Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 24, 1842, Image 2

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'ileitis' numerous 'and -wretched feu per 'pop
uietion. All cities have-their better clasa
me,•certainly, and even Mexico has her'ii,
'Ault these are secluded and seldom seen by
the;-stranger. The intelligent Mexicans
direidy reprobate the idleness, rascality, ..
Oath,' and other vices of the poor mass
and will freely so express themselves to
Americans, but vast and mighty convul
aims _must shake the .nation before ever a
`better state of thir.gs will be bi ought
Crime prevails among the poverty
stricken wretches to a frightful extent.
Thefts, robberies, and even murders, are
of nightly and some times daily occur-
Vance. Two or more dead bodies may
be seen almost any morning, exposed at
the deadhouse, victims of assassination du
ring.tlie night. Horses are stAnn impu
dowdy in day-light, in the public streets,
aid persons robbed of their money and
almost with impunity. Heaven preserve
ell-dace at travellers from the loafers, ras—
cals, and lepror of Mexico.
We have riven all the space we can
*ford to this sketch, and yet, we have
eeece, led upon half the p Ants that
date . 0. Picayune.
the Graveyard at New Or.
Mickaets Day.—ln a notice
r and affecting ceremony of
graves, and s rewing them
with , e, the Picayune gives the fol
lowing beautiful sketch of the lament of
in Irish mother, over the grate of her son:
'We witnessed one scene which pene
etraled to our very heart's core, as we pass
ed through the cemetery at a very late
hour in the afternoon. Beside a grave,
in an obscure corner of the cemetery, a
woman who had passed the meridian of
fife, and apparently belonged to the hum
bler class of society, was on her knees.
Her eyes were lit up with devotion, and
she prayed audibly that God might have
mercy on him for whom she sent forth her
oribins. The grave was unad•ened with
flowers; no sculptured stone told of its ten
ons, and hut one solitary candle burned be
fore it, by the light of which we could
lead on the plastering, in an inferior style
• of chicegrapy:
The devotee wore a black b met, made
without any regard to the prevailite! fash
ion, and a black bombazine dress. We
instinctively stopped to observe her pro
After uttering a prayer, in a strain of
the most impassioned piety, for the soul's
repose of her son—for such he seemed to
have been, over whose grave she bent—
the burst out in the folio /ving Nailing la
raentatien, after the fashion of her coun
try. The dew seemed to fa I f,t-ter as she
wept, as if her sorrowing tones made the
atmosphere weep with pity. Thus went
she on:—.
Micheal, avic eta chree!
Why did ye lave me?
Why did you lave yer poor oilier
Friendie , s and among sthrangcrs!
Oh, Hate, hula did I think, ma bo-helblun!
The day ye tut k nw from my house and home,
That PO soon ye'd lave me a bird don , !
0, Toirastru! Michael, dear, sure l woulii'nt care
It yer bona lay he ycr father's std , ;
Or if there was (rinds arborvi to cry yer wake;
Bet cushia dear, my heal t is breakin,'
To find ye laid here where y,.'re unknown!"
Thus went on the poor woman with her
elegy, in tones that were mournfully i
tive. The merits of her departed son, Mi
chael, and her own forlorn condition form
ing the burthen of her lamentations. Few
who had not heard her could conceive how
We prayed peace-to the departed spirit
, eof Michael, and comfort and consolation to
his uufriended, widowed mother !
English Justice for the Poor. —The
sentences imposed on the persons found
guilty of partivipatin'g in the recent Out.
breaks in the English manufacturing dis
tricts have hi most instances been unjustly
severe. The following is a specimen:—On
the morning of the 15th of August, a large
mob of persons assembled at Congletort for
the purpose of pro ceding to Leek to stop
the factories. Oo their way eight of their
mob called at the house of a gentleman, and
asked for fund, which was given to them
from fear. They, however, did not enter
the house, the food being hande I to them
outside. For thus asking for food, they
were sentenced by Judge Creswell to
transportation for ten rears! What gives
additional point to the disproportion of tlies
sentences is the fact that the same Justice
Creswell had but a little while before seri
tenced,two consomete rascals, convicted of
cphepiring to extort money by charging a
411epectabIe gentleman with a nameless of
- fence, to only one year of imprisonment;
and the captain of a British ship, convicted
causing the death of five unfortunate
sera ni h sailors by most inhuman and cruel
treatment, to only six monthS in the peni
tctitiaty.—Bostort Morning Post.
sometliing Terrible Coming.
`The Spirit of the Times of Monday ha; the lit
Using article promising some •'aw ful
an Tuesdays paper. If the affi lavit is pubh4hed,
as promised, we will let our readers know its
nature to-morrow.
A *very! A At ystery! —Our readers will reset.
hot that some 4 or 5 weeks ayo Gideon Sag%
lEsq.,,ltati his pocket picked in Chestnut street, of
$ll3O. by a fashionable rascal, calling himself
Soith. Smith finally employed ono Samuel Dol
by_ to go hie bail, and then decamped. Dolby
Wide oath that he was worth real estate to the
pgiiittat e 3,030 and upwards, and did not owe
11106 cent in the world. It turned nut that Dolt's
Alesd ors property whatever, and was thtmsande of
debt. He was arrested for perjury;
-*ea t.to prison, b-ought up, pled guilty, and on
Saturday last came up for sentence. In Court a
Ilsoitnlyatertoul, puzzling and mere scene occtir
rea, which we shall deseribt at length to-morrow.
Dolby wanted to make some revelationV whieh it
- hinted, woold.crinsioate;sererel nffocrs orthe'
Ctitil*and indiCate the most f tul norruptioo. Ito
witsCrefused permission; and afterWods :triode an
alpheirrit, embodying , some • uawfit - disolooktrov i '
11 :4 13 0: 411117 11 IL;Privat• afce it is ave
• 1141110 viitilirboldontsaii.la the
- 1114 i '4114' Old it
COCO. iiiitOttp entP* - : r ' •
dare not bs uiside • vltallcopy •--
affidaTit, and -Uhail4retl4.lreli*A it to fr ate
world 4° morrow, the- illirtitratarr tsb
of this m6s4 *oncierful inid corrupt Plea
of business. , ' -
su i j ect to the decision of a rational Convention.
° R3
Tits. rattuips 4- ww. H. Sh EDlra 3 AIM rROrITT
See First iw•
U. S. Bank.—The Spitit of the Times
says that it is rumored that James Ray
mond, the principto proprietor of the
splendid collection of animals, &c. now
exhibiting at the clrner of Broad and
Spruce street, is endeavoring to obtain of
the Trustees of the U. S. Bank, a lease of
that building for a GRAND MENAGERIE.
He says that theonly thing that would puz
zle him would be the location of the beasts,
&c.. in the different looms. In the Pres
dent's room, he put poses we understand,
to put the Hyena, because, as he says,
"the Hyena will swallow any thing and
every thing, little and big, clean and un
clean, without hesita'ion, and never dis
gorges." The monkeys he would put in
the Director's room, because they are such
adepts at appropriation and (abstraction.
The "plucked pigeons," he might place in
an) spot where the monkeys could get at
The Mary C. Rogers Mystery not Explain-
On Tuesday we published an article
from the N. Y. Tribune, purporting to be
an explanation of the mysterious disap.
pearance of Mary C Rogers, The substance
of it was that Mrs. Loss, who kept the lit
tle house so often mentioned as near the
spot of the supposed murder, being near
her death, sent the other day for a mag
istrate, and confessed that Miss. Rogers
came to her house with a young physician,
for certain purposes—that her death en•
sued —that her body was sunk in the river,
and her cl.ithes scattered through the
woods by Mrs. L's son, &c. &c.
The revelations were said to have leen
made to Justice Merritt, but in the Enqui .
rer of the 19th he published a note deny_
ing that any such confession had been
made to him, and states that it would be im
possible to obtain any information from
Mrs: Loss at the time mentioned, on ac
count of the deranged state of her mind.
On Saturday last, the sons of Mrs. Loss
and a number of other persons were exam•
ined on oath, but nothing was elicited
tending in the least to throw any light on
the death of Mary C. Rogers. The "great
secret" which the boys said would come
out on the death of Mrs. Loss, turned out
to be a secret cure for the rheumatism!
So that humsug is over.
A Texß , ..l tuage,
We cannot but admlire the followingwhich promp
Judge, on a man couv . c.cd of trrirder. It dis
plays a spirit of kiridness and humanity but sel
dom found in those whose duty it is to condemn
to death the unfortunate. He speaks as f Mows
to Mr. John Jones, the convict:—"The fact is,
Junes, that the court did not intend to order you
to bo executed before next spring, but the weath
er is very cold—our jail, unfortunately, is in a
very bad condition—much of the glass in the win
dows is broken—the chimneys are in such a di
lapidated state that no fire can be made to render
your apartments comfortable; besides, owing to
the great number or prisoners not more thun ono
blanket con be allowed to each; —to sleep soundly
aml comfortably, therefore, will be out of tie
question. In consideration of these circumstan
ces, and wis'iing to lessen your sufferings as much
as possible, the Coutt in the exercise of its hii
inanity and compassion, do hereby ordPr you to
be executed to-morrow morning, as soon after
breakfast as may be convenient to the Sheriff and
agreeable to you."
Washi ngion's Sword.
IL has been ascertained that the sword of Gen.
Washington, which was ruppnscd to have been
I st at sea, is now in the poss:lssion of Mr, Samu
el Washington, a grand,nepliew of the General,
I;ving in Kanawha county, Va. The sword was
given to his father by Gen. Washington, and also
a crab•tree cane, b queathed by Dr. Franklin to
Gen. Washington in the following words, which is
extracted from his will:
"My fine crabtree walking stick, with a gold
"! e IA curiously wrought in the:form of the cap o
liberty, I give to my friend, and the friend u
'mankind, General Washington. If it were a
"sceptre, he has merited it. and would become it."
It is said that both sword and cane will be pla
ced in the Nationel Institute at Washington.
The editar of the Phila. Forum wants
somebody to write him two letters a week
from Pittsburgh during the session of the
Legislature. If the letters are desired for
the purpose of obtaining legislative news,
we would inform him that he can get infor
mation of that kind,isomewhat earlier from
Harrisburg than &Om Pittsburgh.
Served them.fida.--Three young men
of Peteraburghi - Perry:t minty, Pa., recent
ly went to sernnadO a newly married` pair .
in that town, when they were fired upon
from the house of tAttrAtidegroom, amt
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--' '11:61144-41nOatia, Migtll9l, Catherines,
adver ' *snr,:`flifidt i rt 'Os ; Be ~ 9
• -,- e '?`--- '- : • ii2lil l 'v. dib ri o t , re immediately
inns; sii4titjte Gaya are t i tamain *iv:mill' tat. caring __, ir OP . .._
ial4lants: -
~", . despatc h ed to tieir ssi94llPfl, who c°l.l'
- The' fact o,Vetredatealtiinost stsggeiv. .. vey_ed the Captain and his scattered crew on
'Co find 9 4 h 'la" and Peae . efill Daligrot . board, .aniLkept at bay their blood thirsty
All b other daggers sta b and kill;
stasig - ilants.
This ima'reveuht cure us with- a pill.
They baste to make men's life , bbod gnat;
He heals tbam with a iverfeet Rush'
They with black purpose,seek our hearts,
Ws work is done in other parts.
To try his Pills, then haste ye laggers,
Nor dread that you'll be "stuck" by Daggers
Shot Dead.—A man iu Laurens coun
ty, Miss. named Patterson, was shot by a
neighbor (Dr. Swafford) who has, been ar
Sunk.—The Steam boat Fair Play is
sunk in 5 feet water, seven miles above
Van Buren and Polk.—The friends of
Van Buren and Polk in Susquehanna coun
ty have published a call for county meet
Died.—The "Whig," a Clay paper pub
lished in Lancaster.
0:7"1t is computed that there are not
less than $100,000,000 in gold and silver
now in the country; and that within the
next six months the amount will be in•
creased at least $15,000,000.
Where is the necessity for creating
more Banks?
.Vitting.—The Rev. Tobias Reily, of
Frostsburgh, Md., suddenly list his sight
at the close of his afternoon sermon;
he has since, been unahNto distinguish
guish any object.
A Difference.—Marcus .11nrton, in 1828 recei
ved 6337 votes, and in 1912 he received 56,234
vot s. A gain of fifty thousand.
Cheap Bread.—The bakers in New
York are now selling , five pounds of bread
or a levy
Snipe.—The Savanna Republican says:
"Two gentlemen of this city went out
yesterday and killad 127 snipe in 53 : hours.
If any sportsmen in this region, or any
where else, can beat this, we should like
to hear from them.
A Jewish Synagogue was consecroed in Eas
on Pa., on lust Fi iday.
The New Orleans Picayune says that
Gen. Wall, of the Mexican army, is an
intimate personal friend of Maj
Winfield Scott
Mao' t c asetts.
Marshfield, in Massachusetts, is the town
in which Mr. Webstel's count:l 3 y seat is
situated. The following is the vote for,
1841 and 1842:
1541. 1842.
Davis; 110 85
Morton, 111 120
Scattering, 30 30
Bank Charters.—The Si irrt of the
Times says there is not a doubt but the
charter of the Moyamensing Bank is for
tirins- reestab—
lishment of the bank on a sound basis, and
its return to an hlitest course, there is not a
hope. You might wit't equal propriety
attempt the resuscitation of a dead negro, as
to adduce any argument in juslification of
this,bank being placed on its legs again, in
order that it may stalk abroad to immolate
fresh victims! The tlesper Ile game has
been finished, and we hope soon to have the
satisfaction of being made acquainted with
the determination of the stock-holders to
"risk their all" in bringing about an honest
settlement of its affairs.
./2 Mistake.— We observe that some of
our exchanges state that Geo. Parkin, edi
tor of the Advocate of this city has recover
ed one hundred and fifty dollars damages
from", N. B. Craig, in a suit recently
tried in the District Court in this ci•
ty. This is a mistake, it was Craig that
had his wounded feelings plastered over
with the magnificent sum of $l5O damages.
The suit was Craig vs Parkin, and not
Parkin vs. Craig.
We du not wonder, however, that the
paper sabroi'd should suppose that in any li
bel suit in which N. B. Craig was interest
ed, his proper place would be that -of de
fendant, for no editor ever dealt , so exten•
sively in wholesale slander and 2mitupera
tion as he did while the Gazette eras under
his control. It was therefore a fiery natu
ral mistake that those who knew big , irar,! . ;,
acter as an editor, should suriporie:ihat
he was the culprit in the .proseautiha
(erred to.
an Outrage in Canada.!
We see it stated in eastern papers that
the American schooner Frontier, Captain
Mclntosh, while passing through the Wel—
land canal, at the place where it is now re
building, was boarded by about
,two hun
dred of the laborers, who broke open the
hatches, and drove-the erew f‘rorit the -yes
,Oiptsin M. was badly injured by
- binws received from the clubfor the assail
ants and ef-the'erew had ieveraklayie
sotto. cut in his hind. na4thonAnomt,
Col. Webb in Limbo.
The N. Y. Herald of Sunday says tha
on Saturday last Colonel Webb :was ar
r-aigned on the recent indictment found I
against him "for leaving this State with
the intent to give or receive a challenge to
fight a duel," emanating from his meeting
with Thomas F. Marshall in Delaware.
When arraigned Webb pled "guilty," and
referred to the justification he had offered
on the previous trial. The District Attot ,
ney moved that Webb'. be committed to
prison. The Recordertlomrnitted him for
sentence. The reprater'of the Herald says:
"Webb was then placed in the charge of
one of the officers of the Court, and wilt
be confined in the room at the north end
adjoining the witness room of the Grand
Jury. This is the quarters usually devo
ted to the safe keeping of those members of
the community who are considered too
respectable and genteel to be sent into the
cells of the prison.
"We stopped the gentleman of color, with
the inquiry of "What have you got there?"
and he replied "0, Lard bless you, Massa;
a back had of nice things f.r Col. Webb,
with a little bit of something to make him
comfortable in this e7e nasty prison."
"As we descended the steps, op came an
other porter with another basket filled with
tumblers, decanters, and numerous other et
ceteras, showing that the now gallant Colo
nel does not intend to starve either himself
or his friends in his new place of abode for
a few short days.
"As we were leaving the court room, we
spied a stout, sturdy buck negro, wending
his way in that vicinity, and staggering un•
der a load contained in a large champagne
"The lowest term of imprisonment that
the Court can inflict, is two years in the
State Prison, at Sing Sing. Petitions are
already in circulation to induce the Gover
nor to grant a pardon.
Eighth of January Convention.
The Pennsylvanian says, in speaking of
tho meeting of the citizens of Backs coun
ty, for the purpose of appointing delegates
to the Sth of January Convention, that the
meeting was very large and enthusiastic,
consisting of many of the most sterling
democrats of the county, and the resolu
. lions, which are drawn with much force
I and ability, were unanimously adopted,
We oliserve that they are warmly in fa
vor of James Buchanan as candidate fur
the next Presidency, and urge his claims
Ito the n omination with much force.
The following are the names of the dele
gates appointed to the State Convention.
Dr. Charles 11. Mathews, of Doylestown.
R - . --- 4e. --- GRARCs,Esq., of Doylestown.
John C. Mangle, of Nockamixon.
Metallic Test of itt-! soundness of Demo
erotic Princlples•
We think Federalism. since its degeneracy first
into Whigery, and finally into -Connery, will be
compelled to surrender one of the most effective
means of attack employed for many years with
much euecess against the Democracy. The pop
ular party of' this country was always represented
by Federalism as harboring Jacobinical designs—
seeking to destroy the rights of' property, and to
introduce agrarianism—t 3 defeat the obligation c f
contracts, and set the laws at defi ince—to render
Got ernment unstable, and life itself unsafe. These
suggestions have ever been in st sueceQsfully ad
dressed to moneyed men, and men of property,
who, having made provision for the ease and
comfort of old age, and for that of their ri-ing
family, are always sensitive, to the last degree, to
whatever endangers their acquisitions, however
remotely. The wealthy, therefore, when threat
ened in party struggles, like pursued deer, have
the quickest ear and eye, an l the most sensitive
nostril, to indicate the approach of an enemy. The
rapid rise in the State stock of New York, is the
most decisive expression of opinino ever given by
the holders of property most easily affected by the
acts of Government, that they coeas'der safe, stae
ble, honest legislation and administration in ire
certainly to he anticipated from the Democracy
than Irons Federalism. This opinion has been
gradually maturing ever since Federalism reached
pOwer in the General Government. The destruc
tion of the obligations of enn'raets by the bank
rupt law—the countenance given to the frauls and
suspensions of the banks by the Federal party
in Congress and in state Legislatures—the propo
sition to assume the State debts, and pay them by
fraudulent issue of paper money by the General
Government—the p'rversion of the land fund
from the purposes to which it is consecrated by
the Con , tittrion—and all this followed up by ex
travagance in the State expenditures, fed to by
loans, without any support by taxes--has thor•
ooghly discredited Federalism in the eyes of all
having a stake in property, and has enny;need
them that the party which his always lahored to
secure to the poorest of the people their political
rights is, after all, the safest depository of the
rights of property.
The following extract from the money cuticle of
the N. Y. Herald speaks to the purpose:
`The result of the election appears to have given
some firmness' to the credit of the' sound stocks,
particularly to those of New York State and city,
The 7 per cents of the city are at a premium of
3i a 4 per. cent., with some inquiry for invest
ment. The moral influence of the result of the
election upon the credit ofthe whole eountry-can
not but be
..very beneficiaf. It is the first instance
where contending parties have gone directly to
the people, with theliestions: Will you pay tax,.
es:to protect the honor of the State? and will you_
declare', gab's! the increase of the State debt, at
tuf '
any - severy havird? Th -se questions have.
responded to by,ticclamation in the affi , matives...,
Th,..onerotifs . nsuire`of tar. its alleged uselessness'
AP*ll4 ptifipesieitdisedvantagons. have been crag
.o34,4lo4,Witui2 'air* inO*.
ofwat iderf ' "4
- •iettet Sete 0:: t : tek , : ' 'it tterlibigniCtrill , , .'
*ilia woof4Asult - • tram a daVoitor ikAh - e*ate
feittl.Amdritim: ost with:one foie, they 41 0111-- ase n " Noumea It Rattan.
ted toidt,theivils ':Wittch the fez 'could' entap, ra.
Cher than 'relit' the tOttilleet risk of State dishonor. Thursday 'Evening „Pie r . 24„ 0
The designing men who .WOUW_halie*cojtelthent Romantic
° Spee r, Spectacle of
to the oink of 0-at gulf wlircb has swo'lowed op ALA:IA*I ;
Pensylvania, sought to blind their eyes that they
ought push them in. They have been foiled in Aladdle..... .
.. v tli
their attempt, and the :tredit of the State of New Kazuree... .......... ~:: ......... -... i
York stands now on a foundati m not tb be shit.. For deem 'pilau of Scenery,. - - d - ren t ,..‘" , ',.. 11 -1 '
Len: the day. "stt
Some of the eastern coons are denoun
cing Miller's intention to bring all worldly
matters to a close on the Pd of April next,
as a trick to cheat Clay out of an election
to the Presidency.
Canada.—lt seems that the question re.'
sliming the location of the seat of govern
merit of Canada is in the way of being de-
Bided by an event not as first anticipated.—
Kingston has been found toyossess a climate
unfavorable to the health of the Governor
General; which, in his present state ofphys
ical debility, will probabliinduce His Ex
cellency to remove his establishment either
, to Quebec or Montreal.- —Jour of Corn.
Miss FISHER respectfully acquaints the Theatricals
of Plasiturch and its vicinity that
Friday Evenin - r, Novemb . 'r 25, 1512,
Is appropriated for the same; upon which occasion such
a sciection of entertainments have bran made as will em•
grace _ _ _
And inclnde in their performance the e ffective strength
of the entire Corps Dramatione.
Arnow!, other.. and indeed not the lea4l attractive of
the evening, will he produced the ela.sic Tragedy of
Li' ION; ...0)
Writted by 9,!rgealit Noun T.ti lord.
lon, M A Fisher
Adragtus, 111 r Jamison.
Phorion, Thayer,
Tiaciphan. Foster,
Clemant he, Dirs. Chas. Hill
To ronroode with the popular and laughable Petite
Comedy cared
Love , Law. Horticulture and Spirituality
Tristram Fickle,
Lawyer Rendenn,
Obadiah firoadiown, Thayer
Sti9an Primrose, Miss Rock
nov 24-2
STRAY GEESE.—Six Geese were nickel op to the
Alle2heny river, opposite the city, on Tuesday,
221. The owner can have them by callinq at Ihr tavern
of Michael Crawford, South end Allegheny Brid2e, and
paying expenses. November 24, 1842—St
v v IR'r LECTURES.— Fourt h Course.—Type Lea•
lure C )tuotu tee of Ihe Wirt InstetateAlace the
pleasure of layiria befure the puh'ir, lie rou—vin, 4 rtsi of
enrletnen who have cott.eoled to i,t - r!nre. vrz.:
Rev J W Eakewell , I It rod iwtory Lecture.
John L Gow, lisq, Wa.ltingtoti.
Prolf. 1! .1 Clark, '.O-od - ; , ile Col fele.
Hon, Wm Witkins, PittSl,llltilt.
Prolf ..4 B Breron, JetTrrson
David Richie,slsq , filtshnreh.
Reed it aah nylon. E‘q
Proti. 41/ex'r T West. Thro S. mioary
Frascitt JohnAtons Esq., Pithillorall.
Protr. J Barker, Meadville College.
W 11 Lowrie,Drq., Pitls'.orib.
Rev. Jaazen L Dinwithlic
Nor. S J Cnllnch. Jeficrson College, will de,
liver scvera I L. et ures on Astronomy, embracing its rise
prozress and destiny. Retail WaShi11:1. 0 11. Esq., Will also
deliver several Lectures on tile enhject he tatty select
Arrangements are in progress to engage Professor Sil •
hinan, of Va!e College, to deliver in our city, a hill course
or lectures on Geology: also v it h . Joseph R. Borba na
on Neurology. Other eminent Lecturers will be invited
to visit our city, when it may he in the potver . of the in
slit we leen:m.lc their services.
The Lestures of this 0 - urf! , will Its on Lilerar and
, 1 / 4 4-r - nrifiT!.l - ,eCt rers. and the interesting na
it re of the subjects. that our citizens will liberally pa
t t hi; baud dile etilertirive. The Iron City should
not he behind sister cities in her encouragement ef science
and literature. Thep tweeds (if any) will he apprnpri•
;lied to the enlargentent of a Library, already an honor
to the cii y.
irr Course Tickets, admitting a lade anti gentleman,
$2, and may he had of either of the Lemmi , tee, and at C.
H, Kay Co's Book Store, Monongahela and Exchange
Hoteis, and at Burford's.
Lectures continence on Thurldav evening, Dec 1.
11-I'L C. HUEY,
JOHN S. COSOR AVE, } Committee.
n 24-1 in
Established and carried on regular'y since 1819.
THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs the
public that his Agency is strictly confined to the
receipt and payment of money. That Legacies, Rents,
Annuities, and any sums of money, are received and
paid over in every part of England,Scotland and Ireland,
and in every part of the United States or the Canadas, to
the persons entitled thereto. The remittances will he
made, as usual, by his drafts or checks, payable at sight .
on his Bankers and Agents. It will save much trouble
and delay if any person in the United Slates or the Can
adas who may have money coming from Great Britain
or Irelan ',should order it to be paid to the credit of the
subscriber, as follows,—lf in England. it may be paid to
Messrs. IL 4. J. Johnston s r Co., Bankers. No. 15, Bush
Lase, Condor; or to Messrs. D Stuart Co, Tip.
ping's Court, Manchester; or to their firm at No 6, Union
a reel Liverpool. If in Scotland, to Adel)! Glbd Ellis,
Eiq, 6, Royal Terrace, Etlinnorgh; or to Messrs. Mitch •
et!, Henderson Jf Mitchell, 3d, Miller street, Glasgow
I ti Ireland to Gerrard Tyrrell, Esti, 11, Lower Sackvilie
street, Dublin. John Hancock, Esq. Newry; or to the
Northern Banking Co. Belfast; or arty of their branches
at Ballymenn,Larne,Coleraine, Newionlitnavady, Derry,
Strabane, Magherafelt, Lorgan Lisburn, Downpatrick,
Armagh. 4-c, 4-c In case such payments should be
made•to:the credit of the subscriber, he will he duly ad
vised of the amount; and to whom the same is to he paid
over in the United States or in the Canadas. Any Leg.
Wes, or sums of money, in the United States cr the Can'.
adal, to le remitted to Great Britain or Ireland, may he
paid to Messrs. James ¢ William M'Crum. of Louisville.
Ky.; Messrs .1 Rf J Stmart tr Co, New. Yorkt i tlessra Stuart
Brothers, Philadelphia; or If in Pittsburgh or vicinity,
to James Stuart, jr. at the warehouse of Mr Samuel
Church,lo4 and lOti 2d street, or to the undersigned in
Philadelphia. Any such payments as the above named
will answer as well as if paid to the subscriber person.
If any further information is required, It may be obtain
ed by post p2ll letters addressed
n 24-31.
JOBUY ArCLQSSEY. the old original, !mon hand the
most splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered
West. 111 y mock is large, and lam disposed to sell at the
lowest possible price. hlystock is heaVy, and as the sea.
son is advancing, I will sell at loviter prices than ever. I
sat only the pleasure of a'call; feeling, confldentlhat a
loCkk is sufficient. Beware or COnnterfeits. Remember
PAVEMENT. - nov 23.1842.
rrl 0 MN' PROPERTY—WM smesehanged for 4 good
A.- farm within 30 wiles it Pitliftntralt; a Lot of *roue d
on! Penn el reet, it the &it-Ward, gortterlwg on one of the
streets ledding in tilt. A Ireihtint river. on which erect •
4t,a hritk honk: teit tip a . frame . ietittge lit lached., Ptrildlng.
ke.. ittegirateir nt twesent nen taiegirited hoseiling hou
and reillng'st eg i ol l :4lr goo an.i
,1t,kr11,614#•.. kif14 . 14144114141.1.-4£01.1. 6 , - "z.
- - -v:
European Agent. Philaielphia. Pa
To conclude with
A' Day in Peti t ,
Price, aroma Circle Bosea7s; 2 8 4 , 13 . 1 k
ery 25.
Doors open at 6; o'clock; perrorat„4.
at precisely.
WILL be sold, at ilatpman%
Rooms, Ni'. 110 Wood lin t
vember 2011 i, commencing at 10 0 4 1 4 40
tinning, until disposed of, by order o re'
Sheriff, the satire stock of a creed
recently purchased, and well wr l 4
dcalernnnd purchasers.
The stock consists, in part, of! ; ,
'Bleached and Brown Muslim;
Superfine Irish Linens;
American and London Prime; • I
4.4 Chintzes and Lawns;
Merinoes and Bon hazines;
Flannels and Linseys,
Cassimeres and Sail i nets;
Foreign and Domestic Broad U.*
Beaver and Pilot Cloths;
Valencia,and other Winirr ireitiah
Au assortment of Hosier . , ,;
Beaver,, Hoskin anii Kid MM.;
Gentlemr !I's and Ladies FurfidGirvik
Caps, Boots and Shoes;
Spool Conon and Patent Thread;
Merino and Blanket Shawls;
Laces, Edgings. and I itsrilionr;
eam l .l it „Inconel and Mull
11.11.1mns , Bonnet.;
Muslin de Laim.;
With other merehand'ze usually Nandi'
Terms—Cash, par money
TUT7'LE this day received ha m
fresh snpply of II ewe, N. rv,..
and Indian Vegetable Elisir,s pmaieette
limn, Gout. Contracted Ccr,. Lim!
°aurora's Poudre Subt;lc,far enutrilegi
neatly eradiraling;uperllnou, hairinm
lips, the hair concealini2, a brolid aml
the Shiliborti beard of than. or Lity V,114 r
hair. Price $1 per
Gouraud's Eau de Beaute, or Trvel4•
This French preparai ion iliorou2lll.
net., Freckles, Pimples, Snics,TtlotiC,
e option.: t, lialever. Realizing de o ::
neck and arms, and eliciting a liralltif
Also. several other valuable artielm,
mention. The gentune sold only at
n23—if TU7'7'LE'S NEDICALAGr
COLEMAN 4. CO., General vnLO
Commission Merr ha no s. Lem I
Miss. They respect fully solicit cow pt^
ACARD. --1 have opened an Uplioldul
on St, Clair street, near Penn,
keep on hand and make to order prom•
of the different kinds u4eti; Fesiner
Quilts, Sacking Bottoms, Split Bilotti, awl ,
tivally found in an Upho'stery
divided my im,tness, I will fill all order *.
at St. Clair street; for the boats, as wont...
tory cm Wster strei.t My friends will 64
in the mornia2 at St Clair street, in the `,
manufactory on the river bank.
A lot of s anu Comfut tr on natitl, it'd"
nov 22-- f
iOUO.IIS, CO LDS a,,,1 CO,NeSuxPra
for the above comilln bits Is iesit
perfrents who are •libjeetrit :o the ea..,
weather a e reenact folly informed
ired norsAsos, who were It. li‘ol'.
Ceriiftealezt can he prot anti
TAY L 0 ,09 B.LLSA.),IL Of u
for Liver Complaint, . CairifiNfrinQ Coll,.
N recnn mended by witotf* . .i It.sott
to take, and kw - 1141! MP.
PealSX'S 1104.1110 e ND CaWll.4.—:Thi4ifi'
and peasant Incdleine ;it wt!l.effect a ler:
cure for coughs. Cotdat, o..onsimptiolto •
cure for the %tiIIOOPING COCCUS.
ant medicine, all arc fond or if, a rol
to lake eo; its cure is sure and roOlivr.
haaa cerlifimile of A:Noe) , &ire! 6nm J.
so there can he no mistake. All i,ermanl
are 'melted to call and loa delay, for al
utedieine is at tlle cOniniencerbe
style ai A. HUNKER's, No 9 Plithstat
apartments ore appropriated ro fenlatt
by ladies. Also all kinds of C,,km
paiiies. weddings, etc., for ,
nov 19—I f.
. , Poor
Tsi compliance with the seventeentlrd / .
of Congress -legriliziti2 and inatag .
, •for such flefl . s , 3ry ohjec 5 as have btu
in the general arproarialitin hills
••law, and to no and provide for ecntit
••penses of the Department, a rd laced ,
"merit, and for or her p u rposes,"
1842; Sealed Proposals v. ill be recenetlll,
merit until the thiri v-first day o Decembet
nlnhinr for one year or loner at the erns
mew; the following descriptions Of lhatU
Post Offices in the Stales of Pennsylnisii .
Mails received,
Mails sent,
Account of Newspapers and Pamphlets.
Mails received at Dist ribui ing afire•.
All the above on small ro/al imperi 104
;riches, printed on both sides and feint odd.
than 42 lines on a pale.
Mails sew. from DIA' itailinr, Offices.
Same size miner as above, but folded •
With 50 lines a par.
• A...counts Current, foolscap, two on sstsd
Monthly and Weekly Regidlers,
four on a sheet.
Post foolsca p, 12 on a sheet,* i ' •
Post Rills. foolscap, 12 on a sheet, 44 , -
signatures. 4*: . .
Post Bids for Distributing Offiecs, 9 10 , 1 ~
sheet, with signature* 1
Post Bills, for Pistributing Office3,6tait ..
sheet, with signatures.
The proposals will state ttre prim. b # '
ream, for each kind of blanks, for pd - 0
and packing, They are to be deliven vi . .
ties, and at sunh limes, as may be on
ent Post Offices, and on the requi , i l ":oo.
endorsed by the Postmaster at the Pb''. ,
tractor may retitle. None will he ea., .*,
ed. or will be paid tor, except on sd'h i ",. ' ::.
Each•regal-Won, or quantity o rderxiii;
enveloped or packed for I ranspnriatiapi ''",t/
the Post Office, at the expense of the 0 0 ;4
The right is reserved of reject nit 01 ,0
i.e eansidered extravagant, and also ib r- - 0
bidder the printing for one or mom's 10
State of his residence; and earh panto s '
ponied by sufficient evidence of theskilill.^-
to comply with the terms of his profOl j
i t t ' i '
. The siteeesslui bidder will he regal -
contract, with surety, in strict comptixtil_4
vision of tile law, to which bidders are te7ol
Failure to furnish blanks promptly 014
dishing those of inferior 'rata!' 85 1°
the PI lil
or ruling, or any attempt toevade . i _. ° 6 •'
- the erintraet; will be considered saificie."
forfeittire - .ta r
Payment will be made quarteeyeadf,
Ihe expirat kin of each quarter.
...et efi l
- The qanttlitiml mentioned aborts. al ice o
. ti eaten that. en n be made fernee y ear
it I.ee, may exceed-.or may fail short T od .
quired_ The • Dapartn.ent does not
=itigifiegesoity or amount. 40
ur POldiet attou Id be so marked.l „
L it r passer
. '
*43. .i . ,•.'''''i..' *: . . . . .
. • , .. . , ~ .
hionrogie $4,
NO • - -
so doubt but our eit
%kith 0 unusually large no
w hci a re peke' adepts i
norr eolorracqu:iirtemy p e a rt ee t :o po u t:
s houldye
on their guard
watchfial eye on their prem
dons that haste lately
indayligbt. or at an e
The Lenin of Mr. MT,
o,4o3iisi the evening, so
w et and a piece of gi
ore of Mr. 8, Lloyd,
drylight: and on the ram
ily Were taking tea, a d
Tared snaking his way to
Lloyd's Boarding house, i
a no doubt intended to se,.
family had retired, when
ation of the premises at his
gated as to the object of
called for the purpose o
ads, but - the people oft '
t his attempt to find the
her suspicions, inflect:it hi
police were ;wiled in to
hate board of several, othe
his in boldness, and they
isms to be unceasing in ti
rehei4 Freund and Nash
ft V. tlcatax, of Alleghin
the 'publication of a tri
-,cingthe above title. I
's4reet at 2,50 per annum
Scuba is an indefatig
and if his enterpri.e doe
be: from want of Indust
r'ilit'srroodent of the Sun, en
ors meeting puslished
to have been held a
- tieorg) Washington Bu
• d for the Mayoralty, is a
. of the Chronicle should c
we ruppn-e they know
em t h e proceedings for pu
the hoax, is no doubt to
of a workingman's candid
sod the names of those wl
Onld be made putilic, so th
y awaril therm all the mer
ie entitled to.
Man abate Torn "has
It ie published by "John
.11 "Dick and Harry "
which 5i1.1117 • ill it Iha WI
h,ve made their arrang
Hiller's Benefit
rd kn this morning's
actress tars t hone
Thti- etttertaininent
r;. ' liirh4l;anil should
.11. e.,
litrient Spec:T.:l4
%WIWI spectacle-,
Theatre this cvenin
sin preparation, ch.
plendid we have ev
,—the Properties.
ruit, Lamps and eche
ce, wi I give itne of
.ver produced, the
ely uew and mide I
race--in fact every
"1) fat as we have a:
as Aladdin and /11,
ran- will tend to giv
rama more real p i
we have heard upon
-r tells us that th,
of Forty persons up
ime.—Let all go an
gera a bumper ani
well pleased.
The Mayer
'Zs ENVOYS: As the ti
it will be necessary for
candidata for Mayor,
• n to suggest, through
Dayrrr, of the Sec"n
•le for that office. Mr
exeellentinformation ,
-qualificitionsfor a fait
ofthe duties npoertai
loys in an emineit dey
enee of all who know
secure to our city,
ratesthal ever pnesid;
like thesogrestifin of-
Pailonal knowled
all that- blimps nfa
#l4l - ii.44.14 N; a
the I Po ,
vinalatie meeting] of t
**no ink. 'L i -Toed.
Lightner was-called
atel appOxt.e4 Secret
geakitiiir reeolvid to
*eels Lit , ea