Mital :.' l , ' • vELI:fiS TAKE NOTICIL ^ .stied with the Safety Cuaraid Thet" dah It a figure or the appa mi , -• „, e pat deceived by ; t,he their boats to be phial* 4,eu they are POI 9 ilenifed lioff 1.1% I, 91 lief of boats sitYpilatipiic • at Me Port of Pittibargh--La gift have the improved apparahis3l. itaposeilde for an ontitaaas • • N A, FORMOSA, N, ' . A., DCi QUESNA NS, JEW/MS • MONTGolinit or LYONS, CADDO, 'Y FORGE, INDIAN QUEE. ITT. GALLANT, WATER, QllEENettuil 1 1 ss MAIL, DUKE OF 0' BRILLIANT, ECLIPSE, -V ICTRESS, OSPREY, PENELOPE, ROW INA, • AGNEs, ANN, 'MESSENGER, , ,G ANS ETT, SARATOGA, • NTH. ' ORPHAN ROI PARK, 01110,, NE, CECILIA.. I DE, .3 II- BILLS, I BEND, GALENA, -. __MENTOR. • " "hTE, COLUMBA% 1- FERRY BOAT, vt•lii*g community ate rerixtifell coai.e.a choice ors hoat.lotfittlli . het lirr a would not be to their ehoO.e a Safety Guard balk . C. freight, in preference to one trot la •6;cMom—and that they will bears, , erritinn has the unqualified a • ' n. re2ine heabiere—gentlemen Whew . der.aand the subject,-and wheaten • besides a number of rertifict;ci free •• • I n and 01 liers—all or which tan be No 10. Water street, where it %wild ~t all times to exhibit my inveigles Is ,tie the trouble to cull. . I El TE, .Y RANI), ' ',111.E REAL ESTATE role 11 , 0 a , subscriber offers for file, Ire treater pert of hie Mal . r f puiti.-burelt and Allegheny. •ti; "diet nrellonses, morly new. a iatiballaakillg, Thai - Let si reel .1 el weer Frrend stet , rani or about 54 feet by 611 deep. Far . ar:;tcly tr , suit rutelsa:ser!, and npun le ,1, - 11.17italnz 1411 in Alla:brow riiy, 641 1.11 . 1,11,1 of 3;711 feet in depth. Its • 1..• w-• is nit; en tiat aid* e • •• .I•C•Vrr. •I.rl ,r% eel I tz. it ,l ”Air." Itdt tut": • 11 , 117 r, %N1...1L 4 now occur', 'au' , 7 Ins At I . i, Iwn wn =rnrV brick Rif) I rr, r.rr o , Sinnt PI and Front • rt•rl:. nnrt now OITUPielf ALEX. BilAtirENl , :k hI I) 11 7 D anird io s • ra gnanlity of Flax and Tinasta !cr!. of C.. 1, ni ry rrodore Inkra is • 2 0..14 al AI: R IS'i'7ltreitigrarrf4fer. Con. .1-,1111 arrl.Gmze. 0. 9. I i t I: T. Corn a<' . , t;ow .3lerchavt. fIN! .4mcr'can Maavfatizre*, Marifirai T(I- E-q.. E,nsl.nr2h rtiran of FZ'd MEMO ).?den Co. 0,11,0 u• BP, Eq., !%1 ad iton ELE FARM FOR RALE.:--1 iedr" . s r- r, which I live, in Willies wing": to, , oinintt one bundreisui acre= of wbieb is eloared.stel There are upon it three* fret 1, ) 34; an appleorrhard of • Fet, ,, toy acres of Mat The soRR to that of any upland farm in Ike RM. known on application to the tuturiaer , 0 ,,, t5. WILLIAM WALLACE, MR LIAM C. WALL. Main ami Famq • Po•ture Frame ifertitfactizer , tri t s bur Ark.—CAnaratal Briabelk V • • 1-ts. always on hand. Lookin G"' !Led to order. Gepairing done at 4.1!..„ r 41i pntion paid to reetdinr, sad istaioll Ilp Fie3m Deals or booms WM toil viapv to CQii. • E. LE / I).—Tbe subseril err me woe painters. and otberswbe 111611!, While Lead wade of the beat elltierial f ... I, if not superior to any Oferrdta ibe a~tdr.-awd to Malay Iltigto 4 rx" 4°lls 10 Second excel, PHt.bergb. te DUNLAP 4 UU _ PASBIONABLE SfiIDES7O2 F. el* • St one dsscfraut. 0— Start_ I._ • ~critlet respectfully - isbtArl" and vicinity that battbag•_ t ,-,,, of his ou• n inannfacisma t fi nssideg o iv, keep constantly on bawl 1L.. 0 , x hinds of Ind les, !Sven, anti 6fi lie hest quality. which Will beg's. he times Be will also . 1 1 0,0 "• - 14 'nets work—sash M While Sla ~ ,ored gaiters, and basithis.lolso.ll , s,-tlslers. silk gaiters, ;'e.. 4e*,_. 6 . 11 at the shortpst ,I, e-A will please can and exatalltig, t-,riber feels confident that hiPT in his line they may Won't. . JS;- loop foreet the piece—NO.* avi . Harries Intelligence CIIPPEC,: - r et St reel s.,ft DIGBY having taken:LW ro deo I .111P511 oil:hoar 4. fittalrrnr".. ‘' f rPI and 42 Market street. W ..- - alit r he numerous friends ask oat. he rertliheral support litierr — rio k 'jai, in connection -Stith 4 1 1 P.. ; w og • ...yr-tire theta that every leXelri" WWI* ' roni insation of the Sztiolie• , a eSelo - - • rile their attention hi rr fir4it hieh he intends selling at in• or • n ever offered,. heindlAi lf r i - s it of the mork of the !atelier', sitsah he in to cite I ,, ess , he feeleeotaidellt itittestl i , Mock, either in take netteet bat ever! pitutereb. IS - semi' ErAmicpliovir. ' - 1 1 Akisooit at tionolt • • , ant • -1 • •. 4,--1-7. _ OL 1.-NO. 73. FIBLISHED BY P HILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, Fo rFoon FIFTH STS. r COO" toLLARS a year, payable-in :vi r eC0n,, ,,..11)"0 CENTS—for sale at the oribc FF News Boys. lereu ry and 31alitufaet timer • wcEKL ,r, al the same office, on a double at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. , cop ies, SIX CENTS. .o r ini of Advertising. „ gc ,r , TWELVE LINES OR LESS: 0,50 I (me month, o. V.. 00 0.75 1 Two moots, 6,00 . - 1.00 Three months, 7,00 1.T,0 Four months, 8,00 3.00 I Si.% months, 10,00 4.00 . One ymir, 15.00 Tr; 1.7.111 DVERTISESI ENTS. riIANGF.O3I.X. eT PI XXSCRE. - i .(1 1-1 Six ano T n tr th ° s, SCffar" .23.00 I One year, in prorortion. DoLt.A.Rs a year , a 4 r I ~r iiniy r. 1% CBLIC OFFICES,&C t Third between Market and Wood Post mater. dour from Wood st. Peter- John Wi:lork, Collector. 7 , \V bei wevn First and Second 3m. treasurer. • ft] . EF,RT. `t reel, neat door to life Chorrh—F. R. Johnston, Treasurer. nr E. F,ana.` ptween Market and Wood Mater, • , . El. IiL,OE. rotl , lll. near Ma-ket st. BASKiA' darker and Wood streets, on sNO Fotneßs' DE .,r:urNC Saving runti.) Fonrilt. bVske %Me =MEM 01 0 reel.tue,r Wvod. P.: ne;o - I.3rcles. .t corner nt.Pen, niThlrd a,',l Cgvn • ,)"I rorw - r u 1 T16 , ,1 and :7,101150d ntver ni n a Canal • FA •e,.• ”r• - , Fws 111 11. 511 ns: 11 kv. -Pr o?•-.)-,te \Vayne F-I 0p; , 0 , 1e Catral EgT WOO ON, .irro it EY AND HASELLOR Al' L e p•rno office.? oa G: - ant . ovally OPCM' i ' e hell rooms to John r). Mahon. s.pi, 10 .11. ELLIOTT, (, fire remand to rrct, between Fern crld Li bert n s p 10 1 1 rt.don Nlacknv, and .r: Frrni - li. al d Domnsur '0 1. v ,1"411,,,,1cji ,p 11) t.001) ,, .- N111.1::0; Ti'l'Lt . Rl, A torney..; and t'l the lharimmi. hack s. , p 10 oy r, varr V: north IV.POii :to S trill I:field 111 !tolrs-Oe ,• • • r in r•rori.,ep and ~ 214 Street. P,ft, ;:en 10 , Al , l- . 1 / 4 1)i 1.,+.111,4114., llrrrita.w , , and ;1,1, 1 Na. 29. 10 11! A7ItICIICV La L'l Ri?•i:; Ili We' hi: \\. B. (1).. i - ory ...a ',tied that !-Pp ON 114115.-1, , , 160chmce Slut ti red ant .or !-.3!..rlitzp by he do ISAAC 11.%121115, No I, Fiitb st sw d p , of Ldndfnih's Fresh Ru :7Z, a , ,c] other d;rl - • - r , i.t carielies of Turnip nd ti:DCCED PRI(CS at the `cOn'!ore of F. L. SNOIN'IIEN, No. Li`wrly a rett. head of Wood. ( WSET , S Boot and Shoe Manufacio- Fmirtn St.. neat door to the U. States '_• t`rn,e'la, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;0 , Isawr,anci by the newestyrench patterns. 31 'inC , ' NI( LTIC in lose losuil. o I e dispo.pd of by F. L OWDEN, 1^.4 1 . ,4, 0 Preel. head of Rood Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev- E , P ,, 1 , t1c,:. can always be bad at the Drug ter.: t m F. L. SNOWDEN. 114 Liberty sireet: brad of Wood. lii:tuu Annual Mammoth Onion Seed, for Drug and Seed 'More of F. L• SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty street, bead of Wood Irt.SCAv JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, C ' t *l.. just received by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184, Liberty bead of Wood st 11. Q. , nnsistior. of Hoes, Fancy Spad.. '''"?trowels, ' rowels, Eliding . Toole, Budding Pronto. , Stotara, etc., jam re. F. L. SNOWDEN. 1 3-1 Lii,erty street,tead of Wood. dams.--Just reedived a small sup rtrr ctioire cured Venison Hams, on retail t)t current money. ISAAC H %HMS. Agent, and Coin. Merchant br.4l CtOTPT Seed, Orebard• Grass and AY Clue Gran!. always on band and for F. L. SNOWDEN, NO. Ill; Liberty street, bead of Wood. tUett N AN, ilitormers at Law, office Gum the Damortd, to ..Aittoctiersai"v." P"Mi £ refit, between Slarket and Wood seplo lATES 'BLANKS, for pcoceedints . In At •' Rader the late law, for sale at this Office.. as the Nan earner of Coat t~rrighstreet. A pply to DA R LINGTON. Market, near 4th st. .'il.alidrerie French - " r 'Jug" * Wird and for sate at the Drag and Seed F. L.. SNOWDEN,- 184 Liberty sweet, bead of Woad. b • ' 0 or ~ NOF PAR 54 :z:: I I' .- -- ' ' D O F existing betwee. WM. f., ead BEN/ AMIN HOP _Mg:a", ___1012114.7' : .4, • I consent Williiial Diplo"1"-"-- 'Wi eof the firm in setithki.4 the basiass, 41 0 WILUA.IIIIjrWRIG'., .. 01 . SM. • '4 ll 1, A :._ • ..- .. z -•-_- -te ..:.:::.:'-:,{-': • ,44' . - jii_4,1, ,. -. ._...„. „, „,.. - : - ... ,- . - -,....!,._,1. , :::. .' -P.-.. ---- : ':-'''''• ••'• ' - . - '-''' --•-..- -- - - - --` l' •--'- IF - ' --' ." 1 -*---- ' • .:.- - -1 _-_ , L..,._ 1: ...,-- ' .',.- -; ......,-.-- -- "--- - 4; 4 - . .. , ..? , -4. ,- .- . - - ..,-..- ~,,,,,,.. ~.....-J-;, 2 : _...... ,-. _ , _ . - > --_, ... ~,,,.. - -;. -- - - .L .:•,. F. ".7 ... - - - . . • , .. - ,' . , • • - • - - . -• 5 . 1 - . .. ~. . . ... 1 .‘ . . -, .. - •Pr. . ... -, ~.. 4 . 1 . .. . . . , . DR. E. MERRn'T, DENTIST 4 itA fteld,basbeern Itteititased Titirsl Sta. .; sep 10 ft:e4estrzse. TOR NSTON 4 , 4IWOCKTON. Booksellers. triniers and, Psper-Manufaelurers, No. 37. Markel sep 10-1 y Tons ANDEIISON, Smithfield Poundry,'Water el near the Monongahela Rouse, Plitstorghj, sedlo-1y LEONARD S. JOHNS, Mdermau,St.blair street, se mind door from Liberty. Sep 10—ly DR. S. R. HOLM E'S, Office in Second streetl, next door to AI ulvany cpo's Maga Wamhoill 9 e sep 10-1 Y SHUNIK k FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law;Fourth st., near the Mayor's Office. Ploshorgh. rap 10—iy THOS. 11 AM LTON. A to rn ev at Law., Fin It, between, Wood and Smithfield sta., Pittgbarzh. ;se p o:4t- Int/Gil TONER. Atto.nev at Law. North Ea.t corner fi .o . Smahfield and Fourth si met.. vep 10-131 I=l HANNA 4- TETRNBUT.L'S Paper Warehouse. No. 1(!4. ‘V nod