Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 15, 1842, Image 2

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    a h - c and thag •
t o, at the u heal, flour. ,
pftritice.... - of Ohio; Michigan. and Illinois,
"will be ship2ed from the latter American
pq directly for Liverpool, Lmdon,
—7krfiCa !Audit.
'Vries the Cibeinnati ttepti `bean.
- Meadlne Cata.latth
Title enellist, the most splendid of the age. made
bit appearance in England in the year 1806; and
- ibe extraordinary power of her voice,
:Arnie Wee seid.."Place her at the top of St. Paul's,
wed ate wilt be heard ..at the Opera House." In
• eonsplees it extended from A in the bass, to C in
altos every note of which was as fir m as the tone
-.0, 'trumpet. Her middle vnice, when subdu .d,
pollieseed t quality of tone that was delightful;
the notes 0, A, and B. being produced i t a way
elitikr to the tone we make in laughing. The
forew.of ,her execution was extraordinary; she
would ruts through the scale of semi-tunes with
thi . ripidity of lightning, and jump back again
trwartwo octaves at once. Her scut was full of
Witsie,'and her energy so great, that she sustained
. Abe whole weight of the Opera throughout a sea
-son, driving every other competitor from the stage.
tier figure was elegant and corninandirk;. and her
face could assume a terrific aspect or the most
captivating smiles. As an actress, she was emi-
Acidly great; and, ea a tragedian, full of grace and
Soon after ber arrivel in England, she acquired
Ainfficient knowlege of the language to repeat the
words of "Rule 'Britannia" and "God save the
Meg? whist she sang in the English theatres
and at ill - the music meetings, with a power of
voice that overwhelmed every instrument in the
*reheats*. When Captain &fent .gue w as cruising
offßrighton, she was invited, with other ladies, to
a brilliant fete on board his frigate. The Cap aim
weal in his launch on shore, manned by more than
twenty men, to escort the fair freight on board; and
arthe boat was cutting through the waves, Mad
dame Catalani, without art • previous notice, c im•
stenced the a'r of "Rule Britannia." Had a voice
`Rim the great deep spokea, t e effect could riot
'hifVe been more instantaneous and sublime. The
sailors, not knowing whom they were rowing.
were so astonished and enchanted into inactivity,
lhabewithone accord they rested upon their oars.
with tears trembling in the eyes of many of them.
"You sec, Madame," said the Captain, "the eff,..ct
Hue 'favorite air has produced upen th-se brave
men, when sung by the fittest voiet. in the world .
Ultima been in many victorious battles, but never
!ell any excitement equal to this." On arriving
on board, Life sailors, with his consent, entreated
her to repeat the strain; Ell C complied with the re
quest with increased effect, and with so much good
nature, that when she quitted the ship they cheer
ed her until she reached the shore. She aromas
ea upwards of 400.000 dollars in England, and
purchased a diamond necklace of the Q 'een of
Portugal for sixteen ti ousand guineas, and, in ad
Alden. gave four thousand m--re for the tiara and
wire , ings.
= Her origin,-it is said was that a match girl in
Some; but in her career she visi , ed every court in
Earepe, 'there the moat proluse presents were
showered upon her by kings and princes. Her
Voice and beauty, however, being gory., she retired
its her domain and palazzo in the country that
gave her birth.
Modes of salutation.
Greenlanders have none, and laugh at the idea
alone person being inferior to anothe - .
Islanders near the Phillipines take a person's
band or toot, and rub it over their face.
'Laplanders apply their nese. , strongly against
the person they salty e.
In New Guinea, they place leaves upon the
heads of those they salute.
In.the Straits of the Soo Id they rahae the left
root of the person saluted, pass it gently over the
right !eg, and thence over the face.
The inhabitants of the Philltpines bend very
low, ptacinr their hands cm their cheeks, and rake
One loot in the air, with the knee bent.
An Ethiooinn takt-s•thc robe of an.dher and ties
it about bun, so as to leave his friend 41:nost na•
The J panese take off a slipper, and the people
'of Arracan their s indals, in the sire , t, and t'leir
-stockings, in the house, when they salute.
Two, Negro Kings on the coast of Africa sa
lute* snapping the middle finger three titres.
The inhabitants of Carrnene, when they wou:d
show a particular attaehmer.t, open a vein, anu
present the blood to their friend as a beverage.
If the Chinese meet, atter a long separation,
they fall on their knees, bend their face to the
earth two or three times, and use many other af
fectedi modes. They have als a kind of ritual,
or 'academy of compliments,' by which they reg•
ulate the number of bows, genuflections and
words to be spoken on any occasion. Ambassa
dors practise these ceremonies forty days before
they appear at Court.
In Otaheito, they rob their nos-a together.
The Dutch, who are considered as great eaters,
have a morning salivation, common amongst all
ranks, •Smaakely k cetera—May you rat a hear
ty dinner.' Anoteer is, 'Hoe vaaat awe?' 'flow
do you sail,' adopted, no doubt, in the early periods
of the republic, when they were all navizat •re and
The usual salutation at Cairo is, 'flow d you
aweat?' a dry hot skin heft a su,u indication of
a destructive ephemeral fever.
Some author has observed, in contrasting the
• haughty Spaniard:with the frivolous Frenchman,
that the proud, steady gate and inflexible solem
pity of the former, were expressed in his mode of
'Salutation. 'Come estar—'How do you stand?
- whilst the 'Comment eons re v tee_eousr 'Flow
do you carry yourself?' was eq•ialty expressive of
the gay motion and incessant action of the latter
The COMOZOM salutation in the southern pr,
sling's of China among 4 the lower orders, is
sYnfitter—Have you eaten your rice?'
In Africa. a young woman, an intended bride,
brought a little w •ter in a calabash, end kneeling
down befure , ker lover., desired him to wash his
hands; when he had done this, the girl, with a
teny of ioy sparkling in her eyes, drank the wit. ,
ter. this was considered as the greatest proof she
egad give of her fidelity and attachment.
• .Slaiglting.—Thia is real fun, it ono have a
. Iribeket fall of money—a first rate horse—a hand
• smo little sleigh—and a lively, beautiful, feeina-
Osend amiable girl to sit besido.ooc; i dah ong h
the prettydears are troublesome sometimes, when
they huist on one's putting one's arms aroand
eels tis keep them from falling out, where-the
^ oasis happen to be uneven!—Borten Bulletin.
..efirodieg Houses.—lt has long been a subject
of inilutiy as the beat time to apply paint 13 the
Clapboards of houses. for durability. Repeated
• ;experiments have been made within twenty five
years which have resulted in the conviction that
..paint applied betscsa November and March will
stand more than twice as long as that which is
speed in the Warmest weather. The reason is
elation"; fit in cold weather the oil and the com
-I::•pteund'perts of the paint form a hard substance
Witlint surface of the clapboards, nearly as hard
.411 K illatlitsand not easily erased, or even cut with
- sharp hairs, and will not soon wear off; whereas,
.paints applied In the months of July and August,
more especially if in aslyere drandlit, Ole oil
joiniediatidy penetrates intitp ° woOd; like water
4n10. - sponge, leaving the lead nearly dry, which
soon wear off. tr,
•lierder if ilkkhipman.—A.
Eider in Chief WON U. S. Naval
liter from Mr._
34417"D Ma110n, Oct. 20,
Wettl4B3 tiiibt,diteratneenid ted
in Upihn unnknons the
°- •-V '
144-1 in-i Me tie c litre ret"Yr.
ets ofirabon; nnthe . even- .
lOPlagth linsieli• litithth IPM"
-14A,1140f -
siodeetpiiiifl*olltrat iliattimatementkas.
See First Page.
.Sl. Nicholas' Day.—This is one of the
many Holidays.kept by , the Germans with
feasting, fun 'and, frolicking. It occurred
on the 6th inst., and in some of the eastern
cities it Was celebrated with much spirit.
The N. Y;Tourier, speaking of the cele
bration in that city, says we noticed and
tasted of the rolleljies sad they were admi
rable, as well as a dish of speck and applel
jies—the kool slaw was capital, and the
dyed peas eggs carried us all back to the
cracking days of our boyhood. The de •
kfreken, krullers and cookies were of a
quality that proved the skilful hand of
some genius Dutch housewife in their
manufacture. But what the company
seemed to r.,lish most was the schnaps and
pipes introduced after dinner. With the
latter they-soon contrived to create an at
mosphere most congenial and grateful to .
a Dutchman's lungs. The pipe used by
the President fur this purpose was a pow
erful engine of portentious dimensions,
imported expressly from the mother coun.
try. The first few prodigious columns o
smoke which it belchei forth from its ca
pacions- bowl seemed to startle the unitia
'fed guests."
What a change.—Ten years ago a man
who had the hardihood to speak against
banks was looked upon as a lunatic, or was
threatened with a ride on a rail. Now,
however, things are quite different.. No
man is willing to risk his reputation for
common sense by opposing a hard curren
cy. Presses which once bitterly denoun
ced the frier.ds of gold and silver are now
silent—not a word is lisped on the sub
ject, and Benton, after being slandered
and abused for years is pow enjoying a
short respite. Public o?inion is now where
he was in 1832.
High times among the Boston Prin.
tern.—The Bost .n Times, in a long article,
headed "Robhery of the Boston Post Of.
fice" charges •the editors of the Bee with
-stealing a copy of the "Post Extra," con
taining the President's Message from the
Post office.
Signs of the Times.—Mr. Thompson,
publisher of the New York- Reporter, a
commercial and financial publication, has
written an excellent work against paper
money Banks, and comes out an exclusive
hard money man. Gov. McDonald, two
years ago a strong paper money democrat,
also comes out in his message in favor of
the money of the Constitution and against
paper dollars.
Indignation Meeting.—The citizens of
Norfolk, with the Mayor at the head; have
called a public meeting to consider ' the
outrageous proceedings of the Abolition
ists, and the High Sheriff, and other au•
thwities of Boston, in the case of Latimer,
a runaway slave, the property of Mr.
James B. Gray, a citizen of that Borough."
Saxon Ladies.
If there is such a thing as perfection in females,
we think the ladies of Saxony approximate fearer'
to it than those of any other country on the globe.
There, it is said, that a lady would think nothing
of forgetting her tan when gong to a 11"11, but
could not spend en hour with comfort without her
knitting needles, or other implements of female
indnstry. Even the Theatre is' not protected a.
gain.it "stocking wires." A writrr says he has,
frequently seen ladies lay down their work, wipe
away the tears which the sorro.vs of l'heckla, in
Wet lenstein's death, had brought to their eyes, ano
immediately resume her work."
Would it not took queer to see a I.(dy in our
Theatre, knitting a pair of socks, or making a cap
for the baby?
The "True Whig," a dirty. little Clay sheet is
sued at Washington city, publishes with much ap
probation, the following infamous acrostic on the
President. The author is worthy of his name;
none but a true Whig could be base enough to give
oterance to such thoughts.
"Jove's ihunderin it hand is arm'd with ire to show
"Our Caprctin to Ms place in fires below.
"His treason shames the first and last in story,
'Nor can the fallen Angels boast more glory.
.Tarmented by this fiend we're doom'd to wait
"Yet two .yeare mere in hope of better fate,
Gard. aend i relief; and take this crime away,
4 -Each jover%t his country thus (loth pray
•`Rentetnber the Srst letter of each line."
Dickers' polka from the sole of bis'evorks du
ring the last five years, emanate to about 17,000
di4larsi We think that if•thigs amount of mqney
were distributed among his readers it sowed be
More beneficial tolham that his books.
The English price of "Allisosee ;History of Ea
rope" is fifty d_,liars, irhile tote iltessre. He'rper
Ofliew York are publishing it for four dollars.
han is the advantage which Americas people
ve ever the, English:
Senator Preston of. South Caroliow sap Abet Ilse
+story of that state . i.laot sullied by a single set
f popular vloletteei,
= -
likti9beiol4 l 4 4 ol ll ” ll,
~_'-,ar';',•, -,; 1P*"',11 .- $:- . .
',%?, .t',-..-;,,.,..E7.,.,.0,.,1};;,,,!:
M- ;1
• California 1-
- -- ' f.::: - ..^- 1 7 f" -. 4, - ':"}; 'i I 1 14 4.ii iiii # :de 1 ff '
~ ..:. • - - . ' 4, , , , -,.. . • - - • • - 't he N o w Ot
'' '' 'of the GeOgia Legtsitt , ihaVintert Sligoa.--.:We lava. 60m ~,
tare t0 4, -- `4.„ ( iin'" wasrel - Irred'' - that Orden
~ of li ana Tropic ,. that an ja!a# l lPa . gentle"' bete.
et ;tytrain the eity of Mimic; says it is currently re
the G o vernor's Message, in structing th is
parsed and generally behaved there, that the basis '
Geargia Senators to vote a g ainst a Natrona,l of-the arrangement between our Minister, Gan.
Bank, a distribution of the proceeds of the Thivpsclte
Cod the Mexican Governmert, for the 1
Public Lanes, and the abolition of the veto eertiment 6f out claims on the later, is the pref. I
power, have - made another report request 'hr Air onthe part of Mexico to ode California to the
log Mr. B. to resign. As Mr. Berrien virt. litfienviitnegdiShlitus
o s. t,..o There are good grosinds for be.
tedfor all these' measures, and in a recent tr ue taking i nto cons ideration
' . l• a robation Of the fact that a natural M id ge , fo rm ' m .
r a road ac •
address has expressed ty PP
- - cessible by carriages, from a point near Independ ,
them, the, Legislature calls on him now to,
Missouri, to some point in or near California,
resign, as he misrepresents the wishes of was some time since discovered, and th it our
his constituents. It is evident from Mr. Government is said to have a small c unman lon
Berrien's address, that he does not intend •a surveying expedition in that region. If true
either to resign or obey the instructions of this intelligence is of a most important character
the Legislatore. He declares that as a Sett- The proposition will. if acceded,. to by our Govern ,
d ment, thwart the a'ntio is d.isarns of Great Bri.
ator, he ii not an officer cf the State, an
lain in that quarter, and give to us a firm font
is not bound to obey or consult the wishes
hold at a:. important point Welt of that almost
of his ccnstituents, in the. discharge of his boundless region, the Oregon Territory.
official duties. The Legislature.regards his This gentleman also says that this proposed
address as an assault on the State:right prin. arrangement Is the true secret of:Santa Anna's
ciples that have been so zealously cherish- leparture -from Mexico. The measure is unpopu ,
ed by the State, and much warmth of feeling ar with the people, and the Miro of San Jacinto
is evinced in the consideration of the sub- .is desirous of keeping oit of the ray until the
1 popular indignation has an opportl nity to sub =ide .
or vent iisolf on his locum tenent G tn. luau,.
sheriff of Philadelphia.
It was rumored in Philadelphia on last
Saturday, that WM. A. PORTER, Esq., had
been appointed Sheriff of Philadelphia, to
fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of
Mr. Morris: This appointment-continues
until the next general election, when a
Sheriff is to be chosen for three years, Mr.
Porter is a son of Governor Porte►, and at
present holds the office of Deputy Attorney
The inauguration of Napoleon in the old world.
as First Counil of France, and the fun rat of
Washington in the ne.v World, butli occurred as
the 15th of December, 1790.
Mathias Schwab, of Cincinnati, is making nne
of the largest organs ever m.inufactured in the
United States. for a church in Baltimore. The
cat will be $4OOO.
Harr), Shorn an 1 Japhe . , m •an in the origina
Hebrew, red, black and white.
Laemi says that sotne reputed saints that have
been canonized ought to have been cannonaded,
and some reputed sinners that have been cannona
ded, might to have been canonized.
The Aurora recommends the passage of a :1 iw
for the relief of bankrupt office seekers.
A New Style.—The Ta' tier says that the New
York ladies now wear black Bilk frock coats over
their dresses.
Whe Millerites have been attracting crowds of
delud'd persons at the vl r !born, Chapel.
The ship Saracen, at this port from Manilla'
wh .n in the Sooloo sea, p'cked up a canoe which
had drifted from the land in which-were a China
man, an i a hot. Toe man was landed. ut Aojier,
and the hoy was brought to this port, says the
Boston Bulletin.
Too Bluth.-1t ix quid, th it Madame Vestris
and Charles NLethews will lase nearly three hun
dred dollars per week b . / throwing up their Duty
Lane engagement.
The trial of Franklin Cooley, for Treason, is
progressing at Providence. The Court room is
crowded from morning till night.
Theodore S. Fay bas a novel annnunced in the
London papers called 'Hoboken.' it S hould be
American by lie title.
Sweet potatoes were selling in the market a
Charleston, S. C. on the 3d inst, at six and a guar
ter cents a peck .
A hard Case. —lt is said that Sheridan Knowles
is so poor that his friends in London are raising
cy for him by subscription.
Trial of Aleraucler.—Judge Barton was to
charge the jury is the case of M. J. Alexander
last Monday at 11 o'clock.
The Boston Post says that it is reported that
Mr. Carothers, M. C., rum) Tennessee, who was
injured by the upsetting of a stage, is dead. This
we think is a mistake.
Capital Punishment.—The House of Represen
t. tatives of NOW Hampshire have declared by a
woe of 111 to 106, in favor of the total abolition
of capital pun:einnent.
Colt—Statement of Dr Hosack.—The New York
Commercial Advertiser contains a letter from Dr
Alexander E. Hosack, giving au account of the
post marten examination of the hod) of John C. i
Colt. To prove that the suicide wee au act of
calm deliberation, it is mentioned that the wretch.
ed man had, with some sharp instrument, remo
ved a circular portion, about two inches in diame
ter, of his waistcoat and under garments; leaving
the breast immediately beneath pedectly exposed.
The - dagger entered the cavity of the cheat on the
left side, between the fourth and hit% ribs, and
penetrated the heart in the centr ,, , transfixing the
left ventricle. The heart was firmly contracted
upon the instrument, and probably never again
dilated after it had been pierced, when dieiitit must
have immediately followed.
This lady, so much admired by the play
goers of our city, is becoming a great fa•
vorite with the people of New York. The
Eveniog Post, good authority in such mat
wry, has the following paragraph in relation
to her. .
Mrs. Henry Hunt made a most beautiful debut
as Lady Contest in the farce of the Wedding Day.
At the fall of the curtain Mrs. Hunt was loudly
celled for and was led ou by Mr. Placide. This
was an enusual and weareceive4 compliment to
a lady who promises to Imeome a favorite with the
-playgoers of New York.
_ ,
O W";
0 de A.,8110
namedA person
„y 3 ': -i.
. "h
Mrs. Hunt.
War between CAA arti
News f on Htvtri i to the 23111 ult., says that an
expedition has been fitted nut at that plac i against
St. Domingo. It appears, says the Tropic, that
the Haytiens some time since sent out a small
tirmed.vessel, which, after cruislng about, put into
Porto Rico, where she w.is (4en passeisialo of by
the authorities. The El lyttens, in retaliation, lited
out a corvette, and captured several Spanish mar
chantmen. On receipt ot the news a steamer woe
despatched to order the Spanish crui.ers to repair
to St-John's, Porto Ric.), and the frigate Isabel
2d, and a brig sent from Havana to join their..
The force or the volition will b 3 a 5) run H.
gate, four brigs or from 18 to 28 guns, tw ~ steam
ers •tvi•b four ear, °oaks, and a 68 Pdixhan e-tch,
and several schooners. The only f irce possessed
by the Haytien4 is said to he. a sloop of war
mounting 24 guns. As the S,,anish Government
seems t." have taken the insult of the Haytiens
much to heart, the result of the expedition will be
looked for with interest.
Murdock- is delivering a course of "Elocution
ry Olius" in Boston.
Rockwell, the man who wis arrestvd in Gt
naan, Conn., a short time since, charged with the
murder of his broth r, has been acqlitted, after a
ong trial
Whn is Howe, the Anti-Bustle candidate for
the Presidency.—Pitts Post.
lie-was.the popular editor of the Dollar Demo
erst, published in Mississippi, and the nominee of
the unfashionable ladies of that State. Ile is a
political renagade; basin! forsaken the Anti Boa
de cause and issued proposals for publishing a
Pemoc atic parr—bought op, probably, by tho e
miot•dtops flowing up the Mississippi.
Who is Jim Bachman, Mr. Post, y , ur candi
date for the Presidency? We don't wish to be
outdone by ye in politeness.—Cin. Message
You'll find out abort the time the next Prcsi
deniiil election comes on.
Somethinx most Extraordinary I
Messrs Editors:—Yesterday, as I was crossing
the Commons in Allegheny city, my aVentinn
was attracted by the screams of a 13 •ek of wild
geese approaching; from the north. As soon as
my eye caught their, I observed something like
a big hanging to the neck of each, some of which
had a round and plump appearance, ne though
filled with something, and others dangled loosely.
as though partially emptied. At length I observed
something to fall, which I first took to be a leather,
and looking at it till it came to the ground n few
steps from me, I was greatly surprised on coming
up to it to find it to be a small piece of pap
carefully folded np. On the inside to my gre
astonishment was written as follows,—
"We are messengers fr-tn the North Pole, which
" is now on fire, and we are sent to warn nations
" to send on their fire Engines, without delay and
" prevent a dreadful catastrophe, or Miller's pro
phecy will fulfilled. A great white Bear
1. 4 who had climbed the Pole before the fire began,
"to look out for prey. or for amusement, co they
" frequently do, is still clinging to the Pole, in
" utter astonishment at the new state of things,
" Inaing cautiously round from side to side. He
" has gradually advanced along the Pole till he
" has nearly reached the north star. The weather
" has been so cold for the last three months, that
" the sparks which fly off from the fire are imme •
" diately frozen into starry brilliants more beau -
" tiful than diamonds of irst water. The fire is
" supposed to have been caused by friction. Tho
"Nantucket whalers have made such dreadful ha•
voc of latter years in these regions, that oil en
" ough cannot be had to keep the axtetree oiled as
regularly as such a vast machine should he, and
• if the nations continue to require sn great a sup
.. ply,thoy must send on their lard oil in exchange.
" Ring your fire bells in all directions and bring
"on your fire engines !I The fire is now work
" ing its way rapid'y into Symmes' Hole. It is
• hoped however that the axle tree ie coated only
• with wood to keep the inner material Iron rust
" ing, and when that is burned off the fire will
"cease. In *tat case you will have to send on
"carpenters and workmen to repair. The poor
I "F:qui:flour Indians are gathered round in thou
sands to warm their hands and roast their Yen
" isnn."
Such is the puephrt of this strange le:ter. I
was at a loss at first to know what steps to take,
but it soon occurred to me that the best way
would he to lay it before you, gentlemen, Edit.as
of the Morning Past, for advice whether our fire
engines should not be mustered and burnished, all
quarrel's cease in a common cause, and the spike
taken out of the Vigilant.
Deo. 14. Yours, &c., . Q.
[The information contained in the above
communication, has much alarmed our es
teemed correspondent 'Jean C rappo,' who
has promised to set about deviiing some
means of relief that may reach the people of
the Poles. He will, we have no doubt, re-
port progress in a fevr days.]
Trial of Alexgndar.—Mr. Dallas concluded hie ,
eloquent speech in defence of the prisoner'on Sat
urday evening, alter which Attorney General
Johnson closed on behet" of the Commonwealth in
a very able argument. The jury will be char
ged by Judge Barton this morning at 11 o'clock.
Two weeks have been occupied in this trial;
the.great ability of: the prisoner's counsel, Messrs
Dallas. Reed, Pope, and Philips; was never more
fully displayed ; ; and 4he counsel for, the Common
wealth;-,Metsrs. Johnson and Pottier; 3tdve also
i*Orteld ti r ultOttekei with mac eiTeet in their
mantliourTt -9 to l **4, 6 9al'A -*** - 0
iie. -; .4 11-1
In Wa r con "xde
Anish4ll , 14Wklif •d' fa
not be2;43oittilo'l4t*-altstt,MS., whila thiChighsst
punishable with -death. the pisniShmept
for mules ii..lmeoaddegmoe . ,is solitary con.
Aflame* for not lee- than four or more than
twelve Irellrr:
All murder:w Lich shall be perpetrated by means
of pole**, tor by !slog in wait, or.by,any "other
kind of wilful. delaterate and premeditated killing,
or which"shall be committed in the perpetration
or atteMpt to parpetrate any arson, rape, robbery
or burglary, shall be deemed murder of the first
degree;i.nd all other kinds of murder shall be
deemed rnurder,of the second degre , and the
jury before Whom any person indicted for murder
shall be tried,shall, if they find such person guilty
thereof, ascertain in their verdict, whether it. be
tourderi of the first or. second degree; but if such
person Shall ba convicted by confession, the cour t
shall proceed by e:riminatian of witmoisoP, to de -
iermine the dazree of th) c rim ) and to give sen
tence accordingly.—Pennylvanion.
[From-theigew Orleans llullatin•j
• New Orieaus Street Market.
Umbrellas—Rise with the rain, and fall E with
the Sun. Holders uneasy,ealculating on a spread
of busineis. Article apt to change hands. ...
Huts—Stock of a light nature, and people look
ing for! a change in qua ility with the first eon!
wa.ither. rag sellers erdlon-ed with success, and
none of the producers caught nup ping. Great
distress presumed t) heft.* from effo:ts to 'pull
wool over the oyes.'
Lut her. Shot's - Cgs ,—Great activity in th , -se
.artueleS just . bafore bunk doses. D lass also dis
cover a desire to move in the commodity. 80019
tris%, but no pumps irk the market, as there should
be 1. , 1 carry off the rain.
- -
Hose—Owing to a close slacking of the mar•
ket bald .irs d,r n anticip tte a rise —a pore the
knee - r -S rate difficulty in aettinT nil of wet socks,
which, as yot, cannot be unravelled
Pantaloons—H elders arc in a tight pla-e; but
are unwillinz to let go. Like rno-t merchants,
they evince con-iiderable anxiety about the state
of their draw's s. People have an eye to bu. tons
for convenience sake.
Suspendees—Bu-iness in this al. , icle is over the
left shoulder. Holders are anxious to let go to
wards b , -(1 time but are ready for buckling too
early in the morning.
Stocks—lt is neck or nothing with dealers in '
these articles. Holders get uneasy in the middle
of the day, and in transactions are pert erly wile
hog to throw oJ. Stocks were stej last week,
but the w •ather effects them considerably at
Waistcoats —No transactions, people have no
money to in-vest this article, and pockets are
Gloves—This commodity is very little hand
led. He whoftwers in them finds it hard to get
clear. The chief dealers are among the a wrist
Canes—These articles rise and fall. Attribu
table' to hot we:o.l)er. NI Loy h riders see a deter
mined to do well, (duct.)
Hankerchiefs—Mnch sought for, and holders in
clined to hold on. By ti Lite discovery, the threads
in the.n_ are found to contain specie. It is an an
omaly that thes.: hang heavily on hand. Every
bo ly nose this.
Sermon for Old Bachelors.
Tne Hartford'Mirror contains a lay ser
mm for the special benefit of the Bache
lor's Club, founded on the folloWing text:
'And they called Rebecea ant said unto her.
wilt thou go wit this man, and she sill
g o."—Genesis XXXIV: 5 8.
In those tim-s, cavern my. formility,
singing and sentiment were altogether no.
known. Rebecca was a zoodgirl, and
jumped at the first good offer.
We could have picked out a better
text to preach before the honorable and
venerable fraternity, viz:
'Jacob kissek achael,'
That is something substantial for bach
elors to say grace over, the other text WIIS
for the benefit of Rebecca altoge.ther.
•Jacob kissed Haehael.
And lifted up his voice and wept'
How pathetic! The fact is, time and
the frshions make strange ir.roads upon
poor human nature. Here was Jacob ,
scouring the country to Link for a wife.
and on a fine sunny day, in the valley of
Padanaram,he aaw her at a dis'ance, draw
ing water from a well, being bare footed
and without ceremony he ran toward her,
and in the language of the Good Book.
'kissed her, and lifted up his voice and
wept.' We have no account that Rachael
boxed his ears for his rudeness, as in these
days 'of simplicity and innocence' she
would have done, particularly in 'good so—
ciety.'—Norwich Aurora.
Hear! Hear!!—The ultra whirrs uinaes
under their late defeat 'by tire fierce dem•
ocracie,' and allege a thousand reasons to
aecount for it. One paper, the New Haven
Daily Herald, saws. 'This comes of the foul
and degrading doctrine of universal suf
The ladies of St Andrew's Church will offer foesale
al the store, corner of Liberty and St. Clair eta., a vane
ety orogenl and ornamental articles, suitaiste for Chris
miss and New Years presents. The sale will commence
on Monday the 19th inst. at 3 o'clock P. M„ and close
on Wednesday evening following. The refresh-neat ta.
ble will not be forgotten.
Will not our friends give or some token of their good
will. dec 11.5.
%union Salem
Q,HERIFF'S SALE.—WiII he sold by order •of B.
1..7 Weaver, esu , Sheriff. at Bansrnan's Commercial
Auction Rooms, No. 110 Wood st. on Tuesday Derem.
her 20, at 10 o' , lock A. M. the entire -stock of an vs
tansies Clotking Store, consisting in ran of
Superfine Broad Clothe. Beaver and Pilot Cloths.
Cassimeres, Sattinets and VsAtings„
Gentlemen's Dress Cants.
do Over C ate.
do Frock Coats.
Cassintere and Sattinet Pentalopos.
Gentlemen's Winter and_Stimmer Vests.
Merino Shirts and Drawers.
Silk, Flag and Pongee fidallfs.
' Canvass, Padding, and Brown Holland,
Bleached and Brotin Muslin's, • -
With regreat variety of Tailor's trimmings ! , Terms cash.
par money, K. A. BAUSMAN, Auct.
' decl4-6t. ,
AOSITIVE SALE OF 8110 ES.--On Friday morning
next at 10 o'clock, I wilt WI without reserve for
eaddr par money,
5 eases of new and superior Igurn over shoes fur ladkr.
Those those are now open for insportion. ' -
J.Tr. WJTH RtE,.
dec 14. 1842
day morning nest at TO} o'clock. f will self ivirbout
reserve. a lot otstiperlor London Made Iligessand Frock
Cools and Vests—Also. *lsparta Veiling. Sick' Pocket
hdktrs, and superior Weht Of Englind Brown and Black
Cloths and Cassimerce. ` t►ae very - fine'gown—Fur and
leather Cape. i.s. strrsats; Auct.
dee 15. ' '
11100 D SLEIGHING} HAS evils JET L.115T4,-
-1" 1 Hew ninny Clemons** arrakt to avail theamelves
ors° good anopportaalty_ taltti alitgh ride foe fear
bringing on an setiaik onto Deal. Oraastusetiam.—
LllkeHde ) .eweY loth eachla lsrft theydo : n dng rt.
! " ; * ** ll / 6 41 hetV42l.looolPACHl*4l*.uatin4 st
• „• 4 90 01 1i.: a 14,V= 1 P...„,„„ a _V- 10 '
• „ t Not• - • -•
. • "er,4,7:4 '
- nore appears to be outwit
loss of the Texian schooner
A nton i o , i n the furious gates 4 4
7 t h of September. Shen atti ,.
San. Louie 4 Th the 2d Sept4;:i'
heard ()fiance. She Ism
limore, was a very fionteselof •
mounted seven twelvepoanden
crew of 75 persons all told.
In front of captain B
On Penn Street.
• First night of ogg
11 !
Timrsday, Friday and Saturday
6th and 17th.
The Entertainment will ni vitei
splendid Entree, entitled
A ManadzKonnitighohrioithiehiNittst,tz..
by km
The Sailor Boy,
Unrivalled Feats,
Unrivalled Feats, by Mr , Wv.
016 1 , in
without caddies,
Dance, by M les
Laurl "11/140i
Corde Efast Igoe ,
Mier which Mr- William Nieholeni7l I*,
acen Cnief,
Sprites of the Silver Shove , , hr
To conclude with the grand Edna*
roh flush! Or Vlrgintaft*
For cast of charseierssee
0:11- NOTICE. -There will het
Wednepday afternoon, Dee, 21st, twill
or the} tivenile CiaSSPS. and thnie L a di nsi
who cannot attend in the evt.titt:,
Doors open at 2 o'clock. F u parie,t,
Of the Rainer
The Messrs . . RAISERS (dirqrcavt,
enlists have the honor to a nom!, \i , 1,1 4 1, 1
Ilemen or ril,s)urgh I hal Hwy , aillratn
certs this week, viz: On Ike FRII*Ii
r y Dee. 12111 and 15111 al Caaltlll6
mence at 7i o'clock. Tickets N cooky
music atores and ut the door. rot c , a4si .
I ec.l2- 1842 ,
V.4.411LY frp4h ;n7ply 4
family Flour, just recd and r,,rni!iq
B UUKTCHAET FLGUR, ju,t rerani
few Ilnlf barrels Burk wheat Flom(
ity. Also, St o I Butter, new Lard,dqa
PIPPIN 4PPLES: ha nd 20 brtb
in sound condition. lor sale by
Proprietor, of dr
m.RX UFACTORE and keen m
their warelmuse, Liberty St
every variety of Castings, among
Franklin, rotnetton tonnd fancy and
common and farcy grates. newra
Stoves suitable fur either wool or at,
le (and warranted to core fook,
hoxrxr, hollowware. tera.ketii,s, fare!.
al assort nient or ware ras ti v ,
he 1114 , 11 if of Ih,, be-t materials.
Thriv also make in order op inn pow
Rollers, from 18 imh, rli.ini down icole
use. with every other dr,crliom of
NI.. 13. 1342.-3 m
Inr lug PPM bib.llll.enillmt he.aae -
eralinh for several c cars. A litigine,lg
tat or five er thousand tio . l.,rs.6rregial
tile inverment. Apply at 11116IFAA
tigettee afire.
DR. DANIEL .M11c.,11E., L. 06 , e a
between Lt'ood and Suthkai r
der. 10-Iy.
the flout/ratite, e letstv Uttxfu
1- Quarter Sessions of ihePote, %vita
ty of Allegheny.
The pet Won of Geo izpront, of ate firg
2 herlY City, in the couniy af,itemdfnlitl
That your petitioner bath provided hire
ale for the accommodation of treed
his dwelling, house in the city and tel _
prays that your honors will he Otani O.
cense co keep a Public flame
your petitioner as in duty Solladt inlll4
We, the suhscrilisrs, citizens ofttsfill
city of Allegheny, do certify; thattoria tbe
is of good repute for honesty
audi ,
Provided with house room and coorreig
commodation and lodging of oltaltr i°l
that Sail Invent is necesFary.
Rtrlnst. DAlzell, J.J.G ,
XVin. Ralston, ltasidll...
Robert Mortis, Wa. -
James Thorn, Jimell
H.Bar -
John Goehring,
Jee r
John Fleming,
Dec. 10, 1841, ,
ward Huahes, Slanucarwlr
Warehouse, N 0.25. Wood st., MOO
Smithfield street, bvt-let
Respectfully informs the chisel* offro
la m htly, that he is prep WI 1 0 te eth'. to
ders env desription or work to 11 0
He has for
on hand,c and wilt be toss10111:1
eral assortment of Ctorns,Cl9olll.l.2:ol
He-will wake wet kto orderteliF7,4
other establishment le t
10 he Air
taytngi t hat h Wirt, as 41.1"....
fit and workmanralikrassot
tabitsharent in this city. 000
131 panel panty and eerepiei
nf 40 ,0
he hopes to merit and receive _A,0,1
persona (urn 19100011 era"r a" 0 701 ,
their advantage to call, b:Rtre gehd
9 .4 RENTavd itirmediste
theljonaddatodiallyidearei sear tr . 3
1141r1041* taken NI
lAgriisilb-7101" 'at
liNOttalMß 14.
. - yft~ lt
Ore Olt sultry n i g ht
a" Mr. Reinhart in the
• tirely destroyed• w
amount ofibe damage d.
teen for the heavy bed
t h e a djoining building
less hare been an exte
Neptune-and Niaga
g heny. Market Hous
o f the new matket hou
y will Amity be com .
no w. --We have h'd
since Monday mornin g
d i n g to and fro in eve
country tavern keel
A morning paper" says
t five men being drown
fa coal boat between tl
h:tax. Glad of it.
by 16.6
tealing papers —Every
taints made to us abou
stolen from doms. Ho%
e practice we are at a
necessary that our c
out hefore many of our
ed their houses, else t
- all in proper time.
pa a rare chance for e
hating propensities on
will no doubt expand
tering into a who!:
they arrive at the age
preventive we
:ication of their ea
ermined to do, whe
of the guilt of any
1 our subscribers wi
to dimoverthe litera
know their names,
an example of them,
The Rattlers
hese aceo•uplishrd sit
.nre al Philn Hall on 5.;
all appeared to be muc
erfortnance. It w ill h
rti@ement that their lir .
eat Concert Hall oti'Fh
n an entirP change
be pregehtell.
u.ffazirzes- far Jeourtry
Bunk fir January i= r
•It is a splendi•l nu
et. It has four auper
he matter is ilifelior
in works of Rs kind
e Ladies' Cumpanio
e same place. It su
cter it has al ways p.
Y deserving of patrons
rate engravings.
'chola prevents a rich
the Am?hitheatrP, i
ars. Editors:—Mc;t
7 rigtuniana met at 11
gas much henevolt
'fortunate victims sf
they first espoused
. H. M. Twining,fro
resident of this city
Ling in a neat and int
mixing it with an
- to his own expel iene.
eluting in a satisfact
e objections that are
. A. principle by th
the g e gJde crathur.'
kers favored the socie
fs to induce the mos
ke the sandy f mndat ,
- enemies of the cans
I possible melns to de
e of the people in t
ftti'ed to accomplish,
rable designs; if the s
reamed drunkard
gth of temptation shoo
rrived and he fall into
, riety, the enemies n
imagine they have a
of the inability of the
"I"drectual ref ,rm.iti
.ntrary vve need only
bosfetback.sliders fee
• 'l , O repent and seek
e dge they broke, by
did= at the Hall on
1 . 1 ' 11 6 "Ditughts to, the m
• am 'watt executed in
het r i•e t e h x i
e eclt th Z. l
;drink of water. Aft
said to his attendant
eftget, if I had neve
- this this, 1 ah.
the gidlowe. Th
' ' • soda have been
I,.end by strong drin
' front' we. No
employ the - means
- 4 301thmetatt et the
#1111414111 influence a'
1,- • .)Ilittket4