• calf Oa #.0."- al - ga !.e vu bscriber ftels 00116deft!INIIr r - article iR his fine Ilie uuaY*lP"- 11111 Int, ---- .„„„ s. Tilt o-1- In2 r • e..". Don't forest the edice---1,-- ..01 10.. - ~ 1 from Carries 1 tiletiveitet VID , C e ` if . , Market .:= - 3 feet . mss.- ~..t GBY haeDIS tar - S r t LI.I A M DI _ „..4,006,cr . V hoajnesa ofittogy tu"77---loge to • .. - tr reel and 42 Martini es ter t.., tat to the numerous frirofss 7 1 ,,, e ! ... m for the very fitteeld 14,146411 -'""lit. ebenti°o 4111:14-tikatO0 e • r:ert to hint, in con , _,.,........ , - , ,P5 1 0 aloof! the= Ithateln...7 - Tit t he coatipaatO ardor:4lost ..;: prt ams t . f ivi V 111viie t heir stir/0s . 1 727, ,thing,WhiCh lin iniiiiiSiONVAiri;;4 ..., In has bets ever eillWe it ; 664 .....f 0 0as - -9701 . P whole of theoretic-0 I 4 b ft - ; 7 —A ris - 1 Lc,i a rd ria be to w eiSll*Sei7OsibOi 13:13Siner18, he feels f" . .. ........a: . -r. if ce. r -Tom ItU tither for . ~.0, , i 4 of wriairirmakellip. .. 4,07 att iosos Please to iake Islnif ett!. , ,ea in rettike;reV l i , ----------- ;.i.a.„,,,,„1•4•40.-Tfritio-pirell4 ,I ANUM ,VORa u '.!'..7 7 Wi1" 4 ,0 4 *, zoico o k __fr ave , o4 ... - 4gsr 0.9 44, 04,401 losi ball Ami-airy ici vortio,pourr '-- utiosi•-frA.., ' pi - BLISIIED BY pHILLIPs 6s W. H. SMITH, 0 . c)R ..i.FR OF WOOD 4 FIFTH STS. DOLLARS a year,.payabte in TWO CRNTG--for sate at the - c d,-.;.nd by sews Boy& ter 0- and Manufacturer yiereff r!" _, WEEKLY. 21 the Fame effien, on a doable TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. SIN CENTS -..- imam of Advertising. ,;;;• kGE OF TWELVE LINES OE LESS: 0.50 I One month, $.:i.00 0.7.5 1 Two monis, 6.00 I ~ t 0 i Three moollta., _ I:A) Four toouttoi. 3.00 Six months. 400 One year. yr,“:LY ';‘-- , •Mertis in ;If ofilr t•on rl3l. IC OFFICE S, &C. ; ,r, 4,11 door from Wood St. Peter J n•,t‘ W Mock , ollec, or. I • FL o 7.. •t. 1 IMMO It, " :BIZT WOOOS, T nffi 7%; FY 1) - 0 U;NSE LLO R T \NV • - ' • 7 ; HOliA", 4, .1( rO,O it n. E: I,LIOT F. M. MEE 0111,1:•• •rt AI ‘‘ -Vt „ „ ant );1:1111! 1 1!1!%‘ 1 % * “ '.r"'" n NW V.. A.. 111 rON ff 01"., B V; 1.- ( LONEY...". 1,41 Stop uulacto • • 141' t! r), to I I‘` . U i) 'U::ii, ‘ 1 :1.1 . 7. 4 . It. logs to mail I 0 e cti,oo-ed of 1, SNMV DES. 441. a il of iVrto.l. 1, ;.0rs Annual WITi141100: r,„f and seed of iII,NONVIIEN. "nw J EELS EY SWEET FUT A TGEri ✓t , .d; j€lsl received by F. f.. SN'Ort•DE.V. N 0.184. Überi 7r bead of Wood IRS lri. , ,s . consisting of Doe,- - . Fancy Sp-.dc '",' ''' , t''i. Trowels, Erirline Tools.. Braddior, . ''': V " t ,, , Praying Shear . rte., pi.' re E:.. ,; F. L. SNOWDEN' _ 124 Liberty street, bead of Wood. 4 E. v. ' . " r "hl money E buirt der Seed, Orchard Graz? and L'itieCrai3F, always on band and for F. L. SNOWDEN'. No- I°4 Liberty !greet., bead of D.A. A NAN, Alttorneys as Lair. office the D , amond. to A ttorney'santy," O! POLIr(!/ t.l (ft.; , between Market and Wond p 10 "rti,T E . ;'fil.. l o:K3. for praceedines is At ander the fate tam, for mile at this Office IL L—Loln on the North MISt cornet of Coal L [11 ; A ntreet. Apply 10 tzS j. DARLINGTON, Market, near *het. I•%",.Laue,efi'r French riagar Reef - - Just TM''tired and for Sale at the Drng and teed F. L. SNOWDEN. fat.- 1.34 Liberty ri reef, bead of Wood. LUTION OF PARTMERginp.—The 'enhto heretofore extetiae between Wile e.-5,1 BEN, AMIN HOPEWELL kthiltdaY I,2'w %wane Woe le embodies! ;11 Wtiaitetil MOW T,UoelMAiirti.. .iAt ELE •T Pt EASVAT- Trs F yxa>a 'xi% too nt 11s, fine veal' r,es Si DoLLnE, a Fear 1,-flo.peit Make: Rild Wood MEMO 11 qe e.n Fir -I and Scc.),nd =IEEE T,,, f F 1 rell. r+N , dont lo the • fl. ri mcen NI a 11,",f 30d WOCNI !i t sG• r "'"1 h. near NI:. -ket 24 `o,n•t , 2'. aid lVtrqd t., , rects. 023 .S4l FAnixER.; lit =OE Po I. r Fowcza. brill, ell OREMIa I=l PH- .:.24 , , nisi ~ - ~-.v~- ~ . ; 0 rr / 11 4 41 - :RIS, :4. i'6,111 1.. FAO \t'flEN. ri.f i 15,11 ni WOO 4. tt te t .I.!Salin !•=l,or, made .n arlo newest Pi'cnr h patlet N: ri.t.,ver ev tva 1:nli al 11, 1444 g F. 1.. :=SCIW 414 I.iltert 1 .1•. d ofWo4,a. IE4 Lit.trly !wad or blond --Ita. received a vuiall cared Veelson Hair's, on retail ISAAC RIIRIS. .Agent. add Coal. Merchant DR. E. mgaarrr,. D , cocci. Svaiii. field, beta:meet Scu=d suit TAir ' as., Imp 10 Pyrrssvites. . ... - J OFINST'ON irr sTOCKTON, Bookellers. Primers aro/ Paper Manufacturers, No. 37, Stairtzet st. sep 10-11 HIIIGBY—X9. 121, Center of Woodcut Ain't . Streets, Pitts/se:it. has on hand a complete as sortnieninf Quernsware railed to the city or country itade. Also. a choke selection of pore while -seri gold toad DINING . ' A li DT SA WAR E. in large or small sets, i or separate pieces to sail purchasers. J OHN ANDERSON, Smithfield PoUndrv, Water st-1 A cask of 46.60. Or 84 Pie" seen , s'aPeebiP painted near the mennntahein House, " le i or ,, b . nap 10 _ 1 ,, !and gitt English China Tmware, at very low prices. IToy Teavvarc„ wain, and rich painted and gill, from OM 1.00 to per set - i Ch iid ren's!titces of ever y tiertripinatt, While China Shavire• !lops. Granite Dining at d Tea liervices, in while and whit splendid American scenery printed in hive and black. A large varkly of Dining and itreakEast Ssts. 1 imported to match. COaltdele• . Fite Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from site iDerhystiire Potteries_ , Mint and Green Glass, In all their varieties. 1 Window Glass, of every size ,' Patent Buckets. Tubs and Keeler& I Si one Pipe Heads. kc. *c. 4-c. 1 .411 of which are respectfully offered to the pub ; sic on the mom favorable tt mos. Jan 36.131-1 t LEONARD S. JOHNS, Altlenuan.SLClAir Arrei.sc con d door from Liberty. Fep io—iy DR. S. HOLMES, Offire in Second street, next door io Muivany Co's Glass Warehouse lisp lO—ly SiIt7NK ¢ FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth at., near the Mayor's Office, Prilstmr4h. srp 10-Iv 11"". tiA I-TON ..Aitorner :it I Atsv. b. I.ei wreak tVoad and Straillfteld Pittsimrzh. sep 10-1 a 7.00 R.OO 10.00 15.00 HE G!! TONER. /ow Ile V at: Law. North Pair corner of Smithfield and Foocli'sirnett!, nen 10—ly -moss OA HLIGY.I JANES IrILX2S-171 L. HANNA A- Ti RNEI7I.I,'S Paper lVarrhonse. No. 1 , A. Wow! s!., where may he ha i d a zeneral supply wrappit‘E.printina, wall paper, Wank books. school hooks. kr, kr- .PCP 141-1 y 13 C. TiIIVS'...teNTI Cit.. Wire frorkeri cwd a trice urers , N o. In Markf_t se roil; , hr!arrem and I i Fit eels. y 1 1 , 1Xrit .1 NG P. HOT EX.. Ca rner tigt 10-1 y 1G 11 ET A L locus soft ci Car sale-tly G. - GORII3N, 13 Itin. 1. NM e r greet • 4. 3 9 , 0 LI-14 TS ,CON 16.0t40 14,7. 8,,,0u mai - tiOtl , deff , ', for n PbS , J. A..-GogrAy.v, No 12 \Viler 'Arm'. ‘ , .x.r Jr_ Wrasinzbaini venr Pa.. of Leekg. Mulles , and RatlE.; To- FtiOer. Milt Timbei rew ,- ; tloa,,ea 'Screws far 1101;m7. hi 01,, 4-C. 'Pp 10-1 y n'CLOSKEY.T.oru a LO•er.y 1 .F.F.I. lau.vu .....r.•%th am] Vir;in side. p 141 W VER . BR! IN; .- C) , ie UPOPCS and nm,==tin fir char:, Sz-rnad st ref 1, t•rivri.e.,n nit hfirld 5 , -1)70- I y 41:1r:1311S, Co , nr:o4- , •'4 Forwardiv; . ~,• Water Pal 4. e p y kSi- 1 3'S 111 AV 0 le, . New -- for .I', I r J. CtIPPC)N. 1••• t S C 7, 1: ( F..oc J =Ell •"" iIA N 1 - A S I •7trlti:l,l f C;) 1,3 rlO LI: A.flriT:rb'iN,N,. 1:. `V“,r-r "Q:•(; It NO Irlirignnd N. (I C-N .3-' N ( 1 • •., 70 , I r, ;, T.I , ! , y . CiOn 1i , 2 IV zl•-; ••• 1.. I tis t3i UV, NOTICI>, roi, ~•'• 111111=11111 =En , • 1 ert •t 1 I 1; r it , 4L., BITUIC3IASTEII..IT'ItNEY AT LAW. 01 4 .cr rnrrnel of fourth r , inilhile'd and Cr nl FOR RENT.-1114,411Vf-illi•^ f•I Cah72liii,tl7. 4 iu nt.ar Iteavrr Road, 'fltelt, orr - lll.ieri‘t Mr. SatnnP!rionrun. MPTCI , I.;f• .:71 f , 111,6 DUNN Y. amp 10 Ca - <L ie r. t.h , d that it iI k AVI 1) SANDS, %I & CLOCK r, Jar pi, rt N i . St. Chair ntr. t , P;lis• DF-ILER I.Y II .4Tell .i.BRE.-9STPIXS FLT AR I.:'G EV:3 , COXBS.. - 1 r.-41 Ku ANDRETH"S C:A.RDEN SEEDS.- A toll 611,.0ti Of TAlldhei it', Gat 1:e(1 SPrds , , alwaii 0:d :4.4.1 for s - ate at los ,!he Z - 1.1,11.,=10re of . F. L. SNOWDEN. V rrcl, he.ad, of Wooti D.A.VID WARD ha , I+.s office and reszniente 11 on Poort Street. nearl], tz..sil La of I Ibe Crom House. sr•cond dweWill from roof. tic will it.,ttidoily a: %cod ail rails prll;linin.74 to his NT/1i calleshnuid tnn , te at the door LtbilVe the ha , en•er.t. SP;i 11l OVALEM Jurtr, , , Patter alid !lair rr.1.15:: removed to I , tui I; to ref o isfatto IL, Ile May• rue n53.r, s•nPre Ire will tic upon iiermarient r Ira o•rit-01 rtigtionerF a sliale of pri l.liF pat- Ami, 10 Tn M. A. %V ARM, DENTIS r, Penn rt. three ; • W door 'aeon . Irwin street. llonrs of totsloss. from to • 4 !. , % , 5 P. Iv. aCer which time he will attend to ner e‘ , .e r t in ea-e of iicolol necessity- He inform those whit tray thtnit proper to eniplov hi :.11,1 ha t he experts ittintrilmie y,a cinent wit flout ti.e nercssiiy on his fratt,of.ndirk: in brills. rep 10 i .1 ("ITN WFARL %ND, Uphe(sleeve and Cabinet .11-Le , . Third et- I,o:twee* Wood 4 Market streets, reFf't i riJI itaflrrnS big friends 2DdUicpulditthat he is prep 3 red to eS - emlite 211 °Met...for Sofas, Ski4/o.ardS. Du - I e213, - , Tablet", gedr-i cads. Stands. !fair and spring Allat , ranFeß, Curtain.. Carpels, all -orris of tlphotsteri n e !wort:, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonab:e ieram i Frp 11) COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, .two 110 Weed Street, Pitts ber-F, ,1.-111.. A. Hausman. Auctioneer a: d Conintr• , sion iltrchant : is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goods 01311 klerchartdme, ii his large and capacious looms. No., 110. Noah-Cast Corner of Wood and Falk Streets. IF litsintreh . Regular a= /m. of Dry Goods, FurnitUre, G roceries and oilier an telt*, oo Mondays and Thursday of each week. turd-ware. Cutlery, Dry Goats. and Fancy articka, on. Tuesday, weishol*ty, and Thursday r yenhw... . Books, 4-c-,erviy Saturday eyening, Liberal advances wade on Consignments when wanted. i Raosuescus. Messrs. John D. Darts. Esq. Dazaley rt Smith, 1 - . •• Hampton. Smith, 4- Co. F. Lorenz *ACo., 4 - LW. Buibridge 4. Co.. j i . 1 *. S. 9117i0e 4 co. 1 .. Capt.-James SlVarr,iii. } PladmirgiL C. Ibmien. Ell. 0 , !Oho Witedikii Esq. I Logan 4. llessedy. 1 .. J. R. goodicad * Ca. I . . 1 i " Jas. P. Stout, liksi. " SobersGalway.. Esc 1 1 - " Capt...iss. May, 1 I ill i " eiralr•fianis , * CO.. , .' ' WinialST SiiiIIIIM,- Wb#Bo#l6} +. B.G. Beam ! - l.44itiarigail - ... . ",- fifallitAgillt 1.. C." • . 1 4 ,11 1/4 -.w . .; 4 _**P ll .9:, •---:,- - iy,4 -,- .o- -1 - 4 ," , ' .--ii,-,:-:,.-1,1, - hags, a ror c 4 $ 7. lot cac by C Oi: oN. a. 12. +.l avertreet \ rt. I. ,:,. lI=MIIIIIIII o. .. , 1:11::.. N.. r • 4 irip J. FOY ALDEN -.Vico-Rey tad Camtrettgor at .1_ • Lea. CSi v. - , his prori,„sional services to the .it 17.19)9 of rittsbortth and hopes for a share at pnblicpat ironaf e. De will execute all kinds 4:.. f tx-riting with neat i ties,: and dispatch. Cases in bal.lt raplty attended to on I reaoonable terms—Office in Smithfield street, at. the 1 house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refer.. sep 10 a' _ T. J. FOX A I.DEN- Iyik iVi D CLARK. -ler, easkirinable Boot Maker.— L" ila. removed to No, 34 Market -street. between I Seroad and :lord streets., where he won d be happy to set- his aid CUAOTIVeiS. and 2ii others who f e el diFpos. ed to patronize hint. lie rases nothing: but first rate 4 ` . ". an'i en , PloFs the hest of workmen; and as he gives ios con-tact personal ellen:Ion to intsirtex.... he trwastbat 1 he w 0 I deserve auti receive a Lir *hare of ;Rtronage. 1 .I.'llo Fin L'lUtt., ii_7l3.GitEAll. 4- CONFECTIONARY.— A 'Hawker rePperifulty informs ins frienelvand the Public tbat,they Arab always , ind the be,. quality of lee orktellier a 1 kinds of confectionary and friths, to I heir t.eaton. at bi.; listiet.l No. i i. Fart rt-et, bet weer. Wood a thL3riarkt 1. N. supplied on the slAinesi e . :,1e;., or an, thin: to hit , floe. Also Families furniened won Rend. SCp 10 I I,IVANs'S CAMOMILE PILLLS.—ABRA- I_LLA• II \ lit J. ELE%I ER, ri,ittinti at 66 Molt street. New Viirl., mat allif led %%Oil Dv...pep-la in its ii,),:i 1 :,...,,,a4ed fril m. The sr raptoarc were violent head ache. !real deliiliPc, retie-, cosi feenest, coutilt. heart. burn, pain in the the- , 1 anti Viernafil always after Colin!, impaired anticline. sectitdion of airittiug 31 11.er...10012,h, 1 furred tontine, nausea. rim II ctecptimi Vomit loge, dizziness `Cou are- , nir. Id and I eFthilicifii. These had coniinued up_ 1 u - nre .1 a fit elvenitiniti. WIWI , . on consulting itr_liAsim, 1 Evans. litil Chat/mai , itrecr, and zulinditing to his ever --riecciif:iifn I and tic' , f :I',i, mode of 'real meat. the patient f tva: ci moletelv restored to lac: It, in lite short space of 1 - 0 , n ,,,, n . and fr-,i , •fili for life' treA Irata hie heoefit deriv. ed, el'., carne forward and volnrifeefeti the abovestaie 1 FL., ....M. 'eV tiolt - fsa:t :and Reiail I.y =EI _ Y 9 TEST r r f,l , f,r legbt, cerfaiisty pfirebaFt• one of e a tre.v. , nbted Lamp‹, :1= by 'brit' ape thrre is a clear of Li !ez,st 1 , 1'3 lnrls or ;he orer GUAM from 1/4.F.. 1> T:11 , 1 , a r:4l brlitiata, and r:~.. r '.,. or , fl , :Erc , ah`f. " e would ..)!$ :.11 J5, k. 1! 4,1'% 0! e !hag is app'; !i• or fall rr, and the hnly =MEIN i. 1;,11: g--f - l/ / n.. 71 , 4 142 , V ‘l,ll =MEE rin= ll= 1/111 MEE! • 17.• r - f•*l IIIIIMMEMIIIII!111 •I , pr t-F 11=1 \s'r 1!..• h irr I ird ;n,l arc .0w e ,, ir,f for 1-og nit 2 T., d or o i..r a , oirta f.r. ;.d tri:oinli +h.. gicran t-:;tI I . ll—Yr/1131 In a 1 y ni 14c of shofar,. , at nltrml I TI, rt.x.and trholiv fre li ivy of ot eLle %VP plea f. - 1114 - : Iti n.nl,lsllf.fi:iilif I l , e 1,:.111p:= 5 0 I be t54,474ir. if; a _real II! f.Cf r f - II her Filf-1111 or lard oil. or es C.:I:II/Pe-I and U., bf , ie're lir , n 1 10 lie mere rlranly , end le , f, Ihan either. TO be hat" al PR(,W& RATSOND'S only, Third Qt reel rtet•t , v c.l••••n.t•e t ref.! Office. t' ev . W. W. tt.• ke vse;l. Flo`-'n • '' A. M. it r.•art. (11.tr:es rat I,on. " i•thn I'. Yeager. " N G. S. Wm_ Graham. Jr., " F3(l'4 rt Uttittlap. Trovi In. hr H. ri S.-Iler,t. tout fort _!..._. " E. I). GaZZarfl. Henry AIWOOd, " lA 111. M . We itl4l. Ic , ac ('ror;e. Erd.ert M. Kerr. EN . Gertr:e W. Henry • A. Beckham, ftr.i.ert Merlier.aue. ThornaF. (10mor, John S. Shaffer, GeOrt`e M ill,ll.erger, Wm. Eichbaum. 0. P. J. B Turner. Wm. Martin. R. M. r: Post Ma-Vr fieurY ft , ;*!'' ,s ` - f'r• R,,hert ara‘. Jame.: Clark, of ;he Amer Allen Rr,n,cr, lean Hotel, A. F. Marthrns, John M.Campicii M. eharklincae. L. A lbereer. Rohert JoOrston, Jame !Heflin, R Jut received, an improved Paten; tamp, for kitchen ..or 19--411 IFF wif MO THE PUBLIC. aid porticularlo to my forma? palm , , uj this city:—Havior, retired from the prartirl , of M.llicine. I mat• Ise permitted to !qty. that it lia< laflrn to f f,e lot Of fut few fIerSMIP to have enjoyed so Or larzr a -!•are of ot,treirirat practice aS my own ha< t•ren for the tact SO or 40 ea • The.' fl,fiettee nit hat toop period ofact ire tife.andthe fart of my haring keen twice, .inrt• 13:30 aszoriatrA with Dr. R. A. in rbe practice of trotliciriet, (in bath. period of five rears) enal.les me inindge fully of the merits of h fs. pt'•is. o envenient.sueracient. and yet su sate. did 1 esteem Abese pits l r 11.r14P13:31 five years in my practice for the cure of c hronir diFeace., of wha , ever na roe. and thu ge of females in tratieulat, i have used more of theta than all of her medicinev. Like es - ery mbar medicine. this must fail in some in st anrt , .., t.at in my hands there has been le,r , dimppoint. Iment1 ment nuct TnOrr! untiOart ion in 1. - . c administ ml ion of this - one remedy than of ail others; effects sometimes i quite astoni , bing m , . if env I.atient requirm! a safe nitro either fore or a ner ur at oa, th e STI in. is mere just the tiring I wantiii. Pa dyspeptic acid condition of the vtomach, combined whit cost.irerics_A or Inactivity ofthe liver coma hated the 31 - my Tratient. the pills were just the thing 1 sc-n Tut- (1. If I treated a vise reoniriez an eimurnamme, the Wilson's Mils were Inst the allot., i wanted. If palpitation, headache, dashed conulenance, or other difficulties, indiroline a disturbance of the circulatory and Fee reto ry system,, annoyed my patient at the gum of life, the W Aeon's pii3a werejust the thiod I wanted. Thus, without rei4 - izet to the name, a dwrase taight happen to wear at the tone I hate had it uoder treat ment, particular indications or simpodas arlang. were al—ays snmt promptly amt . moe! happily met by the Wilson'a pills. That so sreat 2 131112ber OrdiPannES, and sometimesap parently oppo3ile ones, in which I have yard these pins, should be toted more readily hinters than try any other weedy, may at Gres seem strange and contradictory, hut Why it is so is "sear to stymied as that it great many persons stionid irettine thirsty from La many different (asses, and yet all tholdre that common and greatest of Stl blessings, water toquench their thirst. essehesiatt,ithitheethe reputation of tie wediehle and the watrile, ions+ deeide4ty and utiettatditkotally.that the Witeens'a pilksre throaty conbisalits' ever wet with in say lotrgthurse ofpraetke,that really parr enensanything eurativersr spedile Carsick beislaelse„ DR. 114.0 'DAN& sist-' *ft Ow the skit The abermpak - IkraPellE a met „,,itc;. 132itii- Atte. 14 mi orgok i wit - *poled br• P I.lllo.lolol***le = 4:X7g— = • . • R. E. SELLERS , Agen. n 2(1. Wof.(l si reel. hiMour Srrn-r:4 L.! !UP S. FOIL BURN LA - 0 rhos? xi; lor ,tl:d AA (.I'4 vq , e r n”j . ro rrAtare .11.5 Oun Worlhy the f1.114., , t1 V,L ,-, are nfrnJA L 11,... 11.111,1 ,z; -(,11 - rr e tfm •n 4 13. 11 I "er r.f iwr 0;1 is 0 - =EI wtla V. Tin It' ‘,!l,e 't) 11:Z!,t I s. GOODOS Cele/nosed Female Pins; 'These arestrongly recommended to titnetice of the ladies asa safe and efficient remedy in reMoviag those tomplaints peculiar to Omit sex, from aria' of ex' mese, or gemnal debility of the ersteen- They obviate ccotivenemand counteract all Hysterical and Nerntos affections. These Pills have gained the monism nod approbation of the most einholen Physicians In the Uni ted Slate", and malty Metiers For sale Wbolentle and Retail_ by /L E. SELLEH.S. Azeut. Fey 10 . ' No .OILVFood Sticei.beioar Si:toad- WC ADAIR, Bast sad S,kere Mater. Lae...ft/St, apposite, tele kat/ of Satitifctd et.. Pitesitairk-- 1. 1 . e petty:P.—ether 'beim lumbht out th e stock of the tate Thomas Rafferty. deceased!, bas commeaced business in the old „nand of Mr. R., and b prepared to execute all dcacriptions of work in /limns*, is the heat wanner sad on the shortest notice. Be teem ear stunt le on hand a large assmteuent ofsbrie 6.4in:es of an descriptions and of the beetitallt v. He suncits-lbe piteously of the pub lic and of the craft. Wll. ADAIR. sep 10 orrrsieunGri .314 1 2irIIFACTORY.--Snrine, sad Arles fee,,,ci k ririirer at Egaticra Pries . Tae nnlmeribera co*lajlre and keePa non s laiall - on Hated CCOICb.CrIIII.atOt Sprier! (warranted.) Juniata Iron Ades, Sitnernintlininspkoted Dash Fraaana, Biwa and raved Flll)44,l*,lPdailan Joists, Patent Leather, silver and ' Three fold steps. Malleible Diorll!:*.Hiffices. „ JONES & enr.Emmil -10 is_ bea r ti a ..iplethrey - - Hiita.ELLERS,III. D., office and &griffin la Faarthi • near Ferry win) 11-I,t Thf altrnaian 4 . 4 .ACk . .e who bare been swami* l , . *ee tient in rerereare*ltliiiiapOratis etwascattli. Puhlisbed in favor of Dr tiOnlypenkipliksonnd Syrup c 4 W ild Cbg.r. aernanit unkm:ssvn in tbts sec lion or Abe Sinte:t directed.to the cerlifirate, 'be writer ansbieh .V.Pft a citizen of big hal-neigh fornestirst yeAsn, nod is togs o as a gent!etna n of integrity and reepons;biiity. To tle Asront, 11r. I. /Cznar. I have flood Dr Swarnes Comp and Syrup of tVu'l Cherry for a conch, with which 1 hare - been severely of flirted far ahont firmr niGnih.," and I hove no hesitat ion in saving that it istyc ino , a erfectire medicine ;hall have been ahl' In procure- It compona ail unes.sine.s. and agree= well with my diet.—and mantains a remilar and trnnd annetd.. I car freely recommend it to all others similarly afflicted. J. Mla.ntr - s, Borough of Cbainhergb'e. March 9. 1 , ..40_ wop As rot caie by WILLIAM TDORN Ka. 53 Market Oren FRUIT, SHADE. AND ORNAMFIiTAL TREE?. EfttreliS deform's of proruribr Fluit, S.l-ade and OliatOmental Trees, or Sbrobbere, from rbiladet prise, ffeentkrork, are reqnerted to snake apOtieavi.ln soon alic , plaie. al Ibe Nut and Sr.ed Stiare of the nth seriber,* S eon be bad ratalcerner. eraluitonsle. of the deosa exeelient =arteries. F. L. SNOWDEN, cep 21 10 IR4 Liberty elreet„ head of Wood AnitLE M NUF.II - I'..)RY.—Patrick eau field re 1-7-. -gru'iffitilv acquaints friends and the publie tien jerally, that he has entnmeneed the Marble tiosisess a I the I corner of Fin hand Litter - iv where will he constantly au hand loath ao~e:, nto ~l rl pieees, 'monuments. head I and fool moues, tahle -fat's for rabit.et ware, and every art icle a•sa- , ria 12i •is to th= I.l,lcilfrfrq , . He will warrant his wort' to he ' , yr.!t hit eltarses will he moderate He respect fully asks a share of 'Rollie patrona:e. cep 10- lAMPS A. VEAZEY. Fe ',earl log, and CPTILIMi 071 Alcrcia , t. Azrnt for Stel rptoat Cleveland and Pen n=t lranta and 01: io Lint lizvinz tented 'he ten re. farrnee, nrroni. , rt in Ettr,nint•ltam A - C... Nc. Fitl W. 04, Si ' INF • n 1.V0 , 41 a ”t 1 rrertared , P-Pie a,:od , In any part on the 01.io ur Asri- -, i=zilipirtyeron m 3,1,1 bf-t , rns. MEMI=I9 CO P-IF:TAERSLUP.-13. P Smil It 8.• W. Ilnrnmor, a, , i - u , a••••.1 ihr r=r wrc foLuether under Vie I;riu urn:. p'in A - Smith, n•il: r - nntinne the u - hule,,ala rtrb ju the huu., rerpullv occupied by flat , 1 ,1 "2- Smith d - wiu•re I licy u ill he ' , rival?. in a !eW dale a Deo . :lock of Vat a.nt 5A11144 Gnil4, Tbev Dr.:l,cl loth incur their 11 1 4 frieud , _ and rnerrh• mi zen, erally, to c tl and exairin, their clurti, Sept 23-113 m. Porta%le Platform Scales on st In els, lo weigh 2.500 $55 00. do do da do 2.005 al e 45 00 do do en do I -slAti at 55 (.0 do do Co do I,olto at ...ad 1.0 rig do do do 500 at 25 00 With raising levers an addition of $3 to each scale. Dormant scales for the me of Warehouser, Flouring Mills, kr.,t he same prices as above. A Iso, White's Patent Counter Scale. with 0- 'Young's improvements, and a variety of other EMIL ter which they will ,wdi for Cram S to $l5, I They also toatiofarinreglenat Engines for Flouring Milts. Saw Millt,Salt 1V0rk,,.• d-c., doalde and sins e geared slide lathes.foot and other tat het for wood turning machines for tenanting chai r s., planing niaohine,- door and sash machines. Hall's patent home power, With or without thrashing machines, a soperior article; circo!at saw shaft', machine- for miming lath. Tinases coa ct:hie...and tools oral' descriptions, atm for making black log hoses, asuiterior article.; governors for strata engine orts, laps and dies, coffee mills, be_tisaead or joint hots and machinery for malting the same, cotton factory ma chinery matte or repaired; printing -prom platter's tamed and printing presses repaired .1 Ait If AV, Agent. sep 22—tf fOtiNft JOHN R. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Comona faun Merchant, Xe.lo6,coraer of Brood dp.FiJth sta. Pittsbargls.: 'Barite hoenappointed one of else Auction eers fot the City of Pit:stair:h. tenders his sermces to JtV.- bees. trianufamarers and dealers. mho may in disposed to make trial of OM market- Fie prepared to make advances on conagromests of ail "rateable commodities. and trusts to nati4y correspondents by quick snittc.aad speedy ?nod favorable morns. Thist the varieties totiereku 'which may Le rocfnied to him, a-ball he atimptately protexted, be ith4s to the aid of his own experience in Nielsen* and acquaintance wit h inerchandize";:eueratie, the rerrites of Mr. i , Aaterxi. Faintairroc= heretofore advastageoptsly known. as an importer and dealer in Ritrdarace and Clattery. with wham a PerPoneat en,va="seut is made- REFER ro Weems. Dl. Tiernan, Preet. of M. 4 V. Bank. I e Darlington it Prelim, a. Robert Galway, • iatates it. Cooper, rri James May. .• S. V. RAMC. PlUibeirtb • Wan Robinson: Jr:Treet Earitapee Bask. - Usispion.Sairth, c 0..„ • • Jobs D. Davis, • Manure Church. • J. X. Illoortheed. rr. Jan. W. Brows 4 Co. Jobs H. Brows.* Co. 4. Smith 4 ths.W. • Tardily 4 Worrem, JairtlL Mee. 4 *{. 4041.014,1414611. r inc , normi „, trt . -ifordwptoriribwrai - LOOK AT THIS. mprored Flar 111 D i -stir: rpd be heir Mar-Lug: Mtn - een Pia• Yii •=1 r•Noi. tuo re rat' nw'ar,ll, anti Ott t he fo: ow g nca Je>iw to. tom; o--rd No 1. IC 1';.,t4",,e34 U 014.1, 0, ZDJ: Pbeadent. 40.* PROSPECTUS For pailislime aims Daily Porto is the City if Pitt: kairz.h. to he ertie/ad the DAILY MORNING POST. rilinEittlheCrihern haelikg made assuagements totseeze the Arum icon Mannftclarer and Pittsburgh Mercu ry into one Journal, haveroncluded to pubiti.b a daily paper with the title of the DailfAforsiat Post. The leading object of the *Posy" will be t J - seetninm ikes and defeuee of the political principlft.titot have bete- Milfore been maintained by the Editor?, in their Fes - p..OWe -jtets, and their beats efforts will still be devoted to the advaoceatent and semen.- of three doe; rifles— Although, in politics, the paw wiU be thoroughly deonstradis, yet the Editors hope. try Ririe!! an Moneta, candid history of pa.sina Political eveti;elFOrrizo - and liknnC . lie Inteltilenee. and hiief antices of all mat ters and occurrences that conic pt Mto 1. within the sphere of a Public Journal, to trate their popes suflicient.y in enrols,: to entitle it to the putrgnalre of the ottlatit, ir respective of party cOnxidecalipne. In addition to tile Political and veneral news that will be found in the Post," the Editors will lake pains to famish the busi tames (.oml:tinnily with the, totem and most Inttreinlr, COUnteciaL Isroriu erser. from ail corts or the country, and to have prepa• red garb acconts or the Marketa and tier Salt of Trade as willbeodvantageops to our Merchant: and Rosiness Ilea in their several coffin:F. Terms.—The Pcrrr will he llghlio , heJ en a large rmperl alsheet of line gaper. (manufact tired esmerially for this JOIST/Ili) at 111. tow rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum, pat aide in advance. It wilt also be sold by pews-boys at the low rate of "r• eilliTO a copy. Adrertiseaerts will be in-ertrd at the lowtst rates etiarsed by the other daily papers of thy rite. fry - TWENTYietire Lads are wanted sell the Past, who will be eop:ed on the most liberal terms TllO.. PHILLIPS, W. H. SMITH. Auznsi 31, 1842. lon MIDS. KY LEAF TOBACCO. in nre and for tr by I- 4 A CORDON. No 12, Water nitre. BY. Mo. - risnn k Co. London, for safe only by S. N. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virnin alley POtsburth l'a. and 11. Harwood, Beaver Pa. :rho is sole aeon, for Western Pennsylvania. sop 10 FARM FOR SA LC.—Ttie undersr!_.nerl offcra for vale a tract of land shoaled 4 miler fr. e , reeprol, In the d4rorllon of Kiiiannine., V.vaao 'township. Artnstronv roomy. eortaininv. 100 acrev, 65 cleared and under good femm; 10 of whirr, nee in uteadow— a food vonare lov dweilin_ house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple orchard of 20 hearinv trrrev—and 2 vpring of excellent water convenient to the house. FOR TERMS imply to the - ohst - riher9 reading at the Sattworia on tile Penit.vivania Canal, ot.te above Free po,t„ T O TH E t ”on• welt tinrlerytletod hoer tnn , tt •rdprtt of the tottni th.rwnd for their cure noon doe nttetnion to the ttodr. ti k row understood how vatoahtr i , that Ilifqiitine whirl! 0 ill remove morhiti ocentnulat inns without wentenint the botli'y power. It it now understood that there ts a reciprocal influence he. wern the mind and the body. It is now understood that pnreirre with the Brandreth Pifls will remove a mean ettoly. and even insae ity is cored by peru.verin.ly sprint them it is now undensttnert how much domestic Mimi. nrss eiependsup3n the beailby condition of the digetiliFe ores on. It icnow we'! known that the Rrandrerh Pith; have cared thonea nil , or lin;wirss arid lielpleii-g persons, even when the filet physiriana had oroplowo-,1 them beyond an lalil:in 111 Pans of fe!Wr. It is now not only well known i hat he Prandretti Pin , ao ca r , hot it n s at,n on. tier-toad iin yr : hey cure; that it- is: to , their tmrifyin:elltrt on the blond 1 het they rninore the tunic to health. The ranter/Ibn medicine is ticenniin_ more and more fillaiff,a,it . ra7011114.14 , e1 'ad dai!y Iron?, (annly to la milr The Brant:reit, Pills remove in an aliiirca imperrentitde manner an rink inu , area nut lat iOnP and liarifr and invizo ta in 1 he itioiort.and their tiood elliatii are not rounterhalan red by aria ineatlrenieft , ,A . ; Seine rCtitnor.ed entirely o r rev—al - oc , liter do not expose those skis, Iljjf• them to datt2cr: and their eTerre. are. ac cci ta in a- they are valm Ili rr; they a re daily and safety r.drninirtersd to infancy ynntli. manhnod, and old a?. and In women in the MOS: 1 critical:lad deitrateclrcomstancre. Titer do mat disturb or shark The animal fnmlionv, but to s'ore !bete order t and, tahti.ih their hen , : h. 5.1,1 al Dr. DrattiretWA Offira, 'rarer! p r irf. 1 5 N. 211: rrr hor. a ii;) f,lll direrlions Al 111K—Thr. onir Ware in Pirlf:lnurzli where lbe ra , ) he Ohl:Lire:, is tilt r. etor' , .. own olfv - r, !Co 9:: Wand sir-el. s4-p 10 .I. R. "Pt Resarictfully inform the eiti ann. of Pitt-141mb and vtyjoily. that he has ',plum ,d to the eh v. He ho-rie in share the confidence of his homer patrons and the public gener,tly; ad solicits 2 renewal or i portion of their Patronage. fn connexion he would oln.erve. that the operation of LiThoirliv. rot hreaktt he stone ire the Madder and allowing ii to pa.o uf with the urine.) is every where commanding the deep. _41.1 intx.rerr. He hopes to es tend The berwifil oft hit. braneli his pir.febecion 1A tbe afii ivied. Stricture.. Distal n of I he Madder and ft idm►p,— which occayionotly w ill revewe attention. Those from a (Halt re wizhirte further intutrewa iron vitl apply persortally or be letter. or if desired eau be accommodated at laic tirrePine.in a retired Dart of the ci ty. on Third. between Ferry and Liberia ate. ter, 10 BRANDIZETH PILLS. LET Invalid= read the fottowirm acrount of a Sailat ofa compl , ealio, of adlirtions in nineteen days by the "ISe o' Brandreh Pitt.. It distinctly prnsiat there are herl:s in nature which have admit, cure be rause of disease, and Brandreih'4 Pine are made for them Read and tn. corsvinred. - Take !Hemet:Print. astribe tared EXTRA° RHOrlfR P C OR E OF RHEuAr...rrisit D aFFECTION - OF THE LlJrcr, Jots SHAW. of Pettihroke, WIRMICTIOn COVIlly • M2ine, wir± dirty sworn, says, 'bat he was taken violently side i k ahout six months !incr. The pains in his head, breast, Shack, lett side and instep twine so had that he was Tina tLeto help hietwelf.and was taken into the Cheiria Lim hat ia ihe cite of Boston. That after being in said illpor.hat five weeks. Doctor Otis said he did not know /what was the matte,' with him, and that he could do ilnothire for him, parr-mad he omscritt stay medicine rThat he, therefore, was covered from the Chehno Ilos hallo the Sailor's retreat on St, Wand. That be was there pilys with all sensor medicioe rota peri od of fc-ar illOilitS,Aufreriaz all sbe time the moo bean. ing misery.- Th-21 4 hesidcs his affection of his hoses e w as troubled norrit with a disear of the tongs: tame. , tows he would sort a apart or piderm in the day; besides Vs a g•-ctioa l.e had a bad Diatrinea, which had more • Was attended hint from the commearenaent of his Wel -1 new. 'That at times he dreaded a stool worse than he ! would have dreaded death; that bean eomparethe feel t.dt,e to nothinx save that of knives pawing thrtrogh his Ihrtwels. A r erßlfferiut worw than death at the Sailor's Fa etre2i.on Staten island, the donor told him that singli ; eine was oleo useto ifitn.that he mo-t try to atiyabiant. i A t this time he was sufferingtbe =realest misery. -Thai his bones wire s° realer be could not bear the bast prints - a pan the elbow or 0 peas the knee, that big Mateo was I mo s t 112 infill. that 21. , ll* Deems wild betrosid give his leo wore medicine be determined to ppwere some DT, MR ra n d ref Res Pitts, which be did. hone 241 Broadway i !Stew York; that he ensuneneediattbkre *Os, hnd stone -1 timm.incremed the dose to eight_ , The Bin week's we F ° much benefited bias, that the doctor, cot knowing what he was *Owe, twill, mow,Bhaw, you foot like a man again;ifyon imorinse in this way. yza will won he well" That bet:orderer, dose or the ftrunireth ?Bid retiewe him, Smithey cored him of the pain Then at alOolithail tbey nevem/4 the dimities; and - tnady Ili iaa _la his loseg,,-That the medicine mewed ha add ilia /men everyday. Retold th e donor yemer •- Tithe nib Intent. that be felt himself welt. and atm, • i he mind tan recovery to Bramdretas PAN , Bader. riW44ence, that . he had latex the inermliaeforretyday . 19diam5 i kat the itssr told him at he bail known be lees tatingliaid metliebse. he shenid not have *fled anotber day io doe baser Beectimidems ft BNB dory to • tkin .. t ed;4 l llWeraMrtiA, WANL Y ' that wilt este tinini. - -- :'' - - -,14341 SHAW; ialnkShairSa.pqr -4, ape alai? . impure 'llidaltealay- et ;ea. nt 4l t* 411 4 0 0.e r -sod AO Owl Ain "nigifilt 0 1 .4 11 .= - 1 4ti a 01 344 1 --Traitra4 ll ANicAteitil. , _,Azit 0 *cyr. 4 l'4* , ~..4.....i. : 6 -7,11- 4 - !-:.f, -I ia,,c:-; -...,-,-- '-..,-,',:,,: «Gy ^. u4k _ ,4 - ° Aitt r . , PRICE TWo tEl' WM $- PAILIP BARER Mani =ME -.•- irite Like rainut._, , We had frellgentry - 0 ,, - - .., .~ broken looking lad, pale it, oil in his hand. ilia tines face; _ . cti * V``-, /2..1F --. if melancholy Were - wni; -...:- to eacite - instatersation - Mla pity, 11,' , 2 , :3*, too evsdent that the vessel iii4ellA be am 4 had been diverted kote its_ leithittlififit*: and that tt was now allot Itt l t tin, - ' . book but as a WAtanar Inst.' lialifilt Aiiii . , ittmle * pass twice in one day wi h his ever, can, we had the curiosity tit aeittill,,,_ i lreg and did so by inquiring hie niSiire.--2.... 'I live,' said he. 'five Milettlfratig,: on the— matt • ' :- ." - A- - - ...4.-• "ton have been to dte'ai imtillAtali. today, have you note' _, -- - -c-:1. 'Yes, sir. 1 came down in 4 i tir. - .. - but I could'ut get whet I wite.e-niffit. ilt - i had to N ate againj - -, -- - k - ' 'What was you arntfor. my 144111 -- _ ._ be something very impotent to necessary for you to' endA twitatYlotilieftv el . this storm.' . . . -Why, sir, it war whiskey the*'t sent for. Father had no 'Roger kr . , sent me to Mr. --;'s to get Ilitiied i f WOgij'ilt trips% any mme:iis 1 frad"or . homti without the witiskeyt but father - me back attain.* - -- • How do you expect to get it - Tooth,erkett you couldn't get it this morning? '' '- ''''‘'`l,:' •Why, sir, I have huttught a pair 44ll F.lirg [ which sister sent mother. M c . iiooi. .- i give whiskey for th-m. HalmetipM ;*ir lor three pair of towhee's shoes nourN : ---.-- 'Do you like to cerry whWlteybottlr boys' - yi . t.: ,,,, - •Oh, no, sit; f‘.r it makes 011kimialirrit— but I saw% help it.' - --r - , ....•,.. - :0• - •:.' , 1 We took the responsibility of the boy not to ful4t his erraudi atiopo r 4 ed home with him. The faatilY I lut - OR114„ consisted of Ytiehaad aad-Iraq--tat44l4/11 children—the oldest (the boyl wen no. than ten years of age, while the YotrVet-t, was an infant of a few months old. lill'ae, a cold, b us:eriug day. The pOOI Vial blew harshly, and caalf, rorighly ini vig. bidden. through the mintheriesa crevice* ffil ^ the poor inan's hovel, aroonii wjiirh yaw huddled the half-naked children NW the vpv-stricken mauler End sire, tiler fate was haggard, her eyes, sunken, ite4 he, Itnir disheveled, h , r clothes tatters EA unclean. She was seated upo n s u -aft broken chair, anti was mt-ettarsic.ally } 'slag.. ing to and fro, as ii ette.eavqring.tg quiet_ her infant, which ino`ened pitifully in its . • mother's i-rms. By the side of this woe-eintiitten - weber; kneeled a little girl of five or , - six years, down whose shallow cbee/4s tears-wets coursing; and win, ever "ORO exclaimed;, 'Poor little Willie, must you dip? Vid mutht.r. must IV i!4e 4tEr and tiieti Wahl the clammy sweat from 'little 11 1 19 brow, covered bier face with her !Mired Fun and wept. , • . In the opposite corner of the ehimmiyi and among the ashes which .covered the hearth, sat a boy of about sevnen di egging from the half 4ead embera aro tatue, wl4ch he broke open with the Too mat k. .Mother, give this to May be he's hungry. I'm buagg.,to4. and so is sister; but Willie's sick, Vivi him this potatoe, tcotber. 'No, poor boy.' said i.b mother.' , will never be hungry again. He: isifU soon lie dead.' ft had been sick from Ps tkriL, and it was n ow seemingly struggling to , free it , ,, self from the harsh world into Whictiit halt; bat a.few months previously, I "bsissik tishortt , ed. Them was no tear in the eye of di. !pother, as she gazed upon the - elgo ll i t n babe. The fountain bad beep. lea& 10 1 0-- : fore. dried up by the internal Lees alcohol had kindled and fed. Veil ...... was the picture of despair; and we , not but lanry, as she sat sitlas,.tiai - irk: mind was wandering back so .tke happ y __ past—the days of her own infaaax allat.. girlhood, and her early hOme., - ; . "11119w_.: thing! She had given her affection's- in4 . her band to a man who had taken tbi lira,' steps in intemperance. She had left her _ home, full of buoyant hopes—hopes nalren, ' . to be realized—to spee,il a life of ra iser ..-,... with a sot. D:oketp-hearted--emit. t Kik from the society of ber . 43rmei. ftleisai— . -.: frowned upon by Ike 'good "'deer - Illt iv mane—spoken of as ittr .rniumbilishwire -- a miserable drunkarti- - 7sto band . lflk kis* no heart to pity—she very annis beams a tippler and a 4runkard berfelf.: .-._ t ... This remark drew all the children the mother :.rid the dying chihi:- l'beiTa%r ther was sitting on what was inteadatifoe - ,-.- a`bedstead, without hat, shoo or egeti_, with his bands thrust into his porltsSl 4 _, apparettly indifferent to all that Wa5,0195% ,,, ing around him. His - head Wait -.. upon his breast. and his bleared iergi,, ~ fastened upon the floor, as if wer e -.-, to liok up at the surroundingipwou! , - were watching the countenance of A1 e ,... i * ing infant. - _ There was a pause 4 sileadei, 1 4 ,4* IC sound was heard. Even tbesolii 7 4 - 4-4 bet „. .:-• ~ ..t. little gill had ceased. The wiry . „,- - • ;ion of the household seemed ;an- - _.,,,,,1.:1 when a alight'shivering of the s shriek from the' half. esisseionmiltal told that the vitals park bed ikd: --' -- - ' For the fi rst time the Sekape- ElloAtii advancing IC° where Ida - ii iiia.- - - ".. seated, with quivering lips, fiNs ~.. its - wipr dolor 'Ties James,the poor babe to . • Omma: ~ • _ was the choking reply ado - *l ll _ ll u ..- -- aim Iwo, 0,3 at fint k gaging iiii- 4 -44 '7 - 4erbiOn Palb. - ,:lr-4gwoltio---- ~2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers