L ERS TAKE NOTICE--T)4l ,„ 'tied with the Safety Guard, h are te ,;" , a w it It a figure of the apparatstkwee tint deceived by miarepresuawNie their hoots to be provided obit it * n they are rot secured aeallvenw wine is a list of boats supplied t wiun F ie l he ppr_ of eitisburgh—all except tii e list have the improved appara tlnntiti impossible for an explosion to at t a r. FORMOSA, DU QUESNE, JEWESS, MONTGOMEgy , :•• Lyo Ns, CADDO, FoRG E, INDIAN QUEEN, GALLANT, ATER, QUEEN aFTHERIII) AIL, DUKE OF ORLEA BRILLIANT, ECLIPSE, • V ICTR ESS, N D. . I TE, OSPREY, RAND, PENELOPE, it ow INA, AGN Es, M ESSENGER, S ARATOGA, ORPHAN BON OHIO, CEcl Li A. J -H BILLS, GALENA, MENTOR. COLUMBINE; NSF.TT, ,TI!. 'ARE, El; BY BOAT, , thz commutth y are reefirclbillo% ,thil;e a CltOlfP of a boat, to regru% 'brr .1 1, 'oald not he to their clloose a Safety Guard boat, lidif" in preference tootle note° snug—and that they will bear he ion bas the unqualified annrobstioa nnele builders—gentlemen whose r,thinn the sal je'cl, and who are enliiely 1..0,1,5 a number of cell ifieales (tom , n and of which can tenet r ,trPft, where it wont.) g - nre f 3.11i1.il my invention to . tr the trouble l o call. CADWALLADER. EVA CEAL ESTATE FOIL SAL; -ab-criticr offers for sale, at the . premit 'eater part of his real esitoe, finshtirigh and Allegheny, viz; 'three . r hno-e5, nrarly new, a isulistantially het si reel .1 et ween Second and Fiat. • • nut of ahout 54 feet by 64) deep. Fora* ratety to suit purchasers, and upon loop elect Imildlnfz hot In A Ile! Ilen9 chy, 64 fief ward of : . ;50 lent in depth, laying If 1, I t:r , Pen ns.y Iva ia canal avdl6e culler 'nr!f I .•• r. al r , V, . 100 tett ‘' l v;• cr, Im. der IEII ti1k..••.2 Ilse 144"1 . 4 "" 11 , 1 w CoCCIIII and 011 Int IN it 1, two two 141 pry brick ,iortbOW.S. 1• 4 Market aid Front sireelP. jr,11.111/1 ruo rare or rrr pied by 14, 1,, ALEX. unAcKerainc 31 1 artilVd tO OUT _ (I'la-tit,. of Flax ard Tin - 01h' rrodoce r at R In , eltiretirr (Abel' 1 ' CO" , Warri•ow.e, .NO. 9. Fiti, A r; T 0 ,, Jiterc k Dealtr it r cr ..4lc of act are*, Jklaiiitiri. 111EM=11 I,ran . of r-rt 170. r. 'comae, F.sq . Madison I LE FARM FUR SALE.—I will .101' r• wh,(.11 I live, in Witkier tow:ship, at rantaintr7 one hundmine t 711 acres of t' if IS cleared."ui %Oa !. There are upon it three tat 4 "." 1 , fret l•r 34; an apple orchard or rholet . • v ) acres of coal. The soil 15 WE" i• I 01 any upland farm in the ;em r k own on application to the subscliberli WILLIAM WALLACE. 101 r. WALL. Plain and Fay/ 7 ' Pita re Frame illans•facturer , e• • • pro bur gh. —CanvaFs Brushes. aiwans on hand. Looking Glue" •i:d to order. Repairing done: mention paid to reOding and jobbiskler' pp Strom Boats or houses will find " II to call. let 11.—The sucrit.erst,re DOW Pfeil • •ni>h painters, and others who wisb N • tie [rad made of the best mit erists ifu6t superior to any offered talbt • , ' . "reszed to Dunlap 4 Hughes.e3re°ls Ili Second street, Pitt.burgh, will her DUNLAP b. BUGBrn, FASHIONABLE SHOE STORE, Or e door from Old Mead of X. r , 11 , er resiwctially informs the ladits, and vicinity that he has eonntaestei and of his own manufacture. • at the Ohne Li keep constantly on bead a rad • t ntis of ladies. misses, and clailtl re l 'l • ',it quality. stitch Will be iota • he times He will also make to Ode r y work—scieh as white and kb2,.. .n red gaiters, and husklns.ll4lll,ll7,, !-Aes. slk gaiters, 4-c„ All tle at r the i shortest notice. and to thew s tciil please call and exatatne • iber ftids confident that he eaa "` - in 0 31 1 his 4•.=ine they may avast. iikar. 4 1 . 4 . t forcer the place-140. ad t ia r a Harris's Intelligence Mice. Sire Pt. DIGOY having taken tbe , mess orDionst 4- HOPEWILIn ratr 19 7otq treetand 42 Market street. ter 0.00 ii;e numerous friends and tlie rw " -- ... 00' 41 very liberal support the, frik. r . ,ll im, in connection with Mr- el_ n r — beeld .;,isure them that every elerifetiMvolt r .inlinuation of the Mae- Ile '7,00 01 invite their attention • to a. Filch be intends selling at areill Ord keen ever offered, belay. dahr-11..._•...kt 0f the stock of the %O I 's ait he intends in (tontine 'MOO ed esa, he feels, coaddra c Flock, either in chearldr, - • . • T kroanshio. 0-000 to take noticethat event Are' 'Pittsburgh ro-p MORROW; olltdowi_ t 17 s 0 itte 0- • keet fres Wtre. 70 O 0 Xarket striets.—Pint - o — i st the sbertest--0 00oth.,: re AM solicited toeslitlPll rettlie , "! whiCh obit 11410M01,—,. . ties and-stomilL4‘llol4 . ..-ti:-ti , 702. -, V-t , w,r..- il . --- \lO ,65. L rUBLISHED BY piiiLLlPs & W. H. SMITH, ifOOD 4. FIFTH ST& 0,-0,1,1R8 a year, paythle In TWO , cENT' 2-- for -title at the ;or Ace. and by !sws Boys. erenry and Rantafacturer , zeK Ly, at the same office, on a dJulife Two 11 ,- )LL.kIZS a year, in ad. „,tairs• • - FIX CE.NTS z.. • T_ : ,„,-. _ cot Advertising. - 5... - ~,L 07 TW EIN r. LINES Clii LESS: r 0.50 I line month, V - ,IX) v— , 0,7 - , Two monis, 6.00 ~ I jig Three mow he, .1. 7.00 4 , i.;(1 I Fou r months, 11,01) 3 111 ) F"I X months, 10.00 . 4,,,, 1 Oltr year, 15,00 o. 0:1,r AMT.f:TISE%IENTS. ✓;-s..I,6EABLY. AT Pt 15:•FURE. E Two Squaret • months, $21,00 23 . 0 ii I, One year. 35,00 s. tilents 111 qt ornrOon. t.rts SIT flotLys.. a venr. ill , IC OFF C ES, &C. heiwoen Market and Wood t' , r A .1,..4,i, tic,or from ‘Fool et. refer .r \ ItIOCk. COlieCtOr. 1.t.; n ren Fir-t a❑J Second •f A r,-,t. till. "I'lra.nrt.r. RI. Tiord strerl, neat door to the in , ,n.von,T,enForer. „ eiwten Market and 11oud or. Enna 11. near Ma-ket P. A N S Market. and ll'ood et reels, on AND F A R myps' nu. Fourth, uetwo en near Wood. War Plreet near line Bridge. .• rE , „, corner Of Penn rlllO S. C.PHr. Corof r ofTl,ird nhd IN hod . I.l.„COrner hi Third and rorner of and ( - anal. !tree!. near h;loch.Oo WriVnr Fl nano.ole Canal , r WOC)1)S 7 ATTORNEY AND V‘iSELIOE'.. AT L e rt•lno offineg on Gant ci nen' I y onno,OTC wtze. I,c Xt rOOO5 to J6lO. 10 to .1.1. I). '!Fee remorvi ,freer, between Pe,n and Liberty S's'. 0 _ r. ry A- and ••- Ewfish, FI, t,•11. at d ,t4rl .1".11-:',Iir:11 cf . ! , 10 M'CLUPIE, the D:llutowt. Lark t .. ron p•e nno b . F 'a'i•rn W,,0.1 and F,,itidiv!tl e, If) t'.) !; 224 Liberf o 7 S.'reet, Pitts s.e..ll 10 i)i!\ OT. t.. 1, w 1,,. 1 ,111 . .,m, d 1 r!ItH 1 ROBilisON. ‘,l La -• • trarlil,l,lc ,Ite e••• ["Rir..)R.l%i. A y al •••• _. ,n :rrt'rc,• 10 1114 ir111,..-. 10,1••• ror -• , ,1 scree'?, a6lre U !Joy'. ,;) 10 : • . . B. you s o t it: „1 ,S,• I'm I,lllre IA It 0... - 1 1 1.7 e /a ,;11, “V 1,1 ;•eve ON Li cr...•vca 16Uri,. c.• ‘Vt:'l Cared art.l ler \I• II -. I, A_ VIOStN DS, IV ATC II & t,: LOC It ; .... =-0 31A Ii . 1 .:B., No. 7, St. Clair street, l'it;.i.- A B At; . t . ._ ‘ Fl i:.p'y of La od•ri ; , 's I'•- r• o Ro• 1,1 . 11 . 1 R / 2 : Iv.ITCTIFS. Ct. OCR'S. BR F.ISTPINS J, ,-,. :t. .t whet tii:f , r , tit vat 1,-t les of ';'1,, , ,,,, P I.\"G Eit RISC S, C 11.11-VS. SF. 3'S, 170.11E5, A.c. '-''',' v• , i inti lor Sale at ItyDr(ISD PRICES :.I ILe `,-'• I'l Y. :' , .rd F.. ~rt: of F. L. SNOWI.I'.:, I N , . 1..1.4 Liberty strett. Itta,l of IVoe,l ( IA ES EY.S aliti Nl,iout.Ltto• Fit nett doer to t 110 U. Sit !rt. , ttl.t Crit”ella. Kid and Satin t4lioes made in am by the newest Grenrh pAtlct ‘1 , )111.7S MI•f,TICAI,7I.I",z. lots • utcl;ager-; to I e fnv F.I. F•Nw.vne.v , No 134 1,1;0t•{, Tf`Pi. brad o f V011.)11. 11' nikd ['lower Sut.4lg. of ev inn, be Lad ..1 lor Drug E. 1.. SNOWDEN. 1:11 Liherty Teel. 11..3d of %%rood. 1.11 , ..1 , 1:nols Annual rtttantittottt Orton t-ectl, for stttz at the Drug and r..z.eetl F s;o . L rr of 184 Liberty street, bead of XV 00d. SEW JERSEY t.,NVEET POTATOES, for wvd; just received I.y P. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184, Liberty bead of Wood so g n o a r d r oes T , O F rl l7 y Et S . P I :;;I:I r e4 "t"': Pruning Shear?. ere.. psi re- F. L. SNOWDEN. 1'44 Liberty street. bead or ‘Vood. ilairi,--JIM received a siliati tuip- YOl v^ " , r'lol , e cured Venison Hams, un retail 4 lot ; for current money. ISAAC H Atent, and Com. Merchant 91T6 notch Clover C.,ei I. 0 rrharli Groat= and Kentucky Blue Grass, always on bond and for F. I, SNOWDEN. No. 134 Liberty street, head of Wood. ER 4• AN. Alkorneys at Law. office t 'ftveci from the Elmwood. to ••Attorney's&ow," taleof Fourth street., between Slarbet and Wood seplo • G ISTRATES'IMANKS„ for proceeden:s in At. ' 444 . 14 .t ander the late law, Car sale at this Office I SALE.—LoIa on the North East corner ° of Coal Lane and street. Apply to 11.1 BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market. near 4th st. 4 LBS. Laudretit's French Sugar Beet eted,just received and for sate at the Drug and Teed P. c, SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty F t tee!. head of Wood LUTION OP PAJLTNERSHIP.—The t4 itartnersiaip heretofore exlstioo between Will, BIGBY and BENJAMIN ElOPEWELListhioday .46 3 , mutual consent. Witham Dishy is authorised th e , ..zoature of the firm in settling up the-bovia e WILLI/14AI to DE. E. HERMIT, DENTIST, 0 in Smith. field, between Second and Titird imp 10 JJOHNSTON¢STOCKTON, Bookman/ , infers sind paper Ma nu faciorprp, No. 37. Starke n. pep 10-1 y TWIN ANDERkiN, Stroll - dield Foundry, Water st.. near the Dtlonotidabela Roane, Pinat ureb. • Beet 10-1 y ILDONAft D S. JOHNS, Alderman, St.Ctel street, se bond door from Liberty. set? 10—ly DR. S. R. HOLURS, Office in Second streeli, next door - to Muivany Co's Glass Warehouse isep 10-1 y SIIDNK 4. FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law near the Mayor's Office, Pliishnuh. THOS. tf ANllLT o N:Attnrnev at Law. Fi Wand and Smith ield fir..Pittshorti. Hun uTo JER. A ttn.nPir at Lam. North r .:l=l turner acSsuitlifieid and Fourth strrellt. Grp 10—ly Trtnl , l7 . snl. ir...,ir% JASTKOTrRIBUIL. IIANNA & TIJIZNPULL'S Paper Warrilionse, No. If 14. Wood sr., where may he had a eerferal supply of xvri.inT ‘vrappio.z. printing, wall paper, blank hooks. 5010011.00 k., ItC, &e. iLrp 10-1 y RC. TIM' S3EN 4- CO.. Wire Work era and . -Van ufacturers, :Nlo. 23 Market street. be , wePn 2d and 34 streets. sep 10-1 y • IXCH ANG E HOTEL. Corner of Penn nod St. Clair MeILIBSIN 4- SMITH. p 0-1 y j, 1G METAL —77 lons son Pi 2 lot for so , e by A.GORD)N. No. 12 IVater =firer 00i) I.BS. B :CON II A NIS'. 16.000 Bacon Shoulders, for sa'y by J. G. 4- A. G OR DON:, No 12 tV titer .beet lr \ TTEIISON, Ir.. R,min:loon, T•ear rolgiar.2b, fart,' r.! , r Locks 13in.ec and To• rotier. AI 01 and Timber Screws; [louses Screw for ro:on2 Ikt 1 - . 10—f v JOIIN Nud 1.11 , ee.y pt eet , betweetiSlith an° Virgia alley, Se,utll 111 \\* nu mu; r)( - ; E co., %N . ?Ole rll 1111 , _ S.rnnd sl reut bet t% pen svp 1(i- I y 3 %V:"tier lia rood I tlele. ree , ive.l t.-r S Cors:llr, and for sale by J. f 4. A. (10RJ10a:, srp 10 No. 12, a+er street g , 41()1. lOuls New Orleans Su ear; Nev Oilcans "Alofri. , e , ; le lw 5 eP IU J . G . k ‘. r}ON. Sl.sr: a 11,-7 I). P,r nr, rere•vPil ill, S. ft Maine. and for sale by J.G.4 - A. GO it. DON. ter 10 12, Wnler SI feel tit RAI - ON CAS'