~, : -~•a r-LERS TARE NOTICE—Tew vided with ttre Safely Guard hare rd MI a figure of the aPlultuu....7 not deceived by suisreprer tm ,;;:, ne t Leir boats to be provided rriit, on , Len lige) , are rot r i secured se a l, p , o.r tea its-4 of boa's suppli ed vow he Pot-. of Pitisborgh eitto r I,sl have the iworpved apparaltivoritt possitde for un pinmo n , atm FORMOSA,• I LLINOIs, DU QUESNE, , J EW ESS; MONT GOMERY,. CADDO, INDIANQUEEN . GALLANT, QUEENoFiIisSOI DUKI. OF ORLF, BRILLIANT, ECLIPSE, VI CTRESS, NtrilIGAN, OSPREY, PENEL3PE, EOW INA, AGNES, ESS N GER, S kRATOPA, ORPHAN BOY 01110, CECILIA, II BILLS, ' E D GALENA, : I A. 111 EN TuR. I 11 LYONS, FORGE, Ti'. WATER, S :,TAIL, D. .11 P., D, NSETT, Tii. t' k RN, BOAT, e sespettTol - Lea c iilArt . of a hnat. to ra ta;, ' l . '1 not he to their ,7 , i., chnc. , e a r , aft•ty Guard beat, ":.• • preference to one tan h,t I hey will tear , the ungotalified appro r t ifild.-,—rintlernen wham . tce I, and who are enlar§j r, 11olol.eT i r r erlifica.es hem '• , of IN bleb -ran bt •• r where it would 111 ,t t •.• I 0 r 110 1, i1 my ifITE(11102 CO rnli. C D%V A LI•ADEE EVA t' I It. i"="l' 11'E For. Sit ~‘ ,-; sale, n 1 ille• rtllllll • - .T , r 1,,1 FS , Wr. - P. , nt A y l• r . IJo ati% 111 %V. a Is+ 1•011lialR! MM= •nnt 54 ire i, f-,“ c. p, Fax rl•ar:; t. 4 Ii; ;I 1 . 1)1( - ;'l`. nl,d 1;1441{42n le ,1 lot in Al 'f^:hr y city, 64 , , GI t in oiepth. L,rirt V on; ri vdate rOber = ' IOD Dli,Ve.).4, NN t,rlll+ravil h two In ,nrc hrir FitirP r. o. K r, ty , 517, 'lt t pril • Ot•!••i rr 1,1. r rwrtepjf4l MlFr. 111 a. 1 14,0 hp . 4..rikk_. ' • F'rix":a4a-r , c.. a Irl I ro.h.rP LakeA 1 1 0.11 4 / ro II I I: 15 , .'S I tvelliffel , l 4 1 4 0 ' c001,.-inn Karr t ctr4r. !C 'I" C.-7777. s;0 Nerrlasot, Park , ' -1:a i•Kra cf ar es, .i!Fdisli, C n.. P.rshurffil ~.,.:~n a~ C'~ t. f:•q . 7,ti.,0n F LI! I ( S A 11. —1 ;riff WI ; " • .in Wiißin!. prowAtp. r ' - '' 'n , , 4 t: one IsucthrLag .' ~ of v. !,1. I: i? evorvii.scal l ot Ti, -1 Thvr , ale opoo i: llonetnt es . ' ' '''' ' :1 . 5 4; an :11,riP orvi,ord of rbuire . , . 1, :.cres of rPr,I. The sett r‘t 1,1,1:1:,(1 fain, it , the k • 0%, n 011 it rpi le alien In I; 112W2,0144 WILLIAM WALLACE:. `. C. WALL. Plain and Ark! Pirinre Frame Jllanufactstree , Foribargh. —Catraas Rettfbea -1.. alts-n• sOa ha red. LEM. G• • ed to order. fei.airitig doneeltle rni nni paid to red i:dicq.• and jobuigif st. p FlPft fil Boats or blow 6611 rep Pie L. itl .' F: I.E/ D.—The sutcrtter.s ere r.so pi '.rui-ii pailli els. at,d olherQWlio W.II! r Whlir Lead made of the best materials ... if f.oi snperior4o any °terra 'a l !! - ~,i.ir-”IK-efi in Dunlap 4- HllgtlMOreld V . 11 ' 1 Second st reet, Pill.l.tirgic. Will hr DUNL.Ar 4- RV _ I- FASOIOvA RIX -SNOB STOVE, 6 S' .. one doer froze Old Staid of X-Void , r ibec respecittilly In:orins Ow 1 0011 •_, . '' and , e4c , ttily that lie has toranawr or his own martufactore.at the ONO , ii: keep con-lenity ou band a ?SOIL Li n. 15 of ladies, mi.FPft‘ and thiitirelf;A. ~f; he b.st quality . which Will telail l". li:e I itr.es Ile will DUO make ~ I ty work—suet' as while an d -ad isaa" -orf il ga4l..rs, and basal:tn. laaaa%•l4lll4'd A „ 1,1 , rs FOL. graiterF, 4- e.. itre. i t il : '" . . de at the shortest riotice,and is it , '" ei , will please call and clawing irat,dogi -rfil:pr fa Op confident that beta" ... .. , 'l'' 11l his line they may wan t. J. O • 01 1t.41 14r " 1 n't forret the Once—No-E. 111_til-040;lid "tiarrng'a I nteligence OiTme. a u ' - I.c.i . S. Ir. 2Zl r eps . -irl' __:-..--- ioale 1 • 1.4 ()WRY haVine lake. ti ts Fri ii• On . , -.'1,1 of Matey k Iloreisretis. es lie goo' eei and 42 Market streel• ts, v oe, . 1, - nn tortoni. frien•lf and elis llNP*-- _. 1.0 11, I .. - e- very lib n liberal Puport their l -00 1 : 00 (2 _ ..1 • ..nrn. in connection whit O f " -leliel , . •••ure then. that every eserilsoll;-000 ..., r...... 'eclat ion of the sante- ' , vile their attention tO Mi. „ w oe , ekich be inteeds yelling. itt . ....,..„... - .., - o t .• en ever o ff ered, helot dt ' slre:' WT._ rAr thealock of the tole POP . 4 . 0 iiiisoot :.. he imends to confine bildNi," ; - ... ..etak, he feels confident es , - , r l. stock, either in chatte* - ~- , - ~ .. orkinansitin. e ftele 0.11&11 to take notice t hat no-..r..111t NEI' r ritstur.h. 0„,toree;1;11- 1:i. !WARSAW, Natter-- s a --;#l ve, . hew lean ware, ire.l l ft h t oat .. .l lol NorFet streets ri"V" -- , - It the ~eat Wite a. R- o i 6,10, are matietied 15/0"4" eXidiatiouip#ll,lll ArtliCh 'V/ HMO Seta !MOO. - ^ r 7 7 OL 1.-NO. 66. 1 i PUBLISHED BY pHILLIPs ik W. H. SMITH, t CORNER OF WOOD 4• FIFTH STS. gc_ivE, DOLLARS at payable in copie, TWO CENTG—for Balethe a; Na Art, and by News B„, femur)' and Manufacturer , cr Eg LT, at the same office, on a doable TWO DOLIAT:S a year, la ad_ `IX CENTS. - l os of Advertising. „a or TWELVE LINES 011 LESS: ~..•4. 0.50 I One month, *LAO le - 075 1 Two monis, rre- 6.00 on r, 1.00 Three months, 7,00 1.50 k Four months, 8.00 3.00 Six months, 10,00 4.00 One year, 15,00 .cs. rEOILY A DYER TISEM ENTS. s.sur.,eLe A.T Pt EASCRt. \ 7bo Squares $14.10 Six months, $23,00 2.5.00 One year. 35.00 ~,,, s 4 v. rt isemen IS in prorortlon. •,,, t ou r hues Stx DOLLkRB a year. 'rim. [II,IC 0 FF I C ES, &C. ihme Third between Market and Wood Postmaster. 5 q otF i, Vt'aier..ith door from Wood st. Peter- John Wittock,Collecior. %Vood between First and Second is Ba , tram, Treasurer. Tzrotax, Third street, next door to the tar an Church—S. 11. Johnston, Treasurer. Fourth, between Market and Wood r . clay, Mayor. Et , tIaNGZ. Fourth, near Market Ft. BASKS , a , I,rt wr , en Market and Wood streets, on streets. ,yr ~lc, ACTCRERs . AND F•RMICR De n ~.ainerly Saving Fund.) Fourth, betwten sueets. ut r . ." , 11 street, near Wood. HOTELS. aCI A ilocse, Water si reel, near the Bridge. lio rut- corner of Penn and St. Clair. 3 . floret., corner of Third and Wood. lioTZL.COrner of Third and Stull; Afield. n-rer- corner of Penn .Peet and Canal. F.sctrr., Liberty in reel, near Seventh. s M a .Ftns Horse, Libedy St oppo=ite Wayne rnsr l A irs - toe lint•SE. Penn St. opposite Canal Ertl. WOODS, ATTORNEY AND NSELLOR AT L A.W.—Offve remo t,wents offices on Grant st., neatly opposite Cno rt House, next rooms to John D. Mahon. floor. got. 10 S. li. E Luorr, M. D.— ()lb - cc remove. I C street, between Penn and Liberty so, s 1 , 10 GOODS.—Preston A- Mackey, wli...lcsale and dca'•— , in Enslish, French, at d Domestic "1. %In rket .t .Pittstitir:ll sep ---- NDLESS & M'CLUREi Attorneys and to Law: Office in the Diamond, leick ittn.e.Pittsburgh. sep 10 E. Morrow. Alderman; offiec north between Wood and Smithfield Fr'p 10 rr. 11r/few. !.e GrPerr R ertif% !fig 11. .'r in Prntinne and Pit sitirt!li Ye. 224 Liberty Street, Pitt, Rep 10 Li k, , rotio/111,,1011 r!:11.1 ,111 Nla,itfacitired Nn. 29 Mp 10 o'll kit t . rt()IIINSRS, or ors . nort h =lde ^I the Diarnon6. ll etsr , e ep 10 tz. up stairs inarvlß v w. Allornoy at La sr: trudcr. 10 I Lit WO,: (01 - 1 ,, " MarAf2l above U. Lloy.! A. Co' sep 10 J• N R egis 111:1' & sin,tf:,citt , rs of Copper .set Iron Wars. No 80. Front st , FM: 4- HW... Spouting, and Steamboat work p •ornTo ly seP 10 1"•.1:74 . FRANCIS L. YOUNG )$. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware 1-orner of Hand st. Q Exrhante Alley. ,c,ahins., to porch:l.e Furniture. will find it 10 ~ntie to :ire ti= a call. nr folly satisfied that sep 10 p l e a:p a= in quality and price ON ii.-IMS.—Just rece'sed 160 chute , : ►fut• Manta, wcll cured and (or sale cheap hy , hr do i. by ISAAC HARRIS, 1i0.9. Filth rt - -- - I BA(; supp'y of Landlet les Fret:h Kn. Lti:a, and other different varieties 'of Turnip rrretved and for sate at REDVCIED PRICES al the nd Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN, O. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 813 CLOSET'S Boot and Shoe Ma nufacto rY• So 8:3 Fourth St., next door to the U. States Prunella, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;n I , st manner, and by the newest French patterns. 00 MORUS MULTICAULUS. in lots tosuit purchasers; to be dispeemed of by F.L. SNOWDEN, 0 No. 184 I.oberty street. head of Wood. iil.ll ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev ery derwrint ion, eanaalways be had at the Dtug ..! •ture of F. L. SNOWDEN , 10 134 Liberty street. head of Wood. to illol6 Annual Mammoth Onion Seed. for I: , e at the Drag and Seed store of F. 1..- SNOWDEN, 0 DU Liberty street, he'd of Wood. LBS. NEW JERSEY SWEET POTATO ES , for seed; Just received by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184, Liberty head of Wood et. flts Toots, consisting or Hoes. Fancy Spades Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding Pruning Shears. etc., psi re atd for sa2f by P. L. SNOWDEN. Ilt4 Liberty street, head of Wood. ICE VenisonMama.--Jost received a malt sore P'7°l r ")" choire cured Venison Llama, on retail II !clic for current money. 10 ISAAC HARRIS. Agent, and Coin. Merchant 111 TE Dutch Clover Seed. Orchard Grass and Kevinek y Blue Grass, always on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN. 10 N 0.134 Liberty street, head of Wood. B TEE k BUCHANAN, Atieraeys at Las. office "Illos'ed from the Diamond, to -.Attorney'aßow," weal Fourth street. between Market and Wood 'en 10 I G I STkATES . BLANICS. for proceedinvi to At. Urskasst ander the late law, for sale at this Office. SALE.—Lou on the North East corner of Cool Lane and High street. Apply to 10 BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th at. LBS. Laadreth's French Sogar Beet deedjuat received aed for sale at the Dreg and Reed F. L. SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty greet, head of Wood. LuTION OF PARTNERIMP.—TOO toPtrtnership heretofore editing between Wll.- RIGBY and BENJAMIN HOPEWELL Is thlsday bf mutual consent. William Dlgby is authorised T hen:mature of the firm in muting tip the business hilt firm. WILLIAM RIGBY. 10 BENT. T.HOPEWELL . . , • . 1 . . . . r = - .'. -:. : - ..1'. - ' -. 1, '..,:-1: . :- ":1 1 , :_ ~! I , • . . - .r,. . , . .. , - . . . ~ .. • .. Da. 'l4 • MERRITT I DENTIST . , Office ia Add, batsman Ismail as TOHNSTON STOCKTON.Bookaellera.Priatersand a Paper laanoraelOrera, No. p 7, Market st, sep y JOHN ANDESSOS, Smithfield Foundry, Water et_ near the Monongahela Houma% PituLureh• sop 10-1 LEONARD B. JOHNS, Aidermatel, St-Clair street, se toad door from Liberty. sep 10—ly DR. S. R. HOLMES, Office is Second street, next door to Id 'teeny it Celt Glass, Warehouse sep 10-1 y SDUNR FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law. Fourth at., near the Mayor's Mee. Plttsburr4h. sep'lo-ly THOS. HAMILTON. Attorney at Law. Fifth. between Wood and Smithfield Mi.. Pittshorr.h. sep 10-1 y HUGH TONER. Attorrtev at Law. North East corner at Smithfield and Priori h . sarreis. sap 10-1 Y motrison nines. • , •• JAYE'S TUELFIIOI. L. HANNA Er TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. 104, Wood st., where may he had a eenera I !apply of writing wrapping. printing, wall paper, Wank books. school hooks, 4.c. sep 10-1 y It C. TOWNSEND k Wire Markers cad 17 . Nan afachtrers, No. 23 Market street. between and ad streets. sep 10---1 y EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair st 'eels. by Ida{ 881 N 4" SMITH. nep 10-4 y 111 G METAL —77 tons soft Piz Metal fir pate by J. G • k A. GORD IN. No. 12 Water street 3,0L85. B %CON HAMS. 16.000 .s. Bacon 00 It Shoulders, for sn'e Ay J. G. 4- A. GORDON. N 0.12 Water street JA S. P ATTERSON. Jr.. BirTintla ,lear Pittsburgh, a —Pa., Manufacturer of Locks. Hines and Bolts; To harem, Fuller. Mill and Timber Screws; Bunsen Screws for Rolling Mills, kc. eep re JOHN 311CLOSKEY,Taitor and (jollier. Liber.y 51 eet, between Sixth and Virgin alley, south side. sep 10 W BURBRIDGE d- CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants—Second street, between Wood anti Smithfield sts.,T-iitsborgh. sep 10— ly J. A. GORDON, Commision and Forwarding M.-renal - A., Water st..Pni.toirtlh. gep 10-1 y LTA AI casks hams, a good article, received per S 11 R Corsair, and for sale by J. G. - A. GORDON, set, 10 No. I.2,,Wnier street QUGAR ¢ MOLASSES.---40 hhtis New Orleans Su L ear; 'SO tthls N'ess , Orleans Molas.e.4; for sale by seep 1.0 J. G. dr ~(30 it DON. SUG A R.-7 MA: prime N. 0. Rd:nr. rereo!ed ner S. R Maiti r e. and for sale by I 4- A. GORDON. sep 10 No. 11, Water street 50 BACON CASKS,in order, on Ind and for sale by rep 10 J. G. 4. A.GORDON, No. 12, 'Valet st QUGA 2 AND MOLASSES.-131thds and 4b: le N. 0 . Sugar. 32 hods N.O. Mops. r , reiVeti per Steamboat lagporler, and for sale by J. G Cr A. GOEIDCS, ep 10 No. 12. Wager street P.81.•,3, LARDoll..forgne by B. A. FA 11 NE:STOCK A.• ro . ep 10 ror ne t of 6ch nod VVood rti, 1631 PATERS Ca r ß in:; , n t o F n A , n i i t :- . .. ;: 1 / 44. fo r r O ft3to he ,oropr of et 11 and Wood s>l. r).00 Le.ez Prepnred Chalk. for sate by R. A. F k 11N F.S rocK Co. corner of Gth and Wood sus irn% R AND 5101, .ISSES h 1,1? N. 0 . s ugar. Weis. do. do.. 100 do. Pla t. 1.01. , ,1 11 olp.frs. for - - • - BLANIc PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— 1 o ii‘eit in Bankruptcy proceedinc, printed on and piner,nnti form. approved by 1 Ise Courl,for 'gale .1 lb , ( Orr of s he 'ilercury and Democrat.. vep 10 WM. HUBBARD, 1. - idies.' ca=hionatile bo.ti and :hoe Manufacturer. No. 101, Third street, between %Vocal and Smithfield streetl. Pittsbaroh rep 10 BUCKM ASTER, AVR N EY AT LAW, removed his office to the corner or Fourth greet and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant mieets,Pittshur2ll. sep 10 FOR RENT.—Theilwelling and lot containing 4 acres. In Allegheny, near the Beaver Road, lately arca piedliy Mr. Samuel Church. Apply at the NI ercha ats and Manufacturers' Bank, to W. H. DE.NNY. ven 10 Cashier. a f C = 1 AVIDSANDS , %1 ATCri StC ) Ch i llßEß.7 ,SlCiairstr y ,, pit ,7 bu rgh, DEA LER IN WATCH ES, CLOCKS, B REA STPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, .'c. sup 10 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.— A fun Nonni) , of Landrelh's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at his agency, the Din: store of F. L. SNOWDEN, rep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood DR. DAVID WARD has his office and residence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court douse, second dwelling from Roasstreet. He will faithfully attend all calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the basement. sep REMOVAL —Matthew Jones, Barter and flair Dress er. has removed to Fourth sl reel, oppostiet he Ma y- Ors office, where he will he happy tot . n-ait upon permanent or transient customers. fie solicits a share of public Pal ' rep 10 'ATM. A. WARD, DENTIST? Penn et. three door below Irwin street. Hours of business, from 9a. it.. until 5 P. /1.. after which time he will attend to no one except la elves of actual neevuity. He would further inform those who may think -proper 4e employ him, that he expects immediate payment, without the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sep.lo OHN WFA RL A ND, Up/is/surer and Cabinet Al—ker, Third et. between Wood .4. Market streets, respectful inf-wars his friends and the public that be is prepared to esecnte all orders for Sofas. Sideboards, Bit rea us. Chairs. Tables, Bedsteads. Stands. Bair and Spring blattrasser, Curtains. Carpets, all social of Upholstering work, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, x. 110 w•cit Street, Pittsbargk.—R. A. Bailsman. Auctioneer and Commttsion Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and blerchandsze, at his !arse and capacious looms, No. 110. North East Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets, Pittsborvn, Regular sales of Dry Goods. Furniture, Groceries and other articles, on Mcmdays and Thursday of each week. Hardware, Cutlery. Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on Tuesday. Wednesday. and Thursday evenin:s. Books. 4-c., every Saturday evening. Liberal advances guide on enlistments when wanted. I. G. 4- 4. CORKIN. No. 12 Water sl I rei Meows. John D. Davis, Esq., ) i. Bagaley 4 Smith. I tt Hampton. Smith, 4. co.. I ti F. Lorenz it Co., I .. 3. W. Barhridge }.Co.. ( ' u S. Ill'Kee lt Co. i .. Cape. James IrGargrn. Pittaborgit. .. C. Thames, Esq. I " John lirFadden Esq. 1 .. Logan 4 Kennedy. I. J. K. lioorbead 4 Co. ... Jas. Y. Stuart, Bp 4. !Lobed Catway.neq: ..'• i ok Capt. Jag. May.l, i .t , lieVay,Barta. 4it co. .1' 6. Wallas Symms. it • L ` : Wheels'. .. S.C. Henry. • ; Loshivilk. Snultb.llagaley 4co • - Phila. op 1. t. PITTSBURGH NO . PittakurgA and Beaver Packs:. Steamboat CMlL l VEratAkinb . SA.M'L. LI EXPHILL., Xao i t4r; 11AS'isonneneed her regular trips, and will run dal ty Mondays excepted.) Leaves Beaver at 80' clock A.M., leaves Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock P - . it. con nects atßeaver with the V!MIMMOD. Peansylvania and Ohio Line of-Freight aed Packet Canal boats between leaver, and Cleveland Ohio, and Greenviile, Pennsylvania. Leaves Beaver daily at 6 o'clock P. M. This line connects with two doily lines on the Pennsylvania canal to Philadel. phia, and with the New York and Ohio line on the Erie canal, and New York and Ohio line and Ohio canal,al. so with steam freight and passage boats, brigs and schooners, nit the Lakes. The proprietors of Ibis well known line will be prepared on the opening of naviga- Lion to tran.port merchan•lize to any of the intermedi ate ports on the Pennsylvania asd. Ohio, and Ohio ea nal..; to any port on Lake Erie, and the Upper Lakes;to and front New York City and Philadelphia. McClure ¢ Dickey, Beaver, Pa.. Cobb Wormer 4. Co., Cleveland, 0., Rees 4- Taylor. Warren, 0., PITTSBURGH le CLEVELAND LINE. 1 STEAM PACKET MICHIGAN, W. B. BOLES, Master. RUNS daily (Sundays excepted,) between P4TTS. :BURGH d• BEAVER. leaving Beaver at 8 A. M. and Pittsburgh at 2 P. M. provid,d witk Evass's Safe ty Guard to prevent Eiplosion of Boilers. This sptendid and fast running Steam Boat has Just 'teen emisple:ed expressly for this trade, sod runs in onnemion with eLARKE 4. Co's Pittsburgh and CleValla Lime of 1 FBEIOHTAXD PASSAGE BOATS, grail' , to Cleveland, Oki._ Or down the Ohio canal to atasilon, te. and Erie Ex The Canal Boats of this Line are towed to and from Pittsburgh direct, and the hosinms conducted on the Inco:-t prompt sand economical system. Having a connec tion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running town the Ohio river; also, t lironeh our Agents at Cleveland, with M. Reed's Steamboats and several Lake Vessels, and the Troy and Michigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on the Erie canal, we a-v prepared fur the transportation of Freight to and from all points on the canal, the lakes and the Biv , r, or the Eastern cities, at prices as !ow as any other line. Apply to G. M. Hartoo, No. 55 Water at, or a t st e am, boat Michigan's Landing. Pittsturgh. Clarke It Co. Beaver. Hubbard k Weatherhea, Warren. Wheeler 4- Co. Akron: Thomas Rickstond 4 Co. Cleveland R. Wick 4- Co.. Greenville; W. C. Malen. Sharon, R. W. Citti,iirigham. New Castle, Johii Ktrk. Younzslown, Jahn Campbell Newton Palls; Campbell k?lifer, Campliellstown; Bahrock 4- Mcßride, Ravenna; C. 4- D Rhodes, Franklin: H. A. Miller 4- Co— Cuyahoga Falls; Wellsman tfr Whitehead, Mas.illon; Gordon Wi , liams. 4- Co., Detroit; K inne, Davis 4- Co.. norralo: Cowing, Richmond. co., New York cep 10 ri 1 - 21. Corner of Woodand Frarrf 11.1 Streets, Pircrro-rgh, has on haul a complete as. sortitterdof Q13 , ,w are =cited to the rity or country i ta de. Arm_ a clrire wOection of pure whilp and gold .-and ANDTEA W ARE. in large or small sets, Or separate we'd,. to soil purchasers. A cask of 96, 60. or 84 piece sets. superbly painted and 5111 F.nr.ti,li China Teaware. at very prletes. Toy Trail - are. plain, and rich painted and gill, flout 1.00 1 . 1 ji5..00 per set Clithiren'sllits of ewer v de , cription. ‘Vititc China Shavins MuLrs. Cranile Divine at d Try eervires. in white and with mertcan Froarry printed in hive and ' , lark. A lare variety of Stratottoot Iporinz and lire:Oda-I S•ts, imported to match. complete, Fite Proof stone baking plates and dishes; from the Ifirr , 'rzbire Potteries. Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties NW:ndowt3 las.. of errry Palen , Rocket!, Tnhs and Keeler!. Slone Pip, Wads. 4-c. 4-c. 4-r. Alt of which are respectfully offereiLlo the put.. is on the most favoranle terms. Jan 26.1842--ly rip I. FOX ALDEN Attervey dad Comp senor at A. • Law. Cfl rs hig profeggional services to the rit izebs of Pittstoir7.b and hopes for a share of publiepat .-nna..e. He will execute all kinds cf writing with neat ness and dismv ch. Cages in hanarnmey „„ reasonable terms.—Ottre in Smithfield street, at the house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil. to whom he refers. sep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN. DAVID CLARK, flit. •easkiewoble Boot Maker,— Itos removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third street=, where he wou'd be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize him. He uses nothing hut first rate stock, and employs the hest of workmen; and as he gives its constant personal attention to husineu.„ he truststhat he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. seri 10 FRUITS, ICE CREAM, t CONFECTIONARY.— A flanker respectfully informs his friends and the public that they can always find the list quality of Ice Creams, together with al; kinds of confectionary and (mks. in their season* at his establishment—No. IL Fifth street, hetweer Wood and Markrt. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice. with cakm , . or anything in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. Step 10 JJOHN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and COMMir MOP Si i rchant, N 0.105, currier of Wood Ir Fifth sta. Pittsbsvgk: !Myles been appointed one of the Auction. ' evrsfo, Ihe City of Pitsbursh . tendtrs his services to joie +hers manufacturers and dealers. who may he disposed to make trial of this market• He IQ prepared to make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities. land trusts to satiety correspondents by quick sales, and speedy 'and favorable returns. That the various interests which may he confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid I of his own experience in business and acquaintance with merchandise generally, the services of Mr. SLiatilL FArtarsroca; heretofore advantageously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement is made: I. 4 2 . JAMES A. VEAZY. Agent, No.6° 4ff at er street. Pittaborzh tension Line to Greenville 133:13:153 REFER TO Mears. M. Tiernan, Presh. of M. 4- M. ..• Bank. •• Darlington 4- Peebles, " Robert Galway. •• James M. C•oper, " James May, •• R. M. Riddle, Pittsburgh • Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres e t 1 of Exchange Bank. •• Hampton, Smith, 4* Co.. • • John D. Davis, Samuel Church. •• J. K. Moorhead. Jas. W. Brown 4- co. •• John H. Brown. 4. Co. Smith d It matey. Yard's 4; lt 'Nero. •• John S. Biddle, • John Datsell, LW ANN'S CAMOXIME PILL L 8 .—A BR A wa HAM I. CLEM Et, residing at 66 Molt street. New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head. ache. great debility. (eves, costiveness, cough, heart. barn. pain In the Chest and stomach always alter eating, jmpaired appetite, seriatim' of sinking at the mornaeh, furred Unsgue, nausea, with frequent vomiting'. dimlliews tower& night and restkmeas. Tame had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when. on consents% Dr. Wm. Evaaa.looohatbam street; • and submitting to his ewer aseeeasfai and agreeable mode of treatment, Umr patient was completely restated to health In the short swim( onemonth, and grateful Ur the iscalesiable benefit deriv. ed. gladly came (onward and voloMeered the abovesime For sale, Wholesaleand Retail by R. IL SIVLIZat* Ages/. No.2l),Worid'inceetilialow Second. D R :, GOODE'S Cale#ratili Fewshr , Pills- 'TWOS Pills arestronly recommended go the notice of the ladies as a Safe and efficient -remedy In removing those compladets peculiar to their sex. from want of ex ercise, or general Rebility of the SymeM. Thry oblate costiveness, and counteract all Systarical and Nervous affectionn Thee Pills have gnined the morction and approbation of. the most eminent Physicians is the Mel ted States, and many Mothers. Par sale Wbolerale and Retail, by R. 8 rELLERB. deem. seep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second. Wlll. ADAM Blue and Skye Xaksr, LibertY St., missal tke head ef Satitifield at.. Pitts's:P.ol. Tb* isubeeriber twang bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, .bas commenced business in the old stand of Mr. - R.. and is prepared to exeesie all descriptions of work in his line, in the best manner and on the shortest notrce. Be keeps tor stonily on hand a large assortment ofshoe findipes of all descriptions and of the best quality. Be solcits the patronage of the pub lic and oftbe crsft. WM. ADAIR. sep 10 11111 lITTSBIIRGH MANI( FACTORY.—SPrixt* an Axles far Carriages at Easters Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coach,C and Eliptk Springs (warranted.) Juniata Iron Arles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Bub Bands, Stamp Joints, Parent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps. Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Binges. &c . kr. JONES. & COLBM AN. St. Clatr st.. near n e A 'trete: l Y grid". Proprietors D.SELLERS, M. D., office and dwelling in Fourth. . near Ferry street. sep 13-17 The attention 'ftho-e who have been somewhat seep tic.al is reference to the numerous certificates published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild . Cher ry,on account of the persons being unknown in this see Lion of the Ettate,la respectfully directed to the followirie certificate, the writer of which has been a citizen of able borough for several years, and is known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To the -egret, Mr. 1. KIRBY. f have used Dr. Swarne's Comp and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a cough, with which I have been severely at flirted for about four months, and 1 have no hesitation in saying, that it is the most effective medicine that 1 have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness. and agrees well with my diet.—and mantalns a regular and good appetite. I can freely recommend it to all others similarly afflicted. .1. Mt SNICK, Borough of Chambersb'e. March 9. 11140.sep 9_l For sa'e by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street FRUIT. SHADE, AND ORNAMFNTAL ERSONS desirous of procuring Fruit. Shade and P Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philadel phis or New York, are requested to make application as soon as possible. at the Drat and Seed Store of the sub scriber, where can be had catalogue., sratuitottgly. of the most excellent .arielieg. P. L. SNOWDEN, sep 21 No 1114 Liberty street .head of Wood U. PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For thsTransportation of hlerchandize to and front Pittsbarsh.litittineare,Philadelphia, New Fert,and Boa ton. the skorrest THE Miner{ :Flare, Portadre float Line, is composed of Boats built in four section.. earl' section capable of containing seven tons. and snsceptlble of being separate or detached and transferred from Canal to Rail Road, thus, as it were, forming a complete train of Cars, or presentingte novel appearance of a Roar trailing on land and thereh - allirdtling the igtent "relay' oressioned - by re shipping at the several feet inns and fermi nal iors of Ca. nabs and Rail Roads. the expense of transhipment and be da to age f.. , 00& rustain by I ren tient handling; and rendering it imposs,tne to separate hos of pony s on the way—owing to the peculiar ronsirriction of the Boat having four separate apartments in which goods are sto red, renders them less liable to d' mage goods by water or otherwise t han by any other mode of transtimrtal ion. The system of Tran.port at ion .ns recommended tw the Canal Commiasioncrs and lately adn,lted by the State. refers particularly to this class of goats. The Boats of thin Line are owned by responsible captains that run them, and is the only Line now in operation free from monopolies or combination. Goods consiened to the undersiened agents will he re ceived free of eommisgion and shipped withont delly at the lowest rates. Ait cha pees paid and every instruction promptly attended to. C. A . M'SULTY k Co. *cats. Canal Sasin.Pittsintrzh. F. F. POPE. Aeent, 75 Bowly's Wharf, Baltimore. TWOS BORBRIDGE, ArremPlrila. seplB—tf - Int .—rat FiA - Cawfielii re- LT I spectrally acquaints his friends and the public Gen erally, t hat he has commenced the Marble business at the corner of Fifth and Liberty sts..w here will be constantly on hand. tomb stones, mantel pieees, monuments, head and foot stones, table slabs for cabinet ware, and every art Icle annerla Mine to the busines.. Re will warrant his work to he 'veil done, and hie rharens will he moderate . Be respect fully asks a share of nubile patrona:e. sop 10. TAMES A. VEAZEY. Ferwerdiug and Commis *ion at iterate**, Agent for Steamboat -Cleveland and Pennsylvania and Ohio Line. Havin_ rented the ware boo,* formerly occupied by Birmingham 4- Co.. No. 60 Water Street, let toren World and Smithfield. is prepared to receive and forward gtxxls to any port on the Ohio or Mississippi river on reasonable terms. Pep 10 CO-PARTNERSHIP.—G. P. Smith 4- W. Hampton, having associated themselves together under the firm of Hampton 4- Smith, will continue the wholesale Dry Goods business in the house recently occupied by Hampton. Smith 4- Cowhere they will be receiving In a few days a new stock of Fall and Winter Goods. They respectfully invite their old friends, and merchants gen. erally, visiting Pittsburgh. to call and ex:urine their stock, sept 28—d3m. ). Philacier* 1 imp 10 ~~,~-. 8Fift:25, , ,1-842 4 LOOK AT THIS TREES INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. Portable Platform Smiler on wheels, to weigh 2,500 Ile. at $55 0O do do do do 2.005 at $45 08 do do do do 1.500 at 35 00 do do do do 1.000 at 30 00 do do do do 500 at 25 00 With raising /ewers an addition of $3 to each scale. Dormant reales for the we of Warehouses. Flooring Milts, ke.,the same prices as above. Aleo, White's Patent Coaster Stale, with D. Young's improvements. and a variety of other counter scales. which they will sell for from 8 to $l5, They also manufacture Steam Engines for Pknitiag Mills. Saw Mills. Salt Works: ke., double and aintee geared slide lathes foot and other lathes for wood minting machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines. door and sash inaeldnes. Hairs patent horse power, With or without thrashing machines, a superior article; amulet saw abatis. machines ihr sawing lath, 'Timber's ma t:Mem and toots °fall descriptions.also (overtaking black lug boxes,asuperier mild% governors Air Meats engine. rusks. taps and dies. =Hee mine. bedstead or joint loots and machinery for making_the same. cotton tictorj ma chinery made or repainol; printing press plaiteas Inroad and iodating pneireitepairdi• JAMES MAY, Agent. _ sip 111—if Irousc SILAIIIIMIY: Per pubficking a wow Deity Popin..iitika CU, 4 . Pitts &stork, to is **titled tie DAILY MOMNG POST. PlRElESethscribeis having made attaitmeasants to merge I the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mertes ey into one Journal. have concluded to pliddish a daily paper with the title of the Thrill Xersites Pest The it object °fine nftterr" will be the 4-menden lion and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors. in their retpective papers. and their best efforts will still be devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Althwagb, in polities, the paper will he thoroughly democratic'. yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest. candid history of passing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence. and brief notices of all mat ters and occurrences that come properly within the settees of a Public Journal, to make their panel sufficiently in eroding to entitle it to the patronage cf the public, it respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the Poirt," the Editors will take pains to furnish the businftos community with the latest and must liite.reaing Coaturatelat. lerrasta names from all parts of the country, and to have prepa red such aceountsof the Markets and the State of Trade as will beadvantageous to our Merchants and Easiness Men In their several callings. Terns.—The Posy will be potilished on a large imperi al sheet of line paper, (manufactured especialy for this Jolorn‘t) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLAItS per annum,payabte in advance. It will also be sold by news-boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Adeartisersests will he inserted at the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. -TWENTY active lads are wanted to rell the Post. who wilt be engaged on the moat liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W.H. SMITH. Annsi 31, 1842. 100 RIMS. RT. LEAF TOBACCO. in stare and for sale by J. G. 4- A GORDON. No. 12. Water street. ORISON'S PILLS BY Morrison k Co. London. for sale only by S. N. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10 FARM - FOR SA Le.—The podered2titui offers for sale a tract of land situated 4 mile; fn... freepoit, In the direction of Kittanning. Buffalo 'township. Armstrong conotv.ron►aininf 100 acre!, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of whicn are in meadow— a good square log dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple orchard of 80 bearing trees—and a spring of excellent water convenient tolhe house. FOR TERMS apply to the anitseribers realding at the Sattworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free port. TO THE WlSE.—it is now well understood how mu , h di.- rders of the mind depend for their cure noon a due attention in the body. It ig now understood how valuable is that medicine whiellwill remove morbid accnmulatiorus without weakening the bodily power. It is now understood that there is a reciprocal influence be. twren the mind and the body. It is now understood that purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan choly. and even insanity is cured by perseveringly usins, them. It is now understood how much dom es tic happi ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive organs. It is now well known that the Brandrelh Pills have cared thoumnds of hopeless and helpless persons, even when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond all human means of relief. It is now not only well known that the Brandreth Allison cure. hut it is OW un derstood how they cure; that it is by their purifying elect on the blood t het they-restore the body to health. The ',Moen! trg . inedicine is becoming more and more manifest, it is recommended daily front family to family. The Brandrath Pills remove in an almost imperceptible manner all noxious accumulations and purify and invigo• rate the hiood.and their good effects are not counterbalan ced by ;Inv inconveniences; being composed entirely of vegetables they do not expose those who nse them to danger; and their effects are as certain as they are sahi t a rc; Utey arc daily and safely adinini.dersd to infancy. month, manhood, and old age. and to women in the most. critical and delicate circumstances. They Igo not disturb or shock the animal functions, hat restore their order ansi s.tablish their health. Soki at Dr. Rrasnrith's Office. N 0.93, Weed street l'ittststr2h. Prire .15 cents per hos. with fattAireetions MACK—The only plare in Pittsburgh where t :elm ine Pith. can be obtained, is the Loetor's own office. No 93 Wood street. sep 10 DR, J. B. TIBBITT"S, Respectfully inform the ea seas of Pittsburgh and vicinity. that he has return ed to the city. Be bones to share the confidence of his 1,7f - ; - r - orirot' 6 r gelebi,arro - r.V. — trte 11 he would observe, that the operal ion of Lithotrity, (or breaking the stone in the bladder and allowing It to paw of with the urine,) is every where commanding the deep est Interest. Fle hopes_ to extend the benefit of t his branch uf his profession to the afflicted. Strictures, Discus , ' of the Bladder and K idneys.—which occasionally follow,— will likewise receive attention. Those from a dislanee wishing further Intkirmation wilt apply personally or by letter, or if desired can be accommodated at his dwelling, in a retired part of the ci ty, on Third, between Ferry and Liberty sts. rep 10 LEl' Invalids read the following account of a Santo cured of a complication of afflictions in nineteen days by the use of Brandreib Pills. It distinctly proves there are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be cause of disease, and Brandrette's Pillsare made for them Read and he convinced. Take the medicine andbe-en red EXTRA ORDINA R C GTE 0 RILEUMATISN DIA R RHCE-el, AND A 6 FECTION OF THD L LINDA Joint CRAW, of Pembroke, Washi titian toonty, Maine, being drily sworn, says, that he was taken violently' sick about six months since. The pains in his head, breast, hack, left side and instep being so had that he was usea ble to help himself.and was taken into the Chelsea Hos pital in the city of Roston. That after being to said hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis said he did not knOw what was the mattes with him, and that he could do nothing for him, nor could he prescribe any medicine. That he, therefore. was conveyed front the Chelsea Hos. Toilette the Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That he was there pbysicked whit all sorts of medicine for a peri od of four months, sofferir.g all the time the West heart. rending misery.— Thai, besides his affection of his boner he was troubled mach witha disease of the lungs: some. ttmee he wantd spit a quart ofphlegm in the day; besides this affection be had a bad Diarrhea, which had more: or leas attended him Rom the commencement of his sick ness. That attunes he dreaded estop' worm than he would have dreaded death; that be can compare the feel ing to nothing save that of knives passing through his bowels. AfiersuSerine worse than death at the Sailor's Retreat, on Staten island, the doctor told him that medi cine was of no use to him. that he mu-'t try to stir about. At this lime he was suffering the greatest misery. That his bones wise so tender he could not hear the least presA. ore upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his instep was most painfol.that as the Doctor said he would give him no more medicine he determined to prOcure some of Dr., itrandiettes Pills, which he did. from '4t forendwag flew York; that he eommencedwith five elfin, mod some timeatnereamd-the dose to eight- The first week's me much Ixquefited him, that -the doctor, net knowing what he was using, saidonow.Elltaw, you look like a man again; if you improve in this way. you will rpm be well.' That-he fattcd every dose of the Drandrcth flits relieve MIN fink they cured bin of the man wiles at stool; that they nest cared the diarrhea, sad finally the irons in his boneig-.Tbat the isedieine seemed to add strength to hum everyday. Betold the doctor neater. day the I.lth Instant. that he felt hitnerlf well. and also, that he owed his recovery to firandretbe • Pith ender ?Wilda/cc; that he bad have the medichieferlyday, fbr lfirlaym that the doctor iota him if herkikil kllolllllll be had bee. taittingthat medicine, be iihoektnint bars, another day in rbe beers. fleenrsidersltishiadntl , .to make ibis public mare-mend few the benefit of all similarty • 'Aided; that they mai tem where to And stectbckee that will mire them. "JOHN SHAW. John flbauf beiagbp sae twty swam MU 130tdii. of April. 1822,41 d &roe andsay that the toregahlig mete. • meet hrtrie. WlDfirialt.Conintimionerefli b MlK Tire -04401MIZ7lif PILLS - are told at Dr. aria • &MAI attache) carite.l4l.ltacarorrair. itew- took; athia.priaelaatelice. Ita.93Weeitstiest.fitarleellt. • the o.ltrZTPL4elt la Pittahersh wherethe gastahe tea baabtahted. - sicip2ll-41e1W - proved Flay lairaeletned be Few Bloch int between Pia- . street. two re (1011. Pitts mfactore and Id the follow sealescovhol. uwi, co l m ): posai of No. 1, Port ~fe Platform :scams 00 dvieks, weigh &lOU pounds at Slio: ": ~~ , ~ r`^3 G'Z PROSPECTUS Wlll.k PHILIP BAKER BRANDRETH PILLS CE TWO CENT&'',, W~'B~AiLY~i' ' 47_ i::Er. , ltpipp asolaera Laererj , a easega- ' • _ 1 4 04 :aalk a CbSet stage °two- 'We were Itnquently visited bipardee of (A wes . f r oin.nairsbe Great Platte; they were a brave . allizttifatisgleting 1 110 14- Their principal (:hteClLisiusin: was -a. dis tinguished man, of great lifolatalk and pr found judgment of crib petilikbts Ma* remarkable quality was, a cloanankeartraW" tion and penetration of character enti-Wilifo. live. I heard a gentleman who knew well, and spoke his language, sa y, . that 4- 1 bad known him to form judimOns if not accurate estimates of men, front &halt hour's acquaintance, and without under+ standing a wurd that wss spoken. But deep beneath the calm exterior of his char: acter burned a lava of impetuous passions: when strongly moved, burst forth with a fierce and blind violence. , -0 0- Le-tan had the advantage of a fine encl. commanding figure; so remarkable, in., deed, that once at a dinner on a public; on. casion at Jefferson's Barracks, his bealtli was drar.k, with a complimentary ariOvlN don of the lines:—. "ft combination mid a form indeed, - ..4‘4 7 here every god did seem to set his seal,, "To gave the world assurance of a man:* _ 'Tbere was a passage in the life of i this chief which has been so prevented Ely ail itinerant Indian story-monger, Ithat I 404 not refrain from giving it rightly. In ft I deep carouse which took place one night. in the village, in 1822, his brother, a fine fellow, named Blue eyes; (that color be,- ing very extraordinary in an Indian) had the misfortune to bite off a piece of, 1.-e-- tan's nose. So soon as he became fully sensible of this irreparable injury, to which as an Indian he was psrhaps even more sensible than a white win; I-e tan burner% with a mortal resentment. He told hi* brother that he would kill him; and re— tired, got a rifle, and returned. Blue eyes was found leaning with folded arms against; a pillar of his lodge, and tilos, with a tie... roic stoicism which has been rightly attri, buted as a characteristic of the race; witir• out a murmur, or a word, or the quiver of a muscle, submitted to his cruel fate. I-e -tan deliberately shot him through the heart. Then was Le-tan seized with a violent remorse, and exhibited the redeeming traits of repentence and inconsolable grief, and a . greatness in the vety constancy of the ab sorbing sentiment. tie retired from all in tercourse with his race, abstained wholly from drink, for which he had a propensity; • as if under a vow, he went naked for near two years; he meditated upon sui• ide, and was probably only prevented by the infra ence of a white friend; but he sought hon orable death in desperate encounters with all enemies he could find, end in this peri od acquired his name or title, from a vale destructive-attack he made upon a party of' the I-a-tan tribe. Ile lived a year or ttio with the Pawnees, acquired perfectly their' difficult language, and attained a great in &tepee over them which he never lost. Aft ter several years of such penance I-e-tan. revisited the villages of his nation.; and, in -- 1830, on the death of La Criniere, hie elder brother, succeeded him as prineipal;ehief;' I-e-tan married many of the finest girls of': his own and the neighboting tribes but never had children. Latterly,' otie of his _ i wavering between love and revenge, a male child was born with teeth. Vanity nor; proved the strongest passion; he feigrAil to believe it his son, and pronounced it a - 'special interposition of the Great Spirit. of which this extraordinary sign was the proof. I e-tan was the last chief whoeould so far resist the ruinous influence orthe in creasing communication of his tribe with the vilianous—the worse than barbarous whites of the extreme frontier, as to keep the young men and( r a tolerable r spetrel;,, his death proved a signal for liienite and, disorder: 'lntemperance was the great fault in 1-e tan's character—the cause of his greatest, misfortune and crime; it led to a inelese death. The circumstances of this tragedy 'are worthy of record, if only that they dew velope some strong traits of e h e eigtnej character; they are as follo - .vs; In April; 1837, aceomppanied by errs two youngest wives, at a trading-bootee near the mou th of the Pestle, be inttilged in, one of his moat violent fits of droakenness; and in this condition, eat a dark and iocleasert night, drove ;As wives out of doors; two' men of his tribe who witnessed these eir cutrustan-us took the utotast advantage of them, and seduced the women to fly in the'r company. One of these men had formerly been dangerously stabbed by I, e.-tan. Actuated by hatred—calculating perhaps on the chief's declining power., and the strength of their connexion, ohich was peat; the seducers becoming tired of outlaying in hunting camps, &e., deter mined to return to the , village and face it out. Such cues of elopement are not very unfreguent; but, after a much longer sb-, genes, the parties become silently retort-- cited, if necessary, by the arrangement of friends. But 1.-e tan said thatit was not only a personal insult and injury. but an ciident. defiance of his power; and that he would., live or die the chief of the Ottoes. flits enimies had prepsred their friends fog sistaneo, and I-o-tan armed birnaitithi-the, Heand (lima eonooms t yam% , men in the shirts of thoi inllalto s lames , trees, where their supporters wen..4ton eaded. i.e tan .addressed the man' he had formerly 'minded: Restruit'iiiik I do not' wish to kiltyow; I kavee'pezliara.•. injured you enough. Tito fellow ' 4140 4 ftedi%-f. - IterthenAtesiviNkOtit 40; •lted wh•N at, 10-„W" Ti 400 C, 'Pei •-• r - -~~;~: h r,--. ~ x.....
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers