Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 15, 1842, Image 1

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    • ---FJ;,-."-;
- 4i~:5~r. L ,
? ~~
tled with the,litefor g um , A
ills printed with a figure of the_la s , l 74
al you are not deceived by - ok
~ ,,t ssiaiing their boats to be Provided.idoi„
ward, when they are cot VJ setortd * to =
The f e l tuwi ry_z is a list of boal* supplied i n .
r Guard at the Por: or Pitisborghso
4-et on the list have the improitedapperos
rata , - it is impossible for en erresitni le
ARITAN, /141AN011.1 ,
IAGARA, ttErAlp,, NE,
:EA K W ATE R, QUE EN erratS
The travdin; community a r eirrprdf a p g fl
;.)re they make a choice of a hind s tand et t ic
see whether it would not be tt Ailed
..f =ccurity to choose a safety Giant Wu,
-.age are freight. in preference tossenetsi
11-1 explosion—and that they will Lunt
this invention has the unqualified asymfi
t‘. , steam endue builders—gentlemen stew
understand the subject, and whoatendl
'errs+ ed —besides a bomber of rertificiatitfitiii
en; len en and others—all of which as bE
.ffire, No 10. Water street, where it WOW'
all times to elltirsit my ionsomi
will lake the trouble to call.
." A f.U.; 131. E REAL ESTATE FoB.s
The ,uhseriher offers for Fate, al then
rates, the zreater part of his real estate;
cit of PiLleburgh and A Ilezheny. IrtiZ
nrk Warehouses, nearly new,
• .• le On Morl.et street .1-et ween rcond andT
r r .rin2 a Iron' of about 54 feel by 60 deep. For
,or s.eparately to stat pa rebaserv, epos.
! s ki), ..•!,ihoil.lina lot in Aliwihrojr city, 64
opward of 350 feet in depth, Lb
" ronnsch•ania C;11123 ald the •
AV e•rrrt
Alan, ili4. 101 adjmninz theahore. 100 feet is
2.b0 trot 10,41a1,004,-'111"-Ir
•,... , I•llllatosi,,n ltouse whirl. 1 nosy ottull -21.11
AI-o. n Int kith I vvn turn-tore brick N.
:Ile Oil / :IP carp,. r Pi and Front
—nderlic _round rrnt, it,! rOTV
1 4 1f...1 X r. b.I. 1 I H .I.VT anit.d
(as' , er E:1/0?,, , , :I rpm Oily of flax aba
!mos , nll k of Cooni ry Co Produce Ham ,
for ra,l, or .eoods a: HARR IS'S Imelligstret
o f Coma,iorinn Warehouse, Nil
H N lIA R T. Commissiou Mere:int. DAr
duce c,d ifrnerican Mists/factures,
E-q.. PittEhnrch
41trin Hari.
Him r) of .'d.
n. Pa
,ry. 02der. 3j. n.
%Vood.! -nut - ne. Esti ~ a
i-Al. T: Anti: PA R M FOR EAVE--t will 7
F:rro on Tv hith I live, iiiir, sl l l l ,__ . „_..: 111 "1 1 .11t ,
t.; '.l.)c(ctlPY. containin7, etreffl .... 11 :3_
- 11 , 10 70 ac rot of yr liictriadkallg Mir -
, i,,. , ..erri. There are uptrit.t I .4rt• -_,: • '-
a L.-, rrl 1.3 Icr 1 1 , y r S4;l n applerotal in . ~
•. 7, N , ITZ Fe•Vpn 1 y no ressor c oal. Ipescals
;q.;10 Ow of any upload; , fam 1a
._.._: i l le
4u; a c!.. kr nn non application to tile nom.. .-
47 I LLI A?I C. W ALL; Pietist mot Fir,
V an d Piet:ere Fragile .11621sfa iller '
-th S! rut PE tts bur gk. —Catoraott...l6rasbesi
for Art ists, always on band.. LO° 1114 ! .
pity framed to order. Replying 0°67:
rticutar attention patd toinigdiaginw
descrip , ion.
Persons titling up Steam Baatstor houses win
eiradvant2geto cull!
BITE V LEAD.—Tbe sabscrlloll*""_t.
to furnish painters. and otbent whit ; 1 1
a" , ' pore White Lead.inade of the will
r, rd equal, if not superior toaity aresed
derq arldresseti to Dunlap* HlSOMllgaretill:
° • '4;0.110 Second Aral, Plttshoreb.wVl be
t••rred to. ITE,LA P
K' s ttal lo
',DIES FASHIONABLE 15 1408 51° .„.. 118r
Fifth St.. erre door frost god ill
subscriber respectfully inform" !
church and vicinity Mot be Vets
r.. 1 Shoes of his own manntlitler
pre he will keep constantly on Mold -Ir . '
•t of all kinds of ladies.lniSeeeelted beo
i chow. of t lie best quality. nltN•V ir _,..P' .
I o snit the times He Will stitellor.„
of fancy work—soh as
Ter?, colored gaiters, andheilkto"Z---iiii
dren's ellslers, silk .s.alleraitt r-I _, tk
,1 be made at the shOrlent 'Rolfes. -- 1 „
Ladies will please alli":"00
be subscriber feels confident Illatite7-
r article in his line they um/
• 10 11093C1,..ki
S. Don't Comet. the a";.",
• - .7 from Harris's intelligence' .
•••• Market Street
AL.ILLI All DIGBY hart NI- WO co olie
1 business °Cowart H .i.is 0 .
.`rly street and 42 Market sitiVV l6 N ett
u tzus to the nurneronsfrier t4saist
m. for there ry liberal stslilio t ! I _ lll . , 1 1;, - ossfil
eded to bits, In esinnaetivv -vOr"."' isiiiiii_a,
ii4,es to assure them thal ivell ro e aolli l ir
e-it the continuation of the srdViv-, .. ..,.. - .idol
fogy tnviie their attest*" A 17''d i r asrr.
' ill ye. width he intealdsitenhollit ou p a fikir,
n has been ewer offetvg.. ..4401,.0/1
...whole of the skirt of tbailltiel"''' ,
e; urd as he IntendsloViiillire_ _ 21111°P.'"—__ F..
I , briAnefai, he feels tauldblVlmii w-iiitatolliN
pass his stock. eiltw *Sir. iliCl4l97c: ' . ..,
-- oorkirranshint. ' stiktriAilb
r !ease ibtaileocatettatelllVr? ' :
red' in Pllthrintivllr - -
----Amur.patc_ll,._ , •.0 1 t1gw0-
Co.? aiii)ifirkgeferit its
1 1 18 OM ,stliti,4l.. - ' '
irotiekt-001W--. •' -
OL 1.--NO. 82.
coo - E R oF WOOD 4. FIFTH 8T &
Fly E DoLLARS a year. payal.le in
HZ nee , opies TWO CENT S —for sale at the
.1 tbe office. aad by News Bays.
ivreary and Maunfacturer
WEEKL y, 31 the same office, on a 11,1uhle
a , Two nnt,LARs a year, in ad.
c •
v os of Advertising:
I' 0,50 1 (Jae montt, ' $.5.00
,uu• 0.751 wo moms, 6.00
- 1,00 Three months. 7.00
1..i0 Four mono ha, 8,00
3.00 Si: months, 10,00
4.00 One year, 15,00
Ttro .s.2,EareE
!lq.llo Six months , e $23,00
23.00 One year. 35,00
- „ w 11vorti,Inents in prorortion.
-01 four Imes : , ' tx DOLLOtr: a year.
ri31,10 0 FF I C ES, &C.
r DS T Orrit Third between Market and Wood
y addle. ro:4master.
g flarse. Waler.4th door from Vood st. reter
vw,_mwr John Willock, Collector.
T o o-str. 11'ood bel ween Firs and Second
t,cs,t.Fla rtra ro Treasurer.
Tcrorns. Ttord street, TIPS' door to the
„Loro•r:an rch —S. ft. Johnston, Treasurer.
e. Fourth, I .etween Market and Wood
Wunder Hay. Mayor.
ElLx.weg. Foe Mt, near Market
het ween Market and Wood streets, on-
,cr: O , P NI ,71f TilLlls. aND FARDICRS '
c.l'ormerly Saving Flind.) Foselh. between
'li3rl;el sttect ,
.1. Fifth •itreel. 111,1 r ‘V nod.
1101T1. - z.
;,11!:1 fliPar ¶lt Bl"Vgif ,
cc:- corner of Penn and ISt Clair.
ocrs.' , ll.Tet, eor tier of 'V 11, d cd Wood.
ttl Third and
k •c t rt, rorner of Penn ,t.+4, and (anal.
P,,a y Ore° , • crar Seventh.
,Nsra, 110-r.c.i.in•erlt• Si Wav
ILTNSELLOR AT 1, k W.—( ttfier mo
...welt', office,. on Grant .1 , neatly e
Court lionFe, next rooms.to John P. Mal ,
It eon,. A,' 10
. 11. ELLf(yr r, H. D.- Ofice rewx" .l4o
sr reef, betreen Penn Ala Liberin S ,
I , 10
Gool)s.—Pre-nn ¢ Mackev, wiluir...ale and
dralerß in Enzli.h, French. and Domesi
Markel Fen 10
MUSS M'CLUILE, A,torneys and
n•wil )re. Office in (lie Diamond, frock
comi sep 10
0V ti,.- IL Marrow, .11derm:In; office north
r,( ween Wood and Smithfield
son tO
ry rr. (11.1-rr R er.t if% in!
N in Prnibire 1,1 rittsl.siret
toes moo. :12.4 Libcrty Streft, Pitts
sell 10
". I rlpi rltt.r. - nRi
LWORT7T.--W 1 1 01, •sale
Mereldant,, and
annf,cinred art irle
sect 10
Wit it(H/IN:4)N, ioriwv al Law
1 7 le lie 01:iition4.11e1Wee'
Sep 10
re , I p
01"$11.);;W. 1• nrnrc al Lary; lender,
S. r ert :11.ovc 9. Lloy.! Cti.z.
.ep 10
N. Kean
Uri . it: I.F. o-1,t0•r4 of rOt.per
o. 1‘ I r.. N., Froto ct ,
S. B. lOVNG CO., I'll, ',we Warr
r :izr Alley,
rIl find it 10
Zl, II- a rat'. w , a , tsfied that
Hp 10
I e, ,, e .1, in qual • c a mi
ON re.,•vPd°choice Mut
wcil cared and :or =a a cheap by Ihe do
=ail, 6r Ir V VC fIARRIS,
I .Isappy of La rei h's Fresh Ro-
Bin, and of Lei diferrot varieties of Turnip
,reired I - , sale at Rrorrso PRICKS at the
A Seed Sore of F. L. SNOIA'DES,
So. 1-iherly street, head of Wood.
13 CLOSET 1 Pont and shoe Itianulacio
,y, So. I{3 Fourth next door tot he U. Stales
Prenel/a, Kid aid Satin Shoes made in
manacr, and by the newest ['rend' puttcrna,
ONIoRUS I'LTICA ULU'S. in lots Losuit
purchasers; to ie iltspoi , ed orb!?
No. 181 Liberty street. bead of Wood.
p,o() I'S, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev
des,rlrn inn, can always be had at the Nog
18-I Liheri y street, head of Wood.
`.lllinois Annual Mammoth Onion Sebil, ref
ole at the Drug and deed store of
184 Liberty itreo, bead of wood.
CLT seed; Jug received by
No. 184, Liberty head of Wood sc.
IW : S TOOLS, consitalltiof Floes. Fancy Spades
r'''''avlag Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding
rntsdnig Shears. etc-,;no re.
1'444'4 tF. L. SNOWDEN.
184 Libegy.street, head of Wood.
CE , Ve46, 3 , 1 .—Juss. received a small sup,
"rY choke cured Venison Haws. on retail
ins for current money.
ISAAC H %RMS. Agent,
and Corn. Merchant
[ 'ad eClover Seed, Orchard Craig god
kecluery Blue Grass, always on hand and for
No. 1114 Liberty greet, head of Wood,
" 4 BUCHANAN, -Weimer, et Law. care
.red from the Diamond, to ...Attorney'sßow,"
of Fourth street, iletween Market and Wood
18TiiATEs' BLANKS, for proceedinrs in AL,
"e under theists law, for sale at this office.
°A LE—LoIa on the Werth Rossi comer of Coal
se Ina street. ApPit
Btx.i. DARLINGTON, Vorktt;Tie2r 4th It'
LBS. Laud reties French Sugar Seel 151 : 01 4 1 / 4
rntrived and for sate at the Drug hail Feed
184 Liberty !treat; bead of :Wend.
nership heretofore existing'betweeo"
BY and CENJ Miff N HOPEWELL is thinday
Imolai connect. 'Mum Dicey Is eon Ithlliod
scare of the (trolls settling ite the teedithes
, - terzaumaittasy4 ,,
Offief ix -Soak
J Add, iiirtieri4s /coma aord E
titbit Sti;, -
pep 10 - Prrrsettaaa.
Ton zisronf ST 41KIETON„ BociksoSers. Printers avid
Paper., anufacturers, re 4.. 37, Market it. tep 10-Iy.
itd work p - ovrtrtily
Fell -10
No 9. Fiit Ii st
JOEllq ANDERSON , Smith fi eld Foundry. Waiter st
. near the Monongahela Reese, Plitstureb. sea 10-1 Y
LEONARD S. JOHNS; A tderuian,St.Clair Sieve, se
rood door from Liberty: rep 11)-11
Fir, S. 11. HOLM ES, OtEre in Second street, next door
to .41ntvany 4- Co's Glise Warehouse seP NAY
SHUNK. 4' FIND!. 4.1 E. Ationieys at Law. Fourthst..
near the Mayor's Otrice.Ptttabsret. sep 10-ly
lOS. ft A at 1 LTA N,Alfrittsey at Law, Fitt h, bet ween
Woad and Stnit kiwi& *la— Pittnltureti. sep 10-1 y
ELVER TONER. Aunt nett at Law. North East rorner
rr af Smithfield and Fourth streets. sep 10—ly
HANNA 4- TUR N8U1.1.3 Paper Warehouse. No.
'fut. Wood M., where - mac he had a tencrat soPf ll .9
of crrAirts wrapping. printing, wall paper, Wan% books.
school hooks. sep 10—ly
C. TOW N.' .AI7.ND dr' Co..i Tire' fro rkers cant
Nansfaascrers, No. 211 Market etrcll. between
and ad streets. SeP 10-19 .
4 1XCHANGF: HOTEL. Corner of Penn and F . l. Clair
2_4 ir.pets(hy 4 SMITH,
Pep 10-1 y
1G METAL —77 tons soft Pls Metal for see by
J.G.* 'A. COED ,
grp 13'ffin. 12 %Voter ..treet
: ms. 16.000 abs- Baton
3,000 L.B.sio - . B ,2ecr.°L
A. 8011143 N,
13 Co 12A1 - nler sheet
W %S. PATT J r.. Bfratinghnin, 'mar r;llstHireh,
Pa., Mannfa , to rPr or 11.6eks. Ilinipm . and Bolts; To
laceo, Faller. Mill and Timber Se reiwo; Flow/en Screws for
Rolling Mills, rep 10—iy
I OHN, 31 9 C LOSHEY, Tailor andflei bier. Laber. y
sheet. between Sixtbi asa . Iley, Smith side.
s , p l 0
tJW RITRWRIDCE 4- C 4., Wbotc.ale llyweers and
roinmiFsion Merehantr—Seennd street, between
tVood a nd Smit hfiel d sLS., fiftshur n o. seplo- ly
11011913 N. Otmmissinn it:ltti Forwarding
hl , -rrhatt , , Water st.,Plitstmmtl. cep 10-1 y
ra.ks Ila rns.a : sood a rtirle, mreised per S
R rorFair, and for sale by J.C.4 - A. GORDON.
srp 10 Na. 11. %Valet . street
Qt7G S• ‘lOl. k FS —4O ltbds Nen, Orleans Su
aar; SO III& New Orlenes Molaßcer; Co? pate by
sepJ.-4. A. GORDON:
Q.l_ l (7tt.-7 dI d= nrIMP N. 0. Solar. rereoled ner
tt R.
ine. and for sale by Li: 4- A. CORDON.
`PP 10 No. 12, Water street
5" BACON CASKS,in order, on hand and for gale by
fop 10 J. G. k A.COR DON, So. 12, Water st
QUO AIL AND MOL %S.SPS..-1311tAs and 4 N. 0.
1 , 7
Sur 32 ithls N.O. Molazw,F., reeeivea per SI P1111.1:11
mrort Pr, nd for .ale J. G. A. cormos,
ep 10 Vin. 12. Water _t reel
5 PILS. LARD 011. far &ve by
ep 10 corner of 6i h nnA Wood
1631 ERSCe r a l n . to F w A n i
1 1. 1 . ::E04 1r,t r
o llt c K k
k ro c r o7
Pep I c.oroe ro C end Wood st P.
‘)00 LISS Prepared Chalk, for tra•ft by
oar 8, A. F tTI SES POCK k GO,
FeP 10 enroer of 6+ h and Wood ft,
SUG .ANn NISI. NS.SES. 7 -60 Ithd.i. N. r 3. su g ar,
25 was_ d 0.4 1 ,... 100 do. Plantati.•u 31,•lasseP. for
.ile by
.Cp 13
n Iw iis:ed in Eankrnptry proceeding , . printed no
good pa pe r.a nil i n the &weal approved by I Ike Con ri ,ror gate
rat the Offtee or rhe tilereuiy and Denrineral. sep 10
`f 7 11. 11F111141iD : fashiohl'lc hoot and
FM.. uanorciprer.n, 11)), Third vreet, het II
Wood and Smithfield st rectiii, seplll
i Am? , removed his office to the corner of Fourth
street und Cherry 4ney, heiween Smithfield and Grant
streets,riitshurgh. FlAp 10
. _ .
FOR RENT.—Therhvetling and lot cot.taining. 4
acres. in Alteaheny, near the Bearer road.'ately
ocrtipierthr Mr. Sannetlelinrch. A ppl yat Ihe Merchants
and Manu(aei urers' Batik. to W. 11. DENN Y.
1.1 MA KER B No. 7, St. Clair str..ei, Piny
sep 10
supply of Landrelis's Garden ite:•ds, always on
ha nd:aod for-sale at las 4gency, the flrloi more of
1:3 Liberty Ft reef, head of Wood.
pg. D4Y J D WA.411 h ffi
as his oce and residence
on Fours Street, nearly sopih of the Court Muse,
second dwellint from Rossstreet. tie will faithfully as tend
all calls pertaining to his profes.ion. Night calls should he
made at the door above the has.,inent. sep 10
At, —Malt hews holes, clari , er and Hair Dress
er, has removed 10 Fourth street, opposite' he May
office, where he wilt he happy to:wait upon permanent
or transient essinpters. lie solieitsa share of poblie rot ,
iV AR D i DENTIST, Penn Et. I hree .
♦ door below Irvin street, Hours of IniSiness, from
9s. K., until sp. , after, which, lime he
. will attend ,
to ',lO one eirept in enww of aciitat neewsily. Hr
would further inform those who mat think proper to
employ him, t hat hi experts immediate payment, without;,
the necessity on his . part,asending in bills. sep 10
lONS WFARL 1 111111,, Upholsterer avid Cabinet
ler N..isr, Third at. betweri Wood 4. Narket streets,
rftrpoctful informs his friends `and the public that he is
prepared to esereute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. 80.
reans,Chairs. Tables,ftedf4eads, Stands, Hair and Springy
matlra s , curtain., Carpets, Loll sorts. of Upholstering
IFOrk.iwhick he writ warrant equal .o any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. yep 10
11l 110 Weed Strut; PittabKriA.-11. A. Bailsman,
Aunt laver and CominiSsion 3ierchant, is now prepared
to ree & e and sell all
,kinds of Goods and Merchandise,.
at his larse and eapaejous moms, No. 110, North Bast
Disrner of Wood and Fifth Streets, f•itisburs,h.
Resularaules of Dry - Goods. Furniture. Groceries and
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.'
Kardware, Colliery. Dry. Goods, .and Fancy articles, on,
Tuesday, Wedaessishand Thursday eveitintts.
Boots, tc., every Saistrday opening. •
Liberal advanceswade on C,onsiguntents when wanted..
idesooL John D. Davie. B+i4-;
• .Bagaley 4 •Awith,
• Hampton. Smith, 4 co.;
- V. Lomas- co.', 1
6. J. W. Birbfkke C 0.4 .
• 8. 11*Kie it CO. -
Cal 4. /AWN ri4Sbarib.
" C. ihnnien. Etc.
" Joon M - lien,.
.* Logan kr Kennedy. i
o , J: K. - Moorhead 1 Co. i
.s. Jas. P.StnarLinni.
" itebelitearinit, Egg:
''. .. Capt.:AL Stay! 1 - I : i
o t
---- - tlieVay Haas*, , 4..t.0 t ; .-. ~ - . : 1
..- ,- 'William symodic h. , . = .. , _ WbeeliK
a A8..C1f.-11earyi i' - h ...-• -" - ..,, ,Lontioillik,..
• - - 10. , = :ijialtilMagalark PIK: - '': '".. ' 0 , 10 4 1 .0- ' 1 4
_ ,A.,“0 , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-; ; .,. .4 -., -K; I- , :4 .-::,' ..2.,', , :r -' , ..1;7f ; •- 7'' ?. ' ' - i;
, i '
€0 , 414k:t1 ,4*014„44 , .. 0-tw....4.-0 Atc-,1,0t: , !5 - 0";1:'.4 3 t
'' .' ' •-' * -",,10.,..,---; ,- - ,",-,..-' f t b,..2::
121: Coruir of irced.d groat
fitreetsp-flttalmset, has on-hand it complete as=
sortwenlof Qurrnsware sailed to ,ihe city or country
tia4c. Also.„ a choice selection of pine arbile and gold
babel DINING AND TEA WARE. hi' !tree al' small =salt,'
or eeparate piece to volt peretilstutua-
cask or 46, 60, or 84 piece sells, superbly painted
and gilt English C)ina Teaware, at iery lon , prices,.
Toy TeaWare:roain,- and rkh palsied and gilt,
1410 to $5,00 per set ,
Children's:llns! scenery description.
White citron Sbasins Muss
granite Dining a. d -Tea services, in white and with
splendid American scenery printed is pine and-Meek.
'A large liar ietkofSteamboat Dinitig and lartmlifwtt Seta,
imported .:to utateh. complete,
Fite Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the
Derbyshire Pouiries.
, Flint and Creed Glam. In all their varieties.
Window Glam, of every sin.
'Patent Pockets, Tubsand - KeelerS.
Slone Pipe 'leads. 4.c: ke4 ke: • .
All of which are rwriecifolly offered In the poh.
lit on t he most l tvorahlr terms. inn 26.1842-1 y
Ili J. FOX ' AtbEIN tisif CoAnsellor at
• Law. Cfl rri his rimfr,,signal services to the cit
izens of Pittsburgh and hopes for a share of publicpat•
imitate. Ile will executes!l kinds ..f writing, with neat
nevi rind dispatch. Cases in ban krtiptey attended to on
reasonable terms.-offire in Smithfield street. at the
.house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refers.
sap 10 T. J. Fnx ALDEN.
DAVID CLARK, ./Ig't. reaskioliable Rogt jil:44 - er,
mis removed to No, 34 Market street. between
Second and Third streets, where lie wolf& be Itappy
to see his old customers. and all othrrs olio feel dispos
ed to patronize him. Ue uses noillinz hot Prst rate
st6ek. and em ploys the hest of workmen; and as he give.
lus constant personal attention to business, be truststhat
he will deserve and rnceive a fair share of patronage.
110 ratrytt, SUB tat EA IVISIFECTION Alt Y.—
A Hunkerretpec fully iiakruis his frlendsend the
public that they.can always find the quality of Ice
Creains. tosether With al: kinds of confectionary and
fruits. to their season, at his essabliAnter,t—No.
Fifth street, between Wood and Market.
N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with
cakes, or anything in his line. Also fainilies furnished
Willi Bread. sea 10
HAM J. CLENI ER, residing at 66 Mott street.
few York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most
a=ravaied form. The symptoms were violent head
ache. great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart.
burn, pain in the chest and stomach always after tattle!.
impaired appetite. sevsation of Stoking 31 the so:intact!,
furred tongue., nausea. milli frequent vomitings, dig.y.inass
Mirards night and reariertem These had continuedup
ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting pr. Wm.
Evans. MO Chatham street, and submitting to his ewer
sucee: , sful snd agreeable made of treatment, the patient .
was completely restored to health in the short space of
one month, a nd eraterni for the incalculable benefit cleric , .
ed. elarnv earns forward and volnnteerpl t4e pppyestate
For sale Wholesale and Ratali
R. E. SELLEIS, Ag,ent,
Vo Wood street ',Mow Second.
No. I. VL'iaer si trei
PITTSBU4G-11, DECEMBER i 5, 1/4i.
GAR D. —Those who %voted aistt _
_ready to rednee
their expet se for light, ginlald rertainly purchase one of
if e above named Lamps, as by their use there is a clear
saving of at least twa-t birds of the expense over Oil,and
{he 112jil eloniepd front this is pure and brilliant, and
'wholly free from smoke or disac - reenble smell. We would
here Finte that Care's Patent is the only one worthy the
nf the public, as it is the only one that is appli
ratite to every variety or pattern of Lantrw, find the only
ore tat rd writ. al any temperature or cold
beet. We ha y 4. in the short spare of three te pot,,,
cold several thousands: nod srarre no eveention,
those using them have ex eres , 'ed themselves Mt=hly pleas
ed nett II then,. and fully ronvit red of the :real economy
by their use, as well as their superiotity over either oil,
nr cand!rs, in retrarti to cle: oline.ts and light.
The above tumid lamps rap he lied only at
R IFX 4- R.l}-21t0mirg,
Third 51 rem, nearly oremaite the Post (Wire,
%V flare is kept tionslittolv nn hand Brit:lwlin Metal, Tin
and .Gins Lamps. of v
['lnc,: lamp, :=ulti al iver.itf"ourrrs' pri;
%V.. take plea,!, n nTet ill': to the /1111.1je. the 6,110 w
ink revificale, which i< F‘titscrit , rl; to by many reFitecta
bjp r
We. the under.isted. hive fled and are now using
Carr's Patent Lamps. for burning 1.a.,1 or o: her animal I
fat, and we have no he-nation in say ing , .hat they give an
excePent light—equal to ai.y of the ordinary modes of
lighting a house. at about one-thud the cost, and wholly
free from smoke or other disagreeeble smell. We rake a
pleasure in TeCtIITI mending these lamps to the public. as by
their use there k a great saving over -either sperm
or lard oil. or even canillez;-and we believe them to
be more cleanly and icss troublesome than either.
To be had at Breown 4. RAYMOND ' S Way. Third street,
nearly opposite the Post Office.
Rev. W. W. Bakewel, James Boon,
" A. M. Bryan, Charles Nielson,
" John ISFCron, C. Yeager,
" N. G. Collins, Wm. Graham, jr.,
" Robert Dunlap, F.. Trevitlo,
Dr H. D. Sellers. Win. Dough. SA.
E. D. Gazzam, Henry Atwood,
" Wm. M. Wright, Isaac Cruse,
Robert H. Kerr. Esq., George W. Henry
A. Beckham, Robert McPherson,
Thomas ()moon John S. Shaffer,
George Miltenberger, Wm. Eichballm,
0. P. Shims, J. B Turner.
A. Miller. Wm. Martin.
R. M. Riddle, Post Master Henry Bargesser,
R o bert Gray, James , S. Clark, pftlie Amer.
Allen Kramer, icon flotei,
A. F. Mart hens, John M,Campliell
Al. Stack house. 1.. A lberger,
Robert Johnston, James Menlo,
N. rs Just received, an improved Patent Lamp. for
kitchen use. tiny 19---diw 4- wtf
TO THE PUBLIC, and particularly to ray farmer
patrol , ' of this city:—fiavii,E retired from the
prartire of Medicine. I may be permitted to say, that if
fallen to the lot of iut few persons to have enjoyed
so liberal or large a share of OttAireirical practice as may
own has been for the last 30 or 40 years.
The experience of that long period of active lire. and the
fart of my having been twice, sinee IR.3o.asqaciatr.d with
Dr. It, .4. Wilson. in the practice of medicine, (in both a
period of five years.) enables inc to judge fully of the.
merfig of his pills.
So convenient. so efficient. and yet so 52 4. e, did esteem
these pill., l hat for the lalit five 'raisin my practice for
the cure of chronic of w !Weyer na cm , . and ihnse
of females in pa ti icular, i have used more ot them than
all other medicines.
Like every other medicine. this must fail in some in
stanres. hut in my hands there hys been less disappoint
ment and more satisfartion in It e dc administration of this
one remedy than of ail at herto4 good erects sometimes
quiteastonishing nr. .
If my patient required a safe aperient medicine e ith er
fore nr after parturition, the Witson's pi 's were just
the thing I wanted.
rr a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
with costiveness or Inactivity ofthe liver. constituted the
disease-If my patient. the pills were just the thing I
It I treated a case requiring an emmetragogue. the
Wilson's pills werejast the thing I wanted. •
palpitation, headache. flushed countenance. or other
difficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory systems. annoyed my patient at the gun"
0{404. the Wilson's pills werejustthe thing 1-wanted.
Thus, without resomt to the name, a &erase might
happen to at the time I bane had it :under treat
mast, particular indications or 'l..ymPions - ai mug, 'sere
al - •-ays mo't promptly and most happily met by the
Wilson's pill/. - • .
That so ereat.a number ordiseasm, and sometimes ap.
parently opposite onear,la which / have yard these pills;
should be cared more readily by them than by any other
remedy -mar ninon' Ilmati strange:and mint radictoiy, hat
war otla ants azalea: to my mind as That a great.many
persons shopild become thirsty from: st many ditrereut
eaasekand yet all-require-that !cotaawcut audgrealust
all biessimm, water toques:* thekr, 04'91. -"
in cronclusion,il is due the epatation of Vte nuoliciae
and then:WlC, Maly decidedly and unconditionally; that
iheWitsoit's Pilkstretheonly combing:it:o , l have ever
met with in jay tongeourse turpractlee, that seatly-paa-,
eesmitvebigg carativebt specf6aor sick beadathei
Ycnamte.., PR, P1WAP4 1 .44.
• *bort Pills **pied Ortitulallyz_,theAtilic
:tfiet.,-Dyskpilia.coaWkikmr Pr 01 4: BPltlffre 4
JTepOptiktlier; 21-Iraioni - t io ; op t s J
?k , .!
• •-t
-. , 7, , 5 - • - ,' ,,, :" ir,,•y",,,,>.
„ : ::.,u7aptr„w,3:',,m:gfm•MT:4p,..,,p....,,
1900113F1ST//eAratei, Female_ Pia". These
jj rillaare roti:ty reearomeadedloitia balite or
Iheiladiea :1111,111 safe - and :effie.Wokresiiedy
lichte Complaints peculiar to !twirler. from 4rast of e -
ere6e. glawildeallitj of the tit* oUriale
ea:Alvenimi, sad valawact all Hysierieal and liteKrilll
PillVitave pitied !tie "sairetliia' and
approl/ition of theenswit emtnealt Physic's* lattieNtti
fed Sinter, aoi! many Mothers. l'or sale Wholeialc and.
EL ADA, Rest asi Shea - Mawr; Lilit , tyfit.. l
opposite the head of Sseithjiehi 11.. Pittsburg/1.,-
suligertherhaving bought out' the stock nf. the HIM
Thomas Rafferty. deceased, hau commenced Weert
in the old Aiwa ortelr. It.. and is prepared to execute
nit descriptions of work in his line, in the beet teannlef,
and on the shortest notice. fle seeps cur slant ly on band
a is Ise assortment ofshoe findings Of all deseripdons sad
ofthe beet quality._ Be saleits.the patronage of the nub,
tic and of the craft. - wm. ADAIR.
rep 10
111111 lal/I.6ItitAMTFACrORY.r - gPrinl i •
Latti - 441 - * J* - -.oarr4agair - at. Esteems Prices.
The aniemliera Tafffifteture and keeps constantly on
hand trArockairit Etirdic Springs twarntotedi) Juniata
Iron ,Asleuplirrer end. Brass plater; Dash .Fromm, grass
and platirritribitands, Stump Irian's, Patent Leather,
Silver sad foam Lamps. Three fold Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Flairdles and Hinges. ke..ke.
SP•6 It) St-Clair V.. near 1 1 , e Anrsdeny grids..
Tx D. SELLERft,..M. D., office and dwelling in Fourth,
. near Perry street. sep 13—ly
The nitenttem sfthoewbo have been somenrhat scep..
referentie to the numerous certain les published
in Aleut of Dr.Swayrie's Compound Syrup, of Wild Cher.
iv; au aCernin of the persona lietrtrunknosen in Shia see .
tion of the Slate, is respectfully directed to the following
certhiento,the twitter or which IMF been a ehigen of this
borough forseverat yeartcand is hops it as a gentleman
of integrity and reiponilitility.
To as .itions. Mi. J. Ktaar.
I have used Dr Swavne's Comp and Syrup of Wild
Cherry for a rough, with which I have been severely of
flirted far afloat four months, and I have no territation
in saving that it ',the most effective' medicine that 1 - have
been able to procure. It composes-all -uneaviness. and
agrees well with my diet,llkand mantalna a regular and
good ailpetite. T ear freely recommend it to all others
similarly afflicted. .I.lllinmor. Borough ofChatnher.b. 'g.
March 9. 1540. sep 3
For safe by W 1 , Tlf Ott N NA. 53 Market street.
R.ttli•-otsis de.sirnus of prnctirine Fruit, Sbade. and
Ornamental Tree*, or fihtebbery, from Philadel
pile or New York, are requested to make application as
soon as possible, at the Druz and Seed Store of the sub.
scriber, where can 1p had rataloines, eraluitnuslc. of the
most excellent varieties. F. T.. SNOW DEN,
sep 21 ' No 1M- Liberty street. head of Wno
MAIIRLE M 17. k: UFA CTOR —PatrickV Cawfield
spectfully acquaints his friend= and the public gen
erally, I 4at hp hn..commenred the Marble tmsinvmai the
corner of Fifth and Liberty sts..where will he constantly
on hand. trntnstones, mantel pieces, monnments. brad
and foot stones,.table Flubs for cabinet ware, and every
article a nmntainhei to the - business. fte will warrant his
work to he mpll Anise. Ind:his charces will be moderate .
Flerespeci fully asks a share of public patronage. scp-10-
1 - A MRS %. VEAZEY. Forwarding and Commission
tit Aeent for Steamboat Cleveland and
Pelson tva in and Ohio Limn flaying rented the ware
how,. formerly iiierpried by itirtoinvhom A- Co.. No. 60
Water St reel. Waren Wood and Smithfield, iR prepared
to receive and fit'iward goode to any port , on the ()Woo,
NT i.sipxinpi river on reasonable terms.
set i 0
inlo- P. 9 RTA ERSIII f'. Smith k W. Hampton,
1 1.._./ barley 115:toria , ell . I henetelyr.o tozethey under the
flnit of linmulon 4-• Smith, will continue the whnlegale
Dry CmulA hitginezg in the house recently orenpled by
fiamptnn. Smith 4- Co where they will he - eceiring in a
few days a, new dock of Fa .1 and ',Violet Goode. They
respect y ira-:tt e heir old friendg, and merchanle gen
erally, Yisiting Pittsburgh, to call and exavrine their
stuctr, Feld .28—d3ra•
Portage Platform Scales-011 Vllll els, to weigh LEGO ibs,at
555 00.
do do do do 2,003 at 545 00
do do do do 1.500 at 35 00
O-P do do do 1,000 at :30 00
an do do do 500 at 25 00
With raising levers an addition of 93 to each scale.
Dormant scales for the uce of Warehouses, Flooring
kr.,the same prices as above.
A Iso,White's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements, and a variety of other counter scales,
which they will sell for from 3 to $l5,
They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Mills. Saw !IN's. Salt Works. 4-c„ double and singe
geared slide lathes,root and other tathes for wood turning
machines for tenanting chairs. planing machines., door
and sash machines. Hall's patrot horse power, with or
wit hout t hrashing machines, a _superior article; cirt n tat
saw shafts, machines for sawing lath, Tinner's ma
chines and tootsofalldescriptions.also for making black
ing boxes, a superior article; governors for steam engine
stocks, taps and hies, coWtre Waif, fiedati:l4i or joint tots
„and machinery for making the same, Cotton faciory ma
chinery made or repaired; printing press plattens turned
and printing presses repaired
sep 22—tf
nill Auctioneer and Commip
` skin hierchant;Nii.lo6,isener of Wood¢ Flfik its.
Pittsfromik. Ravine beenappointed.one of the Auction
eers fro the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his services to jo , -
hers, manufacturers and dealers. who may 'he ittionsed
to make trial of this market- He ii prepared to make
advances op eonrteninenaa of all r-ttrialile commodhj . es 7
and trash; tonality correspondents by quick sate-cand
Speedy Tang favorable returns. -
That the garions interests which may he conlideCto
hint. shill be adequately protemed,he twins to the aid
of lib owaesperieneielt Mistimeand acquaintamie with
merckswitze aenetatts, the maim _of
piintiimoctr, beretifine pdvantleotWly known. as no
importer and dealer in ffirdware- and r tinny. With
who= a permanent entrageneentin made.
Tiernan, Preset. of M. k M.
Rank. -
Jelling, on 4- Peebles,
• Rqbert Galway.
u Jaime AL Cooper.
, James Nov.-
:EnbllsetS.'ie. Poet f
of Exchange Rank.
• liamplon,Soillh, 4- co.,
• ..--Jobti 11 4,*. , • - -
: 4kangel•CharCht '
"_ • -
f - Co.
• " 7 .hvtin
• " adorn 'I
u Jobs S. Iltddle,,
• mbir
, - kV,, , W - 4-„
.V. ,. : - ..:' . ::L , i. , ' , ';.zPT , . : : . -.,.. 1 .1',ir , t..,4::'•:!•!'....-7,,
No. 20. Wood Strev • beta* Second
;- 1
. . ()Rose_ c•ru_s 1 - - A li C k3lll4 1 -" 4411 '' , l e d .''' - a 4
.- rte; .
FmKpeekmam atm ag. a DeMy./eusse.iiii ta. C 414 fill . I We have 0 ten been veto. ,
as.ra,.4. 44 serials& Lis nitrous -entrte sawn ts wren' - per.. -,-=-
~...,„,' ect. 0
DAILY_NORNINfic - tubT, , runarities of lweatern life "- et i iikrinillikow ,
- - - -- 4 - ' - ' r - . ' I prari4,"and orincidents Cr bonier -4
rnflESithecribers..barriejunade tu'omstreents re emerge , but •„_." ....,,,,,,„;,,,,a • i i i .t h pra . ....4",.....0,i.t. ..-,'•
1 the ' Anatolie htanehindirrer itel HlUsitUralt Slerciv. j ne* " .. 1 . ~._". . .re. ' '. ... . "72,7 ...
_____,.._ .A 'r ' ',....5 : ' '4190 .1- v, ...."'
ry into one. Journal, havecrupiirtistr. rt daily. Illehree eatirattnictuti mut - - o .lPelleiltek,
r a p er wilt' the " fie erilii. DW I - Meri t ", rest lithe analagoue with, the ,resftemettit et -
'fba•beediin object efilte*rotte wilt be the.latmestut. _ ,,
nap am defence o r the " li a im i pr i ac i p t e p t h at t im p t . t wit . ji l t society, ', al it ill! in the - nut/ ,„ . . v.--s
-tolbre twin mairrlpined by the tel .. tem itt thet' r resp , clire characteristic °roe in ynitigglett - '< -
Palters. allsj their hesieffortil will" o
wl bakr". 4 to tale man. In - ....L.L1t.......A. ..cruityr the
advancenient and of thiwe doe rinvt.
Although, its polities. the patter will be tbmeetb i r CII 'Mtn .a. " • ii
nrevalent. even in lame_ ,‘,.,.
democratic. yet the Editor, hope. 11l giving air beitspll, days,' which from - its: imilieronn - il4lll l l - .4:
candid history of passinjt Political events, Foreiltri" would seem almost tobeggardencriptinit i- 4" "
and Domegic lutellicence.and brief etaices of all Red' .. .. -.-..
ters and occurrences that come properly within the sottere A - etc - quit f ro li c, what a name', • Ifilft*U „
ara. root JOUnialt to make Melt payer PnifieSeta i r I n rillilint ' association of ideas eatnit entintlifk 4
ereT•line to entitle It to lb. patronate cf the !Walk, it ..r.t m „,....„,„,.,„, e ,„1 one ; %h... ..,-.
~0 . . . - -,
respective of part] eonsidteatiows. -• r : ' tn. rt ,. *•••••. w o f ---. e_--- , ,e m - 11 7 4.::
In addition to the poittieat-Attti Ireltriil allarliosa win frolic is diverting. Like all the otter -
be found in the ....11fersiwg Pest " the Elite:it/frill tate -
fogs ofour country kinsfolk. the , It
pains. to furnish the businews — cOutalweity . With.,
the latest and most Intereaing Coustractat, larracta- ,
frolic has its origin in thatuniyerstt
canes . trod aft partsCortite tonally, Ned to - havepnetta' economy 7z:of sat ing, Which pe
Ted "' eh ecee'lnt"r t h e IWITeTa and Or ate et Trade farming COttlingility and its desitiotion a ,...4 -
as will ibe advantageOutie•Our hierebaulu and Business fo l lows in their several - Wahines. , served up as follOW a ,t_...he CO rreepeadana"...
, .
Tersts.—The PosT will be pril.lishnd'en a large imperi- of a pereigrinating .Tornadoite .: - „,-.-:
al sheet of tine paper, (maninfaetared especially for Ibis 'W hen e.. residents of thie n.
any m me rest
Journal) at tar unttalty low rale of 'lirl?. DOLLARS - I ... ,
per annuM,payattle in advitnee. It wilt also ' hp sold by lightened region gets 'fis niece of ort,ett,
news-boys at the low tat. of TWO CENTS ' a copy.-
.sticertiacateati wilt b e Inserted at the lowest rules
Cloth [con the klgniT Wtat is
re** l .-
ante they are aware of the necessity '9(444,
charted by ifieightter daily Inapers of the city. 1
ry-TWONTlfspctive laditare wanted to 44 ililf Peet. ing it fulled; but never perhaps heard or ihei„ . .,,
who will be engaged on the use* liberal terms irn d ern i n vention of fu ll ing -machirtits:4l
- ' 'l-T 55 u 0 4 . 4 11 4/ I : l2 , ss' ith charactene - tic tenacity, they of emit* -
. * ' ' adhere to a good g old fashioned! It ay..„, ;
their own, dignified by the beautiful Etailitt
of kicking.
Aapsi 34.,1842.
100 111EIS*ICV. TOBACCO. in store and
for sale by 4- A GORDON.
step 1$ No. 12. Water street.
DV' Morriism ¢ Co. London. for salepnly by S. N.
Wickersham, corner or Wood street and Virgin
alley Pitishorth Pa. and 13. flarwmid; }Seaver Pa. who
let sole agent for Western yennsylyania. •.eep 10
Ait FOR SA L 61.—The andeistrand titterer - 01 - ;Vales
. trace of land situated 4 mite; toreepott,ln the
direction or Kittanning. ißutrato loirusbip. Armitront
county. containing 100 acre, 65 cleared and under good
fence; 10 of wbicn are in meadow- p good square log
dwelling Mune and cabin barn erected thrill:in—an apple
orchard or so Waring trees—and a spring of excellent
wider convenient - tothe !tome.
_FOIL TERMS apply to the subscribers residing at the
Saltworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 tulle above Free
TO THE WlSE.—iiis now welt iinderntood how
mnrh dis mien; of the mind depend for their cure
upon a due attention Iptite body. it is cant understood
how valuable in that medicine which will remove morbid
acenmUlatione without weakening the Imtdiiii/1/wer. It Is
now understood that there is a reciprocal , influence be.
tween the mind and, the body. It is now understood that
purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a utelan
chilli. and evert insanity ps cured by perseireringlY wine
them. it In now understnod bow much domestic happi
nmsdependsnpon the healthy condition of the digestive
rarr4rts• •
It is now well known Rho the Brandreth Pills have
cored thottguids - othepel‘v" and herptein persons, 'even
when-Lhefirst phygicipas had pronounee4 thuin bpyrdld
' all human mpans of relief. It is now not only well
known that theJlratuireth Pinson cure, but it is stisoun•
derstood bowthey cure; that it bitty their purifying effect.
on the blood that they restore the body to healtp.
The value of the medicine is becoming more and more
manifest, it i. recommended daily from family to family.
The Rrandrelli Pills remove in an althost imperceptible
manner all noxious arienomtationy and purity and insist,.
rate the hiood.and their good effects are not. connterhainn
red by any inconveniences; bring composed entirety of
vegetables they do not expose those who use them to
danger; and their effects are as certain as they are salu
te rr; they are daily and safely adminintersd to infancy,
youth, manhood, and old eye. and to women in the most
critieal and delicate elreninstanece. They do not disturb
or shock the animal functions, but restore their. order
and ,tablizh their health. s
;proved Flay
tufseictred he
etr Stachint
between Pia
-1 ?!reel. two
.e Hall, Pitts
eartnre and
d the COVQW.
COll.l;4lSCri 01
Sold nt Dr. Brastiretti. °Men. No. 91, Wool 'fres , *
Piiie•tir:ih. Price .$ rents per hot, with foil directions
M A RIC--"Thr only plate in Pittsburhwit ere titegoll
ins. Pill= can he obtained, is the T.nctor's 091711 tact, No
9$ Wood street. rep 10
DR, J. B. TI BRITT'S, Respect fully Inform the citi
zens Pittst:lt rgh, ;ad vicinity. 140 he has retwo
cd to the city. RP hopes to share the eonfitrence of his
farmer patrons and the ;public generally; and FOUCitS
renewal of a pon ion of their patronage. In ronnexion
he would olKerve, that the operation of Lithotrlty, (or
breakingbreakingtliesloueinthe bladder and allowing it to pass
of Willi the urine,) is every where commanding the deep
est interest. Fle hopes to P endthe be n Ott of tit le tualwa
ef his profelmion in t he afflicted. Strictures, Distant. sof
the Bladder and Kidneys,—which oceasit naUytoUove,—
wiil likewise receive attention.
No. I, rot.
wtigh :iJUth
unds.d.t $65,
Those iron' a distatre wishing. Airtime information
will apply personally, or, by !eller, or ir desired can be
accommodated at bis dwollne.,ol a retired part or the ci
ty, on Third, between Ferry and Liberty atik Pep 10
invalids read the following account of a Sailm
Tlcured of a comptiMO ion of afflictions in . nineteen
days by the use of Brantireth flair. It distinctly proves
there are herbs hi nature which have affinity cure be
cause of disease, and Stand ret Pitts are made for them
Read and he CCIBIOnced. , -Take the medicine andte cored
/ono Swim, of Pembroke, Washington coo nty, Maine,
being duly s.worn,mye, that he was taken violently nick
about six months sinceJ The pains in his head, breast,
hack, left side and mace being so had that he wahrona.
hte to help hiumelf,and was taken . •the Chris - re BM
pilaf in the city of ficenon . . That after being in said
hospital five weeks. Deimos Olfgasild he did • not know
what was the matter with him, and that be timid do
nothing for him. nor could he prescribe any medicine.
•That he r therefore.wan conveyed front the Chebea Hos.
NMI to Ihe Sailor's retreat on Staten Island.. That he
was there physicked mith all 'torts of medicine for a peri
od of fctir montheamdreo-*, : afitisetime the most heart.
rending napery., Thati s iddesitishfiectiontithlit„ bones
he was troubled mach - with a disease of the longs: some
unwitor would snit a iMari of phlyta fa t he day; besides
this affection lie had a bad Diarrhea; ',Mich bad more
Ear tees attended him ftoin the comnietwoosent of his Melt.
new. That at times be - dreaded a Stool worm then be
would have dreaderi deaf h; that hectio nOMPace the fret'
big to nothing save that of knives passing ••throogh his
hoevele. A Per offering worse than death al Ihe Jtatioes•
Retreat, on Staten Wand, the doetpi told htm That- medi
cine was of AO mato hint_ that lot oto•t try ,10 stir about.
At this time he was suffering the greatest misery. Telt
his bongs wire tender be geoid not hear the trail press; .
arenpan the elboer or tippet* *net% that bis Instep was,
most patifai.: that is t Doeittriaid he Weald give him,
no moire needle . ne heitetermliedtri preiere some Or.:,
Brand/nib** MK airikieh he did.' frOnl4l" Strowfway
New York; that he pitormatneed withfive - Ws. and image-
tirrevinereasedthestoselOcight: The first omelet" use
F° much hmte4htd - that the-tiocior, not knowing
whin be twat .teting,,- , mow,lititam;yeurfoOtt;•like a.
man again; if yak improve in this way: ye% will soon be
well.' That be f4tid, every dam of the trandretb Pills, •
;renege -7 him.•-froit tie* wird-hint-of : the'pain When , at
r Wool; that lber nezt cured Abe diarrhota, • aad- - - tranany. the:'
pails ,in boom—Tbat the medicine formed to add
strereoh ;ix kim ey tai. pjetoldlb.--drietor'yvtaer:
449 . the lith hodeat; that he (eft himselfwelf. ant also,
that be aiyrid, his - *wooer* in It aal:Meths' PM; tinder
Prenridence,, that bre . Blot teiten -tht Medirtite!etreirda.P;
for I 9 days; that the dorm: told isineythe-41,141 huosro he ,
••••-• • heitstardoglbaititedieitses otbOtrootvivar•-itiireA •
loontherriayht nFe bo4m- ffettOssiderxii Mdiis die* to
make thisoiddie flatcars , fOr-thYhesteAtohlf .015440 y
al/tided; (pat tbetr - ,mayk#iiiiii!;*eeo6ll it Wirrichlt ,
tiegmtljeure ilnup JOHN - t faW;
3at*****4l4 SWOrn'thientiti•Asy n
dot-ataSs±a~trs , ttTt 7 tti.hte slate.
upt**lol4':xo,_ twatg,csopporoper.o,,i.w*N:
•• - 1
. . -
- #7 a Ag-*-
The iiting filks of both seitts„ sattgrabt
gate from the whole gettlement..oa aol..:ti,'
lain evening, for this porpOse,and Ai *l4.
particularly, look with as much anxiety cm ,
theftte, as any of your city belles :couliti,:;
possibly feel for the approach of loot.
magnificent balls . When the guetpe sfe '
assembled, and the usual preliroinetiett,Pu,
the host enters with the newly wove cletth t .
and carefully spreads it over the punche on floor, Hs then covers it ilampletely . wittr
I that delectable substance yclipt 'soft snap:'!:
which, saturating it iltroughout,rendepitA
order for the r.ommeocement of the sport..
Then the fan begins. The ladies *wit,
their feet of all their covering, anti ' tontif.
tuck up their skirts about -knee high;'
when the gents. with ti e utmosinerp*A
mace, draw their boots. pull off their elects
ings, and roll up their pantaloonattpa: car
responding height. Thus accotteted, the,
whole company forms a circle upon> the
outspread cloth, seated upon chairs, each
holding on to a tope passed round the eirsile t
somewhat after the manner your 4lotirfet
sters perform the play of Copetthsgetl l i ti,e,
the kicking commences, and thencialkeut4
fly around, until the faces and clothes.
the 'kickers'—the chairs, tables, flocwoind
i;s short every thing around irpingAlt*lji
bespattered. Bo:netitnes, the '" hg'" -
or three of the youths, who l
on the rope, sprawling op -
molt blushing. when one of tl
pened to slip you never saw.
progresses and draws toward ,
sport increases . All is uproariouelnitlhrr
each trying to kick harder than his 'neigis l
bor, and the shooting and laughing, splish
ing aqd uproar is such only as cap he Wok
gined by one who was present st a kick
ing frolic. This all over. the hrOlt insiiiiP
the company to a 'promiscuous grub',4-tit
walk out to the kitchen and partake Dither
'fat' thing prepared for the occasion, air's
which you 'pair off,' into a dark cornea
with one of these lovely fair ones, origin t a t
the dance.
DEMVCRATIC Rcwnw.--The bumper. or
Decemixer--a good one'—is ernhetlisbe4
with a fine portrait of the Hon. James But.
chanan, U. S. Senator from Pentlyivanith,
engraved on steel. The PntorteratiF RR.
view sayst -
GAs a speaker, Mr. Buchanan is one ef
the gOost efficient in the Senate. - > G'a}w,
clear, anti str9ng in argument, ' hit is
chaste and elegant in rhetorical style.!k94
courteous in all personal deportment; he 5
isairiaya Hargett 41 with the greatest-at
tention and respect; and in every debate
in which takes part, his speech it - n*6r
fails to deal one of the most ponder:*
blows latooglit to hear upon the .rtime4On
from his side of the discutshm. Mid few
have contribute-I so much as this-distin
gUished statesman to guide - aright the tub
lie Dpinital of the country, duringthe past -
struggle of potties and principles of , tubes
nest ten or twelve years, towardevitutreat
itii•ed consummation of judgmeneit:
which, after." brief vacithition,ikii iittes -
seen to be fast settlink down. V., _
_ _
That immense work,the ship.cana i l wbich
connects the St, Lawrence with the appev
lakes. Is completed, as will be seen by Am
following extract from the Kiagopti Ifffig
of November 30:
i Pub/it works in Canadrf- w 4 gestiiiisjir
who is at this time -a: contractor on thnEwiss,
Enlargement, returned - YeeterdaY ll o, - If
visit to Csnaa4, whpre he went for the
pose of making a peoposititin for
the public works at this time being..piatett
der contsact. lie states that the en•
locks at the Long Sault, on • lholletwOr.-,.- -
renee river,are completed; - attilth#i*"
ter had been let in.
,Tbeselmlis4, 1:
, - •
wide, 220 feetingoM4l sufteittagy„,
for sea,m-selv, The leasaindevot ,
_, "- - ':, .•,..-_,.. -,"
ceeettsavy to cotaplettlibit free: ,
tiOn with . Lake Ontario. consisekr - .ti
_ -. 7 3 ,,,
LeaC d . and C's a- I' ' - wi .
at e 1.014 _ Lean a
. z ...__. -
said a eattal-21111eqi wide. alttgoststUlit - -
feet at bottoms, with 10 -feet oflasaisroolll
be put_under copylet '.the_p_Offerliter- -- -''
beeluilltiiii-irg.V**/ birl"ettiefill''
it - Is:aim p e ele4fti c ,ol,lll *-5-
Otiheeinefil *lf(
Yikeev - -. 1 8 41 #
~. .;.!,, , ..:, : ,.;- : , 7 , - -'4,1::ie.4,:,
--,' .k. , ,..!,i30W:,T,
. . _. „,........,,..,