rlde ~,barranamm, . , i ng *in Am ssM erican ..ock in Europe, frail the ` - lli h i 1.... I - ,c states and the tenifigtiu st Irk: % ' • - cm to meet the interest -0a a l -7g tir The utter and diseatrtant, - iced Staten ' Bank olieilnhua.„_.l d largely to %masa the A iie t i . v reason .? the lima m u t- ~,i .7 ;m.,, ..,. olden; of its_slock,..ailizge`"l4lsts . rejig , . ners. attd,rnany- of wi ve: , v, or •nt of our pulitivalorgsniation; were I teaponsibilities. , .in th lamssi e effo iat e fici wive sh e . —. thatrtai for _ Jan abroad, the America% n or le to point the money fends: - 1 1 i t .. , d for th e redemption of-thy4„,inei . ° loan he might eentracti andthe,ll. ijt Government from all atuipitioa ni", .ability , to meet its engagenfth„. • red from the Executite lethits vi e ,' -ct. It became, nevertheles s. a le c xecutive to resurtto every exp e di e ,,... . n• gut late the authorized /, -` Is I Afer a +al ore to do • Sa iatlie Ai lea . ,, ~t z ,u of high c ha• rack r ? zed I m o( . It, npe a ill' no better suction; woes in c -pectacle has been present , iti t i,L. ils Govet omen( to ot - a- li a han 6) 7 .e whole to automat to more tbari e ue ,-• rdtnari annual income; at a inflec ts "; • It-.. of Europe, although innefri dil i , oh their si.ljeeta heavily burdene d lir e i - 1 ,-. ~,,,hly ~! Haini ttal+S °fatty analuotrii', iced I ate of interest. : It Would he tt, :wilier into thislanomalousg ate of,: , _ L, hoot e t) elude aithout ad.lingtla ot ottnii has paid otr its deb" af vor-. 1, 4 e ;argei.t maritime power of Europe, •,-.,,g a relic o Lich is almost nest to „ t ,:-. pa, eil a ith its boundless result:eel", ,t r 1.,- ,ri.cii.geit in the world, bec k ..,. trout th, popu la r 'will, and Grist!y 1,, of a great and free people., a , -., , t t., its ettogements has oeve, teensy . 'r -c!, i. 1,.• .‘ moment to have tendered% :, ,- , 0: IT het rim !it It ics On Oppertuni, y , - ... I I , .., -cock, and Set to hat e • • , ~t f r be alllet II:. filliMitti ( iiS.ME it ,r oi ij „,•,,„, se , in ,:b ail Which, the . ~ . ~ t 4 ira:f 7, S; is cal WM. h (mild have • I lid , it .w bec•aue obvious to all • , um._ ol MIL,. look to jib, Own Ineani6r. F. 71 ~ a.. 1,, , . - rd it IS consoling t ke,.* .. ,n , . a , 0. -alt g , - il.er ioadrquate Mr tie '. ( pi, r, .i adopted, will greatly ad % ' ~,... e,„,,it. Upon which I re gßo i L! il ,e, . • SI wt. that its bills would be t ~ .r. !I. the pob;ie ere:titurs, aul but .; '" ..a, t time atm:: the niAr i ,,,,,t ' . $lO tli'VßA'' . ' . I , O'.VlOl - - ti at, ~, w' , ~d . ., , i „ : he a••Jilat., e tattabs drop yi o t CO-: O. ina e g. . IC O. (Ili ifi.i iii . .- .. :.n., tr., elk ... - •ia 1 , flects t‘ h'ea *AM '1 the active pursuits-4%u l b., Hi a A., tt! ' at urits-ks intake ;., - % ' l . ' •' . .I' it a ion of act oppositecratack' r rl !news, would be 134,14:,,. ;Le '.vantage of a s^und cuu at.oo of c:,L.Gdr..ce and creak would ntimel "us train of Liessiogs. •My ,t g th.t ii,rse benefits w.h4d d the me.t -I , re ; but it tae 1. ll,cfr Is •his. secoray COSI, !be creat.tig it may ti IF.. a of tee Lecisiditre, without the lit , g“1 , 1 '1:111.• it, d io Cetegrei-st take ins .` .i.e it. , bf te-stitbit- sing a fi:e i. rd! 1, , 1,-.,11 t. .t the I. a , d 1. f bee it ty, and pan: kll is t!' e-ig itbg y fl ~.c ion Ott eefedi a twe, the Tru1t...,1 1 111 a. he re r at4l.l.l t lit n,' ;Iped A;lie rivi a vas be4:l arni- atilt t.e)ro bf ;Liu.. R . r by gni. g aaditap.al lust4.l ~ I 1.1 e,, Meta. I,ft:l , ‘s : %we t Bendel, !brit .-. .inO.ici,tr,; and a 0,139440 11.. y v.teln d ants vtwk, is iPmr( o l l ,ark! in a pecnn ;,rr 1 , 0 tit • a rdiv h e dolihted Ihatit he war- tvt , i n v_eteronoo) . rllorfit PM) in fLc a i,iter tf bi d da rti,ect,! t! :e rilcumi-taectsit I 111.1,--41 11181. Thrre . es i wi,ich public. funetionarifs r : Oil to ‘4t , 1,211 the public. •,'• ,t their own personal bazar* (i t wLe liul,ned from pr overruling st•ase d r 1:d I,tii)!ic necessity. p ett be restrained nithin I:'c h a;Fert; and maintains the e law , and the subjection of the It, 11,e civil power. The defe:: , •Orleant=, witile it saved a city e• hands el the enemy, Pheeddr. t ;eneral Jackson among those et_ttest Captains of the a ge,todill , s , '! f the brightest pages of out N that the causes of excitement, at the time, have ceased to tay%, I elievel that the retni,ision of 1.. , ‘A hilever t f gratification that gilt cause the eminent:man who .• pail it, would be in accordant& general feeling and wishes of the .r.t Pt epic. '.ate thus, fellow-citizens, at 1.1., 0 1 Loy Auto under the Co •••• lYing before you, as succinctly - been able, the state Of the thu ,, '',viting your attention to we thi importance to the country._. cutive sill most zealously unite those of the Legislative tt in the accomplishment 0f.711 • red to relieve the wants of a -tituency, or elevate the destini-. ved country. JOHN TT A,SIUNG,ION. December, DOI le hOiS I A suplai-' in.rruni of Capt. Broadilu rws ON I'XN -STREET. en a t 14 past G. Perfulh....ep to B. The ladles and geskiemenly:Wit 111 11 - 1. , t Ault hilbeatre CVELTrigliwiAtlit PFparett to make diem COU16010:7„..1 ‘IIMED THBOCIGIIOITrwtkr' Eveerllig, Dec. 8, isotZtJoitUl Feu r Quart ersig ILWO°I4II. onemanship StietiDance sad /1 081 , 16er Ila - inand by MO 00400411‘ rivall.3 Ft by *), . .....;. ree bones nide . -1 4 - moms - 44414111101,11A -M.> • _ ,r; -; 7 "Ilrelent- Was inillrihilliall ;spitgold 1 431103 fitOria&-.-T - ' ------ - etr - e all whom it may etreee t that -elabrrur. After inspectleg! this cKefir The G:-Wi• T- A. Society , or tile-'5 l -h W ard. ceuvre of orien l * ta . taste so ld i ni gn ie c n acei, w. Fes. illhohl 4 9 1 r liNielkbi meeting isirridev - eveit the party took.their sea* in ilre open ar- it in ttalf past 9 I ::'elook ri Me to i mier tiv : Ch ll reh a r s . TaViti cede, or serniarie„ before't described ; ' the and lames /EU Haw hen will addres4 the lueeting. , principal personeos Bei el i Re i t - l e d un d er a ; A full house is expeettd, as no doubt the ethirixses canopy, the richness of whfeh Is utterly i n . I will be ieteresitig. WM. CRAW FORp, Seer describable. It consists dof one mass or 1-. jewels, of diamon 'ls, petits, i rubies, am? erneraldNinter woven in ie 4 tes patterns so thickly, that the texture e_ Ire cloth or silk on which they were work 4as quite in imp; tact document, which we re- `l i atinguishable- ; 'The regiment of Atnitiorta soon made f ro m our extra of yesterday, has ,.t.., 1 . 1 their appearance, on this eiressem armed f ro m our columns this morning. 1 with bows and arrows. and ;headed by their : 0 1 . 1, h is i ill s e d ' ciu " 1 ~,,e t y of ne A s editorial matter. 1 commander-in-chishisfaverite of the day, , uai'm We received it yesterday morning who was distinguiy a crimson dress. ~Bro AM & % , Ile at 9 o'clock, and had it tr. /L and white plume in.her *ban. There i twere three subordinate ' commandants. , 1 ot toted by our regular hands in to-- , 'each distinguished by a plume. After ex . , e , i f. evci y inter paper in the city, 1 bibiting their dancing fur some time,_the Is !an ling many of them had double 1 Maharaja ordered one of , hem to sing the 1 song of the Hoolee, and a: tray of round irs:rength for the occasion. Isilver b ow l s, filled with gold dust and sil airexpre33 wai run by Mr. JAMES FEN- 1 1 ver leaf pulverized, having:been placed on Stables, t a footstool before his Highness , the spar f t h e I wongahela Livery 0 0 and song commenced. The dancer and j o tsithstanding th'i time consumed ~ o f tlie mid is missing the road 1 the Maharaja opened the campaign by pel• . r r a ri Ling one another most vigorously with gold ~ , -, ~ I ' e ft Brow,isvmlle, and an- I dust. Neither the Governor General nor Lady William escaped, and the engage ment soon became general, and ceased on ly when the silver bowls were exhausted, and the whole party were covered from head to foot with the glittering powder.— lire Maharaja suffered the most severely, for during his contest with the Amazon, the latter contrived to throw a handful strai.g'.t into his sound eye, which nearly exti,,g-uished the luminary, and he di I not completely recover from the wound during the rest of the evening.' Ffig tiLESIMINT, oiES BUCHANAN, seoJectto the decision of a National Convention. ILY MORNING POST. n. SMITH, EDITORS &ND PE °PRI/TOES „ DI , ,c,E,MBE't 9, 1842 L'ir , )vw fi urn his horse in cros -1i,17 ) Creek, he boat al the other pr6 . ses by from ten to fifteen minutes. ac,.:irnpli-shed by the superiority nie h ,rses and the determivatiGn of his 't. , 3 !ha'. Llie 31,rniii3 - Post should not rt; - : Sir] wi.') !h , assistance of the A n:an. hh ) , It the Saal.3 time We He .1 Iv )•ate a le w minutes after, and Cnroincle (.; iz.._•L'.( s wll , ) , e expresses eldst ;11. .I,ad relays of an ex'r at an early hour .tr!.'_01)11. 1 . 1 street friends lr to be 41" bit a few , . ttis "Clie (q 1 1 . 1,1 pioet- a '.‘ :VI .. v wfl t (7. nira thn have a . yeite lin i•-z Prri, I smi• Moss is nicreiv noun ins it ea y' matte! f iN CJ n: irarie3 to beat it when they c'!,i,se 1% . 'lle rer.irri ir co Cu. \V, \V. Irwin!, A r ar),l A. G `IF; C." St..n ..\l-;,;14'..: MI I EiLi , ) t uU il• ',.111 VII-I:}tin,7l,) t 1 eVci y effut to glve us ail irksi ri lerA, who •I I trt 14 , 1•4 e,trn-.3 is gallan ly c, )rnpe,:itor S tha ab we. our ridbr, ;" v /I:1 t, nti ArriJC 1. K d • iC.er le3Vlni B-ownswille, seti h; way, qn,l after travelling 7 • !'.11! lirow tsvilJe again. f)r thij, he would have iei t 1 ; h pit- before all tha Inicludiu.; this 7 miles, the distance by oar Express vas 40 miles, which riflle9 in h.) , lrs and 1.3 minutes. Ex )-eii P 'belt hi; nearest 1 , ,2111.)t. 11 minut.e3, an I the hind-nlst —in 1 L 1vd1.193.-1 , , Ex- .v I,cf-1 t) Cl[ Lard—Nezar—Salt-s in lots at 61 a 91 cents. Groceries—our market is well supplied. C.:off.e thane* magazale. —sales in soli!l quantities, of good at 101 a 14 Lid! *. Book. 10 city - , and to the country 11 a- la, y. 11. "e 're again unJ , 'r ( [ions to our ""ea, 45 to 75 Ms. Imperial, 6.i to 85 Ma. P, 65 to .1 BerCitd fhi tt e t:5 - ;ye popular map- : s,gar—sales of hide 6, to 74c. in Vila 7to Scr. They are b ith rich in good read pef.v11,3,1..75et;h.!:.1,6):dt0a.47e1c-ity 28 a 38; to country matter an;) are err,')e'lishel wilt beau- 09 a al per gal. flnu a , ; 1 !hre' IT! We c , )mrnend these lit pu;,:icatimls t,, the lovers of light en2ravinz, B)1•Ir J„; columns, that that distill e3 .4'll tragP(liso, J. B. Booth t)hsi i. ...norrow night. Corn datNn of an actor, of such extended ''ll ,uperfl•Jous: it is only new [hit he retains all his supari atri 3UJ that his actin?, is as elect °'2: it '.Pas. Let tilt, Theaiio i 3O ' Pit to Gallery. Oriental Splendor. oer9llowing description of the fete Poinjeet Sing to the late of India, Sir I,vtlitam Ben ' 11,',1)as the oriental tie 'Thousand and One teDI3 ;sere pitched on a rising bank. ° a hundred yards of the river, and • ids around it were metamorphosed, I skil: of the gardeners of Lahore, into "t Parterre s , in which wheat having snwn som e days previuus, now pre ! group s of green and growing fig -3 elepbauts, horses, deer, birds, &c. garden was brilliantly illuminated, rotated with artificial flowers, trees, cypresses, &c., tastefully arranged. i tterior of the pavillion, however, pre scene of riches and splendor sur— the descriptions of the palace of °al Raschid, or of t 4 olomon in all ' • The floor was spread with cloth '; and within the gorgeous little pa before described, were placed three ' seats or thrones, sheeted with gold; 9 worked. The centre was deeti. the Maharaja, and one on either , the Governor General - and Lady Beone.k. Behind these threnisl tolden bedewed. inlaid witb%dilt-i anear alds,rubliti; - &e4il - prAjOi k :i • - lop 00""r* see First Page. The Message. u Clev -dr-! h 14. ti - up, all ',1,2 —lt will he seen by Pausbargh lfarket. Rep i 7 led for Ike Morning Foal by Isaac Haim Fit iDA Y Mon.NING, Dec. 9, 1812. olr are in fine order tv,th about tell 1 . '2 , A in t ne channel, and busm , •ss upon them has rerit•ed, an I n a great deal will be done toship tt t south all orders, and Pitts s,k get u i ful supplies of e'es (ern au:: u It, :n produe,:•—'n ship to Baltimore ri M o: ,rg • quantit,es of produce, via. ' • a Raiiroad—and to waggons, and the Railroad from The b. in , in tine , are going up to Fr-epori, Kit perhaps Warr n, Tl.e ca nal c iil be open lung t, bring down all ls, i't, I.,ke back flour, fruit and a g awed alum line to 1.11 a 'Lie Fit .burgh cv It sup,,lis.d t e , :eelleut -tusks of al no.t. alt kinds of goods and tvil; anon receive sugar, molasses making the •or C in an I N-wyears excels !, 11 ., a ver y I , Jav pr,ces fur cash ur good country B erns =MEE jh j r 0 , d•IJ , 1 c .I.frA,'Oren'erri , q, Dried X g ` :?e -u luU ti.iiter in ar • I i jC.II a {lll wi!! coßqlui fa r prices, and rvadv sale Flour srl readily at 5275 per hbl:, from wag gong, and fro .n .tores $3, Rye Flour per cwt. $1 an I Ru :kwh-at Jet to 1,121. Grair. —Wheat sales at nu- stein 53 -- Rye 33. Harley $l. Com 25. Oats 15 al6 cts. per bri.bel Butter Cracmers—s3 25 per bbl. Ho ter do $4 per tia, req. Pilot Bread..s2 7a mr bbl. Hugs-9 cent. per Ito Hay—ss7 a 7 .50 per ton. Frait—Dried Peaches, 40 bushels from wag ons $1 par money, and stores 1,25 a $1,50 ptr bushel, Apples 50; Cranberries scarce, in demand, 250 per bush.; Green Apples per bbl 1 a $1,25; by the bu.hel 25 a 50 cents. Ashes—Scorchings 3/ o 4-; Pots -14 to 5; Pearl's 5 to 5i cts per ll>. Beef=-sales riflsm.lll i:roves at $2.25 a 275 per 100 lbs., - and IC- Ew! choice, 3 a 3,5'1. Pork—Saks in small droves 225 to V,50 paid by pickers, on' packer is paying $2 53 for ch-ice. Britter-.-good Roll demand 7 a 8--and kcg dui 5 a 6. Feather4—small sales at 24 a 25c per lb. Salt—From beats in large lots 87 a 90; fr,en stores $1 a 1,25 in bbls. Fial.-11errinu 4,50 to $5. Atackera No 3, i,50 a 8.50. Shad 8..50.89. Leather—a go .d supply; daily sales in market by the cianti , y, Citin•ry 20 a 21; Spanish 21 a 24 per Ib. Upper L-aiher per dozen 824 a 28. Calf S'ons per dozen $l2 a 16 accordirg to Gauntry 4, e. Spanish 12 per lb. o:i Tanners.7oe. per gal or about an averaze of $2O a bbl. Flaxseed oil 75 a 80c a gal Lard nil ; 70 a 75 do. Seeds—Timothy 1,25: and from stores lso to 1,75; Flaxseed 80c: Clwerseed 50 Lushels from wigens $3,19. Cheese—dui, small sales at 4 a sc. : Tobacco—sales of inferi, r leaf to the trade ',2 a 3 c s per Ib; CavendiTh 4 3 4 a 5; Virginia Twist 5;.a 6: Peg 7 a B::Ladies Twist. 1.4 c. o r Ib Wont--Cleati-aOll washed ~,,,nnin 18 a 20.1-4 blnoi 20; h d 022"- 3 4.4 , 2 24 ; 7-8 do 29; full 28 prune 33. Powder—Watson's rock $3.75 and Rifle $ 5,23 . per keg. Biooms—Smell sales at 50 $52 per ton. Pig Meal—Saks of aboat 2./3 tols at 4 and 6 mos. at $2O and some sales at $22 -a ton. THEATRE---PITTSBURGH. MR. BOOTEE'S BENEFIET. On Saturday, Dec. 10,1342, will be acted Snakspeare's Play of KING LEAR. LC/Ir, _by Mr. Booth; Edgar ............. ... .I.groleson; Cordelia. Wes Fisher. After which. a PAS DE fIEAIII., by Mrs. C. Bill t Noss. kraut. To Coociode with the Farce of THE EE PIE Joho Lamp, .. . ..... BCOTfI. Dec, 8. 1842. 24 IkATILLIAM gLDEtt, Attorney at Liter; othee' In 1 V Bakeweirs Buildings, nearly **Ate the New Court How. on 'Grant slrcet I nep 36÷- TAKE *Mice that we hate applied to tbaed:ea bribe Court of ermarahn!WM of Allegheny constg. the benefit ot OM la** enacted far , the Mier oiltentbient] debtors. and that said Court has appointed the 260 *7 ' 4 of December inst.. at the Conn, Elmisela tbe city of , Pilks t burgh. for the Imams of as and oar crealters, when ail where Duly May attend If they URA Mdpnr; tilrusaiwilaletwity Pnwentr. Wham ToWnshlm tutor 1 , 0144k*, Tailor 'glut Deer township; Jptorrwmilmitarthilt. l i eswinghtp.- I r Darserairrx-1~, l oi" rar 4 4 Clan " Wail* Peceionlito • 1 ''-. t _ 3300 K A ND aOn PRINTING OFPICE, N. W Corner of Wood 4- Ilfth kits. Tar proprietmsbf the Mantuan Poiri and Distteutti APID itlArtcrAcrrata respectfully Infirrat their friends and the patrons of thlise papeis, that they have large and welt chosen assortment or alroll3 Aagg S 022.ELA_V11.412aM312.91k1Z Necsary to a Jub printing "office, and that they are pre LEI TER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: Bills of Lading, Circulars, Bill Heads, - Cards, Blank Checks, Hat Tips- tioakg. Qe® Isla, tiandbing, • ail kiiibt of 331 antis, Stage, Slasthont, ease Canal Baal Bills, 'oak appr• Printed on the shortest notice and mast reasonable terms We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and lie public in general in this branch of our business. Pittsburgh, Sep:. 39, 1841 PHILLIPS 4- SMITH. BANK NOTE AND EXCHANGE LIST. CORRECTED DAILY,Itt ALLEN KILAYER., PENNSYLVANIA. Batik of Pittsburgh. par Merck. 111,to. bk. par Etchange bank. par . Bk. of Germantown Easton I auk,. Lancaster bank, dis 3 1 ' Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers' bk Bucks Co. o Doylestown hk do o Bk of N America Phil. Bk of Northern Liberties, •• Commercial bk. of Pa. Far. k Mechanics bk. Kensington bk. • Philadelphia bk. Schuylkitt bk. Southwark bk. Wt.-siert:l bk. Bk. of Peon,lyivailia, 10 9,k . of Penn . par Man. 4- Mechanics bk. 5 Mechanics bk. par Moyainensing Girard U. States lKink. 58 j Lumbermens', Warren, 75 1 Frank. bk Washington, par Miners bk of Pot tsvile, 3 Bk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville, 2 Brie Bank, 5 tlarrisbur29 bank. Si Far. Ilk Lancaster, 3 Ilk of Mirldretouln, of Chambersburgh, 9 7 1 Carlisle bank, 9 Bk of Nod ImmbPrln nd, 10 Colum , ,lal.k Bridze co. 3 Bk Susquehanna Co- 10, Iticof Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. 9 cett.,, , sl.urgh bk. 9 York, bank, 8 Far.,. Drovers bk. of Wayneshorgh, •• •• Currency noles. Honesdale, Wyoming hank, 12 Pnish•a-ta male Scrip, 5 7 '..aci)itry do do 9 fkrks Co. hank, I.etvistown. 15 Towanda, - OHIO. Mt,tintrite bk bk or Sten brnvi!fe, Belmont hk t.f St. Claire. arietta bk. Demand notes. Cfirrefiry tiOteS, 'Cole cialatana bk New Lis iron tieniand, •do P 0 5 ,1 110;PS, Fkeie pay- ins hanks, %tech.." Traders bk of Clinton I.k of Cli l U , Demand notes. Circleville, (H. Law rerice Ckshier) Zanesville I.k. Q . AL T-85 Barrels No. I. Salt—abra, BO barrels No. 2 for sale by ISAAC CRUSE, 148 Lib. at, 7IRT LECTURES.—Fosrat Coarse.—The Lec ture C.3ninttitee of the Wirt lastitste have the Measure of laying before the public, the Tottowing list of gentlemen who have consented to Lecture, int- Rev I W Baketeell, Introductory Ler_tiire. John I. Goo. Esq, Washington. ProH J Clark. Meadville College. Hon. Won Wilkins. Pittsburgh. Prof. A B Brawn. Jefferson CJllege. David Rickie, P.A., Pittsburgh. Bea Waskington, Esq Prof. Airv'r T McGill. West. Thco. Si rolnary. Franca Joiners*. Esq., Pittsburgh. Proff. J Barker, Meadville College. W A Lawrie, Esq., Pittsburgh. Rev James L Eloch'il S lirCulloCh. Jeirerson College, will de ltver several Lectures on Astronomy, embracing its rise. progreeland de s tiny. Reed Washin2ton, Esq., mill also deliver several Licittees on She subject fie may select. Arrangements are in piogress to engage Professor Sit timer', or Yale College, to deliver in our city, a full rogirie of lectures on Geology; also a ith Joseph B. Buchanan, on Neurology. Other eminent Leettirers will be invited to visit our city, when it may be in the power of the in stitute to engage their services. The : Lectures of this course will lie on Literary and Scientific subjects exclusively. and It is hoped from the eminent ability of the Lecturers. and the interesting na ture of the subjects, that our eh izens will liberally pa tronise this laudable enterprise. The iron City should not be behind sister cities in her encouragement credence and literature. The proceeds (if any) will he appropri ated to the enlargement of a Library, already an honer to the cii v. 3-Coarse Tickets, 'admitting a lady and gentleman. $2, and may be bad of either of the Gem mit tee, and at C. H, Kay ¢ Co's Book Store. Monongahela and Exchange Hotels, and at Berford's. Lectures commencoon Thurtdny evenire. Dee 1. SAM'L C. HUEY, W. W. WILSON, JOHN S. COSGR AVE, Con3athiee: WM, B, SCA WE, 1 JOHN B, SF.AIPLE, n24—lm WANTED fALMEDIA7ELY.—A good nurse with a freer. treat of milk, to go Into a gentleman's house to attend on his wife and child--Also wanted a place foi agood journeyman Blacksmith, or several me- chaairs=—Apply al dec 1. Rs utmrlbers -have removed to Wa. ter between Wood and Smithfield streepl,mtere they will contindh the Wholesale Grocery and3TlOnia sion business lea Would respectfully solieit the patron. age of their frietuti: I. W. BURBEIDGS it Co. Dec 3 IVOR RENT and immediate posiewoost--a good Coal Pit, ready rdr immediate work, about onetelletrosi the Monongahela Bridie and near the Brow ne;illeiload; the pay will be; taken in Coil. Also for sale 90 !me bot bed-auk—apply at BARRIS' 4 tabintelkee oeks. szscrtrorear ifidricis. 111 LL persoosiniebted to. the estate otmar r itattaire. Li I. set.. thaezied.late of goper St. Clair Tirtniebtitate requeoted to make hootediefeisayosset 10 the tiostereitpt ed. esti all having dales natootseld estate will itthoelat the*. pioperly totthestil for tiettlemest. - , s l ww.-51{6Tztwoylts...gzeentir . . bee.•2.lolei -4 , : , .7 - a r .'. '.7..... L I II riitl•Wissfplo*,' pared to eieeu.le Priests Cats, Wooster. alaitt,n, Sandusky. 2 c. -aura, 2 Norwalk. 2 Tents, 2 Dayton, 2 Srioto, Post. notes; 2 10 F'ran.tdi Columbus, 2. La..easter, Is Hamilton, 30 Granulite. 'Cow. bk. Lake Erie, 3 Far. bk: of Canton, 50 Urbana 65 INDIANA. Slate bk.k Bran Ches, 2 Stale scrip. 50 MEM! t LLI rlors date bk 4- Branilses, GO Shawneetourn, 63 VIRGINFA Hank of Virginia, 11 do Valley, 11 Far.bk. of Virginia, 12 Exchange bank, 11 N. West, hank 11 Mer. sr Met. do, MARYLAND Baltimore Banks, Country Rinks. DEL WARE All Banks, KEW JERSEY Ail Bank. _par and I NEW YORK. Chy R.‘nlts, Par C,,uniry banks, (safety tubd.) ft Red flack. I to 1 NEW ENGLAND. Etoston Banks, Country LOUISIANA Orleans Banks., NORTH CAROLIN A SOUTH CAROLINA '` Banks, I IS. COLif AI MA ALLHAMA Good Rank, TENNESSEE. MI Banks, $ 51ICHIGAN. Rk. of St. Clair, Do. d, ..1E H. Smith 5 EMCEE 'Good hank. - . 15 to2o Eastern Exchangr. Pbiladetphia, :{ New York; Baltioore, Boston. • ti'e,tern Exchange. Linen:man, par Dar Cleveland, 4 die Witeeline. par GOLD P:iD SILVYIR. par HARRIS' Inteffigenexothee _ _ l _ _ ___ _ 0.._- -, i . ar t ; , angliaggoirkerde - 1,44/.:' ` witm141, , ,*tit,1 4 1,47 ' among arrikaii' Olithe Cornet Of rilleiikftbit eleittaittiid WS. SILVIO ' ' llt.'-- 11110 , tOgii,TainathiliAisnes fib. eulterets ititaor, iv AsailiGTO?4, • tft 4 ll, , - _ itai4.o4act4orainagdpf *tick 411 1 1 0/LlfEir AP L.iffr..-billee' in Sears' linlikilsig. wltate:, , '''' r cettets„'Strom 15 to 10 Mires "of Pousikatreei„ sittebnigb. • adv. 4, isn.is ;midi*. r T. prEWAirr, 17yhtsiilereettlia,Tnyer Siam> ( .4,T,_ , . inis,-01,. . 11: - - . area huge frawialmata . .11 , Ntt:49. Mb street , betimes Wood and Smithfield .( tali tarliirsoniannelifiribited,cakinkked for a ?la dle. Bask tad Straw dirattrdsditi /away' on, !mod. AM „.__. .vers or tialwate-Datallait, a frame Balm SS by 60.11wab orders sweated with' naittneat and deePatett; on aceomonci-..'s mid matelumaketintud other nit litimallaalt• ail 1: Ilerem ' - sep„lo—ly a bl e for ttintfatital.l--ii good Gardendsurrounded with I Carrara !tad* it'd! of es:renew water, with a pompon at the froatdoor. is telatiots to the 'Pittsburgh and Allimbeny Market. Owe in no plate now ofitml Abe .sile with moreissittemitent. to them wishing to purchase near Pittsbutgit„ the Urns will be mimic moderate, Aar further pa rticalarsapply to iilePtaPtietta at his Clothing Stern, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. LAW RENCIIIIIIMVELL. N. S. if not sold before the Ist of October next. it wit, be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots to salt pareba- Seri.dm IO ' - WANTED. ' . . 2000'11 hITS4III eest ELS pri O ce P iii irl,A ta Z w BE ill r e g . i f v or ez Web the JAMES DICKEY ft Co Agith Steebaates Llaecoraer ofLiterty add Waye *reefs, Pittsburgh. Oct II '42. CB EA PER Ttl ►N , EVER! FTSJEPIDID ABSOITNEOT OF READY IMAI)E CLOTRING AT THE THREE BIG DOORS, X 0.15 1 Liberty st.„ sue deer front the Amalie* Foundry, IVIE Subscriber having prepared at his establishment the largst and most retied stock" of BEADY MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the Western coon; try, would respectfully invite the public to give him a call and examine his Goodsand bear his prices before purchasing elsewhere. His stork consists in taut of 1560 Coats„assorted sizes and quality; 2000 pair Patna loons: 1800 Vests; with a large assortment of Starts, Drawers, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Supenders, and every other artiste of winter Clothing. His Cloths were all selected by Itineml . fin the Easteru Markets, end purchased at the very lowest cash prices, and consequently he can afford to !give his customers BETTER BA RGAIINS than they can get at any other house in the city. Believing In the principle ofstProteet erg Home Industry" he has thereto e had all his 'articles manufactured by Pittsburgh workmen, and he has no hesitation In saying that they will be found in every res. pect sunerlor to the Easters oteanfaciared articles that are offered for sale in the stop shops that have recently iblehored among us. In these times when Howe Industry is occupying so large a snare of public attention, as it always should, the proprietor of Ihe -Three B 4 Doors' lakes peculiar pride and pleasure In assuring the citizens offitrabureh that his Goods are all manufactured nader his - own e7e. by the mechanics of his own town. He dory not, !Fie some of his rivals in trade, nave his Clothes made op in a distant city, In another State, nor does he adveitiste his Stock in bills nriteed three or four hundred mites from here. He goes en tne principie that the mechanics of Pittsburgh can do work as well as any others, and be does not de. Eike to draw money from their porkers to pp p port. di s tant workmen: white he asks theta to support him, he does not wish .oimpoverish them by a drain to support far off mammoth workshops. The subscriber would take this occasion to return thanks to his friends and customers for the unprecedeit led patronage extended to his establishment, and to re. peat his iiivitation to all thew who wish to purchase ! clothing. of every description, made in the latest fashion and sold on the mnst accommodating terms, to call at No 151 Liberty street. JOHN M'CLOS X EY. risObserve He al Pl.ite in the par :anent.. PILZEINGWON'S Unrivalled Blacking, ittANUFMITITIZED and sold wholesale and retail SIATH Sinner ; one door below Smithfield_ eel2l-6". 119.01TI'SIKURGII CIE. , ..IILATING AND Et SFECENCE 2. LIBRARY of Religious, H ieal,and is. c.ltaneous Work.. will be open every day, Sedbalh ex. eepted. "tom 7 o'. lock, A. M.,until 9, P. SI., In the Ex change Builchng, corner of Strlair reel and Exchange alley, wnere punctual nitendance will be given by sep 10 J. GEMMII. HiI.VX-1 y TU !LYE ULL, l'aopi,irruss nr vac Cusr. Telt PAPER MILL. F teuhenvitle, Ohio, having remo ved their store from this city, have appointed Holdship Browne, nn. d 9 Market st., he:wren 3rd and for to of the rikicerevd kind=of Paper Manufac— tured ty them, where their friends arid euinnitiers will al ways find a rceular supply of paper, such as Cap and P st Writtn:, plain and faint lined; Wrapping and Tea paper; Bonnet Roards, - and Printin: Panel' of different si zes and qualities of which will be sold on the most secotrimodatin: terms. HoLosme A- Unaware, roanotmtnrers and Imparters of Pape , s and Borders, keeps el:ista utly on hand eve ry variety of Ent rv, Parlor and eltanther Papers, of the latest PI yle.i.• and mo.._t ham:acme patteras, which they will sell tow and on accommodating terms, wholes; le or retail nov 314-111 14O"FOR i 5 iLE. —Fohr, in 31a oche-ter, One Gad 3 fourth kereQ of Land on Holmes' Hill. Late one. 4i. 42,52. 53. 54.131. 182 and 184, in 4 .2coi , '.. row, or L• 4,, on Hola..e'; iiiil A Iso, Lois no 26 and 27, in p'ari or Lotx on High street, near The new Court flown. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON. set, 111 GEORGE if . rirG, Attorney at Law, Lidice N 0.54 Fifth st reef, near the Theatre, Pittsburgh, step 2i-1y HIGHLY - I VI PORTANT. TO THOiE SUFFERING WITH THE LIVER COMPLAINT. E following certificates, show that affections of the Liver of lons standing. and sup used incurable from the fact that the t'edtm•nt zener alty pursued, preyed iilefeeual, can be relieved and eared by the use of the 'only Liver Pill.' SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER General loss of appetite, sickness of the stom ach, pain in the head, shoulders, back and side!, sense of weariness, with sleviess night., cstive ness of bowels, followed in some eases by loos , mess sight, dry cough, loiv spirits, with disinelmati-n to. every duty, are prominent symplonts of a dis eased state of the Liver. The Liver is, howe7er, often mach derang,d, when the most furmidala!e symptoms are absent, and becomes sadly out of order before it is known. Jefferson township Greene en. Pa. July I I , 1842 Mr. R. E. Sellers—l feel willing to inform you of the use I have made of Shinn & Seller-' Liver Pirti. In the spring of 1837 I had a spell of fever and chills which left me with a severe pain in my 'stomach and right side, which attacked me fre quently, and of late years with more violence.— Being opposed to taking medicine, I refused the ailWa physician, until about twelvra years ago, sidre which I haiiiii'llaken medicine front four, all of them stating that I had the Liver complaint.- 1 -have frequently thought I could not live, as n'thing relieved ms but calomel is large doses. Two years ago, I had a long and severe spell, during which I was advised by .I.mes Barnes to try your Liver Pills. I hairs found them to he a great bent* to me, my health has been improved by using theth, and th- y help me every tithe I take thehri. Being much advanced in years, I do not ca. poet to be eared sound and well, but 1 cannot do without. the Pills, I must take them, and aiways find them a good me iieine. I would also advise ever body that is afflicted with the Liver coin plaint to use your celebrated Liver Pills. [Signed] ELIZABETH SAFFELL. Read the following terimany awl disbelieve if you can. Cat michaeltawn, Greene co. Pa.?, SemF 6 2o, 184 g, S Mr. ft. E. SePers=For several years I was the subject era most unyielding attack of the Liv,er complaint. It would be useless for me to attempt togive you an account of my mac-ring, as it could only be felt, not described. But such was the se verityof my ditieaie, that for days and weeks to gether, I knew Dot, whether I should ever recoi. er my usual heal• tit I continued in ails wretched 'Condition, until the Christian Advocate fell iota my, hand site upon comparing .the symptoms of a ditieitsid Bier as given is the advertisement with my own, I found that tbey corresponded in nearly every particular. Front kbat circumstance I *as in d uced to try your justly"popular Liver Pills, altd'you may be assu red that it is with the greatest pleasure that I in fond you ihat the. Inver Pills :have beau of more service to me than all other ren.ediett I hairs ever Useketidl. new ED Oir better health than I have operas the last eight years. - • -- • Sigeeti, • - • MALY HORMEL The above certificates arAfrcon yery respectable letetebent l ef the AL EXitinclus , 11,02103. - Comigt Ci% rftiakedont.wtiovisiauw - Amihitti,g t 'Ay 444, : 'e e - ,t . . ~~~. WALL PAL1 1 33R11. THE saliselbers respectiklify tall the attention of their tripods and !tberpnbliegeoerally, to their pre sent assortment of Pfper Hgarl3 .l lrl.le contains a lar:e and extensive variety or patterns or thefollosvin de.teriptions, *trick upon inspect** mill he found to be of supertor enality and An Ish, Geelazed Wall Paper*, of al!desenptton•, ftr padering rooms and en! ries,,nt 2.seents per Mere. Glazed Well Paper,, neat and handsome patterns, for paperingroama and entries, at 371 cents. ..Interizen Wall Papal., of their own ntannfaelnre, for balls; Presto filfd fetlrr styles for parlors and ehambers,on fine twin glazed ground.. French Will Papers, Deeemilea eel Presto ?Mere,. is plain 'it'd etch eafore,rold and silver paper. Velvat 111111/ imitation Borders. Lasloiseape. Papers, in setts, for papering hotels, halls and dining rnOntr, al reduced prices. Firs Beard Print*, Stases, °ratline:to, 4.e. Window BlisclPaper, Wain andllgared, of diferent co• lore. Western merchants and others are respectfully Invited to call end eramineibair stork and prices. off which last a literal dtsronnt will he given for cash. From long exaerfenee in the usiness..they are ahie to manufacture papers in a superior manner, and as they are determined to keep no the chat:trier their papers have eniformle gmnatnett, they hope to continue to re ceive hit hertono liberally est ended....,:' ROLDMEP 4- BROWNB, N 049, Market street. between 3d and4th riti3Oinrgh, Sept. 19,1242—datstf J OAN BUTTER WORTIT. 4setioweer esti Cowie. sic* Xerchant, Lauisaiile , K Y.. will 'mend io th• sale of Real Esiatc, Dry GCHNIN,C., orerips. Farnham, 4-c n , -au la r sales every Tnesday. Thursday. and Fri day leorninzs. at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advanres , made on ron:zignmerus. cr9 in aIHOGN'S TE 1-BERRY TOOTH WASH-4 _Yrs. Invaliabk Rewe‘ty.—The extreme beauty of the Teeth, their intilspengtHe mg., and the frequency of their decay, has led to many inventions for their presenration; yet how to pre- seiv,thern in a state of health an pristine beauty, to the latest periods of exigence, was entirely unknown until the discovery of the above invaluable pr , parat ion. it formea pure tincture compered of veg. Cable ingredients, and is powessed of the m-st delicious odor. It eradicates !at-tar from the teeth, rernprex sp o ts of incipient decay. polishes and preserves the enamel, to which it gives a pearl like whilenes, and, from hi dein. feeling properties. possesses the virtue of giving sweetness to the breath. Oct 27-1 f. . • As an Anti Scerbstir, the Gormillso share in Its trans cedent powers . ; Scnrvey is eradicated from them. a heathy anion and redress is induced. which offers to the notice of the medic! practitioner iodoldialte evidence of their bean blot slate. r has been ..vitnitied anti used by several of the best physiratans of this rite. whn have no In - siltation in recommending it as an excellent wash for the Teeth, Gums eie. Among the recommendations to the above are the fol towing: Having tried Dr. stThorn's Tea Berry Tooth Witsh," and become acquainted with the lnrredients of its comma sition, 1 cheerfully say, I consider ti one of the safest, as it is one of the most pleasant Tooth Wastes now in use. Pittsburgh Rep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. 1 take pleasure in staling, having. made use oft Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash." tin it is one of the best den triftces in use. Being in a liquid folju, it combines neat ness with convenience. While it ideanses the enamel and rcrooves the tartar from the teeth. its perfume welds a fragrance peculiarly desirable. L. P. T 1 BB ETT.9, 31. D. - The undersigned baic used n's mom nnu nd Tea Berry Tooth Wash." arid have found it to bean extreme. ly Op:ion; dernifrice; exercising a most satniary enee 'over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indis pensable mend-era from premature decay preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay. ing thtittaghly heated its airflow. we take pleasure in re coitioatiOnvit to the public, bciieeing it to be the best ar• title ritehe kind new in use. . - if ROBERTSON, .111-VES P JACK. OB'T B PEEBLES. elms 13 SCULL Y. CDARRAOII, Wit .IrC4NDLESS, J .reopRErAD. JAS S CRAFT. II L RING WALT. L S JOHNS, Prepared only by WILLI AAI THORN, Apothecary and !Dbettii."...so- 573 Market street. Pittsbis reit; for sale at alt the principal Druggists', and Tuttle's Medical Agency, Fourth street. _ sap FOUNDRY AIETAL JUST RECEIVED. qpilh TONS Sufi Pig !roil suiia4e for Foundries. Ap pty io A. BEELEN. d:lsr 1 AMES HOWARD 4 CO,. -Vaszfacisteers of Wall al Paper, Xe. 13, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.— Have always on hand an extensive atwortni^m of Satin Clasial and Wain PAPER FLANDINGS.VeIvet and imitation Ftordei, of the !west slice and handsome patterns. for papering halls, parlors and chambers. They mannfactitre and have on hand at all times— Printing. Writing. Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,Bon net and Pullers' Boatels—all of which they offer for mite on the most nocommodaling terms; and to which they invite the attention of merchant. and others. ALSO—Blank Booksofail kinds end the hest quality School Books, ete. aiwnis on hard and for sale iti above N. B Rafrst nd Tar ners' Scraps' taken Is exam!! OrSTERB. - S.II44IVES. c.;.seryed ap in the best style at AZlleititia's, No. 9 Fifth steert. Sntlie•le apartments are appropriated in genttenten accompanied by ladies. Also all kind: of Cakes ana Confectionary for parties. weddings, etc., for sale by ens 19—tf. A. HUNKER. , . nceocas fL On.ex'LDVD R. Coucitax. COLEXILY k CO, General Agents, Forwarding and Coo, mission .filereha ma. Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully solicit consignments. n22—tf TUTTLE has this day received from New York, a fresh snripty of Hewes' Mcrae and ROM! Liniment. and Indian Veretable - PlAlTApasii ire cure for Rhea ma lism, G out Contrimed Cerafs "and tim‘..— Geterawr: Peradre - Srekt:le,:for cOlgipletcly and perma nently eradicating super Minns ha irrisom fematrot* upper tips, the hair concealing a broad and wevatrd forehead. the shitrhorn heird of man. Or any triad of superfluous hair. Price gl per bottle. Coinflours Eau de Berate, or True - Water of Bearrty.-: This Preach preparsd ion.tlioron :Oily exterminates Sallow ! ors', Freckles, Priapic% rtes. Blotches, and all cutaneous Le options wirativer. Realizing delicate white hinds. neck and arms. nn d etietline a healthy Juvenile Otirain;-- , Aiso. several other valuable artistes, too numerons io mention. The genuine Sold ont3r at n23-tf TUTTLE'S .VERICAL .410 . E.NrIr, 36 4tfist A FEW ,MORE STILt, aloAir AFC LOSKET .114 old original. tuti on band Abe most splendid asmalMent of Ckdbing ever .Offered West.. My Stock islare.e.nlid Lam disposed lo lowest possible price. . lilt atodt is heavy; and ae tbe Sea son isadvancing, F will set,* lower prices than ever. ask only . the pleasure of a tall, Reefing eanDlfent /bat a look M suifideni, Berme of Counlerfelts. Remember the TRRME 810 DOORS, suit tits: Vex nr TAX ReArEMEX7'. _ nov 33.184 L aIrACKEREL —ln store, So. Ziforkerst, le whole I and bqf barrels:44 akod itralika Will be sold re ry logs for cash, or czarina! for Country produce,*P• Pia!' tii '- ISAAC CRUSE, _ 114,11 Libersi street.: Who of s. for sale edniets Coda:N. Alsoa los - ol* Bacon Hams. - '-' - mir2S. t. A. W. PATTEROON.Q.iii -25 near Sixth. Iftgi ilavdtioCoree. . . For-atte*.Z: - oet 4. ‘; LUSIBEt - r. UMlialt !bi- sal r*lot It W#; pp tic .44 av -cartel. MI laliesiod rarnie trismnPetipli Adlibbgr; win" 44 0 4 - 100-. 4l , l4*.dirka'sitrliglownifitgair very _ • ..i;),ii;" ARRIVALS! -;,.,....4.,,._. , r : ,. : i "7! , . , ' , -' : , ..'. -- ..i.' ": ' ~,-I'..e`:: raiiiellailais ilii; 661 has fi r s to the, us titimit** waive 4. Leasita sear 'if ,41- f 7, ..flr.j. vs•.' - " , ttime_sere ht4434/41440.. Th O'Dea ikikl. 4l 4tlo. 4 ? -.. • wee:t.,.1,4 ..' (144 .iteee tw4 4 0• 44 ,4t." ,-, ~ .0, . . Di. It .i.a.Wition, to the itrattictiK,' ..,,....._., "t t , I C S I 4IP . ' - Mk redo*** ream) eta*. toe ; , -. • taterttiefkis MID. - ..w.-e.t 4 01 eitigelleai. pa elliilent. pad rt1144146.-04: iu thew ittils.that far kite lest Ibrityeataiii. x 1 116 i the cakogettronit dimmer. of wbatestaii of fannies tn pasicutar,l basiassd:lots llt all othirtnedicliell. Like "every caber modichte. We ialik.liali. stantesAig is 1 0 4 21 / 4 11 01 there has bee e: = .. ment and wire salbfactime in the althlidOe _ one mainly than of ail othenr,lts.eati4 ~ quiteaelonishing Ine. If ear pattern regain s% Ai aaPa apattlinat nosillnipe niagypt ilext_ before or after parturition, the WhesinipiAlt elig_le„lkent the thlite I wanted: If a dyspeptic acid ebodition of t ' . - :7-;" ... . .. "eh k ceathreares or ftmetlyit,p.pftjte Her; ~, '.,,,,,,,.., .2,- Amami( my patient. the pills were Jut . ::... v, m , . =1 : - ..!wr: wanted., . ' ' ... -- -- -.. .., 14 - I; treated .a ci te sismirlait an.lal me tat-, „. Wllecure pills trere,Jest the thing I etti r pititf.'7: -!- 7'. ; „ - ' l , ilf palpitation, headachobansfing tioltateeptiO v i= difScallieC indictithre a distertenei ` oft he:: and secretory *peewit. anuelyed ray patighatitlOoint of the WllteltNl 0 4 Werellet OP 1 Thuli,. without resntet to the .. _ ha ppett to 'rearm tbe nem I Itamt, hint- It - went, "parlientar indisafloas or sym a ttotan, al—ays env- t promptly and teas* pp*lnaplire.ll. . I 'IV Protilt pills. _ - TkaF so great a another ofdiseapepiausti-se: Parent lit opposite ones, tn• et kick I 11 X110 11, 144 l should be ented mare:readily. bp,theintkpaare` rented*, ma y at first time stvamtevardenstil why It 14 ' 20 Is es cigar to uty-initut. as that aninek• persona should I.ecome thirsty Damao min* , C2OVPS, a nfl yet all require that. _tontema asil , ipeataill ail ht&wings, water to quench. their thirst. - i ... - -t - 0..- - Jn cUueltpion, ills thte,the..:ltpukthsa Ist - the - - alitAlkult acd the nubile, to say decidedlyantatmentilittoonaly•that the wpann's pills ate thettnly eatathisatioa4 harme-eper Inn W Ol h in my lone cornese of prettier; that itelailtEl.lww . . - anything entaltyator specificfor etch t stadlican• _ Yours ke.„ DR. 31 mai The , above Pills destened Florliculnitir Allis' r PO,' Raed.Ache. Dyspepsia. Constipation of.lhe ~ ' • .7 04, prepared by the proprietor Dr. - - A. 14110114- ' 711bor sale. srhnlem te and retail, at his dwelli% imPtinta l • help* Mart nry. r - - WAI . E. AUSTIN. At triroiy at Lama. ellesiusgiftilis. 1 Y . Office In 4th street, oppo•lte iharinisilikOlat hit. Wittun E. A urns,. F.q., will 1,44 bbtarllAlNlatibillY unfinished business, and I reeeinementi itherintholpittrakt age of iny friends. WA LTRII - TOOlaktalD, rep 10—ly - wM. STEEL E, (at cres° rto H. "tfei rub. iona ' , le Root Maker, Liberty, st,,, 241,;.41inW% from A Itey. The subscriber res-peetfalfy4MFWMlAbe public that he his commenced the above busilnitilllA,Sbie shop formerly occupied he Mr. fienr74l)!Claskey. and that he is now prepared .in astendlp AtifeniMikim line of business wit h despatch and on the most!eaaapaillge terms. From his lon_ experience in the sipailiKaawat Fashionable Bows, he feels coaniteat Mat ltiVitrikkill from his establishment will give a:diem/owl° .114 pa. Irons. A sha re ofpu hi le pal ranaze is reveeifially- apnea- FALL 'ARRALZABAZINVX . Tug ECri% NI C.S' lodspottient Th atiporlattiii ITIL Philadelphia and Bizlthawertr. Ae?. Merchazdize to and from tilde - Tikila Miter and PeanitylvaDia CONDUCT/ILO STRICTLY ON SILIINSTII AXIS TiRIVIIIIORoa PIUNCIPLBS. Theriot* of this Line consists of I lie erirm, Cars, Metal Roofs, and New netted Tiik Mlitrwlywas. commanded by sober and experieocii,l:44 % hierebaott by ibis Line ore enabhot._ se -their OCIOdS Sbi9Oed ascheao, and with as lielnkikirj9ktithala I.y any hrr Lint. floe Rout wig.. iesyslipititttoipi7l:ft root of tit ittow street Roa: 7 l on ihe ....tketawsp,,,lo Time of a Stearn which l e kepi eipressly for qugipett. poop. . . , The Propri , etnrp will ~,re their whole...ag re,pectrully invite Western. M si g l erchants:Di:, . It call, as they win find it much to thebtotltiV . fp A lir7i7" , MI, gpods consigned Willie= , H 1 4141 4 ,4 t .44 . wise or via Delawares nd Raritan Ilitatik'. , . , ; ... , • ed at their warehouse-foot of Willow ritiladeto la. where good,s,eun j beptit Motet *liiiillter sr Veetwi into the Boats without additional handliier,:irsg; pease; . 4 , • WtLLI.A.If n ELLMAN- 4 Co, -1 . from Palled. to FicohloyFinttg. ; t . i 4 , , ,, --..,.,,,.,, PATTER - OAI .' .- - r r-- - ,f .-- I"' From rinl i damOmmk,topilkiqiwit:tl • J lat ES DICKEY 4. Co.. Canerlnefin, Liberty .iissimi r itish 7g h .4 p , en ts 114.3tAs 4. It IBER, WIDOW Street - wharf ca the Delervarcut Philadeptlia 4 f - i - ~• q - -"' loser% E. Econ., 83Iiimoris, , :itgosigt. ,.. D. L Psrrsue.pow,.Notidaysburgb; !' ... ~. :,,, . - z-r ..." hesie PL77I. ftgaS, lohnetotirn,„ ' t i • , ; if. ':1 It:ere/Ito _merchants generatty throiastuir. 4ie , city., , ..... -, ep 1'i....11". ' - • - DENNING's FIRE patill? IRON, CHEST - Prrraxtukair, Omer. 21 1 Dietintan—nn Priater4hejelh Orliustitioßtllk‘Oftekg 9 o'clock 31 ttiehl.che Plaaing„Groinrintwasd fferek, WO* , ofairtory,rowoed by flay, Dilworth 4- Co. *ph i ., La gro qua mit Tr e - dressed and andressedltiater,waisill - a:o*k The Iran Safe which I r;intigtt or yens' .strus'"' it a 6s was in the most exposed situation .dildriticihkiltre,mil was entirely r,ll hot —1 am ttleandto; labia .If/ill - opened its the flare of khe 817.a/id-all! tb4taltltillialiesi the beat recogeteendinkuel cia4l the uliiity of your sates. ort 24—t f W ESTERN ortriciroirr P e ra XLS.-L4W SCHOOLTfie TrashMl.l4-1111, Western Univeisity ofi renneyivania onsmire..44#l. subtle that they have esiabitsined a..tare EaavalAtmk section , with the University,, inwhiteti nneinal. Internatinsat, Cotatkational :ots!,itt their branches- The mode of instruction it'll! be toy reehaticuitjes and occnsional ninot-enarts, pain sindiar hithAtionee„. -The ileac willi - conelst. of two tett-not &waif Al* months each. The fleet term will commence on thmacecul' of November nett. __ • The tuition fee is 07.50 per tr , r9l._ ~1PY...11 43 1,11 . ,_ „fiNtefiii: WATOtt Ii Liiwatz. Ellin,* meintier fitspi rssifiervi Bar. has been "chosen Professor. Thfilitiv,t4 e - mok il d7ndeneitin in annoimielng that they wiliills- Lamm the Services of one no well qn ' faritme aIIAHNII' fixitaiillS Of ids legal acipilterintsy, .14 1 ,,,,14,00, 0 f one no highly entries:tea as ;, T4llll a gmithismin. The annexed recommemia - 1:,•i„,1.,. glinmit" setiesetios to sil bin ipmlificarines-as , ."-,- • Tbe trustees- having _ tieeir, , r' ..`...... tqiipstitsl4 fflis school fwire it view of the serious iiiinttrantageSatieuditat the studies of law, in the office °entwining laWyemund a'sm the eery °beim* ad rantareawideh Pittsburgh vim ii I lessee over moat other pineesin the West forthe - ensub. iishasent of such an instil' tiou —Beni is a mask i llll i~, on, poniration. The stir dent wilt see around hism,ssqw . pies of industry and arty 'aid Ter,. few 'MI holdillik.indtiL - imdolesen and idleness, He may Leonine .11M , outiris* with bastions in ail its farm- Oar irtvaiiik= nearly ail the yearyound, and there ti merism*WM' 6. 2 in the 'Wen whete r n g reater variety ofreassmmiv , --.., pies nrisip for dinetiesiolb ~,-_,,,, --:% The Cestmilteeise dedoms thiM all ,iumoMin avail l hantsebrim °fib° MdiellinV's of os T eth . do 1,0 tefy b r . caning and lauwin i the l ir wawer FL Lowrie, Etem., sr rtimeidtAlk. or hy a tensing him by ;ester. pCIII-104.110:1111111 denier/Mg emnutnitee at the Onmshst ad the inammut Alp early ihimafter as pumibie. ; f-- - , 2 .. . 1 _ sous?. rarati,v, ' Cbfliiiriltia hevip a. naninita. _ _ -7 • • • i , ainiw-er...MLisate J Nitleadh - ii.a. take a 0 02 0 6 * - iii ates d hra-hati_M-At 'OOll. --- • _ 4ei gt e .(tilie public, Witte: 11, Lowilim4dit. Law lei* Waters tfosenalr se: eill te C . ..eMilitot tlf*PMFed 4041 • .: , , ~- . , -.,-.:_:' erlF* l4 7,9o l l l o#Arib, - • ?1, - -,4 , , .. 1. ..., balad a lk*O# l .- • -.:,:',... - -f ! tu -,-- ..4? - ,!:-': :-- :-..L, , , o g i t i r , :*.t - - ; --- tio m - --;,--,-,,, voiaa..nritorz,..-,_.-.. a~r.a,; ~€~:~ I r J ~ A:a TIII!C1at/1/1 - 114,