PAT'Ekt7tLmF • Expiersioa-of VELERS TAKE NO VEL-Th at ." , rovided with the Sorely Guam h oe all ',red with a figure of the applaku._ are not deceived by tnisrepre hmi m Zo ing their boats to be provided v i o , tbe. when they are not ! J secured storo flowing is a list of boats supplies) w ", at the Port c.l Pittsburgh—en ute : the list have the improVed appst a h h ; lb ~. it is impossible for an explosion total,. iNA, FORMOSA AN, OU QUEsNE, JEWESS, MONTOOMERy. CADDO; INDIAN QUEEN I GALLANT, Q UE ENamOral DUKE OF ORLEI BRILLIANT, ECLIPSE., V ICTRESS, MI! OSPREY, PENELOPE, , BOW INA, Et A, NS, N, OF LYONS, :Y FORGE, PITT, 'WATER, 'SS MAIL, WIND, UFA TE, .YRAND, lA, AGN Es, i ANN, ESsENGER, kGANSETT, SARATOGA, ORPHAN ROI 0 PARK, OHIO, N E. CECILIA. \ I DE, J. H. RILLS ;I BEND, GALENA , MENTOR. :TT E, COLUMBINE, 1 FERRY BOAT, • community are rewrite!, .1 V make a choice of a boat, to refloat %. het her it would not he to their nip to choose a Safety Guard beat, - Am: freight, in preference tonne natio . ;`' r".olGsioli —and that they will born( invention has the unqualified apps• rn2lrte builders—gentlemen whose •.,lersiand the subject, and who are • , l—beFilieS a number of frog • en and others—nil of which can be • r. No 10. Water street, where it woald , at all times to (tidbit my Inaenhal take the trouble to rail. CADWALLADER EV I.E TZE T. ESTATE FOR Mt, =u hsc r i her offers fur sale, at the venal The r - reaier part of his real estate, , • f riltslttireh and Allegheny. viz; Yin: relic:us - es. nearly new, a (subytanlldly Itarket st reel . I et weep Ftf eOnd and Food. el of tfltout 54 feel by 60 deep. For tt.ttely to scit purcha,ertt, and upnoloefe tttiliiit, lot in A llETheny tiy. 64( sN ,, d of :35(11..A. in dePlh, lariat reni,s) C:111:11 avdiAs her cirri k h ii In l ll,e et. , 10 0-11 , 96 r'‘ :1 - 441 ft In 0,4 4 , 4 4 , ,,di r , 114 11 , i11,•• a Lich I oow OCCtir;l3l4l. oYI Inl h Iwo or y irk slorehop+ rr,ri,rr o 4 ei an d F ront streets'. • _maul rani, a nd eg,e ocr by Mr. ALEX. BIZ ACK ENRIII' A .s t.l ti —%\ anted In mirth* - rpri, l ll% Of Fla: and Tinutkt, : ~, (", Iry frndoce Inkro ',nods ar HA RR IS'S I nielligener r ( 'mm/1 , 1 , -ion Woret•rAige, NO- 9. Ii A Rl'. COMMiSPIOIO Ainreke.w. p e en re and Amer-Iran Xavesfactures, ier. E-q., ratilmr2ll Hat!, •• I clirnn of R'd ~ Hanna , 42den .t CO. i.nd!,ourne, E=.q..Madison P.I.E FARM FOR BALE-1 wit/ miff 11, on which I • - in taIMAIN*, coniahlic:y. one hundred ad •o • 70 acree of which IN cleared. and Melo • ttt ed- There are upon it three lot c 3 feel I , y :34; an apple orchard °rebelled" . .. rent c acres of coal. The soil is beim. that of any upland farm in the Ime ar known on applicnt ion to the !absenee nA-4-s. WILLIAM WALLACE. M. IA M C. WALL, Plain and Fowl ---' , ?•1 Picture Frame Aleenfeaurer , -ert Prttsblerg.k. —Canvass Brushes, Va r Ists, always on band. Looking Wane. 1 a t o order. Repairing done at the is attention paid to regilding and jobnind o ton. tolina np Steam Boats or boom; will 6od k wage to call. • seP I E LEG D.—The subscriters are now pie..., rurpish painters, and others who wish to ‘Vliite Lead made of the best insterialis tt 1 1 :tl. if not superir to any offered lathe , tuitiressed to Dun lap 4- Hughellre of 8 11 . 11 110 Second street, rnt.bnfsb , wilt be DUNLAP k 1106 11 a: --- -___ = FASHIONABLE SHOE STORE, I St.. one door frost Old Simi of 11f1>' 10 criber respectfully inking), lbe hitii 4s .2, and vicinity that he bas esinweseed to n,s - of his own manufaetnne,al the akolteP hlei , u ill keep constantly on hand a F oo d o r r . ,_. it kinds of ladies, Mi 5202, 20d ladidleS'S WI . of the hest quality. %bleb will be sold ail ,he times lie will also Mike to Ode oi l ; icy work—each as white sad black . orcd , gaiters, and buskins. ladies! lo .j , ..; hslers. silk gaiters, ke., 4c- Al' ---isilf de at the shiirceit nottee.and in the ..,.., ~; will please sail and examine for 0075 •.Frriher feels confident that:kitty , ° ills e in his line they may want.. LIA • J C.1 311 t..4. en't forget the ptace—.No, 8. FirtieSlog.. third i°l Harris's Intelligence Office. slod J. C. L 1 - ..-q Street AM DIQBY having takes the whole-61i' o.iness off:hors Q HOPICVaLL. 'vet and 42 Market street. beds - 11:1 ,_ - , - se ~• the numerous friends ad irnstesserem _,7 k 1 very libetai SG ppm.,n * b e y are in connection with M r.EloPeo lie e" tl ; 0 1. n=Ftire them that every excedes_.mabldl continuation of the mane.. He invile their attention - to bid Pw -- ,," which be intends at 'een ever offered, !mina a. vireos al of the stock of the !ale as o 'an es hi *U . as he intends to confine . bionielf to 74 .he feels confident o pt sbils l 9 o4 o o nen stock, either In cheapness, tholibilitY'sr . rkmanship. o fake notice that evert article soldrislitirj trud:ureh E. MORROW. .Nalmfgeni nr "" fleet frost Ware, j(. ri Pitt 01 7 . 0 Market stretete.—liPKp a sm all t at the shortest notice; 104418.1 1 7 0 1 , ' are ealltilek to cell and . which d w wilibeiolhole:We oPzr-T - - 7 -7 PoatiOZ sad stove hrtsw _ .; OL 1.-NO. 67; rIIBLI SHED BY putt,LlPs Sp W. A. smitn, CORNER OF WOOD 4- FIFTH BTB. o.—FIVE DOLLARS a year, payola in Single copies TW ,CEON73-;-for sate at tile o f ibe office, and by News Bays. Ifercury and Manufacturer weEKIX. at the same office, ee-a ddeble o et, at p ies. SIX c TWO DOLLACSariTs. a .year, i n an. co --------_ lo os of Adverthing. _, O E or TW EINE LINES OR LESS: =A 0.50 I (inc mnnitt, SSAO P et 0,75 I Two mono, 6.00 • 0:7 , ,;,,, IMO Three months, ' . 7.00 1.50\ Four months,. -MO 3.00 Sis months, 10,00 .. 4.00 One year. 0. 15.01;) ro CIS ADVERTISEMENTS. CH•t•GXASLIr. AT PIZASORT.. Two Squares 515.00 Sis months, $23,124 25.00 One year. - 35.00 a.; adrerlirements in prorortion. Hof coar lines Sex DoaLtas a year. rBLIC OFFICES,&C. Porn OFTICT. Third between Market and Wood R . fa Poiitivaster. Water, 4th door from Wood st. Peter lajor John Willock,C:cdrector. Wood between Firs and Second r iots A. ttartrarn, Treasurer. TiattSURY, Third street, next door to the robvier,an Church—S. J.ohnston,Treasorer. nrrict, Fourth, between Market and Wood Ursandrr flay, Mayor. 10'E Escns.tse, Fourth, near Market id. BANKS, r ",, between Market and Wood streets, on ,d Fourth streets. tors •no KlroinrseTerteßs' FARKS.RS. DE. o r. ;Inrmerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, betwteu Markel streets. or, Itflh street, near Wood. HOTELS. AIIIEL • 1101361, Water street, near the Fridge. or Horst.. corner of Penn and S.. Clair. 110-lil., corner of Third and Wood. •:•4 tioTlLL.C.Orner of Third and • '.'TI.TII3. corner of Penn street and Canal. o Liberty street. near ECVETIth. maton House., Liiieriy St oppoeite Wayne as i o moire M Penn St. opposite Cannl ERT WOO OS, ATTORNEY AND ODNSELLOR AT LAW. —office remo akergell's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite Court Douse, next rooms to John D. Mahon, first floor. SPI. 10 Is. IL ELLIOTT, M. D.—Office resnoved lo t. Clair street, between Penn and Liberty St .• P 10 GOODS. —Preston 4 f Il nckey, wip,lesnie and !lali dealers in English, French, at d Domestic AA. Sn. Market sep 0i1) LESS & M9CLURE, Attorneys and at Law: Office in the Diamond. hack id Coll rt notw.pilisbur,h. sep 10 loy R. Morrow, Alderman; offie.c north tde of Fit hclw•een V,rood and Smithfield Pep 1`1)431'"le Her-01%in+ 11,1 ter in Pr0.1,,,E. and pitist,„,6, • No. 224 Liberty Street. Pitts- Fel) MEE I ri tIM tht.tvimin L MAW% &,or frncrrc Produces n yid C mission Mor din n lam, and Maitufacturfid arwle.„ No. 29, sep 10 - AR. -I ROBINSON, at Law ~iiii:r nn We aorth,itle of he Diatoot.4.betwee • - st•P 10- IThiou st rcel . DI'RBIRALW., inrney at La tv; lender- Si•rl: IC , - to I tut yn6lie. Office cur ?flli and Market Streets. above D. Lloya Pep 10 I+ II i , Pa ............. TUFF & KEVII,, !Manufacturers of Confer a F , lmet Iron Ware, No 80. Front st , F:1 1 9. MOUS , Spoutiiv4 and Steamboat work p omptl} sep B itUN• vatOiCIS OS. 8.. y • oxiNG & Furniture Ware Oct GC Band st. Exchange Alley. s wl.fitneito purcbase Furniture. will find it to dvantage logive IN a call, lieing fully satisfied that • please a+ n quality and price. rep 10 fON fl tMS.—Just rece'ved 160ehnice !dui ion Hauls . , wen cured and for sale cheap by he do refit, by N0,91,11th sl 'TX 13 A.Glk.—.% Bopp'' , of Landreth's Fresh Ru. La B 1;a, ant other different varieties of Turnip jam rriteivedrldd for sale - ad alteectro PRICES at the and Seed StorO of F. L. SNOW DEN. 10 No. 184 Liberty street. head of Wood. 'EBB CLOSEYA Boot and Shoe Manuf.teto• ry, Nn. 83 Fatah St., nest door to the U. States Lading rrunela, Kid and Satin Shoes made in niPil manner, a‘d by the newest. French patterns. 000 MORUSMULTICAULUS. iit lots to suit purasers; to be disposed ail, F. SNOWDEN.. PIO N0.14-thilierty street. head of %V 001). - _ AIIIA A ROOTS, Rowers and Flower Seeds of ev ery desertation,-tan.alwaya be had at the MU: Seed store of F. L. sNow e, • 10 ILI Litter, y Fr reel. bead of Wood. Wl4. A. IN A RDi:DIBINTIST, Penn et. three ! door below Irwin street, Hon rd of business, from 9a. at., until 5 P. EU. after which time he will attend to no one except in cases of actual necessity. He ___.----------------- -- i would further inform those who may think proper to OftLBS. NCW J ElaCif . SWEET POTATOES. employ hinr, that he experts immed Mir -payment, w Pout 1 3 for seed ; Just eceived by l i the necessity on his part of sending in bills. F. L. SNOWDEN, 5 10 N 0.184, Liberty head of Wood st. 1 1 OHN MIFAHLAND, Upkolsterer and . Cabinet a. .11-ker. Tkird at. between Wood 4- Market streets, 1 A FIDES TOOLS, entistia: of Hoes. Fancy Spades ' respectful informsktis•friends and the, public that - be is K Ti an it pla ii I ing Tit:Stets., Edding Tools, Budding ' prepared in execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bu dges, erstasx Knives, Nsning Shears. dc.. psi re- reaus, Chairs. Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, liair and Spring, " 4 "e , for ,ate by P L. SNOWDEN . Mattrassea, Curtsies, Carpets. alt t - soris of Ulliolstering 9 . Y. L. TPIO 184 Libe‘ty street, head of Wood. , wo n t , which be will warrant equal .9 any Made in the .. Oim,-.llllnois Aatool Mammoth Onion r'eed, for Lae at the Dragand Seed share P. of SNOWDEN. HOICR Venison Hams...itist feeeisied a swan Ben ign( very choice curd Venison Hams, on retail small lots for current nsokey. HAAC H ARMS, Agent. and Com. Merchant MITE Dutch Clover Seed. Orchard Grass an• Kentucky Blue Gran s tliWllyg on hand and for . F. L. SNOWDEN. No.lll4ty street, bead of Wood. YSTER ¢ BUCl►ANAN,4ttorse3a at office removed (rum the Diatamd, to ..Attontersltow," '9 side of Fourth street, - between Market and Wood • ts sep 10 AGISTRATE39II4.I 4 IIII3IIPr proceedings in de. tatkoinit ender the late laWifor sale et td.-Office i<--Louoptheagdrlll !NA corner of Coal Lane and Ingh street. A ply to leP 10 BENJ. DARLING t . , Market. near 410 et. W LBS.Litatdreeh'it . Freniti;thigar Beet Seedjast_ recehrld and for sate' the Drug and-Seed • JIN . f:LOINDEPA. 1 • 84 pher4 treel.lseadgyfWßO., IASOLITIFOIit OFF . • . heretofore Want betWeeil timay amititENJADOW ZW.1gt4. 14 " 11141 " 4 * 31 v441 by multi! tptutent. %Vitt Ditty ie settorkeed daßtkesixaatilni thIS Ana iNta inble %Ale arm. - "AfillIWIT 1 410 gigif T.HOPIWkPri • ' Ml' ~^+S' A%..;;.,!.. •. -4,t , • , - DR. B. MERRITTMENTIOrf offices* smith. • field, batsmen Seerairimitir-Vitiri ;IV Y° "Prt•Mniaao. , JOHNSTON SVPICTO,N;-Boolcafetterp,,POSers and OP Ps per 111 a Tmfgic,,nicerr. No.*/ , parka imp ...1041 OBN AtiiRESSOI4, Smithfield Petiddry. Wader m a, timir ttid Monedgahelit'Sotele, PlltSLnrs6.. eep 18-19 , LEONARD 8. .follNS,ll,lderusau,St—Clair cond door.froalUbetty. seP IQ- 1 Y • - 110:13. R. nohmES, Office in Second street, n?[ .door .113 1 F to at alvany 4. Co's Glass Waretniose sett 10--19 O,HU N K FINDLAY. Attorneys at taw, Fourth at. near Mg Alayors-Otßee,TH tabu rah. nap .104 y THOS. H AIIIILTON. Attorney at Law, FMK, between Wood and Smithfield sts..Pinshureh. sep 10-1 v la UGH TONER, Atm , nev al Law, North Rat corner of Setitbfietd and Fourili streets.. sett y TTIONPRON JAMESTdRNBUIL. HANNA TURNBULL'S Paper Warehonpe. No. 1114, Wood 51., w here may be had a eenerbl moldy of wattle , wraPoros. ptinting, wall paper, blank hooka. school books. kc. Fen 10--ly lli ,• airs it , N. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood ,'''al:.-,:2•i''' --,:1'..;-...q..4 MEM C. TOWNSEND $ CO.. Wire Workers and R. Manufacturers, No. 23 Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. seP 10-1 y 17XC II ANG E HOTEL, Corner of Penn and ",%. Clair 4 . 1 st , eets, by IIcKIBBIN k stdITH • pep 10—]y Y METAL.-77 tons soft Pie Metal for infe . 4. G.* A% GOltD 3N. No. 12 Water street 3,090 LBS. BACON HAMS. 16400 0.- Shouiders, for gee tty A. GOTIVON, N 0.12 Witter street JAS. PATTERSON, 3 r.. Birfranglla.M, near frilielnarxh, -Pa.. Mount:Kw rer of Locks. 'ffineex and-Bolts; To bacco. Fuller. Mill and Timber Screws; Hoosen Screws for Roiling Mills, ii-c. Bap. 10-1 - lOM arCLOSKEY•T Vor and Cletltier, Litter. y street, between Stub anct Virgin alley, souts side. sep l 0 W BURBRIDGE 4. CO., Wholm:ale Grocers and Cnlniq%salon lile,chantit--.Seeond street, between Wood and Smithfield stf.t., Pittsburgh. sep 10- 1 y G. 4- A. GORDON. Commls.tAnn and iforwarding J• hlorchants, Water st..Pitisburlfh. Pep 10-1 y ILIA MS.-4 casks hams, a good anu IP. received per li R Corsair, and for ialc. by J. G. - A.GORDON. sep 10 Water street QUGAB. ¢ MOLASSES.--40Mitts New Orleans Su nar; SO bbis Nes; Ofiteansolng.ea., far kale by • seP 10 J. G. 4- A. G.OR DON: SUGAR. -7 laidi prime N. 0. Sii7ar, rereived ncr S. R. Maine, and for sale by J. G. k A. GORDO:V. seP 10 No. 12., VVsier street 508 ACON CASK s,oiA.oGrdoeftr,Doonxbrdo.a n i d 2. fo sv r rieler sty sep 10 J 7 G. _ SUG A R ANO MOL A S SES.—I 3 Ithds a odAld Is N. 0. Sugar. 32 bids N. 0. Molasses, received per Steamboat Importer. and for sate by S. G. kA. GoflOnN. seP 10 No. 12. Water street 5 BBL?. i.A n D OIL, for gate by B. A. FA frißlzToel( k CO.. sertcorner of 6th abd Wood am • 1631 Pa iy f'EfLii gr u ni: A l / 1 10 F ilr A . 11 lam p 11.. 7z i.o ltl c le ic k. 4. fo c r o 7 a le sep I U co+ner n h and Wood s 200 LBS ['repined Chalk, for ca , e It. A. F MIN rot - K . Ec co , set, 10 corner 01 - 60 3nii LL ood et: Silt; 111 AND MOLASSES.-60 Ititds , . N. G. Sugar, Iddlz. (14.. do., 100 do. Plrinta;i..n 111.1:1.5f. , , for J. G. Fr A.GOIIIION. No, 12 IVtitr.r slrret. 431 P 1.% c ep 13 BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, & ed C.— 1 he u•sert in Bankruptcy procecd,ngs, printon good p;iner,rind in the forms oppcnved by the Court ,for sale nt the Office of the Mercury and Democrat: Fert 10 'VV3I. ItUBBARII, fashionaide hoot and V shoe Manufacturer. No. 11.11, Third street, between Wood aud Sul ithfield streets. P ittrhu rgh rep 10 - BUCK MASTER, ATRNEY Al' LAW, has 1,m0...1i his office to 'the corner of Fourth street an d Cherr .klley, hetwf.en Smithfield' and G streets,Ettismiren. Terrib FOR'RENT.—Thedweiting nod lot., containing 4 acres, in Allegheny, uear the 'leaver Road,lately occupied;.y Mr. tnue! Church. Apply at the Merchants and Manufacturers' Batik. to W. H. DENNY. Cashier. seP 10 6 r t AV ID SANDS, IN ATCU & CLOCK MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pitts . ~ burgh, DEALER IN WATCDF:§,CLOCKS, BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CDAINS, KEYS, COMBS, tr.. r•eri 10 LANDRETIPS. GARDEN SEEDS.- A foil supply of handreih's Garden Seeds, always oti kind, and for sale at his agency, the Drui S store of F. 1,.. NOW DEN', sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood DR. DAVID WARD has his office and rmmience on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House. second drvellina from Rossstreet. He wittfaithfully atitud all calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the basement. sep II) fEMOV AL —Matthew-Jones, Barber and Hair Dress cr. has removed to Fourth street, opposites he May ors office. where he will be happy icwah upon permanen ur transient costumers. He sulicitca share of public pat sep 10 COMMERCIAL AUCTION' ROOMS, NO iio Weed Street, Pittseinra.-11. A. Banana% Auctioneer and CommNsion Merchant, is now prepared to reieltre ind *ft aft kinds of Goode and Merchandwe. at ktit-huve notteapaeions loon*. No, I'M. North East Corner el. 'Wood and Fifth 'Streets. titist!‘ ll 7-0- - itegutar notes of Dry Coeds.. Furniture. Groceries and other nitieles,lotitondaystitid Titureday of each week. Hardware. Cutlery; Pry Goads. and Fancy articles, on Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday reninvt. Books. kc., every Saturday evening. Liberal advances tnadeonta Consigmeente when wanted. . itanonclot• ltesers.John:D. Davis. Big-, i B 'eeiof * Beath. flampton. Smith, It CO,' _I - " F. Lorene;. .. S. W.. Burtiride* .s. .. Car., lamps "'Margin.: C. Ibnieen;rEtal. U . Joon SI Tidden Logan 4 Kennedy. . 4 J. K. Moorhead Co. 4. Jas. P-Mosaft, pg. RObeirt.Caivray,Fac,, Caps. Jiss• Maj. 41 ' Selinjalanan, ift litil!taer Symms, - 4 . 8.0. Henry. - 3j := rliiAktUaltaler Ce NOVEMBER *er, 1442. 1-8 4 2 ~ Pius - #=1.4 4 liar: POdifr .reCkat? ' - Stealeaset . . :ariVinliCtilank . iSAN'L. PE4IPHILL y Alagier, ... ,.. ._ . H" , :onin'ii 6 . l lieTtetiviar ttlPa. And Alit:reel dal. 19 (Sendayseiteols4.) Lamm* Beaveraka. 9" clock A. M., leaves - Pitteldigh at 3 leeleelt P. K.Titatl neete at Beaver miltn the . ' Pennsylvania and Oki* Line of Freight and Packet Canal boats between Beaver, and Cleveland Ohio, and Creenviiie,- Pennsylvania. Leaves Beaver daily at 6 o'clock P. M. This line connects with two drily lines on the penrsylvaltia canal to Philadel phia, and with tine New York and Ohio lineon the Erie canal, and New York and Ohio line and 'Ohio I so with sliwro freight and passage boats, twigs and ~chnoners, an the Lakes. The proprietors of this well known line will he prepared on the opening nt naviga• lion to transport merchandize to any of the interaledi ate ports on the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio ca nals-, to any - port on Lake Erie, and the Upper Lakes; to and from New York city and Philadelphia.. McClure 4- Dickey, Beaver, Pa., Cobb Wormer 4, Co., Cleveland, 0., Rees 4. Taylor. Warren, 0., PITTSBURGH . it CLEVELAND LINK, STEAM PACKWP W. B. BOLES; .Master. RUNS daily (Sundays excepted.) between rirrs. atreoll BEAVER. leaving leaver it 8 )1. - and ,Pittsbnygh. at 2 P, Il• preatdad zatii.EO,aui!eor ty Gaard to praveat Explosion of BoiWo. Thissplendid and faw. runnin2-BWwWI - Dual bailout neon roinpleied expressly ,for this trade, attil Inns in . _ Onnertion with CL.a Riff& it Co* • Pixtabonyll and Ctev4i' Aiwa of. FBEIGHT.S.WiI P.BSSAGE 11047 doily : to ,CleosOlasZ, -.....- Or,down the Ohio canal to Mas-ilon, ke, and _Eat Ex. tension' Line to Greens ' Tt• e Canal Boats or, I his Line are. towred to - and from Piitsburelt direct. and the business conducted i.n the molt prompt and economical spot m. Haying •connec. Hon with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to 1401040. Milli and Baltimore, and Steamboats' running t own the Ohio river; also, throe:lt our Agents at Cleveland. with `_.7. M.' Reed's Steamboats and several Lake Vessels, and the Troy and Id iciiican and Buffalo Lake boat lines on the Erie canal, a-e prepared fur the transpoitation of Frt. iebt to and from all points on Ike : canal, the lakes and the Ric'. r, or the EaHern eities,at pricesas ow as any other line. Apply to 0..11. Harbor, N 0.55 Water at, or at Steam boat al ithiean's Landing. Pittsburgh. Clarke 4- CO. Beaver. Habbarri treataerber, Warren. Wheeler 4. Co. Akron: Tkoutes Richsusad co. Cleveland nitica TO R. Wick 4- Co., Greenville; W. C. Wien., .haron, IL W. Cilnaingharn, New Castle, John K irk, Youngslow n, John Campbell Newton Falls; Campbell sMiller, Campliellstown; Babcock & Mcßride. Ravenna; C. ac D. Rhodes. Franklin; H. A. Miller 4- Co.. Cuyahoga Falls; Weisman 4- Whitehead, Massillon; Gurdun Williams. 4- CO.. Detroit; • Kinne,flasis Si. Co., tlnfrato; Cowing, Richmond, Williams 4- co.,New York. sep 10 111GBY—No. 121. Garner of froodand Front .Street.•, Pita:Om - et, has on hand s complete as sortment"( Queettsware Fulled to the city or country made. Ahm. n choice selection of pure wlrlte and gold hand DINING AND TEA WAR E. in large or small sets. or separate pieces ID Fait purchasers. A cask of 48. CO. or 84 piece sets. superbly painted and gilt English Chinn Teaware. Si very lOW price_.T. Toy Tea ware. plain, and t ich painted and gill, front 1.001" :35.00 per set Children's Mugs of ever i description. ' Willie China Shaving Mugs. Granite Dining at d Tea services, in while and with , p'entlid American scenery printed in blue and !thick. A la r2e varirt y of Steamboat Dining and Breakfazt Stis, imported to match. complete, Fite Proof alone baking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Greim Glass. In rill their varieties. Window Glass, of every size. • . Palen? rueiteig, Tni,F and Krelers. Slone Pipe Ileadn. ¢e, ke. All of which are regpeetfillty offered to the pub. ie on the most favorable term?. Jan 26.144 2.1-11. % J. FOX "MOEN diteerve, lien" of PittphilrFtVand-hooro for n share of pubtlepat ronate. De will eectttealt Ittoda cf writing:wit h neat ness and disprilcll: - Cases in hankrnpley attended to on reasonable terms.—Oetee in SruithfietA street, at the house of Mr., hornas O'Neil, to whorl, be refere. sep 10 T. Ti. FOX ALDEN. DAVID CLARK. AO. fashionable Boot Maker , nos removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third si reels, where lie wou 41 he happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel &Sims. ed to patronize lum. He uses nothing but first role stock. and employs the best ofworkmen; and as he gives his constant personal attention to busine., be truststhat tic will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. wen 10 • • CONFECTIONARY._ FftUiTrz, ICE CII EA RI, sr A Bunker rpectfally Informs his friends and the public that they can always find the best quality of lee Creams. tosether with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits. in their season. at his establishment—No. 111, Fifth street, het weer. Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furntshed won Bread. sep 10 JOHN B. GUTFIRIE, Auctioneer and_COntptilr 1 'ion Merchant. No.lo6,corser of Weed 4- Fifth sus. Pittsburgh: [leviee been appointed one of the Auction eers foi the City of Pitsburah. tenders his services to jab bers, manufacturers and dealers. who may be disposed to niake trial of this market- He Is prepared••lo make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities, and t rusts to rati,ly correspondents by quick sales, and speedy :and favorable returns. .That the various interests which may be confided to \ him, shall be'adcqualely protected, he brings to the aid of his own experience in business and acquaintanre with merchandise, generativ, the services of , Mr. Spirit.. FAnstswrocs; heret prose advantareoust y known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent i neattement is made. REFER To Messrs. 31. Tiernan, Pfeil. of 31. 4. M. ) .. Bank. - 1 ti Darlington 4- Peebles, I. t. Robert Galway. i •i James N. Cooper, i " Jameg May. ~ R. M.ll.libile. Pittabtulgh ii Wm Robinson. Jr. Presq . i i Si of Exchaor,e,Bank. •• Tiamploo,Srnlth, 4- co.. 1 I • t John D. Davis, it. - Samuel Church. ii J.B. Mow-head.. " JIM W:lltown. 4. co. • 4. John la Sown.* co ~, slow' 4. tingle,. -. Yoroti ,- 4- 111 mem, ~ john S Itiddle, .. Jelin Daliell. OVA MPS CAMOMILE PILL L S.-ABRA .,Ut.—'I4IOOI J. CLYMER, residing oti 66 'Mott *rem,' New York, was alkicted with Dyspepsia, in it! most. aggravated form. The - ayisptinui -were iolint bead: ache. greilt debility., fever. mptimenessrerigh; heart _ iikpa imn*pato tatholdiesk and ahstattell *lwnyi alter siting, Ind ithimaif,shlisailloh.- Pr,siorolk lit Ike hlfirtld, rieditingot, sanses. With Doreartlntilithlki.d -lopards *Ott tiO4 00 1 9 1141 W - Tbeeßhaik V. 440- 114 -) wa rd of a twelvemonth, when. on compiling 11r. Wm. Eians.lool,lllthltit street: and mrpstitthig in ltistOef r ereeroad f id dstreeatile MOde of Ireatmeut r tho witient was Mlinpletely restoredtram-2n in the short min* of oneinonth,sei cratectli-thrOletimilculatae.henelit geriv.. ed. e n d, y ca me forriord end voinnecened the above state - *or sai e,Whiliettliestitil IMO , -by !,..:. ---- , k . VAL. sia4PtlVA4rit, , . Ni.lo, Weed siiestOiehiw iticiad! - ct--. 4. :,- , z, ..f -- . -,;;,' , ,g. ..!-..t.• ,- • • t }, 114,4 644. 0. , 1 I I I I -1 I - Wkeelint , lampisvilks. , _ • *bib. IrPlOl " , Propristers JAMES A. VBAZY. Agent, N 0.60 Water airier, Pittsburgh r4wk-Autw 4l . l kr - -ii ,c ektedi reettie..riffe. Thew ruts re stron g ly .recommended to the notice of the ladled sea enfe avid , 'eticiele remedy ier - semoviiti those complaints pseallar_to thetr sea. from want of ea - geneviletehfliti - Of the weeps; they °White costiveness. and aketat'sact , all , Hysterical and IftWela4 affections: These iritte havo infield the maisceitin and approbation of-the moot eminent TiMiciens hi the Uni ted States, and messy, Mothers, , For sale Wholesale and Retail: by ' R.T.: SELLERS; Agent. tep 10 No. 20. Wood gereet.leiow Second. WN. ADAIR, foot V S hoe Xiikir.iiestsit St., •PS•sits tAtt Arid of SmoitAPld st.;.eittsiturel..— Thesubscrlherhavfne bought cint the steel: Of the late Theinas Rafferty; deceased, has commenced, 6161 ism& In the old stand of Mr. R.. and is prepared to , execute all dmoriptions of work in his title; In the hest manner and oo the shortest notice. De keeps corstanily on hand a large assortment. ofshoe Anilines of all descriptions and of thebet4grlity. Be sale:its the' patronage, of the pub lic and -craft. WM. ADAIR. Imp IR. 1101111TTS BURGH MANUFACTORY. , ---• Prists • ' awl Azle. for Cerratior at Easter% Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coach, C and Vitale Springs (warranted.) Juniata Iron MOPS, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and prated Bub Bands, 'Stun* Joiati, Patent Leather, Silver sod Brass Lamps. Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Dandles and Hinges. - ke.. - JONES t C(H . EIttA ti. St. Claw st.. near it e Ittrcheny Bridse. I 4 D.SELLER:S, M. D., office and dwelling in Fourth, KIL near Ferry street. • sip 13—I1 LOOK AT THIS The attention Afttiwe who have been-somewhat scep tical in reference to the numerous certificates Puhnnned In fnvor . nr Dr. Strarne's Camponnti SyruP orWitd-Cher ry,on account of ktie . persa es beteg, u ilk rinSIM _ilt-111,4 sec ticiii or the StatejlivitiVetfittly direCted to the ralkivitine isetttimtie,the ir r i f .of-whlih bee been 'a e itteeti '4114 borough forseve tymirs. and is knot n naa"...tentleman of integrity and retiponsihility. - To the Agent, kir ..J. KIRBY. t have used - Dr. Stye vne's Comp and Syrup or Wild Cherry for a cough, with lachiclv.l.have hieen severely n 1 , dieted for about four montbv, and I have no tivoital ion 1 In 'saying that itlathe most &reel ive medicine that I have Ibeen able ha procure." It conarnwca all uneasiness.. and agrees well with my diet,—and manlains a regular and good none - lie. I can freely recommend II to all -others similarly atllleted. J. Minium, Borough of Cliambersteit. March 9. IP4O. " gen 23 For sate by WILLIAM THORN No. 5:3 Market Ft rest . FRUIT. SHADE, AND 'ORNAMENTAL TREES.. ERSONS desirous or procuring Fruit. Shade. and P Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philadel pHs or New York, are requested to make application as soon as possible, at the Druz end Seed Stoie of the yid.). scriber. as here can behad tatalogoeF, xratuitously„, of the most excellent varieties. F. L. SNOWDEN, sep 21 No 184 Liiierty streel. head of Wood INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. U. S. PORTABLE BOAT LINE. Far the Transportation of illercAandize to and frost • Pittsburg!. Baltimore. Pkitadelplia, Nero York, and Bos ton. Through in the shortest time. Tniof United States Portable &t Line, in composed if Boots built in four sectiurrn. (mei ) Wel ion capable of containing seven tons. and stezreptdde of-being separate or detached and transferred from 91Fial to Rail Road, thus, as it were, forming a complete train, of Cars, or presenting the env el appearance of a Boat sailing no land and thereby avoiding the ereal delay octasioned l.y re' shipping ai the several jltel in us and terminal tots of Ca nals:lnd Rail Roads. the expense of transhipment and he damage Ihe goods • usta in by Iregacut handling; and rendering it imprnsible to separate lois of gooLs on the wny- -11W111:•_ In the peculiar construction of the Boat having four separate apartments in which sm. red, renders them less liable to d-mage goods by water 01' 1 Otherwise than by any other mode of transportation. The system recommended by the Canal Commissioners and lately ado Med bx tile State, refers particularly to this class of Boats, Tpe Boats of this Line are owned by responsible captains that Imo I Item;and is the only Line now in operatioo free from monopolies or combination. Comisconsigned to the undeesigued ormpi,sorill, he re ceived free of commission and shipped without delay at the lowest rates. All chorea% paid and every loSlvtlet ion • flux • ••4 in _C TN..* -F. F. POPE, Agent- - ra - G anal Pl ' illeborSh• TIIOS. 808 BRIDGE. AeethtPlhila. f - 11 Aft BLE k NI:WM:TOIL V:—Pai rick Cawneld re. spectfully acquaints hi? friends and I he public ^ _rn• eralty, that he has commenced the Marble hnsiness at the corner of Fifth and Liberty sts., w here will he conWarttly on hand. tomb stones, mantel pieces. monuments. head and foot stones. table slabs for cahinet ware, and every article a npertateing to the business. ... I.l e will warrant his work lo be well done, and his chare - es will be moderate He respectfully asks a share of ouhlic patronage. sap 10- TAMES A. VEAZEY, Fortaardiwg and CORISISiItiO7 I, AlCreka7a, Amon for Steamboat Cleveland and Pennsylvania and Ohio Line. Ilnylna rented the ware house formerly occupied by illrmintham lE Col. No. 60 Water Street, between Wood anti Smithfield. is prepared . to receive and forward !moods to any port on the Ohio or Mi-Ps6wippl river on reaaonabie terms. rep 10 CCSP.ORTNERSH/P.--G. P. Smith 4- W. Hampton, having associated themselves together. under lire Orin of Hampton 4.• Smith, will continue the vihnlesitle Pry Goods business .in the house recently ,occupied by Hampton, Smith:4- Co where they will be receiving In a few doyen new stock of Pall and Winter Goods. They respectfully invite their old friends, and merchunta gem erally„..ttiniting Pittsburgh, to call and eintrine their sept 28—d3m. Portal , le Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 4500 IN, et do do do do 2.4/05 at $45 eo do do do do 1,500 at' 35 00 do do do do 1,000 at 30 00 Oa do - • 114 , -400 at RS - 00 With raising levers 'madding° ofs3 - to'each scale. , Tiorrnant irides irk •ilierive of •Warebisas* 'Flouring, Minh, ke..the earneßtiras as above.. AtiM,Whlte.'n-Patent Counter Seale, with 0. Young's • imprimentettta.4ed a. Toilet) , o( , other canker sealer, whiph they wilt sell .for from 8 to $l5. 'et also iniiiititiciare Itogitiewidr Mlle, flaw Mill,. Salt Works. t kt,doahlii,aad• geared slide taltiesSOot Bud oilier lobes roi WOW inhibit 8134110Megbf tenaniMic thiliflictlittotpli-te*lilotra" - A nor 1414,8 Ph alachOwM7",l4 lllll Pat Pa. tOrlffolver• WO or ehoet thraihiiiB a iiMericifeitritek.',ilrspht*: citakhhw lot' ealatrilre OM; fd'alljibierriioaii*Oo faalliag,biarAc, inghaSesokiemerior astielet,:gaverprireforateam-eniine, - fitoeki: tape dies; - "Cofrei. and machinery for amities the astae, tame raetoii• rear chilli:AY wife or inilltedr pritlttaE P l tt a iteas turned afid •-••• .. • 01HIPMAYc kl - , • • . TOT* *III I 4SiI I CV "..;•-• .en 20. mom r t.r • - " eR,O'SrECT Fii palliiiking if iato-bigils Eke C U! .1 Pais t• - ogis-mogmq,?9sT. iruoisubledbea.baying wadi agrangsneents tomerge' 41 , the Soletican MltlilicaMstrer and Phtsburgh Herta ryinfo este Jintreal, haveconeitdded to publish, a 'dally paper with - the lftle of the Theilollirdise Post. a_ - The leading object of ins 'Pty lOU be ibetiPmend tiOn and defence of the political principles that have bete- Wrote been maintained by the Editors. In their resp.ctive papers, and their hest effurts will still in, the advancement and success of those doctrines. - Although, In politicii, the paper will he thoroughly democratic-, let the Editors hopeyillikivlng it honest. candid history of "panting Polpt*:rtneentn. Foreign and Domestic Intelligence.and brief inatipes of, all Mat" tees and occurrences iforcome - propeity within the sphere ofaTublicJouriactO iailtetheir Papst ImilicientlY in cresting to muffle it to (Imp:tannage of the plabibe, Ir I respective of patty considerations., - in addition to the pedilical and general news that will bei*undie lbe " 41614143 1 , Peat.' tbe Editors win faits pales to furnish' the • hosionem community with the bales; and room IntireaDng Cotommetst. IhrrStla• Cadet from all - paltsof and-to have Mena red such aeceuntsofthe bliwitets mad *abate of Trade as will be advents/rerun to oittillerchants and Sadness Men - in their sestet} callings. - Terms—The Pam will he poblished en a large impart alsbeet of fine paper, (tnaintfaeltered especially for Ibis Juneau) at the nittimally low rate of Flint DOI:LASS per annentspityabie in advance. It will also be sold by news-boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Illitertisensoite will be inserted at the lowan, rates charged by the other daily papers of the thy. re-TWENTY active lidsarensinted to the Post. who will be engaged ma the most Multi terms THOS. PHILLIPS. W.H. SMITH. Auvrsi 31. 184 DSAVILLIIIIT TOBACCO. stare and 11-0,10 for side 3. G., t A GOILDpN, No. IL Water street. ORISON'S PILLS - . Btliforrison C o :i.ondpit, for aaliyitialy by S. N. Wickersham, corner of Wood eget and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and B. - Harwood. Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sap 10 FARM FOR SA LM.—The undentitnesi offers for sale a tract of land situated 4 miles frt... "recant', in the direction of Kittanning. B : offal° 'township. Armstrong mmaty.containing NO arm, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10'of whicn ore in meadow— a rood square log domino' house and cabin barn erected thereon-4n apple orchard of atthearinr trees—and ajapring of excellent Water convenient 'Witte boom. '-' FOR TERRS nripix to the subsexibers residimg at the Saltwortis on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free port TO THE W.bSE•—ltis now well understood haw much dis-lrders of-the mind depend for their cure uproots due attention to the body. it is nevi understood how verluable is that medicine which wilt remove morbid' accumulations without weakening the bodily paWer. It now understood that there is a reciprocal influence be. : tween the mind and the body. It is now - understpod that: purging with the Brandreth Pills wit) remove it „mean etioly, and even insanity is cured by perseveringly using' them: It Is now understood how much ncss depends upon the healthy condition of tits digestive , organs. It is now well known that the Brandreth Palk have cured thonsands of hopele_.3 and helpless persons, even when ;the first physicians had -pronounced them beyond nil unman means of relief, It is now not only well known that theltrandreth Pills - so cure, but it is also on. derstoo how they,nure; is by their purifying effect on the blood I het They reattife the body toitealth. Tim. value oethe meffir int becOming innre and mare inn nifest,it in recommended daily from family to family. The Brandreth Pills remove in an almost imperceptible manner all noxious accumulations and purify and invigo rate the liiood,and their good effects are not Counterindan ced by any inconveniences; being composed entirely of vegetables they do not exposit those who rum them to danger; and I heir effects are as certain as they are salu tary; they are daily and safely administered to infancy. youth, manhood, and old age. and to women in the most critical and delicate chntimstances. They do not disturb or shock the animal functions, bet restore their order and rttahli.b their health. &tidal Dr.• Braadreth's Office. No. 93. Wood street. Pittsburgh. Prire 25 rents per brig. with full directions. M A nit —The unif place in Pittsburgh wherethe is • -.daunted the tnclor's own o ffi ce, No. 98 Wood street.- - -ry-y-u` . . - . Eel, J. ft.:rfattirr's, Repppctrally Inform :he citi orenpf "We i truFAlS' l ift i d;VlTe*:;n • glen ce tai former patrons nod the public. generally: and solicits a renewal of a portion of (heir patronage. In connexion -..sntrnt - sized - fife, only di ff ering from that - itiatrer-ei isx l . merit imbeing played upon at the .entr ~..., the same manner as a flageolet. _-Itinc tune he performed was monotonousl li' -. , 1 - in, disagreeable , , Pot about ten m o( inutes the piping. ciiii, ' . I juggler, which he accompanied' _Witty! BRANDRE CH FILLS. . had no efr et an d we' strange contqltlollB,, e , yET Invalids shad the following account of a Salim . . nf id were once or twice on th e point . in., _KJ cured of a complication of afflictions in nineteen when lie entreated us' hila. ! daysby the nse of Brandreth riii3. it. illstinctly proves le g el "Ys there are herbs in nature which have affinity rUre be looks - -t to remain and watch the nruit- ,tst 1 cause ar disease, and Brand reth'ir Pitts are made for them Read and beemrineed. -Take the medicine andhe rated the end of that time we - could itais.litth EXTRAORDINARY COs, EOr RHEUNATIS M fixedness of the mares eye, lhatiti B .-- itigillt . lat' ...... DIA REM:EA. AND APFECT/0/10? THE LE/NG 1 1 IF victim approaching; in another it Joan Saaw, of Pembroke, Washi art on county, Caine, iii head of a large cobra eat:milk ' - [ being dnly sworn, says, that be was taken violently siek the hale. w t ii •h- it ' - w - I 1 aboitt sit mouths stare. The pains in his head, brmast, the . 8 Ala ura y 8 run . back, left side and imam) being so had that lie was one. The charmer, hewever, seemed rather itieg. , Melo help himself, and was taken into tite Chelsea nos liohted than - dismayed es the ino• pilaf in the city of Costae. That after being in said -a hied than ~ _ . • .. . , ~... hospital five areeks.Dorlar Olissaid he did not know emerged from its eanbly home. Preitere - What was the mattes with him, and that he could do ly its whole length appeared: ..40-` "..,/,? nothing for him, nur could he prescribe any medicine. magnificent snake 1 bad never seen . ' I t :' That he, therefore, Wasconveyedfrom the Chelsea floe. ma,.. "....7_, ..,:, ',- phial° the Sailor's retreat on Staten bland. That he must admit that it seemed-Asti __ , was there physiorked with all aorta Of medicine fora'pert. od of roar montbs,tuderhag all the time the most heart. the .idggler, who now el°wl Y le" : 114161 - 'moiling ailerrY ,- Thai. belittles lift afleetion °lbis bones few paces, to show his power. - ...: - hi rigls. , : ks- :, he was troubled admit with a digfase of the Mimi:: some. times he would spit a quart ofphiftinrin the day; himides ved, the serpent moved; whentre . :,i- , k, , y ‘c , this affection lie had a bad Diarrhir,a, which had more t h e se r p ent did the SafBB. - Thir - iye ~ io, *- . l ally riveted ' leir - Itliie or tcss attended him from the ecimmenrement of his sick. snake seemed m-gnet_e ....._ - -1 nets.- That at times, he dreaded :stool worse than he ~f the charmer, ilepending on - tad til — teat - A . 41 would have dreaded deal h; that he can compare the feel- 2 - .• :.; his every - movement. ' t ip lag to nothing rave that of knives pasolitp, through his log me' eSeelr? r , Itsd beir beam's. , ether sintering perm than death at thefador's red me afterwardi.ffrat,' ', Vet rem .on Staten Island, ihe doctor told him that Medi- Ditiv for ii . single - instant, - the 'Cobra , ',torns awls h im d iet he ouptiry to sithenhant, . . At this time he wagsnffering the ertotest misety. That would have sprung upon him VIM WHIM Ma bones 'wtre isitiehder lie ctirdd not hear the *ail preter e d him . I termini), never - 'vim etriiVit ore noon the elbow or apoothe said that hia tome, was &MS' bat r mita 6440 Most painful. that as tile Doctor said he would, give him more CU r ._ ......_..„ AF ,.. 3. .- so more itiedleinehe deterealomilcrunieure some of Dr.. the very close proxi m ity's tf - 1 1: itrandrettes Pills...which he did. liar Yolk; that he emetbenedwth r •i T ee m it t l e. B e r e r exese.lia, dealing monster was by no isk. --- tr , to my feelings. , ~. thaeldaareaarstatipae.tasio4l .. The. first Week's use . 0 , , . - ..- ,:,..- - so mach berielfted hint . , that the doctor , not knowing When the row . followed 47 what he was sating.„imbloatiscaiunt; you look like a yards, distance hy the final ver man again; **you improve la ibis may. you ate soon Po . ~ welt.' That biefatirirevery'dose of the erandreth' Pills smooth spot in the Mattut -9 1 0 relieve Mar. amFthey_ cured him of the Pain wAell. l_ e l ha sadfienly squatted down . ..`i stool;that they next eared tie diarrhea, and finally the - . _ . -.. ••1„ i piles in' birlumor-Aisittnhe medicine ser.nsd fa- Mid pla y . lou d er an u .," 49 . 141-. i i 05 4 - .51. .r. strength to him, ~, eve!) , day. !Retold the doctor Pattarr* - Wan. , The .alltiftttl,l - 0,,, ~, , dry the Iltir Pasittia; that he frit Vitae* welt, and` a then, raising 11 , 44; e , ;Uptig! ~ ' tha t he owed he f WAralplifittilit fifh *Ow . .... ..- -, .- ~.., . - ~.:. ~,.-.....„ t i roirieni.'ie, nisi be Ifai taken Chet medleinelevelPdaY Its tau, in t h e same - ilea !i5, , ,,.4, feritaaysoo l !he 0004 toliiihlai-gsolfo/ tact WU he it often assumes prAvici#oo , 44 , i),t find heel taking that atdielae be should o baira staled . • • - .-r•- , - _. - ,• .. ,. ..qtr,- , ..-- Mosiliairday la rtithetti. ' liestimm*rie fib did?' to fad sPringr _,zolagin ja .. g thAval i ne ,„...„ smite thisittsttdinsi Melltee l PW PWWteefi l . A ll- ai r Piv i r a trlDo4 in li * l a des :liir e PS ,l4 " r' t alie to i c t i t bit they 'tady liainikittiee:Vo ed - tine oftiespswy , Wiso ' lOl4 t a ,_. ouv.„,,,,nteatsupeak. , -7 • ants, sailtv ir . _ :, - ,_, , A -,_ _; - ,-.,_ seen' show washy me duly rime llitalitaddaY of lentWeideeti a allentar 03 slot ,,,• 1 0... , Aiwa: 1243.nal liniewiiiiiini.siihelliroteriolle W illi; hands, the regular Qui His, tt,-* meat ts trite- J_lit WitElAtillt.Contwdrt i kuleter , T h44l v , -f e , n ee , i tees )-4. - s 4,rlß l t4 -thizikyritostra PILLS twe'tinrd' at 11W.' Pm* * - ,I t , gt i , ~ *WIN Prim** Otafe.s4,,haftfAft_pirAzitew.-Yeall.-Adied. wan' were a, , __, inn it ft)* rtrinemidoffire.ll o .9 3 wood ateeet•rniatanib. %aid t ij-tai o ve, ~1.4010614i.Mc t iw, oirrops,Atat la-Pfttidiaikk *beret* netnitMriatii 3 c s idtisodi; -2.`;,f;,; titt obtained. . -.. aePts — a m. „ , -..,- - ikr,. , —4„ A . ),-,T breaking !he stone in the bladder and allawing U to Tot* of with the nil net:, is 'every Where commanding the deep est lotereet. Re hopes to extend the Iteneit °tilde branch o f his profession to the afflicted. Strict arms. Moms , s. of the madder and Kidneys,—witielt occasionally follow,— will - likewise receive attention. Those from a distattee wishing further information will apply personally Or by letter. or if desired can he accommodated at his dwelling, in a retired part, of the ei tyt on Third. between Ferry and Liberty sta. son 10 A peoced Play insect,' sired be heir Maelshii between Ma i Ft reel ;two re tint. Pitts lufacture and' id the love., • scalespe hot. composed of Mal): 1,. Pert le riaforut :Ake -:34 , UU iiiadsvai ' . _ MEM lEEE WM. 4- PHThIP BAKER. - 1.-rti•. 6 - itM iNke Nviors, J wish one wee I. wish ht.'. bulk womilinsitst . I wish I. imishivindiltximt, Beheld hit smile or- frown: Isiah her browe H u ng not in 1/11.4k4tAirbli I wish her lip unlike:4lWf - t 11 _4N 1 0r„..7 Fier teeth unfilte-to wish that blush of inn Leas fon /Nit tined 110- - , I wish h3r blue and heia >K Had not Inch That such enclianting,~... Dwelt tot upon has lowa that, with lessor Lea moving wan her nog. I wish har stop was not -4W, I wish s blemished, speck Or twit bediatated her WI" Her finely rounded neck. I wish her form posseseti vim" Less gentleness her 7/. wish that her bewitObitig how Hine eyes had neve.e sone. . Blame mot my heart's:deepairtitg raseells, Lknow it is protanet To wish that Nature" fairest pigs Bad e'er received, a;stain-- 'Twat* happier if bubbles! ofaight, 1 trode life's dreary maze, _ Than herokes lire in beauty's light* • And worship while 1 geze• Nay, e'en than hope's most fiawsing4o l ol.*:, .Should fortnne kinder prase,;.-- 7,- And in such beauty's tender beams; I found requited _ , Before, with eager clasp could Her loveliness enfold; My heart weel4lbeaverits' In eestry untold. • From ....Eloarain *Whistle," is ThasantesChurrateiN , 4 confess. when iisearjt aloe** rait- Charmer had arrived :in the isantntin was quite rieljgbtpd. & Curious manure to behold a tateciluen4ll:* „ era, repaired eaery l io the. .. - .74ebece I had-aabed to breakfast; Wards became tinf , 9,4* the aPectrlite.*_ attempts to etutap. by faseity,arimek of these reptiles. „It had 10ntibeettlitto• pected that Colonel g r .-- 7 --'s was, infested by more than one 4. tht l l l leolo l 4l 4 * ed monsters; we therefore rowed ihithelC i e where we foiled the juggler awaiting Oh. The man had nothing extraordinary in appearance—nothing attractive in or manner. He, was as commotrf ing native as I had ever seen,.; Tembnr: caste these people belong I knew :sottt rather suspect a very low CUM. , t When we entered the enclosum-Weistr once clerked him to set abnut.. - hialaik:' which hellid thinn—Re placed immediately in fi out cf , the hole in which' one of the serpents was supposed tolurit e : placing at the same time an earthen jar near him, and desiring his 'assistant to coy- rile machit on a.,certain signal be- ing given. " -n , _—_►i .4+41 he igalandy-ilaka4c4 piay on, in a style which I confesaillatiedo - me an Wrildkat likely to chfrm, ~: ~r.~-~ : , - . , ~.:-.~::;i5 . ,-::3:r#6;.. ~ ~ w ~ ~~~