Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 05, 1842, Image 4

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    „, o ._fgva
-AleAtit 4116,4 0 1 o.oYribi .N411,1101X! , ,
.4% •,-
-.24l46ll464BAirttskirifetpeatrallyiNgatuoiretiqpifiugOilit • "
+ti ,:r -/ oi 4 I . ;
:',l44imiLgtalk,vja. higzkOßOY lottai:eorgi.4arl264(o4l 4A;ehe yogvip_ _
, ; - -441 1 0 61 4 WOO/ beVAlrdid I :ft , t*rortOliletli • act
oiftsland, where Ale istilWarolKtlso.eilt c el l o ' at-- 4 - 7, Of YrlW* OP 445 ,
*sad pronspity toatry Orders -to - • . eisa,oo:ol4o4,
s{gtitio Oto all thetietaila of the liaside44, 'ticast Ft!ulge nth A cal Mf
behla k ilaStO merit Public canftil e lice: wi ht pibpareo
.41.4110 W, to PIT" -HeereeF: 0 41 . 11 e„. " d `epensek•Ar9 l Vr."o at' n& J ut orfic.ri
eoffigegglisflOoolite'-'"4ll"rut terms Culls from the "meat. ati'd aPproied Anr not .193 :•1
ittpedry."lll6titrotoptly ai tended to. . &dyed' ''Peripq yy lie . reerived it this Departl'
tifthttillet is In, the sainebaildinp with his e meat nrittit th ethirtyc dty Ddearnhar next, for fur
thrift who Ivied ins services' M:4 tin dm
nishinie, &dila year • ':longerlittlie optieti of theWpairt
nfeny time. aztaiticsesel; , menti, the fothaw trig i! striptifins Of:Wanks for the direof
tetra. UV- J 0111 1 ."
st;A - • D., • Post Offices id the St die of Rennie/Urania and Delawalic . ;
itrociir ittnews, REV. 11.0aleaT tIOE,D•11, • m ails .tecelivieti. s
is 75 neaas,
41D" rArroP. REV. Ssitultt, - 4
W. it 'etyma, Rev. JOsitrlt. swan , Aieout!t or oreorooperott_oo
. r.oro g o.
Assam daunts, REV: :tastes x , D AMS, tattled. 1 • ' - i -25 •
14.1 ace. P. swim.Strillereceiveitxt ,
sa pthe above toff 'Pa r, - 21.4ty Tn.
incites, printed on befirsidea andifeititilitild, With MA less
than 421ines on a page.
Malta Sent from rn4. motter , , °mom 1 2 Resins -
Spade Size - paper se andve, but kidded :length w iSe, &MI
wit h 50 lines sit a Page.
hee t
Accoulniteurrentifoolecap, two on a 16 Reams.
Monthly and 'Weekly Registers,: foolscap,
four on a dbetd,
Post Bills, footsitatx;'l2 on a sheet,Witliont)
ebonite I
Post BFtte, foolacap,l - 2 - on a emit, with
signatures. -
Post Bills hie Distithuting Office.s„:9 on a
1 150 Reams
sheet, with signatures I
Post Rills4for Pistributing Offices, 6 on a
sheet, with signatures.
The proposals will state the pike, in one sum, per
ream, for each kind of blanks, for piper, printing, ri. , : trig
and packing, They are to Mt delivered In slid) qua id i
ties, and at such time e, as may he eeqtfired by the di ifer•
ent Post Offices, and : on the requisitioned:if Postmasters
endorsed by the Postmaster at the place - Where the Con
tract or"ma y reside. None Will he tonakfered as deliver
ed , or will be paid for, except on sec-hitittitions ,
Each requisition, or quantity ordered, Tie seenrely
elivelopednr packed for traiiiiiportation. and directed to 1
the Post Oilier, at the ex pensenf the contractor.
The right is reserved of reject eg and bid which may
I.e considered extravagant, and also to give to any one
bidder the printing for one orlitore elates adj the
Slate of his residencr; and each proposal must be accOm
pa n ic.l by sufficient evidence of heatitlity of the proposer
10 comply wiiit the terms of his proposal.
The successful bidder will let required to cater into
Contract, with surely, in strict compliance with the pro
vision of the law, to which bidders are referred.
Failuie to furnish blanks promptly when ordered, fur
nishing those of inferior quality as to paper, printing.
or ruling, or any attempt toevade the true meaning of
the ernitract, will be considered sufficient cause for its
Payment will be made quarter-yearly, one mouth after
the expiration of each quarter.
The blanks must he equal to the hest of t hose now in
use. Specimens may be seed at the various Post Offices.
The quantities mentioned above, are from the best es
Li', ates that can be made feeone year's consumption; but
they may exceed or may fall short of the quantities re
quired. The Department does not bind itself to any
specific quantity or amount.
Pro osa Is" should be so marked, and addressed to the
.iSecortil Assistant Postmaster General," Washington.
D. C, n33—iltd3l
aas .-TattLadaaaa
libOiciL • STE 51130 A T BILLS,
nt.ts OF LADING, CI RCULA RS, .tc,
'ArOlfather with every description of Letter Press Print
•.;:jpggiltwalshetiwith neatness {lnd despnteh, and on mode
'Arittelertris,-11 the bake of the Daily Horning Post.
.otles of indtvldtiolels very .numerous. They are those
Who work it; an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers. work.
.tlarSU In feather stores, stone cutters, bakers. White lead
-Mikuurseturcrs, are all more or less subject 1.0 disease au
tlwdirtrAti thestrength of their constitution. The only
*tiirld.to .preymit disease. Is the occasional use of a
Ultsgeinti which abstracts from the circulation atrdelere-
Aritti humors, and erpelb them by the bowels. Tonics
In any forin are injurious, as they only 7.dt off the evil
day trimake It more fatal. The use of Brandretlei rills
• tarill-lasure health, because they take 041 ii»oure matter
'Qatar the, blood; and the body is not weakened but
intrettiittenetfty their operation, for these valuable Pills
•dO not force, but they assist nature, and are not oppcsed
;di harmonize with her.
_ ,Sold at Dr. BrandretiiN Office, No. 93 Wood street.
PittAhurgn. Price 25 cools per box, with full directions.
MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh win-re the
GENUINE Pills can Ire obtarneti,is the Doctor's own nr.
• Ike!, N 0.98 Wood street. *err 10
NEW HOTEL.—The subscriber respecti tiny in
forma, hie old friends and the public that. he has
openos a Temperance Hotel,in fift h Street, near the Ex
change Bank, and in the house lately occupied by Mat
thew Patrick, and has hoisted ant roil 9i gn, -The Iron
City - lintel." where he will he very har ;:v to accommo
date- all who may please to call os. hint. His table
shall heprovided with the hest fare, and every possible
hettonmsodation to town and country customers and
- A few boarders who wish to lodge in their stort4nr of.
Beet, can he taken. and gentlemen %Oho live out of town
can base their dinners daily.
Be has largeand good stables, and the best flay and
Oats, and a good 'Hostler, and will aecowiodate travel.
era and gentlemen who have horses.
Boarders taken by the day, week nr year, Charges
more moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city.
sep 10 JOHN IRONS.
'WASHINGTON HALL.—Tike subscriber has
opened the late residence of James Adams, Esq.,
ditieineed, for the reception of visitors and hoarders;
oe'hoeure is veil liletwanily situated on the bank of the
2ntljes from the city—possessing lite delight.
faritecompantments of a country resi.lencp, without
being - too fir &stair for persons MIT business in the
ett :;-Viaitors will be furnish i etl with every delicacy of
the Watttf:
Att Odtilthttu naregulartyevgryhou t the A lle
Vamp end ofthe,uridne.
Alcciholic beverages kept.
1480LUTIOX OF THE.UNION'—The copart
. nership existing lietween J:1411 , .. E. Kilbourn and
noTld,i.'Worgart Is this day dis Solved by villa! consent.
ItheiVatiditions will be duly noticed, with the signattires
ofbiatkpartksitanexed, and Barry Ball will he continued
titieitby - the subscriber until other arrangements ate per•
feetOd. •
• •101gio. tho.premises, 151) lad.. 'choice Winter ap
pitiiii,lbratiplted for - immediately. „MS. E. FC I !MOURN,
• ,40 - • No 9,..Wrkstt. end 74: Froht st,
_ • .
- 30001181
inhnoon,Bookblndern and Paper
-littler:if, S." W. rotner of Wood and
StrieSP:ATE now prepared to SR,
acute att kin6 . OT itookidnding and Pa.
per fluting with neatness and deepatc,h.
"" " Otf"B" ..k hooka ruled and boa - ad to
.:114111Ftrilnitterrt at tot orres. i notice. _
vtit',,&-All:wortr done he aIIOVTS iS war rdil red. (*CIO
WA! E, Surkeon Dentist, has returned to
'his old stood, No. 107, Smithfield Street,
lifilere„he can be consulted any hour during the day,
00 **profession. sep 10
kit ' '4lO , It'AL,..—Geor.a Armor, iiierOhant Tailor,
. • . respectfully announces to his , friends and an
jail., ihit he .has remoyed his establishment from his
€4l.Fftknifi JO Third street, to the corner of Front and
. Ountill, in the basement story uf the Nonongaliela•
4 in
;where he intends keeping on hand a general as
. .IA pf Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gen.
lie.leell's Wear.
ite-hopes. by close application, to merit a share of the
ftWOMIS so liberally extended to hint at his old stand.
.K t IL-Having made arrangements in New York and
riaiwptila, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for
f.fifi -1 'ONttion of -Paris and London Fashions, customers
maytely On ',Wag their orders executed according to
thelategetyle. GEORCE ARMOR.
not 10 -
IsWtds7ol.L.--Tha Subscriber would most respectfully
. i nairm the ptiblic in genera that he has an article of
rt.oll orastiperior quality, manufactured at the Cincin
nati Oil kfartufactory,by IL.W.liee 4. co.,w hie+, is warratt•
tedto be equal to the best Sperm. Oil, both for Light and
Maebineiy. . Tills Oil t:entireltfree from any glutinous
Stattql4stuolte.;or unpleasant odor, and it is as clear and
As arbilehs en - ring water. Not a particle of crust is lea
Tit- 4 , she ..wick. The light is pure and briCiant,
Atiill laid-as lone, if not longer, titan that from au
', llrw, -
AqiuMptentity; of 'Sperm. Oil. The subscriber informs
tliwipuldlethathe has taken a place nearly opposite the
fWayifiirtc where he will thiht up several different lamps
esiftre*enlita4nd he would respectfully invite the in,
Ijarytt_t et flksburgh, A llegheny,and their vicinity, to
- calfiliejitigs for themselves. He feels confident they
arlifhitoutikteed that the above stateutent is perfectly
11001ktei.... Oclt4f two hundred individuals who have tried
- 11tWIDit,there bas not been a single fault found with it•
.• thetard Mitosis one third less than Sperm. He 'Would
railikeethallyaulicit the; early attention of Dealers and Ma.
cblahais to-the-above.
. 1..
The are now ustng tbe Lard Oil :
- - 'likkactod Preabyterian Church. ritt.latrgliv
Ow" Coratteritind•Piesbytitliatt Cituctit, , Piuslnngh, ,
Preveo.. Church, Allß2l4eity City,
Ataaciate Rearmed Church, .
Aittba barrels- are branded R. W. Li • ''Co.,Cineln•
We. thetiode.signed, Captains of the Espyess Line
Peeketa,on (hi Pennsylvania Canal, ha ve trig aroirtori
lode% liwirtiete OeLird CittintrodtteNt here by Matthew'
tqldey — ; atii - manilbetored by B. W. Lee 4- C0.,al the
memsfitimul Factory.
Wofeel.erinfident la asserting dint the a' ova' Is equal
to* hiest:Snernt Oil; that it is entirely free from smoke
or glistinotut matter whatever; the light isjier
fiefly pare. clear and hrilliant, and will last as lotigilf not
issiefthan that from an collar' quantity' of 'Sperm: Oil,
IlliFellweenO . hselitation In - recommending it to our friends
a isrthoor who
HENRY .1111-lIRY, Captain, Packet John Adams.
;6•;IiVIRILDEII4.A ND, Captain. Packet John' Hancoek,
464:9111.1€4 alb Jolla- Madison.
403/K-TROMPSOM. dt. eo - ,
PILL - .
T fl°
• - d we lc h
,1 5 ,39 1 4
aps fenniose
) ( I to - Mikkil ti groe lZl,99th'
314.. teroue b.sti tee 'POL.. rthe,
— Te di m e of th e locf3 , a.
*Ol the ist T re - •
11 4 0411W010e of
4,r bsgiii , *" .lll e""
'ekened 3 0 1 90 9 a9Mft, Aiy; lllo 4# 4 . 950°11 ...
l*lnSl X: l vovteeted,r
• '
3440 .
U. C. EDEY, Agept.
Pitteltrirsfh, Iffy° 21st. 1343
sou for the above complaints is now at hand, ttnd all
persons who are subjecreAl to the inclemency of the
weather are respectfully informed that rhey can find.
COVERT'S BALM OF LIFE which is oebl known to have
cured Toousenns, who were, in the last stages of Con
rumption. Certificates can he produced of its wonderful
CUM.. . - -
TAYLOR'S BALsAir OF Liik i , vgcrcuiLia-attp_ther remedy
for Liver Ce , mplairats.Caugka and Contr. ft - c , Weettigbz
ly recap* mended by hit who liasisaisdidizit..audisplea.4airit
to take, and speedy in effecting m cure. •
Posse's HOLR.HGOND CANDY.--This is a highly valuable
and pleasant medicine; it will effect a positive and certain
cure for CaugAs, Colds, Corisusoption,and is an effectual
curefor the WHOOPING Contras. Tide isa very pleas
ant medicine, all are fond of it, and children never refuse
to take at; its cure Is snreand positive. • " The subscriber
has a certificate of Agency , dire,ct front J. Pease 4- son,
FO iberecan be no mistake. All persons , who arc effeeted,
are invited to oat/ and sot delay, for; the titreto take
medicine is at the commencement..- : • •
,• All the above medicines * , ttia . 4l44;ayst be procured at.
TUTTLX's AIEDICM: AGENVY. 86. Fairitatifti;est,
- THORW6. T E A BERRY TOlATlfvis r- a -- .
k .LA.NcoqrF6Pet• 2d;1842.
j-PIOVrs 'nqr.air. 14 cheerfully <and
rdiatiy . en:trace preserit raktissitee emporia nity to re•
tu r itretiou My Warmest than ke .olltrat nude fer your tin.
equatted anti tinexeelifionabie - inverrton, of Your very
justly celebrated lea Berri Tooth-VilasiNi'ad that
am in duty hound to say that 1 liavetterivetl.the great•
est and most beneficial elfeit fromtieStaljne, lit and illude
ate use : and I can assure you thaCt ant'exceedingly hap
py to have the pleasure of inforiiii4 you, that relachety
and cordially speaking. I ran 11;j:it:Lice recommend its*
quern use to all that u tifortil nal e portion ,of the Imam ,
race t hroughout the globe who are now undergoing. the
most excruciating pain for the want of a medicine prepa
ration of exactly the Caine nature of whirl, yours is prepa
red, and who have for years been suffering from the in.
jurious, destructive and pernicious eiriels of worthless
tooth powders and other worthless preparations. in
permit me to say that I have used ynur Tooth-
Wash hut for a short period, and yeti feel thoroughly
convinced that it is the best now known. its inestimable
virtues in preserving, the teeth, (which 11 kept in a good
and handsome condition, is • the greatest enthelishmera
that Adorns the human et ructure.). are not to be excelled
easing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and
restoring the gums to a healthy and purified condition, and
giving also a sweetness and• fragrancy to a disagreeable
breath hitherto unknown. ,
Accept my cif cere wish for youj succev, from
Yours, truly. Joscru 8R1M14217.
THE Committee on Lectures of the Wirt institute,
for the Fourth Course,respectfu' ly announce to the
pubic that they have made arrangements to commence
the Lecturits on Thursday evening, December I. The
Lectures of his course will be exclusively Literary and
Sejent ifia -
The Committee, desirous of making the Leelure Room
of the Institute a favorite resort of the lovers of Litera
lure and Science, as well as the fashionable, have spared
no exertions.ln procuring Popular and talented Lecture's,
both at binne and abroad.
In the course of two wee•ksatist of thihteclurers will
be published., and .tickets offered.
S MI,. C; U EY,
. ,
nov 9 tr , 'Committee.
. .
FT NAIL LINE cif Splendid Passenger - Ztea in Park.
+Li 4 ; els from Cinciti nip to St. Lou.l,
The new, sptcoilkkrastfunoing, &light draught strani
rackCts - West ifincrqd !..71tooparetil, Will run as regular
Packets, from ClAcli l> tita_a?t. Louis. Will leave Cin.
einnatiand St, lioutrfte!Y Wednesday morning;tat 70
o'clock. s
PaSsenaers fronthe; lrgat tted West may,
~rely upon
their starting puilaally aR iiiverliPed, sep 10
WIC This infailible..rentedY'.has -preserved Andreds
*ban thought pail recovery, from convulsions. As soon
Ita:the -Syrup . is rubbed on the ittms; the thiM will v.
er. This preparation islllo ioncent, so efficacious, and so
pleasant, that no ctiEti will - 'reface to let its !minify; rub
bed with It, When infaatsare at the age ofilber inoutits
tho' there. is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of t he
Syrup ehonhthe used to open Abe *Tres. Parents. should
n ever bewithout the sirritp in , the'nuraery where there
are young. ehlidTen, for if a child wakes In the night with
pain lathe- gtrogl,ihe Syrup itn inea lately gives - imee; by
opertiurthepe "and healing the guinsti hereby firr vent
ing Convu ~`,„
-Fevers, 4e...< • For Sale Whole2ile and
Retail bi -' E. 'SELLERS. Agent,
. 14)- ! Wood street, below Second
, .
( - I — If RAP.: -r..,tcw AMY RIRBON STO No. 2St
CM& ,Itret; "
IVbie - and itarrow *els,
• Lace gild Muslin r•
' • nth e fiqek we ;"'
LlideTti i.4‘. and "t • • tiri•
Black vets flit ;
Alaro4oa#iii*etit ***lL Baiiikat
x xis '‘l4lll_--'16141^ 4-
4 •+-9.-V04;',.:
' , WAI' . .s%;;
~*;=, ' , . A. , .,.]
~.1 0: ;
.',.: k ii iiii• .2 .. 1 -,,:•. , , , - kte e ." •.• ‘ 1441 1113 '4"
-1*::::34: , _ .• ,:,
Glita,i,itr iluflallOrs fn5 4 11... - I *-Isfig*.llltttierli-ttr,
a jat e xe ,
1 4° ' i4i l - itMdi. i*41114:2-Ye11.40414.10-4.40tu!
sitaieelyili-.014 , elcruptaiiiiiist gititi •
Sickness, Ilite eArrritticrn .P 114.41 .alo tidt eire.aleltiti
genewilly - aule. Although the,„-Nt pine:, prolisieti *NOWA .
•,*tter,,thai,e 4l.4 4 is not to tar/Six:Ott' titOroily,. - aSwith'
other mediciorsOnit t.he fratno is jovitoritteci by,cite.re.,
MAIM', of the csitsoC,.weahnese,the thoriticl; tint Icktiated
- hitnaors frotitltiettloolL,,. . . ,
Harmlesshi l thetticeitre% they inerei,: - - ~ . :'
- - , Assts." Na.-TURX ' ' ' ,
To thcoW out titelotieggion, - . QC
,ittekness- ti_ty ,1 c body.,
ant thek,.#equirCllo elterotioo in the tl 'let or clothing. ,
'fit foot, the hitatan bOdy is-1101er atile-loverecoln with•
ant inkiry.,•th,Oitieleinencrofl w
ite est...bee,. While - node!-
P 4 talffilehte•ott_hisitriection aft-troying,al.4,49e cradles
e M
tineilicine than 0 ooy . other time. , ,_ ,
impnctonceiifirontlwitli7s.l l .:lfs (tic iiatheii:and
i travelers Is;lliefertitisk,l'eslatilt•
'., By, the thrtiliitee palm,. Itietticini: lOW moth nirsieir
and 'sickness, ought we' hot prevent- V01tt,,, - 811troti9,of
fiction's; Typticts, Seatlet s iii.liivers,of alt kinds, ii.',itt Id
he ofilionvvet, An where stelcsess dos '044;,,t, tett no
time be lost, lei the MIA Nl)Refilllfot•S,4 o ! l Ci ) hce
sent for, that the Remedy rutty , bouPtiletl,-Wlthont fur ..
ther lo . ss of tirre..—To BE RILE.EgETEED— • ' '
. , _ ,
- - -
That. Brandreth'sPills have stood a seven letics . .test
In the Miffed States. ,
That they . are'a vegktabte and innocent
all piwerful for the removal of disease, whether (ronic
recent 4 iniettions of otherwise.
That they phiicy the blood, and stay the farther pro
reis ufdfiease.•in; the bunltiludy.
That.ln MittiyeaSei," where tlfe'rireadful .ravage. of
ulceration had laid baTe ligament - rind" where
to all appearance, no hontan meting could saVe
'life,; have
patients by the use of then pithy 6eettreatored 10 gciod
health; the devouring di§ease-liairt'ng, been . edinpietely
That each of (he genuinelias .. upon it TUR Fp.riti4ttFlT
_ _ .
That each label has two sigiitares-Clt Dr.
- Crljailn
randril p . ab •
I'l/at:there 1-41.15 t signal tkr
And three signalpreg, boo:
' , All acute fevers ever rolquireSn.itte evacuation to bring
them to a perfect crisis end solution, and that even by
stools, which must be promoted by art when nature
does not do the business Itself. - On this account, an
ill timed ,crupulousacssabout the weakness of the bony
is of bail consequences; for It IS that which seems chiefly
to make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts
after tne humors are fit to be expelled but is nut able to
accomplish for the most pail in these diseases: and I can
affirm, that ("lave given a purge when the pulse has been
so tow that it could hardly he felt, and the debility ex.
treme, yet both one and the tiler have been restored by
it." The good effect to be derived , front't he Brandreth
Pills have to he experienced to be fully belimied. Ity
their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or
small pox would ever assume their malignant fot'n.
To appreciate to the full extent,the incalculable bene•
fits of BRA NDR ET:FS PILLS. they must be used when
the First Symptoms of Disease preset% themselves. One
dose then, and thew good effects wilt he felt throughout
t he attack—lT IS TAKING TREK IN TINE that is Lim gremt
secret in t he cure of all appearances of disease arising
from bad blood, and I presume there are few at the.pres
ent day, will say anything of those diseases which affect
the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have
yt•.t to see.
-Doping that some who read this maybe benefit tcd by so
doing. 1 um respertfuliy.
t be public's servant..
241 Broadway, New yark,
The nubilc will please observe that no Brand - KO Pills
are genuine -unless the hex has three labels tallow it. •
each 'eClotahlinx t the sitcifie alflitaturttof itty hand
writ ittrlitus—B. Brohd reit. THese 1:1 1 .e1s
ved on Fled, heautifolly desitthett, and done- at an ex
penseof nye rat I housixd. aoltnr 4 . Return:beat be top
—the side—and the bottom._
Eut red according to act of 12orerept ittitte,t ear *l4l.
by Bet 'stifle Brandretit,ip the - Oterti.A Otlice in 'the Di,
tjict-Court of the an titer's Distr.e7b.kitc Is:ow-York
ipr B.:lfirandretVsktiien 11a. owl 131rcc 1 •
PlitsburSli;_-.Onlyrtfcce iu f illsitarglemiteirerheffittstri,tte
Title-can be obtaino. Each 't cut W11(1
E rn,n*e I Pith has an engraved cet- . 111/ , '.41e• Of ry
teurtve l stevery tweltotinistitits, tend has VI erri)
eien to sett tionophser Pttl3.t natadmse rce.el'actifik-Ord
-0). li. or his special Opher* Agent.. Mari:, the I f - era -
rate is nit engraved except tie .Doctor's name,. te 4 l clcl; IF
in his own hand writing, Olkci"nV(i, Ott eachrte ralt
there is an esacbcopy or the t reelabets on,srach i
graved thereon. Pureltr,4er, see. 1 1 . Lt th e enc•rattg of
thelabels on the ce , litirale cot respond tell 'hove II ' hr
The following are Dr. ft enj.l adlis Brands - 011's j - ,,gerti.:
for Ilse s;th.„ of Isis Veneta:-In I rnivs s,st PON. ill N' Ir 7 lee
ny unify. Fa
.y.who are :applied with the ye w lebeltal
Price 25 exists with itireetions.
Principal Office, No. 98. Wood Si reel, Piltsbur
Allegbeny, Mr. JOHN G
McKee'!port, H. ROWLAND.
Noblest own, ionic JOREsorc•
:;. = StelYarlS Town, CUESSMAN 81" SP AUL DI , o
FEWARD TROUESON, W ilk losbu rg h.
ROBERT SidlTif PORTI.R, Tarr Rini:ll.
Elizabethtown. C. F.DIEDL.
East Liberty. DA E 1. NEGLEY
PRESSLEY lawn, I'leasant Hill.
.DA.VID R. COON—Plumb Township.
Wm. O. H Lariat— A Ilen'sl.4 ill. [set: 10
piLEs cored by the t se of Dr. II:0 . 141N Compound
Strengthening and Guinan Aperient Pitts
Dr. Harlich—Dear Sir--Shortly after I received the
Agency from you for the sale of your medicine. I
formed an acquaintance wb h a lady of this place, Who
was severely afflicted with the Pile.. Fm eight or ten
years this lady was subject to crequettc prtittftil attacks,
and her physician• considered her case so complicated,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through
my persuasin, he commenced using your Pills', owl was
perfect ly cur o ed. s Yours, 4c. IA ES It :KIRBY
October 3, 1040. Chambersbug, Pa.
117°ffice and Ceneral Depot, No. 19. North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corm , of
Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. s?rt 10
iNTEItESTING CURE performed bytr..Szrayne's
1- Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginiana, or Wild elec' ,
ry. Saving made aSe of this invaltiable Syrup in my family,
which entirely cared my eliild. .The symptoms were
wheezing and choking of phligm, difficulty of breathink,
attended with coustaut cough, spaSiiis, convulsioffli,
of which I had given apall hopes, of its recovery
was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and cAttt•
chiding to niuliiltite*.saine trial upon myself, which eb
tirefk relieved we Ora cough that I was afflicted with for
many years. Any person wishing to see me can ra at
my house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington....
J. Mixon.
We call the attention of the public to the nutnerOus
certificates which have been in circulation in Our paper
and some others of this city, highly recommending Pr.
Sw►vxa's Compound Syrup of Mid Cherry.-7We•have
seen the original certificates. and have _up doubt hut they
come front linty grateful bearts,expwsive of theherteilis
which they havereceived from Mat valuable et:Nip:MOO:
We have acquaintancea who ha - ve frequently__ Used •i be
above medicine. who ean.spealt with Confidence of its
viriues.—Saturday Chronicle..
FILLLOW.'CITIZENS:—With sincerity. I • would 'adviee
you, one and all, 1 , 0111 sick and well, always to have a
bottle of Dr SWA &Compound Syrup of Viikal,patrig
in your house—ii is invaluable in cases of ernerWettcy,
such . as Spitting .of Blood , Asthma, .attacks .or vielent,
Coughing, which leafien the Cause. of.spittingqf, Woon„
Violent filerions. At rectim m , which Occasionally.
from fright, and', Verities oiber causes, produelnkgr,o4.
"ainrut.Jratfiert colds froM imararr" "exposure ;w.
are often let run to an alarming extent, for Wll.ltrar
means Eteinf.kiady. skt Iland;—and aft I have uSed'itt:
SWATHE'S P . 011300170d Syrup of: Wild Cherry ! .. ; veatay
in Ty &Tilly, will a.lyviys with marked mica:Se-4 ran
- ,recommend.it with coOddenee, as..heing.pne - 70c, the best
"family mcJicinee Which..has everlbeed olfirea kp the
Ptddie-•—rEatueday pAreei4tr._
Bold by W at. Thorn,.Wholelaile .4. wail, only oval
foryittlhurgh. !Cu .s.3.hlarket,Street. - - rep ,10
. i
IX/LIAM gigot), jhercheat:Taiitonh- 4 ReetiehtTultir
, ~ liiforine Ma Mende and - the public in geifeist '
it he Ises:eitmOottteed buifinest at Ito- II 'Make Order, '
toad door : how the corner or Front, **Are tasliorimk fin .
attention to Wiesen to " -sreettasbitittiT'intißc'
- - -t, ' t`, - -^`,-? ::'5:4:,, . i:' ,7 -' ,-,, '•
titeo ..
a i litim i_. , _,-. - - - .-:..--z io
: 46 0 1 ,,,....'41 11 04,V1*... 11 0,..
W.:',..,:......1 . : ; 4 . 1iV- . ,... - 1;,; , '-';, 1 : 7 1.,tti• jtiefif:" .- 4•A' ,- ;t4
rt , ti;:,?; 5 64.;: ' f ,:g-: , -.4i:„.-5 ,- ,,1,- - ..f-f 4 rerttAtps4:
rw~;.~r ~,~i~~T>,
y Iy ',a~..tl _.
- rt.
tigi.tli - eR: . 1. -41
lt t iAceYibiotorti
,„ .iwitdr i ate
T i bi : st i o .-
• 00,64 4 i 1 4 , th
Piek"'herlelf . 1 1
3 1t
tv*-I'tEi%nirette'r rg
dart t;biitlettillll46X; ifil"' I
tvftutlittfdttiy,'-40N'i';'8tie„:1*,,--Ztitaii When
il or „ t olv thte6;irstil'y't 41.110.71ter:
kelVt - ' Citheiaiitk n u 4 d ,
gett - rn - , 0 6. 47 .,:raeget
tight -for
Oftlitng 13r4 'N.l4ll*-41"1!4,0rtkk4A7,.t.t,"
riitiy , for
Oft _
4.lxs..l*‘'L'3"itiltklth4-14rrit'571 -
' ‘ Ce r n a'ad
2 rirrs , etveef,
r Ittibtarg h 3ittelB,'lga•
n Presenk ,
yesteittai . , at the experiment Willa YOU were rkektitt to
intike;'lit - .-the presence of-n-Tniutjter of. Oar bitahaetlintetT,
orlhesttfety of }thic IRON UIIESI'S, inctint
lives me pitinstere saY;'..itiASsii far as. L W iiipdhierft
ttulging-;-the test sins lair, -atid She result eleteded my
The Chest Was a small one; about SO incite! , high, by
about - cfr 2a inches in hreadth and depth ai d was pla
red on a block of wood a'udi't foot in thick *s_, so nis:
~ I n:dlevittecit about That heiht frcka the 'Srdilii4; -aevar4
tioOkii,titot newspapers were deposited 19 . ,s3de:O,f.ita.in t_t_lt
nninnir in which Bletchants and _ nthers , wen.
Inliteet hAui..--a large ottani lky of light pine stood Isiti6h,
fro Man .tXjoining Saw hi 114] was hen placed arouad.
d'altdve it, ant the tire kindled on t he windward .side'
sorts to drive the itanmagainatthe hack part oithecihest r
- I l'helife-waßltept up about three -quarters of an hoct4
until You had gonillihkongthe -spectators a received
from t'reiififeir udiv.gratat answer that , the -test.. - wats:
IVf 4-r; 1 ,- -eci v 0 friai-t>etv
• Y" ' k, i 3OOO / sudideni . Thileelte;t was then_ drawn
-Tniptlr.ratlr t e• foe 1843150 0 0 c°o l ' . -' Ol. ' l4 ' rand cnuie o ;. fad. opened, and eknasined. The , content
Jou rtialtw-A*l - I,g?lijcpill perunee Tlp inn and Youth's were e n s iir e :, 4it i4.4tie on ly lejarrttnne - was tolhe bac
:i.te'.-14'14.n:,3tg fol Sy .ol cu l 'bor• A 144), 200 0 C 4l * - r of one honk which at:neared to ban. little cnaired.
LAn l, ,,,miculk.f , cth)en ei.r.canto , ' , 1 what T witnessed, 1 think that these chests are flery
ytue~turrn 4 1 t' ,1 ag , i 4 i c and 'Conn_ ;.11p-Ofconfidence; as affording, prrhaus,t hn bast seen ritir
MOO A,,:?Pg-nagf.C.lo! 1 , 143; t ! 'y the-gros, dozen or si nee; ii m it aw a ari t a fm - 'nor hooks. a na - pa pets, w bleb they can
'250 eilnci.ofG6l4eW riqshargli and A'fleglieny liu• have withoht building:la - rue, thick, and expensive mantis. •
And_ Ft ranger,-,..quide,for6l-lieuts• A. 1 § 0 .. I would contler them a better sec.t rity than Many 'vaults
Cottage. Fa laity, Slioui un-:I • Padres Bible' and Tcsiri- I
widen f have seen butt!. Y onr I riend,
rsalins; iNlet licidist: and Teniaeratice Hymn S.I:IIUEL CIIURCH. ;
hooks; the of Harmony, rittioductlOn to Sacred We concur in the above slateniero, having, been NTS-
Musit.,4laf-MICS Harp with roiled and patent note.; Christ. spilt w tint I b e c . hest was tes i s o.
almost ali kinds of Ezeinui Gtfa.f's Ito- W. Cooper, J. - 11. Shoenberger,
mestic and I.et• 3. 1 C agtilin, J. Painter,
rt. ei-stiA 0n..kim...-: • :. -,...-... ,-. 1 . .. .AS;i O : P—g 4 s l •Y r
'lllll.4•Crti'4 Elle4St-tiqloS,:-....*0; !; els, zit ',20143; liive
- 4J-it- - Affinft - tragr ~ ..r•Ori—te.. - tgli ri,:iden,FP P e fII .-"..itin.
1 4ist*,-
+ $ ...i .. _rttil 7-, - WW 4 Oti
e kae,hosnvi . ''&,
44 1 i50
• t 10
e°lN-*.iiitqe:: jr6;
sfreo 4 nvi6 o 3 l slE ..ant-iikiild A ti.
v TWO AnOis'f lOiet4Wlredstreet 'COtt
stnat y o ft-t unPs.
i s ::- Vswkiris, of - eyefyiefic y t4esnrintion ;to ve red
, ~ • . ,
''<ink, -with Cloth; M . yi
di 'tt tan ut; To nt I V; AttO I'4,e - toil/it:a .- - -
AI ,$"O,-4.!irties-viiratii.e.-ngriiked; 19e.s.rig.s. -31 id Ca rrinies
fortti.hed . ; - .4rsrizes prOeure4; . itral, all - se.iltires rendere.
that friends% eco nit n.
.17 . : •. ~ - .- '
- A credit giv in alt ertsi.,9,6lte,rrtfroni ncr dr Ca rriageg,
recittcstv4l. -- : tIEN it V 'BEA tt ES, Uritdetlal P..." a
sep.lo . ~.--' . . • . -
1./. Ilt!,12:1".'"111'1‘ '.l-"!
J ".5 bY 3'C-$ A . (VIRDON,
set).l3 'No.l=2 Water,tievt
ter, and Wilt l'aper,hlne . l , ;ack, anti r^d ini by the
gross, dozen, 9r-11mi Iv; s;c4.l pens, qn P. 15, pr. , .acilsand
traiers; Qytlope.iia of II tstorv. Pilot. and a roil.
sidernldevac lel wor FloOks and Sfation, : ry. for ..a e on ac
ruunnndhti lermstar cash orronntry pr atnr'.
ISAACiiAi.E and Co . lllllllSSillil Qll'll/1111
UNION COTTONI , .;CTOft Y. lIPL•he y Cilj,lll. the
end of the. upper ',ridge. The sultsTrilw!ts having
euntrnenced the hilt raft Ure af Cot nit SUIT-Mar ,
Yartt,Colpa Twine, l'audlev; lel:, Carpet i 'baia, Pal 1 , 114.
lti e.,and tee prepared to fill orders at Ihe -hottest notice.
flatri3Wseletted the latest and must improve,l rnarhi
ncry,ay entrilored the manazer who has a , i elided to ihe
Hoek; P.A.t..ToTtY for. the lasi five years,ilicy are manufnlii
rhea a superior article.
Cotton Warps mfide to order,
Orders throng - 1i the Pittsburgh Pn.n :oft at tin
store of J C. Painter 4- Co.. Liberty et rl.et; or Logai.
Ketinedy t Wcoti street; wilt meet wit Ii prompt ten.
thin. - Address—J. K. In 00 all u - co,
sett 1:2-15,
filo :I' Ell A. LES.— rite re oa noaeciasol Centa les in
IL this City who from 1 heir contioned sitting, to which
their occupLiioll,9 oblige . Iloilo re a :Mated ti it 14 nostiveness
which;,ivcs rise to palpitation at the heat t on the Ica's. ex
ertion, tie twe of heavitteits extending aver the whole bead,
intolerance of iiatit and soitud.an inability of fixing the
attention to v 40e0101 opezatiotis; ruoitilitta in the.how•
etf..§oll‘ol 111.1. F e•r:li• ,, e; ~, , :pmintly Idler
non is wheo exertion a 2 1,001; 141410 ly np
} , tA i r. ,, , , ;. t Finierf i,, ki r ; iti,•gr f ; I r, 4,, , n .:,., 'l.llir it ti old al
i once 10 n,iiii; li.voi; Cif 11t! I
.1i...0. , L; PHI , Tii
I:c ncr.
1 tii"i'lti'r lislEmi .,, ini,1;,:i.,,, wouy. ~, ~,,, r1.;k:11 - of 1.r001.1e,
I•r.I! 1. ' 1. f.t 1'74',0' . . Sl v if." , .t )11.1.: r 0 -I": Or. I Vec., , or o•en in; , o ( i f
tfs-,P;nfriYielii.PA hi j,e.4.4 . f0r.,. , ,din [ter, i. re 4.4' 4 ,, , Colin&
A1igr.,..!y7t...f.V;',41:1.,,c '4,, , e '.i..ni , pry .:, cl cs:..)t,i rtl!er 11,1. in
114 : .!, , - . 0.3 .0 kz . iiiM r.Q7,:1,1 ,1ig051.01,1,-0 -,1,0‘..._qi=
1.‘441.-kii.,t4V-co4.44lo:titton-ii4,,n 11:o .1,1, il , z, inton 1 i clone.
rxi'.4AC1•14,11.140.411i1-9.inltiCY 14? , ' oioo , t, nod . los tr." n
~:11‘,..941,-0,944*--esf4r,t4tiai :2m0i1x...,,,..
.. -14-11-4-(14,#7-::21.111i:-j.''!1-1:*4 franc; No 1'3T.Vr,.. - ot sI.N.CI.
riii . ,i)ltirgif—.Mica"?`. ‘Z.:.!", ,, ..•1.“ ; per to—r, ,dill !Wit iiircri iinits,
, - Ni,v,-.1;1 , :—Tio• orCo• .iO•tee in P,1,:51,04-211. where - 11) , -
, QEN US'S E PIPE i!:fit'l. , .• owaitord, i , 1 he' Rector's :me c)f
lire. '.,:‘, ¶ IVo9tI Ftrepi . '-'7"..1(1
I`l'- ‘ , TII..r , II . INTS ST tr' 11. IN
-I'llll3l ESTiP:— dvlcCa7
.s . 11 . 11 int r, . "al" ppa,i!c !tic
, 1.• (;i - o its.)
:,1“i nzo , . iti• it in
4tr1111)1',11S .11;11:H , y tlift of superwr quaiity
and I..unern prices.
Patent Shea , and Sei..t,r. a!wtl.}. on ilaltd•
: dSO 11:0Ael, .uperior article. Orders respect
'S. B. A tic)o!F warraTlted of tine roatity. and
jobbing done a= u.n.11 srp 10
LIVER COMPLAINT.— This often term!.
nateslo another of a more set . i.doil 'noture,tif pro.
pdr remedies are not re-dur , ed to in lime. In arl formst
of this disease, Dr. Iln rlich's Compound Flreit7ilt - enthl
doh German Aperient Pills . , will perform a petrfal. Ore
—ft rot by cleansim , the Flom:101 and Itoweß, thils rentn-
VIM , all diseases from 11. e I lcoc. by the u-c of tlieGer
man Aperient P - . 1 1 ,5, aft or whieh the ralapcmnd gtrengsh:
e ning Pills are ration to live streitzlit and lone to those
tender organs which require such treatment ont!, , io em•pt
a permaineni cure. These Pills are nearly put up in
smell packaires, with full directions. For sale at No. 19
North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sate hy Sam
uel Frew corner of \Vood and Liberty sts., Pinshurgh Pa.
sap 10
ALLEY KRAMER, Yrr,errfir .Vo, 46, Cor•
, o f w oo d and Streets. Pittsburgh Pa.—
Gold, Silver. and Solvrnt Rank noir,, hoog:it and sold.
Sight riteekr. E,l4orn ciEer, Coy c,lo. Drafts,
notes and tilla, coth,ci,l
Pittsfrut nlr.Pa, Wm, ['mil Jolin D. Davis, I ,
Lorritz,.l. Pain' r 3o , r.ph Wo,tlyclt,lntrwr: Mny
Philadc/phia, Ale xl mler Itrommn k Co., Jolla 1!. ftrown
4* Co. Cinrin ali, n . r J7llllf , hrl'amil , 7.3s. Sr. Lodis,
No., J. R. M'Dollatd. Louiv , illc, tV. IL Pope,
Prrs't Bank Ky. Fri) 10
EIIOV A L. nntlnt.nzuerl bes,,slcave ro iuturw
XV the, public hat lie -has removed from his old 61:111d,
to the corn •r of Penn and St, Clair 51.., npnositethc. Ec
change Hotel, where he hat fitted du a large l'ts.:to FORTE
WARIt ttOOM. 2nd 11.tiv offers l'or sale cec most splendid
assortment or PIANOS vver otTered in this market.
His pianos consist cr di.tercut patterns,_ef-sttpc.clor
Rose Wood and Malio•;:tcy,lieattlifolly, ftniched rit'Mo
dele.d. and constraeted throughout of the-vtery hest Ma,
tcrials,whii•h,for ditraLitity, and quality_or lone, as well
as touch; he warrants to be superior to any ever seen
here, . -
As beitits enlarged his manufactory, and aside arrange. ,
tneuts josuvaly_ Ihe tuerea- , iiq demand for thiA ,itistru- r•
ment„ lie rerlitecifull3 entre-as •tito,- itt:,t,tvilittg so per.
chase to call and exatnit,a his a ... I n , 1 i . e .', I, c r ere p lit ,h a . I,
sine nlsetvltere,- - nn bo.ia deletriniorttl to sell LOWICR, for "1
cashit han anylit.W'iiipabiiidnient east dz- t,v^..t or situ
nwcutaillg• ::`;•-•;::- --- ' l• - , P. lII.I'M Fl.
• ''' . _.• t . •,..,;', - .o!Pei; ' (I S. 'Clair ssrsol.. .
Bert 10 •Cliptiltt, .ntllott.l. Pittsburgh, Pa. l
rac ,ll
•-:.'`, • • :-
WARRANT 2741131 NE.- Dr. Wi It tam
Evann's . 'rills. •• • t
Csittmvice:res .--Let ter From the then. A lili'm MlCtcr... ,
I am ,S.ul i i va n Cou aty , East Ten nnssea, :11 en,bett of Cong res.s.
wAsru.NoTos, jfily 2(1.41838. -
plr- - S. i nee I have been in-light eyy I have tised 80n91. of .
Yowl Dyspeptic co-edit:UP with intrtiite trersOt and-rad:hp
fact io it, and believe it to (tea nilast valualiie reatedy. Gne
of aiy,zoostl tuents, Dr. A. Cardan,
, m pr tiathriyet iiiimt", ,
Tenneese.e. wrote to the tb rend hint, soe, totrlrfalrl did,.
-azil_be hits lapytyed it,very sitseensfOly in ttlisittaelice,
aro nye It is Invatriatil'e. lid r. -Joliattort, yirar arm at
Obeid/tee,- thinit',; - you would- proltahly like an agent In
Terinfte, If: sin, t waxed ri_tettrarnenil Dr. A Carden.ps ,
a priffier riorson.oiiradintit for the salim , -por celehralvd
trirdieltie - : .Sboetld yotieonettiiS.iun -Wm tic' ii onitinirrki.
a c t' fo r . ii.. 4,.. You cause-lid Ali fartristne - 1 , 1 tstairdetditlie
care - of flaiest tildr .. k•O'onir:.' I( not.iFttlo - itta nii , ;:rea FS,
."bjilikult to brahnin 4' tiiialoori.'faieweii;:gal
7retiiiee. , . i -I,l,,Hieliontt , hat; 'it•rbii.-had..yinwik .
settenittot4ttes_id-tast Tenrieftemaltretvt illiatorati4 l
eitfeli#ol4ibe ibid.' ' Vain *Magi° faittelnOire iff, , ifitiiiiie'
my is*ti ' , ilgittili" , that 'oe,• , airfkreitllant liOtliit
t*it.6 tiktfiiitn¢ititt litltittfirif 'ybi . '"*aillt , filifis a -•tiolii•1
at 113aataitteaUtilk ti:eou at*: 'Rata I* - oaoo4S - ettli''''get
l i iO ' ll tt lOorcltaotliaiit l iiO 4 tat ai':PlS4fttiktitlfe-V. l
I ltittaltos*Utttlii'l'r , Z! - :'' .
_.„ .',"':.'''• R'''k'' .o -,. l .P''''
''. '''''' - - - - -, •*-Innt.4-frittli!: , 111 ` 1 . 1 R.Mitlittf 4 11 0' .-
- -
i,Attiatt:AY: - Vr• - .4 - 5 5. .,
-. -Iyii.T.ism-vr.-:4,:,..„,..,,y5,: ~.: .....,.-,
~ ..t.,
1,7 , 4,, •' _ '
- ..',Z-1: - •.'.vit:ttit.iii - • '‘''', . zt,,-v414,
.TP C6 7 4 :`,
at ,
7 1 / 4 <rmas Craig,
Eztratt of a Letter from Pugh try. Ai*ord, 'doted Cia
eitinatr,.29th Nay, h,1342.
J. Den& of , Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Rrien cr• Sic
have the satisfaction to slate as the teat recommendatian
we can give of the utility of your Iron SafeS, that we
hay.? one of them which watt in an
situation in
our counting. room, at he 'lute of the (Ire t on the morO•
ink of the 10t h inst,whieh consumed our Poqt House to.
gettier with a large 'portion of the nuiat,.la ikc,witieil
it contained; —and that our bonksgad Itiliters 4o o l cli*et,e
'he Sale, were entirely unittlitteCand r were taken
from it after the fire; without ever being ittscolored.
Your, 4 , 4. PUG it 4- - At VOID.
N. 9, rifill street
F.:art/di' o Later from Slater 4• Hollprooh, 41044. 2 *.
Louis, Feb. 24t4 .-
1341. ,
Ma, Dad NINI, Dear
I Sir:
U ~.. l la Ol ; .. ynUr ACCOOII3I,M
_. ; , ~
, piileSiti
woo burned a row days ago, in _a teal tmr store , , ii-b
-scrved kto vonteata. Respactfatty I•ours, ~ . . 1 .
sep.lo st,trtin rs• nciLlgooK.l 4 l
. .
y„ . 1 . 1/ Mt COlll citred by the Ilse of Dr. flor
id COMpollhltAtreiwt heidtrz and Aperient
Mr. Wm. Rtotardtl, of P4Abotn , ',entirely pored of
i the above distreAbr disease Ilittc.syntplopis were pain
( and weight to the left side, lesvof appetite, vomiting, acid
eruciaiicain, a distension °rpm M-ameelf, sick head-ache,
I furred tongue, countenance chanced itin actin color, diffi
cotty of breathing. distrithed rest ,atiended.wlll) a - cough,
erent.debility. with other - symptoms 'Vie -Ming great de
raulstatent of the functions of the liver. liefx. Itichattls
11:n1e:the ntivice of several physicians, but received tin
ttsin.t. Dr. a rtich's Medicine, which letininti.
OM 'in_ 4:Vet-Otte a pe-feet core. _
iPrtocipal (Mice. 19 North 'Elgin It street, Phitudelphiit.
t'ar :fah. in l'ittsltorgh by Elan - fuel Prevv,4coriter of Übe:
i ty and Wood streets. sep, 'IQ 1
CiscienativFebracry 15.1340.
Dr. FwAvrte.—Deai • hit.. Pianlit 11M1lli
la!ie. the liberty -
or, writing to you at t4is time - to ettiifesS my apinubal ion.
a itd to reentionend to the anent 1011 of heads? of families:
iind others your invaluable medicine—the 11 - 2Mnipoottri
'ci ii:i of Prunus Virginia nit. or Wild Cherry Batt. 0
i, ‘ • i ravels or late I have seen in a great many Instances'
the wouderfo I effects of your medicine in relieving ;ill ,
tir , -11 of - very oli t thiate complaints, such ag Coughing,
I,A lieezins, Chou I: 1 rig rifT it:elf tni A.Filti Mal if tl . ttlislks% • Coughing,
ki.. I stionlil not have written. title letter, however,. I
ii i rise, t , ii li lioug.h 1 have fel. it my duty to-add my, le i
mony to it for some titne, had it - not been for a late I
stance where time medicine above alluded -to - was, MIS • i
mental in restoring to perfect'heatth an “irnly ettliti fo r
whose case was almost hopglm - s.„ in 0 failidlY-.•of.,tiay Re,
o na i nut nee . ~...11,1140: 11 eaveti:' 130 id the denting: motOL.
er , ‘im y club! is sflycA from the,,jaws of &titbit' , 0' bow I
feared the relentless ravager 'But my chi'fd is sere! is
safeP' - -
Beyond all doubt Dr. Soiayne's Compound Syrup of
tt ;lit Cherry is 4 he most valuable medicine in. thiidt E - Ir'
other country. I ant certain i
. ! - -ave witnesOd more 061
one hundred cases where it has been attended wrtlicom.
,Tiletesucress. I am using .it myself in an obstinate ist•
ia - el; of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual in:* tc
seeillogly short time, considering the siveritY of he'suso.
I ran reeotnend it in the fullest confideoce-orits superior
virtues; t would advise that no fatuity shea, lll be svit l 4mi
it; it is very pleasant - and always beirencial—Worth
double and often ten times its price. I"tia,Publit arilis.
sured there Is no quaeiery.aboutii. - IC. lecicsON,D• 14. -
Formerly Pastor of the r irtt - Preibyteitnn . CArtlich.
Sold Icy ISM. Tlloll.tkr. wltdlenille 4. retail; only agent
for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Markel street. ' . /Lep 10
.. .
what will destroy Life. and you are a great !tan.
"Distor er ?rhea will prolong Life. an,d Ike spartdMill
rail you Impootor."
Thera are faculties, kedilli and ihtelleatual, trritkin us,
with which certain, hirbs have amity, and over splash
they hare power."
Dr. R..Brandreth's External Remedy, or Linit i ent,
which, by Its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain or
Soreness; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, Wtiite Swellings,
Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Slitruess ,or the Joints,
Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, StitT,Neck ;Sore Throat,
Croup, Contractions of the muscles, ScrotiQUiti eit•
14rgetnent% Tenrler Feet, and Avery descOptiort- or; in
jury; affectinz the Exterior of the Unman *rame,i are
cured , or greatly relicee4 Vigo never - t° " "ffitiat, Lig.
extolled remedy. , I
caturarroierx.-7-Thelollowlcieet ter front - Major Ipen.
isa4 Suott(ordota ,to. the quatit lea ofthe.tx,tetual Itfrue
Nun , . 0 9 ./C1 reh• 8,1841.
Dear yrdi oblige me with another h of e b
yhur -excellent Linimentr Ii is certainly the best o
kind !have ever neat. .It has cared entirety_ rny..poria
kuce.aiwunt -which 1 wneeo uneasy, i have roito: it
productive of immediate relief le several eases of e'rler
no I injury itt nty tow ,eyeph ! g t RC? ,
youngest child wasseized viktent *peek Of Cfnup,.
tt. bleb wag entirely ietnitved in ..:tsiett.ty - seinstee,, by rob
hinzl her chest :Ind throatlrty. with the l ilaternal kern
edy. I think yon might- titmannfactirre thie..l;inirnent
fnr eerte.rat One ead, erconftning, the wie opt, you
frave•tlitseMrote done, to yen! partienter-iegna ees.:
Yours rrofjc e;: W. BAN
itit:',94l - itinnnerti.r2.4l.Aroadtvay, N. V.
tj~r or s3i a 4 241 lireadvrayi New Tirk,,ithd at file
olftee;hld: 9.1 4 ftrirtif strcet,Pittaintigit. -ICE: - :—.9tlicente
per' bottle With directions: ' .sep 19
-. ' • ' . , StOnirAit7e Orms.' i' t.
• - Ilareishntgb, 'A ugii 2l 'let 184
A i,5
•QLF, OF TWO CANALa -Aigc; RAF' ' OAD 'lt&
b , 3 LOGINTG TO THE STATro.-=NOie ts herely gl
von that In ..tsanneanee of the ' eeventeeatb,
_OlO4 Lb,
ninetiebOyind tweitiletit SeCileinfortbeActe ' 'lily
Famed the - 27th afti*lbly - r1842;,/340301 **be i : '
ved at this litoate Department: udtillbeinia*)-o(Mgrein:
~ 01 i . We et ill filiii" eaeb cst*.lll-Lbafe and
Reif,tondirl4t4olo,*. to t.beCommonwea.o,-Wrrivtijeb
.o ,..ti re i t?,l6in,.„%g"tinble i will be receivekifioine* ' l.-
Mach iiiiiiviattavos Opiivany is ssloSeitriiiitc*APTi l o
stSliA tp:.4VO4"':-IriwrtiffPed . ,..Liw7 Itillft: e ltc_h
iNey - desiiew ,7, ' ~.1, .4 ;' '' irtilitli tit ...TI" . Ivry
tater , .;.gt --- ; -<
~.; IRO ,• - , --,' ' 44 0 — itiVitili.
......_, .
In order t.- '' :, ,""
slittVe ., 44.4..... i:
... ~~:ard;~~l`~
' • .-•
'4,114‘„,„e-At- '
• -
C L...drnistrovte,
4.-G; D. Howard,
- . .; -- 7..,11: : !.-.1
-cis I
stigi*E Lkitg TARP. tcor
- JL provided with the itirifhly IN L . 11 141
hijlrprinted - witita figure of 'bra
CHI *en . tire not dechtted hg
gel fr their *rats ID ba ,
941 rd, when they are pot r i atrial
he,fol-104i11: fra 1.151 of hoani
tylOnartat %be Por6 of PitlAnargh_ it
filin on ihokitzt bave the Improved
. ...
Cif at Ag il is iinpossibielor an et* _. ,
*AIiNA. - FOR MI : .
RARITAN. . ll. Link
,tImpARA, _ DU Qt.iiitt
-O4OIION, moNTwi t g
LAI:Iy or TAToNs, nAtte,-
ALPS, • Butt'
WV.,,ST WIND, Et Ml f 111(1*
MA R QU E f rFE, 08 PREY,',
_.,... ACA's'
en ße4'
Ctr .
J. W. floyl.i
MUNGO PARK, 01110,
_ 2.3
The traveling community ate reu4, '
before they make a choice of, a boat,artw'
see whether, iwwould not be 11%
tis 7 security to aware d *tett Gnarl*
pavatte and freight,lati tifthatliOutehidet .'
.agaime, ecTilosioaad .titidetliey trillis
that this invAntioolms.the unqualified
fife! team engine builders—gentleniro
it is to understand-the subject, and slaw,
' 4 Tailllrtilatedbesides it nutnber of tell iheall
is ••:. •
~• j:• n and Miters—all'of which m
v i...: . ''o.lo.AVater street, where it
. i ..,,, , -'_ . ll*Vapj . 4.o exhibit my hue.
v" • ; ~ ,• he trnildrie to call.
step 10 '''' .-- CA DIVALLAD:'
The subscriber offers for sale, at Ott
red rates, the greater - part of his real Wilk
the cities - of Pittsburgh and. A ilerbeny, yr;
Brick Warehouses, nea.rty new. a (tale'
situate on VD rket street, vreen Fermi(
brarirtia front of about 54 feo by 61) SM.
lire, of tiisc it Ito rrbase rt= , and •
Aire, a select building hit in A !leak' •
breadili,b3 upward
,of 350 feet in oepric,
frorto , , one on the Pennsylvania ennalt4
Wrsitington stfeet,
Also, thetoi Stijninftit,. - the , ItionVe..llollk ...
by nearly :00 - feet in depth, ineledlYt
rant mans)tni hototewbieb...l,oo*
. -
A tPo, a int with two two vtory , Widelk
ate on. t lie earner or Market and -p - s rpptp.
a moderate ground teeth otn( -14!" 4 .lfir"
avagroetrry - : . ,
Vile* ORD - -. fOritXl7l. 7 D=;-- leo _
az cro't, 41r ftoodr, a, Immo tr of FL . % nd
nt.4. aft- gilds_of , CoOlry . take;
for cagt.rir spotiti at AMP 1:02'0 In , e I limn
aep IL.'tit , Comn+
„lon VC a r,towe,
"i n H % Commission Ate„b„t,
kr l o g o alai Arkericet, .kro.pcfactur,,,
ibilis`Crtek, Plitshur2ll ,
J, es C4ehrerr of , 4
Avery. -
Jiro. VVoodttourne, Erg., Madiron
Farm - orywhicts. 1 five; in Wks
liraddocksfiekt, cciniaining one Miff
acr about 70 acres of which ittiNCLUi l k
Weil thuipered. -,T,lrtrei arc . u pon
and a baraila feet bs34;anappleordw ili
Mao, about,Seienty acres of coal. Ticii"
he equal talhat-of any upland faislallii
Terms made knew a on application to
in the premises. , WILLIAM VALI4La"
- •
Al C. .
e v i s iPicture Fra me ileelfsav r t'
Fourth Street :Pieta burgh.—Canran i
foi Aril" always on hand. LOON
Prom-liar friitned to Order. itepairingial
Pantie.ular attention paid to regiidigail
ery deneript
Pers°lls fining np'Steani Boats octaves
theiradtantage to call.
HITS LEP:D.—The subseritersitreol
‘I V liirnish painters, and other. trlis Ity
ehase.pure Whitelead made of the bes , 01 #
ranted instal, if not superior to any nirer4 . l l !
Ml:alders addressed-to DuntaO 41 9ghn....i
4. Co , No,lloSecond street, Pittsbert,h,"•,
attended to. DUIGAr t
___________ ._ I
L .
4 UO .PA$BlOlslA BLE SOB am
Mat SL, one doer frost Old Staid 011.4
Tire '_eutntertbei ' respect long inforno us;
atilaritit Wad, vicinity that he ha t t gi
titiNng Mkt& atiiis own mans facierrso7.
whettiliesill keep tonal sniff an loa d .
ment,of alt lands of lad ies, alio% siki t.lo
And 111”, of th e beat quality. a bich IT_ i s
gUiquatu I it. ilia times lie will Itoi
'klitids„tif • &neg. 'work—sireh: as ldll te
sllPPers, Colored gaiters, and be:4So% '
cnildron's elislers, silk gaiters, P. , ili
• witiliemide at the Shortest nottce,w`
nee. Ladies Will please call and 00e
ma the subiscribei , Reis confident till ,
any artieie in his -Ifhe they play 0°
PCP 10 r 4
P.S. • Don't ibrget the ploce• - •
door kora ~ 41ar.riesintetligeoc e
"holt Facket Street
siltifitAsl.l(lB-Y.having atkigi*-4-
.4 btesiness of Diem , 4 floraVs l k....
therty street and 42 Market street. or
thanks to the tineneehashie lvisaw L
- firm. for the very liberal support 0 ",
4 . ,
landed to inra in eonnettios with w , '.
. .
wishea to assuretltemthat eveffsgerr,
merit_ the en titivation of thatn.,..' ""
Pitifully invite their attention talf!..„'
Clothing, which be kneads seinoi al
than hag-been ft ed beef lic
, ever 43 er I .
the sv, Imiestrthe stoek.of file tatednes4
sibleirandiehe Intatdittoesanhiblia4"
rash Itnewl, he frets et:waded so
!trona is st.)tek, either in eheahvel-14 2,-
moat Workmanship._AAA*
PW-10‘s-thanice notice
t bat everyen ..,„
l liwed 3 :- 4 th. interban
k. 1-
.Q.Attlagte -MORRO . tlntr ax.
- -4k*sksetiros - nrrti 1001;
JOrkitgtol est 1 0e01.,0
nne -4 10111 t Ital y 60
lid 110 44 ° Aa-..beittO'-
! 4:l T v =ll. 44vitibe sur , r=-•
•Px..•-• "1"
••1 • =
• -• I.lc,
‘ 4 •---t
A fit.fific
46. •`-,.
" • ,f
E .
r innttism* or
ttPt W
4 , 111 G
&wax oar Aroop
FINS DOLL etas a
agie copies TIOU'O'CkST:3-,
ago. sod br sew* en
- t ram" mann
*roomy, sDoha:e airt
' ar TWO RS a
&oat, 81. X L 14111113.
of vg" --
—. , - ildvertisi
' l4 , 0,50 One month;
0,75 Two motifs;
,s, 1,00. Three moult
1.50 Poor month,
3.00 Six months,
4.00 One year,
cnotonantx. A.T Pt ILLSCIti,
trigs's* Two s
$13,00 - Six months,
i 25,00 One year,
t advertisements in prorortion.
.1' four lines f.itx DOLLLES a ye
111.10 OFFICE
Orrtoa. Third between Mar •
0 Riddle,;Poitioseter.
Watterolth door from W
11.3--Majorlo.bo 1 0 1 /Mock, Cope
i oult .e.. Wood between Fir , t
tics A „Bertram', ; Treasurer.
Tasmitme, Tiar' - street, next
wrier Church—it. R. Johns'
9e - etoe - , Fourth, between Mark
sander Ray; Mayer.
ExcuLtrott , Fourth, neat M
48.,between Market and Wo. ,
Ponrtit eirnes.
s! Orb ktotur helve:lie. don
rfnrotor.ty Saving Fund,) Fo
diket att eels; •
eifth infect. neat Weed.
• 004 1 4) -
Et& Metric Watar as feel, nti
,Horat., corner of Penn and St.
Ifilten,''eurner'orTltird- and
4totat.,torner ql Ttdrd. and S
.errs, corner of Penn a treat a
Liberty street, near fey
non Sousa, Lineriy St op
Linos Neter. Peenat. n
_ .
:Irs offices ,os. raistot. hi
fl i ti 063,i next rooms to 401
oar. • '
' r eheat; bitoeg. i? , l* OWL
OpS. rreM on 4- Mackiyi
dealers Eligthlh. ‘Frelir
0. Sl.,,lkiiir4et „I" itkahn rg
LEgSfili - 111PC1017
Otrtee in the 1
.urt liouse*Pitislinfeh. '
.R.. *arrow, Idergin
f Fifth bc4ween VV,id
DEVI.f r, Wnniasale GT.),
• Ant On4ler in rriniurn
No. 224 Liberfy
- •
r 3. pranucc and Com iiii=h4q
iitAitt!gb Maniaiternred at
on OM' aiheDi;
metion werts:citysinirs
R833.11V Minnie! a'
iftmliutal pr;V Cr' I 0 • tot
odAlarket, 9ireets, above,
rgh, Pai
'P & KEAN 4 Mnnufnetti
d Stink Iran Wore. Na 8O
xe 'Spouting and Steamboat
ritlN . FU.A.
t.orner of Hand I.
g to purchase Furnitnie,
Co give as a cell, beinirn
I _, 4(14144r:1114 -
AMS.--Just receva-
well cured and for sale
',Y I$A
"AGS.— A supp`y of trod r
, and„other:4lllferent' dad,
ived and for pale at ermeee
Store of F. L.
No- 184 Lit;er . ty street,
CLOSEY,S Boot and tih
0. 83 Fourth Si., next door
Preeefiti, Kid ahl!Satin S
anner,iad by the ne4iet-F
Puichaiers; 10 hedivplived
No. 184 'Alert y at reef
1100 T0.rlawere and Maw
can always be ha
of- P. L..
-104-Liberty si reel.
IlUooiel Ani;ual Mammoth
at the prag and seed store o
184 Liberty.streol, h
11 . 51-11 1;10it received by
P. L. S
"No. 184, Liberty hea
i• I - ona i el i ns or Hoes.
r•Trowels, T
or 'Meet, ,rnintox Shears:
• hY F. L. 17.
'!et-larerty street. he •
Hereits;,ltist receive.
Venison H
:cigreaL.encraix, •
igAAC i 1 %Tr
and I
. -
f t Nirif Ovet"'
'HO/Grose .Dt
1110,41 84 Liberty street.
411 0., .CtrAilllSS;:4/I"rniffi
.ii" 10111, the Oklitootol t to. •• A t
4 ' 114 10 ..1,( 11- 4t; Mar
1023 01 1 titlitge ftw yoroce
ornitifFotuf -Era
- • ASMnii-Srar
---. 7riping, *0.12,