~~ ~~:~ al)rlitdOE COFFIN W466110G8M , 'Peer : ; ffit, two 4ipera /Oen tia •V. B. Biwa. Ww rt . 11 ,1 Cradartaker, respectfully informs the public that h bar'removed Mits-ready- Made coffin warehouse to the Winding recently occe6a by Mr. ft. G. Berford,direetly tOPPalitet his oldatand. where be la always prepared to at. Send premitlrtonny orders in his line, and by strict at. tendon to all the details of the husiness of an Undertaker ABlut t iesto merit public confidence , lie will be prepared at tr aortae to provide Hearses, Biers, Carriages and arret requtsite on the most liberal terms. Calls from the , mtiun try will be promptly attended to. His' residence Is in the same building with his ware hangs, Where those who need lilt services may tinci him gs litany - - w.vv• Lewitt. JUDY PADDLE, JUDOS PATTON, w. n. Weimar, 1111/110 BARRIS, eep i 0 OD:a IP.D.liidlit 44 'x 'r• : s. SPE IMIIO 1T BILLS. P ft GETS , HORSE tILI.t,I ANKH, 4,816L9. VISITING C ARDS, ADDREAS DO., ell WKS, BCS I !511,:77 , S DO., NO re:4. HAND RILLS, BILGS OF L-% DINO, CIRCULARS, kr, 4-c. Tozether with every description of Letter Press Print int, Ornished with tteatnesp and despatch, and on mode rate terms, at the office of the D. Morning Post. Sep 10 T°MI THOAE %%MOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO PROCP. OR AGC AVATP. DtsPA:zE.—This els - gal:of individuals Is very numerous. Tiii.y are those wito work in an unheal!hy atmosphere. Printers, work men In feather stores, stone cutters, I , ot:erg, white lead raltaqacturers, arc all more or less subject to disease ac cordtty to the strength of thetr constitution. The only methrial to prevent disease, is the occasional use of a Ins which abstracts from the circulation all delele• Mora, and expel:. them by the bowels. Tonics in any form are Injurious, as they only fat otr the evil day tb make it more fatal. The use of B.andret Ws Pills will insure health, heeluqe they take all impure matter out of the blood; and the body is not weakened hut strengthened by their upPraticoi, I.r these euinabie Pills do not force, lint Ihey asst-t nature, and are not oppcsed, butharmonizs crith her. Sold at Dr. Brand ret 0111's, No. 98 Wood st reel, Pitklittren. Price 25 cenla ner 1 , 3 Willi full directins. MARK—The Doty place in Piti , littr2h Will re (lie (tgslut E Pills eau lie olitained,t3 the Doctor's own I f. flee, No. 98 Wood street. sep 10 - NEW frOTEL.—The sahscriher r(-sper tinily in for es his old friends and iliepuhlie that tic has openrn Temorranee lioiel,in fifth Street, near the Ex• ehinge 113,1 k, and in ihe house laiely occupied by Mat thew Patrick. and has !misted and run -The iron City notel," where lie will.he very har - v to arconono. date all who may call or. 11.111. His table shall be provided with the best fare, and every pos , ilile accotn^.tottstien to town and country CIISIOnIer3 and ravelers. A few hoarders who wish to lodle In their Ftnres or or. /i ces . call be token, and gentlemen who her out of town can hove their dinners ll:ti'y. He has forge aud ..mmt st.thle., and the hest Hay and Oats, and a good llos , ler, and will accommodate travel. ere and gentlemen who hive hot Boarders taken hp the d.te, week nr year. Charges more model ate than at any rPs, , t,ae Hotel Ihe cOy, Sep 10 JOHN IRONS. WISIIIIN“TOS Ft t LL•--Tilf! WU' 113 S Opened lii^ late re , i,leace of. James Adonis, rsq., deceased. for the rece;eim of visitors nod hoarders; the house is VC. y on 11,r I , :ink of the Ohio, 2 miles from the 6tv—po-1, , ,1fig the deli2ht• fli neeomp:initnents of n coon , ry ret , Heilre, without Ateltig too car dt<tnn ror iwrgo•is doii•g in the city. Visitors will he CVP'y delicacy of the season An Omnibus rnns revilarly every Iplu glFeny end of the Ilrhl2e, N. R.—No Aleuhu!in Leverages kept. cep 10 WII. C. TIER N fISSOLUTION OF 1'111.: L'.\-10.\''—'111.• rop.,,t• nersbip exiatint: Inttwnen !Ames iumun and 1/Ivil Nlor;an In 1101 dty tin-artlytnl by tnu consent. The conditions tv ill In dilly noticed, wills the si2nal ut es or 60111 1:111 . 1iCS winexed, and R trry Hall wil! be ront;nnetl — ...open by the sn't-criher until oilier arrangements ate per reeled. For late, on the uretni , a, 1 - u) hblt. rhoire winter ap• plea, I rapplied for 1111,11Ctlia. r Iv. lA:4 . E. K ',noun N. /cep 24—If No 9. Market, and 74. Front st. .114005iBINI)IN(;.—m'crimi l ess 111 Joim-.0, Bookbinder. , and raper Paters, S. %V. corner of I.Vond and Pourt . .,l Ft ree..., are TIONV wen:iced In ex , evil,. of Ito,,lo,Hdine and Pa. per Ruling will: neatness and despatch. k hook: ruled and 1/01111(1 10 any %limn pattern al lie Orlerl notice. N. R. All work don nc:it.ove rra n I ed. (F.ep 10 )LE, Surgeon Deutiet, has returned to • 1115 11111 Sr ` - 11 • 1 • Nolo7. Smithfield Street. where he can he consulted nny hour dormg the day, on h i, , . an Imo ncPs to hi , frieffils and oa• iluM lie 11:1.3 re'alve•l e:;lalilislinieitt from his old-Antitl, in Thirl streel, to the corner el Cront and Hullthfield, in Vie I.:I.:Pine:II storyof tide Monongahela House; where lie i,iten(l9!eriiioe on hand a : , ,etirra I as. sortineot or Fashioaable Goods, sellable Gen l.ereell's wear. He hopes, by close ariitii•at ion, to a share of the ousines9 so liiiernlly exivoiled to hint 0 , his old stand, N. B. [laving matte a rttor.tetteoht nl Ni. %V York and Philadelithia, with I tic too,t Fa <hiunnl hr Tailors, for the reception of Pasts and Landon Fa-iiiions, Customers may rely on'havioe+their orders ex , raird itrrordiod to the tatest style. G EIJIZG E ARMOR. -eept 113 LARD 011..—That4oleotriller would Inn respectfully inform the public in = encra I h 0 he has an arlic'e of Lrd Oil °I a superior qualm y,mannfaciared at the I 'inrin• iAafi Oil Manufaciory R.W.Lee is war ra `•ted to be eqnal to the best Sperm. Oil, hot h for 1.111 t and Maentit..try. TWA Oh ni itchy free from any 0011. ,mallet, smoke, or unpleasant odor. and It i> as clea r and as white as spring water. Not a particle of crust N left on the wink. The light is pure and and wail Ito, as lone, if nor lonlpr, than !hat from an • equal quantity of Sperm. Oil. The sol•se.lher informs -2he Ohne that he has !ake.n a place new nppostit: the `Post Offi , :e, where he will livlht np several di tlerent lamps sive:lf - eve:mos , an t i he would respee.fnlly invi.e the In habitants of Pit lelmrsh, Alles,heny,nnd their vicinit, to call and jiid.2e for thelikudvre. Ile feels confident they wilt be convinced that the It love statement is perfectly correct. Out uf two hundred individuals who have tried ,the OIL awne has not been a slide fang found with it 'The Lard Oil costs one third !e,ts than Sperm. Ile would i respeettully silica the early attention ni Dealers and Ma. Chleists to the above. The collowtn2 Churches are now 11 , 1 , 11 the Lard Oil: Second Pretthytrrinn C: lot rrb, N ew cu m heriend riesily ter inn rhurrh, First Presdtyterlan Alle::heny City, kooclaie Reformed Clinton, do. Ail the barrels are branded R. W. LEE Rr Co., Chichi plfll Ohio. 117 i, the undesigned. Captains r f the Express Line uf Taekets. on the Pennsylvania Canal, have tried and are •using, an artlcleof Lard Oil int rodnred here by Matthew C. Rdey. and manufactured by C. W. Lee 4' Co., at the Cincinnatti OH Factory. We feel confident in asserting that the a' ova la equal to the best Sperin Oil; that it is entirely free from smoke or any other glutinous matter whatever; the light is per fectly pnre. clear nod brilliant. and will last as long, If not longer than that from on equal quantity of Sperm. Oil, We have no hestitation In recommending him our friends amt to those who use Oil . ' ifMNUY TRURY, Captain, Packet John Adams. 40: Mr.HILDELMAND, Captain, Pocket John Hancock, ',A.ORAIO. do do John Madison, AM R 'rHOMPSON, ilt, ea Pittsburgh. 'IMP 10 It Mt ON VON HUTCH EL F. 3. HERB PILLS.— - , 7 -Titeve Mill are eomposeti of herbs, which exert a 'alitieettic action upon the heart, give impulse ,or AtightliE to the arterial -system; the Wood is quickened , tratteatiatized in Its circulation ih much nil the vessels, whether Of the skin, the parts situated internally. or tile extremities; and ns all, the secretions of the Frnly are drawn Ernie the bleed. there is u, consiNinent ine'repue or etrer.y oicrittion; and n:quiekCUNl -cling of the nh t.'sorhen . stridethatent, or:di:roil a ming vefurie. Any inarttirigm le n • ahie.4 ,- iney . tizve taken. place its rorrecLati. sat* 4 , ,iit f . , 4140 are ri - jrcred, the blood is puridtd„ and , z'aial.:o_ Air. liftlikattlaljtte.' l For pOll Whole ate *114:4* . -. ''''';:' ': - •-' = :', ,, •.- 1 ILPSE•444.4 . ? i , AAVOi . ti: • -4. •- ... "- - Pli;t0IV*110#00 .1 410.6 1 "WI ill=il=4 asreastice.i: REV. JOBS BLACK. D. P. ROCERT BRUCE, D. D. RAY. SAMUEL WILLIAMS, D REV. JOSEPH SERB.. nev. J•LLCS x. Dlvtg, M. C. EDDY, Agent Pittsbnrnh. bine 21Ft, 1842 .i . ::.r.!;;27:7 - ' , .,:-.. - . ~, : ,.1?,, : .4-e , -,7-, . .- - _, ,' , .:":%j c,:. ,'", --' . - :•1!,114 •1 • • - 4tilk SALE OE ETOCAPP:-:-Elt 'NE a- • k . 4. ON -I* EAGIII44VAU C T ION. -mamma /coil itte-proviskms of th44th faction Man Aet of Isis•osabbly, passed the 27th day-0f duty Jest, entitled...A/act to provide Cor the °rapers!, el/wises o f the 'OuvernMent—payatent of the Interest Atio the Stat g proposals for the gale of the Public Debt—reasiCn Works. and for other purposes," there will e exp to public sale, at the Merchants' Exchange, In b the ci osed ty of p h ishd e lphia, on Wednesday, the 23d day of November next, at 10 o'clock, s.. sr.. the following Stocks, owned by the Commonwealth, town; 3750 shares of stuck in the Bank of Pennsylvania. 5t33 do in the ,Philadelphia -Bank. 1703 do in ti .e Farmers and Mechanics' Bank. 90U do in the Columbia Bank and Bridge Company.; 2500 do in the Union Canal Company. 1500 du iq the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal Coin patty. 500 do in the Chesapeake and Daiawara Canal Company. 1000 do In the Schuylkill Navigation Company , 320 do in the Bristol Steam Towboat and Trans portation Company, Also, at the Stale House, in the borough of Harris burg. on Monday. the 23th day of November neat, at 10 o'clock, A. se 2905 shares of stock in the Danville and Pottsville Railroad Company. 2000 do. In the Cumberland Valley Railroad Com pany. 2000 do Franklin Railroad Company. 400 do Wrightsville, Yo - k and Get ysburg Railroad Co. 600 do Codorus Navigation Co. 995 do Bald Eagle and Swing Crcek Navi pat (•anon Co. 2500 do Monongahela Navigation Co. 4500 do Harris Mira Bridge Co. 2100 do Northumberland Bridge Co. 2160 do Monongahela Bridge Co. 1600 do Allegheny Bridge Co. 560 do Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. 400 do Lewisburg Bridge Co. 600 do Big Beaver Bridge Co. 600 do Danville Bridge Co. 180 do Nescopeck Bridge Co. 350 do French Creek Bridge Co. 100 do Conemallgti Bridge Co. 60 do 'Schuylkill and Pottstown Bridge Co 100 do Loyal Hanna Bridge Co. 92 do Mi:lon Bridge Co. 171 do Robbstown Bridge Co. 200 do Towanda Bridge Co. 1250 do Franklin and Allegheny Bridge Co. 120 do Schuylkill Bridgc,(nt Matson's ford) Company. 300 do Williantspott Bridge Co.. Washing. ton comity. Also,stock in the following Turnpike Road Compa nies, to wit: 2124 shares In the Harrisburg, Carlisle and Chambers burg. Chambersburg and Redford Bedford anti Sioysinwn. Sioystown and Green.iburg. Greensburg and Pittsburgh. Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana. Erie and Waterford. Perkinmen and Peading. Gap and Newport. Waynesburg., Greencastle and Met, 4310 do 2154 do 2'64 do 170 do 3477 do 100 do 1360 do 512 do 250 do 180 do 200 do sf-m do iuo do 2co do lon do 124 n do 640 do 400 do 50 (1 0 1600 do 900 (10 110 do 500 do the Al!c 300 do 5600 do 323 do 516 do 557 do 322 do S5O do 947 do 630 do 3/12 do 1010 do 100 do 360 351 560 329 460 230 11b0 93 224 IRO 110 200 do Snowshoe and rackersville. 41 do Lackawnxen. 2tio do Butler and Freeport. 64 do Ftertinp and Newfoundland. 96 do Lenox and Harmony. 2.24 do rillsbllrgh Farmers and Mechanics'. 160 do Bedford and Hollidaysburg. 160 do Luthershorg and Punzniawney, '6O do Birmingham and Elizabethtown. 64 do Bald Eaule and N hinny Valley. The term. and condliions of Mid SaleA will be made known on the stays aforesaid, or by an application.at any time, to this office. Slate stock will be received in pay went at par, or certificates of credit. which have been entered on the hooks of the Audi.or tseneral, In pursu ance of a resolution of the General Assembly, passed on the 7th day of April, 1842. By order of the Governor. sep 20 —dts Dr,. WILLI AM EVANS'S SOOTHING SYRUP.— This infallit.le remedy has preserved hundreds when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the ottn., the child will reer v. er. Title preparation is so innocent, so efficaciomi, and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let Its Eums he rilb bed with it. When infants are at the age of four month tho' there is no appearance of teeth, one tootle of the Syrup should he used to open the pores. Parents should never liewithuut the syrup In the nursery where timre are young children, for If a child wakes in I.e night with pain In the gums, the Syrup immediately gives ease, by opening the pores, and healing the gums; thereby prevent. log Conti' slops, Fevers, 4-c. Far Sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, imp 10 No. 20. Wond street,.below Second. JAMOS HOWARD it CO,, Maavfaetarere of Wall Paper, No. 18, Wood Street, Pittsharga, Pa.— Have alWays on hand *an extensive assortment of Satin Giazdd and Wain PAPER HANGINGS, 'Velvet and finjtatina Borders, of the latest sty,ie and handsome pat ter sa t for papering, halls, parlors ttiplphanthers. They ',manufacture and have on Prad at all times= efilll4ll2i. Writing. Lewe r, , W rerout e and 'Pea Pa per, Bon net ninlettiters' Boaidel—all of-which t hey offer for sale on thessuoaataommotialing,,ternos; and to which they invite-the attettsmw of mershataln .and others. i -AL.Blanh,Bookaoca4.loruis sod the hest quality. lorietia,eptopott hun4 and for sale ea above. i; ; N• Baia nitTsioalierr4kmike takewi„-kikefte4ege. eersitnrg. Morgantown, Churebtown and Blue Ball. Little Cone-togl. Berks and Dauphin Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Id Id• dletown. Easton and Wiikrpharre. Sitgqnehanna and Lehigh. Milford and Oweeo. Downingion, Ephrata and Harris Centre and KiOarnquillas. Fn=roehanna and York borough CFnlre. Y or k and Ceityshurg New Holland. Spr n 'House, No Pelhlehem. Cafinga and Susquehanna. Susquehanna and Waterford. Susquehanna and Tioga. Bridgewater and Williesbarre. Pitishitroli and New A leznrdria. New A leNandrla and Conemaugli. Belmont and Easton. Pltislmrsh and nailer. rili . ipFt.tirl and Svsqneltanna. Butler and 'fiercer. Mercer and 111entiville. A nder , on's rry, Waterford int! New Haven. Pittsburgh and Steul,enville. Ridge Road. Bethany and Dingrr an's Choice. Robbstown and Mount Pleasant. Mount Pleasant and rF-ornerset. Somerset and Bedford• Hanover and Carlisle. Millerstown and Lewistown. Bellefonte and Philipsburg. Philadelphia, Brandywine and London. Belmont and Oghquagn. Ilarrishur. and NI iderstown. Armstrong and Indiana. Clifford null Wiikesharre. I ndinna and Ellensburg. WaAtingion and ',Williamsport. Washington and Pittsburgh. Lvcouting and roller. Middletown and Harrisburg. Pellefonle, Aaronsburg and Young nranstown. Puller and Kittanning. IMilestrurg and Smet h port. Derrsrow and Youngmanstown. Mount Pleasant and Ptitsburgli York ILiven and Ilarrishur g lii idge. Abingdon and Waterford. Warren and Ridgway. Lewislirmt and Youngumnstown. Somerset and Coneinaugh. Carbondale Hind Lark:,wana. Somerset and Cumberland. Lewklitirg and Jersey Shore Ligonier and Johnstown. Warren and New York State Line. Tituswille and Union Armstrong and Clearfield. WArren and Franklin. Stpzar Itroveand Union. Brownington. flarrisvitteand Frank lin. A. V.PARSONS, Secretary of the Common'ith Ant i tls a ta'Evsttlll,6, iIttANDETHIS*Lia ger m u _ „, i ggipandr tiody innotidnevardieffirr:rillkt , rtes Tas i i j oi ,-„,„504 immolate) , start "the furiiierlmtifil bans or ausigstP:in the bodiesOf thase whore 1 life are poi'already exhausted. Where human means samara% there scarcely is any complaintor form of Maness. that the Ilimmartit Num do nut relieve and generally care. Although these pills produce a msowN urrstr;that erect M not to prostrate the bOdy, as with other medicines, but the frame is invigorated by the r& moval of the cause of - weakness, the morbid, the vitiated humors from the Harmless in themyelves, they merely A SMST N LTIIR I BENI To throw out the-oceasion of slattern from the body, and they require no alteration in the diet or clothing. In fact. the human bay isbetter able to sustain with. out injury, the inclemency-of the weather, while under the Influence of this Infection destroying,disease eradica tine :Medicine than at any other time. The importance of Brandreth's Pills for seamed and travelers is, therefore,ssif evident. By the timely use of this Medicine how much anxiety and sickness, might we not prevent. Cold,Billtuus of fact lons, Typhus. Scarlet cod fevers of all kinds, would be iinknowid Rut where sickness does exist, let no time be lost, let the BRA N ETH'S PILLS he at once sent for, that the Remedy may be app led, without fur ther loss of do e.—To BE REISIMBERED — That. Brandretli's Pills have stood a seven years' test in tie United Slates. That they area vegetable and innocent medicine, yet all powerful for the removal of disease, tv hether chronic recant; in feel ions or otherwise. That they pi.rify the blood, and stay the further pro. press of disease in the human body. That, in many cases, where the dreadful ravages of ulceration had laid bare ligament and hone, and where, to all appearance, no tin Irian means could save hie, have patient. by the use of these pills, been restored to good health; the devouring disease having been completely eradicated. 'flint eariti or lbegenuine has upon it TINLEY COPYRIOE/T LA BE Ls That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Draniirei h upon it. That there must he upon each box three signatures, thus: • B. nRANDRKTFI, M. D nd three signatures, illus.:— BKSJAMIN BR A.NDRICTII DR. FRANKLIN SAYS "All acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring them to a perfect crisis and solution, and that even by stools, which must be promoted by art when nature does not do the hushiess itself. On this account, an ill timed scrupulousaessabout the weakness of the litany is of had consequence.; for it is that which seems chiefly to makeevacuations necessary, which nature attempts after tite humors are tit to he expelled but is not able to accomplish fur the mast imrt in these diseases'. and I can aflirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly he fell, and the debility ex. Creme, yet both one and the titer have been restored by it." The good elfect to be derived front the Brandreth Pills have to be experienced to be fully believed. 13y their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or small pox would ever r assume their malignant foe m. To appreciate to :1w full extent ,the incalculable bene fits of 1311 NEMETH'S PILLS, they must be used when the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One dose then, and their good effects will be fell throughout Ihe attack—lT IS TARING 'MEM IN TIME that is the great secret in the care of all appearances of disease arising from bad Mood, a tid I presume there are few at the pres ent day, will say a tt Wittig of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Surti diseases I have yet 10 see. Doping that some who read this may be bettefitted by so doing. I sin respectfully, the public's servant, B. BRANDRETII, M. D. 241 Broadway, New York. THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATH BLOW. The pultdc will please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine unless the box has three labels upon it. each containing a fac similie silmature of my hand Wetting tint , — B. Itrandrei h. These lahe's or! en2ra I cod on steel, he:11101101y designed, anti done al an ex. pence of -ieveral thousand dollari. Ret iember! the top —the side—and the bottom. Ent red neeqfiliwg to act of-Conti.re in the dear 11141, by Bet lantin Brandret It, in the Clerk's Office in the Dis t l ict Court of the So , tliern District of New York, Dr. B. Braintret It's own offire, No. 98, WOOL' Street. Pittsbur.:h. Only ph_ce ho l'illstiurigh tv lune he ..7.ennine Pill? ran be obtained. Each A eent who sell it true Erandrelli Ph!, has an engraved certificate of A ;:ror, renewed every twelve [enrolls, and has tittered kilo bonds of 9.7,00 in sell none oilier Pitt; than thine received from . It. or his special General Agent. Nlark, the certifi cate is all en !raved except the Doctor's name, which in in his own hand writitez. Observe, on each certificate there ;s an exact copy of I hr. 11,oe Itohrl< on each Lux :raved thereon. Purclo,ser. see oh it lite rtizrovinix of the labels on the cciittficole correspond with those on the • Tie following are Dr. R,vl . l.,min Prnndrelh's keenk: for the tali of his Wee ie Univi_rsal Pills, in A Ileehe fly cooly, Pa., who are snop:ied with the rew labelled IC/EPS. Price =25 cents with direct lons. Principal Office, No. 93, Wood El reel, Pittsbur Allegheny, Mr. Jour; GLASS. Mcßoesport, 11. ROW LAND. Noblestown, Joan JOHNSON. 111RAYaaRTOULD., rat—twilit:fit 7 EEWIRD Tnotursort,Wilklnshurgh. CEORCIE PORTER. Fairview• RODENT SMITH PORTER, T 3 rentum. Elizabethtown, C C.f . /mut.. East Liiirri v, DANIF.L NEOLEY. PRESSLEY IRWIN, P CIFRIII DAVID R. (700 N— Plumb Township. Wit. 0. HUNTER— Allen's Mill. pep 10 poLcs cured by the tse of Dr. ilartieh',l Compound Sr rentztlien inz and German Aperient Pirs Dr. Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the A2eney from you for the sale of your medicine. I rointed an accortitilnitee wi h a lady of I his place, who woo secereiy afllieted with Ibe PO, q. rot or ten years this lady was subject to Irrartenc painful attacks, and her physician colt Firl , red I cr rase no complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Throueli my persuasion, she coins - I -mired urine your Pills, and was perfectly cared. Yours, 4- c. JAMES R. KIRBY October 3. 12-10. rhantherslim2, pa. rrOffice and (loners] Depot, No. 19. North El4hth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samitel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. cep 10 INTERESTING CURE performed byDr.Swayne's JL Compound Syrup of Primus Virginiano,or Wild Cher ry. Having made use of this invaluable Syrup in in.y family, which entirely cared rev child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, ditliculiy of breathing, attended with constant cntigh, spasms, convulsions, of which I had given up all hopes of its recovery until I was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and con cluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en• t !rely relieved me of a cough that I was afflicted with for many years. Any person wishing to see me can ca at my house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J. WILCOX. DR. SIN ATNE'S SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY We call the attention of the public to the numerous certificates which have been in circulation in our paper and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr. ENVAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have seen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they come from truly grateful hearts, expressive of the benefits which they have received from that valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the above medicine. who ran speak with confidence of its virtues.—Saturday Chronicle. i'strow Crrtzgks:—With sincerity I would advise .. !ion, one and all, Loth sick and well, alwa” to have bottle of Dr Swavna's Compound Syrup ofWild Cherry: In your house—it is invaluable In cases of emergetttYi_ such as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attacks of vlokink toughing, Whirl) is often the cause of spitting of bloaaa ? „ Violent Nervous A Erections, which occasionally come from fright, and various other causes, producing great alarm, sudden colds from Improper exposure, which are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means being ready at hank—and as 1 have used Dr. SWAYNeB Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly In my family, and always with marked success-1 can recommend It with confidence, as tieing one of the best family medicines which has ever been offered to the publlr.—Saturday CAroside. Bold by Wm-Thorn. Wholesale 4 Retail, only agen3 for Pittsburgh. N 0.43 Market Street.. sea l° WILLIAM RECD. Aferekant Tailor„— Re speerfolly informs Ills friends and the pnhtie 10 eenerst thnt 4gni-co menenced buiinesit nt..No. 11 , Ittertiet street, second door froin the, corner of Front, where he bores by strict , attention to business to merit a ebareof pdblie , ionage 8:-.1.Mheloteut fashions. regularly received: Itie,Outt -1431114r 011ettikArt 140 ag their work executed according 441110 , 4001Pitirg• - ,INOP: 10. 11211114 •-4Y-4burT4* • "ut.i4iderm the:Ladift •••-•-• a n Havtglnitq Let Sierbalt arrived rant frolietundott,irolliVelteautifill enrollment of Minna, ry4ftheuewest style. Her connexion , I,lmre wilt it all 'finteS'enable her to introduce the latest fashion and should the Ladies horror her with sabers oftheir Patroaege;:she pledges hirself to keep every thiecof the most MOO description, and pay strict attention - to economy. li is with confidence Mrs. T. recommends her French and London made Corsets; also her splendid assortment of Embroidery, which is superior to anything yet intro. duced in this country: It includes Baby Linen,Connol sews; Orientals, Capes a la Cardinal, Demi, ditto. Aar. thas for Evening Costume. Collars Cuffs, Pocket Hand kerchiefs, Morning and, Night (laps, w Web will be ready for their approbation on the 9th of October next. Mrs. T. is waiting the arrival of her Bonnets from Europe, at No. 2 Ferry street, between Liberty and Fourth streets. sept. 29—di f. 11. S. MAGIL•W GEO. P. II 4MILTON. MAGR A W MILTON„/Ittorneys at Law, have removed their Office to the residence of U.S. Mit. ronrtt 51, Iwo doors hhove Smithfield. sep 10 cioETIN W RELIOUSE.—No , 79. Foura Street, Between Wood and Smithfield eta.. Two doors from the corner of Wood street. Con stantly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, of every sizc and description; covered ones, with' Cloth: !italic...my, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Cat rlaaes fttrtikhed; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may requite. A credit given in all cases, either of coffins or carriages, reel nested, HENRY BEA RES, Undertaker. sep 10 7 5 BBLS. WHITE LIME, n superior arliele, For sale by J. G. Sr A.GrIRDONi 1:2 Water street. VA AIE l'Y.— Just received from New York, .3000 Temperance Almanacs for )843;5000 copies of the Journal of I Ile American Temperance Union and Youth's Temperance Advocate for September. Also, 2000 Ch4a tlan Almanacs, and a good assortment of Loomis'; Maga zine and Pittsbuign, and the Franklin Magazine and Corn. mon Almanacs for 1143; by the gross, dozen or sing!e; 250 copies of Grant's New Pit isburgh and Allegheny Bu siness Dirctory and Strangers Guide, for 6.ticcnts. Alan, Cottage. Family, Sdionl and Pocket Bibles and Testa. meets. David's P4alms; Methodist null Temperance Hymn Books; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred Music: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Christ. tilarpond almost all kinds of Srllnot Books; Gunn's Do mestic Iledicine; Day Books and Ledgers; Writing, Let• ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the gross, doze it, or bin. le; steel lie no, quills, states, pencils and wafers; Cyclopedia of Fl!story. Western Pilot. and a con. sideraltle varlet It of Books and Stationery, for sale on ac commodating terms for cash or country produce, ISAAC ❑A BR IS', Agent and Commission hlerch,aet, sep '2 No. 9, Fifth street. J. K. MOORHEAD. G. E. WARNEP,. J. l'AiN't sat. UNION corrov FACTORY, Alleghe y City, at the end of the upper hridge. The subscribers having commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yarn, Cwion Tuttrie, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting, ke., and are prepared te fill orders at the shortest notice. Having selected the latest and most improved macht nery,a rid employed the manager who has attended to ihe HOPE FACTORY for the fast five years, they are manufactu ring a superior article. Cotton Warps made To order, Orders through the Pittslinrgh Post Office,or left ni the store of J A. C. Painter 4- Co.. Liberty street; or Logan Kennedy, Wood street; will :nett with prompt a' eii - Address—J. K. NIOORTIE ID 4. CO. seri 12-1 y hew 1, ,a,_,. e•a,- ul C , MIS City who from their crud 'lotted In which t heir octet] pf.l Irlys tdrliget hent,are atincted wtt h ro-t iverut , s fives rte In palpitation at the heart on the least ex• et turn, sense of lieavinet.ts extending over the whole head, isluleranre of light and soltittl.an itialtitily of fixity , the attention In any vestal otter ntionr, ru nthlilt^ iu the how. elt". aOritet tries 11 sever of en :Vora tine, esaerially after meals Is hen airy exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; tempt e ; these are .vtotoolust which deld at nitre to a few Ilrandreth 'Flt,' errs :aortal me rut 111 is medicine would t•ave a deal of Twittte and ee:tror sufferit.g. O.te, or Iwo, or even three of the Brootirf r.ltp Jnct. ttelore dinner. ore of en found highly he'd fi-la I; nolo v use then) tery advantageemit in lot W,1%, ; ird and asoi~tlllgrSl ion, restore I lie loore's to a proper tomtit ion,entiven the spirits, impart clear mess to the complexion, purify the. blood, and promote a genera! feeling of Iteall It rind hapttiosts,. Sold al Fir. It aotlrrWs Office. No. 98 Wood sin el, Pitt,hurgh—Price 25 yet,' I per box, with full directions. ft ',Lye in Pdtslturgh, where the r, semi I.e ~ 111:tiveti, is :Ile Ocelot's (two Of Cote. No 9:3 Won,l <Teri. QtJRCI(\I , INSTRUM EN TS , IN S LIM E NTS! 7'. Nee ,rf hy. Cutler o Its trument Maker, Thirl stree , , nearly opposite the PlOt Office, Pitt: burgh (SIGN OF"Ill C GOLDEN SHEARS.) Rhysicians, Dentists and Drnagkls ran have their in. struinents made by the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors a , Nyncs nn hand also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respell fully solicited. qtra - My: and jobbinc done ns nsnal sep 10 LIVER COMP LAI ST.—This rlkease often terms. natesin another of a more serious nature, if pro. per remedies are not rrytorted to in time. In all forms of this disease, Dr. Harnett's Compound Strengthetilicr and German Aperient Pills, will tterforrn a perfect cure —first by eterinsing the stomach and bowels, thus retho• wing all diseases from the Liver. I.y the use of the Ger. man Aperient Pjls, after which tine Compound St reng.ll. citing Pills are taken to give strength and tone to 1 ltoQo tender organs which require such treatment only to elreet a permanent cure, These Pills are neatly put up in s{nail packages, with full directions. ['or sate at No. 19 Eitllit Street, Philadelphia, Also, forsa'cly Farr uet Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sus Piasburgh Pa. sep 10 A LLEN KRA Al Erc'.an!re Broker, No. 46, Cor. Der of !food and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Bo.— Gald, silver. and 'Solvent flank notes, botpjltt and said. Sight cheeks on the !;astern citie , •, for sale. Drafts, notes and bins, collected. Pirtsburria,Pa. %tint. Bell Co., John D. Davis. F Lorenz.). Painter Jo , epli Wood well, James May Philadelphia, A lextioder Bronson k Co.. John D. Brown k Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M'Candirss. St. Louie, ills., .T. R. M'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pone. F..q. Pres'? Bank Ky. sep 10 REmovA L.—The upderz , igned kegs leave to iploi the public, that lie has removed from his old wand, to the corn-r of Penn and St. Clair slq., opposite the Ex chanee Hotel, w here he has filled tip a larze Foal E Wsne. Room, and now otTers for sale the most splendid assortment of PIANOS ever offered in this market. His pianos consist nf dliferent patierne, of superior Rose %Vood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo deled. and tonal irted throushont of the very be , t ma terials,w inch, for durability, and quality of tone, ns well as loud', he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made arrange. wilts in supply the increasing demand for this Instru ment, he respectfully requests those Intending to our. chase to call and examine his avort meet before purr ha. sing elsewhere. ns he Is determined to sell LOWER, for cash, than any other establishment east or west .of the niuntalns F. BLUM E., Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, Ben 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel. Pittsburgh. Pa WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills, Celli - mos:res.—Leiter from the Hon. A M'Clel .*tp,Sullivaii Con nt y, East Ter. !lessee, ril ember of Congress. Wisrusovou, Jute 3d. 1838. ...:,,All4,**Mic 050 re I have been in this city have used some of dicine with infinite benefit and sails 7 03! ..filixtud believe it to be a mast valuable remedy. One tOt - zonstiluents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county. Ten nersec, wrote to me to send him poste. which 1 did, and lie has mployed it very successfully in his practice, ard says It is invaluable. Mr. Jobnson, your agent at this place,^ thinks you would .probably tike nn ngent in Tennessee. I f.so, 1 would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person t, officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you. commission bhp lie is willing to net for you. Iron can rend the medicine by water to the care of Robert King ir Sons. Knoxville county„Tennes. Fee, or by land to Graham ¢ Houston, Tazewell, East Tennessee: I Unyeno doubt but if you had agents In several counties in East Tennessee, a great deal of medi cine would be sold. -I am going to mite some of. it WIMP for my own use. and that of . ply friends, and should like to hear from yoin whether' you like nn agent nt Blunt vine. Soli limn Count y.! East Tennessee; I 'eau get grime of the merthnota,,Kilet for you as I live near there: i r curs respectfully, ABRAOIif . 14 . #,ELT.A2 4 1,131 . tenneteee. Fortale Stiket*,lo[l4:Repiyiy . • _ „pplo . ' stiiietitieluistifeeet4: Pittsburgh, June 13,1839, Mr. JOHN DENNtNO:—Dear Sir—Having been present. yesterday, at the experiment which you were pleased to make, in the presence of a number of our business men, of the safety of our IRON CHESTS, in case of fire, It gives me pleasure to say, that so far as I was capable of Judging, the lest was fair, and the result exceeded my expectations. The Chest was a small one, about 30 Inches 111;h, by about 18 ut '2O inches In breadth and depth, and was pla ced oil a block of wood slant a foot in thickness, so as to eleince it about that height from the ground; several hooks and newspapers were deposited inside of it, lu the manner in which Metchants and others would 'usually ! dace them,a large quatit it y of light pine wood [slahs from an adjoinitig Sao/ M 1,1 was then placed around and shove it, and the fire kindled on the windward side, sons to drive the flame against the hack part or timeliest. The fire was kept up about three quarters of an hour, 'antil you had gone among the spectators and received from them their universal answer that the test was sufficient. The chest was then drawn out of the fire, and cooler', and opened, and examined. The commas Iwere all safe. and the only injury done was to the back of one book which appeared to he a little charred. From what I witnessed, I think that these chests are (losers itl.l of (month-ore, as a Minh ug, perhaps, the hest security to Merchants C.:r their hooks and papers, which they can have without huilditiff large, thick, and expensive vaults. I I vi on ht consid, r them a better sec,irityl han many vaults which I have seen built. Your friend, S VitUEL We concur in the above statement, having bcen pres sent when the Lhest was este ' I ff'. .lil. Cooper, J. 11. Shoenher ger, Robe Bell, J. 1 aturhl . J. Painter, it Cordell, R. ~lliller, jr. CL. .arnistrong, A. H. Hoge, Thomas Craig, S. C. D. Howard, J. l;'. Hoyt. Extract of a Letr cr. from Pugh $ Alvord, datcd Cin • cinunti, 2911 i Mar: h, 18-12- J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Friend: 'We have the sal 'Ana lon to stale as the best recommendal ion we can give of he utility of your Iron Safes, I hat we t,v.l. one of them which was in an exposed situation in our couniimz room, at the time of I lie fire, on the mern irtgofthelotltinst.whichconsnntcdour Pot k House to gel her with a large portion of Ihe Meal, lard, Q• c, which it contained; —a ad [hal nil r booksand papers which were in the Sale, were entirety uninjnted, and were taken from it after the fire; without ever being discolored. You PUG ii .1. VORD Extract of a Lotter from Slater 4- llolbrook, dated St. Loa;: , , Fob. 2411 t, 1:341. MR. DENNING, Dear Sir: Ooe of ynar rrindsizerliests w as burned a few dies 01,1, 111 a Ira her it re served IS contents. Re:,prrifilllv sr') 10 SI, ER K. HOLBROOK. ir I V Ell Colll' I. NI NT cured by the use of Dr. li ar . &1r and Aperient rids% Mr. Wm. Richard=, of Pill-lull-21i, Pa.. citliiely cured ol I lie ailOVl` i i i rep-tuig syitiplouts ivr-VC Pain an d wpo,l,lln, lie acid crucial a diidenviciii of ll.e ,bani.telb sick head-ache. furred I IM!Ile, CO1110,1:11 , 1? r hit 10 a enroll diffi culty 01 tlednrle d res. , , tooled ,1 'lll a rough, great deldliiy. si ile rangetileni of ulr fu nclinns ul 111 n liver. !Or. Rich:ltti had lie abvicec: I several rbvs Hallo, but received no relief. until io , ini; Dr. Ilarheb's INL2dicir.e, which termini. led iv Cllr, Ilng a PPu—rect yule. Pi 19 North Eiylllll St reel. Pidladelphia. F., sale in Pl r Ant r::11 by Samuel Frew, corner of I.oler I y and Wood street=. sell 10 Cincinnati. Fe/in/Lacy 13. 1:;411 Dr. IF-WAYNE—near ir:- Permit the to take the ling rty of writing. to you at this 1.151 .10 a Iturese my arprt.butiolt and to reentitinenn In the 01151111 0 11 of heads of families. ::it others Cent invittuidde medicine —the Compound top or ‘Vild Cheiry it my travel , of late I have ,•eth a veal Many nentinces he wonderful efforts of your medicine ill relievit l 7. (trim of very ionplaints, such as C 0117 .10, 12. \\'hceziti2, (110:11:ihfl f t it st hmatii attacks, I should not this letter. however, ni pr went, alt 1101(.211 I have fe 1 it my duty to add try testi mony to it for some time, had it not been fur a tale in. glance where the madicine ahove alluded to was: ins: ru mental in rcstoritte to perfect hearth child," whose case was almost hopeless ' , in a family of toy . tic. I quainia tier. --,,nycmmi..avra from Ihe jaws of death! 0 how 1 reared the relentlt ss ravai;er But toy child is safe! is safe! " Beyond rill 110510 Dr. Swat se e s Compound Syytip of 1 1 iii Cherry is the most valuable medicine in ihts or tiny other cimiitry. lam certain 1 'ave witnessed more 11105 nor hundred cases. where it liati been fitientlft) with coat mete slot. ess. I am 11.'117 it myself in all oleitiliale at. ; lark of Bronchitis. in Whirli It proved in a PS ceedinely sitort ttme, cons.derina the severity of the r'n , .e. I ran recomend it ii, the 101110 ronfidm.re of its superior virtues; I would advise that nn family should be without it; it is very plita , ant and always beneficial—worth double and .101 , n ten times its pl ice. The ruldic are ns sured there is 00 quackery ahrint it. 11. hicasos, D. D. Formerly Paolnr of the Fir,.t f'reshytertan Church. N Y. Soil by WV M. THORN. wito'esate 4• rclail, only acrnl for POisl , orgh. No 13 'Ow Icet st reel. sep 10 4 BOON TO THE HUMAN It ACE!—•• Discover AL what well destroy Life, and you art a ;recut may. Discover what well prolong Life, and the world well call you Impostor.' • . . "Thera are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within us. with which certain herbs have affinity, and over whioh they have power." Dr. It. lit andretit's External Remedy, or Liniment. which, by its extraordinary power , , abstracts Pain or Sorene-s; thils Sprains. Stiff Sinews, Vt bile Swellings, Ithentualic Pains, or Stiffnes.=, Siiffness of the Joints, Tumors, linnainral ilardneas, Stiff Neck Sore Throat, Croup. Contractions of the inu , cles, Scrofulous en largements. Tender reel. and every description of it jury affecting the Exterior of the Duman Frame, are cured or greatly relieved by his never•to be sefficiently extolled remedy. CERTIFU•s'r6. — Thc rulloe Iflit leiter from Major Cen eras Sandford, as lo the qualil ies or the External Reale dy, speaks volumes. Dear Sir—Wth you oblige me with another bottle of your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the best of the kind lin ve ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's knee, about which I was so uneasy, and I have found it productive of immediate relief in several cases of ester nal lejury in my family. A few evenings sinc e, our youn2esi child wasseized with a violent attack oferoup. which was entirely removed Ili twenty sniantes i by rub bing her chest and throat freely with the External Rem. edy. I think yoil 011.211 t to manufacture this Liniment for general use, instead cf confining the use of it, as you have heretofore done, to your particular acquahonticel. Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD. DR. B. BRANDRETII.24I Broadway, N. Y. fry — For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at his office ,No. 9 t Wood st reet , Pittsburgh. P ICE-50 fellif per bottle with directions. sep 10 SECII ETA RV'S OFFII rp Harrisburg!), A uguf , l 24th, 1842. `TALE OF THE CANALS AND RAIL ROAD'S RE -1.71. LONGING TO 'l'liE STATE.—Noilee is hereby gi ven thnt in pursuance of the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteent h and twentieth Sections of the Act or Assembly paned the 27)1) day of int.'', 1842; proposals will he meet ved at the Stale Department until the inseday of Novem ber neat, for the sale of all and each- of the Canals and Rail Roads belonging to the Commonwealth, for which StateStrick.nt par mttlue, will be received in payment, Each individual or Company Is required, epecineally, to 14 tate. the rnarticular line of Canal or. Rail Road which .they desire to purchase, the amount of their respective hide therefor, the given and so renames of all concerned In the offer, ineer.:er with their place or: piecesof residence. in order that the same may be I'ol before.the next Legis lature. Thelpropostais must besented up and -directed to the Secret/4y oreoutmonterectib with - en endorsement/in the enure: hOirrrpitartic for riot .'puredusth f tits. Public Worki:” Ityardertiftbe.Ottsirnor: " AAtBON' ,40104,1*.ktispiti ;~,.:^ Y :414 11108APerY - 11140 E 1 4 14414, a4t SUMS I FirRAVELERS TAKE N0T1CE...7 7w 1 provided wttli the 1 4 1ifety Curitii, bills printed with a figure of the app,Z4 ful you are not deceived by gents slating their boaisto be provided Guard, when they are rot pi served The following lea list of homestip p li eut ' ty-Guard at the Port of Pmetwurgh— A lt first on the lief Itnite the improved app,ni,; n pnarat.i. it is impossible for an egitlmont,..... SAVANNA, FOititiosA , ""` ,, RARITAN, ILLIN Oh, • NIAGAR A, OR LEANS, CANTON, LADY OF LYONS, CADDO, 4 VALLEY FORGE, INDIAN QuEr k FORT PITT, GALLANT, BREAKWATER, Q LIE EN cu ri o EXPRESS MAIL, DUE I; OF oiti ALPS, BRILLIANT CASPIAN, IDA, WEST WIND MARQUETTE, TALLEYRAND, PANAMA, CICERO, SARAH ANN, NARWAGANSETT, S \RATOGA, AMARANTH. ()RPIIANBOI MUNGO PARK, N EPTUNE, ADELAIDE, NOR'T'H BEND, MARI EI"I'A , BRUN ETTE, C0L1J)4, 53 •‘ 'TEAM FERRY BOAT, The t.aveliing community ate recnrc I before they tiltlke a choice of a hunt, to and nee whether it would not he to 16a1' and security in choose a Saffty Guard passa2e a ii freVelit. in preference to one taw_ . a plcsion—and that they will hrsii_, that this invention has the unqualified apt - fifty steam en2lne huilders—grrolemen what; if is to understand the and krt. and wk., ant iiiiermocel —hi-Milos a number of erlifica en! , IC eent•len en and ethers—nll of which rac k my office, No 10. Water strciel, whore it woolt ploosii re at all times to es6ihit my inTtlitai who will lake the trouble to call. scull) CA My A LI4ADEt NEW YORK, Feb. 9, 1842 INEWEESS VA LIT:\ ni.E REAL, ESTATE rot Thp ,übseriber offers for Fate, aI r PII rarrs, Ihe i2rearer part 61 Ms real fe , nr,. I Ile ri; le: of PP Ishii rill anti A Pe; teeny. Rrirk I,l'arrlinit9es. no :lily new. a 11=111, 0 5 -iimor on NI rt,ei el rcei .1 ei sic pen Fr, rood) nit hrapile!ri front 54 feel by 641 drip r, or eeparatoy to 010,ef v, aid orti A Igo, a seder.t bpi iltli nff. lot in A lle2l , rn rgy, upward of 350 fuel. itt 0.1 , 1!!„..arn or, On elre PennSy IV:111 . 13 Cana vedteef P 1 reel. AI sn the ini ni!join the nlieve. 351) feel in drpth. Int 111/11 \ _not moosiou house which I now occolijuA ings. A !so. n lot with two twnetnry . hvick moo ate on the corner 511101 , el and Front finds. it•ndrimi, ~:rol.lllllnod nr•rtivir4l sn merry. .% LEX. WIACHI; , li' -' or.t i.l . 11 D anted in ras 1 znod:, 4100010 yof F.O x v.d all kmtli , of Coll Wry r rod rr , 101cro for rook 01 If Al 3 ft IS'S In' cap f Con 11 , 1, , , , inti %V or, I rm.'. SO! J 1 ! It A RT. Commissiou YerrA.r. dace and American Afaio , fecthrrr, Yd.* 11- J no. Giler. E-q., r.ttsburzh. Aaron liar?. Jams C• , chran or R'J. Jon. D. Davis, M'Vny Hanna. Avery.Ocdr•n 4. Co. Jon. Woorftourne, VA 1.0 A IiI.E FARM PAZ: SA Farm on which I live, in VVltixt.vot 4 ftrniiili.eltslield, contain'' , one hillnnCd, acres; pliant 70 acres. of e.• lii, It well thilltirrd. There ate upon it 11,001 at d a barn 62,feet liy 34; nit a rale 0 ,, kalll Al-. 11. alma! Fevrnly acres of rani. Tie sititt • he equal la that of any upland faint ii Ik 1 . 1 , 1'111R made known on nr•pllrntira, to II r ftl 4, in the premises. IV 11.1.1AD1 IVA Lucl. WILLIAM C. WALL. Plain and Feal.„' and Picture Frame illanufectled• Fourth Street Pittsburgh. —One:lp. Rool,d e., for A t igts. :Own% son han,L I.C.Oklq prampfy framed to order. Re; airing doneAt est not ice. Particular attention paid to rqi:diq and .• • ery descrip , ion. Personstittine ttp Stenm Boats or bouse theiradvanine to call. WHITE Lt.:AD.—The stiksrrileroi,re nor In furtikh painters. awl niherr oho w' chase pure White Lead made of the bee inalaW k i rattled equal, if not superior In any ofirrrd ntk All of der , addressed to Dunlap k Iltir.hmo r"" 4" Co . \o. 110 Second street, Bitt.dirsh. lvilir attended to. DUNLAP 4 _ A DIES FASHIONABLE SIIOE rroct • Fifth St.. one door front Old Strad ef N. • ' The Sulwcriher respectlully 'Moontk Phishurs.rh and vicirtity that he has co -. tailing Shoes of his own manufacture ,althe where he will keep cow , ' patty on hood rai meta of all kinds of ladies, misses. and Oa _and shoes. of the hest (11111iily. te ceste, suit the limes Ile will aml Ma ke W o g kinds of fancy work—such as white pod slipperl, colored gaiters, and huskinr.lo rO r? children's ellslers. silk gaiters, {'r.• 4e. 110011 will be made at the shortest notice. and fe ner. Ladies will please rail and Winder AV_ , as the Fuhscriber feels confident that -be any article in his line they may want. set) 10f~k P. S. Don't forget the place-50. g. 01 door from Ilsrris's Intelligence Odke , sad fro. Market Sorrel it..LIASI DIGRY i 13011.2 taken the ;_i •. • business of DIGIT k Horcwsts. OOP Lit•erly street and 42. Market ftreei. WV I° thanks to the numerous friends and rustoVell_wi firm, for the very liberal support they b o re teorletilo him, in connection with Dir. P„ w w lobes to awn re them that every exertion rba" cosSil , merit I itc , coutlnuatinn of the sante. fie 0 Pec t ru'it' invhe their attention to his re it CiothlneoShich he Intends seiline at Ouch, than has been ever offered , twine d. Or"' of the whole of the stock of the !ale firms, 1 1 - . nibte;arti as he Intends to confine himself tol!.' cash business. he feels confident no Our: . rimes his stock, either in cheapness, j. nese of work manahin• article . Please to take tibticet hat every .. -441° o e Lured in. Thtidatrob• MURf , MORROW, ibilitt 11 er strfsh Skeet , hot -sl!trre, N 0.17 0.1 01 Word Jed Atirket Rtrikets,—ln prr ilare ll s ol ,. in his line at Me -inirktent Nltt others ar e nolicked l o d esniniee 4100 sor !noes, which willbilloOd vO leille 4r ai.terift r . r. • ifetiolkirpotOnglidd storeftmiturePro. 4.1 • '' 1 v.• *- , , '3 n x+;s:w :~~~ L 1.--NO. xviigusLEED BY PHILLIPS & W. u CORNIR AP WOOD 4. s.—FIVB DOLLARS g w e :h ile Copiesalia TWO New. Boy DEN % ogles, ; the ry and Minn erew WRICXLX, At the same se oe et, at TWO DOLLNTS, ARS mv,toples, SIX CE era, MiVertiihi OAS OF TSOWELVE LINE- , 0. One month 0.75 Two monis o p, 1.00 Three mon L5O Four MOW 3,00 Sin months, 4.00 One year, YEARLY ADVERTISEME cn• sssss Li /LT TULAIII7IR Ti'. $1 UK, Six months 25,00 One year. stivertioostents Is prorortio four lines Six DOLLMII3 a DU QUstip, J EW Ess , MONTGOMEtt. 81. IC OFF I C sT Orrtca. Third between Ma MRiddle, Postmaster. Hoses, Water, 4th door from ngs—Major John W i 'lock, Col Ltatilar. Wood Itetween Bertram, Treasurer. meg A. Texans's., Third street, ne hyterian Chnreb—S• It. John - Orrtcs, Fourth, between Ma exander Hay , Mayor. Escutitoe. Fourth, near BANKS. on, between Market and W Fourth streets. site M1111:1FACTORIR1. £C {formerly Saving Fund.) F Market streets. •s, Fifth street. nenr Wood. SOT 0E44 noose, Water street, n Horst, corner of Penit and s' floTet., corner of Thjrd an Mosit.,corner of Third and VrEi, corner of Penn =creel • AWLS. Liberty street. near Se worstox House, Liberly St. o, Mission Hones. Fenn St. EcupsE, vicTßEss, I'll 'GAN, osPP.EY, PENELOPE 1:0 \‘ INS, AGNEs MOM CECILIA, J H MIA,9, GALENA, 111 h.\ TuR. • T WOODS, ATTOR i NSELLOR. AT LAW. well's offices •on Grant at.. urt /louse, next rooms to .1• t floor. 11. ELLIOTT, .11. U. — lair street, between Penn an OODS. —Preston 4. Macke I dealers In English, Frenc No. gl, Market ,Plitstnire ' DLESS & MLLE RE, neeilota at Law: Office in ill otirt [louse. Pit tsbu rgh V R. Morrow, Alder of Fifth et,, between Woo Kb: DEV ITT, Wholesale G r. And Dealer In Prorlty. tl Articles. Na. 224, Lib • w ta.tvcit TARS & DILWOR • ere Produce. and Cruntnissn Pittsburgh Manufactured t. 7 BARAL ROBINSON tee on I hr non' h side of I he Union streets, up stairs URBORBW, Aitnrnk, profintsional pery ices to t lit h and Mnrket Sireern, nbov .urgli, Pn • I FF & KEAN, Mantlf. and Ft!feet Iron Ware, No 8' ouse Spouting and &combo room . B. YOUNG .sr. CO., t.,orner of Hand at. 4- thing to purchase Furnitu 'age to give ua a call, being as to quality and price. N AlNS.—Just rec&e: ams, well cured and for SR IS BAG A: sappy of La aga, and oilier different v • ieed and for sale at RED(' Seed Store of F. No. 184 Liberty at r B CLOSEYO Boot an , No. itti Fourth St., next d dies Prunella, Kid and Sat' Inman:ter, aod by the newe . OMORUS MULTICA . O VP purchasers; to be dm No. 184 Liberty etr IA ROOTS, Flowers and desnription, cangdways store of ;~~` r ..i , .4. - -4•,3.P- ---. ',:'.' 184 Liberty st &Illinois Annual Mamm le at the Drag and deed al IE4 Liberty sir LBs. NeW JERSEY SW for seed; just received by No. 184, Übe al 1001.8, ennoistlng of usnlaniing Trowels. Edd uolua Knives, Pruning for sale by 184 Liberty str E Venison Hems.--/ inn r 1' very thole. cured Vec ors for current money. E Dote Clover Seed, efttseky Blue Grass, shy N 0.184 Liberty 4 la 1. BUCHANAN. Al • wed from the Diamond, oC Poarth street, betty ILVITXBLANKS, to the late law', &B.—Lets soothe Nora IS sod iltsh street. A ppl .1184111. DA.RLINGTO LBS. Laaarettes French reeellid *ad for Tate LIMON OP PAR nenhip ilmitedbre e YitutHENIAMIN H b, ovum coidiva. Wiili - 44;sikupi!, orAoseigi in
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers