Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 01, 1842, Image 3

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    • coatateaelog at polio* .
"Pia advaatiaorlsidi l empoes
mos. Adattatisa,VtArlag it m khiL *
any are &gaited to .-.s.aatt*: l lllll. sa t 111
Mite) 4th dm& -
ttetting PeAthat'a l at r a
Alf the *whir
ft at the eara.4-
Tt ey are piciAteititett t
titan. aad - wiithiiphiaaradii i.
D asters aait,Spriaa taawkwi.a.
.th a geett varkatt A ir- s ,
e and Bond tothe T taa4;7 .
.no sae and Akerii4
la front i9e rfpc,
Entire, China* •
+dar, and Mia Mart,
4e enterizinnitat_irilt_4ano z ,
pc., Two Ladi!* aact-E0(
~.....7— T
SO\ oP. F .ittaboit
-.. ~.
~ ,,d Id S-eoes ea Ilefoey.o 5.4* ..;
- '
um, U. Ituel[teyi, awil Uni.S./IL .; .
by XI 4. 1 1 . - 141iy . 11 ariaMajti:e
c i'or4,
.trtonst Extraordinar7;by lbe
11..trultm. - •
•h other best and entTitaiiilw . : par
x. e small bills.-
,IrianSl a nner ,M r. 'NichtllN
heir to eonclode with the' latiitatie
Or, Sport for
t•sc, Ilse Piece, SaitorNtlieirnitlpe,
a favorite dance by-Miss-Las:a aid
till !j
k Si 0 FE a%ls itlEflirjiNet
, Ma
, Cratrza.
4- 41.1 to par,
I lay toe;
Scioto, -
Ch :-
Frau. WC
r atrk, di.
hk Racks Co.
o-I or. n Lk do .4
A In erica Phil. • a
'.,l 4 lern
Lk. of Pa.
a• ‘I rrhanics bk. a
:pr initi., I,k
, ;,..n k.k.
vt "irk bk.
ern bk.
rd" Pennzylvanis,
of Tenn Ti.
...V Mechanics WE
hank, I.k.
casnensing Gk
%l'arren, 7.;
, :1;.11;.. 1V:12.10,11ton, par
erg bk ii Ptolsvile:
111 ! .110 . /oiner y CO. pat
Fir°. osvitle,
l`tiant'l7l,`,l - 7.h.
, e
o . 11:00:11.k I!rirl t ,r. co
. A Of ( 0.
_I nk
.:r -!•6,
xi in, 5
d do 9
oda .
11,tr!eA.Olt Lk
& Mecti. 1k of
t i.k Lt Maim:
ar , ella bk. Demand
Clrrrn , y rate!,
k New Lis
au , ptc,e pay
rti A- Trnders IA or
un lat of C,,liiintrog,
TP•mand 2
r':rvi!le. I.atrrsee
)e=v Jae bk
nuctiott "t16;4,
Fir, it FOR SRLE---Tilithiral ci- In'
er of Wotl and F•rth eareelp. l
Borst Sleisk, with Poreir!'lo;
• :•,) J. 11. Otrril
X TEXSII" E SALE °$37BY 0 - c, Th
ray morrain2 at 10 o'clock A. al..
r.t.easmc a.saariguent fiE.Seal9o 3D *
propun AO la of Item parrhase44l ol. '
lake') and sold by Abe Itsrabsaft.st
in part. viz:- - •
rfiue [One. Black. invisible Gees*
' I : r , encloth; Bine. Stack add -OW
Ken...clay jfidiPlg.., l4 , llld ! " ll4 !
- nperior dotnd ie - '? • lanketfri Vilm - •
.Flint-; 4s3lihtztiodwr,--satis.
SH9w 4 iderr; I nfa td''d wended PI"
Conon: Piniveti - -; Unndireelii r k ‘
4 .ed Prene# and Ede6 ol .
"ns; Tape; Cotteii
will be custianed ender al * •
r 22.
S t-1 E FPS axrg
',44 . 1 ILL he lama. 21 Ra 8422 201: . •
V r.1i0n,.., Nt,.llo Vlpod ' *;
coo meheing at 10 o'clock , a i r
J.r . .! Dela itigpo!aeo or by outer of
e.tire st•th lea
Poly purchafeit
and pgirchaPera• ••
Stock roti;isisAut 'parr. of
Elearbod and gras4idlaidtiAg
S'uperftne frith
American and. bri;adiia.,,- 11 4: 40 h,
4-4 Cbinises anailar-41.45.„:
Meg - Ince' a Bch' bitZblits,lls
rfanneis 2nd Linneyr.
roffilm and T ic
Seqier and Pilot Clod* -
Calencia.aodo?3 es ' i.vt I*!
A 0 #rsortwent , ; ;; ,
fiviilo4,4l4, • •
CalaN•Soittii misi
Gentlemasr~asd Lad e.: F
1 WM*
- al
otiountar! ,
Wont %Miro.
?nib e c hange of peforntance at
Japhitheatre to-night. All who wish
los the evening pleasantly should at.
Fireman'sO Chronicle,
During t h e past month our Firefien
bad, considering the season of the
an unusually quiet time. We nev
or so few false alarms daring the
0 00 of lime. This is owing to the
withe City Councils ' in relation to
: t he engines. There has been only
none of them being very destruc
wept Mr. Turbett's Tobacconist es-
Amen, At this fire the Firemen had
a time of it—it being bitterly cold.
tear that s•Jme of the engineers were
to to the gallery.
ALSE ALRRIIS occurred on the pirating
the h and 26 . h.
4tt me h•qpie on Libert7 street. The
heny E 34. Vlgitant, Dneraeope Hose, Nep
ran Cn is yam threw a aier.
Gas Hou.e in Hard-scrabble.—
'ter t nroval. Damage slight.
h Framc house in :1111b , rry st., Allegheny
T de:ttoyed. The Pittsburgh fire
dd n moil it in time
tInCIC 311:I were there.
:h. Tu-bet.C.s Tobaczo Fac'ory on Wayne at.
';o.F Neptune, A.lleg'teny, E4 -4 . 1e, Vigilant,
-ne Hose, 'Niagara, Uncle Sam and Wash
... Hose were preQent.
z'' intends visiting 1 relay, 1 in the
/urrafer the Wort - ten!—The Hart or(
ant relates the following expedient by
Mrs. Clark, formerly Miss Perkins
rwich. Conn., saved het life and that
r two daughters—huing on board the
, boat Vermillion lately burnt on Lake
n. Hetdaughters were one six and
ther twelve years of age. "They
at thq seem of the boat, and finding
her way of escape, she dropped them
the water, giving them directions to
11,13 of a chain as they rose, which
minted out, and whi.ih t‘ as attached
r boat. Seeing them succei4ol,. she
,ed into the water herself. 410 they
ree kept hild of the chain until assist
came tu their relief.'
State bk.4t
- 51a$c Scrip, 1,
izia , e LY t c.`<
Rank of
do VaPey. , l
Far. bk. or Iti
'Ranh,—Mr. NI. H. Andrews. etlitnr
e \VLiS MI Sa!illsky
11,4 f.. A. Wilmer, “f" ihe
Mr ATsdreevl rerPiveil a
V. WPM. , Liak
Me r. 1tc.40;
rile! head rn,rn a t}:,ftv
•,•,.ith a wrei cane.
a a aislvile 1!; rek1 . 7.1!1
ert•i:; 119n51t•r
7 ,,izev liner.— . p. of lire Times
II itZ olit, 1 ; ,
N E 1
t I R7l $1 14,
41, 7. Moat,:
I"{„untry t4torti .
(29 . 114 y fat
Red 5344"
Vr!ting uu Nr.w.• ,, ,m prr: by NI:61.
• Me: T.l •-•,i I . Italai
A n• ) contain, a er .h
-r t;.,;era', to a g. ult.:man i 0:1
tuition ou t .e •
th mtl to av•rd the
'it of - lv It :you'll a2;war from
n Mr. W:ckliff_, that the ge:itieir.ol, to
•it ha+ le-en a diires , ,ed hid been in late
ro a r i•r., which be bat him -elf received
h thc Office, , n in Cvntiii in.,
:eky, withontlir4 era,iel; his tithe, writ
the niarg , n. the papers sn s• nt
r appear, were chvgen w:th- I r pre.tage
Po-t.naster aveysithiena; and this led iu an
A. of the Postmaster a-el:14.1..11 a , to wheth r
. err, orposta.; , e is in accord.-..nee with the
f the land.
Wickliffe states in reply that tb e r o ,,, nas
Qycill.iana did not violate. the law in exiLt
ler postage ire the cateall'id€J to. lie cou'd
now who wrote the name, and it canna
•e the que-tion of p stare whether th • na e
- 'ten on the margin by the person sending it
'tiler. It written and sea in-the ...ail, the
to exact letter pst ige attache- , . Mr W
occasion to state in his reply that the prac
f maintaining a business of frie..cily corns.
ee by writing oo the margin of nPrvspap , rs
•n carried to a great extent; Hence the
f 1825, imposing letter pneta.c for each nr
rfeluch the fraudulent package is composed,
it five dollars foi all such infractions of
ost Office regulations. Tito Putt Master
-al adds—
many ingenio.ia devices to ev'tde the pen-
Tih;s law inly be inferre..l from the facts its
le case which was brought to my notice.
t, had been in the habit of writing o.i the
oof an tiniesaper to save postage. When
• d the , application of ptovistons of the
1825; he adopted a species of sitigu'ar hie-.
pbics. His object was to let his f a ther k no w
ily were well, and would be up , n a few
a he sent up a newspaper with nothing
name written on it. He had penciled on
TZin a fac simile of a Paddler's awl pointing
.pth•• representation ora weft with a sweep
't•lLek g nz up. 'anti; dirt netty conveying
'age his fallitr thathh: - family were
"6 HtlF earning up to FCC him'
man a riles his name on the mar t in o a pa
d ands that io a friend by mail, he convoys
Fererat dit.tinct ideas and fac.W. Ist, that he
afire; 21, that he remembers him, thoueh
'; 31, th it h i It is seat - him by m ail the very
Per axon which he has written his name,
'O/ it to be done, and 4 h, he tells his friend
he is.
N EW, E.:;
,Itosion itaviat.: . -;,'
ii.:43uttir - r. 4- ''''' r
t . iiu!. -.c
Or,ir a ftS, ralliiir,r;:
VonTii CA„,
sOirill-;:'._ ~,
Ranks., ~,,
PIS. ~ '. •
Banks. , '--;;-; :
ALsal. ,;,
'Good. Fasts. _fi ':' -
TENN ?: '.
' All Bast..
rßk. or R- ---,-.
pc, A../ kIL 4.
Good lark,.' , .
ERSter* ir.
%%eV/ Vniki `.."...
naltisiarde I tl'-,„,
‘vesets ,-! . 4 ,.
,t:iscisiiatk- 4 ,
Likaltoll6o 4 ' :-:
, _, ,
L C - 0U) nin
• oChristian Teairwrsnee aid oiler Almanacs
for 1243; 9P.t liontYs Temperance Adv..
in a set; Temperance Faille; [tenons Asie. Iran
mance Union, Consressional vemperance Society
and a variety of Tetnittrsues floctnettiv; 1 set
*• of the Y./Mies Ftlertn; 2 set 200 v 01... Infants'
ac. and a variety of American Tracts, Temper.
Ad Satevan &dont Union Puldicatiohs, and a con
variety Of School Books; pa per
. anti stationary,
19, Nei, 9 Firth street.
Z GEESEL—Six deeseweie picket up tK the
h hnbedr_ river, oppciatte the' city.
tk dwelt; can hirkttiete tilting et the t..:.tset a
erawren:l, Sosit end Atteeh'itiy Bealie. avid
500 Erie &riP. wa*trof eXellangete V Mee
eaasaise, at NG. OrtXartattatteat a
Earreb•priare;ll - ammt • alkg9ll,St
teed from Zaafsvietfors34lll7-
from maw plaes. 10 1 ISINtsl idel 11"4" •
um" • -
, ,
DECEMBER ` 1,.1842.
N. 07. Comp- of Wood if
Tim proprietoasof the idanntna r; *poi Itirectrity
AND MAZIVIRACTVIIII2, feil*liiitlif _hl
. 1111 ' llllllir Wend*
and the paltennai Anne yottattes -that - i, , y haft- a tarp.
and well ebasennanoctinfent et - '"i
arliCallit . 4- 111Crilinli"° — MEC,
Z.M'D 4k13% fi)Wil7:041011.41 I - 7 5 RI. A. 'E
Necessary ta a Jobtlinting Office: ant t theyare pry
.. . paaedloexecule iLA
, , ~
1 Bine of PldiPa. :I 'oculars. ,
Rill Waft% * idP•
Mark - Checks. flat TiPr
Jlandbil la,
211 Mobs of Blanks,
Stage, Sfeamboat, and Canal Boat BOla, with appre
priate Cats,
Printed on-the shortest notice and most teasonabletertas
We respeel falls ask thepatronne hf our friends and
he public nr generat in this tiranetrof (Mr business.
Pittsintreft. Sep'. 35.11143- P1111.1;11rS 4- rrn.
ALLEGtiEIer ccuyTi-, S.
In the Court of sat' county:
iN the mailer of site Adritinirirailon
Account of John. IL. 11..4
Engle) Gat rar l.►ctiuq Executors
-. .T of thee:nate of IVtlttoniGArrard,deed.
And now to wit - . rtet ober 24. 1842.
ro the above named acrou'in refet red to A
Rorke. R. Woods. C. Vl.l R,Hrtior.ui .440 iturA to au
dit the account and diAribute the lealllnAt.
lty the Court, T L IteMILT, A N . citk .
The. Andi;ore ale.,ve naniert-.vig attend for the terlvose
of their annointine.ii, at the offiee of Nen2raw and 11am
ilton, i a 4.1;. -. (reei Piit-litirth.o.i the -199 h day of Deretn.
her twit, at 3 o'r!ock I'. M., when sad? where they wilt
hear ail rier:ona interested. A WU:kg,
t't:'001): 4 ,
C ves !lON' I OP.ST,
nov 21 —2w. Auditor,:
t E Sa',:criber has j.isi reitzraeil 40111 the Ea. - tern
Cities will' a cltame aaT-ottateallof fulowing ai
Ofo'i the most fu.iiirinahle sitades or ClOos.
P•d4ii and l'aney C..5.- - 43itnits.
rgiNiin i`Lorlis of most superior via i
ft.; - Virsfluos
of .4 real varlet V. 4-c. R •.-_ -
All of which have beer, ssiecierl by ligniself withgrear
core, and will be di-posed of on favor aide afro= for cash.
U nit tIiii.T.OOIIER.
Wirehriiii Tailor.
nov 21 —Rt
S P-1 LI, -1! PS. F It BURN/X(3
L.9R D.—Tllo,e W:10 WOU'll re.•tip to reduce
ti, o tr o xpor se for I izat "haat.: nett:lllll%4i purchase one of
the altove rinated,Lautps. a> by their ii C Ihr re is a Cear
"avien of at leant to-, I hint's of the eatnittete rivet o:Land
;he liehi otttalne.l from aril is lot e albd ilootio, ;nd
%vaulty (tee r, rik s moke r.r ttkat,reentr . e: : finell. 11e ivouirt
p ore Mate ip it c o rrte Paten' is he wt . !? 0;:e Ivurliiy
attention nithe itutilic, as it is the only one until is appti
cable to every variety or pattern of Lautirs and the only
one that w:11 'tarn Lard WELL, al any tehperal are of told
or 10.31. We have. in the sawl spare or three MOW In.
sold several ilinn,lanas and with scatte an ex.-tuition,
those toUttrt then. have expre--ed Ilie'rusrlVert. 111.2.1r1y plea=
ert %Vial then, arid full), raneil.rrd a) l We L. real economy
I heir u e, as we .1 as I heir <n ; rrbr,iti rarer either oil
or candle", in re_ard lo cleanlineor and
The above named lamps ruin I;eliail e at
Third sir,-et, nearly opposite the r..t offi
Wnere is kepi eonstanrly on nand 'Briin it cola Metal, Tin
arid (7, fai , :s Eamps, of vat ions otriiPros.
Glass Loops sold at inantil.,th rprs' 1.0 es.
tVe iste plea-mt. in 173:rellitii in i he fk,l"o rs
rerlificate, trilich is salltstribeil to Ity ionn) re,pecia
Wore i•ird vntl a , e nova. ocit.t.
Core. l'offnil L:ittipii, for biltbiriL" L.a , f •,r o•lier a
fat. nod or !rive nn in sayinti II at lii y &ire- an
pxref!,l".l tide to any of the 4411inary niorl•-3 of
a h0n,....,0 alinu!mre.listrii: 11.(4::rn4, ::sit :010111
f r ee hoo t 41..1% We lake a
Dlezvare in n coniet.P.F.l,2 1:44 be 0100 w. as I.y
Ire i. r. seat nOer
‘ br lord oil, or e.zen C. n•lle , ; ~ 0.1 we!. {.purer b• :3. to
be more r 1,•3:4 Irmtl.le‘rame
Tr. I.e r,M 4.1 Rnov, , : 2(' , I.ird Atte!,
„,..,;,,.m,. 14.- 1 . ... - / (MTIC....
I Pv. W. W. , M.klit.,Ye . l, Janle , HOW.,
N NI. i: , •... ti, (1, •r"cs l'ai hon.
1...,,, Nll - roa. t'. Vcater,
•• N G, 1 - ,...i. s. NV,,,. Craiiam. jr .
” R.,..-r, II:1411.in, r.. Troc, tor,
Dr II D. Sel,er4. W :14 Donnas.,
" E. D. Gazzam., ll.sm y Mutt - J..1,
Wm. %I. NV,I:Sit, I ,, ane 11;••Nesc.
Ir - R.oheri 11. Ken, EN , Grnri W , Henry
I - A.: Beckham, Roster, McPherson,
s Onshrv, John 5•-• Sisa:Ter,
1 Thoma
11earve Ils!•ol,l , crger, Wm. Eirishau us.
0. P. sitha,, • J. 8 T,,,npr.
N. Mitlm. Wm: 31.irOln ,
i 8. M. Ri.ole. Post %taster Henry Bar , :es,scr,
1 R o r.vrt r; rat', Jame* S. Clark. Lathe
e,-, .As Amer-
, .. 5:
..rasl.Cr, Scan Mild.
N. F. Mar:lirr,3, 3..11•1 M.CatIMOKH
M.....41Thek1101r.e. 1.. Allrerldr.
1 Rohm' Johnson, Jatnes MOM,
N. B Just received, an Improved !wens Langs. for
1.0 cher, use. nov',19—(11 01 '. svir
Ir ATlß , T ure l.Cl'(l ti . f t t
, E,S if —r i oar e. ly tn
,t eP i ar r
pletnntre of inyin2 In-fttre the puldir. iiia fOfilllC/111: list 4:):
z.entienten 'viii' have consented to Lecnore. viz:
Ben J IV Bakryrell, I otrolurtory Lecture.
Jahn L Hasa. V..q. asLle.7.lan.
Prot. H J Clark. NI. .ntlrille Col ter,e l ,
Hon. !Pm retlx!lurrh.
Proll A B Brown. Jeff . ..mut Caltelte.
//arid Richi.. , I nielutgn.
Reed It a5i , n,171,..
Prod . . T We-t. Theo Ft tr.inary.
Francis Jahaloa. . PP"' urto ,4
Proff. J Barker. lifiendvtlir CoVe:el.
H Lowrie. lsq.. Put wt. %
Bev. Jaynes L Dirseiddie.
• .
Prof R ch'd S %I'Cuthich. JetTersOn Colle:e, will dr
liver seve:',3l Lectures on Astronomy,, embracing itr rite.
prozre.s and dee*. v. ReeA Egq ,
40:tver several Leetures 011 It.e int-jeer lie ditty select.
A rrangente.os 3,e in prozress to eh:nee Prole , e o, Fil
-liman. of Yale College. In deliver in o,h
r city, a full ronise
of le.eittrea on Geology: also v U h it elth R. I ur hasa".
on Neurology. Other eminent :Leriarets will he invited
In visit our rity„ when it may he lit the power of the in
St it me to enzage 111eir services..
The Lectures of lilts cnni t willlte on Literary and
i- , cietitific sullen,: exclusively. and f l i is hoped from 11. e
eminent lability of the Leciorer!.. anrlti i lie interesting na
ture of the sohjects. that our Citizens *ell liherai ly pa
trouisello's lartdabltit enterprise. Tie Iron City should
not h e Rebind sister cities i n berencopragement of sr ieore
anti literature. The p•Oferaf. twirl will he appropri
ated to the eularrnient of a LitirarY, already an honor
to the rii V.
I::r•Course Tickets. admittinf a lady and geni ten:a n.
$ 2. and may he had of eith_tr a( the te,trurillee, and at C.
H. Kay ¢ Co's Book Snare, lioinangabela and Exchange
Hole.r.s. and at Berford's.
Lectures commence on Thumetnv irventrr, Dec 1.
JOTIN s CbSt: AVE, } Committee.
1151, p, scA Ft,
n 2, I.n • inu s H. sEmpLE. J
CANDY i 4 ft safe an:ferria - in cure for Canon,
Colds. Astk out. Sore - Tkr•la.P4tiMS isod Weskseirs of ate_
Breast Ivhepeepior, Costik. Ilacrsoo*io, frritstiow of the
Throat and many diseases tendine4o theVoesoroptioo.
Tt y —only 6; per roll—prepared and sold Whole
sale art 4 Retail by 11. T. PR Ic. gonfectinner. Federal
st„Alle glieny City, and the principal Druttgists of Pills.
Be sure yim ast for Price's Cornripand Cou:h Candy.
• t -4,
nov -
PEA4es ituaßilorixD ; c.e.irpr.—Trrywt has
received tbi. day from Neel Yorft a fresh supply 0.
the above cerebrated cure 114 Cou*hs. Coldeend Con
sureptitutiand is reiory to supply tuOomers at wholesale
or retail. at his -Medical ,dgosev. - -3.-
gat Fourth it. ..
• nay 12
RlBll PEACHESIymi Given Si. pities.. just received
from Ohio. a. prterre: lea ;of liiiirri Peaces, ami 20
4ii i sA
barrels Great 11ppies, amen erbieti re lhasretts. Grimm,
10.4 e.. - ' - % AC CRUSE.
nee Ifh: - , • I 48Liberry street.;
' PFYlers
,Ilider the lirrosor R. 4.3.
govedbygis!urit elsAuFol
jth Sts.
-- 'illp*-Vwssmin save**, •
: 1 47-roßxEr is-Atoms! . &twangs
Poonla street. ,ggwe.6.:12421_
eigattot - or. LAYJIM, Auaraer at Isis; Offles
VIC Ns. 54 Flft9i streel, pens the Theatre. rinsUarell•
sep 27—ly
WILLIAM; ELDSR, Attorney at ',Sul $ to
fialteareil's Raildiots, dy oppofbe 1b View
COllll tlause,ss Great street.. sep SO.!"
nit . A. etr:liATTEßSON,ollice.on Smithfield stefiet s
JLJF emir Sixth. - • eep 10
100 ' B eie aff i s ti °Cutree.
J. fk 1: ° ;." l COL'eI'VDOI.
OASUAI.-25 Bales Oakum, on hand arid far ratelry
3. W. 1317RBNIDC v..*
No 15. SE Ind sure*
Tr • T. STEWART, Unholaterer and Paper Bviver,,
ei Nch 99, Firth erre,. between Wood and ftwithiteid
din. flask nod kttraw teattret always on taint MI
orders eleetited !with neat OM and dispatch, on deistic-lino
saline lento , fliOtl-20-A
. . .
20(10tBr'sfiELs or ri.dtx sOrf . . e . nr.
.1 1 10-,
Idg nem price in eaeh swill he ...Wee' „ -,..
iAMER Di CKEt dr Po ..
3Teellain!= Line corner nfLiterty and Wityri *tette.
Pittsbur.b. • di( I , 14,t4 '
RE4lll3t AIL&MP_
Xo 151 Liberty st., oae door from tke Jackson Foundry.
r g HE Su!lgeritn-r prepared at tits estaW m
i_ the lart.v.t and mast varied - stock of READY.
MADECI.OTIIING ever offered in the WitOiern . enon , .
trr. ornold relln , et Intly invite the public to - 111Ve r .1111 . 11
rail and examine his Gond.; and hear his priers 'before
purrhasint elsewhere, !hi stork consists toi Pit . - o( -
I.:44l.C.o , ts.vgaried sizes and quality; 2000 pair Punta.
loonF'.. 1300 ei.,s; a ;t11 a lane assortittera of Shirts.
Drawers. I:ra Vll5. Stork-, Gloves, Su neuriers. and every
of her a ri iete of winter
His Owns were all selected by :ilmselfia the Eastern
Markets, mirchased at the very lowest cash prices.
co.ii.equeiii Iv he can afford to give his rustomers
BET CA ISE AIN'S than they ran get at any_other.
linese iii the city. fletleving In the principleol"Prnieci,
.n Home Industry" he has therefcre had ail .fila articles
manufactured 1 - 4 Pitts' nub workmen, and he :tart 00
hesitation iu s.avior that they will he Ruud in every lee
pect superior to the Eastern wasafactured articles that,
ar'e offered for sale in the atop shops that have recently
Anchored among u..
In the_se times when Howe bidastry is oecupyins sO
bane a !hare of public attention, as it always should. the
Proorteta t or the ••Three Dom' ' Lakes peculiar pride
and pleasure in assuring the citizens of Pittsburgh that
ins ,Goods are man. face aired under ilia Own eye, by the
nierlianics of his aw. inwn. lie 404,S not, like some of
his rivals in trade, nave his Clothes made Up in a di-rant
v,lit in another ednir, nor does he atteriti - se his Stork in
Inll4 nrinleal litre,. or fog , I,unitred miles from here. He
=or= nn the pr!tieip'e tba • tile merhanies of Pirtsbursh
ran do work as n•eii as any others. and he does not de.
- ..n•r , in draw ,nuney from their porkers to support distant
..voritnien: white he asks them to support bun, be does
not wish nimpevrri3b them by a drain to support far
The siihserdier crould take this nerm.ion 10 return
r,.:lonler. for *tie unpreceden
ir.i vlr , ntlaV. extended In bin estahristenierit, and to re.
iwat 1,. WI those who wish io purchase
rio I iu2.of ever vdese r inn. made in the talent faisilion
nni soot no the 11100 i acaommod:+lim_ 11.1'11)5, To call ill
N;11 151 t.l.nrrn meerd. JOHN VLOSX EY
[`Lite in the par :meld
Unrivalled Blacking,
\LTFA,:I el:E1) and F4):11 Wllo6 , inle and retati
tits.rn SlincEr une door below Smithfield_
net v
U1TT1 , 14.:1-76 j I 1111 "Cl'. ATI SG AND REFr.IIEtNCE
.1 %r: v . of 11 is, Mir
1!a:./-kn. WO/kg. Wdi I.• open everw day. Sa:ahath
C... 11; 7 WI iorl, A 9. P. M. in the Et
:llay.lr Culleitwz,rorner el Si Plait .irrelavii filch:apse
dlr.; .itere pii. - lotil - iitlentiaure 1.;e 7 rill;4•11 by
10 I. GE:74MII.
I~XX -1 4TU !? LL, murk Sa - rites or roe CI-Is
r..' fi , A esn rtleurw.rille, Ohio. havine ream
11., fra , .. Otis iii y. have appointed tioldshist
Von:. n...Nti. 49 Nta.i.rt 64-:sceen 3rd and 4!1,.•,-,
7esls 4- .0( .1... 'VI- Of I heitifTeret.t kinds. of Paper manage..
'urea v l fem, where their friends and customers witl.9l
- it I'i:inlay sit; pis of tcrisrr, such as Carl and
I. nr Wr.11 , 12, ala:n LUd faiell liner'; Mod Tea
..a per, 8n444 14'1 P.....rd5, anal Pi istin2 ra!ar of different si
and goals, irs,all of which will be told on the racist
arratantortatial terms.
l'ot.mmte &- Peon - Im, mannfactorers and importers of
'.Vol! Paiute and Boreerr. keeps roman nl ty an h an d ore.
iy v.tr $Ol yof Eat re, Parlor and Chamber Papers.cif
tr.,. ‘tes and most hane.some patterns, tritich they
will ..e:t mtv and on accommodating terms. erhote.ale
or ref:tit nov 13=1L
LOTS FOR LE.—Fonr Lois in Maneheder. One
end fourth ‘cres of Land on 1101mi:1'11dt. Loic.
nos. 41. 42.52.5:3. 54.181. 18 - 2! and 184, in etoles plan
Hill .4 Lso, Lois no 26 and '.27. in
'oak's won or Loisz on 11 Si fPfq near the new Court
ilonss! Fur terms apply in Z. W. REMINGTON.
jo 11,,alus ot Writing teller Wrapping paper. 500
Cuts yellow and purple Carpet chain. 10 dozen Bed
c o rds. tact it It SIPS and twine; 250 Patter Rine. Black and
14 . 11 I Poses tahle 52 ; 100 gro , ' ,4 thea P '-' l "Thentk't
wallah-4 411 Waxes and pounds of asuarterf laaas; 4000 ehris
'tan. l'enaperanre, Fri uk l in, Prlishurign, kVestero Patriot
and German Aimataarks for 1844; '1.'5,000 good segare;7s
(Ins. agOoll IPII2 pencils, 24 doz. hoga s wafer=; a tuff as.
to - tarn; of o a ndowsk se •ard iraila of asstiried sites and
oAr ler of se:von:llde ef t f l.l•S f at <afe for rash—ao kinds
of Count ry produce and Piueuirgu Marrufarturelt le suit
.t7_l and torn
0r9,r1 -,-,
-nc Ifi
7i WA) fi•wes fro t.everal Meelmoics.Coarll-
Ito,,:tiost!ers, Laborers, ritik? ..n Steam loot." oi
11,.ttn...7 A tsn f.tr -eeerai Linwie k&pers . Cooks and
eirls for all wnr;:—ltyr and small gala —for
;ev,-ral rea nt.lo ress , s —a 4 so for several Colleriors and a.
rents in im•re. aver the Conatry, 4-c, Warded • for*
flonrieleinE nei.27lboriag town atta Female school. a re!
i.i,cuti:;e Irma le le:u . i , er, ot good clutratler and acclaim
mente—altn a :armd f,OIIIIC teacher for a respeeta,l4efaw.l.-
ly.-411 1 / 4 iini of Agencies. ai tent ed to al. flAßlltler
rou IC General , igene , r "office_
3 .l.l s N ho U p F : T 69 U R ,e E at
co D
Wood l3Fllt
and esn
field. where a general a4Kori ment of Furniture may be
had at reduced prirea for cash.
The superiority of Own. Bedsteads. -consist- in the
fastenings, which Ali' iiiiittuhility and eaee in puffing up
and taking down. is not eqnalled toy any other now in
oee—and to all such as would consult their'own comfort
in their nightly slumbers, it should be remembered that ,
all classes of the Lug family arc faUeria Ritz taiheee .
lEP Sights for Counties, Dist riets. or States for wtle by
lOtiNi POW L Er, Pillettlee-
We, the awdersiettedlittocetlify that We have et arc* .
ed the above AeliSielld patnei ing.4.311 , 1 have tie IseshafkM
t pronouncing them the heat maw fit uve--coniiite ttp- ,
in, 'No the repnmentm inn in' the attee!# adiertiaestreitt.
We Grahautjr... - Josep.O dtart,
. ntro. Jacob V(ngde:
Joltri b. Dili , . Deorle 31,1* r_
Ti PRICE* Wholesale and , attiril•:Stireirofflairi ,
I.':&edam/and rthiteeer4 federal medoweaddies
Emmy vanidy of •Contediamattz ,, asid flinamoeaud
Cates, Mitibre foe oreddtina oat padimf antal&tionot
'tram doe food matodahl;mtobod - modee. mot let
}hi* day'digi.
*sad .p*per• esti* .
- .
,I:RlBllftforiudidir:Skurtirvidtvoirlaip* l
;woke C 31411.13-1
iLioa&risOii Dt
- ---771.91-•"".
'Arh us .. ,bi el ook - 7 ‘ .
traferpub646 --- * ---- - of nab:),
* f eed Otranto° r 'r!Flrf a C h '" 1. -
dbirtitititiitytitrietoelo:r ‘iiin;tatie,teamo Itoe
soulabott* ipiooms peeltforo4beal.talestaledJorra
two in: kfeste pi/en; a frame Bari VS by GOA_
bairentnla. - and ?tabling. di *. lid otlie:r . out beams sofa-.
able for a temente/lit-7; itoOd ,setGinter* 10,6010 with
ettrraol benbtin aids:well - et. eirtirfifn! *
pomp i n , at the [rook door- 1 9 Ir-4 014 !P 1 41 : 11 . art
_ ; !1 041 /1_ . ,k
and A fterjten, eta' it,.50 - Saff Iron , :.!altare•RlV:
tacituseaoitti intioncesiest to thine inliebtoepointseltste
near Pittsburgh. the Lento, will be naiide ieoderate, "or
ni abet partirotarnapply to. the prot*letar at his Clothing
store. f.ihcriy street, corner
N.ll. If not 3 Old 6cfare,the Ist c4.44tellier h
will . he divided into, -10 sad #4CIA. 144 tosilit 4coraw
sers. IQ.
ert;t, iv/Ls&
_a 4 buc ihers refisectfally.ealt•the . atientirre - of
. their triesds and „the peldie eesteralty, tan lark pre.
seWassorttnent of Paper -Heapings. which vontalark
Jarre and ratensive variety. of patterns or thefollowi ut
descriptions:pi %Web anon inspection will be found to be
efsaiteriorquality and -
Cfaiffnord WaU -Papers . , of at! descriptions, fcr -pa,rerthp
10041111 and eni ries, at 35 . erat4.prr - '
Gifted Will Papaw,. neat and Masbate Itattettte. for
paprringrnoins and entrirs.at;27l ream - •
Americas - Watt Paper; of their carpi Inarinfaelare, for
bathe 4.reses• and 'ether- nytts I for parlors arid
ehatobero.nn fine satin
771rcir - W•1 1 sarriisuipacrewsrar. - la
twin and rich enlomentld sad - *Um+ paper.- '- •
Velvet:and Imitation
acid disingraismus,vt "educed , priem -
Flrs Advent Pristts, Suttees;' Orxeied#ts.•lFe: -
Plain mad ftured, of itiftreiti ea
• ..
lectern merchants and others:lre reepertfully invited
to calihnd examine I he:r Mork and pikes. off which last
a liberal .disronnt will he elyen-fttr
Froiq'l4w ex,erienee in the usints. they ate able to
manufacture paper's in a sonetior manner. and he they
are determined to keep nn the eLataMer their papers
have uniformly towtained, they hope TO continue to re
ceive the encouragement hit hermsoliberally essiWndetl.
4- - BRow NE.
N 049, klarkerstreet. betimes:l 33 and dth
Pittsbnreh. Sept.
JOHN,*O(ITrERWOa'CfL Aiscilialser aid Conaratia.
Jig* Atercitsat, I.•*iftriae, will ahead to the
sale of Kai . Elate, Dry Gandi.,,G•aixries, Farallon., Ire.
Sfe BW.litaritates eve. y Tuesday„ Thursday. and Fri
day awnings. at 10 o'clock. A. 10. Cosh.advantes wade
On eonsienlTlP”lS . 1•.^0 10
riptio' as's TE3 BERRY TOOTH %V Atzli—.B Jew
Svataablc Resesty.---The extreme beauty of the_
Teeth, their jildispensante use„ and the frequency of their
decay, has led to matte inv.:nil:ins for their pieservation;
vet how to pre. serer- them in a state of 'Taut{ an pri4ine
heant e, to the latest periods of exi4eare, eras entirely
unknown until the diicovery of the above invaluable
preparation. h rt)r g F. pure tinct u re CCM. pOtTes: Of ver,-
elahie ingredients, and is int4ses , e4 of the met delicious
win,. It eradicates tartar front the teeth, removes sp u r s
of incipient decay. polishes and prmrves the enamel. to
which it gives a pearl like whiteness, and, from ha
reel ine prupert ies, possesses the virtue of giving sweetness
to the breath.
As an .d,ti Scortmtic, the Ginn:.4 also share in itZrans
ertient powers;Aeurvey is eradicated fr+.ol ahem, a
Ile:telly act ion and redress i_• induced. av tsiCh Ofrefiz TO tilt
110ticr_ tribe metfirl praciniot.er Indubitable evidence of
their itealthlul Ante. l Ins been examined and used Ay
several of the hest physicians of this city, who have no
hesiiialinn in recommending, it as an excilleGt wash for
the Teeth. Gums.. etc. •
CI 1 27-If
A ~,nn; re-:o.t.incnd:tions io the. above are Lhe fel
Baying teed 14 -.Town's Tea Berry Tomb W3sh,"
and beetniteargtminirsi with the inzredients of its comp°•
itiori•liitierftitly say, I eousidet it one of the safest. as
one of the iiiistO t.1.4.:.t..itt , t Tooth Woslt - 9 now In altte...
15,14142 DAVID liVNl',llentist.
lake of.."l"ltorn's
Ten Berry Tow Ir kV a... 11." tt t.t it is tine of the best den•
trAicesin use.. Beto. Hi a humid form, it CO3IIIIIIE - S neat
' niss with cutivenietice, it cleanses the enamel
on.ve's I tie tartar from the teeth. its perfume yelds
a fraer.attre peroliart y dec;raile. J. P. T tilt ETTr 2 . M.D.
The undereiziseil have •••Tlio - Ws Compound Tea
rteriv Tooth IA ash.' and have found it to bean ex.feu.e.
ds igeirwil elefrisang. s most .sa'ulary iglu.
ience over the "feet h ;, nd Gls so-; firoPirVing 1110.-t• indis
pensahle irtiNui‘erF hum prental ure decay. preventing the
neetimulal ion of Taos r, and purifying the Breath. flay.
ine thoroughly tested its virtues. WP take pkika,iire
casittiendin± it to the public, helieetag it to be tke beq it
tirleoflhckind new in use.
J .411000 RE -AD
rre pared only In, .'11.1.1\`.1 911(113N, Apothecary
Wild Chemist. No 53 Markel sty-eel, Plitglin rah; for sale at
ali the principal Erru7;ists', and Tati le's Medical Attency,
Emil - ill street. sep
3A -0 ,. TONS Soil Pig Iron initOttle for Mumbles. A p
XI ply to A. BECLEN.
A3IES Jiaaafactarers of Walt
Paper. Xo. 114, Wood Street, Pitiaboirgk, Pa.—
Have always on land n,t eatensive.assortment of Bain
_Gtaz.,.l and
_Wain PAPE.V.! HANGINGS. Velvet and
imhalion Border... of the larrst oyle and handsome
mil terns. for papering hall,;, parlors and chambers.
They manufacture and base oe hand 21 all times—
Pri ni inE. Writ ins. lA* er, rap pine and 'rc a Pape Ron
net and Futlers' 11,4a,d5.--1111 of which they offer fur salt:
on the fen‘t IfrOfhlhatlatleg terro,: and to which, they,
itiVilf; hehl of me,ctiattis and others.
A I.SQ-111ank rook:: of ail 'kind' , " and the best qa - ality,
&both.' Books, etc. always on hand and for Sale as above.
N. C. Racer nd Tat_ners• Scrips' taken in ex.-hang.",
nirsriess, S.IRDIVES. te.; t%ervi•tl up the licit'
kir litrie at' A. Iloiltives, - No. 9 Fifth sireirt.
arrafilihei.o hirenrrytari:lled m reritic9neit atroin'fianii4
py indiPit. A iirrati Kind? of Calm. and Confeetiunitry for
parties, ett., for .sale
• iMv -1,- . - -it. A.
' C ICOOLAS. ..... R. COLEXA7f.
411 014E...162X.A . CO.,,Cfpn 4 eral Fairwardio„.. anti
!LI i;ocartaiision Men-haws. tovee Street., Vicktburv,
Min. The? re.ppetfullv solicit consitp men's. 1,22.1 f
Ak CARD.-1 nave opened.an_Uphottlery.Wplrerontn.
CIL oit St , Chair street, near Penn, foliere I Will
keep on hand and ronke - tn tirdee Matt ra....sois
.nf thedi '
ff'erent kiadr need; - Feat her fled=, Cushions.
,Quilte, Sirkiri! Bottoms. Split Blinde. and every ariirte
stArilly !hand in an upbo'torry 'Estabrrininent. Having
divided my I.usine.m.l teat fill aB di4ers fur lire citizens
fat St. Chair street; for tiiehnais, at the mato:if:it
tattoo lreter strut. My friends will find me ahi•aF~
in it* mornini at St. Clair "street, in the alernotin at the
snanufaeloryon ttte - riv6r Faak.
NitYnCtrpholaf , rer:
A lot of warm Comforts - on hand, for saile low. '
rilurmr. bas this day received' from- New 'York, a
- fresh-so - m.l*ot Ilene,' 'Scree and Bone Liniment.
and' Indian Vegetable - Dix ir,a panilivecnre for ft *mina
lima; Guat,,Contramid Cords and tang also •
0401. IL e? Porde* le, for completely and perma
nently eradicating suiverdisons hair Irani females' tapper
tips;, the kair concealing a Woad and is:mimed - forehead.
the stubborn heard of .mad. or. ~any' kind otaaperfiacam
hair., Price 11 per_ bottle:;. .
_ Getrand's Esig. de Boiste,;br True lA'ater oi - Beauty, --
This French preparation lborovably exterwohratesSallow
'nes., Freckles, Pimples, Soren. Blotches, and all eni anemia
e optima.- teltateo!et, - Realizing delicale white ham's.
neelr. and arms, ae* . tilleninit a' lrealtbyloveuile tihrainr
A liO. Wee
iti22 ~i f
- 1 - A - FEW -MORE mu.:
s pH* lircLi_nyrsr.iiieiffit cerfilie,boiois hand fbf
, Isola rpiendid it..!sartitirin or efinliftif ever' ,feetil
W4t., 141 - f itetk is liige.iniltiketisp‘ 4to sett it the
l og eaCppseabWitrice :Sty stilOris
eo 104eivielq.'t wiH sitieae 10041-144414411E4er.ri .
'v4, only V-etifo:
114 - 15tiltEg ZiOtilitt;
It ir
410122,2%.-In -aw.li
e. n:,- .S IkhiclaretAlti *Or
idltaif barrels. of -cod Itionalkty will he Judd ve.
`dry Tor akt rnk s , or exgasirallolo 1 ,
40#4 10 1 )hWelo,, ~
• *11021r...
is inliir ' . '• ._. -~
, „
irm .11'CJI-VD ESS,
p4.4616# _____,__...
, • ' .0.41 i. ' the
tossAften se tiSs Ito of i sisilrisr islmes , s so havenjoy. d
valleateeittiewittaire 41P eteWet. 34 at ries itir U au)
O WISAINISIssisk 0* tholaas.9l) or 40 Year*.
1-7 Tilreteetpat Imploded pretties t% * a the
istket go baiShis loeca usticeoisbet 4230 - 1001rital
Dc.,lll,4l.lotdattowitt the practice of etedleioe.ol l44 do
period 'of dire yams ) amble. ae akar: tent a( the
teetoPerldsidne. • - I :
44ortammtairam.soneeisot.audyetsosem d 144 esteem
Min 4410,01144 COCO he lasuliveyeata in sty firma kat for
thematertfChraniedimalmtof whatever illenfa.inbalbOnn
of female. ist portamitar,l bate rind-marre of 'Mtn, - Inas
all othertitedident. - - _ -.
• leiltemmert other moilieine. this wet fah 1:=
siatimepAh4say kends- there Usher* tem
Meal ami mom satkrfart ion In t..x , administration-of this
lane remedy than of ail otbanq its ;sod elfcelsatimulitnes
quite astottisinns tioe. , --' -- - 't
Kitty patient required a safe aperient mediehte either
hero.* ai after partutiiioo, titre Wifittnetrptlit tramps'
Ifs tlysamptteacid raid/ikon of the , stimomeh,. rinnhined
with eostivenrin or inactivity of the liver
, eoniattoled the
dbanserW , 4ny patient: the pith - meth just OM thm; 1
masted _- F . . - . - , . i
If 1 treated a Cant reqnirinq ma_ernthrtia*lte; the
ifititsatarspitht mere pod this thir4 4 Seamed. I
..-Itainglatitea;liaradaelte. thishett emintenarted, or ether
dipictittlea. indicalinz a dirortonee of the cteitintory
and secretory orsorann,mminyed my amoral at !the .ttrra
of life,' the Wilson's plitswerejnat the thittil ie4ihied •
Thus, without resnlet - tirthe name, a dmeatte latish+
happen . l*- -wriagar sts. Ma: wog
,/ bare had ti-.44 , ,0r treat /
r 'partirrthor indlearions or symptom - or. nr. were /
' ar^-ays to o-+ promptty and MOM happily to t by the
Wilsores pttla. ' '-- ' • - I
That so treat a number era/Maws; aid ammetimet ap-
parentirchnuntle 'ones, in ortibelt 1 have nsed these pins.,
ationllthe tiled more - madity hvihem than hy anti o th er
remedy;ellal 11111 r*I . Iti'eal §franen and contradictory; tut
why Rig an !t* ns einfir to myinind as east a ,feat, many
pennons should bream.. thinly from ::u man)! different
causes, :Slid yet t!1 reqnire - that envision and ;realest of
alf tt.iessittes. nratOr touttench their ;biro. ' ;
In canton inn. it todnethe eputat hitt medicine
and the tnit4fr, to say dneidod'y and uneondittrinalifr.thai
the Wits.sn's pilisaretheooly ertintinatirm I fre ewer
met with in my lobe:emirs* ofpnetiee.that featly pose
eesresanyt bin: eniativo tic specific for sirk headarite,
Yotits*c.. AR. SI ILO'A DA MS- -
The shave' PiiN doaloned aortirolat-ty fair the sick
rifahenati. - COnattraticm of the ihntels d' e •.
probated b the , purnprieor Dr. lt. Wilaat . and rni.
sale. whnleaale and remit, at bisdwelling in Il.ha etreat.
ben* Mirror*. - Oct 1 .
IW4I. E. Ai?tzTlY, .4ltarnse at L. 14 , 4 4 qm.ft. PI
01fire in 4th street. oppointe Berke's !fin Ildbes
rs - rwr, Ems., will irkire attention to Inv
unfinished husiness, and i reentrimei4.4din (*She patron
ape .ixiy ft lends. WALTEIit4OIIINAR D.
F.ep 10-1 v
LILTM. STEELF. (successor to It 41 4 C1cetkey) rash
if 9l 1014114 e Bout Maker, Liberty . st„ 2d :door foot
Vi7ein Alley. The subscriber respectfully informs the
triadic that he has commenced the above litisillePs in the
SLOP formerly oceupied by Mr. Henry M'Closkcy.
and that he is now prepared to attend to all orders in his
ofbusincss with despatch and CM the most reasonable
leans, Prom his 10, 12 ernerieiteefin the manufacture of .
Fashionable Roots, he feelsconlldent that oil articles
from his establishment u tit* ire satisfaction to his pa
lions. A share of politic trait - ono:e is respect rep, solicit
ed. w`P 10
A PSO I. UTE HEA L - .l4X.lfif - V?kr:.H ,-.
101000 and allttlldatr'
" D I A L :EFS N.50W 4 ,._„__L 4044 .„.:
TRACTOR inestimable. It not only emit tirlite;W_Alltt a
elves no additional pant. nor leaves. a star.. AhrittAßlde
tively rentiesed harmless. WO his 14:en iiireirei ' - .?" .
months to any person 1 140 11 0 m! nnelbalYintiStkodlMl,t l. ''''- -
that all agony on arrointins is not eStractedina;k i *lSlPl: - •"' .
sties, yet not one from limns:lnds of tail". Meet NAltiailintl . "'"
ed the berms.) Parentsansious to guardngdipliktetalft
injnries, and save Owe, Uvulae and fife, :IMO - .IMPIII*! -
their °trepans t•mn beinulidsSentrd by burns*. -4 f- - ** '
small pot Misr/rtes. tit lassestilne the. ei‘Vitigse ; princt l fr "7 . r4„... , ;.4 , 7 - il
rephfee the eellot wry oilcans destroyed.) ea ti dalitttgr . e • ..1
.11ininp flag Minsttable salve. Many deeply bithat 4, -. - 7
. M the city ran he seen, and onr entire fare turtfittyeyivil:,_ - -
wounded three distinct Hines in the same,* tait/tt'inenl 7 ,;;-;,
, 117, TY."' ID no ease ran be traced the Leant teientilen bitt:: 4 ' -'
marki For ail kinds of hurts its rapid 4:llttinglifigni; -•-" -
iumil ANICS' Indeperdrot Transportation Line to also important; even sore eye?. all indamitttontennd,b oo- 7., : ;,,
M Philadelphia and Baltimore. For Trans:porting ken l ' en ' t ' """ nrd be neknnwn ' The i°l*-1: Lind allig l _ ll ,••:'-t •
for et,-ariele the slim of e tc ., pisrples.rcnsovitigChhfe l w,,,
.Ifcrcienveize ts and from Pittsburgh, via ,Tide Water
and Fenosylcania Coyote fry'u nr
it indispensable. One sirm only will fo-rer - . Os*
,r,f' tAlact link it theeovereivi BEAL ALL quality. Afler . llMatuste •
PRINCIPLXS. lire, lr:101S of
. fotnitirs ellowiee torture foe ttionths t s
ultimately dvteirll4l features. can_ tier& sipelWn,l4 .
Tie at .4.1 r of this Line consists of the first ;east Rpring
Oats, Metal Roofs, and New Decked Tide-Water Beats, 'mooch. justly Uttered by a, disabled cillid, forsasr-
commanded by sober and experienced Captains.
to triumph over fire,
...Entered accordins lose! of Outgrew A D -..-
4 , - ,-
Ider'eltanic."lty , this Line are enabled to have their
Goods shinned as cheap, and with as touch & scatch.as e bal ,- "ck 4 Coin th'e.P .er k' ao m c 'c ifthe, , ~- .
by any other Line. One Boat will leave daily from the I t of thy , 'Wilted States Tor the Southern DnOticuStr4llll 4- ,... - ` - 7_
foot of Willow street Kaitanad on the Delavia re. in Tow! Yo r k' ' - -.;-.: " ~-.
I Wa r ran t e d the onlr eenn:ne
of a Steam B oat , which is kept expressly ,fur that par - - •
' Comstock d•Co...s.hOlei,`cDrerrestsiAll,Toxle,,lsigmfie,Ft,
- The Proprietors wilt . ...,ce their 4 hate attention, and tone tine so'ts wholisate a:ems for Mr-flatletAttAkinet t ,--:q
respectfully invite Western Merchants to give them a ca for Attests. All orders nnest - he addreesedin.,sinsw_
,malt. as they Will find it Mitch 110 C114 , 1r s4II/. .0.4. • The genuine only to be;had at TUtt LE'S lilleatithili
All goods consi.ned trittiaar littiferas 4- c. roast iteenry, tilf Pc!-,1! street.
; wise or Yin Delaware and Es Oran Canal, wilt hi. reeete.
trio CAPITALISTS, or utters wialliftel . ,' .?.-
- .._ ._,,..-...„....,.. -:
td at their warellowst foot of W Mow street Rail Road,
... safe investment n;"funds. The moo - r1 . ..-x - :-7,7,- '
Philacientia, where smuts can be put directly frost, the property for lerlie:,--Or r e two rimy brick hotstialit• . - 7 - -
Vessel:into the Boats without additional handling or ex- , I. A i i r e lea y city, we ll e ,k u n t ied r oc , /01,. fil*: - 4116,"
Pease - dwelling honsm for a person with multi captiaMa„~
neizishorhood where some 74 ItOtlfe# ..ISIM Iteettlaoll,lsC, -Mr
from Philad. to. flotidnyrborz. t •
Proprittors. . D'illtin a few'flambe- The house te 44 swintikratie
IL t i PATTERN, • n i, t h ae k 3c—the Ito L..: , 90. feet front and .5 1 botelt i ,t- , -
From Itolidarshareh to Pittston-2h. i , red on the corner of Federal and Sampson Ms- Alleys
JAMES! , DICKEY 4 Co.. Cane: - oasis, Liberty street un tro t h o th er s ides . - -- ••4 , •
'ittsburgh—Agents A iv). a lot 303 by 84 containing ***await oil*
Flttain 4- -- Risen, Widow street wharf,l Aliegimny Water Works,nr in cittier eilirds, a capital
an the Delevramot Philadelphia, { sin int! fewnisking Ancient water-to Wilit , '•-All•••btMir,"s•,f-
Josrrn e. Ethan, Baltimore, ). deflate. familiestouireyed try lead pities_ dawn,,fletningeß, Di •
IL L. avrtuesoir, Hotidnysburge, ti
I the di s. 4 hydrants art bow In operation stspOlglatta. , •s•
Jesse Vierreasoli.Johnsioten* ) ' hoed Brt families.
Itefer to merchants generally throughout the city: A fro, a splendid fatnily res'dcnee,"
ep 15-4 f. airy two story brick house. with al
itaselant. :1.4 n. front on Waiout
:he lot oss which it is built is 74 I
Flautln7, /Oman; hack to a 10 ft.
for ornamental and Itortirulturat pt
will arcoossisodate a lame family,l
nishra whit moristemanile - pie,el
stairsand eown.a neat- tareeftfl p
short is faircisbcd In the best stylel
deuce and of tote best-materials.
cm; of t•ut horses, twins:cool how
water or , be fs , st Oaths . frrisu ;heal
eotiveyeii ib the door ity tiers ant
4 raiiiisae.h:xiire a solstattrini for 3 it
the hrititte If reesired. As for the ,
opinion. Of a ohyste,„jatt, , I I is girlie%
A iFkl n Int on Pleating to: 20tit 1,
pito a r t e..- s-ab e a:0 'CNC es.. , :.ge-iresp ., : , ' - 4
Atso.m tot adj lining the laid .
_. ;'-':-.: uillbalbAtasausr-gflhrgit .- __.. ,-
ready for bullet R. - i.4.i.c_1.:4:2." ..-,,..•,- •-•.,,.
. _ _ .
TICRITA.--;Ome era, to hared tlelWirslilttst.llWrastik s
coy manta s ithhtterest secured Illrigntlfi; ' .;. . ... - - -- i-4 . - • " . '"
l'he above property is very Inur:airdtlspayst, a: ••
man wafflings.° buy ran quarrel With. App l y oviliesikst:
GeneratAgenej eat iitthnir,eitee IMSce. Ski - . l Xsiliatietn.
molt ar— . 2l", - . - - ••• '7'._.:4".' ' ''S':-=,,
Prffsacacw, Ocri 22, 1842.
J. Dasarso—On Fricay, the 30th or taSl month. about
9 o'clock at Planing..Groovingwall Sash Man I
ufaclory. ourned.by Gay. Ditwarth 4 Cio, with a large I
.quantity of dreffed and undressed Itreater;cranall tonsil.
tt -d by fire.
The Iron Safe which I hotqlo of on PMe time hack,
was to the most. Erpm-ed situation .loth! the fire. and
as entirety fed hot so, pleased to inform you it was
opened a!the clolre of tee fire.ami all thei basks, papers.
.te.savetisis the heat recommeadatkist I can give of
the,alitity of your sates.
urt2.l—.4 SCOTT.
.W.I.—LJIIF SCLi 00L..—T he tteMeett of the
Wenteen Untveritty of rPnrilyttartia nistionnee to the
pahtitr. that they have ertabliAted a Lag StAsol to csi e.
Polon areal the thliTersile. in wilsteW a ilI be lair:3U
Mune - iota, international. and Cvtistlttitiohal 1.04 r hi aft
t;eir In a isettes.
The ',indent isteinnel inn will be hy recitation. lee;tires
And occattional nn)ot-Cnot ta, a 3 in similar !instnalieio.
The year will tor.ti.4 of two 'terms of four mid a half
thnni Ii each- -
Tha•fitnt term will commente on the sccond Monday
of floventeratii.
The tuition km is $37,50 per term payst.le in advaece.
Watitsi II
,Lioivittt, Ecl-, a member of the fiusbareb
ttar, has heen chosen Prole:mar. 'The trorrees take sec.;
pieassire.m ortmin9rhie 1 hat t hey have teen able tole
cure:the tertrieerr.of rine so well qualified for the, matioo
by reasenkoibiti iftili..aequirements , and panicolarty of
one ee td7,lltir csieenMd as a scholar and a gentleman:
Vile annexed reenstMiendation Will (pettish satisfaction
- to nil tits quatiheationg at Professor. 1 ,
Tie Iruineti hatitx been induced in institute this '
schaM from a view 'oldie Serious disadiantazesaiiendie,
the studies. or law:in the afire efiiimet Ming lawyers and i
a.so lite'very Glorious stir:lntact - 9 which 'f' r itlabtirxh olii. '
scam; over most ether places in the West. for she esiib:
lishfnent of such Sit in.:4l'llokm —liere is a iniiii latitlatii-..
cha POPeratinn. The tilinient tv ill see irOhna_blia slant
Oesofintiostry strd energyratut very feat ietnittatlone Ili
jodlgeoge and - •idieoras. -.He inity . bonito* • aimiairiteil
'Milk lassineps id all its furows: Oar Omits are shattne
nearly all Cite year cannot; and there's perhaps norsdare
iii the Weet_*ksese a gicitier vatitly of viaciaiiif prineL
pin arise' rotrlktelandani • - ; • -
The Coasenittecare deriltoasthat all perm*, iishing to
avait.ihesatielses ofibe itilvaotams , of this sehoot.shoold
do so latoolltatelrhy . callisa and leavino. ( heir Hatoesat... 4
the +Ake Of bittleter b-- Lowrie. -Ems- oh fourth street-
Or braddlrehla him by Idler, post•pal to that ails'.
*Ws otilifAi tatheypenia: a ~ Cholera, or as
( L amy lbereatler. Oa titavo ll e. • : ~ - •
. . ~., f.. 40 0 1 001 .it rainitsiv, i Committee
,:..;..: ,•.,.;•••- , !mamas itthilkrit, of t-
L',... - - -,. - z , -;_• - ••• -.--.. Olnalt: , INC -4 90 1 4'i *daf-al*L. -
_, ''' Idol s.
',We tithe a titeataire in reememe. .., ..7- . lie. Pill. -
lirsetteif the publiei Vralter , fLi :7 . : , ,: r t -:.
,IrirerkMorr of
/MM. In the Welter* thttiVeralty• ~ 4 v 4 ,„, ~- ta l ,. 4 , a
galittriner eillitgelsi thi ilia tiatioil -- :4 .:
tiek„ keel* eillry ifraf 4 02 4.4 . 4±40: , ,Vglkaatillte
'bi- * Wags' be ball bees elbfbb‘ ' - r. - ., ,. ., ; - i,-..:- -... t. ,- .. . -
,'-':-'!-'•.;, I.•V bi t ' 011tirthilitteiata
411.;.,„ • 2 :i 2 7 .. . 1 6 7 7.-...'l'' ~
' - ~..Frh.- . ., -..- . ' , -tkOk.t. '..
,4 -.....:4-..A-....'
~i:..Ciii>,,,.. M - 5:62-j- , ,.:11;,.;• - - t •: '' . ..... ..• - i,,,,,,;:i
. . -...," ~ - , -,-_ , , ,--- . .z. • - ~0•••.:L1,...,=_1
lbiosat iaspea
tin nit; use' Alattirgi
their St+l , ll POW IO O I
mite.** essothasi fitibeleoolo!„, 4.!
*hi ._1101 1 9 1 1.,'
.04elemr. Their_ sub* —*"..401 at Olo: ,
Ws. Par bite. -
W. M. heitiTiy sr, isoatieglifli*i4L . .
turimbatt eneaAlre entettet)tilm,
_Usti rittMll,l:
eo4.4iishalests in 110 tOCIIIIIM omit 11=1
nailer their iirll_4lll4lK{ .. ,Uolll, aid thet
hakn,atiting_t • .1 ttt.t . ankles -I*.pit t
sntiote hecipqi'. ,-qtrared
ItYre recetterd.lo l o Seet@stoade turn& Aiillm;SV ,
fereent dostittes Pons Ell ri its. I 104
A lot riltevrand Cab - Aims,
11,000 - KO. Livid SlllOlll1 Pk frlM.
A tot c rpttcrand Itattoon gains. -
Alt sehtetfarsoffersd at. :famed ses &NO
proved oco,o. Apply • - r t
A. itEkLElir. at ate ,titicita.
net tr 3-340 • 6ii.erar Prone and
- •
PREMIUM CASSIMEItES.= , 74: ,- --: -
4' rashfint•Ft• iri4-Itueiter*.2.sl tieesty Sltliy l / 4 ...-,jr. ,
4 1017 E hsve ltlAi received tareotri difereet Ira
ir V fancy itontilo sniffed fitralimettia.aletit=4:.
heavy tea nor heft the antinfiathilleitibtigrefifi
Farnam. Cowetf, %fair., Intl Vrettieted 4114j*k..--- •
\l.l. Tle reanrtfadorerseritutoc Roe& r.#4l, - , "?-
jviiiill. and ttNe f:Olowla s eertdirato., a t th e t it tie
t crate ibe Fraeklia.lo•lititte%Piritadefp24l- - , -....e.
"To Wetherfazd 4. limber, lifiltinitrip r illift -. .
tilt C_
arated fancy ritsettneree.tivarilliltitii "
rsocclalte 101.8,0 OUT-M.1%0 oossetaia:lhaefait fe
Wale valued in Prowls roofs of ' 4 101410.1014 " lir
certificate of honorable - rocrifioti."--ittaltiat.2P-T`l
We arontiltevfteaelittenieta tratitirre toi: _
to rail mid exa Out; - A ifaidsorre fit atiairWit lair
tea ALCUT if likpig I :• . ''-'
. . ....
1 Nov 11°42 • . _ _ ,
UN PR eCEDEN rED SALE OF- Wilik ,-,0-- ;-. - --- -k ,
• ,- ..---,--•
MHE naborrihrr offer" for in te,stinaustrailli` teilio$0401 ) : - -.."•; , - . 5. - 10
IL end *pm* avrnmsuncifttitmterimoSe-intadtritaiiii - , - - - f., - N
Fvfay, Si ven Ciaildint t.oucelinaled on- labaiioneettlintinW
Ro:trL satija.nian: land owned lay ibe tantriOl 1C4410,0e
.elme. and between said road Sa d Blur street. a$ 31111-
hank of IheTN 0 no nna het a--I he . tanitObees dinCiloptele'lli;;? ,
i p tir
ration* of raid Lore ran be neenlierfcre t nee; ilnaVilll
rreorded on 11w llhh New. 1114 t. fni the ~, :VW
of Anent', y eotanty in Orval -Rd*, VV itr . ,-,1r1W10111 4 _
pane, or le pon noplieztior to tbe sutevenire •,..:- -,-' •-t,• '-
The iallent;on of person, &Meanie or lablltitidlr;llr l
having money to in:lnc la eainestly rolient*Llllritnreir it
toofty equally aliyantareons le a istlx prenearikleW -'
satheerther is derermlned to telt. . , -,:- ''. - -
The Lots will "e void Recording terehe teemattlift ' e: - .'
and unexceptionable inks wilt te riven. - " - '''''''' ' '''
, Apply to
NoV 10-tr
iLEJIP TISFERX STAND FOS 141,1tr-Ate-....5.
Cisland- on the Aileidnrop in:.CrogiUltakfit
ville always filled dewing the rafiinu neasou .scr.cgt
mg,. No better in the neitilinorboixl"efilbe •
cn a Jease oe 8 - yrors front the Ist of Januar*: ut*-‘ ,
is a lire+ rate location for a Limber Yard: -
the tavern turnpike and- tetiveeri the Otkialr.
tards and their coheir, custom., Itissati,,7
Finch of limber and furaiittre wrist Ims-Joia nisincitrin
tiny purchaser if wanted with the reausk,
sie-"s Intelligence (Afire, fio.9. Filth at. . -
. _
iusr Ecr..rptia-_-'. sew impsy.oriorinAfw~
*JP irineow saxtt antiiihite tetel.looo Riziriefor .
giars, from T-4 its 2, tarballs, Atqe--awrod 7-1
tint and wrapping papee; awl beim alikek and
tiarils's, aget t, 9„ ritih street,
Nov 30
rrtHF. affERIPF PALE My Good,
11 ed this &wattle , o'elmk, at No- 110 Iroho -
By enter of B, Weaves Etti...241,11e f :
gum V. A .0
.64.1.7.-one ecimicomptanatoirAisiturnik.
the wee..arir pparatas foe time** he - Aftliter"--af
consitambeet; S.OO terntsgaintrif fifth*. &Pi.? t
" C. it ilitANUtirra.t ;V!!
-Chita, Baehr; tabetretiliA4o
LOOM 4.5 was Jitaista Nam %
B s O w jab by
sai 29. J. W. IlittiMlPOS-44/oe,v4iw
ALIZSgr.Pir COMITY. etk..% - :P t-,l4 Z } ^ -. . 4 .taj
IN We Organs's Court of Anetur.).
is theiter aro* - * # i i.N..3- - :
~ .. eemit stliVilihat itratzkigri ri -
y \ lloa,-evale'efOttelpt c h
' , one Tawil-tb*;deed• '' -:-
- '-'"--- Aafl, awfie-warli...l:
_ ~..- siku imitate vf , D.SjEstir4 - 31 1 , , .
4111111140%*7 *heir meant IL Wises: Est , .Yet W
-1144" illialit ,Eider e.liren sadiiiii. silk - •
pvi,..taitivors niii•darthe votbfwarreinse. - _
-Ys ok-Comati r -lA.* .._.--,4"e* ,'_
yae A aditorof thole eatiedtaff . ..-- - '
Amor oppelsareas„, at theeillitta f
egfelV Mak ankiolgiteleitil
' ~.P., aimsatritA
-..P.A . 4 . 4
'a - '''.'-,.* 4's!_qc:-.441.-v4AI-4
Pefen n