PiIR PILICSIDINT, B V CHAN AN thadeekrioa at a National Convention. :I)AILY MORNING POST. 'Ow saristsomasAsp rotoiverpas Y. - DECEMBER 8, 1842. see First Page. witentember the pool .71 The following from the Portland Aineri . eanie so appropriate to the present state of things in - this city that we adopt it .as our "own, and commend-it to the -notice of the hamane: We are not going to peach a ong sermon, so don't button up your pook ite;and turn away. Ye rich men, lend us Our ears. How came you by your wealth? :....By your abilities? Who gave you those a bilities? -He who said, "RemeMber the poet" You et" You are but stewards of Heaven. Dare you hoard up Heaven's property? The poor-irrOitungry and shiveringr-you "are well Vicijadd vatic the streets in broad cloth. We know some who live in luxu ry, and call themselves Christians. They will dole out a sixpence, now.and then, and "thank God they are not as other men are." We thank God for it too—for if the world contained only such pattetnettf benevo ?epee, the poor would have to lay down and die.- Now is the time for giving. Don't talk about it, and praise the sentiment—but give. Empty your' purse, sir—there's more in your coffers, and the bank balance ie till largely in your favor. Ile who giv eth to the poor, lendeth to the Lord," Can you lend it to more advantage? You won't reeeive'a paltry six per cent., but "it shall return with usury." You shall have it back .again multiplied'"an hundred fold." It is a glorious, an honorable, a safe, a prof itable investment. Fortune and Misfortune. --A little cana driyer of 16, near Lockport, a few days since, had a legacy of $5,000 loft him and the' next day was accidentally drowned while watering a horse Gen. Winfield Scott was in Nev York on the 21st. Natchitoches—Great times among t e Natives.—Hear the description of 'the times at this "place" by the Reporter:— "For the last week Natchitoches has been all bustle and life. Racing, balls, etc.., have been the rage, inter spers !d with jo viality in various other ways, too numerous to. mention. Hard dines seemed for a While to have been forgotten, nr kicked to PavyJone's locker by the devil-may care slue of mirth, and the charming (laugh, terkof Terpsichore. We are in the midst of at indtan summer—with plenty of clucks, geese, turkies, veni-on, and, in fact every species of wild game known in the hunter's vocabulary—river low, and get, ting DO better fast—sickness is a stranger to us-;—and we &:i% care a fig for Santa Anna." Gov. Hubbard of N. H. contends that the property of women should not be taxed in the same ratio with that of men. The G nv• ernor is right. Women do not enjiy the same political privileges of men, nor do that portion of them who are compelled to labor for subsistence, receive an equal recom— penae for their industry; and, therefore, we think it unjust that they should be taxed e • uall with men. difiempt to ercapefrom the Hagerstown Jail:—Jaeob Reese, who is confined in the' Hageretown•.Jail, on the charge of commit ting,the reef ntrobberies'in Hancock, on Monday, attempted to escape. He had succeeded in sawing off. all his irons and loosening nearly a cart 'os.d of stone frum the prison wall before he was detected. .#2 good.idea.—A New York paper. Fug gest. that the names of the streets be-Paint ed on thelamps throughout the city, so that stranrrs- could find their way along the thoroughfares with greaser facility, at ail hour.in the night.—Ball. Sun. We hope the authorities of this place will think of this. file expense woutd•he very trifirng, and the advantages great to citizens as well as strangers. ComAfor Mexiert.—The Neintrk Ad. vertiser:, ipalluding to the manufacture ofi coaches in that city, says that one of them, made lona fie s atiish gentleman at Matamo-: ras, is vatted'44l,4oo,' and is, as may be inlet red, one of the richest and most sump tuous looking sehioles - that we remember to have seen. 'it , iscintended for two or four 's mulea, -and, as postillions. - take the place of dtiVers in Mexico, Is without a dickeyseat: . A `spacious . gig phaeton, for a single person, which is made to be taken -apart, lo order to be carried over moon iiicalaY &stymie which drags on the plain, will accompany it to Matarnotas. Specie—Horrible latelligence.--It has been estimated . by able financiers (not Bid that on the first of last September, the amount of Bank paper in circulation in the, United States was about sixtY-three mill ions; and that the gold and silver amounted at the same time to upwards of SIXTY FOUR. MILLIONS Is not this an alarming state of things? o ,,, amitilfrr t he L a di aa .....A n a pp all' . Only think—mere of ..the hard" in circula. hia " be le *'errited ' • 'says a lite English tion in the country tbs.! papeil 11.1* t p reventing i chimney, taking fire, Bu !, seri•i l4 Y , If° l4 i Rath's° who, - 7.-.°- "' t " tsr ve»twg the aegelmiletiee have 4 11 herelefete'ezreeee, Iso - meell'ad'd 40 • baleful cartse4niinces atheid'in rhiintrethin 4, , is eitro o l Bl q l l 4434 _ .6G1343114 cabaret - '4lfieeitsof .tion of a hard mouercncy-i , tl►e above; • of*lge..4oslllwVa' areoatiti4iilithitimPsrl°/ r n von, - = ' - - can pass through #4,Au!kti of wire 'PIM= I .llo*- -1 A'0 1 .),W* 1 0 ,04 4 5111 the . iaibc;itio which byAbe box. 'and{-be aiinte 4 :o l *:mfeveited frdninceinaniating In tie dhironey. - The New Confutation isfßbodle islindions linen adopted by the People, nearly unanimously; only 33 - iota! are known to hasp been east in the nega -tite--/losttrn Tran. This is a mistake. The ,PEOPLE did not vote, and consequently it could not byre beeaAtlopted bxthern. Free Banking. The N. Y. Sun, in an article 9n the free banking system of that State saysi—The "fidelity of the present Comptroller. in "practically ionstruing. the 'spirit of the "Free Banking -Law, is exerting a most "benign and salutary influence with all "classes. The dollar for dollar principle "is hailed with delight. 'Fiction is stricken "hemline system,-and " things substantial are placed in its stead. *•* - * "The days of fancy fortunes have passed "leaving monumental lessons of misfor tune, which the ganef& the future will a- void. In all dealings and business *tin "sactions there i 3 much infecting safe and "in keeping so.—There can be no doubt "but the era of a wholesome state of things "is dawning in every man's mind, and wit odevelope s its4lf in harmony withlhe - taws "of trade—demand and supply." More is stated, that. onihe 15th of October, during a very heavy thun der shower, a considerable number of small fillies fell from the elands at the Town Hill, about a mile north east , from Dunfermline, Me. They were, in general from 2to 3 and a half inches in length; and, although they most have fallen from a considerable height, many of.them were wive wren they fell, and jumped among the grass. Fires in New York.—During the year ending on the Ist of Nov. there were 183 fires in the city of N. York. Henry Clay is going on an electioneer ing tour to New Orleans: We would sup pose that after the result of the Dayton Barbecue. Mt: Clay would see how vain it is for him to hope to-raise the coon par ty by performing these political pilgrima ges. Abney dug up by a Dog.—Some mo. ney-161. Spanish dollars and a quantity of hills, was found in the grp,tked at Cam- bridge, Mass., on the 23d inSt::.',near a tree on which the name of Michael Martin was found. Martin was hung here some years ago for highway. robbery. The money was found by some boys; a dog having pawed up one of the dollars. Sawville must be a queer place, and in habited by queer people. Wherever we hear of any thing occurring ludicrously outrageous, we are certain to find thrt the perpetrators are citizens of Sawville. The Boston Times records the following:—"A. man in Sawville lately murdered his broth er in a very shocking manner—inserting a cork screw in his breast and actually draw• iitg out his heart by main streangth. When interrogated as to his motive, he said that be did it merely to furnish a paragraph for the "Sawville Circular.' The wretch was a near connexion of the clumsy dentist who wrenched off the young lady'•s head with the turnkey. Since Gov. Seward hes pardoned Col. Webb, the questions ow is, what will he do with the prize fighersT Why, let them remain in the penitentiary, to which they have been sentenced, to receive the pun ishment they so richly deserve. They are vulgar ruffians who commit crimes in a vulgar manner; Col. Webb is a ruffian of the upper cru-t; has proved himself a gen tleman, as the term is new understood, by cheating his creditors to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars, and bas shown that he is a man of honor by accomplishing the assassination of one who dared to es , timate his character at its true value.— The reasons why the duelist should bs pardoned and,the boxers punished, are thin obvious to any one—Webb is ruffian in ruffles and is not *amenable to the laws for capital crimes, the others are ruffians in tags and conseqtiently the only proper tenants far a state prison. - AwaY-:ttteir-.:.,.' &Pi, =lb an =unplifts Ott the , es; afthe -..-. e. . - ~, ~ =.:_, " .:... c°oatt7t.3:l4M-4(ollittrn444tha .48 was in+ooo*44be!tliee, Aert'.;a Bentall, etirket'ley L tionfa belfiVeduied.L . We - think not—but on the contrary, is rid ;": tho condition - of the people iMp F asisli-ra4 , . idly, „and can we not see ahead - those genuine "good times" which -democrats have pre dicted, would follow. when _carious paper would be abolished. Let the people-think of this. What afalt.---One af thd gaited States Marshals, at New aliens, a few days since, knocked Off to. the highest bid.ler, the" undivided third of a plantation.; can taming nine - hundred acres ,of land, end the imProvernents thereon,. situated to Washington County, Mississippi, for the sum of thirty-one dollars. It was sold some fsw years since for twenty '- seven thousand dollars. The sale was bona fide. The CoU Bribe.--,-The New York, pa pers are suggestingnumerous ways for this Councils to dispose of the turn of SHOO that was sent to the Sheriff for the purpose of bribing him notito hang Colt, and• which he deposited in the city Treasury. Some propose that it be given to the widow of Adams, but the Union thinks they had -Let ter first ascertain whether it is really the property of the Councils, before they re solve to give it away. It was sent to the Sheriff to do a certain act, which he 'did not do. It should remain in his hands for such a disposition; if the Owner will not call for it, and he will - not use it, there would be reason and justice in gliding It to the widow who has'lreen deprived of her natural protector by the very person whom this bribe was intended.to shield. New Literary paper. —We have recniv ed the “ . Philadelplila Saturday Museum," a mammoth family parer, published by T. C. Clarke & Co., No. 101 Chesnut Street, at 2 dollars per anno•n. It is well filled with instructive and amusing rnetter, and the typogr a phical execution is-extreme ly neat. It will tape. 'The Century Plannas reittrnea to 'Alba. , ny. The proceeds ofils:exhibition in New Vork amounted to about 2000 dollars. . Shipwreck—L933 of Life.—The gl t i p Milwaukie was wrecked two Miles north of the Kalamazoo river, on the 18th ult.— The captain, first. mate and the cook; the .„: two boys and two sailors -perished . with cold upon the ship after she strtack. The second mate and seven sailors left the ship and swam for shore—four rods distant—iii the attempt one of the sailors was drowned; the six remaining sailors made their way to a house 'two nales distant. On their:re— turn to the beach the seconl mate wts perishing, and died is a few minute S— . snow fell so fast that it could not be aseeltained from the shore, whether the ship was at anchor or not. ~ - ~: a e 'r The N. Y. Post Office caught fore on the morning of Friday last, but was extin guished before much damage was done. We scorn it. —A. brailler of a very pret• ty young lady callecr on ns not imig since and requested that we publish her for run ning away with a young man, and marry ing him, and as he says, disgracing herself. We scorn it. We would as soon steal as invade the domestic circle to expose t.) the gaze of the world the unfortunate, or the faults and foibles of those whose love has led them astray• The above is fibm the Cincinnati Sun Well done, Greely. The Rabbi of the Jews in England is deed. He was 82 years old. Emigrants continue to rush into the State of Missouri. • There will soon be no room left at this rate, Burying a Foot.—A. Mexical paper says that the foot of Santa Anna, which he oat in an action in 1838, has been buried with due solemnity. Messrs. EDT - TOM-1 see in your paper of Friday last a query from the Capitolian, another from the Spirit of the Times, and a third &NS a correspondent, asking the reason of rents being so high, and after ad mitting they have been reduced, yet they are far above the ability of the &kens, to pay, and that they must be further redo eed, according to the times, I had expected that some taxpaying citizen might have sat isfactorily.answered your query on Satur day, but •I found not a syllable on the sub fret. Now, for one, f beg to show the reason of our rents being high in Pittsburgh, and the reason is very brief. Sinee our fede.. ral whip got the eseendaney in our city ,'. hounds Iwhieh was about T 36) our Jaxes have neatly doubled; in the five wards with lessitan4o,ooo inhabitants, the pau- 1 , per tax, payable by the property holdout, ' is over $3OOOO-for 1842, anti thiiiitenti embraces only.about uni-Inurtit of ell the, taxes (I mean the poor and school tax for, 1842, which I Pr9PeYIY 6 illiiPa o Per if you want rants 1 0 .1 4 0 1 0Wer yott, musts elect -Men f9rPlareitilluPZ ir atia -8404 #_ cfripe*, riOf ass improve the state: 4#o we rents the' ---,-:-...,,, _ , te ' l ' . : - 8414 :: • r - I v i i i.*, :the Ode • i t. rePe l,l *' wil !o 4 l- e WO COON. 14i114 10 00 i4=°''' i i i i -1/ ' --- .- pr a ctice, Mil 1 - 4144-tvidk; i re/ 00 211 p ra .-.. iss na7ne merely. '- -.- - 1"0 Out _Editors°, tar. MerAing Poia. ;•c..GENTLIIiINS: 4 I I the Pittsburgh 'Citi zette of the Zd inst. I observed the follovV— og remarks reJatiVe to Joho Grayson, Esq.. of Wishington, Pa. _ •qv?..,untietstand'a utation has been di :cu'a about' thi city for the appointmeni of :Gas '• ofVI& Wasbington Examiner, to the office col:' soeiate Judge. This affords .a clue to his sudden' ,iiiseosery oldie ‘benelits.ofoddfelloWism! He has found- a way to the heait Of our worthy ma ' - sonic= governor, as well as a means to obtain the signatures of most of the faithful -If up higber Mastm or o.ldfelloor applies, 011/A9ON will get the appointment," Mark "it. Having . . aying protteredeearly all the Signatures and mailed the letter,-'(or as the Gatette hakit,,petition) referred - to, 1 will therefore Simply -state - the facts as theyy, are, and leave the reader to judge of . the influence that . Masonry or Orldfellowship had iri this wonderful transaction. In 'the - .first place', Mr. Woods infoiirred methat ho had a let ter in favor of Mr. arayson for the appoint ment of Judge in Washington county Pa.. I told him that I would si g n it with plea* sure, and that if ho, would hand it to me, I would ell' on a few personal friends of Mr. Grayson, and procure their signature's also, which I did, and mailed the letter shortly after. I was influenced in this transaction by a .personal knowledge of Mr. Grayson for nearly 30 years, which commenced on the iii,-estertrfron tiers tn e the winter of 1.513, when Masonry and Odd— fellowship formed tio objection to men serv ing their country, and if the editors of the Gazette will take the trouble to examine the records of those times, they wi:l find that this same J ohn Gr'ayson rose fro n the private volunteer soldier, to filith rank in the regular Army of the U. S., by his own daring and gallant exploits, in neatly all the battles on the western frontier during the continuance of the last war; as he did also at the battle of l_a7,ole Mills. And for his highly exemplary conduct as a gen• Liman and a soldier, he was retained in high commission on the peace establish ment 01 the U. S. Army; but when his country no longer needed his arm in her defence, he - resigned his commission and returned to his business, that of a printer; in which capacity he has rendered much set vice to the _Demociacy of the country. These are some of the traits of Mr. Gray son's character that influenced me in this transaction, and neither Masonry nor Odd fellowship had anything to do with it, nor do l . know of more than two Masons or Odd fello Ns having signer - said letter. Respectfully. your uh't sei cr.. DAVID LYNCH. Niormantsin t7ie /lon. R. 'C'. Grier:: Doti our la w 'judge any man before it hear Lim."—Paul Sir: In the ' I.3ei wick Sentinel" of the 17th of Nov. last, I noticed an atticle over your signature, addressed to the Lion. El lis Lewis, on a question relative to the le• gat right of a clergyman going iot, another family and teaching doctaitted and pr actis ing the ordinance f baptikni on minors of the family, without the parents' consent, surely the Case is - a clear one, even the common mind could answer it distinctly. In your address I find a thrust modern the Mormons, unprovoked and entailed for, 'in the following words: `lf the prosecutor was right in advising a child to disobey the wishes and instructions af the parent, and re-baptizing her ; then the parent was Wrong In opposing and if so, a jesuit may take my child to a nun; nery, or a Mormon to Nauvoo, and I finial submit to it with patience. But if I have a right—and it is my most solemn duty to instruct my child in what I believe to be truth or orthodcxy, the Anabaptists has no more right to interfere with me, than the possessor of the golden plates, or• any oth er apostle of Satan.' Why did you wield your pen unprovok ed against the.much abused and afflicted Mormons"! Answer—Upon the same prin ciple that a Messiah was crucified, a Ste phen stoned, a James slain, a Paul behead ed, a Peter crucified, a John banished, a Rogers burned; a Colum'aus neglected; ridiculed & envied, a. Newton counted mad and a Fulton laughed to scorn. In short. it is because you know not what it is. Be it known to you, Sir, that the Mor mons understand the principles of right eousness and propriety too well to meddle with children or servants without their pa rents' or masters' consent—on Page 251 of our Book of "Doctrine and Covenants, the -Discipline of our Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints," you may find the following sentence. "it is not right to persuade a woman to be baptised contrary to the will of her husband, neither is it lawful to influence her to leave her husband. 'TOE THE POST, "All children are bound by law to obey their parents; and to influence theut to em bt ace any religious faith, or be baptised; or leave their parents without their con sent, is unlawful and unjust._ "We believe that all persons who exer cise control over their fellOw- beings and prevent them from' eMbracing the v truth, will have to ansvver that sin." - 'Book of D. C. Page, 255.-We do not believe it right to interfere with bound servants, neither preach the gospel to, oor, baptize' them, ,contrary to the will and - wish of their masters. nor td . areddle with, or influence them in tire barest to cause them te this dissatisfied with their situations in life taeroby -ineparcliaing - thelives of men; such i nterference we believe tolber tmlawful and . unfurl,. and dangerous to the, pb** of evorylovarnment. • alleiving.he , man 'Wove beheld in setvitodet." 1, ' -.4, f , ~., „ - 411, , titrivE,,rmitisl c r , ,t,14,W004A=-I=riftcit FOR TiIL: 111 uR I ?:0 POST 'Ft r 4, :''rial'lW:4 l ) i"kiitgreilta4iwhatailfliadl 6l o l4-4. tied to a ll 1:i rtuvihiiiiga4kMA:rof'taiArrmitaten t. een used for lait sir yenta dip the must respectable inhabitants ef PittsbuighAmuivieinity.-6Try them for year.' letves. .i , ,f, rep 14e t'lq.stru 14 -Daily dr , ,e. .:,....-- ~.ierror of nodulous in 'general, bat 75 . 1. , -„' , :‘. ,h we vommrsca to recommend 4 4 '':*fi" -- , ..,. s nillicted with couubv. , We were ee ,4-- 4 ' ' .: 4 ' . ' s.- '''"' „ . t r 'a NOI ' cough - - few ALP! ~t . 6 4. - ,op Cnt I a ~ • ” * '*4 :iiiiiiii)isrial:Cough_Ss ru p,w h icki - , — (lsirs. Shinn and Boilers, relieved u.:Feil , ti no trifling merit' br . this Syr.. ll that "islitiltii agreeable to the palate. In c o mmon humanity we must recommend the Ire* perial C,nhglt Syrup to all who are suffering from fresh colds. ASHLAND, RiChll3lld CO, Ohio. 1 haVe used your - Cough Syruti,in my fan.ily more or loss for the last rour - years,and have found it to Le more efficacious in coughs and colds, at. tended' with hoarseness, than any other article 1 have ever wed: ?Ars. Reevea is highly delighted with itsefraeta when administered to the children; and experience convinces me that I am safe in saying that it may be taken by old and young to general advantage. Prom the Pittsburgh Doilg SUN Imperial Coup*, syrup.-This Syrup, made in this city b . ,7 R. E. Sellers, has acquiretr an excellent uharteter, and is now extensively used in this ci.' ty, an'h •cess, The ‘‘ell known character of the Manufacturer is a sufficient guarantee that the Syrup contains no thdeterious substance, and its success b-st reason ohy it should bi - pat- 'OIII3CII - vv!zolesa!e u d retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Proprietor, N. 20 Wood strew, below 2nd, Pittsbnrah, an I by H. P. Schwartz and iuhel Mitch .11,,Alreghe ny city. Pr ice—per bottle, 50 and 25 cents. Dec. 6, IS4`2. Y 1• SHINN & SELLERS' VEtt I FLUE Warranted equal to any -now before the public ! .' No tami:y ought or will be without it after a trial. WORMS frequently infest children, aggra vate all other disea4es, and are Capable of producing great disturbances in the system, and consequently all medicines given_ to remove them, should be prepared with gnat care, and of the best material-; and it is to be feared that many of the worm medicines in u•te are totally destitute of these qualities, The verniifuge which the sub scriber oilers to the public is ptepared of the best materials that can be procured; and it is ga ning for itself a reputation which entities it to a large share of publie patronage. The efficacy of this preparation to relieve the rising generation from one - of its greatest enemies is fUlly attested by the accompanying, Certificates. The following certificate is from the Rev. C. Cook, pastor of one of the Methodist Episcopal churches it, Pittsburgh:_. Pi taburgh, December , 14, 1.§39 Messrs. Shinn and Sellers;-1. gave my little daughte.r, bt tweeu three and four years uld, thre, doses of your Vertnitlige.agrceably to prescription with the happiest success. The number of worms expelled I du not kn iw precisely, but it was 'arge She is how in the pos sessi.ni of good health. I thi.ilt the int dicine may be confide,: in with great unreseryednes , . C. COOK Tim folowing is from the Rec. S. E pastor of the methodi,t Vpi,copal church, ainith field street, Psttsburgt•;— Messrs. Shinn end Selicrs;--lt 14 with great p'easure I would inform you of the: good uff.tets produce i nn my son of fon- years of age by your justly celebrated Vcrmifuge. After his having cnnvul-inns• I ff e, re to hi n three doses, when lie passed au almost iner•ed•ble flambe, of Worms; fron which time his general health ba , been improved. S. E. BABCOCK. I hereby rertiry tint I have used Shinn and Set !ere' Verrnifuge in my family, and can, persititely say it excels anything I have ever tried for the de struction of worms. JOHN G.IESVE.N.EIt. N- wvill!, Ohio. F'a'estine, June 0948.12 Messrs. Shinn and Sellors;--Gentlemen—You will recollect that when I wriq in Pittsburgh. in April la-t, 1 our,chased of you a dozen of yinir Vermifn_ e. To test its virtue, (after having used , Jlfithaui egret the AmercanWorm Specific, and some that is made in your city by Fahnestock;and said "never to have failed iu a single instance,") I give it to one of my children who had been com plaining for a long time.and I am happy to inform you, that it brought away a large quan'i•y of worms, and that my child is now enjoying good health. I haVe also disposed of one or two vials, and the persona who got them state that it produced the happiest resort. Believing it is equal if not superior to any Ver ruifuge before the public, I am your friend. AND. CRAIG. Claricearille, Pa., March 4, 1842. MessrP, Shinn and Sellersi4-1 think your Ver, miruge preferable to any I have evet seen or used —there is no other used sn this part of the cutntry when it can he procured—four and five hundred worms are often destroyed by the use of one vial. Yon will please send me twelve dozen at this time. You-s respectfully, JAS MeMEANS, M. D. Prepared only, and sold by E. SELLERS. Wholesale and retail Druggist, Nu. 20 Woad street, Pittsburgh. Dec. 6, 1843 - 1 y NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, 6'hiithfieidstreet, between 'Third and FotuflA itreete . . - . • C A SE Y - Re apeetfully.lnforms the citizens of Pitisbursh and -its vicinity. that he is prepared to receive and execute *liar. ders for any description of work In Its line of bnsiness,. He has on hand, and will be constantly receiving; a,gen. eral ;mart went Of CLarsts,Caseuasuss AND Vl4ll.liNtilL tie will make wot kto order, at lower rates, than/say' other establishment In`the eity. He has no hesitation in saying, that his work, as to quality oilman, elevince . St and workmanship; cannot be surpaamt,kyany other es tablishment in We dlfy. - - punctuality end unremittlag.altentiMt to tinniness, her hopes to merit and receive a sitars of politic_ patronage. Persona tarnishing their own materials. will "iind It 10 their,edvturtage to call, be.fore toiritr isiseWifers. dec 6;'d -78.8 AC CRUSE. 148 Liberty st,;olParerofrailye to bate I."re.le-artitax Aerixe; • " • ' 60 Bushels dried, do.. part extriiitlitttlityr Itretbela dried Penehes—abiati' • = itahrfas and_Figs by the Borc,. nth. tatteooo-' _ irme —the xisnr • - arp lay. 01 0 222,12, AV vitif,i2l. -. 2 .-414, RARE O.R.LVOZ; NOR Wyt o AL sale.* section of land(64oli w cus ine county; Ohio; about is wet L i a fnii bet ween Rutland atid Atheng said hack improved farms—level, rid; eeb. aw may be divided into quarter ori Ta n ; quired; fieven.cightb a oyu l , , tie of paid for In Pike Slaver demen t , ' 011 . 1 . 4 lba riv e -, in three tnalahnenta, fa '45. or the raid met Oland will to st 4 d " down. $5OO let of Dec. 1841. 8500 lit b it ; the balance in improved real ne m burgh. If required a contract sill bee t purchaser ofaald land; for 15,0000 to be delltlered 04 the ha aka or Th% Pip of tha yearttlB43.l34l and 184 5,f0rn , be paid as delivered. Apply at Rattle , near Market. NEW dititAarci (843. ((At Passage and Rtwittaness to asilh m ,..„ /retard 4 ""lik /1 - IEiS subscribers having cone*, far &standing their bashing red make arrangements for brier s , ships of the first class, Americas* by careful and experienced men.rig ably known in the trade. This taw & of the port of New York, it ilia that the arrangements are matnifro from the fact that a venni in seat eo n ., is evident that no unnneeessary d e f tl y l' occur, A free passage per steamboat 1, 4 Scotland. can be engaged, and when 094 dine corning out, the money 13 ilWifir Parties from whom It was termed, ski* Apply to SCHUR, I bid established Panne Oltim „ G. GRINIRA, 10 Corse ,• Drafts and esehanges at sight, and f o can be furnished on R. C. Glynn don, n. Crimshaw 4- Co.. Liverpool; the of Scotland; National Bank griffin* Banking Co. Apply to PETER IA Chatham - street, near the Fourth oral the Welsh Church. 3VSf..REEVES TO LET.—WAITCR H. Lim n , SUE - ved his office to the room" ha t E in! above those lately orcuredby • street, Hell to the Mayor': olive, po w , lice for rent. The mattes - are well suited f ora ik er any peofeasion,or fur any land of retell rfeno, Enquire of WALTER H. r..* decB tf JAMES FINDLIL NOTICE is hereby given to the crest ' , IN of Messrs. El lArrnel and I G 1, 4 business In Market street, rittshoqk ba. • A rtnel t !Mintz, and to the puttlic Ama ; have this day assigned all their sAki etc., lo me, for the benefit of ifict tilstinction or preference. Persons knowing themselves Isdelety k ir will nee the necessity of calling wouttitil t tog their respective dues, and persons MN. present them to me for settletnent. DA V ID talk Pittsburgh, Islov, 21, 1842. N. B. The above named stock, which. and general assortment of seasounhito lloposed of at the old stand, No. 100, dint Xy-G. Muntz is authorized make 'Sill • . te'pl for n oneyi in my absence, dec 8 bATII 06 - DALL.ki'S PAIN EXTRACTOR the most valuable ointment for Burio,Eata invented; no chatter how badly a perm or scalded—this will heal them unnai leaving arty SCAR. Every family should • their house, no one should be vrithomil. who has tried it recommends it. Tole. TUTTLE'S, l 6 Forint: street. FOR NEW OR LEAF, :- THE new andsplendid steamer PELLE RI vgg, Johnston R. Day rilwer.llE, Ilieinbooo and Intermediate port.. on 'Mirk inst. ill 10 c/ f Olork 4 M. ror I , eiqa ar pm • on 111111 rd, CI::r - The, Relle will reeejte Ereiglo.ln " nll landings on the Rod Them firlo THE LADIES —Why da yell aitilerflumils hair yen have u pan and ttriper lip I By ca - timilat Trrrnt's. and artottning a bottle of Gounind's P. which %Via remove it at once Without a You can al4e obtain Cour: , pd's uulyce . Beattie. *rad) will at once remove all f Pritpi 1°65 of ifiersiln, - ai,d make 3 oar (.10 • fair; and to (hose who iiish to assist more color to their cheeks. they can oblaii fand's celebrated Liquid Route, trhi h ant, off even by a wet cloth. Ake mai , he r. marfnaerit of Perfumery - . - Such as Cobig'ne v kn. Mewl. Pablii yitimiccitt and oilier Seam. iteur'ffiber. at Tuttie'ci Medical Agrarrali Dec. 8, 1842. tfCrioN SALE.—WIIt be sold oe fl Bth. 1842. at 10 o'clock, at IllagaS Store, No. 110 Webd street, a larp and n Dry Goods. jdat fee - dyed oa consignmeolllotO well worthy the' attention of bayemerffiler. sold without any reserve Also/twin/4 f" 1 COS gal" Iron eta, A !are Lai 2 boxes Emikli • 2 Sleight alltel • • With many other articles, dec 8-1 - it. A. BAUM WIXTER CLOT ;I' BEAVER AN D PILOT CLOTHCO - P. Delany, Tailor, No. 49,14 2nd Door above Virgo HAS complete d, a general assort went of log, consisting in part of dttnond eel cloth frock and overcoats; bean? fine " 4 : • cloth velvet trimmed,and plain; every d a nitrot k cloth coals, fashionable colitis aid . plain and fancy cassinet pants, cloth and. superior gamily) every description of roe theseason, and will I e gold lack for cash. lag to nave fashionable Far meats mode of de al will had them at th is mnabiishment, Wel led equal loany In the city. A faii doctor hand to Make' to order. Messrs. B. Disnaghy and Thomas establishment and will be much pleased wag, their several Mende. Good fill lontrelee Pittsburgh, Der: 1; 1842. iIftaNTIIITIS, a disease of then' lot which is annually sweeping 0000,-. - sands to a premature crate, under the if ofconsompt toil, is always cared hi' lbe ° J . Expectorant. The ryinatams of this diets sorenens of the ltings or throat, horgeli breathing; ant brit, beetle fever, mattet,andSoinelimes blood. tt is , fine skin whieb flees the Wilde of the r ri tohes at. air vessels, whieh ran thesidb`!" .' Inags. This E"xpectorant immedish cOulill;. pain, infitunation, fever, and ini.and produces a fresh and eael cute is soon effected. iti% - HARI. Too A Cbtion 7 a 0 not ort_ ... - , i tea met a premature death for the weptit tea common oold. HAire rite al COtara 7 Dr. Jay nes l '' t. tpost rnedteal a :d e It :el lovely; prescription,elyn . 6 4 a .14' nrd d ei ther l g e e af p :ta il ° :nil: cave v to g y f o ° o lo ..Lro. d i ...i r ease, raLIIONAItY cowstrorrnoit, r!..^00- info the grtite; htmdrects of the 7 0461 ' ~ a ds t 6 ' li all 'i Sins d Coliplii Be Pentot h ':.,,,,, , ti otters Etpectorant toe ilr; itt '7 .. ate. - f ' ' iiiieeibil* ' - 11414 frit s , Cough Jaynes remedy *OW should take to cure Yo• .... - son, that re' no one of the Mulcted re.— been tied, bee it Billed to eelfelit.;_friji ' _ sold._wirOlenle oradretralT, at Ibis rip . , ti ng Oki, 'Bard sireei,opposite the . Direly anthort 184 io n ftn" ZIORS4C. -- ° 1 6 111 7 , ar a l litO b,7 . -Pftut,ioVlllo ( . 11/ ; t a l i Astrik- Block 0: 11, 6 0 . * tut Nur - forebeacia44oololl ? 1 — , L• 1111. k. xlc :P1)1?.!*;:t 04 1 ";,71124 1. z 0 0 10 i o r i tpfadlog to 10 . ; 41 I - - EL jorai ° the: PubCisbe LULL. Of.1114."1 A; rota havin _ of =be The P° B to . ! h -- ..esan g el...,..th - c7: a ubuten d re cot ; irrm rte epci p ti.e, ti re: w e: i t n‘ , - bltve a TtT 'I THE HO BE BENATE4AND BALLOT. weather has again b lirell,we're glad of It still .00ntinuos to dra% inly a6ows flint bur ci i ion good aitting. attrdetio►r at ficho!r See advertisement. For the Post. I s, gem:Saw—lt wo .rtion ortho Patrons .o great rdeatore t i uring his sojourn Et.no ortginalVtaracter of r of Private s teeting in this charact of niaara tongue, e Inds , a longing desire t'so tare an beautiful A Bo Ladies .:of Yucatan= Supperbeing over, Those ladies and e not tipon the font; The ladies here ate g - . do it, ttio, with tt . gra ', is a study, , At first, :nge to receive, from a female, a lighted h the flavor which h: -rted to it; bqt, with s ;;quickly qualified to ',the country, and we at we can ,go thro ,quette with as na - were to the mann were dressed in ti appeared quite, char utre antmatton. .13 . rather brunette, thei It, and, generally, th. ,re. lephont and the Turn , y eet i n ightout Mr. Van was going to Wellin -xt day's -perforrnancr upike gate, which wa refused to open the g cwt.:psi:l extra toll w 4, anti went throng ying trr the elepha ant it _lark would he as g withent any ceEe • s prohtrs •is to the G if of the laincl •rance ete in tbe, nt. of the gate-keeper there was se'ne . injn r he-expenses of which _paid.--Scitopian venetable c land, *tin iiraeticeil e of diseases, luet, in en sasl3Pcled• 'with Smith! This caused ight tid.ire an Eeclesi ake s report highly and his practice. e.--Slity.years,og _ens, of 'Georgia. oc•ttozi plants in b .r reasen than that ver*l Tilde* have a e then. abinenrofEngland an, used to ba serionajp ngementa for an arnica race. aig.—The people of di resolutely op'po bf d Stat 6 goieritore ots AlitiphiAth mil of Capt. - Broadh ON PENN STREET. past 6. Performance ladies; aid gentleoieh who fibitheatre eon rest assured to make thenk,cOnifortable TadoUGBOVTaI h good 8, 1842, /ill be . 111 4 r intterd or 16 triad flgek, Uwe and Pyismid brill* Olivine and Yocin tbe- - ,B4vir Stowe ii;l;*Warta of a MEM ikCbar -Wit. al "'MOWS ..40400 toutmibim