'-~~ . ~ EN= •t.! , IMIEZZ !MEP th46laMrt,-, . „ vel.Ets , -TAKIV.M prorided.with We SI i lII'S with trfigirell u are fret decrial* t ' t ali ng their boats% when they ate rat ' following ha Itet of hipat rd at the Port of - Piasi) the lint have the hap las it Is jmpossibie foray ILL NNA, TAN, ARA, ANS, ON, OF LYONS, CA EY FORGE, PITT, GALL, KW ATER, Qtl,Eg, ESS MAIL, Mfg BRIII viaras 1111 0 191 q osyrEl PENS -- ROWl4%;:z r AGN'Ett WIND. ETTE, EYRAND, M A, II ANN, MESSEN AGA NSEI'T, 5.411* ORP'IIA— :ANTE!. all, :t) PARK, _ OHIO F. 'UN E, CECA .AIDE, J.. 11. 'lf BEND, dsitt - , ETTA, MENTO ETTE, - 001:13 M FERRY 130 AT, 'raveling community are . I•ey make a chimaera( a beat, te whether it would not - -liettof-'7"; ',ray to choose a Safely Guard and freight, in preteieace tile d' expicsion—and that they el invention has the nuggaiifien engine hoilders---genthettie'SW understand the subject, and, wtiat:' , etl—brsidt., a number of feril. Mu en and others—all of e, No 10. Water street, where re at all times to exhibit My= I hike the trouble to call. - 1.1 CA DWAI,LA sr I.l' A FILE RBA!, ESTATE The subscriber offers fur sale, trs, the greater part of his real 4110. he , of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. 0k %Varehouses, nearly new. a. oft'. on Market st rent .1 et wenn Second a front of about 54 feel by 64) dr•p' separately to snit purehasere, and r4derilitiildinr2 for in A Ititheny cif b. 1,) upward of 350 feet in dertb,- . ,e on the Pennsylvania canal rad titif 10 , a4ijoillir, t he a bnve. 410 350 feet io drink, jarludinitlik InnitStun house which I now oCCIM. 0, a 101 with two two Mary brick 14 I the corder 01331) r keg and Front ntoltred ..rarn ground rem. and now occupied if: ALEX. BRACKEN' ex 1-.1. Ji l .-.1" D.—Vl aoled : la p or f:ooitS,a gaaon it y of Flax Arai • s; ;.'1 k p. 41 o Prodper taken 0. r.oods ni HARR IS'S lislettigenne Camtnisstnn Wasebonee. VG, N 11 A RT. CVntl2ll.4 810 ZI Nere3int4PagO r 'arc and American Ahanstactures,.* COCEECI Piitsharrhs n C .eit ran of R'd . I) Dacts, v ¢ Hanna, . (Wen ¢ Cn. 6 6 IVoodlsourne, Eq., Madison LIABLE FARM FOR SALE. farm—l wilt on which I live, in Wilkial • och , field, containing, one handrails 4 , .... aunt 70 acres of w hick is cleared, *AZ 1 , t•ered. There are upon it anal* ~.,,.n , . , n 63 feet by 34; an apple orchard orniog . ~....., ot seventy acres of coal. The wilt lor .to that of any upland taro lo ft i tiar wade known on application to ihesatratellaa l -- WILLIAM WALLACE; ,ii ------,77,4, t 1.1.1 A3l C. WALL, Plain and Fen n d Pieture Fragile ifrigsfedl irer; S: reef Pats bur gk. 0 11151 " * ' Ar 1 lels, always 011 baDd t °911 . 111 I v framed to order- Repairing eloinia., ru lar attention paid to reeding sod ran rip , ion. fitting up .Steam Boats or hooves tat N /ritnge to call- ITE LEA D.—The subscribers are MO 10 ' furni=h painters, and other; arbd Stsb . e White Lead made of the best 10 1614 qua', if not superior to any offered ors WWI rs addressed tAredillip uugben U. 110 second itreet, Pit tshumii;will be ri! to DVICLAP 111;f a 14ES FASHIONABLE SHOE STO B _ . ., g ' -4 l• h St -, •re e door fres Ohl Stssilet.N.sl7o ~ h,criber, rftpeettully infer" rrh and vlniniir 'OA lin - bstl wr ~ s Fliocit,"tioirn truteufgeinre,st d ye _ a n i i F. will keep constattny On balol -11 .. ,....,,V" - • l qi kl ndrof ladies, toitises,awi sitilerr, .11. of the best quality. *l* , .1.14 1 0• .7.' it the times He will aui te ,, - fancy work —sueb as W 6 0 . 1 ! . _4OO 01 4 . colored gaiters, and 6liskilll/. 110 , n's ellslenr, silk gaiters, ki....4c-,, ..; ' made at the shortest notice, s ii nr " -title.' will please eall tug esessiss sio , iieFeriber"feels eonGtiest that ile a* ,le in his line they gutty *VA. idetl 11 Don't forget the phree—,l4pALllik_na AO i m Ilarriesfintelligegee Orßeet l' ,- - - :1,1 ; rket Street., I LLIASII DIGBY Pavlof* hike* Ob i ni iii. business of Dunn' 4 0 1 : 41011114 ; " es esieso r o l - street awl 42 No r ket,strect., . b .. 1 40._ - to the sueieroes frroilies 04 0 oil r the Verfilberal'iliPo"... th l ni. 10 him. in eintnecthall -. 111 " 11 - - Iqs3lllllTe them that elerl-0 7 ..., 1111, be coat isantion of thi einlsr- '. O O le Invite• diets' elfellition ' 8. 111111 , 1 " - 10 t.whieh be ieteedeleflteita l ., , • aw ne , been reef pirereikkoing# 2ll. 7ol llo4l we o f the stock of ; th e thetellnift...o4o i. 41 ash/ toteedeleeimillse libillgel • ,ieeee. be {fit "4010 4 / 41 lIIF ~..'• a° - $,!. Ms eigek,,eilber PiebellTril- Pi , - I' s ' - workiewstbiP. ' ' ' ' 'art to to take aleleatitiit eiriery_liww „ ..1 !I Pietsburgb• UgagNO RRCWI ' - • Bie&Albo tg r 1 40 1,01 0$ 11 rqr s t otompor*! lite eirge tt ausa — r#ll4 Karat the: iiiestmik=7—,,,,,imi =WU inn FIIBLISIED-BY, .; • & 811111-4 . cosszß OF WOOD --FIVS DODOLLARSrtaixstoeifi sissie rodsaT W NTS-4 aa j e jtatlibi ts th e office, d OCI New,11+41,,. • Igercirt DivisnoleAtertitt:f WaSt,r, at the ealitiol4s-44414;44,:-. g y ee t, at TWO ockr.toxit4:: - aw„:* sgte co la, SI X •PleSrra.....- - . . . l iollll-01 A.• t 1111;-. .: • 1 .. . ~ 6OF TW WAVE 1.111S16;4* L 161613:. . 0..50 roe li lol4 - .' .. V.InY 0.15 Ttfie 010 1 W" 1.00 Three iiiaaltia.' - _ :700 1.51 Faaraiiiaaths. - • 2 .- 1 1.00 100 Si: movitia. - = '14%00 . 4.00 tintkeas, . -,. ifm - TEARLY A OVEgTl6lollll6Fri:,c a mfamalud icy etzoitierw ..- . . ~.-. Eficrslll.oi 'ltaxiiidaths, . . ra• Frlatigt. .• • S2oii ;50q Opt xeaa. .'-35, 00 ' Wyertisements in provsition.- :4'-. .. of four iines..£-acllot.i.aas a peal'. _ &C. _ fort Orrtcs. Thlrd-trettreßn - liarketotad Wood .tf fiddle, Partusaster....„ Hers , Water.Ath door froTrt'Wood. st;•o44er - firer—Major John WttlintlE,Coifeettsi_. • miotur, Wood tietcreen Fifa and Second me s A. ft artrant,-Tressurer. ..: TIZASCIII3, Third street-.'next door to the trteuan Chureh--S. Jt. Johnstone:Fre - stoner, 'terms, Fourth, betweeS ida.rkettfandWrott tkrander-tlay, Safor.'. ses FacttAwes.-:Pob riti , neer learktei st. • 114 ton. between-Market sod Woitd streets, 00, fourth streets. ' . ate Altar acTußes.a . anti ranitirss'..Dit m (formerly Satan Fonda Fourth, between Market streets. • • rt. Fifth stite,t, near Wood. • IieTELS. • anets'llottax, Waterstreet, near thy Brid4e. • Horst. etii•ner °trent% aud,,Ht.:Cturir. tio-fiti..,Forriesof Third atidWssod. - •. gt,,forner et Third st4 . Bl9ltitilipla.: ArrsitArtkivitr- of PentassreeirefigtOonol.-•„, •• %maim. I l itiertritreet . *ioiretox tveorivtAheiit Se*ProtP 4 Vie • sr ni torsion lister.; PertrrStioltpositi • WOODS, ATTORNEY t UNMEILLOPL AT LAA-r ligh o o oo, moo .- iceot.o atom on GritorVot..; Daily .-oppoottk- Coeirtlith4",'lfeerros to' 7odn 141,00, rst flopc. •" • . • ____.• ELI ili--154ee re6,Tigi ti Calir streft, eatenvis pews ara.z.fierty GOOLSS.—Preston terstbriknote and sit ttreinrs iir_kneltet;..rriOnt card Arnim le , s, No• Pitts n woe - ILESS &AffsepTlECE, Attorneys and :tmenors art 'L•Mwt• WW in-tift!_planiond. kick Coprt trlpse:Piltsifirgb. leo 10 AFifthl6l,llt. ;OPT irtoollll4ait; ire north_ •e Of ?PA iiiith/d • Tth - - 7,0-10 . -. 1.., IDEV , ItFOOfelgOnti Met • Reiltitif ni dim', And Dealer in rtnilinte -amt, Pittstalrih , urnl kniclo. NS- 214 Likertt,_,Strea; Pitts - - a- , - - - - nen 10 -, w. , , , , eN, IL 10/f.f.tA V i . krill = 2 .1 ,:.„7 ~..,. LI.IMS & DILWORTH.-- ~::*-tik4 rocers Prod nee awl Cnilltai,aion Merct ,- • _,,.:, in . Ptt Ishii rVI Matioracinned arlicle4:W:,' eft. 514-1* 041 ALR A ROBlNSONiliotornes aingwiitf fly, on i tie north Ride of the DiamoruLbelireee. nA Onion m reels, upstairs Frp 10 --• DIURBORAW, Attorney at Lae': tenders. I. ~rnie.,iana:leervires to tin. public. °Mee tor fth awl Market Streets, abode D. 1...i0yd 4 Cer.: laburgli, Pa. sep 0 ................... IFF & KERN, !Manufacturers of Copper StlCel Iron Ware. No- 80. Front at F ta- House Spouting and Steamboat work p:omptly rep 10 UN . YILMICIS 1. YOUNG. a Yo B. YOUNG Az. CO., Furniture Ware oniA LAW het of Itand It. k Exchange Alle to y. wishing to purchase FOrrtiture, wilt and it antage to give us a call. being (Oily aiisfied that tease as to quality and price. Se P 10 N HALM—Just revealed 160 choice Kul a Hams, well cured and for sale cheap by the dn. tall, by ISAAC HARRIS, . N 0.9, Filth st. A B AGA.— aupp'y of tandretb's Fresh Ru- Bisa, and other different varieties of Turnip • received and for sate at listocoirm ralccs at the Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN. No. 184 Liberty 'erect. bead of Woad. B CLOSET'S &NWAdd:Shoe Manufacto ry, No. 83 Follett' St., beatoar to the U. States Ladies Prunelia, Kid andSathiSbona made in manner, and by kbe neinicstyrencb patterns. OMORUS MULTICAULUS. in lots tomtit purchasers; to be disposed of by F. L.. SNOWDEN, No. 184 !Abell) , street, head of Wood. HOOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ea t dewript lop, can always be had at the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 11;:. Ilinois - Annual Mammoth Onion seed. for sale at the Drug and deettatore of F. L• SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. Las. NEW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, for seedijesr re:dived by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184, Liberty hrad of Wood it . EN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades snsnlanlinr, Trowels. Edding Tools, Budding "mknr.R.nives, Pruning Shears, etc., Just re ,. d foe ale by F. L. SNOWDEN. 1841 Liberty street, held of Wood. Venman Ha/mt.—Just received a small sap. M very chair* euredVesison gaa e, ea retail lota for current aleaer. ISAAC BARIUS. Agent, sad Coat. Mem-haat TF. Dutch Clover Seed. orchard Grass and Kentucky BlueGrua% always on bead and Ter F. L. SNOWDEN. N 0.184 Liberty street. bead of Wood. ER 4. BUCHANAN, Altorrisays et Ler. office • •ed &urine DianaHl, to -.Attorney%tow,. of ['Garth motet. betweenlattet and WOOlll I IFP 10 ISTBATE3•BLAFEB. for Pramedins is 4t. tilt wafer tbelate taw f dis slit at this Odide. SALE —Lm. o. tlie Sort* Bast coma of ae and High street. Apply - to semi. DARLINGTON. Market. assr 41114' Las. LandretllN rreiteb - gatta - Lareed_ ,?Past received and for sale at tlia = IMP! . 111 1 . 114 Liberty etteldifteli*Weed- UNION OILP PAIVINSINIM—Th iltedglib“ WWl* align"... Mlle Ir aii MUM! wriaviiitaiitiddly satual toureau WitikailVicbs aatlmmeticit Ileum et Milne is 1104ill•tedilli tra. WridIAAM - 1116111t, na* TaIIOIIIIML -':- 4,•i'.; ... ' - - ,! , -,:." , ",i...-7- . 7 7 •,:-'i 7 MEM N AsitbrAECW:l3lltUllhAtrart4rrt4 heart iloilValt.iithAlSe".4l4llll4,4•,.7 - t tta .?; coaCtitelor frele - t-l*nr- wit DC**. NW BO Colkdit Second stmetiore door + 064; Mold Warolmme sd, p 14-1 Y K 4#reinwrit. Attorneys at Law. gigs vOier*ittytves o '' Pittsburgh: _ rep 1071 y . . . flaittL/telonetat. talon Ti bet ort!en , Wood • ,* MOM *so.. Pitiolowitg. • jlep 10-1-1 y fCHATlMitort'sfs, at La*. North Pant renter atantKbeeld VA - MC:thee:tr. leleß TO 1Y , 311161 1 e.gAi. -- 4 .l. Ar . fvor , HANNA t. -1.111t51317#1.1.3 XpieetVifirgre,house: 104. generaftway vt vnrit.ing, prirlg:r watt pdpeiteltiok bock": seitlibi took*, ire. Ate. se.P 10-4, lIVWNJEND kt•VD.. Wise - W.oa. Ira a L. '4lfinntragevrers, No. tillarkiit ph*. Women 24 and '3d greets. _ sep 10-1 y . • , EXCfI&NGE HOTEL, cornikr'or Peen aok ... Oa , - . • ' st reit; b% _, l . '..." , Z:letrattairi 4- .13311 - 41. pep 10,-1i - ..,:. NETAL.-77 loos sat Pis Atrtat for pie by - J. G. If. A . GOAD I IN, Nn. 12 Water-stre4 3 irkaitLlSS. SACQN -11 A MS: tinti,t.4con ,11 Shoo /pikes. for kkiy - - • • 4- G. N." No..42.=treet , regeS - • _. . a2k..%P , ATTERSON ~.Ir.. B i emi ntbn m, nenir Pilisbnrs,h; -P.a..; klanefactissir of Locks. Hinges-art.d.Onftsi,l'o . istICCO. Pe Iter.•..ll4i4.4ehicrimber ScreivslAlonsen=geressofiir It ol linilillUsotei - - Pei - 1 0-4 Y JI OLEN • JIIPCIUDSKEY .ffle i tor and cics Lain. et mei. between Sixtb-ana , Virgin alley, SouttkAide. ell 10 ' • • • • • W BU R RateG m 4- co , - W . DolFsate,7•- (-; roeers ;Old Cdinmission" -Slerchlo4.s—..iedud s,treet,, between Wood and Smtintirsid sts4PlWittWaregb. lemimmilm. G.: 4 CORDON.emoimtAstiol, 401 car ding jd erchn r, Watts st—Pittsbur2kelt. ' Far Aat3.----tenik. tuinsTa goiiinul - W r :7 - .„f`er 11 -ft Corsatr i *H‘,l rot talc by : /.* .i 1 419.1;D0 - N - .. rsep 10 • i\o . _ etitt. tyGAtt. * motiopsEs.-40 I,ol(rupwt.Orttlige Su 101 uJlMAralaliruur Orleans ISI otateemr,:tor - :PePIO • , • J 4-• GOIDON:, • -- . 41911,17 GA R.-4 bluislkyyttie o.,.S.kur r t received per R. forsate ...3.5¢A.1 , G1)..RD0N. 2 . pTcw.. Waite:street A acoli CASK . SAn order, claim opted for sale 6y septa J. G. it-Ji.GOIIIDON. - 140. 12, WOler at WIIGAR AND AIOtASSES.--la,bhdo te.le N. d Surar..92 hide NA). ~..r edived pet Siesghbo I,7l,cri; . r,And . for sake by -3. G. 4 A.' , 404,DaN., , , iseP 10 Ke . , l3 Stieet . 5 BOGS.. LA GB Of for sate _ B. A. FA BIfESTQCK. 4- CO., corner oreilt and Wood sA *et' I 0 00 LWS Prepared Chalk, for sale u s B. A. FAHN CS POCK' 4- Co. corner of fith and Wood shi. QUG AN6 MOLASSES.-41.1 Ithds. N. 0. Sugar. 17 25 bids. do. &0., 100 do. Plontoti. , n Mn....irrre for sale by .1 G. A. GORDON, rep 13 No. 12 Water street. BLANK 'PETITIONS, NOTICES, OcC.— o be used in Bankruptcy proceedings. printed on ;nod paperand in the forms approved by I he Cour, ,for sale at the Otime of the Mercury and Democrat. cep P.) WM. HUiBBARDi Ladies' fashionabte WM and shoe Ma nu facturer. No. 101, Third reet, between Wood and Smithfield streets. Pittsburgh sep 10 BIICKMASTER,ATRNEY AT LAW, 1„ has removed his office to the corner of Fourth street and Cherry Alley, between Stnithfied and Grant streets,Pittshargh. sep 10 FOR REN'T.—Therf welling and lot containing 4 acres, in A llegheny, near the Deaver Road,lately occopledny Mr. Samuel Church. A ppty at the Merchants and Manolacturere Batik. to W. FL DENNY. AVID SANDS, ict ATCH & CLOCK A. MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair sires% burgh, DEALER IN WATCHES, C LOC KS.BRE4STPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, te. Sep 10 LANDRETIPS GARDEN SEEDS.- A Nil supply of Landreth 's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at his agency, the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. DR. DAVID WARD - 11w his office and r es idence on Fuurthetreet, nearly smolt of the Court House, second dwelling from Itmaistreet. lie will faithfully at tend all rails pertaining toddts profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the basement. tea 10 . . ItBMOVAL —Matthew Jones, Bather and Hair Dress er, has reinotied to Fourth street , opposite' he May ollsoirtee, where he will he happy to:watt upon pernianen or transient cattlemen. He smiths a share of public pat rotune. sep 10 NV". p. W A RD, DENTIST, Tenn st. three door below Irwin street, Hours of business, from 9L. at" until .5 r. tt.. after which time he will attend to no one except in cases of actual necessity. He would further inform those who may think proper to employ him, that he expects immediate payment, without the necessity on his part_of sending in bills. sep 10 1 APFARLAND, Upholsterer sad Cabistet *JP X..ker, Third at. betwees Wood 4- Market streets, respectful irifirawhis friends and the public that be is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bu reauX, Chairs, rabbet, Bedsteads. Stands, flak and spring adattriases,ettitaiers. Carpels, all ports of Upholstering war*. which he will warrant equal .o any made In the city. and on reasonable terms. sep 10 (101MMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, No CU 110 Watt Street, Pittsittrgii.—R. A. Baseman. Auctioneer aad Commission 31ercbant, is now prepared to receive and sett all kinds of Goods - and Merchandise, at his tame and capacious moms, No. 110. North East Corner of Wood and ritth Streets, Flttsbursh. Regularsales of Dry Goods, Furniture. Groceries and other articles.tio Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on Tuesday, Werinesday, and Thursday eveninss. Books. 4c.. every Saturday ensuing. Liberal idealises made on Conaiiptinents when wanted. Rertesirese. Meyers. Jobe D. Davis', Bag., u Boogie, 4. Ifseitb. •• Hampton. Sivilth; • Co., P. Loren: -it Co., " i• /4011.4dP Co..Caic Jima M'GargUl. • C. linmeli; Reg - . Oa foe* IrMaikieri _Esq. tae - it - Setriedy. Allittbind 4 Co; " Viglilirt. - Taq. •' ei.t. ' Jas. NOVarillantli . CO.; .4 "7 1 takn iar i; ' 111,1,,k111#-It IMMMi Irrolt*Atsei47.. tfo• 37,Varket o,uzits.; PARE SG4r vtotowni Kmoap;ltlack Cot sat toy B.A. FAIIN.tATOFIK../t CO.. corner Woo&sfs .e_iiii;;: ~ : 2:11 . ..•5: „ f t t : -- --- - 134 " blu t ii 0 ,14 Agiver Fed*. - ': - , -. ...i.:..... _,, - : _stesastmmr - . . - ~.• • . -,r-,,,-, .. - . sr," „..E. 11/NATIVI . .(ashr. ' W • „. 8-" Illt rltillaifiPt; arid niitirtipB ~ Z 4, - --47411intippi e i itel 4 .. - 4 teavel . _lllnaver. at 8 - B', IklekPA -111 •LinZZ' , &111. , 3 crkesockr:-11, eon; I/Prayer intit4 the ' . ',:,- ' - 1/ 1 !-OnnillyXatietc;:filik 0../4" , I. l ai 1 .:-• - '-- _,...-.' r4 r0 104 - 'Od * Piel,t ,O2l - •1 it Ae11*,4 114 161eIrthyltdORk1..tocui - : : - viutia, ~pAr ea . PNrAcia ,l 4lratlWigo ll -, A. , _ ow.. -,.•" r z. -. i mioik-nmipe. oviookfiy*iekt r .5..1 to :- 1. 1 iikilitiikriihritilB;theifelf ittuttitilo rine otriiiplare ezzat_!„..autti ./few-.Teiritlituf- to Me ArO 01 9 1 P"clftk . .. 11 BO *pi :Ae:igv e lielght jta painni4p . .--Iliontry; ridge aad.. 0411kemitettrp_ -I(arittiit, .PO prairrhiteraaar.ibis lief_ nowdPihne will be" prepairecron the opening O Rafts,- Opp to tritiiaPortinerchaplipelo any .of the into i 1• aitirottarrit there riastrinreat - and-Qui n;. . cad k 0 . ' nar4 to city poi% no l i ckit .e,rie , and the- link::a.iiteStrq spei*nt:Vew ireditity . aifit - fnil!OriPllW .., ..._ 'Mpplarir 4 toctenriAstiTerom., . :.,„•:;... .... . , .. - • ~ - ..clhri. Weimer * ~W,t.,...otentalust 6., - .. - . . • ee wk . Tak i .kir . Waite in 45.; •.• • : . • ~. - proprietors. •* • 81710;18 : 0 41 'PACIMT 1111CtfIGAil, - W.- ihk.lll://.1;57. „Anrtee. ITN • daily (tituiaira lextela *Mean_ 'PITTS.. straw kftittAltEli. leapitiaFantierat4lA. 'andVittehn rah- at- prvoidelt_itlitt Ensites i gala duittirtotitrAttit Oriittota r s of Arks. noel% coomie; Od eiireisti--toillt4-traftti and. Tptili oitswiAito 1411til. MS/ZAMA Cis ./Itt,t6tk Aloft -gferoi&( -.244loiftwiit rt sox! • - c7eriti44-04*. or:dotViatielObid-tatial t0 1144100.;44.' *le El: tension L'ineeoZveknviti e.. The, an jt .“. ikoatiid".#liht Line ere lowed' to and from Plitsiotrgli*direet. and 44-„barinfts conducted .. .l.n the root roil eronoaik fl aPsystem. -avinestonnee. I taaa ha: rettis!Otaro Canal 'Lines -11 Y Piliftdel• I dtia4d-Aiidttsiiite, apt .121tigentheads tanning down the OhipAvith - oitto, tlfrouigh ouillgetetat „Cleveland; with •Stettiotgiatrtind am-eta* Lake Veeseisond the_TVoicand.Tdibehipn avid Buffalo Workout tines , .on th e mrtjecaoat, .we Are Tr Alfred for the. Itonooto lotion of vci..git, to a mt - froth alrpt;lnts-outhaeanai l the lake* -and the tie: r, eel he r:asteolo.cittei, at- Toilet:vas !otv as anroillet . , 4 Prailo lirartpu.. l st l ..s s- - Wolter sl ;or at Steam. boatMiehirau IV Landing.: „Phtstargh. 'Clarke 4- Co. - • a-d Fricifiet4eo. warren. - Wheeler 4- Co. Akron; . *- Tavares Riekatead C o . cieyeavi_ 'W,iot. 4: Co.. Creenviitet. Maien,gharon, it, W. Conainghint,t4ely,Castin, - Inho Kirk. Yourtasahyrn,' • 3i?lin Campbell Nt.atton - (. I `aut 00 1 dF. Itt Wet. Cain;keliatO'svn;: , ,... Rabraek ds•alettrids. Ravenna:, _ . R bodes, Ft. Wet ‘.t. Co. ettylthos7lll:ol`,_ Wel!tirrtin ,11Ytkirebaid,-briuniiitnift annimi - IV Miaow. Co.. Del rob; Kinne.Daittcd Co.„ -- do Milo; ' • Covring. Richmond, Williams 4- eal - , nrotk, Co..' "P 1U- . . UV- corwer of Iroottand Front. 82411,;„ SCrecie;,.picielmegth. has O n hand a complete RIK , - soitmentbf Quernrs'argt-jini4d .' to - the city or country . Dade. Also. it Moire. selection. or.ptite while at gold band if tNII G AND TEAWARV., i ilaree or saniff sets, or separate pie-. es in .nit pnrib*rs.. A task of 46, 60, or 84 piece' sets. superbly Painter and gift English China Teaware, at very low prices. Toy Teaware, ptatn, and rich painted and gilt, from 1,00 In $5,80 per set Children's Mugs of evety description. White China Shavint , Mugs. Granite Dining a. 11 Tea , titervires, in white and with .piendid American scenery printed in (Ave and black. A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breaking Stts, imported to match. complete. File Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potter Mi. Flint and Green Claim, 4n all their varieties. VlTibtloorGlag, of every size. Patent Puckets, Tubs and Keelers. ilione.,Pipe Heads. kc. kc. kc. All'id' which are respectfully offered in the pub. tie onihe most favorable terms. Jan 26. 1842-1 y T FOX 41 LDEN Attorney awd .Ccatasellor of • Law. Cffcrs his profeosional voices to, the cit izens of Pittsburgh and hopes for a share of public pat ronage. He will ececutc all kinds of writing with nest ness and dispatch. Cases , in hank rttptey attended to on reasonable terms.-offiee In Smithfield street, at the house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refers. re p 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN- DAVID CLARK. /let. .Fashionable Boot Maker,— nag removed to No, 34 Market street. between Second and Third streets, where be wolu'd be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize him. Re uses nothing but first rate sleek. and employs the hest of workmen; and as he gives his constant personal attention to business, he truststitat he Will deserve ar.d receive a fair share of patronage. $.ll Ul ICE CREAM. 4 CONFECTIONARY.— A Hunker respectfully informs his - friends and the public that they can always find the best quality of lee Creams. losether with at: kinds of confectionary and fruits. In their season, at his es tahlkbment—No• 11, Fifth street, between Wood and Market. N. B.—Parti supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. pep 10 1f B. GUTARIE, Auctioneer and Commis- J*ion at r Cita nt, No.lo6,cerser of Wood if Fifth its. Pittsburgh: liavieg been appointed one of the Auction eers fru the City of Pitsburs,h. tenders his services to Job , bets, manufacturers and dealers. who may be disposed to make trial of this market. He prepared •to make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities. and trusts to satiAry correspondents by quick sales, and speedy !and favorable returns. That the various interests which may be confided to him. shall be adequately protected, be brings to the aid of his own experience in business and acquaintance with merchandise generally, the services- of Mr. Shiest. FAZWISTOCIG heretafore advantageously known. as an Importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement is made. REFER TO Mecsrs. M. Tiernan, Pres'i. of M. 4 Al. ) Bank-. •• Darlington ¢ 'Peebles, Robed Galway. _ James M. Cooper, Jamee May, •. R. M. Riddle. } Plinking) ] Wm Rphinson, Jr. Pre?' I • of Exchanige Bank. Hampion,Sanitti; 4 co.. • • John D. Davis, .0 Samnel Church, J. R. Moorhead, .• Jas. W. Brown 4 co. John H - Brown. 4 co, Bmhll4 le %ale,. Vardly ¢IS vets: John B. Middle, John Dalwell, IaiVANSIS CAMOMILE PILL LB.—ABA "A :Al RAN .1. CLEM EV, residing at 60 Molt street. New York, was *Meted with kvspepila in, ha most aggravated form.' The employs* Vire violent bead-, ache. great debility. fever, eostiventles, enegh. heart born, pain In the chest and stowaeltaiways after eating, 4titpairett-ippetlie: sitaastion caretaking at the wernara. , g r eg lowa, names; with finquentoomitiapridistiesea, tower& night end redlepees: Threshed scontionettop.. l wirdsd" s tweiverdonth, wbeg. on consulting Dr.Wa r. igniumwfbeehathWilt itreet;;Ated Sidositileg• to his twiteliaNl end igeereble reedid.ottreatwent, the patient latilsWely restored to *Wilt „la th e shed innteenp ourl4/rOefOttilt,AittlesOmilikalealmentdishr -0- elle toward led 're*tl4st Whonslisauipoial `-) 114 lid 2 oo 4 lPoilitd • ..', :.A .k L ' - =a r 't VION .! -13412. 'ftVEIVIBEF' ' - JAM)3:O II.%IFEA ZY. Meat. No.6i)IMPAKSteet, MFAurigh lap 10 * - 1 0-1 • :' ; 118 s GOODE'S Celebrated- Feed+ "Ws, Tittle .111_1r Title arestrongty wcommerikal Id tbe-aotide of the What as a sareeind- Offielant remedy lit - shitt,vin those eomplaints peettliar to their sex, from want of ex emits. or gerierel debility' of writs.. Tbsyt deviate cost ivenees, and counteract alt lisWeriett ant:titterwas affections: These Pitts have gained Vie awakes and 3approhatkon of the most isnintat Pbysiclano la nit% Uri.- tedlitates, and art* Mailers. Pm sale Whetter* 1111111 Retail.lL S. SELAXILit. Alpert._ • • sew ICI '4l Wood Street,helaw Seeolll. IMO& ADAlloolosma Skips Jeakescitioty V V exposits that &Hoke Suritdpid Pittikligrei.-- the subscriber hav(itilwatsght . out the stock of the tale Thoinas Hairerty.*gesmif heel ottlvlnevred bv"lvemg in the old stand cif ler. R.. and I; prepared to execute .t descriptions oftroth' his Ilne, In the held minims and on the .shoitest settee. Be keeps cor steady on band a tame unorlatent °canoe Bodine, of alt desetiptione and ortacrbutt cou^v: He salielte the patrounsiti the nub ile aiitorthe Visit. WM. ADAII. . 4 !e,'P 10 . 1117 . 9111*011 BIANITFACTOWire-Amhigs sad Ar -for Cerritos at Easters Pekes. The subleriberiltikunfaeture and keeps constantly °a bseil Ccoch,tahl-Ellptlti.Bprlngs (iwarrantad.) Juniata Iron Asks, Etjtiegand Brass plated Dash names. Brass and plated fink Binds, Stomp Joints. Patent Leather, Alter and Br lino Lamp. Thheo fold Preps, 'fatigable iron, Door andlen and Hinges. te..ke. JONES d• normcor. gt_ Clair it.. near ilia Allegheny Mdse. D. SELLERS, M. 11, office and dwelling in Fourth. 1.1. near Ferry street. sep 13-1 y LOOK AT THIS - - - TheatientiOn afthore who have been somewhat sees drat in refereneeto the numerous certificates published favor of Dr..ftwaytit's Compound Swap of Wild Cher. rir. o4l Siertgint ofthie persons being Unknottrh in this sec *Um of the State.lerespectibily directed to the following roughwriter of which has been citizen alibis rough for severid year . ..and - is kiln% n as a gentleman oftint% , vity and responsibility. To the Agent, Mr. J. Brass. I have need Dr. Swayne'e Comp and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a emelt. with which I have been severely Bf -flitted for shout fang months, end I have no brettalion In saying that ft hide Most efremive medicine that I have been able to procttre. It composes all uneasiness. and agreexweil with my diel.--and tonntains a regular and good aprietite. I can freely recommend it to all others similarly affiicted. J. Minima, Borough of Chatnbersh's. Ma . rerb 9.1840. Pep 23 r 0 r sale by WILLIAM THORN No, 53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL - TREES. ISDERSON4 desirous of procuring Prtdt, Sbade, and Ornamental 'Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philadel Ohl or New York, are requested to make application as sooty as possible; at the Dru; and Seed Store of the sub scriber, where can he had catalogue!, gratuitously, Of the Most excellent !rtirtet tee. F. L. SNOWDEN, sep It No 184. Liberty at reet, head of Wood INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. U. S. POTABLE BOAT LINE. '•Piir the Trawspoiern of Alercksardizs to and /rest eittsbetrei. Baltimore, Pkitadilphia, New Yerkonti Bes tow. Through in the shortest time. 1110 If. United Slates Portable Boat Line,.incoinposed of -L Boats built in four sect lens. each section capable of containing seven tons. and susceptible of being separate or driraehed and transferred from Canal -to Rail Road, -thitiC-ae - . itgple,,_forining a complete train of Cars, or ' Mg the noviltippeara nee of a Boat sailing on land ale thereby a / roidiltz the great delay occasioned by re shipping at tire several iiimlnns and terminatiors of Ca. nals4nd Bail Roads, the expense of transhipment and the damage - the goods sustain by (sentient handling; and rendering it impossible to separate lots of hones on the way--owing to the peculiar construction of the Boat having fres separate apartments In which goals are sto red, renders them less liable to dsmagegoods by water or ~n thT e h r we eyl see tt e l im a tie h t ; . • aceneyvotehertertmteondeesofteteraentesereparetdaeldionh.e the ICanal Commissioners and lately adopted by the State, refers particularly to tbliclass of Boats, The Boats of this Line are owned by responsible captains that mu them, and is the only Line now In operation free from ,monopolies or combination. Coodsconsigned to the undegiird agents will be re ceived free of commission snits pad without delay at the lowest rates. All charges paid and 'Very instruction promptly attended to. C. A.M'NULTY k Co. tigts. Canal - Basin. Pittsburgh, ... F. F. POPE. Agent. 75 Bowly's Wharf, Baltimore. i THOS. BOR Bil !DUE. 4,gentPhila. sea 16—if MI~ARBLE M 1 1N1IF'AGTOrt Y.—Patrick Cassfield re spectfully acquaints his friends and the public gen erally, that he has commenced the Marble business at the corner of Fifth and Liberty sts.. where will be constantly on hand. tomb stones, mantel pieces. monuments. head and fool stones. table slabs for cabinet ware,. and every article anpertainine to the business. Be will warrant his work to he well done. and his charges will he 'moderate. lie respectfully asks a share of public patronage. sop I 0• TAMES A. VEAZEY. Ferionectisse mid Omni:lrian al ...Erection:. Agent for Steamboat Eireland and Pennsylvania and Ohio Line. ,Havinc retired the ware. limitte formerly men:tied by Birminstmm at CO.. N 0.60 Water Street. I.et raven Wood and Smithfield, is prepared to receive and forward goods to any port on the Ohio or Mississippi river on reasonable terms. cep 10 CO-P.ARTNERSHIP---G. P. Smith 44 W. Hampton, having associated themselves together under the kruf of Elampton k Smith, *lll cOuttnue the wholesale Thy Goods business In the house recently °templed by Hampton; Smith k Co. where they Will be receiving in a few days a new stock of Polkaed Winter Goods. They respectfully invite their old - friends, and merehauts gee. erally, visiting Pittsburgh, to call and exttwlne their MUCK, Sept 28—d3m. Portal , le Platform BeaAm DR WiNithr'. to grellikl4soo ibll. at 155 00. do - e do do do 12.005 at 045 00 do do do do 1.500 at 35 00 do -., do do do 1.000 at 30 00 do do do -do 500 at 25 00 With ralslag Mere an addftiott et 03 to each - reale. Doriesot scales for the teu of **reinitiates, Flouring Mills. ke..thesante inform as abstre. - Also • Whito's Patent,Coonter deale,,wilk O. Tosses itOprovememts, and a ' truth , rf other sprinter sodas; which they Aril They also au Mills. Saar lioil*_ . seared slide lathes, araebirrs for rerun and ustronizbusei. without is saw: sufis.,swilli elsinemsd whin' tawbstifs,s:sarkti allaella.ppitijok! andli • ciatokry*Ok' :Arikik ic*divoimisr-- _ ju r Ptain# l6 P Blo 4 - .:,.......- 41 * ..,-----,- --- :I:, ....73 , - - - - 7:?.. 1 r - .........t---7- I Tt - i-r-' ,4 - , : - ....,...,::,,,0k.:44, - ;. - _-, -•.. , ::T..,, ~ • -_,- ._--.• -!- , - , ...4..." , , '7 ,. .' .-7‘-. , : . ' , .i. -. ::c... -. .:::....•::-.: - ' ,-.•:-..•_. --m -- -.— • , MEE PROSPECTUS. • For Festigkisi 0 -Pow Doti Pao. ix tik•Cag 44f - + PM* , sreN Wiatiasi as DAILY MORNING;-POST . IVElMilstmirDess' bawled made iwiltagatimate melte r 2 the, Agonise Illmattlltetorer and Pktibanth Memo ry lets see JeursaLliavemisaleded _to paint.* a daily, paler with the Mite et 4 Post. The leidiii.Obleet of tea "Pose winos the d'mewaina• toes and Minuet - of the Plititinal prisktples that ltiveneter tokore bean mainutieed bytkeEd kora( la their cooper-live PalsersAind their bestelfinta will atftbedevoledte UM Illinseesseat andosteake of *bps doctrines A fthougb,,la politic.. the paper will he thornothie deasseratic..Yeethe Editors bops, hygisday re hoarse, candid , Maori, of passing Paillical event!. Fortin and Domestic Ditettigetsee. mid Mier notices of all mat teraind accirivocto that tome Properly While the sahere of a Pointe *mini!, to make their paper sud6elsoll erode; toeattitle It to the pationage of ths pettier is respective of party considerations: In addilkm to the, political aid genentl sews That wilt bstound le the .Xing,: Peat? tbe Editors will take Odes to runtish the hasinents rontutunity with bhs. latest and :most inttrentiag COMIZRCIaL illintil 1111Wi from all parts of the country. and to have prow led suchactotrats of the Markets and the State of Trade as willies advantageous to our Merchants ;ad Rtninen Men ln their several callings. Toroks.--TbS POST will be Dahlia/red en a large imperi al sheet of doe paper, (manufactured. especially far .thls Journal) at the unusually low this of FIVE DOLLARS per annuta l payable In advance. It wilt also bed by newa.boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. disertisesteire will be inserted at the towcat rata charged by the other daily papers of the city. go-Tievy.NTY active lads are wanted to cell the Post, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W. H. SMITH. imput 31, UM- 1.04)0RM. HY. LEAF TOBACCO. in store and for safe by I.G. 4- A GORDON. sep 13 No. 12. Water street.. MORISON'S PILLS BY Morrison 4- Co. London, for sale only by S. N. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is aole agent (Or Western Pennsylvania. aep 10 FARM FOR SALM—The undarsilllMl offers for sale • tract of land situated 4 alloy (raw sereeport, in lbe direction of -Kittanning. RutfaW wisiip. Armstrong county. contalnibg 100 aerer.6s:sadunder good fence: 10 of white ors in mead_ ": square log dwelling bruise and cabin barn erectid rinn—an apple (natant of 80 bearing. trees—and" a spring of excellent water convenient to the house. FOR TER,IIIB apply to the subscribers residing at the Saltworks on the Pennsyllania Canal, I nt:le above Free port To . rite WISE.--ftis now wall understood how mach disorders of the mind *wend for their curs upon a due attention to the bodY. :It Is new understood , how valuable is that ntedicinewhitelan4l "moose morbid accumulations without weaitining the bodily power. It Is now understood that there is-a reelpOsseal Anduence he. I ween the mind and the body. It farrow understood that purging with the Brandreth Piilswili remove a melan choly, and even insanity is cured by perseveringly using them: It is now . understoodhow much domestfe hanpl nese depends aroma* healthy conditioner the - digestive organs. It ignore well knovin that the firandreth Pills have cured thousands of bopehtss and helping' persons. even when thitirst physicians had pronounced their beyond all human 'means of relief. Ti is now not only *en known that the Brandreth Pills.° cure. hat it is Alpo tut. deridooditow they ell* that; it iiibloheir purifying:effect on the blood thrt they restore the body to Instil:, The veneer thn i medieine Is becoming more.and more manifestOt Is recofitmended•dally from family , to family. The Itrandreth PillareteeVc to av almost IMperecptible manner elf nottions accumulations and purify sod invigo rate the bioodAnd their pod effects are not coonterbalaw red by any inconveniences: being com Posed entirely of vegetables they do not expose those who use them to da nser; and their effects arc as.iertain as they are win tery; they arc daily and safely ailminl,tersd to inihney. youth. manhood. and old aye. and to women in the most critical and delicate circumstances. They do not disturb Or litlOClCtile animal functions, but , restore their order and establish their health. Sold at Dr. Brasdreth's Offiee. No. 93, Wood' street. Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents per hos, with fiill directions. only place In Pittsburgh wherethe genu ine Piii2 l l:ll4 be obtaleed, Is the Loctor's own office,-NO. :-• Wood street. sep 10 DR.J. B. 'PI BRITT:3, Respectfully inform the 'cift zetaref Pittsburgh and tidally. that be has return• ed to the city. tie hones to share the confidence of hie former patrons end the piddle generally; and solicits a renewal of a portion of their patronage. in emote:km he would observe, that ibe operation of Lithotrlty, (or breaking the atone In the bladder and allowing Itto units of with the urine,) is every where commanding the deep eat interest. He hopes to extend the benefit of this branch of his profemion to the afflicted. Strictures. Dimmers of the Bladder and Kidneye.—which will likewise receive attention. Those from a dhaance wishing further information will apply personally or by letter. °elf desired ran be accommodated at his dweilins,in a retired part of the ci ty, on Third. between Perry and Liberty sty. nen 10 LET invalids reed the following aecount of A... Sailor cared of a complication of aNictions in nineteen darsby the the of thandreth Pills. It distinctly proves there are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be cause of disease, and !treadmill's Pilisaresnade for them Read and heconvlnced. Take the medicine andbe Mired EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF RIIEI7NATId SF DiaRREICEA, AND AFFECTION OP ; THE LL/XOA lons Sasw. of Pembroke, Washington comity. Maine, being duty sworn, says, that be was taken 'Violently sick about six months since. The pains in his head, breast, back, left side and instep being so bad that he was tins. meta help himself. and was taken into the Chelsea fibs. pital in the city of Spann. , That alter being in said hospital five weeks„Doetor Otis said he did not know what was the'mattet with - him, and - that he could do nothing for him, normal/I he preserihe any medicine. That he, therefore, was conveyed front the 'teeter?'" hoe. pitaito the Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That he wasthere physicked with alt sorts of modielhe far a peri od arrant months, suffering all the time the Mint heart. rending misery.— That, besides his affection of his bones he westroubled much with a dilease of the lungs: some. times Its would spit a quart of phkgsm in the day; rides this affection he had a had Manhole, which had more or less attended him from the commencement of his sick. , new. That at times he dreaded a stool worse than be would bare dreaded deal hz that he can compare the feel ing to nothing save that of knives passing through iii. bowele. Ati er miff'erbm woreethan death at the Sailor's Retreat,,on Staten islarad.the doctor told him that medi cine mes orno amiss him. that he mu.t *trio - tilrahlmi. At this time he was sufferiagthe greatest misery. .. Thai his hones ware So tender he could not bear the iretspress. °reopen the elbow or upttathe knee, that his instep was most painful. that as the Doctor said he would OM him no moth medicine he determined to procure - sante of Dr., Brandi:rib's Pißlr, which he did. from 241. Breedvirty New iota; that be commenced withems pills, ritili,sodie. times increased the deer hi eight. The lirsi emit's use much benefited AUK_ hat the doctor, not knowing what be was aging. slid; tativr.ilhavi. yea look, like a man again ; if yin latricove le you wi t' be well.' Mettle fined every dose of the Brandied, relieve aim. Sankey - oared him of the vein *ben' at stool; that they neat cared the diarrhea, gad finally the plias In hit botes;—That the medicine seemed to add strength to hint everyday. Herold the doe.* yeller.. day the llth instant,thill he reit mailer well. and also, that: lid• Oita reeavery ileistddithe - Pat ender Providence, that be had takes the riam b Mst, fekety day lbrilidaYs; that the &Mine told him if ‘asiwo h e bad Iteiseraiririethat Mediehte. lewd stayed aniairif day lo the homes. Hi cotisiierslt isms d o ti. to *La k e ibib o oalio statement tor - thebenilltelferi eholleity stinted; that the, Miry illititiretarlritrihialAieedieho 011 Mill Bete oleic •- - JOHN MAW, — sews Shaw heist by Me &Ili swore ibis 12th shy k 0 wn.1842.411itif,600, #t l 2o_,,tba _ _ idea: Wet Wit t Wilwaram imilmwm woo.. Ai g. ffirl i ELVW eq• - 1,..,41g10. 1 0 10 4 1 •:" •- • - proved Play sofset tired be their Ittachint • between Ma th street. two ice Hell, Pitts nufaeinre and id the follow. sealesiw hol. composed of ttal): N o . 1, Port .4e Platform Marleaur. wirlo 359 t/ utsdaoit $6 ..: ~~; Wii. 4. PHILIP BARER BRANDRETEI PILLS. , - _ ' • • 40 , - .ty. ,`"="--' = PRIOR TWO VE,, crro THE MOTitettliatitaMi`= l ?-`:-'r r. ' Rea. • • : f.n oft ebnids tbat Oust ThersAtfl /filth Ant all mast 1meA0.4. - , - The We ws that have Cs& ml of beetle *De; r ' ,--dar*t senter. iiiimgrit seta itiol4#o , awhile. Woess chi:tering ray*ArAperow , from a mother's wile** Amais, , There are days isyouth that giset is : With a ley tow ' ' to Tire are she 'noes o ,aim to grist tan IW , *l Whin thole vanagdaye are pear.. But the oast amemirwr as, And give beck the heart awhile, All that memore 'ean restore , In a tootherli welcome *mils. 4 - • •"- - -71 14 r4 •-• . • There' are - license andanany plasm On which enem'ry loves to dwell r : , There ars many happy_ faces ' Who ban known „imd loved as well; llot'mid joy or de)emlon, There is nothing tellegnils, - That can how the welcome alhwilem„ Of a mother's wektome smile, REAL POETRY: We have read some little poetry In ottifit4 have been variously affected by It, bet ings were never so wrought,- isposults the following lines. WA dfruot Ulm"' to be found in all the poetry that *AIIO4, ton, either ancient or modern three atirPiqt . . taining more of the 'real ore=the: rare tented essence—than will be found l iti-tbenool9 below. This is high praise, but we ashipstathshr. submit our opinions to the better judgment eft brethren. Our correspomient, has our . 4 this exquisite production .- .Portland .l%li _ When the cold storm lieideround - yony And you by the light of taper, Sit closely by the evening fire - Enjoying the last paper...," 14,-, Just th'nk of him whose work thus helm - To wear away. the winter, And put this inquiry to yourself— Hate I paid up the Pawns t From mist and weat.—from north 406911411. Fawn lands beyond the water, ;.• Ile thiey, weekly - brings you nevki.. From every nook and quarter—. No slave on earth toils more than he ~ :tf Through aummeria heat and wintitel How can you for a momentthen . Neglect to pay the rearms tour other bills yoo prompt!! Pal', Whenever you de awe. sir The butcher for his seat is. paid. For 'sundries,' is the grocer; The tailor and this shoemaker, The hatter and "Muer, MI get their pay--thse why neglect To settle with the Patwrag From tbettinteey s kiereenft,l tan Eveningsociable, 'Ohl _you must coi e, I can't tab:v*44oi wise; there are curly to , be three_or-feur 15t064 side ytearrielf—a real nice &satiable? • After a little more solicitation, end-alit4i tie modest refuaing,_thetwelifieol‘ _ : 'kindly consent to accept with pie very polite invitatiott.' limn morn till noon-4k.om noon ti t jr 1 on Thum:lay, the whole family ofttirti,4, are in a state of excessive agiiatine. iftaft: parlors are swept—furniture destert."4so astral lamp, which like aorneserly opher, refuses ter shed-ite llgtrevrirewmireat 4 4 needed, is carefully exam mear-'4lll e#4 1 ,11 0 of'the wax candles are Concealed with - m. l i: naments of colored paper—the Ueda pft: the clock ate turned back for iwrireatOnir.7 ,,, to astonish the company with the erellinetli, of their arrival and to create la their minds r „ the pleasant delusion that each vrailineaa lasts some hours beyond ttildnitht-43tpmert are squeeted, cake cut; and drestriatrretis4— ed—and the confusion waxes' in intensity as the day draws near its close, as' . ` Nis_lV - wags darkest just before the anVen When all is perfect, they (the fecardea) tire to their private rooms, Tiber'a cliatigat l T :, occurs, the reverse of that which Cireterati. lia suffered when the 'iron tongs. oftitid=4'' • „- Hight itild twelve. At eight and one half o'clok, real titer ; —(seven and one half, apparent timePpitik clock)—the Lady Snobs takes up, her sition in the front 'parinr, and is abottl,4: followed by Misses Emma and Julia tleatec t The chairs ancl:sofa having progiodai4 ly placed in :Finsitioniaatculated sgaiev l with a hitt sense_ of beaus h 416. dm *artificial' picturevetue a - :Ara n door sent the heart of Irtiselaiiajn , je4t. her throat, and Miis Emma's pettrow artiso the ball to receive Miss Hill, a near.steistbo bor- Miss Efili thougt, as she lited se that she'd step right over withtNtirs4,444 for a beau. and whichtbctught she actualbr • carried into effect. Miss. Emma Snobs embiiits Miss,Am , and assures her a tbouttiad 'times diet simr, is extremely glad to see her, as sbe_witki at that verx moment etpecting her. _ .T*ltst accornpitnYilig her to a back room, she v Inures her bat and *cloak, and snuadVloollo4, pitiently while Miss ßill arrange. . - trait - for about the fortieth time, to_bestivito#A-; .4044 r. feet eaviXartion. Then Miss king the tolJe out of her highly , 4 1•=151 ;n. batkbrie: walks hand in band *IOW Emma Snobs, to the parlor, spa . it, ~ . • - •- , i.c ted to the Lady Snobs wk p sits oi on e ` 2 _ of the. sofa in ribbons satibee, i: . . 1. gVand,,and to Wes, Julia ehxdskiktie , - 41 , waliste s, only seventeen. and theterons• walmtle - testes and paataistta, and is sively timid. ' • '. -,-; 4-.' 4 fawmart ittxtaka, sad a , mat -=- young Invites enter.,, mostly , nee;: with beaux, and thti laseettissetedat -- ::;--- arlivevi- Thtv!Soeitiblo• is ,t - ~,•" Foot Males are aitAfae ;41 ***kora fisothows -thelotOtoniosi— ' . •,,,, , ,..,,,,t , : *Tr. • 'Ar' EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers