Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 22, 1842, Image 2
• ee, ost ereir, 'know it's your ownself has key the from as 9reii:Oemereirth'ef..thate meihne.4,4lF -7:;Vnat sitlAbo mu chesitdayingea.hand -emeit. A • - s ought en e recle . -.Nee • bud yea laid a, old 'm en d.M . ri tho*:,trele:: creseTtt„ d ' l,-ira ' h i e f r i a e,theougfiiefie tes, hand biLit last eight, eivachean so ---- w ,Corp d Al* h qn .dnoutrimprecate,. -a Lower orders 4.ouldecontemplate ftlialS'eacebrid,'itt. idly rate; ea lld n tfehewpoossAibeility of his swearing tO thetrnih, last night' her env . other eight—let me alone many of their betters sea.-ce heeitated to Ig4ypu, father.' make 3ut foi him a case ; qi naturalne.Pes" ;Come Seek-again,. Michaul,' command- its to swear . falsely. e ed ield Carrolleas the son once more hurri- lnembered limbs found in the barn. To his ed to the door; arid hie words were initant- mark on its skin, indeed - e lle might have pos. 4 , o beyed. Michaule'after a glance abroad itively spoken; but no skln has been ered 'fberefore, according to the evidence, and a start, which the .1:31d man did not n • decide by-tha t alone, tics . , paced to the middle of tire floor hang you have sworn to ing his tread, and saying in a low voice the prisoner is entitled to youracquital.- , 411ustith, now, father—it's time.'Possible, now that the prosecutor seeeseil 'No Michaul, I will not husiah; an' ills cmse in its full bearing; he may be eatisfaction, mot time; come out with me to the barn.' with the result.' While the jury, in *diet, Mr, Evans, iluslahl; repeated Michaul, whispering siaarply; he had glanced sideways tO a the prepared to return timent before returned square patch of strong.morning s lig ht h whoehad but esne court, and becoming eroeconciudincr words of the judge nn the ground of the cabin, de fi ne un d there ome, by the shape of the open door, and saw it awareced heve, serorro be en w alotril, that the prose e bed undertaken; that cir intruded upon by the shadow of a man s" la ' nces had kept hitch uninformed of it, bust..leaning forward in an earnest p If n u ough it had gone on infhis name; and he ture•'o l ur 'be 'ls id in your mind to go beeiee e gged.leave to assure hie lordsl.ip that it r - r sin, Michaul, au' tell mo2irmyni,asked would be his future effort to keep Michaul l us . reason for Carrot in his former path of honesty, by the barn, at dajtebre E ki o his father, still up- finding - him honest and ample employment, silen A.rr ce. man!' Michaul and, as far as in him lay; to reward the vir „ towards the door, but tue of the old father.. • a hastJf o ' While Peery Carroll. was laughing and das Oscerdu in id,' piosued old Carroll, crying in a breath, in the' arms of his deliv nay and at your workin4d, too.' erect son, a subscription commenced by the ere What's that you're sayin, oul4l Peery bar, was amounting into a considerable sum Carroll?' demanded a well Ittio m n voice, for his advantage. ,Enough—tn hang his son;' whispered Michaul to his father, as Mr. Evans's land steward, followed by his herdsmen and two policemen, entered the cabin. In a few minutes afterwards, the p mlicemen had in charge the dismembered carcase of the sheep, dug out of the floor of the barn, and were escorting Michaul, handcuffed, to the county gaol, in the vicinity of the next town, They could find no trace of the an. imal's skin, though they sought attentively for it; and this seemed to disappoint them and the_ steward a good deal. From the moment that they entered the cabin, till their departure old Carroll did not speak a word —Without knowing it, as it seemed, lie sat down on his straw bede - and remained staring stupidly around Min. at (me or aurelier of his visitors. When Michaut was about to leave the wretched ab 'de, he paced quickly towards his father, and holding out his ironed hands,and turning his cheek for a kiss,said, *tailing miseiably, 'God be wid you, fath-r dear. Still the old man was and the prisoner and all - his attendants p issed out on the road. But it was then the agony of old Carroll assumed n distinctness. Utter ing a fearful cry, he snatched up his *ill! sleeping little grandson, ran with the boy in his arms till, he over. ook Michaul; and. kneeling' down before him in the' dust said Pardon o' you,' avich— won't you tetf triel :have it A r.re you go? an' here, I've - I s-eseo4etelittle Peery for 'you to kiss; you M CA Jtta, a 410, father, I did'nt,' answered Tvi as he stooped to kiss the child; an' get up father, get up; my hands are net my own, or i woultrnt let you do that afore your 4- Get up, there's nothin' for you to unable yourself about; that is, I mean, I have nothin' to forgive you; no, but every thing to be thankful for au' to litre veu for; you were always an' ever the good father to me; ans—' 'rho many strong and hit ter feelings which tilt now he. had alrr osi perfectly kept in,.found full vent, and poor !diehard could not go on. The parting froth his father, however, so different from what it hid prornised to be, comforted him, The old man hold him in his arms, and torept on' his neck. They were separated _ with difficulty. . Peery Carroll, sitting on the road side after he lost sight of the prisoner, and holding, his. screaming grandson on his knees, 'thought the cup of his tt ials was ftilL BY - his imprtidence he had fixed the prof of .guilt'on his own child; that re - fleetioneeialenough for him, and he could indulge' only ,geopraliy. But he was lit to conceive distinctly in what dilemma Ittihad involved himself as well as Michaul. Thu . .Ptificeman came back to compel his appearance before the magistrate; and wiwn the little child had been disposed of in a neighboring cabin, he understood to tikObstefnation and burro , : that he was the, chief witness against the sheep Iltj-alo.—"Mr. Evans's steward knew web thistieaningof the words he had overheard hyii ;min the cabin; and that if compelled e e , • to lv'rear all he was aware or, no ci mubt would etist of the criminality.of in;the.eyes of the jury. 'Tis a strange thset to'.ax a father to do muttered Peery more than once, as ha proceeded to the piglet rate's; -'it is a very strange thing.' l'he magistrate proved to be a humane wts*.,,Notyrithstanding the zeal of the tatemi t rakelead.the policeman, he committed 1111 . 101, eltid - foretrial, without continuing to pess4lin`iiesitating and bewildeted old Pael7,iretem any,dotailed. evidence; his me • tire geitiged rise against. the task, and hrgiiaid kixthe,steward—q have enough of faces. for making out a committal; if you ttiloklibeefathee will be necessary on the, trialstiotaea him.. - • .I' . lissfeward objected that Peery would 114,11011 d 'andifeinanded to have him bound frepte Opttecitte, ,on two .surities, solvent. **4.*eti*ble: ..The magistrate assent -Piourtit*ild flame no bail, and conse-% qufAir.ilie” trait also•marched to • prison, tglaM i gkirrobihited . from holding the ,least -00;11PiWIS!%4101 Michaul, irbe 'liaises aeon came on, Michaul was. AlisktOktfintL:iitiktiag of? 'not giao . W; Ain titbit appeared, unseen by custody`, at 01e.bach.of "4 - ether:in .aiti Mit.4riol4litiAekti keen -and ing4Thl - getiO, the court, the -bar, ebe•puy box],:anti ~... • - stiOjkhr4s$ tiOjkhr45 vac t*ver 01410****04 904440434,1iA444,- ' - ithigintleithristarving father; "oat,. - ... TPCPN PREfiIDENTr - J .4. nEs BUC HE J iN AN, suitiec, to the decision of a Nal Tonal Convention. DA ILY MORNING POST. •pututre W1t..11.:6011T11,1r.D1T0R3 AWD PROPRIZTORS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1842 see First rage. The f01i0..., ing gentlemen were yesterday elect ed Directors of the Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh, for the ensuing year:—W:tr. Robinson, jr., Har mer Denny, Thos. Hanna; Wm. B. M'Clure, A. P. Childs, E. A. Brown, R. T. Kennedy, George Weyman. D. C Stockton, Wm. B tgalcy, Tobias Myers, Na. Little, John Grier. Ignorance of the Chartists. Of one hundred and twenty-four chartist prisoners, who are to take their trials in England, there are only six who are de scribed in the calendar as being able to, read and write well; whilst thirty-seven are unable to read or write at all; and the rest of them are only able to do so imper fectly. These poor, ignMant: creatures-. many of whom are mere boys in age, are just the per sons to be led astray by design ing a gitators,— Boston, Bulletin. As to the ignorance of the Chartists, it may all be true enough; but still we do not consider this fact any evidence what ever that they are wrong in the object they ... Rim a hot poker down a man's ,throat and it will be very api. comfortable,—and, moreover, it will not require him to be wlaccomplisned scholar to feel the pain, mid his instinct, if it is denied that he has reason, will prompt him, to pull it out as quick as the nature of the case will allow. On the same principle, if man is starving for want of kread, it is quite as natural, without the aid of read ing or writing, for him to see clearly why it is that he, who produces wealth, should be deprived of the strialiest pittance, while those who do no: produce, are reveling in unearned luxuries. . Any man can see a t calamitywhen it is upon him—when it is too late to apply an easy remedy; and the great advantage of "reading and writing" is to be able td for see, it while yet in embryo. Had the fore-fathers of the present English char tists been inteliigerii, the wrongs which now 'afflict the laboring masses of Eng land could have been averted. Let this be an admonition to Americans. We can all read and write, and it is hoped chat we all do read, and not only that but understand too We have this advan tago over our English brethren, and we should be cautious, that we may not be plunged into the same gulf. SteaMboiit Collibion—Loss or Lives. The Cincinnati Sun says that the steam boats Scioto Valley and Farmer came in contact on Monday last, 20 miles below Louisville, at 3 O'clock in the morning, sinking the Farmer, which will ba a total loss, it is is supposed. It is thought three of four deck passengeis were drowned, but not certainly known. - It is an old saying that !figuresnever lie." Tills is a mistake —Mt. W. urea is the editor of a Whig paper in . Al abama. You'can go now."—The Mobile Her ald says:- -"Our city is now healthy, and our citizens 'ne:nl no longer dread yellow Jack. Strangers; too, are as safe as at any otlier season. bet them come as fast as they please. WOiave plenty Orroom for them, if; we have nothing else." Periodicala in France.—The number of periodiCifs have increased in France within the last,thirty years. ftem.ftfty to fapr ,hun.- ‘ deed and ninety-three, including tweaky. three daily, ninety-Ave weekly , and tin . - .hundred ana-eiiiieeiLmo4irty. - ,.. -Ail espies "people, all;r igions and liglitioaisects.: have thifr 0 %4, except kiecAstnics Asa-, \,, 4 4 444 ,147 77:77 ?" i l -, 1.- sPil , ... -!.-,4 - -- -.; .- , t-. -- 41 , .:..- I'‘ . 4 '; : ' •o*tii* - Arigy. Tbfk - The..Aibitlii-ViL, ' g i. 4 4/4 * kr iii i i i t acci rj ,; fil'ing.titt,'lrierttikviuriitilt4l-the fire was an una 016 sa62 of -- " - ' 7' r'" 4ln- ''' - c . 4 04 !: -. M '' he ' d VvithOut the assistanceof the develepieritstilf se- ate iiibioylPolieeoffite' 1 . 1 1,Z.;-I . _ -- _____ _:,., . . ..- - 2- 0- A person *hi his fete- 1 - - `gl wa , . -a fa*-41341 sine— * - ., - Mr—Lutberis ajourneyman carpenter, the last four years_follotiyed:the bu and some few years since came to this 'city .. a tinker and teamster alternately4" o " - -i t • T . k- ' his' I e • 1 :our n'' with the view oma Inge. resit enc , and who is well known 19e7ustice Osborn .-. but only remained a few dzys. He next. izens, was.broughtyr 31naity, Mit false signals—be- t ii ,' b ent.to Cincinnatti, where he published charged with ~, a whatoutward appearances 1 two nu:nbers of a paper milled 'Luther's ing "tlllortest and uesuipecting personsea Dealer,' ' Plain D I ' Fledid not stay there long wallieve —sailing under false-colors. but returned home. Being a \zealous About two weeks since this person was friend of suffrage his ardent, temperament married to a very respectable andliard work- soon led - him to join in the struggle for ing gill, who by hem industry had laid up a equal .rights in Rhode Island; when as is considerable sum of Money. The poor girl observed he fell a victim to the merciless found out in a few days that all was not gold tyranny of the Algeriaes. The Provi that g litters—that appearances are deceitful deuce Expre=s says: —in short, that her dear husband was .a Mr. Luther has been cruelly persecuted woman! This fact being fully established by the fees of popular rights; and when ar to the satisfaction of all parties, the faithless rested, was committed to prison in Provi s wain—or rather deceitfte j idc--was arrest- dence County jail, on the day his father was buried, aud was denied the privilege of ed, examined at the police, anti sent to jail. attending the funeral, or of a flre well glance A crowd of the curious followed her lady- l at his venerated remains, He has received ship to her new lodgings making many m u c h -. and abuse from the hand s i nodal al and spirited remarks, ca'led out by of officials, Wit is hoped that a day . vvi I at rive when justice shall be meted out tm the novelty of the cage, partially, and th it every ingerlioPs tormen - No other reason can be assigned Air this torslial,llie ! Hainan, try the strength and strange marriage alliance, except the desire fitness of his own manefacturec on the part of the husband to possess him self of the money which the object of /ay affections hal saved up from her hard .earn ings and unwearied industry Mayoralty. We observe the proceedings of a meet ing, published in the Chronicle of yester• day. at wlaich GEORGE WASHINGTON BURNS, Ese,., was nominated for the office of May• or. The meeting was composed of the workingmen of the Point, and the proceed ings express their strongest determination to "stand by the man, with whom they all enjoy a hearty acquaintance, in increasing opposition to the silk stocking gentry, who seem to claim all the offices in the coun try." The contest for the Mayoralty at the coming election, will no doubt be a warm one, as the honors and profits have become desirable objects in the eyes of office hunters: The present incumbent, we understandis anxious_for a re•election, and a portion of his party :friends—backed by tho,police, of course intend to support chilnis for the ,00mination. Another portion of the party, is in fa,voi - of-Mr, Thomson, the im mediate predecessor of Mr. Hay, and will do all in their power to get him the antimasonic nomination. in addition to these we have heard other per,. sons auggsged as suitable candidates, Who supported irrespective of party clai,ns, and we have no doubt but some one worthy the eupp.o. of that portion of the citizens who would prefer a faithful public servant to a party hack, will be brought forward in good titne. Massachusetts Election. '—Returns have been received from every town in the State, which stands as follows: Grand Result! Whole nuni' , er of votes po;led, Morton, Davis., 54,545 Scattering, 6,600 Morton's majority over Davis, 18891 Last year the whole number of votes polled was 111,063 Marton, 51,367 Dav i r, 55 974 Scattering, 3,721 Increase in the Democratic vote since last year, 5.117 DecreaSe in Federal vote; 1,200 Increase in Scattering vote, 2,879 Morton's gain, 6,317 Davis' loss, over 9,000 SENATE. The Democrats have elected The Coons, No choice, REPRESENTATIVES. As far as heard from, the Democrats have eiected The Coons, Abolitionists, Burnell has probably been elect....d 'o Congress in the tenth district. The co uis the, refore, have three members; (Winthrop, Adams, end Burnell), and the democrats one, (Williams). In the other six districts no choice has been effected. The second trials have soTar been favorable to the democrats.. In - a large number of towns no choice has yet been effected. The pollticalchar acter of the House, and eonsequently of the entire State Government for the, ensuing year, Cannot now be predicted. A Newport Jail fired by Seth Luther. The Newport correspondent of the' ' Providence Chronicle states that about 7 n'clock'on Wednesday morning a fire was discovered in one of the cells or the jail in that town, occupied by the celebrated auf frAgO patritt, Seth Luther, Thejailcd,Mr Taggart, discovering the .fire. opened the cell and threw in a bucket of . 'water, and' stepped eside tor another, when Luther rushed out of the cell;4011 out:Of front door, an&ran as far us the 'State 11fittse, berate he was taken by thejailor i who had pnreuued: him., - Listhei. provionsUreettinffire to the cell, blacked his face, co thalle might Pau f~t^B't,egra t and it4ti tied up hie bed To the 'shape of a man, and 'put,* shin upon it IMMMEMV:=;= 117,373 56,234 CONGRESS REN=f Messieurs Editors of de Mora. 'met Je Imes remercie, 1 much tank you,pour Is, fur the publication de noon lettre upon de subject of de he pat. It base do much good: It remain dens e.A. lieu, two, true, four days,always never, he bien cet terrible tangue, ii tries thfeteile apprindro, he it much hard to learn: De Englishman say, "tout les French dans cet countrie, he good f , ::r noting but maitre de dance, dancing Master,ou or pour gamble, play cards. lie bier* ver go-id name he give us. Vell vot does Mons Dickens say of the Englishmen of die coun. trie. He speak straight out crooked dans cet manier as follows: Dans le Bth chap. Ist. vol. the course of the day's jouiney, as on sub. sequent occasions, we encountered some E iglish men, small farmers, or country publ.cans at home, who were settled in America,and were, tr ivelers en their cwn affairs; of all grades and kinds of men that jostle one in the pubic conveyances of the states, these are often the row( intolerable and the most insufferable companions. United to ev e!), disagreeable characteristic that the poorest kind of American travellers possess, these coon.' It poen of ours display an amount of insolent con ceit and cool assumption ofsuperiority qnite mon strous to behold. In the coarse familiarity of their approach and the effrontery .of their inquisitive. ness, (which they are in great haste to assert, as if they panted to revenge themselves upon the de na- cent old restraints of home,)they surpass aoy Live specimens that estate within the range of rit- servatior • and I often grew so patriotic when I saw stitilmard them, that I wool I cheerrully have submittel to a reasonable fine, if I could have given any other country .in'the .wh mlo worriliihe honor of claiming them for its children " No man spank in dis manier of French m ou Irishman—what say y ,u t• di: y..ot vagahone English Whig , ; you 0. ach de stroke on de broad •haek in propiar mauler. Dis is Englishman in d.is country, to de .i . rieety ob de point. Vous oblige, Messieurs les F,diteut, si voce, if you insert din Important article dans votre columns—lee French man he loves America, and lays clai.n to her as a huu.e, for onr ladders, and our Lafayette, bled in defence of Liberty on her soil. ace you never .see n Frenchman insolent or overbearing. I remain assort:mei,. de ',rotund , respect et d'esteem, votre tree humble serviteur . JEAN CRAPE°. The Mary Rogers Mystery Explained. We find in the Tribune of Friday morning, the following account of the Ma- ry Rogcre case 'The terrible mystery which for more than a year has hung over the fate of Mary Rogers, whose - bo dy was found, as our readers will well remember, in the North river, under circumstances such as convin ced every one that she was the victim of hellish lust and then murder, is at last ex plained—to the satisfaction, we doubt not, of all. It may be recollected that associa ted with the tale of her disappearance was 1 the name of Mrs. Liss, the woman who kept the refreshment house nearest the scene of her death. Ekbout a fortnight since—as we have already stated—this wo man was accidentally wounded by the pre mature discharge of a gun in the hands of her son; the wound proved fatal; but be fore she died site sent for Justice Merritt, of N. J., and told him the following facts: On the Sunday of Miss Rogers' disappear ance, she came to her house from this city in company with a young physician, who undertook to procure for her- a premature delivery. While in the hands of this physician she died, and a consultation was then held as to the diaposal of her body. It was finally taken at night by the son of Mrs. Loss, and sunk in the river where it was found. Her clothes were first tied up in a bundle and sunk in a pond on the la id of James G. King, in that neighborhood; but it was af terwards thought they were riot safe there, and they were accordingly taken and scat tered through the woods as they were found. The name of the physician is un known to us, nor do we know whether it was divulged or not. The Mayor had been made acquainted with these-facte by Mr. -Merritt, and we doubt not an immediate in. quirt' after the guilty wretch will be made. The son of Mrs. Loss as an accessary. , af- 1 ter the fact, -we suppose_ will betll: he has not already been—arrested. No doubt,,we apprehend, can be. entertained - of the truth of . this confession. It explains `many things connected with the affair which be f ire- was vvraprii 11 in mystery—especiatly the apathy ofthe4other of Miss - Rogers upon the discovery of her body. It will be remembered that she did not even go to identify it and niadirieequitieO, Concern' r ing the affair. Thus_ has thin "fearful`: mystery, ' which' has: has struck fe4--attd terror to so- 14;4'1 hearts ; 'been - it- last explained: ,13y ell , . euni*anceo in whielt no one can fail to Vervain a. Providential agency.:. Besides the guilty mu. deter' %Witter& rested with two' persons,. " f)nit , of these, through the i n. VOlllO4ll agency of the Other; is laid Up* her death had—lta then cenaehtneevi* 7 i - bill it** . • rU Y lt - - f y r iday evening Pu'w° says: , It was known at an ear'y hour this mor ning that the Chancelloroo whom a sec ond application had - baetr made to grant a writ of error in Colt's case declined doing We hale . 00-learned -that ha was this morning; married . to. Henshaw, and that his execution will not take place until ,about 4 O'clock this afternoon: We learned from -Justice Merritt that Colt is remarkably. firm and collected:-- , He 'expressed_ a wish to be shrived this morning between 7 and 8 o'clock, and par took'of his morning meal with apparent ap petite. The Rev., Dr. Anthon married him, at half-past 12 o'clock. in the presence of Sheriff Hart, David Graham. jr., Samuel Colt. Jnitice Merritt, Robert Emmet and John Howard Payne. The ceremony took place in the cell of the prisoner. The Evening Post, however, says in regard to the marriage: No such ceremo ny took places we aver it as coming from the lips of the doomed man. , The American also positively denies the truth of the report. An extra of the Herald gives the follow ing further particulars: 'At 2 o'clock he re quested his keeper; Mr, Greene, to let him be left a'one untl the last moment.— His cell was I se3 and he was left alone until 20 minutes to 4. when some friends of the Sheriff apprehended that he might attempt to commit suicide, one of the Deputy Sheriffs, Hillyer. went to his, cell door; I requested to wish him 'good bye.' Colt was seen walking up and down his cell, but turned round on the door opening, smiled on Hillyer, shook him by the hand and kissed him, as he did sr veral of those who had lust previously bid him farewell in this life. He said to Hillyer--.‘God bless you, and may you prosper in this life which is soon to close on me.' From-this time to three o'clock, the excitement a round tne prison increased tremendously; and the feelings of those in the prison were also worked up to a pitch of great intensi ty. Several eminent surgeons came into the prison a little before 3, and the univer-, sal topic of discussion, all round, among the little knots of spectators, was, whether he had been furnishediwith the means, and whether he would commit suicide or not. Many prophecied that 'by 4 o'clock there would be a dead man without hanging.' SUICIDE OF JOHN C. COLT. U IL • O S ; h Bn quail n ' a y p rv, „mdli . Five minutes pest 4 o'clock. We have written the whole of the above j difficulties which lay in I hr at a to 3P. M. this afternoon. At that tory gifts of his uncle the far time Colt was alive. No one entered his in g L i s legacies to Cilmoib! t in io o n n s ervah.ntit u to themm m is cell 60 nprecisely five mutes four o'- clock, at which lime Sherif!' Hatt and Wes• of trac n inierrms pictures tervelt, dressed in unif with. Dr. An- ci math dto him by iiictlar❑•na shon,proceeded to the cell and on the. 150 iu ddri,cut cure er ope.ting the door, Dr. Anshon, *ha was .I ,:',.7,'„ e a te . keep- Pastia. i lso the., first, drew bark, threw up his hands and •The GllnrliGeffer,:..CCotSin eyes to Heaven, and uttered a faintej cu. "an addrc , s i4atitterii coienat ete lation, untied pale as death, and retired. a ITI, grant of Mr‘3 tt t c to the Ert•; , nrl 'As I. thought,' said the keeper. 'As •I I I lirtal thought,' said we. And going into th e e a dis r - ,.,ri '6 1 ,3 c thorn lay Colt an his back, stri-te• - •ed out at i vie, of 430 t n C.lnt Roar,, Full length on the bed, quire dead, but that wait tirlii.insia not cold. A clasp knife, like a small turn el) in knife, with a broken handle, was sticking hr A rc e- " ur t ils .1"' " ul.l'l in his heart. He had stabbed himself a- •„ th .„ - „ ( T o bout the-fifth rib on the left side. 'We felt jority, had sliest entirtly his temples and they were warm. His :slim rrf a chani•ii, cr esai vest was open, the blond had flowed free Minisiry lad ceased. ly, and his hands, which were placed a- .between yri S yr i a . 5.111 the Nii to .then c' . ro ' rt i esa ,4 ' cross his belly, were very bloody.; he had Pasha had been nbl ' igeit to evidently worked and turned the knife cirS.yria appear to be as far round and round in his heart after he had ever. Ace. rd tng to nee ace MCI men way to he format stabbed himself, until he had made quite Furpose of :scoring peace a large gash. erns. His body was laid out quite. straight on" the bed as if laid out. for a funeral by oth ers. His mouth was open. and his eyes partly open. Dr. Hosack and others went into his cell, and pronounced him dead, The Coroner was ready at hand, took charge of the body, and locked the cell. Most strange to say, just at this moment the large -cupola of the Tombs was discov-- ercd to bye en fire; and burned furiously; so that, if he had not killed himself, in consequence of the execution being pest. poned to the last moment, it is very proba• ble, that in the confusion arising from the fire. and the mob breaking into the Tombs Colt would either have made his escape or he would not have been hung. THE ATR-E! MULARD H ERNICST Tuesday Evening, Nov. 22, will be presented the cele braled tragedy of THE HUNCHBACK. Master Walter, Mrs. C (JILL in The MILANESE HORNPIPE, To conclude with the Play of The YoUng Widow. Price, Dress Circle Boxes 15; 2 Boxes 37k; ri1.25; Gal err 25. Doors open at 64 o'clock; performance to, c.poimmence at 74 precisely. A . UCTION.—bI Thafternoon,at 2 o'clock: 50 garrets Vinegar—without reserve. n 22 J, B. GUTHRIg, Auct'r :NtenotAs D. COIMU* [COLE W( CO.,Getierat Agentir, FOrwituding ILI Commission - M6ithants. Liyke Street, Vicksburg, They reapeetruttraolicit t(sixuatents. • n 2.14( . _ eARD.-1 have,opened itor,Upholitory Wareroom, on St, Clair street, near'Panni 2.l.l.;ksifiere F will keen on hand and maid In order;prompity,. Mattraeses of the different kinds. Vtmtiter Reds;; Cushions, Sacking BottonulkSplitißilndejoad-every amide usually found in an tYptiotstery.Hatibilannient. Having divided triyi businessi,l ellen -fur the citizens at St. Ctal 4 street; for the tioats, , ,asztstna;iii the manufac tory trn Wster surest. iii . y:trionsitt will' find- ine always in the morning at Sr. Clair strmst;ltt the afternoon. at the manufactory On the river Mink. • • VFW. NOBLE: Upholsterer A lot of warm Comfuits4nliandilbrimate iosi. • no! 2Z.-& t IVROJR.II6trN4 424.ADY:—..1'srrrt.r. hes '',secettred Oats del fleet Ness _YAWL.; ai,.ftesti ouP...PIY 0 * the isbetsef etitehrated eu te. fee 450.1dd and: CIA suotelieet and i* ready ite snii i ttiy euktninersig litbs*Pode orts4ol, et he Aced:set 4 g t . 8D ~., v.w ; ~..a, _.. ... ~ . ArriVh: lo; l46.--- 13 DAYS LATP,Rtht fik 4 The steamship Acadiae ., :morning at 2 o'clock, fe7 4ll ' having accomplished lb r ending the deteininn ate* By this arrival, We have - dOn papers to the ev •em az o t ••-• to . • inwn rig of the kJ,: The news Unimp,,,tat and pol:tieal point of vieit' . The report of the Q n h n ing condition is eontradi lams brought Constantirior'-. of the 6th and 7th, and At Constantinople, a 'Bagdad with private see a British force, commandbi. reached Cahill and ions* Gen. Pollock had offered -. tants, which it they rijeeti to carry the own by stone' Intelligence has been re pte, according to the Aug,, .. Schuh of Persia had ace Great Britain, to arrange .him and the Oitonian Pole. The non-arrival of the D r ,; York, for several days alter sed very serious uneasiness . % nally arrived at Southampl % the 3d in st, A letter trot' ing her al rival, sayit ',She lel New York ai obliged, by the severity shortness of fuel, to pet • remained seven day., H ee - are are just landed here, width' diately sent to London bye . by her has been antieipalre, A fetter from Elirminglita' a xi y was experienced , rers this snoring, by the ! , the house of Messrs G d merchants r.nd factors, al' : out to be t, ue . Parliamen', it is thought, the beginning of January. A new work by Bit (Bit commence in January ern, in monthly parts, at one Death of Grace • tere,ting female expirej • day, the 20th Oetoht.r. in `been in a delicate sineof ~" time past. Iler complaint form of decide I ci nsunynoQ, I recovery abandoned, her Win that .ihe should retort, sons she was me Drain!! ly ri‘se Bamburgh only about yen decease. - Her m irtal remains were'' ly buryinf, place, in Barak,. Death of Allan Cunningia, ed artist and po.t, the friend, Sir Fr ancis Chantrey, latter . end of October, havint days ere his departure, hiv Ame-ican Pork.--The lately intro,lueed by the at 4 I per lb, has berm baugiA the narking classes, and we that the more recent inyte VI C 0.31 POUND F' CANDY is a safe awl.. Colds... sthma, Sore Throe. Bivast hoo! ing 0,144. Throat. and many disease; Tey —only I:4 per roll— . sale and Retail by IL T. PRA, st.,Alleglieny City, and the bomb: Be sure you ask for Price!, nem 17—tr. UT. PRICE, wricogtii_ . fent ioner and Noes, Diamond, "The:hefty chy. .. Every variety of Concert Cale, suit ahie for wedttuoll4_ front the hest matermk. A stO _ H..9.11fNA TIVINAria, ' TON Peng :11(1 , 1 ,, ved their store front ties 4. Browne, No. 49 Market ; gents for the sale of the dt6'rrtil lured ty theta, where thee ff ways find a regular sitsPlT 1' st Writing, plant and faint .- paper; DOnnet Board,, and Fri zes Ind (panties ,ail of 1,00 0 accommodating HOLDS 111? & sowsn; 0 ,3 " ? ‘ " ,, Vt'all Papers and Bortiers,tenPir, ry variety of Entry, Par:oriel P. latest styles and most liaadeast' will sell low and on accoo ool or retail Managers . Mr. JaMison. LUNIBER .Jr r Sa i rln lers to • IS‘AC I Farmers and ntherq aring to call, as they will hescFupph'ol very lowest rharkorie's• COUGHS, COL DS and COO son for the above romaiaikit! persons who are subjected ta i weather are respectfully ''in a yaY COVERT'S BALI OF LIFE d cured TTIOYSANDS, who were w emeption. (WI ificates can cures, TAYLOR'S BALSAS( OF I.•l• , ;_ti for Liver Complaints, Corgillrof 1) rector mended by ai l to taie, and speedy in effectildi • Plumes Boa R taxon Cskiiltied and Peasant medici Pe cure for Coughs, Colds. (.1011 Care far the Witoortso Corritil ant medicine, all are food 0 4 _4 to take at; iis cure OISUIC aciero has a certificate of gen t, ' 0 10 1 , so there oars he no mistake. I are Invited loran sad .1 eaedicipe is at the coonecti - Alt the above medicine Ifr liVitorzesys OR RvirArrat TUTTLE'S lIEDIC4L4w ,400LICKAM 471---17 MRS diassl inpla eta. ficassa", WI I. npar meet* are approlq lso all 1cia4 89. ...1 Order. 'areddlaga, oa,f6t7 IOWCIEFOr *lptit-22, is 7topfritheatre 6ltngLt,it will e n omination: 9 J, P. Gana 6 phie Likeneese coven/ of Mr. • c progress to 4 seine impro retire employ' w e xperiment at of the nue ac i rc ely five, y r., Dafiuerr eis ' aris papers, w noW, his be ..)st every. to, 'eci States. A keit pll otogra ~none have -Page & Sti eniy be found iiikpt,& Fifth e likenesses o descriptio .have a faithf friends, cannot ose gentlemen fctr some time obberY• ,Thiug, about of • back part of tters, after whi far as he ceii slued most to III,=ELI t utnus a pair chief, and a 1 t:iken off I ssly as pass. se) toeffeet a of had been fili The elliak wa the personal been occasion are been ey.r, oroughly rum to pick the ful. iniere as - nce done ti d e a prompt an thief was disii habiliment. r 'eril-d for loite elude'l their m he ime•. -A been arrested Sator,hy or !7 Offii!e .f )Ir. inge, was enter les of various bit the amount of at su.o of vld and w exactly litm by the robbery .king for their i~e.euceeasful. misfortune. s who we he d who can ill • loss. e's whole I •Allegheny ri , sons were app and Common C et their meetin for the purpose clothing for the ing the approa. nry Hannen. e, appointed dist ral wards, viz moot, H. P. ...Davin, John Semple, Joqep . Clarke, R, s, at a meetin _ , nt: Saturd..y t Saturday at 3 he winter. elief must b me;cl will plea eting without g business wit d' theta in sessi ed. J. J. CA tsßefief of e hetiew a me of the Thir " evening, the efficient vily. ‘Tgenized by c Chair, and a. • ;Ivy, Hon. Thomas committee of ' the eity fof in lad of the I, E eciee. and de secure ea opt r-ortbe city lateen Were outpose the v Ge. Tho: -_ikir.oolf, M. onr. eutteri Aso t3e)Anilp, Ilko • :Shdenberge .1-- OA*, VA ff. _ 'l4l4lClit - ro Ity , 11014'10: