'' .l W" 4l - I r , fthatin4 /TRAVELERS TAKE 11 provided with the Safety Inns printed with. figure of gee ful you are not deceived by • :e Tit , slating their boats to br , Guard, when they are sot Pt The following. is a list of its ty Guard at the Port of NO* first on !Pens'. have thettn , . ppa taro= it is impossible for min SAVANNA, FOR RARITAN, NIAGARA, Du ORLEANS, JEW CANTON, MO, LADY OF LYONS, CAI VALLEY FORGE, iNn FORT PITT, GA BREAKWATER, QU EXPI:ES'S MAIL, IR! A LPS, BRI Er vi 11 EsT kV Es; - ). Ml \I \I QI - ETTE, lIS TALLKYBAND, PE , CICERO, AG. 5..3,1 - ;-\ H ANN, NRNAGANSETT, S AMARANTH. on MUNGO PARK, 011 Erl UNE, \ DI:LAI DE, J otTII BEND, GA MI, iErrA, EmI"NE'ITE, -TEAM FERRY BOAT, Tarr ir;:v.riwg coturnui,ity aie 1;” 3 make a choice az boa, ~• )1.-t hr. it would not I choose a Safety freight. in preference r 1.1/ . 1.1r-ion—and that they Ins- Invent ion has the unenal tit', -team en -line builders—gm tt o,ler-land the stiljrsrt, and li—h•-.stdeg a noruberef en and others—V(4'l,lM a , \0 111. Water street. wrelt , tin•t's to elltit,t It/ o ho o .' take toe trouble tc, call. • 1 , CADWA NT a, I BLE REAL ESTATE iber offers fur ralt,ll rni“. _realer part of Mr 112; p,i,l.nrmh and Aar-earn r.l , nup-5. nearly new. a t rt: ei Fl reel .1 eIP ePn • feel by 6il t vto Fuit rorchasPr , n , nejo,r, in l ?he. TLavr r , t.l )II drpth. ‘•.11 11011<e whirl? I Pew it. A - Int as it b two two ziory I e corner or Marker and FrOtti r:o , :tround rent, and now orr v. ALEX. ItP.A 1:1 r y of Flax al A ry f rmitiro , ;A :..• •,, L r,..ral, at II AR R lapate 21—,f Com it , ic•tion War, I 1-.10,1 HART.ferri , Q.; dnrr and American Marnfecturt. rvvv. Jr,. crier. E-q., Pltif,btirffh Hart, C pfrVd f 11 . Hanna, A vni V. n^don er co. J Woodl.r.rirne, ,Madi•on \ 1.1: fILE FARM FOR E , '• Fart° nn which i live, in 14 l'• nth!, ciefield, containing one • ,, :aticul 70 acres of chick •,1 timbered. There are open itt ba r n F 3 feet by 34; an apple oil A 1,0. heat seventy acres of coal. q‘.a` In that of any upland hill Terms ni:,de known on appliestiss tplt -^ VFI LLI AR 101 rl rite premises ism ILLI A trl C. WALL , Plus ' avd Pietare Frame .11 , Fourth greet Pittsburgh. —Calm , for Artists, alvea vs on hand. prmapt:y framed to order. Cepnirig es t ooT ire. raft,ett tar atteht ion paid to r41`114 ery deerrip•ion. Peron tilling up Steam Butler Ihvisadvaniage to call. WHITE LEA D.—The seha-ril ..a. to furnish painters, and 011 0 . 1 . I.o=e pure While Lead made of then r.,;..ed equal, if not superior to MOW Ali older. addresped to Doniaok Beo .1 - Co . 'Co. 110 Second street, Pi il l attreded to. UCH ~.. T . l. DI E 3 1 7 ASFitOig ABLE SO! -RA FiftlbSe.. sae door Pot Ou st , The Svihscriber respectfully setti Po t•shor.s , h and vicinity that be " I A tailing Sbcom. of his own sosnufactss3 w here he will keep consMnatif 00 meet of all kinds of ladies.li kC" :,4 01 4 and shoes. of the Mott quality. Illa res to suit tile times fle will also . k rids of fancy work—swek 0 v . diaper:. 'ape r. - i. colored gaiters. and tdili .. - et, i Wren's ellsltsro. silk valet". fi r " wits be made at the shortest BOW l'er• Ladies will please call aad as I heVnbscriber feels confident 110 any article in bis line they SISY sep 10 P. S. Don't forret the plare" --54 door from Darriesinteillgedlx °lli from Market teireet. _........, MEI 1 (I hp wIL/ ' LIGBIE ha_ _ V business otrltoseteel7a Liherty street end 42 lierket hank, to the nom` Mendip en..:;.i firm. tended to him. In oonneetion w to awe re thew Lind nrefil merit the continuation Of tee 7. nee , fiely invite their attend!! 700 Clothing.whieh he inteedseelh beil'fie#o than has been ever offered. 111'6'00 the whole of the stock of the isoj eortinor -/ Bible:a rd as be in:cadet* C d 0,, eth bovines's, he feels aoll:„„00114 carpet ec Ms stock, either Is 110r novo(' workalanshitt• rinse totatieenticetbag6.— . • ..... lured in Pitudvargb* - AMUEL MORROW. • FAO. •4' nisi sai+ Sheet fres in ids are and ipMen are /004441" ...0f .14 Wareporitteti 1 at lii U cents p 10 \ i; B& v el i•~i A - mbly rem Which rent. airy, to Li which cruet! in .dence, t Legis I,_NO. 61, tv,i5llED BY LL!PS ,cz, W. H. SMITH, Ln ,F WOOD 4 FIFTH STS. E ttr,,LE.,OIS a year, rraythle in TWO CENTTE 4 --for sate at the "pci by Seas Boys. rf and :,lanufacturer at the Fame office, on a double noLL RS a year, in ad. FIX CENTS of Advertising. F T‘V EINE LINES OE LESS: 05) , ,no month. VA° 11.7; Two want , , 6.00 I.ow T. re mouths, 7.00 1.-W Four m o nths, 8.00 '3.od . r , ,3. months, 10.00 11)r) Ow n ear, 15.00 ' k Fvf.i:T!,n'.o ENTS. Ea CIE at Two Sqraree S!3,IPPO 35,00 _.l}'l ' (i.ir ee~r a~rnt. ir. „roruon i!11/111 C UFFICES'&C cell Market Wood ll= dour fr , trn Wood st. reler j, Wlllork.,;‘,l!eclor. P., o,tll. near Nla -kt t st K.= ~nd IVUOti ctn•Cl;. on • , D FARMERs . DE -I.ttsvt en In ITTORNEY AND OR iT L %W.--tiffve rrutn tit•ti II y o7poso c .1' • e 11'5 to John D. Mahon, PI , 10 fork N. I) RE. A for ney , and • or - fir e ftr,ilDond, hark =nur_n. SPP 111 Alderman; offwe norlh A •' 11 ‘V I.od and 10 d Ini in Alle:1 rif 350 feri in o zyrrania ror IULiI O 'Fi3 - ilornc, Lat.. . ..• he Ihainovf:.bei t- FPII 11) _• T. t., S;wr 111:,,A11.,10 newest Flew h pAleros S )1, L TIL ' ACI.I . S V. 9 105011 1.4 I „ - , •. swEEr POTATOES, '•'~` received a swan sop rf2rosun [lams. on retail I `l4C fl IS. Agent, and Com. Merchant g• - • 41, Orchard Gram and Loways on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN. Ll!,env street., head of Wood. " A .S. Attorneys at Lava, offtce Ittatoori. to -Attorneysitoor." 4 t. - .reen Market and Wood seplo for proceedinza in At the late law, for sale at this Office on the North sleet East corner of . A pniy to NGTON, Market, near 4th st -1 Prenen sew Beet tfeed.list rat sate at the Dreg and = - iH F. L. SNOWDEN, Liberty street. head of Woed .9p PARTNEILIRIP*—The mountore existing between 11M1r 80 PEWRI.Listigir4W WWI "' 01 14 lithodtei seuusirsikAke 141!..44 bet Fir:, a lid SeCtitili rd st reel, rue xi door To the E. Johnston, TIC3:4111•r, e , wveen Market ❑ud W our) rOt. near the erdge MEESE d ,041 and Sow] lifit,Ad epi a.. 41 Canal ?eve to IL %Val' DE Sr. Canal uffi frynoned to /'run and Libcr!y Srs Al,ckey, 11.1, 1 a1e and prelith. 111 it 1.)010 ,, If I . ,-1‘ 10 I; oe•ur Rertifl!ftz :10.1 ritts!mrzli S:rect. Pet! se I, 10 I •,41li V N. I il lIMIZEIMEI ~ILa v ; lunder otrire D. ser. 10 N BEAN Or Conprr , rois er 10 lIUMIII2I MERE ttl IV.lre Alley. MIT= 1 -41 !that -..1, 10 •;, ;• • .9 r li;Jtce elfl II• hp (in 11 IS, =MEM =ME :A - Turnip Es al the i • ()Es:, , st. toad ul Wad. door to 1 . 1- C. S,..les Sawn Shoes iha,le ;a L /WOES' ou4 111M3=!I 10, r tug d of Wood recd, for r I. S nIVDEN I, ad nr . Wood P. 1,. SNOWDEN, ~r , y to-ad of Wood sI z••' ['alley Spades Took, Budding S.Dr3. in., L SNOWDEN. .t reel, head of Wood. e? Zr,, ' • . • . . • - , . . . .• , . , . . .. ''''.- '.. .. . _ , „...,..,..... ..,,..„..„.... D . . ,_......... . ~.....,..:._:_:...00,.....,...•_;.:_...L.„,...:;__...0................_..i.,,,,,,_.0....„.e_,,i5t,....,...1,1„..7.1 ,_.,....._,.....,, . , . .. ... ~.,. ~, .0, . .... .. „...,..,.., ..,.., .„...„..„,.. ..:,...,,„ . , . ...... 3.i. „.... _ . ~.. 4 3', - Z., .4' '''',..'. ", - '' '''. : ''• - . ' a . -...;'., ...'._,:: , - , V", - : -,:-.:'•:'! . ... . . - _ • . _ _. . . .. ...-. - DR E. MERRITT, DENTOrr, ojtce field, barna* Second 'cid Third Ste., sep 10 Pm-rum-scar. TO II N'STON 4- STCICKTON, Boofiseers.Plintea and Paper Manufacturers , , No: 37. !locket soli 10-1 y JOHN ANDERSON , Smithfield Foundry , Water st near Om Monongahela Elmore, l'ittstuteh• sep 10-17 LEONARD S. JOHNS, Aldertuan,St.Clair street. se eond door from Liberty. sep 10--4 y DR. S. R. HOLM OS, Office Second street, next door to Mulvany k Co's Glass Warehouse sep SHUNR s r 'FINDLA Y. Attnrneysat Law, Fourth st., near the Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh. sep 70-1 y THO•. HAMILTON. Auforney at Law. Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts.. Pitta harsh. sep 10-1 y HUGH TONER. Attronev at Law. North Ea=t corner of Smithfield and Fourth st rect.. sep 1 0-1 y HANNA 4 - Paper Warehuune. Nu. 11.4. Won't 51' where may he bad a general supply of wri!ina wrappim•, printing, wall paper. blank books. school hooks, 4-c, sep 10—ly Tows3END $_ CO.. Wire rockers and Manufacturers, N 0.1 - llarket street. heiwrt . 2d and 3d slree.s. sep 10-1 y IIXI - 11 ANC E HOTEL, Corner of Petro and Clair J rei - r% by 4.• rep 10-1: It; MET IL —77 ton,, , e.ofi ri, Tl. dal for ca lc hp J.c.k GORDIN. NO.I 2VC t t rr street , 1s '3 0(10 LBS B CON II 16.000 Hrs. Datum P Sliou , ders, for sa e Iry G. A:BOBDON , No 12 Water street A 73 . P.l TTERt=OS, Jr.. B , rmintbarn, "ear r oisbureh, ILO Masoira , tor., of Locks Ilint..es and Bolts; To. I•ncro. Fuller. Nfill and Tiothei Screws; [loosen Sci ews for Pol:ina S-c. ser) 113-1 y J OHS M'CLOSKEY.TniIor and rfrtltier. Liber.y iletiVeell Sixth ana Virgin alley, South side. sep 10 W RLIR BRIM . ; E CO., Wholcsnie Grocers and of, Sprond strut, heltvenn tVond and S110(1160(1 ,t.....Fi11...(bur211. F.ep 10- 1y G 4- 4 . GOP J C"tntnieeirm and Forwarding I M Water et.. Piii,liarett. F-ep A lt S.-4 casks ha nks. a good a rtfrtr, ely rered per S t R Corsair, and for sale by J. G. k A. GORDON, sup 10 Nn. 12. V , aier street Qtr'G AII & Slut. NSSES --411 Mats Scrr Orleans Su 2nr; ^Q hb Is Nea• Orleans u!as-es; for a'e Ity rh PrtIIIP 0. Sa :ar. arr S %.71 hh Maine, and for sa by J G, 4- A. GC R DON. BACON CASK .in order. on nand and for sale by cep 10 J. G. Ir A.GOI DON. No. 12. Water sl SI:GA R. AND 11101, SSES.—I.3 hilds and 4b' Is N. 0. s u „ nr.: 3 2 ',H s N 0 . m0h. 4 ,.-ns-, rerrirPol per Sleaml , nal Fopor, ter, and for J. G 4 - A. Gilt On N Ul 1.. (or sole by B. A. FA F.STOCK Co. Fep In corm - r or 6111 and Wood gis 1631 P P R.:5 Ger li m:loo r. ,, ,, ,; l l ,: .:l E n .z .p_ r o tl t 7 tc r k s_ frl c r n s.•%le In rn-nor of E.lt anti tV nod sib. 2() 0 Pretmr,-(1 2.:`P. E. A. F llliEsrOe IC k co , r E.Pr of Bi band W nod Ai,. Q1:4.; \lt A 7, D %In!. SSF,S S. 0. Sugar, 5 I.l o s du. du.. lOU do. l'lnufaii• n for 1.3 L.l ii PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.- .' Iv (I —4,1 in Ita.kruptry proceetiliw,4, prim, ai 11 :44,441 p 4 "Pr 4 :1111( 111 1 . 11. form= approved by ht Cularl,for cafe I 11., , ' 19. , • (.1 N!errury and Demo:Jai_ ref, 10 arid I V i-hoi• ritifiicturer. So. 111, Third ivietit, het wee. anti Wield siri;el , . is‘Ju r2ll, se I , 10 ;V: Bt . (' AT'llN EY AT. LAW, removed hip other 10 Elle corner of Fourth <t reel rry Alley, tietwecn Smithfield and Grant .4 . r,erf1,:.r017:1 , 0r211. !.ep 10 FOR RENT .—Thedweilin , and lot containing 4 aere,. In Allegtient, near the Beaver Fload,lately ticeopiedliv !dr. Sa nine! Cliut cll. A ppl V:a the Merchants and Manufacturer": Batik, to W. H. DENNY. DAVID SA N DS, MP -ETCH & CLOCK 31 A ER, 10. 7 Ufa.. burgh, DEALER TCII ES. CLOCKS, BR EASTPINS FINGER RINGS, C BALKS, KEYS, CO-11BS, 10 ANDUETIPS GARDEN SEEDS.— A fun I supply of handrei It's Garden Seeds, always on and for sale at his agency, the Drn , 2 store of F. L. SNOWDEN, sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood, DR. DAVID WARD has his office and residence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, second dwelling from R OFS street . Ile will faithfully attend all rails pertaining in hts profession. Night calls should IR made at thedoor above the basement. seri 10 11EM0VA —NI al i hew Jonrit, Rafter and Hair Dre.ze rr, has removed to 1 7 01/ siret - t orPos , le the MAY ors office. w here he will be happy to: ail upon pen:l:went or transient cu:Aotrers. He :=olicitsa shal tog' public vat cep 10 'l7 1. A. WAR D., DENTIST, Penn st. three door I r h: street, Hours of business, from 9... M., until 5 r. a . after which time be wily attend to no one eicert in cases of areal necessity. He would further inform those who miiy think proper to employ hini,thai he expects immediate payment, without the necessity on his part of sending- in bills. rep 10 I OLIN .31PFARILAND, Upholsterer sad Cabinet Al-ker, Third st. between Wood 4- Market streets, respi-riful infirms his friends and the public that tie is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bu reaus, Chairs, rabies, Bedsteads, Stands, Hair and Spring Matt raises, Curtains. Carpets, all sorts of Upbotsterin: wort:, which he will warrant equal .0 any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 Ca3t.IIEIICIAL AUCTION BOOMS, Aro 110 Word Street, Pittsburgk.—R. A. Hausman. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goode sod Merchandrie, at his tare and capacious loom, No. 110, North East Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. Pittsburgh. Regular sales of Dry Goods, Fatal, re. C recedes and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware. Cutlery. Dry Goods, and Raney articles, on Tuesday. I,Vediteaday. and Thursday evenings: Books. .tc., every Saturday ev ruing. ' Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted. Rezmagsers. -. Messrs. John D. Davis. Esq.. 1 .. Bagaley 4. Smith. 1 1 _ . .. • Hampton... Smith, It Co.:. . . f , u _ F. Lomas *-Ceu . I .. J. w. Bmtbridse it ea,. I .. • .. S. &Mee 4. co. 1 ~ Capt. James SPGargill. - . Pittsbargh, C. Ihmser, Erg. .- 1 ' 4 u Jana JlTadden Esq. .1' Logan k Keioned.r.- t -- i - .. J. M. Moortiead it CO, ', $ .. Jas. P,Stuati, SIM. - ' I .. Robert Galorsr,0 1 01; r i ' , .Jtelintfleeinc. Cl e'' ..`, st li t iWili gatarp . , ' - - 4410lliiW Si : .-.....--,---- . - ',- - L ~...' ~ b , f ., ,„, e ,,, .-40.18041fte147.7 '''''",.„,' ~,,„.;:;4,;,.-•:..,..- , ---' t •• , :... i,- . 04. i . ~.: - ,,,.....-.. t , ,,.. .5..A . ,: - ,; - •,, -••••::,-,,:•••:-•:,._, , :j -, r - ..-i-,t; - ' t" - ' ' J. G. 4- A.CICHIDO'S No. 12, Water streri .Nn. 12. Watpr cl rFe4 c. GORDON. N 6.12 Wal,-r si,ref PITTSBURGH, NO; 184 2 . PietsbargA slut Beaver PAMlist,. - - • • Stealer/hi/air ' ClirElnErmilliank • HEAIPHILL. .Mustrv. HAS commenced her regular trips, lad Will run dal: ly (Sundays exceoted4 Leaves Beaver at 8 , 0 1 clock A.M., leaves Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock P, IL con nects at Beaver with the Pennsylvania and Ohio Live of Freight aad Packet Canal bO3lll bet Wien Seaver, amf Cleveland Ohio, and Greenvi'le, Pennsylvaaia. Leases Beaver daily at 6 o'clock P. M. This line eittinects with two daily lines on the Pennsylvania canal, to PhiladetZ phia, arid with the New York and Ohio line on the Erie canal, and New York and Ohio line and Ohio canal,al. so with steam freight and passage boats, brigs and schooners, on the Lakes. The proprietors of this well known line will he prepared on the opening of naviga tion to transport merchandice to any of the intermedi ate ports on the Pennsylvania sad Obio,rand Ohio ca nals; to any port on Lake Erie, and the Upper Lakesoo and from New York City and Philadelphia. McClure ¢ Dickey, Beaver, Pa., Cobb Wormer q Co., Cleveland, 0., Rees 4. Taylor. Warren, 0., • JAMES A. VEAit. Agent, N 0.60 Water street, Pit tektite+ PITTSBURGH ¢ CLEVELAND LINE, STEAM PACKET .hIICIIICAN, sEe r a , W. B. BOLES. _Vaster. RUNS daily (Sunda, fr excepted.) between PITTS. BURGH ‘t BEAVER. leaving Beaver at 8 A. M. and Pittsburgh at 2 P. M. prooid,d aref h Evaris's Safe tg Gaard to prevent Explosion of Boilers. This sp'endid and fast running Steam By? t basins/ neon exptessfy for this trade, and runs in onnertion with CLARKS 5t Co's Pittsburgh and Cleretawd Lime of FBEIGHTAND PASSAGE BOATS, daily to Cleveland. Ohio. Or down the Ohio canal to Masi-Don. 4-e. and Erie Ex tenFion Line to Greenville Tt e Canal floats of this Line are towed to and from Pittst , urolt 'direct, and the husineFs conducted r.n the mo•t prompt and t conomical sysic tr. Having a connec— tion with the renn.”lvania Canal Lines to Phiiadel• phis and Baltimore, and Steamboats running town the Ohio river: 31,--n, through our Agents at Cleveland, with '2. M. Reeds Stran,boare and several Lake V es sels, and the Troy and Michitan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on the Erie canal, we a-e prepared for the tralisl•a ration of Frr ieht to and from all points on the canal, the lakes and the fly - r, or the Co.rern cities, at prkes as !ow as any other Apply to Horton, No. 55 Water el, or at Steam boat Miclii.lan's ratline.. Pit istorgh. Clarke 4- co. !leaver. Thibfrand 4. Weatherbee, Warren. Wheeler 4. Co. Akron: Thomas Richmond 4- Co. Cleveland REFER TO 1- R. Wick 4. Co.. Greenville; W. C Maier]. Sharon, B. W. Cnn..ineharri. New Casa►, John Kirk. Youngstown, John l'amphell •Newton Faits; Campbell Miler. Campliellstown; Daher - Kt Mcßride, Ravenna; C. 4- n Rhodes, Frankrih; 11. A. Miller ¢ co.. curl liovi Falls; Welleman ¢ Whitehead, Massillon; Gurdits Williams 4. Co. : Der ron ; Kinne,Davie & Co.. P.oltralo; Coming, Richmond. Williams 4- co.. New York. sep 10 irit:Bv—vo. 121. Corner of !Food and Front SfreeLF, Pitts6l,-ff h, has on hand n enntpleie as. sort sumilof en-ware soiled to the city or country Dade. Also'. a <Met-lion of purl while and gold band DINING A ND T WA RE. in large or small sets. or separatepimms to snit purrhassrs. task of 46. 611, or 84 piece sets, snperhiv painted and g;lt English China Teaware. al very low prices. Ton Tr-aware. plain, and rich painted and gilt. from I .00 1., ,i 5,00 per set Cluldrents Mittis of every itesetiption. White China Sharing Mne.s. Granite Dining a , d Teas ziervions, in white And whit p'entti.l American srenery printed in Wye and litaek. .a n Mtge yawls of Steamboat Dining, and fireakta-t S=ts, mpotted to match. complete, Fie Prorif stone it..king plates and dishes, from the 11,0 vshire Po+;ecies. Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties.. Window Glass, of Cr'' paten, Pockets, Trihs and K. piers. Si One ripe ID MIS. sc. kr. kr. An of which are rc,pert fully offered to the tic Oct the most favorable I. rms. /an :26.1842-1V /II J. FOX ALDEN Attorney and Cons seller at .1 • Lay. CHi rs his nrofe,sional services to the cit izens of Pitishor7h and hopes for a share 01 public pal ron4ze. lie elfrut:' atl hinds cf writing with neat ness and di,pre ch. Ca , e , in bankruptcy attended to on reasonable tern - lg.—Office in Smithfield street, at the house of Sir."' homas O'Neil, in whom he refers. sep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN. D. tIVIDTLARK. teaskionable soot Mater nag removed to No, 34 Market street.. between Second and Third si reels, where he woo d he happy in see his old customers. and all others who feel difrpos_ ed to patronize him. Ile uses nothinz but first rate sleek. and mil plays the best of workmen; and as he gives fits constant personal attention to businm , s, be troststbat he will deserve and rteetve a fair share of patronage. arm 10 FRUITS, ICE CREAM, 4- CONFECTIONARY.— A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the public that they ran always find the hest quality of lee Creams. together with al; kinds of confectionary and fruits. in their setts - on, at his establishment—No. 11. Fifth street, between. Wood and Marker, N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice. with cakes, or anything in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. step 10 J OHN B. GUTIIKIF,, Auctioneer and Commis slim Merchant. X 0.106, corner of Wood 4- Fifth als. Pittsburgh: Having been appointed one of the Auction eers for the City of Pit sburzli . tenders his services to job hers, manufacturers and dealers. who may be disposed to make trial of this market• He i , prepared to make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities, and trusts to sari-ty correspondents by quick sales, and speedy 'and favorable returns. That the various inter es ts which may he confided to him, shall be adequately protected, lie Wings to the aid of his oven experience in business and acquaintance with merchandise generally, the services of Mr. Ssituiu. Faust:smelt; heretofore advantageously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent eregagenrent is made. REFER "AO Messrs. 51. Tiernan, Pres'i. of Si. 4- m Bank. .• Darlington 4- Peebles, 1 Robert Galway, " James H. Cooper, • " James May, M. Riddle, Pittsburgh " Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres't " of Exchange Bank. • Hampton,Smith, 4- Co., John D. Davis, •. Samuel Church. J. t.C. Moorhead, Jas. W. Brown 4 Co. John H. Blown.* co. • , Smith;- tt.,•loy, • Yardly 4- ti,reto, John S. 'Biddle. - John _ . APMS CAMOMILE PILL LS.—MIIIA JA liAll J. CLEIIIEC,' inaliet at 66 Mott street, New York. was itdilatiM witr ;OisPelltia'• in wr.WWW aggravated. form. The.eyor were viplema itesd-r ache, great debility. fivir: Miali4talaN'ittingli, bee t. burn., pain; lathe chest and atcomaelvhiways saner eitthw, i n 'Paled 1 91 1 4 11 1 , wind"' - Aralabb lt;Alt bay , farrea natinea, With (request vomkkagit.dimtliem 11111.1ialid temideutaltin. wattof 4 ;twelvemonth, when. on emplaning Dtc.WAi. YvaniA/MiChatham attack and aublidOldi.Wr sal. icier atimeiwfulluidognmerble mode otanteamesa.thet peafeet was.. • • maimed Px 64l o l ;;lltakernatriOef Viil -- giaUflti fait* intaikettlibli: - ManivailamilMOMMltialaWlaildMOWAMM r :YoeoettritillkoloaajettailllMai s y t e wo k e. / 11 11 1 1 4 Wat.-40.4 ,1110, 11 0 0 1 11 ._ _ Eil:il. -- -tz. - 19 2 .: : 1842,, rik/ra 000 DiFTM Celebrated Fettiale' Pills. These - Pillsare strongly recomtiended to the notice of the ladhis pea safe and efficient Jeinetly Inmoving thoseiiu complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex ercise. or 'general debility of the system. They caudate cestivetiees, and counteract aft Hysterical and Nervous affections: Tite4e Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physiciatut in the Erni.. led States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and" Retail, by R. E. SELLERS; Agent. sep IQ No. 20. Wood Street, below-Second. WM. ADAIR, Boat aod Shoe Maker, Liberty St, erppiailetke kead of Szoithkeld sr., Pittsburgh.— The subscriber haying bought out the stock of the late Thomas - *afferty, deceased, has commenced .business in the old Stand of Mr. R., and Is prepared to excrete all descriptions of work in his line, in the bestutanner and On the shortest notice. He keeps cot stantly.qn hand. a large assortment of shue findings of all descriptions and of the beat quality. De solicits the patronage of the nub ile and of the craft. WZd. ADAIR. sep 10 PIT!'SBIIRGFI MANUFACINDRY.—Spriags egad 4zlea for Carriages .at' Xastara Prices. The subsiriberkaranufarture and keeps constantly on hand Coach:e and Ellptie Springs (warranied,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands. Stomp Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps. Three fold Steps, Malleable !eon, Door Handles and Hinges. Sre _ Proprietors '-ie., 10 H.D.SELLERS, M. D. office and dvrellin2 in Fourth near Ferry steel. sep 13-1 y •ITIlt attention ‘f the e who have been somewhat seep. tical Intqferenee to the numerous certincates published in favor abr. Swavne's Compound Syrup r f Wild Cher ty,on account of the persona being unknown in this nee tion of the State, is respectfully directed to the following certificate,the writer of which has been a eitizen of this borough for several years, and is know n as a gentleman of intepily and responsitalny. To the .44 - rent, Mr. J. KIRBY. I have used Dr. Swavne's Comp urd Syrup of Wl4l Cherry for a cottßit, with which I have been yeveretv at Meted for about four mouths, and I have no hesitation itisaylnp that it lathe most effective medicine iliat 1 Lave been.ablc to procure. It composes all uneasiness. nod agrees well . with my diet,—and mantains a regular and cood appetite.: f can freely recommend it to all cabers similarly afflicted. J. M imams, Borough of Chambersb's. March 9. In4o. sep 23 FOifee by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market o re . t. FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNANIFIITAL TREES. pERSONS desirous of procurine Ftnil, S:ade. and Ornamental Trees. or Shrubhere. from Philadel pl is or New York, are reque:Aed to make application as soon 2£ possible. at the Druz and Seed Store of the sub where Cal/ I.e had ratalog,ne, tratuirouslw. of the most excellent .ariet ies. F. L. SNOWDEN, Sep 21 No 184. Liberty s' reel • head of Wont U. S. PORTABLE BOAT LINE For the Transportation of -Ilerchandite to and frost flashier: h. Brdrinore,Philadelphia, Note Tork,and Bos (on. Tat oupli in the *tartest time. rpRE United 'States Portat•le float Line, is compos - ed of Boats built In four section, each section capable of romaining seven 1111,1 1 .. 21111 SIISC/1111111e of helm/ separate or detaeherl and transß•rrdn front raeal to Roll Road, tl:t4i, as it w. re, forming a complete train of Ors, Or presenting the novel appearance of a Boat sailing on land and thereby avoiding the great delay occasioned re shipping at the several jections and terminal ire s of Ca naleand Rail Roads. the expeme of transhipment and the stomas:elf, g.Ol - 1& fres - lariat handling; and rendering it imposs hlm In se:imaie lots of goons on the way— .owinii to the peculiar construction of the Rout having fen, s , paratc apartaten's in which :toed,: are sto red, renders s hem less liable to ti ntage goods by water or otherwise 1 hatt by any other mode of transportation. The system of Transportation. as recommended hs the Canal COLIIIIIIIOIIPIII and 'ately ado Med by the State, refers particularly to this class of Roams, The goats of thi s ; Line are owned hy responsible captains that run them, and is the - only Line now in operation free from' monopolies or combination. G oodsConsig lie. tot he undersigned agents.wi II be re ceived free of roninsis-‘ion and shipped without delay at lie lowest rates. All charges pa id and every instruction promptly attended to. C. A. Ar NULTY 4- CO. Agts. F. F. POPE. Alen'. 75 Ilow7y's Wharf, Bah ;more. THOS BORRRIDOE, AeetttPhila. s en 18—if lt/I A EBLE M Nt.TFACTORY.— Pat rick Canfield re spect fully acquaints his friends attd t he n u bl e et - ally, that he has commenced the Marble business at time corner of Fifth and Liberty sts.. w here will be constant ly on hand. tomb stones, mantel pieces. monuments, bead and foot stones, table slabs for cabinet ware, and every article appertaining to the business. He will ren rra n 1 his work to be well done, and his charses will be moderate He respect folly asks a share of public patronage. sep 10- JAMES A. VEAZEY, Forwarding and Coma txston Merchant, Agent for Steamboat Cleveland and Pennsylvania and Ohio Line. Havin= tented the ware house formerly °erupted by Qirn,ineham if• Co.. Ne. 60 Water Sure, ween Wood and Smithfield, is prepared to receive and forward goods to nay port on the Ohio or Mississippi river on reasonableterms. sep 10 grIO-P.AIRT.IVERSHIP.—G. P. Smith k W. Hampton, having associated themselves togei lies tinder the firm of Hnnipton,k Smith, will continue the wholesale Dry Goods husinekss in the house recently ()conned by Hampton. Smith 4 co where they will he receiving in a few days a new mock of Fall and Winter Goods. Tley tespertfully invite their old friends:, and merchimits gen. eralty, visiting Pittsburgh, to call and examine their stock, sept '2B—d3m. fobiladera JON * COLBY A N. St, Clair 0., near e leter.tteny Etruige LOOK AT THIS INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. Ca real IFtaFi ritt,burr.lt PROSPECTUS . _ . For pub/is/dog; a aew Daily Paper in tie City of Pitts boiogk, to 6e - eatialai eke DAILY MORNING POST. /VIE Subscribers baring made arrangements in merge the Ameritan &Intifada rer and Tit isturcir erro • ry into one Journal, have concluded to pnbi6ti a daily Paper with the title crate Deily 'Massing Post. The leading object of Ine!!Pirsr" will be theJ:zosessina lion and dCfenc4 of the political princifeft flint have itrie tofore boo maintained by, the Edition', in their respective papers, and their .best efforts will still he (ieVOled to the advaneement and Success of those doers Ines.. Althoaeh ; in notities, the paper will be thoroughly democratic. yet the Editors hope. by giving an limos', candid , history of pa-ssing Aoiitital events. Foreign and Domestic Intelligence. and brief notices of all mat ters and occurrences that come Property wit bin the sphere of a Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently in cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the it respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the ••Aforsrive Posr,"the Editors will lake pains to furnish the tiosinesss community with the latest and most lotL • resting COletUrßetsL la-retta caner from all parts of the foontrsie-and to have prepa red such accounts of the Markets the Slate of Trade as will beadvanlageous to our Merchants and Cosiness Men in their several caltings, Tenses.—The Pose will he poldished on a large unperi al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this Journal) at th- non-4111y low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum.patable in advance. It will also tic sold by news.troys at the low , Me of TtV 0 CENTS a copy. Advertisements wilt he inserted at the iowtst rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. ENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post, who will be engaged ou the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, August 31, 1842. W.N. SMITH. 1 00 HRDS.KY LEAF TOBACCO, on store and fur sale toy j. G. 4• A 001:DON. sell IS No. 12, Water sirret BY 51c0, - ris..n 1.70. London, for sale only by R. N. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who insole agent for Western Penns3,lvania. sep 10 FARM FOR SA LEZ.-;-'reeundersianed offers for sales I roc( of land shunted 4 mile; ireepoti, in the direction of Ki!tarrning. Butratniownship, A rinttron2 county.containiug 100 acres. 65 ciliated and under good fence; 10 of whirh are in meadow— a toad square log dwellinvhons,and cabin horn erected thereon—an apple orchard ofhearin: trees—and a spring of excellent water ronvenieni tothe house. FOR TERUS:rppIy to the su'scribers residing at the Salt works on tiro Penn - - 3 . 11'3 nia Canal, 1 ns.le above Free To TITC wtsr..-1 , is „ow welt understood how murh di. •rders al hr Mind depend for their cure upon a flue :Men, ion tort lie. body_ It is COW understood how %%dna 1110 is that medicine which will remove morbid :fr. - cumulations without weakenin% the bodity power. It is now understood than there in a reciprocal influence be. I wren the tuitid and the body. It in now understood that pin rging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan• choly, and even insanity is cured by perseverinaly nsint them. It now understood how much domestic hanPi• ness depends u pon the healthy condition of the digestive organs. It is now well known that the BrandrMh Pills have eared thotinds of hopeless and helpless persons, even when the first physiciins had pronounced them beyond all human means of relief. It is tow not only well known that Ote rfandrePi Tilts so esrelitit it is also no den:toad how they cure; that it ia-by their purifying effect on the blood that they r es tore the body to health. The value of the medicine is becominz more and more manifest, it is recommended daily from family to family. The Brandreili Pills remove in an almost imperceptible manner all noxious accumulations and purify and invir,ci. tate the hiood.a lid their .00d etr,cts are not counterbalan ced by any inconveniences; being composed entirely of vegetables they do not expose those who mine them to danger: and their effects are as certain as they are sain t. ry; they are daily and safely admitii,terid to infancy, youth, manhood, and old are. and to women in the mo , t critical and delicate circumstances. They do 'mot disturb or shork the a Minn! functions, but rts'ore their order and c. latdi=h their health. Sold at pt. firssilreth's Office. No. 93, Wood street, Pries 25 rents per box. tvith fall directions. MA l: I{—Tire of place in Pittsburgh where; ire. !nu lee Pill. ran he obtained, is the f• ott n mire, ND. 93 Wood street. sup 10 DR. BB B. T I MUTT'S, Respectfully inform the ctli zees of Pittsburgh and vicinity. that het:mire:tim ed to the city. He hopes to share the confidence of his former patrons and the public generally; and solicits a renewal of a portion of their patronage. fn connexion he would observe, that the operation or Lithotrlty, (or breaking the stone in tire bladder and allowing it to pa=s of with the urine,) is every where cammanding tbe deep est interest. He hopes to extend the lisnetil of this branch of his profewion to the afflicted. Strictures, Diaemos of the Bladder and Kidneys,— which occasionally follow,. will likewise receive :Mention. Those from a distaixe wishing further information will apply personally or he letter, or if desired can be accommodated at his d welling., in a r.-tired part of the ci ty, on Third, between Ferry and Liberty sts. nrrp 10 I3RANDRE rx PILLS L i ET Invalids read If fotiowing account of a Saitot cured of a complication of afflictions in nineteen days by the use of Brandreilt It distinctly proves ;here are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be cause of disease, and Brand ret h's Pills re made for them Read and he convinced. Take the medicine anilte cured EXTRA ORDIXA R I C GRP, OF RITE U.ILITIS.3I DMERHCE.B,IINI3 Aft FRC T. f OA' OF THE LUNG I A dons SnA vv. of C'embrnke, Washington county, Maine, being dot,' sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick about six months since- The pains in his head, breast, hack, teft side and instep being so bad that he was una. I hie to help himself, and was taken into the Chels-a Hos vital in the city of :tosion. That after being to s a id hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis said lie did not know what was the mallet with him, and that he could do Inothing fur him, nor could he pre, , cribe any medicine . That he, therefore, was conveyed from the Chelsea Illos. pi:alto the Sailor's retreat un Staten Island. That he WAS there physicked with all sorts or medicine foia peri od of four months, suTering all &helium the most heart. i rending misery.— That, besides his afiection of his bones he was troubled much with a disease of the lungs: some_ [lures lie would spit a quart of phlegm in the day; ImAdes this affection he had a had Diarrinna, which had more or less attended him non, the commencement of his sick ness. That at limes he dreaded a stool worm than he would have dreaderidealli; that he can -compare the feel ing to nothing save that or knives passing thrcingh his 1 bowels. A tier suffering worse than death at the labor's I Get Mil. on Staten Istat.d, the doctor told him that medi cine was of no use to him . 1 hat be mu-t lyy to atheism'. At this time he was suffering the.erratest misery, that hie bones wise so tender he could not bear the teas, press u rte.-upon the elbow or noon the knee, that his Instep was Man„l , pithifut, that as the Dotter said be esciald give -bins' no more medicine he'determined to procure some of Dr.,. ' Brandreth's Pille,mhich _he did. fuiatt 241 Broadway - New York; that be commencedwith five pills, and mum tiniesinereased the dose`-to eight. the first week's use so much benefited , bitn; , that the fleeter, not ketlßinift what he was using, sitid,,thow„Shaw, you lank like a , man again; if you imoraVe art this wayryoti wilt soon be', well.' Thal:le fanc,d every dote of the flothillfill ring relieve him; first theY cured Mtn n 1 Ille'paln *rhea - at , Aoo4o= they nestettred 'barna:4om, med. fittiOtt:lthe pains in his bones;-That the medicine seemed to add strength to him every day. tie told the doctor yester— day the 11th instant. that he felt himself well.-sad atm, that be owed „Ws mover}' 4 ,,•. - I , l l94 l rettill :pin under trOgrifiencg; th a t lie _faked ihe tuedAeltieteereYdaY km 1 9 - 41 . 10, MO teethrclorittid War Wirieflid Ammar, he., had been taitirefthat. medirioe. be should : not iniiestiyed inother'sidylairliteinosi k " AlfAterisiders:ll4naliiiiiii" , to gnike,"*o44l.iF f1! , !.?5 1 1 1 ,4 , ,r ilteSqlefitaf l ati similarly,. - alifiettederbit thdy - way lif.isir" - ii th'deiri median.. .liatiriP.OffiefOci r,4 riff !1 .- 1 . ' , -. , i i.-:''0 00 , 1444 a.., 4 tW• -, - '. John Sim* ben by me dell swea , fil e tago*o9. of 9tririlislOPOlLireplide*Sifda#4llitifielei fwl Stati-'e L its tree: s. 9..waskt.Egt - fam****.miCcithirftf ' The BlLdfiNtradatlf , pl4o 4 i 4 iiilitlte IYr.: 4 " l:r r it riF4, l 44 4 1 64 2 U1 ti nf= PsYria",44COhat,looll4lo, 1 , 1 .4 . ,fa1M A -1 ititifiliTik -,,'' , .- - :., ,:1 : -- - : ...:" .. SH.ii:', -- ',..•:. _,, ,t . : --_ ,- - l.' Lligaaiii-.2,41 WM 4- PHILIP BAKER tqi .-!--t7i,t4Mt 1164 - ICE r'TWO:tENT4S4:O.: THE Larestmair Fiaak 7efitteeili44.7 1 1%e Vision of Char!** ‘o4llll* IT a. I. ADXIDLIOS. Of all the singular spparitiongoesiainna that have ever been set down, ad Tidal of Charles XII. is perhaps one of t i biastagek curious, and certainly the best-entialeatittatt ted relation of the kind on reonfilLe pending not upon the Leanne's-tot an In d ividual, who, from nervous err citetnenter other mental morbidness,; niiight-havalatß cied the whole scene, and afterwerdiliclula scribed his waking dream in the glow** , tel ms of a fancial imagination; box eon tko concurrent: authority of one -of- *A most learned andgrave clutractetain-Sv* den, supported in many of hits 'astreirekillt by the concierge of the palace. The,orig, ilia' document is 'still in existence s open to the inspection of every twat* who des:res to see it. The whole ** g m ly and concisely written, and signed by_ the King, his physician, Dr. Baumgartden s and the state porter. A note ,is intackaidv in his Majesty's own hand writing, stating , his thorough conviction that so strange 1; ision must have been vouchsafed to hint as a prophetic warning, and also his desira that the sound document should , be , pran served among the Sate archives, in amine to see whether the prediction would_ays er be accomplished, This note beats tiny", some time before Charles was tilled —tut well as I can tecollect, about 1716. Ilnot complete fulfilment of the vision came,tft. pass in 1792, about eighty-six years after its appearance. As I unfortunately 44 not take an exact copy of the . M S. when on the spot, I can only relate it as heady as 1 can remember; changing, however the style of the earrative from the first to the third persoo. It was a dark gloomy night. The cleat had struck ten. The ill-lighted room cast, l an additional gloom on the figure , of . Charles the Twelfth as be satin front of huge fire in his favorite saloon ip the , paPt ace of Stockholm, Immediately in front of him, ON er the fire-place, was stispendik the picture of his queen, with wborn, Eel the truth, he had just been disputiog o land now he sat in silent discontontoOeitil. tally comparing the charming form whiCh hung before him with the now toss betty*/ ful figure of her Majesty, breaking *- sullen silence occasionally by reuttetint; some curse on her altered temper. When the King was in these moods, be - was always closely attended by his priodit cian, Baumgardten. The reaction m k„ mind so buoyant as that of Chi:lea, Wulf, propottionately dangerous, it was often._ feared he might commit suicide; so the doctor always remained near to hircotecatr;., ing for an opportunity to draw his . back to livelier themes, to arouse Wm the dreadful mental prostration . to he was subject. On the evening, in question Batungardteta sat patiently fur about an hour, alternately watching his Majesty and the storm which' was raging outside, "But neither the view , of the sullen monarch, nor the opposite gift of the palace, which formed the grand bin where the state trials and similar events took place, could afford much amusement to the tired son of .44sculapitts, who, goal* his patience begin to wear out, suddenly.' started up and began pacing the room up and down, in the same manner that marine* pace the quarterdeck of a vessel at yes, occasionally stopping in front of the window-`' to look out upon the black and ghcncreilc- of building 1 hare mentioned. Suddenly he started 'back, 'Great heaven , , sire!' 'Silenct!' growled the King, The doctor took two more Wing WOW the chamber. At leugth he could &nude himself no longer. _ 'What is this extraordinary appearaiw Please your majesty some strange mid is, taking place in the hall of justir; 4 e.'. -- 'Hold your tongue, sir, or I shall grew mand you to quit the room!' replied the who felt much annoyed al. diens interruptions to his reverie, nod which be ~ believed arose from a mere desire to arouse him from his meditations, The doctor paused—but after a wir44 % ,,. curiosity got the upper hand of his -. be= judgment, and walking up to the Kiev touched him on the shoulder, wad p:_listett to the window. Charles looked up, and as he Aid so, ILW held to his great amazement the windows at : the opposite wing brilliantly illarnit4tet an instant all his gloom.and apatFy LOGWV, ed. He rushed to look out. The lights streamed through the small panes. nating all the iiverme4liate zourt-yard.. shadows of persons moving to and truiyers;„„ t dearly discernible. The King looked inquisitively_ at dii , dot , 7 - - tor. At first he suspected it to btiitsliitit* s ''.l argo r k entrap him from his indulgence ita •-•'' _ -.° negs. ne read. however.teair,t4i:, ' 'C.-1 - J written in the countenanceOiAii:Oy_., to persevere in the notion.' : I' —,- ..., `- . The - King anJ the doctor Otilititi4 l iigla)4 l ' ces of . strange and itiotentilia ' = . ''' -.'t Charles; hoivever, first recovered . ' ''' - ' l q garai , sinvinn, and affecting to feel no iiirii,.' ' Ito Batitngarden: - ' ~=- 1 1 ' 1 'Who has iiired'ii cause iiiii o!tif to be 1064 OP! lie 'exclaiinik!aintr l r. ' - '' J ' are they thatilithhotti-leititirfolnaiiititi:' entered itt. 's ".- 2 ( . - , . ' _ •:'/ Stj • f"- - ... - ;:vt- tt7i4s-t ThlA*intiittlikeicield6l4o4faiiii-Vr., igoonirieil': s ", '''' ; .-/--- ; 1 ;1 D..-A_ - °- .1 ::' -z , ~4 - W4:44 - -lidir 1 /Allerg .. --.1:;.., ': - ' I I I . -3 , 1 : AO_ _ L llllslr hatiOir A__L—girt:.;c•-• .~,, •;', 74:4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers