Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 01, 1842, Image 4

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    ie,`:2=•` ,
- 'iii two direrelris'lke U. B. Banks. Wet Tr
fritdertoker;rilpeelfelly inflrins the pubilelhat h
hah VericiVed blerreidy Mahe coffin warehotum to the
rat:gaily occupied by M r. R. 0, BeffordtdimitlY
ato hit , ol.stinti, bee he is alWays prepared to at.
4litteprbitipt fyiiiany orders In his line, and by strict-ut
ilisation the details-of the.business of an Undertaker
yieboyw to meat public confidence, He Till be prepared
Jet A ZS to provide Hearses. Biers Carriages • and
- es Kean the most liberal terms. Calls from the
Cll*Ote,triptly attended kch-
41W-n)eldelseeit in the same builittkWith - hiti wet*
Itionid,'Whersi those who need his" ywritrktrariej find him
, ,
lery,rr". tains, ass. sons BLACK, D. D.
iirrimti Riotous. . RAP. aoSaRT BROCA, D. D•
II) Rey. A. r.
fftla IPiil3l2daSiga
Vitts 'Ol O LADING, CIRCULARS, 4c, /re.
Artigetherltrith "Avery description of Letter Press Print
fK;3htnislied with fleshiness end despatch, and on mode
ratifteinis, at thtt Office of the Daily Morning Post.
elasiSof imuviattals Is very numerous. They are those
work lean unhealthy atmosphere. Millers, work•
ass In reathe.r stores, stone cutters, bakerrot white lead
Uhsaufaetnrere, are all more or less subject to disease ac.
eogdituf to thestrength, of their constitution. The only
lklettlikittlr :prevent disease, Is the occasional use of a
Medicine Minch abstracts from the circulal ion all delete
rious humors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics
iii anSibtin areAnjuricius, as they only off the evil
slaylo make It Uwe fatal. The use ofrandrelit's Pills
wiltlesure health, because they take all impure matter
outer the blood; and the body Is not weakened but
streshrthpned by their operation. for these valuable Pills
do.upt , ,force, but they assist nature, and are not oppcsed,
inki harmonize Ifitli her.
,Sold at Or. BrandretlA, Office, No. 98 Wood street,
PHlFteargh.,:,Prite - 25 cents per box, with full directions .
GARIL—The only place in Pittsburgh where the
GENUINE Pills can be obtamed,is the Doctor's own of.
firsi. N 0.93 Wood street. sep 10
NEw .110 T EL.—The subscriber respeettuity to
"forma his old' friends and the public that he has
°penal a Tentfierance Hotel,in fifth Street, near the Es
change Rank, and In the house lately occupied by Mat
' thew Plitglek, and has hoisted ant con 1i go. -The Iron
City lillol4Pethere he will he very harry to accommo.
data alGoik , 'lnu please to call Oil him. His table
shall be prtnildeit:with the best fare, and every possible
aeendattrodatitih to town and country customers and
A few boarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of.
gees, can betaken. and gentlemen who live out of town
Gan bave.their dinners daily.
He hatiarge and good *tables, and the best Hay and
Oits.anil a good -Mailer, and will accommodate travel.
ercand 'gentlemen who have horses.
Renders taken by the day, week or year. Charges
metre woderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city.
$l l O O \ JOHN IRONS.
- "
subscrilier has
- , opened the late residence of James Adams,
deeezieti, fOr the reception of visitors and boarders;
the house is very pleasantly situated on the hank of the
Ohio, t miles from the city—possessing all the delight.
fed accompaniments of a country residence, without
klieg UM far dtstan for persons doing business in the
eity. Visitors will be furnished with evs'y delicacy of
thel aisson.
An Omnibus runs regularly every lion
•heuiend of the Bridge.
N. o.—No Alcoholic beverages kept.
ma* 10 %V\l. C. HER I`.l
. nership existlny, hetween James E. Kilbourn and
=rocg an Is Ms day dissolved by mutual consent.
BMus - will be duly noticed, with the stsnaturrs
eifiktliparflesaanexed, and Barry Flail will be continued
t _ Telimeiiiiy the subscriber until other arrangements are per
Per sale, on the premises, 150 lad , . choice wittier ap•
ides; if sipplied for Immediately. JAS. E. if. I 1.130 U 11 N,
cep 29-41* tgo 9, Market, a nd 74, Front st.
_ ---
—. 7 ...—„----_
- • - 10,00KBINDING.-5 1 'Candlewic
1: --7- --V ---- _ --- "\ •JIJII Johnson, Bookbinders and Paper
--- 'l.-I't - _- - . ‘ Rater*, S. W. corner of Wood and
1 - - '''' '.-1 Fourth streets, are now prepared In ez•
I - :: •::.7 !
-4_-,. innate all kinds of Bookbindityr and Pa.
' ''n ""-".- ----
per Ruling whit neatness and despatch.
---------- -- - Ei" '4; books ruled and bound to
IMF glean pattern at t tir orient notice.
N.B. All work dond s he above fii warrant ed. oep 10
WM. BIDDLE, surgeon Dentist, has returned to
old stand. No. 107, Smithfield Street,
where' he tan be consulted any hour during the day,
an his prokussion. sen 10
RESIOVAL.—Geor;!e Armor, Merchant Tailor,
resiiectiOy announces to his friends and pa.
prong. that he has removed his establishment from his
aldstaid,, to Third street, to the corner of Front and
Ilidtbfield,ln the basement siory of the Monongahela
/loose; where he intends keeping on band a general as.
**Of Ift4SlLiOitable Goods, suitable for Gen
tloi r.
by close application, to merit a share of the
ewstisiwissiliberatiy extended to him at his old stand.
ICM.. - Illiigirtgma'de arrangements in New York and
Plttfiliiti4phia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for
th•l4olotiOn of Paill rind - tondon Fashions, customers
oaf cto having their orders executed according to
dieriktest Style. GEORGE A:11111a.
4111 - 4 10 .
ARD OIL.---Thaatineriber would. me_ respectfully
.11L11 inform the publini l itsgettera that lie has an article of
aLrd Oil of a supesiatighttlit y, mann factored at the Cincin
nati Oil MianupctorY;by B,W.Lee 4- co..woico is warran
ted tote equitt bithe best Sperm. Oil, both for Light and
'f his Oil isnotirely free from any glutinous
matter; ansoke,-or unpleasant odor, and it fans clear and
as - White it spring water. Not a particle of crust is left
-on ..ifs wick. The light is pare and hriCiant,
and vint,lest-ac long. if not longer, than that from an
eqUat offiperin. Oil. The subscriber informs
the patne Unit tie Mk taken a plate nearly opposite the
Poet:Mee, where he Will light up several different tamps
isvetr evening, and he - would respectfully invite the in•
iteltitants of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and their vicinity, to
caillr.JUdge for theniselves. Ile feels confident they
Will, convinced that the above statement Is perfectly
eoltrittet. Out of two hundred individuals who have tried
the Withers. has not been a single fault found with it
, Thalard Ottawa one third hesstban sperm. De would
Molly solicit the early attention of Dealers end Ma-
Alpha, to the above.
The tbilowing Churches are now tilting the Lard Oil;
ta tin n Church, Pittqllurgh,
N pumberland Preshytertan Church, Pitishutgh,
terian Church, Allegheny City,
rmed Church, do.
• • 'are branded It. W. LEE 4- Co., Cineln-
•.: -. :' , ;;; - -4:::',-.> '---.71.;'.:.. , - •
:`.&*.lA , :kw • - '.. . Pittsbu rr. h. June 21st, 1842.
.; ''...--. -. .„ -w - ii; the undesigned, Captains of the 'Es press Line of
4-,:,..; 'llichille,On the Pennsylvania Canal, hove tried and ere
ft - -, , , i. iiing..llol.lirikle Orlardol l introduced here by Matthew
'';' • C. !When a n d - manufactured by B. W. Lee it Co., at the
1 , -,i, , ,. Cineinnatti Oil Fattory. . .
We feet eanthient In asserting Mint the Wove Is equal
...7 . 0,:f' to the best Sperm Oil; that it is entirely free from smoke
or any other glutinous matter whatever; the light is per.
+redly priat.elear and brilliant, cud wittiest as long, If not
;.., :loop , thanthatfrom Unequal quantity of Sperm. Oil,
' Welieveio beiltation In recommending It to our friends
. sail* ilksee vrbo elm OIL • .
I'reunv Adams. _ , Captain ; Packet - John Adam.
G. W. lIII.DSCILAND, Captain. Paeket John Hancock,
_ ... -- t - m' -A. CRA1,... L. ,-L;..,...„.„ . :?..; -do do John Madison; dison,
--' lO- : •ienit . U'alMea — '- tit. eo • Pittsburgh.
P.*:" ' •• ~ ,,,,1.9„.... .---- - ::1,
t,ra PILLS.—•
13 / CH E ' rt
LP These Pie- are composed or herbs, wetch .- ne
l exe or
le"; upon the heart, give hum tise blood la quickened
straugth' t* Ibe f terisi I ' d :: through all the vowels;
e tt ea ra ili rts situated Internally:Untie
wit/giber Onber*lll,l--- tieeic of the , hody are
i gni .""mill s,erago. - , - , it ebe nd weei lissit , ' s t h he are ge hr e a l 7= u n e r a t t ne tn n er ton esto nt f ; , ,
imwsorsiiiippoina altriekrunid.ut „
11 .141.
414 4 .40 iii
topingwilh -
ktiMUAIS, x It t r ='
QPcianr ot -- .ol.**Aix;
_poor rag DireaselltlearTi
. . -
- Wreathe, 111,11/42.
INcoosplitioce with this setentionth iststiotrof the set
• of Congress .legalisint and snaking appropriations
""for such necessary objects its have been neneity included
“in the general appropriation bills without etelhorsty of
and to fix and prkivide for certain incidental es
,. pauses of the DeparlinPrlti amt Officers of the Move , n
-. Anent. and ihr other purPoses." approved Aritatet 26i
1942: Seated PrepossisAwlel be -received at this Depart:
_peat until the thirty-first day o December next, for for
statism for one fear or longer. at the option of the Depart•
meat; the following - dest.rirdions of Bleats Or eltsose of
Post (Aces in-the States of Pennsylvania:tad Delaware
Matte received, IS Reamer
Mail sent, . 60
Account of Newspapers hod Pamphlets re-
seised, !
12 "
Mails receivedst DiStribilting Offices,
All the above on small royal paper, at last 21 by In
inches. printed on both aide.' and feint ruled, with out less
than 421ines on a page.'
Mails sent from Diets ibut bog Offices, 12 Reams.
Sante size paper as above, but folded lengthwine, and
with 50 lines an a page.
Accounts Current, foolscap, two on a sheet 16 Rama.
Monthly and Weekly Registers, foolscap,
four on a sheet,
Post Bills. foolscap, I:inn a siteet,witticsoe)
Post Bills, foolscap,/.2 on a-sheet, with r
signatures , : .
Post Bilis for _llistribuiingOfficw, 9 On a - -'7s° Brains
sheet, wititsignatu!ste
Post Bills,ilfor PistriMitine; . ol3lca, 6 on a 1
sheet, with signauret, J
The propOskis will stale the price, in one -wet, per
ream, for each kind of blanifor paper, printing. ruting •
and pecking. They are to .delivered in such quanti
ties, and at such times, as may be required by.s he diff.o.
ent Post Offices, and on, the requisitions of Postai:tater'
endorsed by the Postmaster at like place where the con
tractor may reside. None trill be considered as deliver
ed • or will he paid tor, except on such requisitions.
Each requisition. Or quaolity ordered, to he-securely
enveloped or packed for transportation, and directed to
the Post Office, at the expense of the contractor.
The right is reserved of reject ng any bid which may
I.e considered ritravagant, and also to give to any one
bidder the. printing for one or more slates adjoining lire
State of his residence; and each proposal must be acconr
pa nied by sufficient evidenCOaf the ahility of the proposer
to comply with the lerma of,his proposal.
The successful b'idde'r will be required to enter into
contract, with surety, in strict compliance with the pro
vision of the law, to w Melt bidders are referred.
Failure to furnish Mairks;promptly when ordered. fur
nisl!ing those oVi s aigistir qualityas to paper, printing.
" t y...Jri
anfil* le evade the true meaning of
th r ie ci
Ni(iit.ll4olltaltiered sufficient cause for its
Payment will be made quarter-yearly, one mouthafter
the expiration of each (latter.
The blanks must be equal . to the best of them now in
use. Specimens may be seen at the various Post Offices.
The quantities mentioned above, are from the best es•
ti rates that can be made fer one year's consumption; but
they may exceed or may, 411 short of the quantities re
quired. The Departintntres not bind itself to any
specific quantity or amcitin
"Prof orals" shonld stir, marked, and addressed to the
'-Second Assistant Postmitster Washington,
D. C. , n23—dtd3l
spn for the above COMittalutia is now at band, struVatt
persons who are subjected to the inclemency of the
weather :tie respectfully informed that they can find.
Coyear's flint or Lite- whictrts well kactied lo have
cured Tno aligns, who Were la the last stagei or CM
SUMP( ion. Certificates coo be produced of Its woudesfut
TAYLOR'S BALSAM or LIVERWORT is another rem Ody
for Liver Complaints, Caughtsand Colds, 41 comes lilgh•
I) recommended by all Who have used it, and Is pleakant
to take, and speedy in effecting a cure.
PEASE'S EIOARHOUND CANDY.--TIGS is a highly valuable
and pleasant medicine ; it - Will effect a positive and certain
cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption.and Is an effectual
cure for the WHOOPING COUGHS. This is a very pleas
ant medicine, all are fond of it, and children never refuse
to take al; its cure is sure and positive. The subscriber
has a certificate of kgency direct from J. Pease 4- son,
so there can be no mistake. All persons who are effected,
are invited to call and seat delay, for the titre to take
medicine is at ihe commencement.
All the above medicines ran always be procured at
TUTTLE'S NEDIUALAGENCY. 86. Fourth street,
1 the Alle
LAircAsTra,oo.• 2d, 1812.
01-To Dr. Taoau,—My Dear Sir: I cheerfully and
cordially embrace the present favoratee opportunity to re
turn to you my warmest thanks of gratitude for your an.
equalled and unexceptionable Inveneon of your Seery
justly celebrated Tea Berry Tooth• Wash, and I feel that
I am in duty bound to say that I have derived the great
est and most beneficial effect from its frequent and mode.
ate use: and I can assure you that I am exceedingly hap
py to have the pleasure or informing you, that sincerely
and cordially speaking, I can in justice recommend its fre
anent use to all that unfortunate portion of the human
race throughout the globe who are now undergoing the
moet excruciating pain for the want of a medicine prept.
ration of exactly the same nate re of which yours is preps•
red, and who have for years been suffering from the in.
jurious.destructive and Ourniclous effects of worthless
tooth powders and other worthless preparations. In
conclusion permit me to any that I have used your Tooth-
Wash hut for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly
convinced that it Isthe best now known. z ils inestimable
virtues In preserving the teeth, (which it kept in a good
and handsome conditiori, la the greatest embelishmeht
that adorns the human structure,) are not to be excelled
In easing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and
restoring the gums to n:bealthy and purified condition, and
giving also a sweet:Mks and fragrancy toe disagreeable
breath hitherto unknown.
Accept my si. cere wish for your suttee?, from
Yours, truly, JOSZPR BRINKER
THE Committee on Lectures of the Wirt institute.
for the Fourth Couirse,respectfu'iy announce to the
publ'c that they have made arrangements to commence
the Lectures on Thursday evening, December 1. The
Lectures of this course will be exclusively Literary and
The Committee, desirous of making the Lecture Room
of the nstitutet a favorite resort of the lovers of Litera.
lure and Science, as Well as the fashionable, have spared
no exertions in procusing popular and talented Lecturers,
both at home and abroad.
. .
In the course of two weeks a list of the Lecturers wilt
be published, and tickets offered.
SAM , . C. HUEY,
nnv 9 fr Committee.
IL) UFT S. MAIL LINE If Splendid Passenger Steam Pack
. els from Cln di nnati to St. Louis.
The new,aptendirlaast running, 4. light draught steam
Pactets Weat Witutand -NeTtfrerreil, will run as regular
Packets, from Cincinnati in St. Louis. Will leave Cin
einnatiand St. Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10
Passengers from the. East and West may rely upon
their starting punctually as advertised. sep 10
M. 0. EDEY, &Tent
This infallible 'remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon
as the Syrup is rubtedlon the gams, the child will fee( y.
er. This preparation ibsolnnocent,soeflicacious, and so
pleamnhthat no thltd - will refule to let he cams be rub
bed with it: -When infantsare at the age of four months
tho' there is noappearance- of teeth, one bottle of the
Syrup shouldbe usedtd open the pores. Parente stmuld
never bewlthoutthelsyrnp in the nursery where there
are young childten.rot If a child wakes in the night with
pain in the gumsikkhk , Synip immediately elves wise, by
opening the pores, ind heal log the gums; thereby prevent;
14 Conan ACIDS, FekrirS, trte. - Per Sale Wholesale and
Retail by ; - R..E.SELLERS, Agent,
se p 10Sia. On. Wood street, below Second
HEAP. - , LACE '.a..N13 RIBBON STORE, No. 2 SI
Clair area *
tact' and IL
Wide and na# kola,
ism and id
Infante frock t .
Ladies. Pre ( Mohair.
Liale Thread, Pottoo Gloves,
RAO atatlllak. „r Vellik—verY elicaP
A large a t or' jtawlislt Straw Soctra*. 1L144014-IPPM.7.,4tfairkapit
£llO. earl aw., plain add fame ,Tuscan IEaW .144k1.0*..,0 rOieads oat the public.
ilittEßY. • - Joer. 01 4 0m 140 5 1 ito;4 1 AP
1"4"47. rilerPCP"lt.***"hi
Ott the llll ' kl - ►*44
13( •, 1 427, ; - :Nor t <t-z: sf : -
,? , ;.!+ - 44v.•:4•-•
airoisitter g • 412 ftil 1 010 1 m
Brag , - I 1
lerT YegehOli fyienotinlY medlehlt.
etas Tee sacra, and immelihnely stays the fUrther
low* or esserkaa, in the bodice of thiste erhonerwere elf
/life arc. st
notalready exhaued. Where human mhos
tygo oven, them scarcely is ins esurtplaint, or fora or
sicitaess,that the Baser/arra Puss do nut relieve Ind
generally cure. Although these pills produces Incises
'arraer,that. effect ts not to prostrate the 'body, its With
other mediekes, but the fame Is invigorated by thit :e
-nteral of tbe MIMS of weakness,Ute morbid; the vitiated
humors from the blood. I
Harmless in themftivea, they amrely
To throw out tbe omelets of Admen from the bedy,
and they require oh alteration la the:diet or clothing.
In fact.the human body iv baler able to sustain With.
out injury, theincteMeneysf the weather, white udder'
the Influence of this Infection destroying ,elsease cradles
dug Medicille than at any other time. '
The importabte Staroliath's Mils for seamen and
travelers ts, therefore,self evidsm. "+1 : 1 .- VT I
Ry the timely use ofihts Medicine how much sixtely
and skitness, might we not prevent. Cold, Billioutaf
(Salons.. Typhus, Scarlet aad feversof all Mate, weuid
be unto:wand But where secknees does exlsli letl no
time be lost, let the BRA lIHREIrIiPS PILLS be at Ants
sent for,-that the Remedy may be app led, without rut
tiler loss of tine.—To as 2,111113.111111LRED
That Brandreth's Pills have mood a seven yea's' test
in the United Stales. ,
That they area vegetable and innocent medicine:yet
all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic
recent; I fectiooaor otherwise.
purity Me sumer, aurro-uror
greaser' disease 110 the human body,. Jai
That, in many cases, where the dreadful latuqpnt of
ulceration had laid bare ligament and bone, end where,
to all appearance, no hunch meatupeould eave'life, have
patients by the use of these pills, been restorer to good
besting-the devouring disease having been compktely,
That each of the genuine has upon-Wrings copywriter
iat atel.
Brandreth upon it.
- :
That there most, be upon each togs ;tires itigitaitikes,
D. Baannairrn, M. D.
And Ores signatures, thus:—
»All acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring
them to a perfect crisis end solution, and - that Wren by
atools,x►hich mast be , promoted by &Witten nature
does not do the business Itself. On Otis( eounq au
fit timed serupulousaessabont the weak ibody
is of bad consequences; for It is that which Y
to make evacuations necessary, which natuiteatt
after the humors are tit to be expelled , bat Is not itti"
accomplish for the most part in these diwnsegr, and icart,
affirm, that t have given a purge when the rase has been
so low that it could hardly he felt, and the'ilebility ex.
treme, yet both one and the ether have been restore)] by
it." The good effect to be derived from the Brandreth
Pills have to be experienced to be fully believed. By
their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or
small pox would ever assume their malignant form.
To appreciate to the full extent ,the incalculable bene
fits of BRA IsIDRETfi'S PILLS. they must be used when
The First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One
dose then, and their good effects will be -.felt throughout
the attack—lx is muse THICK Ix TIMM that Is the great
secret in the cure of all appearances of disease arising
from bad blood,and I presume there are few at the pres.
ant day, will Say anything of those Mei*" which affect
the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases Thieve
yet to see.
Hoping that some who read t his may be benefited by so
doing. 1 sin respectfully.
the public's servant.
241 Broadway, NewYark;
The public will please observe that no Iftenifte.th' Pills
are - genuine unless the box has three labels urilon it,
each containing a fac Online signature of my 'hand
writing thus—B. Rrandreth. These labels art , engra
ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ex
pense of several thousand dollars. nememberll he top
—the side—and the bottom:
Ent red according to net of Congress in the year 1841,
by Bet gamin Brandreth, in the Clerk's Office in the Dis
111e1 Court of the Sot them District of New York.
Dr. B. Brandreth's own office, No. 98, Wood etfeel.
Pittsburgh. Only plr.ce in Pittsburgh whets. the genuine
Pills can he obtained. Each Agent who sett., the true -
Erandreth Pill, has an engraved certificate of Agency
renewed every twelve months, and has entera i rkliAl
of 1500 to sell none other Pills than thcte re p from
Di. B. or his speetal General Agent. gfark - , the certifi•
cafe: Ls all engrave,: except the Doctor's mune, wtAch is
hiliMeste hand Writing. Observe, on each. certificate
theriils an exact copy of the three labels on each box en
.raved thereon. -Purchaser. see th it the engraving of
' the labels on the certificate correspond with those bn the
The following, are Dr. Renjamin ftrandrelh's Agents
for the sal, of his Vegetal•ie Univt_rsal Pins, in Alleghe
ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the rew labelled
PILES cured by the roe of Dr. Harlich's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pitts
Dr. Harllch—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
Agency (tom you for the sale of your medicine, I
formed an acrinaintance wi:h a lady of this place, who
was severely afflicted with , the Piles. For eight pr ten
years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks,
and her physician considered her case so complicated.
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. 'Through
my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was
perfectly cured, Yours, 4.c. JAMES R. KIRBY
October 3. 1840. Chambersbug, Pa.
rettifice and General Depot, No. 19. North 'Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. ' And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh: sip 10
TNTERMINGCUREperforass4 hyDr.tagnes
Compound Syrup of Prunus Virgin Tana, or Wi d Cher.
ry. Having made use of this invaluable gyrup to apt family,
which entirely cared my child. The symptools were
wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing,
attended with coustant cough, spasms, convulsions, 4.c,
of which I had given open hopes of its recovery until I
was advised to make+ slat of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing the effects it had upon my child, aind :con
cluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en.
tirely relieved me ofa cough that I was afflicted with for
many years. Any person wishing to see me can ra at
my house iu Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington.
J. Wit.cox.
f'' ' ' ''
:-- ;-:. - ..,..::,_: ,. . , ..;-."=:i':'?:!_ , ..
31 label has two signatarsiof Dr. I.!9tsiatto
Price '25 cents with directions.
Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Street. Pitlabur
Allegheny, Mr. ions G Lass.
McKeesport, H. ROWLAND.
Noblestown, ions Jonsson.
EZWARD THOMPSON, Wilkinsburgh.
Eliza bel blown, C. F Diem.
PRESSLEY IRWIN, Pleasant Rill.
DAVID R. COON—Plumb Township.
Wx. 0. Horcres— Allen • s Mill. tge'p 10
We call the attention of the public to the.,ninnerous
certificates which have been In circulation in- cPilr paper
and some others of this city, -highly recommending Dr.
Swayer'. Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry-,k—Webave
seen the original certificates;, tnd have en doubt but they.
come from truly grateful hearts.expressive of the bemefits
which they have received from U.at valuable compound.
We have acquaintances who have frequently -MO the
above medicine, who can speak with confidende of its
virtues.—Sals►day Cdroticis.
Fimow Crrmsnie—Vilth sincerity I Would advice
you. oat and ail, both sick nod well, phire4e to; have a
boll le of Dr SWATICX . IICompound SysepolNiitid...Cherry
In your houss—it is invaluable in;:efienieiskeektirgencr,
such as 'Spittle!. of Blood. Artbria. atkiiikeirviotent
repthitig, which-is-often the cause of iplukfierf bloat,
Violent Nervous Affecsione, which occasionally come
from fright, and various other causes,. produrg great
alarm, sudden colds. from improper exposu • which
are 04ett let run - to an alarming extent,_ for want of
meens being,reedy atitant—and as I have inset!, Dr.
o's Compound Syrup of Wild. Cherry ttpeatedly
...VW- Civilly, and always with marked. iruccele-rI : can
recommend it with confidence, as being one, or the best
faintly mediOnes. width ov,or been otecriefto iha
foul briam. Thorn. Wholesale-a—ketaii, Maly :awl
-IMMSkilmfef.' Nye 33 Market Street. - ' lootelo
_;:Y • t
;,~.~...,~>._~ err
CuOfff.l '
arielt,l4efiiisst ilslttfittruity r l l 4 'Worn the Ladish
-of tittithargit and its vitifrifty,ihat MW haat arrived:Aft
reel "Thant .London. with a beautiftitrinwortfitaht orld ill nal
is of the, nearest styie. tier conuatroi there will at ail
times enable her to introduce the iDteitt fastiloll 411.11110104
the- Ladies honor her with a 'bare of t heir patroasge,
pledges herself io keep -every thing of the molt St:yi!s.h
di:Kai:Mon; and pay !WWI aitentidti to economy.
t i
"If fa with Confidence T. recommends Der Fran
and Loudon made Cometsv also , tier spfendid'assortinent
of Embroidery; which la superior to a.nything yet intro.
duced'in this country.: includes ,Lioeni ooler'
peons; Orientals. Canaria la --Cardinal. Demi, Al C yti..Bat:
, tboo- for, Evening Costume, Collura Culls, Pocket Ilea
, kerchief*, litornizi,g and Night Gape, ke-vwiiich will be
ready for.thelr approbation on the 91.1 t of October next,
' Mrs. P. Is, waiting arrival of her Bonnets trete
EUrOPel at No. 2 Ferry street, between Liberty and
Fourth streets.
sera.. 29—di f.
Mil. mon . ...... • . ... ... GEO. P. VI altiLT9 •
1161AGIIA w El SI wroN,..tryomoys at AMC. have
J.T.1. - removed their Office to the residence or . H.S. Ma.
glnv - te n Fell re , ! 4 ti I tXO arritohnoe ,sep
t---------'C°FltZt,TiabLlgT—anf.Sis. M.iterr a r ts "
Tyro doors from the corner of Wood at reef. Con.
. . .
staittly on hand an assinimertt of 100 ready made
:COFFINS, of every sitc and deserintion; covered
onen. with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black
' *Waal, Poplar, and Pine Coffins.
ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages
Incithinaf; ‘ Gravos procured; and all services rendered
A edredligliren in all cases;elther of.cotins Or carriages,
requested. HENRY BEARES,Onderiaker.
sep IO
175 .11 s n a LS ie . by VV LIIIIf, G a ;It f A )e . r G io4 R a ti r o f , for
N 0.12 Water Wept
AATETY.—' Just
. received from New York, 3000
V Temperance Almanacs . for 1843; 5000 cOpies of th e
Journal °film American Tem perance Union and Youth's
Tempet . anee Advocate for Septeober. Also, - 4000 Chris
tian Almanacs. and a good aasoriment of Looniis's M aga-
Sine and PittsltuAgh, and the rcanklin Magazine and CoM.
mon. Almanacs fai4B43; by the gross, dozen or single;
250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu
siness Dirctory and Strangers Guide, for 6} icePLs. Also,
Cottage, niftily, School and Pocket Bibles and Testa.
meets, 'David's Psalms; Methodist and Temperance Hymn
Books; tbe beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred
Music: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Christ.
Ilarp,and almost all kinds ofSchnol Books; Guna's Do.
mettle Medicine; Day Books and Ledgers;*Writ ing, Let•
ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the
gross, dozen, or hot: le; steel pens, guilts, slat es.pencils and
wafers; Cyclopedia of History. Western Pilot. and a con.
siderattle varlet v of Books and Stationery, for sate on he.
commodating terms for cash or country prnduce.
ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant,
sep '2 No. 9, Fifth street.
UNION COTTON FACTORY, Alleghe y City, at the
end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having
commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking
Yars,Co!ton Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting,
4-c., and are prepared tc fill orders at the shortest notice.
Having selected the latest and most improved meld
nery, a lid employed the manager who has attended to the
HOPE Fscros.v for the last five years, they are manufactu
ring a superior article.
Cotton Warps made to order,
Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office. or lettat he
store of J 4- C. Painter 4- Co., Liberty street; or Logan
4- Kennedy, Wood street; will meet with prompt atten
tion. Address—J. K. MOORHEAD iS• CO.
sep 12-1 y
1110 FEMALES.—There is a large ciass ut Females in
JL this City who from their continued sitting, to which
their occupxtlons oblige them,are affected with costiveness
Which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the leasi ex•
ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head,
Intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the
:((cation to any mental operations; rumbling in the how•
els, sometinies a sense of suffocation, especially after
meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up
stairs; tempre fickle; their are symptoms which yield at
once to a few do . ..gestic the Brandreth Pills The occa.
sional use of this medicine would save a deal, of trouble
and years of suffering.. One, or two, or even threii'of
the Brandreth Pills Just before dinner, arc of en found
highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously in
this way; they a,id and aysigttligestionosslore the bowels
o,ttyroper condition,enilven the spirits, impart clear
to thecomplexiiin,porify the blood, and prOmote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Bold at Dr. 11-audrrth's Office. No. 98 Wood street,
Pitichurgh_Prlce 25 cenU per box, with full direttines•
M ARK—The only place In Pitishurgh, where the
GENUINE Pills can he obtained, is the Doctor's own 01
nee. No 98 Wood street. - sep 10
STRUM ENTSI— T. McCarthy. Cutler and Surgirixl
Instrument Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office. Pittsburgh
Physicians. Dentists and Druggists can have their in•
stru meats madehy the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern Nees.
Tailors' Patent Sheers andSeissors always nn hand.
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N: B. Allarticles warranted of the hest quality. and
jobbing done as usual. sPp 10
LIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often tenni
natesin another of a more serious nature, if pro.
per remedies are not restorted 16 in time. In all forms
of this disease, Dr. Mt'WS Compound Strengthening
and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure
—first. by cleansing the stombeh and bowels, thus remo
ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of the Ger.
man Aperient Pills, after which the Compound Strength
ening Fills are taken to give strength and tone to those
tender organs which require such treatment only to effect
a permament cure. These Pills ore neatly put up In
small packages, with full directions. For sale at No. 19
North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sate by Sam
uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty eta., Pittsburgh Pa.
sep 10
ALLEN KRA'AIER, Exchange Broker, No, 46, Cor•
ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.—
Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold.
Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts,
ootes and bills, collected.
Pittsburgh,Pa, Wm. Bell it Co., John D. Davis, F
Lorenz,l. Painter Co., Joseph Wood well, James May
Philadelphia,'Alexander Bronson 4. Co., John H. Brown
it Co, Cincinnati, 0., James M'Candless. St. Louis,
.410., J. R. *l'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Esq.
Preet Bank Ky. se p 10
REMOVAL.—The undersigned begs wave to in to r m
tile public, that he has removed from his old stand,
to the corner of Penn and St. Clair sts., ophositetite,Ex
change Hotel, where he has fitted up a large PIANO FoWrz
Walls Room. and now offers for sale the most splendid
assortment of PIANOS ever offered in this market.
file pianos consist of different patternii of-superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully mo
deled, and constructed t throughout of the very bevt ma
terfals,which, fbr durability, and quality of tone, as well
_as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen
As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made arrange.
meets lo supply the increasing demand for this Instru
ment, he respectfully requests those intending to pur.
chase to call and examine his assortment before pn rcha.
Sing elsewhere. 116 he is determined to sell LOWER, for
cash, than any other establishment east or, west of the
mountains. F. BLUME,
Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets,
sep 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel; Pittsburgh, Pa.
WARRANTED ( V- NEINE. — Dr. William
Evans'e Camomile Pllla.*:.l
ese.TirtoiTefi.--Let ler ,trom thellon. A blitto
Cohnty tont Ten nessee.lil emberof Congress
WASHINGTON, int 3d. 1838.
Sir.—Since I have been in this city I belie useilsinoe • of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and saris •
fact ion, and belieVe it to be a•m osi. valuable remedy. One
of my zonsil uents, Dr. A: Carden,Campbell county, .
Teoneasee, wrote . to me io send liim . saine *Mail I did,
and, lie has toployed it very' aur.eessfally 41p.pilkit Ice,
and rays it is 1 n Vail:table. • Mr. Johnson, yon'r agent I
tbis plate;" think', you Q uid, probably like an agent
Tennesiee. If so, I ainuld_recommend Dr :'A Carden, as"
Si:proper person to:officiatit for ihe sale of year celebrated
'medicine. Should yeti Commission him ha is .. tailllng
ant far you. YolLeau send the medicine by.wifiiilo the
1 Cstre : of :Hobert , Fitig*.Zonis, Knervilte,totitlY:Totivies.
ette, - or 11-land:' , to Grabs* Bowdon,. Tazewell, East
~,rentlesilee, . I,hov , enodoubt but It you hat vitentuin
*vers!etionditt tdi iilast Xensigsfeeot *Teat j deal of reeds -~
itoki; .7. Taus kis
sidoetoesionie Of ;11hoine ,
or MY limo 'use. , and ;lama of , •suy friende,."-ood - should .
/101tUoluar.fempion wheihey y_oo „ovoid 1 like est agent
/011101vIlleapilivaiierealtycgist-Tchnimpwci! can get
0t.41041*j0i110.4* set for , ol est
• - •
.totft .
rite ' --
. -
P10.*: 11 41 ( Cialigt 410 "4 1 " 1 ";a.
sireert 41#4f0•
Patibloik. ,
Pittsburgh, June 18,1039.
Mr. Joust DINNING:—Dear Sir--Havitig been present,.
.yesterday, at the experiment which you were pleased to
make,. In the presence of a number of oar business men. ,
of the safety of sour IRON CHESTS, to case of firesit
gives sne pleasure to say, that So _ far as I . was capable. of
judging, the test was (air, and the result ,exceeded my
expectations. -
The Chest was a small one, h . bout 30 inches high, by
about 18 or 201 fiches in breadth and depth. and wtts.pla
cedon a block of wood about a foot in thichoesSoMlas
to efeva:e it about that 'height froM the ground: several
books and newspapers were deposited insidejsfit., lathe
manner. in which Merchants and others would usually
place thern-.—ti large quantity Of light pine wood 'Nabs
from an. adjolning_pw Mini 'vas then placed. around
and above it, andthe fire kindled on the windward side.
sons to drive the flame against the back part of the chest.
The fire was kept up about three quarters of an hour,
until you had gone among the'spectators and. received
from them their universal answer that the test was
sufficient. The eltest was then drawn oat of the fire,
and cooler', and opened, and examined. The contents
were ail safe. and the only Inkiry done was to the hack
of one book which appeared to he a little citarred. From
what I witnessed, 1 think that these chests are desert ,
in.; of confidence, as atTording,perimps. the best security
to Merchants for their books altdpapers, which they can
have without building large, thick, end expensive vaults.
1 would consider them a betterseewily than many vaults
which I have seen built. YoUr ,fiend,
We concur in the above statement, having been prea
sent wheuthechest was tester'.
W. J ll CooPer!ar H. Sltoenberger, Robt Bell, •
J. - -J. Painter, A. Cordell,
R. Miler, jr, L..9rnyttrong, A. H. Hoge,
Thomas Craig;- S. 0. D. Howard, J. 11 1 . Hoyt.
Eztraet of a Letter from Pail& .91vard, dated Cia
einitati,29th Mar( h,1842. -
J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa Respected Friend: We
have the sal Israel lon to state as the test recommendation
we can give of the utility of your Iron Safes, I bat we
hav:t one of them which was in an exposed situation in
r counting room, at the time of the fire, on the morn
ins ofthe 10th inst, which con'stimed our Pot k Home to
;tether with a large portion. oftne meal, lard. Ire, which
it contained; —a nd that our tic , ks and papers which were
In the Safe, were entirely uninjured, and were taken
from it after the fire; without ever tieing discolored.
Yours, 4-c. PUOII It A LVORD
Extract of a Letter froia Sinter 4. Holbrook, dated St.
Louis, Feb. Nth, 1841.
M R. DENNING, Dear Sir: - Ouse of your srconsi size chests
was burned a few days ago, in a leaf her store—it pre
served its contents. RespeOt fully yo urs, u
T J IVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. Har
i' itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Fills.
Mr. Wm. Richards. of Pa„ entirely cured of
the above distressing disease ;His symptoms were pain
and weight in thele ft side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid
eructations. a distension -of I Ike stomach. sick. headache,
furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron color, ditri
culty of ',real hing. disturbed rest, attended with a rough,
areat debility. With tither sy info oins indicating, great de•
rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards
had the advice of several phys.ciatts, lint received no
relief, unlit using Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which ierntina.
ted in effecting a pe-feet cure,
. Principal Office. 19 North Eighth Street. Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, curlier of be
ty and Wood'elecls. sep 10
. •.
~- eiricimiati, February 15,18 , 40.
Or. SwAriz—Dear - ir:- Petrat n,e to take the liberty
of writing to you at this time to express my apprcbation
and to recptionend to the alien% ion of heads of families
and others' your invent:ol l e medicitte —I he Compound
Syron of Prunus VirYinititin, or Wild Cherry Bark. In ,
my travels' of late I have =vett in a :'eat many installers .
the wonderful effects of your Medirioe in relieving chit- I L.AX SA:I-7.0 0 , ./I.IV7'ED —1."1 anted to pat
drew or very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing. , rash or goods, a quantity of Flax bed Tied Irli
Wheezing, Choaktog of PlileOtt, Asthmatic attacks, .`_....Almost all kinds of Country Produce takes int
te. I should not have written this letter. lloweim,q. \ o reach or rroods at HARRIS'S Inteillgenrer*
present. although I have fe't 4my duty to add my - testf-;: - 7 , per 2 , i___,f Commission wayei ,...„ , ft , e.o.
mony'lw it. for some time, had' it not been for a late‘.lM:',":
stance where the medicine above alluded to W 23 instb:::t atiti HART . Commission iferchstit;pultri
mental in reslorine to perfect health an -.only ebild,"-, 11l duce eureLdatericon r lltHortifacbares, Adi
whose'ease was almost hopeless, in a family of nip ae.-I RE.Trit To—
quaintance. ..1 thank Heaven," said the donting moth. I leo. crier. Req., Patourgh.NJ
. ,
er,iimy child Is saved from the jaws of death! 0 how I i Aaron Hart, 1 1 1
_b. -lb
feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is i
James Co k Cochran of PA.: _•' -"
safe!" /no. D. Devi's, . p
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of :- 111 Way k Flanyin, -.--: ~ --.
Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine In tilts or any livery,'Ocden 11- Ch. .":.- - -..4 -4 . ..,.
oilier country. lam certain I 'lave witnessed more than JIM, Woodbontag, E sq4 Stierfison, 'ay ,
one hundred cases where it has been attended with cam.
plete success. I am using it 41Vself in an obstinate at.
r tact: of Bronchitis, In which It proved effectual in a ec
ceedlogly sitorttime, considering the severity of the case.
I ran recomend it in the fullest confidence of its superior
virtues; I would advise that no family should be without
it; it Is very pleasant and', always beneficial—worth
double and often ten times its price. The- public are as:
sured there is no quackery about it. R. JActoton, D. P.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian. Church,
N. Y. . . •
Sold by WM. THORN. wholesale 4- retail, only anent
for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. sep 10
what will destroy Life. and you are a great man.
"Discover what will prolong Life, and no world will
call you Impostor." !
"There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, stilithin us,
with which certain herbs have affinity, and over iokioh
have power."
D . Brandrcties Exteenal Remedy, or Liniment;
which, by' Its extraordinary! power., abstracts Pain 'or
Soreness; thus Sprains, St* SilleWß, White Sweilings,
Rhenmatic Pains, or Stiff - nasal, Stiffness or the Joints.,
Ttriftors, Unnatural DardneSs, Siiff' Neck Sore - Throat,
Croup, Contraction! of the muscles, - Scrofulous eu•
largements, Tender Feet, / add every desiription of in
jury affecting the Exterlorktf the Duman Frame, are
cured or greatly relieved 1)31 his never-to be svfficientiy
extolled remedy.'
CrayrtswATE.- - -The following letter front Major Gen-
Mat Sandford, as to the qualities of the Eiternal Reale,
dy, speaks volumes:
Maw Yorta, Feb. 9,11:012,
Dear you oblige me will) another bottle of
your excellent Liniment? Itiscertninly thehest of The
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirety my son's
knee, about which I was so litteasy,and I have found it
productive of immediate retie( in several eases of ezier
nal Injury in my family. 'A few evenings since, my
youngest child was seized with a violent attack ofCroup.
which was entirely removed in' twenty wirmles, by ruh•
hiutg her chest and throat freely-with the External Rem.
edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment
for general use. instead of confining the use of it, as you
have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances.
. Pa. Rflitratroturra.24l OmadtsaY; , N. Y
ID" Forekit at 141 Broady; , New York, and at his
oce ,No. 93 iittled etreet, Pi burgh. PRICE-50 cents
per bottlewlth directions.' ') sepll3
Harrishargit, A UE.'ll9l 24111'1842 , '
. .
k...7IND TO_ Tilt STATE.—Noitee ut.heret•y gi
ven" ilitititt insesuanie of the seventeenth; elotileentli, 1
nineteenth and twentfith 04qc flans of the Act of AStierribiy
passed the 27th day of itily;llS42, preprints will herieei
-veil at the State Department untirthe hist:day. 9r florem
-her next, for ' he sale of et and each iirthe'Canalltand
Rail Ronde belonging_tu, 1 e Commonwealth, far which
Ststepteteit.ef par guide, lii Sheiieeelaed In .peVOW:at.' .- 1
path ind Ivtdualar Cotn Thitat t airist, ettiall leaDY, to
elate, the particular Ilne - of Cultair-Or. - Rail- twatt , whisk
they deslietii Parefathailhil amount of their respective
bids therefor,thwitierrandreuriaamesaf all concerti* 40
4 ,
the offer together with the iace or plurceefityagertue l
In oiler Ai 4 l -11 /4 1 F 6 *In ii i' o l oo 6 i llW-*16 141 -'
ittittii,' '.'.'.', ' :' .',..._ ' ' ~ - ...- 1 '
! t- : . .' l , ',.. !,:•' :'-_,, '
_ a l.- i.: .
_•,,,....p.....i...ti: ,- , - -i . ... , - - - , 7.-, _
u ~,,,,,
''' - ,-..4141tt1ahNi11*,40X0114.„14,440
14% T gAttrTlCittitir
L ri•
provided,with the Safety Guard
bills printed with a figure of the ippon -
ful pottage not deceived by tnistept .
gettastating their boats to be prosid t d
Guard, when they are rot r refuted
The following is a list of bolasappitti%
ty Guard at the Port of Pittsbargb—ss qi
first on the list have the_improved appal".
a pparat,m ii is Impossible for as explosive*
NIAG A R A, DU CitDift
Tim traveling community are retprel.:•
before they make a choice of a boat, to afar
and see whether it would not be to that
and security to choose a Safety Guard
passage an freight, in preference to one esti.
against explosion—and that they will USU.:
that this invention has the unqualifi*a •
fifty steam engine builders—gentle
it is to understand the subject, and w
Interested 7 -besides a number of rertlff'. —
to gentten en and others—all of which 7 ene
my office, No. 10. Water street, where It Wadi
pleasure nt all times to exhibit my incept*
who will lake the trouble to call.
V Thet.ol4criher offers for Pale, at the •
Ceti rales,ttta ireater part of his real
the elites of, Pittsburgh and Allegheny, viz: TIII,
Brick lA'arehonses, nearly new, a. t subdue.
situate 'rib Market street .1 etween Serond aniT
hratire• a front of about 54 feet by 60 deep. T .
lire, or separately to suit pusellvers, and am •
its. •
Also, irselert hu Him.. lot in Atls.hroy ritha
iireadth, by . upward of 350 feet iti de1 , 14 '
fronts. one on the Pennsylvania canal pi/dr Plir,r
Wnellinginn et reef. • . •
A ten the tot adjoining iiivAaboire.loo lool,
by ~,n rlY 550 feet in depth. inetniting
gant mansion house which 1 now occupy wi
A 0.1).4 lot wpti two two mot, brick Fthr
ate on the corner octant - Ice( and Front AMP%
a moderate ground rend, and null, Occupied by
ae a groeerjr. ALEX: BRACKO
eel, 10
Farm on which 1 live. In
Brarldnekifietd, mint:l4dr ,, one hnsdnitil •
acres; about 70 acres of which is ens rrd,
sr itk
timbered.• There are open It three*
and a barn 63 feet - pyr34;fin apple orchard el
Also, nbout: ne,venky titres of coat. The oil
he equellioth,nt of
, npland farm irr,lll(
Terms made kii.ovrogiii -
in the pretnisto WILLIAM WALLOW.
viTILLIA ail - C. WA Lri,, mei POI
V V and Piaturs Frinar ./froisfartsrf r,
Fourth Sava Pitts burgh.LCanvaFs
tc., for Anita!, always on Mod. tookic;
promptly framed to order Gepairingdosirt
est notice.
Particular attention paid to reeding and
ery description.
Pentsons fitting p Steam Boats or nooses
thelradvantage to call.
WHITE LE AD. —The auhscrilersere ma .
to furnish painters, and others wan e , I
chase pure White Lead made of the best ma •
ranted equal, if not anecdotic) any offerri t L it
All oidersaddrassed to Dunlap 4. 1104 4 1. 6 51
k Co . gehrio Second street, l'ittshingh 0
attended to. DUNLAP t A
L STOli_.
.Fifth St, one d•erfring Old Slava 0X Pf
The Sukseriber respeetlntly MOW IioLSI
Pittsburgh and vicinity that he has t 011,,,,,
tailing Shoes of his own manufactore,st WIT
where he will keep- constantly on hand a Ow;
meat of all kinds of Indies mimes, and, 0 01 1
and shops. of the bent qual i ty . which witt
ces to suit the times He will also ma° 1 1 - :
kinds of fancy work—such an white I.
sllppern 'colored gaiters, and huskins;lafin:
children's Osiers. ellit gaiters. kr-. 4°‘ , Id
wilt be made at thushortest notice, sad 11_ 1 4
ner. Ladies will please call and eamoise ir,
as the snitserihcr feels confident that hen...-.
any article in , his line they may want. ~,e
r- E. S J.e.v.
!FP 10, ~. rite
- • , --‘
- forget the place—No. li, • • ,
Idoor fro m ms's Intelligence Offtee. 1 "
fraaillta - s Sieet,
-------------.__ _
WT111.4,51 DIGBY having taken the 7: l ' ,
tinniness off/tort 4 , Moravian.. een;
Liherty Sinter:arid 42 Market street.
thanks tolhe numerous friewis and resine''
firm - . for. ,the veiny liberal sonport then no t
tended to iiiii, in connection with re' 11 „,.. 9 gii,
wishes to aware them that every exertion e—o
inert. the Continuation of the same. He
HeciratlY invite their attention to bis r7: 01
etothine.arhieti be Intends setting at toote er " 4
than hasibeen - ever offered, helot it. sle ep ' 0
the siboli erthe "lock of the !sickroom 4
elite; and at he intends to confine himself en P'•
'leash w r
d u
bosto. he .fiefs eonfident no ent i oiii
7Lnuel*nn itis Monk; either la ebeapnegh
D ela nieonekyl ai n hitt.
0 01
Pie:* tiilike Watleethat every article
, _ .... ..
teleeel l 1 Ititeith•
.0 4 14
RIO sintlifa , "`"' - 8 100 ,
411124i4444010;;;No. 17
tivet MO tod o
woe -,tAtirloistewl= - - - to r o off ,
sh ow
leaklteiltowiliami on_
Willbropiplgirgellil °I
0 ,0
--asisaitove WPM?
; •
t ~a
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e ~ , '~"Sl ~ ~ b.. ~.
.... 'fir
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r 4
• rviiMIED B
'rtittiat's , k.
s.—Fiva Voradais a
siwaollea CEN
Oper4:111104 114 tif Mows s
witNELY. it the sante
0104 at TWO DOLLA.R
Matte PoPlek, NIX CENT:
.roised. Advert
0,50 One 'no
a,. ;• 0,75 .Two too
. lone, ' 1.00 Three •
1,50 Four
Six mon
fh .. • ;:4,00 One yea
eninomiams AT PIMA!.
8, 101 7. 1.
$lB,OO Si: mon
25,00 One yea
advertkenithu In protor
of four , lines Pax Domano
ore Ormuz. Third between
M RiddilvtOstmaster.
Own. Water.4th door fro
aassomt. WOod between
gams Bertram, Treasure
Tasksoity, 'Third street,
slayterian-Ohtirch—S. R. in
Ornes,,Botirth , between
lerander flay, Mayor.
HT"a Facnictioa. Fourth, ne ,
Rae. betvreen Market and
Fourth streets.
are' 547711PACTIIRCRS'
I. (formerly Saving Fund,
Market streets.
a, Fifth street. near Wood.
!MILL !lousy., Water street
x Horst., corner of Penn nn
a' florist, corner of Third
N 110-txt,,eorner of Third n
rATIci. rorner of Penn tr
owe, Lihert y street, near
tetox House, Liberty
HOCInt. Penn -
ell's offices on Grant st
rt House; neat rooms to
Asir strist, bet wee* Pella
00DS;—Pre3ton Mac
I .deatarit in Engliett, - Fre.
, No, ,'Marker *t ,Pittata
• OLE 10.& 111 , C LU
iibirssit: Law: Office in
out h tiuse.
V AI,. --R. Morrow,
o f 'Mu 'rt., between Vt'
VDEVIr, r, Whide;:o.
Ail Dealer In Prinit
• 3 Artieles, No. 224 Lib
Ams & DILWO,
gyp cc nod Gonerr l<
PtliaAuu re
• 1 •
18!! on 700 north able .11
itliioll FtteeUc, up sin? r,
imfeteriOlutl services to I
rind-Market Streets., ah
FP &KEA.N, si.nu
nd Wieet.lron Ware. No
use Spuuting and Sicand
irnux •
Garner of Eland M. •
o% to pnrclinee Fornit
' • to els e aria call, Fein
1. 4 la quality and prix
5 14111,4,111 S.—just recei
me, Well cured and for s
, by
SUpp'y Or L
ga, and other different
ived and for sale at ago
Store of
No. 1.84 Liberty et
• CLOSEYO Boot at
No. 83 Fourth St., nest
lea Prunella, Kid and Sa
••anner,and by the new,
purchasers; to lye die
No. 184 Liberty at
'ROOTS, Flowers and
- fallen, can always
re of
184 Liberty s
Illinois Annual Marnm
at the Drug and deed sl
184 Liberty et
• r seedier received by
No, 184, Lthe
TOOLS, consisting of
111411 4 1 1 Trowels. Edii
• gOlves, Pruning
Pale! by
184 Liberty st
eallgOit ilams.—J um.
cry rhotre cured Yen
or cOrrept money.
hi Clover Seed,
y Slae Grass, alw
fi0.134 Liberty
4;,1111t:H Ati AN, Alta
(rem the Dfatnond,t
Foistrit street, bctwee
•! attdist - the ate law, Co
,! 1,- gnu on the North
Olph Meet:. Apply
s.liaiidretla's Presets t
aod_for at
, .
x 184 Gbe~t~