y ~.: •fi liti **.IWPIV:OOI4I% • WAssilOt,_ ' .A141.04000;p14-41-riq,-.0: _..ltis•-.0. 1 . 4'. fi 1 # 4404r. . fr* l r etild "1)11'1 •.. 'MO ittli... Zitli itch ai-WS 10411 e pled di Iti.11; a."*tiklatioreetir 01,00#01thdilflotreite. toldoltraltrepanel to at plii4olutiOrdero Jo-MI doe, ittd;slti,otrig4. lets tiogott to lit tberdecollootthe tilleeeiorti34 tyridetiojer -bOotrOitoilertilittboetutfideleft- ':te wilt bepreittred in'4l.,pifeivits' ,to powidi fltethtel4 'Diem Carriages .41111 d Wool wooteito on the too* liberal tortes. Calls trim 'the ltritilt_ry wittberpromitti attended to. . WM . - • - fresidettee Wilt , lit.:2lrlnildinuvritli,ttle wore acktic-wherel * bossho -:. its services Way find trim May Ulna: -, ~ itlrgoofecor: . _W. w. Ming, Rae:, Jolltt BLACK: D. .D... AMD IE IRIDDials , . at'SV. BOTIMT 117.0 CL, D. D. . . .17110111 PATTON. lssv. SATittl. WILLI/Lift, D. w. I.4ll'CLAlliffri _ 'Rev, Jostro XXRNI sitents, '' ' - RICV. J.1.10:1 K. DAV g 9. ISAAC! sop 10_ - - -' • RICy. C. V. SCVlir. ___. 94aaaaaa34 STEAMBOAT RILLS, "PAMPULNTB, - HORSE - BILLS, - BLANKS', . , t3tIINO : 16 R mogul; ADDRESS DO., BUSINESS - ROTS% HAND BILLS, ira.* OP LADING', CIRCULARS, ,te, -"Thgettier with every deseriptlon of Leiter Press Print keitatraltihed With neatness and desp'hich, end on mode rivAiiierms,..at the office of the Daily Morning Post. rrIO-THOR.C-. WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO r11.091.10K . cka.. AOGRA T E DISEASE.—This eISAS titf. individuals.* yery numerous. They are those who.erafit titan unhealthy At moiphere. Printers, work raso _is feather store!, stone cutters, bakers, white Jead litatttigsetarers, ore all %burs or less subject to disease oc• cording to the strength of their constitution. The only O n ot k od to present disease, is the occasional use o&u Medittne vihich abstracts from the circulation al idelele- . rioas humors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics loony foim -are injurious, as they only • off the evil day:to make it more falai. The use of Brandreth's Pills will insure health, because they take all impure mat ler opted' the blood; and the body Ls not weakened but Strengthened by their operation, fur these ; rain:Ole Pills do riot force, but they 2004 nature, and are not oppcsed. but harmonize with her. So 9 at Dr. Brandreth'i. Office, No. 99 Wood street, lifitiliatren. Price 35 cents per box, with foil directions. MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh win-re the GENV,TNR crkbe olitained,is the Doctor's own (if. 'Bea. 10.93 . Wood street. sep 10 NEW HOTEL.—The subscriber ruspectititty in forms his old friends and the public that lie has °Paten aTetriperance •Hotel,in fifth 'Street, near the Ex change Bank, and in the house lately occupied by Mat thew Patrick, and has hoisted ant "The Iron City Hotel," w here lie will he very harry to accommo date all who may please to call or. hint. His 'table 11411 be provided with the best fare, anti every possible accommodation to town and country customers and taVelers. - A.few hoarders who wish to lode in their stores or or Bee* can he taken. and gentlemen who live out of town can haire their thinners daily. BOas large and gond stables, and the best Hay and -021a,aed a good Hostler, anti will accommodate travel. .stia t and gentlemen who have horses. taken by the day, week or year. Charges tenie-triOderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city. 2 0 '1 0 . JOHN IRONS. WASHINGTON HALL .—The subscriber ban opened the tate residence of James Adams, Esq., deceased. for the reception of visitors rind boarders; ,the house is very pleasant ly situated on the bank of the Ohio;-2uriles from the city— poisft.sing all the delight fat- accompaniments of a country residence, without being too far- dinlan for persons doing business in the city. VlsitOrs will be furnished with every delicacy of the season. An Omnibus runs regularly every lion t the Alle ;belly end of the Bridge, N. IL—No Alcoholic beverages kept. kepi° • WM. C. FIERN. DISSOLUTION OF THE UNIO.AP—The eopart . nership existing between James O. K.lbourn and liJavid J. Morgan is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The conditions will be duly noticed, with the signatures airboth parties annexed, and Jlarry Hall will be continued open by the subscriber untilAier arrangements are per. reeled. For sale, on the premlses,49 bbk. choice winter ap plesrif applied for immediately. 3 AS. E. X ILBOURN, soh 29--t r No 9. Machete:lnd 74. Front st: .__ . ....___', . n OOKBENDING,M'Candtess* - ' , c ---,, ...... Johnson, Bookbinders and Paper \,„. -- -...---_ gatent, S. W. corner of Wood and .-- -- - =- -- ' i Fourth stream are now prepared to ex. .. m, k-..... . _._ -i ecute sit kind. of Bookbinding and Pa. ' per Ruling with neatness awd despatch. O-R'. t‘it books ruled and bound 10 - . aity Oren *tern at t.ht orte.t notice. - 14.11:. Mt work done meallove is warranted. (rep 10 • • 119[T,111. BIDDLE, Sargeon'diet, has returned to his old stand, No. 107 A smithenta where he eau - be_eeni....rtecr any hour during the day, • sea AO .110VAL.—Geornre Armor, Merchant Tailor, • . respectfully announces to his friends and pa tiltiott,:that he - has reMoved his establishment from hie old ilia in• Third street, to .the corner of Front and Elmlthtteld,ln the basement story of the Monongahela UMW; Where he intendskeeping on hand a general as, soanient of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gen• tierieo'll near. flo hopesjotrelose application, to merit a share of the oneness aoliherally extended to hint at his old stand. N 43, Ilttvit; made nrran:ements in New York and itihiliadetnitia, with, the most Fashionable Tailors, for the rioetition of .Paris and London Fashions, cum omers isi*Y.rely on having their orders exnetited according to t be itittitft ety GEORG E *eV 19 . D 01.L.—Tha Subscriber would most respectfully inf Orin. the online in genera that he has an article of i t trd 011 oft superior quality, manufactured at the Chicle. itannfactory,ll R.W.Lee Co-,which 16 warran tedto be equal to the beef Sperm. Oil, troth for Light and illitahlWary. This Oil Is entirely free from any gin, inous . in-atter. smoke % os unpleaSant odor, and it in as clear and kurwhite as spring water. Hot a partirte of cruet is tell oa the wick. The light is pure and bririaat, itai s siill last as tong, if not longer, than that from an Winuritnantity of Sperm. Oil. The subscriber Informs that he has taken a place nearly opposite the PrlntOfficet, where he will licht up several different lamps Air* evening. and he would respeei fully ievbe the in• bonen-91,pr pittshorgh',Altegheny,and their vicinity, to call andjadge for themselves. He feels confident the. , fijit*loodvineed that the slave statement is perfectly 'Correct. knllVoftwn hundred individuals wary have tried . , Oia tlwrre his not been a single fault_ found with it• ~ ttigtl,.erdokterras one third less than Sperm. He would AtiPecifoll?inilleit the early attention of Dealers and 61a- IffitoSts to' the above. • . ".'Tent followthiChuichee are now nem.; the Lard Oil; Second Presbyterian Church, Pin-burgh, Aew,Catnhertand Presbyterian Church, Pit isliutg,h, First Presbyterian Church, All egheny City, Reformed Church, do. unbranded AL W, LEE ¢ co., cincln I, Oda M. C. PEY, Agent. . - - - rittabor;lt. /end '2lst ~ 1842. , " : 10Ife, Ilia natesignad, Captains of the E,gerisa Line of .'iliejtee*eitiihe Pennsylvants'Oanal e - tried and are iialf.al'itOraefeitfLard'Ottlitirodnied here by Matthew • i t - -V. Vll7, and tbattitibettited by R.. W. Lee 4- Co., at the 1 , Vittelonatti Olt raetoiy. '"Wetted toifildentbt Mudding that the a' eye by renal. it -.'';.lll)l*ltellitlitimeht Oil; that It is entirety free from smoke, o.,;,..'•*.atteriktutittatisinalier whatever ; the light is per 0110:iiiiiit aid brilliunt. aid will tart 'as tong; if not. cci: -', tilibittatfrom an Mint "iptuntity of Sperm. OP L T. iti:11161 - No lijiitiktioti to recommending ttto our friends ' • e,..",i,....sllol*beilblwbetlite Oil. -,...."--..,sioiar-Irlitiltri CatitainiTteket John 'Adorns.. AIit t iIILDSEIRAND, qaptaink, Packet 'Phu gantoek, . I li 1 "-lx, ' ...„A.,1 4 4 ''' '' do . di' John Madison, r MMOMPOON, tit.' -- ea • ' Pillatulrgh _ . :VON BUTCHELEI fifig.ll Valaitteeteeposed of herbs, *Web .eiert -MOO upon ihe-t heart, give impalas f i .o= i iit ate , Wale system; the blood te , through alt,the seteehr shin, the ;setts :Amsted Intefeallrporta , 4-11144rellblek:A4Vdoittlieeltioott of the body re tOttimPwit 11 0Tiwiraf of the absorbent. r'- tfibl*Ailents atilf44o l ll lo so l4l, ' 4.11/:,./0 0 hid netio li I+..**AVlYbOwlotiket-P110,4140**44;41,1 eft. [.lireren*Oilb6,l4ol,VhD4WAlb*-.l4:4bet, kOdt tikkeAiret9NelVtithill, itAllattagnakilsolt. 14.120Wetitedt!bed -;,~:: f:.~ ; ::~. ;,, ihnetti 1 1 t - . 0 44W5 - - 11 • ijitivai r et ril,Pllll t r iPt l / 3 . 1 5 • , 555_ on • 4(!rtds7 if r 4 4- otaliftls apprOnfaikma tGor such )lee "Ork,o tette have efeeloletelViltei Odell i•in thatiste ,ePProPrittoP Ole Without witthorkey, of ter'exand p rie for certain , incidental eX npenses of theiDepartmqui, and. °Rim's of the Goymn , went; ittailif other PitrPosee.7 approved ', Moat 26, 18.42NialsOgipossis Will be received sit this *Tart u:wet until the thlriy-firsl day 4, December next, for fur. 'ashlar. , •for one year or longer at the option ofilieDepart meat; thcfolloWing,dew:rlptions of Blanks Aar the ase of Post (laces lii the States of-Penusylvaniaanti , Dela warm Mails received, 75 Reams/ Mails sent " • 60 " Account of Newkpapers and Pamphlets re- " ccive, 25 ir hi ails recei d ved at DialphutingOffices, 12 All theablavp oe small royal paper, at lest 22 by 171 i aches, printedlon both sides and feint ruled, with not less then 42 lines oh a page. Malt" sent frkim DIA/ Inn lag Offices, 12 Reams Same size o per as. above, but folded lengt hw Ise, and with 5Q lines page.: _ kr:comae OhYrent„fooiscap, iwq on a sheet 16 Reams. Monthly a n Weekly 'Registers, foolscap, • fogy sheet, , • Post Rills, foollsca p. 12 Son a sheet,without ) signatui Post bills, fohisor, 12 On a sheet, with I signatuieS,. Post Bills foistribo - - lio Offices, 9 on a t 7 ' 70 Beams ' r b thieet, with signtlres Post Pistribu rig Offices, "6 on a 7 sheet, vylth siguattires, The proposals will suite the price, In one sum,' per ream, frir eacli kind of blanks, for paper. printing, ruling and inching, they are to be delivered In such quern!• ties, and at such times, as may be required by the diff,..r. ent Post OtEces,and on the requisitions of Postmasters endorsed by the Postmaster at the place where the con tractor may reside. Noim will be considered as deliver ed. or will he paid for, mrcept on such requisitions. Each requisition, or qnantity ordered, to be securely enveloped or papsed_for transportation, and directed to the Post Office,at the ex pense of the contractor. The right is Oeserved of reject ng any bid which may tee considered nit ravaeant, and also to give to any one bidder the. pan ing for ope Or more states adjoining the Stare aids resiffence; and each proposal mill be accom panied by sufficient evidence (tithe ability of t he proposer to comply wit title terms of his proposal. The pucces= ul bidder wilt be required to enter Into contract, with surety, hi strict compliance with the pro vt.ion of the Wis. to w It Hi bidders are referred. Failure to runtish blani.epromptly when ordered, fur nishing thosecof inferior.quality as to , paper, printing,. or rulint.ior,s4ty attempt tatevade the true meaning of the coutrailtyibill be conSidered sufficient cau#r Its , rfelture: Pay meat will be made quarter-yearly, one month after the expiration dr each quarter. The blanks niust he equal to the hest of t hose now in use. Speeimeris may he seen at the various Post Offices. The quantities mentioned above. are from the beet es ti rates chat can be nnade fer one year's consumption: but they nay exceed or may fall short of the quantities re (mired. The Department does not bind Itself to any specific qua anti , or amount. "Prof orals" Should he so marked, and addressed to the "Second Assistant Postmaster General," Washington, D. C. n 23 --dtd3l . : .i:::•:ti.4 : , :,i.i , F-i• . : -...r J : 7.. i.t, 1. CIOUGHS,COLDS god CONSUMPTION —Tae sea •l-/ 'son for the abova,coMpiaints Is now at hand, end all persons who are subjected to the inclemency of the weather are,resittecaplly Informed that they can find. COVERTV:BALM which is well knoyo to have cured Taoasaaits, who were iii the Itist4tahmthf Con• sumption."peritiesehn he , produced ails wonderful fical cures. , TAvLoit's BALSAM or LIVERWORT is another remegy for Liner Complaints. - Coughs and Colds. It come's hip ream mended by all who have limit it. and is pleasant to take, and Speedy in effecting a cure. PEAse's Ho &RHOOND Curov.—This is a highly valuable and pleasant medicine; it Will effect a positive and certain cure for Coughs, Colds, Con stoisplion,and Is an effectual cure for the Wuooptko COMORE. This isa very piens ant medicine, all are fond of it, and children never refuse to take sr; its cure is sure and positive. The subscriber has a certificate of Agetcy direct from J. Pease son, so there can be no mistake. All persons who arc effected , are invited to call and not delay, for the titre to take medicine 'sat the commencement, All the above medicines can always be pror ured at WHOLESALE OR IR z - r . Air at TUTTLE'S .MEDICAL AGENCY. SS. Fourth street I'HORN'S TEA BERRY TOO 111,W ASH, , /a/MASTER ,Oct. 2d,1842, itrTo Dr. Tnottir ) ,-1111y Dear Sir: I cheerfully and cordially embrace the! present favorah'e opportunity to re turn to you my warmest thanks of ,gratttude for your un equalled and unexceptionable invention of your very justly celebritted Tel Berry Tooth-Wash, and i fed that am in duty hound tp say thacl have derived ihe great• est and m6it lieneficial effect from its frequent aad 'node. ate use: and hl can asd'ure you that I am exceedingly hap py t o have the pleasure of informing you, that sincetely and cordially speaking. i can injustice recommend its ire quent use loin,' that unfortunate portion of the human race throughnut the globe who lare now undergoing the most excruciating pain fOr the want tfrePol rattan t tor same nature of which yours is prepa• red, and w lib have for years been suffering from the-in. furious, destkuctive and ,pernicious effects of worthless tooth powkrs and other worthless preparations. In conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth-- Wash but fcir a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly convinced Oat it is the hest now known. Its inestimable virtues in *serving the' teeth, (which ii kept in a good and handsome cornfition, Is the greatest embelishmebt that adorns the human structure.) are not to be excelled in easing aid relieving the sufferer from tooth nehe, and restoring 1314 gtims to a hehalt by and purified condition, and giving also P sweetness and fragrancy to a disagreeable breath hithekto unknown. Accept int sit core wish for your success, from Youtils. truly, Jostens' BRIAMILA WI RT INSTITUTE. FIFTH COURSE OF LECTURES THE Colnmittee on Lectures of the Wirt Institute, for the Fourth Con rse,respect fut ly announce to the pubic that hey have made arrangements to commence theLect.nre on Thursday evening, December 1. The Lecuiree of t.itis course will be exclusively Literary and Scientific. The Conirnittee, desirous of makiog the Lecture Room of the I netaute a favorite retort of the lovers of Litera lure and Science, as well as the fashionable, have spared no exertions in procn•int; popular and talented Lecturers, both at home and abroad. In the course of two weeks a list of the Lecturers will be published, and tickets offered. SA MI.. C. HUEY, W. mr.WII,SON. JOHN S. COSGRAVE, W M. B. SCA iF E, JOHN B. SEM.PLE; nov 9 tr Committee. . . I lIA • pm • IT S. M ALL LINE of Splendid Passenger Steam Pack . eta from Cincinnati to St. Louts. The new, splendid, fait running, light draught steam Packets West Wind and Nonpareil, will run as regular Packets., from Cincinnati to LOH'S. Will tease Cin• cinnati and St. Louis miery Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. -Paaseneers from the: East and West may rely upon their start lug punctually as advertised. sep 10 DR.. WILLIAMEVANS'S SOOTHING SYRUP,— This Infallible temedy has preserved hundreds when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed On the gums, the child will rem. v. er. This preparation hi soinniment, so efficacious. and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its sums be rub bed with it. ,NV hen in fonts are at the age of four months tho' there is‘ho appearance of teeth, one bottle of the syrup should he used to t open the pores. Parents shoo Id never he without the sirup in the nursery where there are young children,fcir if a child wakes In the night with pain Idthe gums, the Syrup immediately elves .ease,tiy opening the pores, and hhealing thegums; thereby prevent ing Convu mans, Fevers, 4-e, For Sale Wholesale and Itoatiby., ; - E. SELLERS, Agent, seP 10" . - . N4t 2 0- Wood street. below Second CHEAP': -LACE' AND RIBBON STORE, No. 2 st. t'iatr trio, i • Larantrit &Mot*. wile itad aterrowliteta. Late , aadllastia Wain, • Infants . ' truer:l.l4sta, tadieehliataith Kid, itohatr. Lisle Thread, milk Ceitkoi Black netq for ltetts-very cheap A largetuaat . rtmeal. tellaglitett Straw Bonnets. Alan, rti*lfSt aw. pleatiipted - tape, Taman braid MILLINERY= attar lateitittara, a ta atio!otalrbletr tow raled. Oki& istaltari'va*trairit pricia.to . tait,the •- • llaiss mosititrhviirWutanaso.pretair.-.1,. i...?ft'.' , ".;',.:::,:".q''..:..;:f.r.v . ;',4 ..,'o3*-"r;=* ll 4-' , `.•:.4 ' , .•• 7 . - "..•; , '•:: - --, - '...V--".C'.'•,::": . :4 . ,.., - .." . • - . .•... ..!-L_ , k , i: • - :.-7.';!-''..7.t ,:;.:...'' ',.'' l - -F''':::. . 44 sedistyli bed4isout life are aintilittedY, .anhatteied. Where eau. wf Ifhlotkllll4* .f a hl icti ert i ! u4B .#m oa nutplaint, ar siokneus, foci a of geAeng i f PAre-Alikonh Iheseo4.-91.941/OlA:P'Clfle, esesex,tiatt,eifect'sti not- to -proattite the body, as with pihee Mrdielues, bat tbeframe Is Invistiered.br the tm. moral of Om _eauseof.Vvesikriesah the morkid,th,e Agitated humeri : trout:the blood, Harmlesai mseesey m n themse lv es , t h ey - - _ e • • ASSIST • NaXllii To throw outt he occasioo of sickness from the 'llO4, and-they cequire,no,aitcration in tlie dieter clothing. In fact. thelutaiin body is better able to sustain with.' out Injury, the Inclemency of the . weather, w hile: under the intinence of this infeetiori deattoyine,citsease eradica tine Medicine than at any other time. The imporianeeg.ftrandrein's Pills far seamen and tra velem is, thereforeiseif By the timely Lase of this Medicine how much anxiety and sfeknres, Might we not prevent. Cold, Ritlioudaf feationi,Typhes, Scarlet end fevers of all kinds, would be ituknownt "But where sickness does exist, let no time he lost, lex' the ORA NOIR el`H'S PILLS lie at once sent for, that the Remedy may be app led, without fur titer In of tiee.—To sa Resistant/MED— - That,Orandreth's Pills have stood a seven' years' test in the tidied Slates., _ . . That they area vegetable and innocent medicine, yet all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic recent; infectious or otherwise. That they pt.rify the Wood. and stay the further pro gress of dlivase in the human body. That. In many eases, where the dreadful ravages of ulceration bad laid bare_ligament 'and hone, and where, to all appearance, no ha titan iiiea tis 'cold d save life, have patients by the use of these pills, been restored to good heattinthe devouring disease having been completely eradieated. That each of the genuine has upon It •runes COPYRIGEIT LLigLe That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Brandreilt upon it. That there moat he upon each box three signatures, thr;s: D. BitanDEtirtn, M. D. And three signatures; Must-- Ifilt3LNIN BRASDRIGTII DR. FRANKLIN SAYS' "Alt acute fevers ever renuiresonie evacuation to bring them to a perfect crtsls and. solution - ,- and that even by siOots„whlch 131USI be promoted by- art when nature does nut do the business itself. On this account, an ill timed Scrupulousnessabout the weakness of the body Is of bad - consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly to makeevaguationi necessary, which nature attempts after toe liumorsare tit to he expelled , but is not able to accomplish for the most part in these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly he felt, anti the debility ex treme, yet both one and the ether have been restored by it." The good effect to he derived from the Brandreth Pills have to be experienced to be Billy believed. By their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or small pox would ever assume their malignant form. To appreciate to the full extent tie incalculable bone. fits of BR A Nll PILLS, they must be used when the First Symptoms 01 Disease present themselves. One dose then, and !lieu' good effects will he felt throughout the attack—lT is TAKING Theta LH TIME that is the great secret in the cure of all -appearances of disease arising from bad blood,nnd I presume there are few at the cores. ent day, wilt say anything of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have yet to see. Hoping that some who read this may he benefit led by so doing. I am xespectfully, the public's servant. B. BRANDBETB, hl. D 241 Broadway, New York; THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATH BLOW. The public will please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine unless the box has three labels upon it. each containing a fac similie signature of my hand writing thus—B. Brandreth. These lobes art engra ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ex pense of several thousand dollars. Remember!' lie top —the site—and the bottom. Ent red according to act of Cortgress in the sear 111.41, by Bet lapin Brandret It, in II e Clerk's Oftit e in the Dis ourt of the So: then) Dist r.c.l of New York. Dr. B. Brandret It's own office, No. 93, K ood Street, Pittsburgh. Only plr.re in Pitisburg,lo w lieu c the genuine Pills can be obtained. Each Agent who.sell, the true Erandret h Pirl, has an engraved certificate of Agency renewed every twelve months, and has mitered into bonds of 3500 to sell none ot her Pills than those received front 0.. B. or big special General Agent. Mark. the certifi cate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is ita his own hand writing. Observe, on each r ertificate there is an exact copy of the three labels on each bux f graved thereon. Purchaser. see Ih,t the engraving of the labels on the certificate correspond with those on. the box. Tl.e followinz are Dr. Ronjamin flrandreth's %,..3ents for the sal.. of his Vegela:.le Uniyirsal Pills, In Alle,ehe ny corny, Pa.. who are supplied with tire new labelled boxes. Price 25 cents with directions. Principal Office, No. 92, Wood Street, Pittsbur Altggiteny, Mr. Jong Glass. McKeesport, H. ROWLAND. N 0b1em0 ..+.,- iozi~JaHllettlr. Stewarts Town. CHESSMAN k SPAOLDINO ALEXANDER ASDALN Clinton. REWARD THOMVSON.WilkinSbUrillt. GEORGE PORTER, Fairview. ROBERT SMITH PORTER. THISHIU Elizabet Mown, C. F.Dtzni.,. East Liberty. DA NUM NEOI.E4• Parssczy Peasant Hill. DAVID R. Coos—Plumb Township. Wta. 0. HINTER— Allen's Mill. [sep 10 PILES cured by the t fte of Or. liarlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient PUN! Dr. klarlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after t received the Agency from yuu for the sale of your medicine. I formed an acquaintance wi. h lady of this place, who was severely catered with t he Piles. For eight or len years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she cotnmenced using your Pills,and was perfectly cured. Yours, 8,-c. JAMES R.KIRBY October 3, 1340. Chamberslmg, Pa. rrOffice and General Depot. No. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10 Coin Syrup of Pruvus Virgiviartytred CAer• ry. Having made 115 e of this invaluable Syrifirii illy family, which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, ite, ofwhich I had given upall hopes ofits recovery until was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and con• chiding to make the same trial upon myself, which en• t irely relieved me of a cough that I was afflicted with for many years Any person wishing to see me can ca at. my house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J. WILCOX. DR. SWAY NE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY We call the attention of the public to the numerous certificates which have been in circulation in our paper and some others of this ci►y, highly recommending Dr. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Chrry.—We have seen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they come front truly grateful hearts;expressrve of the benefits which they have received from 'that Valuable compound. We have acquaintances Who have frequently used the above medicine. who can speak with cdnfideitee of its virtues.—Satarclay Chronicle. Fet.Low Crriztris:—With sincerity I would' flatlet* I you. one and all, both sick and well, always to have a i bottle of Dr SwaveresCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry in your' housti—it is invaluable in "cases of emergeniy, such as Spitting of 'Mood, Asthma, attache Or violent Coualring; which is Mien the cause of spitting of hlooa, Violent Nervous A tr Pet one, wtei oceatlabally come from fright; and various other causes, praducing great :alarm. sadden colds from - itirProver 'caricature; which are Often' let run to an alarming eitent4 for want' or means being reairy at hand;—:and is 1 have used Dr. .Sveritt's Campoiad Syria of `Wild Cherry Wipeatedlf la my . family, and alWays with Marital sueams—l can recommend it with eoutitienrie.ait being oge,of the beat family mediclaest which hae:.e#oe ,been . altered to the : Carmitiefe; " " 'Sold Thorn, Wholesale f Retail; 010 461st forkittsbargb. Nu. 53 Idarket.street... • ,• • Afepto W . ; ' Al(aiszo;-.lirerasitt- miter,—Res Irv . , 14 ; L iii i 4noll' !Ids Mends and the. public in '• pekoe!. *4 . 64 iiiire*teneed business at N0...11 Starluttetreet. Wdia.o-# - "...2.L' - - • • - ievientfirlietet*licifel 4- ._ mok)4e'cortier , , ,_ ir _ t _ iiiiii , • - 'f i gi n ti on - to bOolni.eis (4. 'O-'l'4ll 111 7 °/ 7_,..,, C _ i ~ , - , , , furoons ,Iblifi ~,j4 ~~ rem ~,, <~,~;s. 01', 11 tbai 'pis& 4 . ~.Ir7Pornt..sSietitkiatsll4.:*,, rtialroVitiat 0,31 g. • Her n -the*: sittla4lt.„ 4 44 - 14410.44 1 ". - 0 1 11)vittriF4 1 4kraafAct r ,P , 4 1, " g910 .: 11' pleidges' her to keep - every - thingiof the inn!! styllsot -alleriPiktti.. ll l 4 . paystslet a tiNttion,io ep,Mtomy ,, , fa with madi„ Corsele t , also 'her Isitiend Id assorlaient of niiroldory,,syhieh is Superior to anYthing Yet intro. iineid tar, aria country lisnintins Linetittig"Wi• istst,Orientals, Capes a la Cardinal,- ,potrl, ditto„ , fnr. tb .for Evening Costume, Cyliarir-- 0, U N"' lustetiinfib,jkorning at* Night - tlapi, ready (Or 'hely opprobation.aitithe.9th•of Oetober-oesi. 'ray -waking thstOiteal , boy_ Milepost' pain EitiroPtii"td - Nik 2 - Ferry street, beiween Liberty • and , fonlith streets. • - - -, Sept. 29—di f. • as Mei. lIIOF AO" weci H. tit:mkostaw... .......... P. HA KILTON, 'AGR A.W. 4- ANILI'ON ,Attorneps -at Law. !rave remOsca-their Offiee 40 the restdcocr.• of. 11.5. Ma. st. W.on-FoartS st, two doors abore . smit6Bvtd. sep 10 triOFTINTVARSHOOSE:—NO, 79. Fourth ' `‘...,1 -Street, .BetwesnWood j and SnritAfietd. sta. Two Anon from the curt:aria( Woutrstriet-.. : Con. Mainly , onLhandAn tasort merit of 100 ready made COFFINS, of every Mg( And ,description; covered ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar. and Pine Coffins. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages fuinkhed; Graves procured; and All .cervices rendered that-friends may regale. : r - - A credit , given in alt cases, ettirr Of coffins or carriages, requested. • -41ENRY4BEAR.ES,'Ondertaker. BBLEI. WHITE LIME, -a. superior articiejor ; sale , by J. G -4- A .Gr)RDON, No. 12 Water sires'. A.LIETY.— Just received from New York, 3000 Temperance Almanacs for 1843;,509,0 copies of the Journal of the American Temperance Union and Youth's *riper:ince Adyoc,ate for September. Also, 2000 Chrls tian Almanacs, and a good assortment of Loomis s M aga .zirie and Pittattagli„and the Franklin. Magazine and Corn. man Malarial-a , for 1893; by the gross, dozen or. single; 20 0010 of Gratit'sNew PittsbnrA and Allegheny Bu siness Rirctaary and Strangers Guide, for 61-icerits. Also, Cogage , ; Family, School and Pocket Bibles • .~;~; ,: MEP MSICON - BY mia - pp . Da • owl' (*Se:" ina Boitta . • - atrrill" 'Mae are Witoittic, al the same otee,_llol"Virer DOLL A RS Sicrea target x CENTS. 1 . 1 " - ----- - '" ----- ' e ras - , of Aitimeli'll _ , _ f 4130 F TINSIME. LIN -F , - %SO - One moo' -,. 0;15 Two Mont ,-:. a, 1,00 Three mo I LAO Four - monk 3,00 Silmonth 0 , , : 4,00 One year, ,VIARLY ADVERTISEME CriaNOBANIA AT PIZABUR 07011rii. . TiO • 010.00 SIZ month 35,00 One year, r abiiiilleirienta hi frororti , or four three Biz Dotcana a BI,IC OPFIC rr Orstcie. Third astutely' M Pintmaster. master. halm Water, 4th dOor from egs,-Major John . W flock, Co Easter, Wood - between Fi mes A. EttIIKAM, Treasurer. Titaasns‘; Third street, n byterlanCitureh—S,' R. John Outer, Fourth, het ween hl . lander Hay, Mayor. is Exert/LAOS. Fourth, near BANKS. nn,tiettkeen Market. and t' Fonrtb streets. I,IIIOI:MANUTACTORZRS' AN nrciterly Saving Fund,) larket streets. Fifth street. near Wood. HOTELS. new. [louse, Waterstreet , Ito rat,. cogmr,ofFienennd • Worm., elfy4rehßehird at Ras CL.e.orytmr,o l Third - and corner . 'of Peip)" 4 treet arc. Liberty etreet. nene -Se • anewnr linnet, Liberty St n otz , ..tos HOVIE. Penn Si. WOODS, ATTOR NSELLOR AT LAW ell's offices on Grnnt st., t House, next rooms It; 1 nor. ELLIOTT, M. D.— ais street, between Penn a s 0735.---PreAon lc Macke Asters English, Frenc '.-Mnrket a ,Pittshnre DUNS & M'CLURE, mellnievits - Law: 0 trice n • art !louse, Pitishuro). It.!itorrow, Abler f Filth el.. between Woo 'DEVITF, WhnlPsa•e r, A. 1.1 tleztler in Prn,in , e Article?. No. 224 Liber Wtuctiows I r. AMS & DiLWOR r Product.: and Catrl M ittAburgh Manufactured en on the north *iiie of Or UTitOtt dl trnlP. a p al a I r 5 I itileiltA.W, A,4ornev rotevAioual Aery ices to and Mnrket Street*. ahuvt. F & KEAN, Monnfar Eit,_feet Iron Ware, No 81 se Spouting and Steambo• rnil:l • • YOUNG Sc CO., i.ornor of Rand at. 4. at; lo purchase Furnitur :Yu give us a call. bear • a lo quality and price. 404111126.6.4wat reee!ve 'ma. well eared and for Fal by ' - GA.— supp'y of La ai and other different va eltrenfand for sato at REDV dS!ore of F• No. 184 Liberty [Are. CLOSEYA Bunt and o, 83 Fourth St., next dg siTy!attelia, I( id and Sat! afer,and by the newes VORUS MULTICAUL purchasers; to be d isp . F. No. 184 Liberty sue. 800 I'd. Flowers and F Atption, can akvay. ie-of F• 184 Liberty sir - 1111nois Annual !Cimino "at the Drug and Seed slo F. 184 Liberty sire E.NEW JERSEY SW r. • seed; just received by F. N 0.184. Liberi TOOLS, consisting of 1 mine Trowels, Midi :7KniTeX, rfUltiflf, Si sale by 104 Liberty st lee enison r very choice cured Ven for torrent money. Batch Mier Seed, tacky StieGessiii„ alma No. IR4 Melly or it SUCH AN AN, In (rem the Piainond,- t Fourth meet, betwee ATIfogIftLANICS, for under the late law, f. . _ • '--Lois on the North sod 1:11gh street. Appl: EN/..• DA2.I..INGTO, BS-Laadritth's Preach -11,0advad,aad.fer sale a u ~~_ `