Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 21, 1842, Image 1

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    .Ls ~9ar'
1 provided With Meager, ,
bats printed with a figure of the ,
NI you are not deceived by
eent:Astaling their boarish) bp ,
Guard, when they are ant er
- - r,
The following Iva fig of beam
ly Guard at the Port of ri um ,
first on the List have 1111 whiprin e f
a p.ita ral .tc it is imposarddefor allies
A I.Ps,-1
cispi AN, ECL
n EST \V I ND. MI :1'
NI A!,Qu El TE, us',.
PANAMA, Eow',,
SAI:Aff ANN, Mx:.. 7 .
AM AR ANTIL og • ;
muNGO PARK, 014
-1 DEI,AII)E, J 11 k' . :
The r•arel , :oe community are
i.eior, they make a choice or a kw, -
and -re lie' her it would not k
and ',Tyro y to choose a Safely
pa- - .lt 2e nnL freight, in prefereseets
eNnirsion --and that they
tat Ibis invention has the
fif , w steam engine builder:--:eal
it It , t, under,tand the subject. and
I ere-ted besides a number of eett
;en:lPti en and others—all of stet
e. 'Co 10. Water street, ala
p:,z,ule at all times to esitibit
is 1,0 w.O lake toe trouble to call.
sen 10 CADWA
The r.uliscriher offers for sale,al
, r,tr , , he E!reafer part of Aixrnl
(kr run- , of Piitshurgli and Alleelesy.
11'a rFlimrd.ei. nearly new,
1,1 'VD t ket Pl reel. el Fern
,:..< of about 54 reel by 611
..r ,
a•ai , I) to suit purcba.4,ep,
,•• • I.lt iitling 101 in Alletht
,N d of 350 fit in
A , su In. 10/ fhP shove. Ir
b. ,r , arlj 350 feet itedepth, in.-Indio_ I
r manskm borbv 'which I now OCCHV
lot ait b tiro two dory Wick
; t., corner oilliarkei and Front rt
" • '.• r :round rent, and now °Trap
i l l, it .".rt 1
ras or a go:aloft) , of Fla: mil
liii,• - .s , all k , onh of Coo T . ) Produre
r a-1, or soy& al HARR IS'S Imrll .
“.r , 2T— f Commission Ward coop,
.%; 11A Ft T. Congininsion Reran
dare and -einerican .Martfachires,
FF It TO- -
J no. Gf ier, E-q., Palsbumh
Aaron Hart,
C chran of E'd.
nr, 1). Davis..
S' y & Hanna,
A vvry. 02tien 4- Cn.
Jon. Woodbourne, EFq-,Madipon.
V Farm on whit!' I live, in W
firadd , cksfield, caintainicx one
about 70 acres of which if
‘‘ It timbered. There are upon .
d a barn 63 feet by 34; 2a arPle" .
/ , u. al. tut seventy acres of coil
.r• rqua: to that 01 any upland tars '
Te rro , . made known on applicAllor te
it, the prr-mices. WILLIAM WA .
11/4V.i L. 1.1 Ald C. WALL, Pl aid
and Pietaire Froste .11
F'.,11,11 Street Plashurgh.—Caatla
c for Arti s ts, always on used.
prompt ly framed to order• EeP 2hil l
est notice.
rmticularatiCillioll pan! Corgi .
erg dest rip' iori.
Pe rsom= filling up Steam tiClat f
I:eir ad vantage to call.
WP. WHITE LE P.—The salsoliel
to furnish painters. and et •
c pure While Lead made of Oak. -
cqu:ll. if not su perior lo2• l.
.A II order, add CPSNed to DitnitlP 4)3
• -0
• No, 110 Second street. ritl egq- •
.1•*-Pudr -, 1
if 4, tit r Eiji) ?1 fiLE 6110E-;.'•
Fifth St.. one denrires OniS lol ".-
• sn hscriber respect lofty islet.
ti-I,orgil and vicinity, that
shotsof his Own 01211111radli:;'
'is here he wilt keep constantly a ° ,
merit of all kinds of ladies. -
and shoes. otitis lust quality. Issw•
to it the tiw.es He will alto
ki snit
nd, of fancy work—sueh as 11,0
• cotored avid binSW.-
t. r en's e 1151,111. silk ;alters.
win he made at the shortest otce,
will plea csttlantales2
as the nahscriber kale enifidenutbat
any article ti his tine they 0 2 1 irSit.
i 0
P. S. Don't target the litsce -41. 6. 0 00 q
door from Haerietlele
from Markel Sireet
11 bosioeas : 1 41:st
Liver: y street and 42 Mattel
woes Mod -
thanks to the son &Mies
6 ree. lbr the Ver./ libera l . w ip
tended to Moo, lo commot ion
w tapes toarrre them •
that '
erit-theeoethiaa lgra !
tn _
Pecs fully 'eche their atteme"'
Clottllng.whiob be Ilere a " sel94 _
thaw has beet ever offered,
the whole of thealocb 0 f 0,2 ‘,
alb* ard as be lateedal a _ er 7aii i
easy bosisteer. fee la 7700,100!,,,,
Nesse tb Jae isotitelkid
tuned is 1.11 1 0. 711 *
i 4. mesa Irk t!
ie.* If"
1- t. F.-
~ i ;:t
• ~I it
-• faly
ally, 1,41
'nail in
TO. - - - N
- 0 62 -
oF wool) 4. FIFTH ars.
t.IR! a year, payible in
NTEL---for Elie at the
rttio CE
pr News Bays.
and nannfacturer
t e same office, on a double
p,,LtArss a year, in ad.
f Advertising.
TwE , ;s r, LIN F 1 4.. OR
Two mom?.
. 0 0 Thee rnOnt
wow ha.
. r nonthf,
00 One cear.
AnvE r,TI,:EM E:,4TS
, , ~.r rIL,
Tro Squaret
r Too: Its
.00 One pnr
♦ruin p''',,r(!on
FT, [VI I tR 4 a year
twd !,et w,en Mat km and Wood
.th door from Wood Ft. Peter
Jet,: Hillock, Collector.
he , tween First and Second
street, next door to the
R. Jneronon, TreaForer.
r i n. etween Market and Wood
fourth, near Market St
. .
Market and Wood streets, on
r.ro--7-Rice.s' ♦ND FARMERS . De
f.-arm; Fu rd.) Fourth, between
can and SlAir.
i 31. d ltinod.
• and Smhtlfielli
IPI and Canal
npno,ite Wayne
oppog , te Canal
R t W.—Office rpm.
neat I y opposite
i,~it nom lo John D. Mahon,
.el. 10
Tr. I)._qn" - re remocrd to
efrcr4 Per and Li berry St y ,
s r 10
.1. Harker, cvll...lesale and
s ar d Domeslir
r •• . r =en 10
Irt•LU RE, Antorneys and
on nine Diamond, hack
• or-t, srp 10
Alderman; ntfire norili
rn Wood and StoOlifwid
(;10 , - , •r nertif. En:
PitishurO ,
r Street. Pytts•
sep 111
T) ',WORT 11.
rchn rt,,
;nr l 10
1 131 Nst . ) , N, Anal..., al I.aw
th• "I I he D1..1h0h,; Fe
Fe'. 111
aev al Law; lender
Office t o r
[Joy r 0 •
p 10
Frnnt O.( ,
sc - 1 , I . YOU?G
160 rhoict! Mut•
rti.-ap by the do
•of Landret !Cs Fre,.ti Alt
' tit varieties of Turnip
' sat REDUCED PRICES at the
hertvti reel, head of SS ood.
L.oot and Sloe Ma nufacto•
rtt,:zt . next door to the U. Slates
• . Id and Satin Shoes made in
t newest French patterns.
i LTICAULUS. in lot's to suit
e disposed of by
street. bead of Wood.
and Flower SeedF of ev
ta% atv,ayi he had at the Dio
134 Linn ,- reel, head of Wood
Inuzc H amfool h 0 iiioll seed, for
and Seed sore of
t 4 Lfl.eriy 5.t reel, head of Wood.
rere!, ed
0 •1S4 Liberty head or Wood at
t..lsts'lr: of Hoes. Fancy Spades
r..idins Tools, Budding
Prutung ere.. Just re-
street. head of Wood
recerveci a small sup
renison Hams, on retai
and Com. Merchant
s:fxt. Orchard Grass and
'' G r 4 ig. always on hand and for
Ll6erty street, head of Wood
AKAN, Arco set Leo, office
Diamond. to - , Anorney'allow."
.'between Market and Wood
LAlp, S. for proceedierA
haw, for sale at this omee.
OP the Nen 11 East corner of Coal
tee ;
GTON, Market. sear 4thst.
all r
French Sugar Beet deed4ut 4
[ Or tale at the Dm and Geed
1 84 Li P. L.,BNOWBEN,
berty street. bead of ood-
_ O P PIRTIWERginis„--Tbe
iorre existing between War
4 ,._%1 I I',l. HOPEWELL SOS day
aps jA i r er . pis authorised
ate: Williams
°rile firm in Settling upe'
Wil,LtAll MGM
DIL, E. MEllltrrT, DENTlarr, oite• Smith
field, between &sand cad Third Sta.,
JOHNSTON ¢ STOCKTON, Bookicelters. Printers and
Paper Nanufaetareca. Na. 27. Market ft. sap -10-1 y
JTORN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water si
ng near the Monongahela House, Pillsinrgh. eep 10-11
LEONARD S. JOHNS, Alderman, St. Clair street, se
cond door from Liberty. sep 10—ly
DR. S. R. HOLM ES. Office in Second street,next door
to Id alvany Q Co'e Olds Warehouse sep 10—Is
SHUNK 4- FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth st.,
near the Mayor's Office, rlttsbure.h. eep 113-1 y
$ 6.00
THOS. HAM! LTON. Attorney at law, Fifth, between
Wood and Smithfield stn.. Pittsburgh. tsep 10-1 y
HUGH TONER. A not nev at Law, North East corner
of Smithfield and Fourth streets.. sep 111-1 y
TI7OMIPPON HA'NE•. • . ............ ...J•KSS TCRFaVit.
HANNA ¢ TfILIIVBIILL'S Paper Warehouse. No.
104, Wood 51., where may be had a general supply
of writinz wrappiny. printing, wall paper, blank books.
school hooks, frr, tc. Pep lO—ly
C. TOW NSEND CO.. Wire War-kens cad
Jtfaaufaeturers, No. 23 Market st reet, bet ween
and 3d streets. sep 10--1
EXCII NG F. HOTEL. Corner of Penn and ';t. Clair
Ft , eetA. by !deKIBBIN 4. SMITH.
=eiti 14-1 y
1 . 4 IG M ETA L.-77 tons soft Pie Metal for Sale by
J. G.." A. GOAD 3N,
No. 12 Water street
3 LBS. B GoN HAMS. 16.00(i lbs. Flaw
1000 Shoulders , for stfe by
J. G. k A. GORDON.
No 12 Walter street
WAS. PAT'IrEllszON, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh,
-Pa.. Manufri , uirer of Locks. Hinges and Botts; Tr.k•
'ince°, Fuller. M ill and Timber Screws; [loosen Screws for
Rolling Mills, 4-e. Fep TO—[y
JOHN M'CLOSKEI• Tailor and Cleihier, Liber.y
sheet, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side.
sPp 10
W BUFIBRIDGE 4. CO., IVttoicsale Grocers and
• Commission Merchants—Stroud street, between
Wood and Smithfield sts.,Pittsbur2h. seplo- 1
J.G. k A. GOIIGrY.si, Commission and Forwarding
Merrhar.is, Water st.. Piiishorgh. 10--1 y
II casks hams. a good article, received per S
R Corsair, and for sale by J. G. 4- A. (10 R.DON,
SUGAR Br Mrtf, E-'SFS —4O tsirds New Orltnr. Su
ear; SO bbls New Orleans :110U1...er; for P4l IC
SUV A P.-7 find prime N. 0. ila Si'. received perc.
R. 'Maine. and for sale tiy j f; 4- A. (10R DON.
seri 10 No. 12. Water at reel
a'"OBACON CASK S.in order. nn hand and for sale by
nep 10 J. G. 4 A.GOBDON. No. 12, `l'Wer ni
CIGAR AND MOL ASSES.--I 3 hlniF and 4b'lsN. 0.
177 Foga r. 32 Md..; Molasge , , 1 , 4-rived prr Sleamhnai
lopOrlnr. and for .aln by 3. i; k A. cor rins,
RMS. I. A RI) 011.. for r,lie I.v
sep 10 COI of r of 6I h and Wood o'
1631 PAPERS Cerm - .llonly dark for Talc
by R.. 1. FA II N F.,' I TOCK &- CO.,
srp 10 rornfxr of 6, b and Vi'ondleß.
41b0 LUS Prepared Chalk, for Fate ty
Alw 13. A. %HS rorKQ•CO,
corner of 6 , h and Wood ii
Frr. 10
‘auG n ANDmo Illotts. N. O. Sugar
:25 1,1.11, do. do., 100 do. f'lautaii•.n 70. , InFir-r., for
.1 , I
n in Bankruptcy proceed mt... prinf nn
_nod T,per.nntl in the forms approved by be Cour ,fnr Yn , e
,1 the Office of the NI rr ry and Democrat. err 111
itiA7M. HUBBARD, L ragi, MI:WO, 11,0: an d
V shoe 'it anti fan n rer. n. 101. Third s.reet, hetwett.ti
Wood and Smithfield streets. r ittshit sep 10
svork promptly
Fep 10
L ha , removed his office to the rorner of Fourth
treet and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant
t reet s, Fit t-hurEM. sep 10
wire %Vare
',lnge A IleF.
, R 01 find it in
al !stied that
cep 10
FOR RENT._Thedwelting and lot coNtainme 4
arrt-s, in Allegheny, near the Bearer Road, , ateiy
Jr.rupiedi , v Mr. Sacrineil.7iihrch. Apply at the NI erelianis
and Stannfacturerb * to • . DENNY.
EP -11-1 31 A K ER, No. 7, St. Clair street, rim
sep 1U
supply of Landreth's Garden seeds, always on
hand, an for sale at Ins agency, the Oro; store of
w 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
DR. DAVID WARD hat his office and ridepte
on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House,
second d In 2 from Rom street. He will faithfully attend
all calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should he
made at the door above the basement. sep
RcmovAL—Matthew Jonrs, Barber and flair fires-a
er, has removed to FOu rib street, CippOSile t he May
ors office. where he will he happy to:wait upon permanent
or transient customers. He solicits., share of public pat-
K. A. WARD, DENTIST, Tenn et. three
door below Irwin street. Hours of business, from
9 A . 3t. . until 5 ►_ X., after which time he will attend
to no one except in cases of actual necessity. He
would further inform those who may think proper to
employ hint, that he expects immediate payment, without
the necessity on his patt of sending in bills. sep 10
OHN 31 , FARLA.ND, Up/to/stern - arid Cabinet
.lif..ker, Third at. between Weed 4- Market streets.
respectful informs his friends and the public that he is
prepared to execute all orders for Sofas. Sideboards, Bu
reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, Hair and Sprlrtg
Mattrasses, Curtains. Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering
wort, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. sop 10
Ho Word Street, Pittsburgi.-12. A. Hangman,
Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, is now prepared
to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandise,
at his large and capacious loom. No. 110, North Hail
Corner of Wood and Filth Stumm, pittommt.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture. Groceries and
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware, Cut lery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on
Tuesday, Wednenday,and Thursday evenings.
Books, 4-c...every Saturday evening.
Liberal advances made on Consignmests when wanted.
Messts. John D. Davis. EM-.
a Ragaley 4- Smith.
a Hampton. Smith, 4 Co.,
F. Lorenz f Co-,
J. W. Banbridge* Co..
a S. &rhea 4- Co.
a Capt. James arGartiti,
a C. Hinman. Elm.
a Jonn allradden Fag.
IV Logan it Kennedy.
a J. K. Moorhead ¢ Co.
Jas. P. Stuart, EM-
.. Capt. as. Hay,
McVay. Hants, 4 Co
.. WHlhillt
sa &G. Henry,
as samitb,Bassalei 4' Co
„ •
Pittsburgh and Beaver Packet.
r> SALICL. BEM MULL., Master.
HAS commenced her regular trips, and will run dai
ly (Sundays excepted.) Leaves Beaver at 80'
clock A. M., loaves Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock P. kt. con
nects at Beaver with the
Pennsylvania and Ohio Line
of Freight andTacket Canal noata between cleaver, and
Cleveland Ohio, and Greenci,le, Pennsylvania. Leaves
Beaver daily at 6 o'clock P. M. This line connects with
two d.. iiy lines on the Pennsylvania canal to Philadel.
phis, and withliie New York and Ohio tine on the Erie
canal, and New York and Ohio line and Ohio canal, al.
so with ste..m freight and passage boats, brigs and
schooners, on the Laker. The proprietors of I his well
known line wi'l he prepared on the opening of naviga
tion to van:port merchan.lize to any of the inlermedi.
ale ports on the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio ca.
pals; to any poii on Lake Erie, and the Upper .Lakes;to
and from New York City and Philadelphia.
McClure 8r Dickey. Beaver, Pa.,
Cobb Wormer Co., Cleveland, 0.,
Rees 4. Taylor. Warren, 0.,
W. B. HOLES. Master.
RUNS daily (Sundars exeepted,Mlletween PITTS.
BURGH BEAVER. leaving Beaver at 8 A. M.
and Pittsburgh at 2 P. M. prorid,d with Erons's Safe
ty Owned to prevent Ezplosion of Boilers.
This splendid and fast running Steam Boat has just
peen confute: ed expressly for this trade, and inns in
onnertinn With
CLARKS 4. CO . It Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line of
Or down the 0111°1=n:it to 4-e. and Erie Et
tension Line to Greenville.
No. 12, ater street
J. G. k A. con nos
No. 12. WnlPr street
.1. G. 4. A.CORDON.
No. 12 %Water street
4 .
!,'''': -;.-,,,4-... .- • ..-.. , :
~, - ,
1...:4.,:ii, ..,, - * ,
i ::',7 « • '•-•"::. ' l '
! • -.- '' '• 1" ji• ' . 1-• • ~
. •.« - , . " .11.-
I •
.. , . ... - - -
. , .
... .
S 4 2 .
N 0.60 Water street, Pittslturfh
Cleveland, Ohio.
TI - e Canal Boats of this Line are towed to and from
Pirtsbureh direct, and the liusine-s conducted r.n the
nioa prompt and economical system. !laving &connec
tion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel
phia and Baltimore, and SW,mttoats running t=own the
Ohio river; also, through our Agents at Cleveland, with
•^. . Reed's Steamboats andsereral Lake Vessels, and
the Troy and fit telt igan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on
the Erie canal, we are prepared fur the transpot tation
of Fr- ielit to and from all points on the canal, the lakes
and the Riv , r, or the Eastern cities- at prices as !ow as
any oilier line.
Apply to O.M. Hartos,No. 55 Water st, or at Steam.
boat NI ichl2ati's Landing. Piitsturgh.
Oar 4- Co. Br-aver.
Hu-bbard treatherbee, Warren.
Wheat, 4- Co. Akron:
Thomas Richmond k Co. Cleveland
J. R. Wit t: ¢ Co., Greenville;
W. C. Malen.Sharon,
C. W. Ciinoinrham. New Castle,
John 6irk,Ynunffslnwn,
John Newton Falls;
Vampire' I k Miller, Camp'iellslown;
Babcock ;Mcßride, ll.avenna;
C. 4- n Rhoiles. Franklin;
11. 4. >l iilrr S Co.. IiONI
Wells - man & Whitehead,
Witlianis l'n.. [•o rod;
inne, Davi. 4. rn., P.tnTllo;
Cowing. Co hnoond. IVtlllan, 4- CO., New York
srp 10
ILIGBY 121. Cort.cr of froodana Front
hand a COP , ply' , aa
.0,1 men' or r , rd to I hr. city or coot - dry
I tad , . A !sr,. a choke ae'rclinti of par. wOjip and gold
hand DINING AND TF.-IWA P, E. in large or email
Or ,Pra", ra In o 4.01 porrhaw rs.
A cask of 46. 60. or 81 piece sets. Fiinerlite painted
and gilt China Tin ware. at very low iirirriA.
Toy Teawo.e, roam, and 'Kb painted arid gill, from
I AI to $5,00 per snt
Cluldren':: 'Antis of PV, v i!P , r I
White China riilmvinii !sloes.
Craidie Dinh , an-i-vico=. in white and with
zpietirtni A meriran areoery inted 1•Ine and Mark.
In,e taartrty of :31,1004101 Ihnin7 and Breakfa=t Stqs,
Imparted to mate h. r omplute,
Fite Proof smug 11 . . king plates and d4hei - i. from the
Di-0144re rote, IPP
Film and Green Class, In all their varit tieF.
nf re•
11nr - ken.t. "rn•< and Krelr,..
kr. kr. kr.
Al! of vcblrh are recoerritOly offereA In
lic on the 1111*1 favorable If rifig. Jan 36. 1842—]p
TV J. FOX A I,DF.N Atter-rely avd ct c , tm siett o e a t
IL •
Lan, (t. rs iris prolei_icional services to the rir
liens of Pitt,ilittriti and hones for n share of public pat
rona:c. Hr rcrrutr all hinds t f writing with neat
nes. and dispatch. Can.. in oankrn airy attended to on
rcasonahte tenor.—Offli - iii in SniiihOold street. at the
lim:, of Mr. 7 hornas O'Neit, la whom he refer•.
sep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN.
DAvin CLARK, . ev, able Boot X0...er.-
11 2 : removed to No. 34 Market street, between
Second rend Therd zereette, where he cencrrl he happy
to see his old customers. and ail other: , uho feel dispos.
ed to patronize him. He uses notion! hut Fest rate
Fleck, and employs the hest of workmen; and as he zives
tits constant personal attention to husinestet. he
he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage.
nep 10
A • Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the
public that they can always find the best quality of Ice
Creams. together with al: kinds of confectionary and
fruits. in their season, at his estatilishment—.No. 11,
ifth street, between. Wood and Market.
N. B.—Parties stipplif4l on the shortest notice, with
cakes. or anything in hi; line. Also families furnished
with Bread. asp 10
JOHN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis
sion Merchant, .'(o. 106. corsec of Wood Fifth sta.
Pittsburgh: Having beenappointed one of the Auction
eers rot the City of Pitsburah. tenders his services to job
bers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed
to make trial of this market. He is prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities,
and trusts tosatisly correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy rand favorable returns.
That the various interests which may be confided to
him, shall be adequaiely protected. he brings to the aid
o f his own experience in business and acquaintance with
merchandise generally, tile services of Mr. Ssigest.
FAB:Restock; heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery. with
whom a permanent engagement is made.
MeSsrs. M. Tiernan. Presh. of M. if M.
Bank. ..
barlirtglon dr Peeht,
•• Hobert cintway. 1
•• James M. Cooper,
•• James May,
•• R. M. Riddle. } Pittsburgh
Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres't
•• of Exchange Bank.
• flampton,Smith, 4. co.,
• • John D. Davis,
•• Samuel Church,
J. K. Moorhead,
Jas. W. Brown 4• co.
•• John B. Brown. 4. Co.
• Smith 4. tt txtaley.
Yardly 4- ft r rem,
•• John S. Diddle,
• John Distant
HAM J. CLEMER, residing at 66 Mott street.
New York. was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most
aggravated form. T i 7. ; symptoms were sifting head
ache, pot debility, ter, costiveness, cough. inuiri,
_barn, paid in the chest end stomach atwayswiler mein,
ignored :appetite, seesation of *Wag at theetegeneli,
furred tongue, Dallies, with frequent vomiting, dizziness
towards eight andlessleneas. These bad ernithined up:
ward at n twelvemonth, eibeil.irge eoneniting Dr.ldrae.
Evanit.looClialliam id** Awl isbieklieg avec
amde treaunest, the patient
was tom tetely restored to health to the abort seeeigif
one istiniteraf for the ineelenleble benefit done:
ed. shun come forward sod volunteered the abpreligAte
Per sake, Wbobssileimitieriii by
AL IL 111114LEllUl, Agent,
1910 1 _ rto--18;Vreoditic021100w8camit
MBER - 2t:.:0442.
GOODE'S Cs/circled Female Pills. These
Pillsarestronity iecommended to the notice of
theladitts as a safe and - efficient remedy in removing,
those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex
ercisesor rental debility of the system. They obviate
ccestivenees, and counteract ail Hysterical and Nervous
affections. These Pills have gained the sanctine and
approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Uni
ted States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholm - lie and
Retail, by IL E SELLERS, Agent.
sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second.
WK. ADAIR, Boot mid Shoe Maker, Libe.-tg St,
opposite the head of &firkinid sf., Pittsbwrgit.—
Tbe subscriber having bought out the stock of the late
Thomis Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business
in the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work in his line, in the hest manner
and oa the shortest notice. Be keeps cor slant ly on hand
a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and
of the trmt quality. He solicits the patronage of the pub
lic and of the craft. WM. ADAM.
am( .ftzles for Carriages at Easter* Prices.
The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly
: on
hand Coach. C and Eliptic Springs(warranted.) Juniata
Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames. Brass
and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
SiArer and Brass Lamps, Three fald Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Handles and Hinges. ke .4-e.
D.SELLERS, M. D., office and dwelling in Fourth,
1-1 1 -
e near Ferry st reel. sep 13—ly
The attention -'ftho•e wbo have been eomewhat scep.
tical in reference to the numerous cenifieates published
in favor of Dr. Foray - nes Compound Syrup of Wild Cher.
ry, on account ofthe persons being unknown in this wee
tion of the State,ts respectfully directed to the following
certificate, the writer of which has been a citizen of this
borough for several years. and in knos n as a gentleman
of integrity and responsibility.
To the .11,fest, Mr. J. KIZIllr.
I have used Dr. Swaynes Comp and Syrup of Witd
Cherry for a conch, with which 1 have been severely n 1
flicted for about four months, and I have no hesitation
in saying that it is the most effective medicine that I have
been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and
agrees welt with my diet.--and mantalns a regular and
good appetite. T car freely recommend it to all others
similarly afflicted. MIXXICIC, Borough ofChamhersb's.
March 9. 1340. rep 23
For sate by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street.
13E1ISONS desirous of procurine Fruit. Silade. and
Ornamental Trees, or ft hrtobberv, from Philadel
pl.ia or New York, are requested to make appliration as
soon as possible. at the Drut and Seed Store of the Sub
scriber, where ran be had ratalogue., eratuitously, of the
most r zrellent net ies. F. L. SNOWDEN,
sep 3i No 11 , 14 Liberty strnet, head of Wood
For the Trans portal ion of illerchardize to cod from
Pitt., - bnrsiA . Batt inurre, Philadelphia. NM" fork,and 865
too. TO 0n,.7 11 in the ,horte,t time.
Tl 4 E: United States Portal-le Beat Line, in composyl Of
Roots built in four set-liens, porn se:tiort capable of
coataining sever. 10115. and susceptible of being separate
or detached and transferred from l'anal to Rail Road,
thus, of it were, forming a complete train Of Cam. or
preveittliog theovel appearance of a Boat sailina on land
file .4-eXllX*.e'l'a
shipping rr+ tbe several jnelinni and ter rid natior-s of Ca
nalsand Bail Roads. the expense of transhipment and
live damage the ellthi..lll‘inill tin IrPiTinerli to:11114li.17; and
rendering it impossible to sevarnte loss of goot s on the
wat'.-ovule In the i.eruhar construetion of 11. e Boat
having jour sepa*cle ape-Inverts in whirl. goods are Flo
red. renders then. less liable Ie d „moire goods nr water or
oti.erwese I ban bv any other mode of Ira ospar. I ion.
The sy , lern of Tra romorta t . rtS •e:nmmended by the
( - anal Commissioners and tately adopted by the Stale.
refers part irula Hy to this clans of Ron! , The floats of
ibis Line are owned by responsihle captains that run
'lrani, and is the only Line now in operation free from
monopolies or combination.
G e onsivled In the undersilned agents will he re
ceived free of commisvion and shipped without delay al
the lowest rates. All char,ses paid and every instruction
promptly attended To. C. A. M'NULTY 4' Co. 4,115.
Canal Ravin, Pittsburgh,
F. F. POPE. .Afent Rowly's Wharf, Rattimnre.
TllO5 BOR BRIDGE, AErent.Phila.
IVIA }ISLE SUFAt.7TtlllY.—Patrirk Cass field re.
sperifully acquaints his friends and I he pultir gun
era Ily, Ilia t he has r hmmenced the !tiarhle tutsiness at the
corner of Fiflh and 'Liberty As...where w ill he roust? ritty
nu hand. tomb stones, mantel pier -es, monuments. head
and fool stones, table slabs for cabinet ware. and every
arlieleartnert:deiee to the business. He will warrant his
work to he well done, and his charges will he moderate.
fie rnspeel fully asks a share of Alb' is patronage. Pep 10-
JAMES A. VENZEY. Forwarding and Commission.
Merchant. Aeent for Steamboat Cleveland and
Pennsviva ma and Ohio Line. flaring rented the ware
house formerly occupied by Blrmin2ham k Co.. Nc. 60
Water Street, Letween Wood and Smithfield, ie prepared
in receive and forward goods to any port on the Ohio ur
river on res.sonableterms.
aep l 0
C0 -P.B RTNERSHIP.—G. P. Smith Jr W. Hampton,
having associated themselves tugm her under the
firm of Hampton tr Smith, will continue the whnleattle
Dry Goods business in the house recently occupied by
Hampton. Smith ¢ co where they will be receiving in a
few days a new stock of Pall and Wintet.Goods. They
respectfully invite ;heir old friends, and merch.nts gen_
entily. visiting Pittsburgh, to call and examine their
stoat, sent 28—d3m.
Portable Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 2,500 lip, at
855 00-
do do do do 2,00531.45 00
do do do do 1,500 at 35 00
do do do do 1,000 at 30 00
do do do do 500 at 25 00
With raising lovers an addition of 83 to each scale.
Dormant scales for the ore of Warehouses, flooring
Mills,-/tc.,thestimeprierw as above.
A len,Wbite'lL_Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements:int/ a variety of other Counter stales,
which they will sell for from 801115,
They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Vila "Sew Mills. Salt Works, rte„ double and siege
geared slide lathes„foot and other lathes for wood teeming
taachiors OW tenanting chairs, ptaning machines, 460 r
and an* 'Machines. Hall's patent horse power, withwr.
without tianishing machines; a superior article; dreelat
sow siiillikc'Enaehloast sairieg lath. Illiater% isa
chises,asd tookoffiadeseriptiom*Mo for math% black.
lig lbeirimasuperhir tor anis 4ft:taco
taw and dia, coffee milk , . bedstead isijaiat OWN
E mn uncleinery fix "akin tie seame, eau* , *awl Ma'
- ama. aa. Ocala* , Oath% Mom laaMm. tam".
jorlithog mom nepainl6
A MIK MAY. Aras.
imp 211.--if
}. Pbiladel•a
I set) 10
JONES 41- CIlT,ElifA!g,
SI, Clair st., bear e t lir-etteny Brice
fOritlO BRADY;
. . . ;
. .
' ' • i
For puitiskiar a we Daill Pepin. *it/wear rf Pitts
4urik, is he entitled tit
TBESahscribers bowing made arrangements to merge
the American Maimfacturerand Pittsburgh Mercu
ry into one Journal. hese &included to publish a daily
paper with the title of the Daill2kraiar Paws&
The leadin; object of toe "Parr" still be he damernina
tion and defence of the political principles that have bete.
tofore been maintained by the Editors. in titeir respective
wipers, and their best efforts will still be devoted to the
advancement and soccer§ of tbme doctrines.
Although, in Politic, the paper will be thoroughly
democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an -honest,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence: and brief notic e s of all mat
ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere
ofa Public Journal, to make their papet sufticiently in
*resting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it
respective of party ccmalderatitins.
Id addition to the political and general news that will
be found in the .....Iforsiug P vat," the Editors will take
pains to furnish the busiaesss community with
the latest and most Inttresslng COXIIIMCIAL !rests'.
GILIfrIC from all parts of the country, and to have prepa•
red such acconitts of the Markets and the State of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men in their several .callings.
Terms. —The Port will be published one large imperi
al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS.
per annum, payable in advance. It wilt atso be sold by
news-boys at the low rate of IFIVOCENTS a copy.
Advertisements will be inserted at the lowest rates
charred by the other daily papers of the city.
Int-TWENTY active lads are wanted to veil the Post,
who will be engaged on the most liberal terms
Autmo 31, 1842.
100 HHDS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO. in more and
for sale by J. C. A GORDON.
No. 12,Water street.
1 Wickersham, corner of Wood street. and Virgin
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10
FARM FOR SA LE.—The undersignecl offers for sale a
tract of land situated 4 miles fen.. tremor!, In the
direction of Kittanning. Buffalo "township, Armstrong
monis. containirg 100 acre!, 65 cleared and under good
fence; 10 of whim are in meadow— a good square log
dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple
orchard of 80 bearing trees—and a spring of excellent
water convenient tothe house.
FOR TERMS npply to the subscribers residing at the
Senworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mite above Free
TO TUE WISE. --11 is now well understood how
much dis , trders attire mind depend for their cure
upon a due attention to the body. It is cow understood
how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid
accumulations without weakening the bodily power. It is
now understood that there is a reciprocal induenre be.
tweeothe mind and the body. It is now understood that
purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan
rholY, and even insanity is cured by perseveringly using
them: It is now understood how much domestic happi
ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive
It is now well known that the Brandreth Pills have
cared thousands of hopeless and belplem persons, even
when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond
all human means of relief. It is now not only well
known that the Brandreth Pills so core. but it is also un
derstood how they cure; that it isby their purifYin..eoeet
on the blood (het they restore the-body to health. -dr;
- 'The , YfiTitenftlie ilealette . Is heelonnite more and more •
manifest, it Is recommended daily from family to family.
The Brandreth Pills remove In an almost imperceptible
manner all nos ions accumulations and purify and owlets
rnte the biood.a nd their good effects are not counterbalan
ced by am inconveniences; being composed entirely of
vegetables they do not expose those who use them to
danger; and theiretfectsare as certain as they are salu
tary; they are daily and Rarely adminMiersd to Infancy,
tenth. manhood, and old age. and to women in the most
critical and delicate clrenmstaneee. They do not disturb
or shock the animal functions, but restore their order
and citahii=h their health. '
Sold at Dr. Brawdreth's Office, No. 93, Wood Street,
Piitßtmr2h. Price 25 cents per hot, with fall directions.
M ARK—The only place in Pittsburgh where t be genu
ine Pills can he obtained, is the 1. - .ctor's own office, No.
98 Wood street. rep 10
DR, J. B. TIFIBITT'S, Respe!etfully inform the citi
zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he has return
ed to the coy. He hores to share the confidence of hie
former patrons and the public generally; and solicits a
renewal of a portion of their patronage. in connexion
he would otkserve. that the operation of Lithotrlty, (or
hrea king the stone In the bladder and allowing it to pass
of with the urine,) is every where commanding the deep
est interest. tie hopes to extend the benefit ofthis branch
of his profession to t he afflicted. Strictures, Discos+ a of
the Rudder and Kidneys,— which oceasionatlyfollow,—
will likewise receive attention.
Those from a distance wishing further information
will apply personally or by letter. orif d es ired can be
accommodated at his dwelling,in a retired part of the ci
ty, on Third, between Ferry and Liberty sts. sep 10
lIET Invalids read the following account of a Sallot
cored of a complication of afflictions in , nineteen
days by the use of Brandreth Pills. it distinctly proves
there are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be
cause of disease, and Rrandreth's Pillsare made for them
Read and be conv-ineed. Take the medicine andbe cared
Joax Sassy, of Pembroke, Washington colt nty, Haire,
being drily sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick
about six months since. The pains in his head, breast,
hack, left side and instep being so bad that be was arts.
bieto help himself, and was taken into the Chelsea Hoe.
pital in the city of Boston. That after being in said
hospital five weeks, Doctor Olissaid be did not know
what was the matte' with him, and that he could do
nothing for him, nor could he prescribe any medicine.
That he, therefore, was conveyed from the Chelsea Hos
pital to the Sailor's retreat on Staten island. That he
was there physicked with aft sorts of medicine fin a peri
od of four months, suffering all the time the most heart.
rending misery.— That, besides his aflectioa of his bones
he was troubled much with a disease of the lungs: same-
Times be would spit a quart of phlegm la the day; besides
t his affection he had a had Diarrhoea, which bad more
or les-a - attended him horn the commencement of his sick.
ns. That at t Imes be dreaded a stool worse than he
would have dreaded deal h; that he can compare tbe feel
ing to nothing save that of knives passing through his
bowels. A Per sutrering worse than death at the Sailor's
t Het real, on Staten Island. tbe doctor told him that medi
cine was of no use to him. that he mu 4 try to stir abort.
At this time be was sufferingthe greatest misery. That
his bone , were SO lender be could not hear the artist pleas
ure upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his instep was
most painful, that as the Doctors:Ltd he would give him
no more medicine he determined to procure some of Dr.,
Brandreth's Pills, which he did„ from 241 Broadway
New York; that he coinnseintedwith five Whs. anti some
times increased the 4105 e to **Lt. The first week's nee
FO much benefited him, that the doctor, not 'knowing
what be was using, said, isiow,Straw, you look like a
man again; if you improve torahs way, you will soon be
well.' That he fatted every dose of the Brandreth Pills
relieve Mtn, 'Cid they cared him of the pain when at
stoot;that they sett cared Iberia:Asthma, sad Amity the
pads in his bones;--That the medicine seemed to add
strength to him every day. He toldthe doctor yester—
day the 1116 instant, that he felt himself well. and also.
that he owed his .recovery to Brandnetha Pills under
Providence, that he bad taken .1 he medicine levelly day
for 19days; that the doctor told him if he had knows he
bad kern tatting that etedicittet. he should, pot hate stayed
another day In the ionise- • lie 4:seaside's it Whist dnty to
make this patine tratranent for thebenetit Pfeil 4tritalbrty
ailikehed; Oral they may 'taw where to find Smedielne
that will eine them. • . !DON SIIAW ,
John Shaw Wag by me duty sworn thie litth day of
April. lea did &pate Italia:iv d'''rabs foregoing . state.
meat buss. J. a wasitunt.r•aminhot Deal".
slitNuPrztitxririp.4l4 *mat* at D. Bess. -
itlit"Wiltelpitt dint444,4IMAAWAKer. ,Rin* Yak
matt ids pifaiiii . iitsmice. so. * flikailaiegiaoMisigli;
ird - o"rnagattifiushiltbvabollOwiliio l i etml
tproved Flat'
'proctored be
tnr Machint
between Pta
h street. two
re 11211.111 th:
infarlnre and
td the &Mow
; sca !espy/mi.
composed of
No. 1, Port
e P tato rm
ales 1J(1 A
pouuds,at $65,-
. .
___- ~.~
. =-.~.~~~: mss,
TEE BM:Mani' Infinital l .
An Irish stretch. - ...
sr TA C AZTVCOL or .rttas ar rat OWL 'WOW -. I
' The faults of the lower orders of the: ,
Irish are sufficiently well known; perhaps ,
their virtues have not brien proportionause
ly observed, or recorded fur observation,'
tit all events, it is but justice to there, an 4
It cannot conflict with any established pOlisri ,
ey, or do any one harm. to exhibit them* s
a favorable light to their British felielote - si'
subjects, as often as strict truth - - will Illiler''
mit. In this view the following story irl' ;,..
livritten—the following facts. indeed; foil •
we have a newspaper report before us, -
w'aich shalt be very slightly departed from, ~.
while we make our copy of it. -1,.
The Irish plague, called typus fever, rote,,;
ged in its terrors. In almost every third
cabin was a corpse daily. In every one, 3
without an exception, there was what had
made the corpse—hunger. It need nraa
de added that there was poverty, too. Thq ~.
1 poor could not bury their dead. I r ma .;.
mixed motives of self-proteetioe. terms .
cud benevolence, those in easier eireumy ~,,
stances eeerted themselves to administer,- •
. . . .
retie rlstferent ways, money was subs 4
lictiboAkthen came England's menifile 't
dent stenallette—God prosper her for it).-s
wholesome food, or food as whale/mamas
Mbad season permitted , was provided, an 4
en of Teepee:ability, bracing their mint%
to avert the damp: that threatened them,
selves. by boldly facing it, entered the in'.
fected houses, where death reigned ale _
most alone, and took measures to cleanse
and purify the close cribbed air, sad the •
rough bare walls. Before proceeding to
Our story, let us be permitted to mention
some general marks of Irish virtue, which, -..
under those circumstances, we personally
1 poticed. In poverty, in abject misery, ,
and at short and fearful notice, the poor
i l man died like a Christian. H' gavo vent_
to none of the poor man's complaints or
invectives against the rich man who had
neglected him, or who, he might have sups
pos6d, had done so, till it was too late.
Except for a glance, inii, doubtless, a little _
inward pang white he glanced at the star, :
ving, and perhaps infected wife, er child,
or old paren;, as 'aelpless as the child, he
blessed God, and died. The appearance
of a comforter at his wretched bed side,
even when he knew comfort to be useless.
made his heart gi ateful, and his spasmed
lips eloquent in thanks. In cases of index
scribable misery—some members of hie . .
family lying lifeless before his eyes, or else
some dying. streached upon damp and un
clean straw, on an earthen floor, without
Co - 'idle] for his lips, or potatoes to point.: '
out to a crying infant, often we have heard
him whisper to himse'f, [and to another '
who heard him!] 'The Lord giveth, and ' - '
the Lord taketh away, blessed be the itaifia '—
of the Lord.' Such men need ant always:
make bad neighbors. -
In the early progress of the fever, before
the more affluent roused thernselyes.to
avert his career, let us cross the threslmld
of an individual peasant. His young wife
lies dead; his second child is dying at bee
side; he has just. sunk into a corner him"' -
self, under the first stunt of -disease, long ' -:
resisted. The only persons of his family
who have escaped contagion and are likely -
to escape it. are his old father, who site
weeping feebly opus the hob, and
_his first
horn. a boy of three or four -years, whet,
standing between the old man's knee", - •
cries also for food.
We visit the younT, peasant's abode
(some time after. He has not seek unifier -
`the sickness.' He is fast regaining his
strength, even without proper nourish
ment; he can creep out of doors, and eft*
the sun. But, in the expression- of b**--'
Sallow land emanciated face, there laFierts!SL
joy for his escape from the grave, asilestlicA - 4
there alone, silent and brooding. Hirs , aiv. i
ther, and his surviving child, are still fiiieci
gry—more hungry, indeed, and mom' -f
helpless than ever; for the neighbors who
had relieved the family with a potato arse - -
a mug of sour milk, are nor' strikers dower -
themselves and want assistarere to a meek
greater extent than they can give it.
'I. wish Mr. Evans was in the plaeo n i l . - • •
cogitated hitebani Carroll, 'a boy could*
spoke forn'ent him, and not spoke for Math:-
ing, for all that he,s an Englishman; anti -_
I don't like the thoughts of going up to the
house to the steward's face—it wouldn't _
turn kind to a body. May be he'd ' some
come home to us, the master himself. 4
Another fortnight elapsed. Miehtture.
hope proved vain.' . Mr. Evans was sift ~
in London; though a regular resident.ors
his small Irish estate, since it bad come in,. *
to his possession, business unfortunately—.
and he would have said so himaelf—euer
kept him an unusually long time absent--.
Thus disappointed, Michaul overcame bra
'repugnance to appear before the letrort.:4-
steward. He only asked forivork, hoer; .
ever. There was . none to be had iie..ll,
turned his slow and still feeble feet inter
the adjacent town, It was market day vj 4
and he took up his place amonga crowd 04`.
other claimants for agricultural employ ' , ~...,
meat, shouldering a spade, as did each - ..it
his companion , . Many farmers came: to -..
the well known stainirtg.and hired men'at, !
his right and at his left,.but, no one addresies,_ .
ed Michael. Ones or twietkiedeed, karats: l ,,
ed perhaps by his sidelong leaks of ;Irt . , -
'Leeching misery, a fermeratoppori* itapt,
sent before him, and gbitrcedeTer_hiS.SgezA
ure; but
_Ol,l his wore and fitakipg._
limbs givi ng We pro!rsiae ctfiriesittflit:: , i
or io the working 600.--woidly minot":
0000 l coweinrre4 lieSaurnalke**.lll".*.i.k._:
ifoOod up toworo ,l 4%*. -11 O" - -* 141 / 4 .:
3,lkttit a allailligit-41 1 . -*NW- --4"'z'
• W.',