MEE F.R. AND PILOT -IMA CO4. elan'', Taidera irrOrAila, ;Ab e 2nd Door -above lit tripit conmplide d adtaaral allimairtale ks n:. .wisitokint lttlinst 0 1 4iffmnot Mai rock and motrooori heavy . elret trimmed-ALAI Phan; entry k cloth coats. fashion:Me razors _ ki t f i n , ad faulty C2Mithlet atirste7 r quains; every diannoptio* , and w Auld I e ld law for ,e ms 44 stave in 'Amount, re it m faraie ewe - Grill e 4,, qua hem at this e rabl ntm isal,ean ** any in the . iv a make to order. . B. Donaghy and Thomas Wctla„,t.,ite =lament and will beats plleaßecrohayea. rveral fi ends- Gothriirts hivaredor mrth, Dee. 1,1242. on. in front of Capt a vailla r ri I a ON PENN STREE T l i . Extire Chintz; Jay. Friday and Saturday, t h „.„...„ . • 34, 1842; --""t - enlerlainmentvrn cologne** t lo t tii .-Two Ladies ano Ei•vlitetutien, SONS OF FREF:DOIL, ,rid S.7enes nn li orsekke-k, by U4ll. H. Buckley, and Mr*. 5.9. Nichsh- by ;Mae LUISA sing Vaster Evinio'teisary, by be-tioadeve 1r co her new ;led entertaining pert r, e snail Inns-. ian Manager, Mr. W. Mir** Clown oh- to 'conclude skit the laueludde h , 'l HE' COBBLER'S DIRTII DAT, Or, Sport . fur Ali. the Piece, Sailor's Hornpipe, lik. favorite dance by Nino- Lairit and TT A N 741. evatc Oft 23. \K NOTE ANO.R c.4l:lVelt IED DAILY. ET ALLE# tunas WOostet, Sandal4y, f:ran_a, orwalt, lA. or PO tom r:li. • par Sr Man. t.k. par ,nlq bank. par if:et:man:awn atik, a. Xottia,, [MOM', Scioto, foot .nolm. Fran. I , lt Cola! La.maotor, Hamilton, di9 of Chef , ler Co. Gk Bucks Co -'own W do k m'•. lea Phil Noribern Liberties,• - nrreial hk. of Pa. • 'I.-ehanics bk.. • -.• •zirt bk. • Ipoot bk. ic . Granctikiiielak e Far. ' bka - of Ski Urixaria 7 ,:..: INDIA/W Stare bk. it Bra ' State Scrip, IR ESTI! All banks, . , MUN I* Stale bk 4. ft 11,-,watetowl, vitas ! ita a k sal"-Terststia; i do VaTry, ..f,'aar., LS. Or %lip Exclaasr:e lock,- iv. W6vjaak i 1r.4117....1 4 5 ,•,, 1,,,,,,,-. :', P.,Villt talds,,L la , , c xt i.ld PIM* ,• ,I ',„(Allklli;r 1 , 1 " C1..:1:1' •_•s' ur;..11, 9 'DMA , ' n 1 N,irl/inflir On nil. 111 NEAT *l2.:tl.ta I.k 4- E:r,,i 2e co . 3 ail p,, n 1 4 . - -rq-q , le , :a n. , :i Co . 10 itEW I . NH , - j. , c. 1:-. tilts, 911's uni ry t;mo.3. - 1 9 (Fa fety foil) Y ' 1 Red Fla , k, t NEW E,ca ,1 .,,,,L, Oft Ennis, ~ t.k. •• rn bk. - 10 of Penn Tt . par .4- Merl - 1;1,0es Lk 5 ltanic> 4k. .ar hk rti 141.1 k, _:are, Tiasiit, Sti ff wriner.e.%Ll'arren, lit et. t.i. or Pot ts•ll,- - =‘74l /. CAC. par tiik CI row nsville. 2 =EMI ..z.rr..l 14; 3 , 3 - i/rl,ver , 1,4 i. of n • I=l 'to Bran. 5 7 na I P rio MCIEMO rs!eiF.r I Lk r Y Mech. I.k of Sicu l Ail ilawkP. 2: Iliceichm. 811. of St. Clair. Do. 4llO kil. vi el [ shos, 'Good bank.. . 21 Eastern vol ... _. ...... ~. 2 esitadripbia, 1 14,0., .9.-cle Tray- 'New Visrlt; I _ ! :Inks. Baltimore, k Traders IA of Bostoii. & Western DO 'cincinnaii , ~ Loot...sise, igeeetie 4l, 1,G431..D t____ ....i ND 6 / I ', 1! It. otAl.k f St. Claire a ht. Demand CT] r rf , ticy nolcs, I. •ni, , 2 I , n k Sew• Lis of Columbus, :1 3 Oil 11.1.awrence (2t unfelt *aim ------- , V rENSIFE SALE OF DRT 000E4- Indrntne, at 10 o'clock A 4 11..1 ifil" ivislvc assortment of Sessonaide propor, ion of them purchased al the V ..en and Fold by the idarshall of .. no ' , ult. to part, Viz: ,erfine Bine. Slack. invisible Stem. 0 111 .rerl Cloth; Blue, ftlack aad Ism! C Sen.ucky !came BroWitt,Sedatill • nperior domestic Blankets. Beaver nail 1 1 '''eces Prints; Satin Stockc Silks See izo=penderri Infant> aroisted ewsel l (1 , °t,r; Sandkerchiir., m 115411.1.; Fceneb a nd English W:.ite Tape; Colton Cord, Pad s • ..ermalde Goode. "a le will be continued every itaTailorl c 23 VligiciFFS sitita'" L I ILL be sold, at Saituom , : s .! Caucaf., .140.110 Wood s ue. er Ist. la 40 014 commencing 211 4 ar s,„_ < °mu disposed of, by orier o id; the estirs SIM* ief *oily purchased, and Weil -y• . - ,s nd pqrchasers. • r r:ie stock consists. in Pad. u 'L Rieacited and Brotto •-•;uperfine Irish Linen ' American and Lowing rag 44 Chintzes and - _ - - Marianas and floilliaafin.ri • flannels aid- Liimert, ,' • Camimeres and salltri 4 . 1 5,_ Foreign and . Domestle - Y. Beaver and Piing Cindl • 4 a assortment of FlosierYi Beaver, HOSkin and itiff7 l 4 . iastn. Gestienstesand Unties Ca Vo, Roots and Ofinfief 4- Spoof CottOuritnilf t Merino and ' Imetn. Edffinfix. oll4 AViii CasMbik,,facninetrum - Ribbons .8011 110 K. linstin dela/0M r ood' • itbrieber• mardbainnia . Ia ,/erl e a Cf lo. r.r. ~. ~~. DECEMBER 3. 1842. Voint Strain:Li and g:—We reFrleQe paths des i re to procure fashionable or good ClOthltig, to the advertisement of .r. Delany , published in our column*, morning Another [Abet Snit. e una , e _", 80 that It. M. Riddle, Esq. suit against Neville B. We suppose the grounds :gnfibee'lliftluitd I a re l. the heartless personal at tvere made on Mr. R., by Craig ;to , vs editor of the Gazette, and ~.1, I,e expected to be excused at n u n acc9unt of the vileness of his prramen!! As his temperament was iv mule the scape-goat of his editori we. we presume he will, when the I c omes nu, offer it in mitigation of little too strict.— ester ay s un !t i la i -Ole Mayor and P"lice ,comm it_ .10e a mp:ed a rule directing the watch sit u p a l; persons whom they do not g t ., be we.t and respectable, who be lound oul after 1 o'clock at night.' !,gr„ Niebo, c app Hinted by the Coun :, !.,1-? the clisp•ite existing b •tween branch,-: of the Vigilant company, nai a mee;ine; antl gave both parties ,ring. They have not yet come to a oiVn but we 1-al n that they will re t.) mae• in; .X the councils 11.,(I , reenun• e New Orleans Tr yic of the 17th was ini)rmeil by the clerk of the m•r thit clnsitlerab!e ex— nt pr-\•3l',: . 1;1 heighb,wirtg, par of Ct )11.7 , fdi a, Madison, and Cat roll, 'user] ence of the discovery of a con plated rising of the negroes. It ap_ rs that there are now in swarr.pi of region about 300 runaway negroe9 be nQ the parishes named, all o f whom presumed, are armed. Some fifteen ikt'w v nezroes have been art e , terl and itiued. and from the facts elicited on t limn , t:qn, it is believed, that an in et ,; ; l In N+as contemplated ab , )ut Christ pit teems to have been exte,n. ,er , 3 „ ract i fi q in its ,iperations, negt•tes tit,tat , y every plat - 1116:m in the three I .itt•. We I rtlS:_ that 11;0 tuv...r.":";,: , our fr is u,) 'he t brine in its Mal @ Vi PORTANT. 1:!0•E T.IC C3NCi.Z.L, 1N X' 'Onutry LOCIFIAS. Orleo±os Pan ti *own! C$ Banks. 000TH CAI Ratikr. IMMEILEIIII2I 118. COLU Rants. ALABA Good &ark., TESSEM in r :.e !•Idlbie Pt!,!Ct• rt'e -1 1 . ] C in' a • ou: of Jerfe...son Pa. Jay 11. fr R E feci t • infor m you tie a-- I 'i.ii ❑Liver I t. In tti. s:. ...L . - A; I nad a spell of fcv ,, r• me a se% re pain in my rgut • at'aiSk , .d me Ire :y, ye;,rs with more sioleuce.— et,Lnz ined:2inc, I refused tare iii?si^_nan o coal abut twelve yenta ago. tt cinch I medicine from four, ail fill.: the L:ver complaint.— th.mzilt I coolt not live, as m but ca!omel is large doses v.rears ago, I had a long and szvere spell, itt ich I was advised be James Barnes to *Tr Leer hits. I Nava fourri them to be a • m e , my health ha- , been improved .2z them ; and in y help me every •ime I take g mi^h advmeed is ye-are. I d nit ex it eared s , taad and wail, but I. cannot the Pilha, I :non takcr them. and always item azeHi me •leine. I w.nalt also advise sffiwted with the Liver cum aS= yoar zelebi ated Liver Pill 4. [Sigq.lci] ELIZiaIE FR SAIFFELL. fie ft:iczoing leslimosty mid disbelieve if you Cif rnichaeltown, Greene co. Pa. Sept. 20, 184-2, AtS.liers--For sevaral years I was the It to% attack of the Liver would be oseles. car me to attempt u":"" vcount of tar' saffaring, ae it eatilii , — ' l e: l deeeritird. But [Wel 1 1 113, the so -1" _,. disease, that For days and" weeksto 'llse. riot whether I should ever recov lithiai heal,ll. • eaued in b i is wretched condition, until the . Advocate tell into my hand and upon ..!ag the symptoms of a- diseased liver as 4 the advertisement sith my own, I .FJund I.7 correspond e d i n ne ar ly every pa rticular eircuetstancx I *as induced to tr.- your • ;4 1 tiar Liver Pills, and you may be Ivan - - .it iv with greatestyleasure that I in ?°il 111 't tile Liver Pills have been of more . inc than all other ren.ediiss I have ever lcd I n • r cw' the last eig enj ht bete. tter health than I have ar MART HOMER. 14;w eeertifieltes are from very respectable the M. E.43bureb. • lAS. BARNES. e armiehaellown, Greene Co. Pa. " ed ONLY, aril sold wholesale and retail, R. E.. REV.E2S, 28 (Successor to Shinn &genets.) 5' W cw 3 d at, below Second. Pittsburg,* itirrdia Immediate pcliOalkw ile*-- "fi n Calli - for iiimatipie work ithein a, ...1 1 4e ~..!..fritT. s 4 atailfiefriri r:47------.4frookookose aginut. IPADIVZ dial air ,•, 31 ind t -eat a ?t :, , e;ter Pet =ZEE! • . I. s r 'NI- LI t':e 'own- r: i si d , ns , .:nr; n Ata fl ,t dii- t 'IC t ~4:Lt'6..1'4- 1 ;4. 11-11ftTINO'tt w. corner we'od . _ . - . Tun proprielois of the lennatint P -111aaccar t t ie AND P 1 unscacr c axe . eapeitruni int r* /heti friend! andand the pairoesof those papers: that- ffitime a large well drawn animism:l of , 'l. t l: _ roorerown rwcrwrietolm, _ . , AN iThAt."&%tidWaga. IA m 'll2l3.2Lise 4 ' Necessary to a Jvb Printing CHR - ' ; th e t h ey are Pre - f - , .. pa.ledi.oes ~ ; I LETTER PRESS , 'INTING : c_ - I OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOI . ~ • Rooks, i BliiS of Lading, ,C3fie4laro. Pamphlets.l Bill If eado. ,Cadoi, 1 Handbills , • Mack Cheeks, IMB I tIPE i atl ittnbs of 1314 n k4l, Stage, Steamboat, aid Carol Bart 8i11,,' ; mita appro priate Cats; Printed on the shortest notice and most reanonableterms. We, respectfully ask the patronage of 914 friends and he public in general in this branch of odr ltnsiness. Pillsburtlk. Sep% 29. 1842- PHILLIPS t* SMITH. ALLEGUEN Y C 01751 - T, FS. . 1 In the Court of mit' county.: • -EN the matter of the ~-Vdministration 1- account of John 11, William H.. if , ..-' 2 ' t, " s a s.f., Ensley Gut naval, amine EXCCOIOfF - of the estate of William Garrard, decd. And now to wit, ilceoher '24, 1842, ***** the shove named account , refer red to A Rorke, R . Moods. C. Von Auditors to au dit the account and distrihute the tratrinert. By the Court, 1' I, MeSl t ht. A N. Ci•k. The Audi•ore alwire named wilt attend for the purpose of their appointment, at the °Bite of Maa , rriw and Ram. ilton,ia .4!h street Pitt..hureh. on ttie 19; ix av of Decent. her next, at 3 o'clock I'. M., when and: , re they will hear all per,otts interested. Al 3 Rt, R IVOGDS, L; VON BO N' 10 It ST, nov , 21 —2w . , AuJitors No 22 11249.7EZ5T STAEZIT. S 1141 E Su ',sr fiber hag rev r leer, Iriout tie Eawiern _IL Carle, Avilis a choice a..4ortmenl of the, Co:towing ar• MESEI Of an the most fashionable shades of votor. Pain and Fancy Caßgastgazs. FlEgvEre Curvets of most superior quality,. tits-riaas of ekeat variety, *c. AII of which Lave been selecteti,by itirugetf with great care, and will be disposed of on frVoraidz ring for cash. D CS UCK 'LOCH ER, Merchant Tailor. unc 21 —St C.. 5 RR s 1" TL. )"...11 PS. FOR SC R_XLVG 1.. R D —"r hoi , e witowou'e visa .41,11 y (0 reduce 1.,,,r f.,T eertaiuly ilurcnase one of t , , , 1,,,p z,as by their . 'use Inere , s a clear of a , To: Ores oflhe eiDensp over OiLand from lid= is nurejata h , iaiaor, and , - ho:', 1 , 1. rn ; •o<.k^nr di,-azirveraWe giui;l. We would ra;rtni tha out. ode ceorilly the ~.ent,‘, 4,, t:te is it is the on4y °nit hal i.. appt r:C•ir in cver y earn :y or pritiern of I,linfvsr" and The only Or, ,11;r1 ~.1 •llrr. Lord weLt., at any teirtorrateireoreold ll'e bare. in the snort spare months. sold several thousands - and wiih searre nn eare:dion, th,ase them have es pre-ced hit plea , II I lietn,sprl folly conri..eed o! 111.1 great economy nc their tee, arr Wr"ii as their stkeriii , v oiyer either oil nrc an,l , e=. in retard 10 cleanliness anti lie:it. The al,ove named lamps cri tt.l , e 63,1 0,-0 at BRolrx 4- RAY.4fr).YD'S Third st rvel , nearly ort.n.oo lte ken( onAan.ty on hand Britannia Meial, Tin and Glass Lame, of various pallerns. Gla.s lamps sold at rattnuf.:cittrrts pri We take n'fn,sirp in 10 The reettie the ft'olv i•trt eel - tint-ate, which is t-teonetthell to t,y mato re,ttecia Clnlr i vv e ityp 1 , 441 pod are now warts Cart' , Pateril Lamas. for Iturnitir Ln d I,t n• her a fat. aMI Ire :lace no lie-uaiion in sayine. I 'tat !hey .1 en an exertieni lb.-Mr—equal la any of the Of diAlar V modes 01 by bun? a lions-. inie.tbird !hernia. and tvliolD free final =min!, or ril'n-s disazreeetile smell. We lake a piertsiii re in it rain ti:cind ins I lamp. to i lie ',oldie, as i.t ttwir Is=l. lir re is a ?rear , 31 , 114 t! Orl T tither I.reitirr or biril nr e,eii ^an and eve tnrieve th'irn to lir mere cleanly and less to nl.irson.e Ilan! Tit ha itl PCOsV .s• Avian:sots only. Third street, near'," x$:1•10 , p.- Ifb• Pon Office. I ee. W. W. P.,kriaie'l, James Boon., " A. M. rtes " John 31 - Cron, C. Venter, " 7i; G ca.:4. Wm. G rth mr, jr , rt trnnlap, E, Tine' Dr D. D. Wrn " E. D. Cazzain, henry " Wm. AI. Cruse, flotwit fl. Kerr. .Georee W.:Deirry A. Deck han,, Robert ,AlcPh@rson, l'horna; 0-isiivn. John Shaker. Geortie 0. 1. Shirrs, s J. R Tit roar,' A. Miller. AV m. H. M. Riddle, Pcesr Master theory Barltesser. R o bert Gray. Jalnes B . the AMer- A ilen !Kramer. ican Hotel. %. F. Marti:fins, Jolra M.Campbell M. St:relit:wise, L., Bonert Johnston, Janics N. B Just received, an improCed Patent Lamp. for, tinv 1411 I w & wtr =NZ= Igr.:('f, L lichen use IR T L ECT 1 - 7 R Es. Fogra Conrs e. —The Lez lure C-Inuntittie of the Wirt boStilgte have the pleaf , Ore of laying before-the public, the (pi:owing Hsi of gentlemen who have consented to tecturn, viz: Hey J IV Bike:Dell, Introductory Lectore. Jokes L GoW. 14:1st:int:ton. Prod. H J Clark. Mead7iite College, Hon. Wm Wilkins. Pitistsurf.h. Proff 4 B Er/a+/.Jefferson estillef.e; David Ric Ale, Piits!.tatgb. Reel It askingrton, E.o , Proff...B/ex'r T dicGill. Cr ezt Theo Ssroinary Francis Johnston. Esq., Piitgd.ttrgli. Proff. J Barker, Meadville Gnitege. W LI Lowrie, 1 q., Pittsburgh. Rev. James L Dinwiddie. Prof. Ittch'vl 3 Td'Cullociv. Ictllvrson College. will de. liver several Lectures on Astronomy, enibracing its rive, progress and de:tiny. Reed %Tv/shit - .lton, Esq., will aisa deliver several Lectures on the subject he , may select. Arrangements are in pro:Jess to eni.avto Prore , sor sit !titian. of Tale College. to deliver in our' civ y.a full coarse of hectares on Geology: also v. itit Joseph E. Buchanan. on Neurology. Other eminent Lecivireist will the invited to visit our city, when it may be In the power of the in stitute to engage their services. The Lectures of this course will be On Literary anti Scientific subjects exclusively and It is hoped from the eminent ability of the Lecturers. and tits , interesting ma tare of the subjects, ttiat oar citizens liberally pa tronise this laudable enterprise. The lion City simiAl not be behind sister cities in her encooragemebt cfscience and !derail ore. The iv Greeds tunyy will he approptl wed to the enlargement of a Library, allieady an honer to the cit v. - . itnr . f.tonese Tickets, admitting a lady and gentlemah, $2, and may he had of either of the Gemlisit tee. and at 11. H. Kay 4. Co's Book Store. Mooodialiela add Exchartie • , 1 ; II Motets, and at Bedard's. Lectures &ma:ranee on Thug - dalv eviqt ice, Dee 1. S4lll, C. DUEY.: , 1 W, W. W11.,§0N.. ! 1 JOHN 3, ; CGAGRAFE, }Committed. WM R.,' SCA.IFE,, I I JOSH 8, sOmpLE.I J nZ4—I m p . RICR'S -COMPOUNEI FECIATABLE COM • eAxRy iv a safe and certaim vane for Caoryai, Colds. Asykiss..asso Tirast.Piiirs Gout ireaksus of ate Breast.Xl , ll'Shog Creel. ilaariesessi, /rritgaint of the r i. Throat ani hitter diseases , leading 10 tie Consissittio' Try ' —only tt per roltprenared! lind sold WWI - sale and Retail by H. T. PUCE. tonfettioner,Fede I st.,Ane gheny City, and the prinilpat Dtrar, , ,ists of Pint. berth. ' - • . : , , Be sure you ask for Prito&Compoatol Cough Cand.Y. nor 17—tr, 113EASS'S NOARBOU I VID c r ew) ; . —Turrtz, , A received tkjs clay foam her York. frill supply • the above celebrated core ter Cour,4. 1 Colds and Co ssutprloo; and is ready to sapply' tuft det;rtat irk , - oreciall. as his Atediced dircitcy, $6 i! rib st, ocor 12 , • , 1 a RIED PratCHAU mitt Green A . , '- , jest recap . from Ohio. a prime Int of Dried i rre ,e me, zed . 1 barreb Green Armiel.amentg whirl 5* - Ingo, 4-0, , ; . 1. ; ',:: 444, 1 kc catrog, : poitss.. _ , i .148.14 , Therty sired. _ Voncip,:,-:r* oft miredixerg ifeetimliiik4 11. it .11 GOAionfi s i oohed bfritirtonlAionseat. .: The 0 001 4 V/4 gill;""ilIC.:.., ..- 1114 4 10, 1 4*- •.: ' •-• ~'•-•- • .f., • - • %., . t :1..;.-L.Wo;-.,4•1&•• 1 1, - ; 4 ICE - /Iva. sig. BROADCLOTHS, *WA* 7114111**T'' ~ i ~~~1 ~ i +. '_',. its Ka& 1 Arrowrzr - ADA nitimiter,OUstmerris• EORGE w. lairsva. Atiithwy --at Law, Office rtn; 3Q riftbi slreet,-iniar rilWergh• sep 3T —ly 11.1.14Af ELDER, Attar !'s 'et Law; (11See Bakesseti s e Baildiage„ ,eirpoeire . she Fev art:Bosse. on Greet street. seri . A. W. PAT TSRSON.. Mkt en Smithfield :street' 5 near Shill. eep 10 Batmllie Coffee. - For sale by 1.1-WU I,cl 4. J. G- it A. GOB DON. rrau---35 Bales Oakum. on-hand and for sale by .1. W. BURBRIDC 1 4 4- co.. oet 1 ' So 75, gt Ind sweet T. firEIVART, Upholsterer ac r d Paper lianet. !11l • • No. 49, Fifth m rem, between Wood and Smithfield dia. Husk and Straw Mattrammual ways on band_ An orders executed' with neat nets and despatch, on =roman° 414, 0 terms- - sep 20 y w ANTED 4004:r . h rt i S . U hes E I L p S ri O ce F in Fi cli , L X w SE ill E t f e hkb the give JAMES DICKEY dr CO, Agtvt. sleehanks Llneinrner of Literty and WayttLereelg* Dittstturgh.rit-V-41.. CH EA PER TH ri EVER?: ,- SPLENDID AssorTworr or 7 READY MADE CLOTHING AT TUE THREE BIG 1300 W. No. 151 Liberty st., one door from the Jackson Potioa r 7. ri.HE Subscriber hiving prepared at his estiTdtehaient A. the largest and most varied stock of HE 'MT MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the Western coun try. would respectfully invite the public to give 'him a call and examine his Goods and bear his prices before pnrchasin! elsewhere. His stock consists to past of liioD Coats. assorted sizes and quality; 2000 pair Paata lgonis. 'MOH tress; u .lit a large assortment of Shirts, Dra wets, tzravars, Stocks, Gloves, Supenders, and every Wither artbele - 0( winter Clothing. all selected by himself in the Eastern itilarkets, end purchased at the very lowest cash „prices, and conserpiently he ran afford to - give his casttatt.i . e4 BE'T'TER - 8.-ititGAlNS'than they can eel at any .)intiter house in the city. Beim:log do theyrinciple of , 4lertAVeet: tog Home Industry" he has therefoVtad. air ids articles inamifaclured flittsturgh workmen, and he has no Ilesiintlon In saying that they will be found in every res pect sunerior to the Eastern maaltilactiired articles that are offered for sale is the slop shops that have recently .4neterel amoir , us. In these times when Hoge , e hdaS IV is Ot tli PY ln g " large a snare of public attention, as - it always should. the proprietor ofthe “Three El{ Doors' takes peculiar pride and fnesorure in assuring the citizens of Pittsburgh that his Goods are at/ man.facineed under his own eye, by the mechanics of his own town. He dots not. like.' mme of his rivals in trade, nave hisi2lot hes made up in a distant city ,In anoi her State. nor does he ailvetti,vt his Stork in hills printed three or fon , hundred mites from here. He :lons on the princin'e that the mechanics of Pittsburgh Can do work as well as any others, and he does not de. s,i-e to draw money from their pockets to support distant Workmen: while lie asks them to support him, he does not wish .o impoverish them by a drain to support far off mammoth workshons. The sulisrriher would take this occasion to return to 111 , friends and customers for the unpreceden Ind oationase extended to his establishment, and to re. peat his invindion to ail those who wish to purchase Clothing. of every description. made iu the latest fashion ami d sold on the most acetrinmodatins terms, to rail at . N o 151 Li'wrl street. JOHN 'CLOSIi EY. n'Observe Metal fl tie in the par ,meat. Oct 21—t f PIZIIINGTON'S Unrivalled Blacking, m\ CFA 4'l U 1: ED and sold wholesale and retail Burn Srum:r one door below Smithfield. on 21—iv I_3llTT:l l liRGii 4ls11) r EFT.TIII',NCE 1 -1611 %RV of Pam'ott ,, Works. w;11 I.r oc,et, even day. iza:.1,4111 eeplea. - 151 n, 7 leek, A . limit 9, P M.. in the Ex ehhher. Bisihline.rorner of St Clair Strcei and Exchange r-ille•y..n..refiliiirtunialieririnn , e will toe 2iven cep 10 J. 17.115 M .1...X.K.14 RNB I'LL . i rtt, r asx - r °its TII Ci4N -19. ToN Pert,F. Steubenviii:, Ohio. haviof refrio ved It,f r, more fine' tily, hove a npoin/rnil A- Brows... No. 49 let weer, Si 1 and 4:11, t .e.nrori 'QS . r:t t did - el - P:4 iii,i4=nf Paper lured y thein, w!..rfo- t%efr friends: a”4 rnsioniers iva ys, find ar, I , !Y of paper. , hch Cap and P Viriiin2, Wain nsid 'Taint Warping :tad Tea paper; het ro:ir:2-, :Ind Pi Pa rr ofthfferet't si -7.P ai,d evali , ies , ail el Which will be. Fold on ;he siotit me.,coininorlatitil tern's. FICILWITI? & BRncr. - WE, manufacturers and imPorters of %Vali Papers r^l4 gorderF, keeps consta tilty on hand eve ,v vlriely of Ent rv, Pa rtor and Chamber Papers, of the a tazt stvks and most handsome patterns. whirls ;htv wilt se:f tow,and on accommodating terms', wholesale nov 13—if. LOTS FOR S A LE.—Four Lois in Manche-ter, One and a fooirth A rres of Land on Hoinies' Hill. Lots nos. 41. 42.52. 53. 54.181, 182 and 184, in Ccok's plan of Lois, on H ol,ne' , Hill Also, Lois nos 26 and 27. in Cook's titan of Lots on High streez, near the new Court House. For terms apply to Z. W. II EMINGTON. set, 19 FOR SALE O..Nr.BCCOAINODATING TERMS.— 30 Reams of VVriting letter Wrappinf. paper. 500 Cu!_: ye:low gnd purple Carpet chain . 10 dozen Bed cords. laci g lines and twine; 250 Bottles Blue. Black and Red fok; 50 Boxes table salt; 100 gross cheap suspender notions; 4() boxes and pounds of assorted bOsS;4000 chits it an, Temperance, Franklin, pitisbur 2 h, 'Western Patriot and German Altpanarks for 1P43; 23,1301) good sir.r.ars47s doz. good lead pencils, 25 doz. boxes wafers; a lull as sortment of windots - gl—ss and =ash of assumed sizes and a variety ofseasorialde goods for sale for cash—all kinds of country produce and Pittst•urgh Manufactures to suit ISAAC HARRIS, vir A ST FIaCPS for t.e vera I M echa r. mett,tllastlers, Laborers, Clerks on Steam boutsor for, Also for several House keepers . Cooks and girls for all work—for several nurs.e_c and small girls —far cevera I rea rust reAses _a for several Collectors and R. VMS to travel over the Conalry, ke. Wanted fora flourtgling neialiboring town and Female school. re seevianie female teacher, of good character and avgairt ments—a lso a good fema , e teacher for a respeetablelfint' kindi of Agencies attented in at HA R 1:1§" rrov 16 Generai Aseney office. FO VI; LEA, PA T ENT itlE DS TEA DS. A, A 4-.,--.1 ,::-.-,,-, _ f. , ‘ ,t-5,„-4 0 ,-; ~...4 ~,,,f,' ---,,,, - 5 ..e,,, 5!,. , ir k -7- -: -- '.---7'ff ' ---- 15 - . : 4:71 &---,- =------- :-- ---.---- ..,-,_,__ ._,_. q .14.4 - I 4. 1 : ~...f 1 0 ill .-,- itrANUFACTUR ED at Wm. LEYBCRN'S Cabinet Sbop,No, 69 Second at, between Wood and Smith h eld. where a general assortment of Fernitnnts may be bad at reduced prices for canlit The superiority of these Bedsteads, consist in the Batman:3, which I'M darabitily and ease in putting up and taking down, is not equalled by any other now in use—and to all such as would contain- their own comfort in their nightly slumbers, it should be remembered that all class of the bag family are fasimurd es: by these fastenings. E& lghb for Courtlier, Dig rice @. or Shales for sale by JOHN- FOWLER. Palealee. We. the' undersigned. doeertify that ore leave-examin ed the above Bedstead Partemings. and have: no hesitation t proatoanestm thew th e best now in use—cowing up in,' 'Ate the reptwentation in the above advertisement. donee heottart,' Wm, Twin. Wink trxitt, --31a1 11011 T, .SACA whosesde and Retail Bake, Can. ILI. feeds= aa4Frulteter, Pederaf serast. oakrthe PlUmon.d. 4l 4ll/ 10117,-417., 1 0M vanegY or Ragireitbsii-y and orammentio osigis..nuableibivediatiii"*Dg on*s;imaskabialeed fosi the-#*0 150 ; 04214 aClismi-sadice- • I - Walie pliat Lortc git- r N 4.45: UAL (Mike iis ..01,!i and Coin Illerchl Jacob Veggie's Caw Sin Or.; _ =• ~~ _ ~- _'~' Ad; • .7 ' sr c 4 oTittl**4 44 m l o,omiliie -. 4ic*Nutifi*tive*6l - mums waUfainished,mdatehdell for a Ta-. veld tbePliTale Ihrelthig, altartnt Nara ti by 60,itone basenoat, tad ittabling.sbedmturibiber oat boaansait able ror a tettement!=2 good Gardens Form:vied with 'currant bristles. and* welt of escellent water, with a pomp in at the front door. in 'relation to the Pittsburgh and 4iltlherty maatet, there Is no - place now offered-for salcarith moreinducement lo those wishing to porches* nearrittsbargh, the terms trill-, be suede moderate, for further partieularsapply to The proprietor at his Clothios Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin AlNy. LAWRSHCE MITCHELL N. B. if 'intact(' before the lit of October next. it will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots tomtit pnreha sem damt 10 WALL PAPERS. TrlllE subsviliers respectfully can the attention of their friends ond - tbe public generally, to their pm. seat assortment of Paper Hastrires, mbich.contains a tame and extensitre variety of patterns of the fidloorio% descriptions, ahich.npon inspection _lOll be found to be ofsoperior quality nd Craglaza Wall Pagers, of al! desenptiAnP, fcr pa,derim scams and entries, b t 2 eenui per piece. Mated Will Papers. neat and handsome patterne, for papering rooms and entrleF. at 371 cants. American WWI Paper, of their own manufacture, for halts Fresco clod oiler styles for parlors and eltamher...on fine 5--atin glazed grounds. Prenfl trell Papers, Decoration a2d Fresco patterns. in plain and rich rolore,rold and sliver paper. Velvet *ad Imitation Borders. _ Landscape Paper*, in setts, for papering hotels, hails and dining MORN!, at redeced prices. Fire Beard Prints, Statues, Ornaments, 4.r.- Madam) ELied Paper, plain and figured, of different to Western merchants and othersare respectfully invited to call and examine their stock and pikes. off' which last t liberal discount will be given for cash. From long experience in the usiness. they are tilde to manufacture papers in a superior manner, and as they are determined to keep up the character their papers have uniformly sustained, they Inane to continue to re- Ceive the encouragement hit heriosoliheratly earlettited. tiOLTISHIP 4- BROWNE, N 049, Market street, between 3d and 4th Pittsburgh. Sept 19:11142—iiaattf BUTTETZWOUTIT. Jlactioares and eG122:16. S. LION Merlant, Lori 'trine, KY.. will Sliend to ti^ sale of Real F: A ale, Dry Goods orerirs. Fcrni urr, 4-e -ke. r2ularEalesevely Tatr , day, Thursday. and Fri day mornings. at 10 o'clock, A. U. Cash advances made on consignmems sm ., 10 T HORN'S TEA !SEERY TOOTH W ASfl New /noatanbis Resteis.--The extreme beauty of the Teeth, their a hie use, and the frequency or their decay, haslet' to many inventlous for titer preservation: vet how to pre- derv, them in a state of l'oealth an pri4ine beauty, to the tatept periods of exi.tenre, was entirety unknown until the di , covery of the shave inyalnahle pre?aration. It fr.rots a pure tineture compose,: of vrtr : etahle infredients, and .s po:sessed of the detirions odor. It eradicates tartar from the teeth, remotes spots of incipient decay, poii-zhes an preserves the enamel, to which it gives a pearl-like whitenes.s,lw3, from its fectins propertt,posses_ - the virtue of Elvin% sweetness to the breath. As an Anti ScorStair, the Gums also share in int I rant. eedent powers; Scurvey is eradicated from them, a heathy action and redr . ess is induced, which offers to the .rnitiee erthe medic! practitioner Indubitable evid ence o f their healthful state. It has been examined and used by several of the best physicians of this city. who have no liestitation re.onamending it as an excellent wastiTtar the Teeth, Guirs.eir. Among the rerommerriations to the hove are the fol Having tri...t Dr —Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wlsh," and heroine P:i WI: U., ill - gredif . lll:= , of tit , co,rrpo• onion, I cheerfully say, 1 co , shier it one of the safest, as his one of the ntosi riwas.trnt Tooth Wastes now in use. - Pitt:Nit-0 Sep. 15.11342 D-IVID Dent L - 1 hike pleaunre in statial.hriviul rratte of- , Tboro's Tun Berry Tooth Wasik: . If .1.1 it is one of the be. , l den 11-likes i n use. Peinz 4 to a ttquid forth, it ootobir t ,: nem ne--s with convenience. white it e:eanzes the enan:lei And Trt moves the Tartar froctit , e teeth. it, perfume yew, a frazrznPe perotiariy deAral.le. J. P. TIP:BETTS. M.D. onriersi.zwed Lave used wTliw• .1 . 5 Compound 'Pea 'Berri.* Torah and Waye foii ,, d it to he an ex , rOme. iirtti . in e,erri, , inr, a tonal sa'ntary•• in do rnre rwrr Ike r.." 1 Cg.rns preFervin2 thane indis pensttlile !need ern arena , derail. prerrniina the .arra-nolittion of Tai'ar. and perif . i it the Brealtt. Rat. thori•nzltly !ps!,,l its virtei-it. rin , take Wert:err in Tr rOtllTlirlidinl it ror..e briireirit it to he lhr brsl ar ttrie of the kind nr w in usr. Al ROBERTS - OX, J.4_!IES P .7.1 CR% kOR'T H FICEP.LFS, CH.9$ P. SCULLY. C DAP. RAG!!. I .47 POORE'S)) II L RIXOWALT, Pre pared rine). by WILLI UI 'MORN, Apothr , eiry and Chemi.t. No 53 Market street, Plttahureh; for sale at ATI hr principal Drty4 ists', and Tallies !th:dical ATeney, Fourth , tree 7. 'cep FOUND!ZY METAL JUST RECEIVED. 36 TONS Soft Pig Iron suitable tOr FiLutitkie4. A p ply to A. BEELEN. 1 ANI ES HOW Aft D er CO„ Maaafeetatrers of Wall Paper, No. la, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.— Have always cm hand an extensive ascortinent of Satin G:37.1:4 and p'ain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Borders. cf the !west style and handsome patterns. for papering halls, parlors and Cilatutwrir. They manufacture and have or band at all limes— Printing, Writing, Letter, lA' t a ppitiff and Tea Pa per, Bon net and Pullers' Boatels—all of which they offer for sale on the tan accommodatinv, terms; and to which they invite the at tent 4011 of merchants and others. A LSO— Blank Rooks of ail kinds and the hest finality, School Banks; etc. always on hand and for sale asalinve N. B. Ilagst nd Tar ners' Scraps' taken to exchange. inIYSTERS, SARDINES. frr„; served up in the best style at A- nr.Ngefes, No 9 Fifth steert- Suila'.ie apartments are appropriated to gentienten accompantPd by ladies. Also all k lad , : of Calm: :tad Confectienary for pat ties. weddings, etc., for vale by nnv A. HUNKER, kicaocas D. Cottavc COL 4. CO ~ enera 1 Agents, Forwarding and Commission !Merchants, levee Street, Vickiborg, Miss. They r=prcifutly consi2umenrs. n2l-tf A Ail ittlave opened an Upholstery We rerocani A carleallffahretreet, near Penn, NO. 5, where 1 wilt keep on kited and make to order promptly, Mattresses of the different kinds used; Feather Beds, Cushions. gain?, Sacking Bottoms. Split Blinds. .and every article usually found in an 13pho'stery Establishment. Having divided my Madness, I will fill all orders fur the citizens at St. Clair streel ;. for the boats. as usual. at the mannfac tore en Wmer street. My friends will find me always in the morning at St. Clair street, in the afternoon. at. the manufactory on the ricer to ak. . _ . WU. NOBL E. I.lpholac rer A lot of wawa Comforts on (Laud, for save low. nov H ARRIVALS Tlrltr , LE has trills dey received from New York , a 1 fresh sapplystf Beats' Nerve and Bone Liniment, and Indian Val-,.t`4Arielltisir,a posit ire clue for Burnam tisia,,Guto, Conti - Sy:led yards and Limbs—also G 0151411 1 , 1 .4 Nara tsipbei . if .f or completely and perma neatly eradicating superthin& hair from females' upper lips, the hair, concealing a broad and elevared foreinsd. the stubborn Aiwa or man. or-any kind of super/Inoue hair. Price $1 per bottle. Gesrwad's Ear its Beanie, OrTrite Walerol Beauty,— This French preparation thoroughly eralenniumcsarillow- OM. Freckles, Pimples, Sores, Blenches. and all cutaneous e. urns whatever. it'eaiizing delicate white hawk., nee -Indarms,and aliening a beattity*enile bloom. Also. several other valuable articles, too unineroes io mention. The genuine sold only at TOTTLE'S MEDIC:AL , AGFA" C 36 4t114 A FEW MORE STILL- IOBJC *CLOSE:ET. timold hums imnd the IllostsPleedid annortment of Clothing ewer ofrered West. Nyneek ietarge.aed lam dispeeedAtreall at tbc /Gwent pomade mire- WI e3ock ie heavy. and u the sea nearbeivencimg, wi sellat lower pfiebihe. ever. 1 War only ibe pleanene- of a rail. Bellew etieSdest *WA' Main soirmient. Beware of eteteafette, -11eMeleber the mast Bra DOORS, and the, galf_ar:-TRE AMITAXEXT. Ma,- 4csx NW. —11:. ioisi itieStt, ing haitaarre ezchaa e# zer, at lOW *Or -Calk " "4°4 z• CYz 11,100.' 11" i. ihisa4, -.4 . =, , .v4,•;: , "*v:,4 ;g:',V.. :'','+a~~,s ; ~ ::' Tr.lf .4rC..q.VD LESS JAS S CrI.IFT. L S JOHNS I.OFD R. COLEMAN _ • b4legiliftett‘likr. ,VgliNel4 " 16 " 1440 1 . 11110 0 414 ' 4 4 64 " 44 1&111 " 'l .l"alsUC* • kurbOeli lb r.r __ "rbeeSieftlittitass period ofttelise fifeAttfisflie - Del 4 - ukr havistheen twice. Ow tB3l. associated With Dr. wosea, in the practice of medichse. its Webs perted afilee Years.) eaahtes ate ta lotto fatty of the meths et h Es pins. Boeeavealeal,so efficient, and yet so We. dht f esteem) these pills. that for the test fiee yenIII. in ray practice far the cure ofchreetie diseaserrd' ',Oat ever nami. and these of females in pa ti inalar,Thass used aware as tdpoo than alt saber medicines— Like - evete other niedititte. thin wort WI in tkosie is slanea.l.titin niy bands there bin been am disappoint *tent and wire sai iifiertion in ric atinitnitstatkni of tilt,. one remedy than of all &Meng iis rood eirceis sometioles quite asioni-tbing Irene patient required a safe aperient medicine either hefore or after parturition. the Wilson% in if. treiejust the thing I wanted. Tr a dyspeptic arid eonditirin of thii frontoeh,-enthltitted with cestivenres or inactivny ofthe liver cooftitutertihe disease of my patient- the pills were just ihr thin - wanted:_ Ir treated a ra.!e relniring an eranseaarprier Witaan'spilla vreie jast the i#114. , I wanted.. _ . I f palpitation, headache. Rushed coantenanee, or other difficulties, Indicating a "disturbaoce, oft cireniatory , and secretory systems, annoyed my pollen" - at the 'turn of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thing? wanted. Thus, without respset to the name, a disease misty happen to wear at the - tune I have had it under treat went, particular indications or symptons arising. were met promptly and most happily met by the Wilson's pills. That so great a number of diseases, and sometimes up. patently °parolee ones, in which hive used these - pills. should be cuted morescadity by them than by any other remedy, may at nest 'rein strange/rid contradictory, but why it is so is as clear to my mind as that a Ernst many persons, houhl Leanne thirsty froth many I diffetent causes, and yet all rewire that common and greatest of -all blessings„ water to quench their thirst. In conclusion, it is due the eolitation of toe medicine and the paddle, to say decided!) , and unconditionally. that the Wilson's pills are theo”ly combination I have ever met with in my long coarse of practice. that really pos eemmaaaything ra• mire or specific for sick headache Yours-4-c_, DR. MILO ADA AIS. The above Pitta designed particularly for the siek hoed-Ache, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Bowels 4 - c.. prepared by the proprietor Pr. R. A. Wlizon,' and for erle,wlio!egaie and retail, at his dwelling, in Penn street, below Mar: ury. • Oct 1 WA,. E. AUSTIN, attorney at Law. Piiinhereh. Pa Office in 4th Firtri,oppnxite Rarken WILLIAM E. kcs - rin.E..l., will five his attention in my unfinighed husicers, and I recommend him in thepatron afe or suy friends. WALTER FORWARD. ran 10—ly 4 - 17 S YEEL.E, (successor to H. Treloskey) Fash if V iona \le Hoot Maker, Liberty L. 2d floor from Fi7gin Alley. The. subscriber respectfully informs the politic:that he has commenced the above business in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. - Heart/ M'Closkey. and that he is now prepared to attend to all orders itlhis lineofbusins with despatch and ou the most reasonable terms. Front his tow: experienre In the manufaiture of Fashionable Roots. he fegts.confident that all articles frost his r•slltaistiment war give sat isfact ion 'to bin pa trr.n. A shareofpuhlie patronage is respectfully solicit. ed. SOP 10 TALL AMILANGZIMIIIrr. pug ErAi ANICir Indeperdert Traverpertatisu Lire to 17A. vd Baltimore. For Trassportire Merchandise to and frets Pittsburgh, via Tide Water and Penv-syteasia CONDUCTED STRICTLY ON' SiDDATII ♦SD TYMPER•DCR PRISCIPLIS. The st.trtc of ;his Line consists of the first c:ase spring Cars. Metal Roofs, and New Decked Tide-Water Boats. comtnanded-hg sober and experienced Un phi ir. Merchants by this Line are enabled to have their Goods shinned asehenn, and with as much by any et her Line. One Boat wt./ reave daffy from the foot of Witiow street Bailßoari on the Delaware, in Tow of a Sten to Boat, which is kept expressly for that par pose. The Proprietors will their Nt hole attention, and respectfully Invite Wectern Merchants to give them a call, us they vi ill find it much to their adv..ntm, , e. All goods consisoed William Edirne, co. roast rise or via Delaware nd Earilan Canal, will be receiv ed at their iiarehouse.fuot of Willow street Carl Road, Philadelphia, where goods can be put directly from the Vessel Into the Boats without additional handling or ez. pr..nFe. WILLIAM HEILMAN 4. co, .1 from Philad. to Flmidaysidng. Proprietors. Fl. L PkTTEIiBON. From Dolidaysharth to Pittsburgh. MES DICKEY 4- Co., Can .sasin, Liberty street Pittsburgh—Agents 4- strer-t wharf.) on the 'Philadelphia, I JOSEPH E. Ecnest. Baltimore, ). Agents. L. Prerreasou, Dolidayshiugh, P arratso:nr,Johndierern. J neter to merchants generally throughout the chi. cp 15-11. DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CH ESTS. Prrrgßrrace, Ocr. 22, 1842 J. DENNING—On Friday. late3olll oflast month. about 9 o'ckict: at aieht..the Tianing.Graoving and Sash Man uractory, owned by Cay, Dilworth 4. Co. with a large quardityaf dressed and nadreised lumber, was all eon u. med by fire. The Iron Safe which I bonalit of you some time Imek, was In the most f xpoß.ed situation doting Cite ore, and was entirely red hot—l am pleased to inform you it was opened at rite close of the frre,und all the hooka, paper., kr_. owed; —this is The hest recommendation I can 'eye of theotility of your sates. on 24-1 r THOMAS SCOTT. WESTERX UNIVERSITY OF PEW.ArSYLF.4- NLB.—LaIW SCHOOL.—Tbe Trainees of the Western University of Pennsylvania announce to the politic that they have PA2bliAied a Law Saraal in con nection with the University, in which will he taught Municipal, International, and Constitutional Law in all their munches. The mode of instruction whit be by recitations. lectures and occasional moot charts. as io sialitar i ostitai ions. The year will consist of two terns of four and a half woo !lE. each. Thefrst term will commence on the second Eiontfay of lioXember next. The tuition fee is 537,50 per term payable In advarce. Wsratit li Lownis, Rsq-, a member of the Pittsburgh Bar, bas been chosen Prof o:. The tanners t a ke pri pleasure in announcing that they have been-able lose cure the ser vice, of nne so well qualified for the station by moon of his Segal acquirements, and particularly of one so highly esteemed as a scholar and a getatetsmo r The annexed reecnumendatkin wilt furnish satisfaction to all lis qualificsibms as Professor. The trustees having been indneed to instill:le this school from a view *Me serious disadvantagesattending the mndim , of law. in the office of practising l aw y ers an d a no th e ver y _obi, kain afilaMageS WhiCh Pittsburgh pmt Over most other places in the West for the shah- fishmeal ofstichau institution 'Here in a most indtsistri ons popu mins. Ttestudent wiliseearonad ME exam pies of industry and energy and very few temptalkntsto indolence and idleness- He may become acquainted with business hash its forms. Our Collimate sitting nearly all the year round, and there is perhaps so plat* in the Weld where a ;realer variety of cues and prineL pies arise for ditteisskitt. - I The Committeeste deviroustbat all persons Watling to avail themselves of the advantages of tills School. should do so itonsediatety by eatthm and leases their taunesat tne Office of Walter H. Lowrie. EM., on Fourth millet% .. . at by suldreseina him by letter, poit‘ - paid, no that ail stu dents may commence' afthe °pada. - of ti le tetos;or as . early thereafter as posviide. swum mobs, li - sopa T. Manta', j Calamine! 'DAVID ig• girnLr , )t of .11.111 M or. imam.C /411.1114U016 11100 , . hapt» ji We mites plealimetkatet mttl:olmdist t,to the core dente of the public. vriftlf . . wirste_ Rrck,,Proferaw of . Law in the Illfestern - #2IMVINF ,TaraniaPlltaa‘a: as a Peat 6r 145 61 1, 1 441101 4 Parld i val4 s t r at ha t des , 4 ! L t ` 427 f 4 =... Vidmilltiliailia of towili Ve nt .4 ,„,' ...i .- -±- •IR* 44 - 14 := 1 t r ep listigoinsil 1 been n . ' asatos. - i . a . ... - .. ..., 1 , 4 . Oistipiedil, - -". ..'" 0 . 10 .. 1 1. i1r.:3.7 , 1, , L,• s - -. ''' 3 "...." , ',lrAtt'f' . -- 4 ',! ',V "' - %....*.-3-f -- -, . 1.:0-0,-.1" -, ", • - ;:~: ~~ ~'- ~~- ~: ._ ~ ~ -~. -IEtA, • * alauttaikaktl o ,o-. i{i(~kt~tittegGtA.rate.. t . !two eigiopkiiiidAotstor . 111411 1 4 , 1 0, 1 , 0 2 . 1 • sar4 Dobiff r iire b ib mak, mat, , have hat etteastive eaperesee amtlmaramatillitrrr fiat m aaalkt th eir flata.o,o ,N,11! thrte eira tagpartkos, sad tbry .asamar : " mid Dmitri tut the aerflaipt wit*, _ - tb storiable henna avUl be afraid Air ma* 11101 RUFFATA) ROBES.•REAR SKINS AN*" irtrST received. &GOO Seasonable liorilhice itiddirk J fer.tet qqatities tram Ezire No 1 id*, A lox r.f Rear and Cali Min!. IEOOO Nn. 1 arid abates* A Int ct Otter sad Billt(0011 Skins. AU which areoirecedialedAce4 as Aida* proved - rotes. Applylci- A. terEVISBI. atffie A Derives Aderedy,' ny t et aorf . . OltifttittitCASSll4iEßEK: . aptiQ At Faakienablelresi Quarter/425f Lairretli 'v TS have jow relived twenty tifenaoi Pail fancy (testae- -milled CanoinneroKiiiark heavy tad fine fcoM the wanothetwierattellit. Farnam.Llelittonti 1111Tethwredlt. Idcw m Itinbiet:N Idd. The ananattitißwre wale eibtahm= min tft, and he fatinveing reilifirate. at Me Wenn ; I.efore the Franklin insthate, Philadelpiat 1101 ..To Wethaford k Brother, Baltimore. 'ft!lt /IWO& double m llr4 Inc, Can:tonere% to which thelmilitla especialltsJo taro pieces, an ponnniningibeithinite Pritßer, hithly valued in French amnia ,or this ileseriMiem Jok certificate or honorable Otentioa-1 . We would invite gentlemen mantle, lir puirebamitithnit to call and examine. A ba‘tacone it sttwajrlr, wares., red 41.0 Nov 11'42 UNPRECEDENTED SALE OF LOT TUE subsexiber °Sets ftw ad natatealty tow :p! and upon acecrwmaihtifttg teratft,OntilgundfindiO4 Fifty St ven Building Lofti n - Allotted oate Fetiftlat - Road. adJe nin find owned by As bt 4 itteterl..ik's. reavtd, and between wad Tout and Mist' Overt. as Olt bank of the Mononphela--the numbers aildscialli rut ion. of raid Late can be wen by tekrrstee to the otamt r«eorded on the 18th Moo, MIL In Ihe cf Atteghe-y manly in Deed Rook, Vol, 6,4 na4-.lftNi page, or upon application 10 the nettfterther, The attention of rietnons desirous of harseering-.-fine baying money to invest_ is earnestly solleited,seantffliif. trinity Penally advantageous istatetyresemled. sad Lk, tit , striber is deterioined to sell. The Lots trill he Pohl seeeriiirilled and onezeeetionnhk titles A poly to Nov 113—If 7 4 ,1 04.,v - - - A PSOLUTE _ALP T : 101000 TRI ALS. aid rB.Af iI A U G TRACTOR inestimable. it cot only ounotsukiker;bst gives no addit.onal pain, nor brasses a star.. Shat MPoM tively rendered harmless. 410 has bee* olOtre4l4 months to any person returning to/empty ista.arid satin that all agony on anointing is notextracted itra'S till=: ides, yet not one from thousands of trial* since inssigible, ed the bonus.) Parents anxious to goard egoilletratigni injnries, and save ilia; fortune and life. mod *erne* their offspring from being disfigured by berms. as elms small pox pustules, .(il. possessing the untriabhe *War replace the cellotary organs destroyed.) min 4o i • %r e training UM inimitable-salve._ Many deegiy borol, iu the cily ran be seen, and oneeatirefatisfiluratOver Ida wounded three distinct times bribe same spin sett* belt: in:. yet in no ruse can be traced Use host eleattiwate 41 a rkl For alltinds of hurts its rapid eerraring elleetinn .11W also important; even sore-eyes. all inthonattoos and' beelo' ken breasts would be unknown. Vicrtoliet,sispriMurellis for clearing the skin of pireplea,reasenffa6eballeAlle4lolll find it indispensable. OM twing only will forever istesh., tish it the sovereign HEAL-ALL quality. After thilitnit. tice, heads of families allowing toemse for 16011611 y ultimately distorted features, can never wipe atinty preach Anstly uttered - by a Male,' d - thildi fpf to triumph over fire. "Entered aetordirizZy4 of vr Vor s ee ofthe Tibtriet„ ortnetriilted Stales for the 'Southern District et Nell York."' Warra ed the - mift . fir^^ no Comstock 4. co., w Druggist a. hafirlie•- • come the Eofewhoterale rents for Mfr. Dellehta:446- ea 'for 20 years. /Mordent most be addrereeark The eennine , only to be had at TUTTLWAALIOWLI Agency. 4* rt.erth otrees. • ; !dot! OrZIPTALISTS. or others wieldagOil .rn= aafe incestment of funds- The fatitOttat : properly for sate;--one two awry brisk Wafts ?Fix Pike* st. Allegheny City, wen..e.ticulated Cur lath leagetrar# dwelling house for a person with small 4apial,` aaelikak neighborhood where come 75 howler have bees: pee *p. within a few months. The house is 20. feet feast tats-, ning back 311—the tot is9o feet front and 55 blek.dralta led on the corner of Federal sad Etaakpaoli its. Alley* on both other sides - . A isn. a Ica 285 by 84 iclelelainie the ieserveh. et the Allegheny Water _Works, or leather weirde, e ing fa int sufficient water te 'apply es,heedeed families cnaveyed oy lead pipe..s dawn .illeAdeg ' st h t o the city. 4 hydrauteare maw la ereretkin heat 50 T2Milift. • • , -.Afro, a splendid. family residence, belief airy two.otory brick house. with an este basemcd. 24 fr. front - on 'Sikkim -at. the lot on which it isbuitt - it 74 Fterning.„vuuning back to a 10 ft.. for ornamental and horticultural will accommodate ajarge family, his - ,dinti ,- nished with marble mantle pieces.* -• t •.. • • stairs and down,-a mud tasteful portico la frentatifikin • short is -famished in tire best stylefor a . gtersi denee ud of he best materials. The vssalit. ces of out hones. areas. coal houelts. ke• "Warfr oll tili,„_ • eraser of rite b-stututlittOthcius the alxnrementalteMS*l"!.. conveyed to he - dcmr by pipes and hydriat. - carriage 'home and stabling for 3 homer.-will besolilitarlOw the house if desired. AS for the locality tie 001 W ll* opinion of a physician, 'II lv dintreiwingly bestir Also a lot on Fleming st. 21) Ten front. bylit Anetbaddle with a new iv able One tarerry,e house.— Atm. a lot adjoining the last under lintftwere. 40 i 7 • -- , ready for buittil-g. • • - Tesos.--Onefifth kt hand, tbe !whine* in lettagnisse payments with interest secured asthmal. The above properly I. very low. and Ale PlYl= - . man wanting, to buy can quarrel with. Apply ni: General Agency and Intelligence Office. lco 399iite4t,,... nov 30— 2w. . . CI HEAP 'TAVERN ST..4ND FOR 8.41,4 L.—Au , 11-fretlent stand on the Allegheny river ..ii stile Moran fisted during the rafting reason to Issositete Inc. No 'better in the nelghbortatorl fifth. elm.- It iii on a tease of 8 run from 'he lit 61.43 pit"!.. i t ii a 'first rate hsration for a Lumber - thn eastern turnpike and between the OW Yanfs'and 'bear country maws. his • tatrustie . Mk" stockist Inmlo and furniture trill he void ve ry ' low any puroaffer if wanted with the stand. Apply 10 1 ar, ri:'s I ntelleeee Cie, -N0.9. Fifth at. Nos 80. y UST 11 ECEIVED—A atew Imply of window alas. a/ window eanitint4 white teadielid quarters geid de gars, from 1-4 to tiorbds. At pe good stippire‘wri—. ling and wrapping paPert and bloc, black and nittlirit; isane Harris's. aria, - No 9, Fifth Anti- Nov 30, IIIHI IMERIFF SALE of Dry Goods will I. ed ibis day at 10 o'clock at No. 110 Wood By order of B. Weaver Esq , Obetilt . ' aor 30-2 t. - B. SILE.—One aseetbno rortalde Altuqr, Jl, the necessary apparatus for mord* 1, 1 ! 1111 1:.4,4 1 10 1 41-: confirm:tent: SOO barrels Rambo Ireßli n gNMS; ; : Cioal Baal.. nay 30.-2 w. 10111.0031 S e•• 25 tom JuniacalikAwdi 2_, for sale by sot TS- ALLEO BI, " adlngTt .111. - - - - .- , ii,. 1 1 4 ,,';T.-.,.. is_tbe 04101(Is caws et Aiiistiesi .. - r As lekiie asat*i of tiii - agkokkr ---- ' - ' 1 -' l-scant of William liege*. ad a tair HI" *Mike"( Career Orawfoid,, And.' , ,ol.**:„ !Mawr it_togiimil,, ... L i. ,_ ' j sobwirs ii osaii.."A worvoi" ' '!..4t. -4r ' ii'aunt tbilikit. Ail _ t•-• - Art 7 - 7- Wiwi* • --- ' - _,...„,... r .% -:! -1 - : . -.;:.3 , 1 , f •.,'=: • ii r,"-...1-.