Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 28, 1842, Image 3

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    _,xi.e. .
a colteritt',lta 110 5 1tNV114,06 0 .
41401 ,k 4 4*, ,_
y and parillten.4olW: • • •
el it
Lie Log noun at
•• , ,7': • oork
WIEW A liD i — yitfteip.
1 , 1444,
I Tuerdary night: N0v."2,r;i44. ,
Hom e , smear. urAtistlittati„4,w,
i a spot a whiwritte lailtd.sta att,.!
.I,od. The etmeee - reivirli • is i fir. i . 1 , 1 11
eco!ing th e sto re
-' 7 .7, 1
,•.1 Et*
'VOTE 11-11116 tellteftlitit
NIL - .
itriniavr, Ili A U.,101 /11, •
a i i r eloner,
.f Pritsburen..
. 4. &tan. bk. par
AIII!;114 . 3 ,
.ce Par Celinaa,
Gertnantotwo " Xor
• an 9 4 4
rank. Xenia,
-ter Lank. dirt, - Da x i vit.
. f i;heAder CO. -
bk Backs Co. Pananabqk
own bk do 0
America Phil r. Pean:44,7l.
ori kern Liberties, La. ‘ „, utt Tabia
ercial bk. of Pa. " lialtrittrny
• Me , haws "' Gistottile,
ttdou ea
' ll a
Iphia bk. P0it.,41140(154
14,11; tisbata,
bark Itk. "
rt. bk. • tote Int.*
~,un..ylvania. 10 Siate*tip,
par liESTOcti
• Mechanics bk. S Aell baul%
bits bk. Par 11.1.1201 x
...bong bk. g l sa!e bka. aga t ;
Eat:lb; wnettorra
ra ha nit. S 8
rmet_= 'Marron, 75" flank oC Vir;k4i.
1.1, • purl do Valley ••1
ttit of Poi Li.eile, a Far. bk. of 11,404(
.ior•zomerY CO. par EX"lmhte teak,
Itrownrvilbe, • Wtbif bank
5 =Met. klltec. da.
rt n k • 11 41111.4
k Lancaster, 21Ralthitoterka..
tt.lthetown, 7 C:ottntry Ranh;
ur:h, ' DELIWAiIr
• bank,
9 MI glabtf
~r ll....bberla nil, Ifl NEW
, n ha ; d Hoare co. 2 ilanlar.l
Co• 11) NSW10111(
;at Wo re Co. parsl'i.% Ranks,
lik. SY, nutty Baas,.
,trz:ll I.k. S (Safely flittti
~tit:. b Red Hart,
.sa it,auks.
di Tetley tiote,s. -
r.l bank, 12: - . l :a''s
Scrip, 3 i 90:99(71,
do do'
ou.vers: bk. of
, ( .14n rt b
~. !•ank,
pleavatil Lk
Lk of§lcu
Good RePkg.,
.%1I Bank..
RC of St_ Clair,- •
Cotid ban*,
rr I.k Grst_ Clairs
la bk. Demand
Cur rpm- y
b•in:l Lk New Lis
New Yorlr; - -
Daa more,
Louiocit!e. .
I Cleveln ml.
11,0E.r) :D ?IL
/en' a lid
~at: specie pny
4--Traders bk of
di Or V o lumbn3,
and note,.
I el•
i t!e hk.
3002 t ND a, OB
n. ir. Cor,itr of Fon trki*
unNio , ..qf recTi,ri
M •ViAr 1 ut: ER ft .I , Prt tpf.rin
hc val ran, of 1110=r pa prr= • I hat rimy igni
, :15A,71 In!, 1 01
. DT MitiNMLP.: :
ry !O a : • f I 1112 OMCP, and T hat tht
pa 4.1(.4' We,
Bins of Lading. Chen
Heads. ICards,
Mark Checks. Hai Tips'
fait Itfrtbs of IStanlis
S'egt oat, and Canal Boat bills, r#l
pr jar e Cuts.
on 0.. r sl:orirsi notice and MON fralolol
rAiwc.fully ask t he patronage at niiLZ
to ::metal in ihi= branch of c or
ur2n. p:. :39. 18-12-
SALE OF DRY 000DS.'-.'..,
• • r 4 r at 10 o . c 10C k A. 14-1 10 _
Five a.F.Sar I in. nt
,of Sepson2 l 4o l V,lA
pori ion f them pu.rhare4 MA - , 11 .0„,„
~r i ar a sold by the Marshall of
4 ' 411 Vtit.
Eine. Itlack. InviAlite Green, 064
•en 4 nth; Clue. flack and Fano ,
Nen. tack v loam; Pr.lwn.Red and
• ,in r doini-stic "13 ilkof. Reavei,aa.d..!,
P.l. Satin Si.;ets Silks
der ;1 nianl'A pat d Hoot.;
' , Inn;sln,w:S. 111k1, rei4i 4 r " .
‘141.41 4 -; French 441141
•N Lit e Ta n. ; Cot ton Cord, ands vOriel
• al.le C0r.41..
le Hall isLe. COlll inued every day artilv“ -
l. 8. Girrilit&
D 01 -ITCH —Weil ice• sold at 140 10
.cirri 9u7ti,la 0 orrns. No 110 Vilo ei
-7 ~. r in:: rit 10 o'rlorlt. -
GOLD LEP - EX W.AITCH e ttiirly Pew
tire. - lt. ,tl, 0A.0041A1.
_ •
be sold. at Ran.man'a
Como.. No. 110 Wood tame;
4 , h. rnmtnenting at 10 o'clock, 1:114
litti i1114110A,1 Or, by c oder a
xe+t ire stock of a retail
purdia. - ...ed. and well worthy
wirrnaserg. • --
.nrk c, , n•isig. in part. of:
Mai? n Muollaro , •-, •
Iri*l3 Linens; .
rira .1 and 1 ~,,, flan rant,: - •
Chintzes and [Amor; . •
~ones and Bon bazinea; • ,
nos and Linseya.-
s-nneres and i nets;
00 64
1.-i2 . 11 and tlonte...lie Kral d - • .
nver and Pilot Ciotti, •
ncia, and (Ober Wisidds:
44;0n ment 01 Hosiers:
. ver, Raskin and .Kid
Ws and LadhaskFurie#P. l4 , 7 7
nonti: and SOO;
^ , .i Conn° and cialtmf
' lOO kilitillatiketflhawle;• • . 7 ,
Atid Inseillionf;_
"""-Krtel sod Mull sistßlsli,..'.
'rillet ;dela; •
'1,F1,04 - I.gaince;
, ierliftercliandize
:= —Cast!, par reont A t r it*lffif.4
Ofro t.
y £Site..=siz Gam* WO.. m e
ifvfr; ittiP?" . . 4l %;;;Olt
10. - wrier rain Iv.ve 116 6 1
1 41 4 0 ,3 1 .1500W 11 4 . •- 4 t
• P Pl.; OAS'S -
Ag OAME IV* Vegit'.
NOVEMBER 28, 1842.
00itte affair's.
m'ffOrget that Nichols' grand A7n+
iegire Tu:s EVENING I • S ee
poi the
.—The magic. spectacle of Altad
ing pretty . good houses 1
lihbeaslabsteefenkr danri:l'its. Miss Fisher played
and the Princess, lac her benefit, on
eve „i n g, to a large and well pleased
ace, This young lady, during the few
is she has been with us; 'has gained
i6trds by her/chaste and pleasing f i
. l ie n ' will he presented to-night. I
Robberry.—Ott Friday !light
i n attempt was madeAn break into f
Sloe store at the corner of Liberty and I
fi ti f,l. The proprietor, who sleeps
jai s, was w . de awake and not at all
e d—b .1 wood waiting patiently for
ra l ernao to make an entree. us he
ed ve said a few words to him.
411 aril effect an entrance. C.-. Where
the watchnietil
re in the Theatre!—On Saturday night
ng the performance of There Fe. a bur
was dicovered to be on fire. which
,hmever, snots extinguished.
r. Braid Convicted ! —About .one o'..
nr Situr.iity, the Jury in the case of
Beadel, indicted for counterfritinf sil
- rntoned a verdict of GUILTY
a I moments ennFultation. Ile will
ye his sentence, we uniierstatl, to-day.
Ba'dwin was-unusually severe in his
„which induces the belief (lint he will
e full extent of the law.
. _
licirtre—Mr. jam SOU . s Ben .
that univetsa fAvcrite presents his
to die patrons of the Drama, for a
I, and we hope he iatli 1.11 ve just such
Fe as lie, both as = n actor aid a man,
.v, s. See Isis bill of are whi h we
Editor in Prison.—G.W.Ve .zy,one
editors of the Philadelphia Expt ess,
ern cffinmit Led to pris'on, ip default of
ob.+il,on a charge of raging an older
ess:s. J Jolson & Smith, for printing
tril3 lie his withdrawn fium the
r, an.l p.tmner, Wilmc4,frKikes
ot . tran6acti rn, Thim. Vea-
tritiropi s f the 114
e I), en r reiv -d, the \Vast:
11 :4 i , r =ar contrist , >lr,k v
Or "I' extil ahipt eit iteti by th
:i. s ISID N ts (;1
. (1111 itil
the mien Is It titt'gt,ti
dymi.v, and IA i:h a dec,'lit rc
r The r!. , 11;; 61•1171 E-; o:
In 1810 a
alerr Ms
uhierteil tti ei errsertes of allaCly
;in IS t 2. oppoaeni- .
tl everywh N, ate Ire it d ,vitit
esies ilot.ortble wartare. 1,. t itnFv
forginten, tlt t in open :Serta!e, Ole Rtt•
tcan pir,V itr cat,i,e was siiguititise,; L s
with 111 , ro;,e
d his neck, a t:d the cart ahem: to It,•
n oft;' let it he trititembere.l wit i
'it'd contempt, I ut not for retttli ttion.—
who could not permit himst if to use
language towards the v-iitquised, in
nment of triumph, pri,ved himself or..
by f power, to maintain and ex rt
ti require so tie lwrtion dignitv , for•
:nce and cuu.teitiy. The-e virturs, u•
Kith indomitable firmness, w 11, we
itv r characterize ihti Repoli jeans
in power.
he ilmstircUe —Dr. !Fagan says,
ee fourths ~f the gentlemen Of Paris,
int a fe w of the wwcen, anti all the mien
ners, wear nioNFtaehes. It requires a
le,lgt , of Vaub n, ao iu iuiate act:lain
with projectil to enable the Pari
.tv throw wi th proper precision the
Into their mouths."
• Wclsb is in pr;son. Of curse be will e
ed by Governor SeWard he were pour
dlois, it would be wins nse to expect it.
ie,he.ciaims a pardon because he i; a man
nary sq.ociations, and was tir-refore coin
%V. old a thief' he pardone because
s I`tn , f,' d up amid thievish associatiGn4
r"' " T " claim ex cutive protection be-
Lis wrs passed °mon:: men of
a " r: Is every Artful Dodger, who
, ave had a Fagan for his tutcr, to-be rec" l—
the mercy of the Govern t • Yet
%1.1 be p , rcuned —Sp. Tim"'
E f Elt ?I VIT
50 'Cents. j . Pit 25 cents.
rlloxes 37 " Gallery 124
Jam's('tes Benefit
Evening. Nor. 21. will, be Preeented the Wei
After which. IW4 act or
London Assurance.
eeselode with the veand Rwmaatic ' ,
Or, /he. Ftionderful - _
'Mb% Reekr.:
............. .... *Mr. 7*".-
Anti 'piton of Steller'', dree.s l 4e.. er• 4,,
Op% fi v c io e k ; pertritiragueLto Cx
—Th in, dera•i , nt with
..Mr.. Jamison.
.... - -.
- - ii*ir c 0 uktir; as
its iiie distil ofeeieletioritr. 1 1 .. -- • :-.
y N ;this mattea Of the A. ininisirathsa
- Atoa u it t e yrtthih a r h i H..A iE l e it s u t.4_
Fuutati GOdset V cttom
of thereatod,e, orloirlitialoGientrd, deed.
- 'And - lOW toitlitp.eletotier t,..i. 184 Z
• , the atiove.namealaceoust refeind to A
Burke, It. Woods. C. Veit Bonhorst. as Aoditota to au
dit the account-nod distribute the:his - lance.
Br the Court. , , T; 4} , ;e 1 1.. - LA hi. Ci'k.
The Auditors' ahuve'nanted virdliattend for the purpose
of theif appointmeol, at the 010 of Mazrair and Hain
ilton, in 41h street I•l!**l2nreb, on the 19111 day of Decent_
her next. al 3 o'clock P. Id., erkeld- and where they will
bear all persona interested. A nuitSCE,
nav 21-2 w
No 22. MB7NEIII -4- * STREET.
/11‘11F; §uhscriber ihasjoe, rctiO•oeit frodi the E t agterit
JL cities 4111 i a choice amialleriiiof the following ar•
°fa!' the most fa6hionahle shad* oi'Color,
Plain and Fancy Casstnaates,
Dawns. CLOTHS of most super!or qualify.
012 rent variely;
All of which have bren selecfnit by Worrell wittrgreto
care, and will be dillosed of oil 'favorable trims for cash
litrreliant Tailor.
nnv 21—fit
CIA 12 R . .6 PA TE-I , l' .BP6, -FOR BURNING
LARD.—Those who would oish greatly 10 reduce
their expeuse for light, should certainty pUrCtiaSe one of
the above wanted Lamps, its by their use there is a clear
mying oral least t wo-I birds of The expense over Oil.and
flip light &dittoed f this is pure and brilliant. and,.
wholly free front smoke or disagreeable smell> We would
here state that Carr's Patent io the only one worthy the
attention of the public.ris it is the roily one that if , appli
rattle to every variety or pattern of Lamps and the only
one that will awn Lard WELL, at any temperature of cold
or hest. We have. In the short space of three mouths,
cold several thousands . . and 'kith srarre an exception,
those u-ins them have esare-sed thentselve4 highly plea.-
et' genie them. and fully Coll , Vii.erfl 0! lire great pennants
by their It-e, as well as their super lot it v over either oil
or ea mites, in regard to CiPaliiine4s - ntid
The above named lantOs eat, he had only at
Tnird st rr•st, nearly'oppnsile the Po,t (Mire.
Witere I. kept constantly on hand Britannia Metal, Tin
nod Cln=s Lamp.:. of cat inns pattprnli.
Glace i4CIIIS sold at pri cs.
IVe tike rilra.nrp in ofTriiii2 In the nothtir. liiP rorow
Ina certificate, which is subscribed to by mans. resitecta
hie cit urns.
We the undergienerl, have. Cried and are now ',sine
rarr'- Lamps. for lintrilmt 14,1 or fiber noirrial
no, and we have no he-nationtn say tag they give an
ev-nr,,nt li c ht_egnai to any elf the rodinary modes of
lishi Me a house. :,t Whin; one-third the cost, and wholly
free Isnot smoke or other disnerfeeldt....tnell, We lake a
pleaturein ireonimendine these lamps in t he outilie, as j,y
llteir rise there i= a great savior over ell her sperm
or lard oil, pr even candle, and tv• believe them to
he more-Meanly and less iroulilesnoie than Pit L•er.
To t„.-had al Rhoiva 4- ..oanno's only, Third street,
nearly npnn-fte Post Office:
Vey. W. W. flakewell, James Noon,
" A. M. Bryan, - eltarles
" John "ireron, Veneer.," -
" S.G. Conirs, Wm. Craltam4f.,
Robert Dottlap, E. Trovilo, -
Dr H. D. Sellers. Win Doitzlass.
" E. D. Cazzarn, ite.nry AllVooll,
" Wm. M. Wr1.7,111, isnae Urnsv.
Robert H. Kerr, Esq., Geor.te W. Henry
A. Reck liam. Rolieri Merner,on,
Thoinas Dosion John S Shaffer,
Genrze Win. r:iehltuft;,
o. P. chiral. J. R Tn , Der.
R. M. Biddle, Post %taster Henry Rarsesser,
B o lieri Gray, Mir en he Amer-
A Kr.,fner, lran ;late;,
N. F. Martliros, 301111 NlCninnl , cll
1.. A thr , fr.r,
!In , .erf Jatnes
N. II .1 1 c1 rec, iced, an improved Raven! Lamp. for
1111 V 19—rilw nif
1171 I, ,L74:7 UR ES.— fif tirt Tt.
." ”tstitith, of !hi. Mart
dpn,o-e or I,yiqc I , r ore 11e ;:kt• if, 11 . 010,11:7, 1151 al
IVIIO 41.0.. f! ,nriEetlie,t I,i Le-rlure. v!Z:
It. -j I' Pak r,:ci ,I.oroAicrtory Leci
Chr, n.q.
No T .
1,1,1 . 21/.
B B rew,
, 1
.J,. I'f T 45'• . 'll,O n
I 1.••!" 1 C.v. ; f
: .7 ~zes I.i-7,id:;;(
W.• lA - cluro , Or: V. 010 1, 11 , 114: iIF rife,
rpsrp-,,id E'q , it iii alas
r s. errat I, , ciureA on lee 5111:ject seleo:
i p in pro. , .llkSO 10 1.11L.:,..11. I ioreP,o• Gii
l'A.::,e.iodeli;er fail I , IITFe
I , 1 ., 11,, also Fish Joseph Ft. P11111a 11 :.n.
:\ ().! er e:hler t I,Prturris 1 , 171 le hot .. .Ed
our rt',., 1r i.ru it tirly he in :he flOWtr of ILe ie
tie 111 11.r-;r s^rvlr'S• •
! . I•fr I.i•riart, of II) ; s ectitse stilllm on Lile: - nry anti .
IrErra=rvery arid i , hoped from I; e
Le7;!•rtir9.rtizli 11,0 inirresli:l2 na
are of our cilizrns :iherplly pa
I 1,1,f3h! , The. Iron City
rile s 111 h l rr,•ncntirazem ,l uf seler re
p .1K (if a , y) appropri
ale .l Ia !he or a 'LEIKary, already au 1101107
1., the
0797nurz , ,, , Tickets. admittin:-.• a lady and grnt'eman,
and maP 1, had of ell her:of the ( etilmi•tee. nod al C.
I-1 K v en', Ronk Szn.e. Monongahela and ENchange
and al licrt-rd's.
Lectures CO3illlCiEcocvn r$11:, PVPItI F, Peel.
IAI 1. C. HUEY', )
W. W. W
JO , IN S cosi; g AVE, Committee
n 24-1 in
Estabricheda;id carried on regular'y since 1819
INHE'iLVDERSIONF:b respect imly informs 11:e.
piddle that Isis Age/CJ is strictly confined tri the
receipt mid payment 01 .... rim . Tina
A any sums of n.miry are received and
pail over ito every part of Epeland, Scotia nd and I reland,
and in rrvery part of the United Status or It.e Canada s, to
the pm- snit= entitled thereto. The remittances vulll
made. as usual, I,y his drafts or rt.erks. payal at sight.
on hi: Banker , ' and : teems. It *viii save notch roulife
and ,belay If any person in (he Coiled' Slates or the Can
who may have meney (mune! }frail' Great Britain
Or Irmaii order it IO tilillll-11.I.• rrr /lit of Cite
sinliserilier, follows,—lf In U:n.,,:mrol, it m ay , be r,;,1
Nitg+nr.. it. t J. Johnston 4- Ca.. No. 15. Fes ,
Londor ;Of to Messrs. .1 k Co, 'flp
pine% Cour I, netrester; or to their Oros at Na 6, Union
street Liverpool. If in Setittand. to Afiol2l Cihh EMS,
Esq. 6, Royal ferrneei or'to Messrs. Mild,
eft, Henderson 4- Mitchell, sl..t. Miller !..iret I, Glasgow
In Ireland to Cerr.ird Tyrrell, entl, Ll, Lower Sackville
street, Do'ollll John Hancock, Esti, Newry; or to the
?awl hen , 83AI/tr. Co. Belfast; or any of their branelte.
at .11a yme it t..a rne.Colertiine , Ne w tymil nia v , Derry.
`,Strabane. Magherafelt, Leirean Ltsliurn, Downpat rick,
Armaab. d.e. In ease such payment! should be I
made to:the credit of the stiliscrilier, he Will be duly a -
wised of tile antonnl; and la, whom the , atne is to be paid
over in the flailed States or in the Canadal. Any Leg
I des, or sums of money, lathe United States cr the Cab
oda!, to Ie rentittedioCredt Britain or Ireland, may
paid ro Slnsset. lames 4. Otliam arcrum, of Louisville.
K v.; Messrs J cf J Stairt ti.Co, New York; glass. raStuart
. Brothers, Philadelphia; or If in Pitislaurgh or vicinity,
to lamps Stuart, Jr. al - the .- warehoute of Mr Samuel
Chnreb.lo4 and 105 2d site{, or to the undersigned In
PhiladelPhia. Any such Pomrents as the above named
will answer 33 . wel wel l as if paid to the subscriber persoil
pill' any further informal required. it may be obtain
by post paid letters addirestied
Art .Agent. Philadelphia, Pit.
A CANDY is a safe iind certain, cite for Crtgks.
CPUs: Artesia. Sore Tariet.paies and Weakness or ff!*
Breast Plumping - Cough iffirierssattes. irritate. OW
Throat and many dliskpien % leading to the Criessep
Tiy ' --tulip gi• per roti=•-•prepared and mid Whole'
sale an,i Retail by B. T. NUCE. Confectioner, Federal
.t:%., le gheny City. and" tidepitriclpat Druggists of P itts .
bare!. o
Be sure you ask for Prine'sCompound Cough Candy,
• .iron'lT—tt . , . • - ,• ,
4 7 wetted Mil Or frlot
. 4„arth
pitt4atehAt i-4 . K*IIISOM'Ir;
Nov -5, 1 8 42
kIgADE -office so •
. _
EORGIE tr. LAYNO, ititorney ,at Law, „Office
ND. t i Fifth street, near the theittre, Pithetirgb.
ILLIAM ELDER., Attorney at - Latet.ONiect
Bakervell's Ruildinvi, lastly °Ainslie the Pat►
Ciotti douse. on Grant strAtd tieo3o-1.
. A . V i l7. PAT r ERSO.V, Made oatataituflckrattaiik,,l
00 4 7:4 R . rn e ' LIT6e. I. G. 4% Itlt&C
COAKCI4-25 gales Oakum, na tend and far "ale by
J. W. Witt ewe eq. CO..
No 75.. k% Ind greet
• Auditors
T.-sitEryART, Uphasteret and Panel: Ran•e„
el .I.No. 49. Pifiaratri'et. between Wood nod Sniithield
dia. Hoak jand Straw Anti tames always no liabd. Jill
okdeng.•xectited with neatness antidespatt:b,tm aerneuno
trine Pea 20-1 s
_ • ...
qoo6la b tr i
t E . L
. OF . FLAXSEED. (or - bleb ib e
price in ra.h. wdl he civet ,
VitcreAules Line corner of Literty and Wayri ireets.
rittribureti. "' '42.
151 Liberty *t., owe door from the Jackson Foundry.
f lA_IHE,I A_ IHE, Sulineriber havina prepared at his establishment
the largest and most varied stock of READY
MADE CLOTHING ever offered . in the Western coon
try. wouid.respectftally invite the public to give him a
eatt and niamine his Goods and hear his prices before
Purchasint elsewhere. His stock. consists in -part of
15,011 Coats, a.sorted sizes ant; quaiity; sow pair Panta
loons: IRDO Vests; a :tit a farye w..sorrreer.t of Eitirts.
Drawers. tlravat P s Stocks, Gloves, Snpendcre. and every
other article of winter Clothing.
7, owl:I:Ir.—I'm-my
vie Yoe* afrrslflVplyo.
or" exseitisi Colds. and tlin
e - ...trzwykLaF,
oct 1 '
His Cloths were all selected by himself in the Eastern
klarkets, dud purchased at the very lowest cash prices.
and conseottentiv he can afford to give his customers
IiE"rTER BARGAINS than they eats get at any other
house in the city, Believing In the principle of -cProteet
01'2 Home !mitt:city" he has thereto e liattall his articles
Manufactured ay rittsi•nreh workmen, and he 7.139 no
hesit at on in saying that they wilt he found in every les
pert suctericir to the Eastern ntarinf.crtsred articles that
are otr:rect Cm , sale in the slop shops that have recently
4nchored arnimu
1 n these, time: when Mane Licisistts is nerttptiniz sn
lire - ire a snit re of oul,iic attention. a: it always: should. the
proprietor oft tie "Three Gaols takes Ibertiliar pride
tool pies.iure assu:inz the citizens of l'ittslinreh that
los Goods are all mannfaclured under his own eye, by the
mechanics of los own town. lie does not, like some of
Its rtvais in I rnde, nave his Clothes , made tip in n di-taut
efts, in another Slate, nor doe.. he ailveitise his Slot It in
hills printed three or hundred mites from here. He
ro es oft tile priticia t e that the meehattieg of Pittstinr2ll
can do work 111 Wen as any others, and he does not de.
si-e to draw money from their pockets to support distant
workmcm: white fie asks ;bent to support him, he does
not wish si impoverish them by a drain to support far
mammoth workshops.
The sutrtseritter would take this °erasion to return
ha nt to !his fi lends and eustomers for the unpreeeden
ted tratrotmee extended to his estatillshmeut, and to re.
peat his.lnstlnlloll to all those who wish in purchase
r lot hirix. of every fetes ipi lon. made in the tritest fashion
and arid on the most arra...nada:int terms, to call at
No 151 I.l:terty sti eel.ti IWC.LOSK EY
ID - '(. 143P1 vet Mal PI de in I he pay :mew
Utirivalled e
m l\ l:7PA c. C*l I; El) a
d rul . 9,111 t'e!ow r e d r
et a:
Or! 21—iv.
Dirre,4ll47 nr;riCl it 1 . 1 . 1NG AND I; EOUI:ENC E
!.1 RI; NI-1V 01 - 11r1.7.iiiii.,Iliaint iS
c,flao,ol, wvil i r 0;1P11 CVPI V day, Sti:iinti Ii rl.
t•epted, 'n 7 o'. ilrrk, A ‘1„ tin; it 9, P 1.. in I lie Et.
17t.ir , Ir. et ,1041 r.Srliatt2e
.lire n titre ptt orlL.al :1 . 11•Ilthl , PC n - 111 in-oven I.t.
1. r. iZtl 11 11,
HAXX TL' R.VB (% I•vni• Inns - rra:
Ton PA.N:F. ILI.. ^fs' u'o•i.vW , (skin. li.. tr./1,0-
veil IL. f-r”.• ltilve progrili-d
roc, 7.l:lrkut a, 3.d nod
.I••• =n /e 11' 1!n• ma WI
s lie, w ro 11,,r n Will al
••..ys no 1 , 11.:1 p ' v 1,1 palwr, run t , Cap and
p'airr and f.. 00 It. ee; rid Tea
prr, l'oarr!,, and Pr r si
n-en and Rnalitie.,:xll w:;icln will be nod On line 1111‘) , 1
ncrourroorhlo.2 hero S.
roLpsITIP Pp m , . and of
rare-s krr t ,ollr no Ircir,i ..•e.
.• 1: ooy E , Parlor an I, en Pap.-rs.. , f
11:1r1C.,:i10 11,-,lle,sac. y
IN ill whole 4:11.
tioc 18—If.
gg OTS. ;11 r \ illtnir
and I.tert h Orr.-9 , of I.a .1 on Hill. I.rd,
nos. 41. 4 - 2.5.1. 31. 34. 18 i l i;2 rd 1114. in plan
on [tat;: el. , Hill Also. 1.. o •, nos - 26 and 27,
-(nnk's p'nti ni 4 n i. 0 ,, High otter;, near the new ronri
11,01 , r. :or tern.=applj ro Z IV. Rr:lnsc - ros.
311 liPattis Cl Wril.rvz Irllrr Wrapping parer. 500
Cuts yeilow and purple Carpet chain . 10 (1 , 17M11 ItrA
inci = lines and twine; 2511 Pont., Rite.. !Park and
tied Ink; :JO Roxiisi tilde sail; 100 gross cheap sitscwnder
tuitions; 40 boxes and pounds of assorted bus.; 4000 chnis
trap. Temper:lnes, Prank 0 i., piitsburg Wnsieri Patric,'
and German Alinanacks for 1:14:3; 25,000 good segats, 75
ant. rand lead pencils, 25 doz. box., wafer=; n lull
.orinirnt of v. intiow and sash of assorted sizes and
a variety ntseii,nnable ...ale for rash—ail kinds
Or Cots usury produce and Pittsburgh NlanitfactureS 10 snit
Ali and Coin Merchl
rot -I.
roV Ifi
wANI . H:II- fines fro several klerhailics.Corirb
rneo,'Hostters, Laborer., Clerks on Steam hoots or
for Housss. A lso f,Jr severa I Hon=e keepers . Cooks and
girls for all r ork --tor se vsra I o or , os and sorail girls —for
seVerai CP:VOSIrr•St.CS —also for several Collectors and a.
..polls to trove. over 11:e Country, Fre, Warded for a
floorisliins OC:"iiironlog iott.o and Female school, a re
seertal.:r nssuale ti,eSer, nl _roil ei , nrrieier and ;IN-110re
nornts—:, 'sr a !nodteacher for a resperlaide fou 1.
kinds of Agencies at lented to at II A 11 CIS'
now 16 Ceorral kgeory office.
- .4 , -)" 71 •
. .-
;.,-,---,-...-4•J:4 ".?.
~..,.', ..-e - A -.1
-g - - .....k,.•,14_ r,... -..:,
~,.5 . ......„....„_.-.._...: ili
- n.•.4
j A .
SL-..=.-.. .
Pfli. Shop, No, 69 Second st, between Wood and Smith,:
field. where a general assortment of Furniture may be
had nt reduced prices for cash.
The superiority of these Bedsteads, consist in the
fastenings. which for durability and ease.in putting up
and taking down, is not equalled by any other now in
use—and to all such as would-consult their own comfort
in their nightly slumbers. it should be remembered that
nil classes of the bug family arc faltered ea: by these
Eg• Rights for Counties, THAricissor Slates for tulle by
]OLIN FOWLER,. Patentee.
We, the undersizned. docertifF that we have viamin
ed the shove BedstenoFastiting&and have no hesitation
in pronouncing them the best now in use--comine up
fully to the representa.lon in the ;shove advertisement.
Wm. emnamjr., Joventfollart.
Wintitm 1k n. Jacob oede
'Jahn Geotge Singer,
nev 11-31 v. .
T ?user, Wnotesale and newt Rker. Coo.
finetioner rand Sraiterer; Federal street, near the
Every *army or - Ctrafecikma and . Ornarnenial
Coker. noilabler' for weddines and turtle". manifitetared
from the best mntertnts.. at sintrt natter. not 16
111AcKEREL —in mare. Ko. 211,240784 le w_ke l e e .
- - ..as af. -.pad qnsittY.• VIES. 131 d y
-1 and Half ben ' ' for youli prodare.
ty low for cash, of Cschantled im A t ilt us 4
. te
play to - 148 - :Ober'77 , " 1 go , a
camel. AISO *.
' &Inge ea
IVO cram ha teed _ . pew_
L i lt , tr- "821"
711iii,E1.. AltiCiiii°f"l.rittulLl°"*"ll9blig.-1,11:1441=4104:17%.4t0 'llll7 gam ,
1-64 1 . e1int *, 14 / 3 .„ 11 4606,4 : -'.i
..11J;4;,ItArato..Hipre7t4roff:16341tbe i4-11:41Z:,
ihoserala aiwerolgaol lir-- , comooty
.. s - ,13„.104414:----- , - - -
44. -. 0107-**ix:lrriviblk4 4ll4 a l! - digit 0... 114400:,04 I lk ,
*wai t
... . ' . e. 7,-- ... --- -4-•?..,-,:."--;-; .. ..- 5 .i .. 4 ,, ,;„, , ,,,i.,6 ,-, '" \ 4 '
. 1,, .:,, ,,• A:,,;.4.-.,A.z.. - i.,-..,,,,;,„.
= I . ".:' - '-'',l-..: ,,- --w. , . ........: - .M .. ..% - i..7,,, , i.......-...v,.., 4 , :.R.,... -... ~.. _
4W - Re*ftettloitO 4 4 . , Atilt .. 11 **Pitilittl
ainintinierea shoe sides;
.-' er. *rum, .froutls4W-10-lerres - of - '
_ !midst& Apples, a : , f teach and
oreusems are ar lime, frame house
aim weltfuruishett,eottotiold for a To*
, „Areititm, a frame Plrn !9 by 60,stone ,
..., „id lit aidifirgabeits . tut other out houses SR it.
IFi4Rneiteeft-..:2411641 Gardens surrounded with
-..... . ...,
euertfattlknithm- tuuttt ,rreitlaf eseeillent water, with a
put4ta at-the front door. to rein , ion fal. the Phishinrab
snit A .thato' , .3r roeyhm. there Is no plate now ofkred for
4teOrtittlitoret4ittoement to those wi.hing to flaw-ham
near Pi
t ,-'
.-.‘ 4 teruts will - he, made moderate, for
forth° ,
Store; L ' -
, -
. ' : . s 7 , :._ LA VS' it MIR al t Ten ELL.
N. IL if net sold before the Ist of October neat. It
will he divider 11) and Z) acre lots to sui t itureint-
WW I . - l, ~ .4.1 ~.. Of 10 -
...,. ....1..., .
orr" I
l. -.. ". !, Mr P.112Z113,; - .
Trile:ruhii "v
- - .."'Ur .;pectrany call the atlentinn of
their f r i 1,,'&4 „. the puhlie Eefteraily,tn their pre .
,tent rom ri m.. ,• - ' , 7 „-
,_,..: - ,TYriPii, wt ielt contain% n
laltic and tegg ~:, ! I -
.. ,d patterns of thy; fullowin.
deseripyioni 4 cW.::" • ninapettion It'll! be found io Me
of - .i . ,.in , „: •
~,, •finish,
ffr~, • .- , ~. -'": rr, ni - al! dearrtptlnng. fcr pa,Kring
, r00m..414, 4 r , ts,i4 =25 cent- peT piPef . . - '
Glazed Fr .4 . 4 , F gai e, 'Mai 11 , 1 d Itandgrane patterns, f or
Parleying - ..lnd enryi-st. at -37 i e•Nitq.
Atuericair*lirPaper, of their own manufacture, for
rri i,
hall., -It*ktoi other tiples fizkitparlors and
ehambeOcon'irkr` a glazed grnnnag.
FrorfAr ' Ap . ,, , evocation and Fresco patterns. in
tiiiiii ' •
. .._.... _
Plain Pnitrienj,l)Fra. fold and silver paper.
Verret awiri:o44piders.
Land sea - - .Pg. for papering hatch', Italic
and ditNiectitying, at rerlnced .priers.
Flre Botrittoi4s Statues, o,4,azsents, kr.
ff:iiiaatt , /tail - 1 . 01,er; plain and figured, of different ca '
tom. ..-.-'.1:,-..-:-,..'
Weestain Merellaflii: nod others:l re ro, , pert t• invited
to call and exatilineilw;r fowl( and To Ices. ofF winch last
a tild.ral disinani will n= elven for
From tang . eAkerien: , in the t uQines 7 t., they are able to
mannfertare.:4*iters in a superior tennuer, and as they
are determine to keep 1141 the character their papers
Lave unison IoW Fristaistre, they hope to continue to re
ceive the ellCOPOSement hi. het to so liberally extended.
4 1411
. .. 9, Markel street. between 3d and 4th
..... 'tril. jallh—rlawir
IFORN OfFF .. RVFORTB, JTartionerr and CI7IIIMiS .
Oil sion Ifraiift, houisnine. KY.. .., or attert.l to tho
sale of Real Extale, Pry Goolls,“.o,reries. IN rn I. It re. kr;,.
4-e . neeelecvalc- 4 eVrY TAF•ulay, Thursday. not Fri
day mortilnas.. at 10 -, AiockM. M. Cash mica nres itmete
on consisiti4Pys sell 1 0
T HORN'S. ' --7 - 11.4 E il - R Y TOOTH WASH—d 9 Arrtr
3u.—Theforiaf4U - Rifirr extreme beauty of the
'radii. theii riensaille use, and the frequency of 11,4
decay, haa: r . ...roa . .hy inventions for their plertervalion;
teL how tu g n er ve them in a state 01' nealth an prlOtine
lie:lntr. to Iltriateat period' , of existence. was en ti r ely
unknown tint the ili,nvery of the above invaluable
prorlaration. It rOT.ot , ' a purr tinrultre eorntonste.l 01 en!!
?table inTredients, and I a timi.iies,seil of the in• sl delirious
'odor. It eradicates tartar from the teeth, removes sp a , F.
of incipient decay. poll , hen and preserves the enntnel. to
whirlt it rives a penr) like whiteness, anti. from it* di-in.
fectine properties, pros.'sess the victim of .4,1 slug sweetness
to the bread:.
As ern Anti Scoeburic, the Gains also share in its trans
eerient pnverrs..; ?curvet/ is eradtrated from theTh,
iteaiity action and redress is induced, whirl, ofc.-rs. to the
notice of the medic! practitioner itodultitatile evidenre of
their bet:111,1ot state. l' hv , been examitted aotl used by
Several of the hest physicians of this coy, who have no
hestitation in reconiniending it as an elrtellebt wash for
the 'reetit, Gums ete.
net 27-1 f
A Tong Ikr rett•Oin.Ml4 a I ions. :o Ihr 41. 7 1. e 37e the COI
Buono 1, iv it It; —Thorn's Tra Berry Too' Wash,"
and become acquainted with the in-zreitictas of its compo
sition. I cltecrfolty. say, I considet i‘ one on/le safe-zt.3s
if , one of the loos! t•icasnitt Tooth VV:l4es t irtow in usr.
Pitts - 14,21i S. 15, 11;42 II kV![' II IJ ner , Pew
lake is itIVI t 1. 2. Maee
'era Taw It IA II; I it i. Ilre or Ihe dro•
I rifiri.. i to 3 , i 3.1 1 ,1 Cann. it rorrO"nr... nr3l-
rr With Cortveilie , re. 11 i. i'e r riev..rs hip Pnaniel
Ror!n moves the Inv Ir••ro Ipt - TI!..
ii itv dr , ir.o I. .1 P. rr 8P.17, rrS. •n.
I•nvr 11, ti •• • 111,1 I.'s 1 .. 11
rev, l'anth \ I nce lOW d I. 10 14! all rS•rrn,r-
nirafa.ii givirtCric4., r•erri-m: a 'uricr s•Catary ii Eq.
enve Over Ihr Teo . 1.,•.",111.2!
p ,„, a bl e evrot Pis t
M4 - 1111.0:0 tttlt nt r tot curdllls llie I refill.
Uty I liorttivzl;l% 101 l its v11 1 1e . .. e'r l.it r .4,..rre in re
fri , t , 10.,1111.1 i 1 u, 1 1 ,1+ 1 41104'01Z 11 10 he 1 fin h.,,/ a r
ROBEU7SiO - . JAMES P.l.Reg".
11thErT CHAS !:
i/.7'pr'P.F .5A
L LW; .V.T.
rr , 1, 4: 1111,1.1 111 'III I IRN, pallier:try
Ci.e/al-3. No 5? 'Oa; Lrl <t rret. Pats'al r 711; for sale al
sal the arlarival 1 .111 'le"s '-' 11111 " 411 Y•
-tier(. >:v-i1
r Al, JUST nr:(1 . . 1 vrl).
fr. TON' , it Pig iriiit for Foundi le. An
pty ! 0 A. 81.ELEN.
1 NI ES DO tS' AII D 1 - 0„ •,1" f
..Vo. IR. Wood St rcef. , h. Pa
always nit Land an r•X , elrlSiVe ;if:6,1,111,11 .r SO,
and 1'21 . ! II A NCINC:S. Velvet at,:
of 111.• yle :1;1.1
11'0 1 . -. 1 , 1,:. for pa ;yrin.2 hails, p and chamber,:.
They Ina nitfarture anti have ne Its nd at all tinies—
Print ittz. Writitez, Letter. Vt' t anping and Tea Paper.flon
net and Fit'lers' ttnattk—all or which they offer for male
an the 1110,111 , C011111.0dallop lernt,; and to which they
invite the anent ton of met - eh:int , and others.
ALSO— ftlank °fad kine= and the hest ant - tiny
Sehnnt Ranks. aiWayg Olt 11411,1 atlti,lor sale as alinve
N. 11 Ratzitt nil Tar :tern' scraps' taken in etrettnnve
et i FS TE 11 S S-IRDLVES. kr.; ..crvcd on in tlir Best
style ai A. iII'KKEIC4 NO 9 Plait Ftecrt. te
a part ireiits are appropriated to Lieutienieii accompanied
by ladies. Also all kindsof Cakes r. -id Confectionary for
parties. v.•eddings, etc., for sate by
7 % 7 ICOOLAS coL.mor
COI.EJUJIN CO...Gcnernl AgenTs, Forwardit , g and
Com tnissino Mefrhants, Lrvee St rect. Vicksburg,
They re-pre , fully Fnlieit roni2nmenis
ACA RD. —I have oPerted an Uphowery Wareronm.
nn Si. Clair rl reel, near Penn. No. 5. where! will
keep on hand and imike id order promptly, Illalira.ees•
~r the different kinds t=ed; Feather Beds, Cushions.
SA.-kin,7. flatirons.. S,dit Blinik, and every article
found in an Upho stern Establisameot, flaying
divided my nu:Allies:4,l will fill all orders for lite citizens
al Si. Clair si reel; for the loafs, asutua I. at the iiianufac
tory Wlter stre&l My friends trill ut,d me fi:ways
in t he incirnitiz. at St. Cla it st reel, in I lie nb ertmon. at the
manufactory on the river hank.
W 4,1 . NOBLE, Uplio , ..or rer.
A Int of warm Comforts on hand, for sa'c lu vv.
row 22—,f
riIUT7'LE ha, - this day rmeived from New Voris, a
.1 fresh snpply Hewes' Nerve and Bone Liniment,
and Indian Vegetable Etisir,a pasit ire titre for P. tem ma
tism, Gunt.Gontramed Fnres and Limbs—also
Oeurcusent Poatire Serbt;le, fdr completely and perms
nently eradicating smierlinons halt from females' upper
lips, the hair concealing a broad and elevated forehead.
the slithbotn beard of rnan.nr any kind of superfluous
hair. Price Si per bottle.
Goaraud's Eau de Bereate, or Trite Water of
'T his-French preparation thoroughly exterminates Ballow.
nes•, Freckles, P im ple!, Satin:, Blotches. and all Cutaneous
e option= whatever. Realizing delieale white hands.
neck and arms.and eliciting a healthy juvenile
Also. several other Valuable article', too numerous io
mention. The genuine -sold °nip at
wl.l-If TUTTLE'S MEDICAL 4GEXCT, 364t' st
II011.7( D'CLosirry. the old orieinat. hot on hand the
maa splendid aeeartatrat of Clothing ever Offered
West. at y ttoeit is large, and lam disposed to sell at the
lowest possible prlee. Mywoek is heavy, and as the-nea.
son Is adeanelag. t eitll Fell at loareupthees ihaa:ever.
,sk only the pleasure of a call, 'teethe confident that a
lo ok is 4 , ei ffiejeas. Betir.tre of Connierfeha. Remember
the TOR-RR RIG DOORS, and the. SIGN' 7X.:1'11.6
PAPR.M.E.7VT. no -23, 1 ftd
TOP Proprietor , bolo a.tonlion. and
rr-- , ”Poripiy invite lVeziern Merettalos lo r...iVe liiem
tail. 1 li , ry haw! , in thrrr pas' ola;:e.
AII coma roo=izocd flejlmar 4- C o . roa El
jct. or via liefavrair ,nd P, rOno I '.lou I, will I, reCe'V
at their c.,,rellon , r foot of Wiliow -e.l tail Road,
P o- , o•re _.nods ran i.r mu from lice
Vyzzel iiilo lice Brat,' wil hoot batoninn. or et
ff'Af .irc..a_vp
- - --.44 . r
- - - - z, .:, ..:; 7
,;. .--t
iiiiktio****46,;:,t . i r: t i iiiiiiiiiiivisiii kiii.*,..lltat=.,
I =
ti*:6lteir.l4.4iiii:fik*F - 0•*0 fk4 tst , ..tbim 114m4 ~. - - abjwV.
sittikif gti tits it' - 0it.44, ig' oboOttrkid 1. 3 01:,!0,: 11 1 , 01%* - '
ovini) imebeott for fis.•l44l3(ttWir.vort. --- - - - -- ;„,„,iiiii
, -.Th6... ~,,- exth..*, s ,"..- - ofa - itiv - ;llll , atottifte i
irei .: Ifioffi l.i i iiik ' l l
- raretartoY Ileteettllitiee,ttlar•elB4B,attWlateditrlflt e ta - el. ..• .._ ..,t
br. 1t.. 1 1.-Oritiiiia. kb the Piaci* e ofetmedlcine; fiatmchst . -gd ah• - tir4 l o l3i Hia ll o , -.. ~•-•-!'•••••-'
Period of live yeats.) 'etitthlrk Me Waukee- fatty iiif the .We 4' IR. Pedg' l l3,4“Ostiki ,
it U
meeiteofhis Wt.. -- - --,"- - have ha. ellerlahleer -.1-to
..._,..' - al_
_,. Soconfeenient.sa elferiePt :and yetso es'e: did I esteem "ta t ah t tooelloa hall* aaliall*l/Pflr. il
.tit h illM ' lnt °t a l i" , la" 0 14_
,r4itifia my prit4ice fornl i der l4,os. OT l A:i i i '1 . 4 444 k_14 0 1)4 1 i0ipl
- die earl-of:rho:nth. dieease.,or whatever onto.. and ihrte. t ha t aathi " .... 1 41 %.`.t ... - e " -1r e.......,... 1 ",, a il * r ____,.... lat a " A li - ~.- e•-•:.:•----• ..- - -r,.._,.. ,
of feroilles In teaticular,l have lased more et them than ' a m at " t a tetata Ir ''''" a4 " -It a ''"'"•• ' -.-::'r - q-. -•-••• .:-...t._244P't,-•
ottothor rnertieinee. • • - ! -
fitIFFA 1.0 RnlTE, , . ` ',. lIENR SR I 'Nay -- eir' 0
Like every other medicine. Al* moat - fait In some ill
." nwi. , ..,, l'„'' id IWO p. m ! ...aft e n tg i u.. • 4,..h... '-'- - 4 -
~..:- 7 4::, - ,-.1•1 -.
sitanem list la mY ha nd.;there line been less die, • 3 " •"' ' ` • IP --, Bo Aft • - ..1...:.4
- . nftntet fey. r.l r reatltietriWivr Etre" No: 1 - 164. - - ••••-• -- .- -ti-&:''---"-- r : -
meat and niio..ttaiisfonetiertr iri e ..emoitintetoratiner - nr this . - A . . - ,•••••"• ' , I.- ..,e-,--....‘..,1e
~.. A lot t f near and Doh eking, . -• • .- 31, 4!-...-!...,-‘-'-•l''F'
one remedyilia nof ail citherellts tood etrceis tootetimei 4 - ' . - - - .__ -7. e-• "'"---.,.,, -• ''-. . ~ , , , t ~
14,0001 n . I . and 2.lllneittelt-fr#4s7:
quite astonkehme m's. •:i.„ -S ,- -
If in! patient terptiretha mini - . Oporienl mo4leine ellter 14 lc" r 11 " 1 "" " kt". " ' ''' ....- '' ' '-.-'':
. - • - All orhieh areotreredattretkeed - ces Twain,
bony* or a fli.r , pm rittrititin, Ihe Wllootea full! refriejitsi
.....r.v, ,- -,,,.
proved 1 , 111e45. Aoplr tra, .
the thing I wanted.
[ la'
Tr a riyao,ept it aeirl iontiiilnn of Ihe T 4 noinrit. omphiped A . TtIdEL,,,,ES. at Ihe_! l k Ilterienn raiHiNi.:) , ljtentio4...
1 Ott 14S-31n. -- Tr. - 4.. - - Porn*, o f Pront And l" "r yritheoltivencvs or Inaerivrry ntite . liver enn;-tittiteet the _
! !!
! rlieertee?‘" my patient. the pills were just the thing 1 PR MIUM riASSIAIERESi Ta ' m
' lennlert - • ''' • . • ' - ;':... - • - : '; ' .t.' tr -
!f I treated a -ra.re rerptirtep an etnnlenotrvee. the .4i Fmaki,joribf...l7,4 50......g.i.u0ate5,e4„,....- .. ...-..
.7 ........h.l'' . .,
~ . IL - 7.17.,.. -, ~0...wm....
W i!Prln'g pills we's. psi the shire I wanted. . WE have' jug ret7eiee4ll.oo4,4iirerent yorybigat — 'o.4
If prOpliption.heniti.elie. thr.hed countenance. or other nutty deln/4P! Allin/pritiiiprre. dwelt-miltt#l4
rliflitolties. inrliro , inz a . dis , strlianee of the cirettlatory lielyened fine ftollki : - ' - lesafst ore‘ stkii i i.:
and eeeretoty sypteres, :Into - weft nty patient at the 'turn Fftryntn. toicelt, tf axe., a' = - '.- *,B rn... p amoth ip r ic i...
ni life,. the Witen,i's ail!is were just lIIP thine 1 wattles) • M ' t • It.- """ nr %„'"""" 7 .
- :dcobllliTic4^
'Tints. without re4n2et to ljte name . a dmease mbitt roiton. and the Ddtroveloggriti eili.;:, lo , t h e . hte. ... . -,
happen wear at the time I hiVe had it antler treat t‘efoee thelernottctin Tit`ollll4e,riltlathillph: -:- -1 , ..5 . ' ~ -
meal rialliettlar indirai)orts nr symptons arising. vreu. •ero Weli6erfa.ti .1. threttee, Bettindite, fkii r. lo44;,.
al-ays mn-t promptly:and 1110.4/. happily met by the tine M/ ed (hoer enitdOterete.tO rorbieh theitdoi - 411441.,
Witentes pills. etattYclaily I tae yl io tri.ifiltel" .o " 4 'lol4' 4 .1 11114 k, ,
„:. 0,
Th. , so areal a nimiler nrdieeneee. and sometimes ap. highly vain in French coatis 'of this/Wed , ...a.; -lt
patently Immo:ate ones. In which 1 l:re used these pills. certificate a Ide mention."--Jraii
should be clued mote readily by them than by any other We aid vie ,entlelnenTWaril!fir is ,:-
remedy, may at first seem si ranee and row ratiletory,
to call *Lid tr 2 wine. A -handsome flu
4. ala 4:,
i , t 421 ,;'' .
.. 7. ..
why it is en ions etear to my mind ac that a weal many led ALGEO ST. F ':
~ ~.
persons slionld kr enme 114rSly from : s runny different Nov 11 '42
causes and yri atl resmire that common and greatest of
all blevsin., water to unreel ] their thirst.
In ener'p,inn, ii is tine the c•ttita• ion of t . .e niptiirups
and the nolo ir, in sly eteri , leoPy and unecinditionall y. I ha'
the N' is n's oil: , arc the only cumt.ination't have ever
,net with in my low , cott , .e.of practice, that rrally por, -
eeeresanything etratice_nr specific for sick headache.
Yours ti....*. DR. MII,O A DA !US
The ahoy.. Pills drelened particulattv - for the sick
Fitted. Ache., r SOITSIII. cOnstlention of the.llowets
prenate4 by ttie prollr;iipC pr. R. it, Wilson, and for
fe , a•!inles%it and retail, atlalidivelling in Perth' street,
Inetow Mar' Ury.
VI 51_ E. AFSTIN,LAiDnr'nr y n 1
'Offi , e in 4th st r;ni , mtnn.iie Rarke'n
WILLIAX E. A el - mr.E-q., will e lye tan at tent ion to my
tinFt-ni.hed I , ll.inef'9, and I recommend him to the nntrtin
ne'e of nit- triendn. WALTER FORWARD.
=en v
,17M. STEEL(?. (successor to H. M'Closkey) Fash
lona le Root Maker, Litterly st., 2.1 door from
VI - _in %Hey. The subscriber respectfully if:forty - 19 , 1hr
on blic t hat he hag commenced the abovt liminess in the
slop formerly ocropied by Mr. Henry M 4 Clo3tey.
alot that he is new prepared to attend to all orders in his
lioe of husiness with despatch and on the most re:lgnitable
terms. From his Ion? experienrein the inanufactnre of
FagititArtable Prints, he feels confident rhat all articles
from his establishment it ill 2ive satisfaction to his pa
irons. A shale oi Meilit patronage is respect frill; solicit
rt.. sea l°
~.~ ,
yir Erm IN I (*F-' independent Transportatioe Line to
_R. Philadelphia and Baltimore. For Tran.rporting
Xerchandize to and from Pittsburgh. via Tide Warei
and Pennsylvania Canals.
The st , rk of thiA Line cronAste. of the first t'ass Spring
Cars. Metal Roofs. and New Decked Tide-Water Boats.
cLiiiiina na ell by sober and exiverienned I:a
11,trhani:!)v this Line are enabled to have their
(1.1.1. ts fed rhelVt. and with as'inacit
by nnv other Line. nay Ron leave flatly from the
ntot of 11 illo.v street Iln.i Rna.l nn the Delaware. in Tow
of act e.l to Gnat, which is l-pt t:at mir
WIT T.! 1 M 11EILM AS: 4" ro,
fro:o 1•• Itolot•it -hoe!.
!, N•rrEltsox, } Proprietors.
F,n ro 11 0 1..1 : , t z , nr, 2 h to Plit,lhor.:ll
.1 AMPS 1)!CK EV 4- Co., I . a..e: .laz=in, Liberty street
11tt.5 , ,s G giseß,tVillow orrm trL•arf,l
or. the I)rlro•are-at Ph phi, t ,
Josr. - en E. rLDFR. itatinnore, ..3grotb.
. 1,. PATTERSON. INliient'Slorgli,
JE:FSX Pirrtr.sos, .1 , 1.00 WP.
efer to Merchants genera:ly throw:bow the city.
C 11 ESTS.
rITTSBtIitGII, ()CT. 22, 184=2
J. D ENNING —On . r r iz ay. tlSilll, alas! month, about
9 a ' r tt,ek a t Planin7 G•novin! and Sti , ll Man
ular , ory, owned by Ca?. n t iwn r th Co. wit It a lartm
tin:loM , of dre4se4 and undressed tund..er. was an consu.
turd Its tire.
The Tron Fere which I hnucli: of you rump trone hnek.
%V in the most exposed vitiation ilig the fire. ar.d
w entirety red hot —I am 14;ssi.d to_ inform lon it W
npened ttl - the elnFe of the fire.neki-gil the hooks, papers,
tvr.savezl;-1 hi= is the heE.t. recutrunettilation I can- giveof
the utility of your sars.
Western Unirt - rsity of Pew sytyania al.nnUnre lo the
puhtic that they have eFt ahlisitea a Law School in cun.
rci ;on tvith the University, in whiten Will lie taught
International, and Conslitutlonni Law in all
their 101 rote heS•
rip mode of ins:ruci ion wilt h 2 by rM it ationF, tee , ores
and WC:AS10111d oinot.ooOrtA. a 3 it , sl,n Ira r In7ll Ol 1011 F.
The year Will cooM:t of two lcrq a of four and a h a ir
The lira term Will comnirmee on the second Monday
Of Novessaker nrXt
l'he tun ion fee is $717,110 per term payable in advar Ce.
WALTEIt H Locrltia. F.sq-, a member of the filtAur.ii
liar. has been chosen Ilrrifessor. The trustees lake _great
pleasure in nimounring that they have been able to , se
co:* the cervices of one so well qualified for the *ration 1
hr reason of his iessi acquirements. and particularly 011
inc so highly esteemed us a scholar and- a eentientan.
anti, zed rec oii,nietidation will furnish satisfutlich
I 1.14 olc qi.alifiraiio: 4 ars Professor.
Time it - osiers bovine been induced to lostito..e 1411,6
school (ruin a view oft he serious disadvontacesatiendinf.
the studies of law, in the office of pr:ltllsinp, latayers and
a so the very ciay ions ad raritaecs which Pittsturxh pas.
over Trost other places in the %Vest for the emil
I ish men t nt'sneli an inst tint —Heti: a - al OA indUal
ponu'ation. Tht student u orobsd him. exam '
pies of industry and eHergy , and very few temptations to
indolence and idlo.nps..:4. li e may b eermi , e atquainced
with busins in all Its farms. Our Coarrs are sitting
-nearly all the yrae round, and there Is perhaps no place
in the West where a 7.re:tier variety or cases and princi.
pies arise . for diatUssiort.,
The Committer ore_ &shrill:that all-persons se.'shing to
avail themselves Of thc adrantopit of this school. shotOd
do so immedioiety try enitini . and - tearing their parries air
tue office of Waller 11. , LoOrrie„ tso., on Fourth a:relat
or 4.y addrenrinz' him by letter; post-paid, so that all min .
dents inav commence apeniag of the term, or as
early ihereotter as pustihle.
iaTplßtit aisr6l.n. -
' -ibatc n totassty. f Comniitler
ascii, a. =wax,
.sicoc9 PI4CX, I Edneation. -
w e ink/ a 11101011 re in recnoimendfoz !a the covii•
den;*rif IN, public, Avntl er H. 1.4r/rIIP' 8.A.. rfor: - 444. Of
Law in the fretirrn tfoiciirtilii of Pe a henivoi. 8 , i
!elm lerodo eminent for 'hip lion oil fetif•linii*ini 4111txi 4 t
0., ..4 in rvery , iay Oftaiiffvd - fir7ltiiiftufts otijtcle
to which be has tern etetteil t : : - • , •'. 64.; -
awits_:s.Otissosr,... te:
41:41 j u isio:s;a
xlik i ' . ' 4 c:0 1112 * ' itsfiteo - of Ihsk — ,
. ciao, stomas. -- t i enare " -
iWtss.asotsicsort , '' ' ' ' --- -
>E •a - 1 / 4 , t 'taro : O( - tiAtT.: . :,
,-f. -, -",etsil...
motto Ittint,4r....
Shit it ~.....
--... , -z....,..._,.zq,„1. 3 .-.... i
~...,;;:-,,,,,,,,......,,;.,.'„;,..-,-,- ..• , !-,7 2:-..v,,,,..,,,-...0
i 843.
NAVY DF.TAlrlifitt"i'„ . ."
.... . ~..-
Bureau of Provisions aufkiloahre . .-. - )- -
October 28th. ltdiak
FIALEn PROPOS46. en tinnted Fespatiti*A
t. :
1.7 ,mr C/otking, will be received at this - etre 1114. nZ1 . .t.,• . . . ,
&clock P. id. of it e2Bll, day or Novitateter tint, rev. 1141 --1,!,i,
Melling and deliverina i lou receiving ,forty-five dar!..l#" ~..
lire.) at each or either of the Navy Yards, Chattattalklik-,
NTarsachnsetts, Brooklyn, New Ytp i r,Jia Go. - 1
stieja. Kiri) win nti t ies 'of ii op er en - TontallrioiC. -
articles of Navy cuotring as may ben/dere denl;Z: - ,
. 3
veer Ifi-la. by the Commandants of the 'amid Nall
_. ' : l'• . ,
respect ively. viz:
Sloe cloth P. Juckets and other dolling:fait - • .
. ,
W ( °len Stocking., ,
Wonlen Stick.. -
Thick, sewed Lea'her Shoes,
Sewed Leather Pumps,
, . .
Woolen Wank et..
All the. woolen snorts arelo be made from artatertablitt
A merle:to manufriel are. All the artielvs are to Ite:'#viir - -..
egtial to'fhe samples, which tonylrovilepaellediliC.W
rye Yards at Poston, New York. Phradeinhist. ,
..,,, •
too. Norfolk, Ballini!ire Naval Station. itrittettlltlik.'
Ail the aforesaid articles must he snljeetle
1 spect inn and a; rrey as the Chir fof the }hires,, ol'
ion? and Clot hinv may direct nr anifintiart and ne -- .
of the said articles will he received thdt ix nattitryatt 1.r, , - .*
10 ihe .a moles or 1 1 3 1 1e111S, bah in material Irlaill_l=, -
ma nsh IN and which does not conform iti at! tibeirsi ~,:, .
to the stipulations and previsions of the cantracil-10 , 14:.
' '
The clothier. is divided 'Moist.° ettur=mvir 114N114,6*,:.
hers _and the offers mhst diet in:leek:lk ilae vette fir.,lsl#
...ass. and must h e ea lentated 'to cover every primeMPO*-:
tending the fn:filment °Nile ennlraeln, including OW*,
e”="are metal :and naval Inn-tone.
The whole nmst tee delivered nt the dolt indiikti.e.ilf
t row rartor., in !toad. enhstnnt ial, and dry
ine bores or ho..vhinrig,nnd in rood !hipping Ort!er.,f4llll
nfchnree In the United Stales, :Ind to tart entire -
lion of the respective Commandants of theaaid yards of
Separate propnlmls me=t he mrde,firre. far Ili ONO
Sipe. and Pempg; peened. for nil She SP eller sue
Q're-kF; third. for nit the Pfttn' - e , .: and fowril.., for all 24tok,
o f f
•dis , inc , nen t -*clic-min be sktie Ai nigh
err4.,—vnrl thoke who air en - .Pd Cid!. ille,Onaneraglit
nek grrk , .Shorc./ 'fit r yltrits
fmncihlt. n , nndi r n7. will 144 .. V . * a ftrtitil.riiiiiilllti:Vll4
will ofit.
nribe*ar. Pg.
.!.41t:Vtluti3OrioiVer the Pryers] art Wry
rrnat-thnriy, in reaper fv•itie itt , ;(' - '4711441e:
the r.flirnrn flo Navy
r.twehn=e t infwt irrd io cupply thi:argefet.
and nct:rit:e mire? tel'ttett 1251teliti41:
It• 'he en,rt qt , ait he rilar7ett to avdraltil , y
pro irr enntrnetr,rx.
Pond- In nee .f.;rel pgilwerifrranirnt orthe rtspect.-
iv cool rz , rt. rr brf f( ro,, c l, with two a pnroortl- oure—.
1 4 '4. nne ten .. f•• renfrin, In nerlffinn, wits twxviibl,o4frObt
tho , mn”rt , nr ra.th fiefiV , !ry .410 re 111 , mill:141-al petur4y
-.. • • .
for len flit lint' per/ trmneee of the r. , tretiice
syt,irit a itl no nn neennitt hr paid until the entlitfel* are
rtannlieti with In ntl and f= in be fecreiteicellr '
Vlr nae anti benefit of Me 11 4. In 4.loj!it.
rhitnrftt to complete II r th-lieertr. in ent.forriitv.liefithitie—
oryters that mar he mode. A Per malanz
of ten rusi eentntn, nnvreent of the babne,ewillrinitii.='-
“1 ,, r
{miter nitNl ?tales within thirty ettrrartfr
orn hint , eltn•l hart bye,' incneried.- etaprovert **APO ,
and fir ft, !VA ,lair nrithertOraiod 1 .!!.
rntek ofinrneetinn no 4 .areee. by the reeefela
next iv r• N-v 1 Rtnrek newer* at mid Nara _
tie nr,rrirn' of the rPfpPetivP Ct•rnmar•hyPl. t.ixtdl44,l4e
urePrnted to tke. Navy Attnit bi •
whom innyrnPnt f In he mgelp.
Tile neryi own( reFPrvPß•the ft Mere OP ollkia
r+r.ln PPr.ellq who have hereftibue faited teat MI 'tin*
PP.pntte ofreeine nmoritv P Ober of the tAeite- art/emit.
eetlthe pleaso4 to deeiehate the obee Or hfie“ l ilkll4
they nuty de.eire paymenta to 64' rrmdittl them. aPa,
Fnbc.xribf oTers for sate.at nnoenalle tow io•krgr:';
and linen arroinmodatine teitatt.One Iflondaetand
nfty Feven Rultdin. Lots, Iteated On the Fooeffiehtent,::,
Read, adjo :dna land owned by tie bet reof t":lltagyi
and between said rood and Pfaff street oos
hank of The Inonotroheln—the onmbeis end _
rat inns or•nld Low ran be peen by reten.nef". 111,111)011 , 1 , •
r..eorded on the 1811 a goy', 1841. in the ee9raiero
of A Ileet , e , y county In Deed Rook, 62: -.-. 04
pogo. or Upon nopileatinn to the tnitt-ftribee:
The attention of*Owens de.irons
having-money io IffearneFtly folteitiekai!MO,
!unity ennally nelranlareotte is osiceiy - ifirroesied m . an OS'
fuhtterthee iseetermirred to well.
. .
The Leis will he !Ohl arecrrilleg I. the Reerjliollllj;.-,,,
and olielmeptionable iit ks will tie 014411,
A nply to DAVID' gir
N* ~...:._ ....,,,
ot. 10.-li" Pesisfit , more sl-ifii' We'
A PSOLVTE DEAL - ALL. ':_,-'' -:-.'-'---
11 il Ann- TRIOLS. and all 'lttieetallart ffiliris -
_IL 1 11,11 , 17 - 1.7.- DALLEY'S ZAVICALI'I
~....4.r, ' ,• ..
TRACTOR incr.-Heath's. - -"it ant tiaiir ei/04 41 : ••, i' 'fi ri
sites no add - I'OOll2A pats. siwies*o a Fair. hi Oki
lively rendet ed hamlet*. ' - (I]B ilanhefen. eared nix --',
months to any prTIOIS rettistri* arremply hot, and 4 1441._
I ifat all agony (m illefettlol., ler not eft raeted le A frergitil4,,,.
Mrs, yet not one Cram !hymned" of triata since his etaiat—'•
Pil the lamas.) Parenteseximm to geravd against graerar - .
injer:es. and nave Pate, fortelfe and life. and pretreat .
their offspring final being, disfigured by burps, or tarn, ,
smolt one pustules, tit pomessios the enviable; pfuir,crOkt i r
'entice the eellutary organs destroyed.) an do no b , a .. :..2,
mining this lohnlfahle naive. Mans ditty hiruntaxs,..
- hi the eilzr rail he seen, and of:menthe faetbarat if*ja*- , - * .
mounded three distinct times lirlife satnevoi.litit,
..,:, .-.
log , ' vet in no - ruse ran he traend thrt lewd e
.. _70 ,.. w . - .1 ._
mark' ' Persil Wirth: or hurts l!sf Med P=Y4 ll *t)iiWt . s - ,
alio lmportampeverrsote nun. atlialb _ us", :,:ihtio.
keen breasts weitid he itnit no**. Tlii.-Ictlkitiiir,P.-
0 1*
row et - Hieing the skin orpleldel-TilliwThlK X 111 1.4..“ ..* 3.*•.2,'
and It Indispentadde: • been ilot t r infr istiolb4ooFH :,... • .
.ilsolh it thenovereign HEAL ALL gElOy,
glee. heeds of fetniltrnajlowUlgihrerfiliiit t P9l* ;iiilf , t ' '
[ atihnatiely 'dm-forted fratartfi.: hill itViri l vituft , .%4oo - ~0 _ , , -.,.- . .
! prnaehjastii Bil eyed `"jr - ii. disibiet 0,061.- fop - ;
1 •to triumph °Vet-Me. - ' ". , " '-' - -:.., ..--it4.3
* .: --.Ente..ed ateorifin- !old crecozrestr.. ii....Z0W: 4:
1 . - t. 03 ,i,v.e 4 i• t.., _to rite . rifir - lOuldlies.oftlfir . : ~....;f4 ' •
of the drilled fiva!tkibti-tie, Seatiwii 1Mi1i0te*:~1 46 :.,.,-
r i te
'lra ~ ' q;: 7.:1-_itt-t
Hied Ole otly e.vitrinp. - , - -:-. ti.iy`-:-: if.7. - .:•-:
1 ' • "*kra , -totorik Priii 4 os ! ^)rst ' .. ''7 44 : 3 '
-9)llp,Obe sole whets:nate agentinfar-01
feA,, y.„...,, . All riensmerst:rre a, _
lit ali,.•ee•oftl*tcrif e bat ai
ARISE - 3 .Ik'"fi 4l 'tf -
...• -
o* * -