e Esplasiow Shia. 'eide rs ' . _ _ vp.etts TAKE ICOTJEE4n at air • .rtdvd with the Safely Guild b ut .;;ftivtiv it h a figure of the apparal k reiht deceived by ,attsteltrn whir, their boats to be ptOvided u Len they are stet a J secv4r* _ ,rowin; is a list of boats supplied tit i o - d at the Port of Pittibutgli.:.—so time - d be tist hare the itnprovedapparatiu;iii i, i s impossible for an explosion low* SA, FORMOSA '- rA N, ILLINOtI, N,R A , DP gUM - E; ANS, JEWESS., 12.1 N , TNONTGOMER I OF LYONS, _CAVE*, Y FORGE, INDIAN QUEEN • GALLANT, wAT-EIL-- QUER-Norms:l 'ss MAIL, DUKE OF 0 BRILLIANT, ECLIPSE, V ICTRESS, hI 1 1 111 GAN, • OSPREY, PENEL3pE, FDIC INA, A G N Es, MESSENGER, SARATOGA, • ORPHAN BOY OHIO, CECILIA, WIND. .yI:AND, ) ' AN k :, NNSE'IT, \\TIT. ') PARK, N 11DE, J H BEND, • GALENA, ETTA, MEN TOM. - • ET'r E, COLUMINE, 4 KERR Y BOAT, • community toe recpiclfailvi,Th , • make a choice of a boas, to uteri* nhet her it %, mild not be to their to choove n safety Guard boat, %Ai ;,nii..fre . e.;lit. in preference to one natal) 71 , ' , -inn—and I itat they will bear is •- v, ion has the unqualified app • • •; !.nipte , s_ffentienvea inat r..and tiln sot jet', and whuareee n umbrt of r tificmcs floe 7 ;.. ;, ; 1 , .1 all of which Can It' • •l II W;tit r street, where it Wl** .; • • ; ; ;; • - ;0 ritlittit my itlatat'tn ;.;t:n t ; r in call. -• i; C ~ DW A L L AVER. P.I E r, EsTATE FOR SA 7 i •.e r it.er for f=a'r, at the re'ellik crea , ,r pz,rl of to real of I'h h .1 A 11, - ;!heity, viz: Threi . r. ' , bon srs. or a IW. a ailbEtatdia!l( t , llar Let it reel .l ol I . en S redod • .- 4 of about .54 feel by 6f) diee.p. PaYg • to snit rutrligitroi*ilillirgru lfl Ir“ in Alleelten . frAy. 64 fe f t in tief4h, rpn2iiitetts ' r• c lt#3lelN Isl ttre lEEE ~1 tt WO ~,ry fort • • •r 11 •1 , +rd Fror.i st rt _ ,1 r, ~; 11.. 1., WV tll r ird I Int, •\ VI:AC/CI:NV • ; • /1 , D anted in pc of Flax and Tinnitii, fireidurei %Ann in F. HA Ii I: IS' S lice , ligenrie fflt I“1011 W a ret NO 9, Merchort,Dtdrr - .I:aarsiFctztrcf, Arcz'irsl, roisl.nr.sh n of (:'d Pal, Fianna, ro adieon • FARM FOR -tiALE wiit-sett w b r h I I i re, in Wilthe towed* . Goo nundrot ant rr - - 01 V. Lich cleated. and itt • Tb , r , . are-upon it flout ke, 4 *e' CC, tby 34; an apple orchani 0 1.64 7. v• acres of coal- The spill! -1 01 any upland ea rill ill the n on application to the Futeti!O ' 5. W I LLI A M WALLACE._ I 1)1 C. WALL, P/aite rid Rory J.: Platt:re Frame Alsmserfasta ree, Prti>L.lrgh.—Caovatts Brusbe,ll. vs on band. Lootin Matiei! to order. ft epairi ng done at the T [lention patd to mildinaud.o:4#44 n • ;' up Steam Boat., Or bOilleS 6a ;c rail. 911 • • •• V 11.—The STlhStfiterßilit twit' - r, r. ish painters. and oltsersisim v.' Lit., Lead made of theme n 013013 r lodiall I if Got Fuperior to any tp Dunlap sr nuitiv,,crineofs p Second at reel, Pittsbnre.h. wi ll he • DUNLAP 4 DUGS I'AtztIIONABLE SHOE 5011 F" •SL. oae doorfras og stirdtts. r tk• r respectfully inform' ate find v icinity that be hall • of his own manufacture.at tneahoss s keep constantly en Irand 3.1113101, ' kind. of ladies, ItitiSeg• INC 614! • =.of I be iiist quality_ which WOI the timer Be will stpo sea! ILt nocy work—sueh as white seit-t-- '''.red 'jailers, and tatistlee:tailiel"o.' • ells& rs. silk gaiters, .4" r ": „. • at i lie shortest notjee , ; . sri:l please call nod eiaro- -rriber frets confident that "be in his line ;hey may straet... o. lo 3 t forget the plase--No-av • 01W' liarriee Initibgener. .4 DIGBY having taken . tbe- frit iin a.iness Moire spraviumcs reef and 42 Markel atreet.,lo4o,'Thiot • she numerous frierods ;ad n , O ks. very litlerai enitOr g , ! be k T s . ,, n - 0 1 ' l• ;lin!, in eonnertitin Wee vv?...-;stu r bee re th em that eVeriaerdr.„..,•4ol4loo t runsinnatiasof tteit ` invite their attention Kt-b_llZ:iiniet: . tor bine be tatted* Inning 11 11 -_,....."" -- ;0101 0, L.-en ever ofterea,,,lndod+,,r• tiff of the stork of the tate $1"OtO 11- winee °l2° i ks he nteadalOteO t t ••.ttete. reels Ocoiddint*, ~Rork. either - - - °dramabasin. do t 4 / 11 ..` • • 4 ' . totake eastleethat ristatairato. MEM t: et. MORROW. :1 1 1;itil lid°86" r _C e 2 g I.Calta 0 74 1 -N • 0 1, • rrnLLxEn By - PHILLIPS & W. 11; SMITH, p. coRN ER O WOOD k FIFTH STS. no F t.LkEiS a year, payable in dye ap d Two pENTE4—for sate at the by News Boya. a 0., o ~ercnry and Manufacturer o val% ni the same - effiee.. Ort a dart hie rico DILL IRS a year. iti -ad ae ' L _IX CEIVES: • sows of Advertiimg,.. . :. EOF TWELVE LINFZ 01E-LESS:... - 0,50 1 Lone month, . - $5;00 I . , 0.75 Two moms, 6.00 •t A , 1.00 Three tuoptbs, - 7,00 1.51) Four months. . 8.00 3.00 Six months, - 10400 4.00 Ciiie year, 1.5,00 ties yEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CIiANGt.IBLIC IT rtaiions. 1O :Spares SiSix months, .. • $13.00 nths, " $ '-'3,00. 25,00 One year. 35,00' ;rraprilisernenis in prorortion. iof four tsars SIX DOLIALIF a year. , GBLic oFF 0 ES, &C; ro‘r Titird I,etween Market and Wood . rqs.tmaster. dour from Wood_st. Teter- Willock, Collector. To . orlT . between Fit:-It and Second 7.a.: - . , 1 11 . Treasurer. '1"71 ': 1 . ki , un t il dtrr to the Johns, or,,TfeliSliter. i'•• .1. • coo lilarjie , anti 1.1-o.azi • fer srl' Cl'll a‘l.; r I 541k0i N:o.rktt and sircets, f.mrt ctr , etz. ,s;, FkRICERS . Pr .c ••• • ••• Fourth. t a 'stwcen ,AN • • 1V;41. • raro,•, “c I VTS . li.lll-1.. Ctlrilr 1 11.0TE1,,1-o'll, 0 M,,,^, 11 MENEIIIII RT )11.. rt)' ; .ic •t; NS 1.1.0 it L S W.--• r. .ran keweli's on n.. Court noww, rest r". rI floor. ELmorr, Jr. Clair ,trect, bet' etin fr,r (.0• ) ! "; . '.l. "[IF. N•to,:e• au.:l tv: .• I ‘..,•1,1,•1, Tar' r •• • i i Prn4lilrf, .• 224 Libfriy .S:rjef, Pitt () • '• • • ::::..0;k: , , 4.- „Uttimr:: 0-, :: 'id!".sr.'o4o.lSh , , ‘1 ,-.y 21 ni:"; ).1 lI'F & wel H. YOUNG & CO.. ~,e Ware 11,“: et Cv lvattr. Atley. N‘l.! find it TO mate t. 21V , a , a 1,t1 , y =a•!. tied that Sec 10 ‘n v and N ILLus.—J,E rtutve Slut Hams, well cured 2 rd ;orsa. e ctte:tp ~ y he do ['WU st. stipp of Laorl'eth's Push and whet different varieties orrurnip ",fired and for sale at REDTTED etticEs at the • `eedrore of F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 1;::4 Liherty sl reel, head at Weielid• • :13 CLOSEY„S Bum and Snoe Manufacso , NO. R 3 Fourth nert door to the U. Stales P ruoella. Kid and Satin Shoes made in Ammer, and by the newesl. French paUefns. 11011 US M[ LTICA ULU'S. in lots to suit purchaser-, to he disposed of t'F F. L. SNOWDEN. \n. IC4 1.11,0r , y reel .;wad of Wood cluwe r, nr,d Flower Seedw of ev tati always he had at the Dtug kit of F. L. SNOWDEN. Liberty street, head of Wood. Ithno!s A Douai Mammoth Ooion zecd . ecor the Drug and Seed store of F. L.- S.NOWDF;N% 18.4 Lihertystreet. head of Wood. 1 N t 5 E JERSEY 'SWEET POTATOES, , it.„ just received by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184. Litieriy brad of Wood si 1 I 'IILS, consisting of Fines. Fancy Spades ''' . "'L•l Trowefi, &Ming Tools. Opeding • , 4 . l .emcs. Protein. Shears . oc., Jost re ., VII e y ttl F. L. BSOWDEN. mp......_ 44 liberty street, head of Wood. : .t 444 /faing.—Just received a small imp ."-"boite. tared Venison_ Hams. on retail fIN rreat ISAAC HARRIS. Agent, and Com. Merchant Gouty Seed, Orchard Gras.. and Irr Blue Gras!, always on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN. No. IR4 Liberty street, head of Wood 4. kit:El Arc AN. Attorneys at Law. 14fice (rum the thamotut, to “iiitorney'sßow," Pcmrib g ircet, between Zdart.'et and Wood sep 10 ATES*BL N KS. for proceedings in At t "der the tate law, for sale 'at this Office rdLots "the North East corner of Coal „ .4b street. Apply to '3l. DA RLINGTON, Market, near 4th st- Laadrerti's Frentb qu.lar iSeed'jusi ivad and for nate at the Drug t agd Seed P. L. SNOWDEN. 184 Libenyatteet, heal of Wood ON OP PARTNERAUP.,-The ' heretofo r e entating between and BENJAIIIN 1101 `41716ts in this agr - COrj . WitllgqAi* 10 Willed 333 of the firm In oettling up th WILLIAM maw. c T:fifirEPl*l4. \ oc. r0,',2( r i ~id li k 1 NI 11:11=1111111111 Purr: :ie ren ,: 0111 nor! ..tlv •n 1V•• , , 2,1 5t1.T. 4 1:14 , :gi • - 11=111 • V at • 1)!, uinr.L.hef.. pc Fr 10 1.3 %V; temivr- .(es , !Joy I Jr Co', 1 - . 10 N. KiftN r: of Comer nni st , Ftlls OW "I}j 10 . - /Alt. T.ALERAITT, octecen Seiond . ard , rrerd:qaz, sett ' t ' _ l4l4ll4 Fluall . 19/i NSTON , fltOct.totol; . afta Pfiper pilanufaciptirp,lin. 3%;111114pt .0 . 10-r1 JOI3N A Ni2iteiMlSF. Siikitltreitudri, j Wiakr near the litnnortgaheht 11e --- tittakursPi -spip 10-Iy. . BONAIII2rS. 30i.INS,Aldepaait;St.131,141 . coed' d .; 3 4, „ TIC_ S. R. flijlMES.lafficel, Seeptr- - 20 to MallianT * Ges Mar Vr AleholivW V.ITUNIC 4- PI3V6CAY. Attorne'ya at Lartg, , Ntrtli near the 11hiyor`a OfElee. l .l l lltatturgh. tarp liVis Ttios.tt A SUCTeI/B - : Attorney t Lair. riaWhiteliiren Wood and Smithfield sis.,ritbAblirr.h. wil) 10-1 y [I 3a 4 LION TONER. Auornetrot Law. North 11k rorner of Smithfield and - Feu h stieelP. pep 10—i y IMPSON MANX* .4. I TlillitNXlM. L. HANNA 0. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No, 1414. Wood SI:, where may be had a gement' suPPIY of writina wrapping. painting, watt paper} tOaak boa's, schortt books:, kc. Bre. 'REP 10-17 TOWNS Cll it'it; 7 tworit - e - r - s and .4 e la . na T fa fil et. l nr ers, No.-23 Alar 4 ket street, theiweem=2d and 3d Teets. ZXCIIA NOR HOTEL.. Corner of ill sr reels, by Sidi ILS rep 10-1 y IG METAL.-77 tons sort Pi l'ATrtn-t rn r to r .rw, J . Asr.oltr,ol4: 1342'XiTn4er in reef.. 3,09 , ti3A. i.CON TIAMS. ShouldeT. for sa - e-hv J. G. 4- A. qt)/ 11 :1CIN 4- ' 4 " - - xO. I 3 waist tweet • PATTEP.FON, Jr, tirmin:ehana. nekriPiii4brireh. •10 !dans' facto rer. flinerts - and [jot tr; To bra ' 44 ' l. Futter. Nilland Timber Screws; [loosen Screws for J 1 ntiing M iti., 4-c. Pe'n 10-1 V 1 - o..)Esi Ire LOSIiE nor nit& talier,y b.; , het.. een Siitll and Virgin alley, South side, p rt'nursiton] CO.,_ V%'nolr, , afe (;,:TN an q.•— Sprnini !het err 's.,lir.burp;ll and Forwardin `: . • r i'iti 4,1; r• 211.. ..111 IU--1 y _; h.t m<.:+ , zoorrhrtirte, rr4,',4ivri.4...per P •r- and for by I. 11.4- A .'Cf ~12,1)0N", 1.. Nn. I 2: z 4 reel Mr /r. 111,es. N. Coritarri Su - 1 1 n• . • n!,;s. N Orleans Mo!r•Rzes'. 1 - . l‘ r sale try T.-10,r N. 0. Baz:47. r.•r S and I , r by 3.4. 4 - N. i:011,00N. oon linnet and for sale.by 1.; sn, to J.;:..5• A. Gt ;111tON. 11, 'N'ater st T - 1; Art A NI) 4I(11, SF.. and .11 , 11. N. 0. in "'oz.,. N • ;,11,1 C:lr !c !'y J. G k A., Goft.D o sl; , ::• S , T , lU N 4,. I:?..AVater rPri RD It. .\. t.!IVF.STr - Pi - g 4 CO roi rer of it, t, rEltr.' , Cerri , litr...vn !..irn!, , n!..;!: for .3 lo v_:) l,c - _l. !I N,P..1-zTr)(lr, S.-on., erf•:r.l,4l (:!riis, for F:Or ~ v C. 1. F ~•;• ..f !V•,..1 do. do., 100 ao. Pinr.e:r! 11.0 1 - 0 1.1 No. 12 11 a!! r !;7rert. I,K PETITIONS. NOTICES, . 4 . C.- -, 1, if, ariipiry rlf I t , 14 - 11 Or. p.inev,and in Ow form.. approved by llTcCOurl.fiiile -it inn Offirr of :loe Mercury and newocriat. rep 111 %AIM. 11:;18A RD, Lithe-' fwoiinnat , le Toot arc : hffi , Manniucl rer. No. lili, 'Thirds reel, ' , et weer; :Foal ausl streeM l'ittAmreh sep 10 ,st BtCiiMASTER., ADE:NEI' AT LA W, ha: removed his oilier to tile rorner of Fourth reel apd Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant reets, Pit isburrh. Pep 10 R ENT.—Thethvelling and lot colitaining 4 F acres, in Allegheny, near the Beaver Road. lately occupiedhy M r.,Snentte! Church. Apply at t tut:Nlcreliant,- and !Manufacturers' Bunk, to W. H. DENNY. or,' Ink AV( D SANDS, NY ATCII CLOCK .11.1 MAKER, Ne. 7, St. Clair street, Pius 'VW— titirgit, DEALER IX iff' eTCIIES,CLOCKS,BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, 4c. sep 10 LANDRETIPS GARDEN SEEDS.— A fon supply of Landveth's Garden Seeds; 'always on hand. and for sate at his agency, the Drugstore of F. L. SNOWDEN. cep 10 184 Liberty street. head of Wood. DR. DAVID WARD hat his office and residence on Fourlb Street, nearly south of the Coun House. second dwelllng from Rossstreet. lie wilt faithfully at tend all calls pertaining to his proten=ion. Night calla should' he made at the door above the basement. sep 10 REMOVAL —Matthew Jones, flari.er and nail. Dress er, ha, rtnioved to Fourth:it reef, o pposiic I lie May org office, w here he will !,e happy to:ma it tipOn pernianeat or transient customers. fie solicitc a share of Ipnidie pat ron:lag'. FRP 10 7NI. A.NVA R D, DENTIST, INnlit three door below , Irwin E lmo. Hours of business. from 9k. x., Holt! 5 r. at-. after - which time he ;fill attend to no one except in caws of actual necessity. fle would further inform hole who may think 'proper to employ hini, t hat he expects immediate payntetit,*rithout the necessity on his part of sending in Limits p 10 JOlllll .atI'FA BLAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet M-ker, Third si. bettreett Wood 4. Mark-ct streets, respectful infirins his friends and the public Chat he is prepared to execute all orders for Sofa's, Sidebnards, Bo re:ins. (;hairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and spring PJattransen, Curtain,. Carpets. all sorts of eiiholstering work, viqiich he will wart - ant equal .0 any tWade In the city, and on reasonable terms. _ Pelt-10 C' OMIKERCIA L AUCTION ROOMS, No i llO 19ord Street, Pittsburgh.—it. A. jßaulsman. ' Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, is now' prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Coods and Mekchandtze, at Ins 'arse and capacious rooms, No. 110, .forth &Ist Corner of Wood and Frith Streets, Fittsburch 'i, i Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture. Gnsceries and . other articles, on hlondays and Thursday,of em!! week. Hardware. Cutlery. Dry Goods, and Fancy atticics, on Tuesday. Wed ttetalay, and Thursday evenings. '• Books, 4.c...,every Saturday evening. Liberal advances snade on Consignments wheat wanted. BrSEßKFtlicii- 1 1 Messrs. John n. Davhtt Bac., Bagaley 4- Smith. I.t Hampton, Smith, 4. Co.. I ! , 1 .. F. Lorenz 4- Co., I , , i tt J. W. Burbridge 4- co, 1 1 , 1 u S. /d'Eee k co. I u Capt. Jamesr M'Cargit I, FittAnrgh. n tt , C. Ihmsen, Esq. 1 I [ g. Joan 31'Fadden Esq. 1 t• _Logan 4- Kennedy. Co. 1 i -J. K. Moorhead 4. c o . , 1 4.. 4*.a. P. Stuart,,A4. • " • • 401"rt-ga.tiorliii I 1 .req: ' : , • .. Capt. iaS. KaY, .- L 4.• 14eleay.ilassa,* Co. J 1 1 4. - .watiasifyisess. • • - - - ,•• 44 - -13J4 - lissorYs -.- • - - ' ' ... E l k' - - '. . 41041 41 1 0 111 14- 46; 1 imple...--;"i' .l, '` '` :. --...." .1- ISM ~~` ~ ~~`~ SO 14- 1 y No. .12, VVAtiiieSl reel I=lll g . ';'. , ‘ . i.X ,. . , .:.!, MSS PITTSBUROH, DECEMBER 5, 1842. -1 '. ._ S 4 . '2 .., . - Pritakergi-stad Bearer , -...... 'wool y ... • ~. __ , y; stbarst r :" IWAS *iiivencett het regatar art a nd 411111u.dail? ;KA( ly-tPaingsria eter f aert.) " Lea es:" teal* tB A w r i clock A. 7 .M.,.lhaores Pittsburgh at ..3 clock P... IL On -111,05 at lleavar witlithe ' - ' I _ ', 1 ., .• •• ` = _.<;: ertar4hitlakit and 11/1:- orPrivy attrt racket rano tiaras Isatleinta t ied, et, and Clerehirapto, and firreentriile, Preulsailtarra.. - ~i,eali*. Reatier_ ' YlOO-4:ooArel P.M.- , • TM+ liner risaialialiarßh -, tats ttse flennspvanial canal Ad ridtadet ' P*, a A1t70 7 16:41!--1i0rke1a1..,061,0 line as the tile: hir ttio canal, and. '''' ~ ' , at Ohio' eilieti;al. SO with ,-.§St4: ' Aliiik Werals,'ititiOirail ohooneri,a 7 0 -- :Thii: - .loaltristora'nethilMeß7 , tnown'lline 7 lie:liiiikarierl - 4-be pealing quasi tinnier trarrivlotiritaralta. „,..,toißts of ihr wer m e i t ate ports OS the Pottitlyhrasarandl to, and pliwok: oak - , to any sairs-,6o,l4llWgiVaild ttre Otioerrtaltrunla from and fro Neir tolli'oloo.4Thiladritillia• .. McCinie -4--pitiki- , Reiser, Pa., . f - - - '.I ' . Cobb Wound:4 Co., ciiverla*44. 4 [ Rees 4- Taylor. Warren, 0., 7 - IF'r 4 irit4aiss• - JAMES A ' VPARY A•ent .. , _ sep 10 , irtr.WWaretistreet, 11E134,111Th- PITTSIIIIR I GEI CCSTELAND '- '4Nkm SEAM i t ACKET. MIOMOAfti fr. A ..BOlESvAlittir. fla 'iv r.Renda s par.elOod,) - hat ITTEL ittAVE-R. trasiln4; Saay.Wat 8 A. M. and Psvolitill) at P. M. prate* dgriekEty,ie f safe ,ii-17.4 z ytt o preyeut EltplOilon of E4iters., Thpstqratditrartil p - 4 ttirotinr" beam. Boat. has jut for Ofis - )tinit, mad_ ruittia . • •I. . - e.L.• RICE Sr - Co's Pittri,ul-21. att.dCletefe.pt . .Ltte' r of .FRElGlrnax.p - P.;lsdi ( aE aer,S; 414 - 100' - -Clemetana; Or down the Obio.canel - to,lattivalen AnteshisEx tension Line fo The - Canal Boats of this Lion Ore '; towed to-and front Pitishurrlt direct. and rite husintq root:turfed t.n the moat Vrollint and ncodont;nal eysinfoi Connec tion )..inns to Phil:lard. ithia and !alt into re, and F1r:".i:t 1, ..1 , 0? , wren the Ohio river:also, throuth cur A c.:nrn , dod, n-ith N. Reed's Slcan.tioats and seL ,:rag Lake Ves-el , .., siid he Troy and 11 teliizati a :HI Bit tea to h. ho I.nat cite!: nn Ed." canal, we 7,l'r prepared cur , it..novo / tailor, of Frefeht to and from all points on tits ranal,lte, lakes nod the Civr r; or the Ea-tern p r i ces as any oilier A poly to G. .11. Herter, No. 55 ll•ter or at Strobl - . boat Michigan's fanrlinr, Pitistrurgli. (Nark, 4- CP. Realref. - Hub t & "mri herl , ec, Wa r ren. icAertir Ce. Akron: Mena ,. Richmond 4 co. Cl,veland Krltli , J.R. 4- Co., GreenViVe; C. leo, S haron, E. VS' r , th..th7ham..l.tinw Castle, Joh., - John Campttri' Nowtnli Fare; Nril..er,eimp ,, el6-town; 117.nrock VcEirh'e. C. 4. n Frank:in; A . 'O.. Falls; * Massillon; t'n.-D.iroil; A- co,. coivinE,., Richmond, IVillian - i5. ti• "Vert. veri . 'r ' -- 121: CP, 01 rr of WM: a:4d Afraart !••; 0.1 1, nil a rbrupletrit: zorin, .41c4 • : In 11, city Cr rooril Choi-, ..,.t. , "tion of purr elute ana E9III ,n4l DINING ; 1Z Y. ill '."art, or small sell. nr =rp^ratr I , • " A r:i 'or • ; .tinerbiv 2 i4t •r. .a=ry ' 1-4 :.*:.1• f.r,„ 111131 1.1 A Mt, IC7I, A !a of n i , rnririrteil In niiiich. enninteie, Fie Proof I.:one iciking plates 3 ea! iiie Pnnerirs. Flint nnJ Green in n'l ;heir care t ies. Gin.cc, of ev. j . ;!tr.,,f Pne.'ls, TlihS and Iceelers. S , nne Pipe d - e• Ali of which arc re=pert fully olTerrA In the pi t h. lie on the Fit(IST r,VOrable :nil 26.1842-1 v 1• J. FOX A T.,EIF.N7 .Itterney and Co ,, ascllar a' • Law. C his fPrAtos to the rib izon, of Pittoturan and hoof, for ashare_ of otiblicpat ronoze., He well evecoto all kindsel irriting with neat nesp and diFpatch. Ca.e.s in bank ?Tinley attended to on reasonable term?.—Office in Smithfield street, at the house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil. to whore, he refers , . sep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN- 1 - kAvin CLARK. .9,0. fashionable Boot Nate?, .1.9 Has removed to No, 34 Market street. between Second and Third stre.cts, where be wood be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel ditspos_ ed to patronize him. He uses nothing but first rate stoc'k, and employs the hest of workmen; and as he gives his constant personal attention to businew, he trusisthat lie will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage-. sep 10 FRUITS, ICE CR EAM, coNFEcTiONARY.— A Hunker rtspera fully informs his friends and the public that they can always rind the het quality of ice Creams. icieether with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits. In their season, at his estahiishuieht—fiTo. 11, Fifth street, hei weer_ Wood and atke t. N. B.—Parties Fup plied on the shortest notice. with Cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. sep 10 JOHN B. GUTHRIE, AUC , tlmper and Commis sion .Merehani, No. 106, corner of Wood 4- Fifth ate. Pittsbucg-k: ft avic_ appointed one of the Auction eers to. the City of ritslntrih• tenders his services to job bers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be divcosed 110 make - trial of this market• lie i. prepared to make advances en eonamitutents of all saleable commodities, and trusts tosatisly correspondents by quick sales, and speeds 'and favorable returns. That the various interests which may by confided to him, short be adequately protected, he In logs to the aid of 'his own experience in business anti acquaintance with nacrieha n dine generous., the services of Mr. SiNUEL FAIINVITOCE heretofore advaina!:cously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engaeement is made. It EP KR TO Messrs. M. Tiernan, Pres'''. of 51. 4- 7.41 1 • 414 Bank. Darlington 4' Peebles, e Robert Gain as„ •, James M. Cooper, `• 1 James Msy, B. M. Riddle. .} Pittsburgh t. Wm Robinson, Jr. preet I of Exchanze Ratak. • Haturtion,Smith, 4- I • • John D. Davis., Samuel Church; " J. K. Moorhead, " Jar.. W. Brown it CO. John H Brown, 4. Co. •• Snail It h It ILaleY. Yardly ¢ grffera, • John S. Riddle. .“ John Daiwedr, CAMOMILE 11 U. s.--A ejtA now gent E v- u 4N ANT S J. cL..il ete4 Eit, w re ith Ad b issr ve a p t ., .18 66 M in ot il t .s 6( m ree em t. apsrailearvltedark. was afit T i he aytopttims Were vielent bead mud— Corm. y (ever. caiibreuess,.coullk !Man pa- in a t ed ion stil74 o4 me dit tr i atera ill la fa i 4e 64.4s r loori a. impaired appetke, sensation " freiweni .000:15.4,,dtscipess vr464 l4l"ftd err i rreivatielg t nisildalear";w wkellif s " ,n : i jThel9e : 40440.011tobesaile1/4"l4 ng I:lllll)"diar•WeiteulaPr: Enna. ii:Klebathast of heilpeWthe mile.: _ant:eeaathland atierede,..,—"ii;s,,, plciniam 'sheet Viet' wit comPliteltims"'"",.. kvinialerlienefit 4010'1 emeap*lkeddigni fe w i t° • fikaboyestate voizippmfdardiel, rd gird sad stioiluzbiri_. , 4 11*Iffr "446 • l!r=1=E1151IMI =EU= ~- Philadera 1 - - Geri 14 GOODE'S Veleintret Female Pills. Thee -.:1411! ryst roney recommended. to: the notice or tAilt;billea an a 41' are and efficient remedy in - removing,. thoselioniplahsieneeeitni to theft bek. rronA *nil or 'ex erek.e.or puma' debility of the aystent. They obviate 0051.1 , 11 . mod eointernet all Byinerical and igeryants -"AK These - 11Ra hive gained the sanction and 4tilltr : • it . Cr the most ity eminent Sniciana in the Sol -- and matly Mothers. , For sade Wholwale and y E. SELLERS. Agent. 1410. AR. Wood _Street. below Second- Wf. ADAtity Baal aid Shoe Jfeker, Lasky Sr., . pposite the heed of Smithfield al., Pittsktirga.— : ThaViserlber having bottght Mkt the Mock of the lite Tlionsii;Rafferty,,deceased, has commenced bosinces ittfileMid Stand of Mr. H., and is prepared to execute allideietipAatuf of work in his line, in the best wanner and itiiildrettlortest notice.- Be keeps corstently on hand hierditabdrtment ofshoe findings °fall deserlidiuns and of Melina quality. De nonslip the patronage of the pub lic ititife the craft. ' WM. ADAIR. seft-11) . . - FIiIiTSBIIIMTIMANITFACTORic.., —springs :Acre, far Carriage* at Eastern Prince. The ttsji, , acribers manufacture and keeps constantly on liandiVisicift.tJand Eliptic Springs (warrantid,) Juniata ifen*Us, Silver anti Erika plated -Dash Frames, Brass_ mr Ailed. Hub Binds, Stump Joints, Patent Lather, SarteiltmJ Brass Lamps, Three fold Ftects,..tdalleable irote;Dgor Randles and Ffinges. JONES Pny.EM A N. ' (Matt. at.. near e Ile!! iteny gridsre lry• D. SELLERS, M. 11.,office and dwedlinfl in Fourth • ' PEZ.F ferry Firer!. Sep 13—ly LOOK AT THIS Theanention iifthme who base been somewhat seep. -Coal referetwerto the tromeretis rertificates published in facitic orDr.Swayne's Campennd Syrup id' Wild Cher orthe persons heine unkruiwn in this Pee lion the „State. is -respectfully directed to the Col lowine Writer citishich bus been a ell izen of l his boroa ,Cer several yearn. and is known as a gentleman of iniqii-iSlunti To the -Are-pi, Mr. . Kzrt RT. I have Used Dr= Swavnes Comp and syrup of I W ,I t r itOrrY. tor eo4l2it , iwtai which 1 hare been sr-i-erely of 'dieted f.ir about four and I have no M.Ftintic,r, in twine that it is the most effective medicine that 1 t ye been.alde to procace. It compotes all uneasiness, and asrees with my diet,—and mantains a regular and I can freely recommend it to all- others similarly afflicted. 3. MINNICK. Borough of Chambers-We. Maser 9. 1140. scr, 2:3 Forsa'etty WILLIAM TSIORN No. 5.'3 Market street, r. , Tales and sketches. - .•.--;:f No. I .—Peregniations of a,,Cointaghttriaii.- . -..' • Elf .1011.31 cenairiair, ~ Neal Connor's pleasant fire was the ter: al rendezvous for the village gossips of la ~"*.- - neighborhood, , when the toils of the day T\ were over; and when the shades :of , thei . evening invited to the repose so needful fiae the wearied husbandman. Thither flocked ... the young and the old; the merry laugh; and the cheerful tale passed their:roulade; and momentary ;happiness at least, wag the` prevailing characteristic of this wide' Vcir'"fg c! e. Neal was one of those lazy, - good-feria . . . nothing, smooth-tempered men, who ;arra ever ready to join in merriment at tbe . ex• pense of others, and who would author the jokes of the company would turn on. - eny . Person than themselves. titivnitie standing his'illfrOrts to the contrary, Sidi and reports came to. the ears:of-his - neagli4. — hors, which although °fa tendency 'Ur 430111 •., !:.;••I ~,,,,_ cite the laugh of those aware of bis,ex-• ir.ted t [erne seriSitiVellr: OD .these pfi10k,,,a041..... - ~... , .t 7 1:i ran uninjulious, to his - moral then ~.. ...-'—! -,;> :;,... ~,,,,,,,,, andrv, r nner fi4,zi -rr- failed to call forth the, bile of our liereit : t-.." I ,", l'-e " • : -to '1,7 I .i ,,,, ndt i nt. ir .... ,, ld , 7. • "'''-' The adventures in which-be borwitiiniiiiitt ' or I, , ' : flaiti 'red 6,1 ify iv L:l,,vn::.ie7; tient part, .would have ofien..labii.ili-..40- ~,„,,,,...iti. C ,- L-n , !ln'. ,, lPydo not f Ity WC feeor 1 , :an.2n , :.,;:, - ; titetr.et '. a - grave of forgetfulness, had not thOlopuiti'ai i '' . ':', n - 7 .. ,, iitaft - ,and r 1,1 1. 111 Of Neal conjured them from oblivirsik d 1 ' e ‘ ~1'... ~..-,::l4illtiaildd ...t.W v Ille :5 , ;.:e. •r- ~ .11 i. 4:: 1 .itlipilat+Ci r tH which they .seldom returned: - In ,',...' r , , ,'.: 1 1 : :I . ;.' ..-' .. i :r:::1- 4 .7 :;.. 2 7 2, 5 , : i : o l h i n i . ~,„ ,„iii„„4. l . Ai:, exploits wit was not discoverable: and-. 4 I. , , , though at the time of performance bis :4*. ~ seined himself extreuslitr'..ctever he after *. a. .aiii !,,, re• '' '': ri- -The only plai wards found himself netiiingli iridebted-W-. ..: not detaY : 0 ' . - i'i: , < ran-} , e, a wise head, ;. ,, t , oc , i , . : ~-, - .1 - ,,,,itztrerl. Co. stet: i --- --- One summer's evening , : um- usuat-aw - t f`::l-11-gh, l -1 h , 1: .r.. r.. TiltnlTT': course f orme d a semiscircbitrotied the' blit* •1iai0 , ... - . zttns of Pitt,bnr4ll . . . 1 P IC —::- ne. !:-. , 1, Oiy. tie no;-:-., zing turf fire; and manywiti - Zet ihe I "" -- r""r Nl' rCffig °n l ' ll e 1 circulated on the occasion, _ ,--- (.71‘1. , .field 1. ---.....,,i ,f, n portion of It bearing aups c tietii*j - rino , lit . -:-, : ~. •n ld olv , erve.that t on. Neal Connor, who was not - in.tia a ...-. - .. _?mess al Ilse i.r , ,,:c., ,r the stoop In t he' t towed good" humor that evening.. . Afkeri,.. . - . constantly 1 . 1 41111 theotio,.,)ia corer =-- ,-, went , . 'wad !-'; -:' , n4erresl. Pe Itor+-s. to e bearing this fire a considerable. time,erulitic ~ . . ---.. ...4 0 d every - I }•l;}•l; nr-.(n,,!0n In Ihe as being beyond his enduranci to suffer .- iiik' - - warrant his! ' :oe ' , ladder and Kidneys, much longer, he turned 10. the y oung . ~.- ' - --- - .--', •_ - ~,..-, . ~,, e Inna , rn ,, ! '.'.ail likewise receive attest who had Chiefly sapparted the attack, - . --,; ,r z -: . 4.e. s,p :O. '' ' :•,...-e front a riistaiitr sti'l al.ite,rsonally or I replied with seme spleen... ~ ,,-. , . .", -,11 -.::° - .1= - , 4-4 CiThimie.: tell :I ~ , ,M 11:4, WA 4I OOOIOO, -, 41.141 'Well Paddy Dolae,".suppese I - -,.. -- .:- .•., veland and ty. on Thf-rd, Apt Wenn Pert give some of your histhry when wersiii - ' -4 ":""'" it' tip , wrgro. - --- -- ei,.....C,.. ell i BRANDR: last on thramp to the County Dublisii4likr '' '. r. _ rrr pared i"I ET I sva lid - 4 read 11 e f rape the" harvest, may he you woultr rct,..4.., , ,0 or / -4-A curet/ or a c..inoli;-ar 1 dnysl.y lie ni , .! o rr.i: .',re all like it.' ' - ~ : ..... r„..,,...,.- .....- ;;;,,,,,. ~teli,e,-. . ,.., i,, :atare 'May be not. f a i l, ' returned tlie pereeri" ,. •! t,, rpvlnee. 1' addreitsed, 'but for fear lon would e nt ki:- - - ..... n ' o .! ' i 11 ".4.. d.. L., •. , , . • ~..e()N/E.,^.-ii?S(' what consarns yoertelf, I mays . well . both oar hist'bries out and out, and eterd t.... 4 .„. , '' ... _ , , rear N.e.tl I'll-nut hide nor consaln an3tl-ERWC,..:;:•-•-,.--.; ee - ..t! in ii• -- ' ' --"*r"' '' '' ' ''''-' . . -. ).. - . -- .4.-te; . . , oti either. We'll see Ellett wh o - proTesitak-' ~ , - ,-e..:. 7...,-- tTi:.a - --tc...t. foot., though wi.. were":-botbanirair,t,-,.. ~:h . .: ~ - 7 i :n- .1-'''' ''' '''T. : ' , -...:!,.,- :1 ~.:,s ; , .....:se,.. , - ... i ' , . '' , `'.; . -14 : ': - :.-Q5.? . .:.•.; - , - ::., - - - :" - ; • -'-'-'-'-"'-' i 4 4,1.,. wi , 5...r.1 , - .-I,r A litl capoec of this affair had nev_oryiiti'; ___ , ~, _ ... ,u I,a -,.,,,, 11.kliti V .", ~ 2."ne . L.,•11. rOttildS of tlie pariah. nor - ~. .. . ~,,.0 „ ,,ii...40,,, --. ., . .2 l.;`!".. t! , OP„ I,rr , ill.' . : 11 fatit.:61' , ' , ..52N,! , ' ,• ' , :j.,''.-Th•T .,, ''' ' - . ~ ::' i t s ;'..t 7'. a:rivet/buts '' ' ' ' '''' bitlierto seized , :32 - -- . Niat.1,4,9,--a' pic, .o.nieliftvr3 a knowledge of his 4 ~, i)., 1 " 0- 1 ,, ••;•- •.- • . • , r• - - , i, r irr.1..t,,,, LI: .11,,,•-• 1; •; -. ; ..-,,,,... . _, flail..l.:4,tetuni .srom the liarveit. tri beitini*- - • 4., , Jeti'.:.,, ; -).`. (1 , ; ,- J. :•-, ~.y.- oh - L(1...d In, lin abiVeyS supixiseditobetit&- .1'.4 , --,,T., , ,, .... k ,....T:: , ....1 - -:41,-- ••.--•;.• • --- ". -- ~ I f .. ; ,,.., f d with ;scitne diveitina niitseh ~,,4...; , ,, , ,,.4_.;,, ,: , ... ......................IF.t . ,:;`l,-1,. t: ::'< :t itaiirr• ..I re, t -12.t:a little whop:. were, inter 2141.... a.........._ . .e...... 1 - - 7. --- , a. .. re . pu iuw ror,r;..; 4titr tt ' '.l - _r - c`-r...'-`" '.' l '-r 1- :'''''-,'il.*—.'-',. ...,-"-?...• ''`" ' t" '" --'- ' '' '' - ' : ,- t i .,*e r comme*em.eta, Of the tale; and - , -t. - te..,: ,, , ...14t.. 17.-..4, at i.,'",'7‘' - ' :: ' r- -...aartria; v. - nr:.e litaa fir 1 t.*:•-- '::. 1 „:,i..„ .. ~: 1 .. .: „ ~.. ,-; If ': 7 , , f . , - .oineenctql - resetrient . e tlarfato f ur4.)fted...- ' N o :, - 1.4 . :.6, 4 _, 11-- -n rnnlin=., , - - . - . - 1- Ilv,: tlf-r.P!"!.-6;k.4; , :''' - e.: . I ..branith h . o , "- ',-.1„ . • „ -•., . .. . ~ . . Ale ,t1114104i. 7-, • ,-• , - ... --., , ' --:-. •:" 401--c "..-- -- - at li ' eS4 l l ?' ' - '1- ;.t.sPhl. illrettlt ivatt three 'wing Phillitooisq ~,e k ,,,ii- e tyl i „ .t..,, ,,, .:11, on...lare : -, 1and....... -,_: 4-Ist. that snedi...,.. _,.-,,.• .., , - , _ ! and ~...._ (3 s Irag-lif 110 ::, U:1 ;lin), 4.., ; .... -: ::,''+', ?... _. tO ? lir phry lrt : 'o . 3i'i:Voa I . myself resolved to set!. u 4.e . ._. 14'4 ' ' ...ii) ", - ? ,, ......'niz Chile lte ...rn.:.:;01:7,ti-t ..'" Z.,„'• '‘ ._.;t4t - tilkeey. Ti,4ri l i i i i i is , Lein - sth .1., to scra pe. 9' (IA 1 :16.,... ~,_ 0e5(....=5 , ;::( 7 i3V5410,,C, it. - t re ~.--O :ender be r.... .:: ,, '" ~ .has: L ..- itt,.. 11-1.1 rq ' - --".."`" ' ' 4 'Sr.` • ' t e 1: . - a • -5°133 _ -. 11 1 1... .-.- - -% , :e.1. r -. .-,... If 44, 00 3 „„„,,,,,,,F.,„.„..., ~,- t - - .t,- ~ ,-. 't,:.. :.1., r - 'Meet toe refit o f t fie pyatee grou nd, • r! • - .., , ~..., . :-,.....--„. i :11.3 ; 1: • , iiiftrl, that a5:14....e ftorAn - r - . , aukifinivi - vudive flint 1 waS C , Orne:r l 4 Ite,; - - Wtlir -1-10 11 1 olf-Z IYIVIIIt .. ”' ..;,."'' -I;'°ll.4're n '„,.. 4 „ s etu O vil ' *! '" rO ';i fi l l t',..: o- ''-' ,ll e of I, r- 1 wit at kind OF 70.t1.00X-7 - . Ng worst thaf hi " .' ' 4 " 4---.414 '''' ' ' ' Ard" , ve wo ld'zit. v'Uthier . ;oUttitt -alt- 0011.1 , Itivareaiiis weigh 2;09 1..,, a( i 71 :O-Odrealip!SITS. W . . - of _ irnidi,;2 3 , ~. $55 00. . • -- . 1 3\e? , Vorti titni tae rotor nc...f..frillrOsc ri , ls. and ..o.:n.e. i- ' -,, --_.„ - , I , IL - i i - • -. ._ .--t - -.,- „: - sr "-.- do do do . d0'2,1X15 at 1.45 . co: 1 4 1100-: - " , mivfterf%nt the'f?"fri - ge'lo e' - --Ott. 'rt - 41' . ..e,i* ~ .i;•nigrr ; , n,- -,1 , -- - . -- itil - ti. Neal . iv:it.' tray .... terte!„ - unza r - stivili4sv . de do 1,00 - at * ,- „5 1 ,14 - , 1 --o t , i.. , ,,,,n,- . ' 1 , .^,..ae111.!(1 hue , that C‘e d9rtqr, .t.,..:; g.n , rv7.in-,. i count et' ali ni)win'l 4 . in-ibis umit., - ariktioirow n , ... do do de do as do Lag ) a t Ar A - ;"." ,,, i . i . 1ie 1 . -t :41. 41 / I Z4 :-' - '4O, . ;R . TO ,; 11 W . . y-P, , e ,;... fi'....z I", 1 ~' , . hint, ' a d fuilpa.'esitVer tliiitig44'-uk.- do do do .tu - 500 at ...*: 17 iroannerti:.alt.ini o rna e l li A aia ,.. - 4,, ~,_,, . v . ; ,.. 5c ,,,,, 4 ,, !1, :I 1.1 0 With m i a b m f e „ ra an a ddi t i on ars3-At eae a naft,.: -) t . •; . ... 4-. .. - 'tan i 4 t,-iird (-eery Mot.* of 041,.ttqrs‘ii. 1s !r Ali . 'i taste we'd be a niatch forany af the 144181 - ,..... , 'lmmo( scales for the a=e of Wttychouses, Flolri. - 1 4, P. 4 ., , r - c '.i l O. Or'*-:!le,* t , r 4 r4; , i'-' , . 1 r-r tl'e-02" ; 4 4:1 - '''' !tber Mil T i roth ilia Au:4 e-60404 Milts, tc.,the same prices as. above. -- --- ' . istn o t *ilvey - ner7q,TAry - drhedknrts , :..l. - -1n.30 cortfly tin- 1. - ...,. .. - .._.,: - ~..: -- „- , . - ---- Also,Whites rasent Counter lA'cale. with 0: - . 1rrati0..7. 1 ;4 (rtif., ,, gli , ttiolao - nik.l.-"rattti,tot-/oogivi:-...].= ~.e,t0, . .1 to , rerf.l f was a line sunni. Inorlitn . NY 011 ertIll0 : 400}(it improvements, and a variety Ot othev_eirater. scales, cr , .,, t"O1(1:3 to,4ll F.O.,._ovory , l;te. , c , llt r il!Oldl , '! , ' .4 ..or'or Ye 4, or- Ittuda in a I.tinidle, and . swung it MAU ilfilk . ,-- wh .r ic h t e t y the al y so vri ma ll sel ou i r f ail or u fr i z iciault i a th $ E. l5," g - i1w ...;;; etoatiwz - .. j., ;iii,4 datt ..ut he 1' 0 t u ;1 121.64i 14 list ant ~,Prt.:c14._47....1,.1...1..,t.i.,7, ~i .l in i n s d n L isoe 4 ll :: 4-a.....t h . .# 4 4ic5, ..1w :e . 1, :a a .0 „ 6 0ur.... sh ou:jdetivl,, - 7: 7.,,,, ' .. ' 11 0' Mi p s . saw suss, s a lt wo r k s . ke.,„ donu t and ou t e e . ~, i amk e e„. .._ .,... 1ia.4.1-....0r.ti - .4-,e - 3-n - redicirm!evelyday i r tltt'e , tif.: . ..1710 .. thlti * Of corkseq - iii lore .. , rmtediode l a n om iii oe .," - other i at t wm , r ot : woo d ir t „..,,,, r, -.1,19,„i•- ,- ;.:.:,,,,, h -, -' , V,.. '"l.-li-1:,--had_,:•kadW!, Ile itill- We .kiin in Swords in theYcorieir , - ftrachit for tenanting-chairs , planing nuafitines,. dixtr.: '4 4 414+U fLO'liip..'' that l". ---, w'. 0 , z,i, lid on e I, ave 'raye d 4 i ,„ . :anal ..- , ..x.,.‘ ,- i . ..... .,.- 4 Pnd sash maildoes. Hairs cot.tot home powei; watt.-4e:' 26141 0#;#6.44hrti , V 1 *. 4 ' " ti,' ' ''''• cit lot - Ao - OtOS` Aft t - '''''' . 11891 1 1 : 'P t : a.. Pt 11".e 1.P..'' t 'ivaboat !Wishin g _ taaeltines, a 1111111e60 . f ilillOrtl...Cfret::. 4141": '..: Ira afOilireateir , iiwo rot.r:: , -ni•st oran shallarl3i t hOtika,*o:*l(ll, - . to the , trigrApt ,. '''.' saw shells. - Saltellioor for sawing fatal TiolteeO-.'llitl#'` -11 . 6 . 1 . 4 .P. At1i k 4 :::4-,', ..-- eie- I ' l ' 6nd ''' .laell ° ll° StOt ' id litittair4.4:4l)r irriti;ihm. :. ah,....df..i. aril! deseriptioiLatso fereeW(lttaroos(i* , ti. lAtt,* ' , - r ,, ;; .. i t ,- ~. 2 ;_,,,,..„- 5„,,..4;,,,, e ,,, ,-, log bates, &superior article; governors rorotO k aa,wai.44.4,' -Aldan . . ~.., ' . lii - 1-`: ~ , ,7 .g.. 7 .4 4 10 111 514' 14 4 0' -,/: .•••' .... : - . 5 -1...f ,4 wi , ,, , sitia- , " stocks. (appal tfies,cOree mitli:. - }ititiiiiestdi* '4 . t, /. 8 4. ..• I:L 'f*O 7 lVO..4 T .4 4 4; 1 1: 0 04rnaloitts, 4 4Ock. ..rregrp . .* -- ** - ji.raiiii,5 , , , ..4444;$ - idiOsielfilarye f or atuddi g .thi elv a ne , 10046i.A0: 0 4**,. ;., _ .exa igo-.... , ...,;;5 : ":11LVA .._ Ll/3i; cO4.lklii . o 4lo oer el' /- 74 c4KA - 0 1 .., -,.':, ". =b.." •V ; :ii t i . ,-,•,,,•'' 4110 4 ik .1111,11017.frietig or 1...140;#; siltlnes prOsl44Mi****- ,-11.48 : 0 4-* ': ...:. g -0 . 4 1 7 : --:.Pi l - : .: *- Ifrr - ,,i i*r" .• -" , , . :7.. ... - - , : ,. .,. 3 3 1" loilituiliiiii4seirit . -..- :......- . :.-.:: - = - . - „,7...T•?,,:rtf . 'ist: l4 7 - ..!! . 4 , :t7 .: :','',‘'.;t4P;P1f49 11. 1. 01. 1k. - ..,.„i„ . *L. ....," 4,„,,,,...„,iut „,.. rbatit - ...2120a...1..,-. . 4064.4........4,—,........5 . ,....-- 4 4112 ;$ 4 4 14 TiAlest- - ;r. - ..- - :-,-- - . --, •: , '1 - ;; - . !::&: ~- -.- ' / " .4 seirt-..,; -, ..9.0 - .itr#l l C:..,* - -$Vlpll l l - 10.1tp?.:::-.' !Iti•-" . -- ' ,::-.1 . -, ' . ... -, ';': 4 1 ,,,-4 .1 - Cr - 4 , l0e i: 1 1 •- . • -,- ''''' - -' - ' - ' (7 1 ;: -- ,4.:;"'.,*.'..".n .,r, :,' ,:.---;;441.',..11-.-,'"" FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMFNTAL TREES Ultf.:4SONei desirous of prornrina Emit, S:inde. and Ornament:al Trees, or Flirtiliticrw, Iron, Philadtil 1.4. in or - New Vol k. a rc reque , ited to 'mike application ns noon aspn=_c;ble.ai tit,e Dritit and Seed Store of the nut, sr, rilwr, kvbii . tre can be had rntalogoe.,l..raluitously. of the mopl excellent F. L. SNOWDEN, No IR4- Liberty st reel. head of 'Wood INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. PORTABLE BOAT LINE For•Stk T-rav,perte ;.:4 ..rf lie-chardize to and froze Fll4Pit" ".B.,ltiatoi. A e. It h ii i .if 1;, ta.,...Vr n• lo rI: , ,- ;:i ti Bos ia1 ,7 ;151,11.- -, Porta' Is- fl, :t: T.illp, i. cornivesitri of •I,loiits !mitt. in GMT 1-3, I .C,..... 71.... , 11-31.flion capable of ritintraiiii; :41,trio iotti• , , itiot s• , ••••el.' ;-• of i•-,•1011 •n•-pa rate. Pr - ii..l, 4 ,fi e d 1,,,1 lon tp.l,-, • 1 fr: ,n. 1 a, a I to Rail Roast, thus, ii,iillit war,. ftirtninzt, i , ,,,i•,, t mist or car,, or il , VS...el - 4134 113, I.oVel 3 , 1 11 13-3 1 .1••• ", • • C •' n. ,,, ~,1 1>,, ,, , "" .nd ;:. n 4 iikro.y ~nntinf . ! t.'• ••• t • ,,,• crrasint vri 1. ' , 1 17 . 44 , :: 11. '7 ' L ... . ,. .. i1 _47.1.:::" .: ..... .14 : :!1 : :,.. , .+ +.,..,:;_ ? t.. t, ,7, . • - 113 . 1. 131373. 3 3 3 _:r. i: ”•- ~. 1.d., - 4 . -4 11 131'1V- ..,t3,1 3; " .11.'313 r Pd. ri.-iti l / 4 '[ bto, Ike ??,!iqii of rr: C;1.1:,1 f".V: Line ::• hen:, .1.1•41115 litonopoiics: or Coodsronsi?..,..t t.t tuct.... reived free of trwanoi , - - wo a ri thr lowest rat,s. All cll. r. r 4,- ` ;:kst I TIC , i 4 promptly atte4tdmi to. C.:.. • co. t ,t; F. P. POPF.. Aalent. 7.3 nowt .•,.• pa/ljmn„ . THOS .HORIIRIDGE. Agrto VIA RIME M NUF At :Tt. V.--Pat Cartfteld i. LT R. sped fu fl y acquaints friends tted IMt "phi erallv, ih:t4 he has commenced H. Marit44but9ness the corner of Fifth and Liberty sttt..tt , t4.. - eivii; itontda gilt - t on hand. tomb stones, mantel itiecett, tiveq, s . !wad and foot stones, table stabs for. cativo. tv,a, - c„-and every article aoperia Joint to the business. Thc t- , 1 wnrrant wort: to be well done, and 1 . 114'0m - rev-I, ; :bp, moderate Ue relveet roily asks a share 'of nub;w r., , ratrage. srp :0- JAMES A. VEAZEY. Forseardiog {,rm,imie e inn Afcre/arst, Arent for Sieaa , t.na: Cleveland and Pennsylvania and Ohio Lioe Hayintr •ro:rol the warn- bonne formerly occupied by Birmireztoint N. Etl Water Street, 4-etween Wond and Srniliffie'd, ;•r, pared to receive and forward roods to any nor' ap 1 , ..e.-6!.ie Mi.sissippi river on reason:llde iernv.. app 10 CI 0- P.B RTNERSEff P. Smith is- W. Navin. 'mod:tied themgefri-it tolethrs firm of Hampton 4. Smith, will calllinue . Dry Goads 11119it1PzS in I Ile lion rerenlly rirs 4t taq d flair-onm Smith k f!n wti,rC IlsPv in $, few days ri new stock of ra , l and Wing, (;..1.0,. Ti rt.- respretfully invite /heir old criemN, and nierch , i'f , erntly, Visiting Pitist , tirch, rth and exncrl.," thch stocx, sera MIM Few puhrishitt,r it 114* Daily pe**: , team City .f Pi tts 0,41 coritial t/ic DAILY :MORNING POST. finkleWistrtheetrhavharmade arraneemeam {nett„! e Ametleawblainafaeturet aad Vats/tore h . ry into one doormat, hive ettaciatkyt , .to publish a daily paper with the title ef the Dell's Xprpieg Post- The,lesulint; ohreker the ..Pome" will be the d =retina-. Linn and &Vence of the plAttieet priatirkles that have Imre 4ofore been maintained by the Editors, is thew' martsmive papers, and their 1 , •=1 efforts will still be devoted to the advaneemetreand seeress Of those tloctrionett, - - Although., in pantie:, the paper iM lI be thorothir demi - xi-alit, yet the Editors hope, by giving in honest, candid history pf passing Political events, 'Refight and Decoestic intelligence, and brief notices of all mat tersand otxnerenees that. Mine prOpegy within the sphere of a Public Journal, to make their pipet sufficiently in eresting to entitle it to the patronage of the Outelle, it respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the ....Vorviwg Post," the Editors will take Paids to furnitit the husineess community with the' latest and most Inte.resting Constesciat fettaaa ossce from all parts of tbe country. audio have Prepa red such accrtuntsof the Markets and the State of Tratle as will beadvantageows to oar MeV:chants and Business' Men in their sevecal callings. Terms.—The Post will be mittlished ea a lame imperi• al sheet of fine patiee;(menufacturid especially for this Journal) at the neusnally low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per anouni.payable in aJvanre. it will atso be sold by news.boys at the tow tate of TWO CENTS a copy. Advertisements win be inserted at the lowtst rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. 3n-T IV ENT: active lads are wanted to sell the Poet, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS. August :11. 1111 , 13. W.ll. SSIITII. __ 100 MIDS. LY LEAF TOBACCO. in Fiore and (Of Mill by J. G. k A GOLDON. sup 13 No 12,Water etreet. BY Morrison Co. London, for sale only by S. N. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10 F ARM FOR SA I.C.—The undeisizned otTcrs for gate a tract of land situated 4 iniie; from ereepm t, In the direttion of Ki!tannins. Buffalo 'township, Armstrons coonty.centainies 100 acres, 65 cleared nod under good fence: 10 of wh:cn are in meadow- a good square hx , dweltin_ house:lad cabin ham erected thereon—arwapple orchard of 80 bea.;,e2 trees—and a sprie7 of excellent water convenient 14,11,,, FOR TER NIS nopiy to th” sl.o , 3 , ribery rP