- THE a .. ......... *edgy Eveofogigov.:kbe p tic Spectacle ate Attapli44 Or, the PP*lelful ...... . . . ..... ac .......... •...... dem ifilioll of Scenery., . To conclude, with .4 Day in !' Patric. e. Dam Circle Box 754 Oftwi zpk, . . , rs ° 6i o'clock; ftei . , pree ,twain, Ze n i::. SHERIFF33,s, ALE ILL be 501 d, at aLu'lntaTeti_catimen.6,-- Booms, No. 110 wood's tree, """ r :29111, commencing all° oklok i. a - until disposed or, by order or v.. the entire stock of a retiil-% 11. :.o_, lv purchased, and Well aro,* w "w . sand purchasers. • stock consists, in part, on leached and Brown litusUns; - operfine Irish Linens; tnerican and London Prints; • t 4 Chintzes and Lawns; !dittoes and Bon hazines; . iannels and Linseys, ~ssimeres and Satt islets; oreitpt and Domestic Broad Clotbs; raver and Pilot Cloths; "a!enc ta, and other Winter i'enins, n assortment of Hosiers;'_ leaver, Hoskin and Kid-Gloves; mttlemi n's and Ladies Furred Okra ; :los, Boot , : and Shoes; nook Colton and Patent Thread; ler ino and Blanket Shawls; aces, Edttine.s. and Insertions; , an o ii , ,Jaconet and Mull Atuillas; ,11.1.0ns .Bonnet F; , llstin de Laines; iter in rhancllze usually fpund in Div ms—Cash, par moue -151, R. A BAR FR ESTI ARRIVAt.S . ; TTLE has this day received from NME Fn pp! y of Hewes' A. rve and Erorg t ottinn Veretattle F,lixir,a pasilindrumk, I Coo trn r ed esrde tint! Lienbt—ew Poudre SabVle, for ronipiettly „„t wat tug superfluous hair [font f t halt root-r:o4l_ a broad and ettvaihr !L, , khorn heard of roan. or any kind oh" Prict . SI prr tootle. 1 an de Beanie, or True Weer.' r,rll , pr epa rai ion I liorouzlittgrefai I r.-chlt-s r, 1.1, roe es, litoit}mathif . et r. R cattalo?... &Ivo - ttni anus. : ,tlti a bealibli .-evela! ot ~ pr valuable articles, lit en The eenn•ne Fold only al —rl TUT7'LE'S -MEDICAL 40FXgr. =EMS= 31.4: F co.,ce..erai Agenis,F Mevhanis, Lo - ree Streft, Is y re -Teti flt II y Folicit cons,.gpmeals. have Dined an UphOislorylll oS'. (';:tir rPt !, near Penn, 1'40.5,4 and ,k , to order promptly,! 10,4", t, u=ed; Feather . fl .r.oors. Split Riind. and era 'T o rre, story Ettinltlistintit in , rl re, ' I Will fill all ortlts re , r; for the iroars, as usual. 111 i • , rvo, My friends witslidi I.e urn .r 1 rin . .r Fl reel, in the afiem =II ,r/factor. rl\'Cl I. ak. . Aof ss 71 , 1.1 COllll - o' U/I , a•, C0Y513.11P77 - 0.5' -6 f..r linr a'•f)V , ! IS 11011'3I hat. ~ o n : -II j•`r I 1•11 . 0 the int/eine/VI a t 1.1. - 1 1,,.i 11,1 - ..rwrd lbw 11 47 r.". T . 15 it M 01 1.., L 0:, rhU I.e.A :atm • 11.,' . . %.,.1". 10 the 1 / 4 " r prox'utdo9! Par 1,0 BAL , am or LL% - xitzvo4"/ l'ef Corr s Caw" oird ClUs. nwr., 4i !, t,li who .11111.VenA',•311d ;I • y e!tre. tiege tr- clef:reef a nen:Mee, • . Coarierptioet.aettilt lVs;s - $,Pls6 Corcua. Tnie ift 3 ,, r„,,d orif.nmirhirdis ,s - ore , ore and peeniire. Tir rr ':'l ‘ , l A crlCy direct from J. re C.l NC. pergonerilto .r.r. lo •/ C not delay, for the rOnilliefiCen/eflt. SEM= i 5,1 f: ET Airat /AGENCY. 86. r, )s'TERS. S-IRDLVES. Ice.; , Erred oft. le to ;. tit NhER ., , No 9 Pillh OKA, nre :11.proprialeil Irk eentlekorki • tr. .11-0 a:l kiririrk of CalcP. a3il Cu/ 0. elc , for sale ty C , ) 9—, C A.RU PLOPOSALS FOR 1110115:, FCST OF "ICIC • Novernlier " r. n'iani-e with the seventeenth secliott • I t'on2ress -legalizing and waking ,eces , ary object s as have 6114 101 0) • general appropriation hills wiittellt and to fIX and provide for eerlahl cr = of the Department, and officertel and for other purposes;' apProlred . l Sea fel Proposals will be received 411, -_, theunlit thirty-first day o' Decembettlmt tor one year or longer at the oPtionill'. . I he folio kV I lig descriptions of Rlanks Offices in the States of Penasyhmoisaii k received, unt of Newspapers and Pamphlet; n.• coved, 5 received at Distributing (Actg. ,e above on small royal paper, at /Am, primed on both sides and feint ruled, 2 lines on a page. Iron, Di-, Rini log °ltem size paper as above, bat folded .0 [lnv! :n a page. r mots Current. foolscap. two on a sheet 1 .1 , rr , ry and Weekly It ~ ev'stint, on a sheet, foolscap, 12 on a eltiet.WitW ist i , p2natu•eF, t pins. fool,cap, 12 on a sheet, with .-) tiiih for Disl ribut ing OffiCCF, OD sl,eet, with stgoaturei -I 1 4. 2 Rime, for Pistrtbuting 60011 ah e et, with signatures. I' proposals will state the price. 01. 1 11 . ' ' ; for each kind of blanks, for paref 9 4 . king, They are to he delisl/ 01 a .- e reijist h. - . .1 at su , ,lt !lutes, aS may' 7' o , t Offices, and on the-relllool7.ria • llt .' rd by t he postmaster at the P 1 8": • - may re' ide. None will be CO r will lie paid for. except on ed-C,P: req : s lii: , I•requi•ition, or (Janata), orderm_L,' • ;mil or packed for trattspOrtat irisr 0-1 Office, at the expense of theeell".r f• is reserved of reject 11; * n i: • 4. illered rxtravaganLyand also to 1 1 — ?• • prink ne, for one or roots Ot te. - his residence; and each paaPow" d ttyemtheient evidence or th eshiiiti.• mi•ly with the terms of bis arol )ol 2_ l %ta . e successful bidder will be relluk"-,.. et, with surety, in strict compillilo i c ; of the law,to Which bitidelvffirelOP'7' are to furnish bigots prOlij4.l,i •c Chose of inferior itottlitY I L! t r io y ling, or any anemia locirade PF97 4'lo o • I , tratt, will be caostitired uie ...Ali -1 ment will be made gae..ef'47- - tor:11104 of each • Qu arier. ..... beel'r i n l .l e Wanks mum be etileca v arkiesTiO beelinepa may be ieet=7,,,,,.:treg e quantities meatiess" . . ll ir""3:7 00 01 ee lbat. rimP be asaale',. ke 44. 1 1.0e10 way exceed-Of lOW, d The PePaah'elit Aa iegasmity or Josalrtc ni ~4 11 1 11 a 4 1 1154 " 7- -t • . 7•- DEN NMI% PIVA°I N.OVFMBER 24, 1842- ......1,----- Vonte Offait• Ro bberies. is no doubt but our city is infested at unusually largo number of daring lwtth an alio are perfect a depts in their business, k ; pc opportunity pass to put in practice their d acqiironents. It is necessary that 6ng ,cre should be on theii guard at alt hours, and isatehrul eye on their premises, as many o f ,est thefts that have lately been committed, in or at an early hour in the The da' 1 volUg=e4tOf M r. M'Claren was robbed itag• in the evening, and on Tuesdity,a io ° ofergt and a piece of gingham was stolen pre oi Mr. S Lloyd, in Market street' b oght: and on the same evening, while were taking tea, a daring scoundrel Jered m aking his way to the upper room s I..loyd's Boarding house, in Liberty street, he dou intended to secrete himself un• f a in lr had retired, when lie could moke an o(the premises at his leisure. When .mated a ., to 'the object of his visit. he said ralici for the purpose of getting some ovals but the pm , ple oft* e house 'la- pos ,at im attempt to find the kitchen up stairs, rither so-picianq, ordere I him to "slope" be- L t, e p o:i,-e were :er lled in to take charge of hive b; and of several. other AtteMptS Sinn in boldness, and ttey shou'd admonish Ciro in be unceasing in their vigilance. I ' ,/,ri'r Fregnd told Pittsburgher Beobac` , - NI, V. SCRIBX, of A!leght.ny city, has corn .; the ptiltlicatitin of a tri-weekly German ,bearing the aliovc title. It is printed on a -0 sheet at 2,50 per annum, or 5 cents pt:r Mr. Scriba is on indefatigable man in his , arid if his enterpri , e does not .ueceed, it be from want of in'dostry on the part o! re ondent of the Sun, says that the pro ,gs of a meeting, pu'Aished in the UhronU_:l , rtinV to have been held at the po nt, at • Georgt Wa:thingt m Elnens, ated for the Mayoralty, is a hoax. .; of the C!troniele s!iould expose the hoax we Flippo c they Itn , .w the i ersogis who them th., prtmeedinuts for ptibleation. The ot the hoax, is no doubt to r teu!e the cue ,r,d a ,vorkin2rnan',s candidate for the May dtri the namrs of tho,e w!) ',are attempt- he made pit'dic, so Cial tii^ wrtrking aw u i Clem all the merit that ctilit'e • ! to 1111111Mil=MIZ=1 Ilarry it 1iij.1,1:;3 %%hoc,' her array iIIEMIEIIII.I Car! II ;Iw,, I , p , I'. 1'V:I n~a , tre:+ta';r; beneti' 011 ev g. Tile viitert iin Hint= see."leti of ,heft and shnu!d cnsure an over im h u• e Cmnd Orient . tl !•pect:l , li . his 2ranii spectacle gill he pluditced e Ti,emre this evening—it Ira, been 1.,e .11,11 , I :1.1" La M:l4, ,li il I ;,•i r use Ihr re i s a rear <;;v,:,2 of at least lit a t hints of tiniarrierise over Oil,and , , Is lii rit•Ppal•att , m, the'..,rerieiv is the , i ,011 : 111 0' 4,1 .• ,, i (r.no This is pure aryl brilliant. and • wholly free r ,aii,,,,,0k , or disagreeable smell. the would . Epieti,iiil we ith•Vd ever seen iii Pi't z- here state 111 .t t'arr'y Patent lathe no'r ri,;r: worthy the z; i_11,,, p r ,,p e i ties . silo, as Ine v . ,, , ,1- ..I ,, le ,i not.o r, ii ,v o , i , t.ie , pri iii,arr ti In the only one that is appli Irriiriios. and the only Fruit, Lamps and other decorations of . one lii a iii atrn Lard wir.t.t„ at any temperaturem 'ai bead We l'a ye. in—the short space or three mom b.s. '• tiece, Neil gl," one 0 . e Of the richest f . , • ..,, d several thousands-. and wilt scarce an rzreatinn, . cle w.ir , LI, 0 , ) ll‘ ~, n , .1.zi1,,t0 have ex ore-seit themselves liiidlily pleas la ever proauc, il, 1 , t eals o , nil aiii,iilNti nail I . lllll' C O,IVII.CCd Of the great economy flu re l y new an d m i de up expres'y fir . lip their ti-e, as well as their superiority o%er tiller oil or candles, In reidaid to cleanliness and light. piece—in fact every thing b ebinging . the above named lamps ran Ire had only at BR 0 WA' 4 - RAYMO-VD . R, ,xo far as we have seen, wi h liss Tair,l a , rep!, nearly opposite the Post 011 ire. k Mons, Ernest as "'lmre is kept constantly on hand ft, itannis metal, Tin as Aladdin and and Glare Lamp , . of vat inns patterns. , atac will tend to give the patrons of cla-s lamps sold at manufacturers' pri ea. 1 Drama more real pleasure, than any w id e take pleasure in offerin to the public the follow- i In,'"'irira'e, which is subscribed to by many respecta ' g we have heard upon our stage, — the hie citizens. sager tells us chat there will be up. We,the undersigned. have 1.1,1 and are now using Carr's Patent Lamps. for liurninz Laid or otter animal is of Forty persons upon the Stage at f a i an d w e have no hestiation In saying that they • gilie en : exr ' Pent 1121'T—equal to any of the ordinary modes of ' t time,—Let all go and see it, give the lighting a lionise. at about i mealiiril the roll, and wholly iiiagers a bumper an 3 you will :,II come free from smoke or other disagreeehle Fillet!. We take a ii , 1 pleasure in recommend in^_ these lamps to the fluidic, as by ty well pleased. 1 their use there is a great saving over either sperm l or lard oil, or even candles; and we believe them to he more Meanly and Its troublesome than either. Ta he had at riamvx k a AYmotio's only, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Bev. W. W. Rakewel I, James firma, " A. M. Bevan. Ch,rles Pactson. " John M'Cron, C. Veneer, " N. G. Conirs. 1V m. Graham, jr., " Robert Dunlap, E: Trovillo, Dr 11. D. Sellers. NV m. Douglass, " E. D. caziam., Henry Alwriods WM.M . W rig ill . laitac Cruse , . Robert Ti. Kerr, Esq,. George %V. Henry A. Beckham, Robert McPherson. - ThomasOnston, John t Shaffer, Georfe Miltenberger, Wm. Eichhaum, 0. P. Shiras, J. B Turner. A.:Miner, %Von. Martin, R. M. Riddle, Post Master ray, JlenO S Ba .o s k e .o , fthe Amer- Robe Game lean Hotel, Alen Kramer, r, A. F. Marthrns. John M,Campbell M. Stackhou..e. 1.. Athereer, Robert Johnston, James Merlin, N. B Just received, as improved Patent Lamp, for 11.4". • . VMS 19—dlor 4- calf ---------------- [For The Morning Post.] The Mayoralty. , tsas Votress: As the rime .is oporoiching oit will be necessary for the cilivms to se- 1 1 candidate for May or, 1 w nold ask per •on t o suggest. through your columns, Mr. 1 C. DAvrrr, of the Second war I, as .0 s.iitable didate for that office. Mr. Disitt is a e,ntle excellent informatinn,possessiog all the re ; 'Etc cullificartinne for a fAithtful and promot c is ree of the duties appertaining to the office,and esriys in en emine it degree, the estrous and , fidenc e of al who know him. fits election °ldi'cure to our city, one of the best Cltinf • gistm es that ever presided over oor municipal A CITIZEN e like the suggestion of "A Cutiz T 1" ;each. from personal knowledge, can cheerfully en. all that he says in favor of hie candidate. tiug la the sth Ward for the Relief of the Poor. Pits public me.lting the citiz-ns he'd in the I room, Pike st.,Tuesday t veal tz, Nov. 2'2 W. Lightner was called to the chair and S tI towlward appoir.ted Secretary. The meeting resolved to continue the plan of sir farmer erraniz3l-""t I and declined uniting the other w.irds in ine.alures for the relief of ' puhr.. The following gentlemen were appointed to call the citizens of their respective districts for coo ibuting- Dist. Dr. Win. Johnston Wen. J. Totten • '' B. Bream Dr. J. McCracken " John Y. C. - Belt Sam'. Moore " Wm. Crawford 3413eph Hershey " James Blakely Tilly Potter FOR DISTRPTTERS. lit_ District John Ham 74 do Joseph 3d Drions•' do George 4% de James 'Packer, .th - Gates._ . - Trea.urer Barry Feas t , Adjlurned to teltt at ~ h e same plat:eon Toes , 7 to.n n neli,iaov 2a; :;="-` -• a IP WANtfiTtiPsduieg• Wooswari" - - - - q[ll4Bfirrer tresitispoyWig•ar---*:' J of the best quality for sale by r tow CR 6 nos 18 148 ,Li . berty st Z.E 8 &LON 11.N:SErrespectfu ly into#mshisfriends and the public generally, t be is Pow receiving [Torn New York - and Philadelphia a well itelected stock of Goods in nis litte, which he will sell at !prices to suit the timer, viz. I 300 packs American Pins: • 100 do London do; 200 Ihs. sewing Thread; 1000 bundles do, do; 1000 dozen spool do; • 200 !bi - patent dot , 15 do sewing Silk; • 25 do Zephyr Worsted, assorted colors; 6 dozen do Patterns; 1500 do cotton Tapes; 50 gross do Cord; 100 do do Boot Lacers; 50 do do Corset do; 50 dozen Gum Elastic Suspenders; 60 du worsted do; 75 do webb do. 50 boxes Rosemary Soap, containing 6 dos. each; 100 dozen Fancy do as:sorted; 150 do shell Side Combs, pith a germsl assort ment of tuck and twist Combs, 100 do Fuffalo Side Comb-; 50 do do Twist do; 750 do Fine Ivory do; 300 do Horn Tuck do 175 do do Twist do 125 do Redding assorted sizes; 10 grozs German Silver Pocket Combs; 50 do Wooden do do 300.000 drilled eyed Needles; 100 gross •Knitting do; 820,000 ribbed Peuctission Caps; 120 nens Straw Bas Lets; 25 lover willow Travelling Baskets. assorted sl zes, with n general asiort went of work and fancy Baskets; 1.'30 gross Bone Oilers; SO do Metal do; 25 do hooks and eye., 15 do tooth brushes; 40 thirty hour brass clocl,s; 150 gross pearl buttons; • 10 to Ge man silver table spoons; 20 ,!o do do lea do; Also. silver lea and tablespoon.; gold and silver thiln— Idez; sold and silver pencils, and jewelry ofall dezcrip lions; musieal liox?-; coral and ainner beads; cloth and hair brushes; wax dolls of Mt - Terrill sizes: rosewood drys si t, rases; work hose. , and writiwg drAs, and a teneral assormcnt of an commodities in the varlet v depart Mret. novl9-61. ALLEGHENY C. , UN i V, ss. In li.e Cutirt of , the nln't, of the .1(11rOni- - tratIon Icconnt of John IL, W Otiam 11., k `v=an Eniley GAlrard, a, i 1 7 locutroF • • or the e.itair of Wil' to Cal rat I, (I,cd the above named ac-aunt ro Ind to A Rorke, ft. 11 - oo is. C. Von It ottiorst.:: , la au lit the 3i t• •11 31.1 disinuwt roe hula, 0. Ity :he Cour!, T L M!!N1!1.1.1N,13.'h. ah ,I,ne ilite l lo 1., line po -prose ni their ap,nointunent, at the office of Nlnnzraw and lllin ilton, in din In stwen Pitinn.lnureli, on toe 19 , in tiny of Decein her next, on 3 o'clon - k when and where they will hear nil iterwns interested. A ill I:I( nov 21-2 w No 22, IVIAIKICET STREET. Jll,l retorned from the Ea , iern (.7111,-, wi;11 a choice a4sort:ileiii of the r,,•10..y! rig ar- I h.. um-1 aiii and Car% y (:Asslxtry.E,s. tvkal ol Hs of 1110Sii siiperior VirSTINCis ul 'H A 11 of ,viw I,,rn by 1;1 , , se'l with errai ralty.r vc.'ll . . care, and ,ti;:. t., of on f.vor:i I. rn,..= for cash I) BI:UcKl., ( ) ,• II Er!. . r, ha ,! 'l'n lior. mccros co:nplc, 11, n 1 F'11 , .....yr_.11,0.1 thr (Inv of ! , :• , vrmher. .1 n UfT/CU col.()REnbrouvb .I , on.at , cut 0.., , 01. i, hi+ and latt nr Ir.‘vily tutor-- 11, w. i i is a haft; in 1111.'1.0 tit' '1,1'111o:2 1 : and dry; k- shori and coar=e when ro,n;n:: n !rdi k. Stt rtt.ri.titt relgrni the ?.i.; 61.1.1 tht• 510 stl init•lT,Slr% Of %vitt 'Olll.. I' -out tt III! tt;rt r.,•• IVP . 111' waive relvartl. [lott 211 SNEI7.. GIR,S P.l 11:. 1- I L _ll I'S. Furs F.' Un.A - IXO ARD ,vtict won 'S tre•. l !v ro rethive their ex:Tet , 1.1" 1 dal, .1/D l l certainty Itti,chn , of eof NEW GIi:XNUS, • At X. 86Nerket Strut. And now to wv, tA,,to' , Pr 19-12 B,:() ‘DCI OTHS FIVE DOLI,AIts REWARD Ny I,O:zT, 4000 Christian Temperance and other Almanacs for MS; 3(01 Tooth's Temperance Ativo rate ,S 5 in a set; Temperance fable; Reports American Tem nerance Union, Con:tresslonal Temperance Society Reports; and a variety of Temperance Documents; 1 set 20 vols. or the VJuiii's Friend; 2 set 200 vOis. infants' Mazazine„ and a variety of American Tracts, Temper ance and Sabbath School Union Publicatimlrc and a con. s ide'rable variety of School Rooks; paper and stati , onary, or sale by IS AA C HARRIS N 0.9 Fifth street, nov 19 BROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS. --Ed ara*d Hashes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse, N 0.25, Wood st., Pittr;hurgh. sup 14--19 PEASE'S HOARITOUND CANDYI—TuTTL I ha° received this day from New York, a fresh *apply °- the above celebrated cure fur Con:As, Coldaand COD sumption; and is ready to supply cumomersat wholesale or retail, at his Medical Agency, 86 Fourth at. PRID V4' CQNPOCND VEGETABL E 0 000111 CANDY ri a safe and certain care for coatis, Colds. Asthma, Stirs Threat, Pains and Weakaeli of the Breast Witeopiki Cough. iloarseitess, Trritatioß of the Throttle end man y diseases leading to the Crawoption. Try • —.only 6+ p er roll—prepared and sold Whole. s:rte and ffeittit by "U. T. PRIM, f•AnreAtioner4 redeye' st.,Aile gheny CitY,, stud the principal tirimistslitt mils, 24 1inneh.......~ .110,70001,-- -1!,b! frieceitChissaiDd •i '._ seit-11-4k . 1 . -"- • -•-- - the *Draw pr RICAIM W h.stitaie to N 1 771)RNET 'YNT LAW.:2 - - - oMidev4o • IleioraFAlNeditg , % mirth street„-pitishargh. WO- G EoRGE H'. Attoraelit A...aw. Office N. 54 Firth #treet, Dear the:Tbeatre, ittiedurgb, Sep - . WILLIAM ELDER, Attorney -at Law; Office in Bakeivetre Bniblings, "warty opposite'tbe New Court Douse. on Grant street. se* 30-9 DC. A. W. PAT f ERSO.N, ()face on Suntlatleld street, rear Sixth. Eep 10 Ba:s Rio Coffee. For sale by 1 11 oei 4. J. G• 4- A. GORDON. COAKCIN.-25 Bales Oakum. on hand gnd for Pale by J. W. BURBRTDCuIt CO.. No 75, & Ind stress JT. STEWART , Upholsterer and Paper Hanger, INo. 49, Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield dts. Husk and Straw Mattrasses always on hand- All orders executed with neatness and despatch, on accommo saline terms- seri 20— 19 2000'BUSHELS OFF LAX SEED, for bleb th e highest pr ire in cash will he dent J AMES DICKEY Co AO"- Mechanics Line corner of Literty and Wayn ireets, Pittsburgh. act READY MADE CLOTHING AT l'IlE THREE BIG DOORS, A-0.151 Liberty st., one door from the Jackson Foundry. ri_lL IHE Subscriber having prepared at his establishment the largest and most varied stock of READY MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the Western coon try, would respectfully invite the public to give him a call and examine his Goods and hear his prices before purchasing elsewhere. His stork consists in . putt of 1500 Cnats,assorted sines and quality; 2000 pair Panta loons; 1800 Vests; with a large assortment of Shirts. Drawers, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Supenders, and every other article of winter Clothing. His Cloths were all selected by himself in the Eastern Markets, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices. and consequently he can afford to give his customer,. BE'PTER BARGAINS than they can get at any other house in the city. Believing In the principle of , Protect. lug Home Industry" he line thereto e had all his articles manufactured by Putisimrgh workmen, and he line no hesitation saying that they will on found in every res pect superior to the Eastern manufactured articles that are offered for sale in the slop shops that have recently ! .finekored among us. lit these times when Ilonste Industry is nerripying PO tarze a share of public alien! ion, as it always should, the proprietor of the ••Three flit, Donis' takes peculiar pride and ri'ea.rure in assuring the cit , zens of Pittsburgh that his Goods or, all manufactured under his own eye, l's the mechanics of his own town. He does not, like some of his rivals in trade, have Iris Clothes made tip in a dklahl city, in :mother ...3!ale, nor !nes hr, :lift, ttse his Slot k in bills printed titre! , or four Ltiodred thilr , from here. He :rocs on :Ire principle :ha , the mechanics of Pittsburgh ran do V.'Ork as well as any others. and Ire does not de. si-c 11/ draw terries Cretin their no , kets to support distant snot huien; whi'e he asks them to support, him, he dies not wish .0 intpnynrish them by a drain to support far tiff inaminnth werrk...hops. The sul , scr , ber would lake this oCrn.slon to return ni:s to his friends and customers for lire unpreceden ted patronage ext ended to his establishment, and to re peat I s to :01 those who wish I 0 purchase elm:6 eve,. rnade iu the latest fashion and sold nn accoo:modal terms, in call at No 151 I.l . trirtt sheer. trIII:LOSK EY n.,,ihserve !tle'al PI tie 'n the pavement U VJNI,()V'OP,SI*, MEM PIM ZINGTON'S Unrivalled [Clacking, Ell and sa!d wholf,llP and retail `lceer &Ile. Salohfied. r Co. r t3I.I"iSVITE'.II4I A !I :NG Et . LICENCE LIRR N . cif !I ,•31,), ci I ,1,11 eve' v clay. Sia.il , i,lll 7 ,0,1, 7 o', lock, A Ni . .ow ,1 9. I'. I. char_, 01 >I Clair sir, CI xi here plincluni ativintivlre =,•9 lit I. 1:VN1‘111. U./. rI,RII OV 1116: CLIN IK Tr.N P at - ER SI ILI.. 51 , 1114. , Fi11... Ohio. 111,1,1011 tem,. ced r fr, • 11.1 re a!ipointrit Er P. ro , m I 3,1 rind 4t 2,1 s ( r, le 11i17,r-11 tql. per Ina ttuf.ir_ , y 11,,r (rtrttrit , • „- re fez , . tiMerP e,fl: al r• F.l , W.,- of paper. -eril Cap and I , i d tvr,!.,,:, lViappine arid Tea paper; tid f, i Pa •i r ofdirrerevii fsl re=ao' q:c;nl trs,nll ol which will be cold on 1 lie 01001 a runal.iloil:A ter 11 , 0. riw RE, niariiiiirturrrg nod importers of kV .1 :rod horde , .. p 2 in 1y on hand rr e ry var‘e*.y Oi Ent rv, Parlor antl Chair:lice Papers. or Ili, ,a It 11-I 11,11e.F0111, w llte6 :hey .rill =ell lute and vu aCCUIe 1110d:11 i lig w holenalr 1101? MIEIZIE O S FORS 11. E.—Four Lois in Atailthe-ter. One 1 , 14. ii•l 111 1 1 Also. Lois iMSS 26 and 27. is Goof's p'3ll 0; 1,01. uo 111 , 411 st ref.; „ near the new ( . 011r1 iIuU , P For tern apply to Z. V. Q EMI SGT,ON. sen 10 --- FOR SALE ON ACCOMMODATLYG TF:R.SIS ; 3 , 1 Ft ea los of W rit, n z letter Wrapping . parer, 500 Cuts yellow anti purple Carpet chain . 10 dozen fled c o rds, !act g lines and twine; 250 Bottles Blue. Black and Red Int.; 50 Boxes table salt; 100 gross cheap gist - wilder buttons; 411 boxes and pounds or :,,,t)rled 1,o5s;4000 Chris 1 1 3 0. TeM pert nrC, Franklin, Pittsburgh, Wester., m o tPa and German .4intanocks for 13.13: 25,000 good segat doz. good lead pencils, 25 doz. boxes wafer:; a lull a,. , orlairttl of window 71:1SS , and sash of assorted sizes and I a variety of sea:Unable goods for sale for cash—all kinds i of country produce and Pittsburgh yannfactures to suit ronrogn •riF. • ISAAC HARRIS, nov 16 Agt and Rom Merrill .% A Ni Lt) CHEAPER TH ‘N EVER! SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF I 21-1 v FED • Flares for several Sterna iiiesXoach. mrii,ellostlers, Laborers, Clerk= on Steam boats or for flou=rs. Also Or several [louse keepers . Cooks and girls for all work—for scvsral nurses and small girls —for several seamstresses—alsn for several Collectors and a eents to travel over the Cottalry, 4-c. Wanted for a flourishing neighboring town and Female school. a re• . speetalite female leacher, n 1 :marl eliaracier and acquire ments—a lso a Bond f•ma'e teacher for a respectable fami ly.—All kinds of Agencies al tented to at lIARRIS' nov 16 General ‘sencv office. ‘‘' LEWS PAI EN' r BEDStEADS. i 4 - 1 1V 1 it 1.1 dr uFA CTUR ED at Wm. LEYBUR WS Cabinet IN I Shop, No, 69 Second at. between Wood and ' field. where a general assortment of Furniture may be had at reduced prices for cash. The superiority of these Bedsteads, consist In the fastenings, which for durahility and ease in putting up and taking down. rs not equalled by any other mitil,.)3l nse—and to all such as would consult their own in their nightly slumbers. it should be tame* , : ottoiA all classes of the bug family arc Pstrenet*9l l 7*** rOtOCtlingz. rr Rights for Counties, East riCl9. or Statese :'' .' ‘ ‘H JOHN FOWLER. Patentee. _ _ We, the n , •dernisned. docertify Mit we have examin ed the above Bedstead Fastertiwgs.and have no hesitation in pronouncing them the best now in use—coming up fully to the representation in the above advertisement. Wm. Graham sr.. JosephCollart, Wm, 1 rvin. Jacob Vogde John McGill, George Singer. now 17-3 m. _AM Liis T . pRicE„ Wholesale and-Beta Baker, Con, feeiioner and Fruiterer, Federal street, twar the Diamond, Allegheny city. Every vinery of Confectionary mid Ornamental Cates, suitable ibr weddings and parties, manitictared front Theban materials, Untied malice. soy 16 L-UMBER. . ,11$111ERfor lam to salt purchasers. appal° ISkEe. Ovv. 14f Liberty Farntemaist etiters WW664l.lltabirillat4,4d ' 10 4:111/00 ,111S0i4li *17'11401011111. ‘l4lOll/0111/11AMjiiirEi. tee'Lz;:•4l6ol6:4 ,- , - far' 4 4 ' 71- yornitshogiromatahlinift4 of whie- 0 60 1 4ttlittlitidintil Roder reader 010 acres - SA ateaallar. '2 good Oriltaida of Applesa fewi - Perich Cherry tzergs..thelfisprOveanenta are $ arriframe . bilise containing 10 MORN wellfursisheti, calculated for a Ta vern or private Dwelling, a frame glare liy43o.stooe baßeohad,andsmitOair, albedo cud other out housessuit able Ihr - a tenement,--2 good Gardens surrounded Witt curtest hushes. and a well of excellent water, with a pomp in at the front door. In vela' ion to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny marhet,there is nolace now offered for sale with more Inducement to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, tile terms will be made moderate, for further particularaapply to the onsprietor at his Clothing I Store, Liberly street, corner of Virgin Alley. LAWRENCEIIIITCHELL. 1 10 e., - •9' N. B. If not sold before the Ist of October next. U will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots tosoit purrha- SPIV. das 10 WALL PALVJULS. THE subsc• itiers respectfully call the attention of their friends and the public revel-ally, to' their pre sent nasailment of Paper Hangings. which contains a lar4e and extensive variety of patterns of the followie! descriptions, v. hich upon inspection will be found to be of superior quality and finish. Unglazed Wall Papers, of all descriptions, fcr pa,wring rooms and entries, 23 cent= per piece. Glazed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for papering rooms and entries. at 37} cents. American Wall Paper, of their own manufacture, for halts: Fresco and able-r styles for parlors and thornhero.on fine satin glazed grounds. freitrh Wall Papers, Decoration (rad Fresco patterns, in platn and I ich rolors,roid and tuner paper. Velvet and /natation Borders. Landscape Papers, in setts, for papering hotels, halls and dining mow, at reduced prices. Fire Board Prints, Statues, Ornaments, ftindoto Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different Cu lore. Western merchants and ot hers are respectfully invited to call and examine their stock and pikes, oil' tvilich last a liberal discount will he given for cash. From long ex periem'e in the t usiness. they are able to manufacture papers in a superior manner, and as they are determined to keep up the character their papers have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re ceive the encouragement hit herto so liberally extended. HOLDSHIP lc. BROWNE, No orpr 9 49, 1 Market .iß2d4 s_tre a et s; h et ween 3d and 4th Pillhnreh. LT E. MAIL LINE of Solendid Pas, ,, enger Steam rack . els from Cinciii nal iIo I. Louis The new,volendid, ruoning, light draughtstenni Packets West Wind and Xvtivireil, will run no regular Park el, from Eincinnaii 10 SI. Louis. Will leave Cim ritinall and Si. Louis every Wednesday morning, al 10 o'clock. Pas3elizer , from thr• E 3 ,1 and l'rest may rely upon i hely star! itiz, pun, uatly as :01vPriiced. Fep 10 JoN tI:TTERWOR'III. iinetioncer and Commis. viva Merchant, Lonietrille, K Y., will attend to tit^ sate of Real Estate, lire GOO4iS, G • orreries. Pit rnl' it re, 4-c• r sale 3 every Tnesday, Thursday, and Fri day niortiin,is, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances made on con , ifn tor I. r-e•I , 10 CHEAP. -LACED AXI) RIBBON STORE, No. St. Clair srent. Laces arid Ribbon?, Wide and narrow OOP. Lace and Infants' fnock waists. LatilPft. French Kid, Mohair. Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves. Bin' k Moll:lir nets for Veils -veryrhenp A larvi assortment of Enithsh Si ra, Also, a yin; of raw, phtin anti I:lm . y Tuscan braid. MILLINERY of I he l a irs: 1.,c1.j0n. 3.1 nt rates These goods are now selling t•rr at prices to suit the Limos. Ladies are respect invited to call and purchase. pif--if 0.-' 27-If ,rIIOII'IEiIRY rtl t 1 ASH —.l _Kr's forfauabic A'cloody.—The ex; reins beauty of the Teeth. tneir indispensa Ile one, 5;. , 1 t li, frequency of their decay. 'tasted ;o timov :oventi.ins for t heir prcservationt tet how to p r e ere then; in a state of health an pristine heatil , In the I,,leßt period , . or . • xi , tenee, was entirety unknown onto ti.e discovery of ;he above invaluable pr.ipar.it inn, r , a pore it; ; tore eon) pose.: of vee ioxtedients, and is nrwsessel or the rn• dr-lirions mine. It eradicate ., tartar from the lees!), remove , sn o ts of 'pelf& ni :;nd pre.treee , Ilte enatnel. to tvhich It eivr,t a !wail like cvlint'lle..Q, and, from tie di-in. recline propertice.;l-ssersees e ciittle of 'jiving sweetness' to the l•real h. A , an Anti Scorbutic. t h^ (I,insrt'so , liare in its trans cetient rower-; Sent vey is et - laterited from them, a hen; hy :;e11•;it 3,1 induced, tv bleb offers to the Ilol.lr, ol die iirnet it loner inthilittal le evidence of their heat; ht.; I , tate. 1' Itas heen examined and used he several of lbe be-t I,hysiria 1 , . of 1 1114 city, wbo have no be.] ilation in recommending, it as an excellent wash for the 'I eeth. (Innis elf. Among the recommendations to the above are the fol. to wins: (laving tried Dr. ,•Tliorn*s Tea Berry Tooth Nash a ndbeconie aermatuted with the Ingredients of Its (motor, sition, I cheerfully say, I ronsidet it one of the safest, as Pit IStillrel t'llf.zl,..oJeasant Tooth Was! VS now in use. I take pleasure in stating, having mode use Or- , TPUirti , Tea Cerry Tooth Wash." tlrt it is one of the hest den triflers in Reim: In a liquid form, it combines neat nets with convenience.it cleanses the enamel and re moves the tartar from Clue teeth, its perfume veld: fragrancea The undersigned have used "TM , n's Compound Tea Berry Tooth %cash," and have found it to bean est refl., Iv pleasant dentifrice, egercislng a most sa'utary ence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indis pensable members from premature decay. preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purift ing the Breath. Day ing thoroughly tested its virtues. we take pleasure in re commending it to the public, heDeeing it to be the best ar title of the kind new in use. .Itl ROBERTSON, JANES P JACK. ROB'T B PEEBLES, CHAS R SCULLY. CDA BRAG H, W-If JWCAND LESS, J fit JAS S CRAFT. !IL RING WALT, L S JOHNS, Pr. pared only by WfLLI M THORN, Apothecary and Chemist, No. 53 Market street, Pit tsbu rgh; for sale at nit the principal Druggists', and Tuttle's McdiCal Agency, Fourth street Rep ~si`f-hip f~! FOU NI DK Y METAL JUST RECEIVED. 36 TONS S.ull Pig Iron suitable for Foundries. A p Ply to A. BEELEN. TIiORN'S TEA BERRY 00 lit WASH. Lioc 'l orrco ,Oct. 211,1842. lizr To Br. Tuottx,—Tily Dear Sir: I cheerfully and eordia .1 y embt ace the present favorah'e oppor %unit y to re turn to you my warmest thanks of !roulade for your an equalled and unexceptionable inveriVon of your very justly celebrated Tea Berry Tranh-Wash, and I fetl that I am in duty bound to say that I have dertveal the great rat and most beneficial effect from its frequent and mode Meuse: and 1 ran assure yon that I am exceedingly hap py to have the pleasure of informing you. that sincietrly and cordially speaking. Jean injustice recommend its fre quent use to all that unfortunate portion of the human race throughout the globe who -are now undergoing the mo=t excruciating pain for the want of a medicine prepa ration of exactly thesame natnreof which yours is prepa red, and w ho have for years been suffering from the in. .jarioas, destructive and pernicious effects of worthless tooth powders and other worthless preparations. In conclusion peemit me to say that I haveased your Tooth . Wash but for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly convinced that it is the hest now known. its inestimable virtues , in preserving the teeth. (which -kept in a good and handsome condition. is the greatest embelishmebt that adorns the human structure.) are not to be excelled in easing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache. and toting tue gums to a healthy and purified coodition.and :Witte also a sweetness and fragrancy toa disagreeable Aren't' hitherto unknown: Accep , my sit erre wish for your success, from Yours. truly. lowest Boussiza. VK I itT rtsTITUTR. FIFTH COURSE OF LECTURES. T"' Committee on Lectures of the Wirt Institute, for the Fourth COUrfoc.respeelfvfly annoooee to the pold'e that they have made arrangements to commence the Lectures on Thnrsday evettinz, December 1. The Lectures of this course mill be exclusively . Literary sal Seitstip - The Committee. desirous of matins the Leefure Room of the Ino ante a favorite molt of the lovers of LAtara tore and Science. as well as the fashirinable. trave spared Ito exertions in procuring popular and talented Lecturers. both at home and abroad., . . tho course of two works a list of the Leehirers will be publiebediand tickets offered. SAiti'ls-r. HUEY , W. WitsoN. JOHN sicosait &YE, W . likaOptisirg. +loofit*SPlXl,- ~- - .. InaolleoatailiekTiakt: •, hatorottaitm 40: that, it IraTbes thichit of hase.e* :as *beret-or krges,lheritetf sisevetriesl panties as to 011flebill been !kw the hot3o ; os 49 ?ears. - ThsexperieSee.o(that kiss period of active tifeated the fad or sty intvisgheen twthe. since 100;totelbebtted -1 . 11 D. I. A. Wats, Is the pisetiee of medicine, In hal ha &tit' tiiLY enabtar , uveto)ufte luny of the melts of his yids. . Efnennvenieni,so efficient. and yet mover. did I esteem_ thew Pills. trial tar Ibi liii eve "pears in my pritelter Orr the core or chronic dhearett: or whatever name. and those of females in particular,' have used more of theft than all of tier medicines. Like every other Medicine: this mast fall In some in Mantel., tut in my hands there has been tees disappoint anent and more sstisfection in the adminta ration nf i tn. one remedy than of ail Others; its good effects Sometimes , - quite astonishing me. . If my patient required 4 safe aperient medicine en her before or after Partutitton, the Wilson'i Pr IS were just the thing I wanted. I( a dysiteptle neld condition erne - stomach. combined with costiveness or Inactivity of the liver congtituted the disease 11 my patient. the pills were just the thing I wanted. If I treated a ease rronirina an eattnrnagopm. the Wl'sorra pills were just the thin! I wanted. if palpitation, heidache, noshed coonienaner.or other difficulties, Indicatine a diwurhance of the circulatory and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the •turn of life,' the Wilson's pills .ere just the thing I wattled. Thus, wit - bout resn.y.et 'to the name, a disease ntlettl happen to wear at the state I hare had it under treat merit, partirular indications nr symptom: artsint, v ere mmt promptly and most happily met by the WlNOtef pills. Thai so great a number of disease., and sometimes ap parently opncedle ones, in which I have used these pills. should be cored more readily by them than by any other remedy. may at first seem st ranee and emu radionry, but why it is no is re clear to my mind as that a Treat many persons should become thirsty from r.s many diffetent causes. and vet all require that common and greatest of all hlee•ines, water to quench their thirst. In conclusion, it Is due the mullet lon of t`te medicine and the public, to say decidrd!y and uncondit lona lly. that the Wilsma's pills are itteonly combination I have ever met with in my lone course of practice, that really pos eesres anything rm:ative or specific far sick head:trim Yottrs DR. MILD ADAMS The above Pills destened particularly for the sick Mted.A elle. Dyspepsia. Constipation of the Dowels 4-r.. prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson, and for ..le.wholesaie and retail, at his dwelling In Penn street. below Mar; ury. Oct 1 1717 M . E. AUSTIN, Attorney nt Pi.tom ref,. Pa Office in di h strtet, onnosite Burke - F. BMWWI Wir..t.tAm E. Ans - rus. n= q ., will stye hie alienium to my unfinished business, and :I recommend him In the nntrtm. of my friends. WALTER FORWARD. Fen 10-1 y WM. SI'EELE. (sneuressor to li. M'Claskey) Fash ionaile Boot Maker, Liberty st., 2d door from Vi - sin Hey. Tltr. salt:textile' respectfully informs the puitlict hat he has commenced the above loudness in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry NFriloskey. nod that he to now prepared to attend to nil orders in his I ine n Nosiness with de.palch nod on the most reasonable terms. 'Frorn his lon- extlerience in the manufacture of Fashionable Boots. he feels confident that all articles front his establishment .% ill live satisfaction to his pa irons. A share ol politic patronage is respect fully solicit• ed. cool() rata. .A.BILANIVEIVIMNT. MEC(' NICS' Isdependent Transportation Line to Philadelphia and Baltimore. For Transporting .llerchandize to and from Pittsburgh, via Tilt Water and Penn.sylrania Canals. CONDCCTILD orrucrLv On Ski:MATH AND TEYIPCR ANTI. PRINCIPL/q The st.ick of this Line consists . of the -first ease Sprinx Cars. Metal Roofs, and New Decked Tide Water Boats. commanded by colter and experienced Capinitin. Merchant: by this Line are enabled to have their Goods shipped as cheap, and with on much thsratch.as by any other bine. One Root will leavedady from the foot of Willow street Rail R CWI on the Delaware. in Tow of a Stealu Roar, which is kept expressly for that pur per. The Proprietors will - ~.ve their whole attention. and respectfully invite Western Merchants 10 give them a eau. as they ,vill find it much In their adv ntage. All goods consigned Witham ilei/war 4- Ca. coast wise or via Delaware a lid IL, riran C a nal. will he recetv ed at their warelionsr.foot of Willow strati Rail Road. Philatletp• in, where goods can he put directly from the Ve.sel into the Bole without additional handling or ex uense. WILLIAM HEILMAN A. Co, from Philad. In IlolldaVllllrg. L P ‘TTERSON, Proprietors. From tiolitlaysburgh to ritt.hur7h. .1 AM ES DICKEY k Co., Cansi oasits, Liberty street Pitishurgh—A,etars Kista.Willow street wharf.) on the Deleware.at Philadelphia, jOSEPIR E. ELDER. Baltimore, . Agents. 11. L. PATTERSON, Rolidaystturgh, Refer TO _ I el 15_11. DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842. . DENNING—On Friday. the 30th of last month, about' cl o'clock at nieht„ the Flanine.Grooviwz and Sash klan ufactory, owned by Gay. Dilworth sc Co. with a large I . quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all consu. med by fire. The Iron Safe which 1 !mush! of you some time back, was on the most exposed situation tinting the fire, and was entirely red hot —I am pleased to inform you It was opened at the rinse of the fire.and all the books, papers, Sre.aaved;—this is the hest recommendation I can give of the utility of your safes. THOII AS SrOTT. 0rt2.4-11. WESTERN UNIVERSITY OF PENXSYLVA• NIA.—LAW SCHOOL.—The Trustees of the Western University 0( PPM sylvania announce to the puldic that they have established a Law School in con nection with the University. in which will he taught uncipal, International, and Constitutional Law in all their branches. The mode of instruction will be by recitations. lectures and occasional TOOLConrts , as in simitar instil ut low". The !ear will C 011.515( of two tetras of fuer and a half mouths each. The first term will commence on the second Monday of November' next. The tuition fee is' $37.50 per term payalde in advar cc. Wsl;fits" II Lawful'. Esq . , a member of the ritiatinrah Bar, has been chosen Professor. The trustees take great pleasure in annonacing that they have been able to se cure the services of one so well qualified for the station by reason of his legal acquirements. and particularly of one so highly mteeated as a scholar and • gentleman.l The annexed recommendation will furnish satisfaction to all his qualifications, as Professor. . i The trustees having been induced to lastituse this 1 school from a view of the serious disadvantages attending ' the studies of law, In the office of practising lawyers and a so the very obvious ado. ntaceswhich Pittsburgh pox. sews over most other places In the West for the estab lishment °lsar') an institution —He f ei, a most Indus, ri ots popit'ation. The student w ill see around him exam pies of industry and energy ,and very few temptations to indolence and idleness. He may become acquainted with 'rosiness: in all Ito forms. Our Courts are sitting nearly all the yeste slim', and there Is perhaps no Mara in Ike West where a greater satiety of cases and princi. plea arise for diseussion. The Committee ere desirous i bat all Detente! , W'Ettin: to avail themselves (tithe advantages of this school. should do an Immedmiely'by ratline and leaving their names at tile office of Walter H. Lowrie. E s q., on Fourth ist rept er by addressing him by letter, post-pa so that all stn dents may commence at the opening of the term, or as early thentatter at masible. secant trovoLls. .1 /ORR T PURELY, 1 Committee • ramp It RIDDLE. ). or . inner W - . mica.l Education . Tlastl?t. mt.t..a. I We take a plrscre is-reeommentling 'o the confi des,* albs publie. Walter ti. Lowrie Esq., ?sensor of Law ra the Western University of Pentisylvanla, as a gentlemacemineSt for his snood legal 'karat's% and shill atr ties, and in emwtay soaritird fo-the dattfax . ortbe °We to which he been elected., ,. . ... . tllaw' p. atil"L .1 ekief Jeanne ant . - - "Te ***‘62lll'. -',DDlfeell of the . ermainentilli• : • - s o p/sa t e irseitti. •'.' - ' ' 1r ci•iisuies... -- . Slates of' - - 4 1 e - - tiiiihNO — linin StilWW.;!:EPAOtte(.lfmt-fk:;',...: 00siOillir..M.101414:0100e-:-Z Sat -Beek aedthetthertoWelfr. TeadrA4 lol 4l ll t thelyStoreAdaLtherty unlit,, Wiwi** Msfitell-Mkatit ;tweet. as atattomeet of the vii; hattilaht, arbiet Wel_ are astekatato tilanosenfes Pa , amines% sad atedyo l6 o oll Y able-tenon. Their elat kV:Manta the Vert tlefOftMl. vtir..llkover. Otter. fientrfill,Calter l 4 lll KßOtairtf et v aln, Paredti Silk Hata. sir. it M. Doherty are loth regular bred ifitHeM.►*Hi have had extenrive experience,. fellowmen jetket..4a eldaidlahlorata to the cavalry; their Hato are all got* under owl, own Inspection. and theynThere ;rte Peak t hat settling teat the vary beet *Melts ea, ea relk sortable tern* witthe of for sale. , . BUFFAI.O ROBES. BEAR SKINA ANDNFIVI .„ UST teeetvcd. 3.000 Sr !enable Rorrato goliprptifir fereht qualitiert from Fatra No. I t 0 3% A tot t f Rear and Cab iSgl.p. 11.000 No. I and 2111Instrat Mod. • A lot c (Otter and Raetoon Skins. Alt which areolfered at reduced eta fo easilrAtt proved rare. Apply to _ A. REELEN, at th Orr 162-am _ _ • .hel American For Cm A .. - Corcer of Front and Fit' PREMIUM ,AS s S .7.O IME L RE . Si., 7 . .-. 4f Fashionable Head rr ill - : : - AVE have jun receiv twentirtifferent 191‘10011kir fancy donhie lIPI,I eillginerr. datert - henvr aed tine from the nenhtticines of Stane:E Fa ran tn. Lowell. 111 FM.. a d Wetheretrilt 8rn.,,810411004. Md. The ma nuclei MITT of these t crlda . obillin,lllr ilk minm. a cd the fallnwinetiertifienie, at the late ea _ilit4llllll - before the Franklin I maims. ', Philidelnkat - -.-; - - - • .To Wet herford 4(-- EMI her, Baltimore. finAtllt. Atts - double m;lted fancy Cass; lerea, to whteh the jutkOi re*, „,,, ea to two Metre, pm-owning the elan fe proper 1 highly valued In Frenrh gonna of rills tlliintliCil. A certificate of honor-attic Ment inn .'—..llratti* railatal. We would invite genttemen watotnt littraatt Paoli' to call and examine. AI handsome flt.kiltirtear - Wurrue it'd i A 1.G.V4111W114E1 Nov 11 '42•-•: -. PCf....f:''''' ---""- A. a I - CLOTIIIIIG, &c. FOR THE l ithi.: _ft . _; Pt . - 1343. . . _. , . Nava , Para Bureau of Providant and Clotldat. 000 tier 28th. ISO: PROPO&At.S. endorsed Prppesals for Nl*. 1.0 ey clothing, wilt to reeeived at this effete 101011 ‘37clock P. DI. of r! e 243 i hiday of November next, fie fier. niehinc and driivnrin.. nn receiving forty five - dile:int at each or Pithrr of tilP Navy Yards, tlearlerilbern, ' Niassrielitowtiß, lirnok'yn. New York. Sod Gosport Yjr: 21011 f. sorb qunnli.iet. &limy or all ti.e ((Viewing nate** Vilely., of Navy cioliiinT as mar I.Porderni daring lbw, year 11143 . I.y the Commandants of the said Navy Yard*. reaper' lye! y,viz: Fl u e cloth P. Jackets and other clothing; OM Wrolen Stockings, Wonien Sock.. Thick, acted Len'her Shoes, • Sew rd Leather Pump, Woolen Blanker.. All The woolen viods ere to he made from enstetiaht4 - .meriran oini,ofrirt tire, All the article, are to be equal to the remote!, %Otteb airy he deposited in it.e vy Yards at Pas:to...New York. Philotteltthlo, Washing. ton. Norfolk, ltaltimore Naval Station. and at this aka'. All the aforevniii artletrs outlet he soiled to .ueh la. F pection nod .orvry t: the Chic f of the Thirrati of Provb, lons and Clothine m.v direct or not horize: nod no lOrnotl ni the sail articles will he rereived that is not ful'yepoill to the samph-s or patterns, both in material and wort. ma nship, and which tines not conform 1., all other restores to the stipulations and previsions of the contract to bp. wee, The clot him: ritilivided into , ion claaree.vir: iliell 111 , ' - I.) vs— a nd the offers inns! dist incnish lb* Pri •kw eeeh- C'RFA. and MIIO he en lcuiated to rover every se at. tendie?, the foifitnirrit of i he conlciels, Sur.indll the ae, cr=cary metal and naval timings. The whole must hr delvered at the List and ..tperipeor i hero n ' mi-t0r.,.. in Food. tivrht,rtihrlantial, and dry ft:midi— int! hone. or Mii- I ntirnii.. and in cood 0 - tipping Titer. hes cirrhotic" to the United Siates. and to tfie full e MI ii!fae• thin of the respective Conitnandants of theraiii yards of delivery . Separate ernpneale Ming he made—first. finr elf . Ihet Shim., and Pionr9; second, Cr.r all tile Sinikintnt and i-teks: third, for all the Mantels: and fourfilf,l for alt the either art'ripa, as diAti,f ce,fratta will be mattife for each class—and those who are enen:ed in the mannfarture Or 9lorkinsa Frirky,fthrws, Pumps. r1"11 l''lltketsi if Pr V5l rynnYihte standinit, will have a preference. If i i hOrx!enNlF will admit of it. In tare of fitiltire nn the part of rnlrriactiorti to for ni,lt and deliver the srvmalartieles wlifeli mar 111%00 . el , tiered from them, in Fraser fists and of ?rafter ?01 . . Ihe etTirerr or azetiln of the Navy shall Is asithorirzetite porch:vie what mar le required in supply One deficiencies. and any pxrep. a en., over the twirler ni:reril u tn he petal by I he. ennt reel. shalt he rharrd to and paid i y • Oe nip reel ive tent rnetnre. Untida in nor third the ertimn , ednmnnnt nfithertneet, lye eon? rarts will Ins rrqulred. o ith two rionfoved ewe.. I len. aod len per eentnte in addition, will 1w withbeld-fanie the arnntint of each delivery made an eollatetal neemite fo r the r,,,bruh r ..rt,,,mane• of the reatteele nontraete; wliiett will nn no neentint he paid until the e ntreete are complied with in all rerepets, and Is In IA fOrreitril•to then?, and benefit of the United Stairs.. In qie. event - er rain; rink Incomplete II e deliveriec in enpfor ity with ib.t 1 ' • irdern that may he made. Aber' rnakiriE 11. dedertiote tnr ten per immure. payment of the balanee ill. he node . ~ -.......—. rd. and bill:. for Iho 'maw r!nly norbointylr" •- '" ---- :': - 1 raloc of , n•rore , Inn and yoryry, by the receiri .-. of the two* rwctivp!'ilvv StnroUropery at Fah' Kivu `1" rriii and: 4r tho noornya lof the rospeci Ivo rommandan!Y fpaitt ystrik of drllyory. yholl bo prefroofed TO the Ne y Agent by whom payment is to he m.llOO. The Dern rl meat reYoryoy the r!.zbt to ...r, * l ll OfftVl from nor.ony who have betel:Wore failed t fullW:thely comrartf. ft , Peryon. offPrin! In cooply Tither of Ole ol r artleirt, , ill be plenYerl In defritoate iho plom. or oh .• at libirbt a .-- •! . IV _ ..... '... w.. pt. they may de.ire plyrnent,.. to he twill' f the' - - UNPRECEDENTED SALE OF !LOTS. • riNTIE Fol.erilwr offers for Frtle.nl fitment:illy low pit.** and noon nrentntrodat in! terms, One puudreditieii F‘fly St nen Etnildin , _ , Lote.f•itnoted on the north etat Road. ndJn atm! hind owned 11 the heir, ir. is 'le i! elltird, nod bet wren mid toad and Muff street; on: nin k of the Monanzoliefe—the tuunitete and speetai ra r nfof raid Let. ran he SO;en by reeetrlV 1 , to thereto reeorleil on the 18th Nov. 1R41., in ll* Erc,__Prd.oell ojßen of A O11113ygl:er y rrnnty in Peed Book, Vol. ,7 ond7 - but, oit.utionaopliralion to the. sob-caller The attention of ' , crimes de•irous of . *lprotirs : . or haying mosey to ineett.. Is earnettly toilette ,os an oppos -1 faulty equally avantaL.eous is rarely prose tedota& solwril.pr ii....deiermiord to tell. • f . 1 The Lots will he told areordiry to the teleortird . I t and uneareptlimable titles will be even. A pply to DAVID G ESE - Nov 1(1--If ?ern St.. nn raltal,hrbk. . . APSOLUTE HEAL A ih; • :•,''- 10 i 0 0 0 TRIALS . DAL L E and s.itt a a " n 1 or ip• -' 7- • Es• TRACTOR Inestimable. It not only vs ggiisktt,intit gives no addlt , onal pain. nor leadetta sear. Fire id post. lively rendtted harmless. eiliiii bas bean affierett ItiX l ia months to any person returning asampty m, ands:dying . that all agony on anOinttne Is not eilraete In Skit min tees, yet not one from thousands of trims a re be:Klein ed the bonus) Parents anxintis to guard Ingggel injnries. and save time, fortune end ti lee pretext their offspring • from being disfigured by "pea*. er,evisi small pox pustules, (it possegsing the enviable power to" replace the eethstary organs destroyed.) min do so by ohp, . ininina Via inimitable salve. Many des* itstrlM.4o,imesi In the city ran be seen, and one entire faegjhurnt ever. 1 wounded three dist iner times In the ream e r Ishliii - hisnl. log, ye' in nn rage ran Ive traced the I eirlatleielt or. markt For all kindt of hong ill , rait'd Fm• 1;1 0 ,. 1 , ,Vit .,,, e'c1ia V* also important; rven ...I , est,. 01l in& roftStind;+rat ini i ken bren.is would i.e unknown. The tol .. aradyni. - for eh nrinr. i I , e skin of pimple.. rrinovic tilikylitt»." *in fin iii indispensable. One 11.4ef only wt. ~k!IIPIIIPIP':__OI,** Hill ii ittepoverrizlVlZAL ALL enaliiy. 1 A ffirit,ibiglrOA tier. heads of f.tnittrs a 1 I.:* intr. tart t 7 re . ultimately Ar-tmtrd featnrev, ran sever Igsseti4k r 404 - prosch.justly uttered by, s driabied . fetraftitz to triumph over flip. . ..,. ...Entered areordilit to Pei of Congrera.' A. p + :00: h. r ,,,,,,, ,k 4. co .to int ciede: Piker oft - Ofririi4P. MI . ._ _ . or the t'nlled Males for the S. , Juthers riet,-24„itteir - York." Warranted the only genuine, -.......— ,I 'v' - - - _,I Connueek ir co., vehoriviirdnetin . !saii. : t _Vorlri.funeerig) rome-therieh w: rfushva/e mitenti.**4 l llt: pie:irplii - Ativii ea for 20 years. .Atlordertiritteil,l , ol* " ,, „, -411018.1, The genuine ,einty to be hat at: , ., ,4.1.40bra!1 Agency. ftg, ?re!rth weer, - - --_ -' :'• ..:::-.4h54. , .. . - I L',2 ..._', __ ~,,--,;,. ~_.._._, __.: ft:ixilfh toe Ele wa in .l EIRMIUF chanate. at „:14 So l - ROT 119 I A iPPIAM.44 thi•rer whew Itel IS. -iteir-frallts:ll).urrriner -ArAc-,+oo-1.1 1 1 --, -' - -' '.. • 4to.c drum ' - - 10141r:1 . _1!; , "- t•_ , _ -,..:--• iirecet*lf 4 4, 111 0 8 ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers