- -- --,, ..-....7 ,- -- - ."-• - •:' , 74 - i-i.A.'z'''"." , - , ......... ' . ...:.,...4: .. ,,,...,..ii ... „::,,,,...„ . . - .." ,t : : , ..,?" ••••• • ~..,. ~.,...;,.,,..,,, . „,..., ~,,. .7. 7 ", • '''' if .,.. ...1:..._ ......7-: -." '-^ ' ' ''' ' ,"" '' • '' r-- ,,, . 1 4 ' ' • : ....‘..., z - .. ;;;""19 7t - i: i ' ~. .., , .. 1 4. -: ' 7l :.. ?-•.-1---. 1.. " , 1 - ~, . ...- . ...:' , : f ...' :, ' ... . . _ , . 1 - 5, 7 "..' ,. .',; :,,,:-... .c.- . .", 4 .:. - - ,-. ':-. ',. .4 1 : z, ',, 4 1 ' . .--- 1 ~ - 1,? 7r., ' , , •'.- C'..'' -- -- , L = Kir• - ''''-. ' •,-, M. :":". , : , .•;,- - 'l , , ''''''- i'' .' ' - .'. ' -.:, , ~,,,,', . i. :-: ''.. 7,,, ~-;„,.-_,, ~ - ~.. . , , ,„. , , , ;.• ''. . • •-• '.. -• ..i , . . . ?$ . l-14-, :f4tr. , =14,4... j, • • • , „,.. .., , . . . „... . . '.. - - -:. r ,=, : - .... - .".d. : ',4, -, -': ! ;.,:•:- - . :::[ e.',1 4-' . . , ..• - . i ....... . , . . . • .. -,... . _, . . . ~ .. .., . . iL -- .. . • . . - .. . „ - - -, , . ^••••••"'"." . _ _„, .. , ~ . . . . ... _ . ............ . _ . ~ _ - . - . -.-,- - . . • • .. ... --- - • - • , i -1 NO, 76. . _ _ , .... .... • . ..._. ...... .... ~...,........ ... ~ ~ I TTSBUIGH, DECEM- BR' . . - - .- - --- - • • . ..... . . -i;-: AIMLESS TAKE KOTlljg,,. A rm . t ramoiled with the 5A(0.79_1' 104 -.wed with a figure of tbettpyahstiA o are grit deeetvdt bi .4 sing their boats to be provided wi t jc. 1. or te s they are sir Pi swilled sist i o m m witoaring ilia list of teat. i-, 3 at the Port of Pirtfistiarg&-sh , tre list have the faillultee4itglirmotto its impossible for an explosios telegt NNA. FORMOSA, ILLINOIN Dig Q 161,11. MONTGOMIZT, I' OF LYONS, CADDO. EY FORGE, INDIAN titi PITT. GALLANT. AW ATER, z 4 .lUEENi.rna* ' EsS MAIL, DUKE OF Oft, BRILLIANT,-* EcupsE, 3 VICTRESS, 1 r WIND. 1 1 11 41 11IGAN, ,It' CITE, (.~PREY,... 1 , I:YR:AND. PENF.LOPE, , MA, ROWENA, no, A GNEs ? Al ANN, IitEWEN4.;Eg i , tAGANSEIT, sARAToGa, '• %NTH ORPHAN soi 4 1 '.4) PARK, OHIO, ~. 11 - N C. CECILIA. 1.-tIDI., J H BILLS, . . 111 BEND, GALENA, ii:TTA, MENT*, 4 ‘, El 1' E, COLCREINA -, M FERRY BOAT, krretion community :ate reiPle _ , tey make a dance of a twaajoolleti-a nd:cther it would not be totben — ' nut y to choose a :tartly Cnant frpi?,bt, in preference fOOOt iMN Pxnicsion—and that they will = invention has the unqualified a eum engine builders--gentlenitiO .u oderstand the subject. and whom • d—br=ides a number of .eriiicaleefraC Kivu vu nod outer'.—all of whirl!' r. 0 1 0. Watcr street, where it wail ury at all time , . to ?IMF& toy• isrem will 'take we trouble to mil.. 10 CADWALGADti • 'l.l' A EI.E E E I. ESTATE EOl, • The subscriber offer= for Fare, atirbe a • rs, Ire greater pan of his real !owe. is nf Piltsbuteli acct A ile!heny. TIC IV a reL onsrs,. nrLrly new. a sabgandity 0 v;I r Let Fl rrei•t ei Wrev F. rand and Peal '• a fin it lor al oUt 54 ttY 60 drop. rot 0r s,l , llrbtfly u aer-re, and aims , Pler I I , li Odin. , lot in klielfiteity Oftrgir tiro, rd of 3:31 fry( in det‘lb..f?ff,' c r.,,115:1 Is ;min cainakitttli.l*.,,, • in. 101 at,,,e.11114 . fr!! 3:411 frvi tli fill 111. in, I now OffUll. 71 In 4 n twn two ziory brick rnn,r r kfd and Front SIB . ra; .round rent, and runt , orraiplad ALEX. BC 4.11.3 C 1.1 .1.1. 7 I —%l ao.rd jo or grand , . :+ gal:MI jay' of no! a ,„,dr• aa of t„,..f= of C".•• r v rroditee bin" it nr row] , :V HARR IS'S in'esli,teure 2,l—'f C mnu.Es=Eon Vrarel oaFr„ Fi II A 111 - ry, NerchinortiDelatrc t. r 671 .Imerrfr , jlfaumfaciarres, EIZEIMEEI E-q.. P.itsbargh /tar!. C chran of fCci Da s Hanna. . o:den 4- Co. W noithonr n e, I ABLE FARM SOS on which I live. in c'Erticid. cooininice one kesdiftiallki I acres of v.. hick isdtared. ad tYt ..Lerch. There are allot. it " fret hy :34; an a ppieorrnani_o f , c :. • ~ -vcnl) acres of coal. Ille lol 10 that of any opined fon faille : made known on applic.ntiOniolk e _M il.n re:1'31,4 s. W LLI AM WALLACE: IL.LI A Si C. WALL,, Ptah& sad foci I:: and Pletwre Fresne Jinsnlednr er, Prtteburgh.—Canintni BMUS • A rtios.. always on hand. , intain f;noned io order. E epairing-dcoog u lar e nention paid to regildilatglai riPq o n. ,f lil I ing Steatll Boats Of 110.1111:11 6111, Mace to call. • ATE LEAL-I.—The autuctil ensure O . to ro rm.b painters. and orberstb a e Wldie Lead mode of !be bun Wee fiSir if not superior to any *Med lOW add retsect to nUnlapkfl reel! reel 110 Second s tree t ; Pitishir oin le . c.4'10 111E5' FASHIONABLE- 131108106 g" is .81., ape door trait Odd Sdol4 4dt respectiolly ":11) and vicinity that fte-- bsa „ j a w ' Or his n unatea factgre; ll nit; keep remiss:lron all hinds of ladies, tuPsrs. of he hest, quality. in hick ltri nit ..It the thr.ett tie tir ill 'also; oat tt ( cy erork—parh as IW , t; cwored gaiters, and buskin!. Isouv:. ..s elisiers. silk gaiters.. A•tr-t tn., de at the sbortentileli feJ r_. 7- i "4'e'''trillplease Owl b her 1. IF confident Oaf to In his line they owl . - . Don't forget theploce- - P..," w7 rout Harris's nteitigesiti , Itte4 _—____-------7--. : lie• , i ILI AM DIGS tA,....A '"" ai r bu Aiwa, lif Maim if ne t!: r gWgia "_.....,.. 0 0 y street and 42,1 112,44 "=olljo ll eio the nainerola triell 4/11 7, ip1 , 3 11.- o , tbe very liberal aill.0 10 '`" -- 04 1 0 1110 . , n bias. ia eaglas/lakml - . 1111111 - - :2 , ..seal . - 141 00 ,1 1- ' 0 amaze them that OW, eF7" .. ...eri ; itig i the earn Wearies-of Obi irNe •,., „ ,- 7 7,, ,0 , 4 v faille abelriellellidalt. ,ic,weetrie be iareeidallia. 1 A as bees ever offere4. l o l4- _ - 10 wie of Ibe stork at i"--...-tfititr. mil* r d ea: lee Wonted* etealialltli ....mow u sines*. Ile reets,col4.ol his idoeli. elitiei!!),c.,.., V woritrairialli- - eel balllile Li '% 4- 4 - • in : 4 Pin 401064 CT OE4 Eg l i Sktiffjro ll Asa , ow— pUBLISHED BY pfIILIAIP S & W- H. gMiTH, ,„ OE K OF WOOD 4* FIFTH STE. JivE poLLARS a year, payable in f oes TWO CENTa—for sale at the 5 1 :7 00, au d by News Soy coo n- and Manufacturer cr ogi,T. at the tame ;Ow, on n - flanbTe ' 31 TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. o pleS, SI X CENTS. v ies of Advertising. lIE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS; 0,.,50 One month, $:',330 0,75 Two moms, 6.00 1.00 Three months, 1.,00; 1.50 Four month's, %Oa 3,00 I Six (HAIM, 10.00 4.00 One year, 15,00 TORLY A DVERTISEM ENTs. MANCEABLZ AT Pt &Antall. scum Toss Sykora' $1.3.00 Six months, 823,00 23.00 One year, - 35,00 viratisecnents in prorortion. e, - four lisea Six DoLians a year. BIM; 0 FFI C ES, &C. ,-T flaws Third between Market and Wood sta POSialaSier. Water.4th door from Wood st. Peter ;,,v.--11aJor John W Mock. Collector. KRT. Wood between First and Second ow A. Bartram. TreitsOter. Tool street. next door ' to the hru,r,an Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. z. Fourth, I.etween Market and Wood konrirr Flay, Mat or Etra.sos. Fourth, near Market st. BANKS ca.betvreen Market and Wood streets, on rural strevtF.. IT; MANr;TACTrRERS. AND FARMERS DE , n'ornierly Saving Fund.) Fourth, betviten earket ..reels street, near Wood. TIOTT)., s . YlOt:ss, 'fl'a'rer siren`, near tlle ttridr. 410r5i... corner of Penn and St. Clair. s' Horst., corner of Third and Wood. IloTst..corner of Third and Sinillifteld. T k.TIL3. corner of Penn =trent and Canal. ' scut, Litierty wee , . nen, Seventh. .• c rate's It OT,H, hP Vt - arne sr 11l AIC , ION lio'FE. Penn Si opposite Canal •‘ T WOODS, ATTORNEY AND LINSELLOR AT LAW.-01bee remit well's offices on Grant st . neatly opposer . -.orl Douse, next rooms to Jolts D. Mahon, floor. aPp o 11. F.l.Licrrr, it. D.— Offizz restared tar 'Lair street, between Penn and Liberty S'e", s P 10 ;000:4.—Presto . i k Mackey, whoinsale and 1 dealers in English, French, d Domestic 11. Market et Pitt_Oilarzh Pep 10 DLESS & weLurc.E., Attorneys and nsenorr at Law: Office to the Diamond. hark ',:rt lionse.rtitshoralt. sep 10 , klorrow, Alderman; offi-e north of Nth heltreen Wood and Smithfield Fen 111 ravi r, r . le G, or.• r ner: if s D.,, , er in "rroineP a. , d Pitt ,, tlr.ll tt: No. 224 Liberty S?reet, Pitt s . sep 10 I en. to & I,'"Fa tr rmn nt , ..5•1011 M errilatitQ, and !claw;fac;ilrvol arlicte, %n. 29. {I AAR % 12013 i S St): A"C"CY a% La= • et, h-itie •.f lie Ilia mot.ci.het u,••• 1 7 ,00 n on ~r. 10 rim at Law; re?lden , prot,sl,,nal ; ,tt cot nel Mart:TA :1. Liov.l ( ra. sep 10 r- N. IZICAN FF & KEA.N, MAnnfacturers , of COP:er and Snnet Iron Ware, No Front nt , Fills- Ouse i , pou‘lng 3ltd S. , cantlrck,,l work p °minty Fep 10 I=l B. YOUNG & CO, r‘t , lmni.ft Ware ‘-arro - r of Hand flacha),ce ishint to purchase lure/tom a;3l had it lo tare to acre us a call, being fully :,atisfted that -•se as to qua lity and price. sep 10 IN Fl MS. —P;st rereved 160 choice Mut- Hatug, wen cured and for !t-a , f , cheap by !he do ' by 1S.1;(7 HARRIS, N 0.3. Filth st. BAG A.— supp'y of Landreth's Fresh Du tra, and other dttferent catieties of Turnip received and for sale at @SOCCER PRICES at the Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN, No. IR4 Liberty street. head of Wood. B CIJOSEY,S Boot and Shoe htanufaeto -410. 93 Fourth St., neat door to the U. Staten Prunella, Id and Satin Shoes made in , itanner, and by the newest French patterns: MORUS LTICA WATS. in lot. Wimp perchasers; to be dispoFed of Ay V. L. SNOWDEN, No. 134 Liberty street. head of V 400.1 ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev inuiPtion, can always be had at the Drag Stat of F. L. SNOW DVS, 184 Liberty street, bead of Wood. ItNnote Annual Iliaturnath Onion ced e Cot u the Drug and feed store of F. L- SNOWttEII. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. •SEW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, *it Ijast retched by P. L. SNOWDEN; No. 184, Many head of Wood at. ICXAS, consisting of nom Fancy Spades ‘. 4l^,B *.Tro*eit. tiding:Fools. Badding c...atßrn". trusts: Shears. ete., ins! re- F. L. St4CrWDEN. I Si Liberty stteet. bead of We"- Vetioc Hama.—last mewed a small sup ", et oite cured Waimea Barns, ow retail .rt carreat Looney. ISAAC 11 oißittS. Agent, and Cam. Merchant D tteh Cloaer seed. Offlitard Grass dad Blue Gram, always be band sad for V. Nu• 184 Liberty mere. hold of I B DCBANA,S, lifteraeys it Lamy °tee - ( ma the Diamond, to a Attorney•sßow," Fonda meet, between Market and Wood amp 10 - - - - - - ST ES'BLANKS. for proceediags in At- In* Ukelele law, for sale at LOU; on the NtOth Eta =Omer of Coal 7„7../Jith flied. A pply D ARLINGTON, Vgrket. Sear 4 th lit- -- - ' •• Landreth's fireneh Sugar Beet and * dyed and for sale at the Drug and Seed F. L. SNOWDDN, 114 Libetty street, headorWocaL Os OF PAIFFMERsinp 'p heretofore oiloth4f bets woeitsbr Ind IitNJAVIN mortolitlibliwk ... mees wffibrattlittlfil !!Ivi - Vale fig* in seitiihiriP it#l4lo IP-1":' - US W I'4 ' -. MEItRITT, 1.0 jeld, *stamen ancinut aep i 0• . OHNSTOk 4. sivtic . Tog Ps.ptr Slaitifacixtreili, Tons ANDPALSON. Sot now 'he 1110tilipgatn.4411, BONA RD 8. kfliNS, Alifehnso,Steelotc street, oe. ILA cOnd door from tableity: 80).10-4y DR. S. R. HOLM ES, °Ace in Seiontk street, twit acior to %I 'aloofly 4- Co's Glasit *Warehouse eeti 10-19 SHUNK k FINDLAY. Attoineys at Lair. Four th at., near the Mayor's Office, rthsbnrsh. sep 104 y THOS. HASH ',TAN, Attorney at Laor,ytith,between Wood and Smithfield ms..Sittst"tint. se:pp:F=ly H u.. TONER, AllOinev at Law. North East cornet SmithfiPtd and Fourth streets. sep 10-1 Y I==== HANNA 4- TURNIII7i.L'S Paper Warehouse. No. 184, Wool st., where may , be has 9 irenetal supply of writins wrappincr. printing. wall paper, blank boOks. school hooks, ttc, 4-c. sep 10--1 y sop C. TOWNSEND b CD.. Wire Iror.lere sled -Hennlecturers, No. 23 Market mite. between 2d apd 3d streets. reit 1 y g i lscu A NGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and sq. Clair stteeta, by McKISBIN 4- SMITH. rep 10—ly 14 1G M ETA L —77 ions soli g for -sae by J. G. •Sc A. GORD):74, No. 12 Wlter Ftreet . . G %CON ft A M§... 1640 tbs. Baton 3500 U Shoulders, for sa eby J. G. - A. GOtt DON. F.PP 13 No. 12 Water street VAS. PATTERSUS, Jr.. Birmingham , near Piltewreb, -Pa., Mann fa , turer of Locks. Hinges and Rolls; To baCCD. Faller. Mill and Tipber Screws; Houten Screws for (tolling Mitts, 4-e. set) 10—ty. I OEUN .311 C LOS KEY. Tailor and rint h ler. y cf et eet, between Sixth ant Vir,gin alley, South side. Vl 7 BI.7IIBIIIDCE A• CO., Wholmtle Groeert and J romminsion Me , ehartc--- Seennd 'tweet, between Wood and Smithfield sts.,PittAmr2lt. set)lo ly y Gonnos. Commi:Ann and Forwarding . rr ha Water a.. PiiiAlutrei. cep lIA 1‘15.--.4 Castil 2 n.s. a good a nick., mr,ived ner S ft CC.T.i , 7lf. end for fate by J. Ir A. GORDON, sPit 10 No. 12.., Water st reel SUGAR S- MOT, SSFES —4O Wads New Orleans Su f r; SO nbls New Orleans Mnlas , es; for sale by sep 10 J. G. k A. GORDON: Qua P,.-7 IW; primp N. 0. Briar, rere.red per S. R Maine. and for sale by .I.G. 4- A. GOR DON. seP 10 N. 12, Waier Ftreo 50 BACON CASKS.in order. on hand and for s - ale by sep 10 J. G. 4- A.COI: DON. No. U. Water el SUGAD. AND MOL Ittt. and 4b !:,. N. O. Bazar, bt,ls N. O. rorvivoli wr Sleatiihmo Tosporier,und for sale lby J. G. A. con ro pep 10 No, 12. water „. rept LARD 011,, for snip by B. A. FAH VESTOCIt cis rornerof nod Wood:df• 1 63 1 P A I; 1 1 in . . lit ow Laosp Riack int- , !gab, 8.. i. FA liti t 4 TOCK - be,wi ctoik. IRS I ; tirm R red C AM, foi: reg.. by 0 , 0 it, A. eakipli ESP)! K X - CO tntViir 811 i niirt •VC 1,011 QUG \R AND NlOl, \ SSES.-611 Ilhatl. N. 0. Sulzar, - 2.5 111,1$ do. do., too do. Pia.,toi..n M..171p,r5, ror ..a,l-s• = ;a 13 BLANK PETITION NOTICES, 6; C.- 9 n in Bo riiptcy printed oil Bond pi per.and iit the for approved bps he Court,fnr Fa!e at 'lir , Olt'' , ; Mercury and Democrat. rep 70 11731. lIUBBA RD, Lldies' fashinnawe boat and V ♦ shoe Manufacturer. So. 101. l'hird ' , et weer, Wood and S,Oithlield streets, PittshurEh sap 10 - - !V BUCK MASTER, AT'EtN EY AT LAW, V . has removed his office to the corner of Fourth street and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant stieets. Pittsburgh FOR REN'r.—Thedwelling and lot tobtaining 4 *ere:, In Allegheny, near the Bearer ttoad,lately occapiedisr IN r. Fronue! Church. Apra vat he Merchants and Manticatturets' Bank, to W. H. DENNY. r l AVID SANDS, IN ATCII Sr- CLOCK grk 1J MAK ER, No. 7, si. Clair street. Pitts -, W. • bumf), DEALER I.Y or.eren Es. c Locirs:Bßkastrixs FINGER RINGS, GRAINS, KEYS. COMBS, 4c. sep 10 LANDREFIPS GAD.DEItt SEEDS.— A full supply of Laud. et h's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for Safe at his agency, the Oru=siore of •P. L. SNOWDEN, sell 10 15'4 Liberty street, held of Wood. R. DAVID WADI) has his office and residence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House. second dwelling from Rossstreet. Ile will faithfully attend all calls pertaining to his prof - a...shin. Night calls should be made at the door above the hasernent. rep 10 REMOVAL —Matthew Jones, itarher and flair Eire-Er , ler, has retnoted to Fourth street, opposiiet he kiay otiofhte.iwtiere Ire will he happy io:tvaii upon permanent ur transient chtiumerit. He solicits a share of public pat ronaze. PeP 10 NI. A. NV A RTII,IIENiTIS r, Penn st, three V dock . ' , edam trivia street, Flours of business. from SA. X., until 5 r. after which little be will intend to no one except in eases of actual necessity. He would further inform Hinge who may think proper to employ him, that tie expects immediate - payment, without the necessity on his part ofseedhe in bins. sep 10 OFIN litra Rutin), Upkassunr dad Cabinet M- her, Third at, Inct - Wets Waal" Market streets. rpectiltl informs his friends and the pablic that be is prepared to execute MI ordersfor SOW. Sidcboards, Bu reaus, Chairs. Tables. Beihoials,E4ands, !lair and Spring Idattrasses, Curtains, Oarpeur. ilt imris of Upholstering work, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonable tenths. Pep 10 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, x. V 110 Weed Spree, PittrirgrgA.—EL A. Bauman. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and 161erehandrse, at his laite and capacious rams, No. 110, North Eat( Corner or Wood and Filth Streets. Fittsbur2l). Regular sales of Dry Goods,. Furniture. Groceries add other articles, on Mondays and Thereby Of ea& aver : Darderare. Gallery. Dry Goods, and Fancy i `ticks. Sri Tuesday. Wednesday. and Thursday evening*. "limit'. Arc.. every -Saturday evinhig. Liberal advances surds Oft Constaititiolsiirrelt iSeasts. John D. Davis, Esq. ; - “ Davie) , 4- Smith, 4. Hampton, Smith, * Cm, .. P. Lorenz * Co., j .e J. W. Darbridge,t Co.: j '. “ :13.141Ene * Co. i • ' ' •• Capt. James 111'Gargi0i } Pitlshistb. “ C. Itmnien, Esq. -1 . '. Joan 31'Fadden Esq. j '. 1 4 1 ran . 1 1 . K eali ekt . 1 .1. K. itooreesd 4- to: c `• Jas. 11 -laft. , Zeq_ 4 : a tobertantway,Far , - i :. • . Capt. lags. We 1 ‘ 1 I • or IlilFay,,tiaioaa,•4- to..- __ -: .., ' i. dithwiSilo,so - - : - ''"""" ' 4 - , ; .!..k4 l ;;t l elf-ra_t,_ - - ••I, , - -.. , - 1 . 1 . '' - :l6,l4l4l44tialititi* --- . 7 - - _.ro P t Di. -1- ,10/404.717."- /.• J. G. $ t.CORDON. No. 12 Wr.tf,r ziteet Cashier. SAWL. HEJIIPHILL, Aister. --miar trips, and *in Asa dal .) Leaves Braver at $ ire, at 3 o'clock-P. coat- near. at Braver with the Pennsylissaia. astei Ohio Line of Yreight Algtvi Packetal boats between aeaver,and Oteieland Ohio, and Greenvi,le, PenWilrimia; Leaves tbstVer daily it 6 o'clock P. N. This line connects, with two daily 'lnes on the Pentsylirania banal to Pkilladel. phi% and *.tii the New York and Ohio tinsels the Erie canal, and blew York and Ohio line and-Ohlo canal, al. so aiith` stem freight and passage boats„, brigs and schooners. on the Lakes. The propiletors of that *ell knoiirn line, will be prepared on the opening of nailga tion to transport nierebaa•tite to any of the inter - ilea ale ports on,the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio ca• . fiats to any port on Lake Erie,and the Upper Lakegto and from bow York City and Philadelphia. McClure * Diekev, Beaver, Cobb Wormer Co., Cleveland, 0., Rees 4- Taylor. Warren, 0., JAMES A. VEAZY, Agent, N 0.69 Water street, Pittentratt PITTSBURGH k. CLEVELAND LINE.• STEAM PACKET MICHIGAN, - • W. E. BOIES. Master. RUNS daily (izundass excepted.) between PITTS. BURGH 4- BEAVER- leaving Beiver at 8 A. M. and Pilisbureh at 2 P. M. pi-safe/ i d will Erases Safe ty Omani is prompt Elplosioa of Boilers_ Thissreendid and fast running; Stearn Boat bag jag, eoinple;.4l expressly , for this trade, and runs In Gam,' ion with CLASEN Co's Piusber,frk. sad-. Cleveland Lime f PBEIGHTAND PASSAGE .1304T5. Jail! to Cfenclavd. Oki*. Or down the Ohio canal to hins4ilon, ke. and Erie Ex renown Line to Greenville- The Canal Boats of this Lime are towed to and from Pittsburgh direct. and the Mariners conducted on the n 10.4 rrompt andiolmnowqrslsysit rn. flawing a canner.. tion with the Pennsylvania Canal . Lines to Phiiadel• phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running ?own the Ohio river; also, through our. Agents at Cleveland; with M. Heed's Steamboats and severat Lake vemete, and the Troy and Michigan and Buffalo Lake boat tines on the Erie canal, we are prepared for the transmutation of Freight to and from sit MARIS On the canal, the lakes and the Riv. r, or the EaFtern cifies. at prtcesas !ow as any other hap. A pray to 0.1. W. Horton, No. a 5 Water st, or at Steam. boat Michigan's Landing_ piit s u rg h . Clarke- Co. Beaver. Ffttb!..rrrd Frew keebee, Warren. Wheeler 4- Cr. Akron: Tkenuur Richmond 4- Co. Cleveland RIKVER TO J. B. Wick 4. Co., Oreeutrille; W. C. Malan. Sharon, R. W Conainghont- New Cairtir., Joh:t K Vottngsloctn, John Campbell Newton Falls; Campbell k Camphellstown; Babcock a• Nleftride. Ravenna; C. 4. 11 flholes, Franklin; H. A . Co.. Cnyalutga Falls; Wellstna n 4- Whitehead, Massillon; Gordon Williams. Co., Detroit; Kinee,Davis 4- Co.. Pm Milo; C‘wing, Richmond. Willkants 4- Co.. New York. seri IG 11 lf B Corner of il'ooof 41Td Errol Slrccr Pi::.birt , h, MA hand a enntalele znrinleelnf (Loren-as are soiled In Me city or country I ntie. n rhfii seter.tion of pure while and gold '•arl AND TF. IVA irtlarte or small_ sets. nr separate piv-vs to - pi" porrhaverv. A easlt of 96. 61t, or R 1 Oven =nie- f'ittlerhlY 'glinted and En2ll,llCliipa re, to very l.vr Tny Trawerr, and tiro rt:iilord and 4ili, stout 1.(74 . ) to E 5,00 tdr etet Childrrn's Iturs of eve, v hen , Chipa :31.3V 111. Mn.rS Granite Dinh , * a• d Tr. SefVilsrC, In and With •tp'entlid Ameriran srenere minted in blur and Idark. A !acre tzar net y of Sled whnal Dining and Rreakfa-1 Sttle, imported to match. complete, Fire Proof stone Raking platel4 did dir.nef, traih (he n. rhyFhlre Flint anti Green Illatvt, In all their variellett. ' Window et 1a5..., of er,ry Patent Rtirtiptd, inhe sod itretergl. Stone Pipe Hewitt, are- ke. ¢r. All of which are respectfully tiTera to ihe lie on the most f..corahle terut , P. Jan .26.184=2-19 WI J. FOX ALDEN .stiornett and Conasellor at • Law. f tie rs his profeinnal services to the cit izens of Pittsburgh and hopes for a share of ptibliepat rona2e. wtll execut f. all kinds of writing with neat Its and dispal eh. Caws in bankruptcy attended to on reasonable terms.—Office in Smithfield street, at the house of &I r. 7 iionias O'Neil, le whom he refers. Pep 10 1". J. FOX ALilltlN. DAVaI CLARK. ifet. Askiotable Boot Nake#,— tiag removed to rio. 34 Market street. between Second and Third streets. where he woo'd he happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel disport_ ed to patronize him. Ile uses notion! tint Prst rate stock. and employs the hest of workinen; and as he rives his eonstant persona! attention to business, be I ramsthat lie will deserve and receive a fair share erf patrbnage. vep L'illUiTS. ICE CREAM. k CONFECTIONARY.— .12 A Bunker respert fully informs his friends sod the public that they can always find the hest quality or lee Creams. together with al: kinds or conrectionary and fruits. In their season. his exahlirtiment—rio. 11. Fifth si rect. between. Wood and Markel N. 11.—Parties supplied on the Shortest notice. with oranything in his fine. Also families furnished with Bread. step 10 "[OLIN B. GUT HRIE , Auctioneer and Commis .. sine Merchant. No.lo6,c.oryer of Weed 4- Fifth sts busgh.: [lasing been appointed one of the Alien:in ce/slot the City of ritsburgh. tenders his services in job bers. =norm:lustre and dealers. who may be di posed to mate trial of this market- ile is prepared to . make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities, and trusts tortatisty correspondents by quiet sales, and speedy and favorable rehires. That the various interests which may be confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid of his own experience in business and ac,qaa intanee with merchandise generally, the services of Mr. St /MIL FsnassroesG heretofore advantaeeously _known, as an importer and dealry in Hardware and Cutlery, faith whom a permanent trigagentent is made. Rs as TO Mews. Ji. Tiernan, /Nest. of N. 4- 3,1 Bank. • Darlington 4- Peebles, - Robert (alway, 1 tt James 111. Cooper, . 4 James May, , 4 ft. M. Diddle. Pittsburgh .‘ Wet Robinson. Jr. Presi I 44 of Exchange Bank. • Dampton.Sznith, 4. co., le John D. Davis, . • Samuel Church 4. J. lia,Sloorbead. Jas. W. Prawn *Cot 0 John 13 Brown. 4 Co: t* Smith 4- ft volley, • Yardly ¢ Brous, Plattdil a. u jobs& laddW a John Dalaell, InoPlo E'WANSPS CAMOMILE - FILL 11S .--AttitA-- HAY CLEVER, - reeidtag al 6taldept street. New fork, was Aided ,with' Oyapeptia IS its wait aggravated "forth. the Pyriralosits were stoical head ache. great` deldtitS. fere/. tiorlivesors, ertagii. beam bus. Pahl WOO-die* wad strotweb sharers alter itodier; istrodred appetite. setwoirts of trinities at the sloaaeb. furiodibitetter tudieea; with fterpotat sieddegs, &glees. awards eight vat mamas. • Taelibad oxidated op. , want or tweiffswAlihr when. Oa. e Ol l ll . O , Iffil ft EMMA- Di no . 100 chow° swat; led auterillarg to Ids Pver - I ierteessfittioid *wag& glade''( treetreedt,ehe.petiea -l was' riowspletelyrallored to health tise , strost -tereeedif) opearvtalt. sad wetelif tor tap*ttcateNe tesela ad. gladly car. th e awe-awe 7-; vior sale Yiniskidirathilika 4,- . -; . ' wirAt'r - -t‘44.41 . 1A - •-• pier,/ itas Stas:eo F'roprietorst. ' "~~~ 8. GOODEM. Ostahrased itatits-ratt., TUN - Nfli arestrangiy recommended to the notice Of tbe ladies ass safe and - diciest remedy la - 'rerat time coimplaints peculiar to their ma, frout-mon of ex ercise. or perreral debility of theryftee:-They oirirbite costiveness. aid consiteraci, ill Hysterical sad Nersous affection= Time Pills .base gained-the .samtlou and approbstioi of tbst pm; elitism' Physician) im trietfal. ted Stateitirmf oil* Heiberg. 'Societe Wltiolesale and by„ • R. > sKIARauf., direst. - sep 10 N 0.20. Wood Street,below Second. Arm ADAIR, H. - , Bad Shoe Maker, Liboat St, SigSeite tilw head if Sniajtehl st., Pittsburgh.— The silasetlberbialogrhotneht oat the :stock: Of the late Thomas laiferty, deceased, has commenced badness in the oittkirlimd of Mr. and is prepared to exerMe all drectilikialtr of work is his line, la the hest meaner and on thailhOrtere entice. He keeps corstentry cm hand a.lar ofshoefindiam; of all descriptions and of the bestiquality. He aeleits the patronage of the nub,. - Matta of the ersit• Win. ADAIR. sep 19 : prrTsmings MANUFACTORt.- - 4priagrr go 4 Itzles for Ceriiagas at- keit** Pricer. The sabseribera Inanniarture -and IteePli Eollstallti9 on - hand 4>ster r li,C and Winne Siang. (eairanted.)Jonlata Iron Albs, Sliver and Brans Plata Dash Prairiea. Stags and plated--Hub Bands„ iltutep Solara, Patent Leather. Silver and Bran, Lamps, - Ttstee fed Fteps, Malleable Iron,Moot Handles and ke JONES & enI.EMAN. fed 10 'I Ft. Clair si— bear st e itteetteny Pride". HD. SELLEit.S. M. )1, office and dwe ll ing In Fourth; . near Perry - street. vep 13—ly LOOK AT THIS This ettentinn sffthwe whwhave been somewhat !Men tieiii in renew* to the ninneinustertifitates. putithrlied in favor nr l ;n• Sirarle,ila? B ,iPTSo 4 . B lrUP *(Wild Cher rlt.on =meant of the person a unknown in this sec lion of tlee State, is.oesprettully directed to the followbig certifiente.lhe writer of which has been a citizen. of this borough fiir several years. and is knot a' as a gemleMati of int%zity and responsibility. To tie _Vela, Mr. J. Kizer. I have usetflir. Swaynes Comp' and Syrup of Wild Cherry fora rough. with which I have been severely af- Bided for about Blur months, and lhave no hesitation in saying Vial it Mile most effective medicine that' have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and agrees*, with to dies .— and mantains a regular and good appe le_ I can freely recommend it to all o th ers sloillarly kind. J. MINNICK, Borough of Charaberith'r. 1 3 March lit IRO- - , Pill 23 Porseekly WILLIAM TORN No. 5:3 Market street. FRU er, SHADE, AN . n ORNAMENTAL TREES IDERSONS desirous of priwurins Fall% Shade. and Ornibmenini trees. or Shritbbery, from Philadel tibia or New York; are requested to make application as suns att Witailble. at the Dime aidSeetretore of the sub scriber. isiSieris can be had rata logue., gratuitously, of the ii!OSt ekcepent varieties. F. L. SNOWDEN. Imp 21u No VW. Liberty el reet . head of Wnoti . lIDITILDUAL ENTERPRISE. U.S. PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For the Traosportatian of it erchardize to acrd froze Pittsbaria.Boltigiori,Phitaitiphia, Nem Tork t asti Bos too. Through ix tae Stalltsi trojtoil : 4 61.-9 Portable Boat Lino, to composed or Dints built in robs - sections. oath section capable of routaininr. , seiiro tons. and susrepia,le of !pin?. separate or drini i. linnd ironsforrrrl from ("oval to Bail Road, Taken IN' comptote train of Cam, or weseniuse the novel 3rtio.o in Orr of n Boat sailing o n land t.nri ;beret, amyl/fins the mesa delay nrcasinred by re shipping at it ) , s o rera I Fiction. and ferroi nal lo• c of Ca. halsand Rail Rned., the expen ,, e of transhipment and the itan , aze the mmds -octal', he Iregoent Lind:inf.; and renBeritt2 it iforaria - s hie Ick Separate lota of enit4 a on the Way- _nwtto: to She ebbylrortiOn of the greet Lavine foarr ariffnuer's in which zomta are Mo red, renders then , leis liable In d In:tap:rinds by aster or tatlterWiSe than by any other made of transportation. Thesystem of Transportation-as ret•omniended be the Canal Contutivainnera and lately ado,ated by the State refers partirolarly to ibis class of Boats. , The Boats of thiA tine are OW' ned by responsible captains that rim them, and is the only Line now in operation free from monopolies or rombinal ion. CoodsconaisnMl tis the undersiened agents will he re. eeiVerl free of rcirrin,L,'. , ion and shipped without delay at she lositxt rates. All charges paid and every instruct ion prOmpily attended to. C. A. Pd*NULTY 4- Co, I:vs. Canal Resin, Pittshomh. P. O. POPE. Agent. 75 Bowly's Wharf. Baltimore. TllOB BO RBRt DC E„A gent P i . likt A IIFILP. '5l iNUFAlreativ.—Patrirk eau , tield re -131 spect fully arndaintt Itiz friends and the puhlir ten crafty, that he has rorameneed the 'Marble hnshiess at the corner of Fifth and Libertyst rillbere will be constantly on hand. tomtit stones, mantel pieces. monuments, head and fool stones. tilde for cabinet ware, anti every artlcleannertainlns to the Wildness. Re will warrant his work to he well dour, and hit eitarrM; will he moderate Re respectfully asks a share of public patronage. sep 10- JAMES A. VEAiEt, Firmardtrg god Cosiatitsiva teclam L. Agent for Steamboat Cleveland and Pennsylvania and OltiO Line Moine rented the tfrat iIIIIISP formerly ocritpled by Ttirmingham Cm- *P. 60 Water Street. t et open Wood and Smithfield, iff prepared ro receive and forwardcoods to any port on the Ohio ur MisvissiPpi riper oti reatainableterifis. rep 10 (110-P4RT.IIERSHIP.--G. P. Smith 4- W. Hausman, AL/ haitini associated themselves 'metrics tinder the firm of Hammon 4. Smith, will com Untie the arlintrsale thy Goods business in the house recently occupied by Hampton, smith 4- Co where they will be Teceiiring in a few days a new stack of Fall and Winter Hoods. Tbey tesPertfulty invite their old friends, and merchants gen. erally. visiting Pitliburgh, to call and eiarrine their stock, sera .5-j -113 m.: Portal& Platform Scalar cm wbeeld,l6 treigli2,soo Ibt 055 . 00. , do do do do do do I,oo(Pat .31) 00 a 0 r a d d e o i iu d d o o 1.500: 5 a t t 11 5 3 5 4 5 0 0 0 (t i 1 3 mli:Anoresawits.isenki:vhdi:ont.isaescalegingerinesiew&vh:vatico.,a3tetacon et ' Is. and a fariety of other .. sofjolUrt ,., *Moo width *AZ *ill SOIL° 1.3 s E l ' 7 ' B ettor flowing Tfiey. aft 1 0 414 0 and thief. Mug. Bop Sillts.Volt Works. !tr." rod looroiawing erred alidertathellthilit ...mown* door tewswing t 1101147, I)—rmi:jtour with or um sash soadvelt• ziidel/drwai +braking maemlima sagjeftnontk, morer's a o w oractdon 41,141 4 elttaes end took coif dereriSkossadigi 7% 11 .. 1 4 , 0 7:: _ lnse t aviPeatk . attleW gewerl=47rioi s t oar and 41410711.. ograyi m o ar.iihugaraa,. -7* I N ' tamn= ...6 44 " Fr/1 -"k 4 .1-V-Rfp 7 " " 74. PROSPECTUS , Fir isi ti Tv, LW JfiyilY it'llOr brae City sk buret, in its *reined 1/6) DAILY MORNING -. POST: filfiESaliscrihers hatring - thade arrangmeents to wage the allaseifeaniffintifactirerand Pittsburgh Mercu ry into one journal, have concluded to publish a . daily . pitieririth the title 011ie Deily.M•ririag Past. The laidingobject of tasr..Parr" willbe the damermina. 'toe and defence of the political princikles that baTe Imre tolore bees 'maintained by the Edifies, fa their respaetiVe Pallets. and heir beta etroilis. will' still be devoted to the advatiretnent and succesibtittnne doctrines. Attbottihi hr Plakitioi, the parer hill be thoroughly democratic. yet the Editors hope. by „trivia: an _honest, candid IlAiorY of passing Political events, Foreign and Domest4 inte/liramice. and brief notices of ail mat- ItersAnd'occhricitces that 'vine properly within the albeit °fa:Public lournali tikarake their pope* sufficiently in eroding to entitle it to the patronage of the poblic, it respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general neon that will be found in the ...Mersin. Pest." the Editors will take pains in furnish the 'bashes= community with the latest and most Interesting CORIIMUCILL Is-rmad- CMGS frail! all wittier the country; and to "have preps'• red such , aceountsof the Marken' and the State of Trade aiWillbeadvantageons to our Merchants and Business Alen in tapir several eattinn_ Terns.—the Poor will be published en a large tamed. DI sheet of fine paper, (manoractured especially for this looms') at 'h.. an n-nally low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per an num. payable In advance. It will also be sold by news-boys at the low rase of TWO CENTS a copy. Advertiseatevts will he inmrted at the lowesd rates charged by the other daily papers of the I:4rTWENTT active, lads are wanted to sell the who Willbdetvgased on ibe most liberatterms THOS. PHILLIPS, Atesust al, Islol2. W.H. SMITH. /Wl)num EOM KY_ LEAF TOBACCO. le store and for Sale by J. G. 4- A. BOHDON, isip 2S No 12, Water street. .BY Morrison it Vo. Dindon, for dale only by S. - N. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin Arley Pittsburgh Pa. and Ft. 'Flifirriziod; Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. Rep 10 FA 8111 FOR SA Lt.—The undersigned Mars ftir Kalra tract of land situated 4 miles fru,. ?respell, In the direction of Kittanning. Ihersio • totantlifh,`Arnitirong county. enntaining 100 acres. 65 cleared and mules good fence; 10:of 'milieu are in meadow— a rood _square tog dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon-ism appte otchard of /Kt hearing trees—add a spring'of aceltent water convenient to tbe house, FOR TERMS apply to the suhscribeAl i kiding at the Saltwerks on the Pen usyliania Ca baki above Free port. sep 10. WP4 Pfitt,iP BAKER. T O THE WISE.—I CIS now Prell osideistood how muekidis fillers of the miii.i ;legend for their cure upon a due tit teat ion to the body. - - It hi cane understood how valuable ils that medicine which will remove morbid acettniulatitinswithont weakenl4 tile tiadilk poker. ii is now understood that thert4s,,a,reeipeocal influence be. tween the mind and the 40. It id *nit riodersiciad that r ed. purging with the Brandi - renioie a Melan choly, and even intent - by perseverinsly using them it is now undo 1 how much domestic happi ness depends upon the Illeipy etiadil ion of - tie digestive omens. , , k,, - . ,. It is now well known that, the firandreth Pint hair eared thoitiandleorhoriel6.:ll ahat'belplit Persons, even when the Best nis," :Jane had prondinced - them beyond all truMari niiiti9BW4relter It is now not only writ known that the Bretdretli Onsets cure, but it is also un derstood ilmelliey care. that it it by their purifying effect on the ],loud i het they restore the Lady to health. The value of the medicine is beCOming more and more manifest,it is reconimeroact daily from family to family. The Brandnelh rills remoit in an almost imperceptible manner all noxious accumulations a nd pnrify and mob,n rale the hionti.and.thrir .ond effeEti :ire not cotinterhatan red by any inconveniences; being composed entirely of vr,..evablet they do not expose those who use them to danser.i and their elTects are as certain as they are saki in rv; they are daily and safely adminbtend to infancy, youth., manhood, and old ace, and to women in the most critical anditelie.atectreumstaneet. They do not disturb or shock the animal functions, bat restore their cthier ano , Mblizil their health. , . , So!dal Dr. Brat‘dreth's etice. No- 91, Wood slrpet, piirFt!iirfrh. Pfirl! 25 rents per box. with fon directions MACK—The owls' pi:rein Plusher:it wltere the v.nu inf. Pills rno he obtained. is the I.,elcir's own office.. No 93 Wood stirel. cep lh D'l. O. T! FiBITT'g, Respectfully inform the citi. Sens of Pittsburgh and vicinity. that he has return ed to the city. He bores to share the. confidence of his former patrons and the public generally; acd solicits a renewal hf a portion of their ritrana,ge. In conneiinn he siotild Observe, that the riperation of Lithotrlty, for breaking the stone in the bladder and allowing it to piss of with the urine,) is every where COMMarbliin; the deep eel interest. Ile hopes to extend the benefit of t is branch ° I'M,: profession to the afflicted.- Striettiiea, Dimas! s of the Bladder and Kidneys.—whibli oectisionallyfolloW,— trill likewise receive attention. Those front a distance wishint further information will apply Personally or by letter. or if desired can be accommodated at his dwellins„in a retired part of the ci ty, on Third, between Ferry and LPierly ste. !ler In LET Invalids read the followine account of a Sailot clued of a compliisoldn of affliptlmni in nineteen days hy the, use of Brim:ire lvisiil4. It distioetly proves there are heilti in nature which haie affinity rare he cause of disease, and Bram:Ire:11'1PB Isere made for them Read and he convinced. Take the medicine and , cared EXTRAORDIJr.S RTC UHF: OF RHEUMATISAI DM 1: lifla?.4 . AND APPECTION Ole THE LtiAri3,S Joust Busty, of Pembroke, Washinston county, Maine, helm., duly sworn, says. that be was taken violently sick about sis months since. The pains in his head, breast, hack, left side and instep briny. no bad thai he was nria. blew bele himself.and was taken into the Chelsea the eitat in the eft, of Boston. That after being in - said tuwettil live weeks.Daci or °list:aid-be did not know stquit was the matter with hint, and that be could du etehloe„fall bifa. norcould he preserihe an* medicine. That he, therefore, was - conveyed from the -Chelsea lios pitalto the - Oath:es revresit on Staten Ishind. That be Was there *P....kited with all sorts of medicine for a peri od °fro& mantbs,mffering all the time the moat heart. . modest' misery.-- Thai, heshita his affectfort of his hones he was troubled mach with a disease of the lungs:some. inner h* would spit a quart orphimmt in the day; hmides this an - mirth be had a used Diarvhom, which bad more. or litii attended him from the commencement of his sick. 1 ItiV.M. That ailithea he dreaded a stool worse titan he %small have dreaded death; that hi can compare the feel. ing to &DAM* save tlmi of kniers coming through his imirels. Allier suffering worm than death - at the Scitior's Retreat, 011 eta' ten lataril,thedtra or' told him that ittedi cote was orate imeto him-that iteoiis4 'try to atirahoul.' At this time he was sufferinglitest misery, That hitt bones enure at tender lie could not bier the kiln tom* ere upou the clime or upon the,ltage, rout his 4 as sap was Most painfut. that as the Dotter laid be insahjoiye hint noun:wilt natedichur be determined to proetire,nome of Or., itsiindomividnifiiarbiek.iii- did, from 241 .1 roads* New Y00;141410 ' red with five pills. autlartme itaiekitera-Tiedlie '' Weight: The , :firdi week's tine no" much be. led that - iftedoilor, jkoi ittniserag whit he was vieitte. said. mow,Shavit, you look tike a man again; If Yatimmove: its tbli way, you wilt MT.! he. frell.'., That befaed every dose Or 'hit Brand/cat Pills tititte - edit, *fable, 'cured - him of site Ain iitien at ' dteol;thattlismstaimiteneed the dfarrhati, and .onally the 1 Ott", I. 114 illinet—That- the medicine termed to add ' , gt i itll/int; eirary-iday. - Belold the doiloi.yedler- *tithe 11th haillitt. that he reit hiwirir wag. sad- abio, ' ', that he 0014 his reiovery to rirandridhal 1911 e under ittertriftalte;thir be had +Akre ' Phe. ArWa i rilS:!C rell Yds! 1 Air 14ditYs; that titedoctocteithint if he bad known he., hadbasittattioe that inedkine, Ire should not have stayed 1 another day in the house. Fie,e9Madets it itill, id dull to 1 "inshe thirodbrie Oates:Met for theteacti of all similarly , ittle4:-!P?it., !des maykit°, W 1 444 ItPA 4 • r i seii_opel 1 that :4111Pu* them. , cafe SHAW. idigtgidifiitaiii*Abe dully' swath- thirrthedlejt at Airkjse,.iil4,Arkdlat-lh*i_tliefsilo*r,lbt( , ii * rior t t' amh iiite . ;! ftm*Littko o4l, ; ' ''.:. i ft#o o ii rs* 4 7 -4*ZRiziA r e joildfalllllW l *t. - ft - 4 Z 4 -,:4 1R . "Ititagsvni,fr* *.ti.Fi: proved flay ..afacitired I. their Silibehiat hetwem st reel, tyro Pitts trartnse and the fttpoce ..ocelits(whet- :otnroeed 01 .o. 1, Poll Platform Icson towel& 360 U tudivat BRANDREIII. PILLS. r i r 1.14.4-4-41.0:::,, - • ' •-.` - - . - 4 .110 , 11k..cikiiiiies: North Catolitihm - lii - k - ftiFe ;- : lin dy who ever hoard any 'thinginss.taw.: that it is called the 'Ohl NcittliStit***W 'Rip Van Winkle Slate,' the:4W orbit-4 State.' and the 'Tar. &eh and te r -ikokb - Haiii! . - r ----w State.' The titer Tar is one of 011,,, h!Oltki prOminent and important tributarjas--mk i the banks of which is situated this 'faith* river of Tarborougli. , But it-ill not like' numerous nomenclateres nor its paCrtiss ..ist% r , . rtvers and tiwas that our joke PM OW? positive relation. , . ..,,,, tio ~ It is particularly we ll ka own a ii4 - one, also, that North` Carolina, e; SW"' !has long been a jest sada by - tiersketeilitittk and eritic—hdwever iipproprittely - propriately so, is not of kiiclortaucez, either to us dr our readers, end it ma. so be known that different section&Ar State 8ff:oil to the inhabitants or natives - = those different ttectidne oripoinntitios or. runningtigs and jibes one dil anithee t , ii# of quizzing in tutu by way of retail'mille„ But to the joke which we at first , set Attli - to rulate; There ate in New dridzitts a teif tin '` sons who claim North dal-ohne es theifhe4 die land. Two of tilos& gentlemed tefl cently came in contact quite cssciallyi ee, convivial party, whbn one 'running a saw' uporrthe other. fide ' -'"- conudeg from the county of durrituck, and the of er was from Pasqnotank, wherhs', 48 lilt' language df schoolboy rhythms-, e l ., •The bullfrogs jump from blab to bout: "'- The representative ofCurrittlek; by watjf:'' of fun, set to quizzing the Pamprosearli:' man by telling him that in his-0001147 310/ 1, - men all suddenly became quite.trietteoMitit ~ tial and aristocratical in Shad time, whilie lf , during the rest of the year, they weft more sociable, neighbrirly and umlaut... dating—thus indicating that while shatit were plenty the people were itidepetitierik,, and proud, and whenprovisibits frets: scarce, or the shad season wax over t , they -., bee.arne less arrogant and haughty. ..-,..-: • 'You known,' said he, 'that - a ithie.ll4. ~ 1 Paequotank, when shad are tannins *O4 speak to you; he is so proud that, yntt tanli get a civil answer from him. -, - . --, .Very good,' replied the than.from Pee" quotank, laughing goad-natumdly at _thei, joke;—'the people in my county ate - rith-.1 er fond of shad, that's a fact; but then we are riot as mean and stiigy as the teen irs - .. - Currituck, where you hail fronts I'llgivm you an instance that will shut you up 14 ~,,, once, my frienik.. 'Yes, hue= `Stop! don't tay a 'Word until I' 'e dose —you've had your say; now , for mine. '-..,, He proceeded: -I'll give you an instance , 7 which Shows what sort of people you haver_ lin Currituck:—An acquaintande of mince ' residigg in your county, One day siteisr--- -- half bashelliasket of fine fresh creribertime-1 - -. to one of his neighbors as a phstte*,..,Tl4 % . man to whom the ftuit was Sent I nse_ '4 tiec, servant at the door. The riegrOeaid: IV :: , him, with a bow; 'Massa send you -I rtninit'i`:' cramberry, sat-, wid - his - tiorhplitnetits,j dey's fns rate, too; 1 pick 'em Myself." --..,, 'Very well,' said the gentleman; 'but did„ .., he send the sugar_soith.thent?' _ !No, maiw sa, he no send de auger `'Then::takef. them back, you black rascal; I don't wan; .._ your cranberries without the sugar!' The crowd, who had listened to the re? ...__ spective merits of the chunties of Cerri _ tuck and liarsquatuck, is related` by the' - ' two Carolinians; burst into a roar of laugh-'- t.T ter, and decided that White l'asquotank had the moat aristocratic populatiou in shall _ _ time, nothing could beat Carrituck fist_ .;`. mean people—taking what they lieetd - thi • - a taintile.—N. O. Pc. _ 4 ' ' - 7-' An Vac:ea/tin Swain. The Fairfield Gaiette related i --ftirmyr , t-> atfa;r. at Lithvoßs, Ohio. .4'. icove,sicK youth. rejoicing in the the tognomen„ . 4. d „. Jere Bacchus, had been 'paying attentiere:' to Miss Delia Smith, for nearly five yees'itti . and *as on the eve Of making - that yount- ' 4 lady a happy wife, when cruel fate erdabr.,--- ed it thus: Bacchns Accolopalilied_•l 4 l* Smith to a wedding party about five- willed distarni;;lind durins the evening spate -4 his ftfebtia *ere joking with him diner thre'T probable *date Of the event which would Make hirki Astra happy man for life. `Oiiat 'x person went So far as to 84:amid' thetir would probably be some monr - tt lifter the . -- ' zi tiadleniutn had set in; as Bitchtle .haikalY: ready posponed it istde4nitely,, Miss Stith- ; ;3 = -. remarked that, in such a case, alto should, ~ uhdoubtedly be in danger of beComing art - ail old maid, Bacchus was very meth fretg .- ted at this rentark, and left the- roam. and sbdrtly after was missing from the hotise. together with i'young tidy of the party; i ' (Miss Jane Fletcher.) In a couple efr''' .- - t hours the two fugitives returned , man -and- ...:... wife: They had bees to Squir6 Et,tert.lMett ~,, ip,the hollow, gotjoinet, and the brid6i. - , ; groom - eeribited his Certificate kithe'6o4l-: parip But the=' best part of the metre - sittairtl let to come. Miss Smith appeared-tttr.4od - 4 far brom chagrined 'at : this _ conduct; revengeful lover—for she very quipqr* marked, after being convinced tjuitTie really married. and no mistake. - -ti l / 4 W - -tiV -54 could not hare &me anythitig'trogi*dytki4r-tt so much, as trhe.herself Would Ain* liativivi;-* have discarded him. h,litt44f_lke,CO, _ - eil she was bound in Ilona tufulitiber - . _ ea) promise. Poor Bac - cbtisi.tiWl4 }l `_ must have feltatibigkaiteplc rlitserdit t : . - tinderitand, however, that a f - wei:4,.. - . --- of' Car: will g vit 'ir i 64 - promise Casa a row *. 0 -i, t itt-I,Ake4-4 . i4: 0 - t o '-,..; ": ::- '7' '--- 1 * l .l4 l. imMn -4 # ---' '' 77.4; -•'-,- -, ... - -.--_,..- L -,-,.- .".--,- -.=',:---,.,• --f&wia."- - -i- , ?:1/ Ci.:6th. • ' - '111,11 % 1 : ' - ~.ki-,-....,..,-;,-...- - ,v, ..:::.:' ....'.' .-