';!-Z; ,- ',.' i- . . ;i,.4.*; =MIMI pAVELERS TAKE provided with the Pitfei .., y,c4,4 hie i t printed with a fi grit* as tatilim ih ,. I.)u are not deceived by 5, crating their LioatstO - Proviiti* 1 " i . • when they are not sAllataiee t ut , e following tea list itoata appli es " era at the Port of Pittlitiorgli-..0 a the list have the isnprOved,alipstatt7:, 3..1= impossible for ari erptusio li ; l 7 A NN A, FORmos k, IITAN. ILL-11201Z Dr tMtrip JEW Ess, MONTG3WIti YOF LYONS, CADDO, LEY FORGE, INDIAN {am PITT. GALLANT, W ATER, -QUEROar rial LESS MAIL, , DUKE opu nd • BRILLIANT, ECLI Kik vicraus, Millud A N •-A OSPREY, • PEliEL3pg, ROW ttiA, AGN Es; • ;‘ Ll ANN, All•lSsPist;Ey . AGANSETT, SARATOGA RANTH. oßkan BOY GO PARK, OHIO, CURE, CECILIA: 'I H BEND, GALENA, I ETTA, - MENTOR. F.l"rE, COLOMBjX4 FERRY BOAT, havellot community ere rerysti - they make a choice olriaboat.lealto, , P Xi het her It %%quid not be 10 erde :tint ) to choose a Safety Guard ri. att4 freight, In preference Wen** it explcston--and that "they will III!* 1, invention has the unqualified swig • r• 3111 enzine hoilders—:enttentea ‘inder,-land the sot ject, and vei44aren3 , led—beside‘ a number Of Icit en and others—ail of evalerb , cl4,lo scr, No 10. Water street, where it met re at all tunes to exhibit any forest* ,it lake the trouble to call. CADWALLADEITI T WIND, QUETTE, .EYRAND, MA, 1.1.7 A FILE REAL ESTATE FOR. :- The subscriber offers fur sale. at the r.r, the greater part of his real eriiale, !l ciif Pittsburgh and Altraheny.old Warehouses, nearly new, a rsubstapt e on. Ma rket street I et ween Sfrandai r r a front of about 54 reef by - 61) driT. r sepa r a trly to at it purchaser!, arid-opos :I!dint., lot in Alleelielly U.. 1,3 upward of 35(1 re, I in depth, iambi . n,; on t 14e Pennsvlvaoia canal srodili Itlnglon iLn tol ndjoin in. the iliN11 , 1!:10/7 , ing 330 feel ill depth. inrlolil(l` i/Olitte lity 11 1 new CC Ico.;i Int wish twvn two , - -, ory C l°4ll l, n it.e COrn,f 111rtinf l rt and Froiti ,II••r11.• round rrni, and ris,tV ner praipti s _V7l ALEX. URACKat. S I. 11 14 .' D anted M nr 3qua , : Flax a rd . Tio_ ns , lona: , of Country P rnd,M 3, •.r. vood , a F: IS'S intrlTigerrt 2 Comn.isFion-Witrri-num UN 11 - ART. COMINIII,IO AiCTCIIIIIIt, rkii* c' a,,d ertran Af arrafactare,, • IMEEKBEI Grier. E-g, P.itsburly.h ran Hart, C.,chran of R'd. Davis,D. Hamm, cn. Woodbnurne, E-cq.,ll2adigin LT' .; tt LE FARM FOR Elitt:Er-1 F r n oa which 1 live, in W ArtioArloil ri coninininn one blinnnll4oll ninut ill acres of V;ilitit is eiellnlhi*oll :,, , 14;red. There are upon ft tinet** ll ! . ., re 63 feet hy 34; altappleorcliril., • .Ut sevPnly acres of t 0.10 01 1, 1, la to that of any upland far, ie the . 1 1 tuadr known on applicittlontotbe nnall -- WILLIAM WALLArk MEE= L. 1.1 ANI C. WALL. Plait ova Agar and Pieture Frame afirmarfediterN t I. street Plttsbarge.—Casivait! etekilek Art iSiP, atways on band. Loam; ilv cianied to order. Eepairinedoriist VP. tar aticntion paid to ne.4o:diog sod ons fitting up Swain Boats or bou'Xli v3iilne to call. ,lITE LEA D—The sebserilersstesbe ro furnish painters. and otherisAololll e White L:ead made of ;ballets sts"4 4 I, if not superior to any oared Nib err. niiiireggett to Dardap fisetati-I NS" • No. Iti Second street, Pin...burgh, eriii.lol •1 to, DUNLAP it MA 4 I , EA FASHIONABLE _SIIOLSTOIA't 'th St.. ose door from OM Steleffs:_ - ,n,hi•criher respectfully' liittairms to ; v , rl*.ll' and vicinity tlikt .he . .itat - - Slttlet , of his own manufneWs4 lll44'l . 2 1:e will keep eneonntly onlianti .n.,,,... <-,( all kind= of ladies. nikwen. 9l _,' ".. ..„ i..,..Nilie iu•st quality. la MO ' F ', ll - ....'-. ,ill 1 e times lie will .40 1145,,e..- rt r fancy work —sseh ` a15ia."..., 1 144. .4. colored gliters,.and hf# 401 17704/. ' , tilt entices. eilk ea 'ten, 4c•. 4c . snade at the shortest trotlre.lin.. Ladies will please eattandeisnO lt . , A o -.subscribe, fte Is confulen t, this ir t ti l ,f-i - !" r I icle in his line they WRY w'soP via I o , Xe• V' F-' . Don't foreeti he phsee—S(N--: ~ from Hoiries Inteiligetive Oir ie ' 7 Market Street. . • ILL' A 5 , 1 DIG BY having lakes 110 ..4401,-810 business of'Djusedi—Dertriellie-PO, •I y street aed tit Market skt i ZZeent o 4 se to the nutnerourcriiediti ,_,......- ye eel for the very liberal - support w".....:4011 111 7 d 10 him, in connection - with - 47..7 010 r , in assure therm le -erery ale t l i gg " — I heconlinnatiOneffi th e ~ LT title invite theitjsillenti .r - f i• r A ~T,arkith heinilindniteLl tle, ; 111 r : _... o f hes Seen ever offered; befall 110 "" -- 011011 hole or. tbe sioiek of the tate 101110 0. ar d as he intend& tosonfine biretta ;op business, he feels, cottelde".s 1 " 1 1...A117 :1 F.= his stock. 'either lit eluStlitidll .-7,:. of worlunanttkin....- I,ll,etudirSi ass to take notteetliatenriff""'" — • in Pittsburgh. liike *Jibe • • ••`" rms. 'POE: ,3. _tirf. _. OL 68. PUBLISHED BY PHILLIPS & W. H. smrrii • r. CORNER OF WOOD 4-FIFTH BT$. FIVE year, payable in Ts3--for rate at the . os,ngrelVoEpief (=Re 131al of the office, acid by News Boys, and Manufacturer rarereArr ivECKL at the same office, on ft dauble w e. at 1140 DOLLARS a year, la ad. 0 401.; „ op ies, f 41.1 CENTS. - -- i c ons of Athrertioing. wit' e OF TELVE. LINES 011 LESS: .00 to 0,5 W 0 One month, *5 ,„ 0,75 I Two moot=, 6.00 ths, 7,00 1,00 I Three mono 1.50 Four months, 3,00 I Six months, rettf• 4,00 One year, yEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. cff..NGF.ASL.I3 AT PI EASURE. Two Sintarer 813,00 Six months, $23,00 25,00 One year. 35,00 rer clerliisements in prorortion. RS of four lines Sit DOLLARS a year. 13 1, IC 0 FFICE S. &C. Om' T. Third bettveen Martet and Wood Riddle, Postmaster. Waler.4th door from Wood st. Peter- Ni n v— dajor John W Block, Collector. , r ,„,Ey. Wood between First and Second ,mrs Bartratn, Treasurer. TCF.A3CRI, Thlrli Street, nest door to the ,Avt.o , an Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. r. Fourth, twtween Market and Wood r flay, Mayor. F.‘ , Iwtos, Fourth, near Ma •kl.l BANKS. tween Market and Wood streets, on Fourth streets. 074 . cit M.sNr;yst-TI'II.ERS' •ND FARMERS ' DE j,,,n,orly Saving, Fund.) Fourth, betwten th•hrt streets r,(th street. near Wood. HOT Waie.r . streel , near the Bridge. comer of Penn and 3r. Clair. coiner of Third and Wood l . Ilolet.,cornei 01 Third and Smithfield. r corner of Penn ••tretei. anti Canal. P..ot.e.Liherty etreet. near Seventh. s M11.£1014 nOCSE.l.lheriy ormn , he Wayne curer House. Penn Si onon.de Cannl ,RT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND UNSELLOR AT LAW.—nfrire room kewell's offices on Grant st neatly opposite Court House, next rooms to John D.Mahon, floor. Pep 10 ii. EbLiorr, m. D.- O f fice removed to (;air street, between Penn and Liberty 10 Sty. s Gl.Y.M)S.—Preston ¢ mackcy, wit,.lesale and ail rieal , r4 in English. French, and Domestic „. 51:irhel st .rittshilr2ll Sep 10 --- NDLESS & WICLURE., A.torneys and as Law: Office in the Diamond. hack court 110.,e,Pitishuro" Sep 10 C. Morrow, Alderman; otTioe north between Wood and Smithfield Sett 10 rr, Cinct , eei if% '.ng and .Vo. 224 Liberty Street, Pitt, sep 10 I rTim i 11.4 A 1)1 LW 0 Rill'. I).lex-tie a .41 Comm:4,:ioTi nt,d P•' Nhquiatlfired art is le N '29, 10 O'lllR 1 ItollltiSi)N, Anorocv a' Law (lill II Iti,ll,4ltle Diatzto:l6.6etwee. 10 l'l , lllll 41r,•• tip st air U - 111:t kW, V , Ar !ley at Law; ro ••••,•1. to thr pntd ir. OfEre CLir Street?, ;.hove D. Lloy.! Co' sep 10 ... irr & 111.inttfarturrrs o f Copper , - 1, ' 1 " - rt Iron %var , . No 80. Front gt , • F,,,,t , 11,g and Sicatt,l4y,it work p omplly Fep 10 B roe., Ell A NCIS 1.. YOUNG B. YOUNG ...V. Ftititnre Ware 1 caner of HandEx-lianze •1,10(.4 10 fOIC.IIIIISe Furnitore. will find it lo niag,e in;tic , n< a call, being fully :=alisfied that ese cin in quality and price. !WI , 10 0111" g MS, —Jost rer.&ved 160 choice Mut !lams, well cured and for f. ale cheap hy he do ail, by ISA AC HA R IS, N 0.9; Flub a B ‘.G supp'y of Landreth's Fresh Ru• arid other different varieties of Turnip r"rrived and for sate at REDUCED PRICES at the Seed iit , ure of F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. :B cLOSEYO Boot and Shoe Manor:loo v. 83 Fourth St., nest door to the U. States I,hes Pronelia, IC id and Satin Shoes made in inanner, and by the newest French patterns. mnRUS MULTICAULUS. in lots to suit purchasers; to he dispo.ed of by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. I k 11 1 /0 Flowers and Flower Seeds of es , . 05-No ion, can aiorays'be bad at the Drag gore or F.L. SNOWDEN. Ift.l Liberty street, head of Wood. I h;nois A nnnal Mammoth Onion Seed, for .1e at the Drug and Seed store of F. L• SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. N Mir I ERSEY SWEET POTATOES, for seed; just received by F. L. SNOW DEN, No. 184. Liberty 'head of Wood st . TOOLS, consisting of floes. Fancy Spades Trowels, Eildinp Tools, Badding r "" 1 " '" , re , , Pruning Silelrs. etc., jnat re d for :71IP by P. L. SNOWDEN. IR-I Liberty street, head of Wood. E Vent:o n liams.—inst received a matt sop• ( rerr r!loire cured Venison Hama, oa retail Tots (or current money iTE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and Kentucky BineGrass, always on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN. N 0.184 Liberty street, head of Wood. BB ¢ BM:MASAN, Attorneys at Law, office .oved (rum the , Diamond, to - , Attorneesitow," •- of Fourth street, between Market and Wood eep 10 ISTBATES' BLANKS. for Prcceedkia's In At kme./ under the late leer, for sale at thla Office BALB.—Lots on the North East corner or Coal tie and Dish greet. Apply to B F:N J. DARLINGTON . , Market, sear th et. LBS. Landreth's French Sugar Beet Seed just received and for sale• at the Dreg and Seed F. L. SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty etreet. head of Wood. tarnoN orrAirrPrzlitstWr er .—__The Partnership heretofore existing tostmans ne IGisy and BENJAMIN titYPEWELfCgthiltlia? ' l "r mutual consent. William Distrisitattbarlied si!nato re or the firm ' %WWI op 'two. WILLIAM MOW; SENS. T-21011,ZWkW ter. VOL' E. RER larr, DENTititt, " ir4 1-1 AC/4 eirtaimes Seised ai# Titfrt Stir, - imp 10 Prrimanprorr. "WINSTON 4- .STOCKTON: Stiott4.llenr.Privitek el Paper. Manufacturers, No. 37. Ma ket Ft- : atop 10-17 TORN ANDERSON, inithfield Potlndry; *fitter at neartheMonongathile noose; Pitt.4.uret. 11,0-11 y LEONARD S. .10 8 NN. Altierorms.l3l.Eistr reit, se. rood door from Liberty. . sep DR.. S. R. HOLMES, °Mee lo ser.t. to Illalvany 4- Co's Glass Warel SHUNK FINDLAY. Attorneys', near the hlayor's.Offiee, Pittsbnri THOS. ft AMILTON„ Attorney at Law. Fifilt,lbetersen Wood and Smithfield sts.. Pitishureh. sap 10—.Iy HUGH TONER, Atto,nev at Law, North East corner ar Smithfield and Fourth streeti. sep 1 0-1 y THONPSON 11111XA HANNA * TURNBULL'S Paper Warelioirse, No. 104. Wood st., where may he had a general supply of writing wrapping. printing, wall paper, biank books, school hoots, kc, tc. scp 10—ly C. TOWNSEND 4- co., Wire freskerf and R. Manufacturers, No. M Market in reer, between 2d and 3d streets. . sep 1111—ly EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair - st 'eels, by McKIBBiN 4. SMITH. • rep IG—ly IG M ETAL —77 tons soft Pie Metal for rate by G. 4. A. GORD3N, N 0.42 Water:street. 3000 LBS. B %CON BADS. 16,090 lbs. Bacon 1 Shoulders, for sa'e hy, 3. G. 4.4. GORDON. N 0.12 Water street PATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham ) , near Pittsburgh, Pa.. Manufacturer of Locks. Hinges and Bolts; To- Inarco, Fuller. Mill and Thither Screws; Housen Screws for Rolling Millsotc. sen 10—ry JOLIN Ityc LOS KEY . Taiinr and Clet bier. Ltber.y ell eet, between Stith ana Vireii alley, South side. Sr ft TO %V BLitt tinIDC st CO., WholcFale Grocers and J Cfimmission Merchants—Second street, between Wood and Smithfield sts.,Pittshursh , seplo- ly Js". N. KEAN ISAAC BAH HIS. Agent, and Com. Merchant JG A. GORDON. Cotrintkiion and Forwarding OP • M, , rchnr.t,z, %Voter o..Pitt4hurgh. <er, 10-1 y ETA casks lin ms, a gbod article, received per S. R Corsair, and for vale by J. G. 4- A. GORDON, sep 10 No, 12, Vt• aI er Si reel. SUGAR 4- etoLASAES.--40 lids New Orleans Su !...ar; SO bids New Orleans Ilolas.es; few elite by sep E 0 J. G. 4 &GORDON: SVGA R.-7 lilid4 . prtine N. 0. &intr. rere.ved ner S R Maine. and tor sale by .I.G- ¢A. GORDON. sep 10 Na. 13, Weiler streP 50 BACON CASKS, in order, on liand and for nate by sep 10 J. G. 4. A. GORDON, No. 12, Waller st SUGAR AND VIOL ►SSkS.-1.3 litids and 4 le Is N. 0 Stvzar.:32 blos N. 0. Molassrs, rneeived per Sieambna Importer. anti for .nle J. G. ¢ A. GOIID O N, sep 10 No. 12. Waler csreet 1." Ft BLS. LARD 011,, for sate ley H. A. FA VP-STOCK h Vn•• sere 111 corner of title and Wood Ais 1631 PAPERS Ger ß m . :l ‘ ntr A •n n 1 N ,a F f .. 5 ., •1 . 1 r r P ) i i ; : ck x 4. fo c r o sale snp Ip corner of 6th and Wood slf, 91g11o LUS Prepared Cbalk. for F by "aw B. A. F 111 N ES roric 4- co , cep 10 rnra,er of 611; n, t'Wood sr: SUG 1: .1 ND MOI.ks.§ES.--6o Weds. N. 0. Sugar, 2.3 bhh: do. do., Haan. Pta,.tati.•n rt.:151,5. 'for I v -ei. 13 L A.N PETITIONS, NOTICES, ATC.— LIP ii , ed in Bankruptcy proceed inz.. printed en 2c,nd p per Ttri illi he rorniQ approved by tbe Cupri,for tin• Office of be Mercury and Democrat. imp 10 HUBBARD, L,dies• fashionable hoot and V shoe V.:tout : ketoses. No. IPI, Third vreet, between Wood and Smithfield streets. Pittsburgh sep 10 V BUCIi3IASTER, AVRN EY AT LAW, has removed his office to the corner or Fourth street and Cherry Alley, betweco Smithfield sod Grant st reels, oi,bu r2ll. asp 10 FOR RENT.—Thethvelling and lot containing 4 acre., in Allegheny, near the Beaver Road.'ately oceupiedny Mr. SarnuetChurch. Apple at the Merchants sad Manufacturers' Bank, to W. H. DENNY. n AVID SANDS, it ATCH & CLOCK Ys.; • 2- , .MAKER, No. 7, Sx- Clair street, Pitts. burgh, DEALER IN W Te I! ES, CLOCKS, BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, C BALMS, KEYS, COJIBS. 474. sep 10 LANDRETIrs GARDEN SEEDS.- A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at his agency, the Dru 2 more of F. L. SNOWDEN, 189 Liberty street, head' of Wood. ID WARD has his office arid residence DR. DAVID on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, second dwelling from Rossstreel. He will faithfully attend all calls pertaining to his professiuk t Night calls should be made at the door above the basedlent. sep U REMOVAL—Matthew Jones, Barber and flair Dress er, has removed to Fourth street. opposite! he May omothee, where tie wilt he happy tor a wait upon permanent or transient customers. - tie sotmoia-snare or public pat seP 10 WH. A. WARD, DENTIST, Penn et. three door below Irwin street, Hours of business. from 9 x., until 5 r. x.. after which time he will attend to no one except in cases of actual necessity. He would further inform those who may think proper to employ him, that he expects immediate payment, without the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sep 10 OHN DVFARLAND, irpkasterer led Cabinet 11.11 , dll..ker, Third at. between Wood 4. Market struts. respectful inf . -won his friends and the public that be is prepared to esecute all orders for Sofas, Sidbboards, Su reaus,Chairs, Tables, ttedeteads.Stands, Hale and Spring Mattrassea. Curtains, Carpets, all :torts of Upholstering worn ,which he will warrant equal .0 any made in the city,.and on reasonable terms. sep 10 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, xs 110 Weed Street, AittsbiagAt.-11.. A. Bansman. Auctioneer and Commicsion 'Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell all , kinds of Goods and Merchandise. at his large and capacious tooras, No. 110. Earth East Corner of Wasdand Fifth Streets. Fintsbuesh. Regular sates of Dry Goads., Furniture.. Groceries and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday or each week. Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Goods, and nook articles, on Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday evenifts. Books. kc., every Saturday opining. Liberal advances made on Consiginnentsirben wanted. RlMlttrati. i Messrs. John D. Davis. Esq.,. o Bartley 4. Smith. _ ,I u Hampton. Smith, 4. CO.. w F. Lorenz k Co., i, :i ' • U, J. W. Barbridgot Co{, it - .. S. 111'nee if Co. il 0 Capt. James ItiVargßl4 i} 14 asimiC t • 1 O C. tinware'. Esq. , : 1 1 u Jonn 317addeo Earl, t• Logan 4 *ltennedg. ' I • .. J. K. Moorhead 4. Co. I u Jag. p. Sterol, Esq. , ; 1 u SollertGalway,lisq: , I . ' K " Capt. his. Nay,- , wo I . t , MeVal,effai. It Cot ,- . . w Witaiww*Risk. . i , 1 - WlMleholg?- w 84,114iiirti. . .—. 1 UsAstille.• 804 1 0. 1 4,0 1 gy It tei , 1 . : ' Plita. - -' -, .- 18. 4. 2 , '.. - .. . i , 1 ~..,, Puts* galt gad Biases. .Packse. , r''' , olllrtesaaboat. ... ... , CIMMUMLAMM, - dAr'L..REAVINNILL. Nester . 1488 egrattneneed her regular trips; aid frill-ran dal-- ILL ly (Saudays exceolled.): • Leaves Beaver at 8 IP clock A. all., leaves Pialuburgb at 3 o'clock P. IL eon. fleets at Seas*: StrAltallki - and 'Ohio Liiie an of Freight aIS al boats between deaver, and Cleveland olija,liail r niiik, PennsylVania. Leaves Beaver:daily at 6 o'clock P. RI. This line ccMnacts with two d.illy lines on the Pengsylvanla unit to Philadet. phia, and with tie New York and Ohio line on the Erie . carial;anit New York and 01110 line and Ohio canal, al so with steam ,freight, and passage boats, brigs nod schooners, on the Lakes. The proprietors of this well known line will he prepared on the opening of tiaviga tion to transport merchandiser° any of the interinedi• ate ports on the. Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio q• nail:; to any port tin ,Lake. Erie, and the Upper Lakes;to and from New York City and Philadelphia. McClure it Dicker, Beaver, Pa., riaer k Co., Cleveland, 0., .., aylor: Warren, 0., : ' ‘ Wee!, sest dear re u se rep: 10—ly .t- . Law, Fourth st., T see 10-11 PITTSBURGH rt- - CLEVELAND STEAM PACKET MICHIGAN, 740 -- "- 1 ;* W. B. BOLES. Mailer. RUNS daily (Sundays excepted.) between PITTS. BURGH ¢ REAVAR. leasing Bearer at 8 A. M. and Pittsburgh at 2 P. M. provided with Evass's Safe ty Guard to prevent Biplane,' of Boilers. Thissreendid and fast running 'Stearn Burt basing ne.tn cc:unpin; ed expressly for Ibis trade, and inns In on nrct inn with CLARKE 4. Co** Pittsburik sad Clivelaai Moe of FREIGHT...MD PASSAGE BOATS, daily to Cleveland. Ohio. I G. 4- A.GORDON. No. 12 Water si fret ; • 1 PITTSBURGH, NO LAMES A. VEAZY, Agent, N 0.60 Water street, PittslAnrett Or down the Ohio canal ,to bias ilon, ke. and Erie Ex tension Line to Greenville TI .e Canal Boats of this Line are lowed to and from Pittsburgh direct, and the busin es s conducted on the most prompt and economical system. Having a connee. tion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running town the Ohio river; also, through one Agents at Cleveland, with '.'.. M. Reed's Steamboats and several Lake Vessels, and the Troy and ;Michigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on the Erie canal, we a'e prepared fo, the transmutation of Frt. ielit to and from all points on the canal, the lakes and the Riv - r, or the Eastern cities. at prices as !ow as any other line. A pnly to O. M. Harlow, No. 55 Water st, or at Steam. boat Michigan's Landing. Pitisturgh. Clarke ot Co. Beaver. Babb aed Weatherbee, Warren. Wheeler Ce. Akron: Thomas Richmond 4 Co. Cleveland R EVER TO .1. R. Wick 4- Co.. Greenville; W. C. Staten, Sharon, R. W. Cunningham. New Castle, John Kirk. Younestown, John Campbell Newton Falls; Campbell 4- Stiller, Camplieffstown; Baiwock rt Mcßride. Ravenna; C. k n Rhodes. Franklin; H. A. 4- Co.. Covahoza Falls; Wellsman fr Whitehead, M assillon; Gordon Williams. 4- Co., Del roil; filnrie, Davis Er Co.. Buffalo; Cowing, Richmond. William , 4- Co., New York seri 10 LUSBY—No 121. Corner of Wood 'rod Front a -E• • Streets, Ptus t.. 7 -r h, has on hand a complete as sortment"( Qocrtimvare soiled to the city or country thade. Air°. a. choke selection of pure white and gold hand DINING ANDTEAWARE. in large or small stets, or separate piecm. to =alt •pnrrbasers. A risk of 46, 150. or R I piece onto, soperhly painted and gilt Engllsh China ')'.•aware. at very IIIOY Toy Teaware, piaIII, and tieh painted and gilt, from 1.00 t" $5,00 per get Children's tit ni2s of rivet v de, ei iption White Chinn Slaving Musa. Cranite fhtlins at d Tev Servirea, in white and with 4p'enditi American at-titter,' printed in torte and Mack. A Llr^e variety of Slrarntoal Dining and fireakfa'A Sttls, Imported to match. complete, Fite Proof atone ',akin; plates and dishes, from the Ilerhyghire Potteries. Flint and Greer, Mies, In al% their varieties. IViiidow Glass. of rvrry size. Palen , Nickels, Tiihs and Keelers. Stone t r ipe Heads, Q c, kc. All of which a're respectfully offered to tiie pith. is on the most favorahie terns. Jen 26. 1542-19 TJ. FOX .OLDEN Attorney and Conneellor “t • Law. Cif( rs his profe„sional services to the cit izens of Pittsburgh and hopes for n share ot public pat ronage. He wit freemen!l kindsaf writing with neat ness and dispatch. Cases in bankruptcy attended In on reasonable terms.—Office In Smithfield street, at the house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refers. sep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN. DAVID CLARK. :let. teaakionable Boot Malice, Hag removed to No, 34 Market street. between Second and Third streets, where be won'd be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel disarm. ed to patronize him. He uses nothint tmt first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he give, tits constant personal attention to business. he trust hat he will deserve afid receive a fair share of patronage. nnp 10 FRUIT:, ICE CREAM, Er CONFECTIONARY.— A Hunker rmpect fully informs his friends and the public that they can always find the beet quality of lee Creams. together with at: kinds of confectionary and fruits. in their season, at his establishment—No. n, Fifth street, bet weer. Wood and Market. N. B:—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. sep MIN B. GUTHRIE, Aoc.tioneer and Commis J sion Merchant. X. . 06.corver of wood 4- Fifth sit. Pittsburgh: novice heenappointed one of the Auction- an ony orrrracrurggr.vc•sxma-cr- - hers. manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed to make trial of this market- He it prepared to make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities, and trusts to satisfy correspondents by quick sales, and speedy land favorable returns. That the various interests which may be confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid of his own experience in business and acquaintance with merchandise generally, the services of Mr. Sartert. FAuirsierocal heretofore advantageously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement is made. REFER TO Messrs. M. Tiernan, Preet. of M. 4- M. 1 •• Bank. •• Darlington ¢ reehtes. •• Robert Galway, •• James M. Cooper, •t James May, t• R. M. Riddle. Pittsburgh Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres't or Exchange Bank. tt Hampiroo,Smttl, k Co.. • • John D. Davis, •• Samuel Church, •• J. K. Moorhead. •• Jas. W. Brown 4. CO. •• John H. thown. 4. co tt Smith k It ivaley. •• 'faulty 4. 5 t vets, •• John S. Riddle, •t John Dat,sell, Everms CAMOMILE PILL LS.,—A BRA RAM J. CLEMER, residing at 66 Melt street. New York, was atilieted with Dyspepsia in its.inesr aggravated form. The symptoms Were violent dead sebe. Vestdebilit7. (eve; costiveness. eroagb. heart: . bars, pain lathe eiwt and stomach always atter eating. hapafred appetite. mention of Makin artheieomaeh, f ori ediosise„ sawn. with frequent atotthrga, diteti moss towards night and Thesehad mutinied up.. wird% a twalsesooffib,when. on amiable' Dr.Ww . Evarts.looChathami Orel% and ateallittad to his ewer seeceedbi arid satiable sesode , of treatment. the }Oka was eossidetely restored to Matti in the abort sisal of oneraotttkoad enteral for the taealeetable benefitieihy. ad. gladly cease forward and vehrteared - tbe abnegate ForsialectifiedeaMeitadastali 31 , E. SitAtittti.Agear; - . Ifl4o;WOOdsktdatOteitOW s eidllit , - . EIVIPU x"8,;1842. . VOL GOODVS ealiariiia , Female PIM: • These - Fitianteittrtigly recommended to the aollee of the taltesas - a marl' and efficient 'remedy in removing itiong.g*TitaintspnenthtrAo thew sex, from want of ex ercisgor gegiaal debility of the system. They obviate vistinineta,tind-eonnternat ail" Hysterical and Rennes attaining These Phis have gained the sanction and apprehition of the most eminent Physicians in the Uni ted inaten,,and away. Mothers. For sale Minh:sale and Retail. by B. E. SELLERS, Agent, , VIVI& ADAM, Root ant Shoe Maker tan:7SL, spirasitaither hard sir Hatitajfild at., Pittsburgh.— Ttie nutmerthertorv i naleboght out the stock of the late Thomas' Rafferty, deceaseni, has. commenced Willem in the old stand of M. R., and is . prepared to exernte all descalptions of. Mark in his line, In the hest manner ending - dike:shortest entice. Bet:ceps eorsttntlyon hand a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and ofthelest quality. Be surfeits - the patronaee of the nub ile and of the craft. WM. ADAIR. sett 10 TTINBITRGUIMANUFACTORY. —: Spri n gs - mut Axles far Carriages at Easter* Prices. The sutecribeta manufacture and keeps constantly on band Coactf.o and Eliptle:-Springs (Warranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silverend Dramplated Dash Frames, Ream and prated Huh Bands, Stomp Joints. Patent Leather, Silver and Dram Laraps, Three:fald Steps; Malleable tron,Door Hantirm and Elinges..kc JONES .1 COLEMAN. St.Chor ti— near lie Herkeny Bridge. Proprietors D.SELLERS, Pd. D., o ffi ce and cisvellins in Fourth. 11. near Ferry street. sep 13-1 y The attention vftho-e who have been somewhat Seep. fleet in reference inthe numerous certificates published in favor of Dr. Svrevwe's Comported Syrup nfWild Cher ry,on accourkophaefwirems being unknown tiihis sec tiori of 'the Stit e.hraeataselfoffir'd irected to the follow as certifleate.the wriree:oTWhieh has been a citizen of th' borough for several years, and is known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To tke Agent, Mr. J. KIRBY. I deceased Dr. SwaVete's Comp and syrup of Wild Cherry for a cough, with which I have been severely al flirted fir shout four months, and I have no hesitation in ravine that it lathe mop effective medicine that I have been able to urritore. It composes all uneasiness. and aerees well with my diet.—and mantatns a regular and enod appal ile. can freely recommend it to all others similarly- afflicted. .I. Mt Rama, Borough of Chambervb'e. March 9.1 R4O . sep 23 For ra , e hy WI LTA .k M THORN No. 53 Market Buret FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL PERSON desirous of proeuring, Fruit, Shade. and Ornamental Trees, or Sh - robtteery, from Philadet phis or New York, are reque.led to 'make application as soon as possible, al the Drug and Seed Store of the sub. scriber, where can be had catalogues, gratuitously, of (.he most oscsifent va rieties. F. L. SNOWDEN: sep 21 No 184 Liberty la reel. head of Wood For Ike Transportation of Alerehandize to and free PittsirurgA. Baltimore,Philadelphia, New Fork,and Bos ton. Through in at shortest time. IMI h United States Pnitale float Line, is composed of Boats built in four =pet inns., each and ion capable of containiag seven Lois. and aiiceem dim of being separate or delagdied and transferred from Cahat to Bait Road, wr re, rflrltlillg a enuiMele train of Cars. or pregenlintt ;he navel arpenra nee of a Baal rs inns on land and thereby avoiding l lle great delay oreasioned hp re shipping or lire pevernt and Tema naTio• a of Ca. naleand Rail Road, The ex:ience of transhipment and the damage the Sno r ts tregnent andling; and rendering it iisionas . bte to repay - air. loin of gram g nn the wee—.owing to the peculiar ranstruetinn of the Boat having four separate apartments in which gorala: are atm red, renders them less Wilde in d wage goods by water or otherwise than Iry any other modem" transportation. The system of Tram-port at ion. as recommended by the Canal Commissioners and lately adopted by the Stale. refers nartirularly to this class of Boais. The Boats of this Line ate owned by reeponsible captains that run them, and is the only Tine now in operation free from monopolies or combination. Goods consiTtied to the undersigned agents will he re eeived free of commis:ion sod shipped without delay at the lowest rates. Alt charter paid and every instruction promptly attended to. C. A. M'NULTY f Co. Arlts. Canal Basin, Piltsburt4h, F. F. POPE. Aizent. 75 Bowly's Wharf, Baltimore. THOS DOR BR IDGE, Agentrltila. sep 16-1 f inA RULE M Cawfield re spectfully acquaints his friends a nd the public „ he...ten ernltv has commenced the Marble hardness at the . corner of Fifth anti Liberty sts., w here will he constantly on hand_ tomb stonea, mantel pieces, monuments, head and fool stones. table slabs for cabinet tsare, and every article appertaining to the business. He will warrant his work to he well done, and his charses will he moderate. He respect fully asks a sirare of nubile patronage. sep TAMES A. VEAZEY, Forwarding. and COMPti Sittit Jlierckenet, Agent for Steamboat Cleveland and Pennsylvania and Ohio Line. Having rented the ware house formerly occupied by Birming.harn 4- Co.. Mc. 60 Water St tent, tet wee n Wood and izmithfieht, is prepared to receive and forward goods to any port on the Ohio or Misvissippi river on rea.sonatite terms. cep 10 CO-PARTNERSHIP.—G. T. Smith k W. Hampton, having associated themselves tosether under the firm of Hampton 4- smith, wit! continue the wholeeate Dry Goods business In the bonse recently ocenpied by Hampton, Smith 4 Co where they will he receiving in a few days a new stock of Fall and Winter Goods.. They rr tfnl inqi t tni slOcK, Sept 28-d3m. Portalde Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 2,50011 e, at 555.00. do do do do 205,ate45 00 do do , do do 1.500 at 35 00 do do do do 1,000 at 30 00 do do do do 500 at 25 00 With raising levers an addition 0(83 to each state. DOMInt scales 'for lie of Warehouses, Flouring itirtbs:4-e.,the same prioress above. - A iso, Whites Patent Counter scale, with 0. Young's improvements, and a variety of other counter scales, which they will pelt for from 8 to slsi, - They 114150 manufacture Stearn Engines for Flouring Mills. Saw. Milts; Salt Works. doable and sing:e geared slide tat bes,foot and other lathes for wood Mining macithrilfor tenanting chairs. platting machines,. door and sash ntachines. isttent horse power, with or withodithrssiting Machines,* snperior arriete: circular saw slotos,„ thatbinett for sawing lath. Tight:es ma chhoesawitsmisofilidescriptions.also Air making Math iingbosts,sinpstior artiefe, ginnottors the Steam engine. stinks, targend dies. alike mg% bodstesui orioles bids undissekhtery Por sulking theisate, cottonfacutry sta• chtner# sonde or repaired: 'rialtos press platteturturoed ilord Primlat Orsontorspulied; SBIIIERSIAT, Agent., 7 31514 • I °Wad * 51ADIMILY ). Philadel'a sep 10 No. 2420, Wood St reet, below Snood LOOK AT THIS TREE [INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. U. S. PORTABLE BOAT LINE Fir pabtiakiaz a■w Pail/ i'isp.; its the City of Pitts horgh, to /io. ourtiotottAs DAILY MORNING POST. rpuEtoti biers having made atranmements to merge jI the A titan klanufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu ry Into one Journal, have concluckd to publb* a daily paps* with the title of the Deily Naming Pest. The leading tabled. of tne..Posv" will be the dissemina tion and defence of the political prinelPles that have bete. tofore bean maintained by the Editors. In their respetive papers. and I heir hest efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Altboogh,lo politics, the paper will be thoroughly democratic. yet the Editors hope, by giving an hmu - st, candhl - ,,bistnry of passing Political events, Foreign and Oa West ic Intelligence. and brier notices of all• ma t • Ors and occurrences that come properly within the Inhere ofa Public Journal, to make their papet sufficiently In erecting to entitle it to the patronage ef the public, • ir respective of party considerations. In addition to the polities, and general news that wilt be found in the .•..4forsireg Pest,. the Editors will take pains to furnish the business community with the latest and most luttresting Constameist. Irma& moms from all parts of the country, and to have lirepa red such accounts of the Markets and the Slate of Trade as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business Men' in - their several callings. Terigs.—The Parr will he .published en a large imperl• al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this learns') at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum,payable in advance. It wilt also be sold by news-boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Advertisements will he inserted at i g7kittiwtst rates chargedhy the other daily papers of t {Kg-TIN ENTY active lads are st%nt . _, be- Post, e t v, who will be engaged on the tritteoMral ''-;:::*: 'TMOS: #IIFraWS, W.H. Skllig. Auvel 31, 1R42. 1.00 r 114,CC0. In store and COUDON. ilfolDrgs1.11:1; LEAP"rO street. BY Morrison j• Co. London, for sale only by S. N. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittshuroh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. . asp 10 FARM FOR SA L¢.—The undersisnentelTera tarsale a tract of land situated 4 mile; frt., ereepott. In the direction of Kittanning.. Buffalo 'township. Artnatronr. connly.rcntaining 100 acme. 63 cleared and under good fence; 10 of whicn are in meadow— a mood square log dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple otchard of 80 hearing trees—and a spring of excellent water convenient lathe honse. FOR TERMS apply to the subscribers residing at the Faitworks on the Peno9,/vaoia Canal. I mite above Free port. TO THE WISE.--11eq now well understood how much di? •rders of the mind depend for their cure itoon a tine attention to time hotly: It is now understood how valuable iitlytt medicine which will remove morbid aectimulatiorlySvittiout weakenin7 the bodily power. It is now understiind that there is a reciprocal influence be. tween the Mind and the body. Tr is now understood that purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan• choly, and even insanity is cured by perseveringly using them. It k now understood how much domeple happi ness depends upon the healthy conditiOrfof the digestive Oil! a It is now well known thin the Tirandreth Pills have eared thous:antis of Itojw.lel , and helpless pErsons, evert when the firm physicians fl pronouncediiiem beyond all human means of relief. It is now not only well known that the Brandreth Pills so cure, lint it is also un- derstood how they tore; that it is by t heir puriryingeffee on the blood t het they restore the body to henit h. The value of the medicine is becoming more and more manifest,it is recommended daily from family to (amity. The Bra ndret h Pills remove in- an almost imperceptible manner all noxious accumulations and purify and invigo rate I he hiocul.ami their ••ood effects are not counterbalan ced by any inconveniences; being composed entirely of vegetables thev do not expose those who use them to danzet; and 'heir effects are rig certain as they are scan a re; !her are daily and cifely adminirterrd to infancy. yonth, manhood, and old age. and to women in the most critical and delicate circumstances. They do not disturb or shock the animal functions, but restore their order" and ct tahl ish t heir heals h. Sold at Dr_ lirattdreth's Office. No. 91, IVond street Fitts!a:r7lt. Prier! 25 cents per hot, with fall directions. M A Itli—The only place in Pittshorrh where tbe ' nn lac Pills can he obtained, is the 1 - ,,elor's own office, No 9S Wood street. step lO DR'R. Respectfully inform the-citi zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity. I hat he has return• rd to the city. He hopes to share the confidence of his former patrons and the public generally; and solicits a renewal of a portion of their patronage. In connexion be would observe. that Abe operation of Lithotrlty, (or breaking the stone in the bladder and allowing it to. pass of with the urine,) is every where commanding the deep est interest. He hopes to extend the benefit oft his braneh of hiit profession to the afflicted. Strict arr. Diseasrs of the Madder rind Rid nevs.—w bleb extensionally foltow,-- : will likewise receive attention. Those from a distance wishing further information will apply personalty or by letter, or if dired can be accommodated at his dwelline. in a retired part of the ci ty, on Third, het wee 2 Ferry and Liberty Nis. ttep:lo, i 3! ANDit E al PILLS. 1" ET Invalids read the followin g 'account of a Salim L 4 cured of a complication of afflictions in nineteen days by the use of Brandret h Pill. It distinctly prover there are herbs in nature which have affinity gore be cause of disease, and Brandreth's Pillsare made, for them 'Head and he convinced. Take the medicine andbe cured EXTRA 0 RDINAR PC UR E OF RHEUMATISM DIA R RHCES, AND AFFECTION OF THE LONG.& loan SHAW, of Pembroke;Washington county, Maine, being duly sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick about six months since. The pains in his head, breast, hack, tel side and insi er i helm so tt ig ,t,4„,.. g p i p- B w k eital in the city ofPoston. That after bein g in. said 'A traveller; open quick!' tried a voice ~ bosPilal five weeks. Meter Otis said he did not know fir,,m :without., [ what was the matte, with him, and that he could do - 'What do y o u vvantl' .... nothin g for him. norm/old he prescribe any medicine. That tie, therefore. was conveyed from the Chelsea H. 'Supper and bed; open the door.' - "'..:. :_ 1-- Pit al to the Sailot 2 's retreat on Staten Island. That he 'Valk in, sir,' said Ebrard, drawiti . was there physkked with all Bernier medicine fora tied ° . a ..., , , it be country is so full riassre , od farther months.soffering allthe time the most heart. WI;_• rending ntisery.- That, besides his affection of hkg bones that one must be careful bow he opens the ~ Le was troubled notch with a disease of the lungs:some. door at this hour of the night, lest - - he'SFIOLIU times lin would spit a q uart of phlegm in the day: besides this affection be had a bad Distrrhata, which had more admit one of tha.band.' or !resat Tended hint from the commencement of his sick. While he was thus speaking, he thrust _' negro. That 'Mimes he dreaded retool worse than he his lamp i nt o the - face of the traveller . Sit= would have dreaded death; that he can compare the feel- , ~„- ,„ ,„._. log to nothing: ave th at of knives passing through his ISMS from his appearance that he was not bowels. A fi e janff'eri* werse than death at the Sailor's a ro bb er , he bowed respectfully, and "lick ----' Retreat. on Staten islanil,the doctor told him that meth. . 1 ,. : .. tine Ur SS of no useto him: that he mo 4 try to Mirabelli. ...e ss°Y Hi t° the kitchen. At this time he was suffering rhe g reatest misery. That _ When Frederic, for such was the nmsitk-=- -,.. his bones wire so tender he could not bear the feast press• c . 1 ,, newguest,had -thrown off his cloak,: urc npon tbe elbow or apoothe twee, that his Instep Was O f `" ar. most painful. that as the Dover said he would g ive him which WWI saturates - witn ram, he too k a ,_ no more medicine he 4.4etnTheil t° P i6 e t tre "me °f Dr” . Rest in the corner opposite to the yeu2 Israndreiles Pitts. which he did. fain( 24i Broadway , 2 _ . New York; that he. ennimeneed with five pille.and seam- malueu, whose appearance, a s he enter; times incrensed the dose to ei g ht. The first weeit's use seemed to have made an impression up*-..- : : -o much beneflivi him', that the doetor, not knowing him. His first care wai to order hie ittii- - " , :-"' - -, . , what he was sitting, said, roar :Shaw , yea look like a 1 . man a ga in ; ir you imorove In this way, you wilt soon b e per: then he added— well.' Thathe talcd every dose of the Brandreth Tills "I wish yon would make all Mie " allh ' rhettheY ear° Win or the P I " " hat si baste as I must rise early ._ . to:morrinie, - " ,- stool;that they next cared the fflatrhcea, asd finally the ~ . . P lias li higlaktinir,==llial the''oteifielne seemed to 'add - mg for the voiturat.-tur—', i Whieli, omileist ,-;..._ vtrooett to him e v eryday; Hetoldthe doctor _ yid'— , ere at daybreak—it :is ti me_ 1 - wallllr'llisd,.... day the 11th lemma, that he felt himself welt. and ' MI6 ' - 'Your r willbeready in tali -iir f that he. owed -hie -reeroterf to Brandreths THIS ogilletv - stepper . Providence, that he had t a kes the siedieinetivetyday . L ,, ..., 1 said Ebrard,, 'Brit it i8C431 i et ifiedil-!5, -, . -..- rils rl9 d a 9 , -.: thart he ' d °et ar - tol d him (the kat known BO Aiii i^ u- .miffht. it seems to me, iill'Velt... -had been taking that inedirder• he trbovlbilvat illivillaaleft dr 7 , el. ....-...............-......- ...,...,-....., 6.6- - ~:... ...---e-••-• toy use antgeece ifflbtlCH .-z1 m aker ,nothe day in rhe hearse. He erWtsiders It labia dozy _ le, .. . - - hiurabgte a gir ga g e nt foe thehenefit oral! thathrrly Togg iagmk.instessipi quitting tt,amt_l4oer.:„V s erhscs ; orot they may knovrWherit to . Stid susieffleltle. '. " ~„ • ~.„ setf4,,, tor „„,,„iniir them ~..::,.• ~.,= * 4 relift that wi n care them__ •-- • " /1011S'SSAVIL,. ,-.--, - .7"1 . 7 .1 - a& . ir ,.... m , - .7=7:2;.)-:,.-.. -y oaa pe w s heiegby awe Ade - -swore thivil*_ tlar :Or ' -;-', , - 1 ; . .1 1 0 - r iu w a. P't. '''''lg' -pi,' -- April. 1842, dirt depose altnottillittlie. ftrgigt.ig ~tire - .-"' ' g ,' 'fitiaid, friekcatt-404,4MC10 , . -1- 4 oloittv true.. J. D. , WBBBlXRAALllasiow"wair _ fr iar i.. -. 1- , • .. • -' ...,,,, m ,..-- ---;,,'‘...:f- g,. - :•: ‘, !.": . 1 .. -; The_mrsdiumagrzunos avvels. At, P.!, - , ~,.,„ _-, ..„.., • ~.. !".: -T.." .. " ",.......,34 -- t,,_,---:1 - ~i.= , :i: s s ill t„ ftets'verievlsikrosee,tat.BillK;us*''T ' 10.1100.4. ,- _ .2 .-5w0r0fw.... , , ..:, _‘,..:, .-.., ~.',.,... - ......... ii - vier4.441 , 1-magohlotaus4 oo4 - 9141 "folvi. - x'l - ''' -, . , "-- *Maris ': ' ;'.*...- ' liicarez - y-FiacitifPit gh ',two- the -. .. . - ---.,-, -- ;.,,,,-- - - iiiiiiAti.i. ,, .. - - . ,. ,._ ,- --:,- , -&V-`l . -':. i4_04.1.4. - _ - .1 - -; ,-, ~-: *do_ --.. .. .- ...:, :, ....„,... i ,,L. ~. .4.: ~a1t.;21m.., ~....,.:-.,....,....,.6-c ,„...... - - - -- , .? ; *-- ,, , , :2 , --L , --:,.; z . , , „- - '-'4 , i. - fi=-..4ciii ,,-. .i. • -.A,,t, proved Piny witiretnred be etr Machin( between Pia / street. two !e tlall, Pitt: tirdet are and d the rolhltx scales(whol- ccruiposed of .tai): Nit. 1, Port le Platform Go.teson weigh 3.-)04.1 u ndevaL -$654-• .'.i . ':: . ;'l'''x..t7"',:: . 'itF,: PROSPECTLjS WM. 4- PHILIP BAKER PRIq TWO MN= THE LI ran ARV Pik:` ~.. The , Tine Fingenm -*, ':,.."- Na I, * ' ff-i4it . , 4 Inthe suburbs of a small vilairesiglat4 ted not far from Tours, on the highitelk from Baris to Bordeaux, stood -a. AO yeatwago, a neat little inn, with* gas sign, up on which the traveler migat,loaots. read the words which are the usuataixis ration for all the sauberges t throgthour; -- _ France; 'lct oN LOGE A PIED r.l. a CIIETAL. I O; --, Gardens of some extent ;; eurreuade for some distance, a: s eparated : iifiralie, the adjoining h ' ZiThua insoliteiw . with its newlY''paiiited rout and:brittle..., green shutters. it presented to the Olaf the traveler an appearance which woutti.: i have reminded him of one of thosalstamti— ' ful villas which adorn the pictursqtrabaakat of the Loire. The interior a the ion was in perfect keeping with its, ustatikut. side. [ n the upper story, were thi(r‘ap. ini spar tments for the guests, tangt4upc,rtrw,,- each side of the hall; upon the grattn4, floor, the dining room aurithe k.4clism..-, with a large and capacious- chimney.. Ev:•.,:, erythiug evinced order and nestuese. It was in the kitchen of the White Ins (for this was the name by which it generally known,)upon a cold andatipow ~. *voting in the ramth of November, 1810,, • ...; that the honest Ebrard and his three chit-. 1, dren, with one of their neighbors, wevio• seated around a blazing fire, distoursing.ti of different affairs. 'Do you hear that faint' said Ebrank; breaking itr upon a silence which hatt-, 1 reigned for some moments: 'this is- cbok third day since the storm commencod.-ma the weather shows no signs of clearingv The sky is as black as that chimney. Not the shadow of a traveler these six,clays.—=. Maria,,e and bring us two bottles of our bes•; you know where to find it; in the_ -; vault at the left of the cellar.' These words, spoken in a rude and perious tone, aroused Maria from the:mi.__ - verie in which she seemed lost; she threci, a vacant and unmeaning glance upon him who hid so rudely addressed her;.thetjeio-' memberiug the injunction of Ebrard,,ehe arose sud left the room without , uttering word. Whosoever could have seen the young girl while she was lighting her lustp,aad, when she returned with the wine, would have been struck with the motionless pearance of her features—with the pallor which overspread her countenancet, so much had the dreary abstraction in which she had plunged, made her resemble statue' of marble—a beautiful statue in, truth—with a symmetrical form and deli, cate but inanimate features. It was for this beauty that ,Ebtart. • stantl3t pursued her with reproachls*ttu*-• : :,., disgusted her with his gross - jiTts;.forr Ebrat d was not the father of Rana: 0.5b16 was Ate only daughter of a merchant had died a bankrupt. After the death -9 • her father, her mother had married to gain, as it was said in the village) a home for herself and child. 'Come, come; be quick?' sale; the ion= keeper when he saw Maria rat/Icing rr4al,-- the cellar. 'That girl will le the death me.. Look at that face;,loesn't she bole. the portrait of the virgid with her blaCli, eyes and air of agone 'Your health, Al, Ebrard!' said the - neighbor, raieingto his mouth a glass triore thau three quyiters full, - At this Teement two knocks were heard at the outer door_ The inn-keeper and his cor ypaniOns struck their giataestogeth er, and drained them at a draught. Ma' who was seated in a corner of the room; bounded-from her chair. 'Who the devil can this her said Eb-; rard, •it cannot be a traveller, unless the Diligence should have beendetained; and besides'— _ Two knocks still louder than the frett, ‘ echoed through the apartment. The kW keeper started from his seat, took a Tantp -- and crossed the ball 'Mich led' to the doer: Before he opened it he askedin a loud': ' voice— ~. *.. - ;:;...ii . -4 ~..- ~ .-3,-1 7- ... ? ,.. :: : ;.:...,....,,,,,„-14,,,, i'.llr..'tl,':--,'T'' •'' , ..- 4- •':- A . 7 i:,..'.7.iiiiiii.:At -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers