o. , 1 z vat i ti at . .tor mivos COFFIS WA BEIROL1131!!„ f‘..ifigiiiwiliiii:frovira; .4.r.tfederesaser,reppectfultr laturins tfti notate that l wintoved ilia ready wade coffin Warehouse to the recently occupledhy Mr. H. 0. - Berford„directly Appositehis old stand, where he is always prepared to at , demi promptly to any orders in fits tine, and fp strict at tantiento all the details of the huMness of an undertaker bkhopite to merti public confide am He will be prepared wt ardosinoste to provide Hearses, Biers, Carriages and ereiry revasite on the MOW liberal terms. CllllB from the -r.oentry, wilinepromptly attended to. His residence Is in the same beildith With his ware ,itoluse, where those who need his services may dad hint sttany dine. !!!! ! sera,: sir,w. tame, ; hams tint*, JUDOS Pll7Oll, W. S. %ISAAC meatus, sep 10 221131424ra :Oa . • . ' BOOICS. . - STE ARI BOAT BILL, rAitighLtri3,, 11011Sti BILLS, - WANKS, VISITING CARDS, '" '''..Lirtitetfe,- ADDRESS DO., • COMO, -. BUSINESS Da., . ' talfrEg,HA ND BILLS, ittr.l.6 or LADING , • CIRCULARS, ke, e r .e. -"Vaitether with every description of better Press Pilo; -i" . • loft furnish ed with neatness and despatch. and on mode 'irate tie'rms, - 111. the office of the Daily Morning Post. 'sill 10 T° 'HOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO 'PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—This u 4148 of individuals is very numerous. They are those who work in an unhealthy atnmakere. Printers, work- Men In feather stores, stone cutle*Makers, white lead Manufacturers. are all morn or leaisubject to disease ac minting to the strength of their constitinion The only method to prevent disease, Is the occasional use of a medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete ieus humors, and expeln them by the bowels. Tonics in any furrn are injurious, as they only •:.tlll off the evil -.day Lo make it more fatal. The use of ItrandretlesPills will Insure health, because they take all impure mailer Out of the blood; and the body is not weakened but strengthened by their operation, foi these valuable Pills do not force, hut they assist nature, and are not oppcsed. Put harmonize with tier. Sold at Dr. Grandreth'E Office, No. 98 . Wood street, PittMorgn. Price 25 cents per hot, with full directions. MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh where t he GENUINE Pills ran be obtaincd,is the Doetol'e own Pr. ace, N 0.99 Wood street. rep 10 N — T he EW HOTEL. I e subscriber respectful!) , in forrs his olds, friends and the public that he has openea a Temperance Hole!, in fifth Street, near the Ex change Bank. and in the house lately orcupied by Mat t h av i parriek, and has hoisted ant rat I. gn:'..The Iron C 4 3, flolei." where lie will be very lisr;:v to accommo• dale all who may please to call or. him. this table shall be provided with the hest fare, and every possible itecomntodation to town and country customers and ravelers. A few boarders who wish to lode in their stores or of. "tees. can he taken. and lien tlemen who live out of town can have their dinners dally. He has large and gond stables, and the best Hay and Hata, and a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. are and gentlemen who have horses. Hoarders taken by the day, week er year. Charges more moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city. sep.lo JOHN IRONS. WASTUNGTON HALL.—Tie pijej)@i~,the Cite residence of James Adnins, Esq Ile"1"0-1t;''101".--4,Wr.,*ittlon of visitors and boarder,; the ficiusetOregiitieasantly sitnated on the h an k o f t h e Min. 2 mitesfrprishe city— pos4essin7 NO the delight ful accornpanleneitS of a country rest fence, without being too far &Ain for persons doing business in the city. Visitors will be furnished with evs^y delicacy of the season. An Omnibus runs regularly everyW. gimpy end of the tiridge. N. B.—No Alcoholic beverages kept DISSOLUTION OF' THE UNVOArt—The coparl nertibiti,existlna between J7llll , 'S E. K , lhourn and liavid J. 'Morgan is this d I y dissolved by mutual Consent. The conditions will be duly noticed, with the al:natures of'botti parties paneled, and Barry Ball will I.e rontinued open by tne St:inscriber until other arrangements are per fected. rnr sale, on lin premises, 150 MO , choice winter rip plea, if applied for Immediately. JAS. E. K I LP,OI , RN, Sep 29—i r Nn 9. Market. and 74. Front et; BOOK BINDING.-91'CatidleRF4 - Johnson, liookbinders and Paper Rulers, S. W. corner of Wood and Fourth streets, are now prepared toex• acute all kinds of Bookbinding and Pa. per Ruling will: neatness and despatch. Ky-n" •1: hooks ruted and hound to any given paltern at tht ortest notice. N. B. All work done he above is warranted. (qep 10 WM. BIDDLE, Surgeon Dentist, has returned to his old stand, No. 107, Smithfield Street, where he can be consulted any hour during the day, an his profession. sell 10 REMOVAL—George Armor. Merchant respectfully announces to his friends and pa trons, that he has removed his establishment from his old stand, in Third street, to the corner of Front and Smittifield,itt the basement story of the Monongahela House; where he intends keeping, on hand a f4eneral as. sortnient of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gcti• I:men's wear. He hopes, by close art;dirat ion , to merit a share of the nuttiness so liberally extended to hint at his old stand. N.H. Having made arrangements in New York and 'Philadelphia, with the most Fashlonable Tailors, for the - reception of Paris and London Fashions, customers may rely on having their orders execnied according to the latest style -sepi-ta LAlto on,-,tha Subscriber would motrespectfully inform the puldic,in genera I hat he has an article of aLrd ofaintperior qiialliy, manufactured at the Cincin nati Oil Mantrfactory,by R.W.Lee ¢ co.,which is warran ted to he equal to the best Sperm. Oil, both for Light and alnehinary: This Oilis entirely free from any, glatjnous malteronnake, or unpleasant odor, and it is as:pleat: and as white -at spring water. Not a particle of cilia is left on the ,The tight is pure and briliiant, and will last:nnlang. if not longer, than that from an equal quantlt**tilliertn. Oil. The subscriber informs tttepa4titthathe`es taken a place nearly opposite the fost Mice, where he will light up several different lamps *very Evening: and he would respectfully invite the in - **Multi or Pittsburgh, A llegheny, and their vicinity, to *Cali and Otte for themselves. Ile feels confident they will be convinced that the above statement is perfectly torrent. oat of two Ilididred individuals who have tried the 011,there has not been a single fault Ibund with it. Theluirdollcosts one third less than Sperm, He would meitiftlif solicit the early attention of Dealers and Ma. ebirdituilln,_ the-above. 'rttellialliswing'Churches are now iistn7, the Lard Oil: Bend Presbyterian Church, Pitt-burgh, Nile-, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Pit 'abate], That Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City, Associate Reformed Church, do. Anther barrels are branded R. W. LEE 4- co., c Incln sail, Ohio. - I . l9e,Thti endesigned, Captains of the Express Linear Pal*l4On the Penmryivania Canal, have tried and are uslitt an article °fjord Oilintraneed here by Matthew C, Riley, and manatsctured by R. W. Lee 4. Co., at tbe Cinclanntd Oil Factory. - confidentin_assorting that the ahose is - . ennal to tile beta Sparta:nil; that it is entirely free from unpile' or anyeatter elnlinotuitnatter t#hatever; the light la per redly putt, clear and brilliant, and will last as long,,lf not triger than that from an equal quantity , of Sperm. Oil, e batieno hestitation in recommending Itto our frleuds and to thosewho use Oil. RSHIRY TRURY, Captain, Pae_kei John Adams. 4 W HILDSDRAND, Captain, Packet: l 3 *n Hancock, CRAIO,„ do do n Midison. jQ THOMPSON, "dt. 'o Pittsburgh. IDARON VON. HUTPH ELEV. HERB JLIF Mane Pills are rotnpoaed of herbs, which exert 1 ISO& action Upon— the -heart, give lificUlOu or, ate to the ,arterial gysteon, .the blood is Wakened Its elreohttkol - through alt the Ireasela, • whether oI the - Man, the parts 'situated loterosliy,oi , the tSiremAitinled 11101, 4he -sesietious - of, Jim buds are • , coesequest Increase of siuilfesliliguti,or discharging An moritid ntikin 74Filikiklfgmtitts40 3 01 , TeakVa Orified:' and 4be body , t r ,•`, • „ gll!_agoi a-V. l g XS:UXAat rt. • M1 45,11 ' -' -4) IMO. /ORR ELAM V: D. RES. ROBERT BRUCE, P. D. RE.V. BkKCiC WILLIAND, D acv. /081011 KERB. 11129• J• 11169 M. D. 0719, REV. E. P. FIVV/PT I lie All war. r. GEORGE ARMOR M. C. EDDY, Agent Plusburftli, June 21st, 1842 _.t' , . - `:=.?",:: S i., - 1 , ,;, , ,i. , ,,;tt: , a: -. , .1.1;..;,.,..--,,,..,:,;,,,, -• . , „if • *.'" • J-. 4 . 1 Y0 1 / e -A" , •"7' 14 " r 11*i-4A:O4W-set __otocingiesi-iiiegiliStitg titrd, :Okla* Oppliptiations !lot suclkiteceMllgy Ottlettlesqlitrettelin tseetilgiistetuded Art - ttie general appropriation, bill 'without Uuthoritr of "law, , and to Os and , piovide rt ir•eirtttlit litidental ex , outrigger the Departmeok ‘ end ilfficeis of Ote,Gotrmn-, "went, and for other - porposes;" approvetk,Aetos l 2 E 4 1842;Ssalitd ie s tieetved'itt this Depart: meat until the thlrty'Rtett day next, fot fut• nishing for one year or iongo, at Orel /400 h firths Depatt. - , meat; the following deseriptipiti Or Blanks for I hell Itt.eOri Pest Offices iri'lhe.Stateli Of Penniitltaniaand.Elelawate: Mails received, • 75 , 11eatitsrl Mails sent, • Account of;Nelvspapers and Paenpblits re ceived, 25 ." Mailsvetelved at DistillattingthEieW. ' 12. All the above on small royal-paper. at. leSl-24 by 17 : 1 Inches, printed on both side's and - feint ruled, with nut less than 42 lines on a page, . • Mails sent from Distt ibut log Offices, 12 Reams. Samearze *tiler as above;but folded - lengthwise, and with 50 lines on a page li - • , ecounts Carient, foolscap, two on a sheet 16 Reams. Monthly and Weekly Registers, foolscap, four oon sheet„ 9 Post Bills, foolseip:l2 on a sheit,wlthontl signattites; , • • Post Bills, feolscafi,l2 on a sheet, with signatures, 750 Reams Post Bills for Distributing Offices, 9 on a sheet, with signatures Post Rills,Vor Distributing Offices, 6 will sheet, with signatures, The proposals wilt stitit'e the price, in one slim, per ream, for each kind of blanks, for paper, violin., ruling and packing ; They are to he delivered in such quant I les, and at sueh times, as may he required by the dltfcr ept Post Offices, rlnd on the requisitions of Postmasters endorsed by the Postmaster at the place where the con tractor may reside. None will be considered as-deliver ed • or witlhe paid tar, except on sdr.h requiSitions. Each reqnPitihn, or quantity ordered, to be securely enveloped or packed for - transportation, and directed to the Post Office, at the expense of the contraCtot. The right is reserved of reject ng any hid which may he considered extravagant, and also to give to any one bidder the printing for one or more states adjoining the State of his residence; and each proposal must he accom panied hyfficien t evidence of the ability of the proposer to roml.ly with the-terms of his proposal. The sneers:4ot bidder will he required to enter into contract, with surety, in strict compliance with the pro vision of the law, to which bidders are referred. Future to furnish blanks promptly when ordered, fur nishing those of inferior quality as to paper, printing, or ruling, or any attempt toevade the true meaning of the, contract, will be considered sufficient cause for its forfeiture. Payment will bemade:quarter•yearly, one mouth after the expiration of each quarter. The blanks must be equal to the best of these now in. use. Specimens may be seen at the various Post Offices. The quantities mentioned above, arPfrum the best es ti vales t lint ran he maddfor one year's consumption; but they may exceed or may fall short of the quantities re quired. The Department does nut bind itself to any specific quantity or nsnount. "Prot orals" should be so marked, and addressed to I he '-Second Assistant Postai : aster General," Waslitnoon, 0. C. n23—rltd3l tr I O UG HS, COLDS and CONS UMPTION , —The yea ‘_./ eon for the above complaints is now nt hand, and all persons who are subjected to the inclemency of the weather are respectfully informed that they can Lind. Covets 's BALM OP LICE which is welt known to tave cured MarSANDq, who were in the last stages of Con• sumption. Cert ificales ran he produced of Its wonderful CUreo. TAYLOR'S BALSAM Op LIVERWORT 18 another remedy for Li per Complaints, Coughs and Colds. It comes high- I!. recoil mended by all who have u,ed it, and is pleasant to take, and speedy in effecting a cure. Puk.sc's tioAarmonn CANDY. --This is a highly valuable and pleasant medicine; it wilt effect, a positive and certain cure for Coughs, Cold s, dimeumption,,and is an effectual cure for the WHOOPINO COUGHS. Thfi - Ati,„,?.fy. plcas ant medicine, all are fond of it, and chitifien'fiiVer refuse to take et; its cure is sure and positive. tfiettebscriber has a certificate of Agency direct from J. Pease 4- son, so there can be no mistake. All persons who are effected, are invited to call and not delay, for the time to take medicine is at the commencement, All the ahove medicines can always be procured at W}tor.s.sAts 011 Rryktrat TUTTLE'S ..41FDIC.41.2GENC'T 86. Fourth street THORN'6 TEA BERRY TOOTH.. W ASH. I,,iNceEricn,Oct. 2(1,1842. in—To Dr. Toons,--111y Dear Sit: I cheerfully and cordially embrace the present favorab'e opport unity to re turn to you my warmest thanks of gratitude for your un equalled and unexceptionable inventlon of your very justly celebrated Tea Bert y Tnoth•Wash, and i fed that I ate in ditty hound to ssy that 1 have dertVed the grent• est and most beneficial effect from its frequent and mode. ate use: and I can assure you that 1 am exceedingly hap py to have the pleasure of informing you, that sincerely and cordially speaking, I can injustice recommend itsfre quest use to all that unfortunate portion of the human race throughout the globe who are now undergoing .the most excruciating pain for the want of a medicine prepa ration of exactly the saine nature of which yours is prepa• red, and iv ho have for years been. suffering from the in. jurious, destructive and pernicious effects of worthless tooth powders a nd other worthless preparations. In conclusion permit me to say that Thatie used your Teloth. Wash but for n short period, antryet I feel thoroughly convinced that It is the best now known, its inestimable virtues in preserving the tectr;':ierhitilt if kept in a good and handsome condition, la fife kreatest embelishment that adorns the human structure.) are not to he excelled in easing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and restoring the gums to a healthy and purified condition, and giving also a sweetness andliagrancy to a disagreeable breath hitherto unknown, - Accept my sii cere wish for your-success, from - Yours. truly, JOSEPH BRINMER WIRT INSTITUTE. FIFTET COURSE OF .x LECTURES. THE Commltteetc;n Lectures df the Wirt Institute, for the Fourth Coorse,respectfutly announce to the puttl'c that they bake - made arrangements to commence the Lecturre CM' Tliiiiiday evening, 'December 1. The Lectures of tbis course will be exclusively Literary and Sr/err/fie- The Committee, desirous of making the Lecture Room of the Institute a favorite resort •of the lovers of Litera. lure and !Vence, as well as the 'fashionable, have spared no eget-tiring% procuring popular and talented Lecturers, both at home and abroad. In the course of two weeks a list of the Lecturers will be published, and tickets offered.. nnv 9 tf . mg • : IT S. MAIL LINE of Splendid Passenger, Steam Pack . els frOtribincinnati lo SI. Lents. Tae ticw,splendid, fast runnini, 4 light. draught steam Packets West Wind and NonpAteit, will run as regular Packer; from Cincinnati' to St. Lonis. Will leave Cin cinnati and St. Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Passengers from the Eeet and West may rely upon their starting Trunctilatly as advertised. sep,lo DB. WILLIAM E ANS . 'S SOOTRING SYRUP,— This infallible remedy has_ preserved • hundredi when thought past recovery, from COnvuisions. Ai soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the-ehlld will rest v. er. This preparation is so trunteent, se efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child, will refuse to let its come he rub bed with Ir. When I n fantsare at the age of:four mooring tho' there is noappearance of teeth. one bottle of the Syrup should he used to open_the pores- Parents shonld never be without thp syrup In the nursery where there are yeung chltdien, for if tt child wakes futile night with" pale in the gums, the Syrnpirnmediately gives ease, by opening the wires, and healing the puns; thereby prevent ing Convu shoot, Fevers,. 4c. For Sale Whole:•nle and . Retail by R E. SELLF.IIB Agent, s e ri ID No. 20. WOOd street, below Second CHEAP. -LACE AND, RIABOX STORE, Me. 2 St. 'Clair ereet. . Lacesend Ribbons. Wideand narrow IleM, Lace aniChinslincolias, - - . Infanta' frock waists, " , . . - Ladies. French Kid, Mobil - r, , _ . LisleThread,and Canton- Glove% ! • Biaek Mohair aviator Velle—very - OOP ' • A large atoolioreet of MaigiiiitStraw, Bonnet,. Also a variety of,StrOv.,plaiaawilicley'r Ifrasettifiivadd. MILLINERY 2 ofthe latiiselisitbion;ark t eat4eed Oily 14w iiium ~:0 1T ifiP540 1, Acti.r: 1 6 1:11:40 1 0 11 :eft- i ris "Ilitiet4ol.4tillAio6:l-4i:la istioirchiph ; --''''*,:,. , --1116 0,, ="*"'7 .' ' 'i.,:;. -- '' : .'ll ; '.. ', ' ''i' - 1. ,1 2 Ar ' '''''t• -- ''' :,' f4i-li : i*5?:!:;?, Iflti4 , ' :,">"*. tq l * j" -,4 ' f Irgi: i [ t ! - -,3 1: :!2' 7:: : :1 ,'-4.4CLZk--'l-4:;1-0Yikit'413:kif .4%.,40::t.4'.21414:11q1-4-'':gell ~;~~; =~~~:: • .;~i, -. 'r;. 1 SAM.. C. ,HUEY, W. W. WILSON, JOHN S. COSGR AVE, W M. B. SCA IFE, JOHN B. SEMPLE, Committee. o --- _ . _~'~°~~~ <; ~_~~ ~.: ~;.,; E. 11M411 1 '1" i 1 (F,a A •• A, g4414154,;-- t t 1 00411. 1 11 11 * gam ttOrtilbet ?St' 11 0° 4 40 4S- Wt l 9 3 ‘l ooo tf iri life ice net strendf• iexhatcited. Where' Milian menns can'avail, there scarcely is eiti eximplainr, or {aim of ^skicithist,tbitt thelfaXisnittisit rth* c ido not teiteye Ind generally turn: Aithenglrlhese pills produenottiewir uresicm,that effedia:nitit" to prostrate the body, aswith other mcdielnes,but the fiime invigorated by the re mistral of the cause of weakness, the morbid, the vitiated humo'rsirein the iidood. Harmless In theologises, they merely ASSIST NWTORIC To throw matte omission of sickness from the body, and they require no often:amnia the diet orelothing. In fact.the hum'an body 'abetter able to'sustain Whit out injary, the inclemency of the weather,- while under the Influence of thiS infection destroying, disease eradica ting 31ediclne than at any othertime. - Tho importance of Itrandreth's Pills for !penmen and travelers's. therefore self evident. r By the timely use't:l - this Medicine how much anxiety and sickness, light we not prevent. Cold„ , Billious of fections, Typhus, Seartet Ild reverser all kinds; would be unknown! But - where sickness does exist, let fin time be lost, let the BRANDRETWS PILLB_he at once sent for, that the Remedy may be app tett, without fur thee toss of e.—To Be REDILMBERSI)-- That Brandreth's Pills havestood a sevett'years' test in the United States. That they area vegetable and innocent - ir!iettleitie, yet all powerffil for iheeremovel of disease, vs heithelihronic recent; infectious or otherwlSe. Thai they,p_t.:rkfy theplaid. and stay the further pro . gress Of distriMetti f,ftehe matt body. 'l'hat, in trianOnses, where the dreadful ravages of ulceration inutiald bare ligament and bone, ,and where, to all appearance, no huotan means could save life, have patients by the use of these pills, been restored to good health; the devouring disease having been: completely eradicated. That each of Ihegenuine has upon it THREE COYYR war LABILLEI That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Brandreth upon it. That there must be upon each box three ,eignalures, tiros; • ESR•NDRkTII, N. And three signatures, tint's:— BENJA.MLII BRAYDRETII DR; FRANKLIN SAYS 'All acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring them to a perfect crisis and solution, and that even by . stools, which must be. promoted by art when nature* does nut do the business itself. On this account, an Ili timed scruputousaessahout the weakness of the body is of bad consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly to make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts after tne humors are tit to he expelled , - hut is not able to accomplish for the most part in these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly be fell, and the dehility It-erne, yet both one and Ito :tiler have been restored by it." The good effect to be derived front the. Braitdreth Pills have to be experienced to be fully believed. By heir timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or small pox would evar assume their malignant Intro. To appreciate to the full extent Otte Incalculable bene fits of BRA N-D BETH'S PILLS, they must be used when the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One dose then, and their good effects will be felt throughout the attack—Tv 151-.oclNo TRW! IN TIME that Is the great secret in the core of all appearances of disease arreing from bad blood, and I presume there are few at the pres: out day, wilt say anything of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases i have yel to see. Hoping ilia( sonic who rend this may be benefited by so doing. 1 am respectfully, the public's servant. _ : , 11. BRANDRETH, N. D. 249 Broadway,tl*SkXorti TIC COUNVOINF,E,M"S DEATH BLOW The public will please observe that no Brandrelli Pius are genuine unless the box has three labels upoil each containing a fac SiflliiiP signature of my-hatiji writing thus—B. Brandrei h. These labels ark engra•' ved on steel, heantifully designed, and done nt an ex pense of save' al thousand duller.;. entettilwr! t lie top —the aide—and I lie bottom. tut red according to act of rongresF in the tear 18-11, hrßei la nt in Brandreth, in the Clerk's Office in the Dis Met Court of the So' them Insir,cl of New York. Dr. B. Brandret It's own office, No. 98, VI Street. Pil !slugh. Only ph..ce in Pitlalairgli wnele the 21,11/ 1 111! Pills con he obtained. Each Agent who sell. the trite Ern ndrrt Phl, has an engraved cettifiente of Agency renewed every twelve months, end has entered into bonds of $5OO to sell none other Pills than those received front D , . It. or his special General Agent. Mark, the cerlifi• cat& is all engraved except the Doctor's sante, which is in his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificate there is an exact copy of the three labels on each box rn• ' , raved thereon. Purchaser. see lit .1 the engraving of Ihe labels on the ce-tificate correspond with those on the box. The following are Dr. Renjarnin Brandreth's %gents for the sal, of his Vegetat•le Linivirsal Pills, in A Ileg,he• ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the new labelled boxes. Price 25 cents with Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pittsbur Allegheny, Mr. JOHN CLASS. MeKeevort, H. ROWLAND. Nohlestown. JOHN JOHNSON. SIPWarIS TOWCI, CHESSMAN k SPAULDING A LIIrANDRII O ,ARDALE Clinton. REWARD THOMPSON, Wilklnsburgh. GEORGE PORTER, PairVICW• ROBERT SMITH PORTER, TRI*PIitHM. Eliznhet blown C F. MEHL. East Liberty, DANIEL Nitor,mr. PRESSLEY Inwix, Pleasant Hill. DAVID R_ CooN—Plumh Township. WM. 0. iltHeraH— Allen's 10 W. [SOP 10 PILES cured by the tse of Dr. ilarlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Piles Dr.Harlicb—Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 received the Agency ftom 'You for the sale of your medicine, 1 formed an acquaintance h a Indy of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten .years this lady was subject ro frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicaleA, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my perkuaslon, she using your Pills, add was perfectly cured. Yours, j• c. JAMES R. KIRBY October 3. 1840. Chambershog, Pa. Office and General Fiepbt, No. 10. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. sep 10 INTERESTING CURE Perfarmed by Dr.Suzyne's myound Syrup of Prunus Virginianu, or Wild Cher ry. Hating made use of this Invaluable Syrup in my family, which • entirely cared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, 4.c, ofwhich I had given upall hopes of Its recovery until was advised to make trial of this'invaluable medicine. After skein; the effects it had - upon my child, and con cluding to ilnake the same trial upon mys'elf,'w bleb en tirelyvidleved me ofa cough that I was affileted with for many years Any person wishing to see nte can ca at my house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J. Wilcox. DR. SWAYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY We. call the attention of the public to the numerous certificates which have been in eircuinticin in our paper and *mime others of Ole city, highly recommending Dr- Swavire's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.---We have seen the original certificates, and hava , tfOrioubt,hat they come from truly grateful hearts,expmmvi of the hericilis which they have received from that' valmitile compound We have acqualMances whoa/wave frequently used the abovemedicine. who can'aßealt: with confidence Of ita virtues.—Saturday Chronicle. nrctow Crrierss:=With sincerity I would advise you, One and all, hoih.sick end well, always to have a hott f4of Dr Swgrale's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry in year house—it Is twaiinable in ascii of emergency, such :as Spitting of Blood; Asthma, attacks of violent Voughin., whirh is often the cause of spitting of 'blood . , Violent ' Nervous Affections, which coolasiontilly emeo tom' fright, and .various other causes,;prodiscinggreat 'alarm. sudden cods .from impioper ezpusure, which are Often let run 'to an , alarming event, for want of means being ready at handi—land as 1, have used Dr. Swgirites Compound Syrup of, Wild Che rry repeatedly In my fbmily , ` and always With marks success—l can. recarumendit With . confidence, es being ,one of the best family medfcinei which has . ever been; Offered to, Ms puhlic.—Baterise "Ckelrafee. - - SOld . by Wai.Vtiorn;.Wholeiale Ritatt, onlirugeng for - Bittaburgh. Ro.s3 , IffUrfretßtieni• . , ___NiepettfiallY - bassi 'Nair. •---- -getieirm m USED. Jihnr • the..oolle, in' _wieriklAtt 4,0041.--und - __.:.l.6t= i -ry itrotwas iti s 1.. m.„,„ kitllo4l4-141119! - , : , ÷ Ategmeneod_.- 4.4_60004, Ablia, agrinrom-tim4,OIVIT ~ermjpmemaki. 2 dnor*om to -bilistneslk t. —_—,-.--- ~_,_,..,,,,,..., yam.;;;. 4001114 M .-- --- -'• — 2 - ' '.' " D ''' - -' - , - i• ..''‘'.:' -' .-..:. ~, ' -,«'," ...; ).-'‘git,,,,,,,ArAt -,.7--.., e. -- t - ' , -; 07. c - ~.; -'116.-4.,: -„:1.fr„,,4 . 7 0 ~.x. , .„- --_,_,is..,r, ~..y, .-TA4-52:-..--,,-., a- .... ,. .,:oz,-,„,,,,,-..: 1 t, ~, ,,....o , t atais226 r -.,,,,,,:1,..„..,,,,... ~- Q, " ' -;;:0--arl.,,gm 4-. Mgt* 0411/01041(1141**4:01147#1AW - ..ro inform the tiftisittiergt itticlltitvletnity*tia--sbei has. : arrived r (it aMOriMelsktied-M i. _.. litorfriteitOiestistyle,-. Bet *issionexturt there will-atoll trineimiable her to rhitroßneVilie !stein fashion and should the Ladles in/ear her With's:share of their patronage, the pledges herself to keeP every thing of the the-most styliih deseriptiottaitid AY strict attention to *orieuttY. It is - witti touldente tilre:T.7recomtitends her Pretteb' and London made C'oeeets also her spiendidassortment ofErnar'oidery, wilier is Imperior to anything yet 'intro• dated la this country:-it:inciudes Baby Lineo,Coonot sews; Orientals, Capes A la Cardinal - , Deini, ditto. Ber. thailfor-Evining•Cosiume„ Collars Cuffs, Pocket Hand. kerehleib, Morning and Night Caps, which wilt lie "rendiftw-lbelmipprobritlon on.the 9th oroetober ' - Mra. T. ie welting Abe - nrii;eiti of leer , Bonnets from Europe, ••at No. 2 :Feryyistreet, between Liberty and Fourthstreets. . :.• • - , _ a. et: mien GEO. P. EtiMILTOIT. Ai AG R. AMIII ANI Iffol , /, Attorneys at Law. have reirioced their Office to the residence of H.S. Mu. FourtS twe doors titioire Smithfield. sep 10— _ ArlOpriN WAS.EtICIFSE.--Ne, 79. FourtA Ik• .Street, Between Wood and Smith f ield nts. Two door's frOra the corner of Wood street. Coo. neatly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made COMMS, of every size and description; covered ones, with Cjothr. Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar: and Pine Coffins. , ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may require. A credit given in all easas, either of eotrinsor carriages, requested. - HENRY BEARES,ThAtertaker. sep 10 175 BBLS. BITE, LIME, a superior article, for sale by .1..11. A.GORDON, sap 13 N 0.12 Water street. AIETY.— Just received from New York, 3000 Temperance Alma stars for 1843; 5000 copies:of I he Journal bribe American Temperance Union and.Youth'S Temperance Advocatefor September. Also, 2000 Chris- Elan Almanacs, and a good assortment of Loomis's Map zineand Pittsburgh, and the Franklin Magazine and Cont. mon Almanacs for 1R43; by the gross, dozen or single; 250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu siness Diretory and Strangers Guide, for 64 icents. Also, Cottage, - School and Pocket Bibles and Testa. merts, David's Psalms; Methodist and Temperance Hymn Books; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred Music: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Christ, Harp,and almost all kinds of School Books; Gullies-Do mestic Medicine; Day Books and Ledgers; k riii lig, Let ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the gross, dozen,ur hot: le; steel pens, quills, slates. pencilsand wafer's; Cyclopedia of Illstory, Western Pilot. and a con. siderable variety of Books and Stationery, for sa'e on ac.- conitnodating terms for cash or country pruluce. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Commiviun Merchant, sep '2 No. 9, F iOll street. J. K. mooßttgAn. C. E. WARNER. J: PAINTRR. UNION COTTON FACTORY, A Ileghe y City. at the end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yari,Col on Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, halting, kc.,and ate prepared tc fill orders at the shortest notice. paving selected the latest and most Improved machi iiery,and employed the manager who has attended to the -k tOPE FAcroRR for the last five years, they are manufactu -g a superior article. Cotton Warps made to order, Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office..or tell at the store of J 4- C. Painter 4- Co., Liberty street; or Logan 4- Kennedy, Wood street; will meet wit b prompt a!teit lion. Address—J. K. !CI 00111.1. E \D CO. sep 12 —1 y /114.) I'ENI A LES.—Thete ts a twee rim. at Felonies in 1. this City who from heir emit imbed sitting, to which their occu pt,t tons oblige I liem,a re affected with costiveness , 'Which elves rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex -o„tion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, ,'; . tqeolerance of light and sotind .an inability of fixing the "attention to any mental operations; rumbling in the bow els, sometimes a sense of sutilica . tion, especially after meals when any exertion L.;used, as going quickly tip stairs; ternpre fickle; these are :ymptunts which yield a , once to a few doses, of the Bra nd reth Pill. The /Kra. sional tise of this medicine would save a deal of trouble and soar- , of suffering. Oor. or Iwo, or even three of the 13r:intim!' Pills just lieforu dinner, are of en found lieliefi..nal;to.:iny use them cery advanta;geously iu his wilt; I hey aid t and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condition.enliven the sprits, impart clear to the complexion, purify the blood, and promote ti general fcelins of heaplt and happiness. Sold at Dr. It . andrrt Otfice. No. 98 Wood street, Pillsblirgh—Price 25 centi per box, with full directions, NI A R K—The only !dare in Pittsburgh, where she CENITI NVPitts ran be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of fice, No 98 Wood street. sop 10 SURGIC.4I, INSTRUMEN TS! SUIIG 1C,4 T. IN S rßum ENTS!— T. ..bleCarthy, Cutler and Surgical instrument Maker, Third street, nearly opposite thi Post Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Drunists can have their in• struinents madeby the subscriber of a supenur quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders . respect. fully solicited. N. B. Allartielee warranted of the hest qnality. and l obbing done a. 11511:11 sap 10 LIVER CON] PL A 1 NT.—This disease often term!. natesin another of a more serious nature, if pro. per remedies are not restorted to in time. In all forms of this disease, Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthettinl and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure —first by cleansing the stomach and bowels, thus remo ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of the Ger. man Aperient Pills. after which the Compound Strength ening Pills are when to give strength and tone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effect a permament cure. These Pills are neatly put up in small packages, with full directions. For sale at No. 19 North Eight Street, P hiladel phia. Also, for sale by . Sam. eel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sta.. Pittsburgh Pa. cep 10 A LLEN KRA M Eft, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor ril tter of Wood and Third' Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.— Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold. Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. I=E Pittsburgh,Pa, Wm. Bell 47 Co., John D. Davis, F Lorenz, J. Painter Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson A. Co., John H. Brown 4- Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M'Candless. St. Lords, 310., J. R. 111'Donald. ' Louisville, W. H. Pope, Esq. Pres"! Bank Ry. sep 10 REMOV AL.—The undersigned begs leave to inform the public, that he has removed from his old stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Clair Ms.; oppositethe Cx change Hotel, where he has fitted up a large PIANO FORTE WA.Ri Room. and now oilers for sale the most splendid assortment of PIANOS ever offered in this market. His pianos consist of different patterns, of snperior Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo deled, and constructed throughout of the very best ma terials. wilich,for durability, and quality of tone, as well an touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As he has en!ar.red his manufactory, and rainlenrranqe. meets to supply the increasing demand for• this instru ment, he, respectfully requests those intending to pur chase 'to Can and examine his assortment before purcba. slug elsewhere. tub he is determined to set! LOWER, for eash,than any other establishment east ur west of the m,ountains. F. ra,usiE; Corner or Penn , and Si. Clair streets, gen 10 Opposite the Exchange flotel, Pitt burgh. Pa: UTARRANTED GENUINE. - Dr. CamomileEvans's Caomile Pins: CERTIFICATIES.—Letter,from the lion. Ab M'Clel, la %Su I I i van County, East Tennessee. M em be ror Congress. WssettrovoN, July 3d. 1838. 'Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used some of your DYspoptie medicine with InBnite benetit and salts faction, and believe it to ben mast valuable remedy. 'one SYCRETARY'S 13117It•E, Harrisbnrgh, August 24th,1842. of co tuents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbollimunly, Tenneesee. wrote to me to send him some. which I 'did, QALE OF TDB CANALS AND RAIL ROADS 13E and he has rootoyed it very successfully In hhrhructfce, , LONGING TOT 1111 STATE.-Notice hereby gl, van chat fn pennittnee of the ". seventeenth, 'eighteenth,. and says It is invaluable, Mr. Johnson, prow agent al nineteenth-end twentieth Sections of Aev ASsembli_ this place,^ thinks you would probably. 'like tlx agent in Tennessee. its°, I recommend Dr. A Carden, as pissed-the 2-7th day of July, - 1842, propisme wilt fie , reeei ' veil at the State Depertmentnettithe fistytty frtNiiient aproper person La officiate ror thermloof your celebrated . igedlcina.. Should ypu.nointribethin him he is willing to 10,-, coeds ; ""2 °°l° ° . r _ l ' ltandeadt " °4 l l4° 7C,l l l la l s° „l ' ffelbr you., .1f ou cite tend the medicine by water to the' , '"` ~,.. o . s _ . wealth 3 71 - wiltvo care of -Robert Xing Sons, Knoxville county.Tennes. `mete: will lie lietelvedlnll4menc. - seei or by land to Graham 4.'Houston,. Tasewell,' East - lhch individual °r Tennessee: lump no doubt: but if, yon had:spots In mate4the .parttuttlar line °retinal' Or Anti ilatitt--arhich'' aerate, c'ounties InEast Tennessee,' a'arcatt' deal ot medl." they lie e t reth ttpreheee.' the amount eir their'reerie T ettee . anti Would be sold. am goierto take some or it home , bid e lh ereter. the given initileteartleantlit et/scented - ill' for my own use. and lbw.. of, cuy,fr i e u sist _ isod should the ir, together with' thetr plaCti tieptiteiiormfiggiine:,, tilit to litatout you whether you would like en agent borderthat Mei-saute Well* laid before the nest,tegis ltilitentente;"4lfteee Pq l 4 l * 1 40 . k TeltllegtivitAlln get' ' - trr • !st:ytse - of Merc4nts to net (Owe as I- live Imo" ttiet t y;, • wit itin i t st to. s e rr i4;1 t ip. :: s,. yams ramocoill Aar itrittntti4N,iir • ' ' 4 41 , • • - -.•- : b 7"VjX I - 4 iOr_3o : • ''....;:4440, , AV1A44 . AlicpWAk im ia- 4 , " rt • 143401 Mr. Ons Si Having l be ' e l n B3 pr 9 es . ents .i yesterday, at the esperiment which you were Pleated to untke, In the presenceef a numluer °rutty Mmittemumen, of the safety of your IRON CHESTS ,in MOO. Or. lire, -II givei Me pleasure to say; thai so far aa - 1. Was capaiiteof judgingithe lest was fair, and the result exceeded My expectations. The chest was a small one, about inches bigh.; by about 13 or 20 inches in breadth, and depth. and was pitl'4 ced fin a Mock of wood about .a foot in thickness, kin-as to elevate It about that height from the ground; several . books and newspapers were deposited inside of it, in the manner in which Merchants and others would usually place them—a large quantity of light pine wood t slabs from an adjoining Saw - M 01,3 was then placed around and above it, and the fire kindled on the windward side, sons to drive the flame against the back part of thezhest. The fire was kept tip about three quarters of an him, until you. had gone among the; . spectators and -received' from them' their universal answer that the test was sufficient: The chest was then drawn out of fire, and cooler', and tapered, and examined. The contents were all safe. and the only injury done was td the hack of one book which appearedto be a little cnarred. From what I. witnessed, I think that these chests are desery iilg of confidence, as affording, pernaps,t he best secorit y to Merchants for their hooks and papers, which they can have without building large, thick, and expensive vaults. I would consider them a better security than many vaults which I have seen built. Your friend, SAMUEL CHURCH. We concur in the above statement, having been pre's sent when the chest was tested. . . . IV. 31. Cooper, J. If. Shomberger, Robt Bell, J. laughlin, J. Painter, .tl. Cordell, R. Xiller, Jr. C L..9rmstrong, ~.,' If. Hoge, Thomas Craig, S. G. D. Howard, J. IV. Tfoyf. Extract Of a Letter from Pop„ . h g Alvord, dated Cin cinnatt, 29th .r. h,1842. J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Friend: We have the satisfact ion to state as the rest recoinmendation we can live of the utility of your Iron Safes, t hat we haves one of them which was in an expOsed situation in our counting room, tit the time of the fire, on the morn ing of the 10th inst, which consumed our Poi k Home to eether with a large portion of the meat, lard, 4.r, which it contained; —and that our books and papers which wore in ;he Safe, were entirely uninjnied, and were taken front it after the fire; without ever hoing discolored. Yours, 4.m. FOOD - g A L VORD Extract of a Letter from Stater 4- 17olbrook, dated St. Louis, Feb. 24th, 1341. MR. DENNING, Dear Sir: One of your sf COM! size Chests was burned a few days ago, in a lea: her store-- pre served its contents. Respectfully your., sep 10 SLATCR. 110LBROOK. L'E.ft COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. liar. itch's compound Si renet henine and Aperient rills. Mr. Win. Richards, of Pittsharell,Pa., - entitely cured of theabovetlistressimy, disea'e His symptoms Were pain and weieht in the left side, leg 4 of arpetitc, vomiting, acid eructations, n distension of the stomach, sick hearkache, furred ton:Die, countenance Chi-1112( . 1i lila citron eider, diffi ciiii y breal fill , . disturbed rest, :Wended a roti2ll, 2rcat dihility. with other symptoms indicating .Ireat de ra mzelfrent of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard loot the advice of severs but received no relief. unlit tv.imt Dr. Ilarlicli's Mcdichte, vviiicii led iii effeciiiia a pe-feri cote. Principal Cfrffire. 19 Sore h Eighth Slreel. Philadelphia For sale in Pit ts,lairgli by Samuel ("few, corner of Libor iy and Wood RI rt sep Cincinnati, February 15, 1840 Dr. Sw AS - Ns—Dear ir:- Permit me to take the liberty of writing In you at this time to express my apprt-hation, and to reconttnend to the attention of heads- of families. and others your invaluable medicine—the Coin pound 14yrup of Prunus Virsininna. or Wild Cherry Bark. In my travels of late I have seen in a gi eat many instances the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chil dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing, Wheezing, Chocking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, ttc. c. I should not have written this letter. howevet ,at preSent, although I have felt it my duty to add my testi mony to ii for some time, had it not been for a late in. stance where the medicine abOve n (lulled to was InSLru ntental in restoring to perfect health an -••only child,' whose ease was alntosi hopeless, in a family of my ac quaintance. thank (leaven," Said tfie dontine moth er,"My child is saved front the Jaws of death! 0 how . I feared,the relentless ravager But nly child is safe! is safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry Is the most valuable medicine in this or any other country. lam certain I ` ave witnessed more I han one hundred cases where it has been attended with com plete success. I am using' it myself in an obstinate at. Lark of Bronchitis, in which U proved effectual in a ex ceedingly snort time, considering the severity of the c ase. I can reromend it in the fullest confidence °fits superior virtues; I would advise that no family should be without it; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth double and often ten times its price. The public are as sured there is no quackery about it. It. JActmon, D. D. Fornierly Pastor of the First ar e s Ity ter fa n Church, N.Y. a Sold by WM. THOItN. wlicOesate 4.. retail, only aeent for. Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. sep 10 ABOON TO TUE HUMAN RACE—•.Discover what will destroy Life. and you are a great man. Discover what will prolong Life, and the world will call you Impostor." "There are faculties, bodily.-and intellectual.. within. us.- with which certain herbs have affinity, anti over tohioh they have power." - Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Liniment, which, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain, or Soreness; thus Sprains,..Ftiff Sinews, White Swellings, Rheumatic Pains, or Stifirtw. Stiffness of the Joints, Tumors, Unnatural Hardness,' gtiff,Neck Sore Throat, Croup, Contractions of the mus.clofulous en• largements, Tender Feet, and every description . of 'ln jury affecting the Exterior of the Unman Frame, are cured or greatly relieved by his never-to be sufficiently extolled remedy. CERTIFICATS.—The following letter front Major Gen eral Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Reme dy, speaks volumes: Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with another bottle of your excellent Liniment? . It is certainly the best of the kind -I have ever seen. it has cured entirely my sores knee, about which Iwasso urteasyomd I have found it. productive of immediate relief in several cases of exter. nal injury in my flintily. A few - evenings - since, nit' , youngest child was seized with a violent attack of Croup. which was entirely removed in twenty stinates, by rub, bing her chest and throat freely with the External Rem. edy. i think you ought to manufacture this Linimint for general nse, instead of confining the usu,of It, Oa yon have beretofore.done, to your particular ictittithitanees. Yours truly, C. W. SANDRIMIDI DR. B. Bassnarria.24l Broadway, N. Y. - - ET- For sale at 241 Broadway;Now Tort, and. ai.jih; office ; N0:94 Wood stree:t ; Pittsburgh. Pll tCP.-54 teats per hottte with -directions. B4lO rim:YORK, ' 4'k'• Cazt, neafg • a e P 4. Nix ME=E • • . t:. ' 1 N1Z11k . ,.. ,: :' . 1 : . ''''proilit(ed with the-Stagy gii - 0 . tittle ptihtect with a figure of the apsZ .• -' Itiitt 'yo are not deceived' by Tho i .c.. t gents stating their boats to be port/4 4 -. 'GUAM, when they are not s t weird -, -. The following is a list of hosts espOiti ty puard at the Port of Plushurel64 ._. first oh the list haVe the intproted as ~--,; •-•.. apparatts it is intpoibie for an prsista i i .SAVANNA, POR MOS 'RARITAN, ILLINOI , NIAGARA, DI. I -111.1 ORLEANS, JEWEL CANTON, 111 DNIGuM 1 ' LADY OF LYONS CADDO, VALLEY FORGE, INDIAN la '.,;•; FORT PITT, GALLANT, :: BREAKWATER, QUEENor , ."* EXPRESS MAIL, DUN k: OF 1.0 - - ALPS, - BRILLIANT,' CASPIAN, ECLIPSE, : IDA, VICTRESS,' - WEST WIND. Al I r IIIGAN, • MARQUETTE, ()STEM, ' ,-- TALL EYRA.N D, PENELOPE, PANAMA, TOIVINA, CICERO, AGNES, • ; SARAH ANN, lIIESSENGRI,7 NARRAGANSETT, SXRATOGA,',_ AMARANTH. ()RTUAN d 11 , 1 UNGO: PARK, 01110, ,-,:' NEPTUNE, - CECILIA, ADELAIDE, .1 II RILL •: - 1 NORTH-BEND, GALENA, ;•,;, MA T RIETA, , . . M 1.. '.'. TuR, BR UN ETTE, COLVIE4' STEAM FERRY BOAT, The traveling community are rrs* t ': before they make a choice of a hoattio94 and see whether it would- not he lot*" ": and security to choose a Safely Guard*, passage am: freight, in preference toentais. against explosion—and that they wine* that this Invention has the unqualified a fifty steam engine builders—gehileineli rte it is to nodersi.and the suliert, and wilunt,.." interested—besides a comber of rertificaut , nc gentles en and others—all of which tali . my office, No. 10: Water street, where hie* pleasure at nil times to ethildt my item* who wilt lake the trouble to tall. sep 10 CADWALLADER VA/WA FILE REAL ESTATE FOE - The subscriber offers for •ia le, ni the p. red rates, the greater part of his real wile, the dile,. of PIIIShOr2II and A ileiillyny.Vll:l Brick Wer.bottscs, nearly PPW. n .Fstsitti , 4113 IC nn v:aiiet =t art, i.e. weer. S. rend usif r bracing a front of about 54 reel by 6(1 deg.. NI ire, Or SPpOrßiely to Sr.il ft:l - chasers, arldOpel i:S. Also, n poTert boildinarili, 6C' lot in A llethret hreadtlt, by upward of 350 fe ri in delta, hi` , fro., one on Ilse Penh:74lbn nia rautil rod Ihe . Wasitlngit,h it reel. A Iso the Int adjoin log the ahrtte.O. 1 / 4 0 " y nra rh 350 feet In depth. Inellidirtt -01 " ,, _ant mansion footage which I now occVSl A15:0, a in with tam two Qinry brick ate on Ilse corner of Mat ket and - Front Mlt.' . a moderate ground reel, and now orrbaltdh aan grocery. ALEX. 1111ACKL.t am) 10 TpL.N.X. 14 , -tiXTED —%l Ant.-€ 1 to cash or good n quaniiik of Fin I a ttl Ti m ums , nU jtindof Country Prodbre hkol it for ca.=ll . or 'goods at HARRIS'S I o etii2eurr( EPP • ComniiEsion Warr, I,nIIFP, JGHN HART. pommies io, rekeet, duce and American .Ma.; ufacturre, .ifefor. R ETY.M. TO J no. Grier. Esq., Pittalmrffh Aaron. Hart, C.inliran of R e d. inci. D. Davis, 111"Vay 4. Hanna, Avery. Ogden 4- Co. 4 .1n0. Woodboarne, Esq.,lladison ITALU A 8141 PARISI FOR Sti,E-1 Yard V Faye, on which I live, in Wits dim* , Braddnetsfiehl, tonistnin. one Actittialsi acres: calmer 10 acres of Vlhiclt isClnitiAAit Well timbered. There are upon iI ittru.4 md - a tarn 63 feet_by 34; an applecactide • ' Also, abuUt sevenly acres of coal. TbrisMlU he equal lb that of any upland farm h tAt Terms nia , de known on applicntion to the ' in the remises. WILLI Aft! WALLACi WLLIAM C. WALL. Plain and mg 7., and Pleura Frame Alannfectiro, Fourth Street Pittsburgh. —Canvass Brat* te., for Artists, always on band. teeth,: 6,10, promptly framed to order. Repairing doitelli o • es t notice. Pa rticartar attention paid to reeding awl ery dweriprion. Persona trine up Steam Mats or booms thciradvgntage to tall. HITE to fuLEAh he suhscritersoftwa rnis painters and ofhersslio chase purP White Lead made of the hen iti rattled equal, if not superior to any °Bernina • All enders addressed to Dunlap k lifighesPe di-- 4' co No.lloSecond street, Eittshurs,h,triilie ' attended to. DUNLAP E' ADIiS FASHIONABLE SIIOE STollif4 Fifth St.. one doorpost 0/d Steal The Subscriber respectfully intouna thg liillsbutail and Okinity that he 110 • lolling Shoes of his own manufartute,,al 114 where he will keep constantly on hod ar" anent of all kinds of ladles, misses, and Oka and 'Stories, of the best quality. 1 , 4 hid' will te_ . ces to suit the thnes lie will also ante kinds of, fancy work—speh as while 114 stippers„ -- Colored Others, and haskins,llll, children'snlislers, silk gaiters, 4c. 41',„ will be made at the shortest notire.e.' ner. Ladies will - please ea I I and elasite • as thesulLseriffer feels confident that 1I • any article In his line they may tvallit, W. seP 1 . - P. S. Hont ferret the place—No.4 _"or door from Harris'iintelligence thritto from Market Street -------_,---,,10•A vvTVA X3l DIGEtt having rate. o "" or. . . easiness of Than 4. Hortnat. o Liberty ?street and 42 Market street. be lt' t haaiineltt the neimeross friends sad s ti rV firm. forl the very.liberal sopporr tbeYo tended lei hirti,ht connection wilt , 1 1 !,,, c ' 00. vs ishee qt neststit them that every exet ug "., ,00 1 limit the contineration of th e same. ilei;#llA Vectih , ly invite their attention to I 40 Ctoth)regNenich he intends selling a t ingt thr . 7iti than Las been niter offered, beim' digir°ll l: fi saill the *Ito( the stock of the !ate Bulg eiblejit, ten heiniende to confine blllre cosh , binkneeet t ,he fells cOnfidentdisl iti•'...l 613"81-411/8 *folk, either In cncapnesi -,;•17 new oCroarinansblp. ~,t , „. 1,00 `l4lllkff-goistite notitet hat ennrYibr— .lflStrilli Piftsburgth• v..------matrr,i. moß golv. -- 7 - : - ..x omor_,f atite i'.... - ...*#. 4...0.6:01.07-41- illNigi ow. ' --Nokii so.— i_pre i -62.10. Atioa 09 , t0t oice -- -,0 , . ide solicited mall aad e*,,,. _, e ' • .169#;iv.40.‘1141Thet-9°ld.vilg4 . -I. 1 -,_ 04 0010 - • , ini... tad Wove , 4S ,f It ' i_.-- , :., - -- 1 a.-.: '_-:, - t fktiAL bliss BY ..111 1 010 iiif*ProoP F y 1 101` ar TWO elltit Nolo 00" k a o,bir New' BO i vy 1111411_ Wan r# at, the fame . ' 1 -4 14#0 'JOLLA its shoivaipiete,MX, OS N TS F.,!...- -- --- -- iffrolVet Advertls 1 .tittfor liV TiltiVE LI ti'F: 0,50 - One mom -0,15- Toe want • • , ~. , . ',op Vhree too 1 -". - .1.36 'Four MOM 4 " - $ 4OO ' Six months ... • , kit;„ • 00 One year, *EARLY A DitgaTISEME - .ciiimllle4lll.ll. AT pillage I Ir. &VW* , , _ _,. Ta7 • OU . , lig SIX month. Etal . One year, iavoilisemeniain prorortio of roar itoes .1 ',LLB. a a BLIC'OFFIC , ! Third between M :1114111Hej'ostiranster. 'Hamm, Stater, 4t door from 0,11--Mottd,,Jobh W Co sta ses' s, Wood between Fir asses A. Ilartinot, Treat' rer. TULAIIOILT. 'Phlril street, ne ebyterian Chorchl—S. R. John s°macs, Fourth. between Ma lc:ander Hoy, 'Ma - yor . tree ExertarroßANKS .n. Fourth. near ea. between Market and W Fonith sires* re' art itl.tionr•crrunrits' • (formerly Saving Fund.) Market streets. it, Fifth street, near Wood. HOTELS. t.• House, Water street, • Horst., corner of Penn and • s' Horst., corner of Third a HoTsv.corner of Whird and arcs. corner or Fenn street ye. Liberty street, near S - A MOCO/ Moose. Liberty St. . Stumm( House. Penn St WOODS, A'TTO ELLOR AT - LA 's offices on Grant at., Mouse, next vioefii to 1 r. ; ELLIOTT, M. D.--; r aireat, betwesa Pena a I ODS.—Prestea* Macke • oitalere In English; Pyrite No. Rt. Market-0 ,Piltakure DL'EsS & LIJIM risetinrs at Law: °Bice in iii - onrt Ilon se. Pli 'Minton. OAT. =-1. Morrow, Atder nr Fifth et., fietween wood rth• IDEVlrrrir r; end itealer in Prminep ei Article., No. 224 Liberty .w IMAM( 4I(S & I.IIILINORT .1 Produce it lid Corn nticshttt Pittsburgh Manufactured • SARA ROBINSON, ea on he nort beide of the 0111011 st frets, upstairs R 808 AW, Attorney rofessional services to tilt. 11 nit 'Market Streets, above • rgb, Ps. 13121213 F dc . KEA.NT, Manufact itd,El!tee!. Iron Ware, Nu 80 • Spouting.and Bieatubo. YnTIN • Ftt B. YOUNG & CO., - t.oitier of Hand et. k ling to purchase Fortitto e to give . rtart call. -bent art to quality and prire. 11.4, 31[4.—Pist receive well - cited and for saj ALGA:-k supO'y of , rod other dlifereut 'ea ved and Apr sale at Reeve d Rdore of F. tie. 184 Liberty merge CIasEICA Boot add:. 140. 83 Fourth et., nest_dun Pruneha, Kid and SOLO • • finer, and by the_newest TORUS MULTICMULU pu rehears; to he dlepo: - F. 12, No. 184 Liberty strew 80 0F8,-Florvers and. Fie .rlption, can always be It reef -, F. L. 18.*Libertvyrreet taarth litteoheAnnta- h quotre at the pittes,ll4*l4o s i e. o L . * Libeny stro' • S. N e*.j00.136Y SWE ' seed *at calmly ed by 140.184. Libel', TOOL,f;, , insulisting of Hoes ming Triwels, !Arline sq KnlTei, Pruning Shear We - by - F.L. ISt Libertystreet, h: "isl l 4.Bams.,--Just retelv r 7 °MI6 aired Venison Cll!lfeni money. ISAAC H.% and - 9 ,0 , 4 4 1 ....ci115Ts Sized, Ore . '...kg Bl* Goss, ahoy. F. X. . .. .. . * O O UttLiberry street REICUAN'AII. Atiors!rey frolik Oro thotoottd. to • •• gtKr!i - Ottooot. bet woes SI VitB4 , lert Mtg. for Pr Au* the/ate law, for Pa • , ute Vprth This Art iOtt• IPP . A T 9 to allows, Ma : it • e -eta ft/retitle at the 48,41.000 4 ,m - LkW N -A - - ,•,7f*'M-,rZ''".. ,- - -- ,- i' R g - k::'.: . ..". 4 zr .- . - A:':;Z..4g. : :, r ,..5 ,', ' . :A„ i.,4 :.;.-t4id