Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 10, 1842, Image 3

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    should tie maiileile
thou vessels- forAratdhi ;
r prhterved in g liabl e 10
acetnus fermenteit,4o6,!'k;!-,l
the protest ill deafiryikoon.
to le
nated-UY 'he actiall 41..44E124h,
e s its-01'1111140 the ens vessel &am arbitillitirefirintleir
persqns, net'tarare.oftho b,
Le 9 and ovreititkiataire. et
f azedi _
s, and from the deleterious:e
confvetion, und ergo
e their health,
one if nit Akeir,l4l*
r suspecting-the cause.. k
s should be Used.
Slander.--'My dear friend. that
. been talking
about Vie so ag a i b!
been tellin&Ahe.airFaleat fifty,
d it; why, she railed ary l
ore hour!' ' , And lOU you
' Yes.'—tWell, *het
i n t% that it takes two to unki`:
, t.ne to tell it, and one to link.
z•zatu rda Dec- 10.18 a, well be-aded
41 ............ . .... Wei
r nirto. a PAS DE DpADX, !IyAfrs.4.
r. E,„est, To conclude wilh itieFareelt
m 0,70
....... Ir.
r - C . 1342.
Nichols' A inplet-th e
In front of Capt. firgadkursti,
it •J 1.4 ‘.1,,t G. [ ' e 7 ror/nal:lAm to
"1 and gentlerneri v r lwany
...• Aln ;,en Ire can irestinred
cp; , 0 wake i hen. rOnSoll2l,l2e,
n Er) Tti oUG oUT wi ;ow coar::':
Eveni•i.. Dec. S. 1842.
.will hepr,
rut,' Quzrtcrs of she%Nia.
nd by Miss Devine and Topaz
iva lied Feats
e horse
Spri lies el" the Silver Shower..
4' 11•.1 . II I)
h the Ad venturtgtf z rylid
iv 1 - Ncr.--nox -s ,54:1 relits: Pie 25
r Y.—Ca me to the tortnifflet ofi'
,A o ip. ne:.r the old roita,e.
ve-Ar3 obt, the aid
and a while seratql
The 0..0,ait-.111,
~.. ~t ~,~: ..i... ~
..~ • f, ,~.. tli l . 0~0.
r' c-. 4 4 46 i - z
SO' ur tvz 1421:1151 11 .
%\I E-6
. F J C.f . 4.
No. I.2lti*
773.5 - 1,= . 1, .1..:1;: -11..-01fire F
1,1,11 ‘, L. 1.1 Z`l:taiil6eili`iretjs•P"
r ii - ,
!io Je(l2.ex 01 ibe Ceeell(
(ittar:( r tile Peace, in an 4(
of Geo. Sprart. of the fird trao:
,t,.:gl t,.e , aunty aforesaid, humbly
yolir Twiii,o•wr hall) provided himself wall
C ar Th. , arrom , eodalion of traveller:, awl
the city and wa-d tr.
- C:lat c our hr., ;tors will be pleased fogad
a Pu'Oic. House of Entertaimmelt,
a. in duty boundovin pray.
~. thP ci•izens of ate ful ward
A 110-Theny, do ceriiry; heal Ile stare •
f 1 repute for ttone.ty aid teammate. air
, nd a a i hUtisa room and t 43l "" itntil
and tod ,, in. of Stranr,6lll4ll%
.11 far r rn is necessary.
r)lert Morrie,
~r, s Timrti,
n Goehribgr„
Hernin7, -
e'. 10, 1312
a • d liaonfacturer. of Iron sir
souse, N 0.25, WOOll Si.. Pillabilfgh.
i.R.9Y NORSE —Carne to the sitheeelbe r ..,.;
township, on -Saturday the 154 1 D . '"
with four while feet. Wh ile 4
.1,1 and a snip on his rose. and shoat 15
‘ 1 " . " .1 ' (3 be 14 or 15 years,akt. The truer
and prove property pay char:fez"
". 11 er will; 1w sold according 10latr.
13 54 31.
- • f11.1.H.
~ .
n E new and splenAid steamer rail-
": 1 V ER - , Johnston R. plait. Rafter. SI N
as , . and intermediate Onto iH'Sai r n'".
1 HD o'etora A. M. - For.frekat, .o,r P : '
. -
-The Belle wilt receive feeiabt For
~neon the Red Myer- -
—__ ~ x
ORE tr. LITYNG, Atiofeei....-
N. 54 Fifth street., noir iii - rheere ,
ro 0-1 y . • -
v Peelftri3y jaarisikthfer
a ' 1 Y. flit be ,ilfrii,rpand-,10 ri!i.
for ant liktueirliinei oiltio,,
1 s olikkedi- aid - wiltaVoi -zi,
r.r..orimot.vecanarrl""' -
win Awls tookiklicioo
, .
Ai Do
DEC BP,IBER 10, 1842.
pay't S ee the a get Nichds'
smerit. .qmphithestre to..
7: 3 ;
etc . s
B o ysin Durance 1-9 n the day
ru hliabed the Ex‘,ra POst , containing
message , we thought it- somewhat
a ge t hat all the news boys •sbouleatw
et themselves on an oLcaeion which a&
fl ied them such an opportunity of reap
s rich harvest of cents, We felt a
. ~ed fora timelearing that some of our
rr ari , s bad come it over us—that
~tra ,thog the feat leass riders of Id r.
bad left all the other ctpresses4)e
, t hat we had been beaten b y some of
Dei g,hbors. Only eight boys out of
~ir flvel There was something wrong
w h at it was we could not at that mu
tort rest rd ay morning tEe cause of [belt.
rice was discovered. They had (about
en of them!) been locked up—not, bow--
"on the Hill," nor under the Mayor'S .
, c e, but—ln a room in the Printing of-', l
of the Morning Chronicle! Yes, the en
.?) proprietor of that establish
rt. succeeded in cajoling the neat s boys
0 a little room on the second story,
-re L e with characteristic
tithed them NN ilh a whole peck of ap
lood measure, at a cost of 8 cents)
kept them from ha// past nine in the
after on e •
re ol , ject of this hiel, is obvious, The
or,iele "S very Darys," knew that
rte their twenty fire rom2ositors.
could not succes4;;Vy compete with the
Advocate or though it was well
n tbhi l,e t''. ft: t named papers did
, ut i n mi-re f he force (.1" . the
e have no excitement in t trn nol
nothing in pi ospect to raise a less
rx ept, indeed, it be the 1132/or•s
ah )ut which, as yrt, but little has
said. moaotonv is disa
able I, all clssses of people—priuietis
,nictil;,r. This dead calm is almost in:.
b; e Gine, gFatlemen Mayo! mak-
1.-,:ingai.,),; lets h,ve 4orne.,
till:, t r swear, to sin l z,
,t..fizY ut. liurra for Aslibr •
ti t Illy—htirt•ti
Ni. , :Cit-‘11371 , 1 too, if v u like.
hon.) ti up a dust.
!ddy tire if wlitch
v, hr throuel the
of r:,rlr :espLActiVe j )urnals as
fi,7ht.s, if wit,'
are at all events pro
able; they !r) ke tar: my pipers th
the nevi g
'di U n.
heir ed :t s the Fire-
cqn..empla.e rinn"ln:/, a Fireman's
(Lite f.ir \I iy , ir. We h - r,) ,- t I'll , this
be a new wt.ii n the..
ter; who are 1;F -id of raisin; a
r , t the .5.?riU113 deu.rmination of the
the Fire nen leave this matter of
tig city officers to the people, who are
.ly interested in the proper manage
of the Fire Department, and justice
be chine to them.
J. I . Graintsw
David f1.# 04 51
Woe. ;fish -' -
James MeC
H. Baker.
Jesse Wawa.
be Benefit of Mr. Booth takes place
l'eLing, when this distinguished tra-
I appear s as LEAP.. To the Shaks..
reader, a rich treat is uffered, for in
•rsonation of this difficult character,
'nginal actor i s pre-eminently great—
me is the attraction confined to the
for in the farce, he is to give (14 a
of his quality—altogether a rich and
. tli offered.
kyle has been withdrawn from
by the Corripany,in consequence of
• . osal If the Councits.to make an ap
ion fur repairs. They will, how
-IQA tntktinue to use the Hose, which
Na order. We regret that this
e. waect company should be compel
do this, as the Eagle will be missed
re ' We would have noticed this
but neglected it on inf . enunt:of a press
Llia 7-----------------
ic Stolen.—A - country woman I
w 1 ' a -I
stolen front heridinalders last 1
- ay enorningin the Diamond Mar- i
se. while asleep in her ARM She v c a m e
b e Wide awake hereafter. 11L(AN17,40717.11.ED at %Va. LEVEURN a
ILK shop, No. 69 'Second st, beweell -Wend and
fed. where avenue, aseertine n t at rarillturn away be
'1 Lail at reduced
,prkat feu:ash. - '
The superlwity of these Iledstputs. easetut la We
ftsteniapt, crble.b fiwiturabltlty ant ease in pulting up
and taking lowa. Weals equalliat - ty any *their Row in
use—sad-toallllllChlawasideasialt their aweetunfort
~in their niAtliatimbere, it thaild be realeatured tbat
all aldinef, o ( the bug family are = fattened out' by bece
JD- lttiglita ter Gestatiee. weariets.or Wawa. far side lifi --....... _
DER, Attorney al Law; Oinne in
. _ . . titeutae . firirtarjoiuLASA ' i
We. the nedenkaa -Cdocertifp that we have mud* IVIV B a ki we re s ph i udi ff p, : *arly apposite thee
14 the .-' 1 4 1, "—. 51 .° 411 1 1 0 2414 0 181 ,An d bannYW IFlnintinn 1 - Canes emus. es *mut atteet , -- . „,. IICI - -
I ltullifiricl4jft,9lo inik.nnin hPnitrn ia g" -_ :"---._ '----- -- -4;--
- 4 *- i r r , •Pi N "!W".'-i- -k V* H=e7-- -` 71 7 1 " .... % 110Aitifet4403i-A:**444**4o"
lir* Atrtoiack%- , , ' - . - . ..,,ibrnilo'
- -*
tiro ':. ' IL I O--
- -- ~ ~.. • 1: .-; ~'-. ~ .ir,--',..., ; -4 . ,. : , 7,, , ,,-,,, i;'Y.,! : ::;.,- 7 - 7 ,.- ~-,...:,-. :,-- - ,-- -
J 'igilwet—W e have heard it said,
pat officially) that The committee
was referred the ease ef the Vig-
PanY, have decided that the Wu
'mg% by rights,_ e ibe etpeil,e4
s kt y
Ireathe r is cold-44seltre"MII
high and igetons
_:lately lon~a -
- Lad that atipisf, -,rit.er7
~~. t :
.:r.;~:,5~: =:
I Colt an unp!..23sint
I,etweerith , -! ed;'or I the
1 rtetwitable for OW cy r
out' a Psalm for the. d - i,
when he came , • - . .- -1 -
.. -
"The E -. .- :,--.1. 11 . , _ .. ~ Wit h
s - • -- • tome in
messages of grete„" , . the sindience into a
roar of laughter;hy -
_lingont in a loud
voice, - !
`The Eastern Stages •shallentite in with
sausages and graute.'- - ! !
LI ilikv.-W. it - M. DearaVytaiortal their friends toad
1.1., the patine that they have etneiseiteett ensue ?xis
deg nil% sad that they low now :ready for sale. at
their 1310re.1418 i..iherty laTeet, aelaredt, Market and 6ik
Meet, as - assortment :If they
y beat diets ,. Which t'..ey
o i
areaaxioasto dispel/4300s the besot% nod most reason, ,
able terms. Their stock coastal of the very lest hied!,
Cz:—Bearer..oller. ?ileitis, Castors-short Rai ped Rus
sia. Fur and Sint Rain. 1
tr. it lc Doherty are both reg ular bred Diners. they
have had extensive extterience Jcuitiestnen in the best
establishments In the coantry. their Hats art alt got ap
tinder their own incpeetion, atoll they assure the public
that nothing but the very ben articiell tbe most rea
sonahle terms will be offered for sale. sep /O.
JUST' received. 3.000 Snasonatle BulTalo 'Robe.; of if•
ferent qnrilities from Extta to. I to 3.
A lot rt . Bear and Cub Sting,
11.000 No. 1 and 2 Muskrat Skins,
- A lot cfOtterand Raccoon Skins,
Alt which areoffered-at Veducied ces fo cash or ap
proved 1101Pft. Apply to
A. REELEN, at tbe American For Co. Agency,
Oel 12-2 m Corri, Pront and Ferry at
- At Fselzionobie Head Quarters, 251 Liberty Street.
WE have just received s wenty different varieties of
fancy double milled Irn.simems, dark colors,
heavy and fine. f row she manufactories of Stone. Slade ir
Fa rnam, ALSIPS.. and Weilhared 4- Bro., Baltimore.
Md. Tie warrafaelnrcrs triMw foods ohrais,ad a pre
mium. and she following eerl 'Brute. as the tale exhibition
before the Franklin frisritute,
Wethetford it Brother, I Battimbre, (or No. 459,
double misled gamey Csassitneres,io which thejudges refer
especially To 7aro pieces, as 110 , 5(k-ising lie elastic proper y
highly valued in - French goods! or 'his rink - I'lOllOM A.
cers 'Amite of honorable mcnsionr'—.7fatioial-Formis
would invite genttemen-vOtat:nr ! o •Ttarchwe Par"
to call and cratiane. A - ban/Om:no tit dtways vraccao
tcd MG £O t IiteGIJUEE.
Nov 11 '42
I Ti !..21 , criber offers for sate, at utinsually tow prices
and tenon accommodating items, One Hundred and
r,O r Gven Ikaiktinz Loia.siluatelf on lite Fourth street
Ito ,d, a. 13.1 aim: land owned I.e beim of C. Itlziere de_
nod llotscren said road end Bluff street- ..n the
bank of I Ile V ononz,hela—the nntrtheri and special to
r r,l iCITS of •aid Lot. ran he seen ly • eferentre to the plan
,enr fled no Nov, 11141 in tine ~ Recorder's office
r A 11. 2. e v r. zs , •l y in Heed Oonk, V 01.63 and last
;,. pliral inn to the $lll.-rriber
T t.O a a Of perr-ofiS fieSifor , of-Improving or
10 la rest is ear t.ef llv t.oticiirqt,as as °prior
r , ':.:rlay.ent.l.3 is are!) , presented, and the
-v , r wioed 10
T;,r• L< < tvi;: ! , r• areoritifv to the r*T 1 r r!I1 Mart
al,clo,texrrptiiliialde tit kJ: will te ,:ir•rn. •
Apply to DAVID GilEEn,
Vcry !4-11 Penn '31., nr•ar %ridge
TRIALS and all tre
eic, o l.ll prove
TRACTOR inei.-rmlablr. It n , t only cu. - , sql,clter.hur
!sive= no midi( mnal ram. nor It o a*P.S a scar. Fire itt posh
Iwolv rendtted harmless. (t 1() has been offered sit
months to any person vet is rnin:-4n empty hot, and raying
rival ail aznwv nn - ,,Tioinlin7is mri , 1 1 0 - acted i a fen. min
pies, rn not one from thonclints of ma's since iaiur
ed theliel,n,.) Fa rents an sins,-to t1.1:1N1 ”tail , Sl.2tmer - a
rt , tl I , OIP. forlollre and ltfe, and fejeceni
th e ir ntf T rpri, T ,T r . I. e.o2rhtfnirrr -- al lr ITT:rt.,t, or IV. n
'm" .l 7'" l P 1 " 3 " 15 ' ,.. en.viab.e port cr 10
refl'.ur . elties• 09rins TieserT•yed ran do so try oh
111i111.12 o •ruv‘l,4:fy intent
iu the rite na p I niefate buiul over and
sent ndeTT three dhoiT,T Tip in lee fan, 51,01 VOA:I' heal
e t r hr. I r. - ird Cirta tl iceOr
P II i011o:S of hurls ii- rap ft rif
1 1 1 - .1. , 11t.,141!• , rPri =nee errs. nil inflasniatons and "tiro
ken lirea--fs I•tni111 ire Or‘k rote O. VIP mni4a anfi TOITF,Ty.,
1- or ef 11 i're r-.lf/r, of pin ides, frflinviii. , chafe-. elr.. wis
lit ina'snessillrlr. One wins Only "Lill forever .s-eaii•
fish it ihes.i.Prereign fIEAL JILL eitialiir, Afreh rho
i heads of
,Irorlure for months, and
features, ran reaer a i l' , away
p:n:rc:r,jnsily ietiereci hy a disabled child, for tregleciing
to i •..1111 Geer fire_
• Ell ter.o.ll arcordinz to nci of erm,v - er.,-. A. D. HAI
rams' l'n In the Clerk's rem: of the Dicitim Court
of the Veiled Stales fur the SoOtbero Distriri of New
Warranted the only rermirep
I k Co.. wholesale Drozgisls. N. York. have he
soave the veve wholeAzie at.ents "ar Mr. ()alley, in
ca for 20 years. Ail eiders most he addressed io them
The gevniTre only to be itadlat TUTTLE'S &terheat
Agency. 36 F. t...rtlt Ist reel-, Nov t 5
T O CAPITALISTS, or others wiSliing to make a good
safe investment of fun.ts. ,The foilowlugdescriberi
property for sate;—one two sterY brick liaise on Federal
st. Allegheny City, c..lcithiied for both store and
dwelling house for a perFon small capital, and ih a
eeighborbood vrl.te some 75 lintses hare been put up
within a few months. The house is 20 feet front Ma
rling hack 311---the lot ist".o feet rfol , l and 55 back,sitna
led on the corner of Federal and Satillaelit StS-, Alleys
on both other sides
A iso. a tot 385 by 84 containing 'the reservoir of the
Allegheny Water Works, or in other words, a capital
sp. ing tarnishing sufficient water to supply an hundred
families code. yed nv fltd pipet down Fleminwl. into
the city, 4 hydrants are now operatiost supiTying a
bout 50 families.
A tso, a splendid family reidenee. being a large, roomy,
airy two story Mick house. with an extensive half story
barefoot. 24 fl. front on Watelit st. by 36 on - Fleming;. -
iti e lot on which it is built is 7 on Walia:lt by 100 on
Fleming, running; hack to a 10 alley, affording space
fo r erns menial and horticultural: purposes. The house
will accommodate a large family, has IWO pa Elora fur
nished with marble mantle pieres, a spacious bah up
stairs and eown,a neat tasteful portico in front, and in
short is furnished in the best style for a gieritimpar,.., rest
dence,nnd of behest materials. The itsnal ppiirtenan
see of out !rouses, ovens. coal lithwes, 4-c, together with
water oft he b gambits , front - 41W above - mentioned stO'ing
conveyed to the door by pities and hydrant. A roomy,
rari . ia.e house and stabling. for 3 horses. will bepold with
the /dose if desired. As for the locality we quote the
opinion of a physician, H t is slislressinglytnealibe..
Also a lot on Fleming st. 20 feet Cron:, by 68 feet beck
w i t h a new s..atile amt carriage house. •
Also, a hfl adj jag the hat oloder ilado.ti re, 40b168
ready for bu
Tea lIS.--One fifth in hand. be hglailre in ten lumna
Pa ?mem a with interest secured ix croak
The above properly is very km, and the aaTtnents an
man Tv anima to bey eanaluartvliwith. ' Apply at flarriA
General Aevary awe I ntenigencel Office. No 9. sth sheet.
noir .36-- 20.
WA a
eight,; en gi* . ig
tagreiLlOon to dog,
costßzeria patty. air AL/JCS. Kir.oaass, saiauigaz sacticre.
Bank:el Pittshurch. par
Merck. Man. bit. par e.
Ettbanze bank, par
Bk. of Germantown
Casten i ank,
Lancaster hank, ilia 3
Banklof Chftier-Co. par
Fartr•.pr? bk Backs Co.
Doylihitowrt hit do .
Bk N America Phil.
Bk of Northern Liberti e s,
Commereial bk. of Pa.
Far. k Mechanics bk.
Kensington Irk.
Philadelphia hk.
Schuylkill ht.
Soitilrw2rk bk. ••
Western bir.
Bk. or Pennaylvania. 70
IRk of Penn Tu. pa
Main.4•' Mechanics 0.
klethantes bk. - Par
Moyainensing bk.
ba,k, 50
U. Stales bank. 58
Enroll/men Warren, 75
Frank. bk Wasbingtoo, par
Miners bk of Pottsaile, 31
Ilk of Monizonaery Co. par
Mon. bk Brownsville, 2
Erie Bank,
tiarrisbareb Er: nk. 81
Far. irk Lancaster, 31
Ilk of Mlalelown. 7
Bk. of. Charnhersburgli, 9
Carlisle bank, 9
Ilk of Norainnibprland. 10
Colarnbiabk Briafeco... 3
Rk Secsquelian ”:1
Bknt Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk. 9
Ge!t ! , sbur;ii bk. 9
York bank, 8
Far. 4' Drovers bk. of
•• Currency noses,
P•nsb'gh State Scrip. 5 7
Country no tie
fterks-Co. bank,
Lrwistnwn, 15
M.,unipleasa i:tc
Far. S• Mech. bk of ;lit
13,1111.1 . ..nt t ( i .f st. Clem
I . l:irir I la I,k_ Demand
.10 rill'rPfl" 11114.5.,
(;ninn a d. l :fnZ:A•k N FAY 1.1.5
;inrio,tan pp.)
Mzch. k Traders hk of
Cliel on hk of
Der4and noses.
Cirelekit Lawrence
Zawesiville hk. 2
Barre's tic.. 1. Sa!t—al- , 0. ;-:() barrels No. 2
*...7 for sale by ISAAC CRUSE, 1415 Lib. si,
WIRT LECTURES.—FoareA Course_ —The Lea
VV ; lure C3nunittee of the Wirt lailitute Wive the
pleasure of hying before the pubiie, the fol looting list of
gentlemen whe have consented to Lecture, viz:
Rev J W Baker:rel. I,,trodurtory Lecture.
Jolla L Gorr, F:Qq, Washington.
Prof, H J Clark, Nlead7ifle College.
Hon. ffm Wiains. Pittsburgh.
Prof!' A B Brown, Jetirrson College.
David Riekie, e q.. Pittsburgh.
Reed if asMxirton. Eeq
Prop - . Ale.er T Hcf ill, West. Theo. St winary•
Frdoects JakiePtent. Etc., Pittahargli.
Peon'. J Barker, Meadville College.
IV 4 J Loterie, Esq., Piltshorgli.
Reit James L Diswiddie.
Prof. (need 6 lirCulloett, Jefferson College. will de
liver ieveral Lectures on Astronomy, eMbracing its rite,
PritarMts and destiny. Reed Washington, Etsi will also
deliver several Lectures on the snhjeet he may select.
Arrangements are in progress to ensaee Professor
lisps of Yale College, In deliver in our city, a full course
of iselpreir on Genloej; also a ith Joseph IL nlieb3ll3l , .
on Necrology. Other eminent Lecturers will be invited
to visi!t oar illy, when it may be in the power of the in•
stituteici engage their services.
The Lectures of this course will he on Literary and
Scientific snhjects exclusively, aild it is hoped from the
eminent ahilitv of the Lecturers, and the interecting na
ture of the subjects. that our eitizpris will liberally pa
tronise, this laudable. enterprise. The iron City should
not be 4tehlud aisle, - ciues in her encouragement cf science
and literature. Thep oreeds (If any) will be appropri
ated to the enlargement of a Library, already an honor
to the eit y.
rrcoarse Tickets, admitting a lady and gentleman,
152, and may lie had either nf the Gemmittee, and - atIC.
H. Kay it Coe Sook Store, Monongahela and Exchatige
Hotels, and at Fterford's.
Lectures commence. on Thursday everart, Dee i.
8 A 'L C. If/YEY, )
ion NT S. C.OSGII AVE. Committee.
a fresk breat of milk, to go Into a gentleman's
house to attend on his wife and child—Also Wanted a
place for a good Journeyman Blacksmith, or seterallnle
chanies.—Apply at RABBIS'
dec 2 intelligenecioffiee.
.E.VO.V.eL!--The sahseribers have removet to Wa
n 11, ter between Wood and Smithfield streets, where
they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and penman;
sloe business. ant would mime-tail - 1y gotten the - patron;
age of their Mends: J. W. BiIIt.BEIDGE it Co.
Dec 3 -
FOR SAL F::--One section)Tortable Beat with all
the Ileeeeeeef *Overstaff for running bOr. Atso,On
coaftorneett SOO burets Rambo Appteis. apply tR
C. A - MtAffULTY,
Canal Ratio, LTheityr4.
T. plume, Wholesale and Retail sater. - etni ,
fteioner vad.rneiteser. Federal: staiiitt.'aeartbd
Every variety of -- Confietiona.y *ad Om - Mental
Elam, saheb* for weddings and patties. asenersettired
the beet materials, at Omit - notice; • now 1
184.4 C 08V73114, 148 Liberty st. Offers ftw's4l6"9o bar
Telt Garai APFLIM .
60 Soho drie‘,.4.. - ; part - trim' qttallty; -
95 11elbelir diried r4Nitiamaiso.
ts - a ad ligia by lb! iho.
.. _
~ ,OP C .*
o f woad 4. St s'
N w. co.
T s preptietwapf Mown:* Posy aria lialcare
alit; fitAlancTrarx respectliapj
and the paoroosof ihaate patina. that ; thity itaire a large
ark#~aeU chosen iiswa at_
, allre(310103A
talin citkTat ti a AriatagMk r e v iSsift a-1-1.42
Neceisary io a Job iag Mice, Quit MO Mitt ere Pre
LO - TER PirteilßlOlNci
Bilis of Lading, firitOdtt,
Bin Heads, Cards,
Black Cbecka, i ant Tips
R kfalrs of 131110 i( =
- -
Sta r a, Steamboat, cad Calla! BoasßiUs., ; sait.ii apirr•
. _
priaie Oaf,
. ,
Printed on the shorunt notice and mOt reasetuthieterata
We respectfully ask the patronnr of ourA's;teads and
he public in general in this branch or our lotriltiless•
Pittsburgh, Sep:. 29.1842.- - Y1111:141.3 8141111,
eiNterit El,chance.
2 , Pit I ketl4.lpfi
do rogi
n 24-1 m
no. 30--4 w.
„ . .seras.slititAssamrossior or
. .
fAro. 15t Wetly *.r (rritelia.faskisse Abissuiry.
leSoftscribeigaittiii jimmied at bit issublisinuent
ihe lAygest ,ana Most varied stuck sit „READY
' ItADECLOTHING ever offered. in the Western ante
try,. would rystpeettutlfinyite ;be public to give . Win a
call and elbMine hie GOo s anik e lsear Me prices.. Lucre
tonrchesint — etteritheee. His stock -consists in part of
1.500 CoalLasiiirted sties and quality; 2000 pair Pante
: tottar--.A.llol.lltes with a Saris assortst*A. of Shirts,
liitAitrern, Cravats. StiCts; Gloves, Sitpenders, and every
otrtimie of winter Clothing..
- t.Apatis were ail aelecteil hy . ft4iteliPla the Eas!rin
Market* and purchased ailliviiresst cab pricer,
and consequently be can alSCMll4Sitiie his customers
YYBETTER. BAP:GAINSthan theitii: tan gbi at any other
hotter Iv the city. Belie Sing In the principle of,eProtect
-2 'lug Home Industry” he has therehre had all his articles
2 mantifanstre.d by Pittsburgh workmen, and be basso
2 ' hesitation In saying that they will he found in every reit
2 i pect superior to the Easters taintuflactarad articles that
2 are olfered for safe in the slop shops that have . recently
10 itriciered among us.
In these times when Heat 11117141171 it occupying so
15 large a share of public attention, as it always should. thil
30 proprietorr of the .Three Elf Doors' takes peciiliar pride
and pleasure in assuring the citizens pf Pittsburgh that
35 116 - Goods are 4/1 sasimijecrured under hisowneye, by the
50 mechanics of' his own town. He dots not, like some of
as his rivals in trade, nave his dm hes made np in a distant
, Day ton,
Post notes,
‘ebtiltentbe, '
Fran. hive°lumina,
La..easter, . '
Granville, .
el' Mi. bk. - fake Erie.
Far. Ditto!' canton, .
prbaaa ' !
State bk.? it lteanzbel.
- aiefge*ip;
K PITV Ciilf .
1 Alt berme,'
MIA tfOlti.
State bk it 8 rankbas.
* Sbawriestown,
i'l OWN' A.
I Rank of Vir.inla;
do Valley,
Far. bk. of Virginia.,
Excban;e bank,
N. Wes!. hank
Mer. 4 -Mee. do
Fits, In another iitiade.„,nokdoes he adveittse his Stork in
2 lilt% printed three or four hundred milVsfrom here. Ife
50 goes on the -prlneinte itutt the ninehania of Pittsburgh
EF.ado Work met wen us any otttnts,ond be does not dc.
re todraw , money cpockets row their to support distant
oritmem while be asks thigin to support Mtn, he doek
hot wish .0 impoverish them by a drain to support far
off mammoth workshops.
The subscriber would lake abs occasion to reistrit
thanks to his friends and customers for the unpreceden
led patronage extended lb , his establishment, and to re,
peat his invitation to all those who wish to pump - ash
Mottling. of every description, made in the latert fashion
and sold on the most actontuuntroing terms, to can at
No 151 Lilterty street. JfiElN SOCLOSX EY:
Er-Observe Metal Plate io 04 pavanent. .
Baltimore Rauke,.
Country Banks.
All Banks, pat
All Banks. par and . 1
CI , 5' nkg,
Country banks,
(nt(ety fowl.)
Ned Bata. I to I
f llostoo Ban lIF.
,Couotrt , ‘•
Orleans Ranks
n k
AL 111 A S 1 A
Good . Ranks
f'.lc. of S.ll.
Do. dn. 75• 11. Smith 3
CA NA t)A.
IVesicru EL - Change.
Lnuiavii e, va,
Cleveland, dig
01;4 4 Hisi
oefilkit Ner..c - te,184 , -*
.* w mkt, Aillutevir Amid raper Ihtesen
121, rtb atm. let,elll6 0,64 Mid elittithield
...- 2011 Sir** 4 1 thYangti1i nitit but. All
tortctii ciecara widb Idetieseetted deirgebi 6 W l 64o llllll l ll `
Mtn/ LiFia leo W—lf
ionfundacrsmete otf_ndur /ma-D.6li - Web the
AilLitri.l highest petriPthkeela !eat tse give,
I - • JAMES tnetrlit,
sirebankte !Jet tether of'Litesty alai Weil*, areal, .
inittiblirth; ' eet-ti
. .
. Unrivalled Blacking,
ANUFAI.II URED and sold selloie.a - le and Wall
Sirrn Srexer one door beloarSinitbfield.
pet 21--IF.
I.IBEA 11* of keligious.Hirtiorical i tiloliiiealand
eellatteotis Narks, will be open every dity, Salthat h ex,
cepted. ' . 1111171 7 o'clock, A. SI., unt it 9. P. 111, in the Ex
change gaitdoig, , carner .ot -St iClair street arid _P.:change.
ailley, aere punctual attendance will he elven by
sep 10 dEkthift..
H.g.,v_vs TV' RJVB CLL. Paoefirroes or Tan Cu,.
11 TOR Paria MILL. Steftlietthio. harkie remo
ved thew store fro rt. this city; - 104:appointed 'Nob/ship
Bros UP. NO. 49 Market. - between - 3r4 2112f4. h. A- •
eta for .U2' Sale of i diffprent kindsof Pa prr mama - nes,
3.jr,Nl by them, where their Wieurls all motonters - Witt al
,ays bed a reeular supply of paper, Foch es Cap \ anal,
in_, plain and faint lined; Wrapping - and Ma
pipet: B.Noart Poards, and Printing Pavel' ordirenent
2,h. and on Viiies,all of ;Thiel/ wilt lir 504 the woo
arrantrnettai in./ term?.
itoLogiro , ik BR MVSE., monnfariurers na fmrdriUtii.s or
VV:01 l'aper 'wolf itorde,, ,, , keeps e.mata ent r y
bn deve
C]rifHrofM, v, Parka . a aa Chamber Paperfk.nribe
p ist 2Tl_ l n:ost handiest/Iv-patterns. hirtr Itirr
WII ,anli TO accommoda;ior, lermF, whoienzle
triv.VTE LSE
P. Detail Tai Hof., nte.. Liberty St.
2nd Door above Firgin
H AS conaple:ed a general •a.6 - ort naent of Ve inlet Clath
con.si-tinti in part of diutoOd and plain beaver
cloth frock and overrnatf; heavy five and common pilot
cloth veiVet I ritioned,and plain; every det - eription of dress
and frock cloth rows ; casznienaide rotors at,,f fresh cloth:.
plant and fancy rassinet pants, cloth and s.,:ttinet do of
rOperior twalit); every dewript;ou of vests suitable fur
the season, and will 1 e 6.1 d low for cash. Persons Isiah.
in; to nave faAltiottabie earments made of the best mated
at' will Clod then, at this lestaidishinent, Making wart an
ted equal in any in theory. A (nil/dock of goods are on
hand to make to order.
Lilegsra. t 3 Dowagny and TbomakbleCanea are at G. is
Ilablishmeni and will be much pleased to bailee ea !I from
their several friends. Good Ms insured or no sale.
TO THE LADIE&—Why do you not remove that
supertluous hair you have -upon upon your foreheads
and upper lips! By tatting at Torrues.-86 Fourth st.,
and obtaining a bottle itt Gouraud", Pouttres gut/ilea.
which will remove it at once without affecting the skin.
Yob can also obtain Gourautre tiuly celebrated Emit de
Fleabite, which will at once remove all freckle., pimples,
eruPtious of the akin, and make your face look per ectly
fairi and to those who wish to assist empire by adding
/nor; color to their cheat.. they can obtain some of Gou•
ran 's celebrated Liquid Tllltige, which cannot lie robbed
off ven by a wet cloth. Also mite be found a good aa
eortl of Perfumery, euth as Cologne, Bears Oil. Al.
me, , Pabst, Windsor; and other. Soaps.
E - oluber. at Tuttle's 'Medical Azency. 86 .4.18 si r t.ec
D .c. 8. 1342. .
Ni3T.G. is hereby given to the creditors :ad debtors
I of hies4rs. El lArinel and J V 1 ]fund, late taloa :
liasliess in Matter street, Pittsburgh. under the firm of
Arnie' ¢ %hints, and to the public generally, that they
have this day assigned all their stork of sood:4, actounti,
etc. to me, for the benefit of their creditors, art.hostl
disitnction or preference.
Persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm
wil!' set the oscemity of calling witkoot delay, and pay.,
int ( their respEct Ise dues, and persons haying claims will
prisem them to me fer zettletienL
DAVID LLOYD, Asaignee ,
McNutt'. Nov, 21, 1812.
N. R. The above named morn. which eJOraces:a fal l
a general assortment of seasonable dry goods. will be
d* paved of at the old cuitul,lio- 100. cheap for emit oral.
G. If lintels authorized lo make ceittemen: and re
(elpt for coneg, In 107 absence,
Idea 8
.. /)ALLEY'S PALY EXTEJ CTOR is aerlaialY
1. most valuable ointment for Burns. Sorts, 4-e., ever
ti ca
In rued : no matter how badly a pawn may be harm
or ded —this
will heal, theta iimitudiately, without
lea ng any scot. ""Este!y family shook have a box -la_
r hams, no 'onarnhotdd be wi4Krut U.—Every Doe.,
w how ',dealt reconematalitit. - To be had oalyat.
TiY - 108:116 Pawl greet. - _ dee 2
LET.,4l.l.Miit H. I.oinktiviliVing MST
ietthis Obbee hi the Monti tot the now
ift.obtre-pOtwlatety ociopted by him in Fourth
, next io'fibe *aril's *dice, sow oat* Ws lOW
rooms are well matted ror !vomit or perfppf of
fessionoar for any kind of teem( Mireasnifp_boal
Eioloire of WALTEICR.LOBB.BIB., or
8 If sAlies rimpLAT
A Sala estiren ilroß -EIL — l *
/IL~ea tecilon of land (640 aesio),ui Scipio township,
Os* Stem U lades from the Olde Oxen
between Itottionl and Atbents mid is sermanded by
Wapoleved tarine—lertl. rich Ka, and well tbeberea-- ft
maybe divided Into Outer or a leaner seetioalsitre
&aired:. Seven-AV)* of the value of the hod thaS , be
PIM IRs in •PilleSfilsits deftest , ' oe.thi-babk-Oflite
rivir, in tlireetaididateors, in Ibe Spin aJB43, '44 and
Or the said. 'ta c t of land will Illijierd for Sas tank
d0w14.5500 IA alike- 1843. SOO lit, teak 1844; and,
.the fialasei lirtioproved rail eilita laldriallftiiif
berg lb. groleised *casino% will beindienediaso tit
Par ti mPr l itssit 106 4:f0r TtAIND P4P-riekei: sum
tp - atioksiet lb.O6tnkiery • "
oft " 1 4.1.13401 1 44846,Tet
) 61 t••--: 441 "tr i t,'-'• Aitetrilf"!4l4 0 1 104 4 ‘ 1 0" 1
; • - • : .*:'40141040,
Th e — -A mi i:4 w* l metd ite l ect4o r
*Waft D the 11l gaitSifie ei die Ohio,
fievr celled Von, Memo; It is nine miles
above Abe bkoutbotAbit telltleSlNM
Ftwa&sili4 - -ilear Johnston, in St
fot paniOriting in An mustier of
The &maga is sunk just time the
MiteHiesippi! Boat and cargu a total loatt,
Paseo...gen saved:
The Steamer Boston struck neat the
Mae place the next -day. and Was compell
ed to throw overboard ten thousand do'—
lam' 'aerator Merchandise, in order to save
the boat and remainder.of her cargo.
The Scioto Belle struck a snag near Ri
sing Sun la. She will havo to go into the
The Fame struck a• snag in the Minis.
hear the mouth but not much damage done;
the Rialta is sunk in 7 foet water near
brittle Rock, Ark.
The Fort Gibs.m is sunk s few miles
below Alexandria on the. Red River.
The Ohio Valley hat sunk at .Rattle
Snake Springs.
The Tinge is in the deck at Lgnisville.
hit now-thought that there were 00 lives
100 on the Eliza.
Two keel boats loaded with lead have
thnk in the uppedliss.
HORRIBLE,rwo hundred persons
are' said to be starving to death on the
Alex Scott, which is aground in the Miss•
The Gov Breshitt is agronnd near the
mouth. •
Oct 27—1 f
The Pathfinder and Charlott are agidund
at Flint island.
The Cartier was aground at Lawrence
is is riatuoked that The Hasrisburgh is
,nre in Clacinnail.—A Brewery and
Soap Factory in Water street hare been
destroyed by fire.
%ere CeepegiCiepy, exit lee- inentheit of
Tlelririesis-eed. the piddle seam*, b m ele D
. • „
skbi . .o o A N ”, Ilexers, erhieh - eoeteivewa
Carve3ibriefir petlenes of the fiafiowiet
upon lemeredies..ifill be rtkemd kt
- and
Untie:it Mitt' Pipers, ocell de tins, fix-raperist
- As ;esti rpr, t o•aq.._
Glazed `Wets neat *ad h.aeiviraft far
6apeePegreeeeeelid-eateierree MI cans:
..,erica,. IFelt Paper, of 'heir ova Inaiiracntre". for
halls; Freer, - ard other styles (hi isariors sad
eigambem. on fine man glazed-grounds..
Freirli Welt Papers. Decoration cad Feeetspaitcrars. to
Pfain and dab italorf,revii aid sliver paper.
Feleet‘and Iniffation Borders.
Landscape Paprrs,c setts. for papering hotels; h:alis
and &Out rrsDuap, at reduced prices.
Ftre Saari Priwts , Staines, Ornewersts, 4-c.
isaass /Mad Paper, plain and figured, of different co
Western merchants and othersa re mom /folly invil Gd
to call anal eitimiue titbit stock and prices. off which last
a liberal - dieroint win be divan Tor cash.
Fromlnn; euteriewee in the Litsiness. t hey are able to
manufaclore papers lit-a Seperier inionar, and as they
are determined ea keep ti j 1 -the ilia - railer their papers
have uniformly s u stained, they hope tb miptirrne to re
ceive the encouragement hithenoso liberally -sitt46ed.
HOLDS/11P 4- BROW/kit.
i<o49, 'Market street, between 3d and 4th
Fitisbnrah. Sept. 19., 4842-4awif
JOHN BUTTER WODTII. ductioxerr end CalltAtil
tiOf Merchant, Lertikeille, R.y, will attend to th
sale of Heal Egtalc, Dry Graortioreries. Furniture. 4-e•
ke. Regular salmi every Visesday, Thu usta.r. and Fri
day mornings. at Dio"eiractrA. M. /aanii arkvances made
on _consign men' s w(rt 18
qie TONS Soft Pie Ifroo*We for foundries. A p
CPU" fir IQ 4. ar.ELeN.
AIE: ar tIOWA * Jisiurfastiours .f Wall
X.. 18, Wild Street., PittsStirelk, Pt--
Have altritjm on hand an extensive apportotent•of Satin
Glazed and pin PANS!!! "F1Ar(9 . 11%8, Velvet and
andtatlft'iterders,, of die; livest 'sty trod, handsome
patients: for plpering balls, parlors
They mankfarthre lad have ne. d
\ l eitl . 4l thins—
WaroPin?jitai- .. - I,#,Fet•B°o
net and Fullers' Boardatl of which thejstitirer for sale
on the most neetuamodating terms; and -to \ .:Whictr they
invisethe attention Sof inerihents and others. •
A LSO—Riank Anoka ofaii kinds and lbe
School Book's, mi. always on band arid for railietkirsibove.
N. B. Rassi nd Ta[aers'Scraps• Oaken In eiLnlinste-
rfIPST' R 6, &SRDLYES. 4-c.; served pa' itt the hest
ILY style at A. Amaze's. Na. 9 Fifth stmt. ..ailatte
apirituenis are appropriated• to gestiemen'accatopileied
tiy ladies. Ala, ail kiattsaf Oikia Watt Confectitimari.for
parties. weddings, etc., for safe by
noir 19-11 - . A. HUNKER,
!ricstmA4 D. ......... R. Cwiartss.
C OLEAAN CO..General Agents, Forwarding and 'kJ Coattnission ilierrhants, Levee Wee. Viakaharg,
Miss; They respectfully:ollth. centaisiiret - n2r-tir
/II 077 , ,L8 - has this day 144411 Crow New York, a
_I- fresh aapply of neves . ' Wive and Bone t f ialinest,
and indiSil VemetableEluir,a Pala , ilre Crire fqr ahenalla
tisw, Goer; Coat:Wed Cords and Lbn . l.s—also
Genrsairs fossils, 4nkt*, for enenpletely and perms
neatly eredieatingsuperilnoni hair from females' tapper
lips, ihehair collie:Win a bnaad asd
.ewmakai forehead_
the shribbin hinni us4n,. or any kind
_of naperlhiene
pair. Prh;e4l per baffle.
C itgictrs ..Ess ricireentei True Wader oi Vesely
This rfoospt prepnratioa I borwaskly ealerwinadestillow
new, AnteOes,P.hapies,3lten,,Bknebes,whi adt tatanenter
cuptiona! istatorey.- Bealiaiw• dentate White Panda,
' sleek apii4 o ;e44 o,o4 .efigilirslirt 11 : 111 011iroansile
Alan. seeeral ether. eahulde an:Wee k LOO fitifitetOgi 10
_,The.geosiisesojiipetly -
533-rf PnILIBIE XkiniVlLL'ltiStExt'T,3B4thst
aegmert. wire, 2,lllacke'rel, ie whore
11JL luelt - Urrefe, quktiliy. will ire lerid we
ry to* actestr, ereitina forsCo f iniri prirife,re.aP•
to'ISAAC. cßtrtig,
• 14s Liberty etretl.
Witaialers feri tile titian** Cerdill4- Also t WI "
keepii ' bpi 25.
it-A.lo d g Tititscm4*eit ' 6 4 flonitaergit oral,
fin acsltie Coe*'
N.lft7 oet I— It *. cones.
I,tr•WitSatorolein- 1064 * smitiefellmiligAPPOr*
°FA/ItikikeClloo4l4lll4.lloniaso• •
afk will I.*,,lligkit,Otti.fileMilostifriktthe
~;~_ • _ .sr;s
MO Mt Plan 4, 414 I liriqt
• nfrillat at 1
pettegithrePileiOnywisons belporlaililledi
bee Whin i tot Pf 14 1tte 1 t. 01 0, 1 " 4
se Itielislik Same a obari. of aboasattiathla
ss7Rlt4eliste4 fix lbeitaas3B Ordiertetei_,_
Timitspereenos offing tear Portrilt .
4*.t of ay boaetaelsitawkihateoellall
Ik. it : , A .1144044. haula prasks or iimifftiiii_
period of die tearer} isitidolt-asWittrirli
stelite4lftaigihts. i • __ ; --.......- • . ty,,, -
Stummittnimwomatifientat.owa yet .......-m'im
these pitlisohat for tee imaistra yews iwiehili
Omen's. ofcesonic dlistasomni whatelsOmMaidh
of tymates is patilewtar,T itairewasedtiniareill“
all other suctlitinea. , ..-
Like every giber ilsediellni.thill imalle„„ lilleill„ . ._
stances, Lot in snY heads Theft' btts 50111011111111 " 11
meat and•morr satisflitston in tae
one, reasedyitnin 'Weil oitiertlasithir e
quite assornishintb.• - - --
' 4l'—r''
eto ol l
If my patient reannetrasafehpeileial. „,
fors or ailiir gastspattlea, th e wti
the thing i was,' * '
vta l
fie desitilikte acid steal Won of the
whhcostivettemi or histellsnit enhethnit_
disease at my patient. the Wit apse Selß
if t treater a ease requiting
Wilson% Idler were Jain the Odra i ...
I r ratputtion, heat:idle; dashed c " ..
difimtities, indirathlei dtinortsanne or thi4.
and secretory witless. annoyed my pailessti“.
taltfie.'" the Vitribson's!pille werejaistkiiivitt
Thos. without root : , et lathe liatiVe. I" '
happen to wreathes tine I have bad itlit
1514, 4 Panktitar" • t/Oria tw nempoons neiseiCAle*
01 ;
ril - .m . ys mask ty and hatshily - 00 -W -4
Whitney pink -. ' .
That so great . a nimber 4)(Al:senses. and sonselintee'
patently omweile goes 4 its hWit I hive apitstilasa
ettaind be await slaw* readily lay tkeva - than by any at: 1
I ,
rEmedy. mar at drat yenan strange and - conrreilkiwity.,
silty it is so is mistiming my Mind Its that **est 'BMW
rid:eons should imcome thirsty trolly.,/ musty dilltsrmitt
Cabins. and yet act require that ttiMiiii3A asittimimil If
all btessinae , water to entmelt their - thirsts ' '
in coodnaloa. it Is due the -eputatiott of the ineditildil
and the nubile, to saysteddrdiy and etamonittienally. that
the Witson's pills are the only combination i ' intim issel
met with in my Jong tonne 6f practice. that , fatty ieso,
eesee B ira/tYlitil ett , ative or specific for sick allow - bet%
lreilf2 4 . 4. ii DR. tlitAi ADAIR&
the aboye Pails desetned-Portieniorly Per Ike ikelg
[bed. Ache, p cin. Constipation tsT the Rowielsrlre.l
- by the proprietor Dr. it. A. Miaow. and. LW
sate.Whoresaie and retail, at htedialatitig lis Pena We*
below /Rate itry. - ' - ' Oitt 1
ir BI- E. A USTirf, At toilte yat Una. Pitt~"
Office In 4th street, opposite Beetteelfitinilitt, i
Rua:wit E.-Averta, EN., win give filiratientiocaVailif,
nniinislied Nigh:kers, and I ivoosnotend aim leithetnoraag*"
. ,
age of 'roy
,frients. iii' &PTV& FOlMAtilt i ,
netl 10-1 y
VV.M. STEELE, (sttesor krelostkey) _ ti
inniV4e Boot Makyr, i.ilierty 5t...; 2d door
Vjr2in A trey. Tife Okhieriher res hilly fnformitAig
public that he has comencticed the otiose Noting"! let titti
Silofl formerly oemitiled by Mi. Renry
and that he is now prepared to otlepoilto all , orders -id ►N
line orhosiness with despilek atad nx litemost
tern*. FroM eitierienie is the ttaggfaerprtt
FashionaLle Roots, he feels edwthr.eit. Mint alit
from his establishmeat will give sar. • ion Aft hii~ pd!
trans. A share of po id it Wain:ma
ed. e
- • ,1 " 1 " . -
PALL an an - • - .
' •
- -I
%tied n A NIC:z iii'depeadent Trimfjokirtett -Lbw tif
PAiladelpiii4 apt. :BO !Visors: For Trowiriadotit
AlofcAo-otrixo to amid from Pitts eaqwil, via ride: illr# . 4
faelkitfulisersaia Cawast. •
. .
elpetaNerNollTUCTor 0N- iIiMUNN MID TitsiirX' *EA
ttieikaar if tisai Mae coollists a the irsi
eint , i I WW . BOCION 91i ~Ntil` ililigeerbileW4a* -
.CWairanitelt 67 Saer Pr 4t4i.10*-o,l9#4lVaillibf ' - -
Wrei 4oBo4l i 'All tit Ufti '4dt k-. 4iaratUsi fir IbiX** ,
Goads shipped asalleati.. all villa as moth Alressife.l3
liaisramee Liao. Mae:ftrint vitt' testelialft frail' -.
foot of WV iltour - sireet taillikord on the betecrafe,pll -
of a iSteare :Boa, **Willi ... kept expressly AVMS},
tbei Proprielnis w 9 il:sre their .3 hole 244introgii •
respectfully Invite Wester', Iltereliaate tis.-7w,...-! ..
call, as they will tinri i it fetich to 11"eisade; ~, ;l: . - , f' r
All irVolts tenitienied Ruhr= atitataP;,- , '. t". - -
wi or ela Delairstrea ad ft a iilan'eartal;
elf 311 heir stalehoteir foot at Wallow streiti'lftac-
Plittadelpt - ft, iirh'ere goolistain he put directly Crellirf i;
*east into tEt Boats Oritboiat additional ha ndliqg Sr es
from Poilad. to tho si lialrblll,g.- --
H. - - pltbistsre*
H. L, PATTERSON* - • - ;
From Rofidarahocirlr Ito, PAtrlnvelti.- ''. - ... ; , .
JANI DICKEY 4• Co., Case; mtatigt.30 . 4 . 2. , , ' .
FiltAurgh—.44rents - ~ . 4 . :- -
mimic* KINIER,WiIIOW street . WO.K.) "..
t , on [he Deteivare.i't Tfillmfelphia, s 1 - -'.7 - -..i. -
Jostmn E. Cum.. Bailimore, ). Arefir.,l - :
H. L. P.vrtterow, Holidaelatreb, i I '-'' '''' ;,.: ~
IsFor PATTAnoos..folmatolea. - ' -4,', fit - -:, t
heletto merchants generally througbottt eiliy,' ~..
~.. ',.
ep .15--H%
- - -1
• OfIESTS. -.- -, ...- , =.-I , '
Prrraßoactit, OmStV-414Z..2i
J. Mamma—On Friday, the liOnt oftlestar.imiqr
9 o'clock at nisbt. the . Pianiag.troovivq.:tuidlift4:lol t
ufaetory. owned by day, Diitiecirth It Coonslift*Hifest-t.
quantity of dressed atidiindneare'd lumber,seasaa ousuo
le gi
nd by fire. • - * - -
The Iron Safe which I boalibt of you suuteritio
rmaant 4
11723 In the mmt exposed riluatiOn dud.' e Use 0 4 Sisk
was entirely red bot --I am pleased so Ififennon
opened ei ihe 'fire* rie . s de Tite.tod 41 Ike
ke..tve,f;-4 hi. is Ole *al reaminesikuk*Er ,fit Olt,
the uthtly of your safer.
ort !4--if ' ' TOON.Itti
j'AUESIV:R.Ar cr.pervAlesrri- or. AmilornyLEA- - --.}
1 V V - 1,4
04.—* SCliotiL:,-2.11,_-11rustate - p
tVegtern-tVvyrsiiy o f Penntyliranin
~,.. ' ofiir bik.ike- , ! ,
1 public Itat,thegy„bave: eatabdtsbed a . - r `,.. kierriem... , p,
neetinn with the Uniirernity; in iwil'.. - 15 ':‘,- :•",.,, , ,;, J.,.
mnneipif,interninbniticand Ciiiistitzt ' '''' -;
- ' 41tati*
theielisa itthe Lr,.. 7 , - i- ,- .1-": r-
The Inctile - or ishtnlai#lt will be h) vril)l4,„ Jecierecic,-
and weniktnal ainbi-iainitn. isles lialear:olll,... 10.1M-` ;../..1
The reer will*OA' or emin iir;344 anir: rola i - hatit. - -:-
Isom* each. 1 -,./
...- • P-,--
'The erne teem 'win : 64 tittleeinietiiitAlk 4 - - -4i
'ff.Movegeber nat. - ' _ - , ;
.. ~,- ,, ,, ,, -4.1 : -,
\ The %babe fee isilk7,-liiiiia -Igpt i e,, -
slAfteata A Lbwe r iz.Eat-At ii''" ;Il l y s y g p ir r ,
Balk. bib teen eftenen Protentee; v rbe ItiKeen _ - „
1 plearpret - In ansmanciag flats 1* ..
: agklie. , '
cure *triers of arse BO
byre aof Ms legal ; negiti
{Theone att ,_hey eeteented att:i.
P so all his nalinteinrib,i l 3. - en
T 14 ., it rea r r ik;ving - Yiret
sebooll from_ ( piety of ate feria
.the randier °Naar. rn iben#Fire.
a - to the yru4l64briartfir"
1 separ f aininaTiN4r %iliac.
i tishenent ofalipba,,n jraidital,
etta POlMOttinii• - The'ouldPil
pi rs bfinaVo Ty a aa,.alici - g/
htdetenee and 'l,ifeltir„4.
whir bigiatrg is all ita fur!
! sseart/14 Ilte,..t.ise tiOnti, a.
l - In tiiiitiiii*liele si Itchy
eleA, - aiiii few dWilteelan.
3e - bieigislitie4ire tieel ,
anaiftbenteeteett. ofibia 110 risc)
de - so fannaiinfety hr t - 40,0",
toe oticeof Wafter 114 Linriti.
a t o
or by adtYrinninz, , !Ortelner•
dents "tea eApoen 1 1 K lb.
early Itiirouticc- - ie.
i ineatei.
reani4o - nikl . '. a 1 ~ - -•- -
• ..-- . ' 1 4 " 14 ' 1 Ft7-
141 * , .!airVa, Pleatt ett lif****Mige:
ilevisy*WhisP oiblir4- - 4:406 - Ake
I,4l . , •iiiibiell.rogerai-Voireith . :firriit
t i e ! . 4_l o 4:.**tiry=tlol46 o
4*--nreefibtritet. "'--
;~-~ _~~:
;~~ r ::.
`~;:r;~~~ .r
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