t,•i7Y - ,4: , ..N --'7.'",-";-;:,•'•:',.'7!.,7f.:7:;,;,,i,..-, il . ~,,; , i' ; . . P; .- 4 0 , ':; ',. - •-=: . 4 .:' , ":;; -..,-;:-.i, ram a cake of ‘iNi - y awning. TOe °petty ald - 1 ' .tll4tiftali he Los go uge at th"illiblni*Wer, EWA/10.-4mml SnesisiolealiteliTiZe,- tlay Horse, seven Qr eizbt-ri i i ebt, - 3; a spot of . arbiter—the Of eit_ttet-V11.4 shod. The above reviavvf ;In tl be `. wearing the bone:end -Ili* iblft -11"11 Noire. „V /111- IeXCH A Nettle 'Aus atizavi - DAILY:t, i n - trtiAssi NNSYLVANIA. Wooster,-. Pittshurah. - pir .mkb ui t hAre, 4. Man. bk.. Par Stimakib i k a.., oce bank. Pat aisitiM L .7 Germantown ." Nei* ank, Xeton, - - ter bank, di. • 2 Dar i u t. f Chester Co. rgal &two; bk Bucks mom bk do •• Cb Mork ' America Phil. r" Northern •Libetties,." prets.l bk. or Pa. • Alnthanics - " GraavOle, • gionCola. bk. Uk t , rbia bk. •" Par. toil bk. " Urbaank. i .,7 • irk bk. libtis • n bk. State:4l4 Pennsylvania, /0 atare ffl eriP. `- Penn Ti . par Mechanics bk- 5 All basks,— niete bk. rowing bk. ba.sk, 'fdeNt f.. wneeloi ' Vlttemit, Bonk do or V - i a& yit47 . Far.-bk. or% Ezrbane ba n k Inak. Mcr,..t3,1e4, ik, bank. 58 nnests% Warren, 75 nk wasliiirttoll, par bk of Pot tevite, a 10.1 7 .0mery co. par rownsvine, 2 5 inrzh hank. Lancaster, 2 I Iddleiown, 7 C.,nami.erut ur2h. 9 hank. 9 - • c Bap imor2e gs Dietoktfail All swap, Hewn ,- All Banks, ' , NEW yet Lek?' Boilei. nrlhnmh•rland, 10 hk Bride Co. 2 nellantia Cu• I I seloware CO. par 17,..0,try ia■ feekty f Red 'Reek; •. Retrts -10 # 11 : 1 Coissint; 43 , r2ii bk 4 nk, Oruvers bk. Of MEM Currency ootesa 2 chip, 00;4 ' in% bank piblftt,7 sa Fox Ranks. , . Ranks. _ •1, S'iaie Scrip, 5 7 do do 9 vank, 5( own, . ,da. OHIO. rdeaFaut bk Mech. Ilk of Steil ;ALA Good Pinks, - .! TEMA •• AU Banks ' ::, -litiCil Rk. or 5 1 .C104: 'Do. dn.14.1t, ! CASA , rPood hank,: :- F.astefif - hifadeiphb, i'New:York; Ra!tirnote.. - - Roston, ,vvvstern . Cincinnati, • nt hit GI St. Clairs ua Lk. Demand Currenr v nmrs, 3 dim nn bk New Lis Demand, Port nmes mat; specie pay 4- Traders bk of bk of Columbus 2 ; Louisvii le. . 4'4t . ' !Cleve!awn .:%-'' 2 .Vilfeiii.f • - ..4 . : 2,GOLD t JD 'SILT , • ,and (11. Lawrence nier) BOOZ AND 403 G OFF N i3'. Corner of iron(' pR ploptirio, or Ih. NI on. ING POVE M•NI'••CTI'Ft ER reaped (illy inforilla': Or patrons or !hose papers. 11121 11111 r well rrinseto aFs6rlmeot 01 ':'.o OTV:TV'M XEA.T to a Job :"'rfniing Office. and Mai • pa :rd to, F .Forose • 7 TER PRESS PRIM OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ,j:.' 1 .. I p 3 1:Is I i of Heads, a L a di d .. rLT . t e , i a tz c : o. ,.. : i Ili:Irk Checks., Hat TiFf;;;; an ttintn of 33Iants, . Steamboat, awd Camel- Boat Bills; priate Cat*, d ca tl.e shortest notice and Dad •espec.fully ask the paironageof an I . laic in ceneral in 111111 braegb Oral' •,' .o=2ll, serr. 89.1842- Piilt.UPSe atation 7 ENSIVE SALE OF DRY 600 DI„ y ainroln: al le o'elork A. bi-./ 0 1 nsivc assort owrit of Seasoosele ik prnrwriloa item pu.chafed setae 1 , , hen and fald by the Harebell of I' luta in !mit, viz: -mine Blue, Black. invkible Creel teen Cloth; Blue. Black and ;Oriel 1 2 ., Kentucky Jeans; Brown, Red sod o rerior domestic ?la like , Beaver ma e , Print , -, Satin Stocks; Silks Moss ~Denderr, Infant's wonted Doerr; Whin Crown; Shawls. liaidkerehii r.-B eA &lustier; French rani firkclWO - Iden li i —, White Tapr-; Cottbn Cord, and a vadd; ~neable Goode. •, le Wal be continued elery day 23. J. 11. D 11 ATV/I.—Wail be .old Aurtion Cactus, No. 110 INO P !. niorving at 10 COLD LElrt-of if:40111414 , ,e5t1r ri l ure. Y l c I:ARNIM 1. S If ER I Frt-SAbg _....a. T LI, be sold, atlawmises „ Cw WW "" .--, e s Thr H tICIIP P. N". 110 Wood s -"'"' :NI h. commencing ail IQ o'clock, .4.111.• unfit disposed of. bysirsier, . _ I lln r, . w. M idis . vise entire stock ifs Tian I y inirchamk, and well • and Mlrchasers. stOrk conf4sis:in past; at' frothed and Brown Muslim: nerfine Irish Linens; .. merican and London Pilot': -4 Chinizes and LiisoWs , orinoes and 13on Wiz/W M tannels and Liitseyi. " assimeres and Ezaikine! ,s; • .• 4 •, , -.C;I: r,reign and OnateWin , .11 , 4 11 1 1511 ."'" - - ; 7, ver atid Pilot Cloths,. .. _ t _....,,. - : - A a iencia,and (Phis WhilleirVel l . ' 4 r n amartuest of ficifig47; ''' ' .-.:" • ........ rfP aver. Mastla sod till 4PiltieN- __,- eut iron sr* awl LadieOWMA IGI . 10, I*. Roost and S4aiitft - pi Cotton and Paterd llool-. rrino and Blanket detseihrS cr Edeines. and illierrooo47.__ , - t 2 M 1.1 if • Jaeoset and .. 0 ibbona .Bonnets; - I lin de Wenn titer merchandise WWI ""--: • meats. - " mg—Cturb, par moseiri. t Gam AY GEESX-311 .40r. limberly river. ovisstit.- 41 ";;Adiver be *wear CS* in11 14 , 1 . 1 .,'3 1 911 Dael Critilt7ill4; *Mal ,/r N ` 6. exports. *or - • n*o ll ***4ooo „n -c - .» 4:;!:Z.tiT, ri- - 7- 1111021MMIS BEB -29;q1.842. - I , TOVP I _ inane affiginci • - 04 s w ath Was put in jail on Saturday *stealing shoes. Poor John. —We have had plenty of it for a _A . email sptinkling on Sunday • Ricers.—Frozen over iu . aeme p ot o Defaulters.—We believe we bed " fortunate in not being chisseled boys in any great extent, ilut i e veral instances in which the GPs have come it over us. We . t beir names a conspicuous place font So that they may have the full of notoriety. Here follows the o f ( hose who have swartwouled since eencement of the Post. Alen McCue, Little, alias " Little Red," 7 — es -Thompson, rare on the corners announcing a oce at the 'Park Theatre', corntr aler st. and Cherry Alley. The Man expressly 'forbids' people to furnish . to his house, without an order from or the Treasurer. The caution is dy one; an] may save trouble. But alit: like to know who would furnish to the concern even upon the Man , .rder. „Observe that. Mr. Millard, late a geroc. the Theatre, who attempte3 to tin company with Ursulina, on y night, with the receipts of that ,it *gain at large. We hope his sojoWn on Mt. Airy will teach him is best to act honestly in future. Cettzht.—A dumbsitan named Metz: who • ova cost from the store of Messrs. Alger) eGuire, last Thursday, was discovered yes in the street, comfortably enveloped in the gsiment. He - soar taken before the Mayor min,tion, and while the Mayor was wri .gonimitment, Mr. Allen discovered that Illtalo,ns Me Z had on, were very ranch like which had ben stolen from their door a vs b,:fore the coat was taken. lie evainin them ni re closely, and lyzeo Tie isfiA enhly those he had 10-t. TIleV 'Mr re ut in urth Metz was. rent t pri-on to tr,a ///lurni.— We are t•Ild that 1341 d win's ,on Chartier's Creek, near the Sti u. tile road, was• Aestroyvd by fire nit ay ni_ht. It is supposed to be the of an incendi rv. A man is suspec— A I irge number of hogs were d s— (I in the flames. alre.—lin performance tn-night. To ow night Mr F.ister's benefit. FUULIC MEt:TI NG par wane- or a call, the trien& of 1. 3. Ardi as,en.lil.d in mass m eeting in the M.trket at the old court hou‘e, in Lila city of pia.- , on Stiurday ittlernnon, the 2.9 h eeting war orb -in zed by calling M jor Otig gto the Chair. and appointing. J. S. More . Vice President; Richard thighs and Wit- Flinn,Sccretarien. e call of the meeting was read, and in a few remarks its objects stated by the Chairman: seich it was moved by Mr. A.. 111 , kin, apt. I. J. Aebbridge be nominated air the cit. candidate for the office of 1 1 44 von the met trig seconded, it was then put, and carried irnonsly. Thb following preamble and res,- is were read to the meeting, and onanimous• • error, This meeting believe that the inter ,f our city has been greatly retarded by its cipal pffairs being placed in the hant;s of par 'iticians, Therefore, • dyed, That the members of this meeting e that. in the event of the election of Capt. Ashhridge, as the ciiizm'a candidate to the of Mayor, he will faithfully diszharge every belonging to said office, without, - regard to politics. aired, That this meeting have full confi. in .he ability and firmness OF their condi o do:charge the,doties of the office of MaV hercfiire, we recommend him to all parties, , vrvedly worthy of their suffrage • Ow , f, Tnat, although we do n of admit that 11 services should constitute a claim to civil yet, we feel that bilk faithful discharge of ander Geres.i Brown, Scott, Ripley,& Gaines, e memorable battles of Chippewa. Lundy's and Fort Erie, tire flint additional claims koport argil feltow citizens. orrithitere was arpiabinted to procure a mita " to bold meetings to further the election tatiz!n'e candidate. all moved and seconded, that the prmeed 't this meatiag be published in_aU the city °. On motion, the meeting adjourned.: OTIS YOUNG. Pree't, 311, S. 111 017 1 7 . , V. ?feet. Am Fttus , 1 s "HARD HVGIRE.. New Maguzine. —The Louisville Lie notices the 'Dadies Companion !, ya its a first rate monthly. e Colt Illystery.—it seems that,-af 11, according to the New York Auro the mystery of the carriage and the a in black' - stationed during the "hole riday last in front of the great north- kitlCM'a COMPOUND reocr4er.c coup , gate at "the Tombs," is in reality no Is a pare Jo:d r...p olar:ea cure ;tr o t:re!, trey at all. it. it a fact that the carriage IB:riaZ44;aogos_ C.a g k . rt Ho Z assir. f ir erisatio. *4:LI really intended for the dead, na living and man ;di sees - leading HD the Ceeeeeklitieti, of Colt; the object was to convey the Tr a i n : —oe uu t i r i h e_i m per i.. rol p l it —lOpa lco. °wi red alcuone end sot" . ime llithole id , Speedily as possible. to t_tus:3l2aka.::, 0 ,7 11 : 0 „,, y m f r . „,„ 1 t h s p r i i op e t tin g es. oc,rats,, Hotel, where evory praPa.:!t.. bomb. . . had been made for Colt's resuscita- - _, 3 "! "k J * ed elO C f"t mlu t i P m f b ,.l" o l - ' after the ceremony.uf eitecttrieu; 'Mat 40.e.401 , , r. steam, galvanic elpatattui;b4 o ,:i' . ge F.**494s4S7 kir T . were allleopansd; and .or. - , lam 't Amoy othein. were therein wight,lo l =SC.. :4104° - • 1 7 : z die ev.peruswate. - . sityll: -11;: iM7= 2 BM= imanciriAltpri 111. , r - i )•• I , lit um !Cart of Mielittontyi ' • ". .- TM the 'wait* Of I . Atatinistrat .11L. Acceiset 4t . Alialin *Mira H • Susan Enele3;Oatmr4,, Esti Execetttri , littbitatiAte of Wllllhoramtmmi, demi. . Aud ' Misr to twit, OcarAter 24, 1242. the Wive' nailed imettotat Ideated tO A Burke, R. Wootii;e. You BOohorat.istsAuditoti to ea• tilt the acmmat aid distribute the Wince- • ; By itk-bsart. - T i Melia L.I.AN,Ci'h. The Auditors abovettaine4 will ittesulTor the purpime of their appointment, at the oftener 21agraw mid Haat. Ikon, la 4th street Pittsburgh, on the "13thality of Decant. by next.ai 3 o'clock P.. 14., whet ah 4 where they twill hear all persons interested. - A! BURK 2. - • 2 WOODS, 2179 S nosnoitirli, Auditorsl tiov 21-2 w No 22. 811.42NNET 8'2833E2' • • roof: su*cribtr. sinor.A.o Cotes with a choice assortment of the following at'- , BROADCLOTHS. Orel the most fashionable shades creator. ,_, irtaie and Fancy Casstatzats.l ~.'..- Rum= Curry; of moat superior Oath y. Intressos of great. variety, 4c. All of which have been selected by himself withgkent care, and will be disposed of On favorable terra for east. D BRUCKLOVHER., nov 21-Bi. hlerrhani Tailor. C.I7R R' .1 Fd FENT L.B MPS. FOR BURNING LARD.—Those who would wish greatly to reduce their experge for light, should certainly purchase one of the abate na.ited 'Amps. ashy their' use there is a Clar ravine of at least ISVCI4 hirds at the 'expense over Oii,and Ihe lisht obtained from this is pure and brilliant, and wholly free from smoke nr disagrceuhle smelL. We ooptd here state that r,artTa'ratent. is the only one worthy the attention ofthe pnittic;a.sit is the only one that is anion cattle to every varilitylic 'pall ern of iLamps. and the only one that will °urn I.ll42strelx., al atiy temperature of cold. or heat. We Isave.'ll Iheittiori space of three mouths. sold severat thousands - . and'ulth scarce an exception. those Wall! them have exprmned themselves' highly pleas ed %rob them. and fully convit.ced of the great economy by their me. as well as their superiority over ether oil or camth... in regard to cleanliness and light. The above named lamps can be hnd °My at BR 0 fir.7V" - RA YMOND" S. Third street. nearly opitnnite the Post °Mee. Where in kept constantly on hand 'Britannia Metal. Tin and Glass Lamps. of vat inns psi terns. Glass lamps sold at manufacturers' prices. We take pleasnre in offering to the public the foltow• ing certificate, which is subscribed to by many respects- I irie en teens. We the undersigned. have tried and are now 11Fiat! Cares Patent Lamps. for Intrning La..l or other animal fat, and we have nn he:nation in saying that they give an excellent tleht—equal to any of the ordinary modes of iiiiihtine a house. at about one-third the cost, and wholly l free trom smoke or other disagreeelde smelt. We lake a pleasure in recommending these latrips to the nightie, as by their rote there is a great saving over either sperm or lard oil, or even candle ? ; and we believe them to he more cleanly and less troutilesbme than either. To be had at Reowe ir R senorita's only. Third street, nearly npomdle the l'ost Office. • Bev. W. W. Bakewell, James noon, " A. IN. Brain, • Ch"rtes faction. " John ?reran, C. Yeager. " N. G. Hottles, Win. CrahamAr., " Rohert Dunlap, E. Tenant°, - ..:, - ,-,rt. Dr 11. D. Betters. %Van 'Holts.laSe. ..1:•1 E. D. Cazzam, Henry Atwood, i- " Wm. It. Wright, leaac Cruse, • , Robert H. Kerr, Esq.. George W. (levy_ I ' A. Beckham. Robert Menem/a.; ThornaP fusion, JiithollEr_athalreti• • Georee Miltenberger, Witnißirhbaum, 0. P. Shires, L B l'Pliiner„ A . Miller. Wm. Martin. • R. M. Riddle, Cost Master Henry flargelorer, R o bert Gray, James S. Clar I:, °fits AMC( - i Allen Kramer, lean Hotel. I a, F. marthrns, John M.Cattiplwll St. rzvickliou.e. L. Athereer, i R nliert billitiiloti. James Mello,. -.- N. R Just received, an improved Paten! I.iiiriti. for Id;rhen 1,-e. I,IV 14—dtwk wit' 187 iR r LECTURES.— Yvarf It Coorao,— I ixr- Jure Currnzotee of the Wirt lastiiiae have the I dervaire of taying before I he nult•ir. the following list o: 2eIIII CHIC 0 who have consented to Lecture. viz: Rev J 14' Bakelorll.latroaartory Lecture. John L GeV. Dtq. VS . ashit.ginn Proff. 41 J Clark. Metatl7 , l.e! Cot le;e. C 0 . ,. tr el 'Valhi/ Pittsburgh. Proff .3 B Bruin. JetT,cson College. nor,e , l FICh4e.C.-q . Pittslturgh. Reed It as Vert. , C , II . Prod'. .01 , er'r T .31cOili. West. Theo Et ntinary. Francis J.,,irtv , ipn. Esq., Piitslotreh. Boa I Barker, Nleativille College. I 11' II Lowrie, L'Fq ,Piltsl:tirgli. Rev James L Dinzriddie. Prof. litrit'kl S retalloch. Jefferson College, will de liver kwvera I Lectures on Astronomy, embracing its rue, progressand de.tiny. Reed Washington. Esq., will a ISO i deltver several Lectures on tile sill:Jeri. he may select. Arrangements are itt progress In engage Professor Sil. timan, of Yale College, to deliver in our city. a hill course of lectures on Geology; also v ith Joseph R. Buchanan, on Neututo2y. Other eminent Lecturers will he invided to visit our ctiy, when it utay Ike in the power of . the in. stitute to envore their services. The Leciurec of this course will he on Literary and Scientific sitl•jectg exclusively and It,. is hoped from the eminent ability or lh Leen. rers. and the interesting na- 1 Lure of the subjects. that onr chivms wilt. liberally pa tronise this laudable enterprise. The. Iron City should not he behind sister cities in her encouragement of science and literature. The p nerd (if aci tjawill he appropri ated to the enlargement of a Litirargliready an honor to the eit v. -Course Tickets. admitting a lady and gentleman, 3 2. and inarhe had of either of the Lemmi tee, and at C. H. Kay k Cu', Bock Store, Monongahela and Exchange Hotels, and a!-Berford's. Lectures craturnenee on ThurEclav moire, Pee L. OUL C. liITEX, W. W. W 11,S011. !WIN S COSGR AVE, }Committee. W B, SCA I FE, Jontsi B. SEMPLE, n24—l m EUROI EAN AGENCY: Estab:ished and carried on regularly since 1819 flm UND S I GMF.D rm-peMlutly taforms the 1 public that his Agency is strictly confined to the receipt and payment tat money. That Legacies, Rents. Annuities. and any sums of money. are received and paid over in every part of England,Sentland and Ireland, and in every part of the United States or theCanadas. to the persons entitled thereto. The remittances will he made. as usual, by his drafts or checks. payntilii at sight. on his Bankers and Agents. It will save much trouble and delay if any person in the United Staten or the Can• arias who may have money coming from Great Britain or irelniti.snould order it to be paid to the credit of the subscriber.as foltows,-11 In Enrand, it may be paid to Messrs. H t J. Johnston 4. Co.,,'llankers. So. IS. Bush Lane, Londor; or to Messrs. J r, Stuart 4. Co, Tip Pines Camirt,filanchmiter; or to their firm at ',.No 6, Union street Liverpool. If ,in Scotland. to Adam Gibb Ellis, 6.ltnyal ferrace.Edinnumit; or to Mgasts. Slitch• ell. Henderson Sp Mitchell. 46, !diner istreet4 Glasgow In Ireland to Gerrard Tyrrell. Eel, I I. Lower Sackville street, fluid'.. John Hitrieock. 'Esti. Newry; or to the Siorthirn.:BankintecOlOwt; or any of their branches at Billymerta,Larne.Ctileitine. tiewtonlitnevady, Derry, Straleniti:"ldagherafen, Lorgan , Lisburn. Dow Patrick. Armagh. fie. 4- e Ia case such payments should he Wade - to:the credit of the subeerther, he will be duly au- , vised of the - atuouut; end to whom the "ame is to be paid over in the United States or in the Ca nadas. Any. Leg Leto!, or tams of money, in the United States cr the Can adair. lo be remitted to aria Britain or Ireland. may he paid to Messrs. James 4. Virlitiani krerunt, of Louisville, Wv..Meslirs .1 4- J Stuart 4. Ca, *es , York; %lonian/ Stuart Brothers, PhPadelphia; or if in Pittaltorgh or vicinity, to James Stuart. jr. at the Warehtnlte of Mr Samuel Church; 104 and 101 ed Plena, pr to the undersigned in Philadelphia. Any such *aye:taut as the above named 'wilt answer as welt as if paid to the subscriber person, iSatf any further information Is required, it may be obtain bypsst Pail/ letters addressed JAMES STUART. European *gent. Philadelphia, Pa tit‘--St ~~w3_ s~._ f ~,~"~ x F a: . lE= 4)ollElirr AL-eisuie SUMO WASti INGTON. • jrroANZT es. LAW: ...Oft* ilk iletre aitl E. Fourth +greet. PtUtbersit. 11 :3 . 184!. CIigORGE LAIIVICO. Ammer at Law. elk* ‘JI lta, 54 PM serest. sou the-Tamara. Pasburgb. sap 27-11 I - WILLIAM ELDER. itttoraey it .INltte Bakewell's assely opposite the New Collis Souse. ou Grata street selt 94-1 rat. A. W. PATISRSON,Pirtes as Ilimitbeetd street* -near Sixth. j sep 10 00 Rio Core& eel 4. For sale by ). G• I- A. CORDON. OSJIMAC-25 Bales Oakum. on hand and for salt by J. W. BIIIIIIRIDC P 4 CO.. act 1 - . . ____- _, ..... -- er --rarrillW AIM, Upholsterer and Paper Ranger. OP• IND. 49. Fifth st wet. between Wood and Bsolthlteld du. Flunk and Straw Stattrasees always on _hand. All orders executed with neatness and despatc.b. on acernater• patine terms. ~ , l'tP '''L-,-;"..3., w ANTE U. 2000 ObSHEILS OP FLAX SEED. f or . price in rash will he :wet J A 14E3 DICKEY 4. Cs Agts. Sleehanles Line corner of Literty and Wayn itreets. Pittsburgh. net It '42. CHEAPER TH AN EVER! arteaporvassoirenzme ov READY MA DE C LOT RING AT TUE THREE BIG DOORS, N.. 151 Liberty at., sae dime from the Jackass Ameirr. THE Sllbaeriber having prepared at his establishment the tartest and most varied stock of READY MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the Weuern coun try. would respectfully invite the public to give him a cell and examine his Goodsand hear his prices before pnrchasini elsewhere. ills stark consists in pact Of t.:410 Cchlts.assor" . ted sires and quality; 2000 pair Pant*. loons; 151011 Yetis; with a large assortment of Shirts, 1 Drawers. Cravats. Hiocks, Gloves, Supenders, and every other aro tete of winter Clothing. - His Cloths were all 'elected by him: elfin the Eastern Markets. end purchased at the very lowest- cash prier% and cnnsegnetstiy he can afford to give his 'customers BETTER BARGAINS Menthe, call Re kiwi"' Other boom in the city. Relievisight the principleof..l4ntect.l mg Home Industry" be has therefore had all hien/Odes manufactured by Pittsburgh workmen, and he has no hesitation In saving that they will be found in every rem- pest superior to the Easters sstranfactweesi articles that are offered for sate in the slop chops that have recently Ancissessi among us. In these times when Hone lariaStry is ocenpyins. large a snare of public attention, as it always should. the proprietor of the "Three Rii Doors' takes peleiDiar pride and pleasure In assuring the citizens of Pittsburgh that hiltGoodsare stsegfectarreit under his own eye, by the mechanics of his own town. lie does not. like "came of his rivals in trade, nave his Clothes made up in a distant. eh v, in another State. nor does he advet ise his Stork in hills printed three or fodr hundred mites from here. Be goes on tne principle that the mechanics of Pittsburgh can do work as well as any others. and he does not de si-e to draw ...over from their pockets to support distant workmen: while he asks them to support him, he does not wish ..impoverish them by a drain to support far off mammoth workshop?. The subscriber would take this occasion to refute thanas to his friends and customers for the Onpreeeden led patronage extended to Ills estahrohment, and to re peat his-invitation to all those who wish to purchase clot hine.of every description. made in the latest fashion and sold on the most accommodatint terms, to rllll at No 151 I.riert• street. JOHN SUCLOSKEY. 10" Observe Metal Plate in the pavement. PILEZNGTOWS Unrivalled Blacking, 31 , 1•117FA s e'l UR ED and so r be hl io wl) w :171 fi r e a d nd retail rrrn rarsr one nri 21—iv. iIiaIgITTSPITGGH 17113r.713LATINCI AODAIEFERENCE !ABC ARV of Religious,flistenriggithical.aini Mis c. I laneons Works, will im epen7ekt9 Atty. Se . .bath ex• CePieli. 7 lock. A. SI.,On:Ell 9, P.M.. in the Ei rhanze corner ni Si Clair street and Exchange e ptinctualaiiendance will be gives by nen 10 i.GF.NIMII. HANN.64Ir TURNBULL, l'itoraticroas or Till CLIN. Pseca MILL. Sheulienviile, Ohio. having' rem.. red their store from city, have appointed lieldship, it Brost , . No. 49 Market in., between 3rd and 46h, a c•ent s ror . Le sate of the different kinds of Paper manufac— tired y them, where their friends and customers will al. ways find a reeniar stir ply of paper, such as Cap and Writine, plain and faint lined; WraPtiingand Tea. paper; Bonnet Boards, and Printing Paper of different at zes and qualities of which will be sold on the moat acrommodatine terms. poLrisme & Ricownit, mannfacturers and importers of tvait rapers and Borders. keeps constantly on hand eve ry variety of Entry, l'arlor and Chamber Papers, of the latest si vles and most handsome patterns, which they. will sell tow and on accoinmodating terms, wholesale or retail nor - LOTS FOR SA LE.— Four Lois in Manche4ter, One ETA n fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' tliti. Lots 0.0. 41. 42.52. 53. 54,181, 182 and 184. in Ceok's Mau of (Ant..., on tioln,e , Hill Also, Lois Dos 26 :Lod io rook's TOnn of Lots on High su re:, near the new Foort For terms apply to Z. W. R EMIN'GTON. set. 111 IVOR SALE OX ACCOMMODATING TER./In.— 311 Reams of Writing leiter Wrapping paper. 500 Cuts yellow and purple Carpet chain . 10 dozen Bed c o rds. lad g lines and twine; 250 Bottles Blue. Black and Red Ink: 50 Roles table salt; 100 greets cheap suspender buttons: 40 hnses and pounds of:teamed bass; 4000 ehris lien. Temperance, Franklin, Pittsburgh, Western Patriot and German Almanacks for 1R43; 25.000 good seenrs;7s doz. good tear! pencils, 25 doz. heave wafers; a full as. sortnient of window sings and sash of assorted sizes and a variety Of,e2•11111:1hie ZOO.ll. for iinie for rash—all kinds of country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures to suit consign.-es. ISAAC HARMS, .0v 16 Agt and ram Merchl VtiA N 11.7. D Paces for !,Plterai Idechanics.Coach meri,tHostlers, Lahoreri, Clerks on Steam boatsor (or Houses. A Ito fur several House keepers . Cooks and girls for all work—for stemma' nurses and small girls —for several rem nistresses—also for several Collectors and a. gents to travel over the Country, 4-c. Wanted fora flourishing neighboring lowa and Female schoel. a re spectable female teacher, of good character and acquire. ments—also a good female teacher for a respectable fami. kiuds of Agencies at tented to at HARRIS' nov 16 General Agency office. FO LEW'S PATENT BEDSTEADS. T 4XIIRACTURED at Wet. LEYBURN'S Cabinet Short , No. 69 Second st, between Wood and Smith field. where a general assortment of Furniture may be had at reduced prices for cash. The superiority of these Bedsteads. consist in tie faste.ntags. which for durability and raw In putting up and taking down. is not equalled by any other now in age—and to all such as would consult their own comfort In their nightly slumhera. it should be remembered %tot all classes of the bug family are festsaird era. by theme fastenings. Rights for Counties. Dhztriet.. or States for sale by JOHN FOWLER. Patentee. We, the uudersftned. decertify that we have exantin ed the above Bedstead Fasten ingsmni have no hesitation t pronounclug them the best now in use—coming up Ato the reprennotasion in the ahem* advertisement. Wa. Grabantjr.. JosephOolutrt, Wm. i iu. Jacob Vorlde.. John I. - .OM George anger . new —3to. • ri T. pales, tVtioleaale and Retail Raker, Con. 11 - 1. reetiarier and nuitarer. Federal mast, aeartba Diamoad..allestarly ell?. . Every variety Coafediorovy Asa Oraameotal Cakes. satiable for aredPies Kai pare auundlitaredt from rho beat araloriatj'id abrat iserriti • • 1 i .---:____ i -.‘ LUMBER. ..77-4 ,,,„ .., ~. ondo.— -- fltillOW, -,-- - -,- AnaldWatie 1 7 '; :...v..( •' `, '''' ,- ' -'.- -- iwwwloogr 7- =-Aie:'",""f -> ~:~ - ma“nesiia' , Lin :Oke imftlAewim`igw.o opt 21—if -. , t . - ,- b " '± , ~ :::~~~: .' t r~ s Af 4ithi . Aeilififfil — 1111 10 1 i 11 .0 0 ilea nib I ilaisdytilkati t mow dews eg tas orAppieli. a sfiim Pose% sl_ letoeoto ore a brigs mat, t Ati... , stlfaridalittd, asks Ow* TIP Ft race Biro 2$ by WA`obe Ord. i otother inkt,bioi t• good Gardens sorenOodoe 4r it b ell of elate* . Inlet: 10 111 a In telatialio the rhtsitteltb , there'll se piste cow offered for test to thole wishing to porehase row will he inaderistoderote. for ly to the pro yelotor at hi: Clothing sorrier of lijrdisi Aliey, -4. .I;4 I kWA , slgitCllslst. N. If. ft sot 7 'ie . 1 i Ottobst„..oe#, it besessoet s eat atabhhs . =cram babes. sod pomp is at tie friott. am( AThesiewi sale with sear 1" ' ferther ps Stare. Übe* Mr pas -' ifriftE subtle: tkilly' calf 'the attention of S e their Idea* , the public eeneraity,te their pre. melt assort meOlit " flintrisgs, which centains a Rificeind est '''' ' y of patterns of the followin:- 'itetteriptiorrs„. ,_ : - '''.,tr'ipitin inspection wilt be found to be of superior ' - . lash., 1 floglazed ~ C. .: e,otattxtetenptlonr, fct pa,sering foams end . 4ntlisei vt 25 cents per piece. Mated W '.- ' . neat and handsome patterns, for ,>. ~ papering _ . entries. at 37i ceiling. , ...itseriosa liti4 , .of their own mannfacture, for halls; ..iielef: other styles for .parlor and ~. „—,..- .. ehambe rttalitlim4o,..glalted grounds. 'Frees-- t i & iiiity. 7, _:". • ;Thosinimfiew cm! Freseepatterne„ in plain a Pelee( a, .-411iViers. Lauding:pa papur:._,,beilheirts, for papecinig hotels, hills and diniiina, at reduced pricee , ', litre Boa i rtag ~ ia,,,Statwee. Ornaments', ke. Ina** . , plain anittlguierl,a different en. ~,,,,0 , ,, . .:- Westernits and other' are r - .et-. 111 , invited ' to call and extUpletheir stock and . prices , off which last a liberal Vincent .. .Will Be given for cash. From lo ' manufacturei , ,paPpri in a superior manner, and as they are deleruthnXl le keep nil the character their papers have uniforielY ; :pustained, they hope to continue to re ceive iheenargAresnent hit hertosoliberatty extended. ' - tloursnit 4• BItOWNE, 1, Uarket .oreet, between 3d and 4th fe IS, 1 giWastwit Pittstm elom( lORTIC. Auctioneer sad Cessmis. sirs . s' Loviievilie. If T..,''irill attend to th. 'aloof Real- .tie,' Dry Of .. )4e.G. ocerirs. ro to ii ore. 4. e• *C. Rezolifoiles eve, y Iliteday, Thit rainy. and Fri clay morOielialo o'clock; A. M. Cash advances made on eanriiiint". tiern 10 - T . HORN'S TEII4IARRY TOOTH WASH-47 Xerox .11 favaliteW, Newlady.—The" extreme beauty of the Teeth. their judiitsensahte use, and the frequency of their decay. basledlatasalay invent loos for their preservation: vet bow to pne-' 4 iteree them in a state of health an pristine beauty. to the i liktest Periods of existence, was entirely oakaOwn ant „. he discovery of the above invaluable prsrparaliOn. it forma a pure linrt ore composed of veg etatde ingredients, and is possessed of the moat delicious odor. It eradiemestariar from the teeth, removes spots of incipient decay. polishes and prftserves the enamel, to which it elves a pearl-like whiteness, and, from its disin-i feeling properties,possesses the virtue of giving, sweetness to the breath. As an dati-ictebutic. the Gams aftto shone in iht trans cedent powers; Scurvey is eradwated from them, a heathy action and redress is Induced, tvhich offers to the notice of the mediel practitioner indubitable evidence of their healthful state. It has been examined and used by several of the best physicians of this city. who lonvg. no !levitation in recommending it as an excellent wash for .the Teeth, Gonos.ete. Among the recommendations to the above are the fol. lowinr: - Having tried 41r.-oThornst Tea Derry Tooth Wash, " and Demme *equal - Mellish hTilhe Ingredients of Its compo sition, i therefisity say..t consider it one of the safest, as It is one of the lononsplcinsairt Toot It Ward es now in use. Tialshurgh Sep.' 15, 1842 DAVID BUNT, Dentist. I take pteasotre in matitegAiisvlng rustle use of.. Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," art it is one of the best deu- Irifites in use. Being in a tlquid form, it emplanes neat' netts with convenience. While -it cleanses. the enamel removes the tartar from the tem it...iti4erfoorre veldt a fragrance peculiarly destrattir. 3. P. TIBBETTS. M. D. The undersigned have used ••Tho , r,'s Compound Tea Perry Tooth Vi ash," anoVhaVe Cannot it to bean ex , reins , 1 Y Pteasant dentifricC, , ettircirdng a most sittitary since over the Teeth sob , Gnaw; preserviSig those indls• pensatile mentiiers from premature decay. poeventotog the accumulation of Tartar. sod purift ing the Meat h. nay. 4ing ihuroaghly tested its virtues. we taitc pleasure in re. continendlog it to the public belieetng it to tg the hezt tide of the kind new In ate. at .:OBERTSOX, i':OirT PEEBLES. C D.IRRAGH, J ,:f :VOOREPAD. 9f. RIXO WALT. • . Po pared only 11, WILLI.VM THORN, Apcabeeary inn) Chential. No. 53 Marker st reet, Pirtsbn rg , h; for sale It all the principal Nuttgiats',ati Toll lea Medical tgeney, Fourth Street. sep FOUNDRY METAL JUST RECEIVED. 36 TOSS Soft Pii Iron idailab!e for Foundries. A p ply to A. SEELF.N. JAMES NOWA RD 4- CO., Mcoafaclarcr of Wall Paper, Xs. 15, Wood Street, Pins blow it, Have always nn*liand an esiensive assortment of Satin Glazsd and Warn PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and imitation Borden., of the !West style and handsome Paltellls , for papering halls, parlors and chambers. They manufacture and have on hand at all limes— Printin;. Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,lion net aml Putters' Bawds—all of which they offer for site on the most accommodating terms; and to which they invite t lie anent ton of merchants and others. ALSO—Blank Honks of ail kinds and the her:tonality, School Rooks, etc. always on hand and for sale as above. N. B Rag's' nd Tar nem' Scraps' taken Inn:change- O _ y sTr ß s , ga RD r,yEs. 4e.; served np in the hest style at A. H1116Z11..3, No. 9-*tfolt steert. Saila. to apartments are appropriated to 'y.eittlemen accompanied, by ladies. Also all kinds of Cake. and Confectionary for parties, weddings, etc., for sale by ems 1 4 J—tf. A. HUSKER, NICSOLAS 0. CouniAN COLEMAN' 4 CO..Generat Agents, Forwarding and COIUMiegiOP Merchants, tovee Street. Vicktbarg, Miss. Thep reepeetfully solicit - Consignments. 022-tf ACARD, —I have opened an Upholstery Wareroom, on St, Clair street, near Penn, No. 5, where I will keep on band and make to order promptly. Mattresses of the different kinds nsed;' Feather Beds. Cushions. Quilts, -Sacking Bottoms, Split Minds, and every article enmity found in as Upho'stery Establishment.. Having divided my business. I will fin al-Orders fur the citizens at St. Clair Street; for the boats. as 111209 I, at the moads. tory eirWater sliest. My friends will find me always in the morning at St. Clair street; in the afternoon. at the manufactory on the river bank. WM. NOBLE:. Upholsterer. A lot of warm Comforts on hand, for save low. nov 22--tf FRF,s7.II ARRIVALS! TUTTLE ha. this day received from New York, a (crab snpply of Hewes' , Nrrre and Bone Liniment, and Indian 'Vegetable Ella 'rot !volitive rare for Rheuma tism; Gunt.Contracted Cords and Limho..:ntso Gmennur a Ponder WO le, for completely and Pe4 neatly eradicatingsuperlloons hair from remain' _Otter lips, the hair concealing a broad and elevated' Inneifeltd: the sintittorn heard of man, or any kind of. sifinntiait” hair. Price $1 per bottle. Anne: Ran de Begarte,orTme Water of fleautt s This Pienrh preparation' harmghly caterm Males 8i110W ,7 rtess.rreekles.rimpies, Smelt, Blotches, and all 'eutaneoirs e, siphons whatever. Realising delicate While hands, seek and arms, and elicit ing a healthy Jasmine bloom, Also, seseial other valuable ankles, too numerous io mention. The genuine wad only at 119-If TWITLE'S XEDICAC ENC r. 36 dtbst A FEW MORE STILL. Jdrar irCLOsitzi. the old orlgitral, has OP hand the all west splendid assortotent of. Clothing ever offered" West. itiystoek is large, and lata disposed to telt attlw Moist possible pries. Mystock is heavy, and as the tea. ponisadinncing, t wilt sell at tower pricer than ever. T wieldy the pletwere of a call, feeling entledertethat a look is sufficient. Beware of Counterfeits: Remember ttia Tlatritilig Dorms, and . the SION"Lir THE .r.erituta.vr. noir 23.1842 i ~. MACKEREL —ln more, $9. 2 Mackerel, is ',hole aad balrtritraii!..t gott4 _Witty, wilt be !old ye: IT jailifiPrialSk• Or eIelltill:elr fOritile rlii7 " - Gliarle. P lB 4 lO . dortitireri. Alostie_tra.at sorti. Witoontri GsrialeAgtrusis ihooll Man& y 2 . r . _y ~ S y 'A.~. MEE o's'ss - '" 10 1 -- `l e , -t,,-- - 4 1 zk'sV'''' -3--r- SW R - , - " -, .. ypn ..ce , "" s ' - .4.• - , __.. rt . ' -• ' ___ ,- Metal lima the a,* Old , . '' 4 * . c.,, , - .1_ .ss- - ,, -4 1 NM"' ' " A .__ l rl kliP '- ` led tie ear. Mot it „,,,,,,, 1-- .„ 1 ' 're '' Ihaff` l soo6/0 taint IlDWllfs , ~,,,,,, i. o . _ Yet --: '-' ''ailtattiaalat***lwkstitiltitikra 4Wi ller Steall i v al " 101.1 " ."(If is o r "I" '!'', , - , ..., `.: leeilthei be- eleelliellel* 46.1'.1"&re' tars as 6....ir u. etiNerimi. 'noir stint ems* WO* .„,„%_,,,,,- , , _.2 4111°"1141 r ev" ' i lsin ael L ni ft ee "-- 1,73 1 711, :lk—liesser.ottel. l4oo4 ." lo4l4lwit fact or tem s,. li bettletwleeresitiee .......---- -- - sia. Fantasi a /la Ram , , _, , , es , Dr. 11- a. atiall". 111 tee 11"ttkaGr i =e ira' till twsaa Illt.* it, Doherty avelloth MAW bsWil ilikel.: ' ,_ln P er " °III" " In ' ) "Imes ...el! fen' er the hive bad elleasive ealvallattallas media oritib ta lk ' . .,,... g ... a . did t es ta e esteidiatissenta in the esniettp;theli li ale 00 1' 4 l l o gr o aci""liulain."--.--- al undeytheit ewe inspectiee, sod thepouslntla .... ' tbdie pills "I'l l tar the 1"t a" "i .c.....6...a 1aT ' wadi" air t hat wahine WA the very lath e nlet ma the helaillCO 4. she ease efeb..,nie dheases.of Willl.w ..... in as 4. amillMsie n , _ seems win be noted m an, , . !. of female* in pa have used litment them tbas so awe '''' _ _ .7 1 .7 *ti Other arCdielites. Lae every other medicine, this most hit in anent in stances, but in my hands theta: tans been ten disappoint went and more sathithetioo in the adminburatiou of this oaerem*thn °Lail °though* toot tetra suc k eyh Th ey, Mt liF nt. W- 11 -' n a y-pets..stccritissttt-siiskr wperrint met Mine eh her before or after parturition, the Wilson't pi Iv werelust the thing f wanted. If a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined With easthrenesoor inactivity anise liver constituted the disease if my patient. the pills wets just the thttig 1 wanted. If I tresurci a ease reqniving an erentena;clne, the Wilson's pills were Inst the thirty, i wanted. If palpitation, headache. tested cotantena nee. or other difileoltlea, indicating a disturbance °film circulatory and secretory systems. annoyed my patient at the -turn of life' the Wilson's pills werektat the thing I wanted • Thus, Without realize, to the naine, a dystase michl happen to wear at the time I trove had It under treat meal, partietrtar indications or wantons witting. were al-says most promptly and men happily met by the Witson'a pills. That ad great a another ofdhesses, and sometimes op patently 'opposite ortes,ln rrhien t have ttspl these pills. should be oiled more readily . by them than by any othe r remedy, may at &at seem strange and contradictory, hut why it is , sots as clear to my mind as that a great many persons Arnold become thirsty from ta , many diffetent eattsett,Und yet all require that common and greatest of all Megan's. Water to quench their thirst. In el:inclusion, Ills due the -ermiation of Vie medicine and the pubile, to soy decidedly and ancondit innall y, I hat the Wilson's pins 3re throaty crouldnation I have ever net with in my tong rouse of practice. that really pot eestesanYthing curative oespecilie for sick headache- YO Mil *c., DR. MILO ADAMS. The *hove Phil dealened particularly for the sink Haed_Ache, Dyspepsia; Constipation of the Bowels lee., wrested by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson, and for wile, wholesale and retail, at his dwelling in Penn, street. below Marl uty. Oct 1 J.4.1117:5P JAclr. CHAS B secfm.r. Wit ArCANDLE SS. JAS 9 CRAFT. L S JOHNS, Lovn R. Cozzi(An ISAAC 1 'AM wm .11. AUSTIN, A storm y at harts. Pidtiiburs. h. Pa Offiee in 4th street, oppoSite tiorirelt tArtiddsit E. AUSTIN. Esq., wit' give hie al tent ion hi my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patron age of my friends. WALTER FORW AR D. se p I 0--I y ItUM.STEELS, (successoyio H. AlTicekey) rash• iona'•le Road fdaker,Liberty pL, 2d door from Vil:sin Alley. The subscriber respectfully informithe puldictivat he has commcneed the above business in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry fil'Closkey. and that he is now prepared to attend to all orders in his line of business with despatch and on the most reasonable terms. From his lons experience in the tnannfacture of Fashionable Boots, he feelseonndent that all artleles from his estatdishment will sive satisfaction to his pa trons. A gutty of puttlic patronage is respectfully solicit. Pen 10 FALL ARRANCMINIIIWZ. MEC!' A N Indepoodent Traasportatios Lisa to Pkiladelpkia and Baltimore. For Transporting Neretandiz 6 to and front Pittsburgh., via Tide Water and Pennsylvania Canals. CONDUCTID STRICTLY ON SAIIRATII AND TiMPRI/A.NCR =M! The 'Lek of this Line consists of the first crass Spring Cars, Metal Roofs, and New Decked Tide-Water Boats. commemted by sober end experienced Captains. Mercitantel.y this Line are enabled to have their . Goods shipped as cheap, and with as touch dispatch.as by any of her Line. One Boat will leave daily from the root of Willow street flail Road on the Delftware, in Tow of a Steato Boat, which is kept expressly for that put. pose—. The Proprietors will w.ce their ss hole attention, and respedifutty invite Western Merchants to give them call, as they will find it mach to their ado.ntag,e. All goods eonsilned William Iltilrsae.. 4- CO. coast wise inr Vilt Delaware r:nd Raritan C an al, will b,recetv ed at their warehouse.foca of Willow strek Rail Road, Philatlelntia, where goods can he Put directly from the Vessel into the Boats without additional handling or ex. praise. WILLIAM fIEILMAN ¢ Co, from Prated. to Hotidayshorg. D. L PATTERSON, Propristors. Prom Dolidaysbranh to Pottshorzh. JAMES DICKEY 4- CO., Cant . coolia, Liberty street rittsburch—Agents Fllltalt!C Kiseit,Willow street wharf,l on the Delervare.rd Philadelphia, Jolicpo E. ELDER. Baltimore, Agents. 11. L. Pspreasott, itolidayshorgh, Jesse PAtrreasott. Johnstown. Refer to merchants generally throughout the city. op DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS. Pirrsaußan, Ocr. 22, 1842 J. Deamsa—On Fr ida y. 'health of Ink month. about 9 o'clock at night,t lie Planing. Grooving and Sash Man ufamory. owned by Gay, Dilworth 4. Co. with a lame quantity of drmesed and undressed lumber, was all cons. med by fire. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time Nick, was In the most exposed situation doting the fire. and was entirety red hot —I am pleased to inform }Galt was opened at the lose of the tlre.and all the books, papers. 41e.saved;t his is the hest recommendation I can give of the utility of your safes. net 24- 1 r Tnnsi AS SCOTT. WESTERX UNIVERSITY' OF P.F.JrNSYLV4 - NIA.—LAW SCHOOL.—T be Trustees of the Weitern University of Pennsylvania announce to the public that they have established a Law &keel in con nection with the University, in which will he taught Muncinal, International, and Constitutional Law in all their wenches. The 'rodeo( instruction will be by recitations, leen res and occasional moot-courts. as in similar institutions. The Year will consist of two terms of four and a half months each. The first term will commence on the second Monday Of November next. The tuition fee is $37,51) per term payatde in advarce. Wavrea H. Lowetz, Esq., a member aYthe Pittsburgh Bar, has been chosen Professor. The trustees take great pie/sere in annotinring that they have been able to se curie the services of one so well qualified tbr the station by reason of his legal acquirements, and particularly of nne so highly esteemed as a scholar and a gentleman. The annexed recouirmatdation will tarnish satisfaction to ell life qualifications as Professor. The trusters having been induced to in.slitthl , this school from a view of the serious disadvantagesattlending the studies of law, in tie office of practising lawyers and Won the very obviouS ad/3'113,1es which Plosbittgh pos. sexes Duet most other placer in the West fot the estab. ' lishment °reacher' institution —Mereis a most indmitri. oust pontention. The sit - ideal will see around him exam ples of industry and energy, and very few tentptatlons to i n dol f ace and. idieness. tie-may behume acquainted. with business in all pit tertas. Our Court, ate sitting neffily sit the year round, andthere it perhaps no place in the West where" pester variety of eases and Crinc.L plea arise for discussion. The Committeente desironsthat all personsW'shing to avail *hem/wisp of the Ilidvaatagea of-this eehool.abould do so immediately by calling and leaving their nemesei tno office of Walter H. LOUVAIN Esq.. on Fourth *teet er by addressing him by letter. post-paid, so that all stn dents may corittnence at the opening of the term, or air early thereafter as possible: OtOZOIC =TOLD, ) 8081C:01111M1Uee • MOW stuns , . W. si t .cs.. gOratpan. ?nos. r. - • den Or reeor tat a pub pr e. suz i t i p s , I n easis ln ~riairii: n e dhi esq r,..l:4 o o l : rrsio co_ r r_Sl oar . Leer In th e Vrtteern UlliVes."7l ~.."M1 4 1 " , ! 1 15 . 0118: c - r__ r • ar eminent Inc bilien.:ind lege I leepane a a shut . ties, %ladle every way Via lYtyiitO 7 the , oetn ler of th e fete to w bleb he bee been f l f 4 . ll . l t i * ' - ? , i _,-_ .. . . inwei; • ',- 6itirfJasibeisiie 1 . . sroom ; t l -•f"*"°X l 4l, - Instleee etOw - " abilLikortint. _ '•.- ' 'it 6:411011. ' -,ell*AnnisnArL , i : ,' _,. ... --- 11:1F , .*„..; v-iv a , smix - tokimiiU lei- 4 - • .5.' flot? BEEM BUFFAI.O ROBES, BEAR SKINS LIST rPrrived. 3.000 :VoiOnarbt• thtiNd4lll44l J • tempt genthire fmotEints No. 1 Is& A lettf Rear and Coh SW. ~ - - - rt.ovolvan t ate illitakiallenteht A lot c (*wend itace:Ooo Wok All which anti:Oared/it rodoeed ua wadi ter s!! proved marsh. Appir to A. REEl.lO,..at the A overioslrcher C.. Adelejr' net 12-3io Cotbrr o!Pnoll awl _ PREMIUM- CASSIMEREW . Al Asa kiswairs Ha twartere.lsl EillViratenFtl_.' WE have jnet received twenty direr. vatiethirof Alley enable Willed Casetwerei. Oita relicre heatre and Etta l'reon the tonneseterker*Ehtelk # 1114 ... Ferns m. towels, Mate, and Wetherell* Ben., Eattientfinte aid, The wannfnehoireraorthene nintinetrit R. relines. and the Pdtrwrler eettilleat ,at the late jib*** o r before the Franklin ineritite,P lattelpitil nTo Wetherford .1 Thoth , Eatihnorit, toe WO. '4llEin double willed fancy tredthtecrea, to which ifliejthigiatielitifi, esnectaliy to two olives, ae'netweesing the'etettle pelipti.Cl Mettle valved in French epode or thin dreeription r .: - 01 certificate of honorable ppention:•—allittinet At, man We would lavitirjenThentea want:ante perches, PORE to call and cznatine. A baedeonitrilit alirayt tenteini= ted ALCM:P*II4MM Nov 111'42/ CLO :0 'G, &c. FOR THE NAVY, FOIL. 1843. / - , N AMY DRPIIITNitiIT., . . / Bureau of Previsions and Chakirnir. / October2Bth.lS43. - SE.er..an PROPOSALS. endortmd Pieinpoitiete fir. W rff Cloaks., will he rereived it this elite * l 4 o'clock P. M. of tt e ter h day of Nowt:Air neat for liir, nicking and. deficient'', (an receiving forty.** dekfUee eke.) at , :, her fan" Navy Yards. ClaltskaPseirs . "." " h '. : % 7 ,„...,,..' ' horn. new York. and Calloasa.- %IT* eitntb z we i f — 7 of any or all the tenowieg Osesti. a n "...,,,_ . (7 7 -* ; : ,; Mt as mar bsosdissi dsstai.:lll4lV- . year 0111.7.iit ,-...,- octants of the ma Saaftlfarda .- *itiedivatt:Aridelf - `-f4iv ~.fr f lut..4lnikt. hikes and other aratibiND alas- Weida! Stockings, 1 - *mann Seeks. Think, sewed Leather Shoes • - . Sewed Lenther Pt gips, , . • Wooten Blanket... i ii 0,, All the woolen "node 'trete he snails Irmo matapia American manufacture. All the ardeiles ere Willte o.lll*- eqnnt In the temples. which may he. derlosned vy Yards at Roston. Net" York. PhVadelPhll l 4 ton. Norfolk, Baltimore Naves) Fltation.iaortrot *to ratter All the afore/mkt netters ettestle sulhjeet to iteek:Biter *pert Inn Ithd .urvey ne the Chkr of The Thane if IttIMPIO. Innsand efeehint may dieeet eve anthorlpt: •ei 0.-1 01 1 . , of the mild ail fetal mill reeelied tha t ii"tiri~'lol7 0" • :dr .~ ~- '=: *-x. .. to the Rant 111.2 or rut ;rpm'. hotb Io osOOOriel me nohlp, and which does not virotbrOl tit ein roar fomProw... tlte atiputations and prcvisibmare tiaa contralti to maop. The elmldnsisdividrdintotamelnltet.tit stratkataii; hen:a—and Ihe 'offers MUM &Atlantis% the price for clam and mn.t tse co:treat:art In rover every eipaßint tending tht cutqii mem nT hetnieteaeta, tacludhig t`eit• certMry metal and naval bottom.. - • - The whole Most be delivered Id the riak sodempellattlif he coot ractor.. in good. litht, gabetarit lat. and dry peak. Inc hoses or hossfiende. and in good sloipplim free of eharre to Ott United States, and lo tbetallrot asdfrl i. lion of the respective Commandanigof theatid yen% Id delivery. Separate propagate must belriade.-jirst. Sit Shone and Poompe; seared, for all the Stocitimpr , Swim; third, torahl the Blankets; end forth, Ivo obii other articles, as distinct -r tenets wilt bray:kir feriol . etas-a nd those who are -c-ared in the ski . Stockinet. Focks,Shoes, P and ponakble'stindin.f.Vrili baer- MI treitille4 4l POlSlW, will admit of B. . . foramfitileme#sMY)4_4lb l l „.„ nfeli7thigdettMw'. era i_ . '-dored from them.'irisO;iiiirart(ite4: of the ora-crs or acents of the Navy shim to pbrchase what may te required to Fancily the •• • - and any excesstif cost over the mice* weed! US *„ by The eont rat. t. shall he charged to tied paid by ther - t* peel ire contractors, Bonds in one 'bid tbeestimatett anterml oflbe regalia. ',- bre contracts wit' be required. with two approved gam. - tl...andarmrterrentriminaddition, willhemftblreid from the ani nnet nr each_ deliver,' for the Chit total prrformaneoaryse which will on no amount be paid etlitheeOglintets ant eomplied with in all reaped e, and . 10 be the use and betiellt of the United States. in Ole event. of: folio res to complete tt a ddherie. inennfaßltlty with MC orders that maybe made. After mikittp the itedmtirogi often p.r creme, carmen! of the balance Will be It „Mil to the United Prates within thirty delve 'Der the Mild clothing shall have been inspected, appeovedand remelt! rd. and hills for the imme drily antlierollesied br calm of inwoeetine and soiree!, by the reeetele of the 1 1 ‘ nceilve !fore Ptorekeetwra at raid Itavy Yards the nonmilitant' the ' , Affective COmmittedanti Of anki ittriti; of delivery. shall be pnweriledio the Nat/ Aoeillor whom moymentisto he made.' ' Thoo Depalintent reserves the right to reject all ofteit" from revolting who have heretofore 'filled to - fetal their contracts, Pereorts offerleglosapply either of the shave artlehisi !ort pleased to designate iWe Meteor Olen hlieltlek they ma desire payments tea. mode to them. - - 12111' UNPRECEDF.N FED. SALE OF 911111/ gobscriber Milers for int le, at enuenatly foie nod noon afcbtrimodat Mr mime, One timidettlit. Fifty Seven Softain. Lots, situated on - the PottithMilait: Road, snlyo'nfrig land owned by lb. helmet" C. Magee 407_. r elm d , and between raid toad and Mar stereo. Oit the; hank of I hp. Monongahela—the numbers and proOkij cations of said Lots ran he seen by reference ,tt# Ito plea& recorded on the 18111 key. 1841.1 n the Ileeordeili eSer or Allegber y tensity in Deed Rook, Vol-VI-anti Wit:, Tway., or neon applirat km to the sittreriber. . „, The attention of persons desirous of letprotries' having money to Meat. Is eeranti# COnetted,as an eptteic trinity filially advantageots %lately prettified alit thet stitswriher is determine# to sell. - - The T.ott‘ will be sold according to the reethulteittliae4t and tinegeeptlonable titles will be elven, Apply to DAVID Calttlk. " iVmr f Peno t !et..notattt :,1011110e, A PSOI,UTE HEAL - kt..L... , !'"'! - L .' - ' - : "' I 000 - 0 TRl.itts, awl lin 40iiiiisititilteis - '- - DllLLErs.trst*Aki4tikitv' . ; TRACreOt inesilmnbie: " it got only goi*iioteggi4glit giver no additional pain, nor lease ill static fbildlikpOal tively ' reek. ed 'hamlets. _ .010 .Ikeiniell::ellbrild. sit _ month , to anT Person returning attempt, bog, sod saying, - t hot all agony off anantmg Is aofett meted foirdnir - aula. - . etre; ygt not to* frost thogriand. or Ides powe r big 00*, --.- ed the bonus.) Parents anxinar toevert/ Itesteetie ., injeries. and fame time, fortune and fife% and prfiriiit, - their offspring from neine ditiffelinfa by buritsVlsr ellnl".. retail item Imitates. (it post ,leg the enviable . poe,sgsp. reptant the eentoar, mane derdrolyed.) CO minis* thislonettable ellfro. WAIF dtalt i lperFritte . , In the' city rant, PPM*, ,and otteentintfiett . .. - fitterger wounded three distinct limes in - thiesainetlitipkiiiltlN.: int., yet in nn rare elm he traced the 114104 A :04,1 -7 i10:-.. murk! rnr ell kinds of hartilfirlfaii. tenal-010 - iii* . ante iteportantveven rote ere, all-inkoannisildf.;liet ken - broaitr-woold be unknown. ~ tt re - weigt ' for efraring tile 'kin of tilleptetc'rt;sonrnitpre*':4l.llt;::-....:::_ .. 4.,. ling ft thititigienatote - . ole "irdt4 easy laps lig; it thetovereipt gi.sda, ti0011ky..... : ' ...., ,:. , tine, heads of fireflies ay,o w i dir ihre p".o,i.- - ' - -- : ... ~., ptilarsopty , thytortpi:'ltuktiwat . eto. lievt":lotii"' orticti4tssfY uttereifiy 'a dialiotoo - thgtliiiiiiiAopirs.: to wooly!, 9tior Ptil,,.. • - .- •,; ,- .--t,,•'&-. 4 .,%-, - ,: ‘ ,,,:ir:.• ..Entr;ctid airAtirirti4 Witt oreitosilitii:- k.VMiff*..,,- . ' • Com!'"ft 4. iale.ln - tie flirt) rimettilti:blimitietteil( .- 01 the tht:isedf Sam Ibirtiiiiiiviktitkini:lo***ollol#l, Tork-" ' :• - ---- ' ' -...-' --. .. --.. •'' --, ' -:.' • - -. f . -. ,. ,.7 , 14: :. - .:•-,04 - Witioiliti titOlinif -totoolitio: i: -- ' -. - :.:' - 4 - ,:::-'4 ,- -: . t . A - :"N' , : - ,.1. - iopotieric k•ti4.-irtuoemill - Otoeitrocil aids f ..,: - :- #otoobii. - mitt ortioattioiCiot I/ 5;14414it0,..:..,:;:, .' itst2ll,yezies. - :-Xilisaikeraliiiirt- ihe 7 littilti ' - - ti - ltittlt . '-'4oftelite'ontylitAt - ot A inii \it.4.l„ -- aNt. .' Iftrli*otitoiit*llt,'7.. -- ,-:-..:::--,.'.....;:,.- g=.:,,Art..f-,-4::%-,_,y.,,, „~, ~,~~ • eisi, ,~ _ tSIO - . ,4